Nancy Cartwright - Hunting Causes and Using Them
Nancy Cartwright - Hunting Causes and Using Them
Nancy Cartwright - Hunting Causes and Using Them
(geometry of chamber, . . .)
= (geometry of chamber, . . .)
= (geometry of chamber, . . .)
= (geometry of chamber, . . .)
Look at equation (1). The gas in the chamber is the result of the pumped gas and
the gas exiting the emulsion tube. How much each contributes is xed by other
Macaulay (1988).
16 Plurality in causality
factors: for the pumped gas both the amount of airowand a parameter , which
is partly determined by the geometry of the chamber; and for the gas exiting the
emulsion tube, by a parameter
, which also depends on the geometry of the
chamber. The point is this. In Pearls circuit-board, there is one distinct physical
mechanismto underwrite each distinct causal connection. But that is incredibly
wasteful of space and materials, which matters for the carburettor. One of the
central tricks for an engineer in designing a carburettor is to ensure that one
and the same physical design for example, the design of the chamber can
underwrite or ensure a number of different causal connections that we need all
at once.
Just look back at my diagrammatic equations, where we can see a large
number of laws all of whichdependonthe same physical features the geometry
of the carburettor. So no one of these laws can be changed on its own. To change
any one requires a redesign of the carburettor, which will change the others in
train. By design the different causal laws are harnessed together and cannot be
changed singly. So modularity fails.
My conclusion though is not that we must discard modularity. Rather it is
not a universal characteristic of some univocal concept of (generic) causation.
There are different causal questions we can ask. We can, for instance, ask the
causal question we see in the Pearl/LeRoy requirement: how much will the
effect change for a unit change in the cause if the unit change in the cause were
to be introduced by intervention? The question will make sense and have an
unambiguous answer for modular systems. The fact that many systems are not
modular does not mean that this is a foolish question to ask when systems are
2.2.3 Woodwards invariance account
This is a strengthening of the modularity account. Modularity accounts tell us
that causal laws predict what happens under variations of the appropriate sort.
Woodwards invariance account says that if a claimpredicts what happens under
variations of the appropriate sort, it is a causal law. Hence some of the problems
for this claim are:
1 Invariance works only for systems that are modular, not for toasters and
2 I can prove Woodwards invariance claims (once formulated explicitly) for
special systems. Among the axioms for these systems are numerical tran-
sitivity, functional dependence, anti-symmetry and irreexivity, uniqueness
of coefcients, consistency and the assumption that no functional relations
obtain that are not derivable from causal laws.
This last forbids, e.g. that
two variables might show the same time trend.
So invariance also has its special problems.
For more details see ch. 7.
For full axioms, see ch. 10.
Causation 17
But there is one thing to note in favour of invariance methods unlike Bayes-
nets methods, they can give decisive answers about specic causal hypotheses
even where the causal Markov condition fails. For instance, this is true for
linear probabilistic structures like those below, where the us serve to introduce
genuine irreducible probabilities:
. . .
i =1
In any case in which the us are not mutually independent, the causal Markov
condition will not hold. Nevertheless invariance methods will give correct
judgements about individual causal hypotheses. That is, correctly formulated
invariance methods will work even when the us are correlated leading to vio-
lations of the causal Markov condition. On the other hand, because we need
variations of just the right sort, where the right sort is specied in causal
terms, invariance methods require a great deal more specic antecedent causal
knowledge than do Bayes-nets methods. Hence they are frequently of less use
to us.
2.2.4 Natural experiments
If we want to tie method really reliable method and analysis as closely as
possible, probably the most natural thing would be to reconstruct our account of
causality fromthe experimental methods we use to nd out about causes.
such attempt is bound to illustrate my overall point. The conditions that must
obtain for a situation to mimic that of an experiment are enormously special. A
notion of causality geared to conditions that obtain in an experimental setting
whether it occurs naturally or is contrived by us is not likely to t well for a
large variety of commonly occurring systems that other accounts (and ordinary
intuitions as well) will count as causal.
2.2.5 Causal processes
These accounts require that there be a continuous spacetime process that con-
veys the causal inuence fromcause to effect. There is a large literature looking
at the problems that arise for various specic versions of the account. But, as
Kevin Hoover argues, none of them will work for crucial cases in economics
that we want to study, say, cases of equilibrium, where causes and effects are
Cf. Simon (1953) or Hamilton (1997). For a further discussion of these issues see Reiss (2003).
For a further discussion see chs. 13 and 14 in this book.
18 Plurality in causality
u v
x y
Figure 2.1
simultaneous; or cases involving causal relations between quantities all of
which only make sense when measured over extended periods of time which
may well then overlap with each other. Hoover himself offers an account that
can deal with such cases.
2.2.6 Hoovers effective strategies account
Xc Y if anything we do to affect X will affect Y as well, but not the reverse,
maintains economist/methodologist Kevin Hoover.
But Hoovers characteri-
zation is too weak to serve as a universal condition on what it means for x to
cause y. Consider the pattern (g. 2.1) which we might see in a mechanical
device like the toaster, where I draw the causal arrows in accord with our prim-
itive intuitions about how the device operates intuitions that will probably
also be in accord with a causal process account of causal laws. In this case
Hoover allows that x causes y, so long as u and v are factors that can be directly
manipulated. So Hoovers condition is too weak.
On the other hand it is also too strong, since it never allows that x causes y or
the reverse when the association between the two is given as pictured in g. 2.2
(again the arrows represent causal process causality or perhaps probabilistic
causation). Hence Hoovers account is too strong. Nevertheless it is based on
a causal question whose answer may matter enormously to us: can we affect y
by affecting x?
See Hoover (2001) and ch. 14 here. There are also a number of well-argued agency accounts in
the philosophical literature. I focus on Hoovers because it is ties most closely with methodology,
which is the central interest I have in nding an adequate account of causality. Also, I imagine
Hoovers version of an agency account will be less familiar to philosophers of science and my
discussion can provide an introduction to it.
Causation 19
x y
Figure 2.2
2.2.7 Diagnosis
All these accounts have problems. Does that mean that none of them is any
good and we should throw them out? On the contrary, I think they all are very
good. They fail, I hypothesize, because the task they set themselves cannot be
accomplished. Under the inuence of Hume and Kant we think of causation as
a single monolithic concept. But that is a mistake. The problem is not that there
are no such things as causal laws; the world is rife with them. The problem is
rather that there is no single thing of much detail that they all have in common,
something they share that makes them all causal laws. These investigations
support a two-fold conclusion:
1 There is a variety of different kinds of causal laws that operate in a variety
of different ways and a variety of different kinds of causal questions that we
can ask.
2 Each of these can have its own characteristic markers; but there are no inter-
esting features that they all share in common.
2.3 An alternative: thick causal concepts
All the accounts I described seem to suppose that there is one thing one char-
acteristic feature that makes a law a causal law. I want to offer an alternative.
Just as there is an untold variety of quantities that can be involved in laws, so
too there is an untold variety of causal relations. Nature is rife with very spe-
cic causal laws involving these causal relations, laws that we represent most
immediately using content-rich causal verbs: the pistons compress the air in
20 Plurality in causality
the carburettor chamber, the sun attracts the planets, the loss of skill among
long-term unemployed workers discourages rms from opening new jobs . . .
These are genuine facts, but more concrete than those reported in claims that
use only the abstract vocabulary of cause and prevent. If we overlook this,
we will lose a vast amount of information that we otherwise possess, impor-
tant, useful information that can help us with crucial questions of design and
To begin to see this alternative picture, consider again the causal equations
above that describe the operation of an automobile carburettor. Where did this
equation schema come from? As I said, I constructed the equations from the
description of the carburettor in How Things Work. If you look there you will
nd a far more content-rich causal theory about carburettors than could be
represented in equations like the ones I propose, even when the functional
forms are all lled in properly. Here are some of the more specic laws that
are represented by my set of causal equations. (Of course, in an engineering
treatment the laws would be both quantitative and more detailed.)
1 The carburettor feeds gasoline and air to a cars engine . . .
2 The pistons suck air in though the chamber . . .
3 The low-pressure air sucks gasoline out of a nozzle . . .
4 The throttle valve allows air to ow through the nozzle . . .
5 Pressing the pedal opens the throttle valve more, speeding the airow and
sucking in more gasoline . . .
6 . . .
These lawclaims express details of the laws that govern the operation of the car-
burettor that are missing from the equations. If there is any doubt, just consider
all the things one can learn from these kinds of thick nomological descriptions
that one cannot learn from the equations. For instance, suppose we wish to
increase the acceleration produced by stepping on the accelerator and we think
of doing so by increasing the width of the chamber (thus allowing more gas
through). Our attempt will probably be counterproductive because doing so will
also affect the drop in pressure in the air as it passes through and thereby the
amount of gas that can be sucked out of the nozzle.
For a Bayes-nets example, consider a case that Judea Pearl often discusses:
an experiment in which soil fumigants (X) are used to increase oat crop yields (Y) by
controlling the eelworm population (Z) but may also have direct effects, both benecial
and adverse, on yields beside the control of eelworms . . . farmers choice of treatment
depends on last years eelworm population (Z
) . . . the quantities Z
, Z
, and Z
represent, respectively, the eelworm population, both size and type, before treatment,
and at the end of the season . . . B, the population of birds and other predators. (Pearl
1995, 669)
Pearl (1995), p. 669.
Causation 21
Figure 2.3 Acausal diagramrepresenting the effect of fumigants, X, on yields,
Variables: X: fumigants; Y: yields; B: the population of birds and other preda-
tors; Z
: last years eelwormpopulation; Z
: eelwormpopulation before treat-
ment; Z
: eelworm population after treatment; Z
: eelworm population at the
end of the season.
Figure 2.3 shows the Bayes-net diagram that Pearl offers to represent the situ-
ation he describes (p. 670).
It is clear that we could give a thicker description of the causal laws operating
in this experiment. Perhaps the soil fumigant poisons the infant eelworms, or
perhaps it smothers the eelworm eggs, or . . .; and any of a vast number of
activities could be covered by the claim that the soil fumigant has independent
benecial or adverse effects on yields. Perhaps the fumigant enriches the soil
or clogs the roots. Instead Pearl gives an even thinner description. He replaces
all the thick descriptions by one single piece of notation the arrow. The arrow
represents in one fell swoop all the different causal-law relations described in
the thicker theory.
There is one important fact to note about thick causal concepts. They are
not themselves composites from a non-causal law and some further special
characteristics that make it a causal law e.g. characteristics of the kind I have
just been reviewing. Consider a comparison. Just as I contrast general causal
22 Plurality in causality
terms like cause and prevent with thicker ones like compress and attract and
smother, Bernard Williams in Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy contrasts
general evaluative terms like good and ought with thicker or more specic
ethical notions . . . such as treachery and promise and brutality and courage,
which seem to express a union of fact and value.
But, Williams explains, they only seem to express a union of fact and value.
These terms are not composites made up of two parts, a description with an
evaluation added on. Elsewhere I give a whole set of arguments about causation
that exactly parallels Williamss about ethical concepts.
Here I note only one
signicant point. All thick causal concepts imply cause. They also imply a
number of non-causal facts. But this does not mean that cause the non-causal
claims (perhaps) something else implies the thick concept. For instance we
can admit that compressing implies causing x, but that does not ensure that
causing x y implies compressing for some non-circular y.
2.4 What job then does the label causal do?
I have presented the proposal that there are untold numbers of causal laws,
all most directly represented using thick causal concepts, each with its own
peculiar truth makers; and there is no single interesting truth maker that they
all share by virtue of which they are labelled causal laws. What job then does
the label causal do?
When it comes to formal systems, we can say a lot about what job it does.
That is the beauty of the formal system. The idea is that whether it is right to
call something by the general term cause or not depends on what you are going
to do with that label once you have attached it. Consider Pearls work. If the
causal relations, described by thick causal concepts, satisfy Pearls modular-
ity assumption (and if we adopt his semantics for counterfactuals), he shows
a wealth of counterfactual conclusions, predictions about results of manipu-
lations, and techniques for corroboration of specic hypotheses that we are
entitled to make about these relations.
Or consider my formalizations of different versions of Woodwards invari-
ance claims. If the Cartwright axioms are all satised for a given set of thick
causal concepts, we can prove that an observed functional relation between
quantities corresponds to a true causal claim iff the relation provides correct
predictions under the right variations.
We can further prove things like the following:
1 A system of true causal-law claims including y c
will make
correct predictions about y if any of the causes of any of the x
back in the chain is varied in the right way.
Williams (1985), p. 129.
Cartwright (2002).
Causation 23
2 Suppose we add assumptions that guarantee that there is a chain of causal
laws between x
and y. Then it is easy to show that if, for all i, any of the
intervening factors between x
and y vary to zero in the appropriate way, y
will no longer depend on x.
I also think analogous things are true even when scientic theories or claims
will not bear formal reconstruction. There is still a loose set of inferences xed
by the context to which we are entitled when we make a causal-law claim with
the thin word cause in it. The correctness of the term cause will depend on
the soundness of the conclusions we draw.
To summarize, formalisms using thin causal concepts can be very useful.
They provide conditions that thick causal laws might satisfy, conditions that
license a specic body of inferences. General schemata using thin causal con-
cepts are crucial for scientic practice. For they provide us with ready-made
methods. Otherwise we have to nd the appropriate method for each newsystem
of laws we confront.
But there is no guarantee that we have, or can readily construct, formal
schemata that will t every system of laws we encounter. The causal arrange-
ments of the world may be indenitely variable. We may after all live in a
dappled world.
3 Causal claims: warranting them and using them
3.1 The problem: evidence for use
Vico reminds us that it is we who have created society, so its functioning
should be transparent to us. It is natural science, not social science, that should
be difcult, perhaps impossible. Why then is social planning and prediction so
tricky? We can build and commercially reproduce lasers so precise that complex
eye surgery is routine. But we cannot build a precisely operating secondary
school system. What is wrong with our knowledge in the social sciences?
Nothing is wrong with our knowledge in social science, nor with how we
ascertain it, I answer. We have a panoply of methods for warranting conclusions
in social science that are well tried, well developed and well understood. My
hypothesis is that our problems with social policy arise primarily from the fact
that we do not know how to use the knowledge we can legitimately claim to
have. For good policy we need to knowhowto predict the consequences of very
specic measures as and where they will in fact be implemented. Knowledge,
whether in natural or in social science, rarely comes directly in that form; and
the kinds of settings, like the auctions for the airwaves, where perhaps it does,
are contra Vico, seldom ones we can (or would wish to) create. In general what
we know, different pieces of knowledge of different kinds, often from a vast
variety of different sources, must be brought to bear on the questions at hand.
And here our methodology runs out. We are good at methods for warranting
conclusions, but not for using them.
I shall defend the rst part of this claim, and that is what I shall spend the
bulk of my time doing, turning to use only at the end. And in keeping with
This paper was prepared for the National Research Councils conference on evidence in the social
sciences and for social policy, March 2005; and for the Nordic Social Science Conference on the
effects of public policy interventions, August 2005. My thanks to Damien Fennell for his help and
to the National Science Foundation, the British Academy, the Latsis Foundation and the Center
for Health and Wellbeing for support for the research. (The material is based upon work supported
by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number 0322579. Any opinions, ndings, and
conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not
necessarily reect the view of the National Science Foundation.)
Warranting causes 25
the concentration on knowledge that is likely to be most immediately of use in
policy, I shall principally discuss methods for warranting causal claims.
3.2 Warrant
3.2.1 Two kinds of method
Methods for warranting causal claims fall into two broad categories. There are
those that clinch the conclusion but are narrow in their range of application;
and those that merely vouch for the conclusion but are broad in their range of
Derivation from theory falls into the rst category, as do randomized clinical
trials (RCTs), econometric methods and others. What is characteristic of meth-
ods in this category is that they are deductive: if they are correctly applied, then
if the evidence claims are true, so too will the conclusions be true. That is a huge
benet. But there is an equally huge cost. These methods are concomitantly nar-
row in scope. The assumptions necessary for their successful application tend
to be extremely restrictive and they can only take a very specialized type of
evidence as input and special forms of conclusion as output.
Those in the second category like qualitative comparative analysis (QCA)
or methods that stress the importance of the mass and variety of evidence are
more wide ranging but it cannot be proved that the conclusion is assured by the
evidence, either because the method cannot be laid out in a way that lends itself
to such a proof or because, by the lights of the method itself, the evidence is
symptomatic of the conclusion but not sufcient for it. What then is it to vouch
for? That is hard to say since the relation between evidence and conclusion
in these cases is not deductive and I do not think there are any good logics
of non-deductive conrmation, especially ones that make sense for the great
variety of methods we use to provide warrant. I will say a little more about this
when I catalogue a number of these methods below.
Interestingly, the method that is by far and away the most favoured by philoso-
phers of science the hypothetico-deductive method straddles these two
3.2.2 The straddler: the hypothetico-deductive method
Since Karl Popper and the positivists onwards, philosophers of science have
taken the hypothetico-deductive method to be the one that warrants our most
reliable scientic knowledge the method by which our physics is tested.
From the hypothesis under consideration in conjunction with a number of
auxiliary hypotheses we deduce some more readily observable consequences.
If the predicted consequences do not obtain, the hypothesis or one of the
26 Plurality in causality
auxiliaries must be mistaken. This is a paradigm of a method that clinches the
conclusion. If our premises are correct (premise 1:h o; premise 2: o) our
conclusion (h) must be correct.
But what if the predictedconsequences doobtain? That is the heart of the quar-
rel between Popper and the positivists. Popper said that we can infer nothing;
to infer that the hypothesis is true is to commit the fallacy of afrming the
consequent. There is no way for a piece of evidence to distinguish between
the indenitely many hypotheses that entail it. The positivists and the bulk
of scientic practice do not agree. They take positive results to conrm the
hypothesis to some extent, then look for conditions under which the degree of
conrmation would be high; for instance, if the prediction is very surprising, or
very precise, or there are a great many such predictions, or the hypothesis itself
is very simple, or very unifying, or . . . But none of this can turn an invalid argu-
ment into a valid one and thus provide a method that clinches the conclusion
from the evidence.
I stress this because of a peculiar asymmetry. We seem to demand more of
social science than of physics. We all admit that physics does pretty well. If my
colleagues in philosophy of science are right, physics uses a method that cannot
clinch conclusions but only vouch for them. Yet many social scientists want
clinchers. I think for instance of econometricians who long for identiability.
That means that, assuming a certain abstract functional form, the probabilities
inferred from the data should entail the equations of interest. We also see it
frequently in discussions backing the demand for RCTs, which, as I discuss
below, would be clinchers if carried out ideally.
Of course in physics there is a rich network of knowledge and a great deal of
connectedness so that any one hypothesis will have a large number of different
consequences by different routes to which it is answerable. This is generally
not true of hypotheses in the social sciences. My worry is that we want to use
clinchers so that we can get a result from a small body of evidence rather than
tackling the problems of how to handle a large amorphous body of evidence
loosely connected with the hypothesis. This would be okay if only it were not
for the down-side of these deductive methods the conditions under which they
can give conclusions at all are very strict.
An example of the hypothetico-deductive method at work We nd a
nice example of the hypothetico-deductive method for a causal hypothesis in
the work of economist Angus Deaton.
Deaton (like myself) does not believe
in off-the-shelf methodology for causal inference. Nevertheless the following
example does fall under the hypothetico-deductive method.
Conversation, November 2004, Center for Health and Wellbeing, Princeton, New Jersey.
Warranting causes 27
There is a widespread correlation, revealed by different kinds of data from
different populations, between low economic status and poor health. Deaton
maintains that a primary source of this correlation is a causal arrow from health
to income via loss of work. Unhealthy people are unable to work; this low-
ers their income, which is often used as a marker for status. To conrm this,
Deaton looks at the National Longitudinal Mortality Study data, where there is
a correlation between both low income and low education on the one hand and
mortality on the other. He reasons: if the incomemortality correlation is due
primarily to loss of income from poor health, then it should weaken dramat-
ically in the retired population where health will not affect income. It should
also be weaker among women than men, because the former have a weaker
attachment to the labour force over the period of employment. In both cases it
looks as if these predictions are borne out by the data.
Even more importantly, when the data are split between diseases that some-
thing can be done about and those that nothing can be done about, then income
is correlated with mortality from both just as it would be if causality ran from
health to income. Also education is weaker or uncorrelated for the diseases that
nothing can be done about. It is, he argues, hard to see how this would follow if
income and education were both markers for a single concept of socio-economic
status that was causal for health.
Thus the hypothesis that there is a signicant causal arrow from health to
income-based measures of status implies a number of specic results that seem
to be borne out and that would not be expected on dominant alternative hypothe-
ses. So the hypothesis seems to receive some conrmation though it is very
hard to say how much conrmation to award it or how far beyond the National
Longitudinal Mortality Study data set to suppose it will hold. (See part III of
this book on problems of exporting causal conclusions from where they are
conrmed to where they will be used.)
3.2.3 Narrow methods that clinch conclusions
Derivation fromtheory This is the second in rank of the philosophers
favourites. We can trust a causal conclusion that is deduced from already well-
conrmed theories. This is generally supposed to be a far less useful method
in the social sciences than in the natural sciences because we have no really
good theories of any kind to begin with. But there are a number of factors that
ameliorate this lack.
1 We need not look just to high theory, abstractly expressed and systematically
organized. For instance, as Naomi Oreskes argues,
it would be a mistake to
thinkthat we donot knowthe harmful effects of greenhouse gases just because
Oreskes (forthcoming).
28 Plurality in causality
the results may not be derivable from this or that cutting-edge model. The
basic account of radiative transfer involving CO
was already established in
the nineteenth century, by John Tyndall, and reconrmed by Plass and others
in the twentieth century.
This is not high theory this is no cutting-edge
climate model but it is good science, science that has been known and
accepted for a long time, based on physics theory, conrmed by laboratory
experiments, etc. No one questions it, not even the climate-change deniers.
So, now we go to complex climate models, high theory in the sense that
they are state-of-the-art, the cutting edge of the discipline. And yes, here we
get a case where the details of the outcomes of increased CO
are uncertain
because of uncertainties about the effects of other forcing functions aerosols
and clouds in particular.
On Oreskess account what is going on in this case is a lot of fussing about
the details of the predictions and, especially, about the forecasts for the future,
as if one had to forecast the future to a high degree of accuracy to make a
policy decision. But the fact is one often does not need a high degree of
accuracy to make policy plans. One simply has to knowthat the basic science
is well established, that it has made predictions and that those predictions
are indeed coming true a beautiful example of the hypothetico-deductive
2 Then there is common knowledge. There is a lot that we know as well as
we know anything and it is not to be disdained because it does not have the
character of a scientic theory or is merely, as Aristotle put it, knowledge
of what happens for the most part. Acorns grow into oak trees. That is as
certain as any of the surest claims of physics. Common knowledge should
not be dismissed just because it is common or because we know that some
of the things taken as common knowledge have turned out to be mistaken.
That is characteristic of even our best scientic accounts. Just look to physics
journal articles of the past. You will nd a huge number of accounts of
physical processes that we no longer hold with, and not just because of big
theory changes like those of Newton to Einstein, but rather because that
particular detailed use of the theory for that case has been superseded. The
correct strategy is surely to assess the uncertainties of common knowledge,
not to lose information by dismissing it or to assume that we can duck the
problem of assessment by restricting ourselves to more scientic claims
since we face equal problems of assessing certainty there.
3 We are often very clever at guring out how to get a lot out of very little
theory. Game theory methods provide one such device. The general theory
Fleming (1998).
Though perhaps not equal political problems, since these may often be less associated with
differing ideologies.
Warranting causes 29
supposed is exceedingly thin. Agents act so as to maximize their expected
utility. Then there are auxiliary hypotheses that may or may not be met in
given situations, primarily to the effect that agents can reason well and that
they are informed about the structure of the options and the pay-offs. Then
we devise specic models to consider specic causal hypotheses.
Does loss of skill among workers during periods of unemployment perpet-
uate periods of unemployment? One model
to test this hypothesis supposes
that workers gain utility only from wages and leisure and entrepreneurs only
from prot, that jobworker matching occurs in a specic way, that there
are just two generations in the labour market, that everyone is hired/rehired
at once, etc. In this model, the hypothesis can be proved true. So, assuming
the theory is correct, we know that the causal claim will hold in any setting
sufciently like the one described in the model. We know this with cer-
tainty since we can deduce it. The problem is to know what real situations
are sufciently like that in the model. For this we need a different kind of
Here our rigorous methodology gives out. We have rigid standards for how
to test results in the model but very little guidance about how to assess where
the model results will apply. This is in line with my concerns about evidence
for use that I stress here.
Tracing the causal process (or the mechanisms) connecting cause
and effect This method is not so common in social science as it is
in more engineering-related areas, so I will not discuss it here (though it has
proved important in various biological and medical studies
Probabilistic causality (Suppes or Granger causality) and the
concomitant method of RCTs I want to discuss the logic of this
method explicitly to underline my dual points: the logic is deductive and the
argument structure is exceedingly simple; but the premises are concomitantly
exceedingly strong. For both probabilistic Granger or Suppes causality and for
RCTs every possible source of variation of every kind must be controlled if a
valid conclusion is to be drawn.
Following the philosopher Patrick Suppes
and econometrician Clive
we suppose that for populations picked out by the right descrip-
tions K
, if X and Y are probabilistically dependent and X precedes Y then
X causes Y. If any population P contains such a K
as a subpopulation, then
X causes Y in P in the sense that for some individuals in P, X will cause Y
(in the long run). This is a standard procedure in the social sciences where
Pissarides (1992).
Cf. Bechtel and Abrahamsen (forthcoming).
Suppes (1970).
Cf. Granger (1980).
30 Plurality in causality
we use all other known causal factors to stratify a population before look-
ing for correlations in each of the substrata as a sign of causal connections
The argument is deductive because of the way the K
are supposed to be
characterized. Begin from the assumption that if X and Y are probabilistically
dependent ina populationthat must be because of the causal principles operating
in that population. (Without this kind of assumption it will never be possible to
establish any connection between probabilities and causality.) The trick then is
to characterize the K
in just the right way to eliminate all possible accounts of a
dependency between X and Y other than that X causes Y (there is no correlation
in K
between X and any other causes of Y, there is no selection bias, etc.).
Given that K
is specied in this way, if X and Y are probabilistically dependent
in population K
, there is no possibility left other than the hypothesis that X
causes Y.
Of course the epistemic problems are enormous. How are we to know what
to include in K
? Sometimes we do know (or think we do). For instance in the
Stanford Gravity Probe Bexperiment to test the general theory of relativity,
environment is so tightly controlled that if we see the predicted precession in
the gyroscopes that are nowin space we can be fairly condent that nothing else
could have caused them than the predicted coupling to relativistic spacetime
Knowledge of just the right kind is thought to be rare in the social sciences
though we should keep in mind that it is in econometrics where we see this
method in use, under the title Granger causality. Granger causality solves the
problemof our ignorance about just what to put in the descriptions K
by putting
in everything that happens previous to X. That of course is literally impossible
so in the end very specic decisions about the nature of the Ks must be made
for any application.
One last thing to note about probabilistic/Granger causality is that the deduc-
tions are from probabilities to causes, not from statistics i.e. not from sum-
maries of data. So here is yet another source of uncertainty about the premises
of the deductions. Not only might we be mistaken about the nature of the K
for our particular system and about whether or not there can be probabilistic
dependencies that have no causal source, we may also be mistaken in inferring
probabilities from the data. This is a source of uncertainty that will plague any
method that takes population probabilities in the premises. These include not
only RCTs, Bayes-nets methods, invariance methods and methods from econo-
metrics, but any method that looks for necessary or sufcient conditions in a
population since these are just a limiting case where conditional probabilities
have value 1.
See Cartwright (1989), pp. 6671.
Warranting causes 31
RCTs RCTs are designed to nesse our lack of knowledge about
what other reasons might be responsible for probabilistic dependency between
a treatment and an outcome. We are all familiar with this methodology so I
review it exceedingly briey. Randomization is supposed to ensure that the
other causal factors for Y are distributed equally in the treatment and control
groups. Various blindings aim to eliminate other sources of dependency (like
selection bias) and to control for factors that randomization misses.
The logic is derivative from that of probabilistic causality: if Prob(Y/X) is
different in the control group from in the treatment group, it must be different
in one of the K
and if a probabilistic dependency occurs
between X and Y in a K
subpopulation, then X must cause Y in that subpopu-
lation and hence in any larger population of which it is a part. (This does not of
course mean that it cannot also be true that X prevents Y in some other K
, j ,= i,
and hence prevents Y in the total population, in the same sense in which it causes
Y in the total population. So, for instance, a drug that tests well in a perfectly
conducted RCT will denitely be curing some group of the test population but
it may simultaneously be killing those in some smaller group.)
As with any deductive method, the conclusion can only be as certain as
the premises. The important point here is that by randomizing, blinding and
controlling in various ways, other sources of probabilistic dependence have
been eliminated or their effects calculated away. We do know some typical
problems to watch out for the placebo effect, experimenter bias and the like.
But what might actually confound results in a given case requires a close and
intelligent look. Condence in the results requires that somebody knows a lot
about the specic populations involved and the procedures throughout. I notice
that people sometimes talk as if there is a formula for how to proceed and if we
just follow it the results will be reliable. But, as with all methods, there is no
avoiding the need for a great deal of good judgement, sound detailed knowledge
and good sense in conducting an RCT.
Controlled experiments; natural experiments The logic here is famil-
iar. In principle we control so tightly that when the predicted outcome obtains,
nothing but the hypothesized cause could have brought it about. It is common-
place to remark on how hard it is to do experiments in social science. But
sometimes we have the good luck to nd a situation in which the controls occur
naturally, without our contrivance. There has been a recent push to look hard for
these in order to drawcausal conclusions in economics.
As with any deductive
method, the results for either natural or contrived controlled experiments can
only be as sure as our assumptions.
This is guaranteed by the fact that X and K
will not be dependent in an ideal RCT.
Cf. Card and Krueger (1997). See also Hamilton (1997).
32 Plurality in causality
Bayes-nets methods Bayes nets are graphs representing probabilistic
independencies. Add some assumptions about the relations between probabilis-
tic dependence and causality and we can use them to infer new causal relations
from known causal relations and facts about probabilities probabilities as
they occur in the population under study, not experimental probabilities. The
methods will produce every set of causal relations among the variables under
consideration that is compatible with the input information and the background
As with the probabilistic theory of causality, Bayes-nets methods suppose
that two factors will be probabilistically dependent once the right background
factors are held xed if and only if they are related as cause and effect when
those background factors obtain. This immediately restricts applicability; for
instance the methods cannot be relied on in populations where there is selec-
tion bias for joint effects. They also suppose that causes and effects will be
dependent simpliciter, thus ruling out that the positive and negative inuences
of a given factor via different routes can cancel. There is in addition a kind of
minimality or simplicity assumption. Importantly, as with most econometric
methods for causal inference, these methods will only apply to variable sets for
which the input variables (those not caused by any of the variables in the set
under consideration) are all independent, which is a considerable restriction.
Finally, they tell whether or not a factor is causally relevant but nothing about
the strength of relevance or the functional form. (This matter is addressed in
the two following methods.)
Econometric methods Econometrics has well-developed structural
methods that allow the deduction of the strength of causal connections between
factors in a preselected variable set, provided stringent conditions are met.
These methods begin by assuming that a particular set of functional forms
correctly represents the causal structure generating the observed data. What is
to be discovered are the parameters that turn these functional forms into real
functions roughly, one function for each effect, where any factor that appears
with a non-zero parameter on the right-hand side is judged to be a cause of that
effect, with the parameter giving the strength of causal inuence.
In addition to assuming that the abstract functional forms are the right forms
the ones the causal principles at work actually have the causal principles we
aim to discover are also taken to meet what are called identication condi-
tions. These require that there be not too many causal connections between
the factors of interest, which is necessary for disentangling the different causal
Cf. Spirtes, Glymour and Scheines (1993).
Just how these relations represent causal structure is set out by Herbert Simon and is further
described in ch. 13 in this book and by Damien Fennell. See Simon (1953) and ch. 1 in Fennell
Warranting causes 33
connections from the observed data. Another important condition is that the
factors taken as inputs (not caused by any factor in the preselected variable
set) be probabilistically independent and also that they not restrict each others
values. This is required to guarantee that the observed data do not result from
hidden common causal relationships between factors not modelled explicitly
by the functional relations. Finally, statistical conditions must also be met so
that the observed data sample does not accidentally misrepresent the under-
lying data generating processes. If all of these conditions are met, then one can
deduce the strength of the causal connections between factors in the variable
set of interest.
Here, as with the other narrow clinching methods, secure conclusions are
bought at the price of stringent conditions that are difcult to meet. In these
structural methods one must knowthe functional formof the causal structure and
that structure must not be too dense. Such conditions alone are very demanding
and without them it is not clear what follows from the observed data.
Invariance methods There is a correlation between a fall in a barom-
eter and a storm coming. But if we manipulate the barometer in arbitrary ways
(ways that vary independently from the other causes of a storm), for example
by smashing it, the correlation will break down. For some nice kinds of sys-
given a sufciently careful formulation of what we mean by invariant,
we can prove that a functional relation one we suppose we have observed
to be true, say will represent a true causal relation just in case it is invariant
under all arbitrary variations of the dependent variables.
3.2.4 Broad methods that vouch for conclusions
The advantage of deductive methods that clinch their conclusions is that we
know exactly what we would have to do using those methods to become more
certain about the conclusions get more certain about the premises. Often we
do not know how to do that; worse, frequently we know the premises are false,
or probably false. These are of course problems for any kind of method, but
they are especially severe for deductive methods because the requisite premises
are so demanding that we cannot expect them to obtain generally. How do we
know, for an RCT or Granger causality for instance, that all other sources of
probabilistic dependence have been randomized over or controlled for and how
For example, for linear equations where the dependent variables can take any combination of
values together in systems where any true functional dependencies must result from underlying
causal laws. This last is analogous to the assumption required for probabilistic causality, that
all probabilistic dependencies arise from underlying causal laws. See ch. 10 in this book for
34 Plurality in causality
do we know that we are studying systems where all dependencies are due to
causal connections?
Here we must be careful to avoid a logical mistake. If the premises of a
deductive argument are true, the conclusion must be true. What if we do not
know they are true but are only willing to assign a probability to them? If we
assign a probability of say 90 per cent to the premises taken jointly and we do
not know anything else relevant, then it is reasonable to assign a probability
of 90 per cent to the conclusion. That however is very different from the case
where we are fairly certain, may even take ourselves to know, nine out of ten of
the premises, but have strong reason to deny the tenth. In that case the method
can make us no more certain of the conclusion than we are of that doubtful
premise. Deductions can take us from truths to truths but once there is one false
premise, they cannot do anything at all. That is why we need to take seriously
non-deductive methods. I will review a few of these that I have worked with
and try to look at what the relation of evidence to conclusion might be in each
case. I will spend a little more time on the rst case to exhibit the difculty in
laying out what the relation really is.
This method starts from what philosophers, following J. L.
call the INUS account of causation, which acknowledges both that
what we usually call a cause (like C
in the formula below) is usually only a
part of a total cause sufcient for the effect and that most effects have multiple
separate causes. On this account causes are insufcient but necessary parts of
unnecessary but sufcient conditions:
INUS condition: E C
. . . C
v C
. . . C
v . . . v
. . . C
So to discover the causes of an effect E in a given population, sample the
population, then look for factors that make a formula of INUS form true in
that sample. (These methods are sometimes called Boolean algebra methods
because they employ huge truth tables to determine the INUS formula.) This
raises the problem of statistical inference that I noted with respect to methods
that move from probabilities to causes. Results in the sample may not be true of
what would occur in the population as the population gets increasingly bigger.
Even in the most ideal uses, however, the method cannot clinch the results
because INUS conditions are not causes. The INUS formula represents an
Indeed we know this is frequently not the case since many factors are temporally correlated
with no causal connection, so at least we had better detrend data before we begin to apply the
See Ragin (1998). See also Lieberson (1992).
Mackie (1974).
Here v means or.
Warranting causes 35
association of features, a correlation, and we know that correlations may well
be spurious. Consider for example a situation in which the following are the
correct causal principles:
If these are true, so too will be
Thus X
is an INUS condition for X
though not a cause of it.
Suppose that we know that a given factor is an INUS condition for another,
and that is all we know. Does that provide warrant for the conclusion that the
rst is a cause of the second; if so, how much warrant? It is not unreasonable to
suppose that if a factor is a cause of another it will be an INUS condition for it;
but there are many other reasons as well why it might be an INUS condition.
This is just the quandary I described with the hypothetico-deductive method
and it has no straightforward resolution.
Though comparative qualitative analyses cannot clinch a result, they have
many advantages over various deductive methods. By contrast with RCTs and
Bayes-nets methods, a QCA result is not just a yesno verdict yes, the factor
is a cause, no, it is not. Rather we learn the functional form of the causes.
With this method we can learn that the cause is a cause for some individuals and
not for others and the method is geared to determining which. Concomitantly,
it is difcult to apply because it needs a complete set of causes there is no
way within the method to deal with omitted/unknown factors as there is with
econometric methods.
Also, although it is not formally part of the method, the fact that we must look
indetail at the individuals inthe populationfor factors that will make upanINUS
formula has great side advantages. In the rst place it can alert us to a better,
more concrete reformulation of the effect of interest. Very often what we aim
for as an effect is something very general improved educational attainment,
better attitude, more ability to function in a job. We must operationalize these
one way or another to get any study going. Looking at cases in detail often shows
that our operationalization is wrong, too narrow, leaves things out, misses the
mark. In the second place the choice of possible causes is more readily adjusted
to the specics of the cases at hand. The variables in the study are less likely to
be standardized and hence have more exibility to replicate the correct details
of the causal stories for the individuals in the population.
Though in econometric methods, as I noted, we often have to make very strong exogeneity
assumptions about the omitted factors.
36 Plurality in causality
Reasoningfrommodels andmodel systems Another broadmethodfor
providing support for causal conclusions is by establishing results in a model,
then reasoning from the model results to claims about the target situations.
The kind of reasoning employed is as widespread and diverse as the different
kinds of model used. These vary from highly concrete models, such as actual
physical systems rats or toy airplanes or prototypes to computer simulations
to extremely abstract models, such as thought experiments.
This method is used widely throughout the social and political sciences.
Evolutionary models, for instance, are used to account for higher rates of death
from violent causes among young men
or for the (currently topical) diver-
gence in mathematical achievement between women and men.
Economics and
political theory are rife with game theoretical models, where relatively simple
premises provide persuasive hypotheses about the factors that may be driving
complex phenomena. For instance
Schellings model shows how segregated
neighbourhoods can arise even if the individuals in those neighbourhoods indi-
vidually prefer integrated neighbourhoods and Akerlofs inuential lemons
model from microeconomics shows how asymmetric information can lead to
overpayment for used cars. In social psychology ethological models are used to
generate plausible hypotheses about causes of human behaviour. In medicine
we use real concrete model systems, like rats. And computer simulations are
gaining popularity everywhere.
In reasoning from models and model systems, two distinct questions about
warrant must be answered. First, how warranted is the causal conclusion in
the model? Second, how does the model conclusion provide warrant for causal
claims outside the model? The rst is a question of internal validity of the
kind I have been considering throughout. It gets a huge variety of answers. In
game theory models, the results in the model should be certain they follow
deductively. Not so in the evolutionary models where the theory is not tight
enough to entail conclusions. For real model systems we have available the
whole panoply of methods that we have already reviewed. The second is a
question of external validity, which faces all methods since we seldomestablish
results in the very population and in the very situation in which we want to apply
them. I turn to it when I take up issues of use.
Ethnographic methods I shall not review these since a separate
review of them was made for the National Research Council conference.
Mixed indirect support Consider Jean Perrins inuential arguments
for the existence of atoms.
Atoms were indicatedbya large number of different
Daly and Wilson (1999).
Geary (1996).
These are discussed in Sugden (2000).
For a more detailed discussion of internal validity in economic models see ch. 15 in this book.
Discussed in Salmon (1984).
Warranting causes 37
kinds of study involving different methods, in different places, with different
materials, etc. Assumptions about exactly what an atom is or exactly how it
behaves were not univocal across these studies.
Nor were any of the studies
entirely satisfactory in themselves; they were almost all awed in one way
or another. Nevertheless, Perrin reasoned, atoms must exist. It would be too
improbable that the different aws in all these different kinds of studies worked
out in just the right way to give the same mistaken conclusion.
Consider an analogous case in the human sciences. Recall the discussion of
health and status above (see above the section An example of the hypothetico-
deductive method at work). Michael Marmot
argues that the stress induced
by low status, particularly by social isolation and high demand/low auton-
omy work, causes poor health. He marshals a great amount of different kinds
of evidence to support the conclusion, such as long-term longitudinal stud-
ies of Whitehall civil servants, experiments on primates, statistical studies of
the correlation between income and health in various places, facts and statis-
tics about health failure in Russia, medical studies of the relations between
physiological stress markers and various health problems, and psychological
studies of the relationship between stressful tasks and physiological stress
Should this body of evidence be judged convincing? Recall that breadth,
variety, precision and novelty of evidence are at the core of warrant on our
most standard philosophic account of scientic method. On the hypothetico-
deductive account, we look for evidence that should obtain if the hypothesis
were true then we demand that there be a lot of it, sufciently varied, novel
and not easily accounted for by other hypotheses. Figuring out if this is the case
for Marmots hypothesis or for any hypothesis is not easy, and it cannot be
done by formula. But doing so is far more realistic than looking for some single
study that could clinch a causal hypothesis like this.
3.3 Use
If warranting causal claims is a difcult matter, judging how we can put them
to use is even more difcult. For it is a different enterprise altogether, requir-
ing a different set of considerations, different kinds of background knowledge
and different procedures and these are generally far less well understood,
less well articulated and less rigorous. I shall point to some of the central
Peter Galison argues that this is characteristic of contemporary physics theories. Different
groups, especially theory versus experimental groups, seldom have the same interpretation for
what on the face of it looks to be the same claim. See Galison (1997).
Marmot (2004).
38 Plurality in causality
3.3.1 What claim has been established?
When we want to put our claims to use, it is essential to know exactly what
claim it is that has been warranted. It is useful to think in terms of two different
problems: the claim itself what actually is established by a given method; and
its scope for what populations and in what situations the result is established.
What is the claim? First, different methods will warrant causal claims
of different forms. For instance, RCTs tell about the overall effect of a cause,
averaged across subpopulations in which it may behave differently indeed
oppositely. (A drug that cures one part of the population may kill another.)
Other methods require more information to apply but give more specic infor-
mation. For instance, Granger causalitytells what happens ineachof the relevant
subpopulations. What it says is that in those subpopulations (in the long run)
the cause will produce the hypothesized effects in at least some individuals and
should produce opposite effects in none. There are also well-known variations
where we learn not about increased numbers of outcomes but increased levels
or perhaps increases in the mean. Econometric methods give the full functional
form for the relation between a set of causes and their effect; QCA also gives
the full functional form, but only for yesno variables. These are matters that
we need to be alert to when we think of using the results to support policy.
A second and age-old problem is in deciding on the concepts to use to
describe both a policy and its putative evidence. Consider an example from the
natural sciences. Bodies that are not acted on by forces travel on geodesics
straight lines. But what is a straight line depends on the geometry of the surface.
So suppose an experiment is performed on a sphere. The body moves in a great
circle. If we take this result to be good evidence for the claim Bodies that are
not acted on by forces move in circles, we can go far astray if the application
in mind is for a at table top.
This example illustrates that it is not always a good idea to express the
conclusion that a piece of evidence is taken to warrant in too narrow or too
concrete a way. On the other hand it is equally dangerous to follow the opposite
strategy. The sometimes disastrous effects of overgeneralizing are well known.
But also, expressing results in too abstract a vocabulary can render themalmost
useless, especially in social sciences where bridge laws that provide concrete
interpretations of abstract concepts (like unemployment, abuse, incentives,
etc.) are scarce. Love thy neighbour as thyself. Perhaps that is good advice but
what does loving ones neighbour amount to in this or that specic situation?
What is the scope of the claim? Evidence is always collected in some
population in some circumstances. With most methods the inferences that are
licensed fromthat method are tied to the populations and situations in which the
Warranting causes 39
evidence is obtained and licence to go beyond those must come fromsomewhere
outside that method.
Consider an ideal controlled experiment. It can tell us with certainty what
the effect of a given cause is in the circumstances of the experiment. But in
order to do so, the circumstances of the experiment must be extremely unusual
ones. What follows with certainty from an ideally carried out experiment is
what the cause does there, in those very unusual circumstances. The method
itself tells us nothing about what the cause does elsewhere. Often the point of
a controlled experiment is to establish what J. S. Mill called a tendency law.
These do not tell us what effect occurs when the cause is present but rather what
the cause contributes to an effect in more realistic circumstances where other
causally relevant factors have not been eliminated. (An example is Coulombs
lawfor the force exerted on one charge by another. This is never really the force
a charged particle experiences in the neighbourhood of another charge since
gravitational attraction will always contribute as well.)
We need three different kinds of considerations then before a causal claim
from a controlled experiment can be put to use. (1) Is the experiment set up in
such a way that we can conclude what we are supposed to be able to that in the
experimental situation the causal hypothesis is true? (2) Is this the kind of causal
relation for which we are entitled to think there is a tendency law? On what
grounds? (3) Supposing we do have a tendency law. How do we reckon what
will happen in any real situation where the cause operates? For the tendency
laws governing forces, we have vector addition to calculate what happens when
tendencies operate together. What do we have to do the job for us in particular
cases in the social sciences?
The point I want to stress is that the method of the controlled experiment,
which can clinch an answer about a causal hypothesis in an experimental setting,
goes no way to answering questions of the second and third type. For the most
part, we have no serious methodology for answering those kinds of question,
and certainly not methodologies that can be articulated and defended with
the rigour with which we can treat the methods for warranting causal claims.
When it comes to putting scientic claims to use, we quickly fall back on loose
argument and intuition.
The issue of external validity is no less problematic for other methods. In an
RCT if the population under study is representative of the target population,
then the results of the experiment can be extrapolated from the experimental to
the target population. Here at least if we sample fromthe target, we have good
statistical guidelines for how to get a representative population. Of course we
I discuss tendency laws in economics further in ch. 15. For cautions about drawing tendency
conclusions from controlled experiments and thought experiments see Reiss (2002). See also
Alexandrova (2005).
40 Plurality in causality
often are not able to sample from the target population, or if we can, not able to
do so in the correct way. The same holds for QCA and econometric methods.
Reasoning from sample models and sample systems is even more difcult.
What lessons exactly are we to take away from Schellings model about any
real case of segregation? As in the case of controlled experiments, with all of
these methods, rigour gives out when we try to justify exporting results from
the populations and situations in which they are established. But if we cannot
export results, they are of little use.
3.3.2 Are results stable under interventions?
Knowing the scope across which a result is true tells us where we can use that
result for prediction.
