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Natal Venus in Aries

(Frances Sakoian and Louis S. Acker)

Venus rules the principle of love and reaching out to others. Venus in Aries indicates
those who tend to be aggressive in their emotional self-epression. !heir outgoing
natures lend enthusiasm and sparkle to social gatherings. !he" have no reticence in
pursuing the ob#ect of their interests$ and the" can be competitive when seeking the
affection of others. %n a female horoscope$ this &ualit" ma" make for an aggressive
approach in which the woman chases the man. !he abilit" of these people to be
passionate in love and romance results from 'ars$ the ruler of Aries$ which gives energ"
to the affections of Venus. !hese affections can be impulsive and unstable$ however.

Venus in Aries is in its detriment$ because Aries is the opposite sign to Libra$ which
Venus rules. For this reason people with Venus in Aries demand a lot of personal
attention and tend to be self-centred.

%f Venus is afflicted in Aries$ the native(s manners can be coarse$ lacking refinement.
)hen Venus in Aries is well aspected$ there is a positive$ cheerful attitude. !here is also
the abilit" to be activel" creative in artistic pursuits.

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

Venus in Aries is the most impulsive of all the Venus signs$ leaping straight into
relationships$ usuall" on the basis of romantic attraction alone. -ractical difficulties are
no deterrent at all to them. !here is something of the knight in shining armour about
these people - the" like to feel that the" are rescuing someone from a miserable eistence
and carr"ing them off to eternal bliss.

%dealistic and somewhat naive$ the Venus in Aries person epects the best of ever"one.
Straightforward and direct to the point of bluntness themselves$ it never occurs to them
that some people are devious and manipulative. *ecause of this the" feel terribl" hurt and
let down when people betra" their trust.

Venus in Aries likes to take the initiative and tends to come on prett" strong$ which can
be ver" alarming to more timid t"pes. Aries has little time for the subtle approach$
preferring things to happen now$ and lacking patience with people who cannot make up
their minds.

*ecause Venus is the relating principle and Aries is concerned with being itself$ there is
going to be some degree of internal conflict between the self and the other. and it ma" be
&uite difficult for the Venus in Aries person to work out a balance between the need for
independence and personal self-epression and the need for relationship and sharing.

Venus in Aries needs space and freedom in relationships$ and appreciates independence
in others. As lovers$ the" are warm and demonstrative$ giving their love freel" and open-
heartedl". !he" need$ and can create$ an element of ecitement in their relationships$ so
that life is never dull for someone involved with them.

!he person with Venus in Aries tends to demand attention and will definitel" want to be
the number one attraction in their partner(s life. !heir love is full of heat and intensit"
which can &uickl" change to dramatic rage when the" feel hurt. Venus in Aries gives
drama and passion$ together with romanticism and naive hopefulness. For the Venus in
Aries person$ the eternall" burning flame of hope is what makes life worth living. and
the" will never cease to pursue their vision of the perfect love.

(Sk"e Aleander)

!his is a difficult position for Venus. /ere$ the planet that represents female energ" is
placed in the most masculine of signs. 0onse&uentl"$ Venus has a hard time epressing
its natural characteristics of harmon"$ union and romantic love in a sign that is
individualistic and combative.

%n partnerships of all kinds$ but especiall" love relationships$ "ou insist on being the
dominant partner and are not willing to compromise ver" much in order to maintain
domestic tran&uilit". %n fact$ "ou don(t reall" want "our relationships to be peaceful and
harmonious. 1ou prefer to maintain a high level of tension in "our relationships$ and find
conflict and arguments stimulating and eciting. 2ften "ou start fights - verbal or even
ph"sical ones - with "our partner$ #ust to see the fireworks. %f things sta" calm for long$
"ou become bored.

1ou see love as a contest and partners as opponents to be con&uered. %t is the chase that
intrigues "ou most. and "ou are likel" to lose interest in someone once he 3 she succumbs
to "our advances. !he wa" to keep "our attention is to keep "ou guessing. Alwa"s looking
for new eperiences$ new challenges$ "ou tend to be rather promiscuous$ or at least to
change partners fre&uentl". )hether male or female$ "ou are usuall" the aggressor$
easil" pursuing "our (&uarr"( rather than waiting for hi$ 3 her to make the first move.

Se is more important to "ou than affection. and unless "ou have water signs prominent
elsewhere in "our chart$ "ou ma" lack the abilit" to epress tenderness and romance in
love relationships.

%n itself$ this placement of Venus is not an indicator of an artistic sensibilit". %f "ou have
artistic talent$ as a result of other factors in "our birth chart$ "ou are likel" to be avant-
garde$ even rather provocative in the wa" "ou epress "ourself creativel". 1our st"le
tends to be highl" energetic and forceful$ even abrasive or violent.

)omen with this planetar" placement ma" re#ect traditional feminine images and put
little value on such things as home$ a husband and famil". %ndependent$ outspoken and
assertive$ "ou refuse to let an" man dominate "ou$ and insist on being free to do as "ou
wish in matters of love. 1ou probabl" aren(t (feminine( in a traditional sense$ for what
makes "ou feel good about "ourself as a woman is being able to do things like a man. 1ou
want to show ever"one (including "ourself) that an"thing a man can do a woman can do
better. !hus$ "ou might epress this image of "ourself through athletics$ b" being highl"
competitive in the business world$ or b" pla"ing the role of (budd"( to the men in "our life.
As a child$ "ou probabl" were a tombo" who beat up "our brothers and could out-hit
an"one on the local Little League team.

'en with Venus in Aries tend to be out-of-touch with their female sides (unless their
'oons are in 0ancer$ -isces or !aurus) and have little respect for female values$ or even
for women in general. 1our ideal woman is one who is (one of the gu"s($ who likes to pla"
football with "ou and "our friends on a Saturda" afternoon and can drink the lot of "ou
under the table afterwards. 4motional$ gentle$ delicate or sensitive women don(t interest
"ou in the least. 1ou want a partner who is strong$ feist" and independent$ even a little
(butch(. !hus$ "ou might find women with mesomorphic bodies$ athletes and bod"
builders more attractive than those with (hourglass( figures.

(,ulia and 5erek -arker)

!he individual is passionate$ falling in love &uickl"$ and will be demonstrative. Seual
fulfillment is of above-average importance$ and an unco-operative partner will not be
tolerated. Although an element of Arian selfishness ma" well cause problems
occasionall"$ the individual wil be generous to a loved one$ making sure there are man"
occasions of #oint en#o"ment. /ere is a livel" friend and energetic colleague. !he attitude
to mone" is etremel" enterprising$ but a risk-taking element can cause financial losses.
2ften$ there is an en#o"able second source of income$ but mone" can still slip through the

%f the Sun sign is A&uarius$ Venus here adds warmth and passion to the cool detachment
of the A&uarian Sun. !here will be powerful emotional relationships. but sometimes
conflict can arise when the sub#ect has to decide whether to deepen one of these through
home-sharing or marriage. and there ma" be a dela" in making an emotional
commitment. %ndependence is most important$ as is the A&uarian lifest"le. there will be
an active social life and man" like-minded friends. !here is an erratic attitude to mone"$
with a liking for unusual possessions.

%f the Sun sign is -isces$ the sensitive water" emotion of -isces combined with the fier"
pasion of Aries makes these individuals ardent but caring and tender lovers. At times
the" will be confused b" their own emotional intensit". and apprehansion and a lack of
self-confidence ma" clash with a desire for the loved one (Venus in Aries). 6onetheless$
the striving for a rewarding relationship is important$ as are friends with shared
interests. 'one" will be en#o"ed$ so saving ma" well be difficult. !he sub#ect ma" find
that impulsive generosit" could cause problems.

%f the Sun sign is Aries$ here is a ver" passionate and enthusiastic partner who needs to
maintain independence within a permanent relationship. Although selfish at times$ he or
she will be generous to loved ones$ wanting them to en#o" the relationship. 7ivalr" can
occur in friendship$ with the sub#ect needing to take the lead. 'one" is often mande from
sidelines as well as a main source. and investment will be en#o"ed. %mpulse-bu"ing can
lead to cashflow problems.

%f the Sun sign is !aurus$ the passions are ver" powerful. and while this sub#ect makes an
ecellent$ sensual lover$ the emotional level is so high that storms ma" well arise. At such
times$ possessiveness (!aurus) and selfishness (Venus in Aries) can cause serious
problems. but the highs will be marvellousl" romantic as well as fulfilling. 2ver-emotional
reactions can sometimes cause difficulties with friends. %n mone" matters$ the individual
is clever. but a liking for luur" will prove epensive.

%f the Sun sign is 8emini$ the 8eminian mistrust of emotion can cause problems with this
passionate placing. but there will be good rapport and friendship$ and seual fulfillment
once the tendenc" to rationali9e is overcome. !his is a livel" friend with man" varied
interests$ wanting to do a great deal and travel widel". Spendthrift tendencies must be

%f "ou value aggressive independence in relationships$ "ou might without knowing it
relate to others thoughtlessl" and forcefull". !hus$ "ou ma" eperience an endless series
of temporar" alliances. %n attempting to prove the Aries self-worth b" disregarding the
values of others$ "ou ma" ultimatel" win the con&uest "et end up alone.

0onse&uentl"$ a reluctance to sustain closeness often results in a lack of confidence in
"our worth and abilit" to relate to others. )hen "ou withhold "our abilit" for positive
leadership in social situations$ it ma" lead to a competitive viewpoint that is destructive
for all concerned.


1ou possess the abilit" to take the initiative in social situations. 1ou can be a spontaneous
leader. )ith the natural Aries gifts of enthusiasm and courage$ "ou inspire others to
contribute to the group.

1ou can reali9e "our inherent value when "ou share "our independence in a manner that
helps others to help themselves. !his encourages others to actuali9e their potential for
self-sufficienc". 1ou can become aware that others feel insecure about their sense of self-
reliance. !his awareness enables "ou to motivate them to believe in themselves and
assert their individualit". As "ou help others to build their own independence$ "ou
simultaneousl" come to a reali9ation of "our true worth.

0ombining "our talent for sei9ing leadership with the recognition of other people(s
feelings can lead to a sense of confidence in "our abilit" to stimulate others to interact
sociall". !his situation maintains "our independence and validates the worth of all

(8rant Lewi)

1our reaction to emotional stimuli is highl" personal. 1ou will do an"thing for someone
"ou love$ and little for an"one or an" group that has not won "our personal affection.
Love$ s"mpath"$ human kindness are all related to "ourself. "ou are therefore not a great
humanitarian$ nor especiall" interested in group social problems. *ut "ou ma" be much
interested in societ" - that is$ social gatherings$ social position$ social graces. 1ou are
warm and even ardent when "ou feel "ou are loved$ but can also be touch" with friends
and easil" offended. !his is a somewhat narrowing position for Venus$ and with it "ou
should make a conscious effort to find s"mpath" and understanding for people whom "ou
don(t love and who never will love "ou. *" universali9ing the Venusian vibrations$ "ou
broaden "our whole nature$ widen "our interests and give greatest scope to "our
abundant emotional vitalit"$ which benefits "ou in direct proportion to the number of
individuals whose problems "ou are able to take to "our heart.

(S"dne" 2marr)

%n Aries$ Venus is an emotional antenna - the native is sensitive$ aware of how others feel
and react. /e wants to love and be loved - romance is the ke". )ithout romance$ he
withers$ becomes discouraged$ broods$ worries complains.

!he astrologer(s #ob is to help him discover the romance that is ever"where$ available$
read" to be grasped and en#o"ed. !he native tends to be too romantic about romance: /e
often doesn(t recogni9e the real thing and is taken in b" the phon"$ the imitation.

(L"n *irbeck)

1ou are a bold$ though potentiall" impatient$ lover.

Love for "ou is something that has to happen &uickl"$ like at first sight$ almost as if "ou
are taken b" storm. !here also has to be a childlike$ spontaneous &ualit" to it that never
settles down into an (adult( rut of habit and predictabilit". love has to make something
happen. !he dark side to "our particularl" bright love nature is that "ou can be self-
centred$ impetuous and emotionall" immature$ causing "ou to give in to mere fanc".

1ou attract with a forward but &uite innocent seductiveness that is instantl" beguiling.
with a wild and primal seualit" that suggests a romping$ pla"ful and uncomplicated sort
of pleasure and love-making. and with a "outhful appeal$ whatever "our age$ that forces
progress in some wa".

1ou repel with a selfish$ demanding and min-like nature that can drop 2ther &uite
unceremoniousl". with a reluctance$ or possibl" an inabilit"$ togive an" more of "ourself
than is needed to keep 2ther where "ou want him 3 her. and with a -eter -an comple
that prevents "ou from accepting "our social responsibilities.

1ou are attracted to forceful and demonstrative displa"s of interest and affection. to
2thers who are independent with$ to a degree$ interests other than "ou. and to 2thers
who have energetic or hectic social lives that are full of eciting and individualistic

1ou are repelled b" limp$ unsure or$ worst of all$ creep" t"pes who lack passion or
conviction$ for it reflects badl" on "our own vibranc". b" fawning or clinging characters
who want mothering or constant reassurance. and b" fudd"-dudd" social scenes and
people that lack spontaneit" and a bit of wildness.

)hen "ou are alone$ it could be baceuase "ou have pushed one or more of the above
negative traits to a point where no-one is willing or able to commit to "ou. 2ne of two
choices here is to recogni9e that 2ther can keep "our interest if "ou give him 3 her long
enough to discover how to - but not too long$ of course. !he second choice is to settle for
the fact that "ou are #ust too "oung at heart$ or old in bod"$ to find an"one who will last
more than a week or so - if at all. !he iron" here is that sooner or later "ou will have to
settle for something - the ver" thing "ou ma" believe "ou are so averse to. Alternativel"$
"ou could be alone because love has ended as suddenl" as "ou like it to begin - kind of
living b" the sword and d"ing b" it.

(,ohn !ownle")

1our appetite for love is &uickl" whetted. and "ou wish to possess the ob#ect of "our
affections without dela". %f there is too much dall"ing about with a potential lover$ "ou
are likel" to lose interest and move on to a new partner.

1our st"le of loving ma" be ver" intesnse$ even violent upon occasion. 2n the other hand$
"our desires are usuall" satiated rather &uickl"$ particularl" if the eperience is a ver"
intense one. !his enables "ou to thoroughl" en#o" a brief but fier" affair that would leave
another person unfulfilled. %n a longer-range affair$ however$ "ou ma" feel that "our
partner lacks the intensit" of passion "ou desire$ or that "ou wear "ourself out while "our
lover is still getting into stride.

1ou ma" have to make an effort to pace "our desires and be more consistent in "our
tastes to match "our partner(s. At the same time$ "our lover must understand that an
apparentl" inconsistent or fickle desire is actuall" one in a series of sudden but sincere
enthusiasms that must be sei9ed and en#o"ed on the spot before the impulse takes
another direction. Although such an affair ma" take some time to develop$ "ou would be
happiest with a patient and understanding lover who can ad#ust to "our timing rather
than someone whose rh"thms are similar to but out of s"nc with "ours.

(7obert /and)

1ou are ver" affectionate toward others$ but "ou hate to be tied down b" an"one. 6ot sh"
or reserved$ "ou epress "our loving feelings freel"$ and "ou need to be free to love
whomever "ou choose. )hen "ou are older and have some kind of romantic life$ "ou ma"
have problems in understanding the balance between "our own rights and the rights of
"our loved one in the relationship. 1ou are unwilling to give in to "our partner$ because
"ou alwa"s want things "our own wa". !he price "ou pa" for this ma" be difficult
relations with the opposite se. )hile "ou are "oung$ this could be a problem in "our
relationships. /owever$ now is the time when "ou can learn how to give and how to make
compromises with friends$ relatives and other people.

)ith others$ "ou often make no special effort to be popular and well-liked. *ut people
usuall" like "ou an"wa" because "ou are "ourself$ not because "ou are charming. %f "ou
like someone "ou meet$ "ou will not hesitate to sa" so. 1ou are usuall" the person who
starts a friendship or$ later$ a love relationship. 1ou know what "ou want$ and "ou are
willing to go after it.

(%sabel /icke")

Venus is in its detriment sign. /ere is (self(-satisfaction. )here Venus loves$ she is apt to
do much for the loved one$ but in this position she is apt to love herself through the loved
one. A tendenc" to touchiness. and is apt to be easil" offended due to self-love. Apt to be
inconsiderate of others withotu reali9ing it. !his is a love springing into activit" with
ardor and enthusiasm$ but not a sustaining and nurturing kind of caring. -assion and
aggressiveness can be strong. thus$ Venus ma" lose her sweetness in this sign. !he
lesson needed with this placement is the abilit" to put oneself in the other fellow(s shoes.
%n spite of an impuslsive approach to love$ Venus in Aries is idealistic$ and is alwa"s
seeking outwardl" that which can onl" be found within. !here is a tendenc" to lack
stabilit"$ for Venus can tire &uickl" and change her mind often in the impulsive$ restless
sign of Aries.

Natal Venus in Taurus

(,an Spiller and +aren 'c0o")


%f "ou place an obsessive value on comfort in social situations$ it ma" result in
withholding possessions from others. !his deprives "ou both of the the benefits of sharing
"our !aurus talents for accumulating material things. 7epressing the obligation to share
"our belongings leads to a lack of confidence in "our abilit" to ac&uire more material
goods for "ourself.

At certain times$ "ou might hold back "our special sensitivities to the tactile$ sensual part
of life due to feeling unable to share them. !his ma" result in a lack of en#o"ment in
relations with others.


1ou can take the initiative to share both "our material possessions and "our abilit" for the
organi9ation and accumulation of goods. %nitiative well-taken leads to the stabili9ing
effect of reflected merit. Additionall"$ "ou gain a feeling of social worth and material
securit" in "our life b" verball" sharing value s"stems that have brought "ou stabilit".

As "ou become aware of other people(s ps"chological insecurities concerning their own
importance$ "ou are able to validate them. 0onse&uentl"$ the reali9ation of "our true
benefit to others can emerge. )hen "ou share "our gift of sensual sensitivit" to life
through a form of sensual contact with others$ "ou eperience the pleasure and
satisfaction of ph"sicall" etending "ourself to add comfort to the social environment.

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

Venus is in dignit" in !aurus. and someone with this placement will have the most
developed sensualit" of all the signs. Someone with Venus in !aurus will take pleasure in
his 3 her own bod" and be grounded in all his 3 her ph"sical needs$ for food$ warmth$
comfort and ph"sical contact. /e 3 she will be tuned in to all that touch can conve". /e 3
she will use touch in ever"da" life to epress love$ to show care and concern$ and to give
comfort and reassurance$ as well as to give pleasure.

Like all the 4arth signs$ Venus in !aurus is slow to get involved in a relationship. and
commitment will be ver" important to him 3 her. !hese people are capable of great lo"alt"
to a partner$ and will want this reciprocated. 2nce involved$ the" remain steadfast in
their affections. !he" are likel" to be possessive$ and easil" become ver" #ealous if an"one
threatens their relationship. -eople with Venus in !aurus tend to regard a partner as a
possession$ wanting to retain his 3 her affection inasmuch as the" value and want to hold
on to all that the" ac&uire. 2nce involved$ the" do not easil" give up on a relationship$
even one that has become &uite bad.

Sensual contact will be an important part of a relationship for someone with Venus in
!aurus. !here is a propensit" for decadence and la9iness here. an abilit" to simpl" (be(
and do nothing for long stretches of time. %f an"one is epert in the art of relaation$ it is
someone with Venus in !aurus.

Venus in !aurus people will be ver" securit"-conscious$ particularl" when it comes to
material securit"$ and will want stable and comfortable surroundings. Some will have
ver" high standards of comfort$ leaning towards the luurious$ while others will be more
basic and have the abilit" to make even the humblest surroundings comfortable. )ithin a
relationship$ the" will also show their love and affection b" tending to their
partner(s comfort.

-eople with Venus in !aurus can have ver" epensive tastes. !he" ma" en#o" good food
and epensive restaurants. !he" ma" use and prefer the more eclusive perfumes or
aftershaves. !here ma" be a genuine appreciation of the best things in life. !he" value
their attractiveness and enhance it. !he" will dress well and will appreciate well-cut$
well-made clothes$ preferring the tetures of natural fabrics. !heir sensitivit" to touch
will mean the" appreciate the feel of silk and cashmere$ as well as cotton and wool. !he"
will notice how clothes hang and move. and for these reasons$ if the" can afford to$ the"
ma" prefer to bu" designer clothes.

'one"$ and a prospective partner(s wealth$ ma" be important to someone with Venus in
!aurus$ particularl" insofar as it impinges on him 3 her feeling appreciated and valued.
!hese people appreciate tangible love tokens$ preferring gifts that have permanence$ that
the" can hold onto$ and that show how much the" are loved. )hile a gift does not have to
be epensive$ and an"thing that is invested with meaning can act in this wa"$
nevertheless the sa"ing (diamonds are a girl(s best friend( must have been said of a
woman with Venus in !aurus.

(Sk"e Aleander)

)ith Venus in this earth"$ luur"-loving sign$ "ou have a tendenc" to indulge "ourself in
all sorts of sensual pleasures. 1ou love good food and wine$ beautiful clothing$ fine
furnishings$ good se$ massage - ever"thing that delights the senses. 1ou appreciate the
ph"sical wprld as no other sign can$ and eperience it in a straight-forward$ tactile wa". %f
"ou can(t touch it$ taste it$ hear it$ smell it$ "ou(re not satisfied.

*ecause "ou so love beautiful things (and want to own as man" as possible)$ "ou often
find "ourself in debt. 1ou rarel" ask how much something costs and have to den" "ourself
an"thing. 1ou have innate good taste$ dress well$ and decorate "our home opulentl"$
proudl" displa"ing "our possessions rather as an athlete showcases trophies. *ecause of
"our luur"-loving lifest"le$ "ou might put a prospective partner(s financial portfolio first
on "our list of desirable &ualities.

1ou ma" epress "our love of beaut" in some artistic wa"$ such as painting or sculpture$
music (especiall" singing$ since !aurus rules the throat)$ dance$ architecture$ interior or
fashion design$ landscaping$ or floral arranging. 'ost probabl"$ "ou have an affinit" with
nature and love plants and flowers.

Love relationships are etremel" important to "ou. so important that "ou aren(t alwa"s
ver" discriminating in "our choice of partners and often settle for an" (warm bod"(. 1ou
want constant companionship$ and aren(t willing to give a partner much space. At times$
"our lover ma" feel he 3 she is #ust another one of "our possessions. Faithful and devoted
to those "ou love$ "ou keep on showering him 3 her with affection. once "ou(ve set "our
sights on someone$ "ou won(t take (no( for an answer. 2ften "ou succeed in wearing down
"our loved one(s resistance with "our dogged persistance. but "ou need to guard against
being too clo"ing and demanding.

1ou have a strong se drive and a down-to-earth$ natural attitude toward seual
epression. for "ou$ satisf"ing "our seual desires is #ust like satisf"ing an" other
appetite. 1ou also are affectionate and romantic$ and seem to possess an innate
understanding of how to please a partner ph"sicall".

)ith those "ou care about$ "ou are generous to a fault$ alwa"s bu"ing them gifts$ fiing
them gourmet meals$ and taking care of all their ph"sical needs. 6othing makes "ou
happier than caring for "our loved ones. and unless "ou have planets in some of the more
individualistic signs such as Aries$ Leo or A&uarius$ "ou ma" sacrifice "our own best
interests for others(.

)omen with Venus in !aurus tend to hold traditional views of relationships and a
(woman(s place( in life. 1ou look at a relationship as an investment$ and epect a good
return. there(s no reason to waste time on a love affair that won(t lead to marriage and
securit". !his planetar" placement suggests a degree of dependenc"$ and it is &uite likel"
that "ou want "our partner to support "ou in high st"le. !he career world doesn(t beckon
to "ou as it does "our Arien or A&uarian sisters. 1ou are concerned with presenting a
conventionall" feminine image$ and probabl" spend much time and mone" on "our
appearance. /owever$ "ou don(t like eercise much (unless "our Sun is in Aries)$ and can
be &uite la9". !hus$ "ou ma" have a problem keeping "our weight down$ since "ou
probabl" like to cook and en#o" rich food.

'en with this planetar" position find the 7ubenes&ue woman most appealing. 6o model-
thin$ androg"nous females for "ou - "ou like "our women voluptuous$ even plump. 6or do
"ou en#o" partners who are independent or assertive. 1our feminine ideal is sweet-
tempered$ sensual$ seductive and passive. %f she(s also a good cook$ all the better.

(Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker)

Venus in the sign !aurus gives constant$ lasting affections. 4motional securit" and
stabilit" in love are important for the natives. !he" are lo"al and steadfast$ although the"
can be possessive and #ealous if their emotional securit" is threatened. !heir sense of
touch is highl" developed$ and the" en#o" ph"sical contact with their loved ones. but the"
are sensual in a passive wa"$ seeking to attract rather than pursue the love ob#ect.

Venus in !aurus gives a love of comfort$ luur"$ beautiful surroundings$ good food$ and
opulence in general. !herefore$ the mone" that makes such things possible is important
to these people. *ecause the 'oon$ which rules the domestic scene$ is ealted in !aurus$
the" seek to make their homes beautiful and artistic. -ersonal beaut" is important to
them too$ and the" seek to make themselves as attractive and "outhful as possible. 4ven
hippies with this Venus position will wear beautiful #eweller" or an epensive piece of

)ith this position of Venus$ there is an innate sense of the value of material ob#ects$ and
an abilit" to make purchases of beaut" and long-lasting &ualit". *ecause these people
tend to like material things$ the" ma" engage in businesses dealing with art and luur"
goods. !he" can be attracted to artistic epressions in which the" can directl" mold the
materials. painters and sculptors often have Venus placed in this sign.

6atives feel a close kinship with the earth$ and gain pleasure and solace from flowers$
trees$ and other plants. !he" ma" take up gardening or growing flowers as a hobb".

As !aurus rules the throat and lar"n$ and Venus confers grace and beaut"$ man" people
with Venus in !aurus have rich$ melodious voices. !alented singers are likel" to have this
placement of Venus.

(,ulia and 5erek -arker)

Venus rules this sign$ so its influence will be increased b" this placing. !he individual is
loving$ warm and affectionate$ and makes a passive$ sensual and romantic partner. but
the !aurean possessiveness will incline him or her to think of the loved one as another
much-cherished belonging. 'aterial possessions will be etremel" important$ since the"
contribute a measure of securit" and stabilit". !here will be much hard work to achieve
luur" and comfort$ but if it is possible to make mone" easil"$ the sub#ect will be keen to
do so$ since a liking for relaation is common. 2ften there is talent for$ and appreciation
of$ music$ combined with a general love of beaut"$ art and good living - especiall" for

%f the Sun sign is -isces$ Venus here adds stabilit"$ and is a good counter to -iscean
elusiveness. !he emotions are stead" and tempered with common sense and fiscal abilit".
A practical approach to both love and financial matters is often present$ and the placing
will add to the creative flair of -isces$ helping to give it concrete form. As a friend$ the
sub#ect is more reliable than most Sun sign -isceans$ but an element of possessiveness
ma" emerge within relationships.

%f the Sun sign is Aries$ this placing will increase the affection and add seething passion.
!he sub#ect approaches love affairs with surprising caution$ but must reali9e that
selfishness and possessiveness can cause more damage than might be imagined.
4nthusiasm and prudence should be combined to get the best of this placing$ both
emotionall" and materiall". /ere is an ecellent friend who is good compan"$ with an
infectious en#o"ment of life. Financial enterprise is combined with care.

%f the Sun sign is !aurus$ the !aurean characteristics are ver" prominent and could
outweigh the power of the Ascendant. Love and the attitude towards mone" and its
making are as described for Venus in !aurus generall" above$ with all Sun sign
characteristics complementing$ enhancing or eaggerating those of Venus in !aurus. !he
metabolism could be slow$ and !aurean ailments ma" be present. !he weight should be
strictl" controlled b" restricting the intake of rich food. Financial and emotional securit"
are of vital importance.

%f the Sun sign is 8emini$ Venus in !aurus increases the 8emini emotional level$ but can
cause problems$ since the individual must learn to epress his or her emotions and not
over-rationali9e them. !he sub#ect will tr" ver" hard to counter an" possessiveness. /ere
is a livel"$ talkative friend who will en#o" organi9ing events. A liking for luur" will prove
epensive. ;uick 8emini wit will complement the !aurean business abilit".

%f the Sun sign is 0ancer$ there is marvellous potential for being a caring$ sensitive and
etremel" sensual lover. /owever$ the 0ancerian tendenc" to cherish and protect$
combined with a !aurean leaning toward possessiveness$ can create highl"
claustrophobic conditions within a relationship and have an adverse effect on famil" life.
!his is a friend who is faithful but easil" offended. *usiness potential is superb$ with
0ancerian shrewdness adding to Venusian flair.

(8rant Lewi)

1ou have a robust$ ph"sical$ sensuous (or sensual) response to emotional vibrations. 1ou
are demonstrative$ affectionate and passionate. 1ou love to touch$ to hold and to be held
b" the loved one. 1ou are both sensational and passional. to know the difference$ and to
let the true instinct relace the false one$ is to achieve master" of "ourself and of others.
-lent" of love addicts have this position. to them$ love means ph"sical en#o"ment and
little more. 7aised to its best$ this position of Venus enables "ou to elevate ph"sical
earthl" love to a high spiritual plane and to understand the beaut" of true union in a
union of true beaut". 1ou understand love deepl". "ou accept it with "our whole being$
are content to epress it wordlessl"$ and value love(s silences more than its speeches. 1ou
know both ecstas" and despair of love. and "ou cling to a love once given and received
with unbelievable tenacit"$ even in the face of great obstacles. 1ou believe in love$ in its
earthl" as well as its spiritual form$ and will not be content till "ou have found both in one
individual. 1our emotional responses color "our whole life. all sense reactions are
intensified b" this position$ and "our love of color$ art$ music and beaut" in an" form
relates directl" to the creative impulse which draws on$ and interpretes to "ou$ all the
eperiences that earth has to offer.

(S"nde" 2marr)

Venus in !aurus paints the picture of strong emotions - the native is more intuitive than
intellectual. !here is a need for greater self-control of his emotions. /e tends to give of
himself too much and thus is (taken in(. /e must learn to think as well as feel. !he
astrologer should help him reali9e that he cannot be all things to all people. /e feels he
needs things$ people$ emotions - when$ in actualit"$ what he ma" need is a more simple$
direct approach to life and its problems and #o"s. /e is ph"sicall" attractive$ and
responsive to ph"sical attraction. !his trait can spell trouble if it goes unchecked.

(L"n *irbeck)

1ou are a lo"al$ though potentiall" possessive$ lover. Love for "ou is something that has to
be ph"sical and sensual$ and to involve some material comforts and wherewithal too. 1ou
also want it to be solid and lasting$ with possibl" traditional or close-to-6ature
undertones. /owever$ without taking a look at the more spiritual aspects of relating$ "ou
could be consigning "ourself to being in a dull$ gross and possessive relationship. Such
blind indulgence would amount to mere fanc".

1ou attract with a rich$ earth" appeal that promises pleasure and ultimate satisfaction.
with a feeling that "ou are solid and reliable and not given to flightiness or
unpredictabilit". and with a natural beaut" or handsomeness that is erotic but not

1ou repel with a possessiveness that prevents "ou from seeing who 2ther is as a person
in his 3 her own right. with a need for securit" that eclipses an" sense of m"ster" or
ecitement. and with #ealous" born of lacking a sense of "our inner worth.

1ou are attracted to ver" tactile t"pes who displa" a traditional sense of the romantic. to
2thers who have artistic talent 3 awareness$ and especiall" good singing or speaking
voices. and to natural &ualities$ good living$ creature comforts and material stabilit".

1ou are repelled b" a lack of ph"sical affection or a poor sense of touch. b" philistines
with no sense of beaut" or love of 6ature. and b" s"nthetic$ ultra-modern or newfangled
lifest"les$ and 2thers who have such.

)hen "ou are alone$ it is &uite likel" that "ou are still actuall" with someone but are
alone in the sense that 2ther is no longer the compan" he 3 she was$ or even the compan"
in which "ou wish to be. !he reason for this is that in concentrating$ consciousl" or
unconsciousl"$ on having material stabilit" or outer appeal in a relationship and partner$
"ou have overlooked the importance of the inner person or &ualit". 1our aloneness$
whether "ou are still with someone or not$ is in aid of forcing this spiritual or
ps"chological consideration upon "ou. A variation upon this theme$ which applies mainl"
if "ou are entirel" alone$ is that "ou hold 2ther to be some ob#ect of love that "ou wish to
own or admire from afar. Such an attitude is bound to maintain that ver" distance
interminatble$ so "ou need to get down to a more honest$ ph"sical level of loving and

(,ohn !ownle")

1our appetite for love is fairl" consistent$ and ideall" "ou should have a lover whose
attentions are unflagging and whose st"le is consistent from da" to da". For this same
reason$ it is a good idea alwa"s to have a partner$ even if the relationship is not
permanent. -rolonged abstinence is ver" hard for "ou to endure$ and "ou ma"
compensate b" overindulging in some other area$ such as eating.

1ou take great delight in surrounding "our lovemaking with a varied awa" of sensor"
pleasures. heav" velvet fabrics or must" perfumes enrich the eperience and prolong the
atmosphere well after ph"sical loving is over$ allowing both of "ou to savor and review
"our intimac". -h"sical surroundings can be a gold mine of sensor" potential for
enhancing seualit"$ and "ou can delight in and take advantage of that fact.

1ou admire strength in a lover$ not necessaril" ph"sical power but inner stamina$ a heart
of oak. 1ou need to admire "our partner and feel sure that he or she is durable and
independent$ someone who can love "ou without leaning on "ou. %t would take a larger-
than-life personalit" to fulfill "our ideal$ so tr" to be understanding when "our partner
doesn(t live up to "our highest epectations - nobod"(s perfect.

(7obert /and)

1ou are a ver" warm person who forms lasting attachments to others. 1our affections
don(t change easil". and even if "ou lose respect for a friend$ "ou will continue to like that
person in spite of his or her faults. !he onl" problem is that "ou want the friend "ou are
with to pa" attention to "ou alone and not be with an"one else at the same time. 1ou will
have to learn to be less possessive.

1ou are ver" fond of beautiful things and luur". 1ou like a good$ comfortable chair
where "ou can rela and have a delicious snack. *ut be careful about snacks$ for "ou
probabl" have a sweet tooth$ and too man" sweets are not good for "ou. Also$ "ou ma"
tend to put on weight. 1ou ma" even eat too much of foods that are not good for "ou. !r"
not to indulge "ourself so much$ not onl" in eating but also in bu"ing things. %n general$
"ou find it difficult to sa" (no( to an"thing "ou want$ and "ou often #ustif" this b" sa"ing
"ou deserve it. 1ou must reali9e that "ou will have to work to get the things "ou desire$
even though the" seem to come to "ou a bit more easil" than to others. -eople like "ou
enough to be willing to do favors for "ou$ which ma" strengthen "our tendenc" to be la9".
*ut "ou should act for "ourself and not depend upon other people.
(7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< possessive$ determined$ #ealous$ materiall" secure$ practical in love.

!he comfortable and beneficient position of Venus in its own sign of !aurus brings out
the attributes that align the planet with the great agrarian fertilit" 8oddess. According to
Sumerian legend$ it was onl" when %nanna derived seual pleasure and lo"alt" from
5umu9i$ the Vegetable Lord$ that she was capable of watering the earth - thereb"
providing a surplus of grain from which the Sumerians could profit and prosper. !his
fortuitous position supplies the talents$ skills and (luck"( circumstances necessar" to
attain the prosperit" and respect b" which these individuals gauge securit" and self-
worth. Like the Sumerian %nanna$ -lato(s Aphrodite -andemos and !itan(s luuriating
women$ these people do not live in the world of ideas$ but utilise their strong Venusian
magnetism$ sensualit" and power to attract people who will provide the lifest"le the"

,ust as the egocentricit" of Venus in Aries prevents individuals from maintaining
harmonious$ co-operative relationships$ Venus in !aurus is completel" geared towards
amassing affluence and assurance from lovers$ friends and colleagues. 5ue to an
obsession with material securit" and maintaining control over their own lives$ individuals
with Venus in !aurus guard their assets and$ like %nanna$ cna be as possessive$ #ealous
and wrathful as the" are generous$ should the" sense that the"(ve been neglected or
betra"ed. ,ust as Venus in Aries people are inspired b" constant change$ Venus in !aurus
individuals are pragmatic rather than romantic. !he" can onl" begin to epress
themselves lovingl" and creativel" in an environment that provides economic securit" and
the certaint" of partners$ friends and famil". 8iven the devotion and trust the" demand$
these people are$ in return$ generous$ loving and dependable friends$ colleagues$ spouses
and parents.

%f Venus is positivel" aspected$ their fruitfulness$ sensualit"$ practicalit" and
perseverance are &ualities to which the" aspire. and$ as a result$ the" are innatel" drawn
to relationships that will provide them with a secure environment in which these
attributes can flourish. !heir monetar" acumen and foresight allow them to manage their
finances successfull" and attain the level of prosperit" that provides costl"$ beautiful
possessions$ a luurious lifest"le$ and$ most importantl"$ autonom". %f this goal cannot
effectivel" be reached$ the" will use ever" wile at their disposal to attract a partner who
can guarantee success and its accompan"ing comforts.

%f Venus is poorl" aspected$ however$ the" ma" doubt their own appearance$ earning
capacit"$ and 3 or creative abilities. 2perating from a position of insecurit"$ the" ma"
alternatel" ehibit obstinac"$ indulgence$ #ealous" and bossiness resulting from an
inordinate need for control.

*ecause this placement emphasises the &uintessential !aurean Venus$ it is obviousl" one
of the most sensual positions in the 9odiac as well as the most stubborn$ controlling and
infleible. 2bsessed with beaut" and economic securit"$ the" are methodical$ patient and
persevering in pursuit of a romantic or business partner with whom the" can share their
financial or creative goals$ and$ as a result$ afford themselves the lifest"le the" so desire.
5ue to their steadfastness and intensit"$ these people have the potential to summon all
their resources to reach their ob#ective - whether it be the attainment of prosperit"$
commitment to a loved one$ or the fulfilment of their creative dreams.

,ust as Venus in Aries associates love with passion and independence$ Venus in !aurus
links partnership with sensual en#o"ment and financial securit"$ commonl" appearing in
the charts of those who marr" established - sometimes older - partners. 0harming$
sensual$ sophisticated and attractive$ Venus in !aurus also appears in the charts of
people who make ecellent escorts or are used as ornaments to aid their partners in their
business dealings.

4ating disorders - the dark and vulnerable side of this placement - are one of man"
possible indulgences that beset individuals with an afflicted Venus in !aurus.

('artin Schulman)

)ith this placement$ the individual is learning the lessons of devotion$ lo"alt" and
richness of meaning as he seeks the enduring value of ph"sical possessions and the
comfort$ pleasure and securit" of lasting love.

/e has a warm$ affectionate nature$ sensitive to all the beaut" that life has to offer. 1et$
he is vulnerable because of his sense of innocence to the deceits$ guiles and disguises of

Venus is in its negative rulership here. %t promises the individual all of the natural beaut"
and pleasure of the planet(s finer essence$ while at the same time testing his moralit"$ his
human weaknesses and his sense of values. 4ventuall"$ he must reali9e the essence of
life(s inner substance$ the inner truth which has the strength to endure. !o do this$
however$ he will learn man" lessons from the signs Libra and Sagittarius (both of which
form incon#uncts to his Venus).

From Libra$ he develops a sense of perspective$ balance and lightness which helps him to
deal with his over-possessive tendencies. /e must learn not to stubbornl" clutch at
things$ collecting more than he needs$ or sta"ing in relationships longer than their
meaning is valuable. From this sign$ he learns to see himself as part of the (forces that
be(. !his helps him to become more ob#ectivel" sensitive to the needs and feelings of
others while creating an awakening sense of co-operative harmon" which raises him
above these negative traits as he learns to give and share the love he feels.

From the sign$ Sagittarius$ he must learn how to open his consciousness to nature$
epand his hori9ons$ and see the broad perspective of life through a larger contet. )hen
he does this$ his natural feeligns begin to spread outward into a divine harmon" with his
environment$ the societ" he lives in and the collective goodness of humanit".

)hen the Venus 1od is balanced through Libra and Sagittarius$ the fair #ustness of life is
weighed and brought to truth$ so that the individual$ rather than using himself up in
wasteful overindulgence$ or closing himself in through overpossessiveness$ learns to
eperience life in hte perspective of open fullness which is the ver" essence of love(s

!he sensitivities are refined through Libra$ while the higher mind is enlightened through
Sagittarius. )hen this occurs$ the individual begins to eperience the true value of the
Venus in !aurus placement. /is natural affinit" for music and the arts$ his sense of
constructive and creative output$ and his feelings for life become connected to the larger
whole. From this$ he learns about graciousness$ appreciation$ gratitude$ and the true
value of possessions as the" s"mboli9e his harmon" with the universe.

'an" with this placement eperience a period in life when the" are deprived or
separated from the things or people the" cherish the most. %t is during this time that the"
learn their greatest lessons. !he possessive holding onto things$ mone" and people
becomes changed (through Libra) into an acceptance not onl" of the needs of others$ but
also of life(s circumstances$ while through Sagittarius$ the individual reaches for nature
and natural law to provide his answers.

)hen this occurs$ the individual is usuall" reunited with the past. 1et$ his outlook is
changed$ for he has learned to differentiate between the small$ closed sense of
possessiveness he originall" sought and the epansive eternit" of love (Sagittarius-Libra
setile) which has taught him that if he holds on much more lightl" and easil" to the
things and people he treasures$ their meaning and value to him will be more enduring.

As these lessons are learned$ the real beaut" of the Venus in !aurus placement begins to
unfold. !he individual reali9es that onl" through an honest and optimistic sense of faith in
natural increase (Sagittarius) along with a balanced sense of perspective and fairness to
himself and others (Libra) does the true value of all he is seeking in life begin to manifest.

/is own ver" special 8ift of Love comes from the wa"s in which his natural affinit" for
beaut" is refined b" his awareness of the spiritual needs of others. From this$ he begins
to loosen his stoic possessiveness$ and instead starts to eperience the true &ualit" of
love through a sense of appreciation and gratitude for the beaut" in people$ music$ the
arts$ the aesthetics$ and the tender caring he feels for the goodness of all earthl" things.

('arcia 'oore and 'ark 5ouglas)

+e"note< *eaut" is sustained b" bountiful resources.
S"mbol< !he goddess of nature clothes the land with springtime green.

Venus in !aurus$ which it rules$ is like a woman who owns her own home and has the
means and taste to furnish it sumptuousl". !he goddess of beaut" if felicitousl" domiciled
in this sign$ whose material resources suppl" the wherewithal for her to make the most of
her natural endowments. A basic affinit" between the planet of attraction and the sign of
possessions generall" proves fortunate in matters relating to love and securit".

-eople with Venus in !aurus are inclined to marr" for mone"$ since the" find it so much
easier to be affectionate in a comfortable environment. !he" have an instinct for art$ and
en#o" good companionship and the leisurel" pursuit of pleasure. !he" blossom when the"
have the wealth to live luuriousl" but$ even when not richl" endowed$ the" have an
amiable manner which spreads warmth and cheer wherever the" go. !he" revel in being
materiall" generous$ but are &uite capable of giving comfort to others merel" b" being
s"mpathetic and encouraging.

5espite its earthiness$ Venus is less utilitarian in !aurus than in some other locations
such as Virgo$ Scorpio$ or 0apricorn. !he combination of planet and sign imparts the
desire to creat pleasing effects in fresh$ wholesome$ and en#o"able wa"s. Such people
ma" be connoisseurs$ but the" are seldom dillettantes$ and will work assiduousl" to
cultivate their own gardens$ both literall" and figurativel". !he" want to en#o" the best of
ever"thing$ and feel that it is their natural right to do so.

)omen born with Venus in !uarus have an artless and ingenuous kind of se appeal$ but
the" also attract men through a willingness to appreciate masculine &ualities.
0onse&uentl"$ the" are almost sure to marr". 'ost men with this combination like and
understand women. !he" make generous providers who take pleasure in sharing the
fruits of their labors. !he uorious temperament of the Venus-!aurus male serves as a
reminder that$ despite his power and potenc"$ the bull is a domesticated animal.

!aureans feel instinctivel" that nature will suppl" their needs if sufficient use can be
made of the goods which have alread" been provided. 4ven when strictl" budget-bound$
the" can generate a ps"chological sense of abundance which magneticall" attracts the
sustenance re&uired. 2ne such individual practised the art of prosperit" b" blessing all
the mone" passing through his hands. *" this means$ he sought to balance his account
with the powers-that-be b" offering the gift of gratitude in return for favors bestowed.

-eople with the Venus-!aurus combination are usuall" natural and spontaneous in their
mode of living$ even when the" have a background of wealth. !he" replenish themselves
b" sta"ing close to the good earth$ whether b" farming$ camping$ hiking$ or beautif"ing
their homes and grounds. 2ften the" keep pets$ raise flowers$ and like to eat outdoors.

