Bus Safety Lesson Plan 2nd
Bus Safety Lesson Plan 2nd
Bus Safety Lesson Plan 2nd
Lauren Purvis
Descriptive Information
Skill Emphasis (NHES): Self-Management
Grade Level: 2nd grade
Content Area of Health: Injury Prevention (INJ)
Content Descriptor & Sub-Descriptor(s):
4. Traffic Safety
Content Descriptor:
4.6 school bus safety practices
Title of Lesson: Bus Safety Lesson
PA Standard (Health & PE):
10.3.3.A- Recognize safe/unsafe practices in the home, school, and community
(modes of transportation)
Curricular Connections: Art and public speaking
Adolescent Risk Behavior (if applicable): Behaviors that contribute to
unintentional injuries and violence
Behavioral Objective(s)
Cognitive: After the lesson, students will be able to determine at least 3 different
bus safety rules that he or she should use while riding the bus.
Cognitive: After participating in the Bus Safety Lesson, students will be able to
indentify numerous ways to prevent injury before, during, and after the bus ride.
Affective: During partner discussions, students will contribute and value ideas
from their peers regarding the benefits of proper bus safety.
Skill (Self-Management): Students will be able to:
walk to the side of the room with the arrow pointed towards NO.
Once you are done explaining the directions, have the students stand
up and go over an easy statement so students know what to do.
b. After all students pick a side, ask students why they should or
should not follow the rule. Call on a few students so you can
assess if they understand bus safety. Once you went through all
of the statements, have students return to their squad spots so
we can go over the next assignment.
II. Now that we have gone over some of the Dos and Donts of bus
safety, it is now time to complete an assignment called, Bus Safety
Project. Students will receive a yellow piece of paper with a bus on it.
On the bus, students must write 3 bus rules that students at Radnor
Elementary School must follow. They must pick correct rules (for
example: students should not write eating and drinking is ok). Once
they write 3 rules on their bus in pencil, they must come up to me so I
can check if their grammar is correct and to make sure they picked 3
valid rules. Once they get the okay from me, they can begin to color
their bus. When the students believe they have completed the
coloring stage of the project, they must cut it out, and put their name
on the back. If some students finish early, they can draw another bus
on the back. Students are encouraged to take home their projects to
show their family members what they learned in Wellness class.
5. In Class Learning Activity Assessment-Description & Criteria
o Read over every students three rules and check to make sure that
they all had correct grammar and chose proper bus safety
6. Final Thoughts/Conclusion to the Lesson
Great job second grade! Now I can see by looking around the room that not
everyone finished decorating their busses and that is perfectly okay! I would like
everyone to clean up their areas and the people who are the quietest get to line up
first. Once all students are lined up and ready to leave class, ask them what they
will tell their parents or guardians what they learned in Wellness class. Have a few
students read a rule off their projects. Encourage those students who did not
finish their work, to take some time at home to complete it. Next class we will be
discussing bike safety!
7. Classroom Management & Materials
Classroom Materials
o Handouts/Worksheets: Yellow paper with bus
o Other Materials: True/False bus safety note cards.
Classroom Management
o For Content Delivery: Smart Board presentation
o For In-Class Learning Activity: colored pencils, pencils, crayons,
scissors, and yellow paper with bus.
Content References
Activity Reference(s)
D. Nowak. (2014). Radnor Elementary School. Health/Wellness.
See Smart Board Bus Safety Notebook