Special Protection Schemes
Special Protection Schemes
Special Protection Schemes
Project Team
James McCalley, Project Leader
Olatujoye Oluwaseyi, Venkat Krishnan, Renchang Dai
Iowa State University
Chanan Singh, Kai Jiang
Texas A&M University
December 2010
This is the final report for the Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
research project titled Special Protection Schemes: Limitations, Risks, and
Management (PSERC project S-35). We express our appreciation for the support
provided by PSERCs industrial members and by the National Science Foundations
Industry/University Cooperative Research Center program.
We very gratefully acknowledge the inputs received from the industry experts,
including Ali Chowdhury (CAISO), Jim Gronquist (BPA), Wenyuan Li (BC Hydro),
Tony Johnson, and Dede Subakti (MISO), for their insightful comments, which were
very helpful in shaping this work.
Executive Summary
Special protection schemes (SPS), known also as remedial action schemes, are
designed to detect abnormal system conditions and take predetermined, corrective action
(other than the isolation of faulted elements) to preserve system integrity and provide
acceptable system performance. Today, in many parts of the world, SPS represents a
viable planning alternative to extending transmission system capability. Although SPS
deployment usually represents a less costly alternative than building new infrastructure, it
carries with it unique operational elements among which are: (1) risks of failure on
demand and of inadvertent activation; (2) risk of interacting with other SPS in unintended
ways; (3) increased management, maintenance, coordination requirements, and analysis
complexity. Additionally, there is a dearth of simulation and assessment tools for
performing reliability studies of SPS and enable planners to evaluate the operational
complexity that SPS brings into the system along with its various economic and
operational advantages.
So the objective of the proposed work is to provide a structured framework for
identifying limitations of SPS deployment within a system, and assessing SPS risks and
develop proper standards and practices for maintaining SPS reliability over its lifetime.
One of the highlights of the report is the unique assessment framework proposed
based on both a process view and a systems view to identify risks and associated
consequences for SPS. The process view based framework will view SPS in terms of a
process which considers all the building blocks starting with the actuating signals, the
equipment and logic used to operate on those signals, communication equipments and so
on till the final action. The system view framework will view SPS in terms of its position
in and impact on the power system in which it exists. This framework proposed is one of
the significant contributions of this report, as even though a particular SPS design may
appear quite reliable from the process view, it may not be so from system view due to the
prospect of failures from interactions among many SPS in the system. So the system view
risk assessment framework addresses such critical issues, which otherwise could cause
cascading and catastrophic system consequences.
Some of the contributions from this project are:
1. A document with concentrated information pertaining to:
2. SPS failure mode identification: The project provides SPS failure mode taxonomy
from both process and system point of view, and proposes approaches to identify
and evaluate such SPS failures.
3. Software design for system view risk assessment: Design of a simulation
capability to test various SPS logics, with flexibility to vary the SPS logic and
intelligence to vary operating conditions and events over a wide range.
Several reliability models and architectures for SPS and PMU-aided SPS have
been developed to facilitate system view reliability studies, which would enable
capturing impacts of SPS on system level phenomena.
4. Operational complexity metric: The operational and maintenance complexity due
to the proliferation of SPS in power system is quantitatively captured by a
proposed metric. System planning studies must incorporate such operational
complexity metric in their overall formulation to estimate the limit of SPS growth
for economical and reliable system operation.
The report identifies the importance of including such metric in power system
planning framework, and therefore illustrates a transmission expansion planning
study for SPS aided power systems.
In further investigations, the conceptual designs developed in this report will be
applied on real time utility systems.
Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................................. 9
1.1 Types of SPS and typical components ............................................................... 10
1.2 Overview of report ............................................................................................. 14
Standards, practices and advancements on SPS ....................................................... 16
2.1 Current industry standards ................................................................................. 16
2.1.1 NERC standards and its relationship to other international standards ... 16
2.2 Existing industry practices ................................................................................. 19
2.2.1 Design of SPS ........................................................................................ 19
2.2.2 Documentation for reliability assessments ............................................ 21
2.2.3 SPS implementation and coordination in industries .............................. 23
2.3 Advancements in SPS ........................................................................................ 29
2.3.1 Relationship between SPS and synchrophasor technology ................... 29
2.3.2 Role of SPS in wide area monitoring, protection and control ............... 30
Relationship to other industries & applications ........................................................ 33
3.1 Process control industry ..................................................................................... 33
3.1.1 ISA S84.01 ............................................................................................. 33
3.1.2 ISA dTR84.02 ........................................................................................ 34
3.1.3 IEC work ................................................................................................ 34
3.1.4 Methods in Process control industry applicable to SPS......................... 35
3.2 Nuclear industry ................................................................................................. 39
3.2.1 IEC standards ......................................................................................... 40
3.2.2 IAEA standards ...................................................................................... 44
3.2.3 IEEE standards ....................................................................................... 46
3.2.4 Challenges to the U.S. nuclear standards ............................................... 48
3.2.5 Hints from nuclear industry ................................................................... 48
3.3 System operations for electric power ................................................................. 49
3.3.1 Operational security rules from decision trees....................................... 50
3.3.2 SPS logic design using decision trees .................................................... 51
3.3.3 Illustration .............................................................................................. 53
Risk assessment, process view.................................................................................. 55
4.1 Process view failure modes ................................................................................ 55
4.2 Process view risk assessment ............................................................................. 58
4.2.1 Failure mode and effect analysis............................................................ 58
4.2.2 Fault tree analysis .................................................................................. 59
4.2.3 Network modeling ................................................................................. 59
4.2.4 Markov modeling ................................................................................... 59
4.3 Formulation of SPS risk expression ................................................................... 60
4.3.1 Risk expression with GRS ..................................................................... 60
4.3.2 SPS reliability evaluation....................................................................... 62
4.3.3 State probabilities................................................................................... 64
4.4 Risk assessment of generation rejection scheme ............................................... 66
4.4.1 Illustration .............................................................................................. 67
4.5 Consideration for future SPS developments ...................................................... 71
4.5.1 Possible SPS architecture ....................................................................... 72
List of Figures
Figure 1: Buffalo ride area: MW requested vs. transmission capacity ............................. 10
Figure 2: General structure of a system protection scheme .............................................. 11
Figure 3: Process view and system view failure modes ................................................... 14
Figure 4: IEC 61508 life-cycle model .............................................................................. 18
Figure 5: CAISO RAS maintenance program .................................................................. 24
Figure 6: TSA display showing real-time generation shedding arming pattern ............... 24
Figure 7: BCTC central arming RAS system ................................................................... 25
Figure 8: BCTC - EMS/SCADA/protective relay integration .......................................... 25
Figure 9: California and BPA remedial action schemes controllers ................................. 26
Figure 10: Motivation for C-RAS ..................................................................................... 27
Figure 11: RAS range of functionalities ........................................................................... 28
Figure 12: Synchrophasor based vector processor from SEL ........................................... 29
Figure 13: Smart RAS from SCE...................................................................................... 30
Figure 14: Typical PMU ................................................................................................... 30
Figure 15: Wide-area monitoring and protection design .................................................. 31
Figure 16: Wide area control system ................................................................................ 32
Figure 17: Wide area control system using RAS .............................................................. 32
Figure 18: Economic analysis flowchart........................................................................... 37
Figure 19: Economic analysis of SPS aided transmission upgrade .................................. 38
Figure 20: Monte Carlo simulation based power system planning................................... 50
Figure 21: Efficient database generation approach ........................................................... 51
Figure 22: SPS logic design .............................................................................................. 52
Figure 23: Decision tree: shed load or not? ...................................................................... 53
Figure 24: Logic circuit for a GRS ................................................................................... 66
Figure 25: Markov model for failure mode 1 ................................................................... 68
Figure 26: Markov model for failure mode 2 ................................................................... 69
Figure 27: A conceptual all-digital SPS architecture ........................................................ 72
Figure 28: SPS reliability block diagram .......................................................................... 73
Figure 29: Reduction of SPS reliability block diagram .................................................... 75
Figure 30: Simplified SPS reliability block diagram ........................................................ 76
Figure 31: System logical chain of the SPS ...................................................................... 78
Figure 32: Algorithm to obtain off-diagonal elements of the matrix R ............................ 80
Figure 33: Extraction of submatrix R11 from matrix R ..................................................... 81
Figure 34: Nordic SPS case study ..................................................................................... 83
Figure 35: Confusion matrix- SPS logic testing ............................................................... 87
Figure 36: Simulation study- regular SPS failure mode identification ............................. 88
Figure 37: Process view SPS reliability assessment operating conditions sampling..... 90
Figure 38: System view SPS risk assessment ................................................................... 91
Figure 39: Modeling component i without SPS operation................................................ 92
Figure 40: Modeling component i with desirable SPS operation ..................................... 93
Figure 41: Modeling component i with desirable and undesirable SPS operation ........... 93
Figure 42: Modeling component i with all SPS operation effects .................................... 94
Figure 43: Modeling component j with SPS operation effects ......................................... 96
Figure 44: Modeling component k not involved in SPS operation ................................... 96
List of Tables
Table 1: SPS survey studies ................................................................................................ 9
Table 2: IEC and ISA demand mode SIL in terms of availability .................................... 17
Table 3: FERC approved penalty matrix .......................................................................... 19
Table 4: Traditional vs. sychrophasor based RAS scheme ............................................... 29
Table 5: A sample risk matrix ........................................................................................... 35
Table 6: A prototype illustrating the relationship between SPS and risk matrix .............. 36
Table 7: Cost analysis ....................................................................................................... 39
Table 8: Ranking options .................................................................................................. 39
Table 9: Component failure and repair rate ...................................................................... 67
Table 10: Probability of each state.................................................................................... 71
Table 11: Probability of each state of simplified model ................................................... 71
Table 12: The initial state matrix ...................................................................................... 78
Table 13: The rearranged state matrix .............................................................................. 79
Table 14: Nordic SPS event description ........................................................................... 84
Table 15: Branch data for sample system ...................................................................... 106
Table 16: SPS designs for different wind plant growth stages ....................................... 107
Table 17: Time periods ................................................................................................... 108
Table 18: Forecasted load ............................................................................................... 109
Table 19: Branch data ..................................................................................................... 109
Table 20: Generator data ................................................................................................. 110
Table 21: Generation expansion plans ............................................................................ 110
Table 22: Possible solutions............................................................................................ 112
Table 23: Probabilistic load profiles .............................................................................. 116
Table 24: Different periods and associated value of load lost ........................................ 118
Table 25: Comparison of economic factors for planning options................................... 119
Table 26: Solution for the penalty factor method ........................................................... 124
Table 27: Solution for the non-linear penalty factor method .......................................... 124
Table 28: Non-dominated solutions ................................................................................ 125
Table 29: Comparison of economic factors and complexity .......................................... 125
Table 30: Judgment matrix for the criteria ..................................................................... 125
Table 31: Judgement matrix for operational complexity ................................................ 126
Table 32: Judgement matrix for reliability ..................................................................... 126
Table 33: Judgement matrix for total costs ..................................................................... 126
Table 34: Final weight and rank for non-dominated solutions ....................................... 126
System protection schemes (SPS) (also called remedial action schemes, RAS) are
designed to detect abnormal system conditions, typically contingency-related, and
initiate pre-planned, corrective action to mitigate the consequence of the abnormal
condition and provide acceptable system performance [1]. SPS actions include, among
others, changes in load, generation, or system configuration to maintain system
stability, acceptable voltages or power flows. SPS is also used as the acronym for
special protection scheme, with has the same meaning as system protection scheme.
However, it was recommended in [1] that word special be replaced by the word
system, since it can be argued that all protection is special in some fashion. IEEE uses
the System Integrity Protection System (SIPS), RAS is used by (BPA, WECC) others
use the term SPS [2].
Today, in many parts of the world, SPS represents a viable planning alternative to
extending transmission system capability. Although SPS deployment usually
represents a less costly alternative than building new infrastructure, it carries with it
unique operational elements among which are: (1) risks of failure on demand and of
inadvertent activation; (2) risk of interacting with other SPS in unintended ways; (3)
increased management, maintenance, coordination requirements, and analysis
complexity. The objectives of the work described in this report are to summarize the
state of the art in regards to SPS including closely related technologies in other
industries, provide a structured framework for assessing SPS risk, and examine SPS as
a viable planning alternative in which we consider how to identify limits of SPS
deployment within a system.
These objectives are motivated by the recognition that SPS has proliferated. For
example, SCE has 17 RAS on its transmission corridor and has planned to add another
57 [3]. Table 1 presents the results from three survey studies performed over the last
20 years, which indicates significant growth in the use of SPS.
Table 1: SPS survey studies
1989 Survey [4]
According to Vinnakota et. al. [7], Due to the increased complexity of network
operation in the past 30 years due to several factors such as growth in load, changes
in market conditions and increased imports/exports, the network is more stressed in its
operation and RAS schemes have grown in numbers.
Furthermore, with the heavy growth in renewable resources, especially wind farms
that are being connected to the grid prior to the required upgrades, SPS or RAS has
become an increasingly critical application that enables quick and economic means of
interconnecting them while meeting the required RPS standards [8]. This is supported
by Figure 1 [9] where it is clear that the MW requested in Buffalo ridge area is way
ahead of the available transmission capacity, necessitating heavy SPS proliferation for
smooth and economical solution strategies. But, this growth in SPS has definitely
increased the operational complexity in managing the system with variable wind
resources, and poses an interesting challenge to the ISOs.
SPS are normally dormant systems; initiating events usually occur less than
once a year.
Power System
Electric variables
Direct detection
Generation rejection
Load rejection
System separation
Out-of-step relaying
Dynamic braking
Generator runback
VAR compensation
Combination of schemes
Measurement inputs: These may include one or more of the following [14]:
o Power system voltage and/or currents, synchronized to local
measurements in the same substation, or they may be wide-area
o Power system frequency
o Polarity reversal
o Control signals including automatic voltage regulator, power system
stabilizer, governors, HVDC converters, and reactive power
compensators (e.g., HVDC converters and SVC)
o Status circuit breaker positions, tap changer positions, whether
generator field current limiter is activated or not.
o Last valid state data such as, for example, telemetry data during loss of
communication channel
o Arming levels and thresholds
Sensors: These are devices that measure the power system condition.
Generally, they include relays and breaker/switch status detectors. Relays may
be current, voltage, power, frequency, rate of change of each of these, out-ofstep, generator power output level, line loading power level, etc. Neither loss of
current nor loss of power can be used alone to determine that a line is open,
because they both go through zero as power flow reverses direction on the line.
Logic solver: The logic solver is that portion of an SPS that performs one or
more logic functions used to execute the SPS application logic and initiate
protective actions. Although it may be electrical or electronic, it is assumed in
what follows that it is a programmable electronic (PE) system such as a
microprocessor [16], micro-controller, programmable logic controller (PLC), or
application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). If the logic solver is purchased
externally, the supplier should provide an integrated design including input
communication(s), and utility software. The logic solver should have a
published mean time to failure (MTTF), unsafe failure mode listing, and
frequency of unsafe failure mode. It should have a method (internal and/or
external) to protect against covert faults (such as a watchdog timer). The
logic solver should be designed to ensure that the process will not restart
automatically when power is restored, unless it is required to do so. Detected
failure of the logic solver should not result in an unsafe system condition, if the
appropriate, documented, response action is undertaken.
Logic solver software: In developing software necessary for the logic solver,
good software development practices should be followed. For example, a
software requirements specification and a software design document should be
developed. These documents should specify the functionality of the design
using functional blocks so that the programmer does not need to make any
assumptions about the functionality of each software module. Software
Power supplies
Monitoring devices
Overview of report
Chapter 6 presents two planning studies, namely wind generation expansion study
and transmission expansion study. It proposes ways to incorporate SPS in such studies
and evaluate the reliability indices of such SPS-aided planning options.
Chapter 7 presents the conclusions.