*oth Venus and !aurus are associated with mone" and art. )hile people with these
influences prominent in their natal charts ma" struggle for financial securit" and success$
the" are also likel" to seek personal fulfillment through artistic endeavors. !he" crave the
satisfaction of contributing something to the world which enriches their environment as
well as the gratification of consuming that which has alread" been given.
(%sabel /icke")

Venus is the ruler of !aurus$ and is powerful in an earth" sense in this sign. -h"sical and
sensual responses to emotions and feelings are strongl" acentuated. 5emonstrative and
affectionate as well as passionate and etremel" possessive. 'aterial possessions are
important because !aurus is the sign that brings ever"thing into focus on the material
plane. 4motions color the life. Fond of comfort. 0an have a pleasing voice. Strong
domesticit". 8ood disposition if not heavil" afflicted. Ver" stubborn in a &uiet and
unassuming wa". Lo"al in friendships and in love if #ealous" and resentment do not enter

(5onna van !oen)

!his could mean a love of - and need for - possessions$ financial stabilit"$ and 3 or ph"sical
comfort in a relationship. 0ertainl" "ou need a stead" income$ so a seasonal worker$ a
struggling artist$ or a mate who refuses to contribute to material well-being probabl" isn(t
going to lead to happiness ever after. 2n the other hand$ "ou need - and epect - a lot of
tender loving care$ so a mate 3 lover who(s totall" caught up in career and mone" isn(t a
good bet either. 1ou need someone "ou can admire$ someone "ou see as strong$ stable$
and a good provider. -rovider of what$ of course$ would depend on "our upbringing and
values (and possibl" "our se if "ou(re over thirt").

(,eff 8reen)

As a pre-eisting pattern from birth$ Venus in !aurus people have learned to deepl"
internali9e themselves in order to understand who the" are and what the" need in order
to have a sense of meaning in their lives. As a result$ these individuals are &uite
introspective and self-possessed. !he" have learned$ in the last anal"sis$ that the onl"
person that the" can trul" rel" on is themselves. !hus$ these people are more or less self-
reliant and self-sustaining$ and can be etremel" resourceful and resilient in their abilit"
to sustain themselves$ even in the face of overwhelming problems or circumstances.

!hese people have learned to limit what the" value relative to what life means to them.
!hus$ their sense of meaning$ of what life means$ determines what the" value.
0onse&uentl"$ the" can have a limited value s"stem that is more or less fied and static -
one that works for them. %n terms of relating to other people$ these individuals tend to
evaluate and hear others relative to their own value s"stem. %f there is no common thread
between their value s"stem and another(s value s"stem$ then these people will generall"
be unable to relate. %n other words$ there is an inherent resistance to others whose
values are different from their own$ whose sense of what life means is at odds with their
own. !he" simpl" (tune out( and do not hear what the other is sa"ing. As a result of their
intrinsic resistance to embracing other values$ ideas$ knowledge$ or other forms of
realit"$ these people tend to evolve or grow ver" slowl". %n social situatioons as an
eample$ Venus in !aurus people will t"picall" remain silent and self-enclosed unless
there is a commonalit" of values in which the" can then relate to someone else. )hen
there is a basis of relating to another through shared values$ then the Venus in !aurus
person can appear ver" warm$ engaging$ deep$ intense$ and highl" focused$ and can have
an absorbing &ualit" wherein others can feel drawn into their inner realit"$ which now
appears magnetic and solid.

)hatever the Venus in !aurus person values$ including other people to whom the" have
given meaning and value$ the" will want to maintain and possess. %t is ver" difficult for
these people to give up or let go of an"thing that holds meaning and value to them$
because that correlates to theri sense of purpose for living. %n intimate relationships$ as a
result$ Venus in !aurus people can be highl" possessive of their partners$ and attempt to
limit what their partners do because of their fear of losing them. *ecause of this$ the" can
be &uite controlling in covert and overt wa"s$ the sense of ownership or possession of
that which the" value generating an emotional ps"cholog" of #ealous". =nless other
astrological factors are indicated$ this wa" of controlling or limiting their partners(
activities manifests as ps"chologucal withdrawal and inner isolation from the partner.
Vibrating inwardl" in this wa"$ Venus in !aurus people can also attract others who are
ver" possessive of them$ and who can also feel ver" threatened when the" manifest an"
interest in other people. !he" can attract others who attempt to limit their own
development$ others who unconsciousl" epect them to be vicarious etensions of their
own realit"$ to have no real life of their own$ to simpl" be a pri9e possession like a troph"
on the wall. %nterestingl" enough$ when the Venus in !aurus people have pro#ected value
and meaning on such a partner$ the" will allow themselves to be limited in this wa" even
if it means limiting their own development. !his means that the Venus in !aurus person
has pro#ected too much meaning and value into such a partner$ because of their need for
stabilit" in life at all costs. 2ver time$ when this occurs$ the Venus in !aurus person will
create a progressive build-up of resentment towards the partner$ which can lead into ver"
eplosive confrontations. 0onversel"$ if the Venus in !aurus person attempts to break
free from the limits of a controlling and possessive partner$ then that partner can
manifest ver" eplosive behavior$ motivated b" #ealous" and the fear of losing the person.

Venus in !aurus people will also have a ver" strong seual instinct or nature. !his is
because part of the human survival instinct in all forms of life$ including human$ is to
procreate the species. 0onse&uentl"$ their seual needs and desires are constant. Seual
energ"$ and the epression of it$ correlates in a ver" strong wa" to their sense of the
meaning and relatedness of life itself. !he" have a strong$ magnetic$ earth" seual energ"
that reflects a strong integration into their ph"sical bodies. )hereas Venus in Aries
desires strong$ passionate$ and relativel" &uick seual epression$ Venus in !aurus
desires long$ sustained$ intense and permeating seual epression. !his wa" serves to
(ground( them$ and serves as a wa" of releasing their c"clic build-up of internali9ed
emotional and ps"chological energ". Seualit" will s"mboli9e a great deal of meaning to
them. and the" find themselves thinking about se a great deal of the time. %t is ver"
important for Venus in !aurus people to have a strong$ positive$ and ongoing se life.
)hen the" do not$ then their overall realit" will seem negative and stagnated. !heir
ps"cholog" will be inwardl" compressed and withdrawn. and their life force will be weak
and heav".

)hen this occurs$ the Venus in !aurus person is forced to remember$ or must come to
understand$ that the primar" intention of !aurus is one of self-reliance and self-
sustainment. As a result of this intention$ the Venus in !aurus people can create periods
of c"cles in their lives in which their seual needs are not met$ if those needs have
become too dependent on another person. )hen this occurs$ either the person that the"
are with appears to lose seual interest in them$ or there is no-one in their life at certain
times that the" desire to be seual with. %n either case$ the intention is for the Venus in
!aurus people to take matters into their own hands$ so to speak - to sustain themselves
seuall" through masturbation.

'an" individuals with Venus in !aurus have a strong masturbator" instinct that manifest
even when the" are in a relationship with another. Sometimes this can create confusion
for such individuals$ because of the fact that the" are in a relationship with someone$ "et
still desire this form of seual epression. !he reason that this can occur$ again$ is
because the primar" intention int this s"mbolism is self-empowerment and self-
sustainment. For others$ this instinctual need can create confrontations with their
partners when those patterns feel threatened b" this need. !he partner can feel insecure
and inade&uate$ especiall" when the Venus in !aurus person (isolates( him- 3 herself from
the relationship in order to fulfill this need. 0onversel"$ the Venus in !aurus person can
attract partners who desire to masturbate even though the" are in a relationship with
him 3 her. !he Venus in !aurus person can now feel threatened$ inade&uate$ and so on.
!his condition will occur to the Venus in !aurus people for one of two reasons.
4ither the" have become too possessive of or too dependent on the partner$ or the" have
attracted a partner who is also learning the !aurus lesson of self-empowerment which
dictates this need. *ecause of this$ man" people with this s"mbol have learned to
incorporate seual self-stimulation within their seual d"namics with another person. For
some with Venus in !aurus$ masturbation has become an art form in which the" have
learned to create highl" erotic rituals that involve various kinds of seual s"mbols and
(tools( that serve the intention of self-sustainment and self-empowerment. For some$
depending on their evolutionar" condition$ this means that the" have learned to use
themselves as their own vehicle or s"mbol of metamorphic transformation. Somet with
Venus in !aurus will attract partners who will encourage them to learn to do this$
partners who tr" to teach them about the power that eists within them.

!heir seual values and orientation are primar" and basic. !here is not too much of a
desire or need to (eperiment(. !he Venus in !aurus people will desire to seuall" possess
or own their partners. and the" can attract partners who want to seuall" possess and
own them. *ecause there is such a high value given to seualit"$ if the" are with a
partner who does not honor their need for monogam"$ who has se with someone else
behind their backs$ then their inner relatedness will suffer. !he" will feel insecure
and unworth"$ create a negative self-esteem$ become withdrawn$ and compare
themselves to whatever &ualities or traits their partner has been attracted to in the (other
person(. 4ven though the Venus in !aurus people inherentl" desiree monogam"$ the" can
involve themselves in an (affair( when their partners are not monogamous with them. !he
motivation is one of vindictiveness$ and also to rebuild a positive self-image through
making themselves desirable to someone else.

%n evolutionar" terms$ the Venus in !aurus person desires to stabili9e him- or herself. !o
do so$ these people have necessaril" had to narrow their focus to that which is specific to
their own life purpose$ and that which supports that purpose. An" other aspect of life in
general that is not relevant to that purpose is (tuned out(. !his creates a (forg in the well(
effect - the frog can onl" see the segment of the sk" that is observable from the bottom of
the well. !he frog is stable at the bottom of its well. %t can control and feel secure within
that well. Accordingl"$ there is a compressed internali9ation leading to a highl"
sub#ective realit" that defines a pre-eisting pattern of inner and outer relatedness. !his
creates a block to growing$ learning$ and evolving be"ond the parameters of the well. %n a
relationship$ this can create a polari9ed state between the two people. For a positive
evolution to proceed$ the Venus in !aurus person must embrace its polarit"< Scorpio.

4ssentiall"$ this means that the" must learn how to listen to other people in such a wa" as
to ob#ectivel" identif" what motivates other people$ and learn how other people are
ps"chologicall" constructed. %n this wa"$ the" will learn how to evalutate otehrs
ob#ectivel"$ which will$ in turn$ allow them to evalutate their own inner 3 outer realit" in
an ob#ective wa". %n order to do this$ the Venus in !aurus person must learn to open up to
the totalit" of realit" that lies be"ond the parameters of their own (frog in the well(
realit". !he" will tehn remove the bottleneck of their own inwardl" compressed realit"$
one that generates a fiit" of sub#ective perception and interpretation of their own and
others( beahviors$ motivations$ intentions$ and what life means in general. b" learning
how to listen to others ob#ectivel"$ to hear what others need and desire$ and to support
their development$ the" will attract others who do this for them$ and who do not want to
possess$ control$ or limit their own development.
Natal Venus in Gemini

(,an Spiller and +aren 'c0o")


*" placing an obsessive value on &uick wit in social situations$ "ou ma" unknowingl"
withhold from others "our special abilit" for adding lightness and open communication.
)hen "ou neglect listening to others( ideas$ "ou might feel a distinct lack of confidence in
communicating with them at all. %ndulging in flightiness in social relationships ma" result
in a feeling of lack of worth in "ourself or others.

)hen "ou use "our talent for communication to manipulate$ to deceive$ or to create a
superficial ecitement with glib wit$ "ou ma" eperience a lack of "our own sense of
value. %n tr"ing to look good to others$ "ou might get caught up in superficialit". !his t"pe
of communication leads to feelings of insecurit" and to being at the merc" of how others
see "ou.


)hen "ou are willing to share the 8emini natural gift of light-heartedness$ "ou cheer
others. !he abilit" to listen to other points of view strengthens "our capacit" to contrbute
an appropriate optimistic insight to an" social situation. 1our talent for stimulating$
elevating conversation can result in "our eperiencing a deep sense of "our social self-

)hen "ou see the larger picture of others( viewpoints$ "ou can communicate in such a
wa" that their burdens are lightened. !his leads to feeling a reaction of 9est and
satisfaction. 1ou establish a firm sense of self-worth and confidence in social situations b"
epressing cheerfulness and lightness to uplift others.

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

!he person with Venus in 8emini has a light touch and a livel" sparkle. !hese people love
compan" and are ver" friendl" in an unaffected wa". !he" have a particular ease of socail
epression. and their natural curiosit" makes them ver" &uick to tune in to others. !his
makes it eas" for them to get on with all kinds of people. and the" usuall" have a wide
circle of friends.

Venus in 8emini likes to draw people out$ and will ask man" &uestions. 8enerall" witt"
and livel"$ these people are fun to be with. and others usuall" find them attractive. !heir
pleasure in responding to this attention can make them incorrigible flirts. *ecause the"
en#o" the compan" of others so much$ the" are often reluctant to be tied down to one
person$ and are ver" skilled at being evasive. !he" tend to side-step difficult issues$ so
that it can be &uite hard to persuade them to sta" still long enough to sort an"thing out.
!he" tend to feel more comfortable in a fairl" light-hearted relationship$ and often have
several on the go at an" one time - like a butterfl" flitting from flower to flower.

!he 8emini Venus is attracted to people who are communicative - those who have ideas
and en#o" talking about them. !his person likes people who are full of surprises$ &uickl"
becoming bored with someone who is too predictable. !he" need variet" and movement
in their relationships$ and cannot bear things to become static and fied.

%n love$ Venus in 8emini wants ever"thing in words. 0lose communication is what love is
all about for these people$ so the" need constant feedback from their partner$ and the"
will feel ver" insecure and re#ected if the" do not get it. %n return$ the" will show their
love in a ver" attentive$ communicative wa". %f "ou are loved b" Venus in 8emini$ "ou will
hear all about it through constant phone calls$ cards and letters. Love letters are second
nature to the Venus in 8emini person.

For Venus in 8emini$ friendship will be a vital component of love. !he" are reall" looking
for a comanion - someone the" en#o" talking to and with whom the" can share their ideas
and interests. Although people with Venus in 8emini ma" appear fickle$ the" generall"
hate to lose someone with whom the" have a close connection$ and put a lot of energ"
into maintaining the links of friendship with those the" love.

(Sk"e Aleander)

Venus is associated with artistic creations$ and 8emini rules communication. !herefore$ if
"ou have artistic talent "ou are likel" to epress it through some form of writing. 1ou love
language and the written word$ and want to share "our thoughts with others. 2r$ since
8emini rules the hands$ "ou might use "our hands in some creative manner.

0ommunication is of utmost importance in "our relationships. %f "ou can(t talk to "our
partner$ no amount of seual attraction will keep "ou interested for long. 1our lovers
must also be "our friends. 1ou want a partner with whom "ou can share ideas$ who will
teach "ou new things and epose "ou to new eperiences. %ntelligence might be first on
"our list of desirable &ualities in a partner. and "ou probabl" find that "ou learn a great
deal from "our lovers.

)hen "ou are with "our partner$ "ou never stop talking. and when "ou(re apart$ "ou write
long love letters or telephone fre&uentl" #ust to hear his 3 her voice. 1ou en#o" talking and
3 or wirting about love - "our own$ or love in general. !his is the position of the romance
novelist$ or the person who carries on a love affair mainl" through letters. 1ou aren(t ver"
good about keeping secrets$ and are inclined to gossip about others( relationships. 1ou
also reveal more about "our own love life than an"one ever wanted to know. )hat good is
a love affair if "ou can(t tell ever"one about it>

1our romantic feelings aren(t ver" deep or intense. and others ma" consider "ou rather
superficial and detached. 1ou bounce back &uickl" and easil" from disappointments in
love$ eager to move on to new relationships and eperiences. )hat "ou lack in emotional
depth "ou make up for in variet".

8emini is a dualistic sign$ and "ou often ma" have more than one love interest at a
time. %n fact$ "ou are happier when "ou are involved with two (or more) lovers
simultaneousl"$ since each of them satisfies different needs and desires in "ou. 1ou firml"
believe that "ou can(t get ever"thing "ou want from one person$ but ma"be with two$
three or more "ou(ll be able to find total fulfillment. 1ou are perfectl" capable of loving
several people at the same time$ and don(t understand wh" "our partners can(t accept the
situation$ since "ou never mean to hurt an"one.

Also$ "ou are afraid of missing out on something if "ou commit "ourself to one mate. !he
epression (the grass is greener on the other side of the fence( certainl" applies to "ou.
1ou never stop scanning the hori9on for prospective partners$ and can be an incorrigible
flirt. =nless "ou also have several planets in signs such as !aurus$ 0ancer$ Scorpio or
0apricorn$ "ou probabl" have trouble remaining faithful to one person for long. 1ou can(t
stand possessiveness. and if "our partner tries to (clip "our wings( "ou might lie$ sneak
around or emplo" other tactics to maintain "our freedom. !o "ou$ having man" different
lovers is a form of freedom of epression$ a right guaranteed to "ou in the first
amendment to the 0onstitution.

)omen with this planetar" position like to think of themselves as being intelligent$
articulate$ friendl" and free-spirited$ and want others to see them this wa"$ too. 1ou use
"our mental and verbal abilities to attract lovers$ and consider a good mind to be the
mark of femininit". 1ou also value intelligence and well-developed communication skills
in other women$ and look for these &ualities in "our friends. 1ou have lots of friends and
ac&uaintances. and although the" ma" be &uite different in man" wa"s$ the" are all
intellectuall" stimulating$ talkative$ and hungr" for knowledge.

'en with this placement find intelligent women especiall" attractive. 1ou are not
intimidated in the least b" a partner who is smarter than "ou are. 1ou en#o" a woman who
can hold up her end of the conversation$ and even teach "ou a few things. 'ost
importantl"$ "ou want "our lover to be "our friend$ someone with whom "ou can share
ideas and good times.

(Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker)

Venus in the sign 8emini indicates people who like variet" in their romantic and social
lives. !he desire for varied eperience$ coupled with curiosit" about people$ makes them
disinclined to settle down to one permanent romantic relationship. Like Venus in
A&uarius$ this position makes them want to be friends with ever"one. but the" are
nevertheless capable of sustained devotion. *ecause of their wit and conversational
abilit"$ the" are attracted to people with agile minds and keen intellects. !his is a Venus
that needs to be given ade&uate freedom.

-eople with this Venus position spend much time travelling in pursuit of pleasure and
social activit". Literar" activities - especiall" poetr" - and #okes are favored artistic
epressions$ usuall" including some form of pla" on words.

As with other Air signs$ there is a tendenc" to dislike coarse behavior. !he natives have a
pleasing manner$ and maintain generall" good relations with brothers$ sisters$ and
neighbors. %f Venus is afflicted in this sign$ there is inconsistenc" and fickleness in
romance. Values concerning love$ marriage and romance ma" be superficial.

(%sabel /icke")

/ere is the light$ air"$ charming$ superficial Venus if she does not have fied signs to
balance her forces. 8reat charm$ wit$ and epressiveness. =nderstands passion but does
not feel it too strongl". 4motions are sifted through the mind instead of through the
feelings. An entertaining companion but not one to be taken too seriousl". 6eeds to learn
constanc". /ard for them to decide on one love when there are so man" from which to
choose. 2ften two important loves in the life$ though not alwa"s at the same time. Ver"
friendl"$ and makes a delightful companion if "ou do not tr" to pin the butterfl" down.
Strong relationship with kinsfolk.
6atal Venus in 8emini (?)

(7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< creative (particularl" in writing)$ non-committal$ en#o"ing multiple romances$
loving variet".

)hen placed in 'ercur"-ruled 8emini$ a mutable Air sign$ Venus e&uates love with
friendship$ deriving endless pleasure and fulfilment from the intellectual stimulation of
people$ novel ideas$ the media and travel. Since /ermes 3 'ercur" was an aseual 8od in
8reek 3 7oman m"tholog"$ and hte onl" planet not assigned a gender in /indu (Vedic)
astrolog"$ this Venus does not crave seual power and epression as much as the
regeneration of ideas and feedback. Self-worth is measured in terms of not seual or
romantic reciprocation but affabilit" and the facilit" for conducting constant echanges of
information$ ideas and opinions with a diversit" of people. %n fact$ the re&uirements for
partnership are based less on romantic love and ph"sical passion and more on friendship$
communication and mobilit".

%t is important for Venus in 8emini people to choose mates who respect their convictions
and$ most important$ their need for a variet" of activities outside the home. !he comfort
that Venus in 8emini people seek in a multitude of friendships$ cultural activities$
educational courses$ travelling$ etc.$ does not necessaril" stem from an unhapp" home
life$ and should not be interpreted as a desire to be unfaithful. *ecause these individuals
do an incredible amount of networking$ often serving as go-betweens and$ if need be$
mediators$ it is indeed likel" that the" ma" be attracted to people outside their
relationships$ if onl" as a result of the variet" of individuals with whom their paths cross.
=nfounded #ealous"$ however$ ma" be the force that drives these freedom-loving people
to contemplating an affair$ since Venus in Air signs is b" nature detached$ and se is
often regarded as a means of communication rather than an epression of love.

Like -lato(s /eavenl" =rania$ honoured for her cerebral &ualities$ individuals with Venus
in 8emini place a higher value on the intellect than on ph"sical desire. due to their own
emtional detachment$ the" often do not take commitment as seriousl" as the" should. 5ue
to this placement(s lack of ph"siscal passion and genuine restlessness$ astrological tets
have described this position as aloof$ fickle$ promiscuous$ uncommitted and insensitive to
the needs of others. Since Venus in 'ercur"-ruled 8emini$ the sign of restlessness and
perpetual "outh$ tends to be somewhat detached towards its loved ones$ these people
ma" be unable to settle into a monogamous relationship until later in life$ after the" have
(sown their wild oats(.

%f Venus is well aspected$ the" possess a wealth of cleverness$ wit and spontaneit" of
epression. 5ue to 8emini(s impeccable timing and remarkable abilit" to replicate
sounds$ the creative influence of Venus lends itself to outstanding improvisational
musicians and performers$ ventrilo&uists$ mimics and comedians 3 comic actors. *ecause
8emini rules the lungs and the abilit" to communicate$ a dominant Venus prefigures
elo&uent speaking voices and the poewr of persuasion. !hese people are filled with a
plethora of artistic ideas and$ rather than direct their passion towards romantic
involvements$ their fervour is often apparent in the media arts such as film-making$
photograph"$ writing$ advertising and public relations.

%f$ on the other hand$ Venus is afflicted$ these people are insecure about their opinions.
and rather than look to others for stimulation the" validate themselves b" mimicking and
3 or stealing original ideas and presenting them as their own. Additionall"$ it is difficult
for them to commit to a lasting relationship$ due to an inabilit" to follow the dictates of
their hearts. As the" mature$ the" will be less likel" to seek validation from others around
them and more apt to become good partners who are creative$ stimulating and

('artin Schulman)

)ith this placement$ the individual is learning the lessons of relationships as his divided
feelings seek union with compatible ideas$ people$ and the current movement of societ"
as it unfolds its meaning through culture$ refinement and human decenc". /e loves to
rea$ understand$ and sift through the m"riad of opinions and ideas which are the ver"
essence of his interest in life. 1et$ he has much to learn about human nature if he is to
reali9e the full potential of love.

!he 1od to this Venus placement is formed b" the incon#uncts from Scorpio and
0apricorn$ and it is from these two signs that the individual reali9es how the fulfillment of
love with manifest.

From Scorpio$ the person learns to drink deep from the well of knowledge. /e begins to
reali9e the eistence of a world of hidden feelings which add richness and fullness to his
ideas$ helping to transform and unfold his consciousness. /e learns to seek be"ond the
trivia of idle conversation or casual relationships. %nstead$ he discovers the harmonious
scope of ideas and the cosmic meaning of social interaction with others$ so that his
natural affinit" for thoughtfulness$ kindness and consideration takes on a deepening
&ualit". !his unlocks the barriers in his consciousness and puts him in touch with the
kind of truth which transcends his tendenc" to be flight".

From 0apricorn he must learn to seek the inherent wisdom that creates a sense of
foresight and vision$ enabling him to oversee life(s momentar" attractions from the scope
of a larger ever-lasting contet. !he substance of the wisdom of the ages$ the knowing of
the elders and the serene understanding of how man unfolds through time hold ver"
important lessons for the Venus in 8emini individual. As he reali9es the perspective of
0apricorn$ he begins to see the lessons that life is teaching him. !his adds a meaningful
anchor to his realit"$ giving him the substance and the stabilit" that helps to resolve his
dualistic feelings.

0astor and -ollu$ the twins of 8emini$ s"mboli9e mortalit" and immortalit". !he Venus in
8emini individual eperiences both. for he feels life as an isolated instant in time through
the mortal part of him that he knows must eventuall" die$ while also seeing the
continuous stream of thoughts and ideas which transcend life itself$ putting him in touch
with the idea of man(s immortalit".

0apricorn s"mboli9es the realit" of man in matter. %t teaches the lessons of evolution as
the individual works his wa" through karma to the ultimate state of dignit" in which he
eventuall" understands the (father( principle (both in his personal life and as a
sociological and religious guidepoint for man). !his is the reason wh" so man" people
with Venus in 8emini eperience difficulties with their father. !he limitation of an"
authorit" figure fulfills the realit" of the mortal essence of the sign$ while at the same
time giving the appearance of being a block to the need for immortalit".

Scorpio s"mboli9es life after death$ the regeneration of human consciousness as an
ongoing part of man(s immortal soul$ and the endings from which new beginnings are
born. %t balances the limitations of 0apricorn$ allowing man" to feel his immortal
relationsups with himself$ the societ" which supports his ideas$ and the universe which is
the source of love in all he thinks and feels.

'an" with this placement eperience more than one marriage$ man" interests and
simultaneous feelings of love for things which appear to contradict each other. 1et$ when
the deep lasting meaning of Scorpio and 0apricorn becomes clear$ the individual(s search
for human understanding begins to make sense. /e learns about his love for finite
moments contained within the limits (0apricorn) of human culture$ amidst the infinit" of
man(s search to understand his place in the universe (Scorpio).

%n this wa"$ he reali9es the divine content of love. /is ideas$ his relationships and his
natural affinit" for words and language begin to s"mboli9e the unraveling of the great
m"ster" of life. for the true essence of his 8ift of Love is to communicate$ in the light and
air" wa"s that he himself and his fellow mortals can understand$ the depth and
profoundness of wisdom that comes through the mortal part of his nature.

('arcia 'oore and 'ark 5ouglas)

+e"note< Affections are changeable but charmingl" epressed.
S"mbol< 'err"makers at a dance switch partners.

Venus in 8emini refines the mind$ making it imaginative and poetical. !here is a fe"
&ualit" to the temperament$ so that beneath a show of gregariousness an indefinable
elusiveness defies the intimac" it seems to invite. Sometimes it is easier for such people
to write or speak e&uisitel" about eperiences than to feel them intensel". !he" have
aesthetic gifts$ and are often talented in music$ art$ and literature. !heir innate creativit"
ma" also be epressed through crafts and hobbies re&uiring manual deterit".

!he Venusian 8eminian discerns beaut" and virtue even in the most unpromising
situations. /e can stand back and observe the foibles of fallible human beings$ mimicking
their idios"ncracies until his audience simultaneousl" laughs and weeps for the frailties
of the world. /is feet ma" not &uite touch the earth$ but he is sufficientl" ingenious so
that he ma" sing for his supper and end up sta"ing for breakfast and lunch. /e is
naturall" friendl"$ and knows how to eploit his charms in order to attract patrons and

A Venus-8emini person ma" be fickle and evasive. but generall" no harm is meant b" his
flirtations. /e does not want to be pinned down to one t"pe of work or one set of ideas$
because he knows that while his kind of wit ma" entertain$ amuse$ or uplift$ it is
ephemeral. /e is better fitted to be a butterfl" than a beast of burden. !he same
sensitivit" that accounts for his artistic proclivities imparts an inner delicac" which
makes him reluctant to emplo" the measures re&uired for the rough$ tough clamber up
the ladder of worldl" success.

Since 4arth and Air do not blend easil"$ the sensuous side of Venus is not entirel" in
harmon" with 8emini(s bree9" intellectualit". !he person with this combination en#o"s
the fun and ecitement of romance$ but fears its attendant obligations. %n his social life$
he seeks out clever$ witt" companions who keep him amused without epecting serious
commitments. Although friendl"$ he shrinks from becoming entangled in the personal
problems of others. As a thinker$ he can become so titillated b" ideas that he would
rather not be distracted b" the unrul" emotions of love.

!he sentiments of the Venusian 8eminian are easil" aroused - but the" have a
disconcerting wa" of changing without warning. /e is capable of becoming amorousl"
involved with more than one person at a time. )hen it comes to choosing a marriage
partner$ he ma" be faced with the necessit" of deciding between two prospects and$ as a
result$ settle on neither but look about for a third. /is erotic cravings eist largel" in the
mind$ and ma" never reall" be satisfied$ since an" flesh and blood person is bound to fall
short of the ideal. An individual with this position often marries more than once.

!he greatest drawback of this placement is that a person ma" not be aware of the true
nature of his desires. !he resulting irresolution can lead to an unintentional wounding of
the feelings of those who place their faith in him$ and to his conse&uent withdrawal from
responsibilities. /e can understand passion even when he does not feel it personall". and$
being aware of the complications it creates$ he would rather keep the game of love
moving merril" and pla" it as it suits his fanc".
6atal Venus in 8emini (@)

(5onna van !oen)

For "ou$ happiness is learning and being on the move. 1ou want to see it all$ do it all. As a
result$ "our needs ma" be different at different times and "our affections can flit from
person to person accordingl". )hat "ou need and value most are sincerit" and good
communication. An" relationship based on these things stands a good chance of

(,eff 8reen)

As a pre-eisting pattern of inner relatedness$ the Venus in 8emini person hears an inner
call for self-knowledge. !his manifests in a deep inner restlessness$ fuelled b" a constant
inner dialogue within themselves. !his inner dialogue poses a variet" of &uestions leading
to eperiences of all kinds. !he essence of these &uestions is defined b" the inner
&uestion ()ho am %>( which leads also to ()ho are "ou>(

Venus in 8emini people related to and understand themselves inwardl" through a
reactive process. !his means that these individuals pose a variet" of thought possibilities
leading to potential eperiences$ and then react to these thought possibilities in such a
wa" that the reaction itself produces self-awareness and self-knowledge. !his is a
perpetual process with the Venus in 8emini person$ because 8emini as an archet"pe is
mutable. !he mutable archet"pe is one of unrestricted growth and perpetual epansion.
1et because we live in a time 3 space realit" that is defined and understood through
polarit"$ the process of epansion must$ at some point$ contract. !hus$ Venus in 8emini
people learn about themselves through c"cles of contraction which are induced as a
reaction to ecessive epansion. %n the c"cle of epansion$ Venus in 8emini people are
inwardl" considering a diversit" of thoughts in their desire to understand themselves$ and
life in general. !hese thoughts are induced b" eposure to life itself< ()hat does this
mean> )hat does that mean> *" doing this$ what will % discover> %f % read this$ what will %
learn> %f % talk to this person$ or take that class$ what will % discover>( and so on. *"
initiating eperiences of kind$ b" bringing into themselves all kinds of information from
all kinds of sources$ the" react inwardl" to this relativel" indiscriminate intake of
information. (5o % reall" believe this> )hat does this reall" mean to me> /ow can % appl"
that>( becomes a perpetual inner dialogue that is restrictive in nature as a reaction to
their desire for perpetual growth and epansion.

!he rh"thm between epansion and contraction is ever-shifting$ "et alwa"s ongoing at an
underl"ing level. 4ven though the c"cles of inner 3 outer epansion and contraction are
not predictable$ there is alwa"s an underl"ing reactive dialogue that occurs within the
Venus in 8emini person. !hus$ these people ma" enter into a c"cle in which the" are
seeking out all kinds of eperiences$ taking all kinds of classes$ reading all kinds of books$
seeing all kinds of movies$ etc.. !his will then induce a c"cle of contraction because the"
will reach the limit of such epansion. !he" simpl" become ehausted and fragmented
because of too much intake of stimulus of this kind. )hen the c"cle of contraction is
induced in this wa"$ the Venus in 8emini person necessaril" assimilates the meaning of
the different eperiences he 3 she has created relative to his 3 her desire for knowledge.
So$ on the one hand$ there is this reactive process occurring within these people even
during the c"cle of epansion. and$ on the other hand$ the" c"clicall" withdraw from the
c"cle of epansion because the" simpl" become overwhelmed and ehausted. *"
withdrawing from eternal stimuli$ the" are able to assimilate the matters to which
the" have been eposing themselves.

*ecause of their deep inner restlessness and intense inner curiosit" to eperience as
much of themselves and life as possible$ the Venus in 8emini people relate to other
people in a ver" open$ friendl" wa". !he" are naturall" attracted to an"one who
s"mboli9es new eperiences or knowledge. *ecause the" are open to all the possibilities
of life$ the" are open to$ and accepting of$ the differences in all people. !he" are color-
blind$ so to speak. !he" are able to relate to people in a ver" free wa" that is relativel"
devoid of pre#udice. *ecause of their own inner curiosit" as to the possibilities of life
itself$ the Venus in 8emini people are ver" adept in being able to carr" on conversations
with other people. !he" ask good &uestions$ and are able to communicate &uite well.
!he" are &utie skilled at drawing other people out of themselves. !he" are versatile$
&uick$ and &uite witt".

0onversel"$ when these individuals are in a contraction c"cle$ the" can be ver" reactive in
their conversations with other people. !he reactive process manifests as not completing
their own sentences$ or allowing another to complete their own sentences. )hen this
occurs$ the mutual reaction does not allow for either one to actuall" hear the other.
6eeding to contract and stabili9e this creates a resistance to an" more intake of
information. !his reactive process is reall" a manifestation of the survival instinct
intrinsic to the archet"pe of Venus via its natural rulership of !aurus$ and this the second

!he Venus in 8emini people understand their feelings through their mental bod" or
process. Let us understand that feelings are different from emotions. Feelings are an
immeditae reaction to an eisting stimulus$ whereas emotions are a reaction to our
feelings. *ecause 8emini is an Air archet"pe$ people who have Venus in this sign relate to
themselves inwardl" through the nature of what the" are thinking at an" given moment.
!his process will induce a feeling reaction to the specific nature of what those thoughts
are. %n this wa"$ the" come to understand the nature of their feelings. 2n a pro#ected
basis$ these individuals understand what and how another is feeling b" approaching
another through his 3 her intellect. %n other words$ the" must engage someone(s intellect
or mental processes first in order to understand how that person is feeling about

Seuall"$ the Venus in 8emini person values seual openness in the sense of mentall"
entertaining all kinds of seual possibilities. Again$ the" are naturall" curious$ and the"
do not want to preclude an" possibilit" out of hand. !he" will (at least mentall") consider
almost an" seual possibilit". Some with Venus in 8emini will have a dual seual nature
that leads to biseualit". !hus$ the" can be &uite seuall" versatile$ pla"ful$ and (sporting(
because of hte implied adventure of being open to all seual possibilities. !here is also a
particular attraction to oral forms of seualit"$ and a strong mental orientation to the
seual act that induces a detachment from it. !his is necessar" to Venus in 8emini
because it is through this kind of de facto vo"eurism that the" learn about themselves as
a seual being$ and learn about others as seual beings. 2n the other hand$ this kind of
mental detachment can create seual frustration because it is as if the" are forever
observing instead of being totall" engaged at a purel" emotional and ph"sical level. %t is
as if the" cannot get out of their heads$ so to speak.

%n evolutionar" terms$ the Venus in 8emini person desires to epand his 3 her
consciousness in order to learn how to related to him- 3 herself in a diverist" of wa"s
through the multiplicit" of eperience. !he process of learning occurs through reactions
to initiated eperiences of an internal and eternal nature - thought and counter-thought.
For evolution to proceed$ the Venus in 8emini person must embrace its polarit"<
Sagittarius. %n essence$ this means to continue the desire for epansion$ to epand the
inner and outer hori9ons of awareness$ but in such a wa" that indiscriminate curiosit" is
replaced b" conscious intention< (% want to learn this for this reason. % want to do that for
this purpose. % am interested in learning this and will focus on it until % learn it
thoroughl" before learning something else. % am thinking about that because of this
reason( and so on. %n addition$ the Venus in 8emini person must progressivel" evolve
awa" from eternall" ac&uired knowledge into the d"namic that the knowledge the" are
seeking is inwardl" reali9ed through the development of the intuition. !he" need to
trasfer the center of gravit" in their consciousness from the left to right brain. %n this
wa"$ these individuals will learn to relate to themselves in a responsive wa"$ versus a
reactive wa". !he" will create a deep inner center within themselves that is constant$
versus an inner center that becomes c"clicall" fragmented. !he" will learn to listen to
themselves in a different wa"$ and thus likewise listen to other people. %n effect$ the" will
learn to hear more deepl" what is behind or within the actual spoken words and the
thoughts that are occurring within their own consciousness. %n this wa"$ the" will learn to
communicate differentl" as the" speak to the essence of what is being said$ versus
reacting to the specific nature of the words onl".
Natal Venus in Cancer

(,ulia and 5erek -arker)

+indness$ s"mpath"$ the epression of true love and affection$ and a high level of
emotion$ are characteristic. A powerful protective instinct can at times create a
claustrophobic atmosphere within a relationship. A tendenc" to look nostalgicall" to the
past is also fre&uent$ and this ma" need conscious correction if the sub#ect is not to reach
stalemate sue to his or her fear of progressive changes. +illing with kindness and
moddiness are sometimes present. and the need for a secure relationship is of above-
average importance. !ies of friendship will be long-lasting. Love and affection will be
focused on the home$ and a great deal of mone" will be spent carefull" to make it
comfortable - although often cluttered and untid". 0reative cooking and home crafts will
be displa"ed with flair. A safe$ stead" growth of capital is preferred$ and shrewd
investments will be made when possible.

%f the Sun sign is !aurus$ passion and sensualit" are heightened$ with love and affection
activel" shown. !he emotional level is etremel" high$ and there ma" be storms and
scenes at times. !he sub#ect must learn not to cling to loved ones after a relationship has
ended. Look for logic in other areas of the chart - the position of 'ercur"$ perhaps. !his
is an affectionate but possibl" demanding friend. Financial abilit" and an ecellent
business sense are likel".

%f the Sun sign is 8emini$ this Venus placement heightens the level of 8eminian emotion.
and$ provided the sub#ect doesn(t overrationali9e the feelings$ these will be marvellousl"
and romanticall" epressed$ showing kindness and a cherishing &ualit". !he se life must
be livel" and stimulating. !he sub#ect is considerate and a good communicator with both
friends and loved ones. Financial securit" can be gained from collecting old or unusual

%f the Sun sign is 0ancer$ the emotional force and epression of love are ver" powerful$
but the inclination to worr" over the partner and famil" is immense$ and the 0ancerian
capacit" for caring ma" also get out of hand with friends. /ere the &ualities are ver"
much as described for Venus in 0ancer generall" above. Shrewdness in business matters
is a strong asset.

%f the Sun sign is Leo$ the emotional level is ver" high$ and the sub#ect needs a partner to
look up to and admire. otherwise$ there will be a tendenc" to dominate with a Leo
bossiness that can be etremel" harmful. Leo sensitivit" is greatl" increased. this
individual will suffer more than seems possible. !here will be a great appreciation of
&ualit" and the beautiful things in life$ with a lot of mone" spent on them. 0omfort$
securit" and &ualit" are important. !he se life will be rich$ rewarding and imaginativel"
epressed. /ere is a caring friend with ecellent organi9ing abilit".

%f the Sun sign is Virgo$ although there will be considerable emotional resources$ there
ma" be sh"ness and reserve in epressing the feelings. !he imagination will be rich$ but
worr" over the lover one(s reactions can be inhiiting$ especiall" in "oung people. !here
ma" be a tendenc" to critici9e the partner or to be ver" mood". !he household chores or
hobies can be used as an ecuse for failing to en#o" the intimacies of a relationship. A
clever business sense is likel"$ but sometimes meanness is present.

(8rant Lewi)

1our emotional responses are related to a simple and direct standard$ "our need for
securit" and a home. Since this is a basic life urge$ "our love is lo"al and devoted$ with a
depth of the self-preservation instinct$ which does not$ however$ make "ou selfish. 1our
whole nature hides in a protective shell till "ou have taken the emotional step that makes
"ou secure. then it unfolds graciousl"$ like a flower in the warm sun$ and beautifies "our
whole world. !he fear of being hurt b" love - of being thus innerl" insecure - is ver"
strong. 1ou ma" seem sensitive and touch"$ not to the superficial niceties but to the
bigger things that could shake "our world. 1ou can harness "our emotions to making "our
own securit"$ and so can be succsesful in business$ to which "ou bring the primitive
maternal$ or paternal$ forces. !his$ however$ is the onl" wa" in which "ou are
materialistic. 1ou like sentimental gestures onl" if "ou think the" spring from sincerit".
!he forced kiss$ the dutiful embrace$ mean nothing to "ou. 1our emotional polarit" is not
primaril" ph"sical. and though "ou can respond to ardor$ "ou can take it or leave it alone.

(S"dne" 2marr)

%n 0ancer$ Venus paints the picture of a native who wants securit" in love. /is needs are
basic< shelter$ love$ protection$ the best for his loved ones. /is standards are high$ but
the drive$ fire and ambition to obtain his desires often is lacking. !he astrologer must
(shake him up( to his potential. !he native is sentimental and sincere. he feels sill"
wasting time on people or things which do not interest him. !hus he tends to arouse
antagonism among those who feel he merel" is being rude.

(L"n *irbeck)

Love for "ou is something that is ver" dependent upon home$ famil" and securit"$ no
matter how wild or adventurous "ou ma" like to think "ou are. A case of (love me$ love m"
famil"( - and loving 2ther(s famil" would be #ust as important. 1ou are also romantic in a
dream" sort of wa". *ut such a mi of the cos" and the ideal could be prett" hard to find
or maintain$ for the" ma" reflect childhood longings that amount to mere fanc".

1ou attract with tenderness and a familiar charm that makes 2ther feel both ecited and
comfortable. with an etremel" caring and compassionate nature that protects and
nurtures 2ther. and with domestic skills such as cooking$ dAcor and warm hospitatlit".

1ou repel with a misuse of "our abilit" to get inside 2ther in the form of emotional
blackmail. with a suffocating and cling" neediness that makes 2ther want to get as far
from "ou as "ou tr" to be close to him 3 her. and b" being a sta"-at-home or blindl"
depending on 2ther to keep the home-fires burning.

1ou are attracted to 2thers who appreciate the importance of home and famil" life. to
soulful 2thers who possibl" have some affliction for "ou to s"mpathi9e with. and to
cuddl" romance rather than thrusting passion - at least once "ou have ehausted this
cultural m"th.

1ou are repelled b" brashness or a re#ection of an"thing or an"one that "ou feel for. b"
being made to feel unwelcome or taken for granted. b" a lack of sensitivit"$ especiall"
towards children$ animals$ 6ature and "ourself. and b" impersonal se.

)hen "ou are alone$ it could be that "ou have done to 2ther the ver" thing that "ou
cannot bear being done to "ou< taken him 3 her for granted in some wa". %t is most likel"
that "ou have been en#o"ing hte emotional or material securit" of a relationship long
enough for "ou not to notice that it(s there. 0onse&uentl"$ "ou have looked for something
more eciting elsewhere$ or 2ther has found someone more appreciative elsewhere.
0onversel"$ "ou ma" have clung too closel" and fussed and fawned over 2ther to the
point when he 3 she #ust had to get awa" - or this ma" be how 2ther has been with "ou$
and "ou have had to run. A third reason is simpl" that "ou have been after the dream
lover which an ordinar" mortal can never be. "ou must track back to "our childhood for

(,ohn !ownle")

1our appetite for love is ver" strong$ but "ou do not usuall" satisf" it in a regular$ even
wa". 7ather$ it builds up for a long period of time$ and when it does find release it is often
&uite eplosive. !his happens partl" because "ou are unwilling or unable to let "our
partner know "our desires until the internal pressure has become ver" great. %t is better
to work out a clear s"stem of communication so "ou will not suffer frustration because
"our partner is unaware of "our needs.

For "ou$ love at its best is an all-encompassing eperience in which "ou completel"
possess and dissolve into "our lover in such a wa" that the barriers between "our
personalities are washed awa". %n ever"da" life as well$ "ou look for total devotion from
"our lover$ and "ou give it as well.

Although "our st"le of loving is ver" intense and ehilarating$ it can also devolve into a
mawkish dependenc" that is not health" for either personalit". !rue devotion must rest
on mutual strength and trust between e&uals$ so "ou should avoid the sometimes natural
desire to totall" own or be owned b" "our lover. Such roles can he healthil" pla"ed out in
bedroom games$ but should be scrupulousl" avoided in ever"da" life if "ou want to
maintain a lasting$ loving relationship.

