1331 - 4 Dynamics-Transients PDF
1331 - 4 Dynamics-Transients PDF
1331 - 4 Dynamics-Transients PDF
Enterprise Solution
ETAP is the most comprehensive analysis platform for the design,
simulation, operation, control, optimization, and automation of
generation, transmission, distribution, and industrial power systems.
Load Shedding
Transient Stability
Generator Start-Up
Wind Turbine Generator
User-defined Dynamic Model
Parameter Estimation
Line Constants
Line Ampacity
Mutual Coupling
Sag & Tension
HV DC Transmission Link
Arc Flash
AC Arc Flash
DC Arc Flash
Result Analyzer
Sequence Viewer
Ground Grid
Wind Turbine Generator
Wind Farm
Photovoltaic Array
Real-Time Monitoring
State Estimation
Energy Accounting
Predictive Simulation
Event Playback
Load Forecasting
MS Access & Excel
CAD Interface
e-DPP Interface
SmartPlant Interface
Third-Party Software
& Simulation
& Transients
Short Circuit ANSI
Short Circuit IEC
Load Flow
Motor Acceleration
Automatic Generation Control
Economic Dispatch
Supervisory Control
Interchange Scheduling
Reserve Management
ANSI Panel
IEC Panel
Code Factors
Schedule Reports
Substation Automation
Switching Management
Load Management
Smart Grid
Micro Grid
Transient Stability
Generator Start-Up
Wind Turbine Generator
User-Defined Dynamic Model
Parameter Estimation
Dynamic Response
Accelerate Multiple Motors: Start multiple motors using unlimited sequence of events
Transient Stability
The Transient Stability module enables engineers to accurately model power system dynamics and simulate system disturbances
and events. Typical transient stability studies include identifying critical fault clearing time, motor dynamic acceleration/reacceleration, load shedding schedule, fast bus transfer timing, excitation/AVR system parameter tuning, governor parameter
tuning, voltage/frequency response and stability, and generator start-up. You can split a system or combine multiple subsystems,
simulate automatic relay actions and associated circuit breaker operations, accelerate or re-accelerate motors. Combined with
enhanced plotting and graphical results, engineers can truly use this module to master power system stability studies.
Key Features
Plots, one-line display, & text reports
Synchronous generator & motor rotor angle & speed
Synchronous generator & motor voltage & current
Synchronous generator & motor mechanical & electrical power
Exciter voltage & current
Induction motor slip & torque
Induction motor V/Hz plot
Motor current & terminal voltage
Motor mechanical & electrical power
Machine terminal impedance
Branch power & current flow
Bus frequency, voltage, volts/hertz, & more
Bus volts/hertz vector difference
Superimpose plots
Time-varying graphical one-line display of results
One-line playback with list of events
Customize output reports using Crystal Reports
Generator Start-Up
Using full frequency-dependent machine and network models, the Generator Start-Up
module analyzes cold-state starting of generators under normal and emergency conditions.
The entire generator start-up process is modeled, including automatic control relay simulation
and the dynamic behavior of exciters/AVRs, governors, turbines, and Power System
Stabilizers (PSS). You can simulate the starting of generators, connection of generators to the
network before reaching synchronizing speed, acceleration of motors, action of MOVs, and
operation circuit breakers.
Key Features
Cold-state generator starting
Load generators prior to synchronous speed
Frequency-dependent machine models
Frequency-dependent network models
An expansion to the Transient Stability module
Utilizes user-defined dynamic models
Quick recovery of power to critical loads
Determine optimum loading time
Schedule of loading sequence
Analysis of generator & motor starting behavior
Analysis of governor & AVR starting behavior
Diesel generator starting for critical applications
Flexible Operations
Dynamic Models
Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVR)
Power System Stabilizers (PSS) speed-governor system control
Model Types
between wind turbines and the power grid at the third largest wind
turbine generators
Key Features
Ability to model unlimited wind turbine generators individually or in groups
Detailed modeling of turbine dynamics including aerodynamics & power coefficients
Model doubly-fed induction generators with pitch & converter controller characteristics
Simulate transient wind conditions with ramp, gust, & noise disturbances & calculate dynamic impact on wind machines
Create multiple wind categories for predictive what if studies & scenarios
Perform transient stability analysis with individual or zone-based disturbances
Perform system integration studies
Key Features
Library of pre-built models
Customize existing UDM models
Wide variety of blocks for building models
Import Simulink models
Various model testing methods
Real-time compiling & linking of model
Dynamic model builder in ETAP
Fast & accurate model initialization
Transient stability analysis
Generator start-up analysis
Motor acceleration analysis
Synchronous motor startup
Frequency-dependent models
Bus voltage support mode
User defined wind turbine models for
transient studies
User defined generic load model for
transient studies
Independent Self-Testing
Terminal bus faults
Load rejection
Load acceptance
Parameter Estimation
The ETAP Parameter Estimation program calculates equivalent circuit model parameters
for machines at starting condition. The calculation is based on advanced mathematical
estimation and curve fitting techniques, which require only the machine performance
characteristic data.
The estimated model together with its parameters can be used to represent the machine
dynamics during motor starting and transient stability studies. Machine characteristic curves
based on the estimated model are automatically updated into the corresponding motor
editor. Additional key machine characteristic and nameplate data are automatically calculated
based upon the estimated model.
Single-phase, two-phase (2W & 3W), three-phase (3W & 4W)
Unbalanced loads & branches
Machine internal sequence impedances
Machine/transformer various grounding types
Modeling of transformer winding connections
Transmission line coupling between phases of one line & multiple lines
Loads of constant power, constant impedance & constant current
Generic load as function of voltage & frequency
Generator governors with isochronous or droop mode
Generator exciters with AVR or Mvar/PF control
Transformer load tap changers (LTC/regulators)
Phase-shifting transformers
Individual phase & sequence voltage, current, & power
Voltage drops, losses, power flows, power factor,
voltage / current unbalance factors, etc.
Key Features