This chapter summarizes current industry standards and practices regarding SPS.
Section 2.1 focuses on standards, while Section 2.2 focuses on existing industry
practices related to SPS design, documentation, and technologies used for arming and
coordinating various SPS operations. Section 2.3 sheds light on some recent
advancement in SPS.
This section gives more in-depth summary of current industry standards for special
protection schemes and how the standards can be improved by learning from more
established international standards such as the International Society of Automation
(ISA) and the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC).
16 PRC-004-WECC-1
According to PRC-004-WECC-1, mis-operations can be classified into two [18]:
1. Security-based misoperation: Security-based misoperation is a
misoperation caused by the incorrect operation of a protection system or
RAS. Security is a component of reliability and is the measure of a devices
certainty not to operate falsely.
2. Dependability-based misoperation: Dependability-based misoperation is
the absence of a protection system or RAS operation when intended.
Dependability is a component of reliability and is the measure of a devices
certainty to operate when required.
The ISA and IEC define Safety Integrity Level (SIL). Safety Integrity Level
(SIL) is a relative level of risk-reduction provided by a safety function, or it specifies a
target level of risk reduction. SIL may also be enforced for special protection
schemes to enhance reliability and availability based on Probability of Failure on
Demand (PFD). Table 2 describes SIL from IECs and ISAs view-point [19].
Table 2: IEC and ISA demand mode SIL in terms of availability
Availability required
1E-005 to 1E-004
100,000 to 10,000
99.90 99.99%
1E-004 to 1E-003
10,000 to 1,000
99.00 - 99.90%
1E-003 to 1E-002
1,000 to 100
90.00 - 99.00%
1E-002 to 1E-001
100 to 10
RAS are fast acting automatic control devices, that utilizes protective relays and
fast telecommunication networks, to ensure acceptable (reliable and safe) power
system performance following critical outages on a power grid. Bonneville Power
Administration (BPA) uses SPS to maintain stability, reduce line overloads, maximize
transfer capabilities, and provide voltage support [ 22 ]. ERCOT employs SPS to
maintain system security and reliability in accordance with ERCOT and NERC
Reliability Standards, while facilitating the market [23]. BC Hydro heavily employs
SPS and RAS to maintain system integrity. It also shares some of these schemes with
the interconnected neighbors [ 24 ]. Southern California Edison (SCE) mitigates
transmission overload problems arising due to contingencies using RAS [ 25 ].
According to Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) [26], RAS is used primarily
on a temporary basis when new market participants are being added to the system in
advance of the transmission systems capability to manage such loads or supplies.
Likewise, many utilities are using SPS especially in the event of increasing penetration
of intermittent renewable resources, and plenty of advancements are also being made
in such defense system designs to the extent that utilities have started designing PMU
based RAS [27].
Design of SPS
Design of SPS is very important due to the fact that SPS help keep the integrity of
a power system during extreme disturbance. Therefore SPS must be designed to be
highly reliable. One of the most important devices in SPS is the communication system
which enables data exchange between monitoring and controlling devices. Arming is
another important functionality in SPS design, wherein arming is usually automatically
or manually enabled. Redundancy is a useful technique used in SPS to help improve
reliability of SPS. Typically, SPS/RASs are comprised of three parts: monitoring,
event detection and mitigation. The quality of SPS is measured in terms of speed and
accuracy of operation, and redundancy in design.
The SPS design process comprises of the following five steps, namely [28]:
1. System study
System studies identify limitations under various contingencies. The limitations
could be thermal, voltage, or angular instability related system limits. Some of the
important aspects of system studies include understanding the requirements and
purpose of the application; identifying limits such as overload conditions, under
voltage, under frequency and so on; studying SPS requirements based on NERC
reliability and regional standards; evaluating many alternate solutions and so on.
2. Solution development
The solution based on system studies must be analyzed and specific
recommendations have to be made as a next step. The recommendations are about
the stability limits, conditions when SPS is to be armed, the amount of load to be
shed when needed, bus voltage limits, various other limits and so on.
3. Design and implementation
At the stage of implementation, typically many practical questions are to be
answered such as:
Electric system planners are facing unprecedented challenges in managing the risk
of using SPS in maximizing the usage of existing and planned transmission grid. The
following documenting procedure has been developed by Remedial Action Scheme
Reliability Subcommittee of WECC in order to assess the reliability of an SPS [29].
1. RAS scheme purpose and overview- The following information is included:
a. Name of the RAS
b. Purpose
c. Desired in-service date
d. Ownership
e. Person responsible for the operation and maintenance
f. SPS functionality
g. Single line drawings showing all sites involved, bus arrangement and other
protection systems such as breakers
h. Impact on the WECC power grid
2. RAS design
a. Design philosophy
b. Design criteria, including failure of which element or combination of
elements causes RAS failure mode
c. RAS Logic
d. RAS Logic Hardware
e. Redundancy
f. Arming method i.e. manual, automatic, or via SCADA
g. Define all inputs, including protective relay inputs such as angle, power,
current, voltage, frequency, rate of change of frequency power, current and
h. List devices used to monitor inputs such as circuit breakers
i. Coordination with protection and control systems
Figure 8 shows the way BC Hydro integrates EMS/SCADA and protective relays
in order to effectively handle contingencies [35].
To avoid unnecessary SPS operation, the SPS owner may provide a real-time
status indication to the owner of any generation resource controlled by the SPS to
show when the flow on one or more of the SPS monitored facilities exceeds 90% of the
flow necessary to arm the SPS. The cost necessary to provide such status indication
shall be allocated as agreed by the SPS owner and the generator owner [36]
BPA (Bonneville Power Administration) uses programmable logic controllers for
its SPS design. Most RAS in BPA are on their 500KV lines. The way RAS is operated
in BPA is that when there is a line loss detection, a transfer trip signal is sent to control
centers, from where control signals are sent to power plants and substations [37].
These RAS schemes are designed to be highly redundant using two out of three voting
schemes and also information is sent to two control rooms to improve redundancy. In
order to avoid frequency problems, there is a limit on generation tripping of 2700MW
[38]. BPA also co-ordinates with northern and central California, so that necessary
remedial actions can be taken in-order to keep up system integrity in Pacific NW and
California. Figure 9 presents the RAS controllers for the coordinated operation of
California and BPA RAS [39].
Southern California Edison (SCE) faces rapid growth of RAS in its footprint. This
is due to aggressive renewable generation expansion and load growth [8].
Consequently, having many isolated RAS leads to coordination problems, maintenance
issues with engineers having to traveling long distances for each RAS, and so on.
Figure 10 from the work [40] done by P. Arons gives a systematic outline of all the
associated problems due to proliferating RAS. So SCE is trying to introduce
centralized remedial action scheme (C-RAS), motivated by the fact that having many
localized RAS increases operational complexity.
Figure 11 shows the system problems that can be addressed effectively and
economically using RAS, wherein RAS implements respective remedial action to
alleviate a stressed system which otherwise faces unstable conditions. So with the
advent of a Centralized-RAS approach, all the wide-area functionalities such as
monitoring, protection, and control could be fit in a single framework.
Advancements in SPS
Relationship between SPS and synchrophasor technology
Southern California Edison (SCE) proposed Smart RAS [42], a Centralized RAS
technology that uses real power measurements of tie-line between two areas from
PMU to actuate suitable remedial action that prevents system out-of-step condition.
Figure 13 shows the smart RAS controller with its input and outputs.
The work in [27] presents a PMU based SPS developed and operated by Taipower
systems against transient instabilities caused by EHV line contingencies.
After the advent of Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs), in 1988 Bonneville Power
Administration (BPA) first used it in WECC. Then on inspired by its many advantages
to record information useful for crucial system analysis, which were not earlier
possible using SCADA or IED data, many utilities have started deploying PMUs. Now
in WECC, various companies such as BPA, SCE, WAPA and PG&E take part in data
exchange program and benefit each other in having better reliability status of critical
transmission corridors [43]. Figure 14 shows a typical data exchange using PMU and
PDCs, which provide the ability to monitor system security and limits over a widearea, and take necessary control actions over a wide-area of the power network.
ISA S84.01
driven timers, solid state relays and timers, hard-wired logic, and combinations of the
above. A key concept of this document is the definition and use of Safety Integrity
Levels (SIL).
The document provides standard criteria for function and integrity specifications,
conceptual design, detailed design, installation, commissioning, and prestart-up tests,
operation and maintenance procedures, periodic functional testing, management of
changes, and decommissioning of such systems. In particular, detailed design
requirements are specified for logic solvers and application logic, sensors and motor
starters, operator, communication, and maintenance interfaces, power sources, and
design of periodic testing capability. It also provides appendices which give SIL
assessment methods, design considerations, references, and an illustrative example.
ISA dTR84.02
IEC work
the harm. A second basic idea is that the safety instrumented functions, which mitigate
or prevent the harm and are therefore much like SPS, can be characterized by their
safety integrity. This is the probability of a safety instrumented function satisfactorily
performing the required functions under all the stated conditions within a stated period
of time. In the cited standards, safety integrity is quantified by a safety integrity level
(SIL). The SIL is a discrete number, 1, 2, 3, or 4, which specifies the requirements of
the safety instrumented functions to be allocated to the safety instrumented systems.
SIL 4 has the highest level of safety integrity, and SIL 1 has the lowest level. Each SIL
has associated target failure measures, according to whether the mode of operation is
low demand operation where frequency of demand for operation is not more than once
per year or high demand operation where this frequency is greater than once per year.
For low demand operation, the average probability of failure to perform the design
function on demand should lie in the range: 10-4 to 10-5 (SIL 4), 10-3 to 10-4 (SIL 3),
10-2 to 10-3 (SIL 2), and 10-1 to 10-2 (SIL 1). For high demand operation, the
probability of a dangerous failure per hour should lie in the range: 10-8 to 10-9 (SIL 4),
10-7 to 10-8 (SIL 3), 10-6 to 10-7 (SIL 2), and 10-5 to 10-6 (SIL 1). The third basic idea
embedded in these documents is that risk and SIL are keys in showing how the
establishment and maintenance of safety-instrumented system integrity involves many
activities over the lifetime of the equipment. This idea is captured via use of the term
safety life cycle, the necessary activities involved in the implementation of safety
instrumented function(s) occurring during a period of time that starts at the concept
phase of a project and finishes when all of the safety instrumented functions are no
longer available for use.
3.1.4 Methods in Process control industry applicable to SPS Risk Matrix
One of the most common techniques used among refining, chemical and
petrochemical companies is the risk matrix. The Risk Matrix comprises of risk levels
based on probability and impact on its two dimensions as shown in Table 5 [52].
Almost certain
Moderate risk
High risk
High risk
Extreme risk
Extreme risk
Moderate risk
Moderate risk
High risk
High risk
Extreme risk
Low risk
Moderate risk
Moderate risk
High risk
Extreme risk
Low risk
Moderate risk
Moderate risk
High risk
High risk
Low risk
Low risk
Moderate risk
High risk
High risk
The above concept of Risk Matrix can be used to assess SPS related risks. SPS
are programmed to engage in forced curtailments when an unwanted event is detected.
For instance, the fact that SPS increases operational transfer capability does not mean
that we should ignore the fact that frequent curtailments of load cause customer
dissatisfaction. Therefore the frequency of forced curtailments and the amount of load
interrupted should be regulated in order to minimize risk. Similarly, there are other
consequences for a desirable operation of SPS such as generation rejection, penalty
due to reduced export, etc. Also the consequences under an undesirable operation of
SPS could be equipment damage, system instability, etc. So a risk matrix can be used
to evaluate the risk of each of these consequences under different modes of SPS
operation. Table 6 shows a proposed matrix which can be used to minimize risk of SPS
Table 6: A prototype illustrating the relationship between SPS and risk matrix
levels when
SPS is armed
to trip
Frequency of
SPS actions
Possibility of
Possibility of
Possibility of
value of
value of
Minor value
value of
Major value of
Significant risk
Significant risk
High risk
High risk
High risk
Moderate risk
Significant risk
Significant risk
High risk
High risk
Low risk
Moderate risk
Significant risk
High risk
High risk
Not likely to
Low risk
Low risk
Moderate risk
Significant risk
High risk
Low risk
Low risk
Moderate risk
Significant risk
Significant risk
developed to assess the benefit-cost ratio of installing a SIS [53], as shown in Figure
B/C = Benefit-cost index
PCTU = Production costs after transmission upgrade
PCSPS = Production costs if SPS is the preferred alternative
CTU = Cost for transmission upgrade
CSPS = Cost for implementing SPS
CFC = Expected cost due to forced curtailments (SPS)
CRED = Expected re-dispatch cost after generation tripping (SPS)
The example shown in Tables 7 and 8 assumes that the study is conducted for a 5year interval and all monetary values are in present value.
Table 7: Cost analysis
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
$5,000,000 $8,000,000 $3,000,000
(PCSPS- PCTU) $1,700,000 $1,200,000 $900,000
Table 8: Ranking options
Options Benefit-cost index Rank
Nuclear industry
Safety is one of the most important issues in the nuclear power industry. The
consequence of safety-related failures in this discipline is always considered vital to
both people and the environment. Therefore, it is understandable that there are so many
safety-related instrumentation and control (I&C) systems in a nuclear power plant. In
addition, many organizations worldwide have developed various standards which give
guidance to nuclear I&C systems. These standards play an important role in guiding,
shaping, or even regulating the development of safety-related I&C systems in the
nuclear power industry.
IEC standards
The International Electro technical Commission (IEC) has been developing its
work on functional safety since 1985. As a result, the seven parts of a general industry
electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems were published
during the period of 1998-2000 [54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60]. In 2005 the part of IEC/TR
61508-0 was published [61]. After that, the revision to this standard has been under
progress and the new standard edition is expected to be published soon.
IEC 61508 adopts the overall safety lifecycle as the technical framework for the
strategy of achieving functional safety, from initial concept, through hazard analysis
and risk assessment, development of the safety requirements, specification, design and
implementation, operation and maintenance, and modification, to final
decommissioning and/or disposal. The functional safety requirements specification
consists of two elements:
The safety function requirements are derived from the hazard analysis. It is the
safety function that determines what has to be done to achieve or maintain a safe state
for the equipment under control [62]. The safety integrity requirements are derived
from the risk assessment. It is the safety integrity that determines what degree of
certainty is necessary that the safety function will be carried out. In other words, the
safety integrity is the referred index of the safety performance.
IEC 61508 specifies four levels of safety performance for a safety function. These
are called safety integrity levels (SIL). Safety integrity level 1 (SIL1) is the lowest
level of safety integrity and safety integrity level 4 (SIL4) is the highest level. The
higher the level of safety integrity, the lower is the intended likelihood of a dangerous
failure. It should be noted that when determining the SIL, the mode of operation is an
important factor that influences the measures chosen. IEC 61508 classifies the mode of
operation into two categories:
(1) Low demand mode, where the frequency of demands for operation made on a
safety-related system is no greater than one per year and no greater than twice
the proof-test frequency.
(2) High demand or continuous mode, where the frequency of demands for
operation made on a safety-related system is greater than one per year or
greater than twice the proof-check frequency.
The target failure measures corresponding to the SIL are specified differently for a
safety function operating in different demand modes.
IEC 61508 is both a stand-alone standard and can also be used as the basis for
sector and product standards. As for nuclear power industry, IEC 61513 is the sectorapplication standard published in 2001 with the title Nuclear power plantsInstrumentation and control for systems important to safety - General requirements for
systems [63]. This standard has adopted a presentation format similar to basic safety
publication IEC 61508 with an overall safety life-cycle and a system life-cycle. The
standard also provides an interpretation of the general requirements of IEC 61508,
parts 1, 2 and 4, for the nuclear application sector. Compliance with this standard will
facilitate consistency with the requirements of IEC 61508 as they have been
interpreted for the nuclear industry.
