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Discussion paper # 1

Anchored crane beams in hydroelectric caverns

This document has been prepared on the basis of several
consulting projects in which the issue of crane beam design was
considered. It has not been published and there is no intention to
publish it. However, the document is being made available for
discussion purposes and your comments and contributions would
be welcomed.

Evert Hoek February 2004
Hoek Anchored crane beams in hydroelectric caverns Page 2

Anchored crane beams in hydroelectric caverns


In designing an underground powerhouse the choice of the crane and its associated
supporting structure can have a major impact on the cavern sidewalls and on the
construction sequence. In many cases the crane structure is designed by structural
engineers who treat the underground cavern as a building and design the crane supporting
structure to be independent of the surrounding rock. This approach is based upon the
concept that the crane supporting structure should be free-standing so that it is not
influenced by nor can it influence the surrounding building. While this approach is
appropriate for surface buildings it is misguided in the case of underground caverns since
it ignores the enormous load carrying capacity of the rock mass and it results in designs
that are inefficient in terms of the overall design and construction of the cavern.

An alternative approach is to attach the crane beams to the cavern walls by means of a
tensioned and grouted anchor system. This has the advantage that the crane beams can be
constructed during the early benching operation in the cavern and they are then available
for use by a small construction crane and for early assembly of the main crane. The
availability of these cranes during almost the entire construction process can be of great
benefit in the cavern excavation, access to the roof structure and installation of equipment
in the base of the cavern. The attachment of the crane beams to the cavern walls also
frees space in the cavern for accommodating other services or for reducing the cavern

A common fear amongst structural designers is that the rock will move during and after
construction and that this will cause misalignment of the crane rails. In fact, this
movement can be calculated reasonably precisely and is in the order of millimetres.
Provision of simple slotted attachments between the crane beams and crane rails allows
the gauge to be adjusted as required based on measurements of displacements as the
cavern is excavated.

Evolution of crane beam designs

Before the 1970s most underground powerhouses incorporated free-standing columns to
support overhead cranes. Typical examples of such designs are illustrated in Figures 1
and 2 which show cross sections for the Ritsom power cavern in Sweden and the Poatina
cavern in Tasmania. It is interesting that, in spite of innovative treatments of the cavern
shape and arch support, the designers of these caverns did not take advantage of the load
carrying capacity of the sidewalls to assist in the support of the crane beams.
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Figure 1: Ritsom underground
powerhouse in Sweden with a span
of 17.5 m and a column mounted
crane. (Holmstrm, 1978)

Figure 2: Poatina underground
powerhouse in Tasmania (Australia)
with a span of 14 m and two 75 ton
cranes supported on columns.
(Endersbee and Hofto, 1963)

Hoek Anchored crane beams in hydroelectric caverns Page 4

An interesting development is illustrated in Figures 3 and 4 which show the initial and
final designs for the arch and crane beams for the Paulo Alfonso IV underground
powerhouse in Brazil. Freire and Souza (1979) point out that the initial design was based
on a reinforced concrete arch which was to be 0.9 m thick at the crown and 1.8 m thick at
the haunches. The overhead travelling cranes would be supported on an L shaped
reinforced concrete beam, one flange being fixed into the arch and the other resting on
recesses formed during excavation of the rock.

In order to reduce construction time, an alternative design was developed utilizing 9 m
long rockbolts on a 1.5 m grid, tensioned to 22.5 tons, with a 10 to 15 cm thick shotcrete
lining to support the cavern arch. The reinforced concrete crane beams were 3.5 m high
tapering from 1.5 m wide at the top to 0.6 m at the bottom as shown in Figure 4. These
beams were anchored against the inclined rock surface of the cavern walls by tendons
spaced 0.9 m apart and stressed to 132 tons.

Freire and Souza (1979) list the advantages of this design, which was adopted for the
cavern construction, as follows:

1. Elimination of the haunch recesses to support the reinforced concrete roof arch,
thereby avoiding zones of stress concentration during various excavation phases.
2. Elimination of temporary support since the final support was applied immediately.
3. A reduction of the volume of rock excavation equal to the volume of the proposed
reinforced concrete arch.
4. A reduction in the span of the cavern roof, giving improved stability.
5. A reduced demand for reinforced concrete and avoidance of problems associated
with the erection of formwork and steel reinforcement.
6. A reduction of construction time.
7. A reduction in construction costs.

Note that these advantages may not apply in other projects with different rock mass
conditions and construction schedules. I have also encountered situations in which the
Owner will not accept the apparent risks associated with suspended crane beams, in spite
of the advantages listed above.

