English Idioms Commonly Used in Daily Language: Common Idioms Meaning Example
English Idioms Commonly Used in Daily Language: Common Idioms Meaning Example
English Idioms Commonly Used in Daily Language: Common Idioms Meaning Example
Common Idioms
A blessing in disguise
Accidently registering for the wrong class was actually a blessing in disguise.
You say you love me but actions speak louder than words.
Break a leg
to dislike something
Don't sweat it
You accidently scratched my car but I don't care. Dont sweat it.
Driving me bananas
Get over it
My friend really got off track because he failed three classes this semester.
Hands down
Hang on a second
Hang out
wait/calm down
Hows it going?
Inside scoop
the details
In the bag
I was surprised
Im feeling blue
to feel sad
Im out
I'm leaving
The firefighter saved the baby from the burning building in the nick of time.
You can kill two birds with one stone by checking email and study at the library.
Laid back
Last shot
Last chance
Leading someone on
Why do you keep telling Amy you like her, you are just leading her on.
Lend a hand
I see those grocery bags are very heavy, can I lend you a hand?
Let it ride
I don't like my schedule for next semester, but I'm going to let it ride.
Lets bounce
to leave
Low down
Hey give me the low down on what happened last Saturday night.
I don't think the test will be too hard, take a chill pill.
to study
To touch base
to contact someone
I need to touch base with Jeremy about the new office reports.
Locked in
No big deal
no need to worry
If you havent started your research project yet, you need to get on the ball.
Out of nowhere
We were walking to the store when Mike appeared out of the blue.
to end something/someone
After Bob quit, we may just have to pull the plug on the whole operation.
Put a sock in it
be quiet
We're going to rally the troops then head to the basketball game.
When I saw my childhood bicycle memories all came flooding back to me.
Yesterday my phone kicked the bucket.
Somethings fishy
somethings strange
All the lights are off in the house and door is open, somethings fishy.
Speak of the devil Jenny! We were just talking about your new car.
Stay on track
You should really stick with soccer because you are very good at it.
Mike isn't the best group partner, we should take him out of the picture.
Take it easy
calm down
You only failed the first test. You will have many more. Take it easy.
Thats tight
thats awesome
The stars have aligned because its his birthday and he won the lottery.
My recent sprained ankle was the last straw; I need to get surgery now.
Time flies
in a bad situation
Yesterday my car ran out of gas and then my phone ran out of battery, I was up a
creek without a paddle.
Did we win? We were losing by 40 points at halftime, fill in the blanks.
I'm glad we are on the same page with our ideas for this project.
Whats up?
to trick someone
You pretended you knew his name when really you did not, you pulled a fast one.
I told Jessica my biggest secret, she then spilled the beans to the whole class.