The important parts of IEC 61513 are its normative clauses 5 to 8:
1) Clause 5 addresses the total architecture of the I&C systems important to
a) Defining requirements for the I&C functions, and associated systems and
equipment (I&C FSE) derived from the safety analysis of the NPP, the
categorization of I&C functions, and the plant lay-out and operation
b) Structuring the totality of the I&C architecture, dividing it into a number of
systems and assigning the I&C functions to systems. Design criteria are
identified, including those to give defense in depth and to minimize
potential for common cause failure (CCF).
c) Planning the total architecture of I&C systems.
2) Clause 6 addresses the requirements for the individual I&C systems important
to safety, particularly the requirements for computer-based systems.
3) Clauses 7 and 8 address the overall integration, commissioning, operation and
maintenance of the I&C systems.
IEC 61513 also includes as its informative part some important annexes:
1) Annex A highlights the relations between IAEA and basic safety concepts that
are used throughout this standard;
2) Annex B provides information on the categorization/classification principles;
3) Annex C gives examples of I&C sensitivity to CCF;
4) Annex D provides guidance to support comparison of this standard with parts
1, 2 and 4 of IEC 61508. This annex surveys the main requirements of IEC
61508 to verify that the issues relevant to safety are adequately addressed,
considers the use of common terms and explains the reason for adopting
different or complementary techniques or terms.
In fact, IEC 61513 is the first level standard prepared by subcommittee 45A
(SC45A): Instrumentation and control of nuclear facilities, of IEC technical committee
45 (IEC/TC45): Nuclear instrumentation. SC45A core domain is instrumentation and
control (I&C) systems important to safety in nuclear energy generation facilities.
SC45A standards cover the entire lifecycle of these I&C systems, from conception,
through design, manufacture, test, installation, commissioning, operation,
maintenance, aging management, modernization and decommissioning. Some other
level SC45A standards that are relevant to IEC 61513 are:
systems, e.g. dealing with software aspects of defence against common cause
failures, use of software tools and pre-developed software.
IEC 62138: Nuclear power plants Instrumentation and control important for
safety Software aspects for computer-based systems performing category B
or C functions [68]
This standard provides requirements and recommendations for the software
aspects of computer-based I&C systems of safety classes 2 and 3, as defined by
IEC 61513. These I&C systems may be used for category B or C FSEs
(Functions, and associated Systems and Equipment), as defined by IEC 61226.
Its scope can be compared to the scope of revised IEC 60880, the difference
being that IEC 60880 addresses the software aspects of I&C systems of safety
class 1.
IEC 60880 and IEC 62138 together cover the domain of the software
aspects of computer-based systems used in Nuclear Power Plants to perform
functions important to safety, which correspond to IEC 61508, part 3 for the
nuclear application sector. Hence, they are consistent with, and complementary
to, IEC 61513.
IAEA standards
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was set up as the worlds
Atoms for Peace organization in 1957 within the United Nations (UN) family. IAEA
works with its member states and multiple partners worldwide to promote safe, secure
and peaceful nuclear technologies. The IAEAs Statute authorizes IAEA to establish
safety standards to protect health and minimize danger to life and property. Many of
IAEAs member states have decided to adopt the IAEAs safety standards for use in
their national regulations.
In fact, the IEC/Technical Committee 45 (IEC/TC45) standards are closely related
to the IAEAs safety standards series. In order to avoid the potential for duplication
and even contradiction between IAEA documents and IEC technical standards, a
formal agreement of co-operation was reached in 1981 between IAEA and IEC/TC45.
The agreement states that IAEA is responsible for the development of safety principles
for instrumentation, control and electrical systems in nuclear power plants, while
IEC/TC45 is responsible for the design requirements that realize these safety principles
[72]. Therefore, the IEC/TC45 standards have been developed to be consistent with the
principles and basic safety aspects of the IAEA standards series, while the IAEA
documents apply to all IEC/TC45 instrumentation and control standards.
IAEA safety standards series covers nuclear safety, radiation safety, transport
safety and waste safety, and also general safety. The three categories within it are
Safety Fundamentals, Safety Requirements and Safety Guides. In particular, there are
four IAEA documents that are concerned with safety-related instrumentation and
control systems:
IEEE standards
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has also been
developing nuclear power plant standards through Nuclear Power Engineering
Committee (NPEC), one of the Technical Committees of the IEEE Power & Energy
Society (PES). NPECs established policy is to improve, clarify, update and provide
application guidance on the standards already produced and when appropriate, to
produce new standards.
Although the collections of IEEE and IEC standards have some overlap, but in
many cases cover significantly different topics. For example, IEEE standards go to
great depth on environmental qualification of many specific types of components,
while IEC covers the topic only at the general level. Conversely, certain IEC standards
deal with specific instrumentation and control (I&C) functions, a topic area where
IEEE standards are largely mute [77]. In fact, IEEE standards look upon the safetyrelated systems in general, rather than focus on the safety-related I&C systems, which
are one but perhaps the most significant part of the former. The following IEEE
standards are considered important to affect nuclear safety-related I&C systems:
IEEE Std 603: IEEE Standard Criteria for Safety Systems for Nuclear Power
Generating Stations [78]
This standard can be regarded as the general principles for nuclear safety
systems. It establishes minimum functional and design criteria for the power,
instrumentation, and control portions of nuclear power generating station safety
systems. The intent of these criteria is to provide a means for promoting
appropriate practices for design and evaluation of safety system performance
and reliability. However, adhering to these criteria will not necessarily fully
establish the adequacy of any safety systems functional performance and
reliability; nonetheless, omission of any of these criteria will, in most instances,
be an indication of safety system inadequacy.
The important parts of this standard are its clauses 5 to 8:
1) Clause 5 provides a large set of safety system criteria, including singlefailure criterion, completion of protective action, quality, equipment
qualification, system integrity, independence, capability for testing and
calibration, information displays, control of access, repair,
identification, auxiliary features, multi-unit stations, human factors
considerations, reliability, and common-cause failure criteria.
2) Clause 6 provides the functional and design requirements on sense and
command features, including automatic control, manual control,
interaction between the sense and command features and other systems,
derivation of system inputs, capability for testing and calibration,
operating bypasses, maintenance bypass, and setpoints.
3) Clause 7 provides the functional and design requirements on execute
features, including automatic control, manual control, completion of
protective action, operating bypasses, and maintenance bypass.
IEEE Std 7-4.3.2: IEEE Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety
Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stations [79]
This standard addresses the use of computers as part of safety systems in
nuclear power generating stations. It specifies additional computer-specific
requirements (incorporating hardware, software, firmware, and interfaces) to
supplement the criteria and requirements of IEEE Std 603. This standard
should be used in conjunction with IEEE Std 603 to assure the completeness of
the safety system design when a computer is to be used as a component of a
safety system. This standard recognizes that development processes for
computer systems continue to evolve. As such, the information presented
should not be viewed as the only possible solution. However, this standard does
not provide requirements associated with the operation and maintenance of the
computer following installation (i.e., surveillance testing frequency).
IEEE Std 338: IEEE Standard Criteria for Periodic Surveillance Testing of
Nuclear Power Generating Station Safety Systems [80]
The standard provides criteria for the performance of periodic testing of
nuclear power generating station safety systems. The scope of periodic testing
consists of functional tests and checks, calibration verification, and time
response measurements, as required, to verify that the safety system performs
its defined safety function.
IEEE Std 336: IEEE Guide for Installation, Inspection, and Testing for Class
1E Power, Instrumentation, and Control Equipment at Nuclear Facilities [81]
This guide provides considerations for the pre-installation, installation,
inspection, and testing of Class 1E power, instrumentation, and control
equipment and systems of a nuclear facility. It is applicable to initial
construction, modification (backfit), and maintenance activities. However, this
guide does not apply to periodic testing.
ANSI/IEEE Std 352: IEEE Guide for General Principles of Reliability Analysis
of Nuclear Power Generating Station Safety Systems [82]
This Guide is also an American national standard endorsed by the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI). It provides the designers and
operators of nuclear power plant safety systems and the concerned regulatory
groups with the essential methods and procedures of reliability engineering that
are applicable to such systems. By applying the principles given, systems may
be analyzed, results may be compared with reliability objectives, and the basis
for decisions may be suitably documented.
The quantitative principles are applicable to the analysis of the effects of
component failures on safety system reliability. The principles are applicable
during any phase of the systems lifetime. They have their greatest value during
the design phase. During this phase, reliability engineering can make the
greatest contribution toward enhancing safety. These principles may also be
applied during the preoperational phase or at any time during the normal
lifetime of a system. When the principles are applied during either of these two
phases, they will aid in the evaluation of systems, in the preparation or revision
of operating or maintenance procedures, and in improving test programs.
Although not inherently limited, these principles are intended for application to
systems covered in the scope of IEEE Std 603.
IEEE Std 577: IEEE Standard Requirements for Reliability Analysis in the
Design and Operation of Safety Systems for Nuclear Facilities [83]
This standard sets forth minimum acceptable requisites for the performance
of reliability analyses for safety-related systems of nuclear facilities when used
to address the reliability requirements identified in regulations and other
standards. The requirement that a reliability analysis be performed does not
originate with this standard. However, when reliability analysis is used to
demonstrate compliance with reliability requirements, this standard describes
an acceptable response to the requirements.
Some other organizations in the United States are also involved in developing
standards that significantly affect nuclear applications. These organizations include but
not limited to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the American
Nuclear Society (ANS), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the
American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM), and the Instrumentation,
Systems, and Automation Society (ISA), etc. However, the existing standards are more
focused on specific types of nuclear components and corresponding safety-related
functions, rather than give guidance on the nuclear safety-related I&C systems.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has undertaken significant investment in
nuclear power as a source of non-greenhouse gas emitting energy. DOEs Office of
Nuclear Energy sponsored an initiative to identify codes and standards that will be
employed in the next generation of nuclear power plants to determine if any gaps exist
that could hinder their construction. According to the discussions among the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), standards development organizations, and
industry, technological advances might provide unique challenges to construction
practices and construction quality. New standards may need to be developed to reflect
advances in technology, such as standards for digital instrumentation and controls,
cyber security, computers used in safety systems, and Probabilistic Risk Assessments
(PRA) used for setting surveillance intervals, etc [84].
The nuclear safety-related I&C systems are so important that they are
indispensable to the safety of nuclear elements and nuclear plants. Although they are
different from the SPS in electric power industry, their safety functions to maintain the
aimed object in a safe state under predetermined conditions are similar to those of SPS.
Therefore, the contents of the nuclear standards mentioned previously can be useful to
the development of SPS. At least, we can have some beneficial hints from the nuclear
industry as follows.
In the design phase, reliability engineering can make the greatest contribution
toward enhancing reliability and safety. It is during this phase that the
quantitative reliability analysis, i.e. Probabilistic Risk Assessments (PRA) has
its greatest value.
The system should be designed to have the capability against the single failure
of its components (N-1 criterion).
Common cause failures (CCF) should be paid attention to during design of the
total system architecture. Various means including independence against
initiating CCF events should be considered.
Many companies develop so-called operating rules for use in guiding operators in
energy control centers during conditions for which contingencies may result in
violation of reliability criteria. For example, many companies in the Western US use
operating nomograms to do this, where secure operating regions are delineated from
insecure operating regions in the space of parameters such as flows, generation levels,
and load levels, so that proximity to a security boundary can be easily monitored, and
when encountered, the nomogram axes identify the parameters the operator must
control in order to move into a more secure operating condition. Next section describes
another approach to derive operating rules, which finds its application in relation to
The French company RTE and others have developed a semi-automated way of
obtaining operating rules. Here Monte Carlo simulation of various operating
parameters is performed to form many basecases and a database of post-contingency
response is extracted, which will be used to derive significant planning and operational
information using data mining techniques as shown in Figure 20. Since, decision trees
are capable to provide explicit rules to system operators, French transmission operator
RTE has been using decision trees to define operational security rules [85, 86, 87, 88,
89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96]. A similar approach has been applied to Entergy [97,
assessment study [99], and decision rules are shown to have improved accuracy. A
database has high information content if there are many operating conditions for which
the post-contingency performance is close to the threshold or boundary region. So, the
influential operating conditions are generated directly from the boundary region using
Monte Carlo importance sampling by creating a probability re-orientation in the
operational parameter (input) state space towards the boundary region, which also
preserves the relative likelihood of the sampled conditions.
C. Singh et. al. [100] used a state space pruning method to identify the influential
region in the discrete operational parameter space under a single load level. We use
stratified sampling to quickly identify the boundary region in the operational parameter
state space in stage I, and then apply importance sampling to bias the sampling towards
the boundary region in stage II, as shown in Figure 21 depicting the developed
efficient sampling approach.
The approach described in Figure 20 may also be utilized within the SPS logic
design step [101, 102, 103], recognizing that the only difference between operating
rules and SPS logic are:
1. The SPS logic is automated.
2. The SPS logic is not only limited to critical operating condition detection
with respect to some stability criteria, but also to automatic
preventive/corrective action to safeguard the system against impending
instability or increase the loadability of the system.
A typical SPS logic design procedure is illustrated in Figure 22. A study was
performed to demonstrate the SPS logic design using decision trees, with the following
study assumptions:
1. SPS location and functionality (i.e., Load Reject, Generator trip, undervoltage load shed (UVLS) etc.) already available
2. Critical contingency for which SPS installed known
3. Study performed to find either or both:
Load, Unit commitment, Line
availability, wind speeds etc. etc.
Contingency Analysis
Stable cases with and w/o SPS
(UVLS or generator trip)
As mentioned in section 3.3.1, when the operating conditions are sampled near the
boundary region of the operating parameter state space (multivariate state space
formed by load levels and wind speeds under various combinations of discrete
parameters, i.e., line and generator unavailabilities), the resulting operating rules will
have better classification accuracy and result in reliable SPS operations.
This chapter will focus on risk assessment from the process point of view. Section 4.1 will
describe process-related failure modes, and section 4.2 will summarize methods of process-view
risk assessment. Section 4.3 presents formulation of risk expression for a Generation Rejection
Scheme (GRS), which was already presented in the publication [105]. Section 4.4 presents an
illustration of reliability evaluation of GRS. Section 4.5 presents various advancements in SPS
architectures and their reliability models.
hardware failure,
software failure, or
human error.
Hardware failure occurs when some physical stress exceeds the capability of one or more
installed components. Faulty design logic may occur as a result of inappropriate or incomplete
study procedure during the design. Software failure results from errors in vendor written and user
written embedded, application, and utility software. The vendor software typically includes the
operating system, I/O routines, diagnostics, application oriented functions and programming
languages. User written software failure results from errors in the application program,
diagnostics, and user interface routines. Human errors can be classified according to whether
they are associated with construction, operation, or maintenance.
Other failure modes that may lead to an undesirable operation or a failure to operate include
failure to arm (any failure of a SPS to arm itself for system conditions that are intended to result
in the SPS being armed), unnecessary arming (any arming of a SPS that occurs without the
occurrence of the intended arming system condition(s)), and failure to reset (any failure of a SPS
to reset following a return of normal system conditions if that is the design intent).
When correctly operating, SPS significantly improve system response following a
contingency. However, the failure of SPS to accurately detect the defined conditions, or the
failure to carry out the required pre-planned remedial action, can lead to serious and costly
consequences. The survey by IEEE-CIGRE [5] suggests that the cost of SPS failure can be very
high as most of the respondents selected the highest cost category when asked to estimate the
cost of an operational failure of SPS.
Review of the U.S. NERC System Disturbance Reports from 1986-1995 [10,106] indicates
that of the 30 cases that involved the operation of SPS, 21 were reported as successful operation
of SPS, while 9 involved operational failures. The reasons for these failure cases include flaw in
logic design, software failure, hardware failure, incorrect setting, and inadvertent failure to arm.
The following are brief descriptions of these failure cases:
WSCC - Northeast/Southeast Separation Scheme - April 4, 1988:
System separation.
