Wsmetadata 1 0 FR Spec

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Web Services Metadata for the

JavaTM Platform
Technical Comments to: [email protected]

Java Community Process (JCP)
Version 1.0 June 1, 2005

Specification Lead: Brian Zotter of BEA Systems

Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004,2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Table of Contents

Introduction............................................................................................................. 4
Expert Group Members.................................................................................... 5
Acknowledgements.......................................................................................... 5
Conventions..................................................................................................... 5
Objectives........................................................................................................ 6
Concepts ................................................................................................................. 7
Programming Model Overview........................................................................ 7
Development Models....................................................................................... 7
Processor Responsibilities................................................................................ 8
Runtime Responsibilities ................................................................................. 9
Metadata Use................................................................................................... 9
Web Services Metadata.................................................................................. 11
Server Programming Model................................................................................... 13
Service Implementation Bean ........................................................................ 13
Service Endpoint Interface............................................................................. 13
Web Method.................................................................................................. 14
Web Services Metadata ......................................................................................... 15
Annotation: javax.jws.WebService ................................................................ 15
Annotation: javax.jws.WebMethod................................................................ 17
Annotation: javax.jws.Oneway ...................................................................... 18
Annotation: javax.jws.WebParam .................................................................. 19
Annotation: javax.jws.WebResult .................................................................. 22
Annotation: javax.jws.HandlerChain.............................................................. 24
Annotation: javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding ..................................................... 26
Annotation: javax.jws.soap.SOAPMessageHandlers ...................................... 30
Java Mapping To XML/WSDL ............................................................................. 33
Service Endpoint Interface............................................................................. 33
Web Service Class Mapping .......................................................................... 33
Web Method Mapping ................................................................................... 34
SOAP Binding....................................................................................................... 35
Operation Modes ........................................................................................... 35
Headers ......................................................................................................... 36
Mapping JSR-181 to the J2EE 1.4 Runtime Environment ...................................... 38
Overview ....................................................................................................... 38
Implementation Models ................................................................................. 39
Service Endpoint Interface............................................................................. 39
Mapping from JSR-181 to JSR-109 Deployment Descriptors......................... 39
Using JSR-181 annotations to affect the shape of the WSDL ................................. 44
RPC Literal Style........................................................................................... 44
References............................................................................................................. 47
Appendix A: Relationship to Other Standards ............................................................... 48
Appendix B: Handler Chain Configuration File Schema................................................ 49
Appendix C: Non-Normative Examples of Alternate Binding Annotations.................... 50
C.1 Annotation Name: HttpGetBinding..................................................................... 50
Appendix D: Change Log.............................................................................................. 51

1 Introduction
This specification defines a simplified programming model that facilitates and accelerates
the development of enterprise Web Services. J2EE standard deployment technologies,
APIs, and protocols require the J2EE developer to master a substantial amount of
information. This JSR reduces the amount of information required to implement Web
Services on J2EE by using metadata to specify declaratively the Web Services that each
application provides. The metadata annotates the Java source file that implements the
Web Service. While the metadata is human readable and editable using a simple text
editor, graphical development tools can represent and edit the Java source file using
higher levels of abstraction specific to Web Services. This is a simpler and more
powerful development environment than traditional coding tools that are used to develop
source code using low level APIs.
This specification relies on the JSR-175 specification A Program Annotation Facility for
the JavaTM Programming Language for the Web Services metadata that annotates a Web
Service implementation. This document uses JSR-175 features as described in the Public
Draft Specification of JSR-175.
JSR-181 defines the syntax and semantics of Web Services metadata and default values
and implementers are expected to provide tools that map the annotated Java classes onto
a specific runtime environment. This specification does not define a Java environment in
which Web Services are run; however, the use of a J2SE 5.0 compiler is assumed. In
particular, JSR-181 expects features such as JAX-RPC 1.1 and JSR-109, along with the
compiler and language extensions from JSR-175 to be present.
A JSR-181 implementation MUST produce a deployable Java Web Service application
that can run in the target Java environment. The deployed application MUST exhibit the
proper behavior described by the Web Services metadata and Java source code. Any two
JSR-181 processors starting from the same valid annotated Java Web Services file MUST
produce equivalent Web Service applications, even though they may deploy in very
different Java environments. This consistency ensures portability of JSR-181 compliant
Java files.

1.1 Expert Group Members

The following people have been part of the JSR-181 Expert Group
Alexander Aptus (Togethersoft Corporation)
John Bossons
Charles Campbell
Alan Davies (SeeBeyond Technology Corp)
Ted Farrell (Oracle)
John Harby
RajivMordani (Sun Microsystems)
Michael Morton (IBM)
Simon Nash (IBM)
Mark Pollack
Srividya Rajagopalan (Nokia)
Krishna Sankar (Cisco Systems)
Manfred Schneider (SAP AG)
John Schneider (BEA Systems)
Kalyan Seshu (Paramati Technologies)
Rahul Sharma (Motorola)
Michael Shenfield (Research In Motion)
Evan Simeone (PalmSource)
Brian Zotter (BEA Systems)

1.2 Acknowledgements
Manoj Cheenath (BEA Systems), Don Ferguson (BEA Systems), Chris Fry (BEA
Systems), Neal Yin (BEA Systems), Beverley Talbott (BEA Systems), Matt Mihic and
Jim Trezzo have all provided valuable technical input to this specification.

1.3 Conventions
document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119[11].

1.4 Objectives
The following objectives describe the scope of this specification:

Define an annotated Java syntax for programming Web Service applications.

Provide a simplified model for Web Service development that facilitates and
accelerates development.

Provide a syntax that is amenable to manipulation by tools.

Define a standard for to building and deploying Web Services without requiring
knowledge and implementation of generalized APIs and deployment descriptors.

This specification addresses the need to simplify:

Development of server applications that conform both to basic SOAP and WSDL

Building Web Services that can be deployed with the core Web Services APIs and
existing J2EE standards.

Separate control of public Web Service message contracts and private

implementation signatures, because in practice public and private formats evolve
on different schedules.

It is not a goal of this specification to support every feature or to enable the creation of
every Web Service that is possible to write with existing specifications. However, it is a
goal to make it easy to build the commonly needed types of Web Services.

2 Concepts
This section provides an overview of the following basic components and processes of
the JSR-181 specification:
Programming model for JSR-181 Web Services.
Use of metadata in JSR-181.
Non-normative processing model for a Web Service file.
Runtime requirements for a JSR-181 container
Annotations used for WSDL, binding and configuration.
The metadata is formally described in section 4.

2.1 Programming Model Overview

JSR-181 builds on the existing J2EE 1.4 server programming model described by JAXRPC and JSR-109. A developer who builds a Web Service using these technologies is
required to write and manage several artifacts: a WSDL document describing the external
Web Service contract; a service endpoint interface defining the Java representation of the
Web Service interface; a service implementation bean containing the Web Service
implementation; and one or more deployment descriptors linking the WSDL, interface,
and implementation into a single artifact. JSR-181 simplifies this model by allowing the
developer to write only the service implementation bean - actual business logic and use
annotations to generate the remaining artifacts.