(7obert /and)

1ou like to be ver" close to people$ and "ou need to have an especiall" affectionate
relationship with "our parents. 1ou alwa"s want to be sure that "ou can count on
someone for emotional support. At the same time$ "ou are willing to give the same
support to an"one "ou love. 1ou ma" not have lots of friendships or love relationships$ but
"ou don(t need to. All "ou want is a few ver" good ones.

%f "ou decide that no-one loves "ou$ "ou ma" be desperate to find a friend to give "ou
moral support. !he onl" problem here is that if "ou feel unloved and insecure$ "ou will be
ver" #ealous and possessive of "our friends$ especiall" if the" pa" attention to someone
else. !his ma" lead to rivalr" with "our brothers and sisters for "our parents( attention$ if
"ou feel unsure about "our parents( feelings toward "ou.

6evertheless$ when "ou like someone$ "ou like that person a lot$ and "ou show it. 1ou are
a ver" faithful friend$ and "ou will never do an"thing to hurt someone "ou like unless that
person hurts "ou first - in which case "ou are ver" likel" to strike back.

1our relationship with "our mother will be especiall" important. and as "ou get older$ it
ma" be hard to break awa" from her apron strings$ althout "ou won(t want to admit it.
/owever$ if "ou have a good relationship with her$ "our other relationships throughout
life will also be good.
7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< imaginative$ home-loving$ warm and caring$ supportive$ sensitive.

)hen Venus is placed in the cardinal )ater sign of 0ancer$ an inordinate need to love
and be loved fuels an immense insecurit" from which most of their actions emanate.
Since 0ancer is ruled b" the 'oon$ the maternal principle dominates the wa" the"
perceive themselves and the nature of their relationships. 2n the positive side$ these
nurturing individuals provide others with a strong$ secure emotional cushion as well as a
comfortable$ flourishing home environment. 4ndowed with emotional strength and the
abilit" to hold things together$ the" often attract individuals in need of intellectual$
spiritual and 3 or financial support.

Ama9ingl" lo"al and attentive$ these generall" insecure people will stop at nothing to
keep their families intact$ and$ in the process$ fre&uentl" become unnecessaril"
overprotective. if Venus is poorl" aspected$ the" can even be secretive$ controlling and
manipulative. 2ften defensive$ pessimistic and$ at its most etreme$ paranoid$ the" often
live in constant fear that the" will be deserted b" loved ones$ or lose their mone". or that
their creativit" will dissipate. %nstead of being secure in the knowledge that the" are
loved simpl" for who the" are$ these people often tr" too hard to create the t"pe of
environment from which their partners dare not leave. !o solidif" a marriage that was
alread" on the rocks$ one client with Venus in 0ancer even installed a music studio for his
wife$ a singer$ in their beautiful home$ onl" to be totall" devastated when she eventuall"
left him. )hen % pointed out to him that his own insecurities actuall" prevented him from
being sensitive to his wife(s real needs$ m" eplanation fell on deaf ears.

!his co-dependent behaviour$ in that one person controls the emotional climate b"
making another person completel" dependent on him or her$ is t"pical of Venus in each of
the )ater signs - especiall" if afflicted. *ecause it is often simpler for Venus in 0ancer
people to be caretakers rather than seek assistance (which would reveal their own
neediness)$ the" tend to ecuse rather than strengthen the character weaknesses of their
partners and 3 or their children.

)hile romanticism is indeed an asset to their creativit"$ it ma" also be responsible for
their completel" unrealistic attitudes concerning those the" love. A desperate need to
form a famil" unit coupled with a lack of faith in their capacit" to maintain relationships
fre&uentl" precipitates idealisation of the partner and the creation of an une&ual
partnership. )hile placing someone on a pedestal ma" seem complimentar"$ it often
becomes manipulative and overl" possessive$ causing the partner to flee from the ver"
situation Venus in cancer people have tried so hard to perfect. Although 0ancer is known
to be an etremel" emotional sign$ their feelings are often directed inwards towards
defensive behaviour. the true compassion of Venus in 0ancer can onl" manifest when it is
realised that a health" relationship is founded on two individuals who are secure within

=nlike Venus in Vemini$ the creativit" of introspective Venus in 0ancer is marked b"
romantic idealism and a vivid imagination. 5ue to an affinit" with the home as well as the
intricacies of computer technolog"$ the" have a talent for real estate$ interior design$
computer graphics and programming. *ecause the" constantl" &uestion their talents$
the" are overl" sensitive to the opinions of others. and$ as a result$ Venus in 0ancer
people are often ver" secretive about their work and creative ideas until it is certain the"
will be met with approval.

*ecause this placement represents the attainment of self-esteem through their roles as
spouses and parents$ Venus in 0ancer men - whose attributes include fierce lo"alt"$
dependabilit" and devotion to their loved ones - have heretofore been admonished as
(unmanl"(. )ith the distinction between male and female roles narrowing$ these sensitive
and artistic men ma" soon be admired and even envied for their emotional attachment
and compassion$ in much the same wa" that women with Venus in Aries or Scorpio will
no longer have to defend their d"namic personalities or fight for creative autonom".

('artin Schulman)

/ere$ the individual learns the lessons of emotional love. /e is intuitive$ sensitive$ warm
and affectionate$ with a natural sense of feeling for all that is occurring around him. !his$
along with his deep understanding of lo"alt" and devotion$ makes him the natural
emotional center of his famil". /e provides the nostalgic memories of tender moments
from the past and the sincere warmth which gives a sense of continuit" to those close to

1et$ he has difficult" drawing the line between affection and attachment. Venus here
rules the earl" pre-school "ears$ when the clinging child is etremel" dependent upon
mother. =nless an effort is mdea to overcome earl" patterning$ the person can easil"
develop a dependenc" neurosis which makes it difficult for him to travel far from home$
break free from eaggerated attachments$ and find his individualit". !here are important
lessons to learn if the person as an adult is to eperience the warmth and continuit" of
love without the irrational childlike clinging which can close off his consciousness from
all that life has for him.

!he 1od to this Venus placement is formed b" the incon#uncts from Sagittarius and
A&uarius - the two most freeing signs in the 9odiac. Sagittarius s"mboli9es man(s free
spirit$ the enthusiasm and en#o"ment of travelling great distances and the abilit" to
encoutner new and foreign eperiences which enrich the mind and broaden one(s outlook
on life. From this sign$ the person must learn how to epand his lifest"le b" a higher form
of understanding and knowledge$ gained either through education$ or studies of
philosoph" or religion$ or through the travelling which gives him a sense of worldliness$
enabling him to eternali9e his consciousness.

!he Venus in 0ancer individual has a sensitive attunement to nature and natural law$
along with a great affinit" for environmental beaut". 1et$ to reali9e this$ he must learn
through the sign Sagittarius the wa"s in which the broad and epansive understandings
of his societ" and culture provide a more realistic base for all he needs in life than the
confining scope of his earl" childhood dependencies.

From the sign A&uarius$ he must learn how to trust friendships$ which give him a base of
acceptance outside his immediate famil". !his teaches him to understand how
relationships evolve (not through clinging or possessiveness$ but rather through fairness
and ob#ectivit"$ and the humane sense of freedom through which individuals learn the
importance of giving each other the space to think$ feel$ and be (children of the

!he setile from Sagittarius to A&uarius shows the epansion of consciousness possible
when the individual reali9es that his personal feelings must come from his attunement to
a greater cosmic whole. !he unconscious mother attachments in earl" childhood must be
eternali9ed so that the person feels the guiding principles of human nature (Sagittarius)
as the (mother( of his abilit" to trust the outside world$ adn the impersonal fairness of life
(A&uarius) as the (universal mother( of his consciousness. )hen he reali9es this$ he
begins to awaken to a greater &ualit" of love than he could ever possibl" imagine.

!he lo"al and patriotic feelings of the Venus in 0ancer placement become broadened to
the ideals and principles which are the ver" essence of life(s meaning. !he individual
discovers that it is these ver" ideals and principles that he must hold onto$ rather than
the individuals who taught them to him. /e learns that the center of beaut" through
which his 8ift of Love unfolds comes from his understanding that life is a #ourne" of
discoveries$ alwa"s containing a wealth of unreali9ed opportunities. !he home to which
he is so attached becomes the nesting place within himself$ from which he is able to
opern his feelings to the stream of cosmic understanding that is flowing through him. %t is
from the securit" of this base that he is able to serve$ encourage$ inspire and uplift the
hearts of all whose lives he touches.

('arcia 'oore and 'ark 5ouglas)

+e"note< Affections are maternal and s"mpathetic.
S"mbol< A woman decorates a cake with pink sugar roses.

Feminine Venus fares well in 'oon-ruled 0ancer because both are concerned with the
processes of reproduction and growth. -eople born with this placement are sentimental
and affectionate$ with strong famil" ties$ especiall" to the mother. 'one" and propert"
are apt to come from the maternal side of the famil".

*oth the strengths and weaknesses of Venus in 0ancer are those associated with the
female of the species. 6egativel"$ the combination ma" mean a predisposition toward
possessiveness$ susceptibilit" to flatter"$ sh"ness$ and ecessive emotionalism. %t gives a
tendenc" to sta" in one place and wait for good fortune to arrive$ rather than to activel"
pursue coveted ob#ects and ob#ectives. !he wit who commented (%t should be no more
necessar" for a woman to chase a man than for a moustrap to chase a mouse( was
referring to this t"pe of temperament.

-ositivel"$ the desire to be desirable implies cultivation of the virtues of charit" and
kindheartedness. Venusian 0ancerians want to be petted$ cherished$ and admired for
their good &ualities. !/e" long for peace and &uiet in their home sphere$ where the"
make lo"al$ contented partners. !/e" are competent cooks and ecel in the domestic

!he passivit" of 0ancer tends to soften the emotional nature of the person born with
Venus in this sign. %t can be hard for these gentle souls to resist the advances of
aggressive personalities. *eing inclined to overgenerosit" in the bestowal of their
affections$ the" need protection against their own tender instincts$ for the" can allow
loved ones to take advantage of their willingness to oblige. !he" are often well adveised
to seek occupations such as teaching$ or nursing$ which afford a relativel" ob#ective
outlet for thier easil" tapped feelings. !he effect of earht" Venus dissolving into the
waters of 0ancer can be too sweetl" sensuous to be altogether safe in this predator"
world. Strong discipline is needed to counteract a love of comfort which can degenerate
into a s"baritic craving for luur".

!he Venus-0ancer woman feels instinctivel" that good food and domestic felicit" keep the
con#ugal flame glowing$ and seeks through her skill in anticipating the wishes of her mate
to attach him to her b" the firm strands of re&uited affection. Similarl"$ a man with this
combination appreciates the romantic potential of a candlelight dinner in a tastefull"
appointed setting. *oth sees are attracted to art$ music and literature$ especiall" of a
fanciful or eotic genre. *eaut" is not a luur" but a necessit" in their lives. and their
appetitie for pleasing sights and sounds can be more insistent than ph"sical hunger. !he"
prefer creations which are imaginative$ soft in outline$ and muted in tone$ and which
permit them to indulge their nostalgia for a b"gone era of gracious living and lavish

-eople with a strong 'oon-Venus accent in their natal charts are popular and often
beloved. !he" are regarded kindl" b" all who are drawn within their aura of charm$
grace$ and personal magnetism. Seldom emotionall" assertive$ the" have no need to be
obtrusive$ since their s"mpathetic nature enables them to gain the best of ever"thing$ or
to make the best of that which has been given.
(%sabel /icke")

/ere is sentimentalit" rather than strong or ardent affection. Venus in this sign is plastic$
kindl"$ gentle$ receptive$ changeable$ feminine and forever looking for securit". !he basic
need is securit"$ whether it is eemplified b" dependenc" on persons or on material
possessions. Venus in 0ancer operates subconsciousl"$ so it is completel" emotional and
instinctive in its dependenc"$ and its search for securit" never ends. Lo"alt" to the famil"
is strong. 5espite her tenacit" when the emotional life is frustrated or blocked$ Venus in
this sign is susceptible to depleting diseases. %f the love life is not satisfactor"$ this Venus
can have ps"chological indigestion that will affect the ph"sical digestive organs
eventuall". *ecause of their lack of aggressiveness$ people with Venus in 0ancer are
liked. !here is a &uietness that has charm$ "et because of the 'oon(s influence there is
little constanc". !he" are mothering rather than mating people. !he" love children and
are fond of home and parents.

(5onna van !oen)

1ou epress "our feminine side in the traditional sense ver" well. !his means$ if "ou(re a
woman$ "ou ma" be somewhat timid or passive$ and are possibl" looking for a traditional
relationship. %f "ou(re a man$ "ou ma" be the strong$ silent t"pe$ and again are probabl"
looking for a traditional relationship. Venus in 0ancer has a tendenc" to fear re#ection$
and therefore tends to need a lot of securit". 2nce love blooms$ the relationship tends to
be ver" intense. Venus in 0ancer likes it that wa".

(,eff 8reen)

As a pre-eisting pattern of inner relatedness$ the Venus in 0ancer person comes into life
fundamentall" insecure. !his insecurit" is based on$ and caused b"$ the nature of their
inner emotional realit"$ which is like a tornado of different swirling emotional states that
seem to come and go of their own volition$ that seem to be be"ond the control of the
individual. %nwardl"$ as a result$ the Venus in 0ancer person feels that he 3 she is
standing on ever-shifting sands. !hese people feel deepl" insecure because the nature of
their emotional state and the need that these states create cannot be inwardl" controlled.
!he inner cross-currents of different emotions converge and combine in wa"s that create
moments in which the" can feel stable and secure in one moment$ and highl" insecure
and unstable in the net.

!he intention of souls who have Venus in 0ancer has been$ and is$ to inwardl" know and
relate to themselves as emotional beings. !he knowing of themeselves through the ever-
shifting cross-currents of different emotional states produces an inner confusion bevause
of the different self-images that each emotional state induces. And each emotional state
dictates needs that are motivated b" the desire to feel secure$ to feel safe$ and to be
stabili9ed. %nwardl"$ these individuals feel highl" vulnerable and insecure. !"picall"$ the"
related to themselves from moment to moment. 4ach emotion (and the moods that the"
produce) defines their inner ps"cholog" on an ongoing basis. %nwardl"$ there is a
fundamental desire to be taken care of$ to be nurtured$ b" someone whom the" can trust.
!here is a core desire for someone to help them feel stable$ safe$ and secure. !he deep
inner need for this is its own causal factor$ generating the different emotional states in
the first place.

!he reason for this$ t"picall"$ is that these individuals have missed a ke" step in their
behavioral development as children. !his step occurs around twent" months of age when
the bab" learns to internali9e one or both parents in such a wa" that when the parent is
not ph"sicall" nearb" or present$ the bab" still feels safe and secure. 'issing this step
becomes a causal factor leading to the displaced emotions of childhood manifesting in
their adult life. !hese displaced emotions are essentiall" the emotions of a "oung child.

!he root cause of this is that the" bring forward from other lifetimes emotional imprints
and pre-eisting patterns that are defined b" some catacl"smic event in which their
abilit" to feel inwardl" secure has been severel" compromised. )hatever the specific
event was$ it becomes a casual factor generating an inner ab"ss of emotional volatilit"
and cross-currents of unpredictable emotional states. even if the" had parents who were
loving$ nurturing$ and doing their ver" best to help them feel secure when the" were a
bab"$ it is never &uite enough from the child(s point of view. As adults$ this same effect
can ocur even when the" have loving and supporting people in their lives$ for the same
reasons. 4ven when the Venus in 0ancer people are given the love$ nurturing$ and the
stabili9ing effect that the" desire$ it is never &uite enough.

Venus in 0ancer people have an inherent emotional epectation that is pro#ected into
their relationships$ in which others should somehow #ust know what the" need without
their actuall" verbali9ing what the need is. %t is simpl" a deep$ silent epectation. !his is
eactl" what babies and small chidlren do. !he" #ust naturall" epect their needs to be
identified and met b" the parents. )hen this does not occur to the bab"(s satisfaction$
the" instinctivel" cr" or scream in var"ing degrees of intensit". Similarl"$ the Venus in
0ancer people$ as adults$ silentl" epect their needs to be understood and met. )hen this
does not occur$ the unmet epectations produce emotional behaviors that can even shock
the Venus in 0ancer people themselves. !hese behaviors range from a deep$ permeating
silence in which the subconscious intent is to draw or pull someone into their emotional
state in order for it to be identified and worked with$ to etreme emotional displa"s that
are driven or caused b" displaced anger. !he cause of this kind of etreme beahavior$
resembling a coiled spring that snaps under stress$ is a build-up of emotional frustration.
!he emotional reaction is usuall" disproportionate to the event or circumstance that
triggers it.

*ecause these people relate to themselves on an emotional basis$ the" naturall" relate to
others on an emotional basis. *ecause the" are perpetuall" (hearing( or (listening( to their
own inner emotional realit"$ the" can naturall" identif" or (hear( another(s emotional
state$ and the needs that an" given emotional state generates$ even when the other
person is not verbali9ing or activel" pro#ecting what that emotional state or realit" is
about. Venus in 0ancer people have an inherent abilit" to emotionall" empathi9e with
other people$ to silentl" tune in. )hen others are perceived to be in a state of emotional
distress or need$ the Venus in 0ancer person naturall" responds with ver" real emotional
caring$ wisdom$ support$ nurturing$ and love. !he" wlil naturall" encourage others to let
out their emotions$ and the" will want to hold and embrace another who is in need. !he
ver" essence of their touch or holding is warm$ consuming$ and reassuring. !his reflects
their own need to be reassured through touch and holding. 'ore than words$ the Venus
in 0ancer person responds to touch and holding because this is eactl" how babies and
small children are reassured when the" are upset for whatever reason. For Venus in
0ancer people$ trust is established through touch$ and through a silent emotional
resonance with another person that operates be"ond the spoken word. !his is ver"
important to understand because of the Venus in 0ancer person(s inherent fear of being
too vulnerable. 4ven verbali9ing what the" need$ or are feeling$ can be too vulnerable a
situation for these people. %n fact$ the t"pical verbal response of these people when asked
how the" are doing$ especiall" when some deep emotional stae or need is causing a deep
inner withdrawal from their environment$ is (%(m fine( even when the" obviousl" are not.
!his kind of response is instinctual$ and is a form of the survival instinct relative to their
fear of vulnerabilit" and their fundamental distrust of most people. !hus$ for those that
are close to them and with whom there is a trust$ the ver" best wa" to encourage them to
come out of their emotional shell is through touch combined with soft$ soothing words.

Seuall"$ Venus in 0ancer desires and needs ver" strong touch$ holding and kissing in
order to feel seuall" secure and trusting. )hereas Venus in Aries can simpl" get on with
it$ the Venus in 0ancer person needs to be (warmed up( first. %nherentl"$ these people
desire and need to connect and merge the emotional energies or bodies first$ which then
allows for a deep$ permeating$ and slow seual merging to occur. )hen this occurs$ these
people can feel ver" erotic$ and create erotic seual environments that stimulate the
emotional and seual senses. *ut unless the Venus in 0ancer people feels emotioanll"
safe and secure$ the" will be seuall" insecure. Some will be seuall" immature$ and can
ehibit forms of seual infantilism$ seual pedophilia$ preoccupation with the bod" parts
of the opposite se$ impotence or frigid"$ etc.. )hen the Venus in 0ancer people are in
love and feels safe and secure$ the" can be ver" seuall" giving and trul" make their
partners feel loved$ safe$ and secure.

For a positive evolution to proceed$ the Venus in 0ancer person must inwardl" embrace
its polarit"< 0apricorn. !his means that these people must learn how to minimi9e the
pro#ection of their eternal dependencies in order to feel emotionall" secure$ safe$ and
stable. !he" must learn that the securit"$ safet"$ and stabilit" that the" are desiring eists
within themselves. !he" must learn to become responsible for their own (emotional child(.
%n order to do this$ the" must learn how to evolve their emotional consciousness in such a
wa" as to be able to become aware of the specific causes or origins of an" given
emotional state in which the" find themselves$ versus #ust being caught up within it
without knowing wh". *" doing so$ the" can develop emotional self-knowledge$ which
allows them to become emotionall" responsible for themselves - to become emotional
adults. !he" will empower themselves and minimi9e their pro#ected needs$ lose their fear
of vulnerabilit"$ and thus learn how to relate with people in a much more straightforward
and forthcoming wa". %n this wa"$ the" will learn how to be in control of their emotions
versus letting their emotions control them. !he" will attract others who encourage them
to be responsible for themselves$ and the" will naturall" encourage others to be
responsible for themselves. !hereb"$ the (inner child( lives in a ver" positive and health"
wa" because it has now taken responsibilit" for its own actions.
Natal Venus in Leo

(,an Spiller and +aren 'c0o")


%f "ou obsessivel" seek the approval of others in social situations$ the fear of disapproval
ma" result in holding back "our abilit" to spread sunshine and light. 1ou might feel
trapped in self-absorption when "ou withhold "our abilit" to inspire others with "our
warm and gregarious nature.

1ou ma" censor "ourself b" epressing a t"pe of spontaneit" "ou feel will be (approved
of(. %f "ou indulge in the Leo fear that others ma" hold back their love$ ignore "ou$ or
#udge "ou harshl"$ "ou eperience a lack of social ease.

%nadvertentl"$ "ou might manipulate others b" moderating "our epressiveness in order
to gain recognition. Social isolation and powerlessness ensue when "ou interpret others(
reactions as a personal re#ection.


)hen "ou are willing to share "our natural gift for drama with others$ "ou can pa"
attention to their needs for acceptance and respond b" supporting them with "our
warmth. 1ou ma" find that in taking the initiative to includ others "ou are automaticall"
included as part of the group. 1ou can use "our charismatic dramatic flair to share the
centre of the stage. *" recogni9ing others( individualit"$ "ou can provide emotional
upliftment$ enabling them to overcome disabling emotions and the monoton" of dail" life.

1ou are sensitive to the inner reations of others. and b" using this knowledge ob#ectivel"
"ou life the audience to new heights of inspired eperience. 1ou can bring about ease of
communication through "our inclusive (open arms( polic" in which each person is able to
relate comfortabl" with others.

)hen "ou use "our generosit" and sensitivit" to help others reach positive emotional
states$ "ou can eperience$ without fear$ "our own social worth. 1ou have a dramatic
talent for inspiring others$ and an inbred confidence$ warmth$ and enthuiasm that bring
about self-worth. Securit" with others comes from knowing that "ou have acted according
to "our humanitarian ideals.

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

)arm-hearted$ romantic and affectionate$ Venus in Leo likes to pamper and spoil those it
loves. -roud and touch"$ Leo has strong principles about lo"alt" and is naturall" faithful.
!hese people$ therefore$ feel particularl" wounded when the" are deceived$ as this
damages their self-esteem and makes them feel belittled and humiliated. Leo can be ver"
magnanimous and forgiving. but dislo"alt" and deception will cut too deep to be easil"
forgiven and will certainl" never be forgotten.

%t is most important for the Leo Venus person to feel appreciated in order to feel loved$ so
he 3 she needs to be made much of and treated as ver" special. !hriving on romantic
gestures$ and dramatic displa"s of affection$ passion and drama$ are an integral part of
love for Venus in Leo.

!heir pride is easil" hurt and the" need a lot of reassurance and attention in order to
believe that the" are loved. !reating them casuall" or slighting them is the &uickest wa"
to drive them into the arms of someone more appreciative.

/owever$ those with Venus in Leo are capable of great lo"alt" and affection$ and lavish
care and attention on those the" love. !he" are attracted to people the" admire and
respect and in whose compan" the" can feel proud to be seen. 1ou will feel greatl" pri9ed
if "ou are loved b" someone with Venus in Leo.

!he" have a great love of life$ together with strong and enduring passions. and being in
love enhances their self-esteem. !o them$ each love affair is a grand passion$ the most
important thing in their life. and the" will give their love wholeheartedl" - an"thing less
would be unworth" of Leo.

(Sk"e Aleander)

1ou are highl" creative$ and it is ver" important to "ou to epress "ourself in some
artistic manner. 1ou love beaut" in all its m"riad forms$ and want to make "our own$
special contribution to the world of art.

1ou have a strong sense of drama$ and "our creations often are vibrant$ bold and ornate
as well as imaginative. 0ertainl" there is nothing timid or subtle about the wa" "ou
epress "ourself. and "our art ma" even be somewhat garish and gaud".

Venus also is associated with ph"sical beaut" and adornment$ so this placement could
signif" an interest in fashion design$ hair st"ling$ modelling$ or fashion photograph".
)hatever form "our creative epression takes$ "ou want recognition for it. 1ou have no
intention of being a (starving artist( living in obscurit". 1ou are proud of "our talent$
believe that fame and fortune are "our #ust due$ and want "our name to be known and

Love is also etremel" important to "ou. %n fact$ "ou can even elevate love to an art form.
Love ma" be an artistic stimulant for "ou. perhaps "ou compose love songs or write
beautiful sonnets to "our lover$ or paint his 3 her portrait.

1ou love being in love$ being the center of "our lover(s attention$ and being involved in
the dramatic spectacle of romance. An incurable romantic$ "ou might shower "our
partner with gifts$ songs$ flowers and attention (and epect the same sort of
demonstrations of devotion in return). Ardent and passionate in affairs of the heart$ "ou
throw "ourself into "our romances with such enthusiasm and fanfare that at times "ou
seem to be pla"ing a part in an opera (or soap opera). %f the truth be known$ 7omeo is
one of "our favorite literar" characters$ and the image of the (Latin lover( appeals to "ou.
For all "our theatrics$ however$ "our affection is real and "ou are capable of deep
devotion and lo"alt" in relationships. 1ou want a stable$ committed and loving
partnership$ complete with children and a beautiful home that is "our castle. And no
matter how long "ou and "our partner are together$ the romance never goes out of "our

)omen with this planetar" position see themselves as heroines in gothic romance novels.
1ou want to be courted in high st"le$ and treated like a &ueen b" "our lovers. Flatter" will
get "our partner ever"where with "ou$ and "ou need to be told "ou are beautiful at least a
do9en times a da". !erribl" vain$ "ou spend plent" of time and mone" on "our appearance
and ask "our mirror on a regular basis (who(s the fairest in the land(. 1ou en#o" wearing
the latest (and showiest) clothes$ #eweller" and hairst"les$ and see no reason for keeping
a low profile. 1ou love to see heads turn when "ou make "our entrance. and whether or
not "ou are a great beaut"$ "ou have a sense of st"le and grandeur that sets "ou apart
from (ordinar" mortals(. 1ou(re nobod"(s docile pet or slave$ however. Strong-willed and
individualistic$ "ou are usuall" the dominant partner in an" relationship.

'en with Venus in Leo are most attracted to women who are glamorous$ eceptionall"
beautiful$ even a bit gaud". 1our ideal woman is the movie star$ the Las Vegas showgirl$
the 0alifornia golden girl. Looks count for ever"thing$ and "ou want a lover who(s a
perfect BC. )ho cares if she can(t spell her own name> 1ou want to show her off as a
gorgeous accessor"$ the wa" "ou would a new sports car or a custom-made suit. !hough
"ou ma" not end up with this sort of woman as "our life partner$ "ou never stop looking
and dreaming.

(Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker)

Venus in the sign Leo indicates those who have ardent$ fied affections. !he" are lovers
of life$ and somewhat theatrical in beahvior. !he" can have a great deal of social and
personal pride$ especiall" when in the spotlight. !hese are the people who throw lavish$
epensive parties. )omen with this position wish to be noticed b" others. to be admired
and appreciated. Sometimes the" are prima donnas. often the" compete for the centre of
attention at social gatherings.

*ecause of their abilit" to dramati9e emotion$ people with this position of Venus make
good actors and actresses. !he" have a keen love of art$ with a vivid color sense and
abilit" in painting$ sculpture$ and other artistic forms.

!hese natives are warmhearted$ outgoing$ sunn"$ and affectionate. !he" are fond of
children. !he" are born romantics$ and like courtships full of drama and ecitement. !he"
will be strongl" lo"al to those the" deem worth" of their affections. !he person wiith
Venus in this position likes to show off his partner$ but he can be possessive and #ealous if
the partner does not pa" him the proper homage.

%f Venus is afflicted in Leo$ there can be ecessive social pride$ snobbishness$ selfishness$
and overconcern with se.

(%sabel /icke")

6o-one with Venus in Leo is ever talked into an"thing unless he 3 she wants to be. !hese
people can shut desire on and off at will$ through the will. Venus in Leo dramati9es
emotional eperience to the hilt. 4motional responses are honest$ frank$ and man" times
calculated. Lo"al and affectionate where their affections are concerned. Ver" attractive.
Loves pleasure and is particularl" fond of the theater. 0olorful personalit". Venus
in Leo is not as impatient as Venus in Aries$ or as possessive as Venus in !aurus$ but is
kindl" and etremel" compassionate towards others. 4ven when afflicted there is a
dignit" and warm-heartedness that makes them ver" pleasing to others.

(5onna van !oen)

!his being a Fire sign$ we can epect Venus in Leo to need seual attraction and passion.
A ver" dramatic relationship is usuall" preferred. ecitement is needed to keep the
relationship out of a rut. A need to have children is often felt. if "our mate can(t stand
kids$ this might become a serious sort of dissatisfaction. Venus in Leo needs tangible
epressions of love ver" much - from (% love "ous( to little gifts. Sometimes there(s a
tendenc" to feel$ (%f "ou love me$ "ou(ll prove it b" waiting on me. 0ertainl" "our mate
shouldn(t be opposed to fussing over "ou a bit at regular intervals. 2ne drawback to
Venus in Leo is that "ou tend to have awfull" high standards$ to want it all. 1ou need to
feel "our mate is special$ beca&use "ou need to feel "ou are special. =p to a point$ this is
fine$ but if "ou set "our standards impossibl" high$ "ou decrease the likelihood of fulfilling
"our needs.

(,ulia and 5erek -arker)

!he fier"$ passionate emotion of Leo is epressed to the loved one$ and the sub#ect will
want to be proud of the partner. 8reat encouragement will be given to the development
of his or her potential$ but a tendenc" to be boss" must be watched. /ere is big-
heartedness$ generosit" of spirit and an en#o"ment of all aspects of life. !he se life is
usuall" euberant$ and must be fulfilling. Lo"alt" and faithfulness are also usual. An
en#o"ment of &ualit" and luur" will be shared with loved ones. appreciation of the arts$
and even creative potential$ will also be present. A tendenc" towards showiness and a
sense of drama ma" need controlling. !his placing encourages a desire to earn a lot of
mone"$ principall" to add to the richness and en#o"ment of life. /owever$ the sense of
owning a part of large companies through shares gives considerable satisfaction. /ere is
a faithful friend whose enthusiasm and optimism are infectious.

%f the Sun sign is 8emini$ emotion is heightened$ with the sub#ect aiming for a fulfilling
and rewarding relationship. /e or she ma" be boastful towards$ and about$ the partner.
8enerous$ with a sense of occasion and a need for seual and emotional variet"$ this is a
fun-loving$ if not alwa"s faithful$ partner. Leo lo"alt"$ however$ will help counter
8eminian dualit". /ere is a rewarding and livel" friend. 4travagance and impulse-
bu"ing can cause financial problems.

%f the Sun sign is 0ancer$ an etrovert euberance is added to the 0ancerian epression
and emotional needs. 0onstanc" and lo"alt" are important$ but 0ancerian moodiness and
snappiness ma" combine with Leo bossiness and must be controlled if the individual is to
rela and en#o" this sphere of life. 6evertheless$ this is a caring and warm-hearted friend.
Special collections$ ma"be of silver$ are good investments.

%f the Sun sign is Leo$ then if an over-etravagant epression of emotion can be controlled
so that dramatic scenes do not cause problems$ here is someone who will look up to and
admire a partner$ giving much encouragement and support. %f bossiness can be
echanged for diplomac" and tact$ partnerships should be rewarding. !here is usuall" no
lack of seual enthusiasm. and the general interpretation for Venus in Leo above is
especiall" applicable. 'one" will be spent to enhance the &ualit" of the sub#ect(s life.

%f the Sun sign is Virgo$ this placing of Venus bolsters the self-confidence of the rather
sh" Virgoan. !he tendenc" to be over-talkative when nervous should be controlled.
6atural Virgoan modest" can easil" clash with Venus in Leo showiness$ both seuall" and
image-wise. !his is a livel" friend who will want to organi9e occasions for ever"one(s
benefit. 2ccasional etravagances should be en#o"ed rather than viewed as reasons for

%f the Sun sign is Libra$ Venus rules Libra$ so there will be some Leonine traits$ and the
influence of Venus will be strong. 8enerosit" is usual. and if love and affection are
lacking the sub#ect ma" tr" to bu" them with elaborate presents. At his or her best$ the
individual is romantic with a love of good living$ and will give much to a partner through
both warm-hearted affection and se. !his is a considerate and s"mpathetic friend.
Although he 3 she is etravagant$ mone" is usuall" managed &uite well.

(8rant Lewi)

1ou dramati9e emotional eperience to the hilt. 1our emotional responses are both
honest and calculated. (!his position understands that.) !he" aren(t spontaneous$ but
the" aren(t h"pocritical. !he" are geared to serve "our total personalit" and to ensure
that the" will make the right effect. 1ou know how "ou look when "ou(re kissing or being
kissed. and "ou(re cleve enough to avoid the appearance of posing. 1ou are something of
an introvert. love is "ours to give or withhold$ according to "our wishes. %f "our desires
are strong$ it is due to some other position in the Vitasphere$ because Venus in Leo$
considered as a unit$ enables "ou to shut desire on or off at will. )hen on$ it can be a
wow. when off$ cold as ice and unapproachable. 6o-one with Venus in Leo ever was
talked into an"thing. %n emotions$ "ou do all the talking$ and the onl" pleas "ou hear is
"our own. !his position is wonderful if "ou(re on the stage$ and tends to make a stage of
"our life even if the theater isn(t "our profession.

(S"dne" 2marr)

%n Leo$ Venus provides us with the natural showman - the individual who can turn the
commonplace into the magnificent$ who can make us see the beaut"$ the emotion$ the se
appeal in what generall" might be regarded as the ever"da". 4motional eperiences are
dramati9ed. the native seldom feels an"thing halfwa". he is intense$ and his responses
are spontaneous and impulsive. *ut he is aware$ sensitive$ knowing$ and capable of
appreciating full" the ph"sical aspects of life< eating$ loving$ drinking$ sleeping$ waking$
walking$ basking in the sun.

/is chief danger is letting his emotions become mechanical$ #aded and insensitive
because of abuse or overindulgence. /e is etravagant$ on the negative side$ and fond of
social displa". he can become so activel" interested in appearances that he finds himself
too tired to en#o" the ob#ect of his attention.

(L"n *irbeck)

1ou are a generous$ though potentiall" selfish$ lover. Love for "ou is something that must
be pla"ful$ passionate and courtl". 6othing or no-one should be as important as the lover
and the beloved<a king and his &ueen in a garden of blissful romance. /owever$ such an
absolute and all-consuming sense of love ma" well be impossible to maintain when not
tempered with a measure of realit". Failing to do this would set "ou up for a fall when
such (love( is shown to be mere fanc".

1ou attract with ardent epressions of romantic interest which 2ther finds irresistible. b"
radiantl" bestowing upon 2ther all manner of gifts and favours. and with a st"le$ beaut"
of sense of fun that makes 2ther feel ver" privileged and proud to be with "ou$ especiall"
in compan".

1ou repel with the feeling "ou give 2ther when he or she is made to reali9e that he 3 she
cannot live up to the unattainable romantic ideal "ou have pro#ected on to him 3 her. with
vain$ selfish interest and overbearing possessiveness posing as lo"alt". and with game-
pla"ing or b" flaunting "ourself.

1ou are attracted to an 2ther "ou can feel proud of. to an 2ther who sees past "our
impressive outer displa" and appreciates the vulnerabilit" he 3 she finds inside "ou. to
classic$ romantic courtship. and to pla"ing imaginative love and se games.

1ou are repelled b" being made to feel embarrassed. b" an 2ther who does not notice or
respect "our deeper feelings$ merel" because "ou do not make them public or obvious. b"
crude$ impersonal$ second-rate epressions of interest. and b" insulting behaviour.

)hen "ou are alone$ it is because "ou have become so preoccupied with (love(s shine(
rather than its inner glow that 2ther sooner or later appears lack-lustre and wanting -
and so "ou dismiss him 3 her. !hen$ for the same reason$ "ou simpl" no longer attract an
2ther or the right kind of 2ther. 'etaphoricall"$ the gilt that "ou put on the gingerbread
has worn off$ and "ou do not have enough faith in real and ordinar" love to show the real
and ordinar" "ou that lies beneath the gilt. So it is vitall" important that "ou look at the
reasons for "our doubting the worth of that real$ ordinar" - and possibl" wounded - "ou.
!he lion(s pride tends to prevent it from being seen when it is wounded$ but this is a
mistake for the wound can fester when not tended - which can make "ou unapproachable$
if not unattractive. Show this true "ou$ and the true 2ther will appear.

(,ohn !ownle")

!his position indicates that "ou have a generous helping of desire and a health" seual
appetite. 1ou take love b" the mouthful$ rather than sipping it slowl". and an affair once
started tends to go all the wa".

1our taste runs to all-over-the-bod" sensualit" rather than to locali9ed$ more fetishistic
tastes$ although "ou ma" indulge in them on special occasions. Sensual bod" massaging
and tickling are "our favorite pastimes$ as is foot massage$ which can stimulate the whole

1our pleasure in lovemaking is greatest in well-appointed surroundings$ not necessaril"
lavish but with ever"thing to satisf" "our whim - a loaf of bread$ a #ug of wine$ and so on.
1ou aren(t concerned with impressive trappings. "ou #ust want pleasure to be readil"
available. A lush meadow suffices as well as a king(s palace as long as there is potential
for rich en#o"ment.

%f there is an" drawback to this position$ it is that "ou demand high standards adn will not
stand for niggardliness or boredom. %f a love affair becomes stale$ "ou decide it(s time to
move on$ even if other lo"alties have build up between "ou in the relationship. 1our
active$ creative desire ma" occasionall" cross swords with necessit".

(7obert /and)

1ou like people. and people like "ou as well. 1ou are ver" lo"al to "our friends. and once
someone has won "our friendship$ "ou will stand behind that person$ no matter what.
/owever$ if "our friend does something that "ou consider dishonest or unworth"$
especiall" to "ou$ "ou might turn awa" from him or her. 1ou have a strong sense of
fairness and #ustice$ which "ou insist on in all "our relationships$ for "our love is ver"
strongl" mied with pride.

Another side of this placement is that "ou ma" pick friends who make "ou look good in
some wa"$ people who are well-known or popular. 1ou like to know the people who are at
the center of what(s happening. *ut be careful not to overlook those who are e&uall"
worth" but not so well known. And don(t ignore the bad &ualities of "our popular friends.
/owever$ "ou are not the sort of person who gets others to act against their will. 1our
basic sense of fairness comes through even here.

%n relationships$ "ou will have to learn to compromise with other people(s desires. 1ou
cannot have "our own wa" all the time. and as "ou get older$ "ou will understand the
positive aspect of the give and take. 1our basic warmth and friendliness will alwa"s make
"ou well-liked.
7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< flambo"ant$ generous$ self-serving$ amorous$ domineering

%n its most individualistic placement$ Venus in the fied Fire sign of Leo is$ when
positivel" aspected$ flambo"ant$ magnanimous$ generous$ and etremel" lo"al to friends$
colleagues and loved ones. 2nce Venus in Leo is committed to a relationship or pro#ect$ it
is undertaken with such intensit" that Venus in Leo people are$ in fact$ a constant source
of ama9ement to partners and colleagues alike for the seriousness and 9eal with which
the" approach their endeavours.

2bsessed with being noticed$ these ostentatious and often outrageous individuals are
capable of using friends and lovers as stepping stones to advance their careers. !he"
are attracted to people whose unconditional love$ tireless support and endless flatter"
help to maintain their egos$ thus reaffirming their belief in themselves (not to mention

Like the fertilit" 8oddess whose seual pleasure ignited her abilit" to awaken the
dormant earth$ this placement - more than an" other position of Venus - fosters
individuals who approach life with unabashed passion$ spontaneit" and #o". )hile the"
are known for their affabilit"$ leadership &ualities and facilit" for entertaining others$
the" are$ first and foremost$ motivated b" a desire to be acknowledged for their talent$
seualit" and 3 or compassion. Although their humanitarian and philanthropic gestures
often "ield altruistic results$ these individuals almost never etend themselves unless
the" get praise in return. *ecause the" en#o" being the centre of attention as well as
being admired for their beaut"$ Venus in Leo people fre&uentl" don bright colours and
outlandish outfits or displa" shocking$ uni&ue behaviour.

)hile self-centered and domineering Venus in Leo people form relationships in which
their own needs come first$ this placement is$ at the same time$ indicative of attentive$
loving and passionate individuals who will do an"thing to preserve that romantic feeling.
'otivated b" a need to impress others$ their choice of partners consists of people about
whom the" can boast.

%t is difficult for these people who crave centre-stage and a sense of ecitement to make
the transition from romantic love to a long-term$ committed relationship where ever"da"
realities must be confronted. %t is recommended that those with Venus in Leo search for
heightened eperience through the performing arts$ competitive sports$ strenuous
eercise or an active social calendar to escape boredom. %f the" release their creative and
competitive #uices through these t"pes of activities$ the" will not have to seek drama in
their personal relationships. %f Venus in Leo is poorl" aspected$ the need for ecitement
can result in passionate liaisons inundated with emotional conflict and an inabilit" to
distinguish love from se.

5ue to the fact that Leo is a fied sign$ it is vital that those with Venus placed there strike
a balance between popularit" and the need to dominate and control both personall" and
professionall". *" the same token$ the" make wonderful teachers and en#o" displa"ing
their talents to appreciative audiences as well as encouraging students to develop their
own skills. Although the" feel a sense of accomplishment when one of their protAgAs
succeeds$ Venus in Leo people can find themselves resentful that a former pupil might
become a rival. to enhance the compassion of Venus$ the" must swallow their pride and
be happ" for others( success.

('artin Schulman)

/ere$ the individual learns the lessons of creative love. /e displa"s his affections through
a warm and generous nature which is the ver" essence of his regal straightforward
approach to love. 1et$ he can have such powerful epectations of the sweet things in life
that he can put himself on an ego-pedestal$ changing his optimistic and magnanimous
outlook into a throne of (5ivine 7ight($ from which he #udges the standards of others.

/is strength$ his affinit" for drama and his eaggerated sense of pride$ can sometimes
make him too overbearing. *" epecting too much from those around him$ he can
inadvertentl" find himself looking down on them when the" fail to meet his ideals. As a
result$ he can easil" eclude himself from the love he could eperience$ eventuall" to
reali9e that (lonel" is the head that wears the crown(. %f he is to overcome these ego
difficulties$ he must learn to ob#ectivel" appreciate the worth of others.

!he Venus 1od here is formed b" the incon#uncts from 0apricorn and -isces. and it is
from the lessons of these two signs that the fulfillment of the Venus in Leo placement will

0apricorn teaches the lessons of control and containment$ which gives the individual the
abilit" to ground his overenthusiastic spirit in real perspective. /is outer-directed nature
can too easil" be attracted to the luurious sparkle of life while overlooking the substance
of enduring value. 4legance and etravagence$ social mas&uerades$ carnivals$ gambling
and resorts can easil" become the individual(s focal point. 1et$ from this incon#unct he
learns on a much deeper level to seek the true lasting purpose and meaning of feelings
which withstand the test of time. 0apricorn is the sign of ultimate value. %t teaches the
lessons of resolution. helping the individual to learn how to put his feelings in the
direction in which the" will ripen and mature to the real fullness which brings lasting
structure to his life.

From the sign -isces$ he learns how to surrender his ego$ dissolving his self-importance
so that he can reali9e divine inspiration. %t is the -iscean sense of consideration$
compassion and understanding that gives him the softening influence which teaches him
how to ("ield and overcome$ bend and be straight(. Learning this is the beginning of
understanding the natural source of the creative principle.

Venus in Leo gives a great love of children$ a natural affinit" for the performing arts and
a strong sense of living life to its fullest. 1et$ onl" when the lessons of humilit" are
learned through -isces does the individual begin to reali9e the infinite stream of cosmic
beaut" that is his for the asking.

!he Venus in Leo 1od pattern presents to man some of his most difficult challenges. /e
must learn to connect dreams (-isces) and realit" (0apricorn) into a continuous flow of
creative love. From this$ he learns how man(s infinite imagination blends with the finite
possibilities of life$ so that his strong creative instinct and natural affinit" for beaut"
stand at the centered meeting place between all that is as "et unformed and all that has
alread" become realit".

2nce the lessons of the Venus 1od are learned$ the individual begins to see life as all that
man can make it when he combines effort with imagination. /is ver" special 8ift of Love
comes from his abilit" to shine like the opening of a blossom activel" reaching for the
Sun$ as the true radiant meaning of creation manifests through him.