Load rejection.
Hardware failure.
Systemwide blackout.
Load rejection.
Hardware failure.
Generator rejection.
It caused the loss of a second 345 kV line which led to further loss of
transmission by overload and out of step conditions.
System separation.
Fail to separate WSCC system into two islands, but did not produce any
severe problems (it was expected that there would be load lost and outof-step conditions).
Incorrect setting.
Flaw in design (opened the circuit at an ampere level below its setting,
possibly due to an unbalanced load.).
There are several existing methods that can be used in SPS reliability evaluation. We
summarize four of these methods [107, 108] in what follows. Although these methods are most
commonly applied in assessing hardware reliability, we emphasize that their use in SPS
reliability assessment must also include assessment of human error [109] and logic integrity [48],
as these aspects of SPS reliability are often the weak links in the design.
A Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a systematic technique that is designed to
identify failure modes. It is a bottom-up method that starts with a detailed list of all
components with the system. An entire system can be analyzed one component at a time.
Alternatively, the system can be hierarchically divided into subsystems and modules as required.
The basic steps in the process are
1) break the system down into subsystems
2) list all components
3) for each component, list all failure modes
4) for each failure mode
a. list its effect on the next higher subsystem or system, and its failure rate
b. list the severity of the effect
5) when the next higher subsystem is the highest system, stop; otherwise, consider the next
higher subsystem as a component, and return to 3)
The output of this process is a list including component name, failure mode, failure rate and
failure effect.
The FMEA technique is generally poor at identifying combinations of failures that cause
critical problems. Since each component is reviewed individually, failures due to combination of
components are not addressed. Common cause failures are rarely identified since they require
more than one component failure. FMEA can be used an initial step to identity failure modes for
Markov modeling.
Fault tree analysis is a top-down approach to the identification of failure modes. It is very
complementary to the FMEA in that it requires a deductive approach to finding failure modes.
The method is good at finding combinations of failures that may cause problems. The fault tree
is developed using fault tree symbols. Fault tree analysis begins with the determination of the top
event. The fault tree is constructed by determining the failures that lead to the primary event
failures. After the fault tree structure is fully developed, failure rate data, which can be obtained
from field experience or from industry published data, is employed to quantify the fault tree.
The basic steps to build the fault tree are
1) identify a system or level L=0 fault (the top event)
2) identify all combinations of Level L+1 events that lead to level L failure. The
sequences of events are connected by AND, OR, or other logic gates.
3) if level L+1 constitutes a set of basic or trigger events, then stop; otherwise, L=L+1
and go to step (2)
Network modeling
Many systems used in industry can be modeled through the use of simple networks. Network
modeling (or reliability block diagrams) is used to perform a system integrity analysis through
representing the system as a number of functional boxes interconnected to show the effect of
each box on the overall system. The resulting networks show components in series, in parallel, or
in combination configurations. The key step in the process of reliability modeling is to convert
from a physical system into a network model. A good qualitative understanding of system
operation during both normal conditions and during failure conditions must exist. A reliability
network model is drawn with boxes that represent the modules or the components that comprise
the system. Lines are drawn between the boxes to indicate operational dependency. The network
model may connect very differently from the physical model. A reliability network may be
viewed as showing the success paths. If the viewer can find a path from left to right through
the reliability network, those components are sufficient to allow the system to operate. Given a
network, the rules of probability are used to evaluate success and failure probabilities.
Markov modeling
Markov modeling is well suited for use in SPS reliability modeling because its flexibility
provides that it can account for the variety of features which are common in SPS. Specifically,
Markov modeling can incorporate independent and common cause failures, partial and full
repairs, maintenance, and diagnostic coverage. Most importantly, it provides that all of these
features can be modeled as a function of time. This is in contrast to probability methods which
provide steady state results and are accurate only for short repair times and low failure rates.
The necessary data for Markov modeling approach are the failure rate and repair rate for each
component of the SPS. There are primarily three sources for them: 1) actual data (field data or
test data); 2) published literature (databases, papers, handbooks, technical reports); and 3)
experts' opinions.
There are many types of SPS in use today. Since the most commonly used SPS type in
industry is generator rejection scheme (GRS), we will narrow our focus to the GRS case and
develop a reliability evaluation approach for GRS that can also be adapted for other forms of
SPS. The typical power plant in which a GRS is installed features high generation capacity and
multiple generation units, and the plant depends on two or more transmission lines as its outlets.
Without GRS, outage of any one of these lines may cause an out of step condition at the plant.
This means that all generators at the plant will accelerate and trip on over-speed. We define any
circuit that initiates GRS action during a forced outage condition as a critical circuit. A properly
designed GRS, activated by outage of any critical circuit, will trip a limited amount of generation
at the plant in order to avoid out of step conditions for the remaining units.
Fi :
fault type random variable. We define one phase to ground, two phase to ground, three
phase to ground and phase to phase fault, represented by 1, 2, 3, 4, respectively, as all
possible values of A.
Nc :
Ei :
Risk ( ) :
risk of an event.
Im( ) :
impact of an event.
Pr( ) :
probability of an event
A GRS is designed to trip some pre-selected generating unit(s) at a plant in order to prevent
blackout of the entire plant. This action instantaneously reduces the electrical power input to the
transmission system following the occurrence of specified contingencies. Each operation of a
GRS is classified into one of the following categories:
1) The GRS trips when a contingency occurs ( T Ei ) , i 1,2 , , N c
2) The GRS does not trip when a contingency occurs ( T Ei ) , i 1,2, , N c
3) The GRS trips when there is no contingency (T E N c 1 )
i 1
i 1
Pr( K T Ei ) I m ( K T Ei ) Pr(T Ei ) I m (T Ei )
We discuss both the impact and probability terms in the following two subsections.
1. Impact
The impact associated with GRS failure to trip, T , possibly resulting in instability K, is
denoted as Im( K T Ei ) . This term reflects the same impacts of the event "instability"
which include energy replacement costs, repair costs, and startup costs.
The impact associated with GRS trip, T, is denoted by Im( T Ei ) . This impact, although it
does not include an instability event, is nonetheless not zero because a unit does in fact trip. This
impact also includes energy replacement costs, repair costs, and startup costs. However, whereas
instability causes loss of an entire plant, a controlled trip typically includes only 1 unit.
Therefore, the impact of a controlled trip is usually much less than the impact of instability.
2. Probability
Pr( K T Ei )
Pr( K T Ei ( A n))
n 1
n 1
n 1
The terms Pr(T Ei ) in (4.1) and Pr(T Ei ) in (4.2) are the probabilities of SPS success
and failure, respectively, and are addressed in the next section.
In this section, we develop an approach for computing Pr( T Ei ) and Pr( T E i ) . This
approach integrates three techniques, i.e., the Failure Modes Effects Analysis (FMEA) technique,
the Markov modeling technique, and Markov model simplification techniques.
Let S {S0 , Sk ,, Sn } represent a state space of the SPS, where
and exhaustive states. We have
Pr( Ei T S k )
k 0
Pr(T | ( Ei S k )) Pr( Ei S k )
k 0
Sk ,
Pr( Ei T )
k 0
C1--If the input is an active signal, then the SPS trips successfully; if the input is an
inactive signal; then the SPS has a nuisance trip.
C2--If the input is an active signal, then the SPS trips successfully; if the input is an
inactive signal; then the SPS does not trip, as expected.
C3--If the input is an active signal, then the SPS fails to trip; if the input is an inactive
signal; then the SPS has a nuisance trip.
C4--If the input is an active signal, then the SPS fails to trip; if the input is an inactive
signal, then the SPS does not trip, as expected.
These four categories comprise another state space of the SPS where the original states Sk
(k=0, 1 n) have been condensed to Cj (j=1, 2, 3, 4). Based on this state space, we have
Pr( Ei T )
Pr( Ei T )
j 1
j 1
| ( Ei C j )) Pr( Ei ) Pr(C j )
Each basic input event Ei belongs to a group either active (denoted as AC) or inactive
(denoted as AC ). The active input is the input that triggers SPS to trip, and the inactive input is
the input that does not activate tripping. Given basic input event Ei and Cj, the system output
event is completely determined. Therefore, the conditional probability term in (4.5) and (4.6) is 0
or 1 as expressed in (4.9).
Pr(T | ( Ei C j ))
Pr(T | ( E C )) 1
j 1,2
j 3,4
j 3,4
j 1,2
Pr(T | ( Ei C j ))
Pr(T | ( E C )) 1
j 1,3
j 2,4
j 2,4
j 1,3
The remaining question is how to calculate the value of Pr(Cj) (j=1,2,3,4); once this is done,
then each term on the right hand side of (4.5) and (4.6) can be calculated. Thus the values of
Pr( T Ei ) , Pr( T E i ) can be obtained.
State probabilities
There are six essential steps in evaluating the probability of each state, Pr(C j ) . We provide a
simple description for each step in what follows.
Step 1: Describe the system
There are two sub-steps. The first is to develop a logic block diagram of the understudy SPS.
The second is to identify the event to input mapping table, in which we list all possible system
input events together with the binary signal input to the SPS. In addition, we classify inputs as
active or inactive. An active event is one that should cause SPS activation; an inactive event
is one that should not.
Step 2: Identify the failure modes
We define that a component fails when the component cannot perform its predefined
functions. In this step, we use a procedure that is similar to a failure mode and effect analysis
(FMEA). We assume that there are two failure modes for each logic gate: output stuck on 1
(mode 1) or output stuck on 0 (mode 2). We do not consider the possibility of having a failure
mode such that the output is always the complement of that which it is supposed to be.
Step 3: Define the system states
System states are represented by the combinations of states of all system components. Given
that we have defined the modes, e.g.,
0--normal mode
1--failure mode 1
2--failure mode 2
Then we can define the state space of the system as the set of components where each
component may be in any of its modes. At this step, it may be possible to merge some states
based on physical observation of the system.
Step 4: Classify the states
A transition state is a state that has non-zero entry transition probability from other
state(s) and non zero exit transition probability to other state(s).
Merge absorbing state belonging to the same category. Entry transition probabilities are
For each absorbing state, eliminate all preceding states that are in the same class Ci as
the absorbing state have only one exit transition probability. Add the entry probabilities
as the entry probabilities to the absorbing states.
Merge all transition states in the same class Cj that have identical transition
probabilities to common states. Entry probabilities are added. Exit probabilities remain
the same.
We assume that the failure of the SPS components has approximately an exponential
distribution. Therefore the pdf of component failure is f (t ) e t , where is the failure rate
per unit time interval. Then the probability that the component fails before time t is
F (t ) e t dt 1 e t
F (t ) t
With this model, we can write a n+1 by n+1 transition matrix B, where Bpq (p=0, 1, , n,
q=0, 1, n) indicates the probability that the system transfers from state Sp to Sq, and n=the
number of states.
Assume the probability list at initial time t=t0 is
Pr (0) (Pr( S 0 ' (t 0 )) Pr( S k ' (t 0 )) Pr( S n ' (t 0 ))) ,
Pr(C1 )
Pr(C 2 )
Pr(C3 )
Pr(C 4 )
Pr( S k ' )
Pr( S k ' )
Pr( S k ' )
Pr( S k ' )
S k ' C1
S k ' C2
S k ' C3
S k ' C4
This concludes the description of the procedure used to obtain Pr(Cj). Once obtained, these
values are used in (4.5) and (4.6) to compute Pr( Ei T ) and Pr( E i T ) , respectively.
In this section, we will use Markov model to assess SPS reliability and operation risk. We
take generator rejection scheme as example to illustrate the approach. Generator rejection
scheme is one of the widely used special protection scheme by the industry. According to a
survey by industries it the most widely used special protection scheme employed by utilities
accounting for about 21.6% of all the special protection schemes used. Therefore proper
reliability evaluation of the generation rejection scheme is very important in reliability evaluation
of special protection schemes. The generator rejection scheme is designed to improve the
transient stability performance of a power system. Figure 24 shows a portion of the IEEE
Reliability Test System together with an illustration of the GRS logic. Line 12--13 and line 13-23 are critical lines. The way the generation rejection scheme works is that When the GRS
detects a line outage on either of these two lines, it trips promptly only one generator to keep the
other two generators in service. The way the GRS logic works is that when there is a fault on a
critical line, the breakers on this line open; an open signal (high level signal) from any breaker
energizes the output of the OR gate. The high level signal from the OR gate output, together with
the high level arming signal, sets the AND gate output in high level, which is input to the 2 out
of 3 voting scheme. When two or more of the voting scheme input signals are high, the voting
scheme output signal is high; otherwise, it is low. The high level signal from the voting scheme
will trip the selected generator [105].
Bus 23
Bus 12
Figure 24: Logic circuit for a GRS
Markov modeling is one of the methods used to compute the reliability of safety
instrumented systems (SIS). Markov models can be used to compute probability of failure on
demand of an SIS and a detailed example is shown in [110]. In this section, this method has been
applied for a generation rejection scheme.
0.02 (once in 50 years)
T P21 DU P01 0
P01 P11 P21 1
In (4.16), adding last equation to first equation we get,
P21 0.01
0 1.3630 105
4.9750 104
As we can see, the probability of the most severe state 21, P21 is low .To reduce the
probability of the state 21, the redundancy of the OR gate can be employed.
4. Markov Model For Failure mode 2
In the Markov model shown in Figure 26, four states are identified:
02: All AND gates are working normally)
12: One AND gate has failed and failure is detected
22: One AND gate has failed but the failure is not detected
32: Sub -system is in the fail state and the condition is detected (2 AND gates has failed)
42: Sub -system is in the fail state and the condition is not detected (2 AND gates has
where, the state 42 is most severe.
In the set of equations of (4.19), adding 4th equation to 1st equation, we get
1461 3
P02 0.91
P 0.06 1460.06
P22 0.03
P42 0
1 0.9856
0 4.0503 105
0 1.4353 102
0 1.9773 10
0 1.9165 104
As we can see, the probability of the most severe state 42, P42 is low because the 2oo3 logic
improves the reliability by redundancy design. This result verified that redundancy is an effective
way to improve the reliability.
5. Combination of the failure modes
With the increase of number of components, the states increase exponentially that renders
system reliability assessment by Markov modeling time consuming. To simplify the
computation, the failure modes are combined. In the failure mode 1, we have 3 states and in the
failure mode 2, we have 5 states. Altogether we have 15 states as outlined below, with their
probabilities given in Table 10.
0102: All gates are working normally
0112: OR gates are working and 1 AND gate has failed and is detected (fail safe)
0122: OR gate is working and 1 AND gate has failed and is undetected (fail safe undetected)
0132: OR gates are working and 2 AND gates have failed and the condition is detected
(system fail detected)
0142: OR gate is working and 2 AND gates have failed and the condition is undetected
(system fail detected)
1102: OR gate has failed and failure is detected, and all AND gates are working (system fail
1112: OR gate has failed and failure is detected, and 1 AND gate has failed and is detected
(system fail detected)
1122: OR gates have failed and failure is detected, and 1 AND gate has failed and is
undetected (system fail detected)
1132: OR gates have failed and failure is detected, and 2 AND gates have failed and is
detected (system fail detected)
1142: OR gates have failed and failure is detected, and 2 AND gates have failed and is
detected (system fail detected)
2102: OR gate has failed and failure is undetected, and all AND gates are working (system
fail undetected)
2112: OR gate has failed and failure is undetected, and 1 AND gate has failed and is detected
(system fail undetected)
2122: OR gate has failed and failure is undetected, and 1 AND gate has failed and is
undetected (system fail undetected)
2132: OR gate has failed and failure is undetected, and 2 AND gates have failed and is
detected (system fail undetected)
2142: OR gate has failed and failure is undetected, and 2 AND gates have failed and is
detected (system fail undetected)
After the model is simplified by combining the states, the probabilities of each state are
shown in the Table 11.
