Introduction To Research Methods

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Todays Agenda
Course Description

Course Description
The objectives of Research Methods are

Explain the nature of knowledge generation including roles
of research paradigms, and research ethics.
Develop clear research questions and justify them with
respect to the relevant research literature.
Identify, critically analyze and synthesize the appropriate
research literature.
Design ethical and practical research projects that address
the research questions.
Construct and document an appropriate research design,
including argumentation for data collection and analysis

Course Description -
Assessment 1 Quizzes,
Assignments & Lab
On-going each class
10 %
Assessment 2 Mid Term 1 &
Midterm 2
Week 5 & Week 11 20%
Assessment 3 Research Project &
Week 13 25%
Assessment 4 Final Exam To be announced by
academic office
Course description
Course outline
The course is designed around lectures,
in-class exercises and project for the
understanding of concepts and insights
What is Research?
Types of Research and Research Process.
Sampling & Data collection methods
Data analysis
Reporting results

Course Description
Research Project (Group Work)

Students will form groups of maximum 4 members.
Each group will prepare:
A Research Report as a course project.
Make a final presentation of the project at the end of the

Groups should be chosen and communicated to the
instructor by week 4 (15-09-2014 - 20-09-204).
Submission should be on an A4 paper with Names and IDs
and Section typed on it.

Absence on the day of presentation will result in award of

Settling In and Looking Ahead
Professional standards
Arrive on time and stay until the end
Respect classmates
Cell phones off
No plagiarizing
No Sleeping

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