But policy is more complicated. Policy involves changes:
manipulating causes in hopes of producing the concomitant effects, changing
themin ways they do not naturally vary as the systemworks on its own. Change
is dangerous since we do not always know exactly what we are doing when
we decide to manipulate a cause. In particular, our actions can undermine the
very structure that gives rise to the causal principles we rely on to predict the
outcomes of our actions.
Social scientists talk about one aspect of this problem under the heading
reexivity: people change in response to the way we study them, the way they
conceive themselves, or in reaction to what they suspect will happen to them.
Another aspect does not necessarily rely on the responsiveness of self-
conscious agents but can arise whenever the causal principles we trust in depend
on some deeper underlying structure. If a set of causal principles derives
from some more fundamental set, then, when we change the way a cause is
brought about we bring it about in some new way by our policies we can-
not but change the underlying structure and we may well do so in a way that
undermines the very principle we are trusting to for our predictions. This is a
continuing theme in economics. It is the reason J. S. Mill argued that economics
cannot be an inductive science;
econometricians have worried about it from
the start;
and it is the basis for the famous Lucas critique of macroeco-
nomics and one of the central Chicago school arguments against government
policy interventions.
As before, the methods for warranting claims of stability-under-interventions
for a causal connection are very different from those that warrant the causal
We could of course think of the problems described here and in the next section as problems of
the scope of a claim. But I think it is useful to divide the issues in this way since the source of
the problems of scope is different in the different cases.
For instance, see Finlay and Gough (2003).
Mill (1836).
Cf. articles by Ragnar Frisch or Trygve Haavelmo in Hendry and Morgan (1995).
Lucas (1976).
Warranting causes 41
claims themselves; and they are less well articulated, less well understood and
less rigorous.
3.3.3 Where details matter
There may be good evidence for the effectiveness of a policy conceived, as it
usually is, in the abstract, but the actual outcomes may depend crucially on the
ne tuning of the method of implementation. Recall the case of laser engineer-
ing, mentioned at the beginning, and consider the early stages of development.
There was a great deal of evidence, both theoretical and experimental, that
inverted populations of atoms properly triggered can produce highly coherent
light. But we know that the results what actually happens depend hugely on
exactly on how the laser is engineered.
Or consider poverty measures.
Policy may set whether a poverty line should
be relative or absolute and if relative, in what way (for instance, two-thirds
of the median income). But the results for instance, the poverty ranking
among European countries depend crucially on dozens and dozens of details
of implementation (how to deal with individuals versus families, wealth or
welfare benets versus earned income, etc.), details where it seems that very
different decisions can be equally motivated and the rankings will come out
very differently depending on how these decisions are taken.
The more the details matter, the more the problems of evidence multiply.
Naturally more evidence is needed to judge the consequences of taking a deci-
sion one way rather than another. But also it is unlikely that there will be much
direct evidence to hand since each decision needs to be considered, not in the
abstract, but in the context of the overall proposal, where the consequences of
any one decision will depend on what details are supposed already to be in place.
This can put severe limitations on how many alternatives can be rationally con-
sidered since working through the evidence for any one is difcult and costly.
In situations like this it is important to have as good a general understanding
as possible in order to make an intelligent selection of which alternatives to
explore to begin with.
3.3.4 Counterfactuals and causal models
Most of our warranted causal information comes in pieces. But what we need
for policy is the whole picture. We want to know what would happen if various
proposed policies were implemented, and implemented in the way they would
See Atkinson (1987; 1988).
Though recall, sometimes the opposite is true, as for instance in the case of climate change
discussed above.
42 Plurality in causality
actually get implemented; what will result from the cause and from its method
of implementation, where both are subject to the action of the other causes
and interferences that will occur; and not just what happens with respect to the
effect in question we need to know about harmful and benecial side effects
as well. So we need more than piecemeal knowledge of what causes what. We
need a causal model.
Again, our methodologies for how to construct causal
models for new target situations from even highly stable well-warranted causal
claims are very poor.
3.4 Conclusion
We do have good methods for warranting knowledge claims in the social sci-
ences. The more secure they make the conclusion, though, the more background
knowledge we must have in order to apply them. So social science is hard, but
not impossible. Nor should that be surprising; natural science is exceedingly
hard and it does not confront so many problems as social science problems
of complexity, of reexivity, of lack of control. Moreover the natural sciences
more or less choose the problems they will solve but the social sciences are
asked to solve the problems that policy throws up. And here I think we do nd
special problems for social science. We have very good methods for gathering
social science knowledge but considerably less good advice about how to put
it to use. So, I urge, what we most need to study, is not how to do social science
but how to use it.
See ch. 16 in this book as well as Reiss and Cartwright (2004).
4 Where is the theory in our theories of causality?
4.1 Introduction
Causality is a hot topic today both in philosophy and in economics; there are
approaching a dozen different theories of causality on offer. Few are reduc-
tionist they do not embrace the Hume programme of replacing causation by
something weaker. But all claim to be informative theories, to tell us what
are the central characterizing features of causation. Here is a list of just some
of these theories and some of their major proponents. (I focus on theories of
generic-level causation, or of causal law. I choose this particular list because
these are all theories that are closely related to practice and that I have studied
fairly closely.) It certainly does not include all the accounts available.
Theories of causality:
the probabilistic theory of causality (Patrick Suppes) and its descendants
(i) (ii)
Figure 6.1
They then invite us to
[s]uppose for a moment that we ignore the interpretation that Simpson gave to the
variables in his example . . . Were we to nd A and C are independent but dependent
conditional on B, the Faithfulness Condition requires that if any causal structure obtains,
it is structure (ii). Still, structure (i) is logically possible,
and if the variables had the
signicance Simpson gives them we would of course prefer it. But if prior knowledge
does not require structure (i), what do we lose by applying the Faithfulness Condition;
what, in other words, do we lose by excluding causal structures that are not faithful to the
distribution [i.e. that allow genuine causes that do not appear as causes prima facie]?
I assume that this passage is meant as a defence of the faithfulness condition
since it appears at the end of the long exposition of Simpsons paradox in the
section in which they introduce faithfulness as an axiom
and just before the
only other remark that could be construed as a defence of this axiom in the face
of Simpsons paradox. But what is the defence? The answer to their question is
obviously: what we lose is getting the causal structure right.
Spirtes et al. (1993), p. 68.
I suppose they mean by logically possible that it is consistent with the other assumptions they
wish to make about causal laws and probabilities.
Spirtes et al. (1993), pp. 678.
In fact this is not literally true since the section, though headed Axioms, only introduces a
denition of faithfulness and does not make any claims about it. It is clear from the various
sales pitches they make for their methods, however, that they take it to be a condition true of
almost all causal systems.
68 Case studies
Perhaps they mean to suggest that when we do not know anything, it is
more reasonable to plump for structure (ii) than for structure (i). But what is
the argument for that? I respond with a truism: when you dont know, you
dont know; and it is often dangerous to speculate. If we have no idea what the
variables stand for, let alone how they operate, we are not in a position to make
a bet with any degree of credibility. Ah yes, I am sometimes told, but what
if you had to bet? Well, tell me more about the context in which I am forced
to bet a psychological experiment perhaps? and I may be able to tell you
which bet I would plump for.
Perhaps, however, Spirtes, Glymour andScheines are speakingsloppily. They
do not mean what do we lose? but rather how often will we lose? For imme-
diately after this they report that
[i]n the linear case, the parameter values values of the linear coefcients and exogenous
variances of a structure form a real space, and the set of points in this space that create
vanishing partial correlations not implied by the Markov condition [i.e. that violate
faithfulness] have Lebesgue measure zero.
This is surely intended as an argument in favour of faithfulness and it is
frequently cited as being so intended though I am not sure exactly what the
conclusion is that it is supposed to support. I gather we are to conclude that it is
unlikely that any causal systemto which we consider applying our probabilistic
methods will involve genuine causes that are not prima facie causes as well.
But this conclusion would follow only if there were some plausible way to
connect a Lebesgue measure over a space of ordered n-tuples of real numbers
with the way in which parameters are chosen or arise naturally for the causal
systems that we will be studying. I have never seen such a connection proposed;
that I think is because there is no possible plausible story to be told. Moreover,
were some connection mooted, we should keep in mind that it could not bear
directly on the question of how any actual parameter value is chosen because,
as we all know, any specic point in the space will have measure zero. So we
not only need a story that connects a Lebesgue measure over a space of n-tuples
of real numbers with how real parameter values arise, but we need a method
that selects as a question to be addressed before values are chosen: shall values
occur that satisfy faithfulness or not?
Not only is the theorem about the Lebesgue measure not relevant to the
issue of whether all causes are prima facie causes. I think it is an irresponsible
interjection into the discussion. Getting it right about the causal structure of
a real system in front of us is often a matter of great importance. It is not
appropriate to offer the authority of formalism over serious consideration of
what are the best assumptions to make about the structure at hand.
Spirtes et al. (1993), p. 68.
Bayes nets 69
Judea Pearl argues somewhat differently about the choice of parameter val-
ues. He uses the term stability for the condition that insists that effects be
probabilistically dependent on their causes even before confounding factors are
conditioned on. Here is what he says in its entirety:
Some structures may admit peculiar parameterizations that would render them indistin-
guishable from many other minimal models that have totally disparate structures. For
example, consider a binary variable C that takes the value 1 whenever the outcomes of
two fair coins (A and B) are the same and takes the value 0 otherwise. In the trivariate
distribution generated by this parameterization, each pair of variables is marginally inde-
pendent yet is dependent conditioning on the third variable. Such a dependence pattern
may in fact be generated by three minimal causal structures, each depicting one of the
variables as causally dependent on the other two, but there is no way to decide among the
three. In order to rule out such pathological parameterizations, we impose a restriction
on the distribution called stability . . . This restriction conveys the assumption that all the
independencies imbedded in [the probability distribution] P are stable; that is, they are
implied by the structure of the model D and hence remain invariant to any changes in
the parameters [of D]. In our example only the correct structure (namely, A C B)
will retain its independence pattern in the face of changing parameterizations say,
when one of the coins becomes slightly biased.
We can see here two points of view that Pearl takes that make stability seem
plausible to him. First, Pearl thinks causal systems should be decidable. It is
clearly a criticism of the systems described that there is no way to decide
among the three. This attitude is revealed in discussions of other topics as
well. For instance, as we shall see below, I reject the causal Markov condition.
Pearl objects that by so doing I make questions about the causal structure and
about the truth of certain counterfactuals unanswerable.
Unanswerable given what information? Immediately after the section den-
ing stability Pearl tells us, With the added assumption of stability, every
distribution has a unique minimal causal structure . . . as long as there are no
hidden variables.
Clearly he intends that the questions he is concerned about
should be answerable given an order for the full set of causally relevant vari-
ables and the probability distribution over them. But so far as I can see, once
we have given up the idea that there is something wrong with the notion of
cause so that it has to be reduced away, there is no good reason to suppose
that probabilities should be able to answer all questions about causality for us.
(Nor am I sure that Pearl insists they should; for it is unclear whether he thinks
all causal systems are stable, or takes the more modest line that his methods
are capable of providing answers to all his questions only for systems that are
Pearl (2000), p. 48.
University of California at San Diego Philosophy of Economics Seminar, May 1999.
Pearl (2000), p. 49.
70 Case studies
The other point of view that matters for Pearls claims about stability is the
point of view of the engineer which he is. It is apparent from the passage that
Pearl thinks of causal structures as in some sense coming rst: they get xed,
but then the parameter values can vary. But of course a causal system comes
with both its structure and it parameters you cannot have one without the
I think the way to put the response that makes sense of the idea of structure
rst is in terms of the kinds of operation we typically perform on the kinds
of engineered devices Pearl generally has in mind. Think of a toaster. Its parts
and their arrangement are xed. We may bend the position of the trip plate a
little, or of the expanding metal strip which it will meet, in order to keep the
brownness of the toast calibrated with the settings on the brownness control.
The values of the parameters do not matter so long as the basic causal structure
does not break down; indeed the values are just the kind of thing we expect to
drift over time. But we would have a legitimate cause of complaint if the same
were true of the structure within the rst year we owned the toaster.
That is ne for a toaster. But for other situations the parameters may matter
equally with the structure, or more so. If birth-control pills do cause thrombosis
we may work very hard to weaken the strength with which they do so at least
to the point where people who take the pills are no worse off than those who
do not. Indeed we may take this as an important aim we are more obliged
to get the effects to cancel out than we are to continue to spend money and
research time to reduce the risk of thrombosis among pill takers below that of
non-pill-takers. Getting the cancellation that stability/faithfulness prohibits is
important to us.
This brings us to what seems to me a real oddity in the whole idea of sta-
bility/faithfulness. Probabilities and causal structures constrain each other. If
the probability is xed, then nature and we are not allowed to build certain
kinds of causal structure. For instance, if we have the three binary variables, A,
B and C, as in Pearls example, with a probability in which they are pairwise
independent and have to create a causal arrangement (or lack of!) among the
three, we are prevented from building just the one Pearl describes. Or to think
of it with causal structure rst, as Pearl generally seems to, if C is to take value
1 or 0 depending on whether the outcome of the ip of two coins is the same or
not, we are prevented from using fair coins and must introduce at least a little
I come nally to the question of whether we should in fact expect to see a lot of
causes that are not causes prima facie. Agood many of the systems to which we
think of applying the methods advocated by Bayes-nets theorists are constructed
systems, either highly designed, like a toaster or an army admissions test, or a
mix of intentional design, historical inuence and unintended consequences, as
in various socio-economic examples. In these cases cancellation of the effects of
Bayes nets 71
a givencause, either byencouragingthe actionof other factors or byencouraging
the contrary operation of the cause itself, can be an important aim, particularly
where the effect is deleterious. It will often be a lot easier to design for, or
encourage the emergence of, cancellation than it is to eliminate the cause of the
unwanted effect, or less costly or more overall benecial (as in my discussion of
birth-control pills). There is no good reason to assume that our aims are almost
always frustrated.
This is a view that Kevin Hoover also stresses in his work on causality in
macroeconomics. He considers a macroeconomic example in which agency
can result in constraints appearing in the data that [violate faithfulness].
Spirtes et al. . . . acknowledge the possibility that particular parameter values might
result in violations of faithfulness, but they dismiss their importance as having measure
zero. But this will not do for macroecomics. It fails to account for the fact that in
macroeconomic and other control contexts, the policymaker aims to set parameter values
in just such a way as to make this supposedly measure-zero situation occur. To the degree
that policy is successful, such situations are common, not innitely rare.
Perhaps, however, the issue will be made: can we ever really expect exact
cancellation? After all, to get an arrow in a Bayes-net causal graph, any degree
of dependence between cause and effect will do. After we have the arrowin, we
need not be misled by the smallness of the dependence to think the inuence is
small. For we can then insist on measuring degree of efcacy by the formula
above that I and other causal decision theorists proposed and that Pearl endorses
for P(C E).
One reason we may think exact cancellations are rare is that actually getting
any really precise value we aim for is rare. In a recent discussion of instrumen-
talism, Elliott Sober
talks about a comparison of the heights of corn plants in
two populations. One thing we know, he claims, is that they are not really equal.
Still, that is the working hypothesis. I take it one of the reasons he thinks we
know this is that exactly equal is very precise; and any very precise prediction
is very likely to be wrong in an imprecise discipline.
This raises some very difcult issues about modelling and reality, especially
for probabilities. We design a device to set the difference between two quanti-
ties at zero; tests for quality control show that, within bounds of experimental
error, we succeeded; and we model the difference as zero. Should we think it
really is zero? It is not certain that the question makes sense, even when we
are thinking of, say, a difference between the length of two strips in a single
designated device. It becomes particularly problematic when we are thinking
For further discussion see Cartwright (1999), ch. 2, and Cartwright (2000).
Hoover (2001), pp. 733.
Hoover (2001), pp. 735.
Sober (1999).
72 Case studies
about a difference of two probabilities in a population. Is the increase in proba-
bility of thrombosis on taking birth-control pills exactly offset by the decrease
via pregnancy prevention in British women between the ages of 20 and 35 in
the period from1980 to 1990? All the conventional issues about what we intend
by talking about the true probability become especially acute here.
Some, I think, we can sidestep, particularly when we are thinking about the
application of the Bayes-nets approach to causality as opposed to the philosoph-
ical issue about substitutability raised by Spohn. For we are going to be using
these methods in doing real social, medical and engineering science, using real
And here it is not unusual for our best estimates from the data to ren-
der two quantities probabilistically independent where estimates of appropriate
partial conditional probabilities as well perhaps as our background knowledge
or even other kinds of tests we have conducted for the relevant causal connec-
tions suggest the result is due to cancellation. In this case we either have to
insist the probabilities are not those our best estimates indicate or forsake the
commitment to faithfulness.
Before leaving this section I should repeat an old point, for completeness.
Sometimes it is argued that Bayes-nets methods should supplement what we
know. So if we do have independent evidence of cancellation, we should use it
and not insist on faithfulness. But where we do not have such information we
should assume faithfulness. As I indicated earlier, this strategy is ill founded;
indeed, I think irresponsible. Where we dont know, we dont know. When we
have to proceed with little information we should make the best evaluation we
can for the case at hand and hedge our bets heavily; we should not proceed with
false condence having plumped either for or against some specic hypothesis
like faithfulness for how the given system works when we really have no
6.4 From probabilistic dependence to causality
If we have a hypothesis that C causes E, we can use what we have just reviewed
to test it, via the hypothetico-deductive method. But that is a method that we
knowto be more accurate at rejecting hypotheses than conrming them. Bayes-
nets methods promise more: they will bootstrap from facts about dependencies
and independencies to causal hypotheses and, claim the advocates, never get
it wrong.
For anexample of anattempt touse the Spirtes et al. methods onreal economic data ineconomics,
see Swanson and Granger (1997). Their struggles there are particularly relevant to my point
in this paragraph. Which of the low partial correlations observed in their data should be taken
to indicate that the true partial correlation is zero? They consider various alternative choices
among the lowest observed partial correlations and show that different choices give rise to
different causal structures.
Bayes nets 73
Again, as Spohn argues, if there really is this tight connection, there ought
to be an argument for why it obtains. And there is. Again, we can see from
looking at the argument why the inference from dependencies and independen-
cies sometimes works, and why it will not work all the time. As with the other
direction of inference, there is an argument for the connection and the argument
itself makes clear that the connection is not tight.
What kinds of circumstances can be responsible for a probabilistic depen-
dence between A and B? Lots of things. The fact that A causes B is among them:
Causes produce their effects; they make them happen. So, in the right kind of
population we can expect that there will be a higher frequency of the effect
(E) when the cause (C) is present than when it is absent; and conversely for
preventatives. With caveats.
What else? Here are a number of things, all discussed in the literature.
(1) A and B may have a common cause or a common preventative or correlated
causes or correlated preventatives, where either the causes are deterministic
or the action of producing B occurs independently of the action producing A.
(2) A and B may cooperate to produce an effect. In populations where the effect
is either heavily present or heavily absent, A and B may be dependent on each
other. (3) When two populations governed by different systems of causal laws
or exhibiting different probability distributions are mixed together, the result-
ing population may not satisfy the causal Markov condition even though each
of the subpopulations do. (This is analogous to Simpsons paradox reversals.)
(4) A and B may be quantities with the same kind of temporal evolution, both
monotonically increasing, say. Then the value of A at t will be probabilistically
dependent on the value of B at t. (5) A and B may be produced as product and
by-product from a probabilistic cause.
Let us look at each in turn and at what the defenders of Bayes nets have to
say about them. I begin with (1) which is the case that advocates of Bayes-nets
methods acknowledge and try to deal with squarely assuming the underlying
system is deterministic.
6.4.1 Why factors may be dependent
(1) Common causes (where nature is deterministic) Following Judea
let us call the total effect of all those causes of X that are omitted
fromthe variable set under consideration, V, and which combine with the direct
causes in V of X to form a set of causes sufcient to x the value of X, a random
disturbance factor for X.
Bayes-nets methods are applied only to special sets
of variables: sets V such that for each X in V, the random disturbance factor for
Pearl (2000), p. 44.
These are often designated u
when variables in V are designated x,y, . . . .
74 Case studies
X is probabilistically independent of that for every other variable in V. In such
a variable set we can prove that the causal Markov condition will be satised.
The causal Markov condition, along with the assumption that all causes are
prima facie causes, lies at the heart of the Bayes-nets methods. It tells us that
a variable will be probabilistically independent of every other variable except
its own effects once all of its direct causes have been conditioned on. So we
eliminate cases where a dependence between A and B is due to reason (1) by
requiring that the dependence persist once we have conditioned on the parents
of A.
Everyone acknowledges that some constraint like this is necessary. You can-
not get from dependence to causation; you at least have to rst hold xed
the causal parents or something equivalent, then look for dependence. So
in the remaining sections when I talk about the route from dependence to cau-
sation, I mean dependence conditional on a set of causal parents. To claim that
this is enough to ensure a causal connection is to maintain the causal Markov
My description of the restriction on the variable set V is rather long winded.
The rst reason is to avoid a small problem of characterization. What I have
called random disturbance factors are sometimes called exogenous factors.
There are various concepts of exogeneity. This usage obviously refers to the
one in which exogenous factors are not caused by any variables in the system.
Pearl clearly assumes that is true of random disturbance factors. But the proof
requires more, for it is possible for all exogenous causes of one variable to
be independent of those for another without the disturbance terms themselves
being independent. That is because it is possible for a function of X and Y
to be dependent on Z even if the three factors are pairwise independent. So it
is not enough that the exogenous causes for a variable be independent of those
for other variables: the proof needs their net effects to be independent.
The second reason is that some of the other terminology used in the discussion
is unclear. Often we are told, as by Spirtes, Glymour and Scheines,
that the
methods will be applied only to sets that are causally sufcient, adding the
bold assumption that as a matter of empirical fact this will ensure the necessary
independencies among the disturbance factors. But what is causal sufciency?
Spirtes et al. tell us, We require for causal sufciency of V for a population
that if X is not in V and is a common cause of two or more variables in V, that
the joint probability of all variables in V be the same on each value of X that
occurs in the population.
Let us assume that C is a common cause of A and B if C is a cause of A
and a cause of B. The problem then is that this denition is too demanding.
Cf. Verma and Pearl (1991) or Pearl (2000), p. 30.
Cf. Spirtes et al. (1993), p. 54.
Spirtes et al. (1993), p. 45.
Bayes nets 75
Every cause of a common cause is itself a common cause. These could go
back in time ad innitum. And for any system for which there is a temporally
continuous process connecting a cause with an effect at the type level, between
each common cause and an earlier one there will be innitely more. If we apply
the methods onlytovariable sets that get themall in, we will not applythemat all.
What we want to get in are all the last ones the ones as close to both effects as
But it will take some effort to formulate that properly. Spirtes et al.
are particularly hampered here because they restrict their denitions to facts
about causally correct representations rather than talking about causal relations
in the world.
Spirtes, et al. avoid this problem by offering a different characterization.
They dene, We say that a variable X is a common cause of variables Y and Z
if and only if X is a direct cause of Y relative to {X,Y,Z} and a direct cause of
Z relative to {X,Y,Z}.
And for direct cause:
C is a direct cause of A relative to V just in case C is a member of some set C included
in V,{A] such that (i) the events in C are causes of A, (ii) the events in C, were they to
occur, would cause A no matter whether the events in V,({A] C], were or were not
to occur, and (iii) no proper subset of C satises (i) and (ii).
The variables in V are seldom sufcient to x the value of an effect. So how
can xing whether the events in C occur or not ensure that A occurs? So let us
add into the set C the random disturbance factor for A. But in fact, it looks as if
we have to assume as xed all exogenous causes, or at least the last one if that
makes sense, since it will not help to x one but allow temporally subsequent
ones to vary. We also need to add that quantities occurring between C and A in
natures objective graph must be assumed to take on the values dictated by C.
And so forth.
I do not knowhowto formulate all this correctly. But it needs to be done if the
notion of causal sufciency is to be used. Quite reasonably the advertisements
for Bayes-nets methods make much of the fact that the subject is formal and
precise: we canprove theorems about manipulation, about efcient conditioning
sets for measuring the size of a causal effect, about the certainty of the results of
the algorithms when applied to systems satisfying specic conditions, etc. But
this is all pseudo-rationalism if we do not provide coherent characterizations
of the concepts we are using.
The trouble with the characterization of causal sufciency arises from the
fact that for Spirtes, Glymour and Scheines the notion of direct cause is relative
to the choice of a particular variable set. Spohns talk of the set of all the
Note that where A c B and B c C and B c D, if Cand Dare independent conditioning
on B, they need not be independent conditioning on A if P(B,A) ,= 1. So B must be included
if the causal Markov condition is to be satised.
Spirtes et al. (1993), p. 44.
Spirtes et al. (1993), p. 43.
76 Case studies
variables needed for a complete description of empirical reality,
ordered, avoids this; Pearl, too, because he supposes that the underlying system
is a set of deterministic causal laws on a nite set of causally ordered variables.
No one to my knowledge has a good account of causal sufciency for dense sets
of effects, for instance, for the kinds of system studied by time-series analysis.
As I remarked, Spirtes et al. talk only of correct causal representations.
not only allows themto appear to avoid metaphysics, as Spohn and Pearl clearly
do not, but also leaves an opening for supposing that the underlying metaphysics
is continuous. But the advantages are illusory if we cannot produce adequate
Before proceeding to look at the list of factors that undermine the causal
Markov condition, I should comment on one recent defence of it. Daniel
Hausman and James Woodward
offer a proof of the condition alternative
to the proof by Pearl and Verma. Central to their discussion is a concept they
call modularity: each separate effect under study should be manipulable with-
out disturbing any other. They claim that, given certain other conditions (such
as the existence for each effect of a cause not in the variable set under con-
sideration), the causal Markov condition is the ip side of modularity. This
would be a good defence if it were true. For we need not agree with Hausman
and Woodward that all causal systems must be modular; we could nevertheless
(supposing their other conditions are met) assume the causal Markov condition
wherever we assume modularity.
The trouble is that the proof does not bear the interpretation they put on it. For
given their other conditions, both modularity and the causal Markov condition
follow separately. One is not the ip side of the other; both are the result of the
conditions they suppose at the start. And these conditions are at any rate strong
enough to call the Pearl and Verma proof of the causal Markov condition into
6.4.2 Other reasons why factors may be dependent
(2) Two causes cooperating to produce one effect When two causes
cooperate to produce one effect, they will be mutually dependent in a population
homogeneous with respect to that effect. These kinds of cases are common in
practice. Data are hard to come by. We collect it for one reason but need to
utilize it for many others. Imagine for example that we have data on patients
Spohn (2001), p. 167.
This is my account. They do not say what they do. For instance, in their section Axioms, they
provide no axioms but only denitions (of the causal minimality condition, the faithfulness
condition and the causal Markov condition). But I take it their claims are: every correct causal
graph over a causally sufcient set of variables satises these conditions.
Hausman and Woodward (1999).
For a full discussion see chs. 8 and 9.
Bayes nets 77
from a given hospital, where one disease, D, is especially prevalent. But we are
interested in another condition, B. Unbeknown to us B cooperates with A in the
production of D, so A and B are dependent in our population (even once we
have conditioned on all the parents of A in a causally sufcient variable set).
We erroneously infer that A causes B in this kind of population.
The problem here is not with the sample size. We can imagine that the
sample is large and the frequencies are indicative of the true probabilities for
the population involved. The problem for the causal Markov condition is with
the choice of population. We all know that to study the relation between A and
B we should not use populations like this. But how should we properly
characterize populations like this?
(3) Mixing Even if we assume the causal Markov condition for pop-
ulations where the probabilities of the effect are xed by the causal history, for
mixed populations cooperating causes can still be correlated if the proportion of
the effect is determined by some external factor rather than the causal history.
Spirtes et al. tell us that there are no cases of mixing for causally sufcient vari-
able sets: When a cause of membership in a sub-population is rightly regarded
as a common cause of the variables in V, the Causal Markov Condition is not
violated in a mixed population.
I think this is a bad idea: the variables that
are the cause of membership in a subpopulation will often look nothing like
variables they do not vary in any reasonable way and there is no reason to
think there is a probability distribution over them; and even if we did count them
as variables, it looks as if we would have to count them as common causes of
every variable in V to ensure restoration of the causal Markov condition.
(4) Many quantities change in the same direction in time There will
thus be a probabilistic dependence between them. Social scientists solve this
problemby detrending before they look for dependencies. Spirtes et al. maintain
that there is no problemto solve. They use their previous solution to the problem
of mixing plus a bold claim:
if we consider a series in which variable A increases with time, then A and B will be
correlated in the population formed from all the units-at-times, even though A and B
have no causal connection. Any such combined population is obviously a mixture of
populations given by the time values.
Like others
I nd this claim ungrounded. Moreover it seems to me to be
in tension with their commitment to determinism which is important to them
Spirtes et al. (1993), p. 60 (italics in original).
For details see Cartwright (1999), ch. 5 and Cartwright (2000).
Spirtes et al. (1993), p. 63.
Cf. Berkovitz (2000) and Hoover (2001), ch. 7, and Sober (1988), pp. 1612 and Sober (2000).
78 Case studies
since in deterministic systems the causal Markov condition is bound to be true
if only we add enough into the set of parents. Their idea I take it is that there
will be different probability distributions across the causes operating at each
time slice, hence mixing. But consider deterministic models in physics. These I
take it are important for Spirtes, Glymour and Scheines because these are what
make many people sympathetic to their claim that all macroscopic processes
are deterministic. Any two systems moving inertially will have their positions
correlated, and they have exactly the same causes operating at each instant with
the same probability distribution over them, namely none.
(5) Products and by-products Products and by-products are mutually
dependent, and when causes act purely probabilistically, no amount of condi-
tioning on parents will eliminate the dependence. Perhaps then there is not any
purely probabilistic causation that would save the causal Markov condition.
But that is a big metaphysical gamble, especially in the face of the fact that
for the kind of variables for which Bayes-nets methods are being sold, we
seldom are able to formulate even a reasonable probabilistic model, let alone
a deterministic one. We can of course stick to the metaphysical insistence that
everything must be deterministic. I think this claimis unwarranted, but I will say
no more about the matter here since I have written much about it elsewhere.
6.5 Analysis
Dependence could be due to causation. But there are lots of other reasons for
it as well. Bayes-nets methods stress one the operation of common causes
and tell us how to deal with it when the underlying system is deterministic. The
other four reasons standard in the philosophical literature are badly handled or
made light of. And what about other reasons? Have we listed them all?
The reasons I listed are prevalent not only in the philosophical literature. They
are standard fare in courses on social science methodology, along with lots of
other cautions about the use of probabilities to infer causes in even experimental
or quasi-experimental contexts. And they are not handled so badly there. In part
the failures in the philosophical discussion arise from the requirement that the
connection, whatever it is, be tight. We look for a claim of the form: A causes
B iff A and B are probabilistically dependent in populations satisfying X. Then
X is hard to formulate in the kind of vocabulary we need for formal proofs and
precise characterizations.
But why should we think the connection is tight? As Spohn says, if it is tight
there ought to be a reason. There is, as I have argued, a reason for the connection
between probabilistic dependence and causality, but the very reason shows that
See Cartwright (1997), Cartwright (1999), ch. 5 and Cartwright (2000).
Bayes nets 79
the connection is not tight. Causes can increase the probability of their effects;
but they need not. And for the other way around: an increase in probability can
be due to a causal connection; but lots of other things can be responsible as
I think we are still suffering under the presumptions of the old Hume pro-
gramme. First, we do not like modalities, especially strange ones. My breakfast
cereal box says: Shredded Wheat can help maintain the Health of your Heart.
In the same sense, causes can increase the probability of their effects. Distressed
at this odd modality,
we try to render this as a claim that causes will increase
the probability of their effects, given X; then we struggle to formulate X. Sec-
ond, we cannot get loose of the idea that causes need associations to make them
legitimate. So we want some if and only if with probabilities on the right, even
if we grudgingly have to use some causal concepts to get the right-hand side
lled in properly. I think we are looking at the issue entirely the wrong way.
The connection between causes and probabilities is not like that. It is, rather,
like the connection between a disease and one of its symptoms. The disease can
cause the symptom, but it need not; and the same symptom can result from a
great many different diseases.
This is why the philosophers strategy is bad. We believe there must be some
if and only if and so are inclined to make light of cases that do not t. The
advice from my course on methods in the social sciences is better:
If you see a probabilistic dependence and are inclined to infer a causal connection from
it, think hard about all the other possible reasons that that dependence might occur and
eliminate them one by one. And when you are all done, remember your conclusion
is no more certain than your condence that you really have eliminated all the possible
I offer a treatment though not yet really satisfactory of these kinds of modality in Cartwright
7 Modularity: it can and generally does fail
7.1 Introduction
This chapter pursues themes developed in my recent book, The Dappled World:
a Study of the Boundaries of Science.
The book is a Scotist book in accord
with the viewpoint of Duns Scotus. It extols the particular over the universal,
the diverse over the homogeneous and the local over the global. Its central
thesis is that in the world that science studies, differences turn out to matter.
Correlatively, universal methods and universal theories should be viewed with
suspicion. We should look very carefully at their empirical justication before
we adopt them.
The topic in the volume where this chapter was rst published is causality; I
shall defend a particularist view of our subject. Causal systems differ. What is
characteristic of one is not characteristic of all and the methods that work for
nding out about one need not work for nding out about another. I shall argue
this here for one specic characteristic: modularity. Very roughly, a system of
causal laws is modular in the sense I shall discuss when each effect in the system
has one cause all its own, a cause that causes it but does not cause any other
effect in the system. On the face of it this may seem a very special, probably
rare, situation. But a number of authors currently writing on causality suppose
just the opposite. Modularity, they say, is a universal characteristic of causal
systems. I shall argue that they are mistaken.
7.2 What is modularity?
Behind the idea that each effect in a causal system
should have a cause of
its own is another idea, the idea that each effect in the system must be able to
take any value in its range consistent with all other effects in the system taking
any values in their ranges. There are two standard ways in which people seem
Cartwright (1999).
I shall use causal system to refer to a set of causal laws and causal structure to refer to a set
of hypotheses about causal laws.
Modularity: it can and generally does fail 81
to think this can happen; it will be apparent that different senses of able are
In the rst place, a second collection of causal systems very similar to the
rst may be possible in which all the laws are exactly the same except for
the laws for the particular effect in question. In the new systems these laws are
replaced by newlaws that dictate that the effect take some specic value, where
the systems in the collection cover all the values in the range of that effect.
This interpretation clearly requires that we be able to make sense of the claim
that an alternative set of laws is possible. For my own part I have no trouble with
this concept: in The Dappled World I argue that laws are not fundamental but
instead arise as the result of the successful operation of a stable arrangement of
features with stable capacities. Nevertheless, I do not see any grounds for the
assumption that the right kind of alternative arrangements must be possible to
give rise to just the right sets of laws to make modularity true. At any rate this
way of securing modularity is not my topic in this chapter.
The second way in which modularity might obtain is when each effect in
the system has a cause all of its own that can contribute to whatever its other
causes are doing to make the effect take any value in its range. This is the one I
will discuss here. I will also in this chapter restrict my attention to systems of
causal laws that are both linear and deterministic. In this case the commitment to
modularity of the second kind becomes a commitment to what I call epistemic
An epistemically convenient linear deterministic systemis a systemof causal
laws of the following form
plus a probability measure P (u
. . . . . u
), where
(i) there are no cross restraints among the us;
and the us are probabilistically
independent of each other;
(ii) for all j, Prob (u
= 0) ,= 1.
The symbol c
shows that the lawis a causal law. It implies both that the relation
obtained by replacing c
with = holds and that all the quantities referred to
on the right-hand side are causes of the one on the left-hand side. The us will
Somewhat more accurately, I should say a system of laws generated by laws of the following
form, for I take it that causal laws are transitive. For a more precise formulation, see ch. 10 in
this book.
For a discussion, see Cartwright (1989).
82 Case studies
be hence forward referred to as exogenous: they cause quantities in the set of
factors under study (represented by x
. . . . x
) but are not caused by them.
These systems are epistemically convenient because they make it easy to
employ randomized treatment/control experiments to settle questions about
causality using the method of concomitant variation. I will explain in more detail
below, but the basic idea can be seen by considering the most straightforward
version of the method of concomitant variation: to test if x
causes x
and with
what strength, use u
to vary x
while holding xed all the other us, and look
to see how x
varies in train. Conditions (i) and (ii) guarantee that this can be
A number of authors from different elds maintain that modularity
is a uni-
versal characteristic of causal systems. This includes economic methodologist
Kevin Hoover,
possibly Herbert Simon,
economists T. F. Cooley and Stephan
Judea Pearl in his new study of counterfactuals,
James Woodward,
Daniel Hausman
and Daniel Hausman and James Woodward
jointly in a
paper on the causal Markov condition. I aim to show that, contrary to their
claims, we can have causality without modularity. I focus on the second kind
of modularity here in part because that is the kind I have found most explicitly
defended. Hence I shall be arguing that not all causal systems are epistemically
7.3 The method of concomitant variation
We say that the method of concomitant variation is a good way to test a causal
claim. But can we show it? For an epistemically convenient system we can,
given certain natural assumptions about causal systems. That is one of the best
things about an epistemically convenient system we can use the method of
concomitant variation to nd out about it.
Or some closely related doctrine. Much of what I say can be reformulated to bear on various
different versions of a modularity-like condition.
See his defence of the invariance of the conditional probability of the effect on the cause in
Hoover (2001). In this discussion Hoover seems to suppose that there always is some way for a
single cause to vary and to do so without any change in the overall set of laws. At other places,
I think, he does not assume this. But he does speak with approval of Herbert Simons way of
characterizing causal order, and Simons characterization requires the possibility of separate
variation of each factor.
Simon (1957).
Cooley and LeRoy (1985).
Pearl (2000).
Woodward (1997).
Hausman (1998).
Hausman and Woodward (1999).
The authors mentioned here all have slightly different views, formulated and defended differ-
ently and with different caveats. I apologize for lumping them all together. Clearly not all the
remarks I make are relevant to every view. In fact I will focus on a very specic form of the
claim for universal modularity. Nevertheless, most of what I say can be translated to apply to
other forms of the claim.
Modularity: it can and generally does fail 83
I shall not give the proof here, but rather describe some results we can show.
Here are the assumptions I shall make about linear deterministic systems of
causal laws:
Functional dependence: any causal equation presents a true functional
Anti-symmetry and irreexivity: if q causes r, r does not cause q.
Uniqueness of coefcients: no effect has more than one expansion in the
same set of causes.
Numerical transitivity: causally correct equations remain causally correct
if we substitute for any effect any function in its causes that is among
natures causal laws.
Consistency: any two causally correct equations for the same effect can be
brought into the same form by substituting for effects in them functions
of their causes given in natures causal laws.
Generalized Reichenbach principle: no quantities are functionally related
unless the relation follows from natures causal laws.
The result I shall describe says very roughly that when the underlying linear
deterministic system is an epistemically convenient one, then a causal hypoth-
esis is correct iff the method of concomitant variation says it is so. In order to
express this more precisely, we shall have to know what the form of the causal
hypotheses in question are, what it is for hypotheses of this form to be causally
correct and what it is to pass the test for concomitant variation.
The usual hypotheses on offer when we suppose the underlying causal system
to be an epistemically convenient linear deterministic system
are in the form
of regression equations:
R: x
. for + x
for all j
where x y means that xy) = x)y).
What exactly does this hypothesis claim? I take it that the usual understanding
is this: every quantity represented by a named variable (an x) on the right-hand
side is a genuine cause of the quantity represented on the left-hand side, and
the coefcients are right. The random variable + represents a sum of not-
yet-known causes that turn R into a direct representation of one of the laws
of the system. So I propose to dene correctness thus. An equation of the
form R: supposing the variable x
represents the quantity q
. x
+ (1 j m) . for +
, is correct iff there exist {b
] (possibly b
= 0),
] such that q
, where q
does not cause q
. (This
last restriction ensures that all the omitted factors are causally antecedent to or
simultaneous with those mentioned in the regression formula.)
Or when we are prepared to model the system as linear and deterministic for some reason or
84 Case studies
Now let us consider concomitant variation. In an epistemically convenient
linear deterministic system, the values of the xs are xed by the us, and the
us can vary independently of each other. The core idea of the method is to
take the concomitant variation between x
and x
when u
varies while all the
other us are xed as a measure of the coefcient of x
in natures equation
for x
To state the relevant theorems we shall need some notation. Let
= U
. . . . . u
j 1
= U
j 1
. u
= U
. u
j 1
= U
j 1
. . . . . u
= U
) x
= U
. . . . . u
j 1
= U
j 1
. u
= U
. u
j 1
= U
j 1
. . . . . u
= U
Then we can prove the following.
Theorem 1 A (true) regression equation x
j =1
, is
causally correct iff for all values of and J. 1 J k. L
= Ya
; i.e. iff the equation predicts rightly the differences in x
from variations in any right-hand-side variable.
Notice, however, that this theorem is not very helpful to us in making causal
inferences because it will be hard to tell whether an equation has indeed pre-
dicted the differences rightly. That is because we will not know what L
should be unless we know how variations in u
affect x
and to know that we
will have to know the causal relations between x
and x
. So in order to judge
whether each of the x
affects x
in the way hypothesized, we will have already
to know how they affect each other. If we happen to know that none of them
affects the others at all, we will be in a better situation, since the following can
be trivially derived from the previous theorem.
Theorem 2 A (true) regression equation for x
in which no right-hand-
side variable causes any other is causally correct iff for all and
J. L
= a
k J
We can also do somewhat better if we have a complete set of hypotheses about
the right-hand-side variables. To explain this, let me dene a complete causal
structure that represents an epistemically convenient linear deterministic system
with probability measure, as a triple, X = {x
. . . . . x
]. . CLH), where j is
For a proof of the three theorems see ch. 10 in this book. The formalization and proofs are
inspired by the work of James Woodward on invariance, which argues more informally for a
more loosely stated claim. I am aiming to make these claims more precise in these theorems.
Modularity: it can and generally does fail 85
a probability measure over X and where the causal law hypotheses, CLH, have
the following form:
j =1
with +
, for all k - j . In general n - m, where m is the number of effects
in the causal system. Now I can formulate the following.
Theorem 3 If for all x
in a complete causal structure, the L
actually obtains equals L
as predicted by the causal structure for all
and J. 1 J n, then all the hypotheses of the structure are correct.
I take it that it is the kind of fact recorded in these theorems that make epis-
temically convenient systems so desirable, so that we might wish if we could
have it for all causal systems to be epistemically convenient. But is it sensible
to think they are? In the next section I will give some obvious starting reasons
for thinking the answer must be no.
7.4 Three peculiarities of epistemic convenience
To notice how odd the requirement of epistemic convenience is, let us look
rst at some ordinary object whose operation would naturally be modelled
at most points by a system of deterministic laws for instance a well-
made toaster like the one illustrated in David Macaulays How Things Work.
The expansion of the sensor due to the heat produces a contact between the trip
plate and the sensor. This completes the circuit, allowing the solenoid to attract
the catch, which releases the lever. The lever moves forward and pushes the
toast rack open.
I would say that the movement of the lever causes the movement of the rack.
It also causes a break in the circuit. Where then is the special cause that affects
only the movement of the rack? Indeed, where is there space for it? The rack is
bolted to the lever. The rack must move exactly as the lever dictates. So long as
the toaster stays intact and operates as it is supposed to, the movement of the
rack must be xed by the movement of the lever to which it is bolted.
Perhaps, though, we should take the bolting of the lever to the rack as an
additional cause of the movement of the rack? In my opinion we should not.
To do so is to mix up causes that produce effects within the properly operating
toaster with the facts responsible for the toaster operating in the way it does;
that is, to confuse the causal laws at work with the reason those are the causal
86 Case studies
laws at work.
But even if we did add the bolting together at this point as a
cause, I do not see how it could satisfy conditions (i) and (ii) (in section 7.2). It
does after all happen as part of the execution of the overall design of the toaster,
and hence it is highly correlated with all the other similar causes that we should
add if we add this one, such as the locating of the trip plate and the locating of
the sensor.
The second thing that is odd about the demand for modularity is where it
locates the causal nexus. It is usual to suppose that the fact that C causes E
depends on some relations between C and E.
Modularity makes it depend on
the relation between the causes of C and C: C cannot cause anything unless it
itself is brought about in a very special way.
Indeed, I think that Daniel Hausman embraces this view:
people . . . believe that causes make their effects happen and not vice versa. This belief
is an exaggerated metaphysical pun, which derives from the fact that people can make
things happen by their causes. This belief presupposes the possibility of intervention
and the claim that not all the causes of a given event are nomically connected to one
This is a very strong view that should be contrasted with the weaker view,
closer (on my reading) to that of Hume, that the concept of causation arises
because people can make things happen by their causes, but that this condition
does not constitute a truth condition for causation. The weaker view requires at
most that sometimes a cause of a cause of a given effect vary independently of
all the other causes of that effect; it does not take epistemic convenience as
In my opinion the weaker view only makes sense as an empirical
or historical claim about how we do in fact form our concepts, and about that,
we still do not have a reliable account. The stronger view just seems odd.
Thirdly, the doctrine seems to imply that it is impossible to build a bomb
that cannot be defused. Nor can we make a deterministic device of this sort: the
For a more complete discussion of this point, see the distinction between nomological machines,
on the one hand, and the laws that such machines give rise to, on the other, in Cartwright (1999).
Or perhaps, since C and E here pick out types and not particular events, between C-type events
and E-type events.
Hausman (1998).
It is also surprising that Hausman focuses on the supposition of (something like) epistemic
convenience as a necessary condition, but does not stress the equally problematic matter of
the possibility of choice. We all know the classic debate about free will and determinism: it
looks as if people cannot make things happen by their causes unless the causes of the causes
are not themselves determined by factors outside our will, and that in turn looks to preclude
universal determinism. If that should follow, it would not trouble me, but many advocates of
modularity also defend the causal Markov condition which I attack on the grounds of
universal determinism. Moreover, the need for us to cause some of the causes at least some
of the time seems equally necessary whether one takes the strong view that Hausman maintains
or the weaker view which does not require epistemic convenience as a truth condition that
I described as closer to Hume.
Modularity: it can and generally does fail 87
correct functioning of the mechanisms requires that they operate in a vacuum;
so we seal the whole device in a vacuum in such a way that we cannot penetrate
the cover to affect one cause in the chain without affecting all of them. Maybe
we cannot build a device of this sort but why not? It does not seem like the
claim that we cannot build a perpetual motion machine. On the doctrine of
universal epistemic convenience we either have to say that these devices are
indeed impossible, or that what is going on from one step to the next inside
the cover is not causation, no matter how much it looks like other known
cases of causation or passes other tests for causation (such as the transfer of
energy/momentum test or the demand that a cause increase the probability of
its effects holding xed a full set of other causes).