('arcia 'oore and 'ark 5ouglas)

+e"note< Affections are generous$ heartfelt$ and nobl" epressed.
S"mbol< Luurious presents are elegantl" wrapped.

Venus in Leo imparts a desire for self-epression in graceful$ artistic wa"s. !he Venusian
instinct for beaut" finds a congenial outlet in Leo$ sign of personal creativit". -eople
endowed with this combination are often tastemakers who set standards of fashion and
beaut". Somehow the" manage to be uni&ue without becoming eccentric or losing the
magic touch which makes their innovations acceptable to others. !he" entertain in the
grand manner. and their parties are generaell" given in honor of some important person.
)hen successful in their endeavors$ the" gain the lion(s share of attention and bask
happil" in the admiration of their sub#ects.

Venusian Leonians are often in love with love. !hese naturall" warm-hearted and fun-
loving people crave the ecitement of pleasure$ gaiet" and romance$ and want their lives
to be significant and dramatic. 1et the" can be sincere and fied in their lo"alties$
generous to an etreme$ and insistent on sharing their good fortune with others.

)hen these individuals start to feel that their largesse is unappreciated$ difficulties arise.
!he" ma" be aggrieved to find the ob#ects of their charit" less grateful than the" shuold
be$ and can sulk childishl" if a birthda" or anniversar" is forgotten. !heir innate optimism
causes them to epect too much. and then$ when their faith is betra"ed$ the" succumb to
disillusionment and despair. !heir romantic epectations are especiall" iedalistic. and
the" are woefull" disheartened when their beloved fails to live up to their hopes and
proves to possess ordinar" human foibles.

!he Leonian is a natural showman who can vividl" dramati9e his emotions. !he stage or
the lecture platform affords him an opportunit" to demonstrate his talents. but$ since he
must do ever"thing in a large wa"$ he considers the whole world to be his stage. Venus
gathers inward$ while Leo is basicall" outgoing. !his etroversion of the desire to attract
can engender a self-conscious concern for what people think. Leo wants ever"one to
believe that he has a first-rate personalit". and often this is true$ even when he resorts to
bombast. /e knows how to speak and act in an attention-provoking manner$ and is keenl"
aware of the impression his performance is producing on others.

!he danger in such tactics lies in being affected rather than effective. !he Venus-Leo
person needs to beware becoming so preoccupied with appearances that he forgets what
is inside the package he is selling. /e ma" be the best-dressed$ most vivacious member of
his social circle$ but these accomplishments bring little satisfaction if his deeper sense of
identit" is sacrificed for the sake of putting on a good front. /owever$ when the
estheticism of Venus refines the creative 9eal of Leo$ this individual ma" radiate a beaut"
of soul which attracts all that is needed or desired through the irresistible power of love.
Natal Venus in Virgo

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

A person with Venus in Virgo is often etremel" romantic$ and "earns for perfection in
the one he 3 she loves. !hese people ma" put their beloveds on a pedestal and worship
them. An image for Venus in Virgo is of a goddess dressed in flowing white robes. )ith
Venus in Virgo$ "ou ma" either aspire to this or be searching for it in someone else.
4ither wa"$ it is an impossible ideal for an"one to achieve in realit". !his is an image of
purit" as well as of perfection. and an" mere mortal is going to be found lacking. As a
reuslt$ those with this placement can live a chaste and celibate life for long periods as a
preference to settling for an"thing less. An actual relationship is often a disappointment.

%n a relationship$ the (chaste( component of someone with Venus in Virgo can give wa" to
a strong sensualit"$ similar to Venus in !aurus. Someone with Venus in Virgo is alwa"s
going to have more conflict around this side of his 3 her nature$ and is less likel" to
indulge in casual se. /owever$ the self-contained side of Virgo$ answerable to no-one$
might lead the Venus in Virgo person to feel free to choose his 3 her pleasure.

!he Venus in Virgo person will be selective in his 3 her approach to relationships. 'ore
negativel"$ Virgo is known for being fuss" and sharpl" critical. )e have alread" looked at
what is behind these people(s reputation for being choos"< their longing for perfection
either in themselve or in their partner. !he" can be fuss" within a relationship$ both
fussing over their partner in an endearing and caring wa"$ as a wa" of epressing their
affection$ and more problematicall" being overl" critical. !he" can home in on the
minutiae of a partner(s shortcomings and can notice their faults above all else. Someone
with Venus in Virgo can (pick( at his 3 her partner$ taking him 3 her to pieces bit b" bit.
!he acute observations of Venus in Virgo people ma" be correct. but their partners are
more likel" to be wounded than helped. 'oreover$ someone with Venus in Virgo is
particularl" likel" to use his or her critical abilit" in a destructive wa" when feeling hurt
or disappointed.

'ore constructivel"$ someone with Venus in Virgo will alwa"s be prepared to discuss his
or her relationship. !hese people en#o" anal"sing what makes them and their partners
tick$ and need to understand the d"namics of their relationship. !he" have ecellent
minds$ and will take a rational and pragmatic approach to dealing with an" difficulties
that ma" arise.

Venus in Virgo people will want to be helpful to the one the" love$ and the" ma" want this
reciprocated. !he" ma" be useful to their partners and an enormous support in practical
wa"s$ &uietl" getting on with things that need attending to and not demanding or
epecting an" recognition. !he" en#o" being of service. and in a relationship that is going
well the" will give selfless assistance to the one the" love.

(Sk"e Aleander)

!his is not an especiall" creative placement for Venus - "ou are too cautious and self-
critical$ afraid to tr" new things and insecure about "our abilities. %f "ou can(t be
7embrandt$ wh" bother> /owever$ if other factors give "ou artistic talent$ "our artwork
will be masterful in its precision$ neatness and detail. -atient and meticulous$ "ou are
capable of doing intricate$ painstaking work$ and might epress "ourself well in such
areas as engraving$ drafting$ needlepoint$ &uilting$ woodcarving or #eweller"-making.

Since function is as important to "ou as form$ "ou might choose to create practical$ useful
ob#ects$ or those which have substance and an earth"$ tactile &ualit" to them.

%n relationships$ too$ "ou are cautious and practical. 6ot given to stor"book romances$
"ou are more interested in relationships that function efficientl" and in an orderl" fashion
on a da"-to-da" basis. A solid$ down-to-earth partnership that provides both parties with
their basic needs and makes life easier for ever"one would appeal to "ou more than a
whirlwind love affair.

Although "our idea lover ma" not be a knight on a white charger or a fair" princess$ "ou
can be &uite pick" about "our partners. 1ou have a ver" eacting set of specifications
which candidates must meet if the" want "ou to consider them. 1ou might not epect
"our lover to be a great beaut". but if he 3 she isn(t s&ueak" clean$ punctual and hard-
working "ou(ll &uickl" scratch him 3 her off "our dance card. 1ou(re also concerned with
eti&uette$ and want "our partner to have impeccable manners. 2nce in a relationship$ "ou
have a tendenc" to find fault with "our partner and to complain long and loudl" about all
those anno"ing little habits "ou #ust can(t stand. 1ou epect "our partner to be perfect$
and have trouble accepting a few human failings.

1ou want desperatel" to feel needed b" "our partner$ and work hard to make "ourself
indispensable in his 3 her life. -erhaps "our pa"check is absolutel" essential to "our
partner(s survival. 2r$ "ou ma" stoicall" take care of all the details of running the home -
cooking$ cleaning$ childcare$ etc. - so efficientl" that life would be almost impossible
without "ou. 1ou show "our affection b" doing practical things for "our loved ones -
making sure the" have clean clothes and nutritious meals$ for instance - rather than
showering them with words of endearment of lavish gifts.

)omen with this Venus placement in their birth charts pride themselves on being neat$
well-organi9ed$ efficient and dependable. *eing able to take care of the man" details of
life makes "ou feel good about "ourself as a woman. 1ou probabl" tr" to be
(superwoman($ however$ working a full-time #ob outside the home$ then assuming
complete responsibilit" for the house and kids$ too. !his is partl" because "ou don(t know
how to sa" (no($ and partl" because "ou aren(t satisfied with the wa" others do things.

!o "ou$ cleanliness is a sign of femininit"$ and "ou wouldn(t be caught dead wearing dirt"
#eans or a paint-splattered sweatshirt. 6or would "ou feel comfortable in flash" or overtl"
se" clothing that might draw attention to "ou. 1ou prefer to fade into the background$
and usuall" dress in modest$ conservative$ neatl" pressed outfits.

'en with Venus in Virgo are most attracted to women who are unassuming$
unpretentious$ even a little sh". 6eatness is more important to "ou than beaut" in a
partner$ and "ou(re turned off instantl" b" unkempt hair and dirt" fingernails. 1our ideal
partner is conscientious$ dependable$ intelligent$ modest and practical. She can tune her
own car$ comprehend income ta forms$ make cakes from scratch$ and keep the
household running on budget. She(s alwa"s there when "ou need her$ but doesn(t demand
a lot of praise for what she does$ and never tries to upstage "ou.

(Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker)

Venus in the sign Virgo is in its fall$ since Virgo is opposite the sign -isces$ in which
Venus is ealted. -eople with this position tend to over-anal"9e emotions and be too
critical of those the" love$ making others feel self-conscious and inhibited$ and cutting off
the spontaneous flow of affection. !his anal"tical trait can stand in the wa" of a direct
intuitive response to beaut". !hese people tr" to understand the beaut" of a rose$ for
eample$ b" dissecting it petal-b"-petal$ not reali9ing that the rose is beautiful because of
the totalit" of its parts.

-eople with Venus in Virgo fre&uentl" seek partners with whom the" can share their
work and intellectual interests. *ut this Venus position is likel" to produce more
unmarried people than an" other Venus sign position$ because of the natives( high critical
standards for what the" want in a mate. )hen the" do marr"$ it is often through
connections with work. =nless Venus is heavil" afflicted$ there are congenial
relationships with co-workers in general. !he place of work is often made artisticall"
pleasing b" a personal contribution to the working environment.

!hese people are etremel" fastidious about manners$ personal appearance$ and h"giene.
the" are repelled b" uncouthness in an" form. !he" have an innate sense of the beaut" of
order and cleanliness$ and hence make good cooks and dieticians. !he" can have abilit"
in clothes design and dressmaking. fashion designers often have Venus in this position. %n
art$ the" can have good technical abilit"$ but ma" lack inspiration and flow.

!he etreme social propriet" of these people is often a cover-up for sh"ness and feelings
of social and seual inferiorit". !heir cold eterior$ especiall" on the part of women with
this position$ often stands in the wa" of the development of romantic relationships. A
feeling of loneliness and frustration ma" result. %n this event$ there is likel" to be a
retreat into work and intellectual pursuits$ and the lavishing of affection on some animal.
Such confinement can in turn prevent the formation of social contacts that would help
these people out of their shells. /owever$ if Venus is well placed b" house and well-
aspected$ the difficulties can be overcome or greatl" modified. *ecause Venus is an 4arth
sign$ Venus placed here gives attraction to material comforts and personal possessions of
&ualit" and beaut"$ which$ the natives feel$ confer status. 2ften the" work hard to ac&uire
such things$ sometimes using possessions and status as substitutes for personal affection.

-eople with Venus in Virgo are capable of s"mpath"$ and are helpful to the sick. !heir
abilit" for nurturing makes them good doctors and nurses. !he" can also deal with
ps"chological problems stemming from social malad#ustment$ for Venus in this 'ercur"-
ruled sign is able to combine reason with the emotions and investigate these matters in a
methodical$ anal"tical wa".

0uriousl"$ if Venus in Virgo is afflicted b" 'ars$ =ranus$ 6eptune or -luto$ there can be
an overreaction against sh"ness and social propriet"$ producing loose living$ promiscuit"$
and bohemianism. !his stems from a deep fear that onl" thus can the natives find love
and seual fulfillment. the" feel the need to make seual con&uests in order to prove their
desirabilit". %n these cases$ the unconscious -isces polarit" takes over. !hese reactionar"
t"pes can become crude and slovenl" in their personal appearance and mannerisms.

(%sabel /icke")

Venus is ver" unhapp" in the sign of Virgo. !he person who has Venus in the sign of its
fall has to learn to be loving. %t is the signature of one who has been unloving and
superficial in past lifetimes. one who has not learned that when criticism comes in the
door$ Love departs. 'akes an ecellent housewife$ but needs warmth and lovingness to
make a home. 0old and critical. and needs man" good aspects to warm her up.
Fastidiousness and purit" are strong$ but does not relate to others easil". 0onventions
stand guard over the emotions. but (don(t let the tail wag the dog(. %nclined to put off
marriage because the" see so man" imperfections. /armonious in their work if Venus is
unafflicted. *enefit through emplo"ees. Strong desire to serve.
!he critical acumen of Virgo will often be directed towards the partner. and awareness of
an" tendenc" to nag or carp is essential if emotional fulfillment is to be achieved.
6evertheless$ there is a delightful$ natural$ unassuming and totall" genuine modest"
which is charming$ whatever the age of the sub#ect. Seual inhibitions and tensions must
be overcome so that the individual can en#o" all aspects of emotional relationships. ,ust
how eas" or difficult this is will depend on the signs of Sun$ 'oon and Ascendant$ and to
some etent on the influence of 'ars. !here will be willingness to give practical help to
friends and partners whenever necessar". !he financial situation ma" fre&uentl" be
viewed in a pessimistic wa" (whether #ustified or not)$ with a resulting stinginess.
Sometimes$ career and emotional relationships are sacrificed for the care fo an elderl"

%f the Sun sign is 0ancer$ the 0ancerian tendenc" to worr" will be directed toward the
partner. and the sub#ect ma" find it a little difficult to epress feelings as freel" as is
desired. 0ancerian moodiness and the critical tendencies of Venus in Virgo should be
recogni9ed. and the individual must learn to rela into relationships and derive real
pleasure from them$ especiall" as 0ancerians have so much to give in this sphere of life.
!his is a kind$ if somewhat critical$ friend. 7eluctance to part with mone" is a common

%f the Sun sign is Leo$ Leo emotions and euberance are toned down$ and occasionall"
aloofness can mask seual inhibition. Leo bossiness and Virgoan critical tendencies can
cause problems$ so must be consciousl" recogni9ed and controlled. !here are usuall"
good powers of communication within relationships. and aiming to use these positivel"
will be rewarding. Shared interests and work pro#ects are particularl" stimulating. !he
sub#ect makes a livel" and rewarding friend. Flair for investment is common$ but the
modest needs of Virgo will clash with Leonine etravagance.

%f the Sun sign is Virgo$ self-confidence$ especiall" related to seual appeal$ is not strong.
Virgoan modest" will present a charming challenge to prospective lovers$ but the sub#ect
should learn to break down an" barriers that ma" come between the self and fulfillment
in all aspects of relationships. !he general description for Venus in Virgo above is ver"
applicable. 'one" will be spent with some degree of caution.

%f the Sun sign is Libra$ this is not an eas" combination$ for Libra needs love and
harmon"$ while Virgo wil tend to be sh" of epressing feelings and responding to love. As
Venus rules Libra$ there will be a powerful element of Virgo present in the individual. and
an" resulting conflicts must be evaluated and countered. !he sub#ect is a livel"$ talkative$
albeit indecisive$ friend. Financial affairs are approached in a practical wa".

%f the Sun sign is Scorpio$ this powerful but trick" combination can make the sub#ect
obsessive about se. 0onversel"$ there ma" be a clinical attitude$ or a feeling that se is
dirt" and undesirable. 'uch will depend on how the Scorpio Sun is aspected$ and on the
'oon$ Ascendant and 'ars signs. At its best$ this placing makes for an energetic and
thoughtful partner. Financial flair is considerable.

(8rant Lewi)

1ou relate emotional eperience to a well-organi9ed code of conduct. 1ou have strong
famil" feeling$ and generall" have genuine affection for "our relatives. 1our believe in the
proprieties is so strong that "ou #ust don(t have emotions that would involve their
violation. 1our impulses are usuall" strictl" proper. if "ou stra" from the beaten track$ it
is because "ou have convinced "ourself that it is all right< "ou satisf" "our conscience
before the transgression$ and rarel" after. 1ou substitute self-#ustification for remorse.
Small niceties are emotionall" important to "ou. and if "ou(re not careful$ "ou will
substitute the sentimentalities of love for love itself. !he proprieties as "ou conceive them
stand guard over "our emotional reactions. "our sense of good taste is "our emotional
censor$ and will keep "ou from man" unconventionalities of those less sure of the right
thing. !his need not detract from the warmth of "our nature$ provided "ou don(t let the
tail wag the dog. 7emember that the proprieties were made to serve a purpose$ and that
before there can be an emotional code there must be emotions. !o have proprieties for
their own sake is like having a general and no arm".

(S"dne" 2marr)

%n Virgo$ Venus wants discretion$ and needs to feel his emotions are treated as something
rare and delicate. 2ften$ he becomes involved with inferiors and finds that instead of
tenderness he is treated with reckless abandon. !he native is conscientious about his
reputation$ but becomes entangled with those who have secret troubles and are liable to
scandal. /e has an organi9ed code of conduct$ but others ma" have their own codes -
leaving him (up in the air(. Special attention is re&uired so that he understands the reason
for his confusion.

(L"n *irbeck)

1ou are a reliable$ eacting lover. Love for "ou is something that has an ecruciatinginl"
fine line between being true and false$ acceptable and unacceptable. 1ou have a ver"
delicate and discerning sensibilit"$ but "ou do not want it crushed$ or abused b"
indiscriminate treatment. !his ver" critical inner state can attract #ust what "ou want$ or
find no-one at all who measures up$ or$ b" wa" of compensating for such fastidiousness$
cause "ou to succomb to some mere fanc".

1ou attract with an air of reserve or unattainabilit" that gives the lie to "our private
sensualit". with a fine sense of aesthetic detail$ be it artistic$ cosmetic or sartorial. and
with a sense of health and helpfulness which "ou offer 2ther in a &uiet$ modest and
practical fashion.

1ou repel with a standoffishness which peculiarl" can sometimes become &uite amoral.
with a fussiness or priggishness that can turn out to be a blind to "our own self-doubt.
and with a clinical approach and opportunistic motivation with regard to how and wh"
"ou show an interest in 2ther.

1ou are attracted to 2thers with above-average intelligence and a discerning e"e. to an
2ther who shares with "ou some specific interest or occupation$ possibl" emplo"ing
special methods. and to cleanliness and health-consciousness.

1ou are repelled b" a lack of a fine mental understanding$ concerning "ou or some other
sub#ect. b" la9" slobs or at least an absence of common ground with regard to work and
wa"s of doing things. and b" sordidness$ or$ strangel"$ punctiliousness.

)hen "ou are alone$ it is because no-one can live up to "our rather eacting standards.
And b" the ver" nature of such fastidiousness$ "ou can be alone more often than most -
even to the point of being left on the shelf. Such bachelor- 3 spinsterhood ma" be ver"
much to "our liking$ suiting "our sense of purit" and keeping "ourself to "ourself.
/owever$ if "ou do not think "ou are read" for such abstinence$ then "ou are going to
have to ad#ust those standards. !his does not mean "ou have to become wanton -
although occasionall" "ou can be b" wa" of relief from "our own restraints. %t is a case of
being more eacting as to what those standards are rather than thm #ust being eacting
in themselves. !his means that "ou must ask "ourself what "ou feel is unhealth" or
reasonable about "our own seual attitude and emotional re&uirements$ and rectif" that
before "ou can epect a suitable 2ther to appear or remain.

(,ohn !ownle")

1ou are likel" to be most comfortable with a familiar lover who knows "our habits and
desires ver" well. 1ou are aroused b" ver" specific things$ and e&uall" turned off b"
others$ so "our partner should be completel" aware of "our likes and dislikes.

%ndeed$ "ou should spend some time sorting out "our desires$ for "ou ma" be missing out
on some fairl" unusual wa"s of gaining pleasue sompl" for lack of investigation. 5o not let
anti&uated moral taboos keep "ou from living up to "our love potential$ as "ou ma" find
stimulation in man" things besides "our lover.

0leanliness is &uite important in loving. and showering with a lover can be a delightful
erotic treat in itself. Also$ it eliminates a host of problems that might arise in lovemaking$
leaving both of "ou free for pleasant eperimentation.

1ou and "our lover can find pleasure in writing down "our fantasies in detail and
echanging them. %n this fashion$ "ou can get and give eactl" what "ou both want in a
wa" that is unlikel" to happen in more spontaneous love pla". this will make "our
lovemaking$ in its own wa"$ a dream come true.

(7obert /and)

1ou like to do favors for the people "ou like$ because serving is one of the wa"s that "ou
epress love and friendship. %n "outh$ "ou are less selfish than most people of "our age$
and "ou find it &uite hard to relate to people whom "ou can(t help. !he onl" problem in
relationships is that "ou ma" believe that people like "ou for what "ou do$ rather than for
what "ou are. 1ou ma" underestimate "our own worth and not understand wh" other
people like "ou. Learn to love "ourself as well as others.

1ou like "our surroundings to be neat. and "our work is both graceful and neat. 1our
personal habits and the wa" "ou dress show this also. !his position favors all kinds of
craft work$ because "ou have high standards of perfection$ but "ou don(t let them
overrule "our sense of grace and form.

*ut "ou must learn not to re#ect ever"thing and ever"one that does not live up to "our
high standards of beaut" or of dut" in relationships. 1ou tend to be ver" critical of
ever"thing that "ou or others make. And "ou ma" be overl" critical of "our friends.

1ou have a good sense of discipline. 1ou are careful about what "ou eat$ and don(t overdo
sweets. 1ou won(t bu" something that is epensive and frivolous$ unless "ou can #ustif"
the purchase at a practical level.

(7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< critical$ self-conscious$ modest$ kind-hearted.

0ategorised as its (fall( position$ the placement of Venus in the austere$ critical and self-
conscious sign of Virgo tends to impede the planet(s customar" warmth$ sensualit" and
creativit". )hereas seual passion$ abundant convivialit" and spontaneit" ma" indeed be
tempered b" this position$ 'ercur"-ruled Virgo$ a mutable 4arth sign$ nevertheless
anoints an individual with kindness$ lo"alt" and a strong sense of responsibilit". *ecause
meticulous and methodical Virgo is ruled b" 'ercur" - a communicative$ nervous planet -
the power of Virgos lies in their abilit" to be verball" epressive rather than ph"sicall"
demonstrative. %n fact$ their idealistic view of the perfect relationship involves mutual
respect of ideas$ opinions and professional goals rather than the ardour that
characterises other placements. !he influence of 'ercur" also causes these people to
anal"se their feelings$ emotions$ finances and creative impulses endlessl" - so much so
that romantic$ vocational and monetar" opportunities are often overlooked. 5ue to their
&uest for purit" and simplicit"$ the" ma" wait until the" are certain of how the" feel
before plunging into love or epressing their true creative strength.

5evoted and practical$ these individuals often form relationships based on shared work or
a common sense of dut" and responsibilit" to others. 2ften accused of being (cold fish($
the" are cautious$ inhbited$ and often unable to displa" affection spontaneousl" or openl".
*ut once the" feel secure$ familiar and trusting$ the earthiness and sensualit" of this
placement will be epressed.

*ecause these people are verbal rather than ph"sical$ there is a great deal of humilit" in
their displa"s of affection$ epressions of creative power and relationship to mone" and
possessions - and the latter are ac&uired strictl" for the securit" and utilitarian function
the" fulfil. 7ather than spend on ornatel" decorated homes or invest in land or epensive
clothing$ the" are more likel" to put their mone" into safe investments that "ield slow but
stead" profits. !heir love of animals could even make them avid contributors to or
supporters of animal rights groups$ 8reenpeace or other environmental organisations
whose goals are to improve the &ualit" of life - all Virgo concerns.

5ue to a propensit" for modest"$ self-consciousness and$ if Venus is poorl" aspected$ self-
deprecation$ the" must learn to be less critical and not epect alwa"s to achieve the
standard of perfection the" have set for themselves and others. !heir own harshest
critics$ the" are often inhibited in love as well as in creative epression$ for fear that
others will be &uick to denigrate their talents$ sensualit" and$ most important$ their
procreative strength. %t is &uite common$ however$ for these individuals to commit to an
intimate relationship out of a sense of responsibilit"$ obligation or friendship$ suppressing
the love and seual attraction that the" are afraid will not be returned. *ecause true
intimac" is difficult for them$ the" ma" even regard the seual act as #ust anohter skill
that the" must perform methodicall" without getting close to another or epressing their
deepest feelings.

('artin Schulman)

/ere the individual eperiences the purification of love through service. /e seeks the
ideali9ed refined &ualities of life which humanel" contribute to man(s need for social
order. /e loves the efficienc" of functioning within established molds and traditions$
feeling societ"(s sense of eti&uette and manners and the matri of a finel" organi9ed
realit" structure within which his feelings are clearl" defined. !he beaut" of machiner"$
the love of a watchmaker and a finel"-attuned sense of harmon" for the workings of
things$ s"stems and ob#ects is the ver" essence of his affinit" for functional beaut".

1et$ because Venus is in its fall in Virgo$ the over-anal"tical nature of the sign usuall"
leads the individual to tear apart his feelings so that he can understand them through his
mind. !his can cause difficulties in relationships$ marriage and the abilit" to tolerate
others. %n some instances$ the individual(s need for beaut" in its perfect state can lead to
fetish-like obsessions with cleanliness or finick" nervous feelings about living in what
appears to be a contaminated world.

4aggerated preoccupations with chastit"$ virginit"$ frigidit"$ aseualit" or homoseualit"
can sometimes occur as the result of the individual(s discontent with human imperfection.
/e must learn how to accept life through its own natural order$ rather than allowing his
mind(s need for perfection to interfere with the love that comes from his heart.

!he 1od to this Venus placement comes from the signs A&uarius and Aries$ which contain
the answers to the person(s incessant frustration with his relationship to life.

A&uarius helps to break rigid habit patterns$ teaching the individual how to loosen his
microcosmic involvement with his mind and his bod"$ and freeing him from the shackles
of a confining consciousness. From this sign$ he learns how to tolerate others and
understand the cosmic beaut" of life(s imperfections. 7ather than tr"ing to change
ever"thing in the lives of those close to him$ the Venus in Virgo individual slowl" learns
that love(s purification is the natural outgrowth of each person(s abilit" to unfold at his
own rate and according to the cosmic laws which govern his own soul.

From the sign Aries$ the individual must learn how to contact his own seual nature. for
he finds it difficult to accept himself on this level. 1et$ it is eactl" his seual impulses
and instincts which$ instead of robbing him of eternal grace (as he often thinks)$ becomes
the humani9ing contact of feeling which teaches him how to #oin the human race. /e
learns how to accept himself and others in the same wa" that 8od loves all of his
imperfect children.

!he A&uarius-Aries setile helps the person to reali9e the cosmic self in each individual.
/e becomes aware of man(s need for progress$ social freedom$ and the harmonious
evolution towards oneness which is man(s true cosmic identit".

From this$ he begins to devote his life to the improvement of the human condition. /e
becomes a veritable source of kindness$ charit"$ and altruism$ and the saving angel to the
need" and poor. /e loves the (working classes($ and sees the beaut" of the (common man(.
/e learns to reach out and touch people (without fear of contamination)$ but rather from
the boldness he has learned from Aries$ and the sincere caring for his fellow man (the
lessons he has learned through A&uarius). !his brings out his own ver" special 8ift of
Love$ his overwhelming feeling to serve humanit". the guiding influence which
overcomes all of his fears and inade&uacies and directs his life towards the channel of
goodness for which he was born.

('arcia 'oore and 'ark 5ouglas)

+e"note< Affections are discriminating and restrained.
S"mbol< A woman weeds a flower bo.

Venus$ planet of love$ is in its fall in chaste Virgo. 2ne thing romance can do without is
rational anal"sis. !he piercing accurac" of Virgo(s critical barbs$ and 0upid(s fre&uentl"
misplaced darts$ serve fundamentall" different purposes. %ntellectual development does
not necessaril" make the mind more receptive to beaut". Virgoan labor ma" produce
tangible results$ but it does not guarantee the emergence of an" fresh insight. %t
accumulates and classifies separate items$ forgetting that charm and spontaneit" re&uire
more than fastidious attention to detail.

Since both planet and sign are associated with the element of 4arth$ the" can combine to
show a love nature which epresses itself in practical$ unsentimental wa"s. Venus refines
and Virgo reforms$ so that once settled with a satisfactor" partner (providing he is willing
to be improved) thi sperson will endeavor to make the best of an eisting situation rather
than look for greener pastures.

Venusian Virgoans can be as sensitive as flowers and still bare sharp thorns which wound
those who venture too close. !he" spot imperfections so easil" that it is hard for them to
refrain from pinpointing the cause of trouble. !heir blind spot lies in their failure to
reali9e that criticism ma" onl" aggravate deficiencies$ as when a mother nags her child to
sit up straight and thereb" depresses him so that he slumps all the more. 2ften these
individuals will be etremel" generous materiall"$ and will work unstintingl" for those
with whom the" identif"$ onl"u to subvert their good works b" being spirituall" sting".
!olerance and the abilit" to accept as well as to bestow favors are as important to the
development of the soul as the willingness to perform the labors of love.

-eople with Venus in Virgo are often aniousl" concerned about their reputations$ since
the" fear that their own critical thoughts will be reciprocated. !he" also have a strong
desire to be considered perfect. =ndeveloped t"pes who have difficult" feeling genuine
affection tend to overcompensate with an eaggerated show of concern$ especiall" in
matters of health and ph"sical well-being. !he" can behave in an apparentl" emotional
fashion while their hearts remain untouched. 'an" are unaware of having ps"chological
problems themselves$ but wonder what can be the matter with ever"one else.

!he wa" out of this dilemma is the wa" of humilit" and purification through selfless
service. A love for all that is pure$ clean$ and chaste can turn the mind from pett" carping
over details into a sphere of supreme usefulness.

Venus in Virgo produces homemakers$ teachers$ and medical specialists who are kind and
solicitous in an impersonal wa". !he emotional side of their nature can be turned into
intellectual channels to become an asset in their work. Almost invariabl"$ the" encounter
obstacles in the epression of their affections$ but the need for renunciation in one area
of their lives develops the strength of character which ultimatel" leads to greater service.

(5onna van !oen)

!his is traditionall" considered a cold - even frigid - Venus. %t(s not - but it doesn(t have as
great a need for flambo"ant or passionate displa"s of affection as some of the other
placings. )hat "ou do need is someone who can show his 3 her love in a variet" of simple
wa"s. 1ou like simple but elegant candlelit dinners. 1ou like a mate 3 lover who writes
down or marks things he 3 she knows "ou(d be interested in when reading. 1ou like a
mate who feels details are important. 1ou need to work$ need to be bus". So the worst
thing for "ou would be to be put on a pedestal and waited on hand and foot.

(,an Spiller and +aren 'c0o")


%f "ou obsessivel" value being right in social interactions$ "ou ma" unknowingl" use
relationships in a wa" that is self-serving rather than serving others. !hus$ "ou might
become frustrated in having relationships fall short of "our high standards. 1ou ma"
engage in the Virgo tendenc" to discriminate against and critici9e others$ and then tr" to
hide "our biases in order to prevent alienation. !his indulgence might result in feelings of
isolation that come from silent separative #udgements.

%f "ou give into fears that "our service ma" not be accepted b" others$ that "ou are
unworth" to serve others$ or that "ou might be critici9ed$ the result is a disintegration of
the Virgo abilit" to make practical use of relationships. 1ou ma" withhold "our gift for
unselfish service and instead seek to serve in a wa" that "ou think will elicit a particular
response. !his withholding ma" result in feelings of inade&uac" and lack of self-worth.
Natal Venus in Libra

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

Libra is all about balance. and the Venus in Libra person ma" have to struggle to find the
right balance between a desire to be too accommodating to others and a conscious effort
to counteract this b" being over-assertive. !his can make these people surprisingl"
awkward and self-conscious at times.

8enerall" polite and charming but rather cool$ Venus in Libra people are usuall" sociall"
skilled$ although the" ma" be so locked into being nice that it is hard to get to know
them. !he" tend to feel ver" uncomfortable with people the" don(t like. and there is a
tendenc" to overcompensate for the guilt of not liking them b" being especiall" friendl"
towards them. !his can often lead to misunderstandings and difficult situations which
cause them even more discomfort. !he" cannot bear to sa" an"thing unpleasant to
an"one$ so the" often go along with situations rather than being honest.

!here is a great need for peace and harmon" in relationships$ and a dislike of crudeness
and aggression. !hose with Venus in Libra will feel unloved if people are not pleasant to
them and considerate of their needs. Libra is attracted to people who have a certain
refinement and grace and a rather &uiet good taste - the" dislike an"thing outrageous.

As a lover$ the Venus in Libra person is considerate and fair$ with a strong concern for
the eti&uette and conventions of relationships. /owever$ these people can at times be
over-solicitous$ tr"ing too hard to please$ which can be irritating to their partners and
make their relationships rather hollow and lacking in substance. /owever$ the" are
gentl" romantic and genuinel" caring lover who are ver" attentive and reall" en#o"
pleasing their partners.

)ith Venus in Libra$ there is a ver" deep need for someone to share life with$ and it is
sharing ever"thing with that special other that brings them happiness.

(Sk"e Aleander)

1ou en#o" art and beaut" in all their m"riad forms$ and want to fill "our life with lovel"
things. 0reative and sensitive to color$ harmon" and balance$ "ou probabl" have artistic
abilit". )hether or not "ou are an artist "ourself$ "ou have an innate sense of aesthetics
and are able to appreciate fine art$ music$ theatre$ literature$ etc.. and "ou might be a
collector or patron of the arts.

7elationships of all kinds are central in "our life. Friendl"$ gracious and good-natured$
"ou have man" friends and ac&uaintances$ and love to sociali9e. 1our manners are
impeccable$ and "ou are known for "our diplomac" and tact. Able to get along with #ust
about an"one$ "ou are the perfect guest at social gatherings$ the ideal co-worker$ and a
good friend to all.

1ou don(t like being alone$ and function best - personall" and professionall" - in
partnerships. %t is especiall" important to "ou to be involved in a love relationship at all
times. For "ou$ love make the world go (round$ and "ou aren(t complete without a lover.
/owever$ "ou don(t usuall" pursue a prospective partner activel". "our wa" is to make
"ourself attractive$ then sit back and wait for him 3 her to come to "ou. 1our idea of love
is moonlit nights$ soft music$ wine and roses$ where ever"one lives happil" ever after.
!here(s nothing sordid or tempestuous in "our romantic fantasies.

*ecause love is vital to "our happiness$ "ou tend to place more emphasis on the
relationship and "our partner than on "ourself. 1ou are alwa"s read" to compromise to
maintain the partnership$ and to put "our loved one(s wellbeing in front of "our own.
-erhaps "ou don(t even know what "ou reall" want$ since "our happiness is dependent
upon "our partner(s. if she 3 he is satisfied$ then so are "ou. 1ou eagerl" adopt "our
lover(s interests$ friends$ beliefs$ lifest"le$ etc.$ and can be something of a chameleon.

1ou want ever"thing about "our relationships to be nice all the time$ and can(t stand
arguments or anger. !he consummate peacemaker$ "our motto might be (don(t make
waves(. !hus$ "ou rarel" speak "our mind or stand up for "ourself in a relationship$ for
fear of causing friction or opposition. 1ou(d rather go along to get along. 2nce involved in
a relationship$ "ou are faithful and lo"al to "our partner. 4ven if "ou aren(t satisfied in the
partnership$ "ou are loathe to end it because "ou can(t stand to make a scene or have
an"one mad at "ou. 1ou(d rather slip out through the back door when "our mate isn(t
looking$ or write a (5ear ,ohn( letter$ than confront the situation openl".

)omen with this planetar" position are etremel" feminine in a conventional sense. 1ou
en#o" wearing beautiful clothing$ cosmetics$ perfume and #eweller". and "our appearance
is ver" important to "ou. 1ou devote much time and energ" to making "ourself look "our
best$ and "ou tend to be terribl" vain. 1ou might place so much importance on "our looks
that "ou fail to develop other &ualities$ and are more devastated than other women when
old age takes awa" "our trump card. 1ou also pride "ourself on "our pleasant disposition
and refinement. 4asil" offended b" coarseness$ "ou e&uate femininit" with grace$ good
manners and ph"sical beaut". 1ou can(t bear to get "our hands dirt"$ "ou dislike sports of
all kinds (unless "our Sun is in Sagittarius)$ and "ou wouldn(t be caught dead without
"our mascara.

'en with Venus in Libra are attracted to traditionall" beautiful women. 1our female ideal
is the (perfect lad"($ delicate$ sweet-tempered$ refined$ intelligent. She never changes
diapers$ pumps her own gasoline$ perspires or swears. 1ou are turned off b" strong-
minded$ independent women or those who are highl" competitive - in business or private
life. 1ou are looking for a woman who will complement "ou$ not one who is full"-formed in

(Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker)

Venus in the sign Libra indicates a t"pe of person to woman marriage and harmonious
social relationships are of etreme importance. Venus$ the planet ruling Libra$ is
powerful and well-placed here. Since Venus usuall" bestows well-proportioned features
and general ph"sical beaut"$ people with this position are attractive to the opposite se
and have man" opportunities for marriage.

!hese people have an innate abilit" to understand the feelings of others. 4n#o"ing
companionship$ the" seek relationships in which a harmonious and close personal bond is
possible. Along with their consideration for others$ the" have a desire to please$ which
results in their being well-liked. !heir sense of #ustice and fair pla" in romance and social
relations is well-developed. *ecause the" dislike coarseness and uncouth behavior$ the"
have high standards for social conduct and manners. !he" are romantic and affectionate.
but as Libra is an intellectual sign the" seek intellectual stimulation and companionship
from close personal relationships. sensualit" b" itself will not suffice. %n this respect
Venus in Libra is different from Venus in !aurus$ as it is not concerned with mone" per
se. however$ natives like to be surrounded b" beaut"$ and thus usuall" re&uire mone".
=nlike natives with Venus in !aurus$ these people seek status more through their
personal relationships than through possessions. but as a rule the" are endowed with
both$ because the" tr" to establish meaningful relationships with mature individuals who
have ac&uired wealth. 'oreover$ the" are able to make mone" b" their pleasing manners
and aptitude in dealing with the public$ which can be applied to business.

!he aesthetic perceptions are highl" developed with Venus in Libra. !he natives often
have an aptitude for some form of art$ especiall" music. *ecause Libra is an Air sign and
sound waves travel through the medium of air$ the" generall" have a good sense of
hearing$ which is the basis of their musical abilit". Venus in !aurus$ b" contrast$ is more
likel" to relate to painting$ sculpture$ and other tactile arts.

-eople with this Venus placement dislike disagreements and discord. %f the" are eposed
to them too fre&uentl"$ the" become nervous$ upset$ and often ill. 0onse&uentl" the"
avoid situations of conflict. %f Venus is afflicted$ the" ma" go along with others merel" to
avoid argument and unpleasantness$ thus appearing to lack integrit". An afflicted Venus
in Libra can lead to superficial emotional and social values and produce a conformist
attitude and a lack of well-defined personal values.

)omen with this Venus position want to be cared for deepl". however$ in public places$
social propriet" and a suave approach on the part of the men with whom the" are seen
are important to them. !here is abilit" in giving public performances. and these natives
take the limelight gracefull". 'uch public acclaim and popularit" can accrue to those in
the performing arts.

(%sabel /icke")

%n this sign$ Venus is at home and at her best. 7eleased from the earthl" bondage she
knows in !aurus$ and because of the air"$ intellectual &ualit" of Libra$ an Air sign$ she is
more refined$ aesthetic$ and artistic. 4presses on the mental and spiritual levels rather
than the ph"sical plane. 5irect and clear emotions. the "oung-at-heart. 4asil" hurt but do
not hold a grudge unless Venus is afflicted. 8ives keen sense of color. 'akes a good
hostess$ for Venus in Libra relates to others easil". Sincerit" and "et impersonalit" too.
0annot function in a discordant atmosphere without the health being affected.

(8rant Lewi)

1our emotions are simple$ direct$ cr"stal clear. 1ou are one of the "oung and pure in
heart. !he difficulties of life don(t destro" "our faith in the beaut" of love. and since this
is the sort of faith that vindicates itself$ "ou are likel" to find more genuine happiness in
life than most. 1ou are easil" hurt$ but "ou aren(t touch" about it. "ou can(t hold a
grudge$ or even condemn those who hurt "ou. 1ou have a knack for thinking the best of
people who repa" "ou b" thinking the best of "ou. !he directness of "our response to
social relations. the genuineness of "our affections$ which "ou epress with a
combination of sincerit" and impersonalit" - these endear "ou to man"$ making "ou a
sought-after companion and guest$ and a charming host or hostess. 1ou can safel" allow
emotional eperience to be the breath of "our life$ because when it is filtered through
"our clarif"ing responses it is a pure$ sweet and ehilarating air.

(5onna van !oen)

Libra being the sign of balance as well as one of Venus(s signs$ "ou should be able to
epress either "our masculine side or "our feminine side easil"$ depending on what(s
being called for. 1ou need marriage - or at the ver" least stable companionship - to be at
"our best. 1ou also have a strong need for peace and harmon". !hough "ou can (make do(
with virtuall" an"bod" who(s reasonabl" eas" to get along with$ in the long run "ou need
someone who(s doing something worthwhile with his 3 her life$ someone whose
eperiences are worth sharing and meaningful in "our e"es. !his is because$ with Saturn
ealted in Libra$ "ou can(t love someone "ou don(t also respect.
6atal Venus in Libra (D)

(,ulia and 5erek -arker)

Libra is the second sign ruled b" Venus$ the influence of which is increased when placed
in this sign. !he attitude to love is romantic$ affectionate and idealistic. !he sub#ect ma"
even fall in love with love. but here is someone with such a strong need for a loving
relationship that his or her potential ma" not be full" developed when he 3 she is alone.
!here is much kindness$ s"mpath" and understanding$ with time spent listening to the
problems of others and lending moral support. !act and diplomac" is usual$ as is a great
love of beaut" and a comfortable (sometimes luurious) lifest"le. 7ich food eaten in
congenial surroundings can make life worthwhile for someone with this placing.
6egativel"$ there ma" be resentment$ indecision and s"baritism (if la9iness is shown
elsewhere in the chart). 'one" will be spent openl" and freel"$ but ma" be used to bu"

%f the Sun sign is Leo$ this Venus placing will tend to make the sub#ect rather laid-back.
Leonine generosit" is increased. and there will be a tendenc" to put the loved one on a
pedestal$ increasing the possibilit" of hurt should the partner fail to measure up to the
eacting standards re&uired. !he pleasures of the good life will be important and
en#o"ed. and creative flair ma" be shown in design or music. As a friend$ he or she will
make &uite sure that ever" event is an occasion. A great deal of mone" must be earned$
so that it can be spent:

%f the Sun sign is Virgo$ this Venus placing often helps the sh"$ not-so-self-confident
Virgoan to rela and en#o" love relationships and other luuries. %t will also ease the
harsher$ more critical side of Virgo. !here is often flair for creative handiword such as
woodcarving or dressmaking. and all such potential must be full" developed. /ere is a
helpful$ s"mpathetic friend who will en#o" doing good turns for others. !he sub#ect will
want to work hard for ever" penn" earned. but will not be averse to en#o"ing the
pleasures that etra mone" can bring.

%f the Sun sign is Libra$ the influence of Venus is ver" strong in this placing$ adding all
the &ualities and negative traits mentioned in the general interpretation of Venus in Libra
above. All the attributes of Libra will be considerabl" strengthened b" this Venus placing$
especiall" if the Sun and Venus are in con#unction. 'one" will be etravagantl" spent.

%f the Sun sign is Scorpio$ this Venus placing adds a colorful$ romantic side to the intense
passion of Scorpio$ increasing s"mpath" and understanding of partners$ and encouraging
the warm epression of feeling. !he liking for comfort and luur" is enhanced. but the
resentfulness of this placing can combine with Scorpio #ealous" and must be controlled.
/ere is a good friend$ but one who can become suspicious. 8enerosit" and financial flair
will be present.

%f the Sun sign is Sagittarius$ this Venus placing gives a sense of romance to the
euberant$ enthusiastic Sagittarian$ who will en#o" the relationship as much as the chase
(which is not alwa"s the case for people with this Sun sign:) !he power of Venus will help
to &uell Sagittarian restlessness and encourage a philosophical outlook. Financial
securit" is of above-average importance$ since creature comforts are sought more than is
usual for most Sagittarians.

(S"nde" 2marr)

%n Libra$ Venus tells of a native who is idealistic$ whose emotions are direct$ and who has
a love of beaut" - one who is sensitive and easil" hurt$ but who nevertheless continues to
see the romance surrounding him. /e usuall" gives others the benefit of an" doubt - he
seeks #ustice and truth$ and responds to the finer instincts. /e needs$ at times$ to be
brought back down to earth and to face realities. /e has a strong desire for peace$ order
and harmon". he "earns for knowledge$ is philosophical$ and is attracted to art and
creative endeavors. !his native is able to attract people to his special charit"$ cause or
interest - and is fascinated b" the law (man-made) and b" the laws of nature. /e can be
highl" spiritual$ and thrives on affection.