An even bolder suspended crane beam design is illustrated in Figure 5 that shows the
details for the Kvilldal underground power cavern in Norway. In this case, passive (ie
untensioned) grouted anchors and rockbolts were used to hold the crane beam against the
rock surface. As in the previous case, the rock surface was inclined in order to provide a
reaction against downward vertical movement of the beams. Stokkeb and Tndevold
(1978) point out the advantage of this design in that it permits the construction of the
crane beams without the need for high scaffolding and that it provides support for a
temporary crane that can be used during construction.
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Figure 3: Initial design of the roof arch and crane beam support for the Paulo Alfonso IV
underground powerhouse in Brazil. (Freire and Souza, 1979)

Figure 4: Final design for the roof arch and crane beam support for the Paulo Alfonso IV
underground powerhouse in Brazil. (Freire and Souza, 1979)
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Figure 5: Anchored crane beams in the Kvilldal power cavern, Norway (Stokkeb and
Tndevold, 1978).

Figure 6: Two 403 ton cranes supported on
rock ledges in the 26.5 m span La Grande 2
underground powerhouse in Quebec,
Canada. (Murphy and Levay, 1985)

Hoek Anchored crane beams in hydroelectric caverns Page 7

When the rock mass is of exceptionally high quality, as in the case of the La Grande 2
underground powerhouse described by Murphy and Levay (1985), there may still be
merit in using rock ledges to support the crane beams as illustrated in Figure 6. This
design demands a very high level of construction control in order to avoid damage to the
rock ledges but, if these can be excavated successfully, the need for anchoring to tie the
beams against the wall is avoided.

In one case in which I was involved it proved impossible to persuade the Owners
designers that it was safe to suspend the crane beams as illustrated in Figures 4 and 5.
They insisted that a solid column of rock was required to support the beams and decided
on a design rather similar to that shown in Figure 6.

In my opinion, the design of a suspended crane beam is simply a matter of mechanics.
The static and dynamic forces applied to the crane rails can be estimated with a high
degree of confidence and it is then only a matter of calculating the forces that have to be
applied by means of the anchors to provide the required level of security. As will be
shown later, some recent designs involve suspending the crane beams on overhanging
roof arches where no advantage is taken of the frictional resistance of the rock/concrete

One possible source of concern in these designs is related to long term corrosion of the
anchors. This can be dealt with by providing a high level of corrosion protection or, in the
extreme, by installing new anchors at time intervals specified by the designers.

Drakensberg Pumped Storage Project South Africa

This cavern was constructed during the late 1970s and, at that time, it was one of the
largest caverns to be constructed in weak rock. The rock mass consists of interbedded
sandstones, siltstones, shales and mudstones which, overall, comprise a weak rock
mass. Bieniawski published his Rock Mass Rating system in 1973 and Drakensberg was
the first major project to which it was applied. He predicted that the rock mass was too
weak to accommodate a large cavern.

The engineers responsible for the project design developed a design that was
subsequently constructed successfully and has continued to perform without any
problems for the past 25 years (Bowcock et al, 1976). A minimum cavern span was
critical in this design and, by using crane beams anchored to the vertical cavern walls
(Figures 7 and 8), a span of 16.5 m was achieved. The height of the cavern walls was also
minimised by placing each of the four turbines in its own pit with pillars between each pit
providing support for the walls in the lower part of the cavern.
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Figure 7: Drakensberg cavern showing formwork for installation of the cast-in-place
crane beams.

Figure 8: Drakensberg cavern showing the cast-in-place crane beams installed and
anchored and benching operations being carried out in the cavern.
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Figure 9: Drakensberg cavern with benching
almost complete. The cast-in-place crane
beams can be seen on the walls. Formwork has
been stripped and finishing completed in the
far distance but formwork is still in place for
construction of the beam over the major gallery
seen in the middle of the picture. Note the
shotcrete window at the junction between the
flat roof and the inclined upper walls of the

Figure 10: A lightweight construction gantry was provided for access to the cavern roof.
This ran on temporary rails on top of the crane beams.
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The choice of the trapezoidal cavern arch profile followed similar reasoning to that
adopted for the Poatina hydroelectric project (Figure 2). In both cases the rock mass in
which the caverns were excavated consists of weak horizontally bedded sedimentary
rocks which, if allowed to fail, tend to form a trapezoid cavity above the opening.
Advantage was taken of this process and the arch shape was chosen to be similar to the
stable configuration to which failure would propagate.

In passing I would like to add that I would not recommend following the same path
today. With the numerical analysis methods and the reinforcing techniques that are now
available I consider that it would be entirely feasible to construct a more conventional
arch shape in these weak bedded rock masses.

Returning to the question of the trapezoidal arch; in the case of the Poatina cavern it was
necessary to drill stress relief holes along the intersection between the flat roof and the
inclined upper wall of the arch (Endersbee and Hofto, 1963). These closely spaced holes
created a plastic hinge that minimised the stresses in the remaining portions of the arch.
Numerical analysis of the Drakensberg arch behaviour showed that the overstressing
would not be as severe as in the case of Poatina but that there would be a concentration of
deformation sufficient to damage the shotcrete at these intersection lines during benching
down of the cavern. Consequently, windows were left in the shotcrete lining as shown
in Figure 9. After benching down had been completed, the shotcrete windows were
closed by the application of additional shotcrete. A lightweight construction gantry
running on the top of the crane beams, shown in Figure 10, provided access for this final
shotcrete placement and also for other finishing tasks on the arch.