Given that the claim to epistemic convenience as a universal condition on
causality has these odd features, what might motivate one to adopt it? Three
motivations are ready to hand: we might be moved by operationalist intuitions,
or by pragmatist intuitions or we might be very optimistic about how nicely the
world is arranged for us. I will take up each in turn.
7.5 Motivations for epistemic convenience: excessive
This is a hypothesis of Arthur Fines:
advocates of modularity conate the
truth conditions for a causal claim with conditions which were they to obtain
would make for a ready test. As we have seen, a central feature of deterministic
systems that are epistemically convenient is that we can use the simplest version
of the method of concomitant variation within them: to test x
causes x
consider situations in which x
varies without variation in any other causes of
andlookfor variationin x
. I thinkthis is particularlyplausible as a motivation
for economists. Economists in general tend to be very loyal to empiricism, even
to the point of adopting operationalism. For instance, they do not like to admit
preferences as a psychological category but prefer to use only preferences that
are revealed in actions.
In general, versions of operationalism that elevate a good test to a truth
condition are in disfavour. Still we need not dispute the matter here, for, even
were we disposed to this kind of operationalism in the special case at hand,
it would not do the job. Simple concomitant variation is no better test than
many others including more complicated methods of concomitant variation.
So operationalism will not lead us to limit causal concepts to systems that
admit tests by simple concomitant variation at the cost of other kinds of system.
In particular, the simple method does not demand any less
Conversation, May, 2000, Athens, Ohio.
I put less in scare quotes because I do not mean to get us involved in any formal notions of
more and less information.
88 Case studies
knowledge than tests using more complicated versions of concomitant variation,
which can be performed on other kinds of deterministic systems, or knowledge
of a different kind.
Let me illustrate. We will continue to look at linear deterministic systems
and we will still assume that all exogenous factors are mutually unconstrained:
there are no functional relations between them.
And we will still test for causal
relations by the method of concomitant variation.
Imagine then that we wish to learn the overall strength, if any, of x
s capacity
to affect x
, where we assume we know some cause u
that has a known effect
(of, say, size b
) on x
and whose variation we can observe. In the general case
where we do not presuppose epistemic convenience, every candidate for u
may well affect x
by other intermediaries, say x
. . . . . x
, as well. Suppose
the overall strength of its capacity to affect x
is b
and of x
to affect x
is c
We aimto compare two different situations, which are identied by the values
assignedtothe us: S = U
. . . . U
) and S
= U
. . . . . U
), where the
us constitute a complete set of mutually unconstrained exogenous factors that
determine x
. Then
= Y
j =1
or, letting (Y
j =2
= d f A
) = c
Nowhere is the argument we might be tempted to give in favour of epistemically
convenient systems. If we have an epistemically convenient system, A = 0,
so c
= x
. Otherwise we need to know the value of A in
order to calculate c
, the strength of x
s capacity to affect x
. So we need less
antecedent knowledge if our systems are epistemically convenient.
But clearly the last two sentences are mistaken: A = 0 is just as much a value
of A as any other; to apply the method of concomitant variation, we need to
know (or be willing to bet on) the value of A in any case. Sometimes there
may be some factor u
for which it is fairly easy to know that its effect on x
by routes other than x
is zero. This for example, is, in my opinion, the case
with J. L. Mackies famous hypothesis that the sounding of the end-of-workday
hooters in Manchester brings the workers out on to the streets in London. Here
we know various ways to make the hooters in Manchester sound of which we
can be fairly condent that they could not get the workers in London out except
via making the Manchester hooters hoot.
If they are constrained, re-express all of themas appropriate functions of a further set of mutually
unconstrained factors. Notice that this has no implications one way or another about whether,
for example, two endogenous factors share all the same exogenous causes. The point of this is
to allow that the exogenous factors can vary independently of each other.
For a discussion, see Cartwright (1989).
Modularity: it can and generally does fail 89
But equally, sometimes we may know for some exogenous factors that do
affect x
by routes other than x
what the overall strength of that effect is if,
for instance, we have data on variations in x
given variations in u
when the
route from u
to x
is blocked.
Let us reviewsome of the prominent facts we would need to knowfor a brute-
force application of the method of concomitant variation, as I have described it,
in a linear deterministic system. To test x
causes x
with strength c we need
to know:
1 of a factor u
that it is exogenous to the system under study, that it causes x
and with what strength it does so;
2 of a set of factors that they are exogenous, that they are mutually uncon-
strained, and that together, possibly including u
, they are sufcient to x x
but not sufcient by themselves to x u
3 what would happen to x
in two different situations for which the values of
the exogenous factors described in (2) do not vary, except for the value of u
which does vary;
4 the overall strength of u
s capacity to affect x
by other routes than by causing
My point here is that we need to know (or nd a way around knowing) all of
this information whether or not the system is epistemically convenient.
Why then have I called these special kinds of system epistemically con-
venient for use of the method of concomitant variation if we need to know
(or nd our way around knowing) the same amount of information to use
the method whether the system is epistemically convenient or not? Because
when the system is epistemically convenient, it is a lot easier to use random-
ized treatment/control experiments. That is why I have called these systems
epistemically convenient; and it is one of the chief arguments James Wood-
ward gives in favour of the claim that causal systems should be epistemically
A manipulationist approach to causation explains the role of experimentation in causal
inference in a very simple and straightforward way: Experimentation is relevant to estab-
lishing causal claims because those claims consist in, or have immediate implications
concerning, claims about what would happen to effects under appropriate manipula-
tions of their putative causes. In other words, the connection between causation and
experimentation is built into the very content of causal claims.
Randomized treatment/control experiments provide us with a powerful tool to
nd our way around knowing large chunks of information we would otherwise
need to know. For the point at issue in this chapter, we need to be clear about
which features of the stock experimental structure help with which aspects of
our ignorance.
Woodward (2000).
90 Case studies
Randomization allows us to nesse our lack of knowledge of the kinds of
facts described in (2) above. When we are considering the effect of u
on x
, we
generally do not know a set of other exogenous factors sufcient to x x
. But
a successful randomization ensures that they will be equally distributed in both
the treatment and the control groups. Hence there will be no background corre-
lations between these other factors that might confound our results. Observing
the outcome in the two groups allows us to nd out (roughly)
the information
we look for in (3): what happens under variation in u
But notice that randomization and observation do these jobs whether or not
the systemis epistemically convenient. Epistemic convenience matters because
we were trying to nd out, not about the effects of u
, but rather about the
effects of x
. In the case I described above, where economic convenience fails,
has multiple capacities: it can affect x
differently by different routes. We
are interested only in its effect via x
, which we shall use to calculate the effect
of x
Randomization does not help with this problem. Just as in the
brute-force application of concomitant variation, we need either to nd a cause
of x
which we know has no other way of affecting x
, or we need to know the
overall effect via other routes in order to subtract it away.
The placebo effect is a well-known example of this problem. Getting the
experimental subjects to take the medicine not only causes them to have the
medicine in their bodies. It can also affect recovery by producing various psy-
chological effects feeling cared for, optimism about recovery, etc.
This is a good example to reect on with respect to the general question of
how widespread epistemically convenient systems are. How do we canonically
deal with the placebo effect? We give the patients in the control group some
treatment that is outwardly as similar to the treatment under test as possible but
that is known to have no effect on the outcome under study.
That is, we do not hunt for yet another way to get the medicine into the
subjects, a way that does not affect recovery by any other route. Rather we
accept that our methods of so doing may affect recovery in the way suggested
(or by still other routes) and introduce another factor into the control group that
we hope will just balance whatever these effects (if any) may be. Ironically then,
the standard procedure in these medical experiments does not support the claim
The experiment does not allow us to tell what happens for any two specic situations (i.e. any
specic choice of values for the u
) but only certain coarser facts. For instance, if u
is causally
unanimous across all situations (i.e. it is either causally positive across all, or causally negative
or causally neutral), for a two-valued outcome, x
, it can be shown that the probability of x
the treatment group is respectively greater than, less than or equal to that in the control group
iff u
is causally positive, negative or neutral with respect to x
It may be just worth reminding ourselves, so as not to confuse the two issues, that x
itself may
have multiple capacities with respect to x
. Simple randomized treatment/control experiments
do not disentangle the various capacities of x
but rather teach us about the overall effect of x
on x
Modularity: it can and generally does fail 91
that there is always a way to manipulate the cause we want to test without in
any other way affecting the outcome. Epistemic convenience denitely makes
randomized treatment/control experiments easier, but there are vast numbers of
cases in which we do not rely on it to hold.
7.6 Motivations for epistemic convenience: excessive pragmatism
This is a hypothesis raised by the students in my doctoral seminar on causal-
ity in economics at LSE: advocates of modularity elevate a plausible answer
to the question Of what use to us is a concept of causation? into a truth
condition. This motivation is explicitly acknowledged by Daniel Hausman in
defense of a similar condition to the one we are investigating in his book Causal
What do people need causal explanations or a notion of causation for? Why isnt it
enough to know the lawlike relations among types? Because human beings are actors,
not just spectators. Knowledge of laws will guide the expectation of spectators, but it
does not tell actors what will result from their interventions. The possibility of abstract
intervention is essential to causation . . .
My remarks here are identical to those about operationalism. Whether or not we
wish to adopt the pragmatic justication as a truth condition, it will not do the
job of defending modularity as a truth condition. Consider the same example
as above. The conditions for using variations in u
to produce variations in x
and thereby to obtain predictable variations in x
are much the same as the
conditions for testing via concomitant variation.
To know what we will bring about in x
by manipulating u
it is not enough
to know just the inuence of u
on x
and of x
on x
. We also need to know
the overall inuence of u
on x
by all other routes. Knowing that the size
of inuence by other routes is zero is just a special case. Whatever its value,
if we know what the value is we can couple this knowledge with our knowl-
edge of the inuence of u
via x
to make reliable predictions of the conse-
quences of our actions. So we do not need modularity to make use of our causal
There is, however, a venerable argument for a different conclusion lurking
here. If we are to use our causal knowledge of the link from x
to bring about
values we want for x
, it seems that some cause or other of x
must not itself
be deterministically xed by factors independent of our wishes: there must be
some causes of x
that we can genuinely manipulate. But again, whether or not
this is a good argument, it does not bear on modularity. To make use of our
knowledge of the causal link between x
and x
we may need a cause of x
Hausman (1998), pp. 967.
92 Case studies
that we can manipulate; but that does not show that we need a cause we can
manipulate without in any other way affecting x
7.7 Motivations for epistemic convenience: excessive optimism
This is my hypothesis of why many are eager to believe that epistemic conve-
nience is at least widespread, if not universal. Life becomes easier in a number
of ways if the systems we study are epistemically convenient. Statistical infer-
ence of the strengths of coefcients in linear equations can become easier in
well-known ways. So too can causal inference, in ways I have discussed here.
And, as we shall see, Judea Pearl can provide a very nice semantics for coun-
terfactuals as well as for a number of other different causal notions. Wishful
thinking can lead us to believe that all systems we encounter will meet the
conditions that make life easier. But wishful thinking must be avoided here, or
we will be led into the use of methods that cannot deliver what we rely on them
I thinkwe canconclude fromthese considerations that these three motivations
do not provide strong enough reason to accept universal epistemic convenience.
What positive arguments then are on offer on its behalf?
7.8 For and against epistemic convenience
7.8.1 Hausmans claim
Daniel Hausman points out that the cause we focus on is not generally the
complete cause. A complete cause will include both helping factors and the
absence of disturbances. Even if effects share the causes we normally focus on
(e.g. in the toaster as I described it, the breaking of the circuit and the moving
of the rack are both caused by the motion of the lever), they will not share all
of these other factors, Hausman maintains.
Disturbing factors This claim seems particularly plausible with
respect to disturbing factors. Most of the effects we are modelling here are
fairly well separated in time and space. So it seems reasonable to expect that
some things that might disturb the one would not disturb the other. This seems
promising for the thesis of, if not universal, at least widespread, epistemic con-
venience. But there is a trouble with disturbing factors: often what they do is
to disrupt the relation between the causes and the effect altogether. To salvage
epistemic convenience, they need instead to cooperate with the causes adding
or subtracting any spare inuence necessary to ensure that the effect can take
all the values in its allowed range. So they do not seem to satisfy reliably the
conditions for epistemic convenience.
Modularity: it can and generally does fail 93
Helping factors Return to the toaster. The motion of the lever causes
the motion of the rack. That of course depends on the fact that the lever is bolted
solidly to the rack: if the lever were not bolted to the rack, the lever could not
move the rack. Could we not then take the fact that the lever is bolted to the
rack to be just what we need for the special cause of the motion of the rack, a
cause that the motion of the rack has all to itself?
I think not, for a number reasons:
1 As I urged in section 7.4, the fact that the two are bolted together is not one of
the causes within the systemof causal laws but rather part of the identication
of what that systems of laws applies to, and this identication matters. We do
not, after all, seek to know what the causal law is that links the movement of
levers ingeneral withthe movement of racks of the right shape tocontaintoast.
Surely there is no such law. Rather we want to knowthe causal relation, if any,
between the movement of the lever and the movement of the rack in a toaster
of this particular design. Without a specic design under consideration, the
question of the causal connection, or lack of it, between levers and racks is
2 Let us, however, for the sake of argument, admit as a helping cause in the
laws determining the motion of the rack the fact that the lever and rack are
bolted together. My second worry about calling on helping factors like this to
save epistemic convenience depends on the probability relations these factors
must bear to each other. In section 7.4, I queried whether these factors would
be probabilistically independent of each other. Here I want to ask a prior
question. Where is the probability distribution over these factors supposed to
come from and what does it mean?
We could consider as our reference class toasters meeting the specic set
of design requirements under consideration. Then the probabilities for all of
these helping factors being just as they are could be dened and would be
1. Independence would be trivially obtained, but at the cost of the kind of
variation we need in the values of the us to guarantee, via our theorems, that
concomitant variation will give the right verdicts about causality.
Alternatively the reference class could be the toasters produced in a given
factory following the designated design. Presumably then there would be
some faults some time in afxing the lever to the rack so that not all the
us would have probability 1. But will the faults be independent? If not this
reference class, then what? It will not do to have a make-believe class, for how
are we to answer the question: if the attachment of the lever to the rack were to
vary, what would happen to the rack? We need some other information to tell
us that most usually, I would suppose, knowledge of the causal connections
in the toaster! And if not that information exactly, I bet it would nevertheless
be information sufcient to settle the causal issue directly, without detour
through concomitant variations.
94 Case studies
3 The third worry is about the range of variation. For the theorems to guarantee
the reliability of the method of concomitant variation, we need us that will
take the cause under test through its full range relative to the full range of val-
ues for the other causes. Otherwise there could be blips the causal equation
we infer is not true across all the values but depends on the specic arrange-
ment of values we consider. Will the factors we pick out have a reasonable
range of variation? This remark applies equally well to disturbing factors.
4 Last I should like to point out two peculiarities in the way people often
talk about the factors designated by the us. Often they are supposed not
only to represent the special causes peculiar to each separate effect but also
all the unknown factors we have not included in our model. But if they
are unknown, we can hardly use them as handles for applying the method
of concomitant variation. And if epistemically convenient systems are not
going to be of epistemic convenience after all, why should we want them? I
realize that the issue here is not supposed to be whether we want systems of
this kind, but rather whether we have them. Still in cases like this where the
answer is hard to make out, the strategy should be to ask what depends on
the answer. That is the reasonable way to establish clear criteria for whether
a proffered answer is acceptable or not.
The second peculiarity arises from talking of the us as a switch that turns the
cause to different values. Often it is proposed that the switch is usually off
yet could be turned on to allow us to intervene. This raises worries about the
independence requirements on the us again. Why should that kind of factor
have a probability distribution at all, let alone one that renders it independent
of all the other switch variables?
Judea Pearl and modularity Judea Pearl supposes that modularity
holds in the semantics he provides for singular counterfactuals. He claims that,
without modularity, counterfactuals would be ambiguous.
So modularity must
obtain wherever counterfactuals make sense. This will double as an argument
for universal modularity if we think that counterfactuals make sense in every
causal system.
Pearl assumes modularity of the rst kind, where alternative causal systems
of just the right kind are always possible, but I can explain something of how
the semantics works using the epistemically convenient systems we have been
studying here. We ask, for instance, in a situation where x
= X
and x
= X
Were x
= X
L, would x
= X
L? The question may be thought
ambiguous because we do not know what is to stay xed as x
varies. Not so
if we adopt the analogue of Pearls semantics for our epistemically convenient
14 March 2000, seminar presentation, Department of Philosophy, University of California at
San Diego.
Modularity: it can and generally does fail 95
system. In that case u
must vary in order to produce the required variation in
and all the other us must stay the same.
The semantics Pearl offers is very nice, but I do not see how it functions as
an argument that counterfactuals need modularity. The counterfactuals become
unambiguous just because Pearl provides a semantics for themand because that
semantics always provides a yesno outcome. Any semantics that does this will
equally make them unambiguous.
Perhaps we could argue on Pearls behalf that his is the right semantics,
and it is a semantics that is not available in systems that are not epistemically
convenient. Against that we have all the standard arguments that counterfactuals
are used in different ways, and Pearls semantics like others only accounts
for some of our uses. We should also point out that we do use, and seem to
understand, counterfactuals in situations where it is in no way apparent that the
causal laws at work are epistemically convenient.
I think one defence Pearl may have in mind concerns the connection between
counterfactuals and causality. Consider a very simple case where one common
cause, v, is totally responsible both for x
and x
and no u
is available to vary
independently of v.
It is easy to construct a semantics, similar indeed to the one Pearl does
construct, that answers unambiguously what would happen to x
if x
were dif-
ferent. This semantics would dictate that we vary v to achieve the variation in
. Then of course x
would vary as well. So it would be true that were x
to be different, x
would be. And that seems a perfectly reasonable claim for
some purposes. But not of course if we wish to read singular causal facts from
our counterfactuals. So Pearl could argue that his semantics for counterfactu-
als connects singular counterfactuals and singular causal claims in the right
way. And his semantics needs modularity. So modularity is a universal feature
wherever singular causal claims make sense.
Laying aside tangled questions about the relations between singular causal
claims and causal laws, which are the topic of this chapter, I still do not think
this argument will work.
We could admit that for an epistemically convenient systemPearls semantics
for counterfactuals plus the counterfactual-causal links he lays out will give
correct judgements about causal claims. We could in addition admit that causal
claims cannot be judged by this method if the system is not epistemically
convenient. All this shows is that methods that are really good for making
judgements in one kind of system need not work in another kind.
More strongly, we could perhaps somehowbecome convinced that no formal
semantics for causal claims that works, as Pearls does, by transforming a test
For Pearl this would mean that there was no alternative causal system possible that substituted
the law let x
= X
for the law connecting x
and v.
96 Case studies
into a truth condition, will succeed across all systems of laws that are not
epistemically convenient. That would not show that there are no causal laws in
those systems, but merely that facts about causal laws are not reducible to facts
about the outcomes of tests.
7.9 Conclusion
Modularity is not a universal feature of deterministic causal systems, nice as it
would be were it universal. Part of my argument for this conclusion depends on
asking of various factors, such as the fact that the toaster rack is bolted to the
lever, Are these really causes? I argued that they are not because they cannot
do for us what we want these particular kinds of causes to do. In this case what
we want is a guarantee that if we use these factors in applying the method of
concomitant variation, the results will be reliable.
I think this is the right way to answer the question. We should not sit and
dispute whether a certain factor in a given situation is really a cause, or what
causality really is. Rather we should look to whether the factor will serve the
purposes for which we need a cause on this occasion. That means, however,
that for different purposes the very same factor functioning in the very same
way in the very same context will sometimes be a cause and sometimes not.
That is all to the good. Causality is a loose cluster concept. We can say causes
bring about their effects, but there are a thousand and one different roles one
factor can play in bringing about another. Some may be fairly standard from
case to case; others, peculiar to specic structures in specic situations. Causal
judgements, and the methods for making them reliably, depend on the use to
which the judgement will be put. I would not, of course, want to deny that there
may be some ranges of cases and some ranges of circumstances where a single
off-the-shelf concept of causality, or a single off-the-shelf method, will sufce.
But even then, before we invest heavily in any consequences of our judgements,
we need strong reassurance both that this claim is true for the ranges supposed
and that our case sits squarely within those ranges.
That of course makes life far more difcult thana once-and-for-all judgement,
a multipurpose tool that can be carried around from case to case, a tool that
needs little knowledge of the local scene or the local needs to apply. But it
would be foolhardy to suppose that the easy tool or the cheap tool or the tool
we happen to have at hand must be the reliable tool.
For more about Pearl and counterfactuals, see ch. 10 in this book.
8 Against modularity, the causal Markov condition
and any link between the two: comments on
Hausman and Woodward
8.1 Introduction
This chapter is a commentary on a rich and intricate piece, Independence,
Invariance and the Causal Markov Condition by Daniel M. Hausman and James
Woodward, which appeared in the British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
in 1999. In this single article Hausman and Woodward defend two distinct theses
with entirely separable arguments. Both theses are about causality and both are
The rst thesis is that equations representing functional relations will be
true causal laws if they are invariant under interventions into the independent
variables. (They call this level invariance.) I found Hausman and Woodwards
discussion of this thesis confusing. The primary reason, it turns out, is that they
use different senses of intervention and different senses of invariance in
the paper and they sometimes shift between them without saying so, probably
because the two authors come to their joint work with different paradigms. But
their thesis is true, and it is of considerable practical import since it provides
a method for testing causal hypotheses. In section 8.2 I shall remark on these
various uses as a help to other readers; and I shall back up Hausman and
Woodwards claim by pointing to proofs that show that it is true under various
different formulations, so long as the concepts employed line up in the right
The second thesis has two parts. (1) Our concept of causal law implies that
each separate effect in a set of causal laws must be independently manipulable.
(They call this manipulability.) (2) For causal systems meeting a specic set
of assumptions, thesis (1) (manipulability) implies the causal Markov condi-
tion. These, too, are important claims. The rst puts a signicant constraint on
the kinds of system governed by causal laws. Together they justify the causal
Markov condition, and that matters because we are then able to employ powerful
I would like to thank James Woodward and Daniel Hausman for setting me off on this work and
for extensive correspondence. Research for this paper was carried out under a grant from the
Latsis Foundation, for which I am extremely grateful.
For proofs see ch. 10 in this book.
98 Case studies
Bayes-nets methods for causal and probabilistic inference developed by Judea
Pearl and his associates and by Clark Glymour and Peter Spirtes and their asso-
Even without (1), thesis (2) is an exciting one, of great utility if true.
For it would mean that, if we have reason to believe that a system under study
satises the specied assumptions, then nding out that the laws of the system
are separately manipulable can be taken as a guarantee that the causal Markov
condition holds and thus that we are entitled to the use of Bayes-nets methods
for that system.
Both (1) and (2) are thus worth considerable attention. Unfortunately I do not
think either is true. With respect to (1), I shall argue that in the formulation that
Hausman and Woodward give it is patently false and that in a modied version
that is all they need for many of their purposes here and elsewhere it is still
false, though not patently so. Regarding (2), I shall argue that their proof for it in
the deterministic case is valid but vacuous: given the background assumptions
they make for the proof, the causal Markov condition holds whether or not
thesis (1) is true. So the hope that, once we know we are studying a system
of the right kind, separate manipulability will give us an independent test for
the causal Markov condition is dashed. For knowing that the system is the
right kind already guarantees the condition whether or not there is independent
manipulability; and that is a result that is well known. The proof in the purely
probabilistic case is invalid, I shall argue.
Hausman and Woodward also devote a number of pages to discussion of
earlier objections of mine to the causal Markov condition. I shall here argue that
the objections stand in the face of Hausman and Woodwards criticisms. Since
I have written at length elsewhere against both the thesis that effects must be
separately manipulable (see ch. 7 in this book) and against the causal Markov
I shall conne myself here to a discussion of the specic claims
that Hausman and Woodward make. I should note at the start, however, that
there is nothing incompatible between separate manipulability of each effect
and violations of the causal Markov condition, and the probabilistic models
I discuss that violate the causal Markov condition all allow each effect to be
manipulated on its own.
(Throughout I shall use capital letters for variables; lower case for values of
the variables. I shall also adopt the conventional notation where XY,Z =
d f
Pr(X = x and Y = y,Z = z) = Pr(X = x,Z = z)Pr(Y = y,Z = z), for all
x. y. z. I use XcY to stand for the causal law X causes Y and I represent
causal laws that have the formof equations thus: X c
f (. . .), where the effect
appears on the left and the causes on the right. I will assume, as is usual, that
X c
f (. . .) X = f (. . .) but not the reverse).
Pearl and Verma (1991); Spirtes, Glymour and Scheines (1993). For a discussion of Bayes nets
see ch. 6 of this book.
See Cartwright (1999), ch. 5, Cartwright (2000) and ch. 6 of this book.
Against modularity 99
Also, when Hausman and Woodward discuss causal laws they generally have
in mind a notion that is relative to a designated variable set: causal laws that
cite direct causes relative to that variable set. I am more interested in the causal
laws themselves; thus I will count as correct a causal-lawclaimthat represents
correctly a true causal laweven if the causes cited in the laware not direct causes
relative to the variable set under consideration.
8.2 Intervention, invariance and modularity
Central to Hausman and Woodwards arguments for the causal Markov con-
dition is their claim that the laws (if any) governing a set of factors V are
not properly counted causal laws unless each of the factors represented can be
manipulated separately, leaving the laws governing all the other factors in V
intact. They call this feature of a causal system modularity and express their
claim thus:
MOD: For all subsets Zof the variable set V, there is some non-empty range Rof values
of members of Z such that if one [HW-]intervenes and sets the value of the members of
Z within R, then all the equations [that correctly record causal laws] except those with
a member of Z as a dependent variable (if there is one) remain invariant. (Hausman and
Woodward [1999], p. 545)
HausmanandWoodwardhave dened intervention slightlydifferentlyfrom
each other in other places. Here they do not offer a formal denition but tell us
the intent:
HW-intervention: An intervention, I, that sets the value of X is not an effect of any
variable in V, I does not cause any variable in V by a path that does not go through X
rst, and I is not caused by any variable that causes any other variable in V by a path
that does not go through I and X rst.
I call this HW-intervention because I think it is not an adequate character-
ization of intervention. In particular it is not enough to ensure either MOD
or the result expressed in their rst thesis that (with some caveats) a (true)
functional law will remain invariant under interventions on the independent
variables if and only if the functional law is also a true causal law. Their central
idea is that causes are as it were levers that can be used to manipulate their
For a true causal law, when the cause changes (ceteris paribus), the
effect should change in accord with the law and the law itself should remain
functionally true. (They call this level invariance.)
What follows the dash is the core of their rst thesis, which was summarized
briey in section 8.1. Hausman and Woodward describe this thesis and defend it
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 545.
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 535.
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 533.
100 Case studies
with examples, but they do not state it formally. To state exactly what they mean
takes some work, because at different points they offer different accounts of all
three of the central notions involved in the claim: the notion of intervention, the
notion of invariance and the assumptions about what it is for a causal-law claim
to be correct; and they sometimes move around among these concepts without
clear markers.
For example, they shift in the middle of the discussion of level invariance
and modularity from one way of rendering the idea of an intervention change
the causal laws that govern the effect to another set the effect where we
wish by manipulating one cause to offset the value induced by the other causes.
Or they rather surprisingly tell us at one point to ignore the error terms
looking to see if a set of equations in which error terms appear are correct. They
can do this because at this point they are supposing that correctness involves
what I call prediction of rst differences (see ch. 10 of this book) instead of
their earlier, more natural, sense that an equation is correct when it is literally
This could lead to confusion and to false results since what is true for one
account of intervention will not be true for another and similarly with the other
two concepts (see section 10.2). But the concepts can be dened formally and
lined up in the right way so that Hausman and Woodwards thesis can be proved
to hold for many kinds of causal systems (again see ch. 10). As remarked in
section 8.1, the claim matters because it provides a useful test for causal laws
in the kinds of systems where it holds.
The proofs, however, require an addition to the characterization of interven-
tion given above, and that is the case whether we have in mind intervention
by changing the laws governing the effect or intervention by manipulating a
special cause. The addition is just the requirement pointed to in MOD. When
we intervene on X to check Xs effect on Y, we must not only avoid affecting any
other causes of Y or affecting Y directly; we must also avoid changing any of
the causal laws that have Y as effects, except those connecting Xs causes with
Y via X. For instance, we must not change the very causal law that connects (or
not) X and Y either by adding a causal link that was not there or by destroying
one that was.
If we are allowed to change the causal laws during an intervention, anything
can happen. Consider a simple system with two causal laws: L
: X c
aZ and
: Yc
bZ. From these follow L
: Y = bX,a, which is thus functionally
true though not a true causal law. Now let us perform our test. HW-intervene
by changing L
to L
: X c
I , where I can take any value (in some appropri-
ate range) that we wish; and do nothing else. L
is not true in this new sys-
tem of causal laws; it is, as Hausman and Woodward teach, not invariant. But
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 543.
Against modularity 101
look at a second case. HW-intervene by changing L
to L
and at the same
time change L
to L
: Y c
bX,a. This is clearly allowed by the denition of
HW-intervention. Now L
is invariant. But it is not a correct causal law in the
original system. The perfectly good test for whether Y c
bX,a is correct in
the original system fails because we are too permissive in what we count as an
MOD claims that cases like this cannot happen. Situations that satisfy the
denition of an HW-intervention will never be ones in which more than the
targeted law is changed. But that is not ruled out by the characterization of
HW-intervention, so what is to stop it? One may feel queasy about the idea
of changing causal laws at all. But if we can change one, why not two? It is
clearly possible to have two causal systems that are identical in all but two, or
three, or more of their causal laws. MOD tells us that this cannot happen if one
of the laws in the second system simply xes the value of one of the variables.
But that is contrary to our experience.
The solution is to build the condition expressed in MOD into the denition
of intervention.
Intervention: I is an intervention on X if I is an HW-intervention on X and all causal
laws stay the same except those that have X as effect or that have causes of X as cause
and effects of X as effect.
Hausman and Woodward are, I suppose, reluctant to do this because it weak-
ens the usefulness of the invariance claim. We want to test a hypothesized
causal law connecting X and Y by manipulating X. Our results do not tell us
much unless we are assured that when we manipulate X we do not simultane-
ously change the causal laws of the system (except the ones noted), and that
includes the causal law connecting X and Y. But that is what we wanted to nd
out about in the rst place.
The situation is not so bad, however. For we may often be in a position to
assume that what we do to change X has very little chance of changing the laws
about what X causes even if we do not know exactly what those laws are. If
we are not in that position, we are not able to rely on our test. The credibility
of our results is dependent on the credibility of the assumption that we have
succeeded in intervening properly.
If we adopt as the correct notion not HW-intervention but intervention,
MODbecomes trivially true and cannot do any work for us. But there is another
A similar argument can be constructed for interventions that manipulate a special cause of X
different from Z if there is one. But then the notions of correctness and invariance must be
different as well.
I am here allowing for transitivity of causal laws. For more precise denitions see ch. 10 of this
102 Case studies
related thesis that might, and it is one that Hausman and Woodwards discussion
clearly defends. I shall call it MOD#.
MOD#: for any variable set, V, it is always possible to intervene on each
variable in V.
Why should we believe in MOD#? I have argued against it in ch. 7 of this
book. Here I shall briey discuss three central defences for it that Hausman and
Woodward offer in their joint paper.
Their rst argument supposes that if two mechanisms are genuinely distinct
it ought to be possible (in principle) to interfere with one without changing the
They then tell us, [t]his understanding of distinctness of mechanisms
plus the assumption that each equation expresses a distinct mechanism implies
modularity: it is in principle possible to intervene and disrupt the relations
expressed by each [causally correct] equation separately.
(Note that here by
modularity it seems they mean MOD# and not MOD.)
It is the assumption that I quarrel with. The equations in question already
have a job to do. The normal understanding is that we are discussing equations
that (1) pick out for the given effect a full non-redundant set of causes:
(2) lay out the functional form of the (true) causal law that holds between these
causes and the effect. We can if we want change the subject. We can talk instead
about sets of equations that represent relations each of which can be interfered
with separately. But there is no reason to think that equations (if there are any)
that do this new job will have the characteristics usually connected with sets of
equations that do the original job. So we must be careful at every step not to
import without defence any facts true of equations that do the old job or draw
any consequences about the old type of equation from anything we establish
about the new.
Their second argument is this:
A system of equations that lacks modularity will be difcult to interpret causally. Sup-
pose, for example, that when one [HW-]intervenes to change the value of Y . . . [in
equation (1) Y = aX U], equation (2) [Z = bX cY V] breaks down in such a
way that the value of Z does not change . . . In this case, equations (1) and (2) do not
fully capture the causal relationships in the system we are trying to model.
Their nal sentence, it seems to me, is not true. We have a job we want equations
(1) and (2) to do give a full non-redundant set of causes for Y and Z and set
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 549.
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 549.
For an account of what this means, see Cartwright (1989), p. 549.
I have not yet gured out how to represent separate mechanisms by separate equations. Look
for instance at the probabilistic equations in section 8.6 below. There is one equation for each
separate effect. As I understand it Hausman and Woodward think that the two effects studied in
this example are not produced by distinct mechanisms but rather by the same mechanism. So
we should have one equation, an equation for the mechanism, rather than two. But what is this
equation? What, for instance, are the quantities to be equated?
Against modularity 103
out the true causal law holding between these causes and their effects. The
equations are not supposed to give information about why they are the true
causal equations for the situation, or about what causal equations might hold if
they did not hold. Why on the occasion is it impossible to change one without
changingthe other? Suchinformationmayexist but it is nojobof these equations
to convey it.
Nor can we assume that both jobs together can be done by the
same equation.
Their third argument is that modularity provides a natural explication of
what it is for a variable to be a direct rather than an indirect cause. They
illustrate by contrasting two causal systems:
system 1 Y c
aX U (1)
Z c
bX cY V (2)
system 2 Y c
aX U (1)
Z c
bY,a V bU,a (2
Relative to the variable set V = {X. Y. Z. U. V], in system 1, X is a direct
cause of Y, whereas in system 2, X is only an indirect cause. Hausman and
Woodward point out that this shows up when we think about what happens
under interventions on Y. If system 1 is the true system, equation (2) will be
invariant under this intervention but (2
) will not be; and conversely if system
2 is the true system.
Their discussion of these two systems points to an important result. In ch. 10
of this book I provide a proof of two theorems to the effect that, as Hausman
and Woodward maintain, an equation is invariant under interventions into the
independent variables if and only if it is causally correct.
Trivial lemmas to
those theorems show essentially that an equation is not only causally correct
The discussion becomes complicated because there are two ways to intervene: not only by
changing the laws (1) and (2) but by manipulating the variables U and V. In this case Hausman
and Woodwards idea is that, if there are cross restraints between U and V there must be a
reason; and at base the only reason is that U and V have a common cause. Suppose I agree
with them for the nonce. That goes no way towards showing that any two effects we may be
concerned about must each have at least one cause they do not share in common. (I do not think
they would disagree with this since Hausman, at least, offers independent reasons for thinking
that this last is true. For my objections to these see ch. 7 of this book.)
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 538. Note that there are some caveats to the two theorems
proved there. See the proofs themselves for details.
104 Case studies
but all of its causes are direct causes relative to V just in case the equation is
invariant under interventions into each variable in V.
So there is a clear link between Hausman and Woodwards ideas about invari-
ance and direct causation. But what about modularity? Before turning to that,
let me take up another issue. For I think the importance of Hausman and Wood-
wards discussionhere goes well beyondquestions about direct causation, which
are relative to the choice of variable set, to questions about the causal laws
Under plausible assumptions about transitivity and consistency in causal
systems (see ch. 10 of this book), systems 1 and 2 are incompatible; both could
not be true of any single situation. Hausman and Woodward explain this way:
From the point of view of (1)(2), (2
) entangles distinct mechanisms . . . one
of which links X to Y and one of which links X and Y to Z.
We can make the
same point without escalating to talk of mechanisms and entanglement but using
only the vocabulary of causal laws, which is already presupposed in talking of
mechanisms: (2
) is functionally true as a consequence of two distinct causal
laws but is not itself a true causal law.
What though does it mean to say that (assuming system 1 is correct) (2
) does
not represent a true causal law? We might be inclined to say that a causal-law
claim is true if all the independent variables are genuine causes of the targeted
effect and the law is functionally true. But that will not do, as we see from
looking at (2
), which satises both these criteria. It seems we must give the
answer that I gave above: the law claim must present natures true functional
form for the law. But what does it mean to say that (2) gives natures true
coefcient for Ys inuence on Z and (2
) does not?
This is an important question and Hausman and Woodwards discussion
offers a partial answer that is non-inationary.
As I remarked, we have theo-
rems that show that an equation like (2
) is correct if and only if it is invariant
under interventions on right-hand-side variables. This gives a kind of opera-
tionalization for the idea that a functional form for a causal law is natures true
one. So the invariance results do not just provide a test for correctness of func-
tional form, but in providing a test they help give sense to the concept. We still,
however, face the question I earlier laid aside: this makes a connection with
Hausman and Woodwards concept of invariance but where does modularity
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 543.
My own answer presupposes a notion of causality stronger than that of causal law the notion
of a capacity. The coefcients in equation (2) represent the strength of Ys capacity to cause Z.
Although this is an inationary answer, in Natures Capacities and their Measurement (1989),
I, like Hausman and Woodward here, offer various procedures for operationally determining
what this strength is that is, for measuring the capacity. Unlike the supposition of Hausman
and Woodward, I do not, however, think it necessary that the concept be measurable each and
every time it applies in order to be legitimate (see discussion in ch. 7 of this book).
Against modularity 105
Because I have been describing theorems rather than writing them down, I
have been sloppy about a number of aspects of the formulation, one of which
matters here. The theorems are to the effect that (with caveats not relevant here)
for a given causal equation, if it is possible to intervene in the right-hand-side
variables of that equation, the equation is causally correct iff it is invariant under
those interventions. Modularity guarantees that such interventions are always
possible. (Note that again it is MOD# that matters and not MOD.)
Do we then need modularity? That depends on how strong an operationalist
one wants to be. P. W. Bridgman is the arch operationalist.
He insisted that
a concept did not make sense unless it could be operationalized and that that
operational procedure could be used to test for it wherever it was supposed to
apply. We might, for example, operationalize the concept of length using a foot
ruler; we could not then sensibly talk of the size of a molecule.
Hausman and Woodward have found a way to measure for correctness of
causal laws (including the functional form of the causal laws). They insist
that the test must be applicable wherever the concept of causal law applies.
I disagree. We have many concepts that do not reduce to others supposed to
be more readily observable. Size is one example, if we intend to include
molecules in its extension; causal law is another, I maintain. We often have
good reasons for postulating these concepts and can say a lot about them; and
in many situations we can measure them in a particular way that is we have
necessary and sufcient conditions for their correct application. I think that is
Hausman and Woodwards position is far too strong. In the rst place it over-
looks the possibility of devising other methods of measuring the concept in
circumstances where the rst method cannot be used, or other indirect meth-
ods of testing, like the hypothetico-deductive method. But besides that, their
requirement is too strong in itself. The fact that we can provide a test that,
so far as we can tell from independent evidence, gives the right results wher-
ever we can apply it, supports our belief in the concept. We should not, then,
withhold the concept from situations that seem the same in all other ways
relevant to its application just because our test cannot be applied in those
Bottom line on invariance and modularity: Hausman and Woodwards con-
cept of invariance provides a powerful tool for testing for correctness of causal
laws, including their functional form. But their views on modularity seem to
have problems. First, the formulation they give for their claim, MOD, seems
trivially false. Second, another related view they defend MOD# though not
trivially false is far too strong.
Bridgman (1927).
106 Case studies
8.3 The causal Markov condition: CM1 and CM2
The causal Markov condition is dened relative to a set, V, of randomvariables:
CM: For all distinct variables X and Y in the variable set V, if (X cY) then
Here Par(X) is the subset of V containing all the direct causes of X in V
(p. 524).
Hausman and Woodward divide this into two claims:
CM1: If (XY) then X cY or Y cX or X and Y are effects of some common
CM2: X. Y in V for which (X cY), if Par(X) is nonempty then XY,ParX.
They remark, one might accept CM1 but deny that causes always screen off in
the manner required by CM2. This last position . . . may be Cartwrights.
is in fact not my position. For some kinds of systems of causal laws, CM1 can
be proved; for instance, for a triangular systemof deterministic causal laws of
the form: X
, where a probability measure
is specied over (U
. . . . . U
) under which the Us are mutually independent
in all combinations. (This fact is well known, but for illustration, a proof is
provided in the appendix.) Should we expect something like CM1 to hold for
every system of laws, causal or non-causal, deterministic or probabilistic? I do
not see any reason to think so.
Ideally what I would like to see are formal presentations of different kinds
of systems of laws for which we can prove whether an analogue of CM1 holds
or not. This gives us clear information to help in our decision about whether
to assume CM1 for any particular case we want to treat. If we are prepared
to model the laws at work in that situation with one or another of our formal
systems, we will then know whether we can or cannot avail ourselves of CM1.
About CM2 I can be more specic. For deterministic causation, if our variable
set is complete enough, CM2 is trivially true. The only questions that remain
concern what kinds of minimal conditions we can put on the variable set to
ensure CM2. We will see one such set of conditions in section 8.4.
For probabilistic causationthe situationis different. Whenever a deterministic
cause obtains, all of its effects obtain on every occasion. For an indeterministic
cause, the cause may be present and one or another or all of its effects fail to
obtain. We often approach the question of probabilistic causality from the point
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 523.
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 524.
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 524.
Even though the argument given in footnote 5 (p. 524) does not entirely work to establish that
CM implies CM1, it is true.
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 524.
Against modularity 107
of viewof the effect: we are interested in the effect and howto obtain or prevent
it. This naturally leads to a focus on the partial conditional probability for the
effect to occur given the cause. But from the point of view of the cause, a joint
conditional probability over the entire outcome space of its effects is required
to model its behaviour. Total independence between the effects is just one very
special way the effects can relate.
If we focus on a simple case with yesno variables, we can see how special
the case of independence between the effects is. Given a cause C and effects
X and Y, XY,C if something we might call the causal Markov constraint
(CMC) is satised:
CMC: Pr(x y, c)Pr(x y, c)
= Pr(x y, c)Pr(x y, c)
Nothinginthe concept of causationsuggests that CMCshouldbe satisedor that
in general all the effects of a given cause should be independent. Causes make
their effects happen; so ceteris paribus a cause will increase the probability of
its effect. But that leaves open the question of how the production of one effect
bears on another. Independence fails whenever effects are produced in tandem.
This means that on any occasion on which a probabilistic cause produces both
effects and side effects, there will be violations of independence.
To all appearances these occasions are widespread. In criticizing the causal
Markov condition in earlier work,
I have discussed the example of a chemical
factory, C, that causes a nasty pollutant Yas a side effect whenever it produces X,
a chemical used for treating sewage. The factory is a purely probabilistic cause
of both effects: the chemical and the pollutant are always produced together but
they occur only 80 per cent of the time the production process is in place. I shall
return to this example in sections 8.6 and 8.8 since Hausman and Woodward
take it up. But this is just one made-up example among a host of real-life cases
that we regularly model this way: viruses often produce all of a set of symptoms
or none; we raise the interest rate to encourage savings, and a drop in the rate
of consumption results as well; we offer incentives for single mothers to take
jobs and the pressure on nursery places rises; and so forth.
Hausman and Woodward, like many others, propose that examples like this
often involve a too-coarse-grained description of the cause underneath the
processes are deterministic. Perhaps so, perhaps not. We have trouble getting
models at all. Our best models are often probabilistic. I would urge against
the assumption that all of the untidy world outside of quantum mechanics is
deterministic. But in a sense that is beside the point in discussing the paper of
Hausman and Woodward. If one wants to insist on determinism, or to forbid
Cartwright (1999; 2000).
108 Case studies
probabilistic causes to produce side effects, the issue is settled: we do not need
a lengthy discussion to impose the causal Markov condition.
I said above that nothing in the concept of causation forces a cause to produce
each of its distinct effects separately fromone another. Hausman and Woodward
think they have found something modularity. As we have seen, they take
modularity to be a condition that a system of laws must satisfy before it counts
as causal. Their contention is that modularity (or a related condition, the strong
independence assumption that Hausman
has argued to be a prerequisite for
counting relations as causal) ensures the causal Markov condition. They offer
three proofs, two for deterministic causality and one for probabilistic. I shall
discuss each in turn.
8.4 From MOD to the causal Markov condition and back
Hausman and Woodward argue that MOD implies a principle called MOD
and that MOD
holds if and only if CM2. This is the exciting claim I described
in section 8.1. Their proof for it proceeds in three stages. Stage one aims to
Y c
where Pr(
= 1) = .8 = Pr(
= 1) and Pr(
= 0) = .2 = Pr(
= 0).
So far I have made absolutely no commitment about CM2 one way or another. I
have simply taken Hausman and Woodwards viewabout what the deterministic
case must look like and modied it to allow that the common cause does not
always contribute but acts, rather, probabilistically.
Our model is not very complete yet. We still need a joint probabil-
ity for U
. U
. Call it P. Given that the s are just there to
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 572.
Against modularity 119
represent the purely probabilistic behaviour of C, we can suppose that
) = P(
), where the joint probability for U
should factor, in accord with CM1. What can we say about P(
Well, we know it is perfectly easy to x it so that CM2 is satised.
Just insist on CMC: P(
= 1 &
= 0)P(
= 0 &
= 1) = P(
1 &
= 1)P(
= 0 &
= 0). Suppose we do so. Then CM2 holds. Sup-
pose next that we shift the joint probability just a little so that this equality does
not hold. What is the big difference?
We had independent disruptibility in the deterministic model, in accord with
Hausman and Woodwards demands. I keep it in the probabilistic model by
assuming that whatever causes they had at work besides C are still at work
the only change is that C itself no longer contributes to the effect 100 per cent
of the time. Now we begin to jigger P so that CMC holds, then it doesnt, then
it does, but do not change anything else. CM2 will uctuate in accord, but all
the time each effect will be separately manipulable by just exactly the same
causes that Hausman and Woodward insist must be there to manipulate them
in the deterministic case.
CM2 is false then and if it is false it cannot have been proved. So what is
wrong with the proof Hausman and Woodward offer? The answer is, I think,
one phrase near the bottom of p. 556. Before we get to that, let me summarize
what they do.
In this case they are not so explicit about what the background assumptions
are as they were for the deterministic case. In fact they need all the same ones
that we used in the deterministic arguments of section 8.4, except of course for
the assumption about determinism. I propose then that we keep (iii)(vii) and
replace (i)(ii) by
in V (V
. . . . . (Par(n))
) a
), where
. . . . . (Par(n))
. a
= 0. 1 and {Par(1)
. . . . .. Par(n)
] includes all and only
parents of V
The only other change they suggest is to replace MODby a probabilistic version
of it:
PM: Pr(Y,Par(Y)) = Pr(Y,Par(Y) & set-Z) where Z is any set of variables distinct
from Y . . ..