2.2 Development Models

JSR-181 defines several different models of Web Service development. Only the Start
with Java development model is REQUIRED by implementations.

2.2.1 Start with Java

In the start from Java development mode, the developer begins by writing a Java class
to expose as a Web Service. The developer then runs this Java class through the JSR-181
processor, which produces WSDL, schema, and other deployment artifacts from the
annotated Java code. By default, the WSDL produced from the Java source follows the
Java to XML/WSDL mapping defined by JAX-RPC 1.1. However, the developer may
customize the generated WSDL through annotations on the Java source. For example,
the developer may use the annotation to set explicitly the name of
the wsdl:portType representing the Web Service.
JSR-181 also supports a development model where the service is defined in Java but the
messages and types are defined in XML schema. In this model, the developer starts by
defining a set of types and elements in XML schema. The schema definitions are passed
through a schema to Java compiler to produce a corresponding set of Java types. The
resulting Java types are then used as parameters and return values on methods in an
annotated service implementation bean. The WSDL produced from this service
implementation bean imports or directly includes the schema definitions that match the
Java types used by the service.

2.2.2 Start with WSDL

In the start from WSDL development mode, the developer uses JSR-181 to implement
a pre-defined WSDL interface. Typically, this process begins with the developer passing
a pre-existing WSDL 1.1 file through an implementation-supplied tool to produce a
service endpoint interface representing the Java contract, along with Java classes
representing the schema definitions and message parts contained in the WSDL. The
developer then writes a service implementation bean that implements the service
endpoint interface. In this model, JSR-181 annotations supply implementation details
that are left out of the original WSDL contract, such as binding or service location

2.2.3 Start with WSDL and Java

In the start with WSDL and Java development mode, the developer uses JSR-181
annotations to associate a service implementation bean with an existing WSDL contract.
In this model, the JSR-181 annotations map constructs on the Java class or interface to
constructs on the WSDL contract. For example, the developer could use the
@WebMethod.operationName annotation to associate a method on the service
implementation bean with a pre-defined wsdl:operation. A JSR-181 implementation
supporting this model MUST provide feedback when a service implementation bean no
longer adheres to the contract defined by the original WSDL. The form that this
feedback takes depends on the implementation. For example, a source editing tool might
provide feedback by highlighting the offending annotations, while a command line tool
might generate warnings or fail to process a service implementation bean that does not
match the associated WSDL.

2.3 Processor Responsibilities

The term JSR-181 processor is used to denote the code that processes the annotations
in a JSR-181 Web Service file to create a runnable Web Service. Typically this involves
generating the WSDL and schemas that represent the service and its messages and the
deployment descriptors that configure the service for the target runtime. It may also
result in the generation of additional source artifacts. For example, a JSR-181 processor
targeting the J2EE 1.4 EJB container might generate the Home, Remote, and Service
Endpoint interfaces associated with the Web Service.
This specification does not require implementations to follow a particular processing
model. An implementation MAY use whatever processing model is appropriate to its
environment, as long as it produces a running Web Service with the proper contract and
runtime behavior. For example, one implementation might process the JSR-181
annotations directly within the Java compiler to generate a deployable Web Service as the
output of compilation; another might provide tools to convert a compiled service
implementation bean into a set of artifacts that can be deployed into the container; and a
third might configure its runtime container directly off the Java source or class file.
Each implementation is considered conformant with JSR-181 as long as it produces a
Web Service with the proper runtime behavior.

2.4 Runtime Responsibilities

The runtime environment is responsible for providing lifecycle management, concurrency
management, transport services, and security services. This specification defines the set
of annotations that a developer may use to specify declaratively the behavior of an
application, but does not define a specific runtime environment or container. Instead, the
JSR-181 processor is responsible for mapping the annotated Java classes onto a specific
runtime environment. This specification envisions but does not require several such
runtime environments:
a. Automatic deployment to a server directory This is a drag and drop
deployment model, similar to that used by JSPs. The annotated Web Service file
is copied in source or class form to a directory monitored by the container. The
container examines the annotations in the file to build a WSDL and configures the
runtime machinery required for dispatching. This approach provides a simplified
deployment model for prototyping and rapid application development (RAD).
b. Automatic deployment with external overrides Similar to approach a), but with
the addition of an external configuration file containing overrides to annotations.
The additional configuration file allows an administrator to customize the
behavior or configuration of the Web Service such as the endpoint URL without changing the Java source.
c. Generation of J2EE 1.4 Web Services - In this model, a tool uses the metadata in
the annotated Java class to generate a J2EE 1.4 Web Service based on JSR-109
and JAX-RPC 1.1. While the initial Web Service would be generated from the
annotated Java source, the result could be further customized through standard
deployment tools including JSR-88 deployment plans. This allows for
customization of externally modifiable properties at deployment or runtime,
without requiring access to the source file for modification and recompilation.
Chapter 9 defines one such a mapping, to the J2EE 1.4 environment. Subsequent
revisions to the specification will update this mapping for other environments, such as
J2EE 5.0.

2.5 Metadata Use

The metadata used to annotate the service implementation bean conforms to the JSR-175
specification and the specific JSR-181 annotation type declarations that are defined in
this specification (using the JSR-175 metadata facility). These annotation type
declarations are contained in packages that need to be imported by every JSR-181 Web
Service source file. JSR-175 provides the syntax for expressing the attribute declarations
that are in these packages. This JSR specifies the contents of the javax.jws and
javax.jws.soap packages (see attached APIs). These annotation type declarations
provide a language for expressing Web Service metadata using the JSR-175 metadata

Developers use a standard Java compiler with support for JSR-175 to compile and
validate the service implementation bean. The compiler uses the annotation type
declarations in the javax.jws and javax.jws.soap packages to check for syntax and
type mismatch errors in the Web Service metadata. The result of compilation is a Java
.class file containing the Web Service metadata along with the compiled Java code. The
class file format for these annotations is specified by JSR-175. Any Web Service
metadata that this JSR designates as runtime-visible will also be accessible using the
standard java.lang.reflect classes from the run-time environment.

2.5.1 Error Checking

Although the compiler can check for syntax and type errors by using the annotation type
declaration, syntactically valid metadata may still contain semantic errors.
Implementations MUST provide a validation mechanism to perform additional semantic
checking to ensure that a service implementation bean is correct. The validation MAY be
performed in a separate tool or as part of deployment.
Examples of semantic checks include:

Ensuring that annotation values match extended types. The Java compiler can
ensure that a particular annotation member-value is of the type specified in the
annotation type declaration. However, JSR-175 restricts annotations to simple
types such as primitives, Strings, and enums. As a result, the compiler cannot
ensure that (for example) an annotation member is a valid URL. It can only
verify that the member is a String. The JSR-181 implementation MUST perform
the additional type checking to ensure that the value is a valid URL.

