This document discusses technical and economic analyses in the development of bioremediation processes. It begins by introducing the authors and their backgrounds in environmental consulting. It then explains that preliminary process analysis is valuable for bioremediation research to identify critical parameters and guide experiments. While bioremediation offers potentially lower costs than other remediation methods, research often lacks focus on commercial applications. The document advocates analyzing technologies' full-scale economic feasibility before initiating research to avoid wasted efforts. It provides an example analysis of a project to remediate chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminated solids.
This document discusses technical and economic analyses in the development of bioremediation processes. It begins by introducing the authors and their backgrounds in environmental consulting. It then explains that preliminary process analysis is valuable for bioremediation research to identify critical parameters and guide experiments. While bioremediation offers potentially lower costs than other remediation methods, research often lacks focus on commercial applications. The document advocates analyzing technologies' full-scale economic feasibility before initiating research to avoid wasted efforts. It provides an example analysis of a project to remediate chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminated solids.
Original Title
Remediation Journal Volume 4 issue 1 1993 [doi 10.1002%2Frem.3440040108] Paul R. Ammann; Gayle S. Koch -- Technical and economic analyses in the development of bioremediation processes.pdf
This document discusses technical and economic analyses in the development of bioremediation processes. It begins by introducing the authors and their backgrounds in environmental consulting. It then explains that preliminary process analysis is valuable for bioremediation research to identify critical parameters and guide experiments. While bioremediation offers potentially lower costs than other remediation methods, research often lacks focus on commercial applications. The document advocates analyzing technologies' full-scale economic feasibility before initiating research to avoid wasted efforts. It provides an example analysis of a project to remediate chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminated solids.
This document discusses technical and economic analyses in the development of bioremediation processes. It begins by introducing the authors and their backgrounds in environmental consulting. It then explains that preliminary process analysis is valuable for bioremediation research to identify critical parameters and guide experiments. While bioremediation offers potentially lower costs than other remediation methods, research often lacks focus on commercial applications. The document advocates analyzing technologies' full-scale economic feasibility before initiating research to avoid wasted efforts. It provides an example analysis of a project to remediate chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminated solids.
of Bioremediation Processes Paul R. Ammann Guyh S. Koch Paul R Ammann i s a principal of me Bra#& Group, an economic, management, and environmental consulting Jim i n Ciambridge, Massacbusetts. He bas more tban tbirty years' experience in tbe developmat, costs, and applications of environmental, cbemicd and metallurgical tecbtwhgies. He fcwluses on endment al consulting in tbe areas of CERCLA cost recovery, evaluatiolS R&D planning, and tecbnical and market feasibility analysis. Gayle S. Kocb i s a principal of Tbe Bra#& Croup. Sbe bas evaluated environmental liabilities i n connection witb settlements, Utigatioff, insurance recovery, acquisitions and sales, and strategic planning. environmental uabiuty 'Ihe ve y latge extent of subsugace and groundwater contamination with toxic otganic compounds has prompted research on a number of bioremedialprocesses. 'Ihejustification of this research has been to achieve lower overall remedial costs than are incurred by currently existing technologies. Laborato y studies are often undertaken with the notion that a new set ofprocess conditions can reduce reagent consumption or the time for treatment by a signijkant factor with an attendant reduction in overall remediation costs. Research programs are initiated on the basis of these simple premises. Our work has shown that many research projects have been undertaken for the wrong reasons and that eqerimental effort has ojen not been directed toward latge-scale implementation. A preliminaryprocess analysis has been shown to be a very valuable component of any research and developmentprogram on bioremedial and other innovative technologies. As described in this article, the analysis (1) identipes the critical engineering and cost parameters and (2) provides guidance to the research program in the design of eqeriments and the collection of data. 7he methodology is also useful in the review ofproposed new technologies and treatment equipment. 