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The document emphasizes the importance of safety when operating, maintaining, and repairing generator sets. Proper training and understanding of safety procedures are necessary to avoid injury.

The document highlights the safety alert symbol and emphasizes observing all safety warnings and precautions to avoid bodily injury or death. It notes hazards may occur if warnings are not followed.

The main components of the electronic control system described are the electronic control module, CAN data link, and Cat Data Link which are used to monitor and control the engine.


July 2006
Systems Operation
Testing and Adjusting
Preliminary Information
C175-16 Generator Set Engine
WYB1-Up (Generator Set)
Important Safety Information
Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe
basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous
situations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also
have the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and
could result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have
read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.
Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard warnings
are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons.
The hazards are identified by the Safety Alert Symbol and followed by a Signal Word such as
DANGER, WARNING or CAUTION. The Safety Alert WARNING label is shown below.
The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:
Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.
The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard and can be either written or pictorially
Operations that may cause product damage are identified by NOTICE labels on the product and in
this publication.
Caterpillar cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard.
The warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool,
procedure, work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Caterpillar
is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and for others. You should also ensure that
the product will not be damaged or be made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or
repair procedures that you choose.
The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information that
was available at the time that the publication was written. The specifications, torques, pressures,
measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can
affect the service that is given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before you
start any job. Caterpillar dealers have the most current information available.
When replacement parts are required for this
product Caterpillar recommends using Caterpil-
lar replacement parts or parts with equivalent
specifications including, but not limited to, phys-
ical dimensions, type, strength and material.
Failure to heed this warning can lead to prema-
ture failures, product damage, personal injury or
RENR9338 3
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Systems Operation Section
Engine Operation
Ether Control System .............................................. 4
Cold Cylinder Cutout ............................................... 4
Electronic Control System
Electronic Control System Components ................. 4
Cat Data Link .......................................................... 4
CAN Data Link ........................................................ 5
Electronic Control Module (ECM) .......................... 5
100 Hour Free Configuration on Engine Start-up ... 7
Engine Monitoring System
Engine Monitoring System ..................................... 7
Histogramming ........................................................ 7
Fuel Rate Scaling (Fuel Correction Factor) ............ 7
ECM Total Fuel Consumption Adjustment .............. 7
ECM Hour Increment Adjustment ........................... 8
Fuel System
Fuel System Operation ........................................... 9
Fuel Injector ......................................................... 10
Air Inlet and Exhaust System
Air Inlet and Exhaust System Operation ................ 11
Aftercooler ........................................................... 12
Valve Mechanism .................................................. 12
Turbocharger ....................................................... 13
Lubrication System
Lubrication System Operation .............................. 14
Cooling System
Cooling System Operation .................................... 17
Basic Engine
Cylinder Block, Liners and Heads ......................... 20
Pistons, Rings and Connecting Rods .................. 20
Crankshaft ........................................................... 21
Camshaft ............................................................. 22
Air Starting System
Air Starting System .............................................. 22
Electrical System
Electrical System Operation ................................. 23
Grounding Practices ............................................ 23
Charging System ................................................. 24
Starting System ................................................... 24
Circuit Breaker ..................................................... 25
Testing and Adjusting Section
Fuel System
Fuel System Inspection ........................................ 26
Checking Engine Cylinders ................................... 26
Checking Engine Cylinders with an Electronic Service
Tool ..................................................................... 26
Fuel Injector E-trim ............................................... 27
Engine Rotation .................................................... 27
Finding the Top Center Position for the No. 1
Piston .................................................................. 27
Crankshaft Position for Valve Lash Setting ........... 29
Air Inlet and Exhaust System
Restriction of Air Inlet and Exhaust ....................... 30
Measuring Inlet Manifold Pressure ....................... 30
Measuring Exhaust Temperature .......................... 30
Crankcase Pressure ............................................. 31
Valve Lash - Adjust ............................................... 31
Lubrication System
General Information (Lubrication System) ............ 34
Engine Oil Pressure - Test .................................... 34
Excessive Bearing Wear - Inspect ........................ 35
Excessive Engine Oil Consumption - Inspect ....... 35
Increased Engine Oil Temperature - Inspect ........ 36
Engine Oil Pressure is Low ................................... 36
Engine Oil Pressure is High .................................. 37
Indicators for Engine Oil Pressure ........................ 37
Cooling System
General Information (Cooling System) ................. 38
Visual Inspection ................................................... 38
Test Tools for the Cooling System ........................ 40
Radiator and Cooling System - Test ..................... 41
Coolant Temperature Sensor - Test ...................... 42
Water Temperature Regulator - Test ..................... 43
Basic Engine
Connecting Rod Bearings ..................................... 44
Main Bearings ....................................................... 44
Cylinder Block ....................................................... 44
Cylinder Head ....................................................... 44
Flywheel - Inspect ................................................. 45
Flywheel Housing - Inspect ................................... 46
Vibration Damper .................................................. 48
Air/Electric Starting System
General Information (Air/Electric Starting
System) ............................................................... 49
Electrical System
Test Tools for the Electrical System ...................... 51
Battery .................................................................. 52
Charging System .................................................. 52
Alternator Regulator .............................................. 53
Electric Starting System ........................................ 53
Pinion Clearance Adjustment ............................... 54
Index Section
Index ..................................................................... 56
4 RENR9338
Systems Operation Section
Systems Operation Section
Engine Operation
Ether Control System
SMCS Code: 1456
Excessive ether (starting fluid) can cause piston and
ring damage. Use ether for cold weather starting pur-
poses only.
Ether can be automatically injected during cranking
by the Electronic Control Module (ECM). A switch
input allows the operator to manually inject ether.
The ECM automatically injects ether into the air inlet
manifold when the following conditions are met:

The ether control parameter is programmed to


The engine rpm is between 0 and 1200 rpm.

The jacket water coolant temperature or the inlet

manifold temperature sensor is below the set point.
The duration of ether injection varies linearly with the
jacket water coolant temperature.
For troubleshooting, an override is available for the
technician to actuate the ether system. By using
Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET), ether injection
can be started and stopped. The ether solenoid will
remain energized until any of the following conditions

Engine speed appears.

The override for the service tool is used to

terminate injection.

The technician exits the override feature of the

service tool.
Cold Cylinder Cutout
SMCS Code: 1901
During a cold start or extended periods at low idle,
the engine ECM will automatically turn off the left
bank of cylinders. This strategy improves engine
starting. This strategy reduces the following: white
smoke, the use of ether injection, and warm-up time.
Electronic Control System
Electronic Control System
SMCS Code: 1901
The electronic control system includes the following
major components:

Temperature sensors

Pressure sensors

Electronic control module (ECM)

Wiring harness

Engine speed/timing sensor

Flash file (software)

The electronic control system is integrally designed
into the engine fuel system in order to electronically
control the fuel delivery and the injection timing.
The ECM provides increased control of timing in
comparison to the conventional mechanical engine.
Injection timing is achieved by precise control of the
injector firing time. The engine speed is controlled
by adjusting the firing duration. The ECM energizes
the fuel injector solenoids in order to start injection
of fuel. Refer to System Operations, Fuel System
Operation for a complete explanation of the fuel
injection process.
Cat Data Link
SMCS Code: 1901
The engine incorporates a Cat Data Link. The data
link is used to communicate with other devices that
are based on a microprocessor.
RENR9338 5
Systems Operation Section
The data link can reduce the duplication of sensors
within the system by allowing controls to share
information. The data link is used to communicate
information about the engine to other electronic
control systems. The data link is also used to
interface with the electronic service tool.
The information about the engine that is monitored
and available on the data link includes the following
items (typical example):

Air filter restriction

Atmospheric pressure

Boost pressure

Cold mode status

Coolant temperature

Crankcase pressure

Diagnostic messages

Supply voltage for the Electronic Control Module


Engine identification

Engine speed (actual rpm)

Engine speed (desired rpm)

Engine systems status

Engine warning system

Exhaust temperature

Filtered oil pressure

Fuel pressure

Maximum air filter restriction

Oil pressure

Percent throttle position

Rated fuel limit

Timing cal enable/status

Total fuel consumption

Turbocharger inlet pressure

Turbocharger outlet pressure

The electronic service tool plugs into the connector
for the data link in order to communicate with the
ECM. The communication adapter is installed in
series between the electronic service tool and the
data link connector. The communication adapter
converts data that is in the language from the data
link. This language is converted to a language that
is used by the electronic service tool. The data link
connector is located on the engine harness. The
electronic service tool can also be used to display the
values of all the information for monitoring of engine
operation in real time.
CAN Data Link
SMCS Code: 1901
The CAN data link is used to communicate engine
information and diagnostic information from the
Electronic Control Module (ECM). The CAN data link
is used for communication between the following
modules: engines ECM, customer devices, and
various display modules.
Electronic Control Module
SMCS Code: 1901
Illustration 1
6 RENR9338
Systems Operation Section
Illustration 2
The electronic control system is integrally designed
into the engines fuel system and the engines air
inlet and exhaust system in order to electronically
control the fuel delivery and the injection timing. The
electronic control system provides increased timing
control and fuel air ratio control in comparison to
conventional mechanical engines. Injection timing
is achieved by precisely controlling the injector
firing time. Engine rpm is controlled by adjusting the
injection duration. The Electronic Control Module
(ECM) energizes the unit injector solenoids in
order to start the injection of fuel. Also, the ECM
de-energizes the unit injector solenoids in order to
stop the injection of fuel.
The ECM has a 70 pin connector and a 120 pin
The flash file is used by the ECM to store all the rated
information for a particular application. The flash file
cannot be replaced physically. The flash file must be
flash programmed with a PC.
The engine uses the following three types of
electronic components:



An input component sends an electrical signal to the
ECM. The signal varies in one of the following ways:



Pulse width
The variation of the signal is in response to a
change in some specific part of the system. A
specific example of an input component is the engine
speed-timing sensor. The ECM interprets the signal
from the input component as information about the
condition, environment, or operation of the engine.
A control component receives the input signals from
the input components. Electronic circuits inside the
control component evaluate the signals from the
input components. These electronic circuits also
supply electrical energy to the output components of
the system. The electrical energy that is supplied to
the output components is based on predetermined
combinations of input signal values.
An output component is operated by a control
module. The output component receives electrical
energy from the control group. The output component
uses that electrical energy in one of two ways. The
output component can use that electrical energy in
order to perform work. The output component can use
that electrical energy in order to provide information.
As an example, a moving solenoid plunger will
perform work. By performing work, the component
has functioned in order to regulate the engine.
As an example, an alarm will provide information to
the operator of the engine.
These electronic components provide the ability
to electronically control the engine operation.
Engines with electronic controls offer the following