Ensuring that annotations match the code. For example, the developer MAY use
the @Oneway annotation to indicate that a particular operation does not produce an
output message. If the operation is marked @Oneway, it MUST NOT have a return
value or out/in-out parameters. The JSR-181 implementation MUST provide
feedback if this constraint is violated.

Ensuring that annotations are consistent with respect to other annotations. For
example, it is not legal to annotate a method with the @Oneway annotation unless
there is also a corresponding @WebMethod annotation. The JSR-181
implementation MUST ensure these constraints are met.

Note: Certain types of errors MAY only be caught when the Web Service is deployed or

2.5.2 Default Values

JSR-181 defines appropriate defaults for most annotation members. This allows the Java
Web Service author to avoid providing tags for the most common Web Service
definitions. Although this specification uses the JSR-175 default mechanism wherever
possible, this mechanism is only suitable for defining defaults that are constant values. In
contrast, many actual default values are not constants but are instead computed from the

Java source or other annotations. For example, the default value for the annotation is the simple name of the Java class or interface. This
value cannot be represented directly as a JSR-175 default. In scenarios where JSR-175
defaults are not sufficient to describe the required default, a marker constant is used
instead. On seeing this marker constant, the JSR-181 processor treats the member-value
as though it had the computed default described in this document. For example, when the
JSR-181 processor encounters a annotation with a value of (the
empty string), it behaves as though the name of the Web Service were the name of the
Java class.

2.6 Web Services Metadata

JSR-181 metadata describes declaratively how the logic of a service implementation bean
is exposed over networking protocols as a Web Service. The @WebService tag marks a
Java class as implementing a Web Service. @WebMethod tags identify the individual
methods of the Java class that are exposed externally as Web Service operations. The
following example illustrates this, using JSR-175 syntax and the annotation type
declarations defined in the javax.jws and javax.jws.soap packages:
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
public class HelloWorldService

public String helloWorld()
return "Hello World!";

JSR-181 includes a full set of metadata tags to define the Web Services that are provided
by a service implementation bean. Most of these metadata tags have reasonable defaults,
which are explicitly called out in this document. The Java Web Service author can avoid
providing tags for the most common Web Service definitions.
The following sections give an overview of the types of annotations provided by JSR181.

2.6.1 WSDL Mapping Annotations

WSDL mapping annotations control the mapping from Java source onto WSDL
constructs. As described in 2.2 Development Models, this specification supports both a
start from Java and a start from WSDL development mode. When starting from
Java, the WSDL mapping annotations control the shape of the WSDL generated from the
Java source. When starting from WSDL, the WSDL mapping annotations associate the
Java source with pre-existing WSDL constructs.


2.6.2 Binding Annotations

Binding annotations specify the network protocols and message formats that are
supported by the Web Service. For example, the presence of a @SOAPBinding annotation
tells the processor to make the service available over the SOAP 1.1 message. Fields on
this annotation allow the developer to customize the way the mapping of the
implementation object onto SOAP messages.
JSR-181 defines a single set of annotations that map the implementation object to the
SOAP protocol binding. JSR-181 implementations MAY support additional binding
annotations for other protocols. Non-normative examples of such binding annotations
can be found in Appendix C.

2.6.3 Handler Annotations

Handler annotations allow the developer to extend a Web Service with additional
functionality that runs before and after the services business methods.


3 Server Programming Model

This section describes the server programming model for JSR-181. The JSR-181 server
programming model is a simplification of the existing J2EE Web Services server
programming models, as defined in JAX-RPC and JSR-109. JSR-181 simplifies these
models by allowing the developer to focus on business logic and using annotations to
generate related artifacts.

3.1 Service Implementation Bean

A developer implementing Web Services with JSR-181 is responsible for implementing
the service implementation bean containing the Web Services business logic. A JSR181 service implementation bean MUST meet the following requirements:
The implementation bean MUST be an outer public class, MUST NOT be final,
and MUST NOT be abstract.
The implementation bean MUST have a default public constructor.
The implementation MUST NOT define a finalize() method.
The implementation bean MUST include a @WebService class-level annotation,
indicating that it implements a Web Service. More information on the
@WebService annotation may be found in 4.1Annotation: javax.jws.WebService.
The implementation bean MAY reference a service endpoint interface by using
the @WebService.endpointInterface annotation. If the implementation bean
references a service endpoint interface, that service endpoint interface is used to
determine the abstract WSDL contract (portType and bindings). In this case, the
service implementation bean MUST NOT include any JSR-181 annotations other
than @WebService(endpointInterface and serviceName attributes only),
@HandlerChain and @SOAPMessageHandlers.. More information on the
@WebService.endpointInterface attribute may be found in 4.1 Annotation:
If the implementation bean does not implement a service endpoint interface, all
public methods other than those inherited from java.lang.Object will be exposed
as Web Service operations. This behavior can be overridden by using the
WebMethod annotation to specify explicitly those public methods that are to be
exposed. If a WebMethod annotation is present, only the methods to which it is
applied are exposed.

3.2 Service Endpoint Interface

A JSR-181 service implementation bean MAY reference a service endpoint interface,
thus separating the contract definition from the implementation. A JSR-181 service
endpoint interface MUST meet the requirements specified in JAX-RPC 1.1 [5], section
5.2, with the following exceptions:
The service endpoint interface MUST be an outer public interface.
The service endpoint interface MUST include a @WebService annotation,
indicating that it is defining the contract for a Web Service.
The service endpoint interface MAY extend java.rmi.Remote either directly or
indirectly, but is not REQUIRED to do so.

All of the methods on the service endpoint interface are mapped to WSDL
operations, regardless of whether they include a @WebMethod annotation. A
method MAY include a @WebMethod annotation to customize the mapping to
WSDL, but is not REQUIRED to do so.
The service endpoint interface MAY include other JSR-181 annotations to control
the mapping from Java to WSDL. Section 7.1 contains the complete list of
annotations allowed on a service endpoint interface.

3.3 Web Method

A method will be exposed as a Web Service operation, making it part of the Web
Services public contract according to rules specified in 3.1 Service Implementation
Bean or in 3.2 Service Endpoint Interface if the service implementation bean
implements a service endpoint interface. An exposed method MUST meet the following
The method MUST be public.
The methods parameters, return value, and exceptions MUST follow the rules
defined in JAX-RPC 1.1 [5], section 5.
The method MAY throw java.rmi.RemoteException, but is not REQUIRED to
do so.


4 Web Services Metadata

This section contains the specifications of each of the individual Web Services metadata
items. Both the annotation type declarations (using JSR-175 syntax) and usage examples
are given for each metadata item.

4.1 Annotation: javax.jws.WebService

4.1.1 Description
Marks a Java class as implementing a Web Service, or a Java interface as defining a Web
Service interface.




