This document contains summaries of 6 patients currently admitted to the urology ward. Patient 1 is scheduled for a TURP procedure for prostate hyperplasia and hernias. Patient 2 has testicular seminoma and is planned for chemotherapy. Patient 3 has prostate hyperplasia and is post-op from a TURP. Patient 4 has bilateral kidney stones, hydronephrosis, and DJ stents placed, and is planned for stent replacement. Patient 5 has left kidney hydronephrosis and stones, and is awaiting further tests. Patient 6 has bilateral hydronephrosis and a left DJ stent post-op from ureteroscopy, and is on antibiotics and monitoring.
This document contains summaries of 6 patients currently admitted to the urology ward. Patient 1 is scheduled for a TURP procedure for prostate hyperplasia and hernias. Patient 2 has testicular seminoma and is planned for chemotherapy. Patient 3 has prostate hyperplasia and is post-op from a TURP. Patient 4 has bilateral kidney stones, hydronephrosis, and DJ stents placed, and is planned for stent replacement. Patient 5 has left kidney hydronephrosis and stones, and is awaiting further tests. Patient 6 has bilateral hydronephrosis and a left DJ stent post-op from ureteroscopy, and is on antibiotics and monitoring.
This document contains summaries of 6 patients currently admitted to the urology ward. Patient 1 is scheduled for a TURP procedure for prostate hyperplasia and hernias. Patient 2 has testicular seminoma and is planned for chemotherapy. Patient 3 has prostate hyperplasia and is post-op from a TURP. Patient 4 has bilateral kidney stones, hydronephrosis, and DJ stents placed, and is planned for stent replacement. Patient 5 has left kidney hydronephrosis and stones, and is awaiting further tests. Patient 6 has bilateral hydronephrosis and a left DJ stent post-op from ureteroscopy, and is on antibiotics and monitoring.
This document contains summaries of 6 patients currently admitted to the urology ward. Patient 1 is scheduled for a TURP procedure for prostate hyperplasia and hernias. Patient 2 has testicular seminoma and is planned for chemotherapy. Patient 3 has prostate hyperplasia and is post-op from a TURP. Patient 4 has bilateral kidney stones, hydronephrosis, and DJ stents placed, and is planned for stent replacement. Patient 5 has left kidney hydronephrosis and stones, and is awaiting further tests. Patient 6 has bilateral hydronephrosis and a left DJ stent post-op from ureteroscopy, and is on antibiotics and monitoring.
TRUS 90 TAUS 94 2 Bed 2 Usman RM 654419 Tgl lahir 1-7-1982 MRS 20/8/14 DPJP: dr. M. Asykar , Sp.U -seminoma testis kiri -ascites -infeksi saluran kemih -anemia
Perbaikan KU Rencana kemoterapi
Hasil PA 2/4/14 Seminoma testis
Lab 30/8/2014 WBC : 6,9 PLT : 337 HB : 9,3 Lab 20/8/14 Ur:25 Cr : 0,9 Lab 4/9/14 Alb : 2,9 Hb post transfusi 10,1 4 Bed 4 La Ami RM 676966 Tgl Lahir31/12/1939 MRS 31-8-2014 DPJP: dr.Muh.Asykar Palinrungi,Sp.U -hipertrofi prostat gr. IV -ISK -Hiperaktifitas transaminase Post op TUR P Tanggal 3/9/2014
Lab (22/8/2014) Hb : 13,2 WBC : 9700
Ur : 49 Cr : 1,06 PLT 307 RBC 4,6 5 Bed 5 Junaedi paroki RM 404507 Tgl lahir 22/7/1962 MRS 5/9/2014 DPJP :
Nephrolithiasis dekstra Lab 3/9/14 HB : WBC :
RBC PLT Ur/Cr 29/1,5 Got/Gpt 30/26
Bed 6 Massa Hipertrofi prostat Lab WBC KORAN UROLOGI MINGGU, 7 SEPTEMBER 2014