Improvement in performance

Improvement in fuel consumption

Reduction in emissions levels

RENR9338 7
Systems Operation Section
100 Hour Free Configuration
on Engine Start-up
SMCS Code: 1901
The 100 hour free configuration on engine start-up
will provide the ability to easily change any
configuration or any monitoring system parameter
via the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) without
a password. This feature is active for the first 100
hours of engine operation.
The 100 hour free configuration on engine
start-up provides the ability to easily tailor the
programmable set points to the requirements of the
installation. The exceptions include the fuel limit, the
personality module mismatch, the Electronic Control
Module (ECM) hour adjustment, and the total fuel
consumption number.
Engine Monitoring System
Engine Monitoring System
SMCS Code: 1900; 1901
A comprehensive, programmable engine monitoring
system is provided. The Electronic Control Module
(ECM) can monitor parameters. The ECM can initiate
an action if a specific operating parameter extends
beyond the acceptable range. There are three
possible actions by the ECM which are available:
However, not all of the actions are available for
certain parameters.
The Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) can be
used in order to select the desired action by the
ECM. Cat ET can be used to program the level for
monitoring and the delay times for each action.
Refer to Troubleshooting for detailed programming
SMCS Code: 1901
Histogram data can be displayed via the Caterpillar
Electronic Technician (ET) in order to show the
trends of performance for the engine. This is used to
improve the overall performance of the engine.
Historical performance data is stored in a format
that can be used to construct histograms via the Cat
ET. Data is available for speed, load, and exhaust
Fuel Rate Scaling (Fuel
Correction Factor)
SMCS Code: 1901
When the engine is shipped from the factory,
an estimate of the engines fuel consumption is
programmed into the Electronic Control Module
(ECM). The fuel consumption estimate is based
upon the engines performance specifications. The
actual fuel consumption can be determined with a
precision fuel flow meter. Customers are likely to
find a slight difference between the programmed
fuel consumption and the actual fuel consumption.
The customer can use the Caterpillar Electronic
Technician (ET) to program the ECM for the actual
fuel consumption. No password is required in order
to change this configuration parameter.
In order to program the ECM for the actual fuel
consumption, change the Fuel Correction Factor
(FCF) that is already programmed into the ECM.
The FCF can be programmed in increments of 0.5
percent between 25 percent.
ECM Total Fuel Consumption
SMCS Code: 1901
The feature provides a method of adjusting the
total fuel consumption by incrementing the total
fuel consumption number that is recorded in the
Electronic Control Module (ECM). The adjustment is
made with the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET).
The adjustment for the total fuel consumption will
allow a new replacement ECM to be programmed in
order to display the correct total fuel consumption
number for that particular engine. The adjustment
only allows incremental changes to be made. The
change requires a factory password.
8 RENR9338
Systems Operation Section
ECM Hour Increment
SMCS Code: 1901
The adjustment for the hour increment provides a
method of adjusting the hour meter of the Electronic
Control Module (ECM). The adjustment is made with
the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET). The tool
increments the number of hours that are recorded
in the ECM.
The adjustment for the hour increment will allow a
new replacement ECM to be programmed in order
to display the correct number of operating hours for
that particular engine. The adjustment only allows
incremental changes. A password is required in order
to make the change.
RENR9338 9
Systems Operation Section
Fuel System
Fuel System Operation
SMCS Code: 1250
Illustration 3
The fuel system is a common rail design. The fuel
system consists of the following components: primary
fuel filter/water separator, advanced efficiency
secondary fuel filter, high pressure injection pump,
high pressure lines and rails, low pressure lines,
optional fuel cooler, and .
The fuel flows from the fuel tank through the primary
fuel filter/water separator to the fuel transfer pump.
The fuel transfer pump will pressurize the fuel to a
pressure of approximately 650 kPa (95 psi). The
fuel then flows through the secondary fuel filters.
From the secondary filters, the fuel flows to the high
pressure pump.
10 RENR9338
Systems Operation Section
The high pressure pump will pressurize the fuel
to approximately 180,000 kPa (26,000 psi). The
high pressure pump utilizes flexible fuel delivery or
multiple injections for optimal combustion. The fuel
then flows through the high pressure rails to the
injectors. Any excess fuel drains from the injectors
and returns to the fuel tank. An optional fuel cooler
could be used. The fuel cooler depends on the
application of the engine.
The electric priming pump pulls fuel from the tank.
The electric priming pump purges the air out of the
fuel system. The electric priming pump is used to fill
new fuel filters.
A signal is generated by the crankshaft position
sensor. Other inputs and this data allows the ECM
to correctly send a signal to the injector solenoids.
The fuel injectors solenoid is energized in order to
begin fuel injection. The fuel injectors solenoid is
de-energized in order to end fuel injection. Refer to
Systems Operation, Fuel Injector.
Fuel Injector
SMCS Code: 1290
Illustration 4
The start of fuel injection is determined when the
fuel injector is opened or closed by the Electronic
Control Module (ECM) via the injector solenoid. The
quantity of fuel that is injected is determined when
the solenoid valve is opened or closed.
During the fuel injection stroke, high pressure fuel
from the fuel rail flows into the injector and to the fuel
injector nozzle. The nozzle has a needle valve that is
spring loaded. Fuel flows through the fuel passage
around the needle valve to the valve chamber. In the
valve chamber, the fuel pressure lifts the needle valve
away from the seat. The fuel can now flow through
the orifices in the tip into the combustion chamber.
RENR9338 11
Systems Operation Section
The bottom of the fuel injector protrudes for a
short distance below the cylinder head into the
combustion chamber. The fuel injector tip has several
small orifices that are equally spaced around the
outside diameter. These orifices spray fuel into the
combustion chamber.
Air Inlet and Exhaust
Air Inlet and Exhaust System
SMCS Code: 1050
The components of the air inlet and exhaust system
control the quality and the amount of air that is
available for combustion. There are separate
turbochargers and exhaust manifolds on each side of
the engine. A common aftercooler is located between
the cylinder heads in the center of the engine. The
inlet manifold is a series of elbows that connect the
aftercooler chamber to the inlet ports (passages) of
the cylinder heads. There is one camshaft in each
side of the block. The two camshafts control the
movement of the valve system components.
Illustration 5
(1) Exhaust manifold
(2) Exhaust outlet
(3) Turbocharger turbine wheel
(4) Turbocharger compressor wheel
(5) Air inlet
(6) Air line
(7) Aftercooler
Clean inlet air from the air cleaners is pulled through
the air inlet (5) into the turbocharger compressor by
the turbocharger compressor wheel (4). The rotation
of the turbocharger compressor wheel (4) causes
the air to compress. The rotation of the turbocharger
compressor wheel then forces the air through a
tube to aftercooler (7). The aftercooler lowers the
temperature of the compressed air before the air gets
into the inlet chambers in each cylinder head. This
cooled and compressed air fills the inlet chambers in
the cylinder heads. Air flow from the inlet chamber
into the cylinder heads is controlled by the inlet
There are two inlet valves and two exhaust valves
for each cylinder. Refer to Systems Operation,
Valve Mechanism. The inlet valves open when the
piston moves down on the inlet stroke. The cooled,
compressed air is pulled into the cylinder from the
inlet chamber.
The inlet valves close and the piston starts to move
up on the compression stroke. When the piston
is near the top of the compression stroke, fuel is
injected into the cylinder. The fuel mixes with the air
and combustion starts. The force of the combustion
pushes the piston downward on the power stroke.
When the piston moves upward again, the piston is
on the exhaust stroke. The exhaust valves open and
the exhaust gases are pushed through the exhaust
port into exhaust manifold (1). After the piston makes
the exhaust stroke, the exhaust valves close and the
cycle starts again.
Exhaust gases from exhaust manifold (1) go into the
turbine side of the turbocharger. The exhaust gases
cause turbine wheel (3) to turn. The turbine wheel is
connected to the shaft that drives the turbocharger
compressor wheel (3). The exhaust gases exit
through the exhaust outlet (2).
12 RENR9338
Systems Operation Section
SMCS Code: 1063
Illustration 6
The aftercooler is located at the rear of the engine.
The aftercooler has a core assembly that is charged
by the coolant. Coolant from the water pump flows
through a pipe into the aftercooler. Coolant then flows
through the core assembly. Coolant flows back out
the aftercooler through a different pipe.
Inlet air fromthe compressor side of the turbochargers
flows into the aftercooler through pipes. The air then
passes through the fins of the core assembly which
lowers the temperature. The cooler air flows out of
the bottom of the aftercooler and into the air chamber.
The air flows through the elbows to the inlet ports in
the cylinder heads.
Valve Mechanism
SMCS Code: 1102
The valve system components control the flow of the
inlet air and the exhaust gases into the cylinders and
out of the cylinders during engine operation.
The crankshaft gear drives the camshaft gear through
the idler gear. The camshaft must be timed to the
crankshaft in order to get the correct relation between
the piston and the valve movement.
The camshaft has two lobes for each cylinder. One
lobe operates the inlet valves and the other lobe
operates the exhaust valves.
Illustration 7
Valve system components
(1) Rocker arm
(2) Lifter group
(3) Pushrod
(4) Rotocoil
(5) Valve spring
(6) Bridge
As the camshaft turns, the lobes on the camshaft
cause the lifters in lifter group (2) to move up and
down. This movement causes pushrods (3) to move
rocker arms (1). The movement of the rocker arms
cause bridges (6) to move downward. The bridges
open two valves simultaneously. The valves can be
either inlet valves or exhaust valves. There are two
inlet valves and two exhaust valves for each cylinder.
Valve springs (5) cause the valves to close when the
lifters move downward.
Rotocoils (4) cause the valves to turn while the
engine is running. The rotation of the valves keeps
the carbon deposits on the valves to a minimum
which gives the valves a longer service life.
RENR9338 13
Systems Operation Section
SMCS Code: 1052
Illustration 8
(1) Turbocharger
(2) Oil supply line
(3) Oil drain
Four turbochargers (1) are used on the rear of the
engine. The turbine side of each turbocharger is
connected to the turbochargers respective exhaust
manifold. The compressor side of each turbocharger
is connected by pipes to the aftercooler housing.
Illustration 9
Turbocharger cartridge
(4) Compressor wheel
(5) Bearing
(6) Oil inlet port
(7) Bearing
(8) Turbine wheel
(9) Oil outlet port
The exhaust gases go into the exhaust inlet of the
turbine housing. The exhaust gases push the blades
of turbine wheel (8).
Clean air from the air cleaners is pulled through
the compressor housing air inlet by the rotation of
compressor wheel (4). The compressor wheel blades
compress the inlet air. This compression gives
the engine more power because the compression
allows the engine to burn additional fuel with greater
The maximum speed of the turbocharger is controlled
by the engines electronic control of fuel delivery.
When the engine is operating, the height above
sea level also controls the maximum speed of the
Bearing (5) and bearing (7) in the turbocharger use
engine oil under pressure for lubrication. The oil is
sent through the oil inlet line to oil inlet port (6) at the
top. The oil then goes through passages in the center
section for lubrication of the bearings. The oil goes
out of oil outlet port (9) at the bottom. The oil then
goes back to the flywheel housing through oil drain
(3) in the support for the turbochargers.
14 RENR9338
Systems Operation Section
Lubrication System
Lubrication System Operation
SMCS Code: 1300
Illustration 10
Engine oil system schematic
RENR9338 15
Systems Operation Section
Illustration 11
Engine oil system
(1) Turbocharger oil supply
(2) Main oil gallery
(3) Engine oil filter housing
(4) Engine oil pressure control valve
(5) Engine oil pump
(6) Suction screen
This system uses an engine oil pump (5) with two
pump gears. The pump gears are driven by the front
gear train. Oil is pulled from the pan through suction
screen (6) and through the elbow by the engine oil
There is an engine oil pressure control valve (4)
mounted to the engine oil pump. The engine oil
pressure controls the pressure of the engine oil from
the engine oil pump. The engine oil pump can put too
much engine oil into the system. When there is too
much engine oil, the engine oil pressure goes up and
the relief valve opens. This allows the engine oil that
is not needed to go back to the engine oil pan.
The engine oil pump pushes the engine oil through
the engine oil coolers and through the engine oil
filters to main oil gallery (1). The engine oil coolers
lower the temperature of the engine oil before the
engine oil is sent to the filters.
Cartridge type filters are used. The filters are located
in an engine oil filter housing.
Clean engine oil from the filters flows through the
engine oil line and into the block through elbow (9).
Part of the engine oil flows up to the camshaft. The
remainder of the engine oil flows to main oil gallery
Main oil gallery (1) is connected to the camshaft
bearings by drilled holes. The engine oil flows around
each camshaft journal. The engine oil travels to the
cylinder head and through a separate passage from
the main gallery to each cylinder head. Passages
that travel to the lifter groups lubricate the valve
lifters. The oil travels through the pushrods in order
to lubricate the rocker arms and the rocker arm shaft.
Main oil gallery (1) is connected to the main bearings
by drilled holes. Drilled holes in the crankshaft
connect the main bearing oil supply to the rod
bearings. Engine oil from the rear of the main oil
gallery goes to the rear of right camshaft oil gallery
16 RENR9338
Systems Operation Section
Illustration 12
Piston cooling
(7) Piston cooling jet
There is a piston cooling jet (7) below each piston.
Each piston cooling jet has two openings. One
opening is in the direction of a passage in the bottom
of the piston. This passage takes engine oil to a
manifold behind the ring band of the piston. A slot
(groove) is in the side of both piston pin bores in
order to connect with the manifold behind the ring
band. The other opening is in the direction of the
center of the piston. This helps cool the piston and
this lubricates the piston pin.
Illustration 13
(8) Oil supply line
(9) Oil drain
Oil supply line (8) sends engine oil from the rear
adapter to the turbochargers. Oil drain (9) allows the
oil to drain through the turbocharger supports that
are bolted to the flywheel housing.
Engine oil is sent to the front gear group and the
rear gear group through drilled passages. The drilled
passages are in the front housing, the rear housing
and cylinder block faces. These passages are
connected to main oil gallery (2).
After the engine oil has finished lubricating, the
engine oil goes back to the engine oil pan.
RENR9338 17
Systems Operation Section
Cooling System
Cooling System Operation
SMCS Code: 1350
Jacket Water Aftercooling
Illustration 14
18 RENR9338
Systems Operation Section
Illustration 15
(1) Aftercooler
(2) First stage aftercooler return
(3) First stage aftercooler supply
(4) Engine oil cooler
(5) Jacket water pump
(6) Jacket water supply
(7) Jacket water engine block supply
(8) Jacket water bypass
Coolant flows to the jacket water pump through piping
that connects to the radiator or the heat exchanger .
The coolant is sent through the engine oil cooler. Part
of the coolant is sent to the aftercooler while most of
the coolant the sent through the engine block.
The coolant that is sent to the aftercooler goes
through the aftercooler core. The coolant returns
through piping at the front of the cylinder block. The
passage is near the center of the vee at the front
of the block. The coolant that is sent to the engine
oil cooler goes through the engine oil cooler. The
coolant flows into the water jacket of the block at
the front of the engine. The coolant goes to both
sides of the block through distribution manifolds. The
distribution manifolds are connected to the water
jacket of all the cylinders.
The coolant flows upward through the water jackets.
The coolant flows around the cylinder liners from
the bottom to the top. Near the top of the cylinder
liners, the water jacket is made smaller. This is the
area that has the hottest temperature. This smaller
area causes the coolant to flow faster for better liner
cooling. Coolant from the top of the liners flows into
the cylinder head which sends the coolant around the
parts that have the hottest temperature. Coolant flows
to the top of the cylinder head (one at each cylinder).
The coolant flows out of the cylinder head through
piping to the electronic water temperature regulator.
The electronic water temperature regulator is
controlled by an Electronic Control Module (ECM) for
the electronic water temperature regulator. Before
the electronic water temperature regulator opens,
cold coolant is sent through the bypass line back to
the inlet of the water pump. As the temperature of the
coolant increases, the regulators start to open. When
the regulators open the coolant flow in the bypass
line is then restricted. Coolant is sent through the
outlets to the radiator or the heat exchanger.
RENR9338 19
Systems Operation Section
Separate Circuit Aftercooling
Illustration 16
Illustration 17
(9) Separate circuit aftercooler supply (10) Separate circuit aftercooler return (11) Separate circuit water pump
20 RENR9338
Systems Operation Section
Coolant flows to the separate circuit water pump .
The coolant flows through an elbow that connects to
the coolant tank for the separate circuit . The coolant
flow is sent through the aftercooler.
Coolant flows through the aftercooler and back to
a thermostatic valve. If the thermostatic valve is
closed, the cold coolant is sent back to the separate
circuit water pump. As the temperature of the coolant
increases, the regulators start to open. When the
regulators open the coolant flow in the bypass line is
restricted. The coolant is then sent through the outlet
to the radiator for the separate circuit cooling system.
Basic Engine
Cylinder Block, Liners and
SMCS Code: 1100; 1200
The cylinders in the left side of the block form a 60
degree angle with the cylinders in the right side. The
main bearing caps are fastened to the cylinder block
with four bolts per cap.
The cylinder liners can be removed for replacement.
The top surface of the cylinder block is the seat for
the cylinder liner flange. Engine coolant flows around
the cylinder liners in order to keep the cylinder liners
cool. Three O-ring seals around the middle of the
cylinder liner make a seal between the cylinder liner
and the cylinder block. A filler band goes under the
cylinder liner flange. This makes a seal between the
top of the cylinder liner and the cylinder block.
The engine has a separate cylinder head for each
cylinder. Two inlet valves and two exhaust valves,
which are controlled by a pushrod valve system,
are used for each cylinder. Valve guides without
shoulders are pressed into the cylinder heads.
Coolant goes out of the cylinder block through the
spacer plate and into the cylinder head through eight
openings in each cylinder head face. Water seals are
used in each opening to prevent coolant leakage.
Gaskets seal the engine oil drain line between the
cylinder head, the spacer plate, and the cylinder
Camshaft covers allow access to the camshaft and
to the valve lifters. Crankcase covers allow access to
the crankshaft connecting rods, to the main bearings,
and to the piston cooling jets. When the covers are
removed, all the openings can be used for inspection
and for service.
Pistons, Rings and Connecting
SMCS Code: 1214; 1218
Illustration 18
Piston assembly
The piston is a one-piece piston that is made of
forged steel. A large circumferential slot separates
the crown and the skirt. The crown and the skirt
remain attached by the strut for the pin bore. The
crown carries all three piston rings. Oil from the piston
cooling jets flows through a chamber which is located
directly behind the rings. The oil cools the piston
which improves the life of the rings. The pistons have
three rings which include two compression rings and
one oil ring. All the rings are located above the piston
pin bore. Oil returns to the crankcase through holes
in the oil ring groove.
RENR9338 21
Systems Operation Section
Illustration 19
Connecting rod
The connecting rod has a taper on the pin bore end.
This taper gives the rod and the piston more strength
in the areas with the most load. Six bolts, which are
set at a small angle, hold the rod cap to the rod. This
design keeps the rod width to a minimum, so that a
larger rod bearing can be used and the rod can still
be removed through the liner.
SMCS Code: 1202
Illustration 20
The crankshaft changes the combustion forces in
the cylinder into usable rotating torque. A vibration
damper is used at the front of the crankshaft in order
to reduce torsional vibrations (twist) that can cause
damage to the engine.
The crankshaft drives a group of gears on the front
and on the rear of the engine. The gear group on
the front of the engine drives the oil pump, the water
pumps, the fuel pump, and the accessory drives.
The rear gear group drives the camshafts and the
accessory drives.
Seals and wear sleeves are used at both ends of the
crankshaft. The C175-16 crankshaft is held in place
by nine main bearings. A thrust plate at either side of
the rear main bearing controls the end play of the
22 RENR9338
Systems Operation Section
SMCS Code: 1210
Illustration 21
There is one camshaft. The C175-16 camshaft is
supported by nine bearings. Each camshaft is driven
by the gears at the rear of the engine.
The camshafts must be in time with the crankshaft.
The relation of the camshaft lobes to the crankshaft
position causes the valves in each cylinder to operate
at the correct time.
Air Starting System
Air Starting System
SMCS Code: 1450
Illustration 22
Air starting system
(1) Air starting motor
(2) Air inlet
(3) Control valve
(4) Hose
(5) Tube
(6) Starting motor solenoid
When the main supply of pressurized air is ON,
pressurized air is provided to control valve (1). The
main supply of pressurized air is blocked by the
control valve. The control valve allows some control
air pressure to flow through the control valve to
starting motor solenoid (6).
When the normally closed starting motor solenoid
is activated for start-up, the solenoid opens the
connected valve. The valve allows the control air
pressure to flow behind the piston inside the air
starting motor.
The control air pressure pushes the piston. The
piston compresses a piston spring and the piston
moves the drive shaft for the pinion outward in order
to engage the pinion with the flywheel ring gear. The
starting motor does not crank the engine yet.
RENR9338 23
Systems Operation Section
After the pinion is engaged with the flywheel ring
gear, a port in the starting motor is opened in order to
allow the control air pressure to flow through tube (4)
to the top of control valve (3). The control valve opens
in order to allow the main supply of pressurized air to
flow through the starting motors air inlet (2).
The pressurized air causes the vanes and the rotor
to rotate. The rotor uses the reduction gears to rotate
the drive shaft for the pinion and the pinion rotates
the flywheel in order to crank the engine.
When the engine starts to run, the flywheel will begin
to rotate faster than the pinion. The design of the
drive shaft for the pinion allows the pinion to move
away from the flywheel. This prevents damage to the
air starting motor, to the pinion, and to the flywheel
ring gear.
When the engine control senses the crank terminate
speed, starting motor solenoid (3) is de-energized.
The solenoid closes the attached valve and the
control air pressure is removed from piston (11). The
piston spring retracts the piston, the drive shaft, and
the pinion.
The retraction of the piston closes the passage for
the control air pressure to control valve (3). The
control valve closes in order to shut off the main
supply of pressurized air to the starting motor.
Electrical System
Electrical System Operation
SMCS Code: 1400; 1450
The electrical system has two separate circuits.
The circuits are the charging circuit and the starting
circuit. Some of the electrical system components
are used in more than one circuit. The battery, the
circuit breaker, the cables, and the battery wires are
common in each of the circuits.
The charging circuit is in operation when the engine
is running. An alternator makes electricity for the
charging circuit. A voltage regulator in the circuit
controls the electrical output in order to keep the
battery at full charge.
The starting circuit is in operation only when the start
switch is activated.
Grounding Practices
SMCS Code: 1400
Proper grounding is necessary for optimum engine
performance and reliability. Improper grounding will
result in uncontrolled electrical circuit paths and in
unreliable electrical circuit paths.
Uncontrolled electrical circuit paths can result in
damage to main bearings, to crankshaft bearing
journal surfaces, and to aluminum components.
Uncontrolled electrical circuit paths can also cause
electrical activity that may degrade the engine
electronics and communications.
Ensure that all grounds are secure and free of
The engine alternator must be grounded to the
negative - battery terminal with a wire that is
adequate to carry the full charging current of the
For the starting motor, do not attach the battery
negative terminal to the engine block.
This engine is equipped with a 24 volt starting system.
Use only equal voltage for boost starting. The use of
a welder or higher voltage will damage the electrical
Ground the engine block with a ground strap that is
furnished by the customer. Connect this ground strap
to the ground plane.
Use a separate ground strap to ground the negative
- battery terminal for the control system to the
ground plane.
Disconnect the power when you are working on the
engines electronics.
If rubber couplings are used to connect the steel
piping of the cooling system and the radiator,
the piping and the radiator can be electrically
isolated. Ensure that the piping and the radiator are
continuously grounded to the engine. Use ground
straps that bypass the rubber couplings.
24 RENR9338
Systems Operation Section
Charging System
SMCS Code: 1400
Never operate the alternator without the battery in the
circuit. Making or breaking an alternator connection
with heavy load on the circuit can cause damage to
the regulator.
Illustration 23
Alternator components (typical example)
(1) Regulator
(2) Roller bearing
(3) Stator winding
(4) Ball bearing
(5) Rectifier bridge
(6) Field winding
(7) Rotor assembly
(8) Fan
The alternator is driven by a belt from an auxiliary
drive at the front right corner of the engine. This
alternator is a three-phase, self-rectifying charging
unit, and the regulator is part of the alternator.
The voltage regulator is a solid-state, electronic
switch. The regulator turns on and the regulator turns
off many times in one second in order to control the
field current to the alternator. The output voltage from
the alternator will now supply the needs of the battery
and the other components in the electrical system.
No adjustment can be made in order to change the
rate of charge on these alternator regulators.
Starting System
SMCS Code: 1450
Starting solenoid
A solenoid is an electromagnetic switch that does
two basic operations.

