Fba Consulting PMC: Health, Safety and Environmental Policy

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We are provider of Professional Project Management services in the development of
industries, buildings and infrastructure projects. The FBA CONSULTING PMC management
recognizes Health, Safety and Environment as among the highest goals and objectives.
The management is fully committed to:
Comply with all applicable legal and other requirements connected with occupational
Health, Safety and Environmental matters, including customer specific requirements.
We recognise that we need to continue improving to provide a safe and healthy
environment for everybody involved in the work. Therefore our management and
improvement plan is structured around eight key focus areas aligned to Successful
Health and Safety Management. In everything we do compliance with relevant
legislation, codes of practice, specific industry requirements and our own cardinal
rules is the minimum acceptable level of performance.
Our goal is to eliminate or minimize the hazards which cause accidents and injuries.
The Project Team co-ordinate their own work in order to ensure the safety of those
Carrying out the construction work, and others who may be affected by it;
Practice Pollution Prevention methods, wherever feasible and work towards
prevention of injury and ill health in construction activities.
There are reasonable management arrangements in place throughout the project to
ensure that the construction work can be carried out, so far as is reasonably
practicable, safely and without risk to health.
Create awareness on Occupational Health, Safety and Environment by team work,
training and meaningful communication of the HSE Policy to employees, persons
working on behalf of the organization and relevant interested parties.
Achieve customer satisfaction through planned objectives and targets and continual
improvement in HSE Performance.
It is company policy that accident prevention be a prime concern of all employees.
This includes the safety and well being of our employees, subcontractors, and
customers, as well as the prevention of wasteful, inefficient operations, and damage to
property and equipment.

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