Lesson 8 For Id

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Inclusion & Diversity 4492650 Jessica Armstrong

Lesson 8: Health, Sport & Culture - Jessicas Second Lesson ( Alternative setting & cross-curriculum)
Health: (ACPMP085) Participate in & investigate the cultural & historical significance of a range of physical activities
Science Inquiry Skills: (ACSIS146) Reflect on the method used to investigate a question or solve a problem including evaluating the quality of data collected, & identifies
improvements to the method.
Science Inquiry Skills: (ACSIS145) Summarise data, from students own investigations and secondary sources , and use scientific understanding to identify relationships and draw
Science Inquiry Skills: (ACSIS144) Construct & use a range of representations, including graphs, keys & models to represent analyse patterns or relationships, including using digital
technologies as appropriate
ICT Communicating: Present, share & communicate ideas, skills & knowledge
ICT Communicating: Support collaborative learning environments
ICT Thinking: Students use a number of ICT tools & resources including linguistic & non-linguistic representations of information, thoughts & ideas. ICT tools used by students also
encourage & facilitate visual thinking to assist in clarifying thoughts & ideas, building on prior knowledge, & forming relationships of new & existing knowledge
Intercultural Understanding: Investigate culture & cultural identity
Intercultural Understanding: Develop respect for cultural diversity
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures: (OI.9) Australia acknowledges the significant contributions of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people locally globally
Lesson Overview:
In this lesson students will explore how different cultures have shaped Australians sporting culture, through looking at how Australias biggest sport AFL represents the Indigenous
game Marngrook, thus linking with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures. In previous lessons, students looked at culture differences through diet and how they
have shaped Australias culture today. They will now be looking at the physical side of culture and how our biggest sport was derived from Indigenous culture. They will gain insight
of the two sports and analyse the similarities and differences. The end product will be the students participating in a game of Marngrook to physical understand the similarities and
differences. This is done with the aim that students will come to appreciate how Indigenous culture has influenced modern day society through AFL.
Aim: To learn, understand and participate in Marngrook to understand how AFL was developed.
Learning Intention: How has Indigenous culture shaped Australian sports?
Success Criteria:
- Comparison of diverse international sporting cultures.
- Understand the transition and development of AFL.
- Students are able to identify similarities and differences between AFL and Marngrook
Introduction/Warm up:
Warm up: Students to reflect on previous lesson where they participated in debates. They are to use THINK, PAIR & SHARE to reflect upon what they learnt from the debates and
how they found the idea of debating.
Inclusion & Diversity 4492650 Jessica Armstrong
Student learning activities:
AFL: Students will be shown a video resource of AFL to get them engaged and thinking about the sport AFL. Students are to use Poll Everywhere to put their responses to the
techniques that they can see from the clip. Students are then asked Where did AFL originate from? Students THINK, PAIR & SHARE.
Marngrook: Show students video resource of Marngrook, which is where AFL originated from. Students are to use Poll Everywhere again to list the techniques they see, but also
note what is different this time. Also show a picture of Graham Farmer Polly an Indigenous footballer who introduced the handball.
Venn Diagram: Students are to make a venn diagram of the similarities and differences between AFL & Marngrook.
Game Time: Students will make their way to the football oval to get ready to participate in a game of Marngrook. Students will hopefully start to make connections between how
different cultures influence each other.
Reflection: Students are to suggest other sports that have been influenced by other cultures. Brainstorm on the board.
Reflective log book: Students are required to write what they have learnt today; confused about, ideas they like to explore more on and anything of relevance to this unit.
The lesson is designed to reflect VAK, with the visual and auditory aid of the digital resources and class discussion. Students also use poll everywhere, which is anonymous so
students feel safe to express their opinion. Think, pair and share allows for all student participation. There is also the physical part of the lesson, with a game of Marngrook. Video
aids are used to demonstrate how to do a venn diagram to support students who struggle.
Formative: Venn Diagram and Reflection log books. Both are used to gauge whether students are achieving the success criteria for the lesson.
Marngrook information http://museumvictoria.com.au/discoverycentre/discovery-centre-news/2008-archive/the-history-of-australian-rules-football/
Marngrook video http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marn_Grook
Home learning ideas http://www.agner.org/cultsel/chapt12/
AFL video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7BDX-ORVD8
Venn diagram http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GB3ivbichw
Lesson Rundown:
Introduction (Engage & Explore) (10minutes):
- Once the class is seated, get students to reflect on their previous lesson using THINK, PAIR & SHARE.
- Students are prompted with the question of "What they learnt from the debates" and what did they like about debating?"
- Learning Intention & Success Criteria is then introduced for the lesson
Body (Explain & Elaborate) (70minutes):
- -Students watch a digital resource on AFL to further engage students and facilitate further exploration & enhance students understanding
Inclusion & Diversity 4492650 Jessica Armstrong
- Students use poll everywhere to put their responses about the techniques they see in the AFL clip. This allows for explanation of information for students who are unfamiliar
with certain techniques
- Students are asked "where did AFL originate from". Think, pair & Share. Students elaborate on their knowledge of AFL and make predictions on where they believe AFL came
- Students have a chance to suggest answers through a class discussion.
- Students are shown a digital resource of Marngrook. Further engage students and elaborate on their knowledge with a digital resource.
- Students use poll everywhere to put their responses about the techniques they see in the Marngrook clip, but also the differences. Class discussion.
- Students are shown a digital resource of the major difference between the two sports: the handball and Graham Farmer Polly who introduced it. This allows for students to
explain and elaborate more on the differences and similarities, which leads into them producing a venn diagram
- students make venn diagrams to visual show the similarities and differences
- Students make their way to the oval (40minutes to play the game)
- Students are informed of the rules of Marngrook and start to play a game of it. Hopefully students will start to make connections between AFL and Marngrook. Students
become engaged in playing the game, explore and elaborate on the game styles as they experience it.
Conclusion (Evaluate) (10minutes):
- Students complete their reflection log book, on what they have learnt today. This is their journal to help them track what they believe is health and wellbeing, for their
assignment. This is getting students in the habitat of organization and reflecting on their work.
Higher Order Thinking:
Blooms Taxonomy has been entwined throughout the lesson to promote higher order thinking from students. At the start of the lesson, students demonstrate their understanding
of what they know about AFL and its origin and further connect prior knowledge through video resources and class discussion. Students then start to analyse the differences and
similarities between AFL and Marngrook and create a venn diagram to visual show their information. Students get to further elaborate on their knowledge by participating in a
traditional game of Marngrook to further evaluate the two sports becoming one. Evaluating is also seen in their reflective log books.

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