Close the high current starting motor circuit with a

low current start switch circuit.

Engage the starting motor pinion with the ring gear.

Illustration 24
Typical solenoid
The solenoid has windings (one or two sets) around
a hollow cylinder. There is a spring-loaded plunger
inside the cylinder. The plunger can move forward
and backward. When the start switch is closed
and the electricity is sent through the windings, a
magnetic field is made. The magnetic field pulls the
plunger forward in the cylinder. This moves the shift
lever in order to engage the pinion drive gear with
the ring gear. The front end of the plunger makes
contact across the battery and the motor terminals of
the solenoid. The starting motor begins to turn the
flywheel of the engine.
When the start switch is opened, current no longer
flows through the windings. The spring pushes the
plunger back to the original position. The spring
simultaneously moves the pinion gear away from the
RENR9338 25
Systems Operation Section
When two sets of windings in the solenoid are used,
the windings are called the hold-in winding and the
pull-in winding. Both of the winding have the same
number of turns around the cylinder. However, the
pull-in winding uses a wire with a larger diameter in
order to produce a greater magnetic field. When the
start switch is closed, part of the current flows from
the battery through the hold-in windings. The rest
of the current flows through the pull-in windings to
the motor terminal. The current then goes through
the motor to the ground. When the solenoid is fully
activated, current is shut off through the pull-in
windings. Only the smaller hold-in windings are in
operation for the extended period of time. This period
of time is the amount of time that is needed for
the engine to start. The solenoid will now take less
current from the battery. The heat that is made by the
solenoid will be kept at an acceptable level.
Starting Motor
The starting motor is used to turn the engine flywheel
in order to get the engine running.
Illustration 25
Cross section of the starting motor (typical example)
(1) Field
(2) Solenoid
(3) Clutch
(4) Pinion
(5) Commutator
(6) Brush assembly
(7) Armature
The starting motor has a solenoid. When the start
switch is activated, electricity will flow through the
windings of the solenoid. The solenoid core will move
in order to push the starting motor pinion with a
mechanical linkage. This will engage with the ring
gear on the flywheel of the engine. The starting
motor pinion will engage with the ring gear before
the electric contacts in the solenoid close the circuit
between the battery and the starting motor. When
the circuit between the battery and the starting motor
is complete, the pinion will turn the engine flywheel.
A clutch gives protection to the starting motor. The
engine can not turn the starting motor too fast. When
the start switch is released, the starting motor pinion
will move away from the flywheel ring gear.
Starting Motor Protection
The starting motor is protected from damage in two

The starting motor is protected from engagement

with the engine when the starting motor is running.
The control feature will not allow the starting motor
to engage if the speed is above 0 rpm.

The starting motor is protected from continued

operation by holding the key in the start position
after the engine starts. This is accomplished by
disengaging the starting motor solenoid after
engine speed reaches 300 rpm.
Circuit Breaker
SMCS Code: 1420
The circuit breaker is a switch that opens the battery
circuit if the current in the electrical system goes
higher than the rating of the circuit breaker.
A heat-activated metal disc with a contact point
completes the electric circuit through the circuit
breaker. If the current in the electrical system gets too
high the metal disc will get hot. This heat causes a
distortion of metal disc. The disc opens the contacts.
The disc breaks the circuit.
Find and correct the problem that causes the circuit
breaker to open. This will help prevent damage to the
circuit components from too much current.
26 RENR9338
Testing and Adjusting Section
Testing and Adjusting
Fuel System
Fuel System Inspection
SMCS Code: 1250-040
Ensure that all adjustments and repairs that are
carried out to the fuel system are performed by
authorised personnel that have the correct train-
Before begining ANY work on the fuel system, re-
fer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, Gen-
eral Hazard Information and High Pressure Fuel
Lines for safety information.
Refer to Systems Operation, Cleanliness of Fu-
el System Components for detailed information
on the standards of cleanliness that must be ob-
served during ALL work on the fuel system.
A problem with the components that supply fuel to
the engine can cause low fuel pressure. This can
decrease engine performance.
1. Check the fuel level in the fuel tank. Look at the
cap for the fuel tank. Make sure that the vent is
not filled with debris.
2. Check the fuel lines for fuel leakage. Be sure that
none of the fuel lines have a restriction or a faulty
3. Install new main fuel filters. Clean the primary fuel
4. Check for a low transfer pressure fuel supply.
Ensure that you are building a minimum of
250 kPa (36 psi) of fuel pressure as this is the
minimum required to open the inlet check valves
on the high pressure pump. If the fuel from the
tank is on, then remove the low pressure transfer
pump and verify that the drive shaft is not broken.
If the transfer pump is okay, then replace the low
pressure regulator.
5. Check to see if the fuel system is primed. If this
is first start after changing fuel filters and system
is dry, the fitting may need to be cracked at filter
housing base on the filtered fuel side while running
the engine priming pump to purge the air from the
system. It also may be necessary to crack the
outlet line from the monoblock to purge air as well.
6. Check for fuel leaks on the high pressure system.
If there is a leak large enough to cause inability
to build rail pressure, it will be visible through the
leak ports on the double wall fuel leak containment
Checking Engine Cylinders
SMCS Code: 1290-535
When the engine is under load, the temperature of
an exhaust manifold port can indicate the condition
of a fuel injector. Low temperature at an exhaust
manifold port is an indication of no fuel to the cylinder.
This can possibly indicate an injector with a defect
or a problem with the control system. An extra high
temperature at an exhaust manifold port can indicate
too much fuel to the cylinder. High temperatures may
also be caused by an injector with a defect.
Refer to Testing And Adjusting, Measuring Exhaust
Temperature for the procedure to check the exhaust
manifold port temperatures.
Checking Engine Cylinders
with an Electronic Service Tool
SMCS Code: 1290-535
Refer to the Troubleshooting Manual for the tools
needed in order to check the engine cylinders.
The condition of individual cylinders may be checked
electronically. The cylinders may be checked by
cutting out the cylinders with an electronic service
tool. A weak cylinder or a cold cylinder may be found
in this manner.
1. Connect the electronic service tool and the
communication adapter to the data link connector.
2. Start the engine and set engine speed to low idle.
3. Select the Diagnostic Tests screen from the main
menu and then select 1-Cylinder Cutout.
RENR9338 27
Testing and Adjusting Section
4. Observe the Injection Duration that is displayed
on the electronic service tool screen. The
injection duration represents the amount of time
for energizing the injector cartridge valve. The
injection duration also represents the amount of
fuel that is being injected at that engine speed.
5. Use the arrow keys in order to highlight each
cylinder. Then press return. The display should
read CUTOUT next to the cylinder number.
Observe the duration number with each cylinder
that is cut out. Compare the number to the
duration number in Step 4.
When a cylinder is cut out, the other cylinders must
work harder in order to maintain the current engine
speed. The ECM automatically increases the duration
of the cylinders that are still firing in order to maintain
engine rpm.
If a cylinder is cut out and the duration number does
not increase, then that cylinder is producing less
power or that cylinder is not producing power.
This test may also be performed at other engine
speeds and engine loads. When the engine is at rated
load, the duration number will not increase when
the cylinders are cut out. Instead, the engine speed
will decrease. The speed will decrease because the
engine is delivering the rated power. Increasing the
fuel would increase the engines power output above
the rated power. For additional information, refer
to Special Instruction, REHS1003, Performing a
Multiple Cylinder Cutout Test.
Fuel Injector E-trim
SMCS Code: 1290
During the manufacturing process, an part number
for an injector trim file is etched on the top surface
of the injectors tappet in order to designate the trim
code of the injector.
The code for each injector is programmed into the
engines ECM during the manufacture of the engine.
When an injector is serviced, the new injectors trim
code must be programmed into the engines ECM.
The trim code is programmed within the calibration
menu that is in the Caterpillar Electronic Technician
(ET). If the new file is not programmed, the previous
injectors characteristics are assumed.
Note: Reprogram the new code as soon as possible.
This will optimize the engines performance. This will
also prevent any detrimental effects.
Engine Rotation
SMCS Code: 1000
The SAE standard engine crankshaft rotation is
counterclockwise from the flywheel end of the engine.
Finding the Top Center
Position for the No. 1 Piston
SMCS Code: 1105-531
Table 1
Tools Needed Quantity
279-3473 Barring Gp 1
Illustration 26
(1) 279-3473 Barring Gp
28 RENR9338
Testing and Adjusting Section
Illustration 27
(2) 269-0550 Timing Pin Assembly
(3) Plug
(4) Pin locations
1. Remove plug (3) from the top of the flywheel
2. Remove 269-0550 Timing Pin Assembly (2) from
one of pin locations (4) at the top of the flywheel
housing .
269-0550 Timing Pin Assembly is marked with
the letter F on the bolt head.
3. Put 269-0550 Timing Pin Assembly (2) through
the timing hole in the flywheel housing. Use
279-3473 Barring Gp (1) and a ratchet wrench
with a 34 mm socket in order to turn the flywheel
in the direction of normal engine rotation. Turn the
flywheel until the timing pin assembly will fall into
the slot in the flywheel.
Note: If the flywheel is turned beyond the point of
engagement, the flywheel must be turned in the
direction that is opposite of normal engine rotation.
Turn the flywheel by approximately 30 degrees.
Then turn the flywheel in the direction of normal
engine rotation until the timing bolt engages with the
threaded hole. This procedure will remove the play
from the gears when the No. 1 piston is on the top
4. Remove the valve cover for the No. 1 cylinder
5. The inlet and exhaust valves for the No. 1 cylinder
are fully closed if the No. 1 piston is on the
compression stroke and the rocker arms can be
moved by hand. If the rocker arms cannot be
moved and the valves are slightly open, the No. 1
piston is on the exhaust stroke. Find the cylinders
that need to be checked or adjusted for the stroke
position of the crankshaft after the timing bolt has
been installed in the flywheel. Refer to Testing and
Adjusting, Crankshaft Position for Fuel Injector
Adjustment and Valve Lash Setting.
Note: When the actual stroke position is identified
and the other stroke position is needed, remove the
timing bolt from the flywheel. Turn the flywheel by 360
degrees in the direction of normal engine rotation.
RENR9338 29
Testing and Adjusting Section
Crankshaft Position for Valve
Lash Setting
SMCS Code: 1105; 1202
Table 2
Counterclockwise rotation (Standard) from the flywheel end of the engine
Cylinders to Check/Adjust
Correct Stroke For No.
1 Piston At Top Center
Inlet Valves Exhaust Valves
Compression 1-2-3-4-5-7-8-12 1-2-5-6-8-9-13-14
Exhaust 6-9-10-11-13-14-15-16 3-4-7-10-11-12-15-16
Put the No. 1 Piston at the top center (TC) position and identify the correct stroke. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, Finding the Top Center
Position for the No 1 Piston. Find the top center position for a particular stroke and make the adjustment for the correct cylinders. Remove
the timing bolt . Turn the flywheel by 360 degrees in the direction of normal engine rotation. This will put the No. 1 piston at the top center
(TC) position on the other stroke. Install the timing bolt in the flywheel and complete the adjustments for the cylinders that remain.
30 RENR9338
Testing and Adjusting Section
Air Inlet and Exhaust
Restriction of Air Inlet and
SMCS Code: 1050-040
There will be a reduction in the performance of the
engine if there is a restriction in the air inlet system or
the exhaust system.
The air flow through the air cleaner may have a
restriction. The pressure at the restriction of the air
flow must not exceed 6.25 kPa (25.0 inches of H2O).
Back pressure is the difference in the pressure
between the exhaust at the outlet elbow and the
atmospheric air. Back pressure from the exhaust
must not be more than 5.0 kPa (20 inches of H2O).
Measuring Inlet Manifold
SMCS Code: 1058-082
The performance of an engine can be checked.
Determine the boost pressure in the inlet manifold
during a load test. Compare this pressure with the
specifications that are given in the Fuel Setting
and Related Information in the Technical Marketing
Information (TMI). This test is used when there is an
increase in exhaust temperature to the turbocharger
on the engine, yet there is no real sign of a problem
with the engine.
The performance and correct pressure for the
inlet manifold is given in the Fuel Setting and
Related Information in the TMI. Development of this
information is done with these conditions:

The dry barometric pressure measures 96 kPa

(28.8 inches Hg).

