Questions and Answers About Section 504

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Questions and Answers about Section 504

How is a 504 referral made?

A parent or teacher may begin the referral process by talking to the schools principal or assistant
principal, a school counselor, or the schools 504 coordinator (Ruby Locklear).
504 Evaluation/Assessment
The students 504 team will decide what assessments are needed to determine whether a student has a
disability under section 504.
What is a student with a disability under section 504?
A student is considered disabled under Section 504 if the student:
a. Has a physical or mental impairment/disability which substantially limits one or more major life
b. Has a record or history of such an impairment; or
c. Is regarded as having such an impairment
Students from all three categories are protected from discrimination under Section 504.
Protected from Discrimination
Student has a mental or
physical impairment
Student has a history of such an
Student is regarded as having
such an impairment


FAPE Requirements (504

Student Accommodation Plan)
YES, if needed





When should school staff refer a student for Section 504 consideration?
A referral should be made when the staff person has reason to believe that a student has a mental or
physical impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. Factors that may suggest the presence
of a disability include:

A known mental health diagnosis;

Grades dropping with other indicators of possible disability;
Substantial behavioral referrals with other indicators of possible disability;
Chronic illness or physical condition;
Inability to attend school based on illness or mental health condition;
Determination that a student does not qualify (or continue to qualify) for special education but
evaluation indicates a mental or physical impairment;
Parent concern with other indicators of possible disability;
History of disability or at risk designation with other indicators of present concern.

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