As with MOD they think PM is a necessary condition for a causal system;
whereas I, as with MOD, think it is not only unnecessary but false though it is
an essential condition to add to the denition of intervention. From PM they
argue to MOD
in an unmodied form. My remarks about the argument are
identical to those for the deterministic case. Next they try to argue from MOD
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 573.
120 Case studies
to (=); and again my remarks are identical except for one important addition
that makes it impossible for the general argument to go through in even the
ways sketched in the deterministic case.
Hausman and Woodward maintain, in the circumstances in which Par(X) is
unchanging, either X varies spontaneously or because of causes that have no
causal relation to any other variables except in virtue of causing X.
I agree
with this entirely, and it can readily be conrmed by inspection of the formula
in assumption (i)(ii)
: the variation in X conditioned on Par(X) is due entirely
to the combination of the spontaneous variation of X (represented by the s)
and the variation in U
, conditioned on Par(X).
Immediately next we are told, [i]n both cases, given CM1, changes in X
count as interventions with respect to [X].
Where does this assertion come
from? It is not true, nor does it follow from anything previously assumed. It
is true for U
, and that it is true follows from the background assumptions.
But it does not hold when X varies spontaneously, nor do our background
assumptions imply that it should.
We cannot say that changes in X produced by spontaneous variation will
count as interventions with respect to X
for we knowthat for an intervention
in X, X should be produced by a method for which the resulting X values are
probabilistically independent of any other quantities that are not effects of
X. But just look at my factory example: unless CMC holds, the values of X
produced by the common causes of X and Y will be probabilistically dependent
on the values of Y thus produced. Where common causes are at work, the
results of spontaneous variation denitely do not behave like the results of
We must of course not be misled by the appearance of in our probabilistic
equations into thinking can be used to set the value of X or Y, for after
all is just a piece of notation. It is a random variable, but that does not
mean that it is used to represent some quantity. It is simply a notational device
that we must introduce because of the odd way in which we have chosen to
represent probabilistic causal laws. In line with our conventional methods for
representing deterministic causality, we represent these laws as equations
equations between values of the effect and the values of the causes. But this
does not reect anything in nature. The whole point about probabilistic causality
is that there is no equation between the values of the causes and that of the
effect they produce. All the information that the equations convey is about the
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 576.
Hausman and Woodward (1999) p. 576. Note that they say with respect to Y. But I think they
must mean with respect to X both because of the argument and because they later call these
changes set-X.
I take it this means something like will have all the same probabilistic relations to other
quantities as changes produced by an intervention.
Against modularity 121
joint probability measure over the cause and effect quantities. This method of
representation has some conveniences over simply writing down the measure,
but it does not commit us to any strange new quantities.
8.7 Cartwrights objection defended
In the section titled Cartwrights objection, Hausman and Woodward argue,
[w]hen Y is produced by an intervention, Y carries no information about whether X will
occur, but when Y is produced by C it does carry such information. Thus knowing that
Y is produced by C provides information about X over and above any information that
is contained in the full specication of C and of Y itself. It is hard to understand how
this is possible.
I disagree. It is not hard to understand and indeed we understand in exactly
the way Hausman and Woodward go on to suggest: If what is informationally
relevant to X is the fact that Y has been caused by C, then it looks like it can
only be a fact about some feature of (the causal structure or behavior of) C
(p. 569). What is informationally relevant about Y depends on this specic fea-
ture of the causal behaviour of C: C produces its effects in accord with the
probability measure P (where P(X Y, C) = .8. P(X Y, C) =
P(X Y, C) = 0, and P(X Y, C) = .2). Or, to point to what mat-
ters about this probability measure, C produces its effects in accord with a
probability measure P that does not satisfy the very special restriction laid
down in CMC.
The remainder of the interrupted sentence I just quoted from Hausman and
Woodward goes on to say and hence a fact that one ought to take account of
when one conditions on the common cause (p. 569). This last does not follow.
You cannot take account of howthe common cause behaves just by conditioning
on its occurrence.
Hausman and Woodward also maintain that
the only real-life cases that appear to have this sort of structure [the structure of the
factory example] involve coarse macrovariables and are consistent with the satisfaction
of the causal Markov condition at a more rened level of description (p. 568).
To this I have the same reply that I do to many proposals that insist that nature
underneath is different from how it appears to us. For many situations of
interest our best models are probabilistic and many of these violate the causal
Markov condition, including all those that posit side effects to the main effect.
It is indeed consistent with these models that further renement will allow us
to produce new models that satisfy the causal Markov condition. Or models
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 569.
122 Case studies
that are completely deterministic. Or models that reduce all the phenomena of
interest to physics. But that does not make these further metaphysical leaps a
good bet. Of course we are equally not in a strong position to insist that the
causal Markov condition is denitely violated, or that determinism or physics
reductionism are not true.
What then should we do? To decide a given case, we need to be clear what
the issues are, what hangs on the metaphysical choice we make and what are
the costs of type I versus type II error, and if anything other than the purity
of our beliefs is at stake hedge our bets.
8.8 Metaphysical defences of the causal Markov condition
Besides their arguments that MOD and strong independence imply the causal
Markov condition, Hausman and Woodward also offer a number of separate
metaphysical positions that would support it. Position (1) takes the operation of
a cause to produce its effect as a real event that can be conditioned on to restore
the causal Markov condition; (2) maintains that effects produced dependently
are not really distinct effects; (3) uses the claim that probabilistic causation
really involves the deterministic causation of chances and (4) is the thesis that
underlies their use of the modularity condition, that each separate effect must
be produced by a separate mechanism.
(1) Recall my discussion of the chemical factory, C, which operates purely
probabilistically: the chemical, X, and the pollutant, Y, are always produced
together, but they occur only 80 per cent of the time the production process
is in place. Hausman and Woodward object to an earlier presentation of this
example. [Cartwright] speaks of Cs operation or ring to produce Xand Y.
This description plays an important rhetorical role in making it seemintuitively
plausible that there is no reason why the rings to produce chemicals X and Y
must be uncorrelated when one controls for the common cause (p. 562). They
label a joint ring F, and rings to produce X and Y, F
and F
They go on to argue that there seems to be no sensible way to think of the
relations of these Fs to the other variables that preserves CM but violates the
causal Markov condition.
I agree entirely. But this does not save the causal Markov condition because
we should not think there are any such events as these Fs. I used the expression
C res to produce X for a specic purpose. If an effect X and its cause C
are separated enough in space and time, they may well be linked by a chain of
causal laws: Cc C
(X). C
(X)c C
(X). . . . . C
(X)c X; similarly for
the effect Y. Each step in these two chains may itself be purely probabilistic.
By talking about the ring of C to produce X being correlated with the ring
of C to produce Y, I meant to ensure that I was only committing myself to the
Against modularity 123
claim that C
(X) and C
(Y) are dependent given C, not for instance that C
and C
(Y) are dependent given C
(X) and C
My other use of ring is in my informal account of why knowing that Y
occurs can give us information about X. Hausman and Woodward are right
to object if someone is moved to give up the causal Markov condition on the
grounds that the occurrence of Y shows that a ring by C took place and that
the ring guarantees the occurrence of X. Y gives us information about X just
because of facts about the joint probability of Xand Yconditional on C. Given C,
X occurs if and only if Y occurs. Nor need the situation be so stark. For instance,
Y might be only a probabilistic side effect of X (i.e. given C, Pr(Y,X) - 1).
Still, Y is informationally relevant and for the same kind of reason given C,
there will be more Xs when Y occurs than when it does not.
We should resist postulating events like the Fs for all the well-known reasons,
whether the causation involved is deterministic or purely probabilistic. Suppose
Cat t
causes Eat t
. Besides the events V
: Coccurring at t
and V
: Eoccurring
at t
, is there an additional event, V
: Cs occurrence at t
causing Es occurrence
at t
? If so, what causes the causing? It looks as if we face an innite regress
unless we deny that all events have a cause.
There are also the usual worries about when the causing event occurs.
will recall just one example. When does V
occur? If it occurs at t
, the causing
of E is entirely over and E has not yet occurred. What then causes it to occur?
If V
occurs after t
, the causing of E by C occurs when C no longer exists. If
occurs throughout the period of both V
and V
, still the causing of E by C
goes on after C no longer exists as well as before E exists.
If we do feel compelled to admit all three of V
, V
and V
, I think the
best solution is to follow Judy Jarvis Thompson
and take V
and V
to be
parts of V
, though that seems to reverse the empiricists intuition. But this
does not help Hausman and Woodwards case. CM1 obtains and without the
need to postulate a cause for the causings. That is because the causings are not
distinct events since they share as a part the occurrence of C. The causal Markov
condition fails because the causings cannot serve as parents of the effects.
Indeed, they cannot do so on any account on which they are not prior to the
(2) In their section 8.9 Hausman and Woodward tell us of alpha particle
emission, [t]he event E consisting of the emission of two protons and the event
F consisting of the emission of two neutrons are not related as cause and effect
and are not independent conditional on the decay event. This does not violate
the causal Markov condition because there is really just a single effect . . .
and a single mechanism. They add, [a] similar point applies to macroscopic
Cf. Russell (1913).
Thompson (1977).
124 Case studies
indeterministic phenomena which are produced by a single causal process, if
there are any.
We can, I imagine, adopt some criterion for the individuation of event-types
along these lines, though it will take some working out.
Then the causal
Markov condition can be maintained for cases of probabilistic production of
effects and side effects. What is important, of course, is that we not switch back
and forth between this criterion of individuation and the usual one for which
every separately measurable quantity denes an event type. We can have the
causal Markov condition but not for studying causal relations among the kinds
of quantities we are generally interested in.
Besides the fact that this defence gives us a causal Markov condition that
is of limited utility, it has a further methodological/epistemological drawback.
The criterion of event individuation now involves facts about both what causes
an event and how. This makes the job of causal inference enormously harder.
Usually we start out with a set of event-types independently identied; then we
look for the causal laws connecting them which is hard enough. Under this
proposal, we have to get the whole scheme all at once. This is a difculty I take
it that Hausman and Woodward acknowledge. In their conclusion they tell us
that the causal Markov condition will be hard to apply: One needs a great deal
of knowledge indeed much more knowledge than may be available. It is often
far fromobvious howto divide some systeminto distinct causal mechanisms.
They indicate the same thing earlier as well: One needs to know a great deal
before one can justiably assume that the Markov condition is satised . . .
One . . . needs to know how to segregate the system correctly into distinct
causal mechanisms (p. 531).
(3) In their section 10 Hausman and Woodward maintain that if CM holds
in deterministic circumstances, then, given a plausible assumption about what
indeterministic causation consists in, it must hold in indeterministic circum-
stances as well (p. 570). The plausible assumption is that X is a probabilistic
cause of Y iff X is a deterministic cause of the chance of Y, ch(Y), where this
is identied with the objective probability of Y (p. 570).
For their argument Hausman and Woodward suppose that
(1) (Xc Y).
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 564.
For instance, when E and F are produced dependently by A and F and G dependently by B,
the single E/F event will overlap the F/G event, which may make problems for other claims
about causal laws and procedures for inferring them. We will also need to be told how to treat
the separate effects of E and of F. At the very least we will lose a great deal of information
if we no longer represent E and F separately. Moreover, the proposal seems most plausible
when the two effects are produced in total correlation, less so when the correlation is less than
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 570.
Against modularity 125
They argue:
Then from the claim that probabilistic causation is deterministic causation of probabil-
ities, one can infer that
(2) X is not a cause of ch(Y).
If CM holds for deterministic relations, it follows that
(3) Pr(X,Par(X)&ch(Y)) = Pr(X,Par(X)).
Since (by CM1) Y will be independent of everything that ch(Y) is independent of, one
can conclude for indeterministic variables X and Y, that if X does not cause Y, then
Pr(X,Par(X)&Y) = Pr(X,Par(X)).
I have trouble understanding exactly what the argument here is. Still, I think
it must be mistaken. To show this I will present a three-variable model that,
I take it, satises their assumptions and for which their conclusion is false
or else under a less plausible interpretation of parents is true but will
establish only a form of the causal Markov condition that is again of limited
I note rst that Hausman and Woodward do not develop their notion that
probabilistic causation of Y is equivalent to deterministic causation of ch(Y).
In particular it is hard to proceed in the discussion without answers to three
questions. First, what will be the direct causes or parents of a quantity V repre-
sented in V? Will these be the probabilistic causes, i.e. the ordinary quantities
we have been thinking about all along; or will ch(V) be the cause? Second,
how does Pr(. . . ch(V) . . .) relate to Pr(. . . V . . .)? Do we, for instance, have
any principles like Pr(V,ch(V) = r&. . .) = r? Third, how does ch(. . .) relate
to Pr(. . .) in general, and how do both relate to relative frequencies, either real
or limiting? Happily for us, I do not need to make many assumptions about
answers to the last two questions to establish my point.
Here is a model for the three-variable chemical-factory example that satises
Hausman and Woodwards assumption that C is a probabilistic cause of E iff
C is a deterministic cause of ch(E). The probabilistic laws are as before, but I
drop the Us for simplicity.
Probabilistic causal laws
X c
Y c
= 1 &
= 1) = .8; Pr(
= 0 &
= 0) = .2
Hausman and Woodward (1999), pp. 5712.
Recall, CM2 is true under Hausman and Woodwards background assumptions whether the Us
are there or not. An example is easy to construct if one wants to include them.
126 Case studies
Deterministic laws
ch(x y) c
ch(xy) c
ch(x y) c
ch(xy) c
1 when c and 0 when c, and we assume that ch(. . .) satises the
axioms of probability.
Now we ought to specify Pr(X. Y. C. ch(X). ch(Y). ch(C). ch(XY).
ch(YC). ch(XC). ch(X. Y. C)). But my objection under the rst interpreta-
tion of parents will follow for any specication so long as we assume
Pr(x y, c) is equal to the value of ch(x y) determined by c under
the deterministic laws. For consideration of the second interpretation, I propose
we suppose Pr(X, . . . & ch(X) = r) = r, which is an assumption that favours
Let us nowassume that the cause of Xthat is relevant for Hausman and Wood-
wards formula (3) is the probabilistic cause C. This is the nicer assumption
since it looks as if the alternative choice of ch(X) will generate a conundrum:
ch(X) could, presumably, cause X only probabilistically; hence it must deter-
ministically cause ch(X), which seems contrary to the normal assumption that
nothing causes itself.
What I wish to show is that although Hausman and Woodwards penulti-
mate step, (3), is true wherever the conditional probabilities are well dened,
their conclusion, CM2, is false. Consider, for evaluating formula (3) in their
argument, Pr(X & C & ch(Y)) = Pr(X & C) if the value of ch(Y) is that deter-
mined by C, and 0 otherwise. Similarly Pr(C & ch(Y)) = Pr(C) if the value of
ch(Y) is that dictated by C, and 0 otherwise. So Pr(X,C & ch(Y)) = Pr(X,C)
wherever the conditional probabilities are dened.
Now consider Pr(x & y & c),Pr(y & c) = Pr(x & y,
c),Pr(y, c). By my assumption about the relations between chances
and probabilities over the traditional quantities, this gives .8,.8 = 1. But
Pr(x, c) = .8 since ch(x) = .8
0 = .8 for c. So CM2 is violated,
despite the fact that in the model C probabilistically causes E iff C determinis-
tically causes ch(E). We should note that CM1 is satised: (XY) but X and
Y have a common cause C and ch(X)ch(Y).
Finally, when the causes of X and Y are taken to be ch(X) and ch(Y), CM2
follows immediately given my assumption about the relation between Pr(. . .)
and ch(. . .) : Pr(V,ch(V) = r & . . .) = r = Pr(V,ch(V)). So here after all
is a way to defend CM2. And that is ne so long as we are careful to keep
track of the fact that we are now taking chances to be causes. That means that,
for CM2 to be of any practical use, we will have to gure out not only how
Against modularity 127
to measure the causes what is the value of ch(V)? but also how to nd
out probabilities like Pr(ch(X)ch(Y)ch(X&Y)XY) which are hard even to
interpret, let alone measure.
(4) Hausman and Woodward place three supercially distinct requirements
on a system of causal laws, all of which get treated as more or less the same
in their discussion. The rst is the claim that it must be possible to manipulate
each cause separately. The second is the claim, which plays an important role
in Hausmans earlier work, that each effect E has a cause that has no cross-
restraints with any causes of any other effect, except for factors that E causes.
The third, which is a focus of other work by Woodward, is that each effect
must be produced by a separate mechanism. The meeting ground for Hausman
and Woodward seems to be their feeling that the two conditions they focus on
separately are in fact equivalent to the rst, the requirement of independent
This requirement of independent manipulability is the claim that Hausman
and Woodward offer as the underlying motive for their modularity condition: the
section introducing modularity begins, [o]ne crucial fact about causation . . .
is that causes are as it were levers that can be used to manipulate their effects.
But it is the second requirement that appears in their proof that modularity
implies the causal Markov condition. The step from one to the other is odd.
For the rst demands that every cause be manipulable (and, as Hausman and
Woodward further develop it, separately manipulable), whereas the second
requires that every effect be separately manipulable.
Consider my simple three-variable example of the chemical factory. We may
assume that the rst claim is readily satised if we increase the number of
hours the factory works each day, or decrease it, we thereby manipulate how
much chemical results; and we can in the same way manipulate how much
pollutant results. Whether we can do that or not is independent of whether the
pollutant and the chemical are manipulable separately from each other. As we
have seen in section 8.4, for the interpretation of intervention that Hausman
and Woodward use in their proof, the separate manipulability of the chemical
and the pollutant depends on whether each has the right kind of unrepresented
cause, and the manipulability of C is not relevant to that.
What about the other kind of intervention, though, the kind where a factor is
xed not by manipulating a special cause to set it where we will, but rather by
changing the law for its production? Here at least I can begin to share Hausman
and Woodwards intuition. They say that, barring other causes of the chemical
and the pollutant, the two are produced by the same mechanism. They suggest
that it follows that the two are not separately manipulable, and thus violate a
Hausman and Woodward (1999), p. 533.
128 Case studies
more general version of the second condition described just above: every effect
should be separately manipulable.
I say that I begin to share their intuition, but I have objections at all three
stages. My objections to the last step are strongest. I do not see why every effect
should be separately manipulable. Indeed, as we have seen, I do not even agree
that every cause should be separately manipulable. But how do we get from
the demand that causes be separately manipulable to the demand that effects
be so as well? Hausman has independent arguments that they will be, which I
have discussed in ch. 7. Here I am concerned with the step from the rst to the
second condition.
One way that the connection can be drawn is via methodology. If we can
intervene in the level of the chemical and thereby alter the level of pollution,
we would have a good argument that the chemical causes the pollution. But in
this case we are not using the metaphysical demand that causes are levers for
their effects, but rather a demand that nature be nice to us epistemologically:
every epistemically possible cause should be separately manipulable, so that
we have a nice method for nding out if it is a cause of the effects of concern.
The one is no guarantee of the other.
Now turn to the second step. If we think that C produces X and Y by the
same mechanism, does it follow that X and Y are not separately manipulable?
Certainly not if we countenance manipulation either by causes other than C, as
in section 8.4, or by interventions into the causal processes linking C with X or
C with Y. But what if we are solely concerned with what in section 8.2 I called
causal-law intervention? If C produces X and Y by the same mechanism, can
the lawfor the production of X be changed without changing that for Y? I take it
this question means, can the probabilistic causal laws for X and Y recorded in
section 8.8 in the discussion of argument (3) above be changed separately from
one another? I do not know the answer, nor even how to set about nding it.
Here is one way to generate a mistaken answer. In the example under discus-
sion, the two effects are produced in total correlation. So we may suppose
is identical to
. In this case, it is logically impossible to change
. This argument is mistaken on several counts. First, we know that
we should not be reifying
. Nor should we be reifying the mecha-
nism as some feature over and above the cause, its effects, and the causal laws
linking them.
But we can recast the question without this apparent reication.
is simply a way of recording a fact about the joint conditional probability,
Pr(XY,C). We know that in the given system of causal laws, this joint proba-
bility violates CMC. It seems we wish it to obtain in the new system. Can it?
Throughout this discussion we are always talking about setting the level of quantities and not,
for instance, their probability. So we want in the new system Pr(x) = 1 or Pr(x) = 1. This
trivially implies CMC. Similar considerations to those I raise in the text can also be made for
the case where we set the probabilities and not the levels.
Against modularity 129
I still do not know how to answer the question. And I suspect it has no
general answer. How we can affect the probabilities with which effects are
produced by a given cause governed by a given system of laws will depend
very much on what the cause is and how this particular system of causal laws
Last, I should like to recall to mind the vast number of cases where the
effect and the side effects are not produced in perfect correlation but are still
probabilistically dependent on one another given the cause for instance, where
the side effect only occurs some xed percentage of the time the effect occurs.
Do we want to say the two are produced by the same mechanism?
Of course what we should say will depend heavily on what consequences we
intend to draw from a verdict either way. But in so far as I feel Hausman and
Woodwards pull to say it is the same mechanism when the correlation is total,
it seems equally right to say that it is the same mechanism when the correlation
is only partial. But then I think the same thing holds when there is no correlation
and CMC obtains. For the two are still produced by the same cause operating
under laws that set the joint probability for the entire outcome space. On the
other hand, same mechanism could simply mean CMC obtains, but in that
case we do not have an independently based intuition from which to defend the
causal Markov condition.
8.9 Conclusion
Is the causal Markov condition true of all probabilistic causal systems? If I am
right in section 8.4, modularity is after all no argument for it. Nor, I think, are
Hausman and Woodwards other defences strong enough to secure it. The best
strategy then, I would urge, is to assume it only for the systems where we have
reasons specic to the system itself to suppose it holds.
Claim 1
i =1
This discussion is continued in Hausman and Woodward (2004) and ch. 9 of this book.
130 Case studies
We can re-express this as follows:
i =1
where we adopt the convention,
j =
( j. k. l. m . . .) = 1, if > . Thus we
arrive at the reduced form > :
i =1
Claim 2
all combinations of U
s are independent of all others (1)
i =1
j =1
Idened as above
then P(X
= x X
= y) = P(X
= x) P(X
= y) iff for some i.
,= 0
P (X
= x X
= y)
= P
= u
)]] {{
= u
= P
= u
)] {
= u
= u
)) P(
= u
iff for some i. I
,= 0 and I
,= 0 (i.e. the same U
appears in the expansion
for both X
and X
= u
j ]
= u
= P(
= u
)) P(
= u
= P (X
= x) P (X
= y)
Against modularity 131
Claim 3
The following now follows trivially:
in a linear deterministic system in a block triangular array with independence of exoge-
neous variables in all combinations,
CM1: X
and X
are not independent of each other
c X
or X
c X
or X
a X
c X
and X
c X
For they will be independent unless some U
in the equation (2) for X
is the
same as a U
in the equation (3) for X
; i.e. unless either they share a common
parent, X
, or one of them causes the other.
9 From metaphysics to method: comments on
manipulability and the causal Markov condition
9.1 Introduction
Metaphysics and methodology should go hand in hand. Metaphysics tells us
what something is; methodology, howto nd out about it. Our methods must be
justied by showing that they are indeed a good way to nd out about the thing
under study, given what it is. Conversely, if our metaphysical account does not
tie in with our best methods for nding out, we should be suspicious of our
Daniel Hausman and James Woodward try to forge just such a connection
in their work on causation. They claim that the central characterizing feature
of causation has to do with manipulability and invariance under intervention.
They then use this to defend the causal Markov condition (CMC), which is a
key assumption in the powerful Bayes-nets methods for causal inference. In
their own words, the view that causes can in principle be used to control their
effects lends support to the causal Markov condition.
This is an important
project and, to my mind, a model of the kind of thing we should be trying to
do. Their rst attempt to prove a link between manipulability and CMC
had a
number of problems however.
Unfortunately, so too does their latest attempt,
Modularity and the Causal Markov Condition (hereafter M&CMC).
Although the connection they picture is just the kind we need between meta-
physics and method, this particular link is just not there. The rst reason is that
the premise they start from has nothing to do with the fact that causes can be
used to control their effects. Instead it, at best,
lays out a sufcient condition
for inferring a causal relation in ideal experimental tests; and taking such a
condition as part of the metaphysics of causality, as central to the very idea of
causality, smacks too much of operationalism. The most blatant of the problems
with their project in M&CMC, however, is that the proof is not valid, at least
Research for this paper was carried out in conjunction with the AHRB project, Causality:
Metaphysics and Methods, and supported by grants from the Latsis Foundation, University of
California at San Diego and the National Science Foundation, for which I am extremely grateful.
Hausman and Woodward (2004), p. 148.
Hausman and Woodward (1999).
Cartwright (2002).
Hausman and Woodward (2004).
See discussion in section 9.6 for why I say at best.
From metaphysics to method 133
under what seems to me the most natural reading of it. On a second reading,
the premise is blatantly false and on a third, the proof is again invalid.
I shall explain the problems with the proof after a review of the switch
they have made in their work from taking control, or manipulability, to taking a
sufcient condition for inferring a causal relation in an experimental test as their
starting point. The nal discussion will focus on cases of probabilistic causality.
When causes can act probabilistically, CMC will be violated in any case where
causes produce by-products in tandem with their main effects. Hausman and
Woodward maintain that causes cannot do that. I shall defend my view that
there is nothing to stop them from doing so.
First a denition and some notation. The causal Markov condition is formu-
lated relative to a population +, a set of random variables V on that population,
a set of randomvariables U representing omitted causes of features represented
in V sufcient in combination with the variables in V to x the values (or, for
indeterministic cases, the chances) of every variable in V, a probability measure
Pover V U, and a directed graph Gof the causal relations among the features
represented by variables in V U:
CMC: +,V,U,P,G satisfy CMC iff for all X
. X
. i ,= j , in V, if X
does not cause X
then X
and X
are probabilistically independent conditional on pa
(i.e. X
where pa
is the set of direct causes, or parents, of X
relative to V and G.
As to notation, throughout I shall use Xc Y to mean that X causes Y and
X c
f (. . .) to indicate that the factors in the function on the right-hand side
cause those on the left and that the functional equality holds, where in both
cases generic-level as opposed to singular causation is intended. I shall denote
members of V by X
or Y
, values of variables by lower case versions of the letter
representing the variable, and a member of U that causes X
by U
i j
. Following
Hausman and Woodward, I shall use U
to represent the net causal effect on X
of a minimal set of omitted causes of X
that in combination with the parents of
are sufcient to x the value (or for indeterministic cases, the chance) of
. A B,C means that A is probabilistically independent of B conditional
on C.
Hausman and Woodward treat CMC for purely deterministic causality and
for purely probabilistic causality in one fell swoop. I shall divide my discussion
to focus on different aspects of the proof.
Usually it is said that the graph is over V, but often in practice Us appear on the graphs as
exogenous causes. This is particularly important for Hausman and Woodward since in their
proof the interventions on variables in V which are supposed to be causes of the quantities
represented by those variables will be members of U. There is also the question of whether
various concepts like intervention are dened relative to a graph or to reality. Since concepts
central to CMC are dened relative to a graph, I think it is best to dene all the concepts relative
to a graph. (The alternative is at best very messy and certainly impossible without resorting to
the concept of a correct graph.)
134 Case studies
9.2 Earlier views: manipulability versus testability
Hausman and Woodward have long defended the idea that modularity is a
characterizing feature of causality and this term appears in the title of the paper
with the new proof Modularity and the Causal Markov Condition. In much
of their earlier work modularity was intimately connected with claims that at
the heart of causation is the idea that something is a cause just when it can be
used to control the putative effect. I want here to reviewthe earlier ideas to make
clear that their new proof does not link CMC with modularity as we rst saw
them talking about it. Nor do they claim so when they write down their central
premise in M&CMC. Still, it is easy to be misled since they retain the earlier
language as well as a number of the earlier slogans, such as the one quoted in
section 9.1 above claiming that the fact that causes can be used to control their
effects supports CMC.
I shall not start by dening modularity because I think some of the arguments
in their earlier work, including the paper where the earlier proof appears, speak
to a somewhat different thesis than the one they formally state as MOD in the
earlier proof.
Rather I shall describe two motivations for modularity we can
nd in their work, motivations that lead to different conditions.
9.2.1 Manipulability
It is essential to causality
that causes can be used to manipulate their effects.
So (roughly) . . .
(Xc Y) there is some way (they call it an intervention or sometimes a manipu-
lation) to change X so that Y changes.
Both intervention and manipulation suggest human agency and indeed for
many philosophers that has been important. This, however, is not part of
Cf. my discussion of MOD versus MOD# (see ch. 8 of this book).
Hausman claims that his work is intended to provide a boundary condition for the applicability of
causal concepts. In this case my remark here should read, It is essential to the correct application
of cause that . . .. Perhaps thereafter we need always to read Xc Y as It is correct to say
that X causes Y.
Cf. Woodwards principal claims/denitions in Woodward (2003), TC, DC and M. All state as
necessary and sufcient condition for X to be some particular kind of cause of Y, that there
is a possible intervention on X that will change Y. Again (in 2003, p. 114), Woodward explains
that these conditions tell us what must be true of the relationship between X and Y if X causes
Y. It is in this very same paragraph, however, that we see a withdrawal from the strong claims
recorded in TC, DC and M, that causality requires that there be interventions:
When we engage in causal inference regarding the effects of X in a situation in which there is
no variable that satises all the conditions for an intervention variable with respect to X . . .
we should think of ourselves as trying to determine what would happen in an ideal hypothetical
experiment in which X is manipulated in such a way that the conditions in [the denition of
intervention] are satised. (2003, p. 114, italics original)
From metaphysics to method 135
Hausman and Woodwards programme. What they require is not that a cause be
manipulable by us in the right ways but merely that it be possible that the cause
vary in the right ways, whether we vary it or not. This is a theme familiar from
the literature on natural experiments, i.e. situations in which one factor varies
naturally, without our help, in just the right way to count as a test for causality.
Hausman and Woodward are explicit that human agency is not required. Never-
theless manipulation and intervention are the words they regularly use rather
than a more neutral description in terms of variation. So we must be careful to
focus on the denitions themselves and not the labels.
Even with this understanding of what manipulability means, the condition
seems far too strong. If a cause can vary in the right way, then (for the most
) we can expect its effects to change in train. But there is no guarantee
that such variation is always possible.
9.2.2 Testability
In discussing the chemical factory example described below in section 9.9,
Hausman and Woodward take it to be an advantage of their view that it allows
to disentangle different possibilities concerning the causal structure of the situation.
If one thinks of the example as one in which the effects cannot, even in principle, be
separately interfered with, the example does not really have a common cause structure,
but is rather one in which a single mechanism links [the putative common cause] to X
[one putative effect] and Y [the other putative effect]. . .
Thus, it seems, the case would not have a common cause structure if there were
no interventions possible on X and Y, at least in principle, that would allow us
to determine that it does, and to do so by showing that X does not cause Y or the
reverse. This suggests that they want to require that for every possible causal
connection, Xc Y, there should be (at least in principle) an intervention on
X that would show whether it holds or not.
This suggestion is supported by the kinds of argument about causal mecha-
nisms that they repeatedly offer in defence of modularity. Each causal principle
is to represent a separate mechanism for the production of some given effect
X. But there is no separate mechanism for X unless it is possible to intervene
on X without changing any other causal principles. So again, it looks as if for
every possible effect X there must be a possible intervention, and presumably
this intervention should leave P(Y) unchanged if X does not cause Y since the
intervention is supposed to have no effect on any other mechanisms, either to
add, subtract or change them. Again this demand is tantamount to a condition
See caveat in next section.
For a more extended discussion see ch. 7 of this book.
Hausman and Woodward (2004), p. 159.
136 Case studies
that each possible causal claim be testable, and testable by what I shall call
experiment: intervene and see what happens.
So, the requirement of testability by experiment provides a second distinct
way to formulate a modularity requirement. Using the notation and formulations
of M&CMC, we have:
For all +,V,U,P,G, and X
in V, there is a Z
in V U such that Z
is an intervention
on X
and X
c X
) iff P(X
= on) =P(X
= off).
This requires explanation.
in V U is an intervention on X
relative to +,V,U,G iff
(i) Z
causes X
on G.
(ii) Z
is not caused on G by any of the other variables in V U.
(iii) Z
does not on G cause any members of U and has no causes in common
with any members of U or other Zs on G.
(iv) For all X
. j ,= i, if Z
or any cause of Z
causes X
on G, then it does so
only via a path passing through Z
and X
(v) If X
is deterministically caused on G, P, then for some range of values of
. z
, if Z
= z
in z
, then X
= x
regardless of the values of any other
members of V U. If X
is indeterministically caused, then for some range
of values of Z
. z
, if Z
= z
in z
. P(X
) = P
regardless of the values
of any other members of V U. For other values of Z
. X
or P(X
) is a
function of pa
and members of U.
The values in z
are designated as the on values for Z
. So the condition says
that for every variable X
there always is an intervention and that the probability
of any other variable X
changes when X
is intervened on iff X
causes X
What is important to notice is that testability is stronger than manipulability
in two ways:
Testability requires that there exists an intervener/manipulation for every
factor, not just for causes.
Under testability, manipulating a cause changes its effects; but also manipu-
lating non-causes of a factor does not change it.
I think that Hausman and Woodwards views on causal mechanisms and inter-
ventions commit themtosomethinglike testabilitybyexperiment. As anattempt
to motivate modularity, testability also has the advantage over manipulability
that it has the arrows of implication going the right way. Manipulability says
that if Xc Y then intervening on X changes Y. The assumption they call
MOD*, which is the premise in their argument for CMC, instead requires that
Hausman and Woodward do not use the conditional probability, presumably because they do
not wish to assume that the interventions themselves have a probability measure. But they
need a measure over interventions to discuss MOD* since interventions are supposed to be
probabilistically independent of various variables in V, so I assume throughout that there is a
measure over V U.
From metaphysics to method 137
if (Xc Y) then intervening on X does not change Y, which does follow
from testability by experiment. To the extent that I am right, this is extremely
restrictive: it not only requires that causal relations, in order to be causal, must
each be ascertainable by us, but moreover that they be ascertainable by one
specic method among the many that we use (like various mark methods).
This is operationalism pushed beyond its limits.
These two considerations lead me to:
Conclusion 1: modularity in the form of either the manipulation or the testability thesis
is too strong a condition to characterize causality.
9.3 Increasingly weaker theses
For the latest proof Hausman and Woodward do not start from testability but
from a far weaker assumption about the metaphysics of causality. Why? Testa-
bility tells us that for every V and every X
in V there is an intervention Z
and Z
changes X
iff X
c X
This is too strong for at least two reasons:
There isnt always such a Z
. (This is my explanation; they dont
themselves say this.)
The iff is too strong. If X
both causes and prevents X
then X
need not change as X
does. (They do say this, though, as I argue
in section 9.4, I do not think they need to.)
What they propose instead in M&CMC is this: MOD* says that when X
not cause X
, then the probability distribution of X
is unchanged when there is
an intervention with respect to X
So, roughly (for a more precise statement,
see section 9.5)
if Z
is an intervention for X
then (X
or P(X
) changes under Z
) (X
c X
We should note that this gives up on:
the claim that the possibility of full testability is necessary for the
applicability of causal concepts;
the claimthat it must be possible to use a cause to manipulate its effects
and it does so in two ways:
it is no longer necessary that an intervention on X
exist in order for
to cause some other factor;
it does not require that manipulating a cause changes the effect but
rather that if X
does not cause X
then manipulating X
will not
change X
They still maintain this thesis in places in M&CMC and still sometimes conate it with the
weaker MOD*. See note 24 below.
Hausman and Woodward (2004), p. 149.
138 Case studies
MOD* (or rather some more precise version of it as I discuss below) is the
premise in Hausman and Woodwards new proof of CMC. So it seems they
do not link manipulability with the causal Markov condition, but at best only
a claim about one test that can guarantee that a causal relation holds. Nor do
they deny this: in M&CMC they conclude The causal Markov condition is a
probabilistic doppelganger for invariance to intervention.
Still, they call the
section with the proof, Causation and manipulation (my italics) and begin it
When X causes Y and one can intervene to change the value of X, one can use ones
knowledge of the causal relation to inuence the value of Y . . . This is an extremely
important feature of causation. One way to formulate a connection between causation
and manipulability . . . is to say that if an intervention with respect to X
changes the
probability distribution of some other variable X
, then X
causes X
Given that their central premise is MOD*, their proof may connect something
about manipulability with causation but:
The proof in M&CMCdoes not connect the claimCauses can always
be manipulated to affect their effects with causation,
or the weaker claim If a cause can be manipulated (in the right way),
the effect is changed.
That is because MOD* says that if we manipulate a factor that is not a cause of
another, the other does not change.
From this consideration and others in this section and the last I draw
Conclusion 2: the premise (MOD*) in their proof is not manipulability but at best one
test that, if it can be applied and if it is passed, can guarantee that one factor causes
9.4 The proof is invalid
There are two points we need to beware of:
The earlier Hausman and Woodward proof used the strong premise that for
every X
in V there is an intervention Z
and manipulating Z
leaves X
unaffected if (X
c X
). The earlier proof did not work. The new proof
has a weaker premise. How can it work?
One would think that whether the probability of a non-effect of X
, X
, is left
the same under an intervention on X
will depend on whether the intervention
on X
is probabilistically dependent on any causes of X
. Such dependencies
are often prohibited by denition of intervention. But not so for Hausman
and Woodward. How can they get by without this?
Hausman and Woodward (2004), p. 153, my italics.
Hausman and Woodward (2004), pp. 1489.
From metaphysics to method 139
Let me recall a well-known result:
For any V, (U
are independent of each other in all combinations CMC).
So when are the U
s independent? Here is one common hypothesis:
CM1: factors that are not causally connected are independent in all combinations. (X is
causally connected with Y iff Xc Y or the reverse or they have a common cause.)
If V is causally sufcient, the U
i j
s will be causally unconnected and hence
given CM1 independent in all combinations. This rules out brute correlations
that have no causal explanation, like
1 Elliott Sobers case of bread prices in Britain and sea levels in Venice.
2 Any case with time trends.
In their new proof Hausman and Woodward do not assume CM1. So how
do they rule out probabilistic dependencies that are incompatible with CMC?
They think they can do so using MOD* plus two other assumptions, where,
more precisely stated,
+, V, U, P, G satisfy MOD* iff for every X
in V and every intervention Z
in V U on
. Z
for any X
such that (X
c X
Notice that as I have written it, MOD* is a condition that a system might
satisfy, not a claim. So too is CMC. I shall be concerned about what claims
Hausman and Woodward want to assert. One claim that many favour is that
any representative causally sufcient system, +, V, U, P, G, satises CMC.
Hausman and Woodward say, We shall show that MOD* . . . [and some other
assumptions] . . . imply CMC.
The most natural reading of this is that any
system that satises MOD* plus the other assumptions satises CMC, and this
is what I shall suppose they mean.
The two other assumptions for the case of determinism are
1 [A]ll the variables in V are distinct, . . . we are dealing with the right variables, and . . .
selection bias and other sources of unrepresentativeness . . . are absent.
2 V is causally sufcient.
: for any +, G, V, U, P, if A, B and MOD* hold for +, G, V, U, P,
then CMC holds for +, G, V, U, P.
Here is how their proof proceeds:
Dene intervention so that interventions on X
are causally unconnected
with U
if X
does not cause X
Sober (2001).
Hausman and Woodward (2004), p. 149.
Hausman and Woodward (2004), p. 148.
140 Case studies
Figure 9.1
Show that in a certain subpopulation the subpopulation where pa
is xed
satises the denition of an intervention.
Use MOD* to claim that in this population U
; i.e. U
It follows, they say, that X
But the proof must be invalid since there are cases that satisfy the premises
but where CMC fails. Consider g. 9.1 for some population + that satises
A, B and MOD* and for which X
,= 0) and for which U
are dependent conditional on Y. This system is inconsistent with CMC. (A
dotted line indicates probabilistic dependence; a dotted line with a y through it,
dependence conditional on Y; a dotted line with a slash through it, independence.
In this example it makes no difference whether U
In g. 9.1 MOD* is satised: there is no factor in V U that sets the value
of X
, hence no intervention, so MOD* holds vacuously.
It is worth rehearsing just why the proof is invalid. The theorem we wish
to prove says that if a given population + and a given probability P
MOD* then that population and that probability satisfy CMC for X
, X
that (X
c X
). Hausman and Woodwards argument establishes that if MOD*
holds for some different population +
and different probability measure P
then CMC holds for +. (The population +
is the subpopulation in which pa
is xed and P
(. . .) = P(. . . [pa
We can thus draw
Conclusion 4: the proof is invalid under the most natural reading of Hausman and
Woodwards claim.
In many treatments the situation pictured in g. 9.1 is ruled out by CM1. But recall that Hausman
and Woodward do not assume CM1.
For brevity I here repress the other quantiers and the other assumptions.
From metaphysics to method 141
1 U
Figure 9.2
9.5 MOD* is implausible
We can also use g. 9.1 to illustrate how strange the condition MOD* is,
independent of its connection with CMC. Compare g. 9.1 and g. 9.2.
For g. 9.2 suppose, as with g. 9.1, that X
and A and B are
satised. But for g. 9.2 imagine that a
= 0 and that U
as MOD* requires.
So, MOD* allows U
and U
to be probabilistically dependent in g. 9.1 but
prohibits it in g. 9.2.
That seems to require a completely ad hoc distinction between the two cases.
Suppose we start with a situation appropriately represented by g. 9.1, with
and U
probabilistically dependent. Consider a situation identical with this
except that Ys inuence on X
and X
is just slightly less (i.e. a
and a
are slightly smaller). MOD* does not prohibit this new situation either. Now
consider a series of situations in each one of which Ys inuence on the Xs
is smaller than in the one before. Still MOD* does not prohibit the U
s from
being dependent. This is true no matter how small Ys inuence on the Xs
becomes, so long as it has any inuence at all. But as soon as the inuence
disappears altogether (a
= 0 = a
), suddenly under MOD* the U
s must be
independent. What is responsible for this sudden jump?
We may even suppose that the diminutions of Ys inuence occur across time
in the very same physical system. Gradually Ys powers to inuence X
and X
give out. What would ensure, when Ys inuence nally disappears altogether,
that suddenly U
becomes independent of U
? I see nothing that could.
Here is an example (or rather, a caricature of an example). Suppose Elliott
Sober is correct that bread prices in England are probabilistically dependent
on Venetian sea levels. We can suppose that the real levels of these two vari-
ables in combination with the measurement apparatuses employed (call this
142 Case studies
combination U
for sea levels and U
for bread prices) are each a central cause
of the respective measured values of the levels (X
and X
); presumably so
too will be the skill of the persons taking the measurements. For the sake of
an example let us suppose that there is one team of experts that make both
such measurements and that every ten years more and more automated tech-
nology is introduced in both places so that gradually the results depend less
and less on the skills of the measurement team (Y). We can suppose that U
and U
are probabilistically dependent because by hypothesis bread prices and
sea levels are dependent. This is consistent with MOD* so long as skills mat-
ter. But as soon as the measurement process becomes fully automated and the
skills of the team have no inuence on the measured values, suddenly bread
prices and sea levels, which were dependent until then, must become indepen-
dent if MOD* is to be satised. I do not see why this kind of thing should
Of course if we assume CM1, breadprices andsea levels will not be dependent
in the rst place. But recall that Hausman and Woodward do not assume CM1.
And that is all to the good given their overall programme because, given CM1
and their other assumptions, CMC follows without assuming MOD*, so no
argument is at hand that MOD* supports CMC. MOD* is supposed to replace
CM1 and provide an independent basis for CMC. Even if the proof were valid,
I do not think that this would be a very sensible basis since, as I have just been
Conclusion 5: MOD* is highly implausible unless dependencies between causally
unconnected quantities are already ruled out in the rst place.
9.6 Two alternative claims and their defects
Let us try some other formulations of Hausman and Woodwards claim to see
if they fare better. For their proof they need MOD* to hold in the specic
population in which the parents of X
take a xed value. Perhaps then they
intend that MOD* should hold in every population and hence in the requisite
: if MOD* holds for every +, V, U, G, P such that V is causally sufcient
relative to G and P, then CMC holds as well for every +, V, U, G, P such that V is
causally sufcient.
Given the antecedent, it is true that for any population, in the subpopulation
where the parents of X
take xed values, U
; i.e. for every population,
. The consequent then follows that CMC holds for every popula-
tion. Figure 9.1 is no longer a counterexample, since by inspection we can see
From metaphysics to method 143
+ Y
Figure 9.3 For subpopulation +
that there is a population the subpopulation of + picked out by xing a value
for Y for which MOD* is violated; this is ruled out by the antecedent of the
reformulated claim.
But the antecedent for this formulation is altogether too strong: it does not
hold for a vast array of perfectly ordinary situations, including a host of ones in
which CMCis satised. Consider, for example, a population +with probability
measure P in which (where causes are on the right-hand side):
or X
c X
) = P(U
) = P(U
&Y) = r ,= 1
where all the variables are dichotomous. For this population CMC holds.
Consider next a second population, +
the subpopulation of + picked out
by Y. In this subpopulation U
sets the value of X
, but P(U
&Y) =
1 ,= P(U
&Y). So (U
) in +
, as illustrated in g. 9.3.
Or look again at g. 9.2 and consider the subpopulation in which X
v X
In this population U
is still an intervention on X
and X
still does not cause
, yet P(X
= on) = 1 ,= P(X
= off).
144 Case studies
It is, however, almost certain that Hausman and Woodward do not wish to
formulate their claim in this way. After all, the populations in my examples
are unrepresentative relative to the larger populations from which they are
drawn, and we see by condition A that in their proof of CMC they assume that
selection bias and other sources of unrepresentativeness are absent. Certainly
my subpopulations suffer from selection bias. So let us try instead
: if MOD* holds for every +, V, U, G, P such that V is causally sufcient
relative and + is representative, then CMC holds as well for every +, V, U, G, P such
that V is causally sufcient and + is representative.
The antecedent in this formulation is more plausible. But it undermines the
argument that Hausman and Woodward wish to make in establishing the con-
sequent. The subpopulations selected by xing values of pa
are themselves
unrepresentative, and it is just these populations in which MOD* must hold if
CMCis to be deducible in the manner they suggest. There is a central unresolved
issue about howto dene selection bias and unrepresentative. I myself think
that it is very difcult to do for purposes of defending CMC in general. In this
case in particular I see no promise for dening it in a way that is not ad hoc and
yet counts all unrepresentative subpopulations as biased except those selected
by pa
for each X
in any variable set we may wish to consider.
I am thus led to
Conclusion 6: of the two alternative plausible readings, the rst claim has a blatantly
false premise and the second has no valid argument to support it.
