This document analyzes four different scenarios (labeled I, II, III, IV) of a queueing system with varying arrival rates, service rates, numbers of servers, and utilization levels. Key metrics reported for each scenario include the probability of an empty system, expected queue length and time in system, and probability a customer must wait. For example, scenario I has an arrival rate of 8, service rate of 2.5, 4 servers, and 80% utilization. Its expected queue length is 2.3857 and probability of waiting is 59.64%.
This document analyzes four different scenarios (labeled I, II, III, IV) of a queueing system with varying arrival rates, service rates, numbers of servers, and utilization levels. Key metrics reported for each scenario include the probability of an empty system, expected queue length and time in system, and probability a customer must wait. For example, scenario I has an arrival rate of 8, service rate of 2.5, 4 servers, and 80% utilization. Its expected queue length is 2.3857 and probability of waiting is 59.64%.
This document analyzes four different scenarios (labeled I, II, III, IV) of a queueing system with varying arrival rates, service rates, numbers of servers, and utilization levels. Key metrics reported for each scenario include the probability of an empty system, expected queue length and time in system, and probability a customer must wait. For example, scenario I has an arrival rate of 8, service rate of 2.5, 4 servers, and 80% utilization. Its expected queue length is 2.3857 and probability of waiting is 59.64%.
This document analyzes four different scenarios (labeled I, II, III, IV) of a queueing system with varying arrival rates, service rates, numbers of servers, and utilization levels. Key metrics reported for each scenario include the probability of an empty system, expected queue length and time in system, and probability a customer must wait. For example, scenario I has an arrival rate of 8, service rate of 2.5, 4 servers, and 80% utilization. Its expected queue length is 2.3857 and probability of waiting is 59.64%.
Arrival rate () 8 8 people arrive in average at every given moment.
Service rate () 2.5 2.5 is the average number of jobs that can be served by time period. Number of servers (s) 4 4 people assist. Utilization 80.00% This % is the percentage of time used per customer per hour of service. P(0), probability that the system is empty 0.0273 Probability that nobody shows up. L q , expected queue length 2.3857 The expected people that will be in the queue. L, expected number in system 5.5857 The expected number of people in the system. W q , expected time in queue 0.2982 The expected amount of time in hours in line (meeting room). W, expected total time in system 0.6982 The expected amount of time that people being serviced would take. (hours) Probability that a customer waits 0.5964 The probability that the next customer will have to wait in line. 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 P r o b a b i l i t y NUMBER I N SYSTEM
I II III IV Arrival rate () 8 4.57 8 4.57 Service rate () 2.5 2.5 5 2.5 Number of servers (s) 4 2 2 3 Utilization 80% 91% 80% 61% P(0), probability that the system is empty 0.02730251 0.04493208 0.11111111 0.14075048 L q , expected queue length 2.38572989 9.27744094 2.84444444 0.5720967 L, expected number in system 5.58572989 11.1054409 4.44444444 2.4000967 W q , expected time in queue 0.29821624 2.0300746 0.35555556 0.12518527 W, expected total time in system 0.69821624 2.4300746 0.55555556 0.52518527 Probability that a customer waits 0.59643247 0.87293208 0.71111111 0.36679285 W q , expected time in queue in minutes 18 122 21 8 W, expected total time in system in minutes 42 146 33 32 Expected total time in minutes 60 268 55 39