The name of the Web Service. Used as the
name of the wsdl:portType when mapped to
WSDL 1.1
The XML namespace used for the WSDL and
XML elements generated from this Web

The simple name
of the Java class
or interface
Implementationdefined, as
described in JAXRPC 1.1 [5],
section 5.5.2.
Typically derived
from the package
containing the
Web Service.
The service name of the Web Service. Used as The simple name
of the Java class +
the name of the wsdl:service when mapped
to WSDL 1.1.
Not allowed on interfaces.
The location of a pre-defined WSDL
describing the service. The wsdlLocation is a
URL (relative or absolute) that refers to a preexisting WSDL file. The presence of a
wsdlLocation value indicates that the service
implementation bean is implementing a predefined WSDL contract. The JSR-181 tool
MUST instead provide feedback if the service
implementation bean is inconsistent with the
portType and bindings declared in this
WSDL. Note that a single WSDL file might
contain multiple portTypes and multiple
bindings. The annotations on the service
implementation bean determine the specific
portType and bindings that correspond to the
Web Service.



The complete name of the service endpoint
interface defining the services abstract Web
Service contract. This annotation allows the
developer to separate the interface contract
from the implementation. If this annotation is
present, the service endpoint interface is used
to determine the abstract WSDL contract
(portType and bindings). The service endpoint
interface MAY include JSR-181 annotations to
customize the mapping from Java to WSDL.
The service implementation bean MAY
implement the service endpoint interface, but
is not REQUIRED to do so.
Not allowed on interfaces.

None the Web
Service contract is
generated from
annotations on the
bean. If a service
endpoint interface
is required by the
environment, it
will be generated
into an
implementationdefined package
with an
implementationdefined name.

4.1.2 Annotation Type Definition

public @interface WebService {
String name() default "";
String targetNamespace() default "";
String serviceName() default "";
String wsdlLocation() default "";
String endpointInterface() default "";

4.1.3 Example
Java source:
* Annotated Implementation Object
name = "EchoService",
targetNamespace = ""
public class EchoServiceImpl {
public String echo(String input) {
return input;


4.2 Annotation: javax.jws.WebMethod

4.2.1 Description
Customizes a method that is exposed as a Web Service operation. The WebMethod
annotation includes the following member-value pairs:

Name of the wsdl:operation matching
this method.
The action for this operation. For SOAP
bindings, this determines the value of
the SOAPAction header

The name of the
Java method

4.2.2 Annotation Type Definition

public @interface WebMethod {
String operationName() default "";
String action() default "" ;

4.2.3 Example
Java source:
public class MyWebService {
@WebMethod(operationName = "echoString", action="urn:EchoString")
public String echo(String input) {
return input;

Resulting WSDL:
<portType name="MyWebService">
<operation name="echoString"/>
<input message="echoString"/>
<output message="echoStringResponse"/>
<binding name="PingServiceHttpSoap">
<operation name="echoString">
<soap:operation soapAction="urn:EchoString"/>



4.3 Annotation: javax.jws.Oneway

4.3.1 Description
Indicates that the given web method has only an input message and no output. Typically,
a oneway method returns the thread of control to the calling application prior to executing
the actual business method. A JSR-181 processor is REQUIRED to report an error if an
operation marked @Oneway has a return value, declares any checked exceptions or has any
INOUT or OUT parameters.

4.3.2 Annotation Type Definition

public @interface Oneway {

4.3.3 Example
Java source:
public class PingService {
public void ping() {

Resulting WSDL:
<message name="ping"/>
<portType name="PingService">
<operation name="ping">
<input message="ping"/>


4.4 Annotation: javax.jws.WebParam

4.4.1 Description
Customizes the mapping of an individual parameter to a Web Service message part and
XML element.




Name of the parameter as it appears
in the WSDL. For RPC bindings,
this is name of the wsdl:part
representing the parameter. For
document bindings, this is the local
name of the XML element
representing the parameter.
The XML namespace for the
parameter. Only used with
document bindings, where the
parameter maps to an XML element.
The direction in which the parameter
is flowing. One of IN, OUT, or
modes may only be specified for
parameter types that conform to the
JAX-RPC definition of Holder
types. See JAX-RPC 1.1 [5],
section 4.3.5. OUT and INOUT
modes are only supported for RPC
bindings or for parameters that map
to headers.
If true, the parameter is pulled from
a message header rather then the
message body.

4.4.2 Annotation Type Definition

public @interface WebParam {
public enum Mode {
String name() default "";
String targetNamespace() default "";


Name of the parameter
as it appears in the
argument list.

The targetNamespace
for the Web Service



Mode mode() default Mode.IN;

boolean header() default false;

4.4.3 Example
Java Source:
public class PingService {
@WebMethod(operationName = "PingOneWay")
public void ping(@WebParam(name="Ping") PingDocument p) {
@WebMethod(operationName = "PingTwoWay")
public void ping(
@WebParam(name="Ping", mode=WebParam.Mode.INOUT)
PingDocumentHolder p) {
@WebMethod(operationName = "SecurePing")
public void ping(
@WebParam(name="Ping") PingDocument p,
@WebParam(name="SecHeader", header=true)
SecurityHeader secHdr) {

Resulting WSDL:
<s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
<s:complexType name="Ping">
. . .
<s:complexType name="SecurityHeader">
. . .


<s:element name="SecHeader" type="SecurityHeader"/>

</ types>
<message name="PingOneWay">
<part name="Ping" type="tns:Ping"/>
<message name="PingTwoWay">
<part name="Ping" type="tns:Ping"/>
<message name="PingTwoWayResponse">
<part name="Ping" type="tns:Ping"/>
<message name="SecurePing">
<part name="Ping" type="tns:Ping"/>
<part name="SecHeader" element="tns:SecurityHeader"/>
<portType name="PingService">
<operation name="PingOneWay">
<input message="tns:PingOneWay"/>
<operation name="PingTwoWay">
<input message="tns:PingTwoWay"/>
<output message="tns:PingTwoWayResponse"/>
<operation name="SecurePing">
<input message="tns:SecurePing"/>
<binding name="PingServiceHttpSoap" type="tns:PingService">
<soap:binding style="rpc"
<operation name="PingOneWay">
<soap:operation soapAction=""/>
<soap:body parts="Ping" use="literal"/>
<operation name="PingTwoWay">
<soap:operation soapAction=""/>
<soap:body parts="Ping" use="literal"/>
<soap:body parts="Ping" use="literal"/>
<operation name="SecurePing">


<soap:operation soapAction=""/>
<soap:body parts="Ping" use="literal"/>
<soap:header message="SecurePing" part="SecHeader"

4.5 Annotation: javax.jws.WebResult

4.5.1 Description
Customizes the mapping of the return value to a WSDL part and XML element.


Name of return value as it appears in
the WSDL and messages on the
wire. For RPC bindings, this is the
name of the wsdl:part representing
the return value. For document
bindings, this is the local name of
the XML element representing the
return value.
The XML namespace for the return
value. Only used with document
bindings, where the return value
maps to an XML element.

