Generator Inspection Checklist

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Generator Check List.

Contractor: SSEM Contract# 100-C01 Month_______________Date of

Competent Person: ______________________ Signature
/ Work Location
Make: _________________ Model: ______________________ I.D. No. _______________
No Item Ok No NA Needs Attention
1 Tire conditions
2 Oil leaks (engine)
3 Radiator (water leaks)
4 ooling !ater "oses
# $%&a'st ()ste*
+ $lectrical ontrols
-'%iliar) (re*ote)

. !elding a/le onditions
0 $art& 1onding onnections
12 Mac&ine 3i4ting $)e
11 5ire $%ting'is&er
12 5'el lines (leaks)
13 5'el Tank and 5iller a6
14 7'lle) 8'ards in 7osition
1# (ide screens in 7osition
1, 1atter) condition
1. -R-MO learance
10 Towing /ar in good condition
22 Ot&ers
Color Coding
Jan-March Red April-Jne !le
Jl"-#ep $ello% Oct-&ec Green
________________________ ____________ ______________
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248189839.doc Page 2 of 1 File E06.17

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