25 C (77 F) outside air temperature

35 API rated fuel

Any change from these conditions can change the
pressure in the inlet manifold. The outside air may
have a higher temperature and a lower barometric
pressure than the values that are given above.
This will cause a lower inlet manifold pressure
measurement than the pressure that is given in the
TMI. Outside air that has a lower temperature and a
higher barometric pressure will cause a higher inlet
manifold pressure measurement.
A difference in fuel density will change horsepower
and boost. If the fuel is rated above 35 API, the
pressure in the inlet manifold can be less than the
pressure that is given in the TMI. If the fuel is rated
below 35 API, the pressure in the inlet manifold can
be more than the pressure that is given in the TMI.
Be sure that the air inlet or the exhaust does not
have a restriction when you are making a check of
the pressure.
Note: The electronic service tool may be used to
check the pressure in the inlet manifold.
Measuring Exhaust
SMCS Code: 1088-082
Table 3
Tools Needed Qty
4C-6090 Temperature Selector Group 1
6V-9130 Temperature Adapter 1
237-5130 Digital Multimeter Gp 1
Use the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) to
monitor individual cylinder exhaust temperatures, the
exhaust temperature to the turbocharger, and the
exhaust temperature after the turbocharger.
The temperatures can be verified with the 4C-6090
Temperature Selector Group, with the 6V-9130
Temperature Adapter, and with the 237-5130 Digital
Multimeter. Refer to Operating Manual, NEHS0537
for the complete operating instructions for the
4C-6090 Temperature Selector Group.
RENR9338 31
Testing and Adjusting Section
Crankcase Pressure
SMCS Code: 1215; 1317-082
The Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) can be
used to measure crankcase pressure. Crankcase
pressure is given on the display status screen
in Cat ET. The Electronic Control Module (ECM)
will perform any of the following functions if the
crankcase pressure is high in the engine: warning,
derate, and shutdown. The response will depend on
the programming and the availability of the parameter
of the monitoring system. Refer to the Testing
and Adjusting, Monitoring System Parameters in
this manual for information on programming the
monitoring system.
Pistons or rings that have damage can be the cause
of too much pressure in the crankcase. This condition
will cause the engine to run rough. There will be
more than the normal amount of fumes coming from
the crankcase breather. This crankcase pressure can
also cause the element for the crankcase breather to
have a restriction in a very short time. This crankcase
pressure can also be the cause of any oil leakage at
the gaskets and at the seals that would not normally
have leakage.
Valve Lash - Adjust
SMCS Code: 1105-025
The Electronic Control Module produces high
voltage. To prevent personal injury make sure the
Electronic Control Module is not powered and do
not come in contact with the fuel injector solenoid
terminals while the engine is running.
Table 4
Valve Lash Setting: Engine Stopped
Valves Gauge Dimension
Inlet 0.8 mm (0.0315 inch)
Exhaust 1.3 mm (0.0512 inch)
32 RENR9338
Testing and Adjusting Section
Illustration 28
(1) Exhaust rocker arm
(2) Locknut
(3) Adjustment screw
(4) Inlet rocker arm
(5) Valve lash
1. Ensure that the number 1 piston is at the top
center position. Refer to Testing and Adjusting
, Finding the Top Center Position for the No. 1
2. The number 1 piston should be at the top center
position of the correct stroke. Make adjustments to
the valves according to the chart: Refer to Testing
and Adjusting, Crankshaft Positions for Valve
Lash Setting.
RENR9338 33
Testing and Adjusting Section
Note: Tap each rocker arm on the top of the
adjustment screw before you make any adjustments.
Use a soft hammer. Make sure that the lifter roller is
seated against the base circle of the camshaft.
3. Move the rocker assembly upward and move the
rocker arm assembly downward. Move the rocker
assembly several times. The oil film is removed in
order to get a true zero reading. Install a wrench
on the locknut of the rocker arm. Apply slight
upward pressure to the top of the rocker assembly.
Check with a 8H-8581 Feeler Gauge between
the rocker arm and the valve bridge.
4. Loosen the locknut. The locknut is located on
the adjustment screw of the pushrod. Turn the
adjustment screw until the valve lash is set to
specifications. Tighten the nut for the adjustment
screw. Check the adjustment again by using a
8H-8581 Feeler Gauge between the rocker arm
and the valve bridge.
34 RENR9338
Testing and Adjusting Section
Lubrication System
General Information
(Lubrication System)
SMCS Code: 1300
The following problems generally indicate a problem
in the engines lubrication system.

Excessive consumption of engine oil

Low engine oil pressure

High engine oil pressure

Excessive bearing wear

Increased engine oil temperature

Engine Oil Pressure - Test
SMCS Code: 1304-081
Work carefully around an engine that is running.
Engine parts that are hot, or parts that are moving,
can cause personal injury.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, Caterpillar
Dealer Service Tool Catalog for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Table 5
Tools Needed
Part Number Part Name Quantity
1U-5470 Engine Pressure Group 1
Illustration 29
1U-5470 Engine Pressure Group
The 1U-5470 Engine Pressure Group measures the
engine oil pressure in the system. This engine tool
group can read the engine oil pressure inside the oil
Note: Refer to Special Instruction, SEHS8907,
Using the 1U-5470 Engine Pressure Group for
more information on using the 1U-5470 Engine
Pressure Group.
Note: The engine oil pressure can also be measured
by using an electronic service tool. Refer to
Troubleshooting for information on the use of the
Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET).
Illustration 30
Location of the oil gallery plug
Typical example
(1) Plug
1. Install the 1U-5470 Engine Pressure Group.
RENR9338 35
Testing and Adjusting Section
2. Start the engine. Run the engine with SAE 15W40
oil. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
Engine Oil for the recommendations of engine
Note: Allow the engine to reach operating
temperature before you perform the oil pressure test.
Note: The engine oil temperature should not exceed
115 C (239 F).
3. Record the value of the engine oil pressure when
the engine has reached operating temperature.
4. The normal engine oil pressure at rated rpm is
approximately 525 kPa (76 psi) to approximately
575 kPa (83 psi). The maximum engine oil
pressure should never exceed 850 kPa (123 psi).
The minimum engine oil pressure at rated rpm
should be approximately 525 kPa (76 psi). The
minimum engine oil pressure at low idle rpm is
approximately 280 kPa (40 psi).
Note: A record of engine oil pressure can be used
as an indication of possible engine problems or of
damage. A possible problem could exist if the engine
oil pressure suddenly increases or decreases 70 kPa
(10 psi) and the engine is not at normal engine oil
pressure. Inspect the engine and correct the problem.
5. Compare the recorded engine oil pressure with the
engine oil pressure indicators on the instrument
panel and the engine oil pressure that is displayed
on the Cat ET.
6. An engine oil pressure indicator that has a defect
or an engine oil pressure sensor that has a defect
can give a false indication of engine oil pressure.
If there is a notable difference between the engine
oil pressure readings make necessary repairs.
7. If the engine oil pressure is low, refer to Testing
and Adjusting, Engine Oil Pressure is Low for
the possible causes of low engine oil pressure.
8. If the engine oil pressure is high, refer to Testing
and Adjusting, Engine Oil Pressure is High for
the possible causes of high engine oil pressure.
Excessive Bearing Wear -
SMCS Code: 1203-040; 1211-040; 1219-040
When some components of the engine show bearing
wear in a short time, the cause can be a restriction in
a passage for engine oil.
An indicator for the engine oil pressure may show
that there is enough engine oil pressure, but a
component is worn due to a lack of lubrication. In
such a case, look at the passage for the engine oil
supply to the component. A restriction in an engine
oil supply passage will not allow enough lubrication
to reach a component. This will result in early wear.
Excessive Engine Oil
Consumption - Inspect
SMCS Code: 1348-040
Engine Oil Leaks on the Outside of
the Engine
Check for leakage at the seals at each end of the
crankshaft. Look for leakage at the gasket for the
engine oil pan and all lubrication system connections.
Look for any engine oil that may be leaking from
the crankcase breather. This can be caused by
combustion gas leakage around the pistons. A dirty
crankcase breather will cause high pressure in the
crankcase. A dirty crankcase breather will cause the
gaskets and the seals to leak.
Engine Oil Leaks into the
Combustion Area of the Cylinders
Engine oil that is leaking into the combustion area of
the cylinders can be the cause of blue smoke. There
are several possible ways for engine oil to leak into
the combustion area of the cylinders:

Leaks between worn valve guides and valve stems

Worn components or damaged components

(pistons, piston rings, or dirty return holes for the
engine oil)

Incorrect installation of the compression ring and/or

the intermediate ring

Leaks past the seal rings in the turbocharger shaft

Overfilling of the crankcase

Wrong dipstick or guide tube

Sustained operation at light loads

Excessive consumption of engine oil can also
result if engine oil with the wrong viscosity is used.
Engine oil with a thin viscosity can be caused by fuel
leakage into the crankcase or by increased engine
36 RENR9338
Testing and Adjusting Section
Increased Engine Oil
Temperature - Inspect
SMCS Code: 1348-040
If the engine oil temperature is higher than normal,
the engine oil cooler may have a restriction. Look
for a restriction in the passages for engine oil in
the engine oil cooler. The engine oil pressure will
not necessarily decrease due to a restriction in the
engine oil cooler.
Determine if the engine oil cooler bypass valve is
held in the open position. This condition will allow
the engine oil to flow through the valve rather
than through the engine oil cooler. The engine oil
temperature will increase.
Make sure that the cooling system is operating
properly. A high coolant temperature in the engine oil
cooler will cause high engine oil temperature.
Engine Oil Pressure is Low
SMCS Code: 1304-081
The following conditions can cause an indication of
low engine oil pressure:

Low engine oil level

Problem with the engine oil pressure gauge

Contaminated engine oil

Improper circulation of the engine oil

Worn components
Low Engine Oil Level
Check the engine oil level. If the engine oil level is
too far below the suction tube, the engine oil pump
cannot supply enough lubrication for the engine
components. If the engine oil level is low, add engine
oil in order to obtain the correct level. For the correct
engine oil to use, refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, Engine Oil.
Engine Oil Pressure Gauge
Refer to Testing and Adjusting, Engine Oil Pressure
- Test. If the engine oil pressure gauge is incorrect,
install a new gauge.
Contaminated Engine Oil
Engine oil that is contaminated with another liquid will
cause low engine oil pressure. High engine oil level
can be an indication of contamination. Determine the
reason for contamination of the engine oil and make
the necessary repairs. Change the engine oil and the
engine oil filter. For the correct engine oil to use, refer
to Operation and Maintenance Manual, Engine Oil.
Improper Circulation of the Engine
Several factors could cause improper circulation of
the engine oil:

The engine oil filter is clogged. Replace the engine

oil filter.

A line or a passage for the engine oil is

disconnected or broken. Replace the line or clear
the passage.

The engine oil cooler is clogged. Thoroughly clean

the engine oil cooler.

There is a problem with a piston cooling jet. The

piston cooling jets direct engine oil toward the
bottom of the pistons in order to cool the pistons.
This also provides lubrication for the piston pin.
Breakage, a restriction, or incorrect installation of a
piston cooling jet will cause seizure of the piston.

The inlet screen of the suction tube for the engine

oil pump can have a restriction. This restriction can
cause cavitation and a loss of engine oil pressure.
Check the inlet screen on the suction tube and
remove any material that may be restricting engine
oil flow.

The suction tube is drawing in air. Check the joints

of the suction tube for cracks or a damaged O-ring

There is a problem with the engine oil pump. Check

the gears of the engine oil pump for excessive
wear. Engine oil pressure is reduced when gears
in the engine oil pump have too much wear.
Worn Components
Excessive clearance at the crankshaft or camshaft
bearings will cause low engine oil pressure. Also,
inspect the clearance between the rocker arm shafts
and the rocker arms. Check the engine components
for excessive clearance.
RENR9338 37
Testing and Adjusting Section
Engine Oil Pressure is High
SMCS Code: 1314
The following conditions can cause high engine oil

The engine oil level is too high. Drain the excess

engine oil.

The engine oil temperature is too low. Low engine

oil temperature increases the viscosity of the
engine oil.

The engine oil filter bypass valve is stuck in the

closed position. Thoroughly clean the valve.
Replace the engine oil filters.

A line or a passage for the engine oil is restricted.

Clean the component.
Indicators for Engine Oil
SMCS Code: 7485
An oil pressure indicator that has a defect or a sender
that has a defect can give an indication of a low oil
pressure or of a high oil pressure.
The 1U-5470 Engine Pressure Group can be used to
compare the indicators on the instrument panel with
the oil pressure that is displayed on the Caterpillar
Electronic Technician (ET).
38 RENR9338
Testing and Adjusting Section
Cooling System
General Information (Cooling
SMCS Code: 1350
This engine has a pressure type cooling system. A
pressure type cooling system has two advantages.

The pressure helps prevent cavitation.

The risk of boiling is reduced.