4.5.2 Annotation Type Definition

public @interface WebResult {
String name() default "return";
String targetNamespace() default "";

4.5.3 Example
Java Source:
public class CustomerService {
public CustomerRecord locateCustomer(
@WebParam(name="FirstName") String firstName,



The targetNamespace
for the Web Service.

@WebParam(name="LastName") String lastName

@WebParam(name="Address") USAddress addr) {

Resulting WSDL:
<complexType name="CustomerRecord">
<complexType name="USAddress">
<element name="locateCustomer">
<element name="FirstName" type="xs:string"/>
<element name="LastName" type="xs:string"/>
<element name="Address" type="USAddress"/>
<element name="locateCustomerResponse">
<element name="CustomerRecord" type="CustomerRecord"/>
<message name="locateCustomer">
<part name="parameters" element="tns:locateCustomer"/>
<message name="locateCustomerResponse">
<part name="parameters" element="tns:locateCustomerResponse"/>
<portType name="CustomerService">
<operation name="locateCustomer">
<input message="tns:locateCustomer"/>
<output message="tns:locateCustomerResponse"/>


4.6 Annotation: javax.jws.HandlerChain

4.6.1 Description
The @HandlerChain annotation associates the Web Service with an externally defined
handler chain. This annotation is typically used in scenarios where embedding the
handler configuration directly in the Java source is not appropriate; for example, where
the handler configuration needs to be shared across multiple Web Services, or where the
handler chain consists of handlers for multiple transports.
It is an error to combine this annotation with the @SOAPMessageHandlers annotation.
The @HandlerChain annotation MAY be present on the endpoint interface and service
implementation bean. The service implementation beans @HandlerChain is used if
@HandlerChain is present on both.
The @HandlerChain annotation contains the following member-values:

Location of the handler chain file. The location supports 2


1. An absolute in externalForm.

2. A relative path from the source file or class file.
(ex: bar/handlerfile1.xml)

Name of the handler chain in the configuration file

4.6.2 Annotation Type Definition

public @interface HandlerChain {
String file();
String name();

4.6.3 Examples

Example 1
Java Source:
Located in /home/mywork/src/com/jsr181/examples/
package com.jsr181.examples


public class MyWebService {

Handler Chain Configuration File

Located in /home/mywork/src/com/jsr181/examples/config/

Example 2
package com.jsr181.examples


public class MyWebService {

4.7 Annotation: javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding

4.7.1 Description
Specifies the mapping of the Web Service onto the SOAP message protocol. Section 6
SOAP Binding describes the effects of this annotation on generated Web Services.
The @SOAPBinding annotation includes the following member-value pairs.



Defines the encoding style for messages
send to and from the Web Service. One of
Defines the formatting style for messages
sent to and from the Web Service. One of
Determines whether method parameters
represent the entire message body, or
whether the parameters are elements
wrapped inside a top-level element named
after the operation.

4.7.2 Annotation Type Definition

public @interface SOAPBinding {
public enum Style {
public enum Use {
public enum ParameterStyle {
Style style() default Style.DOCUMENT;





Use use() default Use.LITERAL;

ParameterStyle parameterStyle() default ParameterStyle.WRAPPED;

4.7.3 Examples

Java source:
style = SOAPBinding.Style.RPC,
= SOAPBinding.Use.LITERAL)
public class ExampleService {
public String concat(String first, String second, String third) {
return first + second + third;

Resulting WSDL:
<message name="concat">
<part name="first" type="xs:string"/>
<part name="second" type="xs:string"/>
<part name="third" type="xs:string"/>
<message name="concatResponse">
<part name="return" type="xs:string"/>
<portType name="ExampleService">
<operation name="concat">
<input message="tns:concat"/>
<output message="tns:concatResponse"/>
<binding name="ExampleServiceHttpSoap" type="ExampleService">
<soap:binding style="rpc"
<operation name="concat">


<soap:body parts="first second third" use="literal"/>
<soap:body parts="return" use="literal"/>

Java source:
public class DocBareService {
@WebMethod( operationName="SubmitPO" )
public SubmitPOResponse submitPO(SubmitPORequest submitPORequest) {

Resulting WSDL:
<s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
<s:element name="SubmitPORequest">
. . .
<s:element name="SubmitPOResponse">
. . .
<message name="SubmitPO">
<part name="parameters" element="tns:SubmitPORequest"/>
<message name="SubmitPOResponse">
<part name="parameters" type="tns:SubmitPOResponse"/>
<portType name="DocBareService">


<operation name="SubmitPO">
<input message="tns:SubmitPO"/>
<output message="tns:SubmitPOResponse"/>
<binding name="DocBareServiceHttpSoap" type="ExampleService">
<soap:binding style="document"
<operation name="SubmitPO">
<soap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<soap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>

Java source:
= SOAPBinding.Style.DOCUMENT,
= SOAPBinding.Use.LITERAL,
parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.WRAPPED)
public class DocWrappedService
@WebMethod(operationName = "SubmitPO")
public PurchaseOrderAck submitPO(
@WebParam(name="PurchaseOrder") PurchaseOrder purchaseOrder) {

Resulting WSDL:
<s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
<s:element name="SubmitPO">


<element name="PurchaseOrder"
. . .
<s:element name="SubmitPOResponse">
. . .
<message name="SubmitPO">
<part name="parameters" element="tns:SubmitPO"/>
<message name="SubmitPOResponse">
<part name="parameters" type="tns:SubmitPOResponse"/>
<portType name="DocWrappedService">
<operation name="SubmitPO">
<input message="tns:SubmitPO"/>
<output message="tns:SubmitPOResponse"/>
<binding name="ExampleServiceHttpSoap" type="ExampleService">
<soap:binding style="document"
<operation name="SubmitPO">
<soap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<soap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>

4.8 Annotation: javax.jws.soap.SOAPMessageHandlers

4.8.1 Description
Specifies a list of SOAP protocol handlers that run before and after business methods on
the Web Service. These handlers are called in response to SOAP messages targeting the
service. The handler API and processing rules are described in JAX-RPC 1.1 [5], section


The @SOAPMessageHandlers annotation is an array of SOAPMessageHandler types. The

handlers are run in the order in which they appear in the annotation, starting with the first
handler in the array. Each SOAPMessageHandler has the following member-values:
It is an error to combine this annotation with the @HandlerChain annotation.
The @SOAPMessageHandlers annotation MAY be present on the endpoint interface and
service implementation bean. The service implementation beans
@SOAPMessageHandlers is used if @SOAPMessageHandlers is present on both.


Name of the handler.