USG Abdomen (18-8- 2014) -Nefrolith disertai hidronefrosis bilateral -DJ stent terpasang pada kedua traktus urinarius
Bed 2 Ibrahim Adjuna 672005 TL 03/08/1948 MRS 7/8/14 dr. M. Asykar Palinrungi, Sp.U
- Batu cetak ginjal kiri - Multiple kista ginjal bilateral - Pyeloplasty - Batu cetak ginjal kiri - Multypel kista ginjal bilateral - Anemia - Melena - Hipertensi gr II
- Post extended pyelolithotomy sinistra (23-8-2014) (POH 18) - Aff kateter - Aff infuse - Aff hacting - Rencana uretroplasty ESRD on HD reguler Lab (8-9-2014) Ur : 59 Cr : 2,10
MSCT Abdomen: (11-8-2014) Kesan : -Massa ginjal sinistra
USG Abdomen (6-8-- 2014) Kesan: -susp.massa ginjal kiri
PA Ginjal Kiri (26-8- 2014) Kesan: -renal cell ca, clear cell type -kelenjar getah bening dengan sinus histiosis
Bed 3 Najamuddin 677224 22-10-1959 MRS: 02/9/2014 DPJP: dr. M. Asykar P, Sp.U Hypertrophy Prostat Gr.II Hiperglikemi DM tipe II Pro Operatif prostat hari senin, (08-09-2014) Rawat sama TS.Endokrinologi Observasi GDS
Bed 5 Ny Jainun 678246 11-2-1976 MRS 10-9-2014 DPJP : Dr.Kholis Sp.U Hidronefrosis Sinistra Batu Pyelum Sinistra Anemia Hepatomegaly Infeksi Saluran Kemih TB Paru Lama Aktif Batu Ginjal Sinistra Lengkapi pemeriksaan Lab 1-9-2014 Wbc 10,0 Hgb 9,1 Plt 371 Rbc 4,24
Ur/Cr : 19/1,00
USG 1-9-2014 -Hepatomegaly -Hidronefrosis ec Batu Pyelum PUJ Snistra
Bed 6 T. Dg. Ngai 545338 TL: 31-12-1968 MRS: 5-9-2014 dr. M. Asykar P, sP.BU Hidronefrosis bilateral Double J stent sinistra Post op hari 1 Aff. DJ Stent sinistra Ureterorenoscopy
Instruksi post op Awasi TV & KU pasien Bed rest 24 jam post op IVFD RL 20 tpm Ceftriaxon 1gr/12j/IV Ketorolac 30 mg/8j/IV Ranitidin 50 mg/8j/IV
-hidronefrosis bilateral -DJ stent insitu (S) Bed 1 Juliana S 677525 2/2/1970 MRS : 26/8/2014 DPJP : dr. syakri syahrir, Sp.U Post op nefrolitotomi sinistra (1/9/2014)
Foto Thorax (31-8- 2014) -cardiomegaly Bed 2 Indahwati 676254 20/9/1977 MRS :24/8/2014 DPJP : dr.M. Asykar Palinrungi, Sp.U Post op nefrolitotomi sinistra (1/9/2014)
Post Op. Bivalvo nefrolitotomi sinistra ( 3-9- 2014 )
Lab (5-9-2014) WBC:14,6 RBC:3,62 HGB:11,0 PLT:193
Lab (18/8/2014) HGB : 14.5 PT/APTT : 12.5 control 11.2/27.9 control 25.3 GDS : 90 Ur/Cr : 16/0.86 Alb: 4.5 Na/K/Cl : 141/4.2/103 KORAN UROLOGI MINGGU, 7 SEPTEMBER 2014
Foto Polos Abdomen (25-8-2014) Nephrolit sinistra (batu Staghorn) Bed 3 Talaha 663275 17-1-1968 MRS: 3/9/2014 DPJP: dr.M.Asykar P, Sp.U Batu ginjal kiri Hidronefrosis sinistra Leucositosis Pro replace DJ stent bilateral
IVP (15-8-2014) Kesan: -ureterolith sinistra -hidronefrosis sinistra gr.II LONTARA 2 URO KAMAR 10 Batu ginjal kanan hidronefrosis (S) Stenosis Ureter (s) Bed 1 Matius raba 625262 1/1/1963 Batu ginjal bilateral Acites DJ stan insitu bilateral Anemia POH 1I Replace DJ stent Bilateral (4/9/2014) Lab (20/8/14): Ur/Cr: 88/12.90 Na/K/Cl: 146/3.8/108 WBC:5.36 KORAN UROLOGI MINGGU, 7 SEPTEMBER 2014
MRS :31/8/2014 DPJP dr. khairul kholis, Sp.U
Hidronefrosis bilateral HGB:8.5 HCT:25.0 PLT:232
USG(11-8-2014) -ginjal kanan : tampak echo batu dgn diameter 0.8 cm -ginjal kiri : tampak echo batu dgn diameter 1,5cm Kesan : Acites Neprolith bilateral DJ stent terpasang pada kedua traktus urinarius
Bed 6 Syarifuddin 675016 07/09/1967 MRS: DPJP:dr.KhoirulKho lis,Sp.U POH 14 TUR Prostat Vesicolithiasis ISK Hepatitis B Rencana bivalve Lab(7/8/14): Ur/Cr: 34/1.40 HGB:14 WBC:11,2 HCT:43 PLT:240
