Preliminary Agreement of The Partner: (Full Name of The Organisation As Stated in Part A.1 of The Application Form)

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Preliminary agreement of the partner

To be signed by the person authorised to enter into legally binding commitments on behalf of the partner
I, the undersigned confirm the participation of the organisation:
(Full name of the organisation as stated in Part A.1 of the application form)
for which I am acting as legal representative in each stage of the project entitled:
EuroCitizens Youth Cultures
(Project title as stated in the application form)
I declare having reached an agreement with all the promoters involved in the project with regard to the share of EU grant my
organisation/group is entitled to receive in order to implement the project.
I confirm that my organisation/group has not applied for funding for this project to another National Agency or to the Eecutive
!urthermore, I confirm my underta"ing to ensure visi#ility of the European Union support for the project and to ensure
dissemination and eploitation of its results.
Partner organisation:
(if available)
Legal representative:
(Mr/Ms Surname First name)

Position/function in the

Date: (dd/mm/!!!!)

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