The document contains Harish Potu's resume, including his contact information, career objectives, academic qualifications, technical skills, work experience as a recruiter for ICON+A Professional Services and Solutions Pvt Ltd where he was responsible for sourcing and upgrading resumes to suit company requirements, and his interests which include playing games and chatting with friends. He has over 10 years of experience as a recruiter and lists his strengths as being adaptable to upgrading technologies and having good communication and managerial skills.
The document contains Harish Potu's resume, including his contact information, career objectives, academic qualifications, technical skills, work experience as a recruiter for ICON+A Professional Services and Solutions Pvt Ltd where he was responsible for sourcing and upgrading resumes to suit company requirements, and his interests which include playing games and chatting with friends. He has over 10 years of experience as a recruiter and lists his strengths as being adaptable to upgrading technologies and having good communication and managerial skills.
The document contains Harish Potu's resume, including his contact information, career objectives, academic qualifications, technical skills, work experience as a recruiter for ICON+A Professional Services and Solutions Pvt Ltd where he was responsible for sourcing and upgrading resumes to suit company requirements, and his interests which include playing games and chatting with friends. He has over 10 years of experience as a recruiter and lists his strengths as being adaptable to upgrading technologies and having good communication and managerial skills.
The document contains Harish Potu's resume, including his contact information, career objectives, academic qualifications, technical skills, work experience as a recruiter for ICON+A Professional Services and Solutions Pvt Ltd where he was responsible for sourcing and upgrading resumes to suit company requirements, and his interests which include playing games and chatting with friends. He has over 10 years of experience as a recruiter and lists his strengths as being adaptable to upgrading technologies and having good communication and managerial skills.
Career Objectives: o !oin an organi"ation #here $ can #or% and contri&ute to the com'an()s o&!ecti*es as #ell as learn and gro# in m( career. Personal Strengths: 1+ (ear e+'erience as ,on $ -ecruiter. .da'ta&le to u'grading technologies. /ood communication s%ills and managerial s%ills. 0'orti*e in all as'ects. Academic Details: Course Name of Institution Year of Pass Aggregate Percentage !"ech .dams Engineering 1ollege 2212 32.224 oard of Intermediate 0'ectra 5r. 1ollege 2224 55.14 S!S!C ,irmala 1on*ent high school 2222 33.224 "echnical S#ills: Programming 6anguages: 171++7esting tools 8e& echnolog(: 9:6 ;'erating 0(stem: 8indo#s <'78indo#s7 =ata&ase: ;racle Clients$Positions %or#ed &or Clients: =ell7 ,e# >or% 6i?e $nsurance7 ,i%e7 8ellPoint7 @a(er 9ealthcare7 .etna7 0ano?i-.*entis7 6i?e echnologies7 =eutsche @an%7 6oc%heed :artin7 0chlum&erger etc. Positions: ,et#or% EngineersA.rchitectsA.dministrators7 =ata&ase .rchitectsA =e*elo'ersA.dministrators7 Bualit( .ssuranceAest .nal(sts7 @usiness .nal(sts7 ElectricalA:echanical Engineers7 .ccountants7 Cinancial .nal(sts7 =es%to' s'ecialist etc. 'ob ()*erience: ICON+A Professional Services and Solutions Pvt! ,"D -.// 0 -./1 Position: Non I" 2ecruiter $1;,:. is a consulting ?irm 'ro*iding Pro?essional 0er*ices and 0olutions to Cortune 1222 clients nation#ide in *arious industries including: .utomoti*e7 @io-ech7 1ommunications7 =e?ense7 Cinancial 0er*ices7 Cood and @e*erage7 9ealthcare7 $nsurance7 6ogistics7 :anu?acturing7 Pharmaceutical7 -etail7 echnolog(7 elecommunications7 and Dtilities. $n order to 'ro*ide customers #ith the &est talent ?or their 'ro!ects7 #e identi?( the ?inest a*aila&le consultants through a com'rehensi*e recruiting 'rocess. 2es*onsibilities: -es'onsi&le ?or su&mitting the candidates /enerall( s'ea%s to the client and candidate in a con?erence call. 0ource and u'grading resumes in =ice to suit com'an( reEuirements. Pro*iding maintenance and su''ort to &usiness clients. =ail( contacting to the candidates. 0u&mitting the contractors to customers. Presentations$Partici*ations: Presented a 'a'er in the technical ?est conducted at .dams Engg 1ollege. 8or%ed as a Folunteer ?or *arious cam'us dri*es conducted in our college. Hobbies and Interests: Pla(ing /ames and #atching :o*ies 1hatting #ith Criends