Table 11: Probability of each state of simplified model
All gates are working
Fail safe
Fail safe undetected
Fail detected
Fail undetected
According to the simplified Table 11, we are going to assume that P (fail undetected) is the
probability when the system is unsecure. From the previous results, we can see that the 2oo3
component increases the system reliability of the GRS, and the GRS itself has a high reliability
as all the gates are working normally during 98.05% of the time.
Next section presents some future developments in SPS, especially about the process and the
architecture getting strengthened by the use of Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU). This in turn
promises increase in process view SPS reliability.
As the era of the so-called "Smart Grid" emerges, the instrumentation, monitoring, control,
and protection systems in power industry are facing potentially significant changes due to the
penetration of information-age technologies. These technologies include but are not limited to
digital signal processing and digital communication, etc. With the development of powerful
microprocessors, the trend has been for digital systems to replace the analog ones and the
The all-digital SPS can have a variety of complex structures in the future. However, some
architecture of all-digital protection systems has already been proposed [119]. Based on the idea
of these configurations, we propose conceptual all-digital SPS architecture possible in the future
as shown in Figure 27.
In this architecture, the SPS consists of two redundant functional sets which are independent
of each other. Each set comprises a digital logic solver (LS), an Ethernet switch (SW), Ethernet
communication media (EM), merging units (MU), and phasor measurement units (PMU).
Specifically, components LS1, EM3, SW1, EM1, MU1, and PMU1 constitute one set of SPS
while components LS2, EM4, SW2, EM2, MU2, and PMU2 make up the other set. In addition,
the PMU of the two sets, i.e. PMU1 and PMU2 are shared with each other and can act as mutual
backup. For simplicity, we assume that one PMU/MU alone can perform the full function needed
for one set of SPS, instead of several units actually needed for processing different signals,
respectively. We also assume that the Ethernet interface is part of the host device (i.e. LS, SW,
MU, etc.) and its reliability is already included in the host device.
The main functional parts of SPS can be designed to be allocated in physically isolated
places against mutual interference and fire spreading. Also, every set of SPS can be designed to
be supplied by multiple power sources simultaneously, including AC, batteries, and UPS. Hence,
we assume its power supplies to be extremely reliable against common cause failure of
components due to power supply failures. Therefore, we assume for simplicity that components
of the all-digital SPS are independent of each other. In addition, the component state durations
are assumed to be exponentially distributed.
As we know, if there is any fault with the component recognized by either self-test routine or
manual test procedure, utilities would either fix or replace the problematic component so as to
keep the whole protection and control system up. Thus, we will analyze the proposed SPS
scheme with a repairable model. Since the estimated repair time for any failed equipment is
usually prescribed in power industry and the maintenance staff always conforms to this
guideline, we can assume constant repair rates for our repairable model.
Although we only illustrate the reliability analysis of the SPS scheme in Figure 27, we
emphasize the methodology to obtain important reliability indices such as state probability of
system failures, frequency of system failures, the mean time to failure (MTTF) and the mean
time to first failure (MTTFF). Therefore, similar analysis can be conducted for other possible
SPS configurations.
According to the relationship of the functional components, the reliability block diagram of
the SPS architecture in Figure 27 can be drawn as shown in Figure 28. In general, it is not easy to
obtain the reliability indices directly for such a complex system. However, we can use the
network reduction method to analyze the system.
As we can see in Figure 28, components MU1, EM1, SW1, EM3, and LS1 comprise the
subsystem S1 of a series structure. If we regard S1 as a composite component using the concept
of equivalent transition rates [120], this composite component will have the same values of
failure and repair rates, state probabilities of success and failure, and frequencies to success and
failure with the original subsystem, respectively. Similarly, we can use another composite
component to represent the series subsystem S2 formed by components MU2, EM2, SW2, EM4,
and LS2. Then the reliability block diagram is reduced to a simpler one as shown in Figure 29.
Here we represent the failure and repair rates of a general component i by i and i ,
respectively. In addition, we use pi ,s , pi , f and f i ,s , f i , f for component i to represent the state
probabilities of its success and failure, and the frequencies to its state of success and failure,
respectively. Then the equivalent reliability parameters for subsystems S1 and S2 can be
calculated as following.
The state probabilities of success are
p S 1,s p MU 1,s p EM 1,s pSW 1,s p EM 3,s p LS 1,s
iS 1
i i
S1 {MU 1, EM 1, SW 1, EM 3, LS1}
i i
S 2 {MU 2, EM 2, SW 2, EM 4, LS 2}
p S 2 , f 1 p S 2 ,s 1
iS 2
S1 {MU 1, EM 1, SW 1, EM 3, LS1}
S 2 {MU 2, EM 2, SW 2, EM 4, LS 2}
i i
i i
S1 {MU 1, EM 1, SW 1, EM 3, LS1}
S 2 {MU 2, EM 2, SW 2, EM 4, LS 2}
iS 1
S 2
iS 2
i ,
f S 1,s f S 1, f pS 1,s S 1
i iS 1
iS 1 i
i ,
f S 2,s f S 2, f pS 2,s S 2
iS 2 i i iS 2
S1 {MU 1, EM 1, SW 1, EM 3, LS1}
S 2 {MU 2, EM 2, SW 2, EM 4, LS 2}
f S 1,s
pS 1, f iS 1 i i iS 1
iS 1 i i
S1 {MU 1, EM 1, SW 1, EM 3, LS1}
S 2
f S 2 ,s
pS 2, f iS 2 i i iS 2
, S 2 {MU 2, EM 2, SW 2, EM 4, LS 2} (4.31)
iS 2 i i
p S , f pS 1, f pS 2, f
i i
i i
P {PMU 1, PMU 2}
S {S1, S 2}
p S ,s 1 p S , f 1
P {PMU 1, PMU 2}
S 2 {S1, S 2}
i i
i i
P {PMU 1, PMU 2}
S i ,
S {S1, S 2}
i ,
f P , f f P ,s p P , f P
iP i i iP
P {PMU 1, PMU 2}
i ,
f S , f f S ,s p S , f S
iS i i iS
S {S1, S 2}
iP i i iP
iP i i
i iS
iS i
, S {S1, S 2}
iS i i
f P, f
p P ,s
fS, f
p S ,s
P {PMU 1, PMU 2}
f SPS , f
pSPS , f
f SPS , f
The mean time to failure (MTTF), i.e. the mean up time (MUT) of SPS is
The mean time to first failure (MTTFF) is also an important reliability index. It represents the
mean value of time from the moment the system starts operating until it fails for the first time.
MTTFF is actually the concept of the first passage time applied to the reliability engineering
field. However, it cannot be obtained from the previous network reduction method. In fact, the
calculation of MTTFF is more complex than that of MTTF. Based on the model of continuous
parameter Markov chains, we can derive the ultimate formula for calculating MTTFF using the
transition rate matrix of the system as follows [121].
MTTFF p (0)( R11 ) 1U k
Here, R11 is the sub-matrix of the full system transition rate matrix R 11
R21 R22
represents the set of transition rates from system success to system success. p (0) is the
probability row vector of system success states for the initial state (all components up), while U k
is the unit column vector of dimension k which is equal to the number of states of system
In practice it is not simple to utilize this formula for computing the MTTFF of the SPS. We
do not know how many success states this SPS would have just by looking at the system
structure. We only know that the total number of states of this SPS is 212 4096 since the
system consists of 12 components. In addition, it seems that we also cannot give the details of
vectors p (0) and U k unless we know the number of states of system success, or the dimension
of the matrix R11 . But the details of R11 are even more difficult to know. So, we must use a
systematic strategy to obtain the MTTFF value of our SPS. The key issue is that we can get R11
after we obtain the full system transition rate matrix R which is 212 212 in its size. The strategy
to achieve this is illustrated in the following steps.
Step I: Initializing the state matrix
In order to analyze the system states, we initially form a state matrix which can represent the
status of the system and all of its components. In this state matrix, each row represents a distinct
state of the system and each column represents a component state. For a system consisting of n
components, the size of this state matrix would be 2 n n . For our SPS to be analyzed, this state
matrix size is 212 12 . Now every element of this matrix represents the status of a component in
a specific system state. If we use the values 0 and 1 indicating the success and failure states of a
component, respectively, the complete system states can be represented by this state matrix
consisting of exhaustive combinations of 0s and 1s. We can arrange an initial state matrix as
shown in Table 12.
Since we can draw the reliability block diagram as shown in Figure 28, it is natural to think
that we can use the minimal cut set method to distinguish system states of success and failure.
The method could be carried out in three steps: Firstly, we find all the minimal cut sets of the
system. Secondly, we use minimal cut sets to find all the system states of failure. Finally, the rest
of the states represent system success. However, this method is not smart and convenient for our
SPS architecture to be analyzed. For one reason, it is not easy to find out all the minimal cut sets
if the number of components of the system is relatively large. For another reason, there will be
some overlapping system states of failure based on different minimal cut sets. Unless we can
identify all the overlapping states, this method is likely to yield a wrong number of system states
of failure.
Here we propose a better way to distinguish states of success and failure for our SPS.
Although this method is also based on the concept of cut set, the main difference is that we do
not need to search all the minimal cut sets of the system. Since the reliability block diagram of
this SPS can be decomposed into combinations of simpler series and parallel structures, we can
get the logical chain of the system as shown in Figure 31.
(PMU1) fails
SPS fails OR
(S1) fails ( MU1) OR (EM1) OR (SW1) OR (EM3) OR (LS1) fails
system success and the value 1 of "SPS fails" as system failure. If we scan each row of the initial
state matrix already setup in Step I and do the Boolean calculation, all the system states can be
distinguished as success or failure without omission or overlapping.
For our SPS architecture to be analyzed, the number of states of system success and failure
are counted to be 189 and 3907, respectively. After all the system states are identified, we can
reorder the initial state matrix in a better form as shown in Table 13. All the system states of
success are moved to the first 189 rows of the state matrix and all the system states of failure are
gathered in the latter part of 3907 rows. This rearrangement will be better for use in the
following steps.
Table 13: The rearranged state matrix
Since we have identified all the states of system success and failure and rearranged the state
matrix, it is now possible to obtain the full system transition rate matrix R . However, the
diagonal and off-diagonal elements of the transition rate matrix R are very different. They
represent single-step transition rates from a given state to itself and to another state, respectively.
As a strategy, we need to get the off-diagonal elements of the transition rate matrix R first and
then obtain the diagonal elements from the off-diagonal ones.
It is recognized that there are two types of relationships between any two system states [122].
Suppose we choose two arbitrary system states i and j . If we need at least two components to
change their status for a transition between system states i and j , the interstate relationship is
not a single-step transition and thus the corresponding transition rates do not exist, i.e. the
elements (i, j ) and ( j, i ) of the matrix R are both zeroes. If, however, there is only one
component, say component k , that changes its status between system states i and j , then the
interstate relationship is indeed a single-step transition and the corresponding transition rates do
exist. Further in this case, if component k is working in system state i and fails in system state
j , then the transition rate from state i to j is the failure rate of component k , i.e. the element
(i, j ) of the matrix R is k . Accordingly, the transition rate from state j to i is the repair rate
of component k , i.e. the element ( j, i ) of the matrix R is k . After we scrutinize all the
interstate relationships of any two distinct system states, we can get all the off-diagonal elements
of the transition rate matrix R . Figure 32 is a brief flow chart of this algorithm.
rii rij 0
j i
wherein rii and rij represent diagonal and off-diagonal elements, respectively. The subscripts i
and j represent the row and column indices of the matrix R , respectively.
Therefore, the diagonal elements can be obtained by the formula as below.
rii rij
j i
Hence, the full system transition rate matrix R is known after we obtain all of its elements.
Step IV: Extracting the submatrix R11 from the full system transition rate matrix R
If we form the full system transition rate matrix R based on the rearranged state matrix as
shown in Table 13 of Step II, we can see that it is quite easy to obtain its submatrix R11 , i.e. the
set of transition rates between states of system success. Because all the system states of success
are located in the first 189 rows of the rearranged state matrix, R11 is just the upper left square
submatrix (size of 189 189 ) of the matrix R (size of 4096 4096 ) obtained in Step III. In a
word, we can extract R11 directly from R as shown in Figure 33.
state i
state j
R 22
R ( 4096 4096 )
Since the submatrix R11 is obtained, we can give the details of vectors p (0) and U k as
The probability row vector of system success states for the initial state (all components up) is
p (0) (1 0 0 0)
188 0 's
The unit column vector of dimension k which is equal to the number of states of system
success is
U k (1 1 1) T
189 1's
As the final step of the strategy, we are now able to compute the MTTFF of our SPS using
the following formula.
MTTFFSPS p (0)( R11 ) 1U k
In the previous chapter, SPS risk assessment from a process view was thoroughly
discussed. It basically involved studying the influence of each and every component in the SPS,
and ascertaining the risk associated with them using traditional methods such as fault-tree, failure
mode and effect analysis, Markov modeling etc. A particular SPS design may appear quite
reliable from the process view, i.e., from sensor to actuation. However, there remain questions
such as:
1. Are there system operating conditions (topology, loading, flows, dispatch, voltage
levels etc.) that may generate a failure mode for the SPS, e.g., an undesirable operation
or a failure to operate?
2. Are there two or more SPS that may interact to produce a failure mode?
Most companies answer these questions using engineering experience and judgment, coupled
with tedious trial and error testing involving manual computer simulations. However, it would be
beneficial to have a decision-support tool that has an automated simulation capability having
flexibility to vary the SPS logic, and having intelligence to vary operating conditions and events
over a wide range so that various SPS logic may be tested against various operating conditions
and events. Monte Carlo simulation techniques have been used prevalently in many fields over
the years to model and study complex factors influencing a phenomenon. So in this chapter the
focus is on developing a Monte Carlo simulation based procedure for systems view SPS risk
Section 5.1 presents a report of an interesting case study of a typical system view SPS failure
happening in NRDIC grid. Section 5.2 focuses on identifying ways that SPS can fail from a
systems view, and proposes methods to identify such failures. Section 5.3 briefly proposes a
Monte Carlo simulation based system view SPS risk assessment. Section 5.4 presents various
reliability models of power system, considering the impact of SPS on the network.
The following section presents a report on mis-operation of special protection schemes in the
Nordic grid on December 1st 2005 [ 123 ]. This case study demonstrates the possibility of
interactions between SPS leading to cascading effect on SPSs in the network, which is
In Norway two SPS have been implemented to deal with problems concerning high generation
in the northwest region. These SPS relieve the burden in important transmission corridors by
shedding generation, and thus maintain system integrity. The SPS are actuated by monitoring
critical bottleneck from the focus area with respect to a predefined limit. A brief description of
both the SPSs functionalities are given below:
SPS Nordland
The shaded area in Figure 34 shows the northern Scandinavia region, which is rich in
generation with a very low demand. It contains about 6000 MW hydroelectric power, which is
about 15% of the installed capacity in the Nordel grid. In the event of any critical transmission
corridor contingency (i.e., either 420 kV through Northern Sweden or 300 kV through Middle
Norway), the rest of the transmission lines must be protected against overload. So the SPS
Nordlands functionality is to:
(1) Generation Shedding: up to 1200 MW
(2) Net Split: if there is surplus generation in the northernmost part of Norway, it is
disconnected from the main Nordel grid.
The eastern part around Oslo, shown by the yellow-shaded region in Figure 34, is the main
load center in Norway. The SPS stland is actuated on outage or overload of central lines in
the Oslo area, thereby shedding up to 1200MW of generation on the west coast of Norway,
shown by ellipsis in Figure 34. So in cases where there are high power transfers from west to
east, i.e., either into the Oslo area or from Norway to Sweden, this SPS will protect the
remaining lines in the Oslo area from overloading.