9.7 A true claim and a valid argument
A more direct approach would be to formulate the thesis to say explicitly what
is required for Hausman and Woodwards proof:
: for every +, V, U, G, P, if
(i) for all X
and all assignments of values, pa
j k
, to the parents of X
in G (+
i k
, V, U,
G( pa
i k
). P( pa
i k
) satises MOD*);
(ii) P( pa
i k
)() = P(,pa
i k
) and G( pa
i k
) = G;
(iii) V is causally sufcient
then +, V, U, G, P satises CMC,
where G( pa
i k
) is a graph of the causal relations over VU in the subpopulation
of + in which the parents of X
take the values pa
i k
, and P( pa
i k
)() is the
probability distribution over V U in that same subpopulation.
is true and the argument that Hausman and Woodward give in
M&CMC shows that it is valid. But it does not gain Hausman and Woodward
what they want a route from manipulability/testability to CMC, for three
From metaphysics to method 145
1 Claim
the claim Hausman and Woodward seem to make, that any rep-
resentative causally sufcient system that satises MOD* also satises
CMC is an interesting and surprising claim. Claim
is not. It tells us that if
a very special set of unrepresentative populations, all subpopulations of +,
satisfy MOD* then +will satisfy CMC. Nowthis may seemto be some gain,
but I am afraid that it is very little, and it is certainly not the gain I had hoped
for in connecting metaphysics and methods. For we have no more reason for
accepting that the premise should be true of any given population than we
would for expecting CMC in the rst place. We could think that these very
special populations satisfy MOD* because all populations do, and they do
because manipulability is essential to causality. We have seen that that does
not work because MOD* rests on testability not manipulability.
So what if we were to suppose that testability in the form MOD* itself is
essential to causality? This still gets us nowhere in the proof for it takes us
back to claim
, and we have seen the problems with the premise in claim
It is false that MOD* holds for all populations: the unrepresentative one
picked out by Y in g. 9.3 shows that. But if the premise is restricted to
all representative populations, the argument does not go through. For a valid
proof we need to suppose that MOD* applies for just the right special set of
unrepresentative populations. I do not nd any independent reason for that
in Hausman and Woodwards discussions.
2 The problempointed out in section 9.6 still arises. V is causally sufcient but
we do not presume fromthis that the U
s are independent. Nor do we suppose
CM1toensure theyare independent. That is, theyare not independent because
they are causally unconnected that it seems is not enough. But when we
add that they set the values for quantities represented in V, that is enough.
But why?
3 The claim does not after all connect testability with CMC. Rather, it lays
down very strong constraints on the populations, variable sets and graphs for
which CMC is derived, and these constraints are strong enough to ensure
both testability and CMC. This is exactly the same kind of problemthat beset
their earlier proof. We have a set of constraints C; C implies testability and
C implies CMC. Of course by logic then, in C, testability implies CMC. But
that is because in C, anything implies CMC. It is the constraints that imply
CMC, not testability. In this case the constraints are conditions (i)(iii) in the
antecedent of H-W-claim
But isnt constraint (i) itself an assertion of testability, and the inclusion
of constraint (i) is essential to the truth of claim
, as we all admit? No, con-
straint (i) is not a reasonable assertion of testability: it guarantees testability,
but is itself stronger and stronger in just the way necessary to guarantee
146 Case studies
Here is what I would take instead to be a reasonable statement of testability:
V is c-testable in + relative to U, G, P iff for all X
in V, there is an intervention Z
V U such that for all X
c X
) P(X
,Zi = on) = P(X
,Zi = off)].
I call this c-testability to stress that it is only one kind of testability the kind
we identify with a controlled test. As discussed in section 9.4, I myself would
want to make the condition on the probabilities both necessary and sufcient
for testability; but I do not do so here in order to stay as close as possible to
Hausman and Woodwards formulations.
Notice how c-testability for +, V, U, G, P differs from MOD*. In the rst
place, c-testability requires that there be an intervention for every variable. On
the other hand, it does not require that everything that counts as an interven-
tion on Hausman and Woodwards denition should satisfy the independence
assumption, merely that each variable has an intervention that does so. Hence
nothing about c-testability automatically forces the U
s to satisfy the requisite
independence assumption. This is for the reasons I have rehearsed. In Hausman
and Woodwards scheme, we do not assume that a factors being causally uncon-
nected with others in the right ways is sufcient for guaranteeing the indepen-
dence assumption; adding that that factor sets the value for a variable in V does
not seem to add any reason for it to do so. On the other hand, if there is such
a factor for each variable, then any hypothesis about one variable in V causing
another can be tested.
The point now is that MOD* (i.e. (i)), (ii) and (iii) guarantee c-testability
as well as CMC. But c-testability in combination with (ii) and (iii) does not
guarantee MOD* or CMC. That is because testability does not require that
intervention be via a U
it just requires there to be some intervention for each
variable, and that is compatible with the U
s not being mutually independent.
Figure 9.4 shows a particularly simple case:
The equations for the population + in g. 9.4 are
v U
v U
with P(i
. i
. i
. i
) = P(i
) if i
, and otherwise, where i
j k
= . and P(i
) = P(i
In this case U
is an intervention on X
: conditions (i)(iv) in the denition
of intervention are met by inspection and if U
occurs call that on X
occurs no matter what values other variables take, so (v) is met as well. Sim-
ilarly U
is an intervention on X
. Also, U
v U
is an intervention on X
and U
v U
is an intervention on X
. P(X
is on) = P(X
is off)
We should make special note of this last as well, for it is a very strong notion of testability we
want to be able to test every single causal hypothesis about the variables in V.
From metaphysics to method 147
Figure 9.4
and P(X
is on) = P(X
is off). But P(X
v U
= on) ,=
v U
= off) and P(X
v U
= on) ,= P(X
v U
= off ).
So V = {X
. X
] is c-testable in + relative to U = {U
i j
]. G. P. Conditions (ii)
and (iii) of the antecedent of H-W-claim
are met as well. But condition (i) of
that claim is not met and correlatively, CMC fails. C-testability obtains without
the strong assumption needed for the true H-W-claim and without CMC.
The claim I have formulated as H-W-claim
is the only one I have been able
to construct that makes their basic argument valid. If I am right that that is the
only claim supported by their argument, then . . .
Conclusion 7: Hausman and Woodward can, using their basic ideas, produce a true
claim and a valid argument. But their argument does not show that testability implies
CMC; rather the constraints they need imply both testability and CMC; without these
constraints, c-testability does not imply CMC.
9.8 Indeterminism
So far I have discussed only the deterministic case. For indeterminism we need
more because in the probabilistic case a cause may produce a product and a
by-product i.e. two effects in correlation and in this case the causal Markov
condition will be violated. I have suggested for instance that a factory might
produce an unwanted pollutant as a side effect during a purely probabilistic
process that produces a desired chemical. In my comments on Hausman and
Woodwards proof I represented this example thus:
) = .8 = P(
Here Y is the presence of the chemical factory process; X
, the presence of the
chemical; X
the presence of the pollutant;
the operation of the
148 Case studies
chemical factory process to produce the chemical and the pollutant
and [U
] and [U
] each satisfy the requirements of an inter-
Since the Us satisfy the denition of an intervention, U
, unconditionally and conditional on Y.
In the example there is a l00 per cent correlation between the presence of
the chemical and that of the pollutant and this correlation remains even when
we condition on Y. The reason for the correlation is that Y produces the two in
tandem; it produces one if and only if it produces the other (though any other
correlation between 0 and 1 could be possible as well). The correlation need
not confuse us about what is going on. Since the Us satisfy the criteria of an
intervention, it is easy to test that the chemical is not causing the pollutant, nor
the reverse; and supposing that Y can be intervened on as well, it is easy to test
that the chemical process is causing both.
Hausman and Woodward maintain that this kind of case is impossible, at
least at the macro level. The issue is about P(
). Can it, for instance, equal
), so that the pollutant is a byproduct of the chemical it is produced iff
the chemical is produced? If causation must be deterministic, this can easily
happen but then CMC will not be violated because all the relevant probabilities
will equal one. But we had best not assume that causality must be deterministic
or we will not be able to say that what causes us to see the stars is the emission
of photons that occurred on them long ago. So what happens when causation is
Hausman and Woodward maintain that it is impossible in this case for a cause
to produce its effects together it must produce one effect independently of the
other. They argue that this is assumed on all standard accounts of causation.
I do not agree. What kinds of thing do we expect of causation in our various
standard accounts? Here are a few: (a) causes should make their effects happen.
Y does that for both X
and X
. (b) In the nice cases where all probabilistic
dependencies can be derived from the causal laws operating, MOD* should be
We need not be distracted about the issue of whether or not when an effect follows the occurrence
of a purely probabilistic cause we should think that there is an additional event of the causes
ring or producing the effect. If we do not want to admit these kinds of events, we can take
the s to be mere notational devices that allow us to represent causal claims-cum-probability
distributions as equations.
Cartwright (2002), p. 436. The requirements for an intervention are slightly different in the
new paper from any versions in the old. For the denition in the new paper I am not quite
sure how they envisage writing equations where some of the Us are interventions. Per-
haps Y c
) y
of Y, where
= 1 when Z
U = 0 (i.e. Z = off) and
= 0 when Z = 1. The exact formulation does not matter though,
since I began my formulation with a perfectly standard deterministic case where the Us sat-
ised the requirements for an intervention, whatever Hausman and Woodward wanted these
requirements to be, then simply changed the operation of the factory from one that produced
the chemical and the pollutant deterministically to one that produced them probabilistically,
leaving intact fromthe previous deterministic case any alternative factors that can intervene and
create the chemical or the pollutant independently of the action of any other causes.
From metaphysics to method 149
satised. And it is. (c) In many situations if we put a mark on the cause we
expect to nd a trace of the mark on the effect. There is no reason to think that
we cannot mark Y and nd a trace later on both X
and X
. So causation in this
case has a great many of the features we expect of it.
If causes can produce their effects in tandem, CMC is violated. To prove
CMC, Hausman and Woodward rule this possibility out directly with a premise
they call no spontaneous correlation:
for every +, V, U, G, P and for every X
V distinct from X
. if X
then X
I of course reject this premise. I also think the name may be misleading. The
correlations that remain between X
and X
given Ys occurrence do not arise
spontaneously in the same sense in which time trends do or Sobers correla-
tions between Venetian sea levels and British bread prices. They arise from the
occurrence of a cause and the way it operates.
This brings us to one of the nice features of Hausman and Woodwards proof.
They make very clear that even for causally sufcient variable sets, CMC could
be violated for two different reasons: brute dependencies not following from
the causal principles governing the system as with time trends and bread prices
and those due to causes producing their effects in tandem. They then offer
separate cures for each: MOD* for the rst, no spontaneous correlations for
the second. This is a strong point about their proof this distinction is clearly
drawn and the separate problems are ruled out by separate premises. As they
intended, it makes it easy to see where disagreements lie. I clearly reject the
second of these premises.
What about the rst? Here I take issue with Hausman and Woodwards dis-
cussion of my view. They spend a great deal of effort in reconstructing the
factory example exactly as I presented it in my comments on their rst proof.
They then say, to the extent to which Cartwright is unwilling to commit herself
to specic claims about what would happen under various interventions . . . it
seems to us she has not clearly specied the causal structure of the example.
But it is clear from the formulation what happens: intervene by manipulating
and X
changes because U
causes X
; X
and P(X
) do not change because
and Y cause X
and since U
is an intervention, changes in it are supposed
Sometimes I think Hausman and Woodward conate the issue of whether there are interventions
(as dened in any of the ways they propose) that can set the values (or probabilities) of the
chemical and pollutant independently of what other causes for them are doing with the question
of whether it is possible to stop Y itself from causing X
without stopping it from causing X
The formulation I gave is explicit about the rst which is what matters for MOD* and for
tests of whether, for example, the chemical causes the pollutant or not (i.e. in their language, for
disentangling the commoncause explanationof the correlationbetweenchemical andpollutant
from a direct cause account), but my formulation is silent about the second. The answer would
presumably differ from one case to another, depending on the facts of the situation.
150 Case studies
not to change U
and Y since they are not effects of X
; P(X
,Y) does not
change because U
, unconditionally and conditional on Y; and of course
) does change.
HausmanandWoodwardalsosayCartwrights case that the chemical factory
example is a genuine counterexample to [CMC] seems most plausible if one
accepts MOD*,
suggesting by this and other remarks that I do not. On the
contrary, I accept MOD* for a vast array of cases
and I built the chemical
factory formulation to satisfy it. As they say, we must be assuming MOD* or
something like it every time we draw a causal conclusion from a controlled
They also take issue with me for accepting in the case of the chemical factory
that It should make no difference to the value of [X
] whether we set [X
] [by
intervention] or observe [X
] once we set the parents of [X
] [i.e. once we set
Y by intervention]
while rejecting their claim called PM2 as it applies in the
chemical factorycase; PM2: P(X
,set-Y& X
) = P(X
). But it
is right to accept the rst for the chemical factory example and reject the second.
Imagine an occasion on which we set Y so that Y must occur. Y occurs. On this
occasion Y produces X
and thus, since Y produces X
iff Y produces X
. X
occurs. If we also on this occasion intervene on X
to make X
occur, X
still occur it will be overdetermined and so will X
occur. So whether we
intervene on X
will make no difference to the value of X
. Imagine on the
other hand that Y does not produce X
, so X
does not occur on this occasion. If
we were to produce X
by intervening, that will not make Y suddenly produce
so X
will still not occur. Again, whether we intervene on X
will make no
difference to the value of X
But the claimabout probabilities does not followfromthe claimabout values
and is indeed false. The conditional probabilities of X
change although the
values never dofor the usual reason. Imagine Yis set. Thenwhenthe intervention
is off, all X
occasions will be X
occasions. But among the set-X
only 80 per cent will be X
occasions; that is true just because no X
ever turns into an X
occasion just by turning the occasion from a X
into an X
They also say that I cannot endorse the rst claim and accept the arrow-
breakinginterpretationof interventionthat theyoffer intheir newproof andthat I
suppose inmychemical factorycase. But that is a mistake too. Perhaps Hausman
and Woodward think that intervening on X
will interfere with Ys operations,
but obviously that should not be the case for an intervention. Setting U
= 1
Hausman and Woodward (2004), p. 159.
Though not all cases. I think brute correlations may well occur in many situations; we want to
be sure they arent happening whenever we draw causal conclusions from correlations.
Hausman and Woodward (2003) ms p. 19, fn. 11. This is an earlier version of Hausman and
Woodward (2004).
From metaphysics to method 151
should leave Ys operations unaffected. (Here we see some of the complications
in dening intervention obviously in cases of probabilistic causality we want
to ensure that an intervention on one variable does not interfere with whether
another would or would not produce its result on any occasion.)
In their discussion of product/by-product cases, Hausman and Woodward
argue that the explication of causal claims in terms of what would happen under
various hypothetical interventions does provide . . . an independent purchase
[on the content of causal claims].
I agree that it does so too do all the
other theories of causation on offer and all the other methods (like the mark
method) that we use to test for causality. But even if we took theirs as the central
purchase, it does not help the case for CMC nor provide support for the no-
spontaneous-correlation premise since MOD* can be readily satised in cases
where causes produce their effects in tandem.
So I draw
Conclusion 8: product/by-product cases that violate CMCcan be ruled out by a specially
designed premise but that does not show much. And it is no help in establishing a route
from testability to CMC.
9.9 Overall conclusion
The route from manipulability/testability to CMC is not there. CMC is not a
reection of any important metaphysical facts about causation. And anyway,
those putative facts about causation are not facts!
Hausman and Woodward (2004), p. 159.
Hausman and Woodward also, in passing, try to defend the view that it should be possible
to manipulate each factor separately that is, that intervention is always possible. They do
so by attacking my claim that equations that provide information about a full set of causes
need not also provide information about what can and cannot be manipulated separately. Their
argument is just their argument in favour of MOD* in the absence of modularity there will be
changes in the values of variables under interventions on other variables that are not reected
in the causal claims expressed in the system of equations (Hausman and Woodward 2004,
p. 158). This argument is invalid since the premise supports MOD*, which states what happens
if intervention occurs, but the conclusion is that intervention is always possible.
10 Two theorems on invariance and causality
10.1 Introduction
10.1.1 The project
Much recent work on causal inference takes invariance under intervention as a
mark of correctness in a causal law-claim.
Often this thesis is simply assumed;
when it is argued for, generally the arguments are of a broad philosophical
nature with heavy reliance on examples. Also, the notions involved are often
characterized only loosely, or very specic formulations are assumed for the
purposes of a particular investigation without attention to a more general de-
nition, or different senses are mixed together as if it did not matter. But it does
matter because a number of different senses appear in the literature for each of
the concepts involved, and the thesis is false if the concepts are lined up in the
wrong way.
To get clear about whether invariance under intervention is or is not necessary
or sufcient for a causal-lawclaimto be correct, and under what conditions, we
need to know what counts as an intervention, what invariance is, and what it is
for a causal-law claim to be correct. Next we should like some arguments that
establish clear results one way or the other. In this chapter I offer explicit deni-
tions for two different versions of each of the three central notions: intervention,
invariance and causal claim. All of these different senses are common in the lit-
erature. Then, given some natural and relatively uncontroversial assumptions, I
prove two distinct sets of theorems showing that invariance is a mark of causal-
ity when the concepts are appropriately interpreted. These, though, are just a
sample of results that should be considered.
Thanks to Daniel Hausman and James Woodward for setting me off on this project and two
referees for helpful suggestions. This research was funded by a grant fromthe Latsis Foundation,
for which I am grateful, and it was conducted in conjunction with the Measurement in Physics
and Economics Project at LSE. I wish to thank the members of that group for their help, especially
Sang Wook Yi and Roman Frigg.
Glymour, Scheines, Spirtes and Kelly (1987); Hausman and Woodward (1999); Hoover (2001);
Redhead (1987); Woodward (2003). See also the discussion of David Hendry in ch. 16 of this
Two theorems 153
The two different sets of theorems use different senses of each of the three
concepts involved and hence make different claims. Both might loosely be ren-
dered as the thesis that a certain kind of true relation will be invariant when inter-
ventions occur. In the second, however, what counts as invariance becomes
so stretched that the term no longer seems a natural one, despite the fact that
this is how it is sometimes discussed in the literature especially by James
Woodward, whose extensive study of invariance is chiey responsible for iso-
lating this particular characteristic and focusing our attention on it.
Nor is intervention a particularly good label either. The literature on cau-
sation and invariance is often connected with the move to place manipulation
at the heart of our concept of causation:
roughly, part of what it means to be
a cause is that manipulating a cause is a good way to produce changes in its
effects. Manipulation here I take it suggests setting the target feature where we
wish it to be, or at will or arbitrarily. Often when authors talk about intervention,
it sounds as if they assume just this aspect of manipulation.
Neither set of theorems requires a notion so strong. All that is required is
that nature allow specic kinds of variation in the features under study.
might argue that manipulability of the right sort will go a good way towards
ensuring the requisite kind of variability. But mere variation of the right kind
will be sufcient as well, so we need to take care that formulations employing
the terms manipulation and intervention do not mislead us into demanding
stronger tests for causality than are needed.
In this chapter I am concerned only with claims about deterministic sys-
tems where the underlying causal laws are given by linear equations linking
the size of the effect with the sizes of the causes. Although this is extremely
restrictive, it is not an unusual restriction in the literature, and it will be
good to have some clean results for this well-known case. The next step is
to do the same with different invariance and intervention concepts geared to
more general kinds of causal systems and less restrictive kinds of causal-law
This project is important to practising science. When we know necessary or
sufcient conditions for a causal-law claim to be correct, we can put them to
use to devise real tests for scientic hypotheses. And here we cannot afford to
be sloppy. Different kinds of intervention and invariance lead to different kinds
of tests, and different kinds of causal claims license different things we can do.
So getting the denitions and the results straight matters to what we can do in
the world and how reliable our efforts will be.
Price (1991); Hausman (1998); Woodward (1997); Hausman and Woodward (1999); Woodward
Or, if the right kind of variation does not actually occur, there must be a fact of the matter about
what would happen were it to do so.
154 Case studies
10.1.2 The nature of deterministic causal systems
I need in what follows to distinguish between causal laws and our represen-
tations of them; I shall use the term causal system for the former, causal
structure for the latter. I take it that the notion of a causal law cannot be
reduced to any non-modal notions. So I start from the assumption that there is a
difference between functional relations that are just true and ones that are true in
a special way; the latter are natures causal laws. I will also assume transitivity
of causal laws. This implies that the causal systems under study include not
only facts about what causal laws are true e.g. Q causes P but also about
the possible ways by which one factor can cause another e.g. Q causes P via
R and S but not via T.
I discuss only linear systems, and I shall represent natures causal equations
like this: q
, with the effect on the left and causes on the right. As will
be clear from axiom A
, this law implies that q
= Ya
but not the reverse.
Following the distinction between systems and structures, I shall throughout
use q
to stand for quantities in nature and x
for the variables used to represent
them. Also with respect to notation, I shall use lower case letters for variables
and quantities and upper case letters for their values. I assume the following
about natures causal systems:
Functional dependence: any causal equation presents a true functional
Anti-symmetry and irreexivity: if q causes r, r does not cause q.
Uniqueness of coefcients: no effect has more than one expansion in the
same set of causes.
Numerical transitivity: causally correct equations remain causally correct
if we substitute for any right-hand-side factor any function in its causes
that is among natures causal laws. (For a discussion of this axiom, see
footnote 3 in ch. 5 in this book.)
Consistency: any two causally correct equations for the same effect can be
brought into the same form by substituting for right-hand-side factors in
them functions of the causes of those factors given in natures causal laws.
The priorityof causal relations: noquantities are functionallyrelatedunless
the relation follows from natures causal laws.
More formally: a linear deterministic system(LDS) is an ordered pair Q. CL),
where the rst member of the pair is an ordered set of quantities q
. . . . . q
and the second is a set of causal laws of the form q
j -k
a real
number) that satises A
through A
More precisely a causal lawfor an effect x
, L(x
), is a set of ordered pairs giving causes of x
their weights L(x
) = {a(1)
j 1
. x
j 1
. x
) . . . a(k
j 1
. x
j 2
. x
) . . . a(k
j n
. x
j m
R. We can then dene x
causes x
with weight a just in case L(x
)(a. x
(Notice that my formulations allows as I have argued we should for a cause to have multiple
Two theorems 155
10.2 Causal law variation, invariance and one kind of causal claim
10.2.1 The rst denitions
The kind of intervention we shall be concerned with in this section is the same
as that employed by Pearl in his work on causal counterfactuals and by Glymour
et al. in their manipulation theorem (once we transform their notion from graph
representations to linear deterministic systems). It is also one of the kinds that
Daniel HausmanandJames Woodwarddiscuss intheir joint workonthe Markov
As I indicated in section 10.1, the results I aim to establish are not really
results about intervention in the natural sense of that term, but rather results
about variation. The rst kind of intervention, which will be under discussion
here in section 10.2, is one in which causal laws vary; in the second kind, which
I discuss in section 10.3, it is the values of the causes picked out in a xed
causal system that vary. We may perhaps be more used to thinking of quantities
as taking on different values than of laws as varying.
But all we need here is
that there are different causal systems that relate to each other in the specic
way I shall describe. The point I am trying to make is that it is the occurrence
of these systems that matters
for testing the correctness of causal claims; it is
not necessary that they come to occur through anything naturally labelled an
intervention or a manipulation.
I shall, therefore, talk not of intervention but
rather of variation.
capacities with respect to the same effect. Once we have admitted this piece of information we can
of course go on to dene some concept of the overall inuence of a given cause on a given effect.)
Clearly the assumptions too need a more precise formulation. Transitivity, for example,
4 For any laws L(x
) and L(x
), and for any b. x
). L
) is also a law,
) = L(x
) {b. x
i 1
. x
). . . . . ba
i n
. x
)] for all a
i m
The other assumptions are formulated similarly.
We need some kind of complicated formulation like this to make clear, e.g. that arbi-
trary regroupings on the right-hand side of a causal-law equation will not result in
a causal law. For example, assume that x
and x
. It follows that
= bx
(c d)x
= bx
(c d)ax
= (b ca da)x
, but we do
not wish to allowthat x
(b ca da)x
. For our purpose here, I think we can proceed
with the more intuitive formulations in the text.
Pearl (2000b); Glymour et al. (1987); Hausman and Woodward (1999).
In my own work (Cartwright (1999)) on laws it is natural that they should vary since laws
are epiphenomena, depending upon stable arrangements of capacities. I take the prevalence of
intervention tests for causal correctness of the kind described here, based on the possibility of
variations in causal laws, to indicate that a surprising number of other philosophers are committed
to something like my view.
Or, the possibility of the occurrence of these systems (see n. 3).
There are of course other kinds of arguments for linking manipulation and causation (e.g.
Hausman (1998); Price (1991)). My point here is that it is mistaken to argue that manipula-
tion is central to causation on the grounds that one important kind of test for causal correctness
the invariance test cannot do without it.
156 Case studies
In the rst kind of variation/intervention, which I call causal-lawvariation,
a new causal system is considered, similar in many ways to the rst. Let us call
the new system a test system for results of quantity q relative to the original
system. The test system differs from the original that we wish to test by exactly
one addition and two kinds of deletions. For a target quantity q, add the law
q = Q for some specic value, Q, of q within its allowed range. Drop (1) all
laws with q as effect and (2) all laws linking causes of q with effects, e, of q
where the causal inuence passes through q that is, any equation for e that
can be obtained by transitivity from an equation giving qs effects on e. The
rst is easy to say formally: drop all laws of the form q c
f (. . .). The second
is more cumbersome: drop any equation A: e c
f (. . . . g(. . .). . . .) for which
there are equations of the form B: e c
f (. . . . q. . . .) and C: q c
g(. . .).
As with intervention, there are a number of different kinds of invariance
suggested in the literature. The one relevant here seems genuinely a notion of
invariance, so that is what I shall call it. An equation in a (linear deterministic)
causal system Q. CL) giving a true functional relation (but not necessarily
one that replicates one of natures causal laws) is invariant in q iff it continues
to give a true functional relation for any value that q takes in any test situation
for q relative to Q. CL).
We also need to be explicit about what an equation of the form x
in a causal representation is supposed to be claiming. I propose the obvious
answer: an equation of this form records one of natures causal laws. When it
does so, I shall say that it is causally correct.
10.2.2 The rst theorem
A functionally true equation is causally correct iff it is invariant in all its inde-
pendent variables, either singly or in any combination.
Correctness invariance: the result in this direction is trivial now that the
background is in place. Consider an equation that is causally correct:
E : x
f (x
. . . . . x
Consider a test system for the effects of q
for any q
represented by an x
the right-hand side of E. The intervention replaces the causal system of which
this equation is a part by a new one. This equation would be dropped from the
new system if it had q
as an effect which it hasnt. Otherwise it would be
dropped only if it had as effect an effect of q
which it has and it results
from substituting g(. . .) for q
into some equation for q
, where q
g(. . .).
But in this case q
would no longer appear in the equation to be dropped.
f (x
. . . . . x
. . . . . x
) will still obtain in the new system. Hence E is
invariant under interventions on q
Two theorems 157
Clearly the trick in establishing the necessity of invariance for correctness is
in the characterization of interventions. So we shall need to be wary when we
introduce a different concept of intervention, as in section 10.3.
Invariance correctness: consider an equation
F : x
where either some x
appears that is not the cause of x
, or, if all are genuine
causes, some x
appears with a causally incorrect coefcient. In order to be
invariant, F must also be derivable in all test systems for all q
and it must
be derivable from the same equations as in the original. That is because the
move to a test system adds only one kind of new law to use in a derivation
= Q
where Q
may be any value in the appropriate range. This clearly
will not help since Q
will vary from test system to test system, and F must be
derivable in all of them. But if F is derivable from the same set of laws in the
test situation as in the original, then not only will F be invariant in all x
, so too
must each member of this set be. So we wish to establish:
No matter what the causal system, no linear combination of natures causal equations
will yield an equation of formFthat is invariant in all the q
represented on the right-hand
side of F.
We should rst notice that, trivially,
Claim 1: no matter what the causal system, no causal equations used in the linear
combination can have an x
on the left-hand side.
The result is then established by coupling claim 1 with:
Claim 2: no matter what the causal system, no linear combination of causal equations
in which x
s appear only on the right-hand side will yield F.
Proof of claim 2 The proof of claim 2 is by induction on the number of
variables in addition to x
and the x
s that appear in the equations in the linear
combination that yields F.
Inductive base: as a base for the induction, show that no linear combination
of equations in any causal system that use no variables in addition to x
and the
s and are invariant in all x
will yield F. Here is how.
All equations used in such a linear combination will have x
on the left-hand
side and some combination of x
s on the right-hand side. That is, they will look
like this:
B: x
C: x
= az
By consistency,
can be brought into the same form by a set
of laws, L, linking the z
and the z
. In this case these two equations containing
can be replaced in F by the laws in L, which do not contain z
, with no loss.
Alternatively, z
can appear with different coefcients in the two equations:
= az
= bz
But this is possible only if z
is a cause of either one or more of the z
or of
the z
Since these effects must be x
s, the equation with the causes of these x
will not be invariant in all x
I shall henceforth drop the use of represented by where it will not cause confusion and simply
talk of variables causing other variables.
Two theorems 159
Figure 10.1
We can now eliminate z in the following way. Consider natures causal law
for z as effect that cites as causes just those factors that are direct causes of z
among the z
. Designate it thus:
z c
. . . . . z
Replace any equation in the original linear combination in which z appears as
cause bythe same equationwith
substitutedfor z. Eliminate all equations
with z as effect.
Add natures causal equations giving the relations between all the causes
that appear in all the different equations that had z as effect, as well as those
connecting zs parents with the effects of z among the z
. For example, supposing
the relations in Fig. 10.1, we replace
z c
z c
Clearly the newset of equations will be invariant in all x
if the original are, and
any equation in x
and the x
that can be obtained using the original equations
can be obtained using the new ones. QED.
160 Case studies
10.3 Variation of values, prediction of rst differences and
parameter correctness
10.3.1 Systems that are nice for us
The basic idea in connecting intervention/variation with invariance as a test of
causality is Mills method of concomitant variation: as a cause changes, the
effect should change in train. But there are caveats. The variation must occur
in the right circumstances. The easiest circumstances are where the putative
cause varies all on its own and no other causes vary at all. That is essentially
what we achieve in the test systems of section 10.2 by looking at variants of
the original causal laws that make the putative cause take a particular value
independent of what values other factors have.
But sometimes, if a causal system is sufciently nice, we can achieve essen-
tially the same results by looking within the system itself. The simplest case is
where each of the putative causes for a given effect has a cause of its own that
can vary without any cross-restraints on other possible causes of that effect.
That will guarantee that all possible causes can take on any combination of
values. I call such a system epistemically convenient.
More formally, an epistemically convenient linear deterministic system
(ECLDS) is a linear deterministic system Q. CL), such that
Epistemological convenience: for each q
in Q = {q
. . . . . q
] there is
some cause q
such that:
(i) q
j k
(ii) there are no cross-restraints on the values of the q
; that is, for all situations
in which Q. CL) obtains, it is possible (allowed by nature) for each q
to take any value in its allowed range consistent with all other q
any values in their allowed ranges.
In case the LDS we are studying is an epistemically convenient one, we can
relabel the quantities so that the system takes the familiar form
This is similar to a standard kind of condition on parameter values in econometrics (cf. Engle,
Hendry and Richard (1983)) and as a condition on parameter values plays a central role in Kevin
Hoovers (2001) theory of causal inference. Woodward (1997) asks for statistical independence
of the exogenous quantities. The proof here requires the additional assumption that there are no
cross restraints on their values.
Two theorems 161
where n = m,2. For the remainder of this part, I consider only epistemically
convenient linear deterministic systems, and I assume that the notation has its
natural interpretation for such systems.
Notice that (i) and (ii) imply
(iii) no q
in Q causes q
but neither
(iv) for all j, k, q
does not cause q
(v) for all j, k, q
and q
have no common cause (i.e. they are not part of any
other LDS in which they have a common cause).
Many authors restrict their attention to systems satisfying (iv) and (v) as well,
usually with the intention of mounting an argument from (i), (iii), (iv) and (v)
to (ii). I shall not do so because the argument is not straightforward and at any
rate we need only the assumption (ii) to derive the results of interest here.
Following standard usage, let us call the special causes represented by us
in an ECLDS, exogenous quantities, since they are not caused by any quantities
in the system. Notice that, for an ECLDS, an assignment of values to each of
the exogenous quantities will x the value of all other quantities in the system.
In what follows it will help to have an expression for a quantity in the system in
terms of the exogenous quantities. Again following conventional usage, I call
this the reduced form:
RF: q
i =1
. . .
where we adopt the convention
j =
( j. k. l. . . .) = 1. if >
i =1
where I
. . .
Call any set of values for each of the exogenous terms a situation. We shall be
interested in differences, so let us dene
= U
. . . . . u
j 1
= U
j 1
. u
= U
j 1
= U
j 1
. . . . . u
= U
) q
= U
. . . . .
j 1
= U
j 1
. u
= U
. u
j 1
= U
j 1
. . . . . u
= U
Statisticians like epistemologically convenient systems because they make esti-
mation of probabilities from data easier. We, by contrast, are concerned with
162 Case studies
how to infer causal claims given facts about association. For this project, these
kinds of systems have three advantages.
1 In section 10.2 we discussed methods for nding out about a causal system
of interest by looking at what happens in other related systems. But the
existence of the system of interest provides no guarantee that these other
systems exist for us to observe. In this part we shall be interested in situations
in which specied factors take arbitrary values relative to each other. In an
epistemologically convenient system this is guaranteed to happen naturally
within the system itself at least in the long run.
2 Consider a functionally correct hypothesis,
H : x
where each q
(represented by x
) has an exogenous cause peculiar to it
satisfying (ii). In this case nature provides a basic arrangement that allows
the possibility for each q
to have an open back path; whether indeed each
does have an open back path will depend entirely on our knowledge, but at
least the facts are right to allow us knowledge of the right kind. Relative to
. q
has an open back path just in case (a) every causal law with q
effect has a u
such that u
cannot cause q
except by causing q
, and (b) we
know what these us are and we know that (a) is true of them. (For further
discussion of open back paths see ch. 13 in this book.)
The nice thing about hypotheses like H where every putative cause has an
open back path is that we can tell by inspection whether H is true or not. For
no x
can appear in a functionally correct equation with a causally wrong
coefcient unless some factor appears on the right-hand side of that equation
along with a factor from its back path.
But according to (a), no factor from
the back path of q
can appear as a cause of q
in the same law as q
. The
equation for x
is thus a true causal law, so long as nothing appears on the
right-hand side that is from the back path of any other factor that appears
there. Given (b), we can tell this just by looking. According to Cartwright,
J. L. Mackies famous example of the London workers and the Manchester
hooters works in just this way.
3 Randomized treatment/control experiments are the gold standard for estab-
lishing causal laws in areas where we do not have sufcient knowledge to
control confounding factors directly. These experiments require that there be
some method for varying the causal factors under test without in any other
way producing variation in the effect in question. In an epistemologically
Thanks to David Danks for highlighting this feature.
The proof is similar to the proof of the theorems in section 10 above. See Cartwright (1989).
(Note that the argument in Spirtes, Glymour and Scheines (1993) against this result uses as a
putative counterexample one that does not meet the conditions set.)
Two theorems 163
convenient system, the exogenous quantities peculiar to each factor provide
just such a method.
10.3.2 The second denitions
Now for intervening. The idea is to vary the value of the targeted quantity
by adjusting its exogenous cause in just the right way keeping xed the values
of all the other exogenous causes. But as I indicated, neither the idea of our
manipulating nor of our varying anything matters. All we need is to consider
what would happen were two different values of the exogenous cause of the
targeted quantity to occur in two otherwise identical situations. So I propose
the following denition: a variation/intervention of values is a calculation of
for some j, k, . Direct inspection of the reduced form for q
shows the
following to hold:
Lemma (on reduced forms and causality): if q
does not cause q
= 0.
Along with the notion of intervention, we have to introduce new notions of
invariance and causal correctness as well, otherwise the kinds of theorem we
are interested in will not follow. The result in one direction still follows: any
causally correct equation will be invariant under variation/intervention. But that
is because any true equation will be, including all those equations that suggest
joint effects of a common cause as causes of each other. Hence the result we
really want in order to test for causal correctness will not follow, i.e. it is not
true that any equation that is invariant under value variation/intervention will be
causally correct (even if we restrict attention, as below, to equations in which
no right-hand-side quantity causes any other).
What notion shall we substitute for that of invariance? The answer must
clearly be tied to what kind of causal claim is made since we are not, after
all, interested in invariance itself but pursue it as a test for causality. So far
the kind of causal claim we have considered is terrically restricted, given our
usual epistemic position. For we consider only hypotheses that claim to offer
a complete (i.e. determining) set of causes and with exactly the weights nature
assigns them. One way to be less demanding would be to ask for causes but not
insist on weights, as in a Bayes-net graph.
Another alternative is to insist that the weights be correct, but not insist on
a complete set of causes. This is the one I consider here. If we are offering
claims with some causes omitted, what form should the hypotheses take? One
standard answer is that they take the form of regression equations:
R: x
. for +
for all j
164 Case studies
where xy means that xy) = x)y). This of course only makes sense if there
is a probability measure from which the expectations are derived. So the use of
hypotheses of this forminvolves an additional restriction on the kinds of systems
under study, as follows. Anepistemicallyconvenient linear deterministic system
with probability measure (ECLDSwPM) is an epistemically convenient linear
deterministic system that satises A
Existence of a probability measure: the quantities in Q can be represented
by random variables x
. . . . . x
which have a probability measure dened
over them. (Following conventional notation, we can relabel the xs just
as we have the qs so that {x
. . . . . x
] = {x
. . . . . x
. . . . . u
What does an equation of form R assert? This kind of equation is often on offer
but generally without any explanation about what claims it is supposed to make.
I take it that it is supposed to include only genuine causes of x
and moreover
to tell us the correct weights of these. I propose, therefore, to dene correctness
thus: an equation of the form
R: x
(1 j m,2)
for +
is correct iff there exist {b
] (possibly b
= 0). {q
] such that
(1 j m,2)
where q
does not cause q
. This last restriction ensures that all omitted fac-
tors are causally antecedent to or simultaneous with those mentioned in the
regression formula.
It may be useful to consider an example:
In this causal system the equation
is correct. It may seem worrying that q
is omitted from the right-hand side of
the regression equation and that it is caused by q
, which is included. But this
is alright. The claims of the regression equation are correct under the proposed
denition because there is a true causal law in which the coefcient of q
that given in the regression equation and no factors in the true law that do not
appear in the regression equation are caused by ones that are mentioned.
Now return to the unresolved issue of what can be introduced in place of
invariance to dovetail with this characterization of correctness for regression
equations. As I indicated in the introduction to this chapter, the notion that I
use is not a notion of invariance at all. It is rather a notion of correct prediction:
Two theorems 165
correct prediction of variation in values as situations vary in specic ways. This
is not in any way a newnotion, but it is one that Woodward has recently directed
our attention to and that he has developed at length. I believe that what I dene
here is the right way to characterize his ideas when applied to epistemically
convenient linear deterministic systems and I take it that the theorem I prove
is one precise formulation of what he argues for (once a number of caveats are
added to his claims).
What do equations of form R predict about the difference in the size
of effect between these two situations? If Rs claims are correct, the dif-
ference in the effect given a variation of the special exogenous variable
that causes one of the right-hand-side variables, say x
, should be thus:
= Ya
for some {b
] and {q
], where no q
any q
. By inspection of the reduced form equations in an ECLDSwPM, we
see that the second term on the right-hand side is zero, since q
does not
cause any of the quantities that appear there. So Rs predictions are correct
just in case L
= Ya
. So let us dene: an equation of form R cor-
rectly predicts rst differences for all right-hand-side variables if and only if
= Ya
for all and for all J, where J ranges over the right-hand-
side variables.
10.3.3 The second theorems
Now I can state the relevant theorem.
Theorem 2a A regression equation for q
. x
j =1
is causally
correct if for all and for all J. 1 J k 1. L
= Ya
; i.e. iff the
equation predicts rightly the rst differences in q
generated from any value
variation/intervention in any right-hand-side variable.
First a note on notation. In general there will be more qs in the underlying
causal system than are represented by xs from the causal structure. For conve-
nience I suppose that the qs are ordered following the xs: i.e. q
is the quantity
represented by x
. This means that we cannot presuppose that q
is causally
prior to q
i l
Proof of theorem 2a The proof from correctness to the prediction of rst
differences in q
under variations of right-hand-side variables is trivial. To go
the other direction, rst reorder the qs so that they are numbered in their true
causal order (so, q
can only cause q
j l
for l 1), which we can do without
commitment since the ordering is arbitrary to begin with. Then renumber the
xs accordingly. For all 1 J k 1 and all we suppose that
i =1
166 Case studies
Note rst that we can always write
i =1
j =k1
where q
. k 1 j m,2 is not caused by q
. 1 i k 1, with A
sibly 0. For consider any causal equation of this form where some of the q
caused by some of the q
. To nd a true causal law of the required form simply
substitute for each of the unwanted q
an expansion in a set of causes of q
, all
of which occur prior to all q
. From this it follows from our lemma that for all
J such that i J k 1
i =1
We need to show that A
= a
. Consider rst L
, where 1 L k 1
and q
is causally posterior to all other q
for 1 i k 1:
= a
= A
where the rst equality comes from the assumption that the equation for q
predicts rst differences correctly and the second from the true law for q
. It
follows that a
= A
Next consider L
, where i L
k 1 and q
is causally posterior to
all other q
for l i k 1 except for L:
= a
/ L
/ = A
/ L
for the same reasons as before. Since a
= A
, it follows that a
/ = A
/ :
And so on for each coefcient in turn. QED.
Notice, however, that this theorem is not very helpful because it will be hard to
tell whether an equation has indeed predicted rst differences rightly. That is
because we will not knowwhat L
should be unless we knowhowvariations
in u
affect q
and to know that we will have to know the causal relations
between q
and q
. So in order to judge whether each of the q
affects q
in the
way hypothesized, we will have to know already how they affect each other. If
we happen to know that none of them affect the others at all, we will be in a
better situation, since the following can be trivially derived from theorem 2a.
Theorem 2b A regression equation x
j =1
in which no right-
hand side variable causes any other is causally correct iff for all and
J. L
= a
k J
We can also do somewhat better if we have a complete set of hypothe-
ses about the right-hand-side variables. To explain this, let me dene a
Two theorems 167
complete causal structure that represents an ECLDSwPM, Q = {q
. . . . . q
. . . . . u
]. CL) as a pair X = {x
. . . . . x
: 1 n m,2]. . CLH),
where is a probability measure over the xs and where the causal lawhypothe-
ses, CLH, have the following form:
j =1
where +
, for all k - j . In general n - m,2. Since the ordering of the qs
has no signicance, we will again suppose that they are ordered so that q
represented by x
. Now I can formulate the following.
Theorem 2c If for all x
in a complete causal structure, L
= L
as pre-
dicted by the causal structure for all and J. 1 J n, then all the hypotheses
of the structure are correct.
For the proof we need some notation and a convention. What does the causal
structure predict about differences in q
for L
? I take it to predict that
= L
= . (To denote a predicted difference I use L
, with Lreserved
for real differences (i.e. those that followfromthe causal systembeing modelled
in the causal structure). So the antecedent of theorem 2c thus requires that for
all J. 1 J n. L
= L
Proof Consider the kth equation in the structure:
i =1
We need to show that
i =1
j =k1
where q
does not cause q
for 1 i k 1 and k 1 j m,2. We know
that for some {A
]. {B
i =1
j =k1
where q
does not cause q
for 1 i k 1 and for j such that
k 1 j m,2 and B
,= 0. So we need to establish that there is a set of A
168 Case studies
such that A
= a
for all i such that 1 i k 1. We do so by backwards
induction: show rst that the coefcient of x
is correct and work backwards
from there. Note for the proof that since q
. 1 i k 1, does not cause q
for any j such that k 1 j m,2 and B
,= 0. L
j =k1
= 0 for
l i k 1.
Inductive base to show A
= a
i =1
i =1
= A
= L
i =1
= a
So A
= a
Inductive argument: given A
k. ps
= a
k. ps
for 1 s - k 1 p, to show
= a
, consider what happens given L
. Using the reduced form for q
plus the assumption that all rst difference predictions are right, and the fact
that L
= 0 for i - p, we have:
i =1
i =1
i =p
i =p
i 1
. . .
= A
i =p1
i 1
. . .
= L
i =p
= a
i =p1
i 1
. . .
By hypotheses of the induction A
= a
, for p 1 i k 1. Hence
= a
There is one important point about exogenous variables that we need to be
clear about to understand the signicance of the theorems. By denition, L
is the difference in q given a difference in u
with all other exogenous quantities
in the system, not just those in the structure, held xed. It is easy to see why.
(Notice that this echoes the concerns expressed in the cautionary lessons at the
end of ch. 13 of this book.) Consider a six-quantity system:
Two theorems 169
and a two-variable causal structure to represent it
These will be true viewed just as regression equations given
= a
1 a
= (a
1 a
If u
varies while u
and u
do not, then we will see rightly that the equation
for x
is not correct. But if as u
varies, u
varies as well in such a way that
= c
, then the equation for x
will produce the right rst differ-
ence predictions for x
. That is why, to get a proper test for the equation, we
must consider variation in exogenous variables in the structure while all other
exogenous quantities in the system and (also in the structure) remain constant.
This makes the results more difcult to put to use than we might have hoped.
In the rst place, for the theorems to apply at all, we need to know that we are
dealing with an epistemically convenient system one for which the exogenous
factors have no cross-restraints. But it is hard enough to know about the cross-
restraints on the exogenous causes for a set of putative causes we are considering
in our structure, let alone for a lot of possible causes in the system that we have
no idea of.
Suppose though that we do have good reason to think that the system we
are studying is epistemically convenient (or we are prepared to bet on it). How
would we use the theorems to which that entitles us? The most straightforward
application of the theorems to test a hypothesis about the causes of q would
consider variations in the exogenous factors for qs putative causes holding xed
all other exogenous factors, where these have to include all other exogenous
factors in the system. So we would have to know what these factors are. Again,
it is hard enough to know what the exogenous causes are for factors we can
identify without having to know what they are for factors we do not know
I take it that this is the chief motivation for stressing manipulation. It seems
that if we vary the putative causes at will or arbitrarily the variation will not
match any natural variation in other exogenous factors. But we know that is
Recall that for x
= c
to be a regression equation, x
. +
) = 0. I assume here that
the us have mean 0, variance 1 and u
. u
) = 0. i ,= j .
As we know, randomized treatment-control experiments are designed to allow us to get around
our lack of knowledge of the exogenous factors for missing factors. But the knowledge that we
have succeeded in the aims of randomizing even when we have used our best methods is again
hard to come by.
170 Case studies
not true. Coincidences happen, even when the variation is chosen completely
arbitrarily which we know at any rate is hard to achieve due to placebo
effects, experimenter bias and the like. For these theorems, exactly what is
required is the right kind of variation, no more and no less. So the emphasis on
manipulation for invariance tests of causality is misplaced, except as a not-100
per cent-reliable methodological tool.
