Method For Bubbledeck Concrete Slab With Gaps

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Publicat de
Universitatea Tehnic a ,,Gheorghe Asachi din Iasi
Tomul LV (LIX), Fasc. 2, 2009
Sect ia




Abstract. The composite slabs are made of BubbleDeck type slab elements with
spherical gaps, poured in place on transversal and longitudinal directions. By introducing
the gaps leads to a 30. . . 50% lighter slab which reduces the loads on the columns, walls
and foundations, and of course of the entire building. BubbleDeck slab elements are plates
with ribs on two directions made of reinforced concrete or precast concrete with spherical
shaped bubbles. These slab elements have a bottom and an upper concrete part connected
with vertical ribs that go around the gaps.
Key Words: concrete slab; spherical bubbles; reinforcement; process optimized.
1. Short Description of BubbleDeck Slab
The BubbleDeck method for the two directions reinforced composite concrete
slab with gaps was invented in Denmark, it is licensed and it was conceived to
achieve saving of concrete and energy in buildings construction.
The composite slabs are made of BubbleDeck type slab elements with
spherical gaps, poured in place on transversal and longitudinal directions.
By introducing the gaps leads to a 30. . . 50% lighter slab which reduces the
loads on the columns, walls and foundations, and of course of the entire building.
BubbleDeck slab elements are plates with ribs on two directions made of
reinforced concrete or precast concrete with spherical shaped bubbles (Figs. 1
and 2). These slab elements have a bottom and an upper concrete part connected
with vertical ribs that go around the gaps.
The reinforcement of the plates is made of two meshes one at the bottom part
and one at the upper part that can be tied or welded. The distances between the
bars correspond to the dimensions of the bubbles that are to be embodied and the
quantity of the reinforcement from the longitudinal and the transversal ribs of the
slab. The two mashes are connected after placing the spheres into places in order
to form a rigid shell.
The bubbles are made by embodying high density polypropylene in the
concrete, arranged according to the project and placed between the reinforcement

Corresponding author: e-mail address: sergyu [email protected]