Event report
This section provides the description of events related to SPS mis-operation, their sequence
and the consequences. At 3:02 pm (CET) on December 1st 2005, the breaker failure protection
disconnected a 420kV busbar at Porjus power plant, due to an occurrence of fault on the 420kV
breaker at the power plant. Consequently, important transmission corridors out of northern
Scandinavia got overloaded, which as per design should have triggered the SPS at Nordland
instantaneously. But this SPS operation failed, leading to Nordel grid going out of limits and
ensuing a series of cascading events. The operation of the grid outside design limits led to
undesirable triggering of the second SPS at stland, which was supposed to trip about 1150 MW
of generation from the Nordic grid. Fortunately this SPS also failed, and an imminent system
breakdown was evaded. Table 14 summarizes the sequence of events, following the first SPS
mis-operation at Nordland.
Table 14: Nordic SPS event description
Breaker fault while switching out 420kV reactor at Porjus
Fault cleared by tripping a line out of Northern Scandinavia
designed but failed to instantaneously trip 1030 MW
1700 MW of surplus generation went south and caused
overloads, which finally lead to tripping of a 220kV line in
Nordland activated Grid split and tripped about 487 MW
generationinboththesplitislands(Middle&NorthNorway) Undesirable
Nordland Generator tripping function of step 2 above finally Yes,delayed
worked, tripping 300 MW generation in North Norway that
Nordel grid leading to west coast generation pickup, causing
24mins NorthNorwaywasjoinedbacktomainNordelgrid
From Table 14, event 2 (Nordland SPS mis-operation) has been the initiating SPS failure
which has caused the rest of the consequences in a cascading manner, starting with the event 4
when Nordland implemented the Grid split due to surplus generation. The reason for Nordland
mis-operation was found to be due to changes made in SCADA and communication systems that
slowed the response time of the SPS Nordland. Thereby, event 5 in Table 14 is the delayed
response of Nordland SPS, which is unnecessary at that instant. All these created a scenario that
demanded SPS stlands triggering as intended by design (event 7), though under current
stressed circumstances its successful activation would have worsened the situation. This is a
typical example of potential failures in power system due to interactions between SPS. So had
the event 8 in Table 14, i.e., SPS stland tripping 1150 MW generation, taken place, there might
have been one of the two post-event consequences:
SPS operations can be classified into desirable, undesirable or failure to operate as explained
in section 4.1. The systems view failure mode identification method will focus on identifying
the possibility of SPS undesirable operations and failure to operate happening due to fault in
logic design (i.e., intended failures). The study also focuses on identifying scenarios that may
induce interactions among SPS, giving rise to undesirable cascading SPS operations even if they
were originally intended according to logic design. This type of failures due to interaction could
be a valid case for concern especially in todays SPS-rich power networks, where SPS are touted
as effective and economic means of strengthening transmission networks, increasing power
transfer capability and deferring investment decisions. Some examples of such undesirable
interactions could be:
Operation of two separate SPS under rare events such as loss of two elements that initiate
those two SPS, or
A failure of one SPS leading to intended but undesirable triggering of another SPS, as
was the case with Nordic grid event.
In the following sub-sections, we shed some light on current industrial practices in designing
operational logic for SPS, and we propose ways of identifying system view failure modes due
to limitations in SPS logic design.
The operating rules for SPS and other similar protection systems are conventionally derived
based on deterministic techniques that consider only the worst-case scenario, combined with
experts judgment. But due to the probabilistic nature of power system that comprise a wide
range of network topologies, operating conditions and possible events; such deterministic
techniques do not give forth optimal level of settings for generator rejection schemes or remote
load shedding schemes or any other SPS [102]. Many recent studies have utilized a risk-based
analysis to ensure reasonable coverage of operational scenarios and events, and design robust
rules for SPS operations. Van Cutsem et. al. [124] use such simulation methods to build a set of
training scenarios to find the minimal load shedding settings for the protection device. They find
the optimal triggering rule for the load shedding controllers using combinatorial optimization, in
terms of average voltage over several buses in a study area and reactive reserve of critical
generators. This kind of load shedding scheme has been programmed in French transmission
operator RTEs ASSESS software [125], which is being used by them for their planning studies.
The works in [126] and [127] perform many contingency simulations under various operating
conditions to design generation trip and load shedding defense plans against transient, small
signal and voltage stability problems in longitudinal Taiwan power system. Here the monitoring
locations for SPS arming is decided based on operational experience and the thresholds are found
out from simulation studies. The work in [128] performs simulation of several outage scenarios
such as critical generators and tie lines, for different values of anticipated system overloads and
study the loci of frequency-frequency rate plot to decide on the settings of under frequency load
shedding SPS for preserving the integrity of the system in the event of islanding. Inspite of so
many systematic methods to design SPS logic, it is still a challenging task to come up with
appropriate settings under wide range of system events and achieve coordination between other
SPS in the system.
BC Hydro [33] designed and implemented a centralized automatic RAS arming scheme that
ensures systems integrity under critical events based on the measurements from EMS. This
provides opportunity to achieve coordination among various RAS actions. The pre-outage
security limits and operating rules for the various RAS schemes such as generator rejection are
derived from Monte Carlo simulation based operational planning studies performed offline. Any
system growth, topological/network change, generator change or any major equipment change
triggers RAS logic redesign process.
The process of deriving operating rules has been made more effective with the introduction
of data mining techniques such as decision trees, association rule mining etc. They seem to
provide good information about most critical system attributes, which are otherwise not possible
from conventional analytical techniques or manual interpretation by experts. Further due to such
automatic learning techniques ability to process huge database and extract knowledge easily,
database of larger sizes with diverse set of situations and events can be used to identify the most
relevant attribute and their appropriate settings for SPS [102, 103,]. Hsiao et. al. [129] proposed a
risk based contingency selection method for SPS applications. Here the risk of a contingency is
computed as the product of its probability and severity under various loading conditions and
inter-zone transfers, where severity is quantified in terms of amount of load shedding and
generation tripping.
Inspite of all these efforts, system view type of failures may still occur due to inherent
limitations in logic design procedures or incomplete/inappropriate study procedures such as
limited types of faults considered in design phase etc. This is because it is practically impossible
to capture all the influencing factors and interesting events, and come up with efficient operating
rules for SPS logic that can accurately detect and operate under various operating conditions.
Generally operating rule can be validated against an independent test database containing
post-contingency simulation results and SPS arming status for a wide range of operating
conditions and events. The testing results of the operating rule against the test database can be
expressed in the form of a confusion matrix, as shown in Figure 35.
Not armed
Not armed
Actual status
The typical failure modes due to undesirable operation and failure to operate of a single SPS
is referred here as regular failure modes. Figure 36 depicts the risk based simulation
methodology to identify such failures using a comparative study between two sets of simulation,
one with SPS and another without the particular SPS. This can be done for every single SPS in
the system to detect its regular failure modes.
Choose contingency
Model SPS and other
important devices in
power system
Testing database
Comparative study
Furthermore, the proposed sampling strategy based on importance sampling also reduces
the computational burden in validating SPS logic by focusing only on important
situations. Some conditions from the far tail of the parameter distribution (lower
probability) may also be sampled, as the likelihood of SPS mis-operation and their
consequences are high for these situations.
This proposed efficient sampling procedure can be realized starting with identifying
the key operating parameters that would have influence on the operation of the particular
SPS under consideration. The stability boundary region is then found in that parameter
state space, and finally important operating conditions from that region are sampled
according to their relative likelihood. Depending upon the nature of the operating
parameter probability distribution, i.e., if parametric, correlated etc., suitable parametric
[130] or non-parametric methods (Copulas [131], Latin Hypercube Sampling [132]) are
used to generate realistic operating conditions.
(2) Simulation and Comparative study: Then two sets of transient contingency simulation
are performed on these sampled scenarios, one with the SPS functionality modeled and
other without SPS. Then comparative studies are done to see the effectiveness of the SPS
and obtain factual information on the kind of regular failures happening, i.e., the false
positives and false negatives.
The software available for such simulations at Iowa state university are Siemens PTI
PSS/E and Eurostag embedded to ASSESS. PSS/E has the capability to model SPS
using the tripping functionality in multiple-contingency analysis module. Generation trip,
load shedding, branch tripping based on bus voltage, line loading and generator output
are some variety of special protections that can be designed in PSS/E. The risk based
analysis in PSS/E has to be automated using scripting language such as Python or IPLAN
or using batch files. Eurostag can also be used to model SPS such as UVLS, UFLS,
overload branch tripping and other such automata. The advantage in working with
Eurostag is the ability to interface Eurostag with ASSESS software, which facilitates
automation of such risk based statistical simulation studies and post-processing of the
simulation results. Interaction based SPS failure mode identification
The failures resulting from interaction can also be detected using comparative study by
modeling all the system SPSs in the simulation, as depicted by Figure 37. The generation of
operating conditions is similar to what was explained before, i.e., sample from the stability
boundary region of a contingency for which the particular SPS is installed. Since the interest is
for capturing interactions, we could sample operating conditions from the union of pairwise
intersections of stability boundary regions of all the SPS in the study. To reduce the complexity
of the study (i.e., the number of combinations of possible SPS interactions), firstly the SPS can
be grouped. The grouping of SPS may be done with respect to some of the following criteria:
1. Contingency locations corresponding to various SPS,
2. SPS locations,
3. Intersection among SPS solution strategies (ex. common generators tripped?)
4. Intersection among stability boundaries
Study for
Contingency A
Contingency B
1. Failuretoop.
2. Undesirable
Study for
Parameter 1
Parameter 2
Parameter 2
Contingency A
Contingency B
Parameter 1
Parameter 1
Study for
Figure 37: Process view SPS reliability assessment operating conditions sampling
Figure 37 shows that in the case of identifying regular failure modes related to SPS A
operation, the operating conditions sampling process is biased towards the stability boundary
region of contingency A when both SPS are in OFF state. Similarly, in the case of identifying
regular failure modes related to SPS B operation, the sampling process is biased towards the
stability boundary region of contingency B with both SPS in OFF state. When it comes to
identifying interactions between SPS A and SPS B, two sets of operating conditions are sampled.
One set is to test the SPS B operation on operating conditions that are biased towards the
stability boundary region of contingency B, where the state space is made of post-contingency A
operating conditions subject to SPS A operation. The other set is to test the SPS A operation on
operating conditions that are biased towards the stability boundary region of contingency A,
where the state space is made of post-contingency B operating conditions subject to SPS B
operation. Then the two sets of simulation results are analyzed to identify any failure or
undesirable scenarios due to interactions among the two SPS. This can be extended to identifying
interactions among several SPSs. While this will surely require extra computational requirements,
the process of efficient sampling that biases the sampling procedure only to the important
conditions will reduce the burden of computation. Furthermore, linear sensitivity measures may
be used to further decrease the computational requirements to a greater degree.
The effects of various system view failures (identified in previous section) on the system
reliability can be estimated using a risk index, which is the product of probability of the failure
and its severity. The severity value of a particular failure mode in terms of performance measure
is computed from Monte Carlo simulation study (similar to failure identification study) as shown
in Figure 38. Various initiating SPS failures are embed in the simulation, and the system-level
SPS failures and their severities are computed. The severities can be quantified in terms of
reliability indices such as expected cost of electricity (EC), tripped generator cost (TGC),
expected energy not served (EENS) due to SPS forced curtailments and so on.
It is obvious that SPS operation would have an impact on the power system reliability as SPS
can operate inadvertently or simply fail to operate when needed. However, it is not simple to
evaluate the power system reliability including the impact of SPS operation. One reason is that
there are various types of SPS such as generation rejection, load rejection, system separation, etc.
and these different SPS have varying design and operational action. Another reason is that SPS
failures can cause such complicated interactions between current-carrying components that both
component and system states experience intricate changes.
Thus, we first need to unify the effects of different SPS operations in order to make
reliability analysis of power systems feasible. In steady state point of view, effects of all SPS
operations can be classified ultimately into two categories: 1) tripping current-carrying
components; 2) changing bus power injection where load is regarded as a negative injection. If
we further divide the power injection at each bus into two parts, unchanging part and changing
part due to SPS operation, we can think of these two parts as two imaginary generators
connected to the bus independently. Therefore, all SPS operations can be uniformly represented
by the tripping effect for steady state reliability analysis.
All SPS operations including SPS failures along with their ultimate tripping effects can be
summarized into three cases as following. Firstly, for a desirable SPS operation, some
components of the power system trip as designed. These components are called intended
components hereafter. Secondly, for an undesirable SPS operation, i.e. the SPS operating
inadvertently, the intended components are also tripped down but undesirably. Thirdly, for the
case if the SPS fails to operate, the intended components do not trip initially. However, the
failure of SPS operation can only result in more severe and wider impacts on the power system
than if SPS operates as designed. As the ultimate tripping effect after possible transient stability
process, we can assume that more components of the power system including intended
components will trip eventually.
Suppose component i is an intended component of a SPS design. We realize that even if not
involved in the SPS design, component i can trip due to possible faults on it. Considering repair
of the component, we use a two-state Markov model to represent this effect as shown in Figure
39. The up and down states of the component are illustrated by i and i , respectively. The
parameters i and i in the figure are failure and repair rates of the component, respectively.
Figure 41: Modeling component i with desirable and undesirable SPS operation
As for the case when the SPS fails to operate, we have assumed that component i will be
ultimately tripped from the steady state viewpoint. Here we use i to represent this down state of
component i. However, because the power system has suffered more severe impacts and more
components have been tripped, we consider the system restoration in two steps. In the first step,
the extra components tripped due to SPS failing to operate other than intended components are
switched back to their up states. The second step is the same as if SPS did operate as designed,
i.e. the power system returns to a normal operation condition and intended components are
restored to their up states again.
Now the operation effect of SPS failing to operate can be illustrated by the Markov process
loop connecting states i, i , and i as shown in Figure 42. In this figure, the parameter i is the
failure rate of component i towards its eventual down state i caused by SPS failing to operate.
The parameter ~ is the switching rate of the first restorative step after the ultimate tripping
effect of SPS failing to operate. The parameter i is the switching rate of the second restorative
step, which is the same as the repair rate of component i for its desirable SPS operation as
defined in Figure 40 and Figure 41. In fact, Figure 42 is based on and further developed from
Figure 41.
Pi i Pi ~i Pi i
~ ~
Pi i Pi ~i
Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi 1
For state i , we have
We also have
Using any four of the five equations (5.1)-(5.5) together with equation (5.6), we can solve
and obtain the state probabilities as below.
Pi 1 K i
Pi i ( K i i )
Pi (i i ) ( K i i )
Pi i ( K i i)
~ ~
Pi i ( K i ~i )
i i i
Ki 1 i i
i i
(5.12) Modeling extra components tripped due to SPS failing to operate other than
intended components
In the case of SPS failing to operate, the power system suffers more severe impacts and
some components other than intended components will be ultimately tripped from the steady
state viewpoint. Here we suppose component j represents the extra component. Since we have
assumed the system restoration in two steps, component j is switched back directly to its up
state in the first step. Thus, the process can be represented by a two-state Markov model, which
is illustrated in Figure 43.
Figure 43 shows the overall reliability situation for the extra component j including SPS
operation effects. Component j has three states: the up state j , the down state j due to faults
on component j , and the down states j due to SPS failing to operate, respectively. In this
figure, the parameter j is the failure rate of component j towards its eventual down state j
caused by SPS failing to operate. The parameter ~ is the switching rate of the first restorative
step after the ultimate tripping effect of SPS failing to operate. The parameters j and j in the
figure are failure and repair rates of the component due to faults on itself, respectively.
~ j
Figure 43: Modeling component j with SPS operation effects
If we use Pj , Pj , and Pj to represent the probabilities of states j , j and j , respectively, it is
also easy to calculate these probabilities using the frequency balance approach. The results are
obtained as follows.
Pj 1 K j
Pj j ( K j j )
~ ~
Pj j ( K j ~ j )
K j 1 j ~j
j j
All other components not analyzed above are those not involved in SPS operation. Suppose
component k is such a component. It is obvious that component k is only influenced by its own
faults. Thus, we can model it the same way as if SPS does not exist, which is shown in Figure 44.
