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VTU 10CS32 Question Bank

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Electronic Circuits




1. With neat figure, explain the construction and operational principle of an Unijunction
Transistor (UJT).

(10 marks) (July 2013)

2. Explain the effects of collector resistor, base current and supply voltage on the
operating point of a fixed bias circuit. Which is the ideal position for an operating
point on

the BJT fixed bias transistor circuit? Explain the above with neat diagrams.
(10 marks) (June 2012)

3. What is the operating point for the following voltage divider bias circuit?
(10 marks) (June 2012)

4. Sketch and explain with the circuit, the combination clippers which limit the
output between 5V.Assume diode voltage is 0.7V.

(10 marks) (June 2014)

5.What is Clamping? With neat diagram and waveform, explain the working of
negative clamper and also write the condition for stiff clamper.
(7 marks) (June 2014)
6. Explain Varactor diode with its characteristic curves. (3 marks) (June 2014)
7. Find the values of resistors Rb, Rc,Re and the transistor gain , for the circuit.
Ib=40A, Ic=4mA, Ve=2V, Vce=12V, Vcc=15V. Assume that the transistor used in the
circuit is a silicon transistor.

(10 marks) (July 2013)

8. Explain transistor in its fixed bias mode with relevant expression.

(10 marks) (Dec 2012)
9. With a neat sketch, explain transistor as a switch.
Dept. of CSE, SJBIT

(5 marks) (Dec 2012)

Electronic Circuits


10. For the circuit shown calculate IB, IC, VCE, VC, VE, VB. Assume = 100.
(5 marks) (Dec 2012)
11. Explain the criteria for selecting a suitable operating point and factors affecting the

(10 marks) (Dec 2013)

12. Find the values of resistance RB, RC, RE and transistor gain , for the circuit shown in
Fig.Q1(b). Given that IB = 40 A, IC = 4mA, VE = 2V, VCE = 12V and supply voltage VCC
= 15V. Assume that the transistor used in the circuit is a silicon transistor.
(6 marks) (Dec 2013)

13. Explain transistor as a switch.

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(4 marks) (Dec 2013)

Electronic Circuits


1. Explain the working of a N-channel E-Mosfet with neat diagram. Explain with a
Diagram output characteristics of the same.

(10 Marks)(June 2012)

2. Find the values of voltages VD and VC for the circuit shown, Fig.Q2(b). Assume b =
100, VBE = 0.7 V, saturation drain current of JFET is 10 mA and pinch off voltage is5V.

(4 Marks)(June 2012)

3. With circuit diagram, explain base bias amplifier and give the importance of capacitor.
(6 Marks)(June 2012)
4. Explain the small signal operation of amplifiers.

(10 Marks)(June 2011)

5. For the circuit given below fig.Q2(c), (i) Calculate the input impedance of the base
with = 100; (ii) Draw the DC equivalent circuit; (ii) Draw the AC equivalent circuit
using T and model.
(10 Marks)(June 2014)
6. Explain the VI characteristics of n-channel JFET and define various conditions.
(10 Marks)(Dec 2012)
7. Mention merits and demerits of IGBT.

(10 Marks)(Dec 2012)

8. What are the differences between JFET & MOSFET.

(10 Marks)(June-July 2013)

9. With the help of neat figures, explain the construction and characteristics of N-channel
depletion MOSFET.

(10 Marks)(June-July 2013)

10. How Biasing configuration using De-MOSFET work. Justify. Given that saturation
drain current is 8mA, and the pinch off voltage is -2V. Determine the value of gate source
voltage, drain current and the drain source voltage.

(10 Marks)(June-July 2013)

11. What are the difference between BJTs and FETs?

(10 Marks)(Dec 2013)

12. Explain the working of a CMOS inverter.

(10 Marks)(Dec 2013)

13. Explain the construction .working and principle of operation of an n-channel JFET.
(10 Marks)(Dec 2013)

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Electronic Circuits


1. Explain photodiode, photosensor, photo conductor and phototransistors with necessary


(10 Marks)(June 2012)

2. Find the value of RL for the circuit shown, Fig.Q3(b) such that the circuit gives a logic
high when the light incident on it is above 200 lux and the photo conductor has a resistance of
14kW at a light level of 100 lux, a = 0.5, power supply voltage is VCC = 10V and reference
voltage of zener diode is 3.5V.

(10 Marks)(June 2012)

3. What is multistage amplifier? With the neat circuit diagram explain two stage
CE amplifier and derive equation for voltage gain.

(10 Marks)(June 2014)

4. For the swamped amplifier shown fig.Q3(b) below, calculate; (i) Input impedance of the
base; (ii) The input impedance of the stage; (iii) AC input voltage to the base; (iv) Voltage
gain; (v) AC voltage across the load.

(10 Marks)(June 2014)

5. Explain the construction and working of phototransistor and mention its applications
(10 Marks)(Dec 2012)
6. What are optocouplers? Explain the working and characteristics of optocoupler.
(5 Marks)(Dec 2012)
7. Define the following terms: (i) Responsivity (ii) Detectivity (iii) Quantum efficiency (iv)
Noise equivalent power (v) Response time.