Name of the handler class

Array of name/value pairs that will be passed to the
handler during initialization
List of SOAP roles implemented by the handler
No roles
List of SOAP headers processed by the handler.
No headers
Each element in this array contains a QName which
defines the header element processed by the
handler. The QNames are specified using the string
notation described in the documentation for


Name of the
handler class
No init params

4.8.2 Annotation Type Definition

public @interface InitParam {
String name();
String value();
public @interface SOAPMessageHandler {
String name() default "";
String className();
InitParam[] initParams() default {};
String[] roles() default {};
String[] headers() default {};
public @interface SOAPMessageHandlers {
SOAPMessageHandler[] value();

4.8.3 Example:
Java source (simple scenario):

className = "com.fabrikam.handlers.LogHandler"),
className = "com.fabrikam.handlers.AuthorizationHandler"),
className = "com.fabrikam.handlers.RoutingHandler")
public class MyWebService {
public String echo(String input) {
return input;

Java source (complex scenario):

className = "com.fabrikam.handlers.LogHandler",
initParams = {@InitParam(name="logCategory",
className = "com.fabrikam.handlers.AuthorizationHandler",
roles = {"SecurityProvider"},
headers =
className = "com.fabrikam.handlers.RoutingHandler"
public class MyWebService {
public String echo(String input) {
return input;


5 Java Mapping To XML/WSDL

One of the main purposes of JSR-181 is to influence the shape of WSDL generated from
a Java Web Service. This section defines the mapping from Java to XML/WSDL. By
default, JSR-181 follows the Java to XML/WSDL mapping defined in JAX-RPC 1.1 [5]
section 5, except as noted in this section. Implementations MAY extend or supplement
this mapping, for example, by adding more complete schema support or supporting
alternate binding frameworks such as JAXB or SDO (JSR-235). Annotations for such
extensions are out-of-scope for this specification.

5.1 Service Endpoint Interface

JAX-RPC defines a service endpoint interface as the Java representation of an abstract
WSDL contract. A service endpoint interface MAY include the following JSR-181
annotations to customize its mapping to WSDL:, @WebService.targetNamespace, and


@WebMethod (all attributes)

@WebParam (all attributes)
@WebResult (all attributes)
@SOAPBinding (all attributes)

As described in JAX-RPC 1.1 [5] section 5.2, a service endpoint interface maps to a
wsdl:portType element within the wsdl:definitions for the containing package.
The local name and namespace of the wsdl:portType map to the values of the service
endpoint interfaces and @WebService.targetNamespace attributes,

5.2 Web Service Class Mapping

A service implementation bean maps to its own WSDL document, wsdl:portType, and
wsdl:service. If the service implementation bean references a service endpoint
interface through the @WebService.endpointInterface annotation, the wsdl:portType
and wsdl:binding sections are mapped according to that service endpoint interface.
Otherwise, the following rules apply:
The wsdl:definitions targetNamespace maps to the value of the
@WebService.targetNamespace member-value.
The local name of the wsdl:portType maps to the value of the member-value.
The local name of the wsdl:service maps to the value of the
@WebService.serviceName member-value.
The wsdl:service MUST contain a distinct wsdl:port for every transport
endpoint supported by the service.


Each wsdl:port MUST be of the same wsdl:portType, but MAY have different
The names of the wsdl:port and wsdl:binding sections are not significant and
are left implementation-defined.

5.3 Web Method Mapping

Each exposed web method in a JSR-181 annotated class or interface is mapped to a
wsdl:operation on the class/interface WSDL portType. The wsdl:operation local
name maps to the value of the @WebMethod.operationName member-value, if present. If
not present, the wsdl:operation local name is mapped from the name of the Java
method according to the rules defined in JAX-RPC 1.1 [5], section 5.5.5.
The mapped wsdl:operation contains both wsdl:input and wsdl:output elements,
unless the method is annotated as @Oneway. @Oneway methods have only a wsdl:input
Java types used as method parameters, return values, and exceptions are mapped
according to the rules defined in JAX-RPC 1.1 [5], section 5.5.5.


6 SOAP Binding
This section defines a standard mapping from a service endpoint interface or service
implementation bean to the SOAP 1.1 binding. Implementers MAY also support other
bindings, but these bindings are non-standard. If JSR-181 implementation supports
bindings other than SOAP 1.1, it MUST include a mechanism to selectively enable or
disable these bindings.
By default JSR-181 follows the SOAP binding defined in JAX-RPC 1.1 [5], section 6.
The @SOAPBinding, @WebParam, and @WebResult annotations allow the developer to
further customize this binding for a particular Web Service.

6.1 Operation Modes

JSR-181 implementations are REQUIRED to support the following WS-I compliant
operation modes:

Operations with the rpc style and literal use (rpc/literal)

Operations with the document style and literal use (document/literal).

Implementations MAY optionally support operation modes with the encoded use
(document or rpc style). The developer MAY indicate which operation mode is in effect
by specifying the appropriate and @SOAPBinding.use annotations
at the class or interface level.

6.1.1 RPC Operation Style

In the RPC operation style, the parameters and return values map to separate parts on the
WSDL input and output messages. The names of the parts default to the names of the
parameters. If a parameter is annotated with annotation, this name will
be used as the name of the part instead of the parameter name. The @WebParam.mode
annotation determines the messages in which a particular parameter appears. IN
parameters appear as parts in the input message, OUT parameters appear as parts in the
output message, and INOUT parameters appear as parts in both messages. The order of
parameters in the method signature determines the order of the parts in the input and
output message. The return value is the first part in the output message.
In the rpc/literal operation mode, each message part refers to a concrete schema type.
The schema type is derived from the Java type for the parameter, as described in section
5 - Java Mapping To XML/WSDL.

6.1.2 Document Operation Style

In the document operation style, the input and output WSDL messages have a single part
referencing a schema element that defines the entire body. JSR-181 implementations
MUST support both the wrapped and bare styles of document / literal
operation. The developer may specify which of these styles is in effect for a particular
operation by using the @SOAPBinding.parameterStyle annotation.
35 Document Wrapped Style

In the wrapped operation style, the input and output messages contain a single part
which refers (via the element attribute) to a global element declaration (the wrapper) of
complexType defined using the xsd:sequence compositor. The global element
declaration for the input message has a local name equal to
@WebMethod.operationName. The global element declaration for the output message (if
it exists) has a local name equal to @WebMethod.operationName + Response. Both
global element declarations appear in the @WebService.targetNamespace.
Non-header method parameters and return values map to child elements of the global
element declarations defined for the method. The order of parameters in the parameter
list determines the order in which the equivalent child elements appear in the operations
global element declarations. The return value, if any, is the sole child element of the
global element declaration for the output message.
The and @WebParam.targetNamespace attributes determine the
QName of a parameters child element, while the and
@WebResult.targetNamespace annotations determines the local name of the return
values child element. The schema type for each child element is derived from the type
of the Java parameter or return value, as described in section 5 Java Mapping To
XML/WSDL. Document Bare Style

In the bare operation style, the input and output messages contain a single part which
refers (via the element attribute) to an element that is mapped from the method parameter
and return value. The QName of the input body element is determined by the values of
the and @WebParam.targetNamespace annotations on the method
parameter, and the Qame of the output body element is determined by the values of the and @WebResult.targetNamespace annotations. The schema types
for the input and output body elements are derived from the types of the Java parameter
or return values, as described in section 5 Java Mapping To XML/WSDL.
Web Services that use the document bare style MUST adhere to several restrictions.
Each document bare operation MUST have only a single non-header parameter. If the
operation is not marked @Oneway, it MUST also have a non-void return value. Further,
the XML elements for the input and output messages MUST be unique across all
operations on the Web Service. Consequently, either every document bare operation
on the Web Service MUST take and return Java types that map to distinct elements, or
the developer MUST use the @WebParam and @WebResult annotations to explicitly
specify the QNames of the input and output XML elements for each operation.

