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Honorato C.

Perez Memorial Science high School


Name: Jayvee C. Pajar
Section: IX-Edison

I .Table of Contents

- Summary of Scores
- Introduction
- Level of Knowledge
- Recommendation/Suggestion

II .Introduction

For me Physics is hard subject because Physics have Math and Science that very
hard subject
for me and interesting because I learned something new about this subject and
many Problem
solving solve using that subject and Measurement .

III .Level of knowledge

My Level of knowledge in Physics is 60% only because I dont understand the
other topic we
And the topic I did not understand is 40% because I have many topic did not
understand in

this subject.


In first Physics is easy subject because we use calculator in solving and in the
middle its hard
Because we learn how to use graph and problem solving and other topic like
shapes and

V.Recomendation and suggestions

Make Physics fun and enjoyable for students like make a games in the topic
To students make active and make discussion enjoyable and easy to


VI.Summary of scores

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