10.4 Final remark
We are interested in whether invariance (or some substitute) under intervention
is a sure sign of correctness in a causal claim. I have formalized two distinct
senses commonly in use for each of the three concepts involved. That means
there are eight versions of the question using just the concepts dened here. I
have answered the question for only three: (1) for invariance under causal-law
variation and correctness simpliciter, the answer (with caveats) is yes; (2) for
invariance under intervention/variation of values and correctness simpliciter,
the answer is no; and (3) for prediction of rst differences under interven-
tion/variation of values, the answer for prediction of rst differences is yes.
We can clearly carry on pursuing the other combinations, or devise mod-
ications of the concepts that might serve better in hunting good tests. With
respect to the concepts deployed here, one in particular is fairly central: that is
the version of the question involving parameter correctness under rst differ-
ence prediction. That is because of our usual epistemic situation. First, when
a hypothesis does not involve a full set of determining factors, we are forced
to look at the predictions about rst differences since it makes no sense to ask
whether the hypothesis is invariant or not; and correlatively, we can demand
only correctness in the parameters on offer, not full correctness. Second, when
the system under study is not epistemologically convenient, we are forced to
use causal-law intervention to get the variation we need. I take it the answer for
this particular combination is yes with caveats. But, as with any answer, we
need a clear statement of the caveats and a convincing proof.
There is a division among philosophers of science between those who believe
that formalization is essential to understanding and those who do not. Here I
have been arguing on the side of the formalizers. The point for me of study-
ing the relations between causality and invariance is to make better causal
judgements; and if different ways of making our theses precise matter to how
we make our judgements, then we had better be precise. We have seen that
they do matter. Invariance under intervention is a ne test for causality if the
intervention involves looking at what happens in different causal systems, but
not if it involves looking at different situations governed by the same system
As, of course is widely recognized in the experimental literature in the social sciences.
Two theorems 171
of laws. Or, when we do look at different situations, what counts as a test of
a causal hypothesis when none of the putative causes causes any of the others
will not serve when some do cause others.
Formalization is, however, nowhere near the end of the road. We still face
the traditional problem of what all these precisely dened concepts mean in
full empirical reality. In particular what is the difference between a variation in
the value of a putative cause that arises from a variation in the causal system
governing it versus one that arises from a variation in an exogenous cause that
operates within the original system? Imagine I am about to do a randomized
treatment-control experiment. How do I judge whether my proposed method
of inducing the treatment ts one description or the other? I do not know how
to answer the question. Perhaps indeed the distinction, which makes such clear
sense conceptually, does not t on to the empirical world it is intended to help
us with. Formalization is, to my mind, the easy (though necessary) part of the
job. Our next task is to provide an account of the connection between our formal
concepts and what we can do in practice.
Part III
Causal theories in economics
11 Preamble
The rst four chapters in part III focus on hunting causes in economics; the last
on using them. None, I amafraid, even starts on the job I urge to be so important:
showing how our methods for hunting causes can combine with other kinds of
knowledge to warrant the uses to which we want to put our causal claims.
I look at two different methods employed in economics for hunting causes.
The rst uses econometric techniques, the second, theoretical models. The
econometric techniques discussed are a caricature of what happens in eco-
nomics. I look at only one author who claims to get causes from probabilities
Herbert Simon and then only at the simplest imaginable cases. That is because
I think Simon has a clear idea of the difference between selecting a model that
is accurate about the underlying probability from which the data are drawn
versus one that is accurate in describing causal relations. I want to focus on this
difference without intertwining it with any of the pressing problems that must
be treated in trying to ensure correct estimation of probabilities.
The two chapters on Simon here might be seen as part of a trilogy: Simon as
interpreted by me, where I suppose that the trick in getting causes from prob-
abilities depends on the characteristics of the exogenous variables; Simon as
interpreted by Kevin Hoover,
who supposes that what matters are the param-
eters that describe the quantities we can directly control; and Simon as inter-
preted by Damien Fennell, who takes the idea of separate mechanisms to be
Fennells paper grew out of LSEs Arts and Humanities Research
Board-sponsored project on Causality: Metaphysics and Methods, as did many
of my own papers. Fennells Simon-inspired account of how to get causes from
probabilities can be usefully compared with the modularity views discussed
earlier in part II.
Another paper from the same project by Julian Reiss
also studies econo-
metric methods for hunting causes, in this case by using instrumental variables.
Reiss follows the strategy I advocate in ch. 5 proving a kind of representation
theorem. We came to see the importance of this kind of representation theorem
That is, Simon as interpreted by Hoover as Hoover is interpreted by me.
Fennell (2005a).
Reiss (forthcoming(a)) and Reiss (forthcoming (b)).
176 Causal theories in economics
during our work on the project. Reiss rst provides a formal characterization of
the kinds of causal systems that can be treated using an instrumental-variables
method; second, he describes formally what the method consists in; then he
proves that the method delivers correct results if ideally implemented.
It should be noted that both the Cartwright and the Fennell version of
Simon-inspired methods as well as Reisss account of the instrumental vari-
ables approach are what in ch. 3 are called narrow-clinching methods. They
are highly restricted in scope and have very demanding requirements for their
successful implementation. Still, to the extent that they can be carried out suc-
cessfully, the conclusions follow deductively. This bears out my repeated claim
that valid causal inference is difcult, but it is not impossible. With respect to
the difculties I would especially like to direct attention to the closing section of
ch. 13, Cautionary lessons for econometrics. There I point out that valid causal
inference depends on a great deal of causal input maintained assumptions or
antecedent causal knowledge and, in keeping with the recognition from part I
that causal relations come in a variety of kinds, this must even include assump-
tions about exactly what kind of causal relation is at stake. This makes causal
inference and warrant for use all the more difcult. But there is no use shying
away fromit. Policies will be taken and whether they work will depend on what
causes are operating and how. So somebody will at least implicitly make a great
many causal assumptions, even if the econometrician will not. My own hope
is that the formulation and warranting of these assumptions will be done to the
highest scientic standards that are practicable and that econometricians will
be part of this enterprise.
Chapter 15, The vanity of rigour in economics: theoretical models and
Galilean experiments takes up an old idea of mine
endorsed by Daniel
Hausman, Uskali M aki and others,
in defence of unrealistic models in
economics. It argues that the defence often misres. The original idea is
that many idealized models in economics can be seen as thought experiments
structured like Galilean experiments. They aim to isolate a single cause to learn
what it does when acting on its own. Here I worry that the results of these
models are generally overconstrained. They depend not just on idealizations that
isolate the factor under study but also on unrealistic assumptions necessary to
provide enough structure to drawconclusions deductively. And overconstrained
conclusions ones that are too narrow can be very misleading for policy.
The nal chapter is on using causes. When we deliberate about policy we
should like to estimate as best possible what would happen if this or that policy
were implemented in this or that way. As often noted earlier in this book,
Cartwright (1989).
See Hausman (1992) and M aki (1992).
For more on these kinds of thought experiments in economics see Reiss (forthcoming(b)). See
also Sugden (2000). For objections to taking even the models that look like Galilean experiments
as ways of warranting tendency claims, see Alexandrova (2005).
Preamble 177
there is a long tradition of associating causality with manipulation and effective
strategy. Chapter 16 points out that the kinds of counterfactuals that are central
in hunting causes are not the ones we need to know about for using them and
there is little explicit theory that bridges between them. The chapter looks in
particular at work on causality by economists James Heckman, David Hendry,
Kevin Hoover and Stephan LeRoy. It is a companion to a joint paper by Julian
Reiss and me not contained in this volume.
See Reiss and Cartwright (2003).
12 Probabilities and experiments
12.1 Introduction
Howdo we test econometric models? The question invites a series of lessons and
precautions about statistical inference. Before we take up these lessons we need
to answer a prior question. What kind of information is the econometric model
at hand supposed to represent? I want to focus on two broad answers: (1) the
econometric model summarizes information about a probability distribution,
and in addition (2) the model makes claims about causal relations. The second
project clearly brings with it new and difcult problems. Even if we had full
information about the probability distribution over a set of variables, that would
not tell us the causal relations among them. Nevertheless probabilities may be a
useful tool for inferring causal structure even if they cannot do the job on their
It is widely acknowledged that probabilities are most useful as a tool for
causal inference in the context of a controlled experiment. For many, informa-
tion about what would happen in an ideal controlled experiment is enough: we
can count that as just the information we are looking for under the heading
causation. Suppose we take that point of view. That still leaves us a long way
from conventional econometric models, which describe statistical relations in
population data and not in data generated in the highly controlled environ-
ment of an experiment. Or does it? In her book The History of Econometric
Ideas Mary Morgan
claims that the early econometricians were excited and
optimistic about the discipline they were developing because they believed
that their new statistical techniques provided a substitute for the experimen-
tal method (p. 96). I want to explain how that can be the case: how, if the
circumstances are felicitous, the probabilities that are represented in conven-
tional econometric models will track those that would arise in a controlled
This paper rst appeared in Journal of Econometrics, 1992. An earlier version was presented at
the conference on The Signicance of Testing at Tilburg University, 1991. Thanks to Jordi Cat,
Daniel Hausman and James Woodward for their assistance and the LSE Research Fund and the
Centre for the Philosophy of Natural and Social Science for support.
Morgan (1990).
Probabilities and experiments 179
experiment. That is, I want to show how we can infer causal information from
econometric data, not only facts about the strengths of causal inuence but also
facts about whether a causal relation exists at all and if so, in what direction it
I say infer because I have in mind a very strong relation, sometimes called
Received wisdomteaches that the standard method for testing
throughout both the natural and the social sciences is the hypothetico-deductive
method: the hypothesis under test couples with other background information
to imply claims about the data. If the predictions fail, the hypothesis is suspect.
If the predictions obtain, we do not know what to conclude since a variety
of incompatible hypotheses will imply the predictions equally well; but we are
inclined to think that the hypothesis is conrmed to some degree. Bootstrapping
is just the converse of this process. In a bootstrap argument the data couple with
the background information to imply the hypothesis. This is scientic testing at
its best . . . and obviously it is difcult to achieve. It is surprising that the founders
of econometrics hoped for such an unusually powerful tool. (Bootstrapping
methods are all cases of what in ch. 3 are called narrow-clinching methods.)
The point I want to argue here is that the econometricians hopes are in prin-
ciple borne out. Occasionally very occasionally the conventional methods
that we use to identify the parameters of econometric models can be used to
test in this very strong sense of test the kinds of causal claims we would like
to see represented in these models. I have made this kind of argument elsewhere,
but I think I can make the point more simply here. The ideas are fundamentally
those of Herbert Simon.
I will look at two developments of them, rst by T.
J. Cooley and S. F. LeRoy and the second by Kevin Hoover. The well-known
paper by Robert Engle, David Hendry and Jean-Fran cois Richard on the sta-
bility of econometric laws will play a part as well.
The key to the argument is
the controlled experiment.
12.2 Causes and probabilities
A large part of econometrics today was developed at the Cowles Commission
in Chicago during and after World War II. Workers at the Cowles Commis-
sion supposed that it is possible to learn about causes from statistics, but that
one needed to add in a lot of theory in order to do so. Nowadays the US
school advocating vector-autoregression techniques (using the work of Clive
Granger, Christopher Sims and others) tries to establish causal relations just
from statistics, with no prior inputs. Cooley and LeRoy attack this attempt to
carry on macroeconomics atheoretically. Their aim is to defend the importance
Glymour (1980).
Cartwright (1989); Simon (1957), ch. 2.
Cooley and LeRoy (1985); Hoover (1990; 1991); Engle, Hendry and Richard (1983).
180 Causal theories in economics
of a standard Cowles Commission assumption about exogenous variables. As
Cooley and LeRoy characterize it: An exogenous variable is one determined
outside the model, while an endogenous variable is one determined inside the
The exogenous variables can be causes of the endogenous ones, but
not the reverse. The assumption that Cooley and LeRoy take to be crucial is the
familiar supposition that all the exogenous variables are uncorrelated. This is
of course a substantial empirical assumption and may in many indeed most
cases be unwarranted. But we are at great advantage when the assumption does
hold, for it contributes to three distinct projects:
(i) Statistical inference: lack of correlation among the exogenous variables is
one of the key conditions that ensures that various methods of statistical
inference have desirable characteristics.
(ii) Identiability: uncorrelatedness of exogenous variables is one of a set of
conditions commonly supposed at the Cowles Commission (like linearity
and time ordering) that guarantees that the parameters of an econometric
model can be identied from the appropriate probabilistic information.
(iii) Causal inference: as I have indicated, it was commonly supposed in the
early Cowles work that econometrics teaches us about causal relations. The
coefcients of an econometric model are supposed to represent the strength
of effect of the independent variables on the dependent variables. The
independent variable is a cause of the dependent variable just in case the
corresponding parameter is not zero. Uncorrelatedness of the exogenous
variables is crucial here too.
The rst two claims are uncontroversial. The third is not. The question is:
why can we assume that we can read off causes, including causal order, from
the parameters in equations whose exogenous variables are uncorrelated? After
all, equations are just expressions of complicated forms of association and it
is widely acknowledged that mere association is not causation. Cooley and
LeRoys answer involves hypothetical experiments. For ease of comparison,
I will convert their simple two-variable examples to the notation that Hoover
uses, involving price and money; also I will renumber the equations. Otherwise,
I quote directly:
Suppose we start with the model
M = v. (1)
P = aM d. (2)
where v and are correlated (contrary to the Cowles Commission requirement).
If the analyst were willing to assume that the correlation between v and occurred
because v determines a component of i.e., = v j then (1) and (2) could be
Cooley and LeRoy (1985), p. 291.
Probabilities and experiments 181
written as
M = v. (3)
P = aM v j d. (4)
with j and v uncorrelated. Since M is exogenous in this set-up, the effect of a change in
M on P is well-dened: dP = (a )dv. Here [the size of this effect] a could be
estimated by regression.
If on the other hand, the analyst were willing to specify that the correlation between
and v of (1)(2) owes to a causal link in the reverse direction, the system could be
M = . (5)
P = aM d. (6)
with and uncorrelated. Now the question What is the effect of M on P? is not
well-posed, since the answer depends on whether the assumed shift on M is due to an
underlying change in (in which case the answer is: dP = ad) or in (in which case
the answer is: dP = (a 1) d).
Following this line of thought, and also their similar way of talking through-
out, it might appear that Cooley and LeRoy offer an excessively operationalist
(1) If X causes Y, there must be an unambiguous answer to the question: How much
does Y change given a unit change in X? (2) But if the exogenous variables are not
uncorrelated, we cannot nd an unambiguous answer. (3) Hence X causes Y (if and)
only if the equations governing X and Y (satisfy all the other Cowles requirements for
causal structures and) have uncorrelated errors.
I think this is a mistaken reading. Recall their and my remarks about experi-
ments. Here is what Cooley and LeRoy say (p. 295):
Because exogenous variables are conceived to be determined outside the model, hypo-
thetical experiments consist of varying one exogenous variable cet. par., and determining
the effect on the endogenous variable. In order that such experiments be well dened it
is essential to specify precisely what is invariant under the hypothesized intervention;
this is the role of the uncorrelatedness assumption.
Think how an ideal experiment for the hypothesis M causes P should work. In
an experiment we vary M and we look to see if P varies correspondingly. In
the most basic case for the results to be decisive we must be assured that M
can be changed without in any other way changing P. Look back at equations
(1)(2). Can we use v as a control variable for M in an experiment to test Ms
effect on P? That depends on whether changes in v can bring about changes
in or not. In the case where v = , as in equations (5)(6) we have no
Cooley and LeRoy (1985), pp. 2912.
182 Causal theories in economics
assurances that the change in v is not produced in a way that produces a change
in , so v is not a good control variable. But if equations (1)(2) are not true, but
rather ones just like them but with v and uncorrelated, v is a candidate for a
control variable. And if equation (2) is a correct expression of the associations
in nature, we can see from the equation what will result in our experiment. If
a ,= 0, then a variation in the value of M will indeed be followed by a variation
in that of P, and not so if a = 0. But if and v are uncorrelated, we can identify
a from the probabilities. So if we knew that the exogenous variables for the
two-variable PM model were uncorrelated, we could infer whether M causes
P by looking at population data.
Although Cooley and LeRoy stress the importance of the lack of correlation
between the exogenous variables in this argument, we should not forget that
lack of correlation is not a sufcient condition even in a two-variable model.
This is easily illustrated by the familiar observation that equations (1) and (2)
can be rewritten in a way that suggests exactly the opposite causal ordering,
with the exogenous variables in the new equations still uncorrelated. That is,
equations (1) and (2) (with v) = ) = 0 and v) = 0) are equivalent to
P = (1
M = bP k (2
= av d
= ,a k d,a
k =
),ad d,a
b = 1,a
) = 0
The equivalence of (1) and (2) with (1
) and (2
) does not, however, undermine
the possibility of drawing conclusions about the causal order of M and P
given the right background information. In order to read the experimental results
fromequations (1) and (2) we must not only knowthat and v are uncorrelated,
but we must also know that (i) v causes M, (ii) represents all causes of P other
than those that operate through M, and (iii) neither v nor causes the other nor
do they have causes in common. But if these conditions are satised for v and
in equations (1) and (2) they cannot at the same time be satised for and
of equations (1
) and (2
). (I sketch a proof in the footnote.)
We suppose that causal structures can be represented by directed acyclic graphs. Each event is a
linear function of a set of variables, one fromeach of the paths leading into the node that represents
it, with the usual relations among path coefcients. Equations of this kind will be called causal
equations. It is assumed that all valid functional relations are generated from causal equations.
For a two-variable model we consider the entire graph representing the causes and effects of both
variables. Assuming that equations (1) and (2) are generated by causal equations from a two-
Probabilities and experiments 183
To summarize, Cooley and LeRoy talk about hypothetical experiments. The
experiments they consider are merely imaginary. How are Cooley and LeRoy
to tell what will happen in a purely imaginary experiment? They will look
at their equations. But the equations will tell what would happen in a proper
experiment only if the exogenous variables in the equations are uncorrelated.
I mentioned that the Cowles Commission insisted on other restrictions as well
before a systemof equations could be considered to reect a genuine ordering. I
will not lay these out here.
Let us just call any systemof equations that satises
all these constraints and has uncorrelated errors, a system of canonical form.
As I see it then, the Cooley and LeRoy proposal is this:
If a system of equations is in canonical form, we can tell by looking at the equations
what would happen in an ideal experiment. Since equations of canonical form can be
identied from the probabilities which can in turn be reliably inferred, we can thus infer
causes from population statistics.
But clearly the statistical relations between the variables in the model will
not tell whether the variables determined outside the system are correlated or
variable model in P and M, the conditions for reading experimental results in the way suggested
from these equations are the following: (i) v causes M; (ii) causes P; (iii) no paths enter P
except via or M; (iv) v does not cause , does not cause v, and there is no that causes both
v and . These conditions cannot be simultaneously satised for v and of equations (1) and (2)
and for and of equations (1
) and (2
) consistent with the requirement that = av d.
To see this consider the sets of causal equations for (1) and (2) under the assumption that these
conditions are satised in both cases:
(i) v =
(ii) =
(iii) =
i j
i j
i n1
i j
i j
i n1
i j
i j
i n1
q d
where the z
s are any variables that are not causes of or v or .
Constraints (i) to (iv) for both sets of equations require (assuming ,= 0 which is the
more difcult case) for all i, j, k, l, p : x
,= y
. x
,= w
. x
,= . x
,= . y
,= v. w
:. z
,= x
. z
,= y
. z
,= w
. z
,= . Consider how a = v d might arise. No subset
of (i)(vii) that includes any element from the set (vii) will produce an equation in , v, and
alone, since z
for the largest p can never be eliminated. Therefore we must use a set of
equations from (i)(vii) containing both (1) and (2). But inspection of the associated matrix
readily shows that (assuming v is not a constant) no set including (i) will produce an equation in
, v, alone since some x
will always occur.
In Natures Capacities and Their Measurement (1989) I spell out a full set of conditions which
are jointly sufcient for the inference of causal structure from a set of equations. See also ch. 13
in this book.
184 Causal theories in economics
not. Nor will these statistics tell us the additional information that we will need
about the causal roles of M and P. For Cooley and LeRoy that is why we need
Turn now to Simon himself. Simon presents a method for reading causal
order from linear equations. For equations (1)(2) his method determines
the order M causes P; for equations (1
) just the reverse: P causes M.
Yet the two sets of equations are observationally equivalent in that they repre-
sent the same solutions in P and M. Nevertheless, Simon maintains, there is a
difference between them. If a parameter indicated for the Mprocess (i.e. v) were
to change without any alterations in the parameters indicated for the P process
(i.e. a and ), M would change and P must as well. But if a parameter of the P
process changes while those for the M process remain xed, P would change
but M would not. (Presumably the possibility of the parameters indicated for
the P process changing while those indicated for the M process remain xed
and the converse is taken to be likely given the lack of correlation between v
and .) Simon argues that this difference between the two equation sets rep-
resents an objective, operationalizable difference between situations correctly
represented by them. Which situation is the real situation can be determined
by an experiment which controls directly either v or and then observes the
indirect changes that follow in P and M.
At this point there are two alternative ways to proceed, depending on howwe
interpret my expression the parameters indicated for the P and M processes.
The weak interpretation is that they are the parameters used in a given set of
equations to represent the marginal and conditional distributions in P and M.
In that case Simons hypothetical experiments need not match the controlled
experiments that I have suggested we take as a standard for causal testing. That is
because the procedures for these experiments require that it is not just arbitrary
parameters describing the P and M distribution that change independently of
each other, but rather those describing the causes of P and M. So there is no
ground for taking the order dictated by such an experiment to be a causal order,
or to have any signicance at all. Moreover, unless we assume, for example, that
v represents a cause of M, it is not clear why we should think that it is possible
to control it directly and thereby control M indirectly as Simon requires.
Alternatively, we could assume that Simon is taking this additional causal
information for granted. (For my own account of Simon, see ch. 13 in this book.)
As I understand it this is what Kevin Hoover wishes to do in his development
of Simons work. For Hoover, in urging that we can draw conclusions about
causal order from observations on interventions that change the probability
distribution, argues that we can do so crucially [his italics] if we can attribute
the interventions either to the money determination process or to the price
determination process.
If we do read Simon in this way, then a proof of the
Simon (1991), p. 384.
Probabilities and experiments 185
kindI describedinfootnote 1wouldcomplete his argument that the twoequation
sets represent operationizably different situations.
12.3 The stability of causal order
Having defended the possibility of using population statistics to test for causal
order, I now want to urge a caution. For most of our purposes knowing a set of
causal relations is not enough; we need to know which of these causal relations
is stable. Perhaps in the best of circumstances we can get from population
probabilities to experimental results. But are experimental results, even in a
totally ideal, perfectly controlled experiment, enough to secure what we need?
The point of making causal claims is to provide a guide for what the putative
cause can achieve not in the narrowly conned conditions of the controlled
experiment but rather in the mixed and various conditions we encounter outside
the test situation. We have still to confront the traditional problem: what licenses
the move from the results we see in experimental settings to applications we
want to make in ordinary non-experimental settings? The problem is nicely
illustrated by Engle, Hendry and Richard.
Once the distributions for the exogenous variables are provided, equations
(1) and (2) determine the joint probability distribution in P and M. I assume for
simplicity that it is normal, with v N(0.
). N(0.
), and . v) = 0.
The marginal distributions are then given by
D(M) N
D(P) N
d. a
This suggests just the result we might expect having established the causal
relation M causes P, that by changing D(M) (by changing
) we will be able
to produce desired changes in D(P). But, following Engle et al. consider an
alternative expression for the bivariate normal distribution in P and M in terms
of its covariance matrix, O = {
i j
], where
Consider now the proposal to change
while leaving
changes with
in just the right way to allow
to say xed as well. Or not. The current
Engle et al. (1983).
186 Causal theories in economics
distribution of M and P does not tell us what new distribution will obtain when
it no longer does.
Is not this Humes familiar problem of induction?: there is no guarantee
that regularities that have been observed to obtain in the past will continue to
obtain in the future? The answer is no. Hume imagined a worse situation,
for he envisaged that past regularities might fail in the future for no reason
whatsoever. The worry here is that they may change for very good reason, for
we are envisaging new background circumstances substantially different from
those in which the regularity has so far been observed to obtain and we are not
sure to what extent the change in circumstances will matter.
The regularities we have been concerned with are not mere associations
but rather causal relations and causal orderings. Engle, Hendry and Richard
distinguish between exogeneity and superexogeneity: superexogenous relations
are ones in which the parameters remain invariant across a range of envisaged
interventions. Exogeneity is not causality, but we might nevertheless borrow
their terminology and speak of causal relations and supercausal relations. I
prefer to talk instead of mere causal relations versus capacities that will be
stable across a range of envisaged changes. Using this vocabulary we can say
about our argument from experiment that it provides a way of establishing
causal relations from probabilities but it does not provide a way of drawing
inferences about supercausal relations (stable capacities).
Putting it more carefully, the point is this. If the circumstances meet
the conditions for a controlled experiment, we can sometimes (given appropriate
antecedent causal information) infer from the probability distribution over the
variables in that situation what causal relations obtain in that situation. But we
cannot infer what causal relations will obtain outside that situation. Often we do
export our causal conclusions fromone situation to another, but that is generally
because we have some prior commitment to the view that if a causal relation
obtains somewhere, it obtains on account of the exercise of some (relatively)
stable capacities. In that case any situation in which we actually know the
causal relations is as good as any another for drawing conclusions about new
situations. What is special about a controlled experiment is not that the causal
relations that obtain there are bound to obtain elsewhere, but rather that the
causal relations that obtain there can be inferred from the probabilities. The
controlled experiment is epistemologically privileged it is a good situation
for nding out about what causal relations obtain in it; but it is not ontologically
privileged the causal relations that obtain there have no special status with
respect to other situations.
But causality without invariance, one may ask, of what use is it? The
arguments here suppose that the controlled experiment is special: whatever it
I discuss the stability of causal relations in more detail in Cartwright (1989).
Probabilities and experiments 187
is we mean by causality, the ideal controlled experiment is the best test for it.
There is a considerable philosophical literature connecting causal hypotheses
with counterfactual conditionals.
The claim that smoking causes lung can-
cer in a population P supports the counterfactual (or subjunctive) conditional:
If an individual in P were to stop smoking, his or her chance of lung cancer
would be decreased. The literature stresses that the probability of a coun-
terfactual conditional [Prob (if X were to occur, Y would obtain)] cannot in
general be equated to the conditional probability [Prob (Y/X)] that describes
the population P. But the assumption is that it can be identied with certain
probabilities exhibited in ideal controlled experiments. If this assumption is
correct, then the causal knowledge that arises from controlled experiments is
of importance in decision making: it can provide predictions about what will
happen if the variables identied as causes were set at higher or lower levels.
But if the methods we propose to employ for doing so will at the same time
change the underlying chance set-up in such a way that the overall probability
distribution is altered, additional invariance assumptions will be required as
Before concluding I would like to take up one further point about the distinc-
tion between invariance and causality and discuss how this distinction affects
another proposed test for causal hypotheses in econometrics. The test again
involves the idea of a controlled experiment; it has been advocated by Kevin
Hoover in his development of Simons work and in particular it has been applied
in Hoover
to the problem of determining the causal direction between price
and money. We begin with equations (1) and (2) with v) = 0. (For discussion
of another of Hoovers accounts see ch. 14 in this book.) As before we assume
that v causes M and that represents all causes of P that do not operate through
Mand that does not cause v nor the reverse nor do the two have a cause in com-
mon. Consider what happens when we intervene in the money determination
process. Standard experimental procedure involves changing the distribution in
M without intervening in any way in the processes distribution of P changes as
well. Hoover adds a second test: change the distribution of M and look to see
if the conditional distribution of P on M stays the same. Hoover says:
money causes price and if the intervention was in the money-determination
process, say a change in Federal Reserve Policy . . . one would expect D(P,M)
to be stable, although not D(P). The question is why is this a reasonable test
for the hypothesis money causes price? The rst test, which looks for changes
in D(P) on changes in D(M), is warranted as a test for causality on the grounds
that it tracks ideal experimental procedure. What is the justication for looking
for stability in D(P,M)?
Cf. Harper et al. (1981); also further discussion in ch. 16 of this book.
1991, p. 384.
188 Causal theories in economics
One answer is clear. If M causes P, then in a two-variable model D(P,M)
measures the strength of Ms effect on P.
Clearly the question of the invariance
of the strength of this inuence across envisaged interventions in M is one
of considerable interest in itself. But nding out the answer is not a test for
causality, either in the original situation or in any of the new situations that
might be created by intervention. Even if M causes P in the original situation
and continues to do so across all of the changes envisaged, there is in general
no reason to think that interventions that change the distribution of M will not
also affect the mechanism by which M brings about P, and hence also change
the strength of Ms inuence on P.
Consider next what can be expected under the strong but not unusual assump-
tion that the causal structure stays entirely xed under the interventions envis-
aged in the money determination process. Changes in D(v) are supposed to
be introduced without changes in D(), so
Figure 14(1.1)
Figure 14(1.2)
14.3.1 Joint effects
Consider equation system (1.1) and the corresponding g. 14(1.1), where the
arrows in the diagramrepresent your favourite kind of production causality. For
these purpose I always think about mechanical devices like bicycles or toasters,
where production causality depends on the operation of simple machines. (I use
Greek letters for parameters, Latin letters for variables and suppress the eld
variables, which are meant to stay constant.)
M = (1.1)
P =
So here is a joint production-cause of both P and M and contributes to the
production causation of P but not of M.
Despite the fact that we have supposed that there is no causal connection
in our machine between P and M, that is not how it looks from the strategy-
point of view. Since Par
= {] Par
= {. ], M strategy causes P. These
relations are represented in g. 14(1.2), where the thick arrows indicate strategy
causation, and in the corresponding equations (1.2):
M = (1.2)
P = M
So strategy causation and production causation are not the same.
208 Causal theories in economics
t +1
t +1
: :
t +n
t +n
Hoovers g. 6.1
Figure 14(2.1)
14.3.2 The equivalence problem
In his discussion of temporal order in economics, Hoover gives the example of
the simple dynamic system we see in his g. 6.1,
where the arrows represent
short-run causality. In this diagram M and P at t jointly cause M and P at
t 1 and so forth. The diagram corresponds to the following error-correction
model (p. 139):
= LM
= LP
Hoover (2001), p. 139.
Hoover on Simon on causation 209
The equilibrium, or long-run solution for this model is given in equations
(2.1) (where I have changed the parameters for simplicity of notation):
M = (2.1)
P = M
So Hoover himself acknowledges different types of causality the short run
and the long run. He tells us (pp. 139140),
Despite the absence of temporal order in the steady state, M causes P in Simons [NC:
strategy] sense. This seems a natural sense of cause. In the short run a change to any
of the parameters . . . compels a change to both M and P in a well-dened temporal
succession. But the steady-state value of M cannot be affected by the setting of . . . [],
while any change to its own steady-state value due to a change in . . . [] forces the
steady-state value of P to change.
This, however, is not the difference I am pointing to. For in Hoovers case
the different kinds of causal relations hold between what are in fact different
quantities the value of M or P at each particular time versus the value of M or
P in equilibrium. I want to point out that even when the very same quantities
are at stake, there are still different kinds of causal relations to be considered.
I will use Hoovers own equations (2.1) to illustrate. Hoover in this case obvi-
ously has in mind (equilibrium) price and (equilibrium) money as the quantities
of interest. For these perhaps the idea of production causation does not make
sense so that we may be left with strategy causation as the only interesting
concept of causation that could apply. To show clearly that where both apply
they can be distinct I shall use instead an example where P and M represent
quantities that can clearly have both kinds of relations a case where we have
a machine, a real mechanical machine, that we manipulate to produce desired
results. The example comes from my visit to the Institute of Advanced Study
in Bologna.
There was a lovelymachine inmyresidence inBologna that dispensedlemon-
ade and biscuits. When it dispensed lemonade it made clack-clack noises
by a pump, I was told; for biscuits, a whirring noise, by a motor. Most often
it made both kinds of noises and gave out both lemonade and biscuits. I never
knew if the motor tripped the pump or the reverse or neither, though I was told
that the whole thing was made from bicycle parts by local students so I knew
that whatever connections there were, were all mechanical. There were levers
on the machine to push in order to get the lemonade and biscuits but my Italian
was not good enough to read the instructions. So whichever I wanted, I just
pulled all the levers and I always got both.
This machine can provide a second example of howproduction causality and
strategy causality diverge. My rst hypothesis of howthe lemonade and biscuits
210 Causal theories in economics
Figure 14(2.2)
were dispensed is represented in g. 14(2.1), where the quantity of action of
the motor is represented by M, the rate of the pump by P, the motion of two
levers by and . For simplicity I also suppose that all the relations are linear,
as represented in the equation set (2.1).
On the other hand I also had the feeling that I heard the pump rst and
also that the motor whirred less vigorously when the lever was pulled. So
I entertained an alternative hypothesis as well, represented in g. 14(2.2) and
equations (2.2), which keep the same functional relations but with a different
causal order.
P = (2.2)
M = P
Later I met the students who built the machine. They told me that my second
hypothesis was right: and started the pump, which triggered the motor but
had an attachment that damped the motor.
What are the strategy-causal relations for this machine? and are param-
eters sufcient to x both M and P and
= {] {. ] = Par
so on Hoovers account M strategy-causes P. And that is reasonable. Anything
I could do to set P set Mas well, but not the reverse, even though the production
relations are just opposite to the strategy ones. If we insist that the two must
match, it seems the students must have been lying they could not have built
the machine as they said. But that makes no sense. I take it that they built it just
as they said but that production and strategy are not the same.
14.4 Modularity a reconciliation of production and strategy?
There is an immediate solution to the joint effects problem that Hoover might
avail himself of. He could take up the claim of Daniel Hausman, James Wood-
ward, Judea Pearl and others discussed in chs. 7 and 8 in this book that we
cannot properly call a system causal unless it is modular that is, unless for
each variable v in the variable set V of the system there is a way for v to be
Hoover on Simon on causation 211
xed that has no effects in the system other than via v. In Hoovers case where
we assume that the laws are not changeable (and assuming linearity through-
out), modularity demands that the system must be epistemically convenient, as
dened in ch. 10.
This is an extremely strong condition, as I argued in chs. 7 and 8, so Hoover
like me may not wish to adopt it as a universal constraint on causality.
though, since facts about causal order are xed for Hoover entirely by facts
about parameters, modularity can only help with the joint effects problem if it
is additionally assumed that the special variables that ensure epistemic conve-
nience can be counted as parameters which means that we must be able to
control each of them directly and that is a stronger requirement still. But let
us adopt the proposal to see if it works. Suppose then
EC/Par: for every variable v in V there is a cause u
of v that causes nothing else in V
except via v, and u
The idea is that cases like (1.1) do not really exist (or the relations therein are not
properly labelled causal); instead the true structure must be that of (1.2). In this
case Hoovers analysis yields the results that neither P nor M strategy-causes
the other, in exact line with the facts about production causation.
What about the equivalence problem? If the students are not telling the
straight story about how they built the lemonade/biscuit machine and (2.1)
is the correct production picture after all, the machine satises EC/Par and the
strategy-cause diagram is identical to it. But what if they have indeed built the
machine to the blueprint of (2.2) as they say? According to our newassumption,
that could never happen. P and M must be epistemically convenient, even if the
factors that guarantee this are not salient. The true diagram would then have to
be (2.2
), with corresponding equations
P = (2.2
M = P
So there would have to be somewhere on the machine another lever that I
never noticed.
Consider now what happens if the same functional relations are assumed to
hold but it is M that trips P as the students claim, and not the reverse. In this
Perhaps he does though, at least for any situations for which we may be concerned to deliver
causal verdicts. For instance he says of an example by Michael Tooley in which modularity
fails, The situation is pragmatically impossible; there is no situation related to human interest
or purpose that is analogous to this one (Hoover 2001, p. 104). I gather that Hoover thinks this
in part because he believes that there are always factors in the causal eld that could be brought
out of the eld and put into the set of parameters. But this proposal needs a great deal of spelling
out: what does it mean; will causal order then be relative to what we have decided to put in
the eld versus the parameter set; will causal order be consistent as variables are successively
brought out of the eld and put into the parameter set, etc.?
212 Causal theories in economics
Figure 14(2.2
Figure 14(2.1
Figure 14(2.3)
case the new equations will be
M = (2.1
P = M
with corresponding g. 14(2.1
). Notice that both diagrams blueprint possi-
ble machines to build, but with opposite production-cause order for P and M.
Clearly the strategy-cause order cannot agree with both. Which does strat-
egy causation favour? Neither. For both equations (2.1
) and (2.2
), Par
{. ] and Par
= {. ], which gives g. 14(2.3) in which neither P nor M
causes the other.
Nothing so far assumed stops the building of either the machine represented
in (2.1
) or that of (2.2
), with either of the opposing causal orders for P and
M; nor does there seem to be anything else that would prohibit either that
Hoover on Simon on causation 213
we have not formally assumed. Yet the strategy-causal verdict about P and M
will not coincide with the production-cause arrangement in either case. So it
seems we must conclude that strategy causation and production causation are
14.5 Is the alternative to strategy really production?
So far I used the label production causality for the relations I am contrasting
with Hoovers strategy causation and I have focused attention on machines that
embody these kinds of relations. But that focus was far too narrow. Nothing
has been assumed in the examples about mechanical causation or any of the
characteristics special to it, such as the existence of spatio-temporally contin-
uous causal processes linking cause and effect. What has been assumed is that
all the functionally true relations that hold in the given situation can be rep-
resented in what in ch. 10 is dened as a linear deterministic system. This is
a system of linear equations for which there is a special subset the causal
equations that generates the rest, where the causeeffect relations represented
in the equations satisfy a number of common axioms, such as asymmetry and
These are certainly weaker assumptions than we would expect for mechanical
causation or for any causal-process notion of causality. After all, as noted at the
end of ch. 13, strategy relations too can take exactly the same form. It seems
thus that my label for these relations has been ill chosen. But it is difcult to
nd an alternative. On the other hand, an alternative is not really needed for the
central point here. Hoovers relations are one special kind of causal relation,
one especially geared to use; and verdicts about the kinds of relations Hoover
denes must not be taken to warrant claims about any of the other kinds of
causal relation we might be concerned with.
14.6 Can strategy relations be rock bottom?
I began this book with the claim that different kinds of causal relations are
exhibited in different kinds of system. The contrast discussed here between
strategy and production/structural relations is a case in point. Still, one might
feel, the strategy relations themselves cannot be basic. They must depend on
some other causal relations that look far more like production relations. I think
this is an assumption we must be wary of.
Notice Hoovers own derivation of the strategy equations (2.1). Here there is
indeed something else a process that is at least time-ordered that is supposed
to undergird the strategy relations. Recall though that the process he describes
in his g. 6.1 does not involve the same quantities as do the strategy relations,
and in particular it is not a process that lls in the intervening steps, starting with
214 Causal theories in economics
the strategy cause (the equilibrium value of M) and ending with the strategy
effect (the equilibrium value of P). So if one does have the view that strategy
relations must always rest on something else, one will have to be very careful
how that view is formulated and just what the something else can be.
Afar weaker viewwould be that there is always some thick(er) description of
what is going on, a description that uses causally loaded language, of which the
strategy description is a good abstract representation. The difference between
the stronger intuition and this is that this weaker view does not suppose that
the thick causal facts that support a set of strategy relations must be of some
specic kind (or kinds). They need not be representable as any recognizable
kind of causal system with xed characteristics, such as a Bayes-nets system,
a linear deterministic system or a spatio-temporally continuous causal process.
And if we can reconstruct a particular case formally as a system with particular
features, we do not expect that these features must be shared by all cases where
strategy relations hold nor do we expect that all the underlying descriptions
must have anything interesting in common.
14.7 The range of production relations versus strategy relations
In general it is difcult to compare the range of different kinds of system
where different kinds of causal relations apply. As I described in parts I and II,
Bayes-nets causation applies to systems that satisfy the causal Markov condi-
tion, faithfulness and minimality and for these it may not be possible to ll in
temporally intervening variables between any cause and its effect.
But just
this is required for causal process causation. On the other hand causal process
causation can hold where the requirements for Bayes-nets relations fail. Which
has the wider range of application?
In our case though a comparison can be made. The causal knowledge obtain-
able by Simons methods as reconstructed by me in ch. 13 is knowledge of
production relations.
For this to have the same kind of immediate causal rel-
evance as Hoovers strategy relations, the systems under study must satisfy
For a similar point see ch. 5 in Cartwright (1999). There I consider a version of a causal
process requirement: a cause and an effect must always be connected by a spatio-temporally
continuous process that carries the causal inuence from one to the other. We might insist that
this requirement be met in each actually occurring case of a causeeffect relation that is, on
the singular level. But that does not show that at the level of structural/production principles
(generic-level causation) there is always betweenanytwoprinciples another principle describing
the production of a temporally intermediate effect. What stands between in particular cases may
be a myriad of different intermediate processes with different features that fall in no natural
category or set of categories.
Cartwright (1999), ch. 5.
Again, this is not really correct; see section 14.5 above where I point out that production is a
Hoover on Simon on causation 215
an additional strong constraint beyond those listed in ch. 13. If this constraint
is added, then every system that can be treated using my version of Simons
methods can be treated using Hoovers version, but not the reverse.
To see why consider the immediate policy relevance of Hoovers strategy
relations. If the econometrician can assure us that there is good evidence that
x strategy-causes y, then we know that if we go about setting the value of
x, y will be affected. To get the same information applying my version of
Simons production/structure methods will take a two-step process with two
corresponding limits on scope. The econometrician must rst determine the
production relations. On my reconstruction this will require the system to meet
all the assumptions of ch. 13. This means among other things that the relations
among the variables in V are identiable and that each variable in V has an
open back path, where the open-back-path variables are in U .
How then is the information about causal relations to be put to use? If we
know that x causes y, we can consider changing y by changing x. If we are to
do so without disturbing the very principles by which the system operates, we
shall have to change one of the us that causes x, and if we want to ensure that in
so doing we are not changing y in any other way, we had best do so by changing
a factor in the open back path of x that is, u
. But to do that we must be able
to control u
Suppose then that we add the constraint that the members of U are all con-
trollable by us. This will severely limit the range of situations to which the
account applies. It will also ensure that all of Hoovers conditions are met since
then the members of U are sufcient to x the values of the members of V and
they are all controllable by us; that is, the us are parameters in Hoovers sense.
So any system for which we can use Simons production/structure relations for
policy advice in the way suggested
will be a system to which Hoovers notion
of strategy causation applies.
The converse though is not the case. In a Hoover system, the relations between
the parameters and the variables will be identiable, but the relations among the
variables themselves need not be. But identiability of the relations among the
variables is a starting point for the applicability of Simons production/causality
relations as reconstructed by me. So Hoovers strategy concept of causation
applies to every system in which my production/structure concept applies if we
I should note that Hoover himself puts my claims about the assumptions back to front. I say
that one can distinguish mere INUS conditions from genuine (production/structure) causes in
a system if the system satises the open-back-path assumption. Hoover reports me as claiming
that we can distinguish the two only if the system satises the assumption (Hoover (2001),
p. 103).
There will of course be various other ways to use this information than the straightforward
connection suggested: change x to change y. So we must be careful not to read what I say as
the strong claim that every time production causation could be useful for policy in any way, we
will have a system to which the concept of strategy causation applies.
216 Causal theories in economics
demand that the latter systems also yield the same type of policy advice we can
get from Hoovers strategy relations. But not the reverse.
There are however some drawbacks. Hoover is essentially looking at reduced
forms. In the settings he considers, the relation between the variables and the
parameters is indeed identiable that is, from the probability distribution of P
V we can ascertain the relations between parameters and variables. But how
will we learn this probability distribution? Given the nature of what Hoover calls
parameters, it is unlikely that we will observe sufcient variation to estimate
this. This is a standard problem in dealing directly with the reduced form.
When we consider production relations, however, we are looking at the rela-
tions among familiar economic quantities. For these we often have a great deal
of both theory and data. We often get the reduced form as just that, as and
only as a reduced form from a set of equations determined partly by theory
and partly by econometric identication. This means that we have more help
in learning about production causality than about strategy causality.
So when it comes to the kind of more immediate policy relevance that Hoover
introduces, Simons methods as reconstructed by him are more widely appli-
cable than as reconstructed by me. On the other hand, by ignoring the internal
production relations among economic quantities, Hoover loses the potential for
theory to help in the discovery of the policy-relevant relations he highlights.
The lesson seems to be that both concepts of causation should have their place
in economics.
15 The vanity of rigour in economics: theoretical
models and galilean experiments
15.1 Introduction
My topic in this chapter is the old and familiar one of the unrealism of assump-
tions in economic models, especially models aimed at establishing causal con-
nections. For a long time I have maintained that economics is unfairly criticized
for the use of unrealistic assumptions.
I can summarize my viewby comparing
an economic model to a certain kind of ideal experiment in physics: criticizing
economic models for using unrealistic assumptions is like criticizing Galileos
rolling ball experiments for using a plane honed to be as frictionless as possi-
ble. This defence of economic modelling has a bite, however. On the one hand,
it makes clear why some kinds of unrealistic assumptions will do; but on the
other, it highlights how totally misleading other kinds can be and these other
kinds of assumptions are ones that may be hard to avoid given the nature of
contemporary economic theory.
The theme for the volume in which this chapter originally appeared is exper-
iments in economics. My project is not to understand experiments but rather to
use experiments to understand theorizing in economics; more specically, to
understand one particular mode of theorizing that is prominent in economics
nowadays theorizing by the construction of models for what Robert Lucas
describes as analogue economies.
Lucas does not dene exactly what an
analogue economy is. What I have in mind is theorizing by the construction
of models that depict specic kinds of economies and depict them in a certain
way. We do not in this kind of theorizing simply lay down laws or principles
of a specic form that are presumed to obtain in the economy, as we might
in setting out a large-scale macroeconomic model whose parameters we aim
Work on this project has been supported by the Measurement in Physics and Economics Project at
the LSE and by the Leverhulme-funded project on the Historical School at the Centre for History
and Economics, Cambridge. I am grateful for both the nancial and the intellectual help from
these two groups, as well as to Sang Wook Yi for helping with the last stages of argumentation
and preparation. This paper was rst presented at a conference on experiments in 1999 (The Fifth
Annual European Conference on the History of Economics, Paris). It sat a long time waiting for
publication in the volume arising from the conference.
Cartwright (1989; 1998).
Lucas (1981), p. 272.
218 Causal theories in economics
to estimate. Rather we justify them from our description of the agents, or sec-
tors, or other signicant causal factors in the economy and our description of
their signicant actions and interactions. Economic principles are employed of
course, of necessity, such as the demand for equilibrium of some kind, or the
assumption that economic agents act to maximize what they take to be their
self-interest. But the detailed form of any principles or equations used will be
peculiar tothe kindof economydescribedandthe kinds of interactions that occur
in it.