6.2 Headers
Parameters annotated with the @WebParam.header attribute map to SOAP headers
instead of elements in the SOAP body. Header parameters appear as parts in the
operations input message, output message, or both depending on the value of the

@WebParam.mode attribute. Header parameters are included as soap:header elements in

the appropriate wsdl:input and wsdl:output sections of the binding operation.
Headers are always literal. The and @WebParam.targetNamespace

annotations determine the QName of the XML element representing the header.


7 Mapping JSR-181 to the J2EE 1.4 Runtime

7.1 Overview
This section describes the mapping of JSR-181 metadata onto J2EE 1.4 Web Services, as
defined in JAX-RPC 1.1 and JSR-109 v1.1.
Note: Although this specification defines a standard mapping for metadata to JSR-109
deployment descriptors, the actual production or export of JSR-109 artifacts is
OPTIONAL. Semantic support for this mapping is mandatory and is what guarantees
portable deployment across J2EE environments.
The following diagram shows the non-normative processing model for JSR-181 on top of
J2EE 1.4.

JSR-109 Deployment Descriptors

JSR 181
Source or
Class File

JSR-181 Processor






JSR-109 Deployment Unit (.war or .ear)

One or more service implementation beans are passed to the JSR-181 processor in source
or class form. The JSR-181 processor examines the annotations in each Web Service file
and uses this information to generate a JSR-109 deployment unit (EAR or WAR file).
The JSR-109 deployment unit contains the following artifacts:

The compiled Java classes required for deployment. This includes the Web
Service implementations, all referenced Java classes, and any generated Home or
Remote interfaces.
WSDL documents describing each service. If @WebService.wsdlLocation is
specified, the WSDL file will be copied with all of its dependencies from this
location and placed into the deployment unit. If @WebService.wsdlLocation is
not specified, the WSDL file is generated from the annotations in the service
implementation bean.
Service endpoint interfaces defining the methods implemented by each service.
The service endpoint interface may be written by the developer or generated from
the annotations on the service implementation bean.
The webservices.xml deployment descriptor. This deployment descriptor
contains references to all of the Web Services in the deployment unit. There will


be one webservice entry for each Web Service class processed by the JSR-181
processor. Section 7.4.1 Mapping from JSR-181 to webservices.xml
describes the mapping from JSR-181 annotations to entries in webservices.xml.
The jax-rpc-mapping.xml deployment descriptor. Section 7.4.3 - Mapping
from JSR-181 to jax-rpc-mapping.xml describes the mapping from JSR-181
annotations to entries in jax-rpc-mapping.xml.
One of either a web.xml or ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor. The JSR-181
processor will generate either a web.xml deployment descriptor (for servlet
endpoints) or an ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor (for stateless session beans)
depending on the implementation model chosen for the service. See the next
section for more information on selecting an implementation model.

Once generated, the values in the deployment descriptors may be overridden by the
deployer or administrator using standard deployment tools, including JSR 88 deployment
plans. This capability allows customization of the Web Service without requiring access
to the source code.

7.2 Implementation Models

J2EE 1.4 Web Services may be implemented as plain classes in the servlet container or as
stateless session beans in the EJB container. A JSR-181 implementation targeting J2EE
1.4 MUST provide an out-of-band mechanism allowing the developer to specify
explicitly the container in which a particular Web Service implementation should run.
Future versions of the specification will combine with other J2EE 5.0 technologies (such
as EJB3) to provide a standard annotation-driven approach to specifying containerspecific technologies and qualities of service.

7.3 Service Endpoint Interface

Every J2EE 1.4 Web Service is required to reference a service endpoint interface that
defines the methods implemented by the service. If the JSR-181 service implementation
bean does not reference a service endpoint interface through the
@WebService.endpointInterface annotation, the JSR-181 processor is REQUIRED to
generate the interface from the annotations on the implementation bean. The generated
service endpoint interface is given an implementation-defined name, placed in an
implementation-defined package, and contains a method for each designated web method
on the service implementation bean. The signature of each service endpoint interface
method is identical to that of the corresponding web method, except that it includes
java.rmi.RemoteException in the list of checked exceptions.

7.4 Mapping from JSR-181 to JSR-109 Deployment Descriptors

The JSR-109 deployment model for Web Services defines two deployment descriptors the JSR-109 deployment descriptor (webservices.xml) and the JAX-RPC mapping file
(jax-rpc-mapping.xml). These files contain deployment and mapping information for
J2EE Web Services. The following sections describe the mapping from JSR-181 to the
JSR-109 deployment descriptors. A JSR-181 implementation that produces JSR-109
deployment descriptors MUST conform to this mapping.

7.4.1 Mapping from JSR-181 to webservices.xml

Every endpoint supported by a JSR-181 Web Service results in a unique webservice
entry in webservices.xml. The following table shows the relationship between
elements in the webservice and JSR-181 annotations:
webservices.xml entry

JSR-181 Annotation and Member-Value

One entry per Web Service
WSDL generated from service
implementation bean or copied from

webservices/webservice/service-implbean/ejb-link or

JAX-RPC mapping file generated from

service implementation bean
Implementation defined
Implementation defined
Generated from the annotations defined on
the Web Service
Implementation defined

@SOAPMessageHandlers or

7.4.2 Example Mapping JSR-181 to webservices.xml

Java Source:
className = "com.fabrikam.handlers.LogHandler",
initParams = {
@InitParam(name="logCategory", value="MyService")
className = "com.fabrikam.handlers.AuthorizationHandler"
roles = {"SecurityProvider"},
headers = {


className = "com.fabrikam.handlers.RoutingHandler"
public class StockQuoteServiceImpl {
public long getLastTrade(String tickerSymbol) {
// . . .
public String[] getTickerSymbols() {
// . . .