64 Sergiu C alin and Ciprian As avoaie
meshes. The material that are made of dont react chemically with the concrete or
the reinforcement, it has no porosity and has enough rigidity and strength to take
over the loads as much as from the pouring of the concrete as from the subsequent
phases of this process.
Fig. 1. The main presentation module of the product in version A reinforcement
modules in which the gaps are foreseen. Spheres of polypropylene are placed between
the reinforcement at the bottom part ant the reinforcement at the top part.
Fig. 2. The main presentation module of the product in version B Slab elements with
BubbleDeck gaps, partially precast.
Table 1
of slab
of the slab,
Own weight, [daN/m
Width of the
3,000 mm
Width of the
2,400 mm
BD 230 230 180 380 390 1,608
BD 280 280 225 450 490 1,642
BD 340 340 270 550 580 1,617
BD 390 390 315 650 660 1,641
BD 450 450 360 740 720 1,622
Obs. Own weight of the BubbleDeck slab element with gaps (BD) is
function of the gaps dimensions.
The nominal diameter of the gaps may be of: 180, 225, 270, 315 or 360 mm.
Bul. Inst. Polit. Iasi, t. LV (LIX), f. 2, 2009 65
The minimum distance between gaps is 1/9 of the gaps diameter.
The total height of the BubbleDeck slab elements is constant. Function of the
diameter of the bubbles that are used, the total height may be: 230, 280, 340, 390
or 450 mm. The weight of BubbleDeck slabs is function of its dimensions and
indicated in Table 1. Its a fact that regardless of the diameter of the bubble used,
respectively the thickness of the slab, the own weight stays practically constant.
In order to increase the shear strength capacity and bending moment in the
areas with stress concentration (for example near the columns or walls) it is
possible that in these areas gaps are not provided (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. BubbleDeck composite slab: 1 ll area without gaps; 2 transversal
reinforcement for shear force.
66 Sergiu C alin and Ciprian As avoaie
The surface of the lled (no gaps) areas are chosen function of the loads and
the thickness of the slab.
The BubbleDeck slab gaps elements can be delivered in the following
Version A. Reinforcement modules in which the spheres are placed to produce
the gaps and if the case, tubes for HVAC (electrical, heating, etc.), modules that
are to be placed in formworks. The plates are cast in place.
Version B. Partial precast concrete elements. They have the bottom part made
of precast concrete and the connections between elements and the overconcreting
are cast in place.
In this version the elements are delivered as manufacturing made elements,
consisting of a precast concrete layer with 60 mm thickness in which is embedded
the bottom part of the reinforcement shell of the entire slab element, the bottom
part of the spheres that make the gaps and, function of situation the HVAC
tubes. The precast concrete layer from the bottom part is used also as horizontal
formwork at the bottom part.
The partially precast elements are made with widths of 2,400 mm or 3,000
mm and spans up to 14 m.
The concrete used for the precast layer can be of common concrete or
seleveling concrete. Minimum class of concrete is C20/25.
The minimum class of the cast in place concrete is C20/25. The reinforcement
modules for BubbleDeck slabs in version A are identied through a label that
species, in Romanian language, the producers name, clients name, code of the
element, the dimensions of the element.
In the case of slab elements partially precast, version B, each slab element
is identied through a label that species, in Romanian language, the producers
name, the clients name, the code of the slab element, the sizes of the slab element,
the weight of the element, the date of the manufacturing, risk warnings regarding
the formwork removing.
2. Areas of Acceptance for Utilization in Constructions Field
The method for BubbleDeck composite elements made of concrete with gaps
reinforced on two directions is used on making the slabs and roof terrace of
the buildings, inclusively on areas for F and G category as dened in SR EN
1991-2:2004 and which are not subjected to efforts that can produce the fatigue
phenomena. Using of slabs on buildings in areas with seismic hazard is made
corresponding to the SR EN 1998-1:2004 and P100-1:2006 prescriptions.
It is recommended the use of BubbleDeck procedure in making the slabs and
roof terrace for buildings with big spans and reduced number of support elements:
conference rooms, spectacle rooms, parking buildings.
The products fulll the requirement of 10/2005 Romanian Law regarding the
quality in constructions.
Bul. Inst. Polit. Iasi, t. LV (LIX), f. 2, 2009 67
BubbleDeck slabs with gaps reinforced on two directions, assure mechanical
strength and stability of the construction by designing of the slab by calculating it
for stresses given by dead and live loads according to Romanian Standards.
Reducing the weight of the construction leads to reducing of the calculus
seismic force.
The product is considered to be class A1(C0) as reaction to re. The degree
of reproong of BubbleDeck composites slabs with gaps can be calculated
according to SR EN 1992-1-2:2004.
BubbleDeck slabs with gaps are not toxic and environmental friendly, doesnt
diffuse noxious substances and they are not radioactive. The materials used are
not on the list of cancer producing list nor on the potentially cancer producing list
according to 91/2002 Decree of Ministry of Health
Polypropylene used to make the sphere is recyclable, the BubbleDeck slabs
being entirely recyclable.
By using BubbleDeck method, the quantity of concrete and cement is reduced
by 30. . . 50% for the same built surface compared with the classical slabs, fact that
gives an important reduced quantity of carbon emitted.
BubbleDeck slabs with gaps are conceived so they dont produce risks during
its working period.
The designer of the building will design the slabs corresponding to the efforts
given by the dead and live loads and the recommendations of the producer.
Due to the own weight of the BubbleDeck slabs minimum 280 kg/m
slabs assure an sound proof index of at least 49 dB.
The constituent elements of the BubbleDeck slabs dont inuence signi-
cantly the thermal insulation requirement of the building.
Through the decrease of concretes amount, through the decrease of trans-
ports, as and through the possibility of foreseeing of pipelines, cables and element
of electric ttings is achieved important saving of manual labor and energy.
3. The Manufacturing and the Checking
The reinforcement modules and partially precast elements are made according
to the dimensions given by the execution project of the slab. Therefore the
designer must optimize the dimensions of the prefabricated elements function of
the conguration of the slab and the capacity of transportation mean. On the
general plan of the slab each element has a labeled number.
A. In order to achieve the reinforcement modules for BubbleDeck slabs with
gaps in version A the following operations must take place:
a) making the reinforcement meshes (Fig.1);
b) placing the pipelines, cables and element of electric ttings if the case;
c) xing small boxes or pieces of polystyrene on reinforcement meshes for
marking the position of the walls or the columns and installations;
d) placing of the polystyrene spheres between the meshes according to plans;
68 Sergiu C alin and Ciprian As avoaie
e) labeling of the reinforcement modules.
B. Phases of manufacturing process of the BubbleDeck slab with gaps, version
B and the checking during quality control are as follows:
a) making of the reinforcement meshes (Fig.2);
b) placing of the installations on the reinforcement meshes, if necessary;
c) xing small boxes or pieces of polystyrene on reinforcement meshes or
directly on the formwork for marking the position of the walls or the columns and
d) placing of the polystyrene spheres between the meshes according to plans
(Fig. 2);
e) preparing the formwork (cleaning, assembling, greasing);
f) checking of the formwork and the reinforcement before pouring the
g) preparing the concrete;
h) pouring the concrete;
i) foreseeing labels on elements.
Quality controls in assured trough the entire technological process beginning
with the checking the materials and continuing with checking of the intermediate
phases of execution and ending with nal product checking.

At the materials reception it is checked if they are according with the

documents that come with the materials: reinforcement, aggregates, cement,
polypropylene spheres, etc.