Thissavros hydroelectric project, northern Greece

The Thissavros hydropower and pumped storage project on the Nestos river in northern
Greece involved construction of a 172 m high rockfill dam and an underground power
house with 300 MW installed capacity, excavated in an alternation of granitic gneiss and
biotite para-gneiss, traversed by pegmatite and aplite veins. Foliation, joints, faults and
shears created a hazard of wedge failures in the crown and the sidewalls of the caverns
and this was dealt with by rockbolting and shotcrete.

The cavern design provided for cast in place crane beams which, before the main
benching work started, were rockbolted to the walls and connected to the cavern roof as
shown in Figure 11. The beams supported a construction gantry used for installation of
rockbolts and shotcrete for roof and wall support and for concrete works. These crane
beams were later incorporated into the main column crane support as shown in Figure 12
(Anastassopoulos et al, 2004).
Hoek Anchored crane beams in hydroelectric caverns Page 11

Figure 11: Rockbolted crane beams in the
powerhouse cavern of the Thissavros hydro-
electric project in northern Greece. These crane
beams were used to support a light crane which
was used during construction. The stub columns
under the beams were later incorporated into the
concrete columns used to support the main

Figure 12: Final construction of the column
structure used to support the beams for the main
crane in the Thissavros underground power
Hoek Anchored crane beams in hydroelectric caverns Page 12

Singkarak hydroelectric project - Indosesia

The the 175 MW Singkarak Hydropower Project in West Sumatra, Indonesia, began
operations in 1998.

The photograph reproduced in Figure 13 was provided by Dr Siegmund Babendererde
who was a member of the Consulting Board on this project. It can be seen that the cavern
has an elliptical shape and that anchored crane beams have been used. Note that these
beams are anchored on overhanging portions of the elliptical arch and hence no credit can
be taken for the frictional resistance of the concrete/rock interface. The rock mass in
which the cavern was excavated is gneiss of reasonable quality.

Figure 13: Underground
powerhouse cavern for the
Singkarak hydroelectric
project in Indonesia.

Hoek Anchored crane beams in hydroelectric caverns Page 13

Cirata hydroelectric project Indonesia.

The 1008 MW Cirata hydroelectric project in West Java, Indonesia, was commissioned in
1998. The powerhouse cavern is the largest in Indonesia and one of the largest in the
world. It measures 253 m long, 35 m wide, 49.5 m high and is 109 m below surface. The
caverns is an elliptical shape and the crane beams are anchored to the overhanging
portion of the arch as illustrated in Figure 14.

Figure 14: Underground powerhouse for the Cirata underground powerhouse in
Indonesia. This cavern has a span of 33 m and is in relative poor quality rock. The cavern
shape is elliptical and anchored crane beams are used as illustrated. Photograph provided
by Professor S. Sakurai of Kobe University in Japan.

Hoek Anchored crane beams in hydroelectric caverns Page 14


Anastassopoulos, K., Hoek, E., Milligan, V. and Riemer, W. 2004. Thissavros
hydropower project: Managing geotechnical problems in the construction. Proc.
Fifth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering.
New York, NY. April, 2004.
Bieniawski, Z.T. 1973. Engineering classification of jointed rock masses. Trans S. Afr.
Inst. Civ. Engrs 15, 335-344.
Bowcock, J.B., Boyd, J.M., Hoek, E. and Sharp, J.C. 1976. Drakensberg pumped storage
scheme, rock engineering aspects. In Exploration for Rock Engineering (ed. Z.T.
Bieniawski) 2 , 121-139. Rotterdam: Balkema.
Endersbee, L.A., and Hofto, E.O. 1968. Civil engineering design and studies in rock
mechanics for Poatina underground power station, Tasmania. J. Instn. Engineers,
Australia. Vol. 35. 187-209.
Freire, F.C.V., and Souza, R.J.B. 1979. Lining, support and instrumentation for the
cavern of the Paulo Alfonso IV power station, Brazil. Proc. Second International
Symposium of Tunnelling, London: Inst. Min. Matall. 12 p.
Holmstrm. A. 1978. The 320 MVA generator for Ritsom. Water Power and Dam
Construction. August, 1978. 28-30.
Murphy, D.K., and Levay, J. 1985. Rock engineering on the La Grande Complex.
Quebec. Canadian Tunnelling. 1985, 129-141.
Stokkeb, O. and Tndebvold, E. 1978. Designing for year-round efficiency at Ulla-Frre.
Water Power and Dam Construction. August 1978. 23-27.

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