Resulting webservices.xml:



7.4.3 Mapping from JSR-181 to jax-rpc-mapping.xml

Every JSR-181 Web Service results in a unique service-endpoint-mapping entry in
the jax-rpc-mapping file. The following table shows the relationship between the
elements in the service-endpoint-mapping and JSR-181 annotations.
Jax-rpc-mapping.xml entry

JSR-181 Annotation and Member-Value

One entry per Web Service
Generated from the annotations on the Web

Implementation defined

Present if
@SOAPBinding.parameterStyle is

7.4.4 Example Mapping from JSR-181 to jax-rpc-mapping.xml

Java Source:
public class StockQuoteServiceImpl {
public GetLastTradeResponse getLastTrade(


GetLastTradeRequest request) {
// . . .
public String[] getTickerSymbols() {
// . . .

Resulting java-xml-rpc-mapping.xml:


8 Using JSR-181 annotations to affect the shape of the

8.1 RPC Literal Style
Below is a complete example of a java source file with annotations followed by the
resulting WSDL:
Java source:
import javax.jws.*;
import javax.jws.soap.*;
@SOAPBinding(style=SOAPBinding.Style.RPC, use=SOAPBinding.Use.LITERAL)
public class ExampleWebServiceImpl {
public LoginToken login(
@WebParam(name="UserName") String username,
@WebParam(name="Password") String password) {
// ...
@WebMethod (action="urn:createCustomer")
public String createCustomer(
@WebParam(name="Customer") Customer customer,
@WebParam(name="Token", header=true) LoginToken token) {
// ...
public void notifyTransfer(
@WebParam(name="CustomerId") String customerId,
@WebParam(name="TransferData") TransferDocument transferData,
@WebParam(name="Token", header=true) LoginToken token) {

Resulting WSDL:


<s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
<s:complexType name="Customer">
. . .
<s:element name="Customer" type="Customer"/>
<s:complexType name="LoginToken">
. . .
<s:complexType name="TransferDocument">
. . .
<s:element name="Token" type="LoginToken"/>
<s:element name="notifyTransfer">
<s:element name="CustomerId" type="s:string"
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<s:element name="TransferData" type="TransferDocument"
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<message name="notifyTransfer">
<part name="parameters" element="NotifyTransfer"/>
<message name="notifyTransferHeaders">
<part name="Token" element="Token"/>
<message name="createCustomer">
<part name="Customer" type="Customer"/>
<message name="createCustomerHeaders">
<part name="Token" type="Token"/>
<message name="createCustomerResponse">
<part name="CustomerId" type="s:string"/>
<message name="login">
<part name="UserName" type="s:string"/>


<part name="Password" type="s:string"/>

<message name="loginResponse">
<part name="Token" type="LoginToken"/>
<portType name="ExampleWebService">
<operation name="login">
<input message="tns:login"/>
<output message=tns:loginResponse/>
<operation name="notifyTransfer">
<input message="tns:notifyTransfer"/>
<operation name="createCustomer">
<input message="tns:createCustomer"/>
<output message="tns:createCustomerResponse"/>
<binding name="ExampleWebServiceSoapHttp" type="ExampleWebService">
<soap:binding transport=""
<operation name="login">
<soap:operation soapAction="urn:login"/>
<soap:body parts="UserName Password" use="literal"/>
<soap:body parts="Token" use="literal"/>
<operation name="createCustomer">
<soap:operation soapAction="urn:createCustomer"/>
<soap:body parts="Customer" use="literal"/>
<soap:header message="createCustomerHeaders"
part="Token" use="literal"/>
<soap:body parts="CustomerId" use="literal"/>
<operation name="notifyTransfer">
<soap:operation soapAction="urn:notifyTransfer"
<soap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<soap:header message="notifyTransferHeaders"
part="Token" use="literal"/>


9 References
1. JSR-175 A Metadata Facility for the JavaTM Programming Language
2. JSR-88 J2EE Application Deployment
3. XML Schema 1.0
4. J2EE 1.4
5. JAX-RPC V1.1
6. Implementing Enterprise Web Services 1.1 (was JSR-109)
7. Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) 1.1
8. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1
9. Apache AXIS "JWS" drop-in deployment of Web Services
10. BEA WebLogic Workshop "JWS" annotated Java Web Services
11. RFC 2119: Keywords for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels


Appendix A: Relationship to Other Standards

JSR-181 relies on Java standards, Web Services standards, XML standards and Internet
Java Language standards: J2SE 5.0 is needed for the JSR-175 defined Metadata Facility.
Java runtime and container standards: JSR-181 does not define a container or runtime
environment implementers provide tools to map the Java classes to specific runtime
environments. The functionality of the J2EE 1.4 containers is assumed. The features
provided by JAX-RPC 1.1 are needed for the Web Services runtime as well as the
mapping conventions; Java to XML/WSDL and WSDL/XML to Java. An optional
mapping to JSR-109 deployment descriptors is provided in JSR-181.
Web Services standards: SOAP 1.1 and WSDL 1.1 are used to describe the Web Service
and define the XML messages.
XML standards: The XML language and the XML Schema 1.0 are an integral part of
Internet standards: HTTP and HTTP/S provide basic protocols for Web Services.


Appendix B: Handler Chain Configuration File Schema

This is the schema for the handler configuration file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns=""
This is the schema definition for the handler chain configuration
file used by JSR-181. It relies on the handler definitions that
are part of the standard J2EE deployment descriptors.
<xsd:include schemaLocation="j2ee_1_4.xsd"/>
<xsd:include schemaLocation="j2ee_web_services_1_1.xsd"/>
<xsd:complexType name="handler-chainType">
<xsd:element name="handler-chain-name"
<xsd:element name="handler"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:complexType name="handler-configType">
<xsd:element name="handler-chain"
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name="handler-config" type="jws:handler-configType"/>


Appendix C: Non-Normative Examples of Alternate

Binding Annotations
This section defines non-normative examples of annotations for bindings to non-standard
protocols and transports.

C.1 Annotation Name: HttpGetBinding

C.1.1 Description
Non-normative example of an alternate binding in this case a raw HTTP binding as
specified in WSDL 1.1 [7] section 4.

The location of the HTTP GET endpoint.
When defined at the class level, defines as
the base URI for all operations on the
service. When defined at the method level,
defines the URI for a particular operation
relative to the base URI for the service.

C.1.2 Annotation Type Definition

@Target({TYPE, METHOD})
public @interface HttpGetBinding {
String location() default "";

C.1.3 Example
public class MyWebServiceImpl {
public void myOperation() {



Appendix D: Change Log

Version 0.9.1
Changed default name of @WebResult to be "return" instead of "result".
Fixed various Java and XML syntax errors.
Version 0.9.2
Removed security annotations as these will be defined by JSR 250 Common
Version 0.9.3
Using RFC 2119 Keyword convention.
Added Retention annotation to spec annotation definitions.
Fixed various Java and XML syntax errors.
Changed Implementation Bean to expose all public method by default.
WSDL generation is REQUIRED.
Clarified support for Start with WSDL, and Start with WSDL and Java
development modes as OPTIONAL.
Clarified @HandlerChain.file attribute syntax and processing requirements.
Version 0.9.4
Allowing @HandlerChain and @SOAPMessageHandler on implementation when
an endpointInterface is used.


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