(5 Marks)(Dec 2012)

8. What is Phototransistor? Draw a schematic symbol of a phototransistor. Explain the V- I

characteristics also.

(10 Marks)(June-July 2013)

9. Explain different modes of operation of an LCD display. (10 Marks)(June-July 2013)

10. Discuss the classification of optoelectronic devices, in detail.
(7 Marks)(Dec 2013)
11. Explain with neat diagrams, the principle of operation, characteristics, advantages,
disadvantages and applications of a photodiode.

(8 Marks)(Dec 2013)

12. Briefly discuss with necessary diagrams, the basic operation and construction of LED.
(6 Marks)(Dec 2013)

Dept. of CSE, SJBIT

Electronic Circuits



1. Graphically how h-parameters of a BJT are determined? Explain with neat diagram. Also
derive expression for input impedance and voltage gain for a BJT amplifier.
(10 Marks)(June 2012)
2. Give the hybrid equivalent model for the circuit shown, in Fig.Q4(b). Find input
impedance,voltage gain, current gain and output impedance. The h-parameters are hie = 1.5k,
hje = 100, hre = 1104, hoe = 25m A/V.

(10 Marks)(June 2012)

3. Explain the classification of amplifiers based on their operation.

(8 Marks)(June 2014)
4. Draw the DC load line and AC load line for a VDB amplifier.
(6 Marks)(June 2014)
5. With the circuit diagram explain push pull power amplifier and list the advantages and
disadvantages of push pull amplifier.

(6 Marks)(June 2014)

6. Derive expression for Ai, Zi, Av, Yo, Ap for a transistor amplifier using h-parameter

(10 Marks) (Dec 2012)

7. Explain the need for cascading amplifier and with the block diagram, explain two stage
cascaded amplifier.

(10 Marks)(Dec 2012)

8. Draw the generalized h-parameter model of a transistor based amplifier and derive the
expression for Current gain, Input Impedance, Voltage Gain & Output admittance.
(8 Marks)(June-July 2013)
9. With a neat diagram, Explain the operation of Darlington Amplifier.
(6 Marks)(June-July 2013)
10. What are cascade amplifiers? What are the advantages offered by the amplifier.
(6 Marks)(June-July 2013).

Dept. of CSE, SJBIT

Electronic Circuits


11. Explain the need for cascading amplifier and with the block diagram, explain two stage
cascaded amplifier.

(10 Marks)(Dec 2013)

12. Obtain the expression for current gain, input impedance voltage gain, output impedance
Power gain of a transistor amplifier using complete h parameter model.
(10 Marks)(Dec 2013)

Dept. of CSE, SJBIT

Electronic Circuits



1. Large signal amplifier characteristics. Discuss harmonic distortion. Derive A2, A3, A4,
the amplitude of D,C, first, second, third, forth amplitude of harmonic components.
(10 Marks)(June 2012)
2. Derive expressions for gain, input resistance and output resistance of voltage shunt
Feedback amplifier with the help of neat diagram. For the opamp based inverting amplifier
circuit shown in Fig.Q5(b) find input impedance given that transimpedance, input
impedance and output impedance of opamp are 100 MW, 10 MW, and 100 W respectively.
(10 Marks)(June 2012)

3. Explain Voltage series feedback.

(8 Marks)(June 2014)

4. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of negative feedbacks.

(6 Marks)(June 2014)
5. Describe Shunt Feedback.

(6 Marks)(June 2014)

6. Explain different FB amplifiers.

(8 Marks)(Dec 2012)

7. With the block diagram, explain the negative feedback in small signal amplifier.
(6 Marks)(Dec 2012)
8. An amplifier having a voltage gain of 60dB uses 1/20th of its output in negative feedback.
Calculate the gain with feedback, the percentage change in gain without and with feedback
consequent on 50% change in gm.

(6 Marks)(Dec 2012)

9. What are the advantages of negative feedback.?

(5 Marks)(July 2013)

10. Derive the relevant expression to prove that input resistance increases and output
resistance decreases in case of voltage series feedback.

(8 Marks)(July 2013)

11. Consider Opamp based inverting amplifier circuit. Identify the negative feedback.
Determine the trans impedance gain, the input impedance and output impedance of the
amplifier. The parameters are 100M, 10M and 100 respectively.
(7 Marks)(July 2013)
Dept. of CSE, SJBIT

Electronic Circuits


12. What is ohmic region of EMOSFET? With the circuit diagram determine whether the
MOSFET is based in the ohmic region.

(7 Marks)(Dec 2013)

13. The EMOSFET in the circuit fig.Q5(b) has following parameters V= 4.5V = 75mA and
RDS(ON)=10W. Calculate the output voltage. Show the equivalent circuit.
(8 Marks)(Dec 2013)
14. Discus in detail CMOS Operation and power consumption.