(L"n *irbeck)

1ou are a charming$ though potentiall" superficial$ lover. Love for "ou has to be evidentl"
civil$ beautiful and harmonious - a classical love that graces "our life and the societ" "ou
live in like a piece of music or a work of art. 1ou draw this sense of love from deep levels
of "our soul$ but paradoicall" it can distance "ou from actuall" feeling love on a personal
level$ making it hard for "ou to utterl" commit$ and causing "ou to seduce with and be
seduced b" mere fanc".

1ou attract with a gentle$ sophisticated and aesthetic charm that can make 2ther feel
treated how he 3 she has alwa"s wanted to be treated. with a social st"le and contacts$
and the improved life-st"le these promise or bring. and b" being true to some definite
standard of relating and social behaviour.

1ou repel with an inabilit" to resist the temptation of using and en#o"ing "our natural
appeal through flirting$ thus appearing insincere to 2ther. with a blind adherence to
social eti&uette and norms so as to mask emotional ineptitude. and with an intolerance of
honest displa"s of emotion$ such being seen as bad manners.

1ou are attracted to beaut"$ be it looks or personalit". to an 2ther who is "our e&ual$ in
terms of complementing "ou$ rather than of social standing. and to harmon" and
tastefulness$ be it in the living room$ the kitchen or the bedroom.

1ou are repelled b" 2thers who do not appeal to "our refined sense of values and
appearance. b" an 2ther who lacks the social graces or at least efuses to learn an" (from
"ou>). b" an" kind of aesthetic$ moral or cultural wasteland. and b" coarseness.

)hen "ou are alone or dissatisfied$ it is because no-one measures up to "our impossible
standards. 'ore to the point$ however pleasing and graceful these standards ma" be$
the" do not fulfil 2ther(s emotional needs - or "our own for that matter. %t is e&uall"
possible that "ou have applied these high social and aesthetic standards to "our own
personalit" and found it wanting and unfit for relationship. !he barrier "ou have to get
through is a superficial idea of love and relating. !his does not mean that "ou are shallow
and incapable of loving$ but that "ou use surface values like looks and behaviour as "our
criteria because "ou are not sure of "our own inner worth and lovabilit". Libra$ the
Scales$ can (tip( things the other wa" and find "ou re#ecting social and aesthetic values to
some degree. but this would be "ou simpl" rebelling against them in an attempt to find
"our own emotional truth. *ut carried too far$ this could find "ou more alone than ever.
!ruth is beaut".

(,ohn !ownle")

1ou ma" be attracted to somewhat unsettled relationships$ which is natural with this
position. A &uiet$ uneventful life is boring to "ou$ for it is continual change and growth
that keep "ou interested and creative in a love relationship.

1ou insist that "ou and "our lover be e&ual$ not in a static e&uilibrium$ but rather in
continuing read#ustment that keeps both partners on an even basis. 7eversing se-t"ped
roles from time to time can be ver" helpful b" giving each of "ou a view from the other
side. !his tends to beak down ingrained and often subconscious se barriers that can get
in the wa" of a creative$ flowing relationship.

1ou particularl" admire ph"sical beaut" in a lover. but do not let a person(s appearance
blind "ou to the beaut"$ or lack of it$ in his or her soul. Let "our #udgement of beautiful
form be more than skin-deep.

%n the long run$ "ou will be most satisfied with an all-round lover whose accomplisgments
and &ualities are not #ust ph"sical but etend in man" directions. !his
partner(s eperience in love can be the foundation for a ver" broad-based love
relationship. !hus$ although "outh and beaut" ma" appeal to "ou most at first$ "ou are
more likel" to be fulfilled b" an eperienced and mature partner "our age or older.

(,an Spiller and +aren 'c0o")


%f "ou value harmon" in social situations$ regardless of the cost$ "ou ma" withhold "our
opinions and sense of #ustice. 1ou ma" gain a false sense of harmon" with others when in
effect "ou are constantl" at the merc" of their approval.

)hen "ou withhold the Libra &ualities for creating harmon" and instead seek to appease
others b" telling them what "ou think the" want to hear (according to their sense of fair
pla")$ "our manipulations ma" inadvertentl" creat chaos. %nevitabl"$ such chaos leads to
feelings of self-doubt and worthlessness.

%n situations of conflict$ if "ou fear that the solution "ou envision ma" not be followed or
accepted$ then "ou ma" withhold an honest sharing of "ourself for the sake of harmon".
!his can lead to confusion and helplessness in "our relationships.


)hen "ou are willing to risk losing "our role of 'r. or 's. 6ice -erson in social
situations$ "ou can choose to share the in#ustices that "ou feel as well as the fair solution
that "ou see. %n so doing$ "our courage can pave the wa" for a higher$ fairer order to take
place. *" asserting integrit" and opentl" sharing "our insights$ "ou can come to
appreciate and value "ourself in "our relationships.

)hen "ou state "our independent value s"stem$ "our sense of balance and harmon" is
acknowledged. !his can give "ou a feeling of self-worth. 5eclaring "our innate perception
of fair pla" to others (and risking the threat of possible disharmon" in order to reach a
greater harmon") results in eperiencing inner satisfaction from sharing "our fine Libra
gifts of social organi9ation.

*" taking the initiative to create harmon" that is in alignment with the integrit" of "our
inner sense of #ustice and fair pla"$ "ou can eperience a firm$ consistent sense of self-

Natal Venus in Scorpio
(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)
Venus in Scorpio has a capacit" to love deepl"$ though their intense feelings ma" be
difficult to epress. At times$ their love can lead them into painful emotional crises. )ith
Venus in Scorpio$ there will be a tendenc" to go to etremes in love relationships. %n
man" wa"s$ the" thrive on crisis$ as the" need the intensit" it brings. )hat the" cannot
stand is bland nothingness. !he" are passionate people. and if a relationship has become
humdrum the" will in#ect some passion into it b" an" means available.
Someone with Venus in Scorpio will tend to be possessive and #ealous$ or attract partners
who are. !hese people will sense if someething is wrong in the relationships$ and this
ma" not be long before their partner has an inkling that all is not well between them.
!he" ma" in fact makes things go wrong in their relationship b" their insistence that as
things do not feel right for them there has got to be something wrong. !here is a general
touchiness with Venus in Scorpio$ coupled with a suspicious nature. !heir partners ma"
feel accused and be epected to come up with some eplanation for something be"ond
their comprehension. Someone with Venus in Scorpio can have a genuine sith sense$ but
e&uall" can be paranoid. /ow well this works for these people will depend a great deal on
whether the" have other planets in )ater in their chart$ as the" will be able to use the
feeling level to evaluate situations and people more reliabl" than those who have onl"
Venus in )ater.

!he Venus in Scorpio person(s desire nature is strong. and there is a need to epress love
and affection through seual intimac" and to merge at a profound level with a partner.
!here is an intense desire for soul contact. for orgiastic merging. Love is alwa"s seual
for them$ and the" can take their partners to some deep and dark places in their search
for the depth of union the" crave.

-eople with Venus in Scorpio will be ver" familiar with their own comple emotional
states$ and will be ver" accepting of "ours. !hese are people who know onl" too well the
vagaries of human nature. Ver" little will shock them. and this ver" acceptance on their
part will allow "ou to share the darker recesses of "our soul.

(Sk"e Aleander)

Superficial beaut" and art that is purel" decorative have little appeal for "ou. %nstead "ou
are fascinated b" what goes on at the deepest levels$ behind the scenes so to speak. and
regardless of the form "our creativit" takes$ it will deal with hidden motivations$ the dark
side of human nature or the m"steries of the =niverse. 1our art ma" border on the
macabre or be disturbing in some wa". 0ertainl" it is an"thing but prett". 2ften "our
sub#ect matter is death and transformation. 1ou pursue "our muse with passion and
intensit"$ and can become obsessed with "our art to the eclusion of all else. /owever$
"our perseverance and focus allow "ou to develop "our talent to a high level. 2r$ "ou
might epress "ourself through one of the metaph"sical arts.

6o-one takes love and relationships more seriousl" than "ou do. 1ou are seeking nothing
less than complete merger with a partner - bod"$ mind and spirit. 1ou aren(t frivolous
with "our affection$ and open "our heart to few. 4tremel" emotional$ "ou reali9e how
strong "our feelings are and how deepl" "ou can be hurt if a love affair doesn(t work out.
therefore$ "ou are sceptical and cautious about getting involved. 2nce "ou commit
"ourself in love$ however$ "ou do so totall" and permanentl". 1ou take the vow (till death
do us part( seriousl"$ and are a devoted$ romantic and passionate lover.

1ou invest so much of "ourself in "our mate and become so emotionall" entwined that "ou
have trouble separating "our feelings from his 3 hers. %t is as though "ou are Siamese
twins #oined at the heart. !herefore$ if "ou lose "our lover or if he 3 she betra"s "ou$ "ou
feel as if "ou have lost part of "ourself. !his is the reason for "our infamous #ealous" and
possessiveness. %f a lover re#ects "ou or breaks off the relationship - particularl" if the
cause is another woman 3 man - "ou are likel" to seek revenge. For "ou$ a broken heart
can be fatal.

1our relationships are intense$ punctuated b" emotional upheavals. 4ither "ou are "our
lover are in the throes of romantic ecstas"$ or "ou are clawing at each other(s throats.
1ou thrive on emotional ecitement and ecess$ and would be bored in a partnership that
functioned smoothl" most of the time. %f things become too calm and predictable$ "ou
might provoke "our partner into a dramatic scene #ust to get "our emotional adrenalin
flowing. 1ou are the t"pe "ou believes that love is never so good as after a heated fight.

-ower is usuall" a factor in "our relationships$ and it can be a head" aphrodisiac. 1ou
en#o" seeing the power "ou have over "our lover$ and ma" use it in manipulative wa"s.
1ou want to be in control of the partnership. and power struggles between "ou and "our
mate ma" be the source of man" of "our arguments.

2ften "ou seem to fall in love with someone who isn(t right for "ou$ or with someone "ou
can(t have for one reason or another. !here can be a degree of self-frustration and
destructiveness in the wa" "ou approach love relationships$ for one of Scorpio(s roles is to
demolish the ego. 7egardless of how unsuitable or unattainable "our love ob#ect it$
however$ "ou refuse to give up and ma" become obsessive in "our pursuit of him 3 her.

1ou ma" find that "ou are changed b" "our relationships$ in subtle or profound wa"s$ and
that ever" love affair has a deep$ transformative effect on "ou.

)omen with Venus in Scorpio pro#ect a powerful sensualit" and magnetism that can be
both enticing and intimidating. !here is something m"sterious about "ou that makes "ou
irresistible to man" men$ even if "ou are not especiall" prett". !o "ou$ part of being
feminine is epressing "our seualit". 1ou en#o" being seductive. and seeing the effect
"ou have on men reinforces "our sense of "ourself as a woman. -erhaps "ou dress in a
wa" that is overtl" provocative. 2r$ "ou might like to wear either clothing that makes "ou
look tough$ such as black leather$ or eotic outfits and bi9arre combinations that attract

'en with this planetar" position are most interested in women who are dark$ intense$
m"sterious and obviousl" seual$ the kind "ou wouldn(t think of taking home to meet "our
mother. 6o cheerleader t"pes or 'iss Americas for "ou - "our ideal woman is the femme
fatale or the porno. &ueen. 1ou(re also looking for a partner who is strong and not easil"
dominated b" "ou$ someone who will make "ou struggle to win her love. !o "ou$ nothing
of value comes easil".

(Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker)

Venus in Scorpio is in the sign of its detriment$ because Scorpio is the opposite sign to
!aurus$ which Venus rules. )ith this Venus position$ the emotions and seual desires are
strong and passionate$ #ealous and secretive. and there is much pride in se and
romance. %f Venus is afflicted in this sign$ sensualit" and preoccupation with se are
likel". 7eactions in close personal relationships tend to be emotional. and desires and
intense emotions ma" prevent the natives from seeing other people(s points of view. thus$
the" often lack reason and delicac". %n highl" developed t"pes of people$ there can be
idealism and high standards in respect to close relationships and romantic and seual
involvements. !hese higher t"pes will sacrifice ever"thing for love if the" feel that the
ob#ects of thier affection are worth" of it.

!hese people can take their romances too personall" and too seriousl"$ lacking a light
touch and sense of humor. *ecause much is given in emotional epression$ much is also
epected$ an attitude that can lead to pride and an all-or-nothing apprach to love and
romance. %f the person with this Venus position is #ilted or disillusioned$ he can become
ver" #ealous$ resentful$ and bitter$ feeling his high trust has been betra"ed. /ence$ the
position tends toward intense love-hate relationships. %f love is abused or mistreated$ it
can easil" turn into hate or cold indifference. 2nce these people sever an important
relationship$ it can never be reinstate on the old basis. the" will never again allow the
person to affect them personall".

!he emotional intensit" of this Venus position gives a colorful personalit". Artistic tastes
lean toward strong dramatic contrasts. 6atives are attracted to occult sciences and inner
m"steries$ with ps"chic sensitivit" to the feelings of others.

%f Venus is afflicted in Scorpio in a woman(s horoscope$ she can be the t"pe of femme
fatale who uses her se appeal to gain power over people and manipulate them. !here is
also the danger with Venus in Scorpio that the native will want to dominate or subtl"
control a close personal relationship$ marriage$ or business partnership. !his intense
Venus position can lead to emotional ecesses. /owever$ even when heavil" afflicted$
these people never lose their personal pride and emotional dignit". !herefore$ the" act
reserved$ maintaining an air of m"ster" and intrigue about themselves until the" are sure
of their relationship.

(S"dne" 2marr)

Venus in Scorpio must learn to overcome possessiveness and #ealous". an intense kind of
love nature which leads$ if unchecked$ to unhappiness and even to violence. !he native
attracts unusual friends$ and likes to move about$ to travel$ and to speculate on how he
can gain through marriage or partnerships. /e must learn to be worth" of luur" instead
of dreaming about it$ demanding it. /e talks one wa" but often acts conversel". =nless
the native is careful$ he can be taken advantage of b" a lover who appeals to his basic$
ph"sical nature. 8ain is indicated b" secret alliances - but his drive for improvement$ for
added possessions$ can be so strong that real happiness is something he regards onl" as
an illusion. /e ma" marr" more than once. he tends to take the path of least resistance$
and must make an effort to avoid etravagance$ gambling and promiscuit".

!he astrologer has a #ob cut out for him< he must help the native to reali9e that deeper
meanings lie under most events$ desires and persons. !he native must learn to place
more value on the spiritual and on himself as an individual$ and must avoid tr"ing to
possess things or people merel" for the sake of possessing.

(5onna van !oen)

)hat "ou don(t need in the romantic area is a platonic relationship. 1ou need an (all-or-
nothing( sort of love$ a mate 3 lover who puts "ou first. A strong se drive is probabl".
certainl" "ou value seual attraction and compatibilit" more than some of the other
placings. *ut this doesn(t mean "ou(ll settle for one-night stands or part-time love. =h-
uh.... %f he 3 she wants "ou$ he 3 she better be prepared to be there when "ou need him 3
her - not #ust the other wa" around: 1ou also need to feel "ou know "our mate(s or lover(s
innermost secrets. and$ should he 3 she balk$ "ou undoubtedl" have several methods at
"our disposal for finding these out. So a partner who can(t stand a certain amount of
probing of his 3 her ps"che is probabl" not for "ou.
!he need for a secure$ harmonious and loving relationship is intensified b" the passion of
Scorpio< seual romance and desire are both fulfilled and seen to be fulfilled. !he
#ealous" of Scorpio will make itself felt from time to time. and it is possible that an
element of resentfulness or an inabilit" to forgive and forget can cause &uite serious
problems. 4ven if Venus is the onl" planet in Scorpio$ its energ" will need a positive
outlet$ not onl" through se and mutual affection$ but also through more aesthetic
interests. %f 6eptune shares Scorpio with Venus$ romanticism can be disproportionate$ as
can negative escapism under stress. At best$ here is Venus working at its seiest. A
certain rivalr"$ not to mention occasional #ealous scenes$ will occur in friendship.
Financiall"$ this is an ecellent placing$ for securit" is important and there is usuall" a
flair for investment and business$ although spending is often considerable.

%f the Sun sign is Virgo$ a conflict can arise between Virgoan modest" and the seual
desires of Venus in Scorpio. )hile the sub#ect is etremel" seuall" attractive$ he or she
ma" not want to appear so: %f self-confidence and relaation into seual en#o"ment can be
developed$ the influence of Venus will do much good for the possibl" seuall" inhibited
Virgoan. !his is a wholehearted friend who ma" become overcritical at times. 'one" is
managed well.

%f the Sun sign is Libra$ on the whole Librans should gain much from this placing of the
planet that rules their Sun sign. %t will give them an air of romantic m"ster"$ making the
women inclined to be femmes fatales: !he increased seualit" of this combination
weakens the otherwise wholl" romantic Libran outlook on love$ and adds an intensit" and
sense of purpose that can otherwise be lacking. !his is a friend who wants to en#o" all
aspects of life$ and will have the capacit" to do so. !he individual will make mone" - and
spend it.

%f the Sun sign is Scorpio$ the passion of Scorpio will have some ver" romantic overtones$
which will add to the seual attraction of the sub#ect. Scorpio #ealous" will be increased$
as will a tendenc" to become obsessive about the partner(s ever" action. !he description
of Venus in Scorpio generall" (above) will appl". 'one"making acumen will be present.

%f the Sun sign is Sagittarius$ the livel"$ fier" passion of Sagittarius is increased$ with the
need for independence clashing somewhat with the Scorpionic intensit" of feeling. !he
individual will probabl" feel pangs of #ealous" from time to time and loathe them$ doing
ever"thing possible to rationali9e these difficult feelings. Awareness of the conflict will
help to counter it. !he Sagittarian en#o"ment of life will be enhanced. here is a friend
who will be a marvellous host$ full of suggestions for en#o"able eperiences. Financial
risks will be taken$ with mied results.

%f the Sun sign is 0apricorn$ the love life will be taken ver" seriousl". and perhaps the
individual will refuse to reali9e that he or she has some deep$ intense and ver" powerful
feelings. !here will be lo"alt" once committed$ but there can sometimes be a conflict
between emotion and a practical approach to life$ resulting in the dela"ing of
commitment. Friends will be put to the test in some wa" before being full" accepted.
Stead" financial growth is important and will be achieved.

(8rant Lewi)

1ou have passionate$ profound and controlled emotional responses$ and a deep need for
love$ which must be satisfied according to ver" high standards. !he directness and
obvious sincerit" of "our reactions to social contacts earn respec$ while "our willingness
to (give all for love( fre&uentl" brings "ou love without re&uiring "our all in return. Se
ma" be important in "our life$ but "ou elevate it to a glorious plane$ and will have none of
it otherwise. 1ou are deepl" aware of "our environment$ atmospheres$ odors$ colors. "our
love$ which is "our life$ must be beautifull" surrounded. !hus "ou love luur"$ and
sometimes have a garish taste in color and dress. *ut "ou can get awa" with it. 1our
personalit" is made vivid b" "our emotional power. 1ou wear the capacit" to love as a
shining armor that catches the sun of life and reflects it with much of "our spiritual
strength added.

(,an Spiller and +aren 'c0o")


*" placing an obsessive value on controlling "our power in social situations$ "ou might
withhold sharing "our abilities to perceive the hidden talents and resources of other
people. 1ou ma" have a tendenc" to use others as a means of fulfilling "our desires. As a
result$ "ou ma" eperience tension from constantl" tr"ing to maintain secret control of
those around "ou$ thus being the one who is actuall" controlled b" "our fear that others
ma" withdraw their resources.

)hen "ou ignore bringing others to an awareness of their talents and abilities$ stagnation
and rigidit" ma" result from "our incomplete interaction with the material world.

)hen rigid personal values are formed$ the result might be lost opportunit" for
interacting with others. %n neglecting to stimulate self-worth in other people$ "ou ma"
lose "our own feeling of worth.


1ou have the aptitude to perceive and encourage the undiscovered abilities of others. 1ou
can inspire them to use their assets and potentials. )hen "ou bring out other people(s
talents in such a wa" that "ou both benefit$ "ou can eperience a transformation of "our
values and material opportunities.

1ou eperience a continual d"namic transformation of "our feelings of self-worth when
"ou take the initiative to draw others into awakening their talents$ thus showing them
their hidden worth. !he more "ou arouse and enhance the power of others in social
situations$ the more valuable "ou become to them and the more worthwhile "ou feel
about "ourself.

(L"n *irbeck)

1ou are an intense$ though potentiall" desperate$ lover. Love for "ou is something that
has a fated &ualit" about it$ created or matched b" a deep passion that involves "ou as if
under the influence of some sort of potion. 2ften$ despite "our better #udgement$ "ou are
drawn down into a dark well of emotional fascination$ towards some outcome "ou
apparentl" have no control over unless "ou resist it from the first. !herefore be ver"
careful that such attraction is not mere fanc".

1ou attract with a subtle and compelling charm that draws 2ther to "ou powerfull" and
ineplicabl". with an aura of seual confidence that$ one wa" or the other$ lives up to
itself. and with a totall" focused and uncompromising attention to 2ther$ rather like a
snake fiing its pre".

1ou repel with a sinister underl"ing intention that$ when detected$ leads to a fight for
survival. with "our perverted wa" of satisf"ing "our degenerate needs and appetites. and
with a seual or emotional overkill that if not resisted at the outset can destro" love or
an" finer feelings that 2ther might have.

1ou are attracted to powerful t"pes of 2ther$ who are often in need of emotional
deepening or transformation$ along with "ourself probabl". to relationships that involve
secrec" and 3 or the breaking of seual or social taboos. and to relationships that claim
bod" and soul.

1ou are repelled b" 2thers characteri9ed b" blandness and a fear of plunging into their
emotional depths. b" 2thers who pla" it sage and are unwilling to eplore the
uneplored. and b" relationships which bind "ou but do not emotionall" fulfil "ou.

)hen "ou are alone$ one reason could be that "ou are unprepared to commit to a
relationship of an" depth of meaning$ for "ou know that it will demand painful
confrontations with "our most intimate fears and obsessions. %t could even be that "ou
are involved in a relationship for material or practical reasons$ but one which is lacking
an" soul connection or emotional satisfacation - and so "ou are alone in a ps"chological
sense. 2ften$ mone" ma" have become a substitute for love in that "ou are manipulated
b" it in some wa". 0onversel"$ "our aloneness could take the form of feeling deepl" for
someone who cannot or will not match such depth. !he reason behind this is that "ou are
pledged at some profound level to remind 2ther of the ultimate supremac" that
considerations of the soul must take. %n all of these cases$ the long and lonel" night of
soul that "ou endure will firstl" be reminding "ou of this spitirual truth< ()ho feels it$
knows it(.

(,ohn !ownle")

1ou have a ver" deep$ gut-level st"le in love. and when "ou set "our sights on someone$
"ou don(t give up until "ou get what "ou want. )hen "ou finall" do achieve "our goals$
"our pleasure etends to the ver" foundations of "our personalit".

%ndeed$ it is etremit" of en#o"ment rather than moderation that is the ke" to "our
pleasure. 1ou are not too demanding of a lover in terms of skill or techni&ue as long as
the eperience is sufficientl" intense. 1ou are more interested in the end than the means.
and for "our personalit"$ that is #ust right.

5o not let this view of lovemaking cause "ou to overlook the man" methods of
heightening seual intensit"$ particularl" when a relationship is becoming too low-ke".
*edroom games in which one or both partners are seuall" restrained for a time helps
build the re&uisite intensit" for an all-consuming eperience.

)hatever "our method$ "our en#o"ment will be greatest if seualit" takes on the aspect of
tremendous power$ an uncontrollable flood in which both of "ou are caught up. !his is
ideal for the actual seual eperience. but in ever"da" life "ou should take great care to
let control return to both of "ou individuall"$ so that the basic e&ualit" between "ou is not

(7obert /and)

1our feelings about people are ver" intense. "ou either like them ver" much or don(t like
them at all. And "ou will want to have "our loved ones near as much as possible. *ut be
careful of this possessive tendenc"$ because "ou ma" alienate the ver" people whom "ou
want as friends b" not giving them enough freedom while the" are around "ou. 2n the
other hand$ "ou are ver" faithful to those "ou like if the" are lo"al to "ou.

2nl" deep relationships have an" meaning for "ou. As a result$ "ou are likel" to have a
few ver" close friendships rather than lots of shallow ones. Friendships "ou form now
ma" well last all of "our life. 1ou find it somewhat difficult to tell someone that "ou like
him or her$ because "ou are afraid of being re#ected or misunderstood. %t is hard to put
"our feelings into words$ because the" seem so complicated. And it is true that not
ever"one will understand "ou and "our feelings. but "ou will #ust have to accept that.
2nl" those who can understand "ou will make good friends an"wa"$ and those friends will
be enough.
Natal Venus in Sagittarius

(,an Spiller and +aren 'c0o")


1ou might obsessivel" value the personal freedom "ou gain from the power of "our
philosophical perspectives in relationships. !his ma" lead to withholding "our special
abilit" for providing inspiration to other people. )hen "ou indulge in the fear of being
limited b" relating to others in deep$ personal levels$ "ou ma" become the person who(s
alwa"s (out of town( - never reall" there for an"bod"$ including "ourself.

%f "ou allow tension and fear of commitment to block "ou from an" relationship$ "ou
might eperience a haunting sense of rootlessness. !his results in a curiousl" empt"
feeling when "ou are thrust into unepected situations. %f "ou are content with fickle
infatuations and careless involvements$ "ou ma" eventuall" sink into low self-esteem.
1our sense of values can be eroded if "ou neglect to establish worthwhile goals in


1ou have a special gift for being able to teach others true freedom in relationships. 1ou
can do this b" allowing the d"namics of the relationship to guide it to its own goals.
%mparting "our trust and optimism to others allows "ou to share with them a larger
perspective of the situation. !hus$ "ou can eperience a constant epansion and
ecitement in "our alliances.

!his process of conve"ing trust can enable "ou to focus on a few deeper "et more
rewarding partnerships. )hen "ou are in touch with the ps"chololgical processes of other
people$ "ou can eperience a continual sense of self-worth b" inspiring and encouraging
them to loft" goals that free them from the limitation of old beliefs.

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

Venus in Sagittarius is often a larger-than-life character. 2utgoing and fun-loving$ these
people like to be where it(s at - watching the latest film$ eating at the trendiest
restaurant$ or dancing at the newest disco. %f there is something new and eciting going
on$ Venus in Sagittarius wants to be there. !hese people like to be with people$
entertaining them and making them laugh. and man" of them are to be found on the
stage$ doing this for a living. Like those with Venus in Leo$ these people love to dramati9e
and eaggerate their feelings$ which means that their relationships often move from one
big drama to the net.

!he pleasure principle is more important to the Venus in Sagittarius person than cos"
domesticit". !hese people want relationships to be fun and free$ and ma" well run awa" if
things become too heav" and serious - or the" ma" #ust hide their heads in the sand and
pretend it isn(t happening: Finding it eas" to fall in love$ but hard to commit themselves$
the" tend to be afraid of deep involvement. !heir impulsive nature will often cause them
to #ump in at the deep end onl" to get cold feet and swiftl" etricate themselves.

/opelessl" optimistic$ the" epect an enormous amount from relationships$ which can
make them ver" hard to please and sub#ect to fre&uent bitter disappointments. Filled with
romantic longings$ the" tend to move restlessl" from one person to another in search of
the ideal partner. !he Sagittarian tendenc" to live in the future makes it hard for these
people to accept the here and now. !he" are alwa"s waiting for the perfect love to

For a relationship to work for people with Venus in Sagittarius$ the" need someone who
shares their interests$ enthusiasms and visions of the future. !heir partner must also
understand their need for space and freedom. %n a relationship which meets these needs$
the Venus in Sagittarius person is a delightfull" enthusiastic and generous lover who can
make ever" da" seem like a holida" and fill his or her partner(s life with warmth and fun.

(Sk"e Aleander)

%f "ou have artistic abilit"$ "ou probabl" epress it in a wa" that shows "our sense of
fantas" and humor. !hough "ou ma" be as serious as an"one about "our art and self-
epression$ "ou seem to have more fun with it. )hether "ou(re writing an adventure stor"
or designing a sk"scraper$ "ou don(t hesitate to depart a bit from stark reatlit"$ to
eaggerate and include a touch of whimsicalit". 1ou have a vivid imagination$ and a
special talent for keeping "our audience entertained. 1ou en#o" art that is bigger than life
and not so harsh. in "our opinion$ art should take us be"ond the mundane and broaden
our perspective b" introducing us to all sorts of possibilities.

%n relationships$ "ou are e&uall" epansive and curious. Friendl"$ outgoing$ adventurous
and optimistic$ "ou love to sociali9e and often are the life of the part". 1our list of friends$
ac&uaintances and lovers is etensive$ and includes people of all kinds. 1ou see no reason
to limit "ourself to onl" one partner and miss out on other possibilities. 1our motto might
be ("ou onl" go around once$ so wh" not tr" ever"thing while "ou(ve got the chance>(
0onse&uentl"$ "ou(ll have problems if "our lover isn(t as free and eas" as "ou are and
insists on fidelit" and permanence. 1ou mean well and don(t want to hurt an"one(s
feelings$ so "ou tend to promise what "ou can(t deliver. %f "ou get caught in an awkward
amorous situation$ "our first line of defence is to lie with a smile. 1ou can be terribl"
fickle$ flirtatious$ superficial and self-indulgent in matters of love. !o "ou$ it(s all good
fun. %f "our Sun is in 0apricorn or Scorpio$ "ou(ll tend to be more serious and willing to
make commitments$ though "ou might subscrive to the old double standard< it(s oka" for
"ou to run around$ but "our partner had better not tr" it.

1ou tend to ideali9e the concept of love$ so much so that it is impossible for "ou to find a
flesh-and-blood mate to fulfill "our romantic fantasies. 1ou are looking for a fair" princess
or knight in shining armor$ and ma" prefer chasing "our dream to settling into a real-life$
da"-to-da" partnership.

8enerous with "our time and mone"$ "ou en#o" showering "our friends and lovers with
gifts. 1ou like to go out on the town with "our partner and do things in grand st"le.
0uddling up with "our lover in front of the fireplace isn(t eactl" "our idea of a good time.
"ou(d rather pla" a few games of tennis$ have a sumptuous dinner$ go to the theatre$ and
then dance the rest of the night awa". An"one who(s involved with "ou had better have
plent" of energ".

1ou want "our partners to epand "our hori9ons$ and to epose "ou to new ideas and
eperiences. -erhaps "ou choose lovers who will pla" the role of teacher for "ou. or "ou
might en#o" teaching them what "ou know. Another possibilit" is that "ou could be
attracted to people from other countries or cultures. For "ou$ relationships are growth-
producing opportunities$ and "ou learn something from ever"one "ou meet.

)omen with Venus in Sagittarius pride themselves on their sense of humor$
gregariousness and cheerful dispositions. %t is important to "ou to be well-liked and to
have lots of friends and admirers. !he more popular "ou are$ the better "ou feel about
"ourself as a woman. ;uantit" is more important than &ualit". 1ou also ma" en#o" sports$
and are especiall" concerned with looking ph"sicall" fit. A dedicated follower of fashion
and fads$ "ou are alwa"s eager to tr" the latest trend.

'en with this plentar" position are most attracted to active$ vivacious$ friendl" and fun-
loving women. 6o intense$ possessive or highl" emotional t"pes need appl". 1ou want a
partner who(s more of a budd" than a lover. someone with whom "ou can do things and
share ideas and eperiences. 1ou admire knowledge and worldliness$ and are fascinated
b" women who have done things and who know things that "ou don(t. !all$ slim$ athletic
women with long legs probabl" appeal to "ou most.

(Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker)

Venus in the sign Sagittarius indicates people whose emotions and responses are
idealistic and spitituall" oriented. !he" are friendl"$ vivacious$ sociable$ and outgoing.
5ane 7udh"ar$ one of the greatest ps"chological astrologers$ pointed out in !he -ulse 2f
Life that each sign of the Eodiac is a reaction against the etremes of the sign that
precedes it. !his observation is especiall" true of Venus in Sagittarius$ which is frankl"
outspoken about inner feelings$ in contrast to Venus in the preceding sign of Scorpio$
which is secretive and calculating. !he soul-racking emotional intensit"$ the #ealous" and
possessiveness of Venus in Scorpio leaves a bitter taste in the evolutionar" eperience of
the soul that has Venus in Sagittarius. 0onse&uentl"$ people with this position seek to
base emotional conduct in personal relationships on more ob#ective$ soviall" accepted
principles founded on ethics$ philosoph"$ and religion. !raditional moral structures make
them feel more secure in their emotional conduct. !he" seek to be honest and open in
fheir feelings and reactions to those the" love or those with whom the" are romanticall"

-eople with this Venus placement will often tr" to convert their sweethearts or spouses to
their own religious beliefs or moral principles in order to have a commonl" agreed-upon
basis of conduct. !he" generall" seek to marr" within their own religious or philosophic
milieu$ but are not afraid of getting involved in unusual romantic relationships.

)ith the ,upiter rulership of Sagittarius$ their taste in art and dAcor tends to be lavish.
and the" like flambo"ant displa"s of color and form. %f the" can afford it$ their homes and
aesthetic surroundings will displa" a ro"al$ palatial atmosphere. !he" are attracted to
classical forms of beaut" such as 8reek architecture and s"mphonic music. !he" are fond
of art forms that have a religious or philosophic motif. and religious music can deepl"
affect them. 7eligious ceremon" and pageantr" appeal to them.

!his sign position gains emotional satisfaction through outdoor games and sports. those
who engage in horseback riding or skiing are t"pical eamples$ and dates which include
these activities will appeal to them. !his sign position gives a love of travel to distant
places. 6atives often seek to marr" foreigners or people of foreign etraction or other
races. or those with a philosophical bent$ with advanced education$ or with connections
to institutions of higher learning.

)omen with this Venus position seek men with gallant romantic appeal. !he dramatic
element appeals to them.

%f Venus is afflicted in Sagittarius$ there can be bluntnes that offends the feelings of
others$ impractical idealism in romance$ and a tendenc" to impose religious and moral
standards dogmaticall" on loved ones.

(%sabel /icke")

5emonstrative and friendl" in affection. A bree9" attitude toward love. 6ot alwa"s
dependable where affections are concerned. 8ood intuition. !wo different t"pes are
shown when there are planets in Sagittarius. !he gambler t"pe loves fun and a good time.
etravagant$ eas"-going$ amd alwa"s read" to be on the move. !he other t"pe is
philosophical$ religious$ with great inner strength$ and idealistic in nature. !o know
which t"pe$ stud" the aspects to Venus$ and if Venus is afflicted to ,upiter it will be the
first t"pe. 8ood aspects and a strong Saturn will indicate the second t"pe. Venus in
Saggittarius is well placed for it is a combination of ,upiter and Venus$ and both are
benefics. /ere we have Venus in ,upiter(s home.

(,ulia and 5erek -arker)

Although considerable enthusiasm and livel" emotions will be warml" epressed towards
partners$ the Sagittarian need for indenpendence ma" make the individual loath to be too
tied to one person. !he dualit" present in this sign will be evident$ and more than one
relationship ma" be eperienced at an" given time. 0ertainl"$ love will be en#o"ed. and
the sub#ect will make life rewarding and ehilarating for the partner$ both in bed and out.
%n turn$ the partner needs to respond well$ not onl" seuall" but also intellectuall".
4ventuall"$ a philosophical$ idealistic element will develop and have its effect on the
partner$ doing a great deal to instill a more meaningful epression. /owever$ intellectual
rapport and friendship$ as well as the willingness to en#o" se$ are essential. !his is a
livel" friend who will make life fun. !he attitude toward finance ma" be (4as" come$ eas"
go($ perhaps with the emphasis on (go(:

%f the Sun sign is Libra$ the sub#ect ma" not seem to care about love$ but he or she needs
#ust as much romance as others. !his placing helps to rationali9e the feelings$ however.
and the need for intellectual rapport and good friendship$ as well as pure romance$ is
ver" health". !his combination is ecellent for friendship$ easing an" Libran tendenc" to
take too much from other people. -rofessional financial help is advisable.

%f the Sun sign is Scorpio$ this Venus influence lightens the steam"$ rather heav" Scorpio
attitude to love and se$ adding a need for intellectual rapport. 'uch will be epected of
partners$ but much will be contributed. Scorpio #ealous" can clash with the Sagittarian
independence. and a resolution of this conflict is importance. /ere is a friend who needs
to share interests and challenges. %nvestments will be en#o"ed$ but a gambling spirit
should be controlled.

%f the Sun sign is Sagittarius$ much attention is given to the emotional chase. Fickleness
must be countered. All the attributes of Venus in Sagittarius generall" (above) will be
present. %f 6eptune is also in Sagittarius$ there will be idealism and romantic rFverie.
'one" can easil" slip through the sub#ect(s fingers.

%f the Sun sign is 0apricorn$ then although the lo"alt" and faithfulness of 0apricorn is
less evident$ this is a good placing for those with rather serious 0apricorn &ualities$
helping them to en#o" life and warming their cool emotions. !here will be less social
climbing in the love life$ but a good mind will be deemed important$ and the partner will
spur on the 0apricorn ambitions and aspirations. Friends must share demanding
interests. 'one"making is less important than for other 0apricorn groups.

%f the Sun sign is A&uarius$ then the A&uarian spirit will be s"mpathetic to the
independence of Venus in Sagittarius$ while the fire of that sign will warm the distant but
d"namic attration of A&uarius. 6evertheless$ the liking for individualit" will not
encourage even the most romantic A&uarian to rush into a long-term commitment. Seual
eperiment is usual. !here is a wide circle of friends$ who often share philanthropic or
intellectual interests. 'one" will be spent erraticall"$ often on sill"$ trend" things.

(8rant Lewi)

1ou react to emotional stimuli eagerl". 1our heart is unafraid of love. "ou dare to feel$
and to follow "our instincts to the last outpost of eperience. 1ou are not an eperimenter
in love. "ou don(t trifle with "our emotions. but others ma"$ because "out eagerness ma"
be mistaken for lightness. 1ou see no reason wh" emotions aren(t made to be followed$
and are among the most impulsive of the children of Venus. *ecause of "our sincerit"$
"ou can get into trouble$ until "ou learn that all the world isn(t as direct and earnest as
"ou are. *ut though "ou ma" give "ourself to unworth" takers and be hurt (for "ou are
ver" sensitive)$ "ou will never lose "our high standards nor "our emotional courage$ and
"ou will go on from disappointments undefeated to trust "our emotions again$ matured
but unafraid.

(S"nde" 2marr)

%n Sagittarius$ Venus is indicative of one who is likel" to become involved in numerous
affairs of the heart but is generous and reall" intends to be lo"al. !he native tends to love
things which are not easil" obtainable. !hus$ he is in danger of attaching himself to
persons who care so little that the native is eploited$ even humiliated. !he astrologer
must help him overcome what might be an inner desire to be punished.

!he ke" here is perspective. !he native must see things as the" eist in relation to his
own life. 2nce he recogni9es the reason for his actions$ he gains inner illumination. /e
tends to follow his emotions blindl". this leads to bumps$ bruises and emotional
involvements which create depression.

(L"n *irbeck)

1ou are an adventurous$ though potentiall" wanton$ lover. Love for "ou is something that
should be eciting and rapturous$ "et at the same time having meaning and even some
deepl" moral and religious &ualit" about it. *asicall" "ou want to satif" e&uall" both "our
bod" and "our soul or mind. and "ou will pursue such an ob#ective enthusiasticall" and
uninhibitedl". !roubles arise when the lusts or needs of "our bod" leave the idealism of
"our mind behind$ or vice versa$ either being merel" fanc".

1ou attract with a demonstrative$ honest and open manner. with a light-hearted$ part"
mood that immediatel" gives 2ther a sense of fun being in the offing. and with a sense
that "ou have definite and intelligent ethical standards.

1ou repel with an immodest" and seductiveness that eventuall" becomes counter-
productive. with loose morals - and impersonal affection to match. and with h"procritical
efforts to get 2ther to behave in the upright manner that "ou feel "ou "ourself ought to$
but fail to.

1ou are attracted to 2thers who are emotionall" sophisticated and 3 or mentall" informer.
to 2thers who have an enterprising and epansive approach to life$ or have eotic
connections$ or are of foreign orgin. and to 2thers who have a pla"ful streak but have
principles as well.

1ou are repelled b" small-minded$ dull or dishonest 2thers who lack eperience or a
sense of adventure. b" provincialism or parochialism. and b" 2thers who are too
reserved$ inhibited or sanctimonious.

)hen "ou are alone$ it is for one of two reasons$ or possibl" both. !he first is that "ou
give or promise a lot but overlook the details$ and so eventuall" "ou are disappointed$ or
2ther is. !his implies that "ou get carried awa" with "our own enthusiastic idea of love
and 2ther$ and so fail to see - possibl" because "ou do not want to - the small or
unsensational aide to 2ther(s character and life. !his in turn suggests that "ou do not
acknowledge the same in "ourself because "ou somehow believe it to be unlovable. !he
second reason wh" "ou could find "ourself alone in an unwelcome wa" is that "oud and
2ther(s beliefs or moral values do not agree. 1ou have an interesting miture of both wild
and ethical behaviour which is &uite hard to understand or accept - unless "ou "ourself
do. =ntil then$ "ou are unlikel" to attract an 2ther whose values harmoni9e with "ours.

(,ohn !ownle")

1ou have a natural and health" appetite for se. but se for its own sake is not likel" to be
enoguh. 1ou are more interested in the feelings and principles behind it than in the act
itself. and se without personal involvement is surel" less than satisf"ing.

1ou are not strongl" motivated to learn comple or unusual seual techni&ues$ ecept
perhaps to pleas a lover who has a special taste for them. For "ou$ seual p"rotechnics
tend to get in the wa" of necessar" love communication$ distracting "ou from the warmth
and friendship that trul" fulfilling seualit" means to "ou.

1our kind of eperimentation is in the lover "ou choose rather than in the wa" "ou go
about lovemaking. 1ou are uninterested in one whose personalit" is modest or
commonplace$ preferring a more adventurous and unusual t"pe. 1ou feel that such a
lover will greatl" enhance "our own eperience and that the relationship will be a
continuing eploration of new territor".

For this reason$ "our lovers are in general more outgoing and volatile but less cautious
than "ou. !herefore$ "ou have to pla" the role of stabili9er from time to time. %n that wa"$
"ou can en#o" the adventures "ou get "ourself into$ and at the same time keep them from
getting out of hand.

(7obert /and)

1ou tr" to be ver" fair and #ust with all of "our friends$ because "ou want ever"thing
about "our relationships to be on a high moral plane. 1ou are as fair as possible with
ever"one "ou like$ and ver" upset when someone is unfair to a friend of "ours. 1et "ou are
tolerant of other people(s weaknesses. 1ou prefer to base "our opinion of someone on his
or her overall personalit"$ ignoring little faults. /owever$ if a friend breaks an important
rule$ "ou ma" end the friendship on the spot.

1ou are usuall" ver" friendl" and &uite outgoing. 1ou don(t hide "our feelings for others$
for "ou are open about "our emotions. -eople will probabl" like this in "ou. and "ou
should have man" friends. /owever$ "ou do not like possessive people or those who use
friendship to tie "ou down. 1ou want to be free to be friendl" with an"one without "our
friends sa"ing (no(. Later in life$ "ou ma" have difficult" settling down to a single
relationship with someone of the opposite se.

1ou are fond of nature and the outdoors$ and ma" stud" a sub#ect such as botan"$ geolog"
or bird life #ust for pleasure. 1ou like natural themes in art$ and art and music that is
large and impressive.

(5onna van !oen)

!hough Sagittarius is a Fire sign$ % find it doesn(t have the same sort of passion as Aries
and Leo$ and therefore "ou don(t have as strong a need for se. rather$ what "ou need is
spontaneit"$ because "our needs tend to change according to "our circumstances. 1ou
also need a mate 3 lover who feels the chase is as important as - or even more important
than - the catch. "ou seem to need that game-pla"ing$ courtship stage more than most.
For this reason$ an"one who tries to turn things toward a serious commitment too soon is
liable to wind up hearing (8ood-b"e( instead of (% do(. 1ou(re as anious for a stable
relationship as the net one$ but "ou want to be the one to stabili9e it. and pressure to
commit "ourself onl" threatens "our freedom and drives "ou awa". Finall"$ "ou need a
mate 3 lover who respects - and preferabl" shares - "our philosoph" of life.
Natal Venus in Capricorn

(,an Spiller and +aren 'c0o")


1ou might place too much value on "our pro#ection to others of being absolutel" on top of
ever"thing. !his ma" stifle "our special abilit" to eemplif" and share awareness of social
appropriateness. %f "ou neglect demonstrating such knowledge$ "ou ma" feel self-doubt
and lack of control when others reflect "our ineptitude.