Cavitation occurs when mechanical forces cause the
formation of air bubbles in the coolant. The bubbles
can form on the cylinder liners. Collapsing bubbles
can remove the oxide film from the cylinder liner. This
allows corrosion and pitting to occur. If the pressure
of the cooling system is low, the concentration of
bubbles increases. The concentration of bubbles is
reduced in a pressure type cooling system.
The boiling point is affected by three factors:
pressure, altitude, and concentration of glycol in the
coolant. The boiling point of a liquid is increased by
pressure. The boiling point of a liquid is decreased by
a higher altitude. Illustration 31 shows the effects of
pressure and altitude on the boiling point of water.
Illustration 31
The boiling point of the coolant also depends on the
type of coolant and the concentration of glycol. A
greater concentration of glycol has a higher boiling
temperature. However, glycol transfers heat less
effectively than water. Because of the boiling point
and the efficiency of heat transfer, the concentration
of glycol is important.
Three basic problems can be associated with the
cooling system:


Coolant loss

If the cooling system is not properly maintained,
solids such as scale and deposits reduce the ability
of the cooling system to transfer heat. The engine
operating temperature will increase.
When the engine is overloaded, the engine will run
in the lug condition. When the engine is running in
the lug condition, the engine is operating at a lower
engine rpm that reduces the coolant flow. Decreased
coolant flow during high load will cause overheating.
Coolant can be lost by leaks. Overheated coolant can
be lost through the cooling systems pressure relief
valve. Lower coolant levels contribute to additional
overheating. Overheating can result in conditions
such as cracking of the cylinder head and piston
A cracked cylinder head or cylinder liner will force
exhaust gas into the cooling system. The additional
pressure causes coolant loss, cavitation of the
water pump, less circulation of coolant, and further
Overcooling is the result of coolant that bypasses the
water temperature regulators and flows directly to the
radiator or to the heat exchanger. Low load operation
in low ambient temperatures can cause overcooling.
Overcooling is caused by water temperature
regulators that remain open. Overcooling reduces the
efficiency of operation. Overcooling enables more
rapid contamination of the engine oil. This results in
the formation of sludge in the crankcase and carbon
deposits on the valves.
Cycles of rapid heating and cooling can result in
cracked cylinder heads, gasket failure, accelerated
wear, and excessive fuel consumption.
If a problem with the cooling system is suspected,
perform a visual inspection before you perform any
tests on the system.
Visual Inspection
SMCS Code: 1350-535
Perform a visual inspection of the cooling system
before a test is made with test equipment.
RENR9338 39
Testing and Adjusting Section
Personal injury can result from escaping fluid un-
der pressure.
If a pressure indication is shown on the indicator,
push the release valve in order to relieve pressure
before removing any hose from the radiator.
1. Check the coolant level in the cooling system. Add
coolant, if necessary.
If the coolant level is too low, air will get into the
cooling system. Air in the cooling system reduces
coolant flow. Air creates bubbles that contribute to
cavitation. Bubbles in the coolant also reduce the
cooling capability.
2. Check the quality of the coolant. The coolant
should have the following properties:

Color that is similar to new coolant

Odor that is similar to new coolant

Free from contamination

Properties that are recommended by the

engines Operation and Maintenance Manual
If the coolant does not have these properties,
drain the system and flush the system. Refill
the cooling system according to the engines
Operation and Maintenance Manual.
3. Check for air in the cooling system. Air can enter
the cooling system in different ways. The following
conditions cause air in the cooling system:

Filling the cooling system incorrectly

Combustion gas leakage into the cooling system

Combustion gas can get into the system through
the following conditions: internal cracks, damaged
cylinder head, and damaged cylinder head gasket.
4. Inspect the radiator (if equipped) and the air-to-air
aftercooler (if equipped). Make sure that the
air flow is not restricted. Look for the following
conditions. Make corrections, if necessary:

Bent fins

Debris between the folded cores

Damaged fan blades

5. Check the heat exchanger (if equipped) for
internal blockage. Make sure that the filters for the
water are not clogged.
The condition of the water that is circulated
through the heat exchanger can decrease the
effectiveness of the heat exchanger. Operating
with water that contains the following types of
debris will adversely affect the heat exchanger
system: silt, sediment, salt, and algae. In addition,
intermittent use of the engine will adversely affect
the heat exchanger system.
6. Check the pressure cap.
If the pressure cap does not maintain the correct
pressure on the cooling system, the engine could
overheat. A decrease in cooling system pressure
reduces the temperature of the waters boiling
7. Inspect the cooling system hoses and clamps.
Damaged hoses with leaks can normally be seen.
Hoses that have no visual leaks can soften during
operation. The soft areas of the hose can become
kinked or crushed during operation. These areas
of the hose restrict the coolant flow. Hoses can
crack after a period of time. The inside of a hose
can deteriorate and the loose particles of the hose
can restrict the coolant flow.
8. Check the water temperature regulators.
A water temperature regulator that does not open
or a water temperature regulator that only opens
part of the way can cause overheating.
A water temperature regulator that does not close
enables overcooling.
9. Check the engine water pump and check the
auxiliary pump.
A water pump with a damaged impeller does not
pump enough coolant for correct coolant flow.
This affects the engines operating temperature.
Remove the water pump and check for damage
to the impeller.
10. Check the aftercooler.
A restriction of water flow through the aftercooler
can cause overheating. Check for debris or
deposits which restrict the free flow of water
through the aftercooler.
40 RENR9338
Testing and Adjusting Section
Test Tools for the Cooling
SMCS Code: 0781; 1350
Table 6
Tools Needed Quantity
4C-6500 Digital Thermometer 1
8T-2700 Blowby/Air Flow Indicator 1
9U-7400 Multitach Tool Gp 1
9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump 1
Making contact with a running engine can cause
burns from hot parts and can cause injury from
rotating parts.
When working on an engine that is running, avoid
contact with hot parts and rotating parts.
Illustration 32
4C-6500 Digital Thermometer
The 4C-6500 Digital Thermometer is used in the
diagnosis of overheating conditions or overcooling
problems. This group can be used to check
temperatures in several different parts of the cooling
system. Refer to the testing procedure in the
Operating Manual, NEHS0554.
Illustration 33
8T-2700 Blowby/Air Flow Indicator
The 8T-2700 Blowby/Air Flow Indicator is used
to check the air flow through the radiator core.
Refer to the testing procedure in Special Instruction,
Illustration 34
9U-7400 Multitach
The 9U-7400 Multitach is used to check the fan
speed. Refer to the testing procedure in Operator
Manual, NEHS0605.
Illustration 35
9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump
RENR9338 41
Testing and Adjusting Section
The 9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump is used to test
pressure caps. The 9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump is
used to pressure check the cooling system for leaks.
Steam or hot coolant can cause severe burns.
Do not loosen the filler cap or the pressure cap on
a hot engine.
Allow the engine to cool before removing the filler
cap or the pressure cap.
Radiator and Cooling System
- Test
SMCS Code: 1350-034; 1353-034
Table 7
Tools Needed Quantity
9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump 1
Illustration 36
(1) Radiator top tank
(2) Expansion tank
Steam or hot coolant can cause severe burns.
Do not loosen the filler cap or the pressure cap on
a hot engine.
Allow the engine to cool before removing the filler
cap or the pressure cap.
Use the following procedure to check the pressure in
the cooling system:
1. After the engine is cool, loosen the filler cap slowly
and allow pressure out of the cooling system.
Then remove the filler cap from the radiator.
2. Inspect the filler cap carefully. Look for damage to
the seal or to the surface that seals. Any foreign
material or deposits on the cap must be removed.
Any foreign material or deposits on the seal must
be removed. Any foreign material or deposits on
the surface that seals must be removed.
3. Make sure that the coolant level is above the top
of the radiator core.
4. Install the filler cap. Tighten the filler cap.
Illustration 37
9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump
(3) Release valve
(4) Adapter
(5) Hose
5. Remove hose (5) from adapter (4).
6. Remove the pressure test plug for the radiator top
Illustration 38
7. Install the end of the hose (5) in the hole for the
pressure test plug.
8. Operate the pump until the pointer on the pressure
indicator does not increase. The highest pressure
indication on the pressure indicator is the point
that opens the relief valve. The correct pressure
that makes the relief valve open is stamped on
the cap.
42 RENR9338
Testing and Adjusting Section
9. If the relief valve does not open within the pressure
specification, replacement of the relief valve is
10. If the relief valve is within specifications, check
the radiator for outside leakage.
11. Check all connections and hoses of the cooling
system for outside leakage.
12. The radiator and the cooling system does not
have leakage if the following conditions exist.
There is no outside leakage. The pressure reading
on the pressure indicator stays same after a five
minute period. If the reading on the pressure
indicators goes down and you do not see any
outside leakage, there is leakage on the inside of
the cooling system. Make the necessary repairs.
Personal injury can result from escaping fluid un-
der pressure.
If a pressure indication is shown on the indicator,
push the release valve in order to relieve pressure
before removing any hose from the radiator.
13. Remove hose (5) from the pressure test location
on the radiator.
14. Install the plug in the pressure test location.
Coolant Temperature Sensor -
SMCS Code: 7453-081
Personal injury can result from escaping fluid un-
der pressure.
If a pressure indication is shown on the indicator,
push the release valve in order to relieve pressure
before removing any hose from the radiator.
Table 8
Tools Needed Quantity
4C-6500 Digital Thermometer 1
2F-7112 Thermometer 1
6B-5072 Terminal Bushing 1
Illustration 39
Test location
(1) Plug
If you suspect that the coolant temperature sensor is
inaccurate, perform the following procedure:
Note: Ensure that the coolant level is at the correct
level before performing this test.
1. Remove plug (1).
2. Install the 4C-6500 Digital Thermometer or the
2F-7112 Thermometer. Also install the 6B-5072
Terminal Bushing.
3. Connect the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET)
to the service tool connector. Start Cat ET.
4. Start and run the engine until the temperature
reaches the desired range according to the test
5. Monitor the coolant temperature on Cat ET.
Monitor the coolant temperature on the test
6. Compare the coolant temperature on Cat ET to
the coolant temperature on the test thermometer.
If the two measurements are approximately equal,
the sensor is okay. If the two measurements are
not approximately equal, there may be a problem
with the sensor. Install a new sensor and verify
that the problem is resolved.
RENR9338 43
Testing and Adjusting Section
Water Temperature Regulator
- Test
SMCS Code: 1355-081; 1355-081-ON
Personal injury can result from escaping fluid un-
der pressure.
If a pressure indication is shown on the indicator,
push the release valve in order to relieve pressure
before removing any hose from the radiator.
1. Remove the water temperature regulator from the
2. Heat water in a pan until the temperature of
the water is equal to the fully open temperature
of the water temperature regulator. Refer to
Specifications, Water Temperature Regulator
for the fully open temperature of the water
temperature regulator. Stir the water in the pan.
This will distribute the temperature throughout the
3. Hang the water temperature regulator in the pan
of water. The water temperature regulator must
be below the surface of the water. The water
temperature regulator must be away from the
sides and the bottom of the pan.
4. Keep the water at the correct temperature for ten
5. After ten minutes, remove the water temperature
regulator. Immediately measure the opening
of the water temperature regulator. Refer to
Specifications, Water Temperature Regulator
for the minimum opening distance of the
water temperature regulator at the fully open
If the distance is less than the amount listed in the
manual, replace the water temperature regulator.
44 RENR9338
Testing and Adjusting Section
Basic Engine
Connecting Rod Bearings
SMCS Code: 1219-040
The connecting rod bearings fit tightly in the bore in
the rod. If the bearing joints are fretted, check the
bore size. This can be an indication of wear because
of a loose fit.
Connecting rod bearings are available with 0.63 mm
(0.025 inch) and 1.27 mm (0.050 inch) smaller
inside diameter than the original size bearing. These
bearings are for crankshafts that have been reground.
Main Bearings
SMCS Code: 1203-040
Main bearings are available with a larger outside
diameter than the original size bearings. These
bearings are available for the cylinder blocks with
the main bearing bore that is made larger than the
bores original size. The size that is available has a
0.63 mm (0.025 inch) outside diameter that is larger
than the original size bearings.
Main bearings are available with 0.63 mm(0.025 inch)
and 1.27 mm (0.050 inch) smaller inside diameter
than the original size bearing. These bearings are for
crankshafts that have been reground.
Cylinder Block
SMCS Code: 1201-040
If the main bearing caps are installed without
bearings, the bore in the block for the main bearings
can be checked. Tighten the nuts that hold the caps
to the torque that is shown in the Specifications.
Alignment error in the bores must not be more than
0.08 mm (0.003 inch). Refer to Special Instruction,
SMHS7606 for the use of the 1P-4000 Line Boring
Tool Group for the alignment of the main bearing
bores. The 1P-3537 Dial Bore Gauge Group can
be used to check the size of the bores. The Special
Instruction, GMG00981 is with the group.
Illustration 40
1P-3537 Dial Bore Gauge Group
Cylinder Head
SMCS Code: 1100-040
The cylinder heads have valve seat inserts, valve
guides, and bridge dowels that can be removed
when the parts are worn or damaged. Refer to
Disassembly And Assembly for the replacement of
these components.
The removal and the installation of the valves
is easier with use of the 1P-3527 Valve Spring
Valve Seat Inserts
Use the 6V-4805 Valve Seat Extractor Tool Group
for the removal and the installation of the valve seat
inserts. Lower the temperature of the insert before
the insert is installed in the head.
Valve Guides
The tools for the removal and for the installation
of the valve guides are the 5P-1729 Valve Guide
Bushing and the 7M-3975 Valve Guide Driver. The
counterbore in the driver bushing installs the guide to
the correct height.
Checking Valve Guide Bores
Use the 5P-3536 Valve Guide Gauge Group in
order to check the bore of the valve guides. Refer to
Special Instruction, GMG02562 for the instructions
for the use of this tool.
RENR9338 45
Testing and Adjusting Section
Illustration 41
5P-3536 Valve Guide Gauge Group
Bridge Dowels
Use a 5P-0944 Dowel Puller Group and a 5P-0942
Dowel Extractor. Remove the bridge dowels. Install a
new bridge dowel with a 6V-4009 Dowel Driver. This
dowel driver installs the bridge dowel to the correct
Flywheel - Inspect
SMCS Code: 1156-040
Table 9
Tools Needed
Part Name Quantity
8T-5096 Dial Indicator Gp 1
Face Runout (Axial Eccentricity) of
the Flywheel
Illustration 42
Checking face runout of the flywheel
1. Refer to illustration 42 and install the dial indicator.
Always put a force on the crankshaft in the same
direction before the dial indicator is read. This will
remove any crankshaft end clearance.
2. Set the dial indicator to read 0.0 mm (0.00 inch).
3. Turn the flywheel at intervals of 90 degrees and
read the dial indicator.
4. Take the measurements at all four points. Find
the difference between the lower measurements
and the higher measurements. This value is the
runout. The maximum permissible face runout
(axial eccentricity) of the flywheel must not exceed
0.15 mm (0.006 inch).
46 RENR9338
Testing and Adjusting Section
Bore Runout (Radial Eccentricity)
of the Flywheel
Illustration 43
Checking bore runout of the flywheel
(1) 7H-1945 Holding Rod
(2) 7H-1645 Holding Rod
(3) 7H-1942 Dial Indicator
(4) 7H-1940 Universal Attachment
1. Install the 7H-1942 Dial Indicator (3). Make an
adjustment of the 7H-1940 Universal Attachment
(4) so that the dial indicator makes contact on
the flywheel.
2. Set the dial indicator to read 0.0 mm (0.00 inch).
3. Turn the flywheel at intervals of 90 degrees and
read the dial indicator.
4. Take the measurements at all four points. Find
the difference between the lower measurements
and the higher measurements. This value is the
runout. The maximum permissible bore runout
(radial eccentricity) of the flywheel must not
exceed 0.15 mm (0.006 inch).
Illustration 44
Flywheel clutch pilot bearing bore
5. Take the measurements at all four points. Find the
difference between the lower measurements and
the higher measurements. This value is the runout.
The maximum permissible pilot bore runout of the
flywheel must not exceed 0.13 mm (0.005 inch).
Flywheel Housing - Inspect
SMCS Code: 1157-040
Table 10
Tools Needed Quantity
8T-5096 Dial Indicator Gp 1
Face Runout (Axial Eccentricity) of
the Flywheel Housing
Illustration 45
Checking face runout of the flywheel housing
If you use any other method except the method that
is given here, always remember that the bearing
clearance must be removed in order to receive the
correct measurements.
RENR9338 47
Testing and Adjusting Section
1. Fasten a dial indicator to the flywheel so the anvil
of the dial indicator will contact the face of the
flywheel housing.
2. Put a force on the crankshaft toward the rear
before the dial indicator is read at each point.
Illustration 46
Checking face runout of the flywheel housing
3. Turn the flywheel while the dial indicator is set at
0.0 mm (0.00 inch) at location (A). Read the dial
indicator at locations (B), (C) and (D).
4. The difference between the lower measurements
and the higher measurements that are performed
at all four points must not be more than 0.38 mm
(0.015 inch), which is the maximum permissible
face runout (axial eccentricity) of the flywheel
Bore Runout (Radial Eccentricity)
of the Flywheel Housing
Illustration 47
Checking bore runout of the flywheel housing
1. Fasten a dial indicator to the flywheel so the anvil
of the dial indicator will contact the bore of the
flywheel housing.
Illustration 48
2. While the dial indicator is in the position at location
(C) adjust the dial indicator to 0.0 mm (0.00 inch).
Push the crankshaft upward against the top of