During the manufacturing process the following are checked:

a) the reinforcement is according to the project;
b) placing of the spheres is according to the plans;
c) marking of positions of walls, columns and installations;
d) functionality of concrete station;
e) fresh concrete characteristics.

After the manufacturing process is complete the nal product is checked

for dimensions and aspect.
The internal checking of quality is made on the basis of the procedures of the
producer. The external checking of the product is made in a special authorized
and neutral laboratory. Storing the products is made on special shelfs.
4. Casting in Place of the Element
These products are laid in place without any particular difculties in a
normal precision building by execution units with qualied personal including
the following phases:

Making cast in place slabs:

a) the formwork is made with supports calculated to hold the concretes own
weight and the loads that occur during pouring the concrete;
Bul. Inst. Polit. Iasi, t. LV (LIX), f. 2, 2009 69
b) the reinforcement is placed according to the plans;
c) the position of the spheres is checked;
d) placing the reinforcement at the connection with the columns or the walls
e) the concrete of 20/25 class is poured and vibrated, the maximum nominal
diameter of aggregates is function of the distance between the reinforcement bars
but not larger than 15 cm;
f) the supports of the formwork and the formwork are removed when the slab
is able to take over the own weight and the live loads (the compression strength of
the concrete should be at least equal to the characteristical strength fck).

Making the semiprecast concrete slabs

Each slab element needs to be temporary propped. The supporting elements
need to be dimensioned so they can take over the weight of the semiprecast
elements, the reinforcement and the fresh concrete and also all the loads that occur
until the operation of concreting is nished.
The distance between the supporting beams should be not larger than 1800
The temporary propping elements are kept in position until each part of the
slab can support by itself the own weight and the supplementary live loads.
The precast elements can be lifted only by grabbing on the special provided
reinforcement bars (ears).
During the nal positioning of the slab elements it is checked if the displaying
of the spheres is according to the plans. Also it is checked the reinforcement in
the overconcreting areas. The transversal reinforcement bars must be embedded
in the adjacent slab elements.
Partially precast made elements are designed and realized so that the building
conguration is maintained. They are delivered with pieces of polystyrene
included that mark the position of the walls or the columns. In the case that
geometrical misshapes occur the adjustments of the element is possible by the
means of a diamonded disk that creates the area that takes over the shear force.
In these situations the integrity of the top part mesh is assured and also of the
inclined reinforcement.
Also, in this phase, the polystyrene pieces that mark the position of different
elements (columns, walls, etc.) are removed.
The upper part reinforcement is directly led on the partially precast elements
according to the reinforcement plans.
The following types of reinforcement are observed: reinforcement bars for
bottom part of concreting, reinforcement bars for shear force around the columns,
reinforcement bars at the upper part of connections, cramps on the perimeter of
the slab element.
Before pouring, the surface of the precast element is thoroughly cleaned.
Immediately after pouring, the surface of the concrete is cleaned with under
70 Sergiu C alin and Ciprian As avoaie
pressure water to remove the dust and to moister the surface. Especially in times
of high temperatures the surface of the precast element is kept wet to ensure the
needed adherence.
When the geometry of the connections of the partially prefabricated elements
are not rigorously followed according to the design the concreting is adjusted
with uid mortar or with a thin layer of silicon pumped at the bottom part of the
connection. In order to adjust the connections one should never use expanded
foams that may lead to reducing the thickness of the concrete layer and therefore
to reducing the durability of the reinforcement and the re resistance.
The concrete poured on site is of minimum class C20/25, the dimension of
the aggregate is function of the thickness of the slab. The nominal maximum
dimension of the aggregates should be between 3 and 5 mm and it is chosen
function of the thickness of the concrete element that is to be poured.
Because of the little space between spheres, it is used a thin vibrator. The
surface of the poured concrete in leveled with a metallic prole.
Usually, between the 7th and the 14th day after pouring it is checked the
compression strength of the poured concrete. If the compression strength is
minimum fck, the temporary props may be removed.
Received, June 8, 2009 ,,Gheorghe Asachi Technical University, Jassy,
Department of Concrete, Materials and

Agrement Tehnic 007-01/120-2007.

BUBBLEDECK References, Projects, Exemples, Awards and BDGroup, News
Planseele compozite sunt alc atuite din elemente de planseu cu goluri sferice, tip
BubbleDeck, monolitizate pe direct ie longitudinal a si transversal a. Prevederea golurilor
conduce la micsorarea greut at ii planseelor cu 30. . . 50%, ceea ce duce la reducerea
nc arc arilor n st alpi, peret i si fundat ii, precum si la reducerea greut at ii ntregii structuri.
Elementele de planseu tip BubbleDeck sunt pl aci cu nervuri pe dou a direct ii, din beton
armat sau precomprimat, cu goluri de form a sferic a. Aceste elemente de planseu au o
parte inferioar a si una superioar a din beton, legate prin nervuri verticale, constituite n
jurul golurilor.

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