USG ABDOMEN (WHOLE ABD) TGL 6/8/2014 KESAN: dj DJ stent padatraktusurinariaDe xtra, nefrolithginjalkanan, hidronephorsiskanan IVP (19/8/2014) -batustaghorndextra
Batucetakginjaldextra DJ stent ureter dextra
Bed 2 Wayan 674704 43 tahun MRS 07/08/2014 DPJP:dr.Muh.Asyka rPalinrungi,Sp.U Ca penis +post partial penectomy + ulkus inguinal dextra + leukositosis Post KemoterapiSiklus 1 hari 1 tgl 21/8/2014 Rawat luka per hari dengan metronidazolebubuk
Uretrocystografi (18/8/2014) Tampak penyempitan pada pars membranosa & prostatica Kesan : striktur uretra
LONTARA 3 ATAS BELAKANG Striktur uretra pars bulbo membranacea Cistitis DM type II LONTARA 3 BAWAH BELAKANG (SARAF) Muhammad Arsyad 673641 MRS : 30/6/2014 DPJP :
POH 10 TUR- Hipertrofiprostat gr I/II susp malignancy -rencanakemoterapi
B2/1 Bed 1 Jabbar 674930 Tgl Lahir: 12/5/1966 Tgl MRS: 30/8/2014 DPJP: dr.Khoirul Kholis, Sp.U - Batu staghorn sinistra - Hidronefrosis sinistra Post operasi EKL litotripsi + sistoskopi (tanggal 4/9/2014)(POH 1) Lab (1/9/2014) WBC 6630 RBC 5,28x10 6
HGB 16,4 PLT 88000 Ur/Cr 25/1,1 GDS 292 GOT/GPT 19/19 Protein Total 8,9 Albumin 4,2 Na/K/Cl 141/3,4/99
Foto Thorax (11/8/2014) - Pulmo dalam batas normal - Dilatatio aortae
- Nefroliths sinistra ukuran 1,4 cm - Vesicolith ukuran 3 cm
MSCT Scan Abdomen (8/8/2014) - Fungsi ekskresi dan sekresi kedua ginjal normal - Nephrolith bilateral - Kista ginjal kanan - Vesicolith ukuran 2,7x1,1 cm
B2/2 Bed 1 Baddu Dg. Tanro 675259 Tgl Lahir: 11/09/1940 Tgl MRS: 11/8/2014 DPJP: dr. Khoirul Kholis, Sp.U - Batu Ginjal pole bawah sinistra - Vesicolithiasis Post TUR-P (tanggal 1/9/2014)(POH 4) Lab (27-08-2014) GDS 172 Na/K/Cl 144/3,5/102
Lab (3/9/2014) WBC 30500 RBC 3,47x10 6 HGB 8,7 PLT 212000 GDS 162 Na 135 K 4,5 Cl 100
Lab (05/08/2014) Ur/Cr 67/1,79 GOT/GPT 20/18 Protein total 6,0 Albumin 3,8
USG Abdomen (25/8/2014) - Nefrolith bilateral ukuran 12 cm (D) 0,7 cm (S) - Pelviocalyactasis bilateral - Abses renal dekstra ukuran 5,5x5,8 cm - Terpasang DJ stent pada traktus urinarius bilateral
Echocardiography (6/8/2014) KORAN UROLOGI MINGGU, 7 SEPTEMBER 2014
Disfungsi diastolik EF 61%
Foto Thorax (5/8/2014) Kesan normal
Urinalisis (5/8/2014) - Hematuria - Leukositoria
Foto Polos Abdomen (24/7/2014) Tampak batu radiopak pada kedua traktus urinarius, namun batu radiolusen belum dapat disingkirkan
MSCT abdomen tanpa kontras (15-07-2014) Nefrolithiasis (staghorn calculi) bilateral menyebabkan hidronefrosis B2/14 Bed 2 Muhammad Ali 040311 Tgl Lahir: 12/1/1938 Tgl Konsul: 2/9/2014 DPJP: dr. Khoirul Kholis, Sp.U - Batu staghorn dextra et sinistra - Hidronefrosis dextra et sinistra - Abses ginjal dextra Lengkapi pemeriksaan - TRUS-TAUS - USG Abdomen Lab (2/9/2014) WBC 15100 RBC 3,08x10 6 HGB 9,1 PLT 375000 GDS 113 Ur/Cr 148/4,9 Na 132 K 3,9 Cl 102
RS.UH Hematom subcapsular ren sinistra 405 A Nurlela 031361 Konsul : 8/9/2014 DPJP : dr.Syarif Bakri, Sp.U Hidronefrosis D + batu ureter D OPTIMALISASI KU
Ur/cr 165/8,82 Na,K,Cl :135,3,3,106 209 Franse Elo 678063 25/11/1959 DPJP: dr. Syakri Syahrir, Sp U Nephrolithiasis bilateral urerolithiasis dextra Hidronefrosis sinistra CKD stage V on HD reguler Harnal tab 1x0,4 mg Asam mefenamat 3x500 Ranitidine 3x150
Lab 9/9/2014 Wbc 2.8 Plt 117 Hct 30.2 Rbc 3.47 Hgb 9.3 N,K,Cl : 119,3,1,95 Ur/cr 188/5.47 MSCT abd non kontras Kesan: nephrolithiasis S Postop extracorporal shock wave lisotrips H 2 Batu ginjal kiri