7he article includes an example of a process analysis for an actual development project directed toward the remediation of solids contaminated with chlorinated hydrocar- bons to illustrate the benefits and the power of the technique. Bioremediation processes offer potential for lower-cost remediation of soils, sludges, and sediments and surface and subsurface water contami- nated with organic compounds than other physical, chemical, or thermal processes. Consequently, large efforts are being directed to research and develop bioremedial processes. Because of the large costs of R&D programs, of developing and proving new technologies, and the improve- ments inand the competition of existing remedial processes, it is prudent to focus studies toward realistic commercial remedial opportunities. This article describes an approach for the evaluation of applications of research results to full-scale remediation. The discussion addresses the treatment of soils, sludges, and sediments, but the methodology is also applicable to water treatment processes. REMBDIATION/WINTER 1993/94 115 PAUL R AMMA" GAYLE S. KOCH AB the requirements of even higher etandi,wda of ckanup ore being applied throughout the country, the need for lower-cost aolutions is becoming even more important. OPPORTUNXTIWNEEDS Organic contamination is present in soils, sludges, and even in sediments of rivers and streams. The types of contaminants vary from volatile solvents to less volatile compounds such as polyaromatic hydro- carbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Contaminants occur as small hot spots, as well as large areas with a number of compounds distributed throughout the area. Organic contamination has also migrated from disposal areas into surface waters and groundwater. Through groundwater movement, sub- surface plumes of organic compounds exist at many locations throughout the world. A wide variety of remediation processes exists for the treatment of soils, including physical (e.g., vacuum extraction), chemical (e.g., solvent extraction), and thermal (e.g., low temperature desorption and incinera- tion) processes. New processes are also being developed or are evolving from the industrial sector, as equipment used for commercial reasons is modified to satisfy needs in remediation. These existing and evolving technologies compete with bioremediation in the environmental remediation market. Remediation costs for contaminated soils and waters are generally high. As the requirements of even higher standards of cleanup are being applied throughout the country, the need for lower-cost solutions is becoming even more important. In much of the published work in the bioremediation industry, the focus is on technical issues, such as (1) reaction mechanisms and (2) kinetics as a function of contaminant mix, soil types, and concentrations of relevant contaminants and components. Although this type of research is essential for the successful development of new processes, it appears that there has been less attention paid to design concepts and the economics of technologies that could result from the research. Early attention to the technology development and costs is vital to achieve cost- effective research programs. BIOTREATMENT PROCESSES It appears that biological treatment processes will play an important role in the future in remediation of areas of contamination. Biological treatment processes exhibit some intrinsic advantages compared to other alternatives. These include: Low reagent costs. Typically, nutrient requirements are small and the costs therefore tend to be low. Low energy costs. In the absence of a need to heat biological treatment systems more than, say, 10" to 2OoC, energy requirements tend to be low. Most of the energy needs are for mechanical energy to move solids and liquids. Low capital costs. Reaction systems in which organics in solids or liquids are mixed with organisms and nutrients are typically simple. For example, solids treatment processes use conveyors, reagent 116 REMEDIATION/WINTER 1993/94 TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ANAL.YSBS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF BIOREMEDIATION PROCESSES mix tanks, and large contactors. Consequently, the capital costs tend to be small in comparison with other treatment systems such as thermal desorption or incineration. Environmental acceptance. Biotreatment processes operate at low temperatures, and gas flows, such as air for oxidative treatment, are small. Any air emissions of concern can be controlled at very modest cost with existing technology. Similarly, water discharge streams can be treated with conventional water treatment pro- cesses. If necessary, any stream can be pasteurized to destroy microorganisms. There are, however, potential major disadvantages to biological treatment processes. Some of these are: The selection of one of the available options is baaed on technical feasibility, overall economics, and satisfaction of regulatory matters and public concerrta. Relatively long treatment times. In contrast to chemical, physical, or thermal treatment processes in which reaction times typically vary from seconds or minutes to less than an hour, biological treatment processes often require days or months. Consequently, reactor vessels are much larger than for alternative treatment processes, and/or cleanup times may be extended significantly. Incomplete destructioddegradation of organics. Biological water treatment systems, such as activated sludge, are very effective for destruction of many organic compounds. However, biological treatment systems may not be as effective for the destruction of certain toxic organic compounds, particularly in soils, sludges, and sediments. Dzflcult application. For many toxic organic compounds, specific organisms are required to achieve degradation or destruction. In some