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A Study On Prediction of Output in Oilfield Using Multiple Linear Regression

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International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 1 No.

4; July 2011

A Study on Prediction of Output in Oilfield Using Multiple Linear Regression

Izni binti Mustafar
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
Bandar Seri Iskandar, 31750 Tronoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan
Tel: +6013-3938787, Email: [email protected]

Dr. Radzuan Razali
Department of Fundamental and Applied Sciences
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
Bandar Seri Iskandar, 31750 Tronoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan
Tel: +(605) 368 7679, Email: [email protected]

An oilfield is an area with reserves of recoverable petroleum, especially one with several oil-producing wells
The challenge in this project is to find the variable for the output of oilfield because here are numerous factors
affecting output in an oilfield. The relationship between field output and one of the affecting factors is unscientific
and are not precise, which it is needed to come out with a simple and more accurate. 8 parameters have been
identified to predict the oilfield of output. After several screening test using Multiple Linear Regression, 4
parameters have been identified as a most significant parameter. The ordinary least squares method also used to
minimize the sum of variables by eliminating the least important variables. And to validate the data, new set of
different data used with only the most significant parameters. It validates the method as all the parameters obey
the rules of P-value.
Keywords Oilfield output prediction ; Multiple Linear Regression

The production of oil is very significance as a world energy source. Every year, the increasing of oil production
has been by far as the major contribution to the growth in energy production. The oil production is generally from
an oilfield. An oilfield is an area of sedimentary rocks under the ground or called as crude oil. Oil is created in a
source rock along with water and gas. The oilfields typically extend over a large area, possibly several hundred
kilometers across. Therefore, full exploitation entails multiple wells scattered across the area. In addition, there
may be exploratory wells probing the edges, pipelines to transport the oil elsewhere and support facilities. The
term oilfield is also used as shorthand to refer to the entire petroleum industry. However, it is more accurate to
divide the oil industry into three sectors which are upstream, midstream and downstream. Upstream is a crude
production from wells and separation of water from oil meanwhile midstream is a pipeline and tanker transport of
crude and downstream is a refining and marketing of refined products
. For a major reason, it is crucial to predict
the oilfield output for oil production. Thus, studies have been making to predict the output using multiple linear
regression method.

Model Used To Predict the Output of Oilfield
The oilfield development of predicting the output of an oilfield is the basis of the optimal decision making of
oilfield manager
. By far, there are many methods to predict the output of oilfield such as Multiple Linear
Regression, Artificial Neural Network, Grey Prediction method, and Logistic Curve Method which have different
applicable environments and limits
. At present time, there are several major models are being used to predict
the oilfield output such as logistic model
, production decline model
and logistic model
. But the problem is,
there are several input variables in the above models and significant factors influencing dynamic system is not
considered. Thus, the prediction result was affected and is not accurate. Meanwhile, the Multiple Linear
Regression model is more simple and accurate. In the process of predicting the oilfield output using Multiple
Linear Regression model, several model factors related to oilfield output are often identified as the model
variables. By using this model, the Multiple Linear Regression equation is constructed. Therefore, the most
significant factors that influence the oilfield output are determined by using the Multiple Linear Regression
model. The model is applied to the actual production and the satisfying predictions are obtained.
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Multiple Linear Regressions
Multiple linear regressions are one of the most widely used of all statistical methods. Multiple regression analysis
is also highly useful in experimental situation where the experimenter can control the predictor variables. A single
predictor variable in the model would have provided an inadequate description since a number of key variables
affect the response variable in important and distinctive ways
. It attempts to model the relationship between
two or more variables and a response variable by fitting a linear equation to observed data. Every value of the
independent variable x is associated with a value of the dependent variable y. The population regression line for p
explanatory variables is defined to be :


This line describes how the mean response changes with the explanatory variables. The observed values for y
vary about their means and are assumed to have the same standard deviation . The fitted values
estimate the parameters of the population regression line

is the mean of when all s are 0. Meanwhile, is the change in the mean of associated with a unit
increase in , holding the values of all the other s fixed. Coefficient estimated via least squares.
Meanwhile for the confidence and prediction Intervals the below calculation is use :
Variance of mean response at :
(2) Variance of new observation at , = +

An estimate of is = MSE = (4)

The Confidence Interval on Mean Response at is defined as below

and (6)

Meanwhile, the Confidence Interval on New Observation at is defined as below
and (8)

Last but not least, the sum of squares was used. Sum of squares is a concept that permeates much of inferential
statistics and descriptive statistics. More properly, it is the sum of squared deviations. Mathematically it is an
unscaled , or unadjusted measure of dispersion. When scaled for number of degrees of freedom, it estimates the
variance, or spread of the observations about their mean value
Based on sample containing observations;
Sum of Squares Total (SST) :

Sum of Squares for Error (SSE) :

Sum of Squares for Regression (SSR) :


To see if there is any linear relationship we test
: (13)
International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 1 No.4; July 2011

for some (14)

Compute the equation as below :

SSE= (15)
SST= (16)

The F statistic is :

With F based on and degrees of freedom.
Reject when exceeds .

