Biology 110 Principles of Biology 17 3. Diffusion and Osmosis
Biology 110 Principles of Biology 17 3. Diffusion and Osmosis
Biology 110 Principles of Biology 17 3. Diffusion and Osmosis
Principles of Biology
3. Diffusion and Osmosis
Figure 1. Diffusion
Figure 2. Osmosis
3. Diffusion and Osmosis
Biology 110
Principles of Biology
In the following example (figure 3), which solution is hypertonic? Hypotonic? Label each
solution and use an arrow to indicate the direction of net water movement, if any.
Assume the two solutions are separated by a semi-permeable membrane
Figure 4.
Biology 110
Principles of Biology
3. Diffusion and Osmosis
I. Diffusion
In this experiment you will measure diffusion of small molecules through dialysis tubing,
an example of a selectively permeable membrane. Small solute molecules and water
molecules can move freely through a selectively permeable membrane, but larger
molecules will pass through more slowly, or perhaps not at all. The movement of a solute
through a selectively permeable membrane is called dialysis. The size of the minute
pores in the dialysis tubing determines which substances can pass through the membrane.
A solution of glucose and starch will be placed inside a bag of dialysis tubing. Distilled
water will be placed in a beaker, outside the dialysis bag. After 30 minutes have passed,
the solution inside the dialysis tubing and the solution in the beaker will be tested for
glucose and starch. The presence of glucose will be tested with Benedict's solution. The
presence of starch will be tested with Lugol's Iodine solution.
1. Obtain a 30 cm piece of 2.5-cm dialysis tubing. Wet the tubing in tap water and
use dental floss or string to tie off one end of the tubing to form a bag. Rub the
other end of the tubing between your fingers until the edges separate.
2. Use a funnel to put 15 ml of the 30% glucose/1% starch solution in the bag.
3. Tie off the other end of the bag.
4. Test the 30% glucose/1% starch solution for the presence of starch.
a. Place 10 drops of the solution in a test tube.
b. Add 5 drops of Lugols iodine and note the color.
c. A positive test for starch will cause the solution to turn blue-black.
d. Record the results in Table 1.
5. Test the 30% glucose/1% starch solution for the presence of glucose.
a. Place 2 ml of the solution in a labeled test tube.
b. Add 30 drops of Benedicts solution and note the color.
c. Heat test tube in a hot water bath (50-60 C) for 20 minutes.
d. A copper-colored precipitate indicates the presence of glucose.
e. Record the results in Table 1.
6. Fill a beaker with distilled water. Immerse the bag in the beaker. The distilled
water should just cover the bag.
7. Test the distilled water to be used in this experiment for both glucose and starch,
following the procedures above. Record results in Table 1.
8. Allow your set-up to stand for 30 minutes on the benchtop.
9. Test the solution inside the bag for both glucose and starch and record your
results in Table 2.
10. Test the solution outside the bag for both glucose and starch and record your
results in Table 2.
II. Effects on living cells
In this experiment you will test the effects of osmosis on both animal and plant cells. In
what type of environment will a cell gain water? __________________
Lose water? ___________________
3. Diffusion and Osmosis
Biology 110
Principles of Biology
Red Blood Cells
1. Set up at least 3 compound microscopes at your table. Your group will make at
least 3 red blood cell wet mounts and you should put one slide on each
microscope. This way youll be able to compare back and forth between the
different slides.
2. Slide #1 Make a wet mount of sheep blood diluted with physiological saline (a
solution of 0.9% NaCl).
a. Use a very small drop of blood. If the cells are too concentrated, they will
be difficult to see.
b. Observe the shapes of the red blood cells and make a sketch of a few
typical cells.
3. Slide #2 Make a wet mount of sheep blood diluted with 5% NaCl.
a. Use a very small drop of blood. If the cells are too concentrated, they will
be difficult to see.
b. Observe the shapes of the red blood cells and make a sketch of a few
typical cells.
4. Slide #3 Make a wet mount of sheep blood diluted with distilled water.
a. Use a very small drop of blood. If the cells are too concentrated, they will
be difficult to see.
b. Observe the shapes of the red blood cells and make a sketch of a few
typical cells.
It may be necessary to make a 2nd or even a 3rd wet mount instead of using the original
one if the cells are difficult to see.
Elodea Leaf
1. Set up at least 3 compound microscopes at your table. Your group will make 3
Elodea wet mounts and you should put one slide on each microscope.
2. Slide #1 Make a wet mount of an Elodea leaf in a drop of pond water.
a. Observe and sketch a few cells. Be sure to note the distribution of
3. Slide #2 Make a wet mount of an Elodea leaf in a drop of 5% NaCl.
a. Observe and sketch a few cells. Be sure to note the distribution of
4. Slide #3 Make a wet mount of an Elodea leaf in a drop of distilled water.
a. Observe and sketch a few cells. Be sure to note the distribution of
III. Figure it out!
In this exercise, youll get to use all your powers of analytical thinking plus your
knowledge of diffusion and osmosis to solve the following problems.
Problem 1: Your group should make a cell model by filling the dialysis tubing with 15
ml of solution. Follow steps #1-3 from Section I. Right now your cell is in a normal
state. Your groups task is to make this cell shriveled.
Biology 110
Principles of Biology
3. Diffusion and Osmosis
1. Design a procedure using osmosis and/or diffusion that will produce a shriveled
2. Check the procedure with your instructor before continuing.
3. Record your procedures and results on the data sheet.
Problem 2: Your group should make a 2nd cell model by filling the dialysis tubing with
15 ml of solution. Follow steps #1-3 from Section I. Right now your cell is in a normal
state. Your groups task is to make this cell turgid.
1. Design a procedure using osmosis and/or diffusion that will produce a turgid cell.
2. Check the procedure with your instructor before continuing.
3. Record your procedures and results on the data sheet.
3. Diffusion and Osmosis
Biology 110
Principles of Biology
Biology 110
Principles of Biology
3. Diffusion and Osmosis
Name _________________________
Test tube
Test tube
Test tube
Test tube
Test tube
Test tube
Test tube
Do your results indicate diffusion across the dialysis tubing membrane? ___________
Which substance(s) diffused and what evidence did you base your conclusions on?
3. Diffusion and Osmosis
Biology 110
Principles of Biology
Distilled Water
in words
Distilled Water
in words
Biology 110
Principles of Biology
3. Diffusion and Osmosis
Problem 2: What steps did your group follow to make a turgid cell?
1. Which environment (hypertonic, isotonic or hypotonic) is most beneficial for
animal cells? ________________
2. Which environment (hypertonic, isotonic or hypotonic) is most beneficial for
plant cells? ________________
3. Diffusion and Osmosis
Biology 110
Principles of Biology
3. What will happen to a zebras red blood cell if it is placed in distilled water?
4. The plant in this picture has a problem. How would you solve it and why would
your plan work?
5. If you were stranded on an island, with no fresh water available, would it help you
to drink water from the sea? Why or why not?