instances, indigenous microorganisms either have limited effectiveness or are ineffective for reactions with toxic organic compounds. For in-situ applications, there may be additional complications such as preferential pathways for nutrients or biodegradation under anaerobic conditions. T'icity. The presence of certain elements, such as heavy metals or compounds, may limit the effectiveness of microorganisms. Primarily effective on otganic contaminants. Bioremediation pro- cesses are generally iimited to soils and solids contaminated only with organic compounds. If heavy metals are present, for example, either bioremediation is only one component of remediation, or it may not be cost-effective compared to alternatives. SELECI'ION OF ALTERNATIVES In planning the remediation of sites contaminated with organic compounds, environmental managers usually have several process op- tions available. The selection of one of the available options is based on technical feasibility, overall economics, and satisfaction of regulatory matters and public concerns. For biotreatment processes, some of the decision criteria are described in the following section. REMEDXATION~~INTER 1993/94 117 PAUL R AMMA GAYLE S. KOCH Whether a cleanup i s carried out by a remedial contractor or by the owner of a property, the total cost i s governed by the initial investment. . . Technical Feasibility Technical feasibility is, of course, critical to the selection of a remedy. I t is also a key focus of much of the ongoing research and development work in bioremediation. Effective organism. The degradation of selected organic com- pounds from initial concentrations to specified cleanup levels must be demonstrated in a field setting. The demonstration becomes complicated if there are multiple organic compounds or other contaminants of concern (e.g., metals) present at a site. Rates and extent of degradatioddestruction. The rates of biocon- version are important to the economics, as described later, but it is also important that the biological reactions reduce the levels of toxic organic compounds to the required cleanup levels. This criterion isimportant if cleanup levels continue to decrease in the future. For example, J erger et al. (1993) reported on the slurry reactor treatment of soils that significantly reduced the levels of creosote but did not reach the required cleanup levels. Control of reaction conditions. The microorganisms should be consistently effective in degrading or destroying hazardous organic compounds, and the reactions should not be subject to poisoning or loss of effectiveness during a large-scale site remediation. Type of equipment. Biotreatment processes are often advantageous because they typically employ simple process equipment, such as tanks and solids-liquids contactors. Economics Overall costs play a very large role in the selection of a remediation process. Whether a cleanup is carried out by a remedial contractor or by the owner of a property, the total cost is governed by the initial investment for the process equipment, the direct operating costs for site cleanup, and a financial return on the use of the equipment. Studies. Significant expenses may be incurred for treatability studies, pilot tests, and other studies. Study costs are generally higher for new, unproven technologies. Investment. The capital cost of the biotreatment process must be recovered from its operation at one or more sites. If a process is dedicated to one site, the soil volume must be sufficiently large so that the allocation of the investment to the soil treatment is acceptable. Alternatively, transportable equipment allows flexibil- ity for treatment of larger soil volume at multiple sites. Because there is a large element of uncertainty about how many sites and the quantity of solids or liquids that may be treated by an equipment package, it is important that the cost of equipment be kept as low as possible. Investment may be reduced by using standard equipment, such as tanks and reactors, and establishing process conditions that allow the shortest possible treatment times. ~ ~~ 118 REMEDIATION/WINTER 1993/94 TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ANAL.YSES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF BIOREMEDIATION PROCESSES ... there may be concern over introduction of microbes into the environment, particularly for new, genetically deeigned organism. Unit treatment cas& Technologies with the lowest overall treat- ment costs that meet the cleanup requirements are sought in the feasibility studies. Pmject size. Large projects can achieve economies of scale and therefore relatively smaller unit costs. Utilization. Equipment costs may be spread over a number of sites. To the extent that a transportable process is not used continuously, the owner/operator must allocate fixed costs accrued during downtime to each site. Regulatory Issues and Public Acceptance All remedial processes must have operating permits and should be acceptable to local communities and neighboring residents. In contrast to some technologies such as incineration, in which stack emissions are of concern, biotreatment processes should receive acceptance because solid and liquid discharges from biotreatment processes should comply with all applicable regulations. However, there may be concern over introduction of microbes into the environment, particularly for new, genetically designed organisms. Regulatory and public acceptance issues that must be addressed include: Permits and appmvaki. State and local permitting can be an expensive and time-consuming process. In addition, for many hazardous waste sites, bioremediation must be compared with alternative treatment options and approved based on cost and effectiveness criteria. Risks to humansand environment. Studies should be conducted to show that the bioremedial process will reduce risks to humans and the environment to the desired level. Public perceptions. Public perception of any risks introduced by the bioremedial process must be addressed, often by holding public meetings and making site documents and site experts available to the public. Many bioremediation research programs focus exclusively on techni- cal feasibility. However, because ultimate project success will also be strongly influenced by economics, regulatory issues, and public accep- tance, it is important that significant attention be paid to these areas as well. ALT ATI VETREA~ P R0 c ES S ES Developers of bioremediation technologies must keep in mind that these technologies will ultimately compete in the marketplace against other remedial options. The options for the remediation of contaminated solids and water are different. Remediation of Soils, Sludges, and Sediments The remediation of soils, sludges, and sediments can generally be divided into two major categories: excavation with on-site or off-site REMEDIATION/INTER 1993/94 119 PAUL R AMMA GAYLE S. KOCH treatment and in-situ treatment. Excavation with on-site or 08-site treatment. Excavation not only adds cost to the remediation of a site, but it also poses some risk of spreading contamination into the environment and adds health risks to the remediation workers. However, postexcavation treat- ment is used extensively for the remediation of contaminated solids. Some of the most important processes are listed beIow (Lewis, 1993): Incineration Thermal desorption Thermal aeration Solids washing Solvent extraction Land farming Composting Slurry phase bioreaction The last three alternatives employ microorganisms to achieve degradation or destruction of the organic contaminants. In-situ treatment. Degradation or destruction of organic com- pounds without excavation has some advantages over the pro- cesses described above. One important factor is the savings of the excavation cost, which may be significant, but not as large as the treatment costs. In addition, risks to humans and the environment through direct contact or inhalation of contaminants are reduced. Some of the alternatives that are available include: Soil vapor extraction (SVE) Vapor extraction with heating or fracturing (hardrock) Solidification/containment Vitrification (fusion of soils) Infrared heating Soil flushing (active or natural) Soil flushing with biotreatment Bioventing Remediation of Contaminated Water The remediation of contaminated surface and groundwater can also be divided into two major categories: surface treatment and in-situ treatment. Surface treatment. There are several options available for the surface treatment of contaminated water. Many are derivatives of municipal wastewater treatment systems. Water treatment plants may be comprised of several modules according to the chemical complexity of the water. For example, organic removal or destruc- 120 REMEDIATION/WINTER 1993/94 TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC &M,YSB IN THE DEVBU~PMENT OF BIOREMEDIATION PROCESSES The solids are excavated, screened to remove oversize Solid8 ... and conveyed to storage bins. tion may be preceded by a metals removal step. Some of the organic treatment or removal modules may be: ChemicaVUV oxidation Adsorptiodabsorption Biotreatment processes Air stripping (with or without heat) When hazardous wastes have contributed to contamination of either surface waters or groundwaters that have migrated off-site, the contami- nated plume may be collected in wells and either treated off-site or pumped back to the site where the contamination is located. Physical barriers such as slurry walls may also be used to impede or prevent contaminant migration. In-situ treatment. In contrast to the surface treatment approaches described above, new developments have been directed toward the in-situ degradation of organic contaminants in groundwater. There are two general approaches: Injection of microorganisms and nutrients Pumping groundwater, surface addition of organisms, and reinjection (in this concept, the aquifer becomes the reactor, saving the costs of construction of reactors at the surface) At various stages in the bioremediation R&D process, managers should evaluate and update their perception of the competitive positioning of their technology versus alternative, competing technologies. Further R&D expenditures can then be focused on areas that are likely to have usable, commercially feasible results. TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ANAL.YSIS OF ON-SITE BIODEGRADATION PROCESSES As an example of the technical and economic analysis approach to evaluating conceptual remedial alternatives, a slurry-phase biodegradation process for treatment of soils contaminated with organic compounds is considered. A conceptual process is shown in Figure 1. The solids are excavated, screened to remove oversize solids (which in this case, for simplicity are only a small fraction), and conveyed to storage bins. From the bins, the solids are conveyed to one of the bioreactors. The reactor is partially filled with liquids before the solids are added. One tank is used for the preparation of the chemical reagentdnutrients and the addition of microor- ganisms, if needed. The bioreactors are operated in batch mode. When the reaction is complete, the slurry isdischarged to settling ponds, where most of the solids separate from the solution. Theoverflow solution is fdtered and collected in a tank for analysis prior to recycle or discharge. The treated soil can bereturned to the excavation area after analysis indicates that the levels of contaminants are below the target concentrations. REMEDIATION~~INTER 1993/94 121 PAUL R. AMMA GAYLE s. KOCH Figure 1. Conceptual Slurry-Phase Biodegradation Process. Preparati on Tanks 7 I Wast e Liquid Storage Tanks Recycl e t o Process To disposal Treat ed Soil The process operating parameters are described in Table 1. It is assumed that the plant operates 350 days a year, twenty-four hours a day. The soil slurries are heated to the optimal temperature for the biodegra- dation process. As an illustration, a factored capital cost estimate for a project has been developed and is shown in Table 2. For this process the total investment is calculated at about $2.3 million. Note that it is important to include all foreseen capital costs, including not only purchased equipment, but also installation, instrumentation, and other ancillaries, foundations and site improvements, land, engineering design, startup, taxes, and any other expected costs. In addition, contingencies in the range of 5 percent to 35 percent should be added; the amount is related to the level of engineering detail available at the time of the estimate. An estimate of the operating costs is shown in Table 3. For this example, the cost of chemical reagents is estimated at about $45 per cubic yard ($33 per ton) of soils. Although most of the reagent costs should be low, hydrogen peroxide, for example, could be very expensive. The electrical energy costs are calculated at about $20 per cubic yard ($15 per ton). Intrinsically, the electrical machinery requirements are low, However, because of the long treatment times, the energy of the mixers in the tanks 122 REMEDIATION~~INTER 1993/94 TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF BIOREMEDIA~ON PROCESSES Table 1. Operating Parameters for the Slurry-Phase Biodegradation Process. Annual operation Bioreadors 50 weeks per year 7 days per week 350 days per year 24hours per day 20,000 gallons each 3 reactors 5 days per week 1 shift per day 25to 30 percent Soils slurry density Operating temperature 20 to 30 degrees Centigrade Granular, sandy soils Table 2. Illustrative Capital Cost Estimate for the Slurry-Phase Biodegradation Process. Item Purchased equipment Equipment installation Insulation Instrumentation and control Piping Electrical installation Buildings and foundations Yard improvements and service facilities PHYSICAL COST Land SUBTOTAL Engineering design and construction Stamp expense Sales taxes and shipping costs I 800 750 1,550 0 1,550 750 2,300 REMEDIATION~~INTER 1993/94 123 PAUL R AMMA" GAYLE S. KOCH Table 3. Illustrative Operating Costs for Slurry-Phase Biodegradation Process. Bases: 5,924 cubic yards per year 350 days per year 24 hours per day New Investment: $2,226,901 (with 25% contingency) Item Unit Cost ($/yd3) 1. PROCESS MATERIALS Reagents and miscellaneous 2. UTILITIES Electrical energy 3. OPERATION Hourly and supervision 4. MAINTENANCE Labor and supplies 5. SAMPLING AND CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 6. OTHER DIRECT OPERATING COST 45 20 60 30 40 20 215 may become significant. Here is one example of how minimizing reaction times can reduce operating costs. The third component is the cost of hourly labor and supervision. The staffing requirements are very important-to minimize costs, the process should operate unattended as much as possible. For the small throughput in this example, the labor and supervision costs are estimated at about $60 per cubic yard ($45 per ton). This example illustrates how the conceptual design must consider staffing needs. Another cost item is maintenance-in this example the cost is calculated at about $30 per cubic yard ($23 per ton). Maintenance is directly related to the plant design; the use of state-of-the-art equipment and simple process designs can minimize maintenance needs. Because operation is at ambient temperatures, maintenance should be less of a factor in bioremediation processes than, say, high-temperature incineration equip- ment. Sampling and analysis costs were estimated at $40 per cubic yard ($30 per ton). If the remediation is carried out by a contractor, there are typically other indirect costs, which include project management and home office support. In our example, these costs are estimated at approximately $20 per cubic yard ($17 per ton). 124 TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSES IN TKE DEVELOPMENT OF BIOREMEDIATION PROCESSES Figure 2. Illustrative Treatment Costs for a Slurry-Phase Biodegradation Process. 400 - 300 2 9 u N Q) . 200 u, c. v) 0 u c. .