Research Methodology
In order to achieve the aim of the project, some research has been done on several resources from books, technical
papers and internet. For the first step, the gathering information needs to be done on the Oilfield, Well Production,
Reservoir Behaviour and Multiple Linear Regression method. After all the studies have been done and the
parameters have been identified, and the process of constructing a Multiple Linear Regression calculation using
Microsoft Excel and obtain the oilfield output begin. The next stage is the simulation stage whereby the
calculation will be simulated in order to make it easier to achieve the oilfield output. During this stage, knowledge
of MATLAB software is a requirement. Apart from that, the most significant parameters were identified after
several screening and validate this model using 2
set of data with the most significant parameters only.
Determining Factors Affecting Oilfield Production
In oil production, there are two major factors affecting oilfield production which are geological factors and human
factors. Therefore, these two factors are being considered to predict the output of oilfield. Considering the
geological factors, the oil wells are the utmost important element in predicting oilfields output directly
determines the yield of oilfield

Next, the water content of oil also is considered as major factor that affect the oilfield production. These due to
some of oil well in our country are non self spraying. Thus, the respective oil wells need steam or injecting water
to drive oil. It also can be used to increase pressure and thereby it will stimulate production of oilfield. The
available oil reserve is also a factor because an underground reserve of oil is basically unchanged

The basic method is to establish the linear relationship between oil output and the influencing factors such as
moisture content. Then the linear system is established according to the experience. To predict future output of an
oilfield, the influencing factors combined with actual production are selected and analysed deeply. Eight factors
are selected as follows

1. The total numbers of wells
2. The startup number of wells
3. The number of new adding wells
4. The injected water volume last year
5. The oil moisture content of previous year
6. The oil production rate of previous year
7. The recovery percent of previous year
8. The oil output of previous year

A list of data parameters from Chinas Oilfield were obtains. Please refer to Table 1. Based from data in Table 1,
the calculation was constructed using Microsoft Excel and Matlab based on Multiple Linear Regression (MLR)
model where:
= The total numbers of wells
= The start up number of wells
= The number of new adding wells
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= The injected water volume last year
= The oil moisture content of previous year
= The oil production rate of previous year
= The recovery percent of previous year
= The oil output of previous year
= The oil output
From basic MLR equation , the basic form MLR can be expressed as follows:

Table 1 - Parameters Data From China Oilfield
year y x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8
1983 1442800 689 612 311 2375900 41.80% 1.45% 9.07% 1421900
1984 1417200 855 720 351 2305000 42.33% 1.53% 9.54% 1442800
1985 1466100 1028 874 426 2765900 42.93% 1.60% 9.49% 1417200
1986 1454500 1268 1087 472 3306400 46.21% 1.55% 10.25% 1466100
1987 1489400 1446 1197 652 3981400 45.80% 1.49% 9.35% 1454500
1988 1559200 1705 1417 486 4551000 47.80% 1.43% 9.08% 1489400
1989 1652300 1892 1524 458 5269100 49.30% 1.31% 9.31% 1559200
1990 2024600 2113 1761 473 6020400 52.15% 1.37% 10.13% 1652300
1991 2175900 2372 1903 506 7406200 55.46% 1.26% 10.88% 2024600
1992 2606400 2640 2123 705 8676500 59.83% 1.18% 11.54% 2175900
1993 3025300 3090 2574 689 9879800 60.87% 1.11% 12.07% 2606400
1994 3493100 3603 2826 964 11108700 63.39% 1.11% 12.96% 3025300
1995 3725800 3987 2878 1073 11832700 63.12% 1.20% 13.57% 3493100
1996 4037600 4530 3002 1003 13091800 64.79% 1.20% 14.76% 3725800
1997 4200500 4872 3172 1044 14063100 67.45% 1.07% 14.59% 4037600
1998 4398200 5110 3260 854 15760600 68.89% 1.01% 14.88% 4200500
1999 4649700 5400 3375 686 16760300 70.12% 0.95% 15.40% 4398200
2000 4712500 5524 3497 758 16519000 71.88% 0.88% 15.82% 4649700
2001 5205000 5653 3704 891 18083400 71.88% 0.91% 16.46% 4712500
2002 6115500 6958 5523 1043 19267300 72.95% 0.83% 17.22% 5205000
2003 7158700 8680 7805 1181 19580500 72.83% 0.83% 17.74% 6115500
2004 8109500 9864 8263 1319 25365000 72.28% 0.89% 17.71% 7158700
2005 9051000 11805 9522 1946 30032000 72.01% 0.84% 16.98% 8109500
2006 9623000 12314 11092 2347 32987000 72.31% 0.85% 17.20% 9051000