Dept. of CSE, SJBIT

(5 Marks)(Dec 2013)

Electronic Circuits



1. Mention the conditions necessary for oscillations in a feedback amplifier circuit.

Determine the frequency at which the following circuit, shown in Figure would oscillate if
the loop gain criterion was met. Also determine the maximum value of R1 for sustained

(10 Marks)(June 2012)

2. With neat diagram and waveforms explain the working of a bistable multivibrator (BJT

(10 Marks)(June 2012)

3. Explain Monostable Multivibrator.

(7 Marks)(June 2014)

4. Describe Low Pass Filter.

(7 Marks)(June 2014)

5. Explain Barkhausen Criteria.

(6 Marks)(June 2014)

6. Explain the construction and working of RC phase shift oscillator.

(8 Marks)(Dec 2012)
7. Find the frequency of the oscillations of a Colpitts oscillator having C1 = 150pF, C2 = 1.5
nF and L = 50H.

(7 Marks)(Dec 2012)

8. With a circuit diagram, explain the working of RC low pass and RC high pass circuits.
(5 Marks)(Dec 2012)
9. Explain the Barkhausen Criterion as referred to oscillators.
(6 Marks)(June-July 2013)
10. With a neat figure explain the operation of voltage controlled oscillator.
(7 Marks)(June-July 2013)
11. With neat figure and relevant waveforms explain the operation of Astable multivibrator
using 555 IC timer.

(7 Marks)(June-July 2013)

12. Draw the frequency response diagram of an AC amplifier and identify cut off frequency,
mid band gain.
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(8 Marks)(Dec 2013)

Electronic Circuits


13. Define DECIBEL power gain, DECIBEL voltage gain. For the cascaded amplifier
shown below, calculate the decibel voltage gain of each stage and the overall decibel

(6 Marks)(Dec 2013)

14. Explain the various types of negative feedback amplifiers.

(6 Marks)(June 2011)

Dept. of CSE, SJBIT


Electronic Circuits



1. Explain regulated power supply parameters: Load regulation, line regulation, output
impedance. Ripple rejection factor. Determine the output ripple of a regulated power supply
which provides a ripple rejection of-80dB and a ripple voltage in the unregulated input were.
(10 Marks)(June 2012)

2. Explain buck regulator boost regulator and inverting regulator with neat diagram.
(10 Marks)(June 2012)

3. Describe the operation of Buck Regulator.

(10 Marks)(June 2014)


(10 Marks)(June 2014)

5. Define the following. i) Load Regulation ii) Output Impedance iii) Ripple Rejection

(5 Marks)(June 2014)

6. Explain the construction and working of SMPS and mention different types of switching

(10 Marks)(Dec 2012)

7. Define the terms load regulation, line regulation and output resistance for a voltage

(10 Marks)(Dec 2012)

8. Name the constituent parts of a linear regulated power supply. Describe the following

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(5 Marks)(June-July 2013)


Electronic Circuits


9. Define Load regulation, Line Regulation, Ripple rejection factor, with respect to regulated
power supplies.

(5 Marks)(June-July 2013)

10. Explain the working of a Buck regulator.

(5 Marks)(June-July 2013)

11. Consider three terminal regulator circuit. Determine Load current, Current through
LM7812 Current through external transistor and Power dissipated in LM7812 with

(5 Marks)(June-July 2013)

12. Explain the steps involved in custom design of mains transformer.

(6 marks )(Dec 2013)
13. What are SMPS? Compare linear power supplies with SMPS.
(7 Marks )(Dec 2013)
14. Explain the working of three terminal voltage regulator.
(7 marks )(Dec 2013)

Dept. of CSE, SJBIT


Electronic Circuits


1. Explain with neat diagram: i) Peak detector circuit ii) Absolute value circuit and their

(10 Marks)(June 2012)

2. Explain with neat diagram: i) Current to voltage converter ii) Voltage to current
converter and their working.

(10 Marks)(June 2012)

3. Explain Input Impedance.

(8 Marks)(June 2014)

4. With circuit diagram explain zero crossing detector.

(6 Marks)(June 2014)


(6 Marks)(June 2014)
6. With relevant formulas, neat diagram and wave form explain op-amp Schmitt trigger.
(10 Marks)(Dec 2012)
7. Define the following terms of Op-amp: CMRR, PSRR, Slew Rate, Bandwidth and Open
Loop Gain.

(5 Marks)(June-July 2013)

8. With a neat diagram explain the operation of a peak detector circuit using op-amp.
(7 Marks)(June-July 2013)
9. Explain the Relaxation Oscillator circuit working with a neat circuit and its waveforms
using Op- amp.

(8 Marks)(June-July 2013)

10. Discuss the requirements of a good instrumentation amplifier.

(4 Marks)(Dec 2013)
11. Explain the of an OPAMP window comparator with circuit diagram.
(8 marks)(Dec 2013)
12. Explain the lead and lag type of phase shifter.
Dept. of CSE, SJBIT

(8 marks)(Dec 2013)

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