Analogue economies generally have only a small number of features, a small
number of agents and a small number of options for what can happen, all
represented by thin concepts. I call the concepts thin because, although they
are often homonymous with everyday economic concepts or occasionally with
concepts from earlier economic theories, little of their behaviour from the real
world is imported into the model. Seldom, for instance, do we make use of
low level empirical relations established by induction. Instead, as we shall
see, the behaviour of the features they represent is xed by the structure of the
model and its assumptions in conjunction with the few general principles that
are allowed without controversy in this kind of theorizing.
Lucas is a good spokesman in favour of this kind of theorizing, and that
is why I cite him. But the method is in no way peculiar to his point of view.
Modelling by the construction of analogue economies is a widespread technique
in economic theory nowadays; in particular, it is a technique that is shared
across both sides of the divide between micro- and macroeconomics. It is the
standard way in which game theory is employed; the same is true for rational
expectations theory and also for other kinds of theorizing that rely primarily
on the assumption that agents act to maximize their utility. As Lucas urges, the
important point about analogue economies is that everything is known about
them i.e. their characteristics are entirely explicit
and within them the
propositions we are interested in can be formulated rigorously and shown to
be valid (p. 67). With respect to real economies, generally there are a great
variety of different opinions about what will happen, and the different opinions
can all be plausible. But for these constructed economies, our views about what
will happen are statements of veriable fact (p. 271).
The method of verication is deduction: we know what does happen in one
of these economies because we know what must happen given our general
principles and the characteristics of the economy. We are, however, faced with
a trade off: we can have totally veriable results but only about economies that
are not real. As Lucas says, Any model that is well enough articulated to give
clear answers to the questions we put to it will necessarily be articial, abstract,
patently unreal (p. 271).
Lucas (1981), pp. 78.
Theoretical models and Galilean experiments 219
How then do these analogue economies relate to the real economies that we
are supposed to be theorizing about? Here is where experiment comes into play,
ideal experiments, like Galileos balls rolling down a smooth inclined plane.
For a long time I have maintained that experiments like Galileos are the clue
to understanding one way in which analogue economies can teach us about
empirical reality. They show us why the unrealism of the models assumptions
need not be a problem. Indeed, to the contrary, the high degree of idealization
involved is essential to the ability of the model to teach about the real world,
rather than being a problematic feature we had best eliminate. But I will return
thentothe feature of these models that is generallythought tobe unproblematic
their use of deduction. For my overall suspicion is that the way deductivity is
achieved in economic models may undermine the possibility I open up for them
to teach genuine truths about empirical reality. So in the end I may be taking
back with one hand what I give with the other.
As I mentioned at the start, this chapter is about a very familiar topic: the
unrealism of assumptions in deriving causal results from economic models.
Section 15.2 will put this problem in a somewhat less familiar perspective by
identifying it with the problem of external validity, or parallelism, in experi-
ments. Section 15.3 explains why experiments matter: because many models
aim to isolate a single causal process to study on its own, just as Galileo did
with his studies of gravitational attraction. Using the language of John Stuart
this kind of model aims to establish tendencies to behave in certain ways,
not to describe the overall behaviour that occurs. For this job, it is essential that
models make highly unrealistic assumptions, for we need to see what happens
in the very unusual case where only the single factor of interest affects the out-
come. Section 15.4 raises the question of how we can draw interesting and rich
deductive conclusions in economics given that we have so few principles to use
as premises; section 15.5 answers that often it seems we ll in by relying on the
detailed structure of the model. But then it takes back the solace offered in sec-
tions 15.2 and 15.3. For in that case the conclusions are tied to these structural
assumptions, assumptions that go well beyond what is necessary for Galilean
idealization; the results do not depend just on the process in question but are
rather overconstrained. This means that Galilean inference to tendencies that
hold outside the experimental set-up is jeopardized. So in the end the problems
involved in using highly unrealistic assumptions can loom as large as ever.
15.2 External validity: a problem for models and experiments alike
Lucas speaks of the analogue economies of contemporary economic theorizing
as stand-ins for experiment:
1836; 1843.
Lucas (1981), p. 274.
220 Causal theories in economics
One of the functions of theoretical economics is to provide fully articulated, articial
economic systems that can serve as laboratories in which policies that would be pro-
hibitively expensive to experiment with in actual economics can be tested out at much
lower cost.
As we know from Mary Morgan, many of the originators of econometrics
viewed their econometric models in a similar way, for they thought of situa-
tions in which the parameters of their structural models could be identied as
situations in which by good luck nature is running an experiment for us.
Francesco Guala too talks about the similarities between laboratory experi-
ments in economics and the kinds of theoretical models I am discussing here.
Guala has been studying how experiments work; I have been trying to under-
stand how theoretical models work. We have both been struck by the structural
similarities between the two. I am particularly interested in the fact that both
laboratory experiments and theoretical models in economics are criticized for
the articiality of the conditions they set up. As Lucas says, the assumptions
of our theoretical models in economics are typically articial, abstract and
patently unreal.
Thinking about this very same complaint with respect to the laboratory exper-
iments we performnowadays in economics provides us with a useful vocabulary
to describe the problems arising from the unrealism of assumptions in theoret-
ical models and to see our way around them. When we design an experiment
or a quasi-experiment in the social sciences, we aim simultaneously for both
internal validity and for external validity. An experimental claim is internally
valid when we can be sure that it has genuinely been established to hold in the
experimental situation. External validity or parallelism as economists call
it is more ambitious. For that the experiment must be designed to ensure
that the result should hold in some kinds of targeted situations or populations
outside the experimental set-up.
It is a well-known methodological truism that in almost all cases there will
be a trade off between internal validity and external validity. The conditions
needed in order to increase the chances of internal validity are generally at
odds with those that provide grounds for external validity. The usual complaint
here is about the articiality of the circumstances required to secure internal
validity: if we want to take the lessons, literally interpreted (you should note the
literally interpreted I shall return to it below), from inside the laboratory to
outside, it seems that the experimental situation should be as similar as possible
in relevant respects to the target situation. But for the former we need to set up
very special circumstances so that we can be sure that nothing confounds the
putative result, and these are generally nothing like the kinds of circumstances
to which we want to apply our results.
Morgan (1990).
Guala (2005).
Theoretical models and Galilean experiments 221
This is exactly what we see in the case of economic models. Analogue
economies are designed to ensure internal validity. In an analogue economy
we know the result obtains because we can establish by deduction that it has
to obtain. But to have this assurance we must provide an analogue economy
with a simple and clear enough structure that ensures that deduction will be
possible. In particular we need to make very special assumptions matched to
the general principles we use: we must attribute to this economy characteristics
that can be represented mathematically in just the right kind of form, a formthat
can be fed into the principles in order to get deductive consequences out. And
this very special kind of dovetailing that can provide just what is needed for
deduction is not likely to be provided by conditions that occur in the economy at
large, as Lucas and all other theorists using these methods admit. In this kind of
theorizing it looks as if we buy internal validity at the cost of external validity.
Nor is the problem conned to the thought experiments we conduct with
our constructed models. It also appears in the real experiments we conduct
nowadays in economics; and it reveals a signicant difference in concerns
between economics and many other branches of social science. Experimental
economists report astoundingconrmationof a number of economic hypotheses
they have been testing recently.
These experimental economists are also very
proud of their experimental designs, which they take to have minimized the
chances of drawing mistaken conclusions. Yet, apparently, it is difcult for
them to get their results published in social science journals outside their own
eld, because, referees claim, they have virtually no guarantees of external
So the results, it is felt, lack general interest or signicance.
15.3 Tendencies and Galilean idealizations
Now I should like to argue that a great many of the unrealistic assumptions
we nd in models and experiments alike are not a problem. To the contrary,
they are required to do the job; without them the experiment would be no
experiment at all. For we do not need to assume that the aim of the kind of
theorizing under discussion is to establish results in our analogue economies
that will hold outside them when literally interpreted. Frequently what we are
doing in this kind of economic theory is not trying to establish facts about what
happens in the real economy but rather, following John Stuart Mill, facts about
stable tendencies. Consider a stock example of mine a model designed by my
colleague Chris Pissarides to study the effects of skill loss on unemployment.
What we want to learn from the analogue economy described by Pissarides is
Cf. Plott (1991) and Smith (1991).
Conversation with Charles Plott, California Institute of Technology, May 1997.
Pissarides (1992).
222 Causal theories in economics
not whether there will be persistence in unemployment in the real economy but
instead what skill loss will contribute to persistence what skill loss tends to
produce, not what eventually occurs whenever skill loss occurs.
So what I maintain is that the analogue economies described in contemporary
economic models look like experiments, where the experimental aspect matters.
The models almost always concentrate on a single mechanismor causal process.
For example, Pissarides model studies the effect (if any) of skill loss during
unemployment on the persistence of unemployment shocks via the disincentives
arising fromloss of skills in the labour pool for employers to create jobs in areas
where skill affects productivity. The idea is to isolate this process; to study it in
a setting where nothing else is going on that might affect the outcome as well.
The model is constructed to assure us that whatever result we see is indeed due
to the process under study.
Consider the skill-loss model. Loss or not of skill during unemployment is the
only exogenous variable. Firms act to maximize prots and only to maximize
prots. We can trace through the model to see that the only variation in prots
will be due to the number of jobs that rms decide to create in the face of
a labour pool containing unemployed workers and to the productivity of the
workers hired. For this model we can derive rigorously that unemployment in
one period is dependent on unemployment in the previous period if and only
if skills are lost during unemployment. It looks as if this model allows us to
see exactly what effects loss of skill has on unemployment persistence via the
disincentive it creates for job creation.
What can we conclude? Can we conclude that we have learned a fact about
skill loss per se, a fact we can expect to be generally true, true not just in
this analogue economy but in other economies as well? Certainly not if we try
to read the conclusion as one about the association between loss of skill and
unemployment persistence with some kind of quantier in front: always, or for
the most part, or even sometimes, if there is skill loss in sectors where skills
matter to productivity, there will be unemployment persistence. Clearly a good
deal else could be going on to offset the effects of skill loss, even to swamp
them entirely; indeed we might never see persistence in any case of skill loss,
even though the model shows correctly that skill loss leads to unemployment
This is why we turn to the notion of stable tendencies:
in any situation
skill loss tends to produce persistence in unemployment shocks. What does this
Cartwright (1989; 1998). I have myself defended the importance of tendencies throughout the
social and natural sciences, wherever the analytic method is in play (see Cartwright (1989)) and
have specically maintained, possibly incorrectly given the arguments here, that we can learn
about them via our formal models (see Cartwright (1998)). Daniel Hausman (Hausman (1992))
in his arguments that economics is a separate but not an exact science also sees tendencies as
standard in economic theory.
Theoretical models and Galilean experiments 223
mean in terms of what actually happens? There does not seemto be any general
rule in economic theory that answers, as vector addition does on Mills account
of the tendencies of different forces in classical mechanics. Nevertheless, if
economic theory is to aspire to be an exact science, there had better be at least a
case-by-case answer. And presumably this answer can in general be generated
by the specic model that testies to the tendency, in conjunction with any
general economic theory we are in a position to assume.
For the skill-loss
tendency, I take it that we assume roughly that in any situation where skills
matter to productivity and the decision to create new jobs by a rm is in part
determined by its expected prot, unemployment at one period will depend on
previous levels of unemployment if workers are thought to lose skills during
unemployment and not otherwise, even if this dependency on past levels plays
only a small part in determining present levels.
Probably no one thinks we have established even that, though, because
economists, like other social scientists, are alert to the possibility of inter-
action, as Mill himself warned. In some situations some factors may distort
the skill-loss mechanism so much that loss of skill behaves differently in those
situations fromthe way it behaves in our analogue economy. Of course if we are
going to avoid manuvres that are entirely ad hoc we shall have to ensure that
interaction is given real veriable content whenever it is invoked. In principle
this should be possible since the theoretical model is supposed to lay bare how
the process operates in the rst place distortions are judged relative to it.
We can see the general points more clearly by thinking again about the kind of
laboratory experiment that aims to establish a tendency claim. Perhaps rather
than thinking of economics experiments, which tend to be controversial, we
should take an illustration fromphysics, let us say Galileos famous experiments
to establish the effect of the attraction of the earth on a falling body, one of which
is illustrated in g. 15.1 (Leaning tower).
Galileos experiments aimed to establish what I have been calling a tendency
claim. They were not designed to tell us how any particular falling body will
move in the vicinity of the earth; nor to establish a regularity about how bodies
of a certain kind will move. Rather, the experiments were designed to nd
out what contribution the motion due to the pull of the earth will make, with
the assumption that that contribution is stable across all the different kinds of
situations falling bodies will get into. How did Galileo nd out what the stable
contribution from the pull of the earth is? He eliminated (as far as possible) all
other causes of motion on the bodies in his experiment so that he could see how
they move when only the earth affects them. That is the contibution that the
earths pull makes to their motion.
Cartwright (1989; 1998; 1999). I have elsewhere (Cartwright (1999)) described a variety of rules
for combining tendencies besides vector addition, as well as explaining what we can do with
tendency knowledge even when there are no general rules available for combining tendencies.
224 Causal theories in economics
Figure 15.1 Leaning tower (designed by Emily Cartwright)
Theoretical models and Galilean experiments 225
Let us call this kind of idealization, which eliminates all other possible causes
to learn the effect of one operating on its own, Galilean idealization. My point
is that the equivalent of Galilean idealization in a model is a good thing. It is
just what allows us to carry the results we nd in the experiment to situations
outside in the tendency sense. We need the idealizing assumptions to be able
to do this. Otherwise we have no ground for thinking the behaviour we see in
the experiment is characteristic of the earths pull at all. Indeed, we knowit will
not be.
We can contrast these Galilean experiments with experiments that have a
quite different aim and correlatively a quite different structure. Consider what
happens when we build a prototype of a new device and experiment on it to
ensure that it will work correctly when put to use. In this case we do not aim
to learn an abstract tendency claim. Instead we want to nd out what actual
behaviours occur. So the experimental conditions should be very realistic to
the conditions in the target situations and vary appropriately across them. And
without more said, we have no reason to expect the results in the experiment
to obtain in any situations except those that resemble the conditions in the
Here we see another trade off. If an experiment is very, very unrealistic in
just the right way, its results can be applicable almost everywhere. But they will
not be able to tell you what happens anywhere else since they only establish the
contribution or tendency of the factor in question. Experiments that are very
realistic can tell you what happens. But they are highly limited in their scope, for
they can only tell you what happens in situations that look like the experimental
set-up. And experiments in between are usually pretty uninformative on both
matters. Of course we may be very lucky. It may be, for instance, that the cause
or small set of causes that we isolate in our experiment (or in our model) is also
the dominant cause in the real situations we want to know about. In that case
our Galilean experiments (and the corresponding models) will not only give us
tendencies but will be approximately descriptively accurate as well.
Back to models again. If the deductions have been carried out correctly and
the general principles employed are true in the target situations, the results of
the model will obtain in any real situations that t the description that the model
provides. And in general we have no reason to think they will obtain anywhere
else. But if what the model describes satises the requirements to be a Galilean-
style experiment, it can do more. It can tell us what happens in an experimental
situation and thereby tell us about the tendency of the features in question. So
Galilean idealization in a model is a good thing.
15.4 How deductivity can be secured and at what cost
The problems I worry about arise when not all of the unrealistic assumptions
required for the derivations in a model are ones that characterize an ideal
226 Causal theories in economics
experiment. What I fear is that in general a good number of the false assumptions
made with our theoretical models may not have the form of Galilean idealiza-
tions. Before I go into details about these kinds of extra-Galilean assumptions,
I shall rst lay the groundwork by explaining why we might expect to nd them
as features of our analogue economies. The need for these stronger constraints
the ones that go beyond Galilean idealization comes, I believe, as a result of
the nature of economic theory itself. To see how, let us look again at what kinds
of theory are available in economics to aid in the construction of models and at
what kinds of concepts they deploy.
The bulk of the concepts used in these models are concepts naming socio-
economic quantities that are familiar to the layman, not only as the targeted
results to be explained but also as the proposed explanatory factors, concepts
like persistence in unemployment and loss of skill during unemployment, or cur-
rent price, tax, demand, consumption, labour, wages, capital, prot and money
supply, or assessment of skills, private information and in-rm training, or,
to take an example from game-theoretic political economy, power to redis-
tribute, incentives for credible information transmission and political failure in
the transmission of information.
This is my rst observation: most of the concepts employed in these models
are highly concrete empirical concepts. My second observation is that the task
is to establish useful relations among these via deduction. The problem comes
with my third observation: the theory that is presumed is very meagre. There are
not many principles available to use in the deductions. We have only a handful
of very general principles that we employ without controversy in economics,
such as the principles of utility theory. Nor are there usually many concrete
empirical principles imported into the models either. I take it that this is part of
the strategy for the models. Almost any principle with real empirical content
in economics is highly contentious and we try to construct models that use as
few controversial assumptions as possible. But this makes difculties for the
scope of the theory. If the results are supposed just to fall out by deduction
from the principles, where there are not many principles, we will not get many
results either. How, then, can we deduce results in our models when we have
few general principles to call on?
To answer, consider what typical models for analogue economics look like.
These models tend to be simple in one respect: they usually have only a few
agents with few options and only a narrow range of both causes and effects
is admitted. Yet there is another way in which they are complex, at least by
comparison with physics models doing the same kind of thing: they have a
lot of structure. The list of assumptions specifying exactly what the analogue
economyis like is verylong. Consider one of Lucass ownmodels, fromhis 1973
Expectations and the Neutrality of Money.
I choose this example because it
Lucas (1981), pp. 6689.
Theoretical models and Galilean experiments 227
is a paper whose technically demanding form is explicitly defended by Lucas
(p. 9). Section 2 is titled The structure of the economy, i.e. the structure of
the analogue economy that Lucas uses to study money illusion. What follows
is section 2 (pp. 679) in its entirety:
In order to exhibit the phenomena described in the introduction, we shall utilize an
abstract model economy, due in many of its essentials to Samuelson. Each period, N
identical individuals are born, each of whom lives for two periods (the current one and
the next). In each period, then, there is a constant population of 2N: N of age 0 and
N of age 1. During the rst period of life, each person supplies, at his discretion, n
units of labor which yield the same n units of output. Denote the output consumed by
a member of the younger generation (its producer) by c
, and that consumed by the
old by c
. Output cannot be stored but can be freely disposed of, so that the aggregate
productionconsumption possibilities for any period are completely described (in per
capita terms) by:
n. c
. c
. n 0 (1)
Since n may vary, it is physically possible for this economy to experience uctuations
in real output.
In addition to labor-output, there is one other good: at money, issued by a government
which has no other function. This money enters the economy by means of a beginning-
of-period transfer to the members of the older generation, in a quantity proportional to
the pretransfer holdings of each. No inheritance is possible, so that unspent cash balances
revert, at the death of the holder, to the monetary authority.
Within this framework, the only exchange which can occur will involve a surrender
of output by the young, in exchange for money held over from the preceding period,
and altered by transfer, by the old. We shall assume that such exchange occurs in two
physically separate markets. To keep matters as simple as possible, we assume that the
older generation is allocated across these two markets so as to equate total monetary
demand between them. The young are allocated stochastically, fraction ,2 going to
one and 1 (,2) to the other. Once the assignment of persons to markets is made, no
switching or communication between markets is possible. Within each market, trading
by auction occurs, with all trades transacted at a single, market clearing price.
The pretransfer money supply, per member of the older generation, is known to all
agents. Denote this quantity by m. Posttransfer balances, denoted by m
, are not generally
known (until next period) except to the extent that they are revealed to traders by
the current period price level. Similarly, the allocation variable is unknown, except
indirectly via price. The development through time of the nominal money supply is
governed by
= mx. (2)
where x is a random variable. Let x
denote next periods value of this transfer variable,
and let
be next periods allocation variable. It is assumed that x and x
are independent,
with the common, continuous density function f on (0, ). Similarly, and
independent, with the common, continuous symmetric density g on (0, 2).
To summarize, the state of the economy in any period is entirely described by three
variables m, x, and . The motion of the economy from state to state is independent of
228 Causal theories in economics
decisions made by individuals in the economy, and is given by (2) and the densities f
and g of x and .
But this is not an end to the facts set to obtain in Lucass abstract model
economy. Section 3 continues, We shall assume that the members of the
older generation prefer more consumption to less and so on for another page;
and more details are still to be added to the economy in section 4. There is
nothing special here about Lucas though. Just write out carefully in a list the
assumptions for almost any of your favourite models and you will see what
I mean. For example the skill-loss model of Pissarides contains some sixteen
assumptions and that for just the rst of six increasingly complex economies
that he describes.
I believe there is good reason why economic models must give a lot of
structure to the economies they describe: if you have just a few principles, you
will need a lot of extra assumptions fromsomewhere else in order to derive new
results that are not already transparent in the principles. In the models under
discussion the richness of structure can ll in for the want of general principles
presupposed. The general principles canbe thought of intwocategories, familiar
to philosophers of science:
internal principles and bridge principles. Internal
principles make claims about the relations of abstract or theoretical concepts
to each other, like the axioms of utility theory. But the results we want to know
about generally involve not abstract or theoretical concepts, but empirical ones.
The bridge principles of a theory provide links between the two sets of concepts.
(The usual example is the identication in an ideal gas of the theoretical concept
mean kinetic energy of the molecules with the empirical concept temperature.)
The theory presupposed in our economics models tends to employ few prin-
ciples of either category and often no bridge principles at all. This means that
the additional assumptions put in via the description of the model must do
two jobs. On the one hand they must provide sufcient constraints to serve as
premises to increase the range of deductive consequences. On the other hand
they must establish an interpretation of the terms that appear in the theoretical
principles. They must tell us, for instance, what utility amounts to in terms
of an employers opening a job and of work versus leisure for the employee,
or of entrepreneurs investing in a project and of managers defaulting on their
contracts, or of fair treatment for ones fellowcitizens and of the cost of demon-
strating or contributing to the American Civil Liberties Union.
Sometimes the job left open by the want of bridge principles is done by
an explicit assumption: we will assume that the only source of utility is . . .
Economists, I think, get used to models with lots of assumptions. But I amoften talking to mixed
groups, people who study economics and people who study physics; those whose background is
in physics are often astounded at the richness of description provided in models in economics.
Hempel (1966).
Theoretical models and Galilean experiments 229
Sometimes the abstract principles themselves are explicitly given a concrete
form: we will assume that rms act to maximize prots and labourers to max-
imize wages . . . Often the interpretation is implicit: perhaps there is nothing
else in the model for agents to care about except power or prot or leisure
and wages, and the very choice of these words indicates that the agents utility
should depend on them in certain characteristic ways.
My claim then is that it is no surprise that individual analogue economies
come with such long lists of assumptions. The model-specic assumptions can
provide a way to secure deductively validated results where universal princi-
ples are scarce. But these create their own problems. For the validity of the
conclusions appears now to depend on a large number of very special inter-
connected assumptions. If so, the validation of the results will depend then on
the detailed arrangement of the structure of the model and is not, prima facie
at least, available otherwise. We opt for deductive verication of our claims
in order to achieve clarity, rigour and certainty. But to get it we have tied
the results to very special circumstances; the problem is how to validate them
Consider for example the Lucas model from The Neutrality of Money. We
begin with the fairly vacuous claim:
[T]he decision problem facing an age-0 person is:
c. n. 0
U(c. n)
. p
; m. p)
subject to:
p(n c) 0 (10)
where c is current consumption; n, current labour supply; , a known quantity
of nominal balance acquired; p and p
, price levels in the current and successor
period; and F, an unspecied distribution function. Despite the fact that there
is not much that is controversial yet, we can see that even at this stage the exact
form of the equation depends on the details of the economy. This is even more
obvious by the time we get to the condition for equilibrium in each separate
market, equation (16), which is derived fromequation (9) plus the more detailed
assumptions about the analogue economy studied in the model (p. 72):
. p
; m. p) (16)
Sections 6 and 7 of the Lucas paper are entitled, respectively, Positive impli-
cations of the theory and Policy considerations. Yet the results he establishes
Lucas (1981), p. 70.
230 Causal theories in economics
are about this economy: they follow from equation (16), which is an equation
specic in form to the economy that satises the lengthy description laid out
in Lucass sections 2, 3 and 4. How can they teach us more general lessons,
lessons that will apply to other, different, economies?
The view that I have long defended is that such model results teach us about
general tendencies (in my own vocabulary, capacities), tendencies that are
nakedly displayed in the analogue economies described in our economic mod-
els but that stand ready to operate in most economies. On this viewthe analogue
economy that Lucas describes is like an experiment. We know that an exper-
iment of the right kind, a Galilean experiment that isolates the tendency in
can teach lessons that carry outside the experimental situation. If
we are lucky, however, we will not need to carry out the experiment. We can
nd out what would happen were we to conduct it because we can nd out by
deduction what must happen. But for that to work, the analogue economy must
be of just the right kind: were we to construct it in reality, it would meet the
conditions of a Galilean experiment. This whole strategy is threatened, how-
ever, if non-Galilean idealizations play a role in our deductions which looks
to be the case with Lucass equation (16).
From the perspective of establishing tendencies, it becomes crucial then to
look carefully into the deductions used in our economic models to see if all of the
unrealistic assumptions required for the derivations are ones that characterize
an ideal experiment. Let us look at another simple physics example for an
analogous case.
In classical Newtonian mechanics massive bodies have an inertial tendency:
a body will remain in motion unless acted on by a force. When it is acted on
by a force the actual motion that occurs will be a combination of the inertial
motion and that due to the force. So, what is the natural behaviour of a body
when inertia acts on its own? Say we do some experiments to nd out. We know
that forces cause motions. So eliminate all forces and watch the bodies move.
What will we see?
Imagine that our experimental mass has been conned for reasons of conve-
nience to move on a particular surface, but that we have been very careful to
plane the surface to eliminate almost all friction. Then what we will see will
depend on the geometry of that surface. For example, if all our experiments are
done on a sphere, we always get motion in great circles, as in g. 15.2 (geodesic
on the simple sphere geometry). But that is not the natural motion in other
geometries. Look for instance at g. 15.3 (geodesic on the sphere geometry
with spacetime singularities). There, motion on great circles is available, but
it is not the motion that inertia will contribute. The results in our experiment are
overconstrained. We thought that by eliminating all the factors we think of as
If such a tendency exists.
Theoretical models and Galilean experiments 231
Great circle
Great circle = geodesic
Figure 15.2 Geodesic on the simple sphere geometry (designed by Sang
Wook Yi)
Great circle
Figure 15.3 Geodesic on the sphere geometry with spacetime singularities
(designed by Sang Wook Yi)
causes of motion all the forces we would see the results of inertia by itself.
Instead what we see is a result of inertia-plus-geometry.
This can always happen in an experiment: we never know whether some
features we have not thought about are inuencing the result. But in a good many
of our analogue economies we are not even this well off. In a real experiment
we are after all in a position to assume with good justication that the fact
that there are, for instance, only two markets or only two generations does not
matter because the number of markets or of generations is not relevant to the
conclusion: it has no causal bearing on the outcome, and what happens in the real
experiment is just what is caused to happen. Analogue economies are different.
What happens in them is exactly what is implied deductively. The problem is
that we often know by looking at them that the specic derivations made in
232 Causal theories in economics
our models depend on details of the situation other than just the mechanism
itself operating in accord with our general principles. So we know that in the
corresponding experiment there are features other than the mechanism itself
determining the outcome. That means that the experiment does not entitle us to
draw a conclusion about the general tendency of the mechanism under study.
We now know what would happen indeed, what must happen in some
very particular constrained real experimental situation in which the features of
interest really occur. But we know it for exactly the wrong reason. We know
that the results obtain because we know that they follow deductively given the
formal relations of all the factors that gure in an essential way in the proof.
But the whole point about an experiment designed to establish the tendency of a
factor is that the background factors should not matter to what happens. We are
supposed to be isolating the effects of the feature or process under investigation
acting on its own, not effects that depend in a crucial way on the background.
So, were such a set-up to occur, it would turn out not to be a good experiment
after all. It may have seemed to be a good design because our independent causal
knowledge told us that in general none of the background factors should have
any bearing on the effect. But by bad luck that would not be true of the particular
arrangement of them we chose. The formal relations of the background and
targeted feature together are enough to guarantee the result and that is one
of the things our design is meant to preclude. We would have to judge the
result (even if by chance it should turn out to be correct) to be an artifact of the
15.5 Conclusion
Let us look at Lucass own conclusion in his paper on the neutrality of money:
This paper has been an attempt to resolve the paradox posed by Gurley, in his mild but
accurate parody of Friedmanian monetary theory: Money is a veil, but when the veil
utters, real output sputters. The resolution has been effected by postulating economic
agents free of money illusion, so that the Ricardian hypothetical experiment of a fully
announced, proportional monetary expansion will have no real consequences (that is,
so that money is a veil). These rational agents are then placed in a setting in which
the information conveyed to traders by market prices is inadequate to permit them to
distinguish real from monetary disturbances. In this setting, monetary uctuations lead
to real output movements in the same direction.
In order for this resolution to carry any conviction, it has been necessary to adopt a
framework simple enough to permit a precise specication of the information available
to each trader at each point in time, and to facilitate verication of the rationality of
each traders behavior. To obtain this simplicity, most of the interesting features of the
observed business cycle have been abstracted from, with one notable exception: the
Phillips curve emerges not as an unexplained empirical fact, but as a central feature of
the solution to a general equilibrium system.
Lucas (1981), p. 84.
Theoretical models and Galilean experiments 233
I have argued that in a model like this the features abstracted from fall into
two categories: those that eliminate confounding factors and those that do not
eliminate confounding factors but rather provide a simple enough structure to
make a deductive study possible. The former I claim are just what we want
when we aim to see for rational agents what effects inadequate information
about money disturbances has on the short-term Phillips curve, that is, when
we want to establish the tendency it has independent of the effects anything else
might have on a Phillips curve as well. But the assumptions of the latter kind
remain problematic. They not only leave us with the question still unanswered,
Can we think that what we see happen, literally happen, in this economy, is
what the combination of rationality and limited information will contribute in
other economies? Worse, they give us reason to think we cannot. For inspection
of the derivation suggests that the outcome that occurs in the analogue economy
does depend on the particular structure the economy has.
Does it? This is a question that is generally not sufciently addressed. Fre-
quently of course we do discuss how robust the results from a specic model
are. But, not surprisingly, these discussions usually refer to assumptions in the
rst category, for these are the ones that are of concern to economic theory.
Notice for instance that Lucas notes in the passage just cited that most of the
interesting features of the observed business cycle have been abstracted from
(my italics). In the end we want to know what happens when other causes are
at work, either because they may interfere with the one under study, or because
we are starting down the road toward a model that will be more descriptively
accurate when the results are read literally, i.e. more descriptively accurate
about the real economies we want to study. But my central point is that we
need robustness results about the second category of assumptions as well if our
results are to be of use in the tendency sense.
I realize of course that economists do not use models just to nd out about
tendencies. The models are merely one strand in a net of methods used together
for establishing, testing, expanding and revising economic hypotheses. More-
over, it is often the general lesson rather than the precise form of the conclusion
that is taken seriously (even when the conclusion is understood in a tendency
sense). Nevertheless, rigorously deriving a causal conclusion in a model is
supposed to provide prima facie evidence in favour of that conclusion. My
concern is about just this relation of evidence to hypothesis. To the extent
that the derivation in a model makes essential use of non-Galilean idealizing
assumptions, then I do not see howthe fact that the result can be derived in such
a model can provide any evidence at all for the hypothesis.
Notice that we still have this problem even if we are lucky enough to have selected a few causes
to study that for most real situations will be the dominant causes. For we still need to see
why the very behaviour that occurs in the analogue economy when these causes are present is
behaviour that reveals the tendency of this arrangement of causes and hence will approximate
the behaviour that occurs in the real economies.
234 Causal theories in economics
If we aim to establish conclusions interpreted in a tendency sense, there
is a good reason why the derivation of a conclusion in a model that makes
Galilean idealizations, and no others, should count as evidence in favour of that
conclusion: to the extent that the general principles employed in the derivation
are true to the world, behaviour derived in the model will duplicate behaviour
that would obtain were a Galilean experiment to be performed. But when non-
Galilean idealizations are made as well, this reason no longer has force. So we
need another reason to show why this procedure has evidential force. And I do
not knowone that can be stated clearly and defended convincingly. Hence I think
we should be concerned to ensure that non-Galilean idealizing assumptions do
not play an essential role in our derivations.
What, then, does this tell us about the demand for rigorous derivations? I
have here been discussing one of the central and highly prized ways that eco-
nomic theory is done today: by the construction of models for simple analogue
economies in which results about issues of interest can be derived rigorously,
employing as general principles only ones whose use is relatively uncontrover-
sial within the discipline. The achievement of rigour is costly however. It takes
considerable time. It requires special talents and special training and this closes
the discipline to different kinds of thinkers who may provide different kinds
of detailed understanding of how economies can and do work. And rigour is
bought at the cost of employing general concepts lacking the kind of detailed
content that allows them to be directly put to use in concrete situations. What
are its compensating gains? Unless we nd different answers from the one I
offered here,
the gains will not include lessons about real economic phenom-
ena, it seems, despite our frequent feeling of increased understanding of them.
For we are not generally assured of any way to take results out of our models
and into the world.
There has been some tendency to blame our failures on the attempt to make
economics rigorous. I am inclined to go the other way. If it is rigour that we
want, the problem with economic theorizing of this sort is that rigour gives out
too soon. For the models themselves, though abstract and mathematized, are
not formal theories. To see why I say this, consider again the structure of my
argument in this chapter. I have raised questions about the external validity of
the results established in these kinds of models. My worries focus not on the
unrealism of the assumptions but on the model-dependence of the results. The
kind of model-dependence involved seems to undercut not only the claim that
the results can be read literally, but also the hope that they can be read as facts
about tendencies.
There are of course a variety of other accounts of the use of models that do not demand either
predictive accuracy or the correct isolation of a tendency. See for instance the studies found in
Morgan and Morrison (1999).
Theoretical models and Galilean experiments 235
But I have to say seems here because the models themselves are not pre-
sented in a way that allows this question to be taken up easily or answered
rigorously. What exactly are the assumptions that are really necessary for the
derivations to go through; and what is the range of circumstances across which
these assumptions can be relaxed and qualitatively similar results still follow?
We cannot generally answer that question given the way the models are pre-
sented. To answer it we need to formalize our models. Supposing then that
my worries about the model-dependence of the results are valid. What should
we conclude about the need for rigour in economic theory? It looks as if the
natural conclusion is this: should economics stick to mathematizing rather than
formalizing, it will not be easy to know whether the models it constructs can
teach us general facts about concrete features of the economy or not; the trouble
with this kind of theorizing is not that it is too rigorous, but rather that it is not
rigorous enough.
16 Counterfactuals in economics: a commentary
16.1 Introduction
Counterfactuals are a hot topic in economics today, at least among economists
concerned with methodology. I shall argue that on the whole this is commonly
a mistake. Frequently the counterfactuals on offer are proposed as causal surro-
gates. But at best they provide a sometimes way for nding out about causal
relations, not a stand-in for them. I say a sometimes way because they do so
only in very special and rare kinds of system. Otherwise they are irrelevant
to establishing facts about causation. On the other hand, viewed just as straight
counterfactuals, they are a wash-out as well. For they are rarely an answer to
any genuine What if . . .? questions, questions of the kind we pose in planning
and evaluation. For these two reasons I call the counterfactuals of recent interest
in economics, impostor counterfactuals.
I will focus on Nobel-prize-winning Chicago economist James Heckman,
since his views are becoming increasingly inuential. Heckman is well known
for his work on the evaluation of programmes for helping workers more effec-
tively to enter and function in the labour market. I shall also discuss economist
Stephen LeRoy, who has been arguing for a similar view for a long time, but
who does not use the term counterfactual to describe it. I shall also discuss
recent work of Judea Pearl, well known for his work on Bayesian nets and
causality, econometrician David Hendry and economist/methodologist Kevin
Hoover, as well as philosopher of economics, Daniel Hausman. I shall begin
with a discussion of some counterfactuals and their uses that I count as genuine,
to serve as a contrast to the impostors.
Research for this paper was supported by an AHRBgrant, Causality: Metaphysics and Methods, and
bya grant fromthe Latsis Foundation. I amgrateful toboth. Manyof the ideas were developedjointly
with Julian Reiss (see our paper Uncertainty in Econometrics: Evaluating Policy Counterfactuals);
I also want to thank him.
Counterfactuals in economics 237
16.2 Genuine counterfactuals
16.2.1 The need for a causal model
Daniel Hausman tells us Counterfactual reasoning should permit one to work
out the implications of counterfactual suppositions, so as to be prepared in case
what one supposes actually happens.
My arguments here will echo Hausman.
The counterfactuals that do this for us provide genuine answers to genuine
What if . . .? questions; and they play a central role throughout economics.
When we consider whether to implement a newpolicy or try to evaluate whether
a trial programme has been successful, we consider a variety of literally intended
counterfactual questions: What if the policy were put in place? What if the
programme had not existed?
These are just the kinds of questions Heckman considers in his applied work,
where he is at pains to point out that the question itself must be carefully
formulated. We may for instance want to know what the wages of workers in
the population at large would have been had the programme not existed; more
commonly we end up asking what the wages of workers in the programme
would have been. Or we may want to know what the GDP would have been
without the programme. We also need to take care about the contrast class:
do we want to know the difference between the results of the programme and
those that would have occurred had no alternatives been present or the difference
compared to other programmes, real or envisaged?
To evaluate counterfactuals for policy and planning it seems natural to turn to
a causal model. Economics is used to producing causal models so this is a good
reason to look to economics when we want to evaluate policy counterfactuals.
When we want to nd out about efcacy, however, there is another method
sweeping the social sciences, the method of the randomized controlled trial
(RCT), often described as the gold standard for causal inference. This suggests
that its results are more certain than any others but that is decidedly not true
compared with econometric methods, like more sophisticated versions of the
methods of Herbert Simon described in chs. 13 and 14 here. Both are deductive
methods, as I point out in ch. 3. So ideally conducted both deliver results as
certain as their premises. The trick is of course to conduct them as best possible
and in both cases that takes a lot of training as well as a lot of good luck about
the subject matter under study that it will yield to the methods employed to
study it.
It is often argued that the RCT uses fewer untested assumptions than an
econometric study. I am not so sure about that. It is a little hard to tell how to
Hausman (1998), p. 119.
238 Causal theories in economics
count assumptions. What matters in any given case is how secure we can be
about the assumptions that we cannot test and that will naturally differ from
case to case.
This comparison, however, is all about hunting causes. When it comes to
using them, which is the topic here, econometric methods have all the advan-
tage because of long practice in building causal models, generally based on a
mix of theory, data, intuition and technique. In an RCT, if we are lucky, we
nd the average difference in effect produced by the treatment in the popula-
tion sampled. That does not tell us what the overall outcome on the effect in
question would be from introducing the treatment in some particular way in
an uncontrolled situation, even if we consider introducing it only in the very
population sampled. For that we need a causal model. Even less does it tell
us about side effects of introducing the treatment, either from the treatment
itself or from our way of implementing it. These too are crucial in calculating
the costs and benets of a proposed policy. Or, as Heckman argues, suppose
one wants to predict what portion of the population will experience a given
degree of improvement. RCTs do not deliver that kind of result. Again we need
a causal model.
Building a causal model is not easy. We are all alert to the dangers of taking
a model that replicates a pattern observed without policy intervention and sup-
posing that the same pattern will obtain were a given policy implemented. We
are also alert to the dangers of taking results that hold in one population, even
very well-established results, and building them into a model for a different
population. Still, for policy evaluation, a good causal model will serve best.
But with the cautions of part I and II in mind, recalling that causal models can
model a variety of different kinds of causal relations we had better be sure it
is a causal model of the right kind. I shall take up the question of what is the
right kind in section 16.3.4 below.
David Lewis and his followers suppose that we need a model containing the
principles by which the system operates (a nomological model) to assess coun-
terfactuals but not a causal model. I do not agree. But it is not this distinction
between a Lewis-style merely nomological model and a causal model that I
want to discuss. Rather I want to focus on the difference between the causal
models that support the counterfactuals we use directly in policy deliberations
and those associated with impostor counterfactuals.
For purposes of evaluating a policy counterfactual, besides our causal model
we will need to know what changes are envisaged, usually changes under our
control. Before that we will need to know what changes are possible. I will
turn to this question rst, in section 16.2.2 then in 16.2.3 take up the relation
between counterfactuals and the changes they presuppose.
Counterfactuals in economics 239
16.2.2 What can be changed?
Some people take there to be a universal answer to the question of what can
(and should) be changed in assessing counterfactuals. Every separate causal
principle can be changed, leaving everything else the same, including all other
causal principles, all initial values and all conditional probability distributions
of a certain sort. Judea Pearl claims this; as we have seen in part II of this book,
so too do James Woodward and Daniel Hausman.
Hausman and Woodward defend this view by maintaining that the equations
of a causal model would not represent causal principles if this were not true
of them. I have, however, characterized the equations in such a way as to give
a different job to them. They are to be functionally correct and to provide a
minimal full set of causes on the right-hand side for the quantity represented
on the left. The two jobs are different and it would be surprising if they could
both be done in one fell swoop, as Hausman and Woodward claim.
Hausman and Woodward object that the jobs cannot be different since the
following is true by virtue of the very idea of causation. If a functional relation-
ship between a set of factors (represented by, say, {x
]) and a different quantity
(say x
) is functionally correct and the set {x
] is a minimal full set of causes
then it must be possible to change this functional relationship, and indeed to
stop every one of the x
from being a cause of x
, without changing anything
else. The x
would not be causes of x
were this not true.
I think this claim is mistaken. There are any number of systems whose prin-
ciples cannot be changed one at a time without either destroying the system or
changing it into a system of a different kind. Besides, this assumption does not
connect well with other features of causality, described in other accounts, such
as probabilistic theories, causal process theories or manipulation accounts.
Pearl has another argument. He says that this assumption is correct because
otherwise counterfactuals would be ambiguous. As far as I can tell, the argument
must go like this:
Hausman (1998) aims to make this connection. But, as his title, Causal Asymmetries, suggests,
generally what Hausman succeeds in doing is using his claims to obtain causal order. For instance,
he shows that, given his claims about the independent variability of causal principles, if b coun-
terfactually depends on a, then a causes b. This is an important result. But to establish it requires
the prior assumption that if a and b are counterfactually connected then either a causes b or the
reverse or the two have a common cause, plus his own (as opposed for instance to David Lewiss)
constraints on the nearness relation for a possible-world semantics for counterfactuals (which I
describe below in discussing implementation-neutral counterfactuals). Hausman and Woodward
(1999) also claim that the independent variability assumption implies the causal Markov condi-
tion. But as I argued in ch. 8, they do not show that the assumption implies the causal Markov
condition, which is false, but rather that there are some systems of equations in which both are
true and that it is, roughly speaking, the same features of these systems that guarantee both
240 Causal theories in economics
1 Before we can evaluate ce
we must know how c will change, otherwise
the counterfactual will be ambiguous.
2 But counterfactuals should not be ambiguous.
3 We can make them unambiguous by assuming that there is a single rule, the
same one all the time, about how c will be brought about.
4 The rule that says Bring c about by changing the principles that have c as
effect to Set c = . . . is such a rule.
5 Therefore we need this rule.
6 But this rule will not be universally applicable unless this kind of change is
always possible.
7 Therefore this kind of change must always be possible.
I have written the argument out in detail to make its structure apparent. It
is obviously fallacious. It infers from the fact that the rule in question does a
needed job that it must be the rule that obtains, which, besides wishful thinking,
mistakes a sufcient condition for a necessary one. So I do not think that Pearls
argument will support the conclusion that changes in one principle holding xed
everything else are always possible and indeed are the only possibilities that
matter in the evaluation of counterfactuals.
Another similar assumption that is sometimes made is that for the purposes of
assessingcounterfactuals, changes inthe variables of the systemare presumedto
be brought about by changes in the error terms of the model. But this does not
make sense for most interpretations of the error terms. Sometimes these terms
are supposed to represent unknown causes omitted from the model. But there is
no reason for the unknown causes to be the ones that can change, and when the
error terms simply serve to introduce probabilities or to encode measurement
inaccuracies, there is not even a quantity there to change. To make sense of the
assumption we might instead insist that error terms represent quantities that are
exogenous in the sense of determined outside the equations that constitute the
causal model. This though will still not guarantee that they can be changed, let
alone changed one at a time. Some quantities not determined by the equations
of the model will nevertheless be determined by principles outside it, some
may not; and some of these outside-the-model principles may be changeable
and some may not; and any that are changeable may not be changeable one at
a time.
When we consider counterfactuals for the purposes of policy and evaluation,
we want change that is really possible, generally without threatening the identity
of the system under study. And sometimes it is. What changes are possible and
in what combinations, then, is additional information we need for considering
policy interventions.
I shall throughout use this standard notation for If c were the case, e would be the case.
Counterfactuals in economics 241
In the economics literature Kevin Hoover makes this point explicitly.
As we
have seen in ch. 14 of this book, Hoover distinguishes what he calls parameters
from variables. Both vary, but parameters and only parameters can be changed
directly by us any change the value of a variable might undergo will be the
result of a change in a parameter. In formulating a causal model, then, it is
important to distinguish between the parameters and the variables. We should
note, though Hoover himself does not remark on this, that this is not generally
the distinction intended between parameters and variables. So we must use care
intakingover causal models alreadyformulatedthat maydistinguishparameters
and variables in some other way.
16.2.3 What is envisaged to change?
Once we have recorded what things can change, we know what counterfactuals
make sense. But to assess the truth-value of any particular counterfactual we
will need to knowwhat changes are supposed to happen. Often the exact details
matter. For instance, many people feel they would not be opposed to legalizing
euthanasia, if only it could be done in a way that would ensure that abuses
would not occur.
Sometimes when we consider a policy we have a very denite idea about
how it will be implemented. I shall call the related counterfactuals implemen-
tation specic. At the other end of the scale, we might have no idea at all; the
counterfactuals are implementation neutral. When we evaluate counterfactuals,
we had better be clear what exactly we are presuming.
For counterfactuals that are totally implementation specic, we knowexactly
what we are asking when we ask What would happen if . . .?
For others
there are a variety of different strategies we might adopt. For one, we can
employ the usual devices for dealing with epistemic uncertainty. We might, for
instance, assess the probabilities of the various possible methods of implemen-
tation and weight the probability of the counterfactual consequent accordingly.
In the methodology of economics literature we nd another alternative: Stephen
LeRoy and Daniel Hausman focus on counterfactuals that would be true regard-
less of how they were implemented. I begin with LeRoy.