the bearing. Refer to the illustration 48. Write the
measurement for bearing clearance on line 1 in
column (C).
Note: Write the measurements for the dial indicator
with the correct notations. This notation is necessary
for making the calculations in the chart correctly.
3. Divide the measurement from Step 2 by two. Write
this number on line 1 in columns (B) and (D).
4. Turn the flywheel in order to put the dial indicator
at position (A). Adjust the dial indicator to 0.0 mm
(0.00 inch).
Illustration 49
Checking bore runout of the flywheel housing
5. Turn the flywheel counterclockwise in order to
put the dial indicator at position (B). Write the
measurements in the chart.
6. Turn the flywheel counterclockwise in order to
put the dial indicator at position (C). Write the
measurement in the chart.
7. Turn the flywheel counterclockwise in order to
put the dial indicator at position (D). Write the
measurement in the chart.
48 RENR9338
Testing and Adjusting Section
8. Add the lines together in each column.
9. Subtract the smaller number from the larger
number in column B and column D. Place this
number on line III. The result is the horizontal
eccentricity (out of round). Line III in column C is
the vertical eccentricity.
Illustration 50
Graph for total eccentricity
(1) Total vertical eccentricity
(2) Total horizontal eccentricity
(3) Acceptable value
(4) Unacceptable value
10. On the graph for total eccentricity, find the point
of intersection of the lines for vertical eccentricity
and horizontal eccentricity.
11. The bore is in alignment, if the point of intersection
is in the range that is marked Acceptable. If the
point of intersection is in the range that is marked
Not acceptable, the flywheel housing must be
Vibration Damper
SMCS Code: 1205-535
Damage to the damper or failure of the damper will
increase vibrations. This will result in damage to the
Replace the damper if the damper is bent or
damaged. Replace the damper if the bolt holes are
oversize. Replacement of the damper is also needed
at the time of a crankshaft failure due to torsional
RENR9338 49
Testing and Adjusting Section
Air/Electric Starting System
General Information
(Air/Electric Starting System)
SMCS Code: 1450; 1451; 1462
This starting system uses an electric solenoid to
position an air valve in order to activate the air
starting motor. If the starting motor does not function,
do the procedure that follows:
1. Check the indicator reading for the air pressure.
2. If the reading is not acceptable then use a remote
source to charge the system.
3. If the reading is acceptable then open the main
tank drain valve for a moment. Verify the pressure
that is shown on the pressure indicator. Listen for
the sound of the high pressure from the discharge.
Electrical Side Of The Air System
1. Move the start control switch in order to activate
the starting solenoids. Listen for the sound of the
engagement of the air starter motor pinion with
the flywheel gear.
a. If the sound of the engagement can be heard,
the problem is with the Air Side Of The Air
System. Proceed to the Air Side Of The Air
b. If no sound of the engagement can be heard,
the problem could be with the Electrical Side
Of The Air System.
Illustration 51
(1) Starting motor solenoid
(2) Connector
2. Check the electrical system by disconnecting
the leads from the starting motor solenoid (1) at
connector (2). Set the multimeter in the DCV
range. Measure voltage across the disconnected
leads that connect to the starting switch.
a. A voltage reading shows that the problem is
in the starting motor solenoid (2) or the air
starting motor. Go to Step 2 of Air Side Of The
Air System.
b. A ZERO reading shows that the problem is in
the control switch or the problem is in the wires
for the control switch.
3. Fasten the multimeter lead to the start switch at
the terminal for the wire from the battery. Fasten
the other lead to a good ground.
a. A ZERO reading indicates a broken circuit
from the battery. With this condition, check the
circuit breaker and wiring.
b. The problem is in the control switch if either a
voltage reading is found at the control switch
or if a voltage reading is found in the wires
from the control switch to the starting motor
50 RENR9338
Testing and Adjusting Section
Air Side Of The Air System
Illustration 52
(1) Starting motor solenoid
(2) Connector
(3) Tube
(4) Control valve
(5) Connection
1. Activate the control switch. If the engagement of
the air starter motor pinion with the flywheel ring
gear can be heard then remove tube (3) from the
top of the control valve (4).
a. Full air pressure comes from the end of tube
(3) when the control switch is activated. The
control valve (4) is worn or the air starting
motor is damaged.
b. If no air pressure comes from the end of tube
(3), then the problem is in the pinion nose
housing for the air starting motor.
2. The sound of the air starter motor pinion is not
heard when the control switch is activated. Voltage
was measured at the starting motor solenoid.
Remove the other small air hose from connection
a. If no air comes from the end of the removed air
hose, the starting motor solenoid (1) is worn.
b. If the air comes from the end of the removed
hose, then the problem is in the pinion nose
housing for the air starting motor.
RENR9338 51
Testing and Adjusting Section
Electrical System
Test Tools for the Electrical
SMCS Code: 0785
Table 11
Tools Needed Quantity
4C-4911 Battery Load Tester 1
225-8266 Ammeter Tool Gp 1
146-4080 Digital Multimeter Gp 1
Most of the tests of the electrical system can be done
on the engine. The wiring insulation must be in good
condition. The wire and cable connections must be
clean and tight. The battery must be fully charged. If
the on-engine test shows a defect in a component,
remove the component for more testing.
The service manual Testing And Adjusting Electrical
Components, REG00636 has complete specifications
and procedures for the components of the starting
circuit and the charging circuit.
Illustration 53
4C-4911 Battery Load Tester
The 4C-4911 Battery Load Tester is a portable unit
in a metal case. The 4C-4911 Battery Load Tester
can be used under field conditions and under high
temperatures. The tester can be used to load test
all 6, 8, and 12 Volt batteries. This tester has two
heavy-duty load cables that can easily be fastened
to the battery terminals. A load adjustment knob is
located on the top of the tester. The load adjustment
knob permits the current that is being drawn from
the battery to be adjusted to a maximum of 1000
amperes. The tester is cooled by an internal fan that
is automatically activated when a load is applied.
The tester has a built-in LCD. The LCD is a digital
voltmeter. The LCD is a digital meter that will
also display the amperage. The digital voltmeter
accurately measures the battery voltage at the
battery. This measurement is taken through tracer
wires that are buried inside the load cables. The
digital meter, that displays the amperage, accurately
displays the current that is being drawn from the
battery which is being tested.
Note: Refer to Operating Manual, SEHS9249
for more complete information for the use of the
4C-4911 Battery Load Tester.
Illustration 54
225-8266 Ammeter Tool Gp
The 225-8266 Ammeter Tool Gp is a completely
portable, self-contained instrument that allows
electrical current measurements to be made without
breaking the circuit or without disturbing the insulation
on the conductors. A digital display is located on the
ammeter for reading current directly in a range from
1 to 1200 amperes. If a 6V-6014 Cable is connected
between this ammeter and a digital multimeter, a
current reading of less than 1 ampere can be read
directly from the screen of the multimeter.
52 RENR9338
Testing and Adjusting Section
A lever is used to open the jaw over the conductor up
to a diameter of 23 mm (0.90 inch). The jaw of the
meter is then closed around the conductor for the
measurement of current. The switch is rotated to the
appropriate range. A HOLD button allows the last
reading to be sustained on the display. This allows
measurements to be taken in limited access areas.
Power for the ammeter is supplied by batteries which
are located inside the tool.
Note: Refer to the Users Guide for more complete
information for the use of the ammeter. The guide is
packaged with the unit.
Illustration 55
146-4080 Digital Multimeter Gp
The 146-4080 Digital Multimeter is a portable
instrument with a digital display. This multimeter is
built with extra protection against damage in field
applications. The multimeter can display Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM). The multimeter has an instant
ohms indicator that permits the checking of continuity
for fast circuit inspection. The multimeter can also be
used for troubleshooting capacitors that have small
Note: Refer to Operators Manual, NEHS0678 for
complete information for the use of the multimeter.
The operators manual is packaged with the unit.
SMCS Code: 1401-081
Never disconnect any charging unit circuit or bat-
tery circuit cable from the battery when the charg-
ing unit is operated. A spark can cause an explo-
sion from the flammable vapor mixture of hydro-
gen and oxygen that is released from the elec-
trolyte through the battery outlets. Injury to per-
sonnel can be the result.
The battery circuit is an electrical load on the charging
unit. The load is variable because of the condition of
the charge in the battery.
The charging unit will be damaged if the connections
between the battery and the charging unit are broken
while in operation. Damage occurs because the load
from the battery is lost and because there is an in-
crease in charging voltage. High voltage will damage
the charging unit, the regulator, and other electrical
Use the 4C-4911 Battery Load Tester in order to
test a battery that does not maintain a charge when
the battery is active. Refer to Operating Manual,
SEHS9249 for detailed instruction on the use of
the 4C-4911 Battery Load Tester. See Special
Instruction, SEHS7633 for the correct procedure
and for the specifications to use when you test the
Charging System
SMCS Code: 1406-081
The condition of charge in the battery at each regular
inspection will show if the charging system operates
correctly. An adjustment is necessary when the
battery is constantly in a low condition of charge or
a large amount of water is needed. A large amount
of water would be more than one ounce of water per
cell per week or per every 100 service hours.
RENR9338 53
Testing and Adjusting Section
When it is possible, make a test of the charging
unit and voltage regulator on the engine, and use
wiring and components that are a permanent part of
the system. Off-engine testing or bench testing will
give a test of the charging unit and voltage regulator
operation. This testing will give an indication of
needed repair. After repairs are made, perform a test
in order to prove that the units have been repaired to
the original condition of operation.
To check for correct output of the alternator, see the
Specifications module.
Before the start of on-engine testing, the charging
system and the battery must be checked according
to the following steps.
1. The battery must be at least 75 percent (1.225 Sp
Gr) of the full charge. The battery must be held
tightly in place. The battery holder must not put
too much stress on the battery.
2. Cables between the battery, the starter, and the
engine ground must be the correct size. Wires
and cables must be free of corrosion. Wires and
cables must have cable support clamps in order to
prevent stress on battery connections (terminals).
3. Leads, junctions, switches, and panel instruments
that have direct relation to the charging circuit
must give correct circuit control.
4. Inspect the drive components for the charging unit
in order to be sure that the components are free of
grease and oil. Be sure that the drive components
have the ability to operate the charging unit.
Alternator Regulator
SMCS Code: 1405-081
The charging rate of the alternator should be
checked when an alternator is charging the battery
too much. The charging rate of the alternator should
be checked when an alternator is not charging the
battery enough. Make reference to the Specifications
module in order to find all testing specifications for
the alternators and regulators.
No adjustment can be made in order to change the
rate of charge on the alternator regulators. If the
rate of charge is not correct, a replacement of the
regulator is necessary.
Tightening The Alternator Pulley
Illustration 56
Tools for tightening the alternator pulley nut
(1) 8T-9293 Torque Wrench
(2) 8S-1588 Adapter (1/2 inch female to 3/8 inch male)
(3) 2P-8267 Socket Assembly
(4) 8H-8517 Combination Wrench (1-1/8 inch)
(5) 8T-5314 Socket
Tighten the nut that holds the pulley with the tools
shown. Refer to the Specifications module for the
Electric Starting System
SMCS Code: 1450-081
Use the multimeter in the DCV range to find the
starting system components which do not function.
Move the start control switch in order to activate the
starting solenoids. The starting solenoids operation
can be heard as the pinions of the starting motors are
engaged with the ring gear on the engine flywheel.
If a solenoid for a starting motor will not operate, it
is possible that the current from the battery did not
reach the solenoid. Fasten one lead of the multimeter
to the connection (terminal) for the battery cable on
the solenoid. Put the other lead to a good ground. A
zero reading indicates that there is a broken circuit
from the battery. More testing is necessary when
there is a voltage reading on the multimeter.
54 RENR9338
Testing and Adjusting Section
The solenoid operation also closes the electric circuit
to the motor. Connect one lead of the multimeter to
the solenoid connection (terminal) that is fastened
to the motor. Fasten the other lead to a good
ground. Activate the starting solenoid and look at the
multimeter. A reading of the battery voltage shows
that the problem is in the motor. The motor must
be removed for further testing. A zero reading on
the multimeter shows that the solenoid contacts do
not close. Repair the solenoid if the contacts do not
close. The clearance for the starter motor pinion gear
may also need adjusting.
Perform a test. Fasten one multimeter lead to
the connecting (terminal) for the small wire to the
solenoid and fasten the other lead to the ground.
Look at the multimeter and activate the starting
solenoid. A voltage reading shows that the problem
is in the solenoid. A zero reading indicates that the
problem is in the start switch or in the wires for the
start switch.
Fasten one multimeter lead to the start switch at the
connection (terminal) for the wire from the battery.
Fasten the other lead to a good ground. A zero
reading indicates a broken circuit from the battery.
Check the circuit breaker and wiring. If there is a
voltage reading, the problem is in the start switch or
in the wires for the start switch.
Starting motors that operate too slowly can have
an overload because of too much friction in the
engine that is being started. Slow operation of the
starting motors can also be caused by the following