In Figure 44, the up and down states of component k are illustrated by k and k ,
respectively. The parameters k and k in the figure are failure and repair rates of the
component, respectively.
After we have incorporated SPS operation effects into the component modeling, it becomes
feasible to analyze reliability at the power system level including SPS operation. However, the
interactions between current-carrying components caused by SPS operations may raise the
complexity and discourage modeling at the system level. Hence, we need to decouple these
component interactions first. We still use i , j , and k to represent the intended components, the
extra components, and the components not involved in SPS operation, respectively. Decoupling component interactions by SPS operation
We assume that the faults on a component are independent of those on other components.
Thus, the failure mode of a component due to faults on itself has influence only on it without
interaction with other components. It is also obvious that in case of desirable SPS operation or
undesirable SPS operation, only intended components are tripped without interaction with other
components. Hence, the component interactions exist only in the case of SPS failing to operate
when called upon.
We have analyzed and modeled the extra components tripped due to SPS failing to operate
other than intended components in the previous section. However, this tripping effect is actually
not independent. It is always accompanied by the ultimate tripping effect of the intended
components from the steady state viewpoint. Considering these two types of components
together, we can see that their ultimate tripping effect is actually a kind of common cause failure.
For clear illustration, we extract out the related parts in Figure 42 of component i and in Figure
43 of component j, and then put them together with little modification as shown in Figure 45.
The common cause failure process can be explained as following.
i j
~i ~ j
SPS failing to operate as mentioned previously. Component i transfers from state i to another
down state i with the switching rate ~i , while component j returns from state j to its up state
j with the repair rate ~ j , which is the same as ~i due to the switching operation. The third and
last transition of the process is actually the second restorative step after SPS failing to operate.
Component i transfers from state i to its up state i with the switching rate i , which is the
same as the repair rate of component i for its desirable SPS operation. Therefore, if we are only
concerned with transitions between up and down states of component j , this kind of common
cause failure makes the extra component j experience a two-state process with its transition
rates derived directly from the intended component i . Impact of SPS operation on modeling non-contingency system states
SPS operations do have influence on modeling system states. However, for system states in
which the intended components are already down due to their own faults, SPS cannot be put into
operation. Hence, there will be no change for modeling these states as if without SPS. The
system state (i j k ) in Figure 46 is such a case, which represents the intended
component i already being down due to faults on itself, the extra component j being up, and
component k not involved in SPS operation also being up.
i j k
i j k
i j k
Figure 46: Impact of SPS operation on modeling non-contingency system states
If the intended components are in their up states, SPS can be alarmed and put into operation.
Nevertheless, the impact of SPS operation on modeling system states is still dependent upon
whether the states are in contingency or not.
For non-contingency system states, SPS is not designed to operate. The case of desirable SPS
operation will not occur and so does the case of SPS failing to operate. But SPS could operate
mistakenly, i.e. undesirable SPS operation could exist. Figure 46 is the illustration of the impact
of SPS operation on modeling non-contingency system states. In this figure, the system state
(i j k ) is such a non-contingency state that components i , j , and k are all in up states.
We already know that undesirable SPS operations only influence intended components without
interaction with other components. Thus, a new system state (i j k ) with connection to
this non-contingency state is added, in which i represents the intended component i being
tripped down due to undesirable SPS operation.
For contingency system states, SPS is designed to operate. Hence, inadvertent SPS operation,
i.e. undesirable SPS operation will not occur. So, there are two types of SPS operation effects
relating to this situation, i.e. desirable SPS operation and the case of SPS failing to operate.
Figure 47 is the illustration of the impact of SPS operation on modeling contingency system
states. In this figure, the system state (i j k ) is a contingency state with components i
and j being up but component k being down.
i j k
i j k
i j k
i j k
~ ~
i j k
For the case of SPS failing to operate, we previously analyzed the existing common cause
failures and decoupled the interactions between current-carrying components. Based on the
information, we know that the system will transfer from the contingency state (i j k ) to
~ ~
a new state ( i j k ) representing the ultimate tripping effect of SPS failing to operate
from the steady state viewpoint as shown in Figure 47. Then as the first restorative step, the
system will transfer to the state (i j k ) representing the desirable SPS operation. The
second restorative step is all the same as the restorative process of the desirable SPS operation,
i.e. the system is restored to the non-contingency state (i j k ) . The four system states
~ ~
(i j k ) , ( i j k ) , (i j k ) , and (i j k ) also form a Markov
loop as shown in Figure 47.
We have assumed the failure mode of a component due to faults on itself is independent.
Therefore, the reliability modeling of power systems without SPS operation is a one-layer
Markov chain as illustrated in Figure 48. In this figure, each block represents a system state and
all system states are independent of each other. In addition, all transitions between any two states
are single-step transitions.
i j k
i j k
i j k
For a non-contingency system state with the intended components up, the tripping effect of
undesirable SPS operation exists. Thus, there will be a dangling second-layer state attached to
this system state, e.g. (i j k ) .
i j k
i j k
i j k
Figure 49: Reliability modeling of power systems with impact of SPS operation
For a contingency system state with the intended components up, there exist two types of
SPS operation effects, i.e. desirable SPS operation and that of SPS failing to operate. Therefore,
there will be a group of two second-layer states attached to this system state, e.g. (i j k ) .
In addition, this second-layer group also attaches to a non-contingency system state, e.g.
(i j k ) , which is in the nearest connection with but has more components being up than
the original contingency state, i.e. (i j k ) .
The methodology of power system reliability modeling with impact of SPS operation can be
summarized as following.
1) Set up the primary layer Markov chain.
2) Classify system states of the primary layer.
3) Attach the second-layer states to non-contingency states of the primary layer.
4) Attach the second-layer states to contingency states of the primary layer.
5) Use analytical method or Monte Carlo Simulation for reliability calculation.
This chapter considers SPS within the context of long-term planning. With the background of
fast growing wind energy in power system, SPS applications motivated by wind energy becomes
increasingly interesting in long-term planning. This topic is discussed in section 6.1.
High penetration of SPS increases the complexity of system planning and operation. The
complexity increases the possibility of undesirable and unintended interactions among SPS,
potentially degrading to system reliability. In this chapter, section 6.2 conceptually discusses the
increase in operational complexity with higher levels of SPS penetration.
It is typical that reliability problems encountered within planning studies may be corrected
either by building new transmission or by installing an SPS. SPS are almost always much less
expensive ways to correct reliability problems, since they generally require only relays,
communication equipment, computing and associated actuation logic, and tripping devices.
Section 6.3 presents a framework to address the problem of SPS-aided transmission expansion
planning in power system, and section 6.4 discusses the results.
The electric system planning process is the systematic assembly and analysis of information
about electric energy supply, transport, and demand, and the presentation of this information to
decision-makers who must choose an appropriate course of action. The composite power system
expansion planning usually is developed by reliability justification or economic justification.
Traditional system expansion planning is reliability based.
Reliability evaluation has been segregated into hierarchical levels HL-I (generation only),
HL-II (generation and transmission), and HL-III (generation, transmission, and distribution),
where the last is normally addressed by assuming the generation and transmission sides are
perfectly reliable. The generation and transmission adequacy of composite system at hierarchical
level HL-II is generally evaluated with the loss of load probability (LOLP) and the loss of load
expectation (LOLE) [133].
In generation and transmission adequacy assessment, power system uncertainties, including
load uncertainty, generation outage and transmission system contingency are modeled to
calculate the reliability indices. Practically, there are two ways to perform the reliability
evaluation: enumeration and Monte-Carlo simulation. Monte Carlo simulation, in theory, can
include effects of all possible events on system. The required number of samples is independent
of the size of the system to maintain a given accuracy level. Monte Carlo simulation is more
flexible when complex operating conditions are incorporated for large-scale system. Reference
[134] gives a thorough description of reliability evaluation for generation and transmission
planning procedures.
Wind energy is growing fast and becoming a major portion of energy portfolio in many
states. The federal government committed to supply 20% or more of the nations electric energy
needs from wind energy resources by 2030 [ 135 ]. Identifying what type and location of
transmission is required to effectively integrate wind power is an important planning issue. It is a
long term decision which involves decision criteria in terms of security, economy and
environment. Generation and transmission expansion for wind power integration rely on adding
generation and transmission capacity to support transmission and reserve margin requirements
when confronted with increasing wind power. To perform the planning procedure for wind
power integration, the wind power uncertainty is typically characterized by a probability
distribution. Then by using Monte-Carlo simulation, the reliability indices are calculated and
generation and transmission capacity requirements can be chosen.
In the US, generation is growing 4 times faster than transmission, and the transmission
capacity growth rate has been ~1/3 of peak load. Transmission upgrades are considered to be
expensive and is constrained by time, land and environment. In Texas, which has about 25% of
U.S. wind power, significant growth in 2008 pushed generation past transmission capacity by
65% by the end of that year [136]. In the near future, utilities will need devices such as SPS to
trip non-priority generation since if transmission does not grow at the required pace. Thus, SPS,
mainly in the form of wind generation rejection, is used to facilitate meeting reliability
requirements while interconnecting wind power to the grid.
Special protection scheme, different from conventional local protection relay to isolate the
faulted elements, is a wide area protection scheme. SPS uses wide area measurements to observe
system behaviors [137], and takes wide area countermeasures to avoid unstable and unusual
stresses on power systems. SPS actions include, among others, changes in load, generation, or
system configuration to maintain system stability, acceptable voltages or power flows. Most of
SPS are implemented by feed forward control. With feed forward control, the effect of
disturbances or contingencies must be predicted accurately, and there must not be any
unmeasured disturbances. Otherwise, the unmeasured disturbances will result in unintended
action by SPS. Once a control signal has been sent by feed forward control in SPS, it cannot be
further adjusted; any corrective adjustment must be by way of a new control signal. The
reliability of SPS on precise control thus highly depends on the original control logic design.
The benefit of SPS is that it is a relatively inexpensive way to expand secure operation
conditions. The cost of SPS is that its implementation results in exposure to additional failure
modes. In generation and transmission expansion planning, potential unintended events
corresponding to these additional failure modes can be predicted, assessed, and considered
within a planning decision framework.
SPS interaction
The topic of SPS interaction and the proposed ways to identify such fault modes and their
reliability indices using Monte Carlo simulation were presented in chapter 5. In this section,
further insights into it in the light of planning is presented, especially weighing the issues related
to high SPS penetration with respect to high cost transmission upgrade solution. The undesirable
interactions among SPS degrade the reliability of system operation. Two major sources trigger
undesirable and unintended interactions among SPS. One is failure of SPS. Another is faulty
design logic of SPS.
Typically, SPS involves input (measurements), decision making system and action. Each
component has failure rate though usually the failure rate is very low. The component failure of
SPS may result in interactions with other SPS. For example, a mis-operation of a generation
rejection scheme which mis-trips a generation unit may result in a under frequency load
shedding. Thus, a reliable SPS requires an appropriate level of redundancy. To enhance the
reliability of SPS itself, the following NERC standards apply to SPS design [17]:
SPS shall be designed so that cascading transmission outages or system instability do not
occur for failure of a single component of an SPS, which would result in failure of the SPS to
operate when required.
All SPS installations shall be coordinated with other system protection and control schemes.
Fault in SPS design logic is another source for undesirable interaction. Taking generation
rejection scheme as an example, when the system is stressed with heavy loading, after a
generation rejection scheme takes action to depress a stress of overload, the generation
reschedule changes the power flow may result in overload on another transmission line and trip
another generator by SPS, and result in cascading trip of generators if the SPS are not designed
properly. It is difficult to design a backup scheme to avoid the incorrect logic for high
penetration SPS. In contrary, transmission network upgrade can release the stress of operation
In Chapter 4, the reliability model of SPS was presented. To analyze the impacts of SPS
interaction to system reliability, the SPS reliability model should be modeled in the simulation.
By Monte Carlo simulation, the impacts can be calculated and associated with reliability indices.
The interactions among SPS discussed above increase the complexity of power system
planning, particularly for high penetration of SPS. Comparing with transmission planning, SPS
planning is relatively new in power industry. Analysis on complexity of high penetration SPS is
meaningful for power system planning.
According to Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, the definition of the word
complexity is when something has many parts and may be difficult to understand or find an
answer to. In the definitions of complexity in science and technology, it often used to describe a
system with numerous elements which have intricate relationships among them. Warren Weaver
categorized complexity as disorganized complexity and organized complexity [ 138 ] which
influenced contemporary thinking about complexity. For the interactions under high penetration
of SPS, it is a problem in which the number of elements is large, and the behavior of interactions
triggered by the chain of unpredictable events associated with a contingency is difficult to
manage or perhaps totally unknown which is characteristic of disorganized complexity.
Conceptually, the relation between the number of SPS and system operational risk is shown
in Figure 50.
Operational Risk
1. No Action
2. Install SPS
3.Transmission Upgrade
4. Combine 2&3
Acceptable Risk
Number of SPS
# of SPS Limit
Miles of new
transmission line
Assume three 100 MW wind plants are built in sequence A, B, and C, as shown in Figure 51.
Branch data for the system on a 100 MVA base are given in Table 15.
5: B-C
1: O-B
3; A-B
2: O-A
4: A-C
Matlab code was written to perform DC power flow analysis on this system, assuming Bus O
as the reference bus. Assessment was done for various combinations of wind plants on-line, line
outages, and wind plants tripped based on SPS. Results are summarized in Table 16. We can
notice from the simple illustration that the chances of interactions among SPS increases under
certain contingencies. Such Monte Carlo simulation based on the approach presented in chapter 5
can be done for many loading conditions for a system with many SPS, to identify the undesirable
consequences and plan to mitigate them.
All post-contingency overload problems may also be corrected without SPS by building one
transmission line with impedance 0.111 and capacity 182 MW from node C to node O, as shown
in Figure 52.
Table 16: SPS designs for different wind plant growth stages
5: B-C
1: O-B
4: A-C
3; A-B (60)
2: O-A
6: O-C
Reduced level of complexity: The overall system is simpler to operate and maintain.
Without SPS,
o there is no need to perform periodic maintenance, including self-checks for
operability, to ensure integrity of sensing, communication, and actuation;
o there is no need to monitor arming of schemes;
o there is no anxiety felt by individuals responsible for ensuring the integrity of the
SPS and of the power system being operate
More reliable system: Without SPS,
o there is no possibility of lost load due to an inadvertent trip during normal
o there is no tripping for the actuating line outages (this refers to the lost load when
SPS works in Table 16)
o there is no possibility of lost load due to SPS failure
o there is no possibility of lost load due to inadvertent SPS operations following a
Incorporating SPS in generation and transmission expansion planning
The electric grid has been undergoing rapid growth in load. Also more and more generation
especially renewable sources are being connected to the grid. However, limited transmission
poses a problem to this growth, which if not taken care of will lead to the electric grid not being
able to meet demand and accommodate cheaper generating resources. SPS are economically
cheaper than transmission expansion and could help alleviate the problem of ever increasing load
and aggressive renewable generation installation.
Case study
The system used is a 5 bus system with 4 generators as shown in Figure 53. This system is
used to illustrate and solve a 15 year planning problem that incorporates SPS and transmission
expansion plans into achieving demand and generation expansion plans from 2015-2029. The
goal is to minimize production costs and investments costs while also minimizing operational
complexity that comes with increasing number of SPS. The loads at Bus 2, Bus 3, and Bus 4 are
assumed to be growing at 3%, 4%, and 3.5% respectively as shown in Table 18. Table 19
presents the test system branch data. Table 20 shows the generator cost data, and Table 21
presents the generation expansion plans through the various planning period.
