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Statement Lesson

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Tomie dePaula Venn Diagram using Statements

Grade Level/Subject: Third Grade

Central Focus: Write statements using complete sentences.
Language Arts
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:
Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories Date submitted: October 22, 2014
written by the same author about the same or similar characters Date taught: October 24, 2014
(e.g., in books from a series)
Daily Lesson Objective:
Performance- Students will compare and contrast two stories writing by Tomie dePaula, creating a
Venn diagram.
Conditions- Students will work in groups of two, with their independent reading buddy.
Criteria- With a time limit of 30 minutes and an 80 percent accuracy of understanding of lesson.
21st Century Skills:
Academic Language Demand (Language Function and
Core Subjects and 21 Century
Skills, Critical Thinking and Problem Compare, Contrast, Theme, Setting, Plot
Solving, Communication and
Collaboration, Creativity and
Prior Knowledge: Students will need to know how to read and write. They will need to know how to
look for similarities and differences in a text.


1. Focus and Review

2. Statement of
Objective for Student
3. Teacher Input

Description of Activities and Setting

The teacher will begin by reviewing with students about 26
Fairmount Avenue. The teacher will say, We just finished
reading 26 Fairmount Avenue this week in class. I want everyone
to take a couple minutes to turn and discuss with a partner what
we know about this story. After students have discussed with
partner about 26 Fairmount Avenue the teacher will gather
students attention and say Can anyone share what they
discussed with their partner so we can create a short list of what
26 Fairmount Avenue is about on the board. The teacher will
write students responses on the board.
Today you will compare and contrast the theme, setting and plot
of two Tomie dePaula stories.
The teacher will review statements and questions with students.
The teacher will say, Can anyone tell me what a statement is?
As a whole class students will discuss what a statement is. The



1 minute

4. Guided Practice

5. Independent

teacher will then say, What is a question? After students have

discussed what a question is the teacher will explain what a
statement and question is to clarify for students. The teacher will
explain statements by saying, A sentence that tells something is
a statement. A statement begins with a capital letter and ends
with a period. The teacher will provide several examples of
statements, Tyler runs every morning. I have a dog. Mary loves
to play outside. We like to play soccer. Then the teacher will
explain questions by saying, A sentence that asks something is
a question. A question begins with a capital letter and ends with
a question mark. The teacher will provide several examples of
questions, Do you like popcorn? How far does Tyler run? Can
we ride to school together? Will you come to the game?
The teacher will read Tom another Tomie dePaula story out loud
as a whole class. Students will come sit on the carpet to better
see and hear the story. The teacher will stop reading every
couple pages to discuss what is happening, to check for students
understanding. After reading Tom the students will create a Venn
Diagram comparing and contrasting 26 Fairmount Avenue and
Tom with their independent reading partner. The teacher will
create a Venn Diagram on the board, explaining that they are to
write complete statements for the similarities and differences
between the two stories. The teacher will do an example on the
board of a similarity and difference between the two stories.
Students will then return to their seats with their partner and fill
out the Venn Diagram worksheet together. As students are
working with their partner the teacher will walk around the
classroom assisting the children. The teacher will make sure they
students are writing complete statements for the Venn diagram.
The teacher will stop and ask students to explain why they chose
the answer they did for the questions.
Students will choose another Tomie dePaula story from the
collection the teacher has. Students will independently read this
story. After students have read Tomie dePaula story they will
create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting 26 Fairmount
Avenue and the Tomie dePaula story they selected. Students will
write four statements that are different in 26 Fairmount Avenue,
four statement that are different for selected Tomie dePaula story
and four statements for similarities between the two stories. As
students finish up they will get their independent reading book



and go to their reading spot and read quietly while waiting for
other students to finish.
The class will come together as a whole class for a discussion on
statements and questions. They will discuss examples of a statement and a
question. Students will express if they liked or did not like this activity of
6. Assessment
writing statements for each category in the Venn Diagram. Students will turn
Methods of
and talk with a partner about a specific example of a similarity and a
all objectives/skills:
difference between the two Tomie dePaula stories. The teacher will also use
the students completed Venn Diagram as a form of assignment for this
Students will come together as whole class discussions where
the teacher will review and summarize statements and
questions. The teacher will expand on how to use statements in
7. Closure
their writings. Students will be able to write statements when
answering questions in mathematics, language arts, science and
social studies.
The teacher will need to have prepared and copies of a Venn Diagram for
each students to complete guided and independent practice activities. The
8. Assessment
teacher should have read the Tom story and have examples of statements
Results of
for Tom and 26 Fairmount Avenue for the Venn Diagram. The teacher
all objectives/skills:
should have a prerecorded voice recording of Tom and other Tomie
dePaula stories available for students to use if needed.
Targeted Students
Student/Small Group
Modifications/Accommodations: The
Modifications/Accommodations: If students are
independent activity in this lesson is an
struggling with completing the independent activity
assignment that is paced for each student to
they will work with a partner, reading the same
work at his or her own pace with the selected Tomie de Paula story and writing statements for the
Tomie dePaula story. For students that need
Venn Diagram together. The teacher will work with
additional assistance the teacher will work
these students in a small group reading the story out
with students individually or in a small group
loud, picking out similarities and differences between
focusing on the same Tomie dePaula story.
the two Tomie dePaula stories.
Materials/Technology: 26 Fairmount Avenue (individual copies of novel for each student,) Collection
of other Tomie dePaula novels (a book for each student,) Tom, Pencil, Paper, Language Arts
Journals, Copies of Venn Diagram worksheet, Whiteboard
References: Common Core State Standards
26 Fairmount Avenue, Tomie dePaula
Reflection on lesson:

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