Linear regression method was used to calculate the regression coefficients with 8 independent variables. The
regression coefficients from to are respectively given as follows:

= 2019687.48
= 177.71
= 218.255
= 193.70
= 0.077
= -5450242.21
= -98346111.91
= 27192743.26
= 0.026
The mathematical regression model is obtained as:

International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 1 No.4; July 2011

The less significant variables are rejected one by one based on P-value. The significant indicator is
considered as the screening index. When P value > 0.1, the item is the less significant items and should be
removed. Otherwise, the result is opposite. For instance, the P value for which is oil output last years is
0.9008 in the first round screening and P value > 0.1, therefore, this item should be rejected. After 5 rounds
screening, the variables rejected are as follows:
= The total numbers of wells
= The number of new adding wells
= The oil production rate of previous year
= The oil output of previous year

From the calculation, the P value of all variables left satisfy the significance requirements of . After the
screening of P value, the four most important factors which affect the oilfield output are determined. They are
(in most significant order) :
= The start up number of wells
= The recovery percent of previous year
= The injected water volume last year
= The oil moisture content of previous year
Therefore, the new mathematical model is obtained with the screening of P value. The model may written as

After the result obtained, two kinds of model (four parameters model and eight parameters model) were compared
to see the error differences. (refer to Table 2)
Table 2 - The Comparison Of Prediction Results Of Two Models
2000 4712500 4755212 0.413101 4819842 1.191005
2001 5205000 5197864 0.069019 5180056 0.276769
2002 6115500 6155542 0.387279 6169154 0.595312
2003 7158700 7146255 0.120367 7195551 0.408875
2004 8109500 8030987 0.759365 7966909 1.582103
2005 9051000 8856198 1.884093 8956653 1.046812
2006 9623000 9822647 1.93096 9752501 1.436868
Average Total 5.564183 6.537743

Thus, to verify this method the author obtain new list data parameters obtain from another Chinas oilfield (Please
refer to Table 3) but by only using 4 parameters that have the most significant value in calculation that were made
using the first data. After the screening of P value in the new set of data, the P- value for all parameters still
satisfy the significant requirement which is P value > 0.1.
Thus, from the result obtain, the author calculate the percentage error from the latest model. We can see that from
Table 4 that the total percentage error is less than 4.57%. This validate that the MLR method can be use to
forecast oilfield data.

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Table 3 - Parameters Data From China Oilfield 2

Table 4 - Coefficients Table For Latest Model

As for the conclusion, the variables that affecting the performance of oilfields output has been identified and the
full calculation were already constructed in order to find the value for regression coefficient, and to predict the
output of oilfield. By implementing this method, output of oilfield can also obtained by using MATLAB
simulation. Since there are too many variables that affecting the performance of oilfields output, the author used
the ordinary least squares method to minimize the sum of variables by eliminating the least important variables.
The author also uses different set of data with the most significant parameters that have been identified in first
calculation using first set of data to do some comparison and verified the validity of this method. From the result
and discussion it shown that the percentage error of predicted value from the actual output is only 4.57%. This
validate that this method can be implement to forecast the oilfield output.

year y

1983 1352300 407 1564500 40.96% 8.92%
1984 1326700 515 1493600 41.49% 9.39%
1985 1375600 669 1954500 42.09% 9.34%
1986 1364000 882 2495000 45.37% 10.10%
1987 1398900 992 3170000 44.96% 9.20%
1988 1468700 1212 3739600 46.96% 8.93%
1989 1561800 1319 4457700 48.46% 9.16%
1990 1934100 1556 5209000 51.31% 9.98%
1991 2085400 1698 6594800 54.62% 10.73%
1992 2515900 1918 7865100 58.99% 11.39%
1993 2934800 2369 9068400 60.03% 11.92%
1994 3402600 2621 10297300 62.55% 12.81%
1995 3635300 2673 11021300 62.28% 13.42%
1996 3947100 2797 12280400 63.95% 14.61%
1997 4110000 2967 13251700 66.61% 14.44%
1998 4307700 3055 14949200 68.05% 14.73%
1999 4559200 3170 15948900 69.28% 15.25%
2000 4622000 3292 15707600 71.04% 15.67%
2001 5114500 3499 17272000 71.04% 16.31%
2002 6025000 5318 18455900 72.11% 17.07%
2003 7068200 7600 18769100 71.99% 17.59%
2004 8019000 8058 24553600 71.44% 17.56%
2005 8960500 9317 29220600 71.17% 16.83%
2006 9532500 10887 32175600 71.47% 16.61%
Year Actual Output Latest Model
2000 4712500 4660515.787 0.408306
2001 5205000 5108470.348 0.06392
2002 6115500 6067627.998 0.4519
2003 7158700 7058753.792 0.100139
2004 8109500 7968840.953 0.531737
2005 9051000 8815560.913 1.536501
2006 9623000 9672381.567 1.482886
Average Total 4.57539
International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 1 No.4; July 2011


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