- C = 100 0 Not e: Costs are very speci fi c to process and site condi ti ons. Therefore, these costs should not be used for site or technol ogy eval uati ons. 5 10 15 20 Project Size (Thousand Cubic Yards) 1 I I 25 Overall, the operating costs in the illustrative example total an estimated $215 per cubic yard ($165 per ton). These costs are for a particular plant design and operating rate. An extension of the analysis to examine the costs as a function of a project size shows the importance of the cost components described above (Figure 2). Although chemical reagents and utilities are almost independent of the project size, unit labor and maintenance costs, amortization, and profit decrease with larger quantities of soils tested. In-Situ Treatment To avoid costs and potential problems associated with excavation and handling of soils, significant research and development efforts are being devoted to in-situ treatment of contaminated soils and groundwater. Concepts include biodegradation, and chemical and thermal processes, as described earlier. A conceptual in-situ biodegradation process is illustrated in Figure 3. In contrast to the slurry phase reactor in Figure 1, the surface facilities are reduced to essentially solution storage tanks, reagent makeup tanks, and solution filtration equipment. An array of injection and recovery wells replace the slurry-phase bioreactors and the solids handling equipment. 125 PAUL R AMMA GAYLE S. KOCH Figure 3. Conceptual In-Situ Biotreatment Process. Reagent Preparation Tanks The net effect is a lower investment. An important difference, however, is that a slurry-phase reactor provides the most intimate contact between the liquid and soil phases for reaction, whereas the naturally occurring ground is an imperfect reactor for carrying out chemical reactions. Estimates of the operating costs, assuming similar solution composi- tions to the slurry-phase treatment process, are presented in Table 4. The apparent advantage is lower utilities, operation, and maintenance costs. What is not captured in this cost estimate for in-situ treatment is the fact that the overall effectiveness for contact between reagents and the contaminants may be very low and cleanup standards may not be reached except after extraordinarily long times. Hence, treatment costs may actually be more expensive than projected. FOCUS OF R&D biodegradation system should be to: This simple analysis shows that the focus of research on this conceptual 1. Demonstrate adequate degradation of the hazardous organics to meet cleanup standards. 126 REMEDIATION~~INTER 1993/94 TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSES IN THE DEVELQPMENT OF BIOREMEDIATION PROCESSES Table 4. Illustrative Operating Costs for In-Situ Biotreatment. Bases: 5,000 cubic yards per year 350 days per year 24 hours per day New Investment: $600,000 Unit Cost ($/yd3) Item 1. PROCESS MATERIALS Reagents and miscellaneous 2. UTILITIES Electrical energy 3. OPERATION Hourly and supervision 4. MAINTTNANCE Labor and supplies 5. SAMPLING AND CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 6. OTHER DIREC" OPERATING COST 45 3 40 7 40 15 150 2. Ascertain conditions that achieve the maximum rates while attaining the goals of sufficient or complete biodegradation. 3. Select reaction conditions that use the lowest-cost reagents. Laboratory studies should be conducted so that, to the extent possible, the reaction conditions simulate the larger scale reactions. The next step in the evaluation process is to compare the bioremediation parameters to competing alternative technologies. Is $215 per cubic yard high or low? Is the process equally competitive at high volumes as at low volumes? How does the process compare in meeting cleanup goals? Will permitting and public acceptance be an advantage or disadvantage compared to alternative technologies? What is the likely return on further investment in R&D? If these issues are addressed early, the success of bioremediation R&D can be improved significantly by providing focus to the effort and building the management support critical for project success. CONCLUSION Biotreatment processes provide alternatives for the remediation of contaminated solids, such as soils, sludges, and sediments, and for contaminated groundwater. Engineers and regulators faced with the remediation of these sources of toxic compounds have many treatment R E M E D L A T I O N ~ ~ ~ R 1993/94 127 PAUL R AMMA GAYLE S. KOCH alternatives from which to select. Many thermal, physical, chemical, and biological treatment processes have been demonstrated on a large scale and are in use. None of these processes is universally applicable to all situations because of technical limitations and/or unacceptably high costs. Bioremediation processes offer attractive options in situations where organic contamination is the primary problem; and in many situations, the costs are lower than competing technologies. However, before embarking on potentially expensive and time-consuming R&D, it is important to examine technical and economic feasibility. By identlfying early on the parameters that will lead to success, and by understanding alternative technologies and their competitive position in the remediation market place, companies can more effectively guide their R&D projects to successful commercial results. REFERENCES 1. Jerger, D.D., D.J. Cady, and J.H. Exner. 1993. Full-Scale Slurry-Phase Biological Treatment of Wood-Preserving Wastes. Paper presented at In Situ and On-Site Bioreclamation, the Second International Symposium, San Diego, April 5-8. 2. Lewis, Ronald F. 1993. SITE Demonstration of Slurry-Phase Biodegradation of PAH Contaminated Soil. A k G Waste 43cApril): 503. 128 REMEDIATION/WINTER 1993/94
Experimental Investigations Into The Interactions Between Moisture, Rock Surface Temperatures and An Epilithic Lichen Cover in The Bioprotection of Limestone