Table 17: Time periods
Periods Time Periods
2015 - 2019
2020 - 2024
2025 - 2029
z a bP cP 2
Table 20: Generator data
Expansion plans
2015 80MW to 200MW
2020 200MW to 300MW
2025 300MW to 400MW
Build double lines from bus 1 to bus 2, and bus 1 and bus 3
Operational constraints
Not more than two lines can be tripped at the same time
Transmission expansion tree is a tree that shows possible actions (i.e., transmission only or
SPS-aided transmission expansion options) that can be taken at different periods to accommodate
more generation expansion plans and load growth, as shown in Figures 54 and 55. We found 27
possible solutions that include transmissions only solution as well as many SPS-aided
transmission expansion options, as shown in Table 22 that is continued over 3 pages. In Table 22,
for instance build 1-23 means building third line from bus 1 to bus 2, where the original line is
names as 1-21.
Apply contingency
Then go to the next possible line connection (bus 1bus 3) and double line building option (bus 1-bus 2
and bus 1-bus 3)
Figure 54: Transmission tree expansion- numerical optimization
Build 140MW 1-33
Put SPS on 1-21
Put SPS on 1-22
Put SPS on 1-31
Put SPS on 1-32
Build 80MW 1-23
Build 90MW 1-33
Build 50MW 1-24
Put SPS on 1-31
Put SPS on 1-32
BUILD 100MW 133
BUILD 100MW 133
BUILD 50MW 1-24
Build 70MW 1-24
Put SPS on 1-31
Put SPS on 1-32
BUILD 100MW 133
BUILD 50MW 1-24
Build 90MW 1-23
Put SPS on 1-31
Put SPS on 1-32
Build 120MW 1-33
Put SPS on 1-21
Put SPS on 1-22
Build 100MW 1-33
Build 50MW 1-23
Build 90MW 1-23
Put SPS on 1-31
Put SPS on 1-32
Build 120MW 1-33
Put SPS on 1-21
Put SPS on 1-22
Build 100MW1-33
Build 50MW 1-23
Build 90MW 1-23
Put SPS on 1-31
Put SPS on 1-32
Build 120MW 1-33
Put SPS on 1-21
Build 100MW1-33
Build 50MW 1-23
Build 190MW 1-22
Put SPS on 1-21
Operational complexity
SPS are economically cheaper but their increase can actually increase operational complexity
of the electric grid. In regards to power system maintenance, SPS increases operation complexity
because with the increased transmission system utilization that comes with the application of
SPS, planned transmission outages may become more difficult to schedule. In the area of
protection co-ordination, coordinating multiple SPS with other protection systems causes coordination complexity. With regards to mis-operation, mis-operation of one SPS could bring
about serious cascading consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to come up with a metric that
can measure how much complexity we bring into the system by using SPS, and use that metric as
one of the decision criteria at the planning stage.
An operational complexity metric proposed in this report is the total number of states of SPS
failure modes that will be encountered in reliability studies. The states will increase as the
number of SPS in the system increases, which will indicate the possibility of increasing
operational complexity. For instance, one SPS has at least 3 states:
1. No failure mode
2. Will fail to operate
3. Will inadvertently operate
For 2015 - Build 120MW 1-32 and put SPS on 1-21 and 1-31 (2 SPS)
For 2020 - Build 160MW 1-22 and put SPS on 1-21, 1-31, 1-32 (3 SPS)
For 2025- Build 100MW 1-33 and 50MW 1-23 (no SPS)
Based on our definition, we have a total complexity of 2^3 + 3^3 + 0^3 = 35 states.
Production costs
Production cost refers to the operational costs accompanied with producing electric energy.
The optimized production cost for a planning option is computed as,
ProCij is the production cost for ith loading scenario of jth year,
Pi is the probability of ith loading scenario of jth year.
The optimization is subject to generator capacity constraint, transmission capacity constraint,
power balance, and network flow constraints. The system loading scenarios used for computing
production cost of various planning options are represented in terms of percentage of peak load.
The probabilities of load profile shown in Table 23 were estimated from MISO load duration
curve [139].
Table 23: Probabilistic load profiles
Loading scenarios
Economic factors
EENS is the expected energy not served due to forced curtailment actions by SPS. The cost
of a particular occurrence is computed by multiplying the associated EENS and a coefficient
called the value of lost load (VOLL).
D j fi
k is number of years,
EENSCOST is Expected Energy not served due to forced curtailments of SPS actions,
EENSi is Expected Energy not served due to forced curtailments of SPS actions ith option, and
VOLLj is value of load lost at period j. System interruption costs
There is cost associated with the investment in SPS and transmission expansion projects,
with their inflation rate assumed to be about 5%. Congestion rent
Congestion rent is the difference between the price of electricity at the point of delivery and
at the point of generation. Congestion rent is also called the re-dispatch cost because it is the
extra cost expended for dispatching more expensive generators that would be needed if the
transmission system had enough capacity and did not constrain power transfer.
Study assumptions
Similarly, EENS cost is computed for 15 year planning period. For options with SPS,
EENS is computed from the forced curtailments. In this study, the probability of each
contingency that enables SPS to operate is assumed to be 0.1. The forced load
curtailment is assumed to be the generator output of G1, due to load-generation
balance. The duration for lost load is assumed to be 3hrs. The VOLL (Value of load
lost) for the 3 planning intervals are given in Table 24.
Table 24: Different periods and associated value of load lost
Table 25 presents a comparison of different economic factors for various possible planning
options comprising of transmission only and SPS aided transmission expansion options.
Optimization model
Multi-objective optimization (or programming), also known as multi-criteria or multiattribute optimization, is the process of simultaneously optimizing two or more conflicting
objectives subject to certain constraints.
for all i, j
subject to
X i Binary
Optimization methods
This approach is based on weighting the objectives, similar to the approached in [140]. The
bi-level optimization problem can be converted into a single objective optimization by
introducing a cost-complexity penalty factor as follows,
Cd C *
Dc D *
X i Binary
f1(x) is the cost function,
f2(x) is the operational complexity metric,
p is the cost-complexity penalty function, and
w is the weighting factor such that 0<=w<=1.
When w = 0, the optimization is minimizing complexity, and when w = 1 it is minimizing
cost. Non-linear penalty factor method
This technique is analogous to the weighted method but different weights are assigned to
objective values of different options, making the cost-complexity penalty factor independent and
non-linear. The nonlinear relationship between complexities of various planning options is
assumed be an exponential ratio.
C C C *
wi i d
Cd Dc D *
Min T f1 ( x) wi * f 2 ( x)
subject to
X i , Binary
wi is a co-efficient computed for each option.
Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) was developed by Thomas Saaty, and is being
prevalently used for decision making in various fields. AHP is a structured method for ranking a
list of objectives. AHP doesnt prescribe a correct decision, but helps in finding the best
alternative according to the users needs and problem comprehension.
The following are the steps for implementing the AHP algorithm [141]
Step 1: A structural model of the hierarchy as shown in Figure 56 is set up.
Step 2: A judgment matrix is formed.
Depending upon the users knowledge on the relative importance of every pair of criteria,
each element in the judgment (or comparison) matrix is attributed a value. The measurement
scale used by AHP consists of the following elements, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, and their
reciprocal. In the pair-wise comparison matrix, the number in the ith row and jth column gives
the relative importance of the criterion Ci as compared to criterion Cj. For instance,
aij = 1 indicates the criteria are equal in importance
aij = 3 indicates Ci is weakly more important than Cj
aij = 5 indicates Ci is strongly more important than Cj
aij = 7 indicates Ci is very strongly more important than Cj
aij = 9 indicates Ci is absolutely more important than Cj
The values 2, 4, 6 and 8 can also be used as intermediate values. These values form the upper
triangle of the comparison matrix. The lower triangle is filled with reciprocal of the value in the
upper triangle, indicating the relative importance of the criteria in a reciprocal manner. The
diagonal elements are always 1.
Criteria 1
Alternative 1
Criteria 2
Criteria n-1
Alternative n-1
Criteria n
Alternative n
Step 3: The maximal eigenvalue of the judgment matrix and its corresponding eigenvector is
computed. This provides the value of the weighting coefficients of all criteria.
Step 4: Hierarchical rank and consistency of results are checked.
The elements values in the eigenvector gives the relative importance of all the criteria. So
the hierarchical ranking is performed according to these values of eigenvector elements. The
hierarchy rankings consistency index is checked using the below formula,
max n
n 1
max - the maximal eigenvalue of judgment matrix, and
n - the dimension of the judgment matrix.
Generally, a value less than 0.1 is a very acceptable consistency index.
Application of AHP to SPS aided transmission planning
Most electric power planning decisions are usually based on reliability and economic factors.
When incorporating SPS into transmission and generation expansion, it is necessary to take into
account the operational complexity that SPS adds to the electric power grid operations. Because
without SPS, planned outages will be easier to schedule and maintenance becomes easier.
Analytical hierarchical process (AHP) is used to evaluate the non-dominated solutions based on
the conflicting objectives of total costs and proposed operational complexity index. Three
criteria, i.e., the total cost, reliability (EENS - forced curtailments due to SPS) and operational
complexity are used in this problem to rank the alternatives. Figure 57 presents the structure of
the hierarchy for power system SPS aided transmission expansion planning. Since AHP is a
preference based ranking, the power system planner has the facility to weigh the various criteria
based on the utilitys needs and their understanding of the problem.
Total costs
Figure 57: Structure of AHP for power system transmission expansion planning
The optimization methods are solved and the corresponding results are presented in the next
section. The budget constraint is set to be $285,140,400.
The solutions as we assign different exponential powers (k) for the non-linear method are
presented in Table 27.
Table 27: Solution for the non-linear penalty factor method
k Optimal solution
Therefore, X1, X2, X4 and X10 are the four non-dominated Pareto optimal solutions. Table
22 and Table 25 presented earlier contain the description of each of these solution options, and
`their corresponding economic factors and complexity measure. Table 28 and Table 29 present
the extracted contents of Tables 22 and 25 for the four non-dominated solutions.
Build 1-22, 100MW, X =0.18
Build 1-32, 50MW, X= 0.45
Build 1-22, 120MW, X=0.15
Put SPS on 1-21
Put SPS on 1-31
Build 1-22, 120MW, X=0.15
Put SPS on 1-21
Put SPS on 1-31
Build 1-22, 100MW, X=0.18
Build 1-32, 50MW, X= 0.45
Build 1-23, 60MW, X = 0.30
Build 1-33, 80MW, X= 0.2813
Build 1-32, 120MW, X=0.1875
Build 1-23, 70MW, X=0.2571
Build 1-24, 50MW, X=0.36
Build 1-34, 90MW, X= 0.25
Build 1-33, 100MW, X= 0.225
Table 30 presents the judgment matrix that shows the relative importance of various criteria
in selecting the best planning option. Tables 31, 32 and 33 present the judgment matrices that
show the relative importance of every planning option with respect to the various decision
criteria. The consistency index of every judgment matrix is also computed, which are found to be
less than 0.1 in all the cases.
Table 30: Judgment matrix for the criteria
Total costs
Operational complexity
Consistency index= 0
Consistency index=0.0341
Table 32: Judgement matrix for reliability
X1 X2 X4 X10 Avg score
1 1/7
X2 1/8 1
1 1/7
X4 1/8 1
Consistency index=0.0133
Table 33: Judgement matrix for total costs
X10 2
Consistency index=0.0549
Table 34 provides the final ranking of the non-dominated planning options using AHP, which
is obtained by weighing various options according to the relative importance attributed by the
user for various decision criteria, namely the total cost, reliability (EENS) and operational
complexity. For the given relative importance, planning option X2 is ranked high.
Table 34: Final weight and rank for non-dominated solutions
Total costs Reliability Operational complexity Weight Rank
Special Protection Schemes (SPS) have been proved to be a quick and economic way of
ensuring power system reliability, especially in the wake of drastically increasing renewable
generation resources and an invariably stagnant transmission up-gradation policy. SPS postpones
transmission upgrades while maximizing the usage of transmission capacity by enabling system
operation closer to stability limits, and at times even beyond. Therefore this technology very
much bolsters the current markets paradigm of optimizing the network resources, especially
transmission usage, while supplying uninterrupted and economic power.
While the usage of SPS is encouraging, it has many downsides, especially in the eve of its
tremendous proliferation in the system due to the increase of intermittent generation facilities.
Many utilities have started to implement SPS for tripping wind farms to unburden the system
during transmission overloads. So this increase in SPS has raised several reliability issues, one of
which is the serious and undesirable consequences of inadvertent interactions among SPS. But
there is a dearth of simulation and assessment tools that could capture such phenomenon during
reliability studies and enable planners to come up with reliable planning option at the system
planning stage.
This report has shed a considerable focus on these and other related range of topics, such as:
1. Introduction to SPS and its components
2. Current industry standards, practices and advancements in SPS A survey of various
technologies used by a cross section of industries to achieve SPS centralization and
coordination have been presented.
3. Standards and methods of related industries such as process control, nuclear and power
system planning The attempt is to leverage interesting ideas from these mature
industries that could be applicable to reliability and maintenance studies related to SPS.
4. Risk assessment of SPS based on two frameworks process view and system view.
Process view framework is the traditional way of computing risk associated with a
system taking into account its various individual components and processes that serve as
the building block of the entire system. System view framework is a new idea proposed
in this report where the nature of the system and the operating conditions faced in reality
are considered in the process of estimating risk associated with SPSs operation.
5. A design of Monte Carlo simulation based reliability assessment and SPS failure mode
identification has been presented.
6. The report identifies the importance of including SPS in the power system planning
framework, and so it illustrates system planning studies for SPS aided power systems.
Two illustrations have been presented:
a. Accommodating more wind generation using SPS
b. Incorporating SPS in generation and transmission expansion planning
1. Special Protection Schemes (SPS), also known as Remedial Actions Schemes (RAS)
have been a major technological advancement that aids in economical usage of
transmission resources and smooth interconnection of renewable generation.
2. SPS has proven to be greatly economical and easy to implement compared to
transmission lines, and many utilities are favoring SPS to meet their generation and
transmission expansion goals.
3. Maintenance standards and documentation have been developed by industries deploying
SPS to ensure meeting NERC reliability standards. One of the prominent features of all
standards has been the emphasis in embedding redundancy into SPS architectures, to
ensure SPS operations are immune to failures and uncertainties.
4. The advent of synchrophasors (PMUs) has given a major boost to SPSs operational
performance and has increased the range of SPS applications. SPS along with PMUs and
PDCs (Phasor Data Concentrators) have been instrumental in advancing the Wide Area
Monitoring, Protection and Control Systems (WAMPACS).
5. Power industry has seen a drastic proliferation in SPS, which is proving to offset the
advantage these individual SPS brings in by causing coordination and maintenance
issues. This has served as great motivation for industries to move from a localized-RAS
to Centralized-RAS technology with the help of EMS and PMUs.
6. As the dependence on SPS is growing, there is a greater need to build our knowledge
base and expertise in understanding SPS better and maintaining them. Interestingly, this
can be accomplished by extracting relevant standards and practices from existing
industries. Safety instrument systems (SIS) of process control industry in one such
example. The process of building operational rule for power system operators using
Monte Carlo and machine learning techniques is another example that could contribute in
SPS logic derivation and evaluation.
7. In modern SPS-rich systems, inadvertent interactions among SPS may prove to be
catastrophic. Therefore the report emphasizes the need to perform studies that identify
SPS failures and quantify risk associated with SPS from system point of view. The
report also proposes a study design based on operational planning framework using
Monte Carlo simulation to identify system view SPS failures, estimate their
reliability/risk indices and re-design SPS logic. The proposed system study and decision
support tool harnesses the advancement in computing power.
8. Several reliability models and architectures for SPS and PMU-aided SPS have been
proposed in this report to facilitate system level reliability studies that account SPS.
9. The report has introduced the concept of operational complexity due to the proliferation
in SPS and has provided a quantitative definition. System planning studies must
incorporate such operational complexity metric in their overall formulation to estimate
the limit of SPS growth for economical and reliable system operation, and also find the
best SPS-aided transmission expansion plan.
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