LeRoys stated concern is with causal ordering among quantities, not with
counterfactuals. But, it seems, he equates p causes q with if p were to change,
q would change as well so long as we give the right reading to the coun-
terfactual. It is his proposed reading for the counterfactual that matters here. It
may help to present his brief discussion of a stock philosophical example before
looking to more formal cases the case of birth-control pills and thrombosis.
Hoover (2001).
Or rather, we knowthis relative to the factors included in the causal model. Presumably no causal
model will be complete, so this remains as a source of ambiguity in our counterfactual claims.
242 Causal theories in economics
Birth-control pills cause thrombosis; they also prevent pregnancy, which is
itself a cause of thrombosis. LeRoy assumes that whether a woman becomes
pregnant depends on both her sexual activity and whether she takes pills. Now
consider: What would happen vis-` a-vis thrombosis were a particular woman
to become pregnant? That, LeRoy, points out, is ambiguous it depends on
whether the change in pregnancy comes about because of a change in pill-taking
or because of a change in sexual activity.
In his formal characterization LeRoy treats systems of linear deterministic
equations. We may take these to be very sparse causal models. They are what in
economics are called reduced form equations: In current usage an economic
model is a map from a space of exogenous variables agents characteristics
and resource endowments, for example to a space of endogenous variables
prices and allocations.
The equations are expected to be functionally correct,
but not to represent the causal relations among the variables, with one exception.
Variables designated as exogenous are supposed not to be caused by any of
the remaining (endogenous) variables. Since they are functionally related to
the endogenous variables, we may assume that either they are causes of some
of the endogenous variables or are correlated with such causes. For LeRoys
purposes I think we must suppose they are causes.
In the context of our discussion here, with Hoover in mind, we should note
one further assumption that LeRoy makes. The possible sources of change in an
endogenous variable are exactly the members of the minimal set of exogenous
variables that, according to the economic model used to evaluate the counterfac-
tuals, will x the value of the endogenous variable. LeRoy considers a familiar
supply and demand model:
w (1)
= q
= q
where p is price; q, quantity; w, weather; i, income. LeRoy asks what the effect
of a change in price would be on the equilibrium quantity. By the conventions
just described, a change in price can come about through changes in weather,
income or both, and nothing else. But, LeRoy, notes, any of an innite number
of pairs of shifts in the exogenous variables weather and income could have
caused the assumed changes in price, and these map on to different values of
Thus the question has no denite answer it all depends on howthe change
in p is brought about.
LeRoy contrasts this model with a different one:
s f
f (2)
= q
= q
LeRoy, 2003, p. 1.
LeRoy, 2003, p. 6.
Counterfactuals in economics 243
where f is fertilizer. Here fertilizer and weather can change the equilibrium
quantity, and no matter how they do so, the change in price will be the same.
In this case Leroy is content that the counterfactual, If q were to change
from Q to Q L,
p would change from P = (Q
I ),
P = (Q L
I ),
is unambiguous (and true). The lesson he
draws is the following (where I substitute counterfactual language for his
causal language): [Counterfactual] statements involving endogenous variables
as [antecedents] are ambiguous except when all the interventions consistent
with a given change in the [antecedent] map onto the same change in the
I think the statement as it stands is too strong. Some counter-
factuals are, after all, either implicitly or explicitly implementation specic.
What LeRoy offers is a semantics for counterfactuals that are, either implicitly
or explicitly, implementation neutral. In this case the consequent should obtain
no matter what possible change occurs to bring the antecedent about.
Daniel Hausman seems to have distinguished between implementation-
specic and implementation-neutral counterfactuals, too, as I do here, though
I do not think he explicitly says so. He considers an example in which engi-
neers designing a nuclear power plant ask, What would happen if the steam
pipe were to burst?
The answer, he argues, depends on how it will burst.
Responsible engineers, he argues, must look to the origins of the burst when
the consequences of the pipes bursting depend on what caused it to burst.
On the other hand, when Hausman turns to providing some constraints that
a possible-world semantics for counterfactuals must satisfy, he seems to be
concerned with implementation-neutral counterfactuals. The results are similar
to LeRoys. Any semantics that satises Hausmans constraints should give the
same result as LeRoys prescription when restricted to counterfactuals evaluated
via what LeRoy calls an economic model. The Hausman constraint on the
similarity relation between possible worlds that matters to our discussion here is
SIM2. It doesnt matter which cause is responsible. For any event b, if a and c are any
two causes of b that are causally and counterfactually independent of one another, there
will be non-b possible worlds in which a does not occur and c does occur that are just
as close to the actual world as are any non-b possible worlds with a and without c, and
there will be non-b possible worlds without a and with c that are just as close to the
actual world as are any non-b possible worlds without both a and c.
Look back at LeRoys model (1) for illustration, where weather and income are
the causes by which either price or quantity can change. It is easiest to see the
results if we rst solve for p and q:
q = (
p = (
I shall follow LeRoys convention throughout and use lower-case letters for variables and upper
case for their values.
LeRoy (2003), p. 6.
Hausman (1998), p. 122.
Hausman (1998), p. 122.
Hausman (1998), p. 133.
244 Causal theories in economics
If p changes by LP with w xed, then i must have changed by LP(
and so q will change by LQ =
. If on the other hand i
is xed, then w must have changed by LW= LP(
and so
LQ =
LP. Now we can bring in SIM2). If q changes (q is here the ana-
logue of b in SIM2) some world in which w (the analogue of a) changes will
be just as close as any world in which i (the analogue of c) changes. But the
world in which w changes and i stays xed and the world in which i changes
and w stays xed have different values for the change in q. Yet they are equally
close. So the truth values of counterfactual claims about what would happen to
q were p to change by LP are undened.
So we may have counterfactuals that are implementation specic; we
may have ones that assume some one or another of a range of possible
implementations; and we may have implementation-neutral ones where we
wish to nd out what would happen no matter howthe change in the antecedent
is brought about. For thinking about policy we had better know which kind of
counterfactual we are asserting and ensure that our semantics is appropriate to
16.3 Impostor counterfactuals
The kinds of What if . . .? questions asked in planning and evaluating are in
sharp contrast with a different kind of counterfactual that occupies economists
as well the impostor counterfactuals. Like the counterfactuals I have so far
been discussing these too are evaluated relative to a causal model. But they
are not used directly in planning and evaluation. Rather they are used to dene
certain causal concepts. For Heckman the relevant concept is causal effect; for
LeRoy, causal order. I shall discuss LeRoy rst.
16.3.1 LeRoy
I have urged that in order to assess policy counterfactuals, the best idea is to
have a causal model. Recall that LeRoy begins with a sparse causal model: a
reduced formequation that links the endogenous variables to a set of exogenous
variables, where he supposes that no exogenous variables are caused by any
endogenous ones and that the exogenous variables completely determine the
values of the endogenous variables.
The task is to say something about the
causal order of the endogenous variables and, I take it, about the strength of
inuence of one on another. Let Z
be the minimal set of exogenous variables
Note that the reduced form equation need not be a causal function in the sense that I shall
introduce from Heckman, since LeRoy allows that the external variables may not be variation
free, though he thinks it would be odd if they were not.
Counterfactuals in economics 245
that determine x
, dene Z
j i
as Z
and Z
j i
as the vector of elements
in Z
j i
. Then x
causes x
if and only if there is a (scalar)
and a (vector)
such that
This means that x
is determined completely by x
plus a set of exogenous
variables that do not participate in determining x
; that is, there is no z that both
helps x the rst term in the above equation and also helps x the second.
What what-if questiondoes
answer? It answers animplementation-neutral
counterfactual: by how much would x
change were x
to change by a given
amount, no matter how the change in x
is brought about? This is often an
important question to be able to answer; it may also be important to know for
the systemwe are dealing with that it has no answer: there is nothing general, or
implementation neutral, that we can say; how much the effect changes cannot
be calculated without knowing what the method of implementation will be.
There are two points I would like to make about LeRoys approach. First I
admit that these counterfactuals are in no way impostors they ask genuine
what-if question whose answers we frequently need to know. Nevertheless they
are severely restricted in their range of application. For vast numbers of systems
the answer toLeRoys counterfactual questionwill be that it has noanswer: there
is no implementation-neutral change that would occur in the effect consequent
on a change in the cause.
Second, LeRoys denitionanswers one veryspecial kindof causal question
it asks about how much, if one factor changes in any way whatsoever, a sec-
ond factor will change. But it does not answer the question of how much one
factor contributes to another. For a simple example where the two questions
have different answers consider a system governed by the following two causal
z (CM1)
Compare this with a system governed by different laws
z (CM2)
It should at least in principle be possible for two such systems to exist. The
two systems have different causal structures and different answers to the ques-
tion, How much does p contribute causally to q? In the second system the
It should be noted that often implementation-specic counterfactuals will have no truth value
either. This happens whenever changes in the variable in the antecedent plus the implementation
variable can occur in more than one way with different effects on the consequent.
I use here the same notation for causal laws as I have throughout this book.
246 Causal theories in economics
answer is given by
. In the rst the answer is nothing. Yet in cases where
there will be exactly the same answer to LeRoys counterfactual
question: if p were to change by Lp, no matter how it does so q would change
Lp =
As I argued in part I, we have a large variety of causal concepts, applicable
to a variety of different kinds of systems in different situations. So, too, there is
a large variety of different kinds of causal and counterfactual questions we can
ask, many of which only make sense in particular kinds of systems in particu-
lar circumstances. LeRoy asks a specic, explicitly articulated counterfactual
question, and I take it that that is all to the good. We must be careful, however,
not to be misled by his own use of the language of causal order to suppose it
tells us whether and how much one quantity causally contributes to another.
16.3.2 Heckman
Heckman also uses counterfactuals to answer what he labels as causal questions,
and he is very careful to insist that we ask a clear, well-articulated counterfactual
question. Generally these are implementation-specic questions. For some of
these and these are the ones I worry about as with LeRoy, the question has
an answer only in certain restricted systems essentially, as I shall explain, in
Galilean-style experiments. As far as I can see, the primary interest in these
counterfactuals is that they serve as a tool for answering a non-counterfactual
question, a question about causal contributions. But questions about causal
contributions can be asked and answered for situations that are not Galilean
experiments, where the counterfactuals Heckman introduces do not make sense.
This is why I say that they are impostors. They seem to be the issue of interest;
they are certainly the topic. But in fact they are only a tool for answering a
different question a causal question and at that, for answering that question
only in very restricted kinds of systems, kinds that are not generally the ones
of concern.
Before we turn to Heckman it may be helpful to begin with work that will
be more familiar to philosophers, from the book Causality by Judea Pearl.
Pearl gives a precise and detailed semantics for counterfactuals. But what is the
semantics a semantics of? What kinds of counterfactuals will it treat, used in
what kinds of contexts? Since Pearl introduces themwithout comment we might
think that he had in mind natural language counterfactuals. But he presents only
a single semantics with no context dependence, which does not t with natural
language usage.
Worse, the particular semantics Pearl develops is unsuited to a host of natural
language uses of counterfactuals, especially those for planning and evaluation
of the kind I have been discussing. That is because of the special way in which he
imagines that the counterfactual antecedent will be brought about: by a precise
Counterfactuals in economics 247
incision that changes exactly the counterfactual antecedent and nothing else
(except what follows causally from just that difference). But when we consider
implementing a policy, this is not at all the question we need to ask. For policy
and evaluation we generally want to know what would happen were the policy
really set in place. And whatever we know about how it might be put in place,
the one thing we can usually be sure of is that it will not be by a precise incision
of the kind Pearl assumes.
Consider for example Pearls axiom of composition, which he proves to hold
in all causal models given his characterization of a causal model and his
semantics for counterfactuals. This axiom states that if we force a variable
(W) to a value w that it would have had without our intervention, then the
intervention will have no effect on other variables in the system.
This axiom
is reasonable if we envisage interventions that bring about the antecedent of
the counterfactual in as minimal a way as possible. But it is clearly violated
in a great many realistic cases. Often we have no idea whether the antecedent
will in fact obtain or not, and this is true even if we allow that the governing
principles are deterministic. We implement a policy to ensure that it will obtain
and the policy may affect a host of changes in other variables in the system,
some envisaged and some not.
We should note that the same problem arises for Lewis-style semantics. If
the antecedent of a counterfactual obtains, then our world, with things as they
actually happen in it, is the nearest possible world for evaluating the truth value
of the counterfactual. There is no room then for anything to change as a result
of the antecedent being implemented.
Heckman, unlike Pearl and Lewis, is keen that causal models model how
change is brought about. So in dening causal efcacy he does not adopt
Pearls semantics in which laws are changed deus ex machina. But he does
adopt a device that I think is similar. Pearl limits his causal denitions to sys-
tems in which the principles responsible for a given factor with all their causes,
can be changed to produce any required value for that factor, without changing
any other principles or other initial values. Heckman limits his denitions
to causal principles in which the causes are variation free. This means that if
only the system runs long enough, the effect (intended as the antecedent of
the counterfactual) will naturally take any required value, while the remain-
ing causes, all other principles, and all other initial values stay the same. The
counterfactual change in an antecedent with everything else the same will
eventually be factual. Heckman stresses, thus, that what matters for his def-
initions is natural variability within the system, not changes in the principles
under which it operates.
Pearl (2000), p. 229.
For a longer discussion of Pearl and Lewis see Reiss and Cartwright (2003).
248 Causal theories in economics
Heckman begins his treatment with causal functions. These govern very
special kinds of causal system, systems that mimic experiments:
Causal functions are . . . derived fromconceptual experiments where exogenously speci-
ed generating variables are varied. . . . The specication of these hypothetical variations
is a crucial part of model specication and lies at the heart of any rigorous denition of
Heckman tells us three things about causal functions: (1) They describe how
eachpossible vector of generatingvariables is mappedintoa resultingoutcome,
where the generating variables completely determine the outcome.
(2) They
derive from or better, I think, describe conceptual experiments.
(3) Touching on questions of realism and of model choice, models involving
causal functions are always underdetermined by evidence; hence, as Heckman
sees it, causality is just in the mind since the models relative to which it
is dened are just in the mind. From this I take it that causal functions rep-
resent (a probably proper subset of) the causal principles under which these
special experiment-like systems operate, where the right-hand-side variables
the ones Heckman calls the generating variables form a minimal complete
set of causes of the quantity represented on the left
and where each cause can
vary independently of the others.
Imagine that the causal function for an outcome y is given by
y = g(x
. . . . . x
We can now dene the causal or counterfactual effect of x
on y xing the
remaining factors in the causal function (Heckman seems to use the terms
causal effect and counterfactual effect interchangeably):
(causal effect of x
on y)
] =
d f
. . . . .x
. . . . x
) g(x
. . . . . x
. . . . x
= x
As Heckman insists, in order for this denition to be meaningful requires
that the x
can be independently varied when the other variables are xed so
that there are no functional restrictions connecting the arguments . . . it is thus
required that these variables be variation-free.
I shall call the counterfactual
Heckman (2001), p. 14.
Heckman (2001), p. 12.
Or, keeping in mind Heckmans view that causality is only relative to a model, the right-hand-
side variables record what the model designates as causes.
Heckman (2001), p. 18.
Counterfactuals in economics 249
effect as thus dened a Galilean counterfactual since, as I remarked, it is just
the kind of effect we look for in a Galilean experiment.
I should note that Heckman himself treats of double counterfactuals since
the outcome variables he discusses are often themselves counterfactuals: y
the value a given quantity would take were a specied treatment to occur;
, the value it would take were the treatment not to occur. These values, he
supposes, are xed by deterministic causal functions. Relative to these causal
functions we can then ask about the causal efcacy of a certain quantity
including the treatment itself on the counterfactual quantities y
and y
. So
we can consider, for example, what difference a change in social security reg-
ulations would have on the amount of savings that would obtain if there were
a tax cut versus the difference the change would make were there no tax cut.
I will not be concerned with these double-barrelled counterfactuals here. They
do not appear in Heckmans discussion of the supply and demand equations,
which will sufce as illustrations of my central point.
Heckman considers simultaneous supply and demand equations. For sim-
plicity we can look at the specic equations that we have already considered
above, where I have added the additional equilibrium constraint on price:
w (1
= q
= q
= p
= p
Heckman points out that these equations do not t Pearls scheme since they are
not recursive and hence Pearls method for assessing counterfactuals will not
apply. This ts with familiar remarks about these kinds of systems: p and q are
determined jointly by exogenous factors. It seems then that it makes no sense
to ask about how much a change in p will affect a change in q. To the contrary,
Heckman points out: We can still assess causal efcacy using his denition
so long as certain exclusion conditions are met.
Suppose we want to assess the causal/counterfactual effect of demand price
on quantity demanded. We rst look to the reduced form equations
q = (z
. z
p = (z
. z
where z
is the vector of exogenous variables in the demand equations and z
those in the supply equations. In LeRoys equations (1
), z
= i and z
= n.
Heckman takes these to be causal functions, otherwise the causal model has not
properly specied the exogenous variables. That means that the exogenous
variables are generating variables for p and q and that they are variation free.
Now the task is easy:
250 Causal theories in economics
Assuming that some components of [z
] do not appear in [z
], that some components of
] do not appear in [z
], and that those components have a non-zero impact on price,
one can use the variation in the excluded variables to vary [ p
or p
in the reduced form
equations] while holding the other arguments of those equations xed.
The result (using the equality of p
and p
and of q
and q
) is
= (q,z
where z
(e) is a variable in z
that is excluded from z
and that, as he puts it,
has an impact on p
. In (I
) this job can be done by w; the causal effect thus
calculated of p
on q
Notice howmuch causality is involved here. By denition we are supposed to
be evaluating the change in q
holding xed all the factors in a causal function
for q
except p
. What we actually do is hold xed z
while z
varies. Though
this does not t the denition exactly, presumably this is okay because z
is a
cause of p
that can produce variations in p
while z
is xed; and z
xed matters because z
constitutes, along with p
, a minimal full set of causes
of q
. So when the exclusion condition is satised, the demand equation is a
causal function and the counterfactual denition of causal effect is meaningful.
Now consider a slightly altered set of equations:
i (1
= q
= q
= p
= p
Nowthe demandequation cannot be treated as a causal functionandthe question
of the causal effect of demand price on quantity demanded is meaningless. This
is true despite the fact that
still appears in the equation and it still represents
something something much the same one would suppose about the bearing
of p
on q
. The intermediate case seems even stranger. Imagine that
= 0.
measures a counterfactual effect but
does not.
16.3.3 Cartwright
I have an alternative. But I should note that I have a stake in this discussion
since I have been stressing the importance of independent variability for over
fteen years; I just think it plays a different role from the one Heckman (and
Pearl and Hausman and Woodward) ascribe to it.
I begin with causal principles. At this level of discussion I myself am a
realist about the principles of our causal models: they are correct if and only if
they approximate well enough to the causal laws that govern the operation of
Heckman (2001), p. 36.
Counterfactuals in economics 251
the system in question. Heckman, it seems, is not a realist. But that does not
matter here since he himself has introduced the notion of a causal function.
A causal principle is just like a causal function but without the restriction that
the causes (or generating variables) are variation free. I shall restrict attention
to linear deterministic systems, as dened in ch. 10 of this book. Then, for a
given causal system, the contribution a cause x
makes to an effect x
is just
the coefcient of x
in any causal principle for x
in the system.
It is easy to
show for linear deterministic systems that where Heckmans measure for the
causal/counterfactual effect of x
on x
applies, it will have the same value as
the contribution x
makes to x
Given this characterization we see that the contribution of p
to q
is the
same in (1
) and (1
). What is different is that in (1
) we have a particular way
to nd out about it that is not available in (1
). (1
) is what in ch. 10 I call an
epistemically convenient system. It is a system in which we can nd out what a
cause, x
, contributes to an effect, x
, in one particular simple way: hold xed
all the other contributions that add up to make the effect the size it is; then vary
the cause and see how much x
varies. Any difference has to be exactly the
contribution that x
adds. This does not mean, however, that for systems where
this independent variation is not possible, all is lost. There are hosts of other
legitimate ways of defending claims about the size of causal contributions that
apply both in systems with independent variation and in ones without.
16.3.4 Hendry and Hoover
To set policy in an informed way, a causal model is required. What is a causal
model? Ideally it is a model that contains enough information to calculate all the
consequences that might matter about all the possible changes envisaged. This
characterization is exceedingly thin and gives no help about how to set about
constructing a causal model. But it is probably the most specic characterization
that can be given without focusing on particular kinds of situation. That is in
keeping with the claim that there are a great variety of kinds of causal relations
embedded in a great variety of kinds of causal systems as well as a variety of
causal questions that can be asked.
Recall that the discussion here is limited to linear systems; the concept of a causal contribution
is more complex in non-linear systems. Also note that this supposes that all principles in the
model with x
on the right-hand-side and x
on the left will have the same coefcient. This will
be the case given a proper statement of transitivity and the denitions for the form of causal
principles sketched in ch. 10.
For further discussion see Cartwright (1989). It should be admitted of course that once the
causes need not be variation free, the simple operational way of dening causal contribution in
a way analogous to Heckmans denition of causal/counterfactual effect is not available. But,
as we know, there are compelling arguments in the philosophical literature to establish that
demanding operational denitions is both too strong and too weak a requirement it lets in
concepts that do not make sense and does not provide a proper understanding of those that do.
252 Causal theories in economics
Consider the two versions of Simon discussed in chs. 13 and 14. The rst,
mine, is like Judea Pearls and it shares the same vices and virtues; in particular
it has two special drawbacks when it comes to evaluating genuine What if . . .?
counterfactuals. First, it is geared simultaneously to hunting and to using causes.
The hunting part constrains it enormously. The systems studied are identiable
and have the characteristics that ensure that the equations identied are causally
correct. That limits their scope dramatically. This is analogous to the problem
raised with Heckmans notion of causal effect. Second, an additional recipe is
required for how to read off the truth values of counterfactuals. Simon supplies
this in 1953.
Essentially changes propagate down through the triangular
array of equations in the order in which they can be solved using the exogenous
variables. Pearl provides a more elaborate semantics for more complicated
forms of counterfactual questions in Causality,
but clearly Pearls and Simons
should agree where both make verdicts about the same question.
These two drawbacks do not affect the kind of causal relations that Hoover
studies, which I called strategy relations. His relations are not restricted to
systems that can be identied from probabilities; they allow for other methods
of warrant.
And they wear the semantic for What if . . .? counterfactuals
on their sleeve. All and only the things we can change are represented by
parameters and the strategy relations tell what values the variables take given
values for the parameters.
DavidHendrymaintains that causal relations must be superexogenous.
Simon, as I represent him, Hendry seems to restrict his notion of causality to
systems in which causes can be hunted by straightforward econometric means
the causes are exogenous with respect to the parameters of interest; like
Hoover, the use for licensing counterfactuals is immediate that comes from
the demands for superexogeneity.
Consider as a simple example a vector Yof outcome variables that we consider
affecting via changes in the parameters, , of the probability of x. Expressing the
joint probability as P (Y,x. )P(x. ), x is weakly exogenous to Y if the param-
eters of the marginal distribution have no cross-restraints with the parameters
of the conditional distribution. This means that the marginal distribution can
be ignored without loss of information in estimating the conditional distribu-
tion. This is useful since under these conditions the joint distribution can be
estimated by separate estimation of the conditional and marginal distributions.
Since the parameters have no cross-restraints it may look as if we can change
without affecting . That is not correct. These facts about the relation of
A good analysis of what Simon does there can be found in Fennell (2005a).
Pearl (2000), p. 525.
Though, as I argued, they are highly restricted by the demand that the variables be determined by
the parameters since parameters by denition are quantities over which we have direct control.
See Hendry (2004), Engle, Hendry and Richard (1983) and ch. 4 in this book.
Counterfactuals in economics 253
the parameters are facts that hold for the given distribution P. To change the
marginal distribution in any way is to change the distribution P to some new
one, P
. There is nothing in the facts reported about P that has bearing on what
happens in P
. Exogeneity in P provides no guarantee that the parameters for
the joint and marginal distributions will factor in P
with in the marginal
distribution alone or that the conditional distribution will stay xed. To demand
that they do so is to demand the superexogeneity of x for Y with respect to the
parameters .
Consider a simple two equation system such as
x = u
Y = x u
where and are parameters that have no cross restraints (are variation free)
and u
and u
are normalized independent error terms. In this system, weak
exogeneity holds since and are variation free. However, suppose that the
parameters we actually intervene on are
(. ) = f (
and f is invertible (so that and are variation free if the s are).
Now suppose we propose to intervene on x in order to affect Y. Ideally we
should like to x . But we can only do so via intervening on
, and
intervening to change by acting on
also changes . So changing
the marginal distribution P(x. ) by changing also changes the conditional
distribution P(Y[x, ) despite the fact that and are variation free. So, one
needs tostrengthenthe weakexogeneityrequirement sothat one canintervene to
change parameters of either the marginal distribution or conditional distribution
without affecting the parameters of the other distribution. This is to require
Turning now to counterfactuals. Given superexogeneity it is possible to read
off from the conditional distribution how the probability of the outcomes of
interest will change if changes in the distribution of x are implemented in the
ways envisaged (i.e. by changing ). No intermediate semantics is required.
Are these genuine What if . . .? counterfactuals or mere impostors? Since
these are not technical terms but merely a way of making a point about the
difference between causal discovery entering the language of causality and
causal use exiting that language, it should not be surprising that the answer
is that they are somewhere in between. What Hendry calls causal relations
do tell us what would happen if what we are actually thinking of doing in the
way we thinking of doing it were to happen. But they do so only for systems
where superexogeneity is ensured, which, though perhaps not as demanding as
the conditions for a Galilean experiment, is highly restrictive when it comes to
real life.
254 Causal theories in economics
16.4 Epistemic convenience versus external validity
I began my discussion with reference to impostor counterfactuals. There is a
sense in which the Galilean counterfactual questions that Heckman asks are
genuine. If we are talking about the right kinds of system epistemically con-
venient ones they ask genuine implementation-specic what-if questions. But
there are two problems. First, few systems we confront are epistemically con-
venient. The vast majority are not. For these, the particular measures Heckman
introduces under the title causal (or counterfactual) effect are irrelevant.
Second, even if we are studying an epistemically convenient system there is
a puzzle about why we should wish to ask just these implementation-specic
questions. If we were thinking of setting policy or evaluating the success of
some programme in the system, then these, with their very special method
of implementation, might be relevant sometimes. But there is no necessity to
implement policies in the single way highlighted in the Galilean counterfactual;
generally we would want to consider a variety of different methods of imple-
mentation and frequently to assess implementation-neutral counterfactuals as
well. Even in epistemically convenient systems, the Galilean counterfactuals
that Heckman studies often have no privileged role.
There are two familiar enterprises where they do have a special role. The rst
is in trying to determine if, and to what degree, one factor contributes causally
to another. In an epistemically convenient system we can ask Galilean-type
counterfactual questions; and the answers we obtain will double as measures
of causal contributions. They are a tool for nding out answers to our causal
questions. But note that they are only a tool for nding out about causes in our
special epistemically convenient systems. For other systems we cannot even
ask these counterfactual questions, let alone let the answers to them supply our
causal answers as well.
The other is in Heckmans own eld, evaluation. In setting up new pro-
grammes, we might try to set themup in such a way that the causal contribution
they make to the result can be readily disentangled fromthe contribution of other
factors. One particular concern is with other factors that might both contribute
to the effect independently of the programme and also make it more likely that
an individual entered (or failed to enter) the programme. If we can arrange the
set-up of our programme so that it is epistemically convenient, then again we
can answer Galilean counterfactual questions What difference would there be
in outcome with the programme present versus the programme absent, holding
xed all other contributions to the outcome? And again these counterfactual
questions will tell us the contribution the programme makes, since in these cir-
cumstances the difference in outcome between when the programme is present
and when it is absent must be exactly the contribution the programme makes.
So we can use information about Galilean counterfactuals to learn about the
Counterfactuals in economics 255
causal contributions of the programme we set up. Still, all we learn is about that
programme in those special epistemically convenient circumstances.
In either case, whether it be experimental systems or programme set-ups that
we engineer to make the measurement of causal contributions easy, we need
to ask why we should be interested in causal contributions in these very spe-
cial and rare kinds of system. The answer is clear. Generally we want this
information because it will tell us something about causal contributions in other
systems as well. But we confront here the familiar problemof internal and exter-
nal validity. In an epistemically convenient linear system, using counterfactual
differences as a measure of causal contributions is provably valid. Internal to
the situation this method is bound to give us correct results about the ques-
tion of interest. But nothing said in this discussion bears on external validity:
when will the results that we can be sure are correct in a convenient system
hold elsewhere? Sometimes this issue is discussed in the economics methodol-
ogy literature under the heading invariance. This is often with something like
equation set (l
) in mind. Here we can nd out the causal contribution,
, of
to q
by calculating the difference in Galilean counterfactuals as p
via w holding xed i. Then we might imagine that everything already in place
about the causal principle for q
would stay the same even if weather became
an inuence on quantity demanded. Thus we suppose that the second equation
can be replaced with
We then say that the equation for q
remains invariant as
changes from
zero to non-zero, or possibly we suppose it invariant over any range of values
. This though is only one kind of assumption we might make about the
use to which we can put the information we learn about the causal contribution
that one factor makes to another.
There are two points that matter to my argument here. The rst is that assump-
tions about where this information can be put to use are not justied by any-
thing we have discussed so far, and in particular not by any information about
counterfactuals of the kinds I have explored. Showing that results on causal
contributions have external validity and how far and of what kind requires
a different methodology altogether.
Second, when we export the information gleaned from Galilean counterfac-
tuals in epistemically convenient systems elsewhere, it is not as information
about counterfactuals but rather as information about causal contributions.
In most systems to which we will carry our results, Galilean counterfactual
questions do not even make sense. This supports my claim that both as coun-
terfactuals and as causal surrogates, Galilean counterfactuals are impostors.
They do not carry over as counterfactuals to non-epistemically convenient
systems; and in epistemically convenient ones they are usually of interest,
256 Causal theories in economics
not on their own as genuine what-if hypotheses but only as tools for mea-
suring causal contributions. Even then the results about causal contributions
are of use outside the highly restricted systems in which they are estab-
lished only if specic assumptions about the external validity of the results are
This issue links directly with the discussion of RCTs in section 16.2.1 of
this chapter and in ch. 3 of this book. Consider a linear three-variable example
for simplicity. Suppose smoking (x
) and exercise (x
) are a complete set of
causes for degree of heart health (y), where smoking and exercising can take
values 0 and 1. So the causal function is y = ax
and the causal effect of
smoking on heart health is a. Imagine we do not know the full causal function
for the outcome y so we use an RCT to try to learn the size of a, for illustration
a very ideal RCT where everyone in the treatment group smokes and no one in
the control group smokes and where, as hoped for from the randomization, the
probability of exercise is the same in both. Then, using subscripts T and C for
the treatment and control groups, and noting that the mean value of x
be the same in both groups
= a b(x
) = a
So the causal effect, a, shows up as the difference in the mean outcomes of the
two groups.
What does this tell us about what would happen in real life were we to induce
everyone tostopsmoking? Suppose we stickwiththe simplest case where we are
concerned only with the population from which the sample for the experiment
was drawn and we suppose our policies do not affect the underlying causal
function. In the experiment we create an articial situation where smoking and
exercise vary separately fromone another. But this is unlikely to be true outside
the experiment. Free from the experimental gaze, people who would otherwise
have exercised might not do so; others may start to do so; and being induced
to stop smoking in whatever way the policy employs may itself lead people
to change their exercise habits. The problems are compounded if we imagine
trying to carry the results to new populations or suppose that new kinds of
causes occur. In this case we have no assurance so far that even the underlying
causal function will stay the same.
This is well known. I repeat it to underline that the size of the causal effect
is not the same as the counterfactual difference for real counterfactuals out-
side experiments. To calculate that we need a causal model of what happens
in the real case with the kind of policy implementations envisaged. In build-
ing a causal model the information that the causal difference in an epistemi-
cally convenient system somehow related to ours, or in a well-conducted RCT,
is a can be of help. But to import this into our new model requires a num-
ber of strong assumptions well beyond those required to determine that the
Counterfactuals in economics 257
causal effect has a certain size in the epistemically convenient system or in
the RCT.
The same kinds of concern have been raised about my views on capacities.
One of the two central themes of this book is causal diversity: there are a great
variety of different kinds of causal concepts. My recognition of this began with
a distinction between causal-law claims and capacity claims. One chief kind
of example of causal-law claims are the equations of a linear deterministic
system. I took it that these describe the principles that govern the production
of a certain kind of structure or institution, like a toaster of a cer-
tain make or the UK economy in 2003. Capacity claims describe facts about
causes that hold more widely. We can learn about them in one structure or
setting and use what we learn there to construct new causal models for new
I had in mind the long-standing worries in economics by Mill,
and Friedman
among others that economic parameters
may not be stable as the causal principles for a situation change. In our little
smoking/exercise/health example, we may lessen the bad effects of smoking on
heart health, which are measured by a, by regulating the contents of tobacco; but
that intervention may also change how much exercise can affect heart health,
measured by b. In that case b does not measure a stable capacity that can be
relied on in the building of a causal model for the new situation.
In Natures Capacities and their Measurement I argued that empiricists need
not shun capacities because they are not measurable. We can measure them in
Galilean experiments or using standard econometric techniques and we do so
all the time. But, it has been objected,
the measurements measure the strength
of a capacity given that it is a capacity we are measuring. They do not showthat
it is a capacity. That is indeed the case. It is the reason for stressing the peculiar-
ity of the situation of the Galilean experiment or the epistemically convenient
system. These are special rare kinds of situation. What happens in them would
generally be of little consequence for practice unless we have good reason to
suppose that what happens there is characteristic of what happens elsewhere.
But that is a separate matter needing its own independent and different kinds
Of course, as I note in my discussion in chs. 2, 7 and 14, I no longer think that there is one
single kind of causal relation that equations of this form might describe.
Mill obviously did not talk about parameters. But he did stress that the principles observed
to describe a system correctly cannot be relied on to continue to do so in the future because
the background arrangement of causes giving rise to any observed pattern is likely to shift
unpredictably. See Mill (1836).
Frisch (1938).
Haavelmo (1944).
Lucas (1976).
Friedman (1953).
Notice that this kind of invariance, which I mark with the term capacity, is different from any
of the invariances discussed in chs. 810 in this book. It is also different from another kind of
invariance studied by James Woodward (2003) and Sandra Mitchell (2003), where we ask for
a given set of principles how widely they apply.
Morrison (1995).
258 Causal theories in economics
of arguments.
The Galilean experiment and the epistemically convenient sys-
tem have just the right structure to allow us to gure out what is happening
within them. But nothing in that structure argues that the results can be carried
16.5 Causal decision-theory
As another illustration of the conation of Galilean counterfactuals with more
realistic implementation-specic ones, consider causal decision-theory. Various
versions of causal decision-theory made the same mistake I am pointing to, but
in reverse. The aim was to evaluate genuine counterfactuals but we ended up
with a measure that measured the causal contribution of a factor and not the
counterfactual effects of the factor being implemented. Consider a very simple
Given my fear of lung cancer, should I quit smoking? Presumably the answer
is yes if the expected utility if I were to quit is greater than if I were to
continue; or
Counterfactual decision formula:
L)U(S&L) P(S
L)U(S&L) - P(S
where S = I smoke. L = I get lung cancer. U(X) = utility of X, and where
I shall assume the probabilities are personal probabilities read off from the
population probabilities.
Conventionally in decision theory P(B,A) appeared in this formula instead
of P(A
Conventional decision formula:
P(L,S)U(S&L) P(L,S)U(S&L) - P(L,S)U(S&L)
but it became apparent that this wouldnot do. As the sloganhas it, the probability
of a counterfactual conditional is not a conditional probability. I can illustrate
why with a caricature of a hypothesis mooted by R. A. Fisher. Perhaps smoking
does not cause lung cancer; rather the observed probabilistic dependence of
lung cancer on smoking arises entirely because both are the result of some
gene that is prevalent in the population. Then it might well be the case that
P(L,S) P(S,L), but it would not make sense to give up smoking if one
loved it in order to avoid lung cancer. To keep the example simple I shall
In Natures Capacities and their Measurement the difference between causal-law claims and
capacity claims is taken as a difference in levels of modality.
Counterfactuals in economics 259
suppose that there is no other cause of lung cancer besides the two possible
causes, smoking and the gene.
Since on the Fisher hypothesis the probabilistic dependence between S
and L is due entirely to the fact that each is itself dependent on the gene, the
dependence between them should disappear if we condition on the presence or
absence of the gene. This led causal decision theorists to substitute the partial
conditional probabilities P(L, S G) for P(L, S).depending on whether
I do indeed have the gene or not (G = I have the smoking/lung cancer gene).
If, as we might expect, I have no idea at all whether I have the gene, then I
should average over P(L, S G). where the weights for the average would
reasonably be based on the frequency with which G appears in the population:
P(G). P(G). In case we can make the additional assumption that the only
bearing that the gene has on my utility is through smoking and lung cancer,
this line of reasoning results in
Causal decision formula:
[P(L,S&G)P(G) P(L,S&G)P(G)]U(S&L) [P(L,S&G)P(G)
P(L,S&G)P(G)]U(S&L) - [P(L,S&G)P(G)
P(L,S&G)P(G)]U(S&L) [P(L,S&G)P(G)
In the case when G is independent of S (P(G, S) = P(G)). this formula
reduces to the conventional formula.
Notice that the difference P([S
L], G) P([S
L], G) is given by
P(L,S&G)P(G) P(L,S&G)P(G). This latter formula is a direct
analogue to Heckmans formula for the causal/counterfactual difference for
values. Hold xed the other causes of the effect in question and see what
difference occurs when the targeted cause varies on its own; except that in this
case we look not to the difference in values of the effect as the cause varies
but rather to the difference in probabilities. I shall by extension call this the
probabilistic causal/counterfactual difference. It is clearly not dened whenever
S and G are not variation-free; when it is dened and they are variation free, we
can also by analogy take the formula to provide a measure of the probabilistic
causal contribution of S to L given G or given G.
So that U(S L G) = U(S L).
When there is more than one common cause involved, the usual generalization of this formula
conditions on the state descriptions over the common causes, weighted with the probabilities
with which each state description obtains.
In the linear models assumed in section 16.3 in this chapter, the coefcients of each variable are
assumed to be functionally independent of the values of all variables, so relativization analogous
to the relativization to G and G here was not necessary. The assumption here analogous to
that in section 16.3 would be that Ss contribution to L is the same in the presence and in the
absence of G.
260 Causal theories in economics
Like the value-based causal/counterfactual difference this too is more like
the counterfactual difference we look for in a Galilean experiment than the
implementation-specic difference that might occur in real cases. The particular
example chosen tends to obscure this point (as did many others focused on in the
early days of causal decision theory). In our case we have only one other cause
on the tapis and it is unlikely to be changed by any method by which we might
come to stop smoking. But suppose that the way in which I will be brought, or
bring myself, to stop smoking has some chance of altering whether I have the
relevant gene or not. In that case, if we assume that the causal contributions of
separate factors are additive, a better formula for the implementation-specic
probabilistic counterfactual difference might be
(letting cc(A. B,C) stand for
the causal contribution of A to B in the presence of C):
L], G) P([S
L], G)
= cc(S. L,G) P([S
G], G)
I offer this formula as an illustration to make a specic point. Behind the story
is a small causal model based on the little story I told about smoking, the gene
and lung cancer plus the assumption that contributions from separate causes
combine additively. And that buys us some advance. But it does not eliminate
the counterfactuals altogether. We still need a model involving the implemen-
tation variables and the relation to the system to calculate the probability of the
remaining counterfactuals. The second model in cases like this will often be far
more ad hoc and involve far more local knowledge than the one that models
the basic system itself.
The overall point of this discussion, however, is that causal decision-theories
typically employ a measure that depends entirely on the causal contribution
of the action in question. But what is needed, as in policy deliberations in
general, is a formula that involves implementation-specic counterfactuals
across the range of implementations that might in fact obtain i.e. genuine
16.6 Conclusion
I have called many of the counterfactuals of current interest in economics (and in
philosophy) impostors because they are generally not answers to the genuine
What if . . .? questions of policy and evaluation. Instead they provide a tool
I offer this as a plausible example. Whether it is the correct formula or not will, as I have
argued, depend on the details of the causal model; and, as I have also already noted, we do not
yet have very good prescriptions for getting from the great variety of different kinds of models
we employ to methods of evaluating the various different kinds of implementation-neutral and
implementation-specic counterfactuals we may need for policy.
Counterfactuals in economics 261
for measuring causal contributions in very special kinds of situations the
Galilean experiments. I began with genuine counterfactuals. For purposes
of planning and evaluation we need answers to a variety of What if . . .?
questions, both implementation-specic questions and implementation-neutral
ones. But I have now come full circle. Despite claims of RCT advocates to the
contrary, the best way to evaluate these counterfactuals is via a good causal
model. And how do we construct an appropriate causal model for answering
genuine What if . . .? questions about a given situation? Learning the causal
contributions of the relevant factors from Galilean models will be a huge help
here, so long as we keep in mind all the strictures about external validity. So,
impostor counterfactuals can play a role in answering genuine What if . . .?
questions, albeit a very indirect one. But only a role they cannot provide the
real answer.
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add-on strategy 51, 52
analogue economy 217
Anscombe, Elizabeth 11
Bayes nets 61
causal graphs 62
methods 12, 32, 61
Boolean algebra methods 34
bootstrapping 179, 188
Bridgman, P. W. 105
brute force connections 62
Buchdahl, Gerd 62
capacities 257
Cartwright, Emily 224
causal contribution 251
causal decision-theory 258
causal dilation 111
causal inference 180
causal laws and effective strategies 44
causal-law variation 156
causal Markov condition 12, 45, 51, 61, 68,
74, 77
denition 133
causal structure 154
causal sufciency 74
causal system 80, 154
common knowledge 28
controlled experiments; natural
experiments 31, 39
put to use 39
Cooley, T. F. 82
and Le Roy, hypothetical experiments
cooperating causes 76
correctness 160, 1649
correlation between low income and low
education 27
correlation in time evolution 77
correspondence theory of representation
Coulombs law 39
implementation neutral 241
implementation specic 241
impostor 236
Cowles Commission 179, 190
Dappled World, The 11
Deaton, Angus 26
Duns Scotus 80
econometric methods 32, 38
Engle, R. 17885
epistemic convenience 81, 86, 92, 160, 1649
epistemically convenient system 82, 89,
with probability measures 51
equivalence 191
euthanasia 241
account of the carburettor 15
birth control pill 65, 70, 72, 242
Bologna (lemonade and biscuit) machine
201, 209
carburettor 20
chemical factory 73, 107, 117, 122, 125,
geodesics 38
Hausman, Daniel, nuclear power plant 243
Hoover, Kevin, increasing federal funds
causes upward shifts in yield curve 205
laser engineering 41
lung cancer 258
and smoking 187, 256, 257
National Longitudinal Mortality Study 27
skill-loss model 222
Sober, Elliott, heights of corn plants 71
soil fumigants used to increase oat crop
yields 20
Stanford Gravity Probe B 30
toaster 70, 85, 93
exogeneity 186
experiment 136
Index 269
experimental economics 221
external validity 39, 220
faithfulness 63
Fennell, Damien 191, 202, 205
Fine, Arthur 87
Fisher, R. A. 258
Friedman, Milton 49
Frigg, Roman 65
Galavotti, Maria Carla 46
Galilean counterfactual 249
Galilean idealization 225
Galileo, rolling ball experiments 217
experiments, tendency claim 48, 223
Gee, Rachel Hacking ii
Glymour, Clark 63
Granger causality or Suppes
causality 29, 38, 64
Guala, Francesco 220
Hamilton, James 1978
Hausman, Daniel 14, 236, 241
Causal Asymmetries 8991
Hausman, Daniel
and James Woodward 239
Cartwrights objection 121
central characterizing feature of causation
HW intervention 99
level invariance, manipulability 97
modularity 76, 133
health and status 37
Heckman, James 198, 236, 246
Hempel, C. G., internal and bridge
principles 228
hypothetico-deductive method 179, 188
Hendry, David 47, 50, 236, 252
Hoover, Kevin 17, 71, 82, 184, 191, 203, 236,
account of causality 49
Hume 79, 86
problem of induction 186
hunting causes 238
identiability 180
indeterminism 147
internal and external validity 220, 255
intervening, varying value of targeted quantity
intervention 101, 155
of values 163
INUS condition 34
invariance 48, 156
methods 33
level invariance 97, 99
invariance and modularity 105
Lebesgue measure 68
LeRoy, Stephen 14, 82, 236, 241
Lewis, David 238
Lewis-style semantics 247
linear deterministic equations
reduced form 242
linear deterministic system 190, 213
Lucas, Robert 229
abstract model economy 226
analogue economies 217
Macaulay David, How Things Work 15, 85
Mackie, J. L. 34, 88
INUS account 206
manipulability 97, 134, 135
manipulation account 48
metaphysics 47, 132
and method 45
method of concomitant variation 82
Mill, J. S., tendency law 39, 219
Mitchell, Sandra 50
mixing 77
MOD 99
modularity 13, 48, 80, 99
and the causal Markov condition 132
Morgan, Mary 17885, 220
narrow-clinching method 1978
Newtonian mechanics, internal tendency 230
no spontaneous correlation 149
open back path 195, 202
Oreskes, Naomi 27
Pearl, Judea 14, 15, 63, 64, 68, 73, 236, 239
axiom of composition 247
counterfactuals 51, 82
singular counterfactuals 94
and T. Verma 111
Perrin, Jean 36
Phillips curve 233
Pissarides, Chris 221, 222
Plott, Charles 221
Popper, Karl 25
poverty measures 41
probabilistic causal/counterfactual difference
probabilistic dependence 61
probabilistic patterns of Bayes nets 62
production account 204
production causality 213
products and by-products 78
270 Index
QCA (qualitative comparative methods) 34,
RCTs (randomized control trials) 31, 38, 237,
Richard, J. F. 17885
Russell, Bertrand 52
Scheines, Richard 63
scientic laws 50
Shafer, Glenn 65
Simon, Herbert 82, 190, 237
causal order from linear equations 184
Simpsons paradox 62, 64
Sims, Christopher 198
singular causation 14
Sober, Elliott 141
Spirtes, Peter 63
Glymour, C. and Scheines, R. 74, 111
manipulation theorem 51
Simpsons paradox 66
Spohn, Wolfgang 61, 62, 64
Bayes-net account of causality 44
stability 61
statistical inference 180
strategy account
Suarez, Mauricio 46
superexogenous relations 186
Suppes, Patrick
probabilistic analysis of causality 45, 62
Swoyer, Chris 46
testability 134, 135, 146
by experiment 136
theories of causality 43, 52
Tooley, Michael 211
variation 155
Williams, Bernard 22
Woodward, James 14, 48, 82, 8991
level invariance 45
invariance account 16
manipulation/invariance theory 47
Yi, Sang Wook 231