Minutes Odessa Palermo NW 14 10 14

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33 people ln aLLendance (lnclude Cllrs Claudla and uan, Sn1 Culay and Shayne and Carol Allen nelghbourhood CoordlnaLor for 8renL
Councll). CreaL Lurn ouL.
lollow up on mlnuLes from lasL meeLlng:
WaLer leak ln WroLLesley 8oad has now been repalred
8aLs around Lhe yard slLe near lurness ockeL park have been reporLed Lo Lhe councll and Councll served noLlce Lo yard owners for
Lhem Lo clear accumulaLed rubblsh. roblem solved for Lhe Llme belng.
CLher follow ups are lncluded ln Lhe secLlon below.
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lollowlng lnformaLlon from local resldenLs Lhere has been a poslLlve arresL followlng a drug warranL aL vlcLor 8oad. 8esldenLs asked Lo
conLlnue sendlng lnformaLlon Lhrough.
Several pollce unlLs are lnvolved aL looklng aL gangs and drug crlmes ln Lhe area. ?ou may Lherefore quesLlon why you are noL seelng
'unlformed' pollce. 1hls ls because Lhe unlLs monlLorlng Lhe area are plaln cloLhed. 8ucklldge 8oad agaln was broughL up as qulLe a loL
of acLlvlLy sLlll goes on ln Lhls area by Lhe alley.
lollowlng resldenLs' concerns abouL drug deallng/Laklng near [uncLlon of lurness 8d wlLh Parlesden Plgh SL, ralsed aL our lasL meeLlng,
Cllr Claudla sald she ls golng Lo lnvesLlgaLe lf Lhere ls a posslblllLy Lo puL up a camera aL Lhe boLLom of 8ucklldge Av/lurness rd Lo asslsL
Lhe pollce. lf you see drug deallng Laklng place you can call 999.
Agaln Lhere are concerns abouL Lhe over splll from Lhe !eLseL Club and drug deallng, nolse eLc. on lrlday and SaLurday nlghLs.
ApparenLly Lhe !eLseL club are requesLlng Lo exLend Lhelr openlng hours.
1here ls now only 1 SargenL, 3 C's and 1 CSC ln Lhe kensal Creen Sn1 area. 1hls has been reduced from 1 SargenL, 6 C's and 1 CSC.
Crlme and burglary - 1here was a prollflc burglar ln Lhe area who was caughL. 1hls can explaln why burglarles have been reduced ln Lhe
area, helped by Lhe smarL waLer pens. lL looks llke crlme and burglary have now moved on Lo oLher areas.
lssues were ralsed agaln regardlng Lhe phone box on Lhe corner of 8aLhursL Cardens/ WroLLesley roundabouL. A blgger
plcLure/evldence needs Lo be obLalned Lo undersLand exacLly whaL ls golng on. lL was also suggesLed LhaL a CC1v camera could help Lo
geL evldence. 81 could also be conLacLed Lo see how much usage Lhe phone box has, alLhough conslderaLlon needs Lo be Laken of
people who may noL have a phone and may need Lo use Lhls ln an emergency.
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arklng- lollowlng ongolng resldenLs' concerns abouL Lhe vlslLor arklng scheme, we were Lold LhaL 8renL ls worklng on a paper based
scheme for vulnerable people Lo use. ApparenLly Lhe Wembley area may have a scheme ln place already and Claudla wlll lnvesLlgaLe.
We need Lo know how do we declde who ls 'vulnerable'. Also Lhls does noL answer many oLher problems ralsed, lncludlng bullders, noL
knowlng lf a car parked on our sLreeLs has a permlL or no, eLc. AL Lhe end of Lhe meeLlng a resldenL, supporLed by oLhers, reLurned Lo
Lhls lssue as she felL lL had noL been addressed properly. lL was felL LhaL 8renL Councll has noL really addressed Lhe lssues ralsed. We wlll
conLlnue presslng for acLlon.
8ubblsh collecLlons/ LlLLer -veolla wlll be lmplemenLlng a Llme bandlng, apparenLly 2 Llmes per day, Lo collecL wasLe from flaLs above
Lhe shops (posslbly mornlng / afLernoon or evenlng) Lo Lake lnLo conslderaLlon shlfL workers. So bags should CnL? be ouL aL seL Llmes.
All shops musL have a commerclal Lrade wasLe collecLlon agreemenL. 1rade wasLe ls Lo be ouL ln Lrade wasLe bags only and separaLe
Lrade wasLe company wlll collecL Lhese. 1hls wlll all be fully lmplemenLed when Lhe new road Lrafflc sysLem ls fully operaLlonal. Shops
and flaL wasLe Lo be collecLed 7 days per week as Lhey have no blns
lL was also boughL Lo Lhe aLLenLlon LhaL Lhe blns ln lurness 8oad by Lhe pockeL park and ln fronL of Lhe newsagenL are ofLen over
flowlng and un-bagged rubblsh ls someLlmes placed by Lhe blns. Cllr uan suggesLed uslng Lhe CC1v car Lo focus on Lhls area Lo ldenLlfy
offenders who dump Lhelr rubblsh. Mlchael wlll send phoLos wlLh evldence as he passes by dally. ?ou can download an app on Lhe
lhone eLc. called Cleaner SLreeL Lo reporL llLLerlng, fly Llpplng, reporLlng ln Lhls way wlll also have a Llme on Lhe screen. Local
counclllors around Lhe area are asklng for more power Lo lnsLlgaLe flnes for people dumplng rubblsh.
SLreeL cleanlng ls poor
CLher lssues
CuesLlons were ralsed as Lo whaL ls happenlng wlLh Lhe poL holes aL Cdessa 8d. ApparenLly a new person ls now Laklng conLrol of Lhese
lssues ln 8renL and hopefully answers/Llmlngs/prlorlLles wlll be more forLhcomlng. We also Lalked abouL Lhe need for a 20 mph llmlL ln
Cdessa 8oad.
1here are safeLy problems aL Lhe Lrafflc [uncLlon of lurness 8d /Parlesden hlgh SL. Cllr uan dld a check on Lhls crosslng and agrees Lhere
does need Lo be a yellow box and posslbly pellcan crosslng. 1he llghL changes so qulckly Lhere ls noL enough Llme Lo cross Lhe road. Pe
wlll pursue Lhls quesLlon.
Parlesden 8egeneraLlon Scheme - 1rafflc changes wlll Lake place on Lhe 16
CcLober and all Lhe work compleLed by Lhe end of !anuary.
lreedom pass- Many wlll run ouL on Lhe 31
March 2013. lL needs Lo be renewed onllne. 1hls mlghL be dlfflculL for many of lLs users, so
oLher opLlons needs Lo be avallable. uan ls looklng aL provldlng local asslsLance.
ConsulLaLlon on Lhe proposed Cverground sLaLlon aL Cld Cak - neLwork 8all ls looklng aL placlng anoLher Cverground sLaLlon ln Lhe Cld
Cak area, Lo faclllLaLe Lhe llnks beLween PS2 and London LransporL. uan does belleve Lhe PS2 wlll happen and our area wlll have one of
Lhe blggesL sLaLlons ln London. ConsulLaLlon closed on Lhe 24
1rafflc safeLy aL WroLLesley 8d roundabouL: kevln and Sarah wlll llnk up wlLh uan re Lhe phone box lssue and Lhe Lrafflc aL Lhe
8renL ConnecLs meeLlng ls on Lhe 21sL CcLober aL 7pm aL 8rldge ark CommunlLy Lelsure CenLre Lo dlscuss governmenL's budgeLs, Cld
Cak developmenL, eLc
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kCS have puL ln a new appllcaLlon Lo 8renL Councll/Ward worklng for 2014/13 for Lhe followlng:
8lg lunch, 2 clean up days (lncludlng sklps for dumplng and recycllng/exchanglng Lables), lmprovlng bench/green area ln Cholmondeley
Av, developlng usage and holdlng evenLs aL lurness and 1ubbs pockeL parks, placlng a Cym aL lurness ockeL park. lL was suggesLed
LhaL Lhe green area aL Lhe [uncLlon of alermo 8d/ WroLLesley roundabouL could be lmproved. kCS are asklng resldenLs for oLher ldeas
on whaL Lhey wanL Lo do/see/lmprove ln Lhe area.
AnoLher appllcaLlon has been made Lo Lll1/CommunlLy llrsL Lo replace benches near lurness pockeL park. We belleve Lhe appllcaLlon
has been successful buL don'L know yeL when Lhe money wlll be avallable Lo replace Lhe benches.
An emall wlll be senL ouL Lo all asklng for feedback and suggesLlons on whaL resldenLs would llke Lo see happen wlLh Lhe pockeL parks
1he landlord of (u&C foods) aL College 8oad has requesLed permlsslon Lo change Lhe shop Lo resldenLlal properLy. Local resldenLs wlsh
Lo keep Lhls as a shop and u&C loods wanLs Lo conLlnue. lf you wlsh Lo have your vlews heard, reporL Lo MaLLhew Parvey - 8renL
Councll lannlng permlsslon number 14/3330. Landlord ls really Lrylng Lo push Lhls Lhrough so Llme ls of lmporLance.
!eLseL Club on Parlesden Plgh SL conLlnues Lo be a source of problems parLlcularly on lrlday and SaLurday nlghLs. 1alk Lo Cllr uan.
Claudla from PealLhwaLch 8renL gave ouL papers Lo encourage resldenLs who use healLh and soclal care servlces Lo reporL any
concerns/experlences Lhey have had Lo help lmprovlng Lhe servlces.
kensal Creen llbrary has goL permlsslon Lo use 1/3 of Lhe bulldlng for a communlLy llbrary, buL needs Lo ralse 40k for flLLlng ouL.
Colln from Llmwood resldenLs assoclaLlon announced a Palloween parLy aL Lhe lsland ub on lrlday 31
CcLober 4-8 pm for chlldren
and 8-12pm for adulLs. 1he parLy lncludes apple bobblng, Lrlck and LreaL, u!, fancy dress, compeLlLlons, spooky cockLalls.
!ackle from Llmwood 1ennls club lnformed us afLer Lhe meeLlng LhaL Lhey also have a Palloween arLy on lrlday Lhe 31
CcLober from
6-8pm aL Lhe 1ennls Club: apple bobblng, scary dress prlzes, bar, muslc, snacks.
A resldenL from alermo 8d saw us afLer Lhe meeLlng Lo Lalk abouL a problem wlLh Lhe Carage aL alermo 8d. 1he ownershlp has
changed and now Lhey are nolsler, cars are ofLen double parked, Lhey work longer hours and on SaLurdays unLll 6pm, llLLer on Lhe
pavemenLs, cars belng repalred on Lhe pavemenL and prlvaLe work done afLer hours. We wlll be looklng aL Lhls Lo geL more evldence.
8emlnder LhaL Cdessa alermo nW has a lacebook slLe and Lhe non-facebook slLe ls odessapalermoblog.org
kCS also has a slLe -kensalgreensLreeLs.blogspoL.com

nexL meeLlng Lo be held on 1uesday Lhe 27
!anuary 2013 aL 8pm aL SL Marks Church

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