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Electronic Circuits (10CS32) Quiz Questions Date: 31-10-2014
Unit-6: Oscillators & Wave Shaping Circuits

1. Which of the following statements most accurately describes an oscillator?
a) An oscillator produces an AC signal without requiring any input.
b) An oscillator is a device for converting DC energy into AC energy.
c) An oscillator is an essential part of a power supply circuit.
d) An oscillator is a radio frequency device.
2. The Barkhausen Criterion for sustained Oscillations is
a) A < 1
b) A > 1
c) A = 1
d) A = 0
3. The minimum value of amplifier gain of Buffered RC Phase shift oscillator is
a) 29 (b) 8 c) 3 d) 16
4. The feedback network of a conventional RC phase shift oscillator uses
a) Three lag type RC sections
b) Three lead type of RC sections
c) Three RC sections either lead or lag type
d) Twin T notch filter
5. Three essential elements of an oscillator circuit are:
a) An amplifier, a wave shaping network and negative feedback.
b) An AC input, a wave shaping network and an amplifier.
c) An amplifier, a positive feedback path and a wave shaping network.
d) A switch mode amplifier a negative feedback path and an AC output.
6. In oscillators using a common emitter amplifier, what phase shift is produced by the feedback system?
a) 0 b) 90 c) 180 d) 360
7. The closed loop gain of a working oscillator circuit is:
a) Less than 1
b) More than 1
c) Exactly 1
d) Infinity
8. For what reason would negative feedback be used in an oscillator?
a) To increase the bandwidth of the oscillator.
b) To enable the frequency to be varied over a wide range.
c) To improve frequency stability.
d) To control the amplitude of oscillations.
9. At the required frequency of oscillation, which of the following conditions must be present?
a) Positive feedback must be occurring.
b) Open loop gain must be less than 1.
c) Amplifier bandwidth must be wide.
d) Closed loop gain must be less than 1.
10. An RC Integrator circuit with an upper 3dB cutoff frequency of 3.5 KHz will respond to a step input
with a rise time of
a) 100 sec b) 10 sec c) 100 msec d) indeterminate from given data

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