A short circuit

Loose connections

Dirt in the motors

Pinion Clearance Adjustment
SMCS Code: 1454-025
When the solenoid is installed, make an adjustment
of the pinion clearance. The adjustment can be made
with the starting motor removed.
Illustration 57
Connection for checking pinion clearance
(1) Ground terminal
(2) SW terminal
(3) Connector
1. Install the solenoid without connector (3) from the
MOTOR connections (terminal) on the solenoid
to the motor.
2. Connect a battery, that has the same voltage as
the solenoid, to SW terminal (2).
3. Connect the other side of the battery to connector
4. For a moment, connect a wire from the solenoid
connection (terminal), which is marked MOTOR,
to the ground connection (terminal). The pinion
will shift to the crank position and the pinion will
stay there until the battery is disconnected.
Illustration 58
Pinion clearance adjustment
(4) Shaft nut
(5) Pinion
(6) Pinion Clearance
5. Push the pinion toward the end with the
commutator in order to remove free movement.
6. Pinion clearance (6) must be 9.1 mm (0.36 inch).
RENR9338 55
Testing and Adjusting Section
7. In order to adjust the pinion clearance, remove
the plug and turn shaft nut (4).
56 RENR9338
Index Section
100 Hour Free Configuration on Engine Start-up.... 7
Aftercooler ............................................................. 12
Air Inlet and Exhaust System ........................... 11, 30
Air Inlet and Exhaust System Operation................. 11
Air Starting System................................................ 22
Air/Electric Starting System................................... 49
Alternator Regulator .............................................. 53
Tightening The Alternator Pulley Nut ................. 53
Basic Engine.................................................... 20, 44
Battery ................................................................... 52
Camshaft ............................................................... 22
CAN Data Link......................................................... 5
Cat Data Link........................................................... 4
Charging System............................................. 24, 52
Alternator ........................................................... 24
Checking Engine Cylinders ................................... 26
Checking Engine Cylinders with an Electronic Service
Tool ...................................................................... 26
Circuit Breaker....................................................... 25
Cold Cylinder Cutout ............................................... 4
Connecting Rod Bearings...................................... 44
Coolant Temperature Sensor - Test....................... 42
Cooling System ............................................... 17, 38
Cooling System Operation..................................... 17
Jacket Water Aftercooling.................................. 17
Separate Circuit Aftercooling ............................. 19
Crankcase Pressure.............................................. 31
Crankshaft ............................................................. 21
Crankshaft Position for Valve Lash Setting ........... 29
Cylinder Block........................................................ 44
Cylinder Block, Liners and Heads ......................... 20
Cylinder Head........................................................ 44
Bridge Dowels.................................................... 45
Checking Valve Guide Bores ............................. 44
Valve Guides...................................................... 44
Valve Seat Inserts.............................................. 44
Valves ................................................................ 44
ECM Hour Increment Adjustment............................ 8
ECM Total Fuel Consumption Adjustment............... 7
Electric Starting System ........................................ 53
Electrical System............................................. 23, 51
Electrical System Operation.................................. 23
Electronic Control Module (ECM) ............................ 5
Electronic Control System....................................... 4
Electronic Control System Components.................. 4
Engine Monitoring System....................................... 7
Engine Oil Pressure - Test..................................... 34
Engine Oil Pressure is High................................... 37
Engine Oil Pressure is Low ................................... 36
Contaminated Engine Oil ................................... 36
Engine Oil Pressure Gauge ............................... 36
Improper Circulation of the Engine Oil ............... 36
Low Engine Oil Level ......................................... 36
Worn Components............................................. 36
Engine Operation..................................................... 4
Engine Rotation..................................................... 27
Ether Control System .............................................. 4
Excessive Bearing Wear - Inspect......................... 35
Excessive Engine Oil Consumption - Inspect........ 35
Engine Oil Leaks into the Combustion Area of the
Cylinders .......................................................... 35
Engine Oil Leaks on the Outside of the Engine.. 35
Finding the Top Center Position for the No. 1
Piston................................................................... 27
Flywheel - Inspect.................................................. 45
Bore Runout (Radial Eccentricity) of the
Flywheel ........................................................... 46
Face Runout (Axial Eccentricity) of the
Flywheel ........................................................... 45
Flywheel Housing - Inspect ................................... 46
Bore Runout (Radial Eccentricity) of the Flywheel
Housing............................................................ 47
Face Runout (Axial Eccentricity) of the Flywheel
Housing............................................................ 46
Fuel Injector........................................................... 10
Fuel Injector E-trim................................................ 27
Fuel Rate Scaling (Fuel Correction Factor) ............. 7
Fuel System....................................................... 9, 26
Fuel System Inspection......................................... 26
Fuel System Operation............................................ 9
General Information (Air/Electric Starting
System)................................................................ 49
Air Side Of The Air System................................ 50
Electrical Side Of The Air System...................... 49
General Information (Cooling System) .................. 38
General Information (Lubrication System)............. 34
Grounding Practices.............................................. 23
RENR9338 57
Index Section
Histogramming ........................................................ 7
Important Safety Information ................................... 2
Increased Engine Oil Temperature - Inspect ......... 36
Indicators for Engine Oil Pressure......................... 37
Lubrication System.......................................... 14, 34
Lubrication System Operation............................... 14
Main Bearings........................................................ 44
Measuring Exhaust Temperature........................... 30
Measuring Inlet Manifold Pressure........................ 30
Pinion Clearance Adjustment ................................ 54
Pistons, Rings and Connecting Rods.................... 20
Radiator and Cooling System - Test ...................... 41
Restriction of Air Inlet and Exhaust ....................... 30
Starting System..................................................... 24
Starting Motor .................................................... 25
Starting Motor Protection ................................... 25
Starting solenoid ................................................ 24
Systems Operation Section..................................... 4
Table of Contents..................................................... 3
Test Tools for the Cooling System......................... 40
Test Tools for the Electrical System....................... 51
Testing and Adjusting Section ............................... 26
Turbocharger ......................................................... 13
Valve Lash - Adjust ................................................ 31
Valve Mechanism .................................................. 12
Vibration Damper................................................... 48
Visual Inspection ................................................... 38
Water Temperature Regulator - Test ..................... 43
58 RENR9338
Index Section
RENR9338 59
Index Section
2006 Caterpillar
All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A.

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