)hen relationships are used for the purpose of ensuring "our social position$ people can
become mere ob#scts on the wa" toward "our prestigious or sensual ends. !hus$ the spirit
of true relationships ma" be lost in pursuit of materialism that eventuall" leaves "ou
alone with onl" "our tangible assets for compan".

1ou might den" "our special abilit" to achieve material success in ever" area of "our life
because of giving in to fears of social re#ection if "ou fail. !his ma" lead to feeling sorr"
for "ourself. 1ou might lose "our sense of self-worth if "our values are not accepted and
praised b" others and are not reflected through material success.


1ou possess the abilit" to demonstrate social appropriateness as a means toward
attaining a desired social position. 1ou can epress "our uni&ue gifts b" sharing "our
perception and encouraging others to eecute their intentions in a practical wa". !his
produces a result that brings "ou a solid sense of "our own worth.

1ou have the abilit" to use the social and material values of others for "our own goals.
!hus$ in attaining material success "ou set an eample and demonstrate "our awareness
of social values. !his assists others in tangibl" epressing their talents and intentions at
the highest level of public acceptance.

1ou are able to establish a firm$ reliable sense of self-worth when "ou share with others
"our understanding of how to manipulate the material world toward one(s intended ends.
Above all$ "ou become an inspirational eample when "ou demonstrate "our natural
knowledge of social suitabilit"$ utili9ing those standards in a creative wa" to produce the
desired results.

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

Love is a serious business for Venus in an" of the 4arth signs. but for Venus in 0apricorn
it is deadlil" serious. !hese people will be etremel" cautious about getting involved.
!he" will take a long time getting to know a prospective partner and checking out his or
her credentials. =nless the prognosis for the relationship is good$ the" would rather not
embark. 4ver-practical and achievement-orientated$ the" do not want to waste their time
on something that is not going somewhere.

Someone with Venus in 0apricorn will want and offer to make a ma#or commitment if a
relationship feels right to him or her$ and will probabl" not begin to open up to his or her
more sensual side until this is established. /e 3 she wants to be sure of his 3 her partner$
and will not want to invest him- 3 herself emotionall" until then.

)ithin a relationship$ practical securit" will be ver" important. -eople with Venus in
0apricorn need to feel that the things around them are stable$ in order for them to rela.
!he" are not happ" if conditions are uncomfortable. !he" ma" epect a partner to provide
a stable$ secure situation for them$ or at least not to threaten one that the" have alread"
created for themselves. /ence$ a partner(s financial situation ma" be important to them.
Venus in 0apricorn has a reputation for marr"ing for mone"$ which is not as mercenar"
as it sounds when it is reali9ed that these people are attracted b" stabilit" and securit".

-eople with Venus in 0apricorn can also be drawn to someone who has a certain status or
reputation the" find desirable. !he" ma" gain status themselves through their
relationships. !he" ma" be attracted b" someone who has a dignified air or is
distinguished in some wa". !heir own dignit" will be ver" important to them$ and the"
will be careful not to compromise it. 4ven in an established relationship$ the" will alwa"s
behave with restraint and propriet" in public. !he" make ver" good partners for
ambitious people who need someone prepared to do the necessar" formal sociali9ing.
!he" will be in tune with how important this aspect of life can be for someone in getting
on$ and can be etremel" supportive of their partner(s ambitions and useful to them in
man" practical wa"s.

(Sk"e Aleander)

Although this sign position doesn(t in itself signif" artistic talent$ if other factors in "our
chart denote creative abilit" "ou probabl" will epress it in a traditional$ conservative or
practical manner. 1our tastes are conventional and reserved$ and "ou look to the past for
inspiration$ using forms and techni&ues that are (tried and true(. -erhaps "ou will not
discover or epress "our artistic interests until later in life. and "ou ma" have to
overcome blocks of some kind that stand in the wa" of "our creativit" - famil"
responsibilities$ financial concerns$ lack of education$ or fear of failure.

%t is important for "ou to create something material and tangible$ that is useful and will
endure for generations to come. !hus$ "our preferred art form could be architecture. 2r$
"ou might be a collector of art$ an investor in anti&ues and 3 or (old masters( (rather than
someone who takes a chance on unknown artists). Another possibilit" is that "ou would
make a business of art.

%n relationships$ "ou are cautious$ practical and traditional. 1ou seek stabilit" and
permanence in both romantic and business partnerships. 6ot one to take relationships
lightl"$ if "ou make a commitment to another person "ou stick b" it faithfull". 2ne-night
stands and brief affairs don(t interest "ou much. 1ou like constanc"$ predictabilit"$ and
the securit" that comes from an established partnership with clearl" defined parameters
and patterns. !herefore$ "our relationships have a better chance than most of enduring.
/owever$ "our desire for stabilit" and permanence can cause "ou to sta" in a relationship
that is no longer satisf"ing$ or one that has ceased to grow and develop. -eople with this
placement can let themselves and their relationships get (in a rut( and become more of a
habit than a #o".

)hen it comes to matters of the heart$ "ou are a realist$ a pragmatist. 1ou aren(t the t"pe
to fall head-over-heels in love with someone. and usuall" "ou want to know "our lover for
a long time before making a commitment. 1ou ma" even view love relationships as a
business arrangement$ and are more likel" to marr" for mone"$ status$ securit" or
convenience than out of passion. !herefore$ others might consider "ou cold-blooded or
mercenar". 1ou aren(t ver" romantic or affectionate$ and tend to be reserved and
constrained when it comes to epressing "our feelings for "our partner. )hat "ou lack in
romance$ however$ "ou make up for in lo"alt". 5ut"-conscious and reliable$ "ou won(t
shirk "our responsibilities to "our loved ones or dump "our partner of man" "ears for a
"ounger$ prettier face.

!hough "ou appear to be aloof$ unfeeling or superior in love matters$ in truth "ou are
terribl" sh" and sensitive. 1ou often hesitate to make a move for fear of being re#ected.
-erhaps there is some obstacle - ph"sical$ emotional$ financial or otherwise - that keeps
"ou from involving "ourself in love relationships. 1ou undervalue "our attractiveness$ and
are afraid that others don(t like "ou. *ecause love to "ou is serious business$ "ou usuall"
won(t take a chance if "ou aren(t certain of the outcome beforehand. !hus$ "ou ma" miss
out on man" romantic opportunities or wait until rather late in life to form a love

)omen with Venus in 0apricorn view maturit" and wisdom as desirable &ualities in a
woman. and$ therefore$ are less likel" than others to dread growing older. 1ou also tend
to be career-oriented$ and might place work ahead of marriage and children. *eing
successful professionall" makes "ou feel good about "ourself as a woman. and "ou
certainl" don(t believe that businesswomen are less feminine than homemakers.
/owever$ "our attitudes toward love and relationships are traditional and somewhat old-
fashioned$ so "ou ma" have difficult" reconciling "our professional ambitions with "our
conservative views about male-female partnerships.

'en with this planetar" position are most interested in women who are mature$ refined$
no-nonsense t"pes. 1our ideal woman looks as if she #ust stepped out of !own and
0ountr" maga9ine. /er public image is proper and dignified$ but in private she(s sensual
and passionate. 0lassic beauties with old-fashioned values and blue-chip stocks are the
stuff of which "our romantic fantasies are made. 1ou also might be attracted to women
who are older than "ou.

(Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker)

Venus in the sign 0apricorn indicates those who need material status and wealth in order
to achieve emotional securit". 2ften the" seek to improve their status b" marr"ing above
their station in life$ with the attitude that one might as well fall in love with someone
wealth". %n dating and courtship$ the" are attracted to those who will take them to
epensive restaurants and prestigious places of entertainment. -roud and reserved in
their public behavior$ the" dislike overt publid displa"s of emotion and affection$
considering such conduct beneath them. !heir dignified air can be based on their desire
to feel superior to the common lot. sometimes this is resented b" others as snobbishness.

*ecause of the Saturn rulership of 0apricorn$ people with this Venus position can repress
their emotions and seualit"$ as does Venus in Virgo. but the" are capable of being ver"
sensual in private. !he" attract s"mpath" through their &uiet personal dignit" and
refinement. !here is also a sense of aloneness about them$ which generates a subtle
m"sti&ue that appeals to ohters. !he classic chiseled features of 8reek beaut" are t"pical
of Venus in 0apricorn.

-eople with this position of Venus$ if the" marr" "oung$ seek older$ more mature
partners. /owever$ if the" marr" later in life$ the" choose "ounger mates whom the" can
stabili9e and provide with securit" in return for affection. !hough not openl"
demonstrative$ the" are lo"al and steadfast to those the" love$ because the" innatel"
sense the personal responsibilit" in important relationships.

%n art$ these people have a strong sense of composition and structure. like Venus in
Sagittarius$ this position endows them with an attraction to classical music and other
traditional art forms that have preserved their value through the test of time. Since the"
have business and magerial abilit" in matters related to art$ the" ma" become anti&ue
dealers$ museum curators$ and art galler" directors.

%f Venus is afflicted in 0apricorn$ there can be emotional coldness and overconcern with
propert" and material goods. 0alculating and ulterior motives ma" supersede affections.
marriage can be made for mone" and status$ and love can go a-begging.

(%sabel /icke")

Venus is in the domain of Saturn in this sign so there is an entirel" different epression of
the love nature and emotions from that in the sign of Sagittarius. /ere will be the
seriousness$ caution and pride of Saturn. %ntensifies ambition and a desire for prestige
and status. *ehind an outer assurance is a timidit" in love and reserve in epressing
feelings. !here is a fear of giving too much of oneself$ and a desire to shield the self from
hurt. 5isappointments in love during the "outh$ epseciall" if Venus is afflicted$ can be
overcome b" willingness to go the wa" of love and hold no bitterness or resentment
toward the one who brought the suffering. Fear and selfishness must be overcome. and
Venus in 0apricorn has the strength and patience to do it.

(,ulia and 5erek -arker)

Although the worldl" ambition associated with 0apricorn does not easil" blend with the
Venusian need to relate and love$ when the planet is placed in this sign it gives someone
who will$ once committed$ want to remain faithful and constant. *ecause of the differing
characteristics of the sign and principles of the planet$ there can be inhibition in the full
epression of feeling$ so it is important that$ while there ma" be no desire to gush forth
with affirmations of love$ the partner reall" knows how much he or she is loved.
Sometimes$ in order to make worldl" progress$ a partner will be chosen as a status
s"mbol of some kind. /owever$ true$ constant love should be the aim$ with the 0apricorn
ambition geared towards #oint development of the partnership$ materiall" and
emotionall". /ere is a faithful friend who likes to create an impression. 'one" is spent in
a calculated wa"$ often to show off. "et a careful streak will also be evident.

%f the Sun sign is Scorpio$ this Venus placement links the deep intensit" and passion of
Scorpio with the cool calculation of 0apricorn. /ere are people who will get what the"
want$ but ma" not consider a partner(s feelings carefull" or s"mpatheticall". !he" are
demanding friends who will encourage others in their ambitions. 7uthlessness in all areas
of life must be countered. *usiness- and mone"-making abilities are ecellent.

%f the Sun sign is Sagittarius$ this Venus placement calms the passion of Sagittarius. and
the love life is taken seriousl". !he sub#ect is thoughtful and fairl" constant (more so than
other members of this Sun sign)$ but there can be conflict between the Sagittarian need
for freedom of epression within a relationship and the 0apricorn urge to do the right
thing. /ere is a friend who en#o"s demanding challenges. Financial growth can occur
through clever and calculated risk-taking.

%f the Sun sign is 0apricorn$ faithfulness and lo"alt" #oin with a reserved epression of
feeling. !he general characteristics of Venus in 0apricorn detailed above will be ver"
evident. Ambition for material progress must not be so great that the partner and
children are neglected as a result.

%f the Sun sign is A&uarius$ the ver" independent A&uarian lifest"le will cause a
reluctance to be committed to an emotional relationship. !he romantic tendencies often
present in this Sun sign ma" be suppressed. !he impression given is cool and distant$ but
there are magnetic powers of attraction. /ere is a good$ faithful friend$ but someone who
will be difficult to know reall" well. !he management of finances ma" or ma" not be good$
so balance is needed.

%f the Sun sign is -isces$ the blending of 4arth (0apricorn) and )ater (-isces) is
ecellent$ since Venus will help stead" the gush of -iscean emotion. %f a practical
approach to love can be achieved$ there should be no conflict$ but the coolness of Venus
must be recogni9ed as a positive factor$ helping to channel and give an element of
caution and common sense in this sphere of life. /ere is a kind friend who will offer
plent" of sensible suggestions when called upon to help. !here will be some fiscal abilit"
but$ if 'ercur" is also in -isces$ professional financial advice is to be recommended.

(8rant Lewi)

1ou are wise be"ond "our "ears where emotions are concerned$ accept naturall" the
dictates of societ"$ and will rarel" be found in a compromising position. 4motional
response will genuinel" be along the lines of conventions$ sometimes even of the main
chance. "ou won(t marr" beneath "ou. 1ou could love more easil" where moen" is
involved. Since "our emotions are geared to "our defence and ambition responses$ "ou
will rarel" find "ourself struggling between love and dut"$ desire and ambition. the"
automaticall" work together. 1our emotions are not so much controlled as the" are
natural ad#unts to practical wishes. "ou instinctivel" do the right thing$ make the tactful
response$ refuse to be hurt$ and easil" refrain from doing things that hurt others.
4motional response is self-repressed and ma" even become selfish. %f "ou have a lot of
trouble with "our emotions$ it is from something else in "our Vitasphere$ and not from
Venus in 0apricorn.

(S"dne" 2marr)

%n 0apricorn$ Venus tells of a native who is adaptable$ moves with the times$ is able to
make ad#ustments$ and strives to make his loved ones happ" and secure. !here are basic
disappointments$ but he thrives on them and accepts them as challenges - nevertheless$
he does not go unscathed. 8ain is indicated from foreign travel and legacies. /e must be
war" of those who (talk a good game( but have little to offer. 2therwise$ he becomes
involved with individuals who use and insult him$ and then complain because he appears
cold or indifferent.

(L"n *irbeck)

1ou are a dutiful$ though potentiall" inhibited$ lover. Love for "ou is something that has
to be tried to be true$ and so "ou favour the conventional values of fidelit" and dut"$ the
passing of time through commitment$ and probabl" the enduring institution of marriage$
in order to establish a relationship or 2ther as reliable and worthwhile. )hen carried too
far$ however$ such hide-bound relating can cause "ou to want some sort of release. but be
careful this is not merel" some fanc".

1ou attract with a serious and considered attitude which bespeaks dependabilit" and
substance. with commitment and involvement with matters besides 2ther$ such as a
profession or worthwhile goal. and with a resourcefulness and possible affluence that
promises ease in the material world.

1ou repel with an inhibited and distrustful approach towards emotional matters. with a
cold self-containment that betra"s the fact that 2ther is #ust another responsibilit" in a
life full of duties and commitments. and b" putting mone" and status above feelings$
especiall" those of and for 2ther.

1ou are attracted to a mature$ responsible and utterl" trustworth" 2ther. to an 2ther
who has an elusive or m"sterious &ualit" that "ou cannot put "our finger on - or control$
for that matter. and to an 2ther who is a firm$ recogni9able member of "our social or
cultural group.

1ou are repelled b" slopp"$ irresolute t"pes who are looking for someone to use as a step
up life(s ladder. b" those too eager to fit in with "our plans and opinions$ for in truth "ou
onl" trust and respect an 2ther who is his 3 her own person. and b" situations where "ou
feel ill-at-ease because there are too man" (unknowns(.

)hen "ou are alone$ it is because "ou have not trusted an"one to come close enough teo
discover the real "ou. !his is not to do with making "ourself known as a personalit" with
all "our various strengths and weaknesses too$ but more a case of revealing "our ver"
soul to 2ther$ and trusting him 3 her with it in a real wa". 1ou can be ver" adept at
presenting "ourself in an apparentl" candid fashion$ but this can be a bit like pa"ing lip-
service to emotional honest". %n other words$ for all "our apparentl" straight dealing$ "ou
alwa"s hold back the ver" part of "ourself that is chaotic and lost$ or at least is what "ou
regard as such. !his is the part that love and love onl" can heal$ but it is love that "ou
ultimatel" do not trust. 1ou too often mistake the formalities and conditions placed upon
love for love itself - so it is no wonder "ou do not trust it and find "ourself alone.

(,ohn !ownle")

1our tastes in seualit" tend to be simple$ even austere$ for "ou feel that too man"
complications get in the wa" of and distract from the course of events. 1ou do not re&uire
a great deal of ph"sical attention$ for "ou can glean plent" of substance from what seems
little to others$ and fine meaning where man" would overlook it.

1ou ma" find satisfaction in a relationship in which one partner dominates the other or in
which each person(s realm of authorit" is ver" clearl" delineated within an overall
balance. At an" rate$ clarit" is essential$ for a muddied relationship will not allow "ou to
full" en#o" "our seualit".

A partner who is &uite a bit older or "ounger$ probabl" older$ best suits "our seual st"le.
!his is not so much for the sake of knowledge and eperience but for the &ualit" of
distance mied with intimac" that often characteri9es such a relationship.

Although "ou want sure and certain affection from "our lover$ "ou prefer someone who is
fairl" discreet and treats "our relationship not frivolousl" but with respect and decorum.

(7obert /and)

1ou keep "our feelings under control$ and at times "ou ma" find it difficult to make
friends. !his is because "ou epress "our feelings more seriousl" than most people "our
age. For this reason$ "ou ma" prefer being with older people or people who can teach "ou
about how to get along in the world. 1ou ver" much need to respect the people "ou like.
/owever$ make sure that "our relationships are not based solel" on what others can do
for "ou$ because sometimes people with this placement of Venus use friendship and love
to get ahead in the world. %f "ou use "our friends in this wa"$ "ou won(t learn what love
and friendship are reall" about.

1ou are not self-indulgent$ and "ou can control "our desires &uite well$ so "ou are not
likel" to waste mone" or other resources. 1ou will plan ver" carefull" how to bw rather
thrift". 1our eating and drinking habits will also be moderate. in fact$ "ou are at "our best
doing ever"thing in moderation. And "ou don(t especiall" like people who go overboard$
particularl" in epressing their feelings.

(5onna van !oen)

!his placing gets almost as much bad press as Venus in Virgo. Again$ while slow to warm
up$ it(s not devoid of passion. it #ust doesn(t place se &uite so high on its list of priorities
as do some of the other signs. 1ou need a purpose in life. and the ob#ect of "our affections
must be able to fit himself 3 herself into this purpose. %t(s been said that Venus in
0apricorn is inclined to marr" for mone" or prestige. )hile this ma" have been true once
upon a time$ %(ve "et to see an"one with this placing who puts mone" or prestige at the
top of his 3 her list of needs. *ut while "ou don(t epect "our mate 3 lover to necessaril"
improve "our material or social standing$ "ou won(t allow him 3 her to interfere with it or
cause it to deteriorate either. 1ou need a mate who understands that an iv"-covered
cottage teeming with kiddies #ust isn(t enough for "ou$ no matter how much love "ou get
there. !o feel worth" of love$ "ou must feel "ou(re doing something to deserve it. For "ou$
that means proving "ourself in the business world$ or in "our communit"$ in some wa"$ b"
earning the respect of those be"ond "our four walls. *ut it also means "ou have a need to
be sure of "our mate 3 lover(s respect and support. !o work so hard onl" to have "our
partner undermine or belittle "our efforts would be a crushing blow for "ou.
7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< Steadfast$ creative$ ambitious$ image-conscious$ responsible.

0apricorn$ the cardinal 4arth sign s"mbolised b" a goat ascending a mountain$ is$ along
with Scorpio$ the workaholic of the 9odiac. ,ust as the persevering$ goal-orientated
mountain goat clims slowl" but surel" until it reaches the top$ people with Venus in
0apricorn leave no stone unturned in their never-ending eploration of their creativit"
and mone"-making potential. *ecause Saturn-ruled 0apricorn represents discipline$
structure and the foresight needed to bring budding ideas to fruition$ Venus will add
creativit" and co-operation to whatever the" attempt$ be it in the corporate$
governmental or artistic arena.

Since their self-estteem is intrinsicall" rooted in the successful fulfilment of their
ambitions (to be president of a compan" or to bu" a beautiful home)$ marriage is often
postponed until the" feel themselves well established. 0onversel"$ the" ma" choose
emotionall" supportive$ financiall" comfortable or sociall" connected partners to help
them to achieve their goals. 5ue to the single-minded sense of achivement that Venus in
0apricorn people demand of themselves (and$ as a result$ of otehrs)$ the" usuall" do not
rush headlong into a relationship. %n fact$ the" devote so much time and energ" to
building a career that their partners must recognise that success is essential for their
self-esteem and$ therefore$ their capacit" for love.

Serious and dutiful$ Venus in 0apricorn individuals re&uire professional and personal
partners who will provide the support$ devotion and securit" the" need to continue
climbing the ladder of success. *ecause 0apricorn is such a conservative and prudent
sign$ men with this placement still ehibit man" traditional attitudes towards women(s
roles both in the workplace and at home. *" the same token$ Venus in 0apricorn women
ma" be attracted to strong$ successful and protective ment.

%f Venus in 0apricorn is well aspected$ these individuals are &uite confident and place
enormous value on friendships and relationships. )hile not alwa"s verball" epressive$
the" are none the less lo"al and offer unconditional support to their loved ones - and
epect the same in return. %f Venus is poorl" aspected$ there ma" be an insecurit"
regarding their position or abilit" to fulfil ambitions$ thereb" placing a strain on their
home life. !heir epectations of complete lo"alt" from personal and professional partners
coupled with their obsessive drive to succeed can make them resent an" time not utilised
in their behalf or in pursuit of common goals.

At times$ students of astrolog" tend to forget that$ like all 4arth signs$ sober$ #udicious
0apricorn is also sensual and$ as a result$ Venus in the sign of the mountain goat
represents one of the most ardent positions of the 9odiac. %t obviousl" takes a long time
for individuals with this placement to fall in love as the" are preoccupied with their
careers and 3 or do not approach an" facet of their lives - especiall" love and commitment
- lightl" or superficiall". )hen these perfectionists ultimatel" surrender to love$ the" will
not settle for an"thing less than a long-term commitment - unlike$ for instance$ Venus in
Aries people$ who half epect their relationships to fail. %n fact$ Venus in 0apricorn
people have feelings that run so deep the" can even lead to obsession and #ealous" - in
etreme cases. )hile their public displa"s of affection are minimal$ their seualit" is$ in
fact$ eceedingl" intense. and their commitment to relationships is lo"al and steadfast.

!he intensit"$ devotion and pervading seualit" of Venus in 0apricorn is t"pified b" show
business personalities.

Ver" often$ Venus in 0apricorn people who have trul" obtained self-worth from their
careers do have committed$ long-term relationships founded on love and admiration for
their partner$ both personall" and professionall".

('artin Schulman)

)ith this placement$ the individual eperiences the faithful &ualit" of enduring love. /is
feelings are deep and lasting$ his lo"alties growing secure and richer with the passing
"ears$ with an outlook on life to conserve and preserve that which he solidl" builds.
/aving a strongl" practical love nature$ he tends to be conservative and restrictive$
eperiencing great difficulties in epressing his feelings. !hus$ rather than using up his
storehouse of love$ he puts limits on how much he will allow himself to feel. %n essence$
he holds back and withdraws hermit-like into himself as if to find a safe hiding place for
his s&uirrel-like sensitivities which are alwa"s seeking future securit".

!his is an especiall" difficult placement for Venus$ as the individual(s love nature is often
so burdened with worries$ insecurities$ and karmic self-doubts that it is few and far
between moments when he actuall" feels his attunement with life. /e tends to be
overprotective$ with a narrow-closed outlook which is undul" concerned with social
acceptance. As a result$ he has a tendenc" to be susceptible to marr"ing for convenience$
mone"$ social status$ prestige or other motives less than love.

!he Saturnian influence here tends to cr"stali9e emotions$ dela" love$ create attractions
to an older or conventional partner$ and inhibit the free flow of feeling which is the ver"
essence of life(s fulfillment. !he individual(s abilit" to love is often hidden behind a self-
protective wall. And$ it is this ver" wall that must be overcome if he is to eperience
fulfillment in life.

!he 1od to this Venus placement is formed b" the signs 8emini and Leo. and it is from
these two signs that the individual learns his greatest lessons about love.

From the sign 8emini$ he learns how to put activit" and motion into his life. !he inhibited
feelings of the 0apricorn Venus become loosened$ and the person discovers his abilit" to
epress his love to others. !he social &ualities of 8emini teach him about adaptabilit". /e
learns to break the rigidit" of his overl"-structured love nature$ lighten up his serious and
often somber attitude towards life$ and reali9e that he can have a "outhful sense of
presence which enables him to be as much attuned to his current feelings as he is to the
conventional past patterns in which he tends to dwell.

!he communicative inclinations of 8emini help teach this individual how to tell his
feelings to another. /e reali9es that the cold sense of isolation that he assumes to be his
prison is absolved b" understanding how his innermost sensitivities are commonl" shared
with others. %n this wa"$ he establishes his link to humanit".

From the sign Leo$ he learns how to come out of his shell$ gathering the courage and
boldness to break through his fears and inhibitions$ and actuall" taste what life is like.
Leo s"mboli9es generosit" and an openl" honest epansivel" warm nature. From this
sign$ the individual must reali9e that if he is to eperience the fulfillment of love he is
seeking$ he must first overcome his (miser-like( tendencies which on all levels enclose his
life in the meager proportions of a fearful and limited imagination. /e learns that the
courage it takes to show his feelings and openl" give his affections not onl" becomes the
ver" essence of his abilit" to feel life$ but also puts him in touch with the one force that
overcomes karma.

!he setile from 8emini to Leo encourages the individual to participate in the active
sunshine of life. 7ather than forcing others to pr" into his shell$ epanding heir efforts to
understand his blocked-in feelings$ or perhaps even testing their abilit" to earn his love$
he begins to reali9e how the reciprocit" of open echange (8emini) and the epansive
generosit" of a giving nature (Leo) bring him to eperience the warmth and acceptance
he is seeking.

2nce the lessons of the 1od are learned$ this individidual begins to understand the true
beaut" of the Venus in 0apricorn placement. /e dinds that b" openl" and honestl"
sharing his inner feelings$ he receives not onl" the acceptance he so strongl" needs$ but
also the encouragement to discover the niche in life through which most of his energies
will filter. %t is through this niche that he will devote his endearing lo"alties towards a
purpose with meaning. a dedicated mission of devotion towards a lifetime that will not
onl" stand for something important in the societ" his love is helping to establish$ but also
have the enduring &ualit" to outlast him.

/is ver" special 8ift of Love will come from his abilit" to communicate and epressivel"
show the beaut" of this sense of lasting value to others.

('arcia 'oore and 'ark 5ouglas)

+e"note< Affections are serious but restrained.
S"mbol< A beautiful woman buttons herself into an old-fashioned dress.

Although Venus is in man" wa"s agreeabl" situated in 0apricorn$ people born with this
configuration have some ver" contradictor" impulses to resolve. 'uch depends on
whether the higher or lower side of the combination prevails. %f Saturn(s chill hardens the
heart and restricts the Venusian capacit" for love$ this position can betra" the calculating
ambition of one who marries for mone" and trades on sentiment for the sake of personal
gain. A need to fortif" the ego b" surrounding it with possessions of demonstrable value
crushes the tender emotions of Venus under the wheels of the 0apricornian drive for
power. Seual inhibitions ma" grow out of fears instilled b" strict social taboos$ or there
ma" be a rather mechanical approach to se in which erotic techni&ues are substituted
for the simple capacit" to love.

)hen well aspected$ Venus in 0apricorn is lo"al$ trustworth"$ and steadfast. Feelings
ma" be more profoundl" eperienced as a result of being held in reserve and not wasted
in casual demonstrations of affection. Sometimes a desire for securit"$ combined with a
fear of being rebuffed$ dela"s marriage and tempers ardor with caution. 2ne wa" or
another$ love is hedged round with practical considerations. !he necessit" for restraint$
although frustrating in "outh$ pa"s unepected dividends as the "ears pass. Saturn needs
time to mellow before it can show itself at its best.

%n women$ this combination can bestow a becoming reticence which ma" be etremel"
appealing. )hen "oung$ the" often have a demureness associated with the old-fashioned
virtues of modest" and chastit". %n later "ears$ the" come into their own and fre&uentl"
rise to positions of authorit". Since Saturn represents the father$ the" ma" dedicate their
lives to the male parent and bear the burden of his ideals. 2ften the" marr" an older man.

'en of this t"pe tend to be self-abnegating. and their romantic impulses are subordinated
to their professional duties. Such men wed for a variet" of practical reasons$ but$ in
realit"$ their first love is their work. 2ften their wives help them in their business$ a
practice which ma" benefit both marriage and career.

%n the lives of immature people or of those driven mainl" b" ph"sical appetites$ this
blending of influences can have a coarsening effect. Venus panders to the senses while
Saturn hardens the ego$ intensif"ing the materialit" of an 4arth planet in an 4arth sign.
For mature individuals$ this same position can be remarkabl" productive. %t gives a sense
of order and proportion which contributes to the success of their endeavors in whatever
field the" make their own. %f a thing is to be done at all$ the" will take the time and care
to see that it is done right.

Venus in 0apricorn translates personal affections into emotional discipline. !rue love
must have time to grow. %t endures patientl"$ suffers uncomplainingl"$ and remains
faithful to the finish. =ltimatel"$ this abiding devotion #ustifies all the vicissitudes of a life
lived for others$ and serves as an eample of the highest moral precepts held forth b" the
teachers of the race.

(,eff 8reen)

As a pre-eisting pattern$ the Venus in 0apricorn people have learned to be ver" cautious
and contorlled in how the" epress themselves and relate to other people. !his eternal
pattern is a reflection of how the" have learned to inwardl" relate to themselves< the
Venus in 0apricorn people have ver" deep feelings and needs that take time to surface
into their conscious awareness. 4ven when the" do surface$ these individuals re&uire
time to make sure$ and feel secure$ that what the" are feeling$ or needing$ is correct.
4ven then$ the" can be ver" slow to relatee$ share$ or communicate these feelings and 3
or needs to others because of a pre-eisting fear of re#ection and 3 or false #udgement.
!his pre-eisting fear has occurred because these individuals have eperienced re#ection
and 3 or wrong #udgement all too often earl" in their life$ from one or both of their
biological parents.

!he nature of 0apricorn$ as an archet"pe$ correlates to the phenomena of time and space$
and how time and space are structured or organi9ed. %t correlatees to the phenomena of
finitude and mortalit"$ and to the nature of how collectives of people organi9e themselves
into structured groups or societies with consensus-formed$ man-made laws$ regulations$
norms$ taboos$ and customs. !his in turn creates social epectations of how people should
integrate and conduct themselves within the group or societ" (the epectation to
conform) which$ in turn$ becomes the basis of social #udgements. And when the
epectation to conform to what the consensus epects does not occur$ this becomes the
basis of guilt.

%n addition$ 0apricorn correlates to the structure and nature of consciousness in human
form$ to the nature of structure in an" form$ and to the use of form. %t also points to the
need to change the nature of structural form when that form has become
counterproductive to necessar" change - that is$ when it has served its use and become
cr"stalli9ed. %n ps"chological terms$ 0apricorn correlates to the function of conscious
reflection which allows for a simultaneous awareness of the overall state of our beingness
and what we need to change$ inwardl" and outwardl"$ in order to grow. *ecause of
0apricorn(s correlation to time and space$ finitude$ and mortalit"$ it also correlates to
ps"chological 3 emotional maturation$ aging$ defining the focus of our life via goals and
ambitions$ and the self-determination that this re&uires. 6egativel" speaking$ this can
produce the ps"cholog" of futilit"$ pessimism$ fatalism$ and self-defeat.

!he Venus in 0apricorn person has t"picall" been born into famil" structures in which the
parental realit" has been defined b" the consensus of the societ" in which the" live.
0onse&uentl"$ the parental realit" has t"picall" had a heav" undertone in which the child
has been epected to conform to the parental value s"stem. )hen the child deviated from
these epectations to conform$ he or she was made to feel guilt" in covert or overt wa"s
through the use of #udgement. A related d"namic within the general pattern of
epectation to confortm to parental values is one wherein the parents have pro#ected on
the child a rigid code of conduct that the child is epected to adhere to even when the
parents themselves do not. !he clichA (5o as % sa"$ not as % do( applies here. !his creates
the ver" real perception in the child of h"pocris" and double standards. )ithin this$ the
ver" wa" in which the parents related to themselves has t"picall" been ver" rigid$
controlled$ emotionall" distant$ and perfunctor". !here is a lack of spontaneit"$ and a lack
of an" real demonstrations of affection or love between them. ;uite the contrar"< the
parents are generall" ver" controlled in their emotional interrelatedness with one
another. !he nature of their relationship is commonl" defined b" predictable routine and
order which each parent epects the other to adhere to and maintain. !here is also a
mutual fear of being too vulnerable with one another. and their seual life is either
blocked or distorted in some wa". All of this has served to (imprint( the overall ps"cholog"
and emotional realit" of the Venus in 0apricorn child.

As a result of this$ the Venus in 0apricorn individual learned as a child to deepl"
compress and protect his 3 her feelings. !hese children learned that their needs could not
be acknowledged$ supported$ or nurtured b" their parents. As a result$ the" learned to
either conceal or suppress their needs. !his process of learning to control their emotional
demonstrations is a reflection of the survival instinct. %t is based on the situation in which
the parents epected the Venus in 0apricorn child to act almost like miniature adults$ to
shoulder man" duties and responsibilities - in short$ to control or suppress the normal
behavior of the child. !his undermines and stifles the child(s true nature and activities.

*ecause there has been no real emotional support or nurturing relative to their actual
needs and desires$ there is a deep wellspring of insecurit" that is born out of this t"pe of
parental environment. !hus$ the normal emotions and needs of the child have become
buried deep into the subconscious of man" individuals who have Venus in 0apricorn.
!hese emotions and needs become ps"chologicall" displaced$ and surface later on in their
adult life. !his is important to udnerstand$ because whatever an" of us supposes$ for
whatever reasons$ becomes distorted. !hus$ the emotions and needs of these individuals
have t"picall" become distorted as adults ebcause of the ps"chological displacement
caused when the" were children.

2ne of the displaced emotions that can surface in a distorted wa" concerns the nature of
authorit". *ecause of the t"picall" authoritarian nature of the parental environment$ the
Venus in 0apricorn people have had their own inner sense of authorit" fractured$
suppressed$ or crushed. %n adulthood$ this displaced emotion can manifest in a few
different wa"s depending on the overall nature of the person in &uestion$ as seen in the
totalit" of his 3 her birth chart. For some$ their underl"ing insecurit" will manifest as a
ver" timid$ sh"$ reserved$ and fearful wa" of relating to other people in general. %n their
intimate relationships$ this t"pe will t"picall" attract controlling$ dominating$ willful$
#udgemental$ h"pocritical and authoritarian indiviudals who more or less epect the
Venus in 0apricorn people to be vicarious etensions of their own realit" and to be
dependent on them. !his t"pe of Venus in 0apricorn person would have had almost no
sense of being emotionall" nurtured as a child. !hus$ this additional displaced emotion
now manifests as wanting to be taken care of b" this t"pe of partner< to be dependent in
order to feel safe and secure.

For others$ this will manifest in an almost opposite wa". !hese t"pes have so thoroughl"
imprinted the nature of the authoritarian parental environment that the" become ver"
intense$ authoritarian t"pes who perpetuall" need to assert and pro#ect their own sense
of authorit" in order to feel secure. !he underl"ing insecurit" that haunts all Venus in
0apricorn individuals becomes compensated for in this wa". As a result$ these t"pes are
instinctivel" fearful of losing their authorit"$ and will do almost an"thing to sustain it. !o
them$ the end #ustifies the means. !he" will t"picall" feel afraid of an"one else who has
legitimate authorit"$ and will generall" challenge$ or in some wa" attempt to undermine$
the authorit" of such people$ in order to sustain their own. !he means most commonl"
used are contrived and harsh negative #udgements and pronouncements$ and power pla"s
in which the" attempt to block or thwart the goals and ambitions of others. !his t"pe$
even if the" have no actual authorit"$ will attempt to associate with othters that do. !heir
sense of authorit" is thus created through vicarious association. %n their general
relatedness patterns with others$ the" will appear stoic and controlled$ pro#ect an
authoritarian stance$ and attempt to control others through the use of #udgement in one
wa" or another. An eample of this point could be the person who was the co-author of a
book$ who continuousl" reminded the other author that it was important to keep their
names in the public e"e in one wa" or another - the implied #udgement being that if the"
did not$ then no-one would give them an" interest or attention. 2n an inner basis$ this
t"pe is emotionall" fro9en and fearful of his 3 her vulnerabilit".

%n their intimate relationships$ these t"pes attract one of two t"pes or partners. 2ne t"pe
will be #ust as oriented to outward success$ appearances$ and social ambition as the" are.
!heir inner life will be #ust as emotionall" fro9en as well. !he" ma" relate well through
the comonalit" of their eternal goals and ambitions. "et their inner emotional
relatedness will be slim to none. !he other t"pe will be #ust the opposite< a ver"
emotionall" need" individual who is essentiall" looking for a de facto parent to whom to
be in relationship. !his t"pe will be ver" dependent$ and essentiall" attempt to live
through the Venus in 0apricorn(s identit" and realit". !he" will have no real life of their
own$ and subconsciousl" feel safe in being dominated and controlled. )hen this t"pe of
Venus in 0apricorn attracts that t"pe of partner$ it is reall" a reflection of his 3 her own
subconscious desire to lose control$ to be cared for$ and to be nurtured more or less like a
bab". 2f course$ the" would never admit to this even though it is true. !his subconscious
desire reflects "et another form of the displaced emotions of childhood that were
conditioned b" living in the antithesis of a warm$ caring$ and supportive emotional

)ithin all Venus in 0apricorn individuals lies a ver" deep and reflective consciousness.
!o others$ this can create the appearance of a withdrawn$ &uiet$ reserved$ conservative$
and serious person. 2ne of the potential causes for this reflective$ inward-looking focus is
the fact that man" Venus in 0apricorn people are born with an unresolved grief$ or a grief
that has been created in their earl" life which is also unresolved in adulthood. As a result
of this$ the Venus in 0apricorn people can seem as if the" are in a perpetual or c"clic
state of mourning. !heir hearts seem to be burdened and sad. !here can be man" causes
of this condition. !he t"pical causes are childhoods in which there was not real love$
caring$ or nurturing. adult relationships that were devoid of an" real emotional
interaction$ love$ or support. the witnessing and eperiencing of political or religious
upheavals in which man" people were hurt or destro"ed. and 3 or political or
environmental conditions in which great plagues$ famine$ or ph"sical destitution
occurred. Another t"pical cause can be a situation where the Venus in 0apricorn person
was$ or is$ in a relationship lacking in an" real inner relatedness with the partner and
which$ in turn$ created an attraction to another who could or would give them what the"
needed. 1et$ because the Venus in 0apricorn people are inherentl" oriented to honoring
their commitments based on their sense of obligation$ dut"$ and being responsible$ the
attraction to another has been t"picall" suppressed and not acted on. !hus$ this creates a
deep inner suffering leading to a state of grief or mourning. !he results of whatever the
causes have been have produced a more or less traumati9ed heart$ and an emotional
structure that lies deepl" buried within these individuals. %n the Anton 0hekhov pla" (!he
Seagull($ there was a character that was alwa"s dressed in black. A person asked her wh"
she alwa"s dressed this wa". /er answer was (because % am in mourning for m" life:( !his
character s"mboli9es the heav" heart of Venus in 0apricorn people until the" are

!his is a rather sad state of affairs because$ in realit"$ the Venus in 0apricorn individual
is a highl" emotional person. 5eep within themselves the" are intrinsicall" warm$ caring$
nurturing$ and sensual. 1et because the" have learned to protect themselves due to the
fear of being vulnerable and wrongl" #udged$ and because their emotional bod" is
essentiall" traumati9ed due to the above causes$ it re&uires a ver" special kind of person
to help them unlock their emotional nature. !his kind of person must be ver" patient and
gentle in encouraging the Venus in 0apricorn people to access their feelings and needs.
/e 3 she must be the t"pe of person who can help them understand the basis of what
constitutes their own inner #udgemental patterns$ and to help them be free of those
patterns. )ithin this$ this t"pe of person must have a deep understanding of the nature of
societal and parental imprinting$ and how it has caused the Venus in 0apricorn people to
conceal and suppress their natural emotional needs. /e 3 she must be able to teach these
individuals that it is necessar" for them to learn how to relate$ epress$ and communicate
themselves freel" and openl" - to ask for wha the" need. !his is essential$ because all too
often the Venus in 0apricorn people silentl" epect that their partner should #ust know
what the" need without asking. %n this wa" the" rec"cle their sense of disappointment
linked with childhood - the inner child(s disappointment in its parents( unwillingness to
give to it what it needed.

All of this must be done through positive reinforcement and non-#udgement. 2ver time$
this approach will help the Venus in 0apricorn people hear differentl". %nstead of hearing
and being over-sensitve to #udgemental$ critical$ and authoritarian words which reflect
the nature of their childhood imprinting$ the" will now hear words of acceptance$
empowerment$ and encouragement. !he" will hear that the" are good and loving people
who do not need to feel guilt" for who the" are. !he" will accept encouragement to define
their own uni&ue values$ and to structure their life accordingl". !he" will begin to
eamine the nature of their conditioning patterns$ and$ in so doing$ to be as free from
those patterns as possible. Above all$ the Venus in 0apricorn people need another who
will hold and touch them so that hte earl" lack of nurturing in their earl" environment
can be healed in adulthood. %n fact$ the ke" to unlocking the Venus in 0apricorn people
occurs through touch. 2nce the" feel a sense of safet" in this wa"$ the Venus in 0apricorn
people will naturall" begin to open up in a ver" slow and methodical wa".
Natal Venus in Aquarius

(,an Spiller and +aren 'c0o")


1ou might withhold "our gift of ob#ective understanding and loving acceptance because
of a desire to create more ecitement. %f so$ "ou ma" eperience a series of shallow$
chaotic and scattered encounters. 1ou might use the pretet of universal love for
mankind as an ecuse for neglecting to establish personal relationships. 4ventuall"$ "ou
ma" undergo the haunting reali9ation that this detachment is simpl" feeling an inabilit"
and unwillingness to relate to an"one on a personal level.


1ou eperience the #o" and ehilaration of coming into contact with others when "ou are
willing to share openl" "our uni&ue gift of loving in an impartial wa". 6o matter how
intimate or personal a relationship ma" be$ "ou have the abilit" to retain "our sense of
individual freedom.

%f "ou do not abuse "our freedom through eccentric behavior in an attempt to guarantee
"our independence$ "ou can attract people who are willing to be "our e&ual. %n doing so$
"ou eliminate the possibilit" of "our dependenc" through their independence. A firm
sense of "our self-worth can be established when "ou allow a deep personal pledge to
develop within "our intimate relationships.

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

!he person with Venus in A&uarius tends to want relationships to be on a ver" cool and
rational basis. 4ven more than the other Air signs$ A&uarius feels uncomfortable dealing
with intense emotions. %ntimac" feels like alien territor" to those with Venus in A&uarius.
and their fear of getting close to people can make them ver" cool and distant. !he" feel
much more comfortable with friendships than with one-to-one relationships.

!hese people cannot bear possessiveness$ and will be appalled b" displa"s of #ealous" in
others. %t is difficult for them to accept their own darker emotions like #ealous" and
anger$ so the" often simpl" cut off when the" feel hurt.

%t is ver" important to them that those the" associate with share the same ideals and
political views. and the" find it &uite hard to relate to those with a different standpoint.
!he" tend to have a belief in their absolute rightness$ which can make it difficult for them
to empathi9e with an"one who holds a different view. !he" will tend to draw their friends
and lovers from the particular ideological groups to which the" belong$ and will en#o"
sharing these activities with their partner.

A&uarius has strong beliefs about e&ualit" and fair pla". and people with Venus here have
definite principles and ideals about relationships. !he" believe in openness and honest"$
and cannot tolerate an" form of underhand behaviour. !here is a strong sense of lo"alt".
and this person is a true friend to those he 3 she loves.

(Sk"e Aleander)

!he 7enaissance ma" have been the pinnacle of artistic achievement$ but as far as "ou(re
concerned onl" the most modern and innovative art forms are worth considering. 1ou
might be interested in computer graphics$ neon sculpture$ holographs$ electronic music
or eperimental theatre. 2r$ "ou could choose to epress "our creativit" and
inventiveness through aerospace or automotive design. An"thing new$ different$ untried
or unorthodo appeals to "ou. 1our willingness to go where others haven(t and "our lack
of concern for what the critics think enable "ou to break new ground.

%n relationships$ "ou have little regard for what societ"$ "our famil" or peers think. 1our
partner(s religion$ race$ age$ background or status isn(t important to "ou. %n fact$ "ou
en#o" pairing up with someone who is totall" unlike "ourself. GVive la diffArenceG might be
"our motto. 1ou are eager to eperience people and things that are new and unusual. *ut
"ou also get much satisfaction from shocking more traditional people with "our
unorthodo behavior$ and actuall" thrive on negative feedback. 1ou want to do whatever
(isn(t done(.

1ou insist on having lots of space and independence in "our relationships$ and can(t bear
possessiveness or #ealous". An open-ended arrangement that allows "ou to eperiment
freel" would be more satisfactor" than a conventional$ monogamous partnership. 1ou are
easil" bored and need plent" of ecitement$ stimulation and change in "our love life.

Fairness and e&ualit" are most important in "our relationships. *oth partners must have
e&ual sa" and contribute fairl" to the partnership. 1ou won(t last long in a love affair with
someone who is either too domineering or too submissive.

1ou(re looking for a lover who is also a friend$ someone with whom "ou can share ideas
and eperiences. 6ot especiall" romantic or affectionate$ "ou can seem detached$
unloving and overl" cerebral. 2ften "ou(d rather debate an intellectual concept than
make love. 1ou en#o" a good argument with "our partner from time to time - for "ou$
conflict adds spice to the relationship$ and "ou grow bored if things between "ou are
peaceful for long.

)omen with Venus in A&uarius value their individualit" highl"$ and have no intentions of
letting a man tell them what to do. 1ou consider "ourself ever"one(s e&ual$ and are
probabl" a supporter of women(s rights. As far as "ou(re concerned$ a woman(s place is
an"where but the home. 1ou want to be respected for "our intelligence$ and use "our
mind rather than "our looks to attract others. *eing independent$ outspoken and avant-
garde$ even a little outlandish at times$ reinforces "our sense of "ourself as a woman. 1ou
(march to a different drummer( and love to provoke traditionalists with "our progressive
ideas$ behavior$ dress and lifest"le.

'en with this planetar" position find intelligent$ free-spirited$ unorthodo women most
attractive. 1ou are looking for someone who is different$ unpredictable and eccentric$ and
who stands out in a crowd. 6o cookie-cutter beaut" &ueens for "ou - "our feminine ideal
is definitel" one-of-a-kind$ and not necessaril" good-looking in the usual sense. 1ou also
like women who stand up for themselves$ speak their minds and refuse to let "ou
overpower them. %n short$ "ou en#o" a bit of a challenge and a strong partner "ou can
consider "our e&ual.

(Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker)

Venus in the sign A&uarius is reacting against the materialism and cold propriet" of
Venus in 0apricorn. %t indicates an impersonal but friendl" emotional outlook. !he natives
want to be friendl" with ever"one$ but not necessaril" on a personal basis. !he" are
popular and well-liked$ and the" generall" have man" friends. !here is a sparkling$
effervescent$ unusual &ualit" in their personal manner.

!he attitudes of these people toward social and seual moralit" ma" be unusual$
departing from the standard rules laid down b" societ". %t is not that the" are devoid of
principles. 7ather$ the" have their own interpretation of what is #ust and meaningful. As
with Venus in 8emini and in Libra$ the" find crude behaviour unattractive although the"
themselves do not alwa"s observe traditional concepts of social behavior.

7omantic attractions are often sudden and casual$ not necessaril" stable or lasting. !he
individual finds intellectual stimulation importnat in romance and marriage$ and is
attracted to ingenious or eccentric t"pes$ as well as to those who will help him epand his
social outlets. !he romantic partner or spouse must be a friend as well as lover$ and must
understand that he re&uires variet" and mental stimulation$ and dislikes boring routine.
!hese people also dislike #ealous" and possessiveness$ and will sh" awa" from romantic
partners who seek to curtail their social freedom. !herefore$ if one wants to remain close
to Venus in A&uarius people$ it is necessar" to allow them freedom in their relationships
with others.

!he eclecticism of Venus in A&uarius inclines the natives toward unusual tastes. !he" are
attracted to art forms that are etremel" modern or etremel" ancient. !here is a liking
for electronic forms of art$ because of the =ranus rulership of A&uarius. %ntuition about
people(s social$ emotional and personal disposition can be highl" developed$ verging on
mental telepath" of the emotional states of others.

%f Venus is afflicted in A&uarius$ seual habits can be eccentric and promiscuous. !hese
people sincerel" intend to remain constant in their affections$ but their emotional outlook
is sub#ect to sudden radical changes$ which can result in their breaking old relationships
or creating new ones - and without an" apparent reason. !he hidden motivation often lies
in their desire for greater personal freedom or new eperience. !he" ma" be unable to
work within the confines of marriage or other lasting relationships. !he" ma" have
stubborn emotional attitudes and so refuse to see other points of view. *ecause A&uarius
is a fied sign$ if Venus is well aspected there can be sustained lo"alt" to someone the"
trul" love and respect.

(%sabel /icke")

Venus in this sign is cool$ calm$ collected and detached. /ow can the personal Venus feel
happ" in the impersonal$ aloof sign of A&uarius> She isn(t: She can function well in
friendships$ with ac&uaintances$ and in groups. *ut when it comes to the personal
e&uation she does not do ver" well. Venus in A&uarius often finds it ver" difficult to
understand the emotionall" oriented$ for she strains her feelings through her mind stuff.
She has a clear-cut mind$ but ic" and cold emotions. 2ften has a background of an earl"
life where demonstrations of lovingness wree missing. %f Venus in this sign is afflicted b"
Saturn$ =ranus$ or 'ars$ the love life will be unfortunate until a true sense of love is
inculcated. !here would be a debt from a past life where love is concerned. =ntil that
debt is paid b" willing sacrifice and with love that asks nothing in return$ the individuals
would not have the love in their lives the" would like. A person with Venus in A&uarius
could be righteous$ ethical and correct but lacking in lovingness and understanding.

(5onna van !oen)

%n traditional astrolog"$ this could be ke"worded as (unusual romantic needs(. !hese
could lead to involvement with eccentrics of both positive (genius) and negative (drifter)
t"pes. %t could lead to a need to remain single$ or it could lead to a sudden commitment
that lasts forever. 2n the other hand$ the ruler of A&uarius being =ranus$ the planet of
divorce$ there could be multiple marriages. !he one thing an" planet in A&uarius sa"s is
that an"thing (#ust about) is possible: !hough it(s hard to generali9e on this placing$ "ou
do have some needs that must be fulfilled if "ou(re to be happ". First of all$ "our mate 3
lover must be mentall" stimulating. Secondl"$ he 3 she must allow "ou to keep the door to
the future open. As soon as "ou feel trapped or locked in$ romance stands a good chance
of going out of the window. 1ou ened to feel there(s still more to uncover in "our
relationship$ more truths to learn$ more places to go together.

(7obert /and)

1ou are friendl" with people$ but sometimes find it difficult to form close relationships.
1ou are afraid that "ou will lose "our freedom if "ou become too closel" attached to
others. 1ou prefer friends who are somehow eciting and different. and$ especiall" as "ou
get older$ "ou ma" become involved with people who are considered odd b" the rest of

1ou en#o" being popular$ as long as "ou don(t have to give up being "ourself. and "ou
work well with other people in group pro#ects and team efforts. 1ou understand
immediatel" what is good for the group$ and can ad#ust "our own goals to fit. *ut if "our
goals are too different from the group(s$ "ou will #oin another group.

As "ou get older and become involved with the opposite se$ "ou will look for interesting
or unusual partners. 1ou will seek out free$ non-binding relationships that ma" be &uite
unusual$ although not ver" stable. )hen a relationship loses its ecitement$ "ou are likel"
to look elsewhere.
(,ulia and 5erek -arker)

!his placing contributes more magnetic$ film star glamor than an" other. Admiration will
be thoroughl" en#o"ed$ but conflict can arise between the need for a relationship and the
sacrifices that must be made accordingl". At times$ these ma" seem too great$ and
sometimes a partnership is desired but a partner isn(t. 0onversel"$ there is plent" of
en#o"able romance here. !he individual who uses other areas of his or her chart (Sun$
'oon and Ascending signs in particular) and resolves the compleities of this placing will
be able to love with idealism and fidelit". 6evertheless$ the feelings are cooll" epressed
and the emotional level must be finall" #udged b" other planetar" influences. %f there is an
aspect between Venus and 'ars$ seual epression and en#o"ment ma" be increased.
/ere is a ver" kind and helpful friend. /e or she is usuall" good with mone". but too
much ma" be spent on glit9"$ epensive clothes and items for the home.

%f the Sun sign is Sagittarius$ this Venus placement considerabl" increases the
Sagittarian love of independence$ "et cools the ardent passions of that sign. /owever$
there is increased fidelit" once the sub#ect is committed emotionall". !he Sagittarian love
of the chase and its challenge is carefull" disguised. !his placing can also glamori9e the
usuall" ver" casual Sagittarian image. !his is a rewarding$ warm-hearted friend who will
give plent" of positive encouragement. Financial risks ma" be en#o"ed and taken
erraticall"$ without due thought.

%f the Sun sign is 0apricorn$ this Venus placing can make the aspiring 0apricorn t"pe
seem rather haught". *udding relationships ma" be damaged because the sub#ect feels
that no prospective partner is good enough. !his ma" be an ecuse to dela" commitment
and the full epression of emotion$ which can be diffult. (!he 'oon(s influence ma" help.)
/ere is a faithful and helpful$ "et unpredictable$ friend. Financiall"$ caution ma" clash
with a desire to live it up.

%f the Sun sign is A&uarius$ the sub#ect has d"namic and magnetic powers of attraction$
but ma" be ver" difficult to know reall" well. %ndependence is necessar"$ but love and
admiration are also needed. All the traits descried for Venus in A&uarius appl". 4pensive
items ma" be hard to resist.

%f the Sun sign is -isces$ -iscean emotion is controlled here$ and there is also a good
abilit" to distance the self from the feeling$ with the individual rel"ing on intuition. Look$
too$ for indications of practical common sense. !he image is spiced with originalit" - and
too much sparkle at times. 8reat kindness and charit" often result in personal sacrifices.
!his is a superb$ if occasionall" forgetful$ friend. -rofessional financial advice is
recommended unless business abilit" is shown elsewhere.

%f the Sun sign is Aries$ the fier" Arien passion is &uenched b" the cool detachment of
Venus$ but the Arian need for independence will be complementar". !he desire for a
permanent relationship ma" clash with the wish to be fanc"-free. A compromise must be
reached$ helped b" a s"mpathetic partner. /ere is a ver" livel" friend who is enthusiastic
about #oint interests. Financial flair ma" be present$ but hastiness when investing could
cause problems.

(8rant Lewi)

1our emotional responses are frank and heartfelt$ even when the" are directed toward
generali9ations and groups$ as the" often are$ or toward art in some form. 1our emotions
serve "our aesthetic sense. "ou are capable of a detached and spiritual form of personal
love which "ou relate to beaut" rather than to passion. 1ou worship beaut" concretel"
and in the abstract. and can want nothin more than to look upon the beautiful face of
"our beloved (who must have a beautiful face) or upon a beautiful bod"$ which "ou want
to do without fear of being betra"ed or thought immodest. 1ou are sensuous$ but not
sensual. "our emotions feed on the stimuli of e"e$ ear and the olfactor" senses. less on
touch. 1ou belong to the perpetuall" pure of heart$ and because of this "our emotional
responses to individuals are high-minded and beautiful in the etreme$ and can be
transmuted into the pure gold of universali9ed love b" the alchem" of "our spiritual

(S"dne" 2marr)

Venus in A&uarius tends toward generalities rather than specifics. !his include the
native(s response to love$ romance$ emotions and inner drives. /e must be taught to be
an individual. he should learn to demand something in return for his efforts$ affection and
trust. 2therwise$ his tendenc" is to attract those who demand sacrifice but would not
think of giving an"thing in return.

/e attracts artistic friends and is attracted to beaut"$ but must learn that beaut" is onl"

(L"n *irbeck)

1ou are a liberated$ though potentiall" indifferent$ lover. Love for "ou is something that
should never tie "ou down. 2ther has to be a friend to "ou #ust as much as an"thing else$
be that lover$ spouse$ etc.. )hat all this amounts to is that "ou see love in terms of ideals
and principles rather than needs or passions$ although at times it can be &uite confusing
as to what is reall" motivating "ou. Freedom and honest" are "our b"words$ but the"
could become an ecuse to sa" and do what "ou fanc".

1ou attract with a package of the unusual$ uni&ue and friendl" that makes a light go on
inside 2ther that he 3 she didn(t even know was there. with an eas"-going and non-
possessive attitude which is like a breath of fresh air. and with a sociall" progressive
attitude that is open to new ideas and values.

1ou repel with an aloofness and lack of personal feeling towards other that in time will
attract the same from 2ther - in earnest. with a complete disregard for lo"alt" towards
2ther$ when it suits "ou. and with an odd and 3 or theoretical$ as opposed to realistic$
version of how one should relate.

1ou are attracted to 2thers who are people in their own right and ma"be stand out from
the crowd. to freedom-loving 2thers who have their own speciall" devised rules for living.
and to unusual$ eperimental or open relationship set-ups.

1ou are repelled b" being but into a set categor" or epected to behave according to the
norm. but 2thers who toe the part" line and cannot think for themselves. and b" an
inabilit" to share thoughts$ feelings$ and even bodies.

)hen "ou are alone$ it is because "our insistence on the freedom to do as "ou or 2ther
chooses eventuall" causes relationships to become d"sfunctional or non-starters.
7elationships run on a fuel called human emotion$ whatever else "ou ma" think the"
ought to run on. %n the name of doing what "ou think is "our own thing$ "ou have
probabl" overlooked what reall" is. So$ sooner or later$ "ou are made to feel what it is like
to be without an"one to feel for "ou$ or "ou are alone with someone who is no longer able
to feel that much for "ou. %n the second case$ 2ther probabl" hanges $ there for his 3 her
own uni&ue reasons$ while "ou hang in there because a feeling is keeping "ou there
despite what "ou think. Apart from this$ "our free and eperimental st"le of relating is
bound to eperience periodic gaps$ rather like being short of guinea pigs:

(,ohn !ownle")

1ou seek special st"les and unusual varieties of love. and "ou look for partners with
similar interests. !his ma" be a mental eercise as much as a ph"sical one. that is$ the
appearance of the unusual ma" be sufficient without having to eplore it in depth

1ou need a lot of action in order to be mentall" stimulated in a relationship$ so "our
affairs ma" become &uite complicated and multifaceted. !his ma" be ver" interesting and
eciting$ but tr" to avoid too much compleit"$ because that can lead to shallowness in
some other area of the relationship.

Similarl"$ "ou ma" be tempted to get involved in several relationships at once. !his can
be a stimulating$ even head-spinning eperience$ but it could prevent "ou from becoming
involved with an" one partner in a trul" deep and lasting relationship. %n an" case$ "ou
should avoid #ealous lovers who cramp "our st"le or tr" to impose limits.

%f "ou can overcome and rise above the problems of cross-conflicts and #ealousies$
however$ "ou have the capabilit" of openl" and honestl" sharing "our love among several
partners$ which will enrich and enlarge the eperience for all.

('arcia 'oore and 'ark 5ouglas)

+e"note< Attachments are idealistic and impersonal.
S"mbol< A group of "oung people admires a statue of Aphrodite in a museum.

Venus in A&uarius bestows a love of the ideal and a tendenc" to ideali9e love. !he person
with this combination ma" find that ordinar" marital relationships fail to satisf" his desire
for romantic ecitement$ and he begins to cast about for something more eotic. A&uarius
brings out the mental rather than the sentimental side of Venus$ and stimulates a craving
for novelt" which often gives rise to unusual relationship.

Venusian A&uarians make better friends than lovers. Fre&uentl"$ the" want their lover to
be a friend who understands their intellectual interests and who can provide pleasant
compan". !heir s"mpathies are usuall" epressed in broad humanitarian terms rather
than through devotion to specific individuals. Feelings are seldom passionate. but there is
a need to echange ideas with others and to participate in a communit" of congenial

%n men$ this blending of 4arth and Air elements encourages unconventional love affairs
and also attracts them to independent t"pes of women. Such partners ma" be eciting
and provocative$ but the" are likel" to have careeers and ideas of their own which
militate against the establishment of permanent relationships. !his ma" be all right with
the Venusian-A&uarian male who likes to think of himself as a #et-set t"pe with a girl in
ever" airport.

%n the case of females$ Venus in A&uarius etends the emotional scope so that the
creative energies ma" be directed into communal and charitable endeavors. Although
the" ma" eperiment with love$ their romances are characteri9ed b" epedienc" more
than b" impulse. Such women have too strong a desire for ph"sical and mental freedom
to trade their freewheeling bachelor-girl eistence for the life of a housewife$ at least
without thinking twice. 2nce the" are married and tied down to the care of small
children$ however$ the" begin wondering how the" can emancipate themselves.

!he person with Venus in A&uarius ma" embrace the cause of free love. but his attitude
grows out of a wish to feel unfettered rather than out of the conviction that this is an
intrinsicall" better wa" of life. Like all A&uarians$ his concern for the needs of uni&ue
individuals causes him to look be"ond the roles designated b" the arbiters of convention.
/is own interests are so universal that he prefers not to be fettered b" compelling
personal attachments and responsibilities. !his (love them and leave them( attitude does
not impl" immoralit" as much as a certain amoralit"$ stemming mainl" from the desire to
remain autonomous. A&uarians sincerle" want to gather their rosebuds while the" ma"$
and will leave others free to pick their wa" along the thorn-strewn path of romance if
the" will etend the same courtes" in return.

A Venusian A&uarian is generall" as non-possessive about things as he is about people.
/e appreciates beaut" but would as soon en#o" a lovel" ob#ect in someone else(s home as
to have to dust and look after it himself. /e respects mone" mainl" because it provides
him with the means to do as he pleases$ and especiall" because it releases him from the
restriction of a routine #ob and allows him to be his own boss. /e en#o"s getting around$
whether b" plane or as a hitchhiking hobo. /e can be charming$ happ"$ and original - as
long as he feels untrammeled and free.
(7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< charitable$ sociable$ detached$ needing to be part of a creative group

!he need to be affiliated with political$ social and 3 or religious groups or causes that
reflect one(s ideals is one of the hallmarks of the fied Air sign of A&uarius. )hen Venus
is placed in this social$ eccentric and often highl"-strung sign$ individuals crave the
ecitement and creative stimulation that cannot be obtained from romantic or even
seual love alone. !heir self-esteem and thus their abilit" to contribute to a personal and
professional relationship are derived from participation in group activities$ from which
the" develop a uni&uel" personal and oft-time non-traditional outlook on life.

Although the" place an enormous emphasis on creative self-epression$ it must alwa"s be
in pursuit of a cause$ even if that cause is self-promoting. A long-time client with Venus in
A&uarius viewed her photograph" not simpl" as an epression of her artistic talent but as
a means to penetrate the minds of people she admired in different walks of life. 2nce she
became a well-known photographer$ she lent her services to man" women(s groups and
other organisations whose political beliefs were either similar to or s"mpathetic with her
own. %n addition$ she found that because so much time was spent awa" from the home on
shoots or at ehibits$ it was important to involve her spouse in her work either as the
sub#ect of some of her photos or as manager of her finances. %n the end$ her husband
knew that his wife$ though awa" &uite often$ was more content and loving and$ b" far$
more interesting and eciting to be with than an"one else.

Some people with Venus in A&uarius prefer to make statements not through their
creativit" but through their lifest"le choices$ which are sometimes non-traditional and
even what might be called radical. An" choices the" do make$ however$ whether
conformist or non-conformist$ are made onl" if the" feel that the" are backed up b" a
support s"stem of friends$ an organisation$ political part"$ etc.. )hereas the individualism
of Leo comes straight from the heart$ the uni&ueness of A&uarius is never epressed in
isolation and can take the form of artistic group collaborations$ communal living or seual

Like Venus in each Air sign$ these people wish to be respected$ and$ to maintain a long-
lasting personal relationship$ should be encouraged to participate in group activities
outside their home$ since the more outside stimulation the" have$ the more the" will be
able to give to the relationship. %n fact$ people with Venus in A&uarius are often accused
of being detached when it comes to their romantic and seual relationships. though &uite
verbal in their political and social beliefs$ the" are hopelessl" unable to tap into and
ultimatel" share their feelings. 2ften accused b" their partners of being insensitive to
their needs$ those with Venus in A&uarius simpl" retort that their partners( needs are
trivial compared to those of the communit" at large.

*ecause A&uarius is the sign representing groups and friendships$ these people
ultimatel" offer themselves to their partners$ first and foremost$ as friends$ and seek out
relationships with people who share their point of view. )hile =ranus-ruled A&uarius is
an eccentric sign vacillating between wishing to be alone and "earning for the crowd$ its
co-ruler Saturn accentuates the need for structure. Although individuals with Venus in
this fied Airs sign wish to be free$ the" also wish to have a reliable home to which the"
can return to share their accomplishments with a chosen mate.

!he detachment$ social idealism and individualit" of this placement is strong.

('artin Schulman)

)ith this placement$ the individual is learning the lessons of universal love. /e is kind
and charitable$ with a generous$ outgoing nature. !hus$ he forms friendships easil"$ as he
follows a humanitarian path of life. Freedom of epression and a strong sense of personal
independence leads his curious nature to be attracted to all of the new and
unconventional things which make up his lifest"le. /e has a uni&ue feeling for the
adventure of romance and the cosmic oneness of love. 1et$ he has difficult" making the
discriminative choices which keep his life balanced.

/is desire for friendship can lead to unconventional relationships$ often with the waifs
and stra"s of societ". /is fondness for original intellectual and artistic pursuits often
results in his choosing offbeat$ eccentric paths$ and forming strange associations$ far
from the mainstream of established tradition.

Venus in A&uarius is in the sign opposing the Sun(s rulership of Leo. !hus$ the individual
eperiences a cool unemotional detachment to life. /is love nature can be dispassionatel"
sensible. and his outlook is somewhat eccentric. /e sees things differentl" from how
others do$ through a casual independent &ualit" and sometimes an erratic and
irresponsible attitude which can cause difficulties in his personal relationships.

/e tends to break rules$ often seeking the rebellious untrod path as a means of finding
his uni&ue sense of originalit". /is eclectic tastes glean from here and there$ with lo"alt"
towards the purpose of man(s humanit" to man$ but having difficult" focusing his
devotion in an" specific area with true personal lo"alt" towards one specific individual. %n
fact$ it is easier for him to love humanit" as an abstract ideal than to appl" the same
standards of fairness$ e&ualit" and kindness to another in a one-to-one relationship.

!he 1od to this Venus placement is formed b" the incon#uncts from 0ancer and Virgo.
and it is from these two signs that the individual learns his greatest lessons about love.

!he incon#unct from 0ancer teaches him how to contact his sensitive and s"mpathetic
feelings for others. As he learns to be openl" responsive to the emotional needs of those
around him$ he grows closer to ohters and begins to reali9e the kind and good-hearted
feelings from which his beautiful love for humanit" as a world famil" will unfold.

'an" with the Venus in A&uarius placement have difficult" accepting their need to learn
emotional responsibilit". 1et$ the 0ancerian lessons of lo"alt"$ devotion and faithfulness
are the ver" cornerstones of human decenc". %n essence$ the" provide the emotional
basics of care and nourishment upon which the individual(s feeling of universal love is

!he incon#unct from Virgo teaches him how to order his life. /e must learn how to
discriminate between passing whims$ or kink"$ offbeat irregular impulses$ and that which
trul" represents the humane$ kind and charitable feelings through which man serves
himself and others. !hese lessons of differentiation and discrimination help him to
establish the priorities in his life so that his natural humanitarian instincts are not
wasted. 7ather than dissipating his love in idealistic dreams$ distant causes or remote
crusades$ he learns through Virgo to recogni9e the ordered standards of societ" so that
his sincere feelings for humanit" can find their fertile channel in acceptable form.

!he setile from 0ancer to Virgo shows how the individual can achieve the emotional
refinement which helps him to understand humanit"(s true need. !hus$ he develops a
sensitive conscience through which he becomes attuned to the real human brotherhood
of man.

2nce the lessons of the Venus 1od are learned$ the individual discovers that he has a
remarkable understanding of human nature along with a great need fo put his ideals into
useful function. Sometimes$ he reaches out singlehandedl" to help enlighten a friend or
ac&uaintance$ liberating him 3 her from the emotional burden of spiritual darkness.
Sometimes$ he devotes himself to working for worth" charities$ or useful organi9ations$
or to #oining sincere clubs and groups through which he participates in the social
progress of mankind. 1et$ whatever he does$ it is alwa"s his abilit" to rise to the active
moving flow of awakening consciousness which is forever creating man(s future$ through
which he finds his true center of beaut".

/is uni&ue 8ift of Love is for the ver" essence of human fulfillment - not for himself$ but
for the unselfish unfoldment and enlightenment of the ever-becomign nature of mankind.

(,eff 8reen)

As a pre-eisting pattern$ Venus in A&uarius individuals are and have been rebelling
against$ or liberating themselves from$ common value s"stems and relationship forms as
defined b" the consensus of the societ" in which the" live. !he causal factor that
generates this rebellion is an emphasi9ed feeling within the ps"cholog" of Venus in
A&uarius people of being different - a sense of cultural alienation or estrangement. As a
result of this archet"pe$ these individuals learn about the nature of their individualit"$ the
feeling of being different$ through a process of elimination - an awareness of what the"
are not that precedes an ongoing awareness of who and what the" are.

A perfect eample on a collective level that illustrates this archet"pe was in the BHICs
when =ranus was in Libra (naturall" Venus-ruled). At that time there was a massive
rebellion among "oung people against the prevailing consensus social value s"stem and
the wa"s that societ" epected intimate or marriage-t"pe relationships to be defined -
namel"$ as role-specific. !he rebellion at a collective level created the slogan (free love( in
which man" of the "oung people began to eperiment (=ranus) with different forms of
relationship specificall"$ and a radical reformation of social$ political and economic values
generall". !his radical rebellion among the "oung people over time began to be
integrated among the prevailing status &uo of societ" in such a wa" that societ" itself
began to change at a mainstream level.

4ven though the archet"pal intent of Venus in A&uarius is to rebel against the prevailing
consensus of the eisting societ"$ there are three reactions to this intention as reflected
in the people who have it in their birth chart. !he first reaction is one wherein there is an
absolute rebellion against ever"thing that the consensus s"mboli9es. !his reaction will
correlate to indiviudals who feel totall" disconnected not onl" from the eisting societ"
and their parents$ but also from their prevailing peer group. As a result$ these individuals
will stand as a group of one if necessar" rather than conform to an" epectation from an"
source. !he second reaction will correlate to individuals who are also rebelling against
the prevailing consensus$ "et will form relationships to other individuals within the
eisting peer group who also feel #ust as alienated as the" do. %n this wa"$ the" #oin forces
with this group of people who now stand apart from the consensus as a group. !his
estranged group now has a collective impact on the prevailing societ" in such a wa" as to
change it in one wa" or another. *e"ond the eample cited above$ =ranus moving
through Libra in the BHICs$ the (punk rockers( of the BHJCs illustrates this point. !he
third reaction is a paradoical one (=ranus directl" correlates with the d"namic of
paradoes). %n this reaction$ these individuals rebel against not onl" the prevailing
consensus$ but also against their own peer group. !his rebellion takes the form of tr"ing
to resurrect value s"stems$ and wa"s of being in relationship$ that come from some other
time in the collective past. A current eample of this phenomenon$ as of this writing (c.
BHHI) now that Saturn has transited A&uarius$ is the movement among some "oung
people of rebellion against having se with an"one until marriage.

!he causal factor that generates the necessar" rebellion or liberation from the prevailing
consensus of social values and the epectations that these values create in general$ and
the wa"s of being in relationship specificall"$ is detachment. Archet"pcall" speaking$ the
evolutionar" intention within the sign A&uarius is to ob#ectif"$ in a non-emotional wa"$ the
nature of realit" at an" level on which one focuses. %n order to ob#ectif" an"thing$ the ego
within consciousness must separate itself from its own sub#ective realit". For this to
happen$ detachment becomes necessar". )hen consciousness is in a detached and
ob#ectified state from its own egocentric realit"$ it is then able to understand the overall
nature and structure of an" d"namic in its totalit"< how the nature and structure of an"
d"namic came to be the wa" it is$ and waht is necessar" for it to grow or evolve. !his
archet"pal function within consciousness is necessar". %f it did not eist$ growth would
not be possible. A state of absolute cr"stalli9ation would occur.

!he three possible wa"s that the Venus in A&uarius individual can react to the archet"pal
intent of liberation or rebellion from the prevailing consensus of social values and
epectations$ and the wa"s of being in relationship$ will determine specific value
associations and the meaning the" generate. !he specific value associations will thus
determine or create the vibrational magnetism of attraction (Venus) that correlates to the
t"pes of people that the Venus in A&uarius person attracts into his 3 her life. !his is the
principle of like attracting like which leads to social groups of people.
(,eff 8reen) (contd.)

For Venus in A&uarius to have a sense of meaning and purpose in their lives$ it becomes
necessar" for them to form relationships with people of like mind. !he commonalit" of
shared values that this creates sustains their own individual values. %n man" wa"s$ then$
the Venus in A&uarius person is dependent on the commonalit" of shared values within
specific social groups of people$ to have an" individual sense of purpose and meaning. !o
be able to inwardl" relate to oneself as an individual$ to have individual meaning$ is to be
part of a larger social group. %t is from this larger social group of shared values$ and the
meaning that these values create$ that the Venus in A&uarius person will choose with
whom to be in intimate relationships.

!he t"pe of Venus in A&uarius person who is in absolute rebellion against the consensus$
including the peer group$ will not be able to relate (Venus) to an" eisting groups of
people. !hese Venus in A&uarians will onl" be able to relate to other people on an
individual basis - other people who are as sociall" alienated and as iconoclastic as
themselves. %f the"a re able to relate to an" kind of social group$ it is to the etreme
radical edge whose values are aimed at completel" overthrowing the eisting s"stem$
including the consensus of their immediate peer group. !he vibration of rebellion is
etremel" intense in these people$ and this vibration will permeate their entire wa" of
being - how the" dress$ appear$ think$ and relate themselves to others. !he intensit" of
this vibration will naturall" create an insecure and defensive reaction in all other people
who are not like themselves. !his occurs because the vibration and values of rebellion
naturall" challenge the securit" of all others who are aligned with social groups of one
kind or another$ the securit" d"namic being linked with others of like mind. !his reaction
is analogous to a group of "uppies sitting around a cocktail part" table becoming happil"
drunk and$ from stage left$ someone throwing a tarantula onto the cocktail part" table.
!his t"pe of Venus in A&uarius person is the tarantula.

!his t"pe will t"picall" appear arrogant$ superior$ righteous$ angr"$ iconoclastic$ and
intellectual. !he" will epress themselvees through some kind of radical or revolutionar"
mental constitution of one sort or another. !he" stand apart from all others and pro#ect$
overtl" or covertl"$ critical atom bombs at an"one or an"thing that supports identif"ing
with (the s"stem( at an" level$ in an" wa". !he ver" sense of meaning and value that the"
give to themselves is dependent on$ and linked with$ this almost absolute detachment
from the social s"stem. !he" can form friendships or alliances with other individuals who
reflect this same ps"chological orientation to social realit". !hese friendships or alliances
t"picall" occur on a sporadic$ moment-to-moment basis. And from this small amount of
like-minded people$ the" can choose or form intimate connections that ma" be #ust as
sporadic and short-lived as their overall pattern linked with others at a friendship or
alliance level.

Such a person is intimatel" attracted to those that are radicall" different. !he sense or
eperience of passion is linked with intimac" being ignited because of the fact of being
different$ which ignites the natural curiosit" of Venus in A&uarius. *ecause A&uarius as
an archet"pe desires to know how the whole s"stems are structured and put together$ the
curiosit" function thus creates a Venus desire to know how the individual s"stem of
someone to whom the" are intimatel" attracted is put together in such a wa" as to make
that person different. %nwardl" resonating together in their individual differences born of
rebellion thus stimulates this t"pe of Venus in A&uarius passion for individual intimate
relationships. 2nce the curiosit" function has been satisfied$ the passion ma" dissipate
almost overnight. !hus$ this t"pe of Venus in A&uarius person t"picall" goes through
various intimate relationaships that can onl" be sustained for small lengths of time. !his
t"pe desires a fundamental freedom to eplore and eperiment with life as she or he sees
fit. !here is a rebellion against the idea of commitment in a relationship$ which leads to a
rebellion against the values associated with monogam".

!he second t"pe of Venus in A&uarius people mentioned above is not &uite so absolutist
and isolated. !he" will relate to their immediate social peer group who are rebelling
against the eisting societ"$ and the prevailing social values and wa"s of being in
relationship that are epected b" that societ". A simple eample of this d"namic$ again$ is
the (punk rockers( of the BHJCs. From mainstream societ"(s point of view$ these
individuals will appear to be social misfits - irresponsible$ narcissistic$ immature$ and the
causal factor in what used to be called the (generation gap(. !he group itself will be
perceived b" societ" as hurling the atom bombs of criticism$ and the group will have the
effect of creating insecurit" within the consensus because of the challenge to the eisting
social values of the times.

!hose within this group will perceive societ" at large as irrelevant and without meaning.
5etaching from mainstream societ"$ and the values that it promotes$ thus creates a
ps"chological perch on which this t"pe of Venus in A&uarius person can also appear self-
righteous$ arrogant$ superior$ iconoclastic$ rebellious$ alienated$ and angr". 1et this t"pe
needs and desires to be part of the immediac" of the peer group who$ as a social
grouping$ is rebelling against mainstrem societ". !heir sense of meaning and purpose is
dependent on belonging to this t"pe of social group. 4ach individual within the group can
represent the group as an individual$ "et that (individual( is a function and reflection of
the group. )hat this means is that the individual who appears to be so different as
perceived from the point of view of the consensus would not even eist unless there was a
social grouping of these (individuals( in the first place. !his is because their individual
(rebellion( is dependent on other people who are also rebelling. %f not for their supportive
peer group$ this t"pe of Venus in A&uarius person would not have the inner courage to
stand as a group of one if necessar" (unlike the first t"pe described above).

!his is a ver" critical point to understand - that so man" who identif" in this wa" with
their immediate peer group do not embod" or reflect the archet"pe of rebellion or
liberation in the sense that it actuall" defins their Souls as individuals. %t can and does
reflect their Souls on an immediate social grouping level relative to their peers. !his t"pe
of social group at a peer level has occurred throughout time in all social s"stems$ and is
alwa"s embodied in the "outh of the generation. And necessaril" so$ because this social
grouping has the effect of changing$ in some wa"$ the eisting consensus. %n this sense$ it
is an evolutionar" determinant that is part of the overall 0reation from an intrinsic or
natural point of view$ operating from generation to generation. *ecause the ma#orit" of
these individuals are not defined at an individual Soul level through the desire of
individual liberation or rebellion from the consensus$ this social group becomes
assimilated or absorbed into the mainstreatm as the" become older. !he social causes or
issues that were reflected in their "outhful rebellion also become assimilated b" the
consensus. %nevitabl"$ some change in the consensus occurs because of it. !hus$ as this
group becomes older$ the" begin to rebel against their own rebellion: Another =ranian
parado. A modern eample of this point is reflected in the (hippies( of the BHICs and
earl" BHKCs who became ("uppies( in the BHJCs. 2nl" a small few in this original group
sustained the original rebellion reflected in the hippies as a whole.

!his point is important to grasp for another reason$ one that concerns the nature of the
friendships that we form$ and the values we define that create how we are in our intimate
relationships. All of us go through the initial rebellion of "outh in one wa" or another.
rebelling against our parents( reaclit"$ and through etension the larger societ" in which
we are born. =ranus changes signs ever" eight "ears. 4ach sign that =ranus is in
correlates to what$ wh"$ and how each generation of "outh rebels. For those who have
Venus in A&uarius$ this peer group bonding is especiall" emphasi9ed$ important$ and

!his is because the" have an essential evolutionar" lesson that concerns the nature of
friendship$ and the need to define their own sense of meaning and purpose. !hrough
etension$ this correlates to the need to define their own uni&ue wa" of being in an
intimate relationship. !hus$ as this t"pe of Venus in A&uarius becomes older$ and begins
to assimilate into the eisting social s"stem$ the" effectivel" rebel against the ver"
rebellion that motivated them in "outh as an etension of their immediate peer group.
!he friendships that were formed through the shared values of "outh not become rebelled
against unless those friends also begin to assimilate into the eisting societ". And the
ones that do not rebel against the initial rebellion will rebel against those who do. !he
lesson of friendship is thus learned through what can be called (situational values(. %f the
values (and the meaning associated with those values) are relativel" the same$ then
friendships are formed. 2nce the" change$ for whatever reasons$ the eisting friendships
can be lost or broken in some wa". !he real issue here$ and the lesson$ becomes this< a
true friend will alwa"s be a friend no matter what$ and ever"one else is an a&uaintance.

*" eperiencing the disillusionment of broken or lost friendships$ and b" rebelling agianst
the initial rebellion of "outh defined through peer group association$ this t"pe of Venus in
A&uarius person is learning to define their own uni&ue value s"stem$ which is a function
of their individual sense of meaning and purpose in life. !he" will learn to define their
intimate relationship re&uirements$ their essential needs$ as a reflection of their overall
sense of purpose and meaning in life. At best$ this will create a relationship d"namic in
which both individuals reflect an atttitude of uni&uel" defining the relationship as an
etension of each of their individualities.

!he third t"pe of Venus in A&uarius person mentioned above is also ver" much a rebel$ in
the sense of rebelling against not onl" their peer group$ but all people who live a
contemporar" lifest"le. !he" identif" with value s"stems associated with another time -
the past. !he" will appear ver" conservative$ traditional$ and iconoclastic as a result of
this$ and will onl" form social or intimate relationships with those of like mind. !his t"pe
is dependent on forming these small social alliances in order to have an" individual sense
of meaning$ value or purpose. !hus$ the" will form a relativel" small sub-stratum within
their own generation$ and an even smaller one within the eisting societ". !he" will also
advocate social causes or revolution linked with challenging the eisting value s"stem of
societ" at large. !he" can seem or appear #ust as superior$ arrogant$ #udgemental$ and
angr" as the other two t"pes of Venus in A&uarius people. !he value s"stem that the"
orientate to is generall" ver" limited and rigid$ and their attitude is t"picall" one of a
righteous authoritarian who has the self-created right to impose those values on all

%n their intimate relationships$ the Venus in A&uarius people are generall" good friends
above all else. 'ost have the intrinsic abilit" to u"nderstand ob#ectivel" the realit" and
individualit" of their partner - to understand how and wh" their partner is the wa" that he
3 she is. As a result$ the" t"picall" understand what their partner needs for his 3 her life to
keep growing and evolving. And most can give their partner what he 3 she needs in this
sense. !he" are good listeners$ and can reflect back to their partner eactl" what the"
are hearing as the partner intends it. !hus$ the" can be eceptional at keeping the
conversation moving forward in an ever-evolving wa" that leads to sudden insights and
resolutions. !he" can also be ver" adept at posing &uestions$ and leaving it at a &uesiton
level in such a wa" that the one receiving the &uestion creates a gestation within his 3 her
own consciousness leading to the answer from within him- 3 herself.

*" nature$ the Venus in A&uarius person is not monogamous. As stated before$ these
people need a basic freedom in order to manifest their c"clic or perpetual changes. !here
is an inherent rebellion against restriction in an" form. 7estrictions impl" conditions. %n
love$ the Venus in A&uarius person rebels against conditions that will restrict love and its
epression. %t can be #ust as eas" for these people to find deep$ sudden$ and intense love
with someone overnight as with someone for a lifetime. !hus$ their attraction function
(Venus) can occur suddenl" and unepectedl". Again$ the" are attracted to that which
stirs their curiosit"$ to that which appears different and uni&ue. 2thers who vibrate in
this wa" will stimulate the Venus in A&uarius individuals. !his can create real problems in
their relationships if the" are not honest about this$ and if their partner cannot live in this
wa". !he Venus in A&uarius person needs freedom to engage and creat man" different
kinds of social networks with different kinds of people.

*ecause of this$ the Venus in A&uarius people need a partner who is ver" secure within
him- 3 herself. !he" re&uire a partner who is willing to challenge the eisting consensus
of what life means in general$ and how to be in relationships specificall". !he" need a
partner who is willing to c"clicall" change the d"namics in the relationship$ or to change
as necessar". !he" re&uire a partner who is intellectuall" sophisticated$ and who can
match or keep up with their own thinking process. !his thinking process is t"picall"
eclectic in some wa"$ and fast-moving.
Natal Venus in Pisces

(,an Spiller and +aren 'c0o")


1ou might lose "our sense of self-worth if "ou withhold sharing "our compassion with
others. Fears of inade&uac" ma" suppress potential ps"chic healing abilit". !he result
ma" be a feeling of helplessness to alleviate the discomforts that affect others.

)hen "ou allow other people to take advantage of "our gentle$ s"mpathetic manner and
"ou absorb their ills$ "ou might eperience a depletion of energ". %ndiscriminatel"
indulging in the -isces romantic ideal of serving and helping others ma" diminish "our


1ou have a natural gift for relating to others on the level of unconditioning love. 1our
compassion can overcome an" social disharmon" that arises.

)hen "ou see be"ond the rules and regulations to the spiritual purpose of relationships$
"our compassionate understanding and willingness to full" participate can automaticall"
heal the situation. 1ou are able to establish a firm sense of self-worth through sharing
with others "our abilit" to respond with compassion to both the seen and the unseen
sources of disharmon".

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

Venus in all the water signs tends to be non-#udgemental$ but it is especiall" so in -isces.
Someone with this placement has a tremendous capacit" for compassion and selfless$
devoted love. 'ore than the other water signs$ these people lack discrimination adn can
have their feelings easil" pla"ed upon. *elieving the best of others$ the" la" themselves
open to hurt$ felt all the more keenl" because of their sensitivit". )hen hurt$ the" act like
a wounded creature and retreat a long wa" awa". !he" can then be ver" hard to reach.
someone with Venus in -isces can become (lost( to his or her partner.

-eople with Venus in -isces will be romantic and idealistic. !he" will "earn for a perfect
love$ which the" ma" not find. *ecause the" epect so much$ the" are easil" disappointed
and disillusioned in relationships. As a conse&uence$ the" ma" spend long periods not
involved with an"one$ not wanting to settle for less than the perfect love the" dream of.
!he" ma" hold on to the memor" of one bried ecstatic liaison and treasure that for ever in
their heart$ content not to have an" current involvement. !he" ma" live with a fantas" of
an unreali9ed love$ pro#ected either onto a real ac&uaintance or onto someone with
whom the" have no actual contact$ such as a film star or an imaginar" character.
)hether in realit" or in the imagination$ someone with Venus in -isces can love a partner
in an und"ing wa". !hese people promise eternal love. and this is what the" long for. !his
is the stuff that fair"-taes are made of.

)hen their capacit" for selfless devotion is misdirected$ Venus in -isces people can
confuse sacrifice and mart"rdom with love. !he" can allow themselves to become a
doormat in their relationships. !he" wield a convoluted power as a hard-done-b" victim
over their loved ones$ pla"ing on their partner(s guild. !his is b" far the most etreme and
distorted face of Venus in -isces.

Someone with Venus in -isces ma" have spiritual beliefs$ or ma" simpl" long for a sense
of a spiritual connection to someone he 3 she loves. !he love he 3 she offers can be more
akin to that of a spiritual devotee for a 'aster$ which when offered to a mere mortal is
bound to end in pain. 6evertheless$ at its best Venus in -isces is capable of a love that
has a spiritual component$ which transcends the more mundane level of life and unites
them through another level on a higher plane.

(Sk"e Aleander)

1ou have a wonderful imagination and a keen sensitivit" to color$ tone and rh"thm. and
"ou might possess great artistic abilit". 1ou hear the music of the spheres. and "our inner
world is full of visions of e&uisite beaut" or horror. !his position can be indicative of the
creative genius or the madman. 1our imagination sometimes overwhelms "ou. and "our
h"persensitivit" can make it difficult for "ou to deal with the harsh and ugl" side of life.

!hough "ou might have plent" of talent$ "ou tend to be la9" about developing it. *eing an
artist re&uires discipline and effort. but "ou(d rather dream about "our creations than
work to bring them to fruition. 1ou could benefit from the influence of a strong$
pragmatic manager or partner$ someone who will push "ou to do "our best.

%n relationships$ "ou are inclined to be overl" idealistic. 1ou are looking for the perfect
lover. and nothing less than Apollo or Aphrodite will do. As a result$ "ou usuall" end up
disappointed b" mere mortals. 1ou might re#ect all possible lovers( flaws because none
meets "our unrealistic standards. 2r$ "ou ma" den" "our partner(s flaws and see him 3
her in the light of "our romantic fantasies$ #ust as 5on ;uiote imagined the prostitute
Aldon9a Loren9o was hte virtuous lad" 5ulcinea. 1our capacit" to delude "ourself is
infinite. and "our unwillingness to look at "our partner(s true character can cause "ou to
get involved with people who aren(t right for "ou or who take advantage of "ou. 4ven if
"ou end up in a relationship that is happ" and enduring$ "ou probabl" have a good man"
false illusions about "our lover and the partnership in general.

4tremel" emotional and romantic$ "ou want to be able to share "our deep$ intense
feelings with "our lover and to relate to him 3 her on an intuitive level. So sensitive and
attuned are "ou to "our partner that "ou seem to be linked ps"chicall". %deall"$ "ou(d like
to erase the ph"sical boundaries between "ou and become totall" enmeshed in each
other. )hat "ou are looking for - a soul-mage$ a spiritual union - is hard to find on the
4arth plane.

A sucker for a hard-luck stor"$ "ou have a soft$ forgiving and gullible heart. 1ou want to
help those who are less fortunate than "ourself$ and thus ma" fall for someone who seems
to need "ou$ someone "ou can (save(. For instance$ a person who has a substance abuse
problem or some other emotional or ph"sical disabilit" awakens "our compassionate
feelings and "our desire to be needed. 1ou often mistake pit" for love. %n relationships$
"ou tend to see "ourself as the savoir 3 mart"r$ sacrificing "our own best interests for
"our partner. and doing so makes "ou feel virtuous. /owever$ this is a subtle form of
manipulation$ for in realit" "ou are attempting to make over "our lover$ and "ou might be
surprised to find that she 3 he resents "ou for it. 1ou appear to be meek and passive in
the relationship$ but "ou actuall" have a great deal of hidden power.

)omen with this planetar" placing can seem almost ethereal. 1our idea of femininit" is
being gentle$ delicate$ graceful and helpful. %t ma" be hard for "ou to assert "ourself
because$ to "ou$ it(s (unlad"like( to go after what "ou want or to stand up for "ourself. 1ou
ma" even feel that "ou don(t deserve to get what "ou want$ and that it(s better to give
than to receive. !herefore$ "ou might let "ourself be pushed around b" "our partners
(unless "our Sun is in Aries or A&uarius). *ecause "ou don(t have a ver" clear image of
who "ou are and tend to undervalue "ourself$ "ou are easil" influenced b" others$ and tr"
to become what "ou believe others want "ou to be.

1our love of beaut"$ color$ teture$ etc.$ might inspire an interest in fashion. 4ven as an
adult$ "ou en#o" pla"ing dress-up$ creating different illusions with costumes and make-up.
and "ou ma" be &uite photogenic.

'en with Venus in -isces are attracted to women who are passive$ fragile$ sensitive and
prett" in a delicate$ china-doll wa". 1ou tend to put women on a pedestal$ and are looking
for a fair" princess rather than a human being. 1our ideal women is 0inderella. Strong-
willed$ outspoken or independent women don(t interest "ou much. 6or do "ou find earth"
or sensual women ver" appealing. *oth t"pes are too threatening. 1ou want someone who
needs "ou$ is completel" devoted to "ou$ and professes her und"ing love in poetr" and
song. but "ou almost prefer to worship her from afar because touching her would destro"
the fantas".

(Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker)

Venus in the sign -isces is in its ealtation. /ere$ the love principle reaches its highest
evolutionar" development. the natives marr" for love$ no other considerations being of
an" conse&uence. Venus in this sign manifests deep compassion and s"mpath" verging on
spiritualit" - the understanding of and unit" with all life. !he universalit" of Venus in
A&uarius$ combined with the empath" and emotional depth of -isces - which is ruled b"
6eptune - produces an emotional rapport with the life of all creatures in the universe.
!he individual sees the 4ternal Life principle flowing through all manifestation$ uniting
the soul with lal life. !hese people have a high capacit" to understand the feelings of
others. the" know what it is like to be in another person(s shoes. !he eperience of
having been through all the signs of the Eodiac gives the soul the abilit" to identif" with
all t"pes of humanit".

-eople with this position of Venus are romantic and sensitive. =nless the" receive clear
demonstrations of love and affection from others$ the" feel lonel" and disappointed.
Sometimes$ the disappointment leads to a feeling of mart"rdom$ which ma" be
sublimated into religious epressions. 2r it ma" lead to neurotic tendencies or mental
illness. !he 6eptunian rulership of -isces gives intuitive inspiration to Venus$ making
these people capable of drawing on higher dimensions for resources in artistic$ poetic$
and musical creation. man" great composers$ artists and poets have Venus in -isces. !his
Venus position probabl" has more innate abilit" for inspired artistic creativit" than other

*ecause the natives are highl" sensitive to the suffering of others$ people ma" take
advantage of their s"mathies unless their discrimination is well-developed. !heir etreme
emotional sensitivit" means the" are often afraid of being hurt through re#ection. thus$
the" hesitate to epress their feelings$ suffering the pangs of love in silence. Sometimes
the" miss romantic opportunities. !he" are inclined to become emotionall" dependent on
others or have others become emotionall" dependent on them.

%f Venus is afflicted in -isces$ there can be ecessive sentimentalit"$ lack of
discrimination in choosing love ob#ects$ la9iness$ h"persensitivit"$ and overdependence
on others. Strong emotions can stand in the wa" of ob#ective perception of realit".

(8rant Lewi)

1our response to emotional stimuli is a good deal deeper than "ou are able to get across
to those "ou love. )hat "ou feel is difficult for "ou to epress. and fre&uentl" "ou are
misunderstood and imposed on because of this. 1our muscles react to emotional stimuli -
"our impulse is to do something for the loved one$ to run errands and to give presents.
and "ou get genuine #o" from the giving. 1our #udgement of people isn(t too good. this is
because "our deepest interest is in "our emotions for their own sake$ and secondaril" in
the person on whom the" are fied. As a result$ the" fre&uentl" fi on someone not
especiall" interested in "ou$ and "ou ma" lavish a lot of emotion and attention before "ou
find that "our love is not reciprocated. 1our own responses are true and fine. "ou epect
the same of others$ and must learn to estimate others better in order to get back from the
world some fair return for all the devotion "ou give to it.

(%sabel /icke")

Venus rules personal affection and 6eptuen rules divine compassion. Venus in 6eptune(s
home$ -isces$ s"mboli9es the love that is willing to sacrifice and is not afraid of suffering.
%t is wounded often b" its understanding of love. %t is ealted in the sign -isces because it
has come to undersatnd that onl" through love can we know the freedom of the spirit.
Aphrodite$ rising out of the foam of the ocean (ruled b" 6eptune)$ s"mboli9es the love
that rises out of the sea of emotions and finds herself free in the upper air (s"mbol of
spirit). /ihgl" emotional and supersensitive$ she suffers through love. !hrough suffering
she goes free. -oetical and musical. 4tremel" ps"chic. Attracted to the underdog and
those less fortunate. 6eeds to learn discrimination where love of a personal nature is
concerned. Softness and tenderness is part of her nature$ with a great capacit" for self-
sacrifice and devotion. An etremel" romantic nature. %n the "ounger soul a strength of
character is missing. )hen disappointment and disillusion come$ there is a retreat rather
than a facing up to difficulties. )ith Venus in -isces one must love for love(s sake.
-ersonal love must be lost in divine compassion.

Freedom in -isces can onl" come through spiritual growth and understanding.
6atal Venus in -isces (D)

(,ulia and 5erek -arker)

!he emotional level is greatl" increased$ and the individual is entirel" swa"ed b" emotion
in all spheres of life. !he sub#ect can all too easil" be taken advantage of$ and as a result
usuall" learns the hard wa"$ often tending to make the same mistakes (especiall"
emotional ones) time and time again. Look for other indications of a practical approach
and rational outlook - 'ercur" in 0apricorn or A&uarius will help. !he need to epress
love and affection is powerful and sincere$ albeit sentimental at times. 0are is needed
that self-deveption or a tendenc" not to face facts is countered. -arents of a child with
this placing must firml" encourage truthfulness. !aking the eas" wa" out of difficult
situations is common$ especiall" in relationships. Self-confidence ma" be undermined$
especiall" with regard to the powers of attraction. 0harit" can become a fault$ leading to
cashflow problems. !his is a tender and caring friend.

%f the Sun sign is 0apricorn$ this Venus placing warms the 0apricorn heart and softens
the attitude towards partners. Social climbing is less pronounced. and time will be spent
en#o"ing relationships and children$ rather than worr"ing about material matters.
0apricorn characteristics will counter the gullible emotion of -isces$ adding common
sense to the etreme fluidit" of the -iscean emotion. /ere is a practical and s"mpathetic
friend. %n financial affairs$ and particularl" investment$ the intuition should be followed.

%f the Sun sign is A&uarius$ this placing adds to the kind$ humanitarian and charitable
&ualities of A&uarius and warms the emotions$ making the sub#ect more responsive and
less distant. 4motional involvement is increased$ "et -iscean emotion will blend with
A&uarian independence. !his is an understanding and s"mpathetic friend. 'one" ma" be
handled badl" - advise professional help.

%f the Sun sign is -isces$ there is a great deal that is beautiful about this placing$ but the
individual must reali9e that his or her emotions can dominate all too easil". !oo much
kindness and s"mpath" ma" eist$ plus a tendenc" to become a doormat. Sacrifices ma"
be made to the considerable detriment of the sub#ect. All indications described for Venus
in -isces generall" (above) will appl" ver" strongl". Financial problems can occur through
ecessive generosit".

%f the Sun sign is Aries$ here the Fire and )ater emotions are combined$ but the fire of
Aries gives a natural assertiveness so that inner strength will be added to the wamth$
kindness and passion. !he placing softens the selfishness of Aries$ and adds
understanding and s"mpath". !here is great seual euberance$ making for an
enthusiastic partner. *oth partners and friends will be given positive encouragement.
'one"-making ideas can sometimes be harmed b" an overl" enterprising spirit. Look for
other indications of pracical common sense.

%f the Sun sign is !aurus$ this is a delightful combination$ giving a gentle but nonetheless
deep and meaningful epression of feelings. !aurean possessiveness is less likel" to be a
stumbling block$ but emotional securit" is important. !he emotion of Venus is controlled$
creating an individual who is a ver" caring$ passionate and sensual lover. !oo much
mone" can be spent on creature comforts.

(S"dne" 2marr)

%n -isces$ Venus feels a great need for self-epression$ but often finds it difficult to get his
point across. !he native is sub#ect to being misunderstood$ though generall" he is kind$
s"mpathetic$ and easil" impressed. /e is philanthropic$ and attracted to work in
connection with institutions. he helps the underdog$ has friends among those who are
weak or afflicted with emotional or ph"sical difficulties. /e gains pleasure through secret
affairs of the heart$ is attracted to the occult$ and tends to resign himself to his fate - he
is not alwa"s fortunate in affairs of the heart.

!he astrologer must help the native overcome a tendenc" to be more indolent$ satisfied
merel" with eisting instead of living life to its fullest. /e is more vital in helpinog others
than in aiding himself. /e must become less modest$ more direct$ and a bit more
determined to better his own position. /is greatest need< more ambition$ and greater
appreciation for the material things in life.

(L"n *irbeck)

1ou are a compassionate$ though potentiall" deluded$ lover. Love for "ou is something
that is all-encompassing and unconditional$ etending to all forms of life$ not #ust the
human. 1ou are thereb" able to tune into the ver" soul of 2ther$ inspiring and releasing
talents and relieving pain and longing. /owever$ "ou can be taken down to levels of acute
suffering b" such self-sacrificing devotion or addiction for it ma" indicate little love for
"ourself$ and as such is delusor" to the point of sheer fanct.

1ou attract with a pervasive charm that evokes in 2ther romantic feelings and soulful
longings. with creative or healing talents that enchant 2ther$ making him or her fan$
follower or slave. and with a compassionate and seemingl" selfless sensitivit" that tunes
into eactl" what 2ther wants or needs at the time.

1ou repel with a seductiveness that works overtime to meet unrealistic and fanciful
epectations. with a switching back and forth betwen total submission and wanton
evasiveness. and with an almost insane ideali9ing of 2ther$ or preoccupation with him 3
her$ that eventuall" makes him 3 her (want to) run awa" from "ou.

1ou are attracted to glamorous$ wa"ward$ otherworldl" 2thers who weave a spell. to an
2ther who is unavailable because "ou are into dreaming rather than having. and to losers
and sad cases$ because the" appeal to "our compassionate soul.

1ou are repelled b" harsh$ brass"$ over-confident 2thers who are onl" into material
things. b" a dream that is in danger of coming true$ because then "ou(ll have to live up to
it. and b" 2thers who take advantage of "ou - or at least$ "ou should be:

)hen "ou are alone$ it is because it(s 6ature(s wa" of giving "ou an emotional cold
turke". 1ou are so prone to becoming addicted to 2ther$ or rather "our idea of him 3 her$
that isolating "ou and den"ing "ou a (fi( is the onl" realistic wa" of getting "ou to face
the music and own up to the facts. =ntil "ou reali9e and appreciate that "ou are being
victim to some notion or feeling that has more to do with "our own soul or past hurts than
with 2ther$ then "ou will be forcibl" and unavoidabl" (on the wagon(. An alternative to
this$ or possibl" a stage or so further on from it$ is that "ou are learning to (suffer nobl"($
which means that "ou are having to turn the other cheek for the overall good$ whatever
that might mean to "ou. For instance$ "our suffering ma" be the onl" wa" that 2ther can
learn a lesson that he 3 she has long been avoiding.

(,ohn !ownle")

1ou most en#o" the attentions of a lover who gives the utmost in love and devotion and
holds nothing back from "ou. =nder such conditions$ "ou can achieve a total communion
in love that is matched b" nothing else. Se in itself is not so alluring to "ou. but with the
right lover$ it can be a powerful vehicle for deep communication.

*ecause "ou prefer not to be too verbal about "our needs$ "ou appreciate a lover who can
intuitivel" plumb "our feelings and discern "our most intimate desires without asking.
*ut that is a lot to epect of an"one all the time$ so tr" to meet "our partner halfwa" and
help him or her get to know "ou well.

1our seualit" ma" become mied with religious feelings$ and to that etent ma" elude
ph"sical manifestation entirel" for periods of time. !here is some advantage to being able
to attach the power of seualit" to higher spiritual goals. but unless "ou are careful$ this
tendenc" can degenerate into seual confusion or religiosit" without transcendence.
5oing this successfull" re&uires considerable self-awareness$ and "ou should think ver"
carefull" before turning "our seual energies in this direction. it takes great strength of
mind to make abstinence pa" off spirituall" and not simpl" end up as frustration.

('arcia 'oore and 'ark 5ouglas)

+e"note< 5evotion is epressed through sacrificial service.
S"mbol< A nurse massages a patient(s feet.

-isces brings out the best in Venus. %t elevates and refines the sentiments and gives a
capacit" for humble$ self-abnegating co-operation. -eople born with this combination are
endowed with a profound appreciation of beaut". but the art most valued is the art of
loving. Less voluptuous than the earth" Venusians of !aurus$ and less contriving than the
sociall" ambitious Venusians of Libra$ the" have tender and solicitious emotions. !he" are
more vulnerable to hurt. but the suffering the" endure is often a purif"ing force in their
lives and ma" be transmuted into s"mpathetic understanding of the woes of others. !heir
willingness to be helpful is seldom confined to famil" and friends$ but diffuses into a
general compassion for all who are in distress.

Venusian -isceans are particularl" fond of music. 4ven when the" do not produce it
themselves$ the" are strongl" affected b" the moods music creates. !he" also have a
fondness for art$ poetr"$ and dancing$ especiall" the ballet.

%f a capacit" for discipline is not shown elsewhere in the chart$ this proclivit" to be
emotionall" swa"ed ma" give wa" to maudlin sentimentalit"$ as though the -iscean
waters were melting the practicalit" of Venus into a shapeless slush. %n matters of love$
such individuals ma" be too eas"going and submissive$ "ielding to inveiglement when a
firm stand would be better for all concerned. Venus in 6eptune(s sign would never be
deliberatel" hurtful$ but it can be muddlesome owing to deviousness and an inabilit" to
face facts.

-eople with Venus in -isces believe that marriages are made in heaven$ and ideali9e their
partners. !he" cannot live for themselves alone$ but want to share their pleasures with an
appreciative companion from whose reactions the" derive a vicarious satisfaction. !heir
eagerness to merge their personalit" with that of their loved one in a romantici9ed
relationship ma" induce them to sacrifice their own best interests for an insubstantial

!here ma" be times when these tenderhearted people should be prodded into standing up
for their rights$ even if it involves sa"ing (no( to a friend$ relative$ or spouse. 2therwise$
an unconscious resentment against those who draw undul" upon their time and resources
ma" build up beneath a faLade of charit" or devotion and lead to a vicious c"cle of guilt
and atonemnt. Although there is alwa"s a possibilit" of neurotic self-denial$ Venus is
sufficientl" well-placed in -isces to confer a genuine desire to be of assistance.

From a metaph"sical viewpoint$ the ealtation of Venus in -isces shows that love is the
final goal of the evolutionar" process. !he #ourne" of Venus through the 9odiac gives a
marvellous s"mbolic piccure of the soul(s circuitous passage through the signs$ as it
endeavors first to engross itself in the material world and then to etricate itself.

%n -isces$ Venus is ealted. !he work of Saturn has ended$ and there supervenes the
sacrificial (or sacred) love of 6eptune$ planet of transcendence.

!he Venusian -iscean is completing one stage of his earthl" #ourne". /e ma" have other
rounds to travel$ but at this point he should be capable of eperiencing some measure of
the reverence for life which is the seed of the divine compassion b" whose grace 'atter
is redeemed and made to shine from within.

(5onna van !oen)

1ou need a ver" emotional$ s"mpathetic$ affectionate mate$ preferabl" one who(s not too
mood". as "ou ma" have a tendenc" to absorb negativit" and let it get "ou down. 1ou
need love to be epressed constantl"$ consistentl"$ and gentl" in order to be happ". Se is
probabl" less important than kisses and cuddles. %f "ou have a belief in a specific religion
or a branch or metaph"sics or astrolog" or whatever$ this needs to be respected as well.
%f these convictions are belittled or interfered with$ "ou can become ver" mued up and
ma" feel "ou have to make a choice between "our mate 3 lover and "our beliefs.
Sacrificing either for the other is apt to cause pain.

7obert /and)

A dream" and fanciful person$ "ou like books that appeal to "our romantic sense of
adventure$ and stories set in weird fair"lands with beautiful princesses and dashing
heroes. 2ften "our private fantasies seem much more interesting and beautiful than
realit"$ but "ou will have to learn to deal with the real world$ too. )hile "ou are "oung$
"ou should develop enough discipline to sta" in touch with realit" when "our dreams are
more appealing. !he positive side of this is that "ou have a ver" creative imagination$
which would be ver" useful in an" kind of artistic work or design. %f "ou can learn to
communicate the visions in "our mind to other people$ "ou ma" become a creative artist
or writer.

1ou are ver" unselfish toward the people "ou like. 1ou want what is best for them$ and
will give of "ourself whenever a friend needs help$ for helping others makes "ou feel
much better about "ourself. 1our sensitivit" ma" limit "ou to friends who are rather &uiet
or who do not attack "our beliefs. /owever$ "ou can genuinel" love people$ and others
will respect this in "ou. 1our onl" problem is that "ou ma" pour out a great deal of energ"
and attention on people who are not reall" worth it. !hat through never seems to cross
"our mind$ but it would be good to be a little more careful about choosing "our friends
and those whom "ou work hard to help.

(7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< self-sacrificing$ compassionate$ reclusive$ sensitive$ escapist$ deceptive.

2ne of the most compassionate placements in the entire 9odiac$ Venus is ealted in the
sign of -isces - a position that nurtures the planet(s most beneficial &ualities. !he
empath" and unselfishness that guides the behaviour of people with Venus in -isces is so
enormous that the" will literall" give "ou (the shirt off their backs(. %n fact$ the difficulties
confronting these individuals stem from a willingness to give and to sacrifice and an
inabilit" to sa" (no(.

,ust as Venus in A&uarius people feed their egos b" participating in idealistic and
inspiring group activities and causes (usuall" political or social)$ Venus in -isces will$ if
humanl" possible$ offer financial or emotional support to an"one in need. %f the" have
bettered the life of even one individual the" are fulfilled. 1et the" often confuse s"mpath"
with love. and the belief that emotional strength and 3 or financial assistance is the means
to attract others can be a fatal flaw leading them awa" from developing a strong sense of

Although this is a trul" benevolent and compassionate placement$ these individuals are
oft-times compelled to sacrifice their own agendas to win love and affection. 5ue to
misplaced s"mpath" the" attract need" people$ thus forming co-dependent relationships
and preventing their true creative strength from shining through. Should their partner
recover or become too strong$ the relationship often disintegrates since it has been based
not on love but rather on the need to help and support. %t is important for these sensitive$
sensual$ creative and loving individuals to believe that someone will love them for who
the" are and not for what the" have to give. %f the" eercise professions or volunteer for
work where the" can help others$ the" will have an outlet for their compassion so the"
will not feel a dut" to be caretakers at home.

%ncredibl" kind$ gentle$ affable and liked b" ever"one the" meet$ these sensual individuals
are usuall" motivated in ever"thing the" do b" the sheer need to feel good. Since the"
simpl" want to love and be loved$ feeling good can mean being paid attention to$ seual
en#o"ment$ or the elation that comes when the" feel the" are helping someone get back
on his 3 her feet. Like -"gmalion$ the sculptor in 2vid(s m"th$ people with Venus in -isces
have a strong fantas" life and are &uite often unable to cope with life(s harsh realities.
)hile romanticism is a wonderful attribute b" which a relationship ma" be kept alive$ it is
imperative that the" view partners with a discerning e"e rather than with fanciful
epectations. !he" can misread the ob#ect of their affections.

%t is not recommended that individuals with this placement follow -"gmalion(s lead$
falling in love with someone whose image the" wish to make over completel". more
positive$ however$ are the sculptor(s highl" creative and imaginative aspects.
Acoordingl"$ Venus in -isces is found in the charts of romantic writers$ dancers$
musicians and painters. %t is to the world of the imagination that these people often run
when the" wish to re-establish their self-worth and discover their hidden voice.

5ue to the abilit" to pro#ect an image (Venus) of illusion (-isces)$ this placement as well
as Venus 6eptune aspects fre&uentl" apears in the charts of politicians$ movie stars$
artists and religious figures. )hat each group has in common is the abilit" to instil
fantas"$ hope and 3 or compassion into the lives of those who need to beleive in
something be"ond their reach. !he danger arises when these people$ capable of lifting
others( spirits$ forget the border between fantas" and realit" and$ at its most etreme$
believe in the illusions the" have created.

Venus in -isces has an idealistic$ visionar"$ humanitarian and (dream"( &ualit". Venus in
-isces people can be obsessed with being loved.

('artin Schulman)

)ith this placement$ the individual is learning the lessons of divine love. /is sensitive$
compassionate and charitable nature has a strong abilit" to epress true feeling$ while his
imaginative sense of romance and his sacrificial nature make him one of the most
beautiful souls in the 9odiac.

Venus here can be like the love of a monk or a nun$ as the individual identif"ing with the
eternal giving stream of 8od(s love finds that his unselfish character is easil" moved in
s"mpath" with the needs of others. /e responds to human suffering$ alwa"s favoring the
underdog$ the disadvantaged and the weak or poor. /e encourages others$ and
regardless of an" weakness in himself can be a supportive influence and a source of
inspirational strength to an" who ask for his love.

From his abilit" to absorb nature(s aesthetic environment$ he feels the flow of life on a
deepl" m"stical$ artistic and intuitive level. As a result$ he has an enchanting sense of
love which is at the same time both intriguing and powerfull" motivating. 1et$ his fragile
imagination can make him overl" impressionable and vulnerable to negative ps"chic
feelings. /e can misinterpret not onl" the good intentions of others$ but also lose his own
identit" in a m"riad of self-imposed illusions that overtake his sensibilities. )hen this
occurs$ he can make himself forlorn and depressed$ often finding mart"r-like ecuses to
debase himself in a sea of sorrow where he hides from reason in the confusing mist of
muddled thinking and emotional despair.

!hus$ there are important lessons that he must learn if he is to see through his own
vulnerabilit" and reali9e the great beaut" of the Venus in -isces placement.

!he 1od to this Venus is formed b" the incon#uncts from Leo and Libra. and it is from the
lessons of these signs that he begins to reali9e his true identification with divine love.

!he incon#unct from Leo gives the individual the boldness to let his love pour forth$
without fear of ridicule or embarrassment. As he learns to gather the strength and
willpower which helps him to surface the depths of his feelings$ he begins to overcome
defeatism$ triumph over a subconscious sense of failure$ and surmount life(s obstacles
through spiritual love. %n this wa"$ he rises above the ps"chic undertow of an insecure
imagination$ and setting his feet firml" on the strength of his beliefs learns how to
overpower his sh" and withdrawn feelings. !hus$ from the Leo incon#unct$ he gets the
strength$ the moral sense of homor$ upstanding virtue$ and noble worthiness which he
must feel before he can eperience the true essence of divine love.

!he incon#unct from Libra awakens the individual to the lessons of harmon" and balance.
/e learns about the proportional s"mmetr" to life. and from this he develops a sense of
cosmic fairness$ which helps him to deal with his highl" sensitive emotional nature. !he
overl"-s"mpathetic feelings of -isces which often lead him to personall" suffer for others
become balanced with a Libra-like sense of impersonal empath". !he individual learns
that he can full" understand the feelings of another without having to personall"
eperience the emotional drain which occurs from absorbing their sorrow.

Libra s"mboli9es lightness of feelings$ happiness through love$ and balanced
relationships built on sensible fairness. From this$ the Venus in -isces individual must
learn how to lighten his mart"r-like emotional nature$ and seek instead the true
fulfillment of #o"ous love.

!he setile from Leo to Libra teaches him how to activate his love$ bring it to the surface
of his conscious life$ and make it hte ver" center of all his activities. Libra is the center of
the 9odiac. and Leo (ruled b" the Sun) s"mboli9es the center of the solar s"stem. From
these two signs$ the individual must reali9e that the great inherent beaut" of love is not
to be hidden in silent inner appreciation$ but rather used$ as the center of strength and
creativit" from which the flow of one(s life must come.

Venus finds its ealtation in -isces$ and$ once the lessons of the Venus 1od are learned$
can manifest as the creative pouring of a live activel" centered in the epression of divine
beaut". !he individual learns that rather than waiting for life$ he has the power through
love to meet it$ create it$ and thereb" emulate the beaut" of his 0reator.

Some with this placement epress their divine sense of union through the arts$ music and
the aesthetic creations which help to put more beaut" in the world. 2thers find their true
nature of love unfolding through charit" and a compassionate sense of responsibilit"
through which the" help to create better lives for the need"$ the underpriviliged and the
poor. 1et$ whatever the individual chooses to do with his life$ it is alwa"s the active
epression of inner beaut" creativel" epressed towards a world which needs it so badl"
that brings out his ver" special 8ift of Love - his abilit" to see the beaut" of 8od in all

(,eff 8reen)

As a pre-eisting pattern$ the Venus in -isces people have been learning to embrace$ on
an archet"pal level$ a transcendant value s"stem in order to create a sense of ultimate
meaning in their lives. !he evolutionar" process leading to this need has been a series of
lifetimes in which the individual has eperienced a tremendous amount of personal and
social disillusionment. !his has created a sense of total meaninglessness associated with
temporal values. 'an" individuals with Venus in -isces have not consciousl"
conceptuali9ed or reali9ed the archet"pal intent$ which is to embrace a transcendent$
spiritual value s"stem. !his is important to understand because until the" do$ the" will
not have a clear and solid sense of who the" are$ and the eperience of disillusionment
will continue to occur.

For these individuals$ the inner world is more or less like a giant movie in which a
diversit" of images$ plots$ scenarios$ and possible realities swirls around in different
combinations. )ithin this inner world$ the Venus in -isces person instincitivel" imagines
him- or herself in these different roles$ like an actor who assumes the identit" of a
specific character. *" imagining and (tr"ing on( these different images and identities$ like
different parts in a movie$ the Venus in -isces person tries to relate to the ones that feel
most like him- or herself. An additional cause that creates this need is rooted in a deep
inner feeling of impurit"$ and the guilt that this implies. !he guilt ignites an instinctual
reaction of denial at an unconscious level. !hus$ the individual will have a nebulous
negative feeling about him- or herself. !hese feelings are then compensated for through
the -iscean imagination - b" creating false identities linked with the move-like nature of
their inner world. !his creates the ps"chological d"namic of (illusion as realit"(.

!hese inner d"namics are ver" problematic because the Venus in -isces people know at a
core level that these different images and identities are not who the" reall" are.
6evertheless$ the" will tr" to make them real$ b" acting them out through eternal
manifestation$ #ust like an actor in a pla" or movie. !he" will manifest the appropriate
clothes$ hair st"les$ home environment$ t"pes of possessions$ and other factors that are
s"mbolic of whatever the imagined identit" is. 'an" individuals with Venus in -isces
actuall" succeed in convincing themselves that the artifact the" have created is real. *"
eternall" manifesting the persona and the circumstances that reflect the inner
imagination$ it now seems tangible. !he" can point their finger to it and convince
themselves and others because it obviousl" appears to eist.

Natal Venus in "st ouse

(7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< Affable$ charming$ attractive$ well-liked$ manipulative.

*ecause it is the sign appearing on the eastern hori9on at the moment of birth$ the
ascendant$ or rising sign$ marks the beginning of the first house and s"mbolises one(s
initial contact with the eternal world. Setting the mood for the entire horoscope$ the
first house determines one(s personalit"$ ph"sical appearance and general consititution.
7epresenting the first breath we inhale$ the ascendant and the first house reflect
inherited traits rather than learned habits and patterns. )hereas the midheaven signifies
the wa" we consciousl" wish to be viewed and how we strive towards achieving that
image$ the ascendant represents the wa" others take us into account based on our
mannerisms$ choice of clothing$ hairst"le or an" other eternal attribute which becomes
an identif"ing feature. %t is the characteristics of the ascendant and planets situated in
the first house that colour all our activities$ ranging from the clothes we wear to our
facial epressions to our social skills.

*ecause the ascendant describes inherited and often unconscious personalit" traits$ it
reveals the t"pe of life(s #ourne" we will embark on$ how we view the world and how we
are$ in return$ viewed b" others. !he placement of Venus in the first house - especiall" if
it is con#unct the ascendant - transforms an individual into a (Venus-tinted window( whose
poise$ passion$ convivialit" and seductive charm are sources of strength and confidence.
Like the agrarian fertilit" 8oddess$ those with Venus in the first house know that b"
pleasing others the" will$ in return$ be offered lo"alt"$ support$ prosperit" and love.

*ecause the first house represents one(s appearance and outward behaviour$ the
influence of Venus in this region of the horoscope reveals the enormous value people with
Venus in the first house place on being well-liked. 0onvinced the" are being #udged b"
first impressions (since the" view others this wa")$ individuals with Venus in the first
house are often preoccupied with the wa" the" look$ dress and behave. )hile not alwa"s
classicall" beautiful$ those with Venus in the first house$ ruling the first hour$ or
aspecting the ascendant possess both attractiveness and great charisma - that
indefinable something that endears them to families$ friends and colleagues. Like a
magnet$ these sensual and eciting people attract those who wish to absorb their
infections energ" simpl" b" being around them. 0onfidence that the" can call upon their
immense se appeal$ charming personalit" and beautiful appearance to (open doors( gives
them the incentive to embark upon endeavours that others might find intimidating.
(Success will depend on whether Venus is positivel" or negativel" aspected.)

2verl" enthusiastic and etremel" impetuous when positioned in the dominant first
house$ Venus wields enoiugh charm$ magnetism and charisma to attract supporters and
attain certain goals. An overwhelming sensualit" and the desire for self-aggrandisment
can be so powerful at times that lust is often mistaken for love$ precipitating ill-fated
romances founded on ph"sical attraction rather than deep commitment. Like Aphrodite$
these people are admired for their attractiveness$ independence and affabilit"$ "et
disdained for their indulgences$ provocation$ overt seualit" and egocentricit".

!he planet(s position in the first house also offers a sense of self-importance that$ at its
most etreme$ allows individuals to use their allure to manipulate others and$ as a result$
get what the" want. %f positivel" aspected$ Venus in the first house will$ like the beloved
agrarian fertilit" 8oddess$ attempt to grant prosperit" and pleasure with the stipulation
that she receives lo"alt"$ respect$ seual fulfilment and 3 or love. %f afflicted$ the planet
will manifest the worst facets of Aphrodite and behave like a spoiled child. -eople with an
afflicted Venus in the first house ma" be insecure and self-indulgent$ and ma" have
difficult" being tactful and diplomatic. !he" ma" indulge in lies$ manipulation or
emotional blackmail to satisf" their own whims and attain a false sense of power. !heir
&uest for constant approval will lead these people to emplo" their Venus-tinted window to
pro#ect a loving$ beautiful$ charming and compassionate image - sincere if Venus is well
aspected$ but a faLade if the planet is afflicted.

Although traditionall" this placement has been interpreted as captivating$ soft-spoken$
friendl" and having an affinit" for the creative arts$ it is #ust as responsible for indulgent
behaviour$ la9iness and complete self-absorption. *ecause it is prominent in the
horoscopes of individuals drawn to the creative arts$ cosmetics$ modelling$ design$
clothing$ sales or an" friend that utilises seductive charm$ this placement was once
considered difficult for men who were not (one of the bo"s( or who did not activel"
participate in sports - the outlets for so-called traditional male bonding.

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

!he first house describes our approach to life and the wa" we come across to others$ as
well as our ph"sical bod". -eople with Venus in the first house will usuall" be found
ph"sicall" attractive b" others. 4ven if not conventionall" attractive$ the" will radiate a
beaut" that draws others to them. !his is someone who approaches all social situations
and individuals in a friendl" wa"$ alwa"s seeking to find the common ground between
themselves and others. !he" tend to be popular$ with a surface ease in social situations
that ma" belie what goes on at a deeper level. /aving Venus in the frist house is like
having a ver" attractive hat to put on whenever "ou have to interact with others. %t works
well but does not portra" its wearer(s entire personalit".

!hese people can be over-accommodating$ bending over backwards for others and finding
it difficult to sa" (no(. !he" are at all times concerned with union. their whole approach to
life$ people and situations is one which seeks to find the common denominator. !he"
dislike conflict$ and tr" to keep the peace at all times. !he" put others first$ and ma"
neglect their own needs in their attempt to create harmon" and make ever"thing all
right. !he" will then get what the" want indirectl"$ through sutble forms of manipulation.
!o this end$ the" ma" use their attractiveness to seduce others$ which will ultimatel"
undermine their sense of self-worth. !he" can be so concerned with being pleasant and
never causing offence that no-one gets to know who the" reall" are or what goes on
inside them beneath the surface.

-eople with Venus in the first house ma" come from a background where harmon" had to
be maintained at all costs. An" discord would thus be highl" threatening to them. !heir
childhood home ma" have sustained an illusion of ever"one in the famil" getting on well
together. %n later life$ it would be distressing for them to discover the discordant currents
beneath the apparent calm.

!he" can become known as eas"-going people. and others ma" come to epect and
demand this good-naturedness of them. !he" can easil" become a prisoner of their own
good nature. and their lives will then lack genuine intimac".

-eople with Venus in the first house is likel" to be drawn to someone who is also
considered highl" attractive$ with polished social skills. !he" will be reassured b" their
partner(s popularit" and en#o" being associated with someone others like - someone also
known for their good-naturedness.
%f all this begins to sound like a recipe for disaster to deeper relating$ it can be$
depending on how ps"chologicall" damaged the person is in the first place. %f this facilit"
with (the gloss( comes to be something the person relies on too heavil"$ then life can
become a superficial social circus. Someone with a fairl" health" ps"che$ however$ can
gain a lot from this placement< a great deal of tact and diplomac"$ charm$ a gracious
bearing and genuine consideration for others.

!he first house rules ph"sical appearance$ and we have alread" mentioned that the
indidividuals with Venus in the first will be attractive. !he" are also likel" to be
concerned and preoccupied with their own attraciveness. %f Venus is well-aspected$ the"
will be happ" with themselves and their bod"$ but if Venus is in difficulties then their
attractiveness ma" cause them insecurit" and unhappiness. -art of their reason for
wanting a ph"sicall" attractive partner ma" be to bolster their own self-image. !his would
indicate a lack of separation between them and their partner$ as the" are then identif"ing
themselves with their partner(s good looks.

!hese people need to develop the art of fulfilling their own needs and not compromising
themselves$ while maintaining their abilit" to connect with others in agreeable wa"s.

('artin Schulman)

)ith this placement$ the love nature becomes the most important part of the individual(s
personalit". %t leads him$ like a carrot in front of a donke"$ as he seeks the sensual
pleasures and the fondness and acceptance of others.

/is ph"sical features are softened$ and hias manner can appear outwardl" gentle. 1et$ if
the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are not reali9ed$ this can be a particularl"
difficult placement. 7ather than perceiving love through his eperiences$ he tries to
reach for the outward appearance of beaut". *" doing this$ he tends to attract to himself
eactl" those individuals whose abilit" to love is superficiall" ph"sical. As a result$ the
care and attention he pa"s to himself in personal grooming$ attractive clothing$ and all
that helps to create a sensual outer image$ eventuall" leads him disappointed as he
eperiences the eternal attractions of brief flirtations and momentar" interests$ without
the deep inner sense of love(s power for safeness$ securit" and lasting fulfillment.

)ithout knowing what love is$ he is anious to eperience it. /e will initiate encounters
with others$ start romances that have little eventual meaning to him$ and usuall"
eperience a general sense of discontent at the wa" his life is turning out. Alwa"s$ his
error is the same. %f he has not learned the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign$ he seeks
vanit" rather than love and he is controlled b" his own narcissism rather than true
beaut". /is seualit" has the undertones of ehibitionism$ for his life tends to be
something of a show which he must keep generating enough energ" to maintain.

)hen he begins to live the consciousness of the Venus 1od$ vanit" changes to virtue.
7ather than reaching for the eternal appreciation of others$ he begins to discover the
true beaut" in himself. /e learns$ often thorugh difficult eperiences$ that he alone is the
keeper of his conscience. for onl" be the achievement of refinement and sincerit" does he
begin to reach the standards of ecellence which bring out the true beaut" of his life

Again and again he finds his ethical standards being put to the test$ for he must discover
the difference between self-indulgence and self-love. )hen he begins to understand this
difference$ he reali9es that happiness is not a passing impulse$ or a momentar"
ecitement$ but rather a lifest"le. a continuous identification with person and moral
beaut"$ spiritual virtue and the peace of knowing a clear conscience. %nstead of
dissipating his energ" in the fruitless seeking of momentar" gratification$ he begins to
eperience the rapture that onl" comes through self-master". From this$ he starts to feel
the treasured source of his own real worth. And$ as he does$ his eternal eperiences
become fulfilling$ for the" are feeding not the momentar" impulses of his desires$ but
rather the consciousness of love to which his being is awakening.

!his awakening to true self-love puts the individual in touch with his potential for
happiness. for he learns that rather than seeking fulfillment through the approval of
others$ he is the source of all his feelings. %t is from this that he discovers the personal
esteem that lifts his spirit to the golden-fibred oneness of divine harmon".

%n essence$ his 8ift of Love is his abilit" to find the virtue of human decenc" for himself$
eemplif" it for others$ and plant the seeds in societ" of a moral conscience$ clearl"
directed towards finding the true beaut" of mankind(s potential for personal dignit".

(/oward Sasportas)

%f we understand the Bst house to describe the wa" in which we best reali9e our own
special and uni&ue identit"$ then Venus here suggests that life should be met with open
arms. A natural urge to relate to others with sensitivit"$ refinement and goodwill is
indicated. although the" find themselves b" being harmonious and accommodating$ there
is a danger that in attempting to be all things to all people the" actuall" lose themselves.
Venus in the Bst suggests that we should love and respect our own selves as well.

%n fact$ a feeling of self-worth and self-esteem is crucial to loving and seeing other people
more clearl". %f we appreciate our own worth$ tehn we can appreciate the worth of other
people. %f we accept ourselves$ then we can more easil" accept others. %f those with
Venus in this house don(t learn to love and accept themselves first$ the" ma" manipulate
other people to do so in order to fill the gap. Like the proverbial co&uette$ the" are out to
get as much flatter" and attention as possible to prove their value and worth. Some
people with Venus in the Bst never take Aphrodite(s girdle off< the" displa" an obvious
seductiveness which can be used for their own benefit. !he" ma" even be downright

Venus in the Bst often ehibits ph"sical beaut" or a (certain something( which draws
others to them. !he" ma" literall" embod" the best &ualities of the sign in which the Bst
house Venusis placed. 4ven without traditional good looks$ an appreciative and admiring
disposition will make them attractive and appealing.

%n the Bst house$ we need to make our presence known. Venus(s sweet dalliance can be
ver" charming$ but taken too far borders on la9iness - someone who sits and waits for
things to come to them. %f well-aspected$ this placement is an indication of a harmonious
earl" upbringing which endows the person with a positive sense of self and optimistic
outlook on life.
Stephanie 0amilleri)

A rising Venus gives beaut" and charisma$ and the power to attract whatever and
whomever is desired. !he closer Venus is to the Ascendant$ the greater is this power.
!his placement indicates at least one great love eperience in the life$ although the
nature of that eperience$ whether happ" or sad$ short or long-lived$ will be told b" the
sign Venus occupies$ its relationship to its dispositor$ and aspects from other planets.

!hese people have a great capacit" to give love freel"$ unless Venus is in 0apricorn$
A&uarius$ or Virgo$ in which cases the" are more reserved. 4ven so$ their warmth comes
through as interest in others$ and ma" be intensified and refined b" the restraint of these
signs into a dispassionate love of humanit" in general. %n the first thress signs$ Aries$
!aurus$ and 8emini$ Venus rising shows a great deal of self-love$ though not necessaril"
the selfish kind that can(t include love for others as well.

!here is a strong potential for creativit" with a rising Venus$ but it re&uires other factors
to put it to work. =suall"$ it shows more in the art of living than in works. !hese people
are more apt to be great appreciators of the works of others$ inspiring them with their
enthusiasm and praise$ b" their beaut" and st"le or$ if the" are well set financiall"$ b"
their patronage and financial assistance.

!heir good looks generall" remain within them throughout life. and if Venus is in Virgo$
Scorpio$ 0apricorn or A&uarius$ their looks often improve with age.

!here is generall" a good deal of sensualit" with a rising Venus$ that will be intensified or
moderated b" the sign Venus is in$ b" aspects from other planets$ etc.. !he love of beaut"
etends to a love of sensual luur"$ of satins and velvets$ furs$ delicious fragrances$
perfumes$ and #eweller". 0ompanions ma" be chosen more for their ph"sical beaut" than
the beaut" of their souls. !he closer Venus is to the second cusp$ the more pronounced
the sensualit". %f Venus is closel" aspected b" =ranus$ 'ars$ or -l"to$ has hard aspects
and no eas" ones$ or is located in the twelfth house within ten degrees of the Ascendant$
sensualit" ma" bring sorrow. !here ma" be scandal or grief in connection with love
affairs or se.

)hile the lives of those with a rising Venus ma" seem eciting and full of pleasure and
variet" to others$ to themselves there is never enough. !he" are restless and eager for
ever more varied and pleasurable ecitement. !he" have a great capacit" for happiness$
and seek its source with unflagging energ"$ at least in "outh$ though the nature of the
sources the" seek will be different for each. !here is alwa"s the danger of debaucher"
with a powerful angular Venus. and in the search for happiness$ the" ma" have some
degrading eperiences. 6eptune or ,upiter in s&uare or opposition will show an
inclination for too much part"ing. 6evertheless$ Venus has the power to lead its followers
out of an" trouble it gets them into$ and a rising Venus is a strong testimon" to the abilit"
to con&uer problems like alcoholism or drug addiction. !he urge towards happiness is so
powerful that it can lead up as well as down.

%f Venus is con#oined with other planets$ the love nature will be modified accordingl".
)ith 'ars$ ther eis a love of action or sports$ with the passivit" diminished. )ith
'ercur"$ there is a love of motion or flight and an attraction toward "ounger people. )ith
,upiter$ the love of good times$ parties$ elegant clothes and surroundings$ beautiful
people$ and seusualit" is intensified. Saturn here ma" eact too great a restraint unless
there are compensating factors. )ith =ranus$ epressions of love$ beaut"$ and passion
are alternatel" intensified and turned off$ or sometimes intellectuali9ed. )ith the 'oon$ a
love of self$ of women$ and of sensualit" is increased. )ith 6eptune$ theatre$ music
and dance are emphasi9ed$ and$ although sensualit" is modified b" romanticism$ drugs
and li&uor are a real danger. )ith -luto$ danger is possible from seual or romantic

A rising Venus indicates a great love of children and "oung people$ particularl" of girls.

(*ill /erbst)

Self-epression< As with the 'oon$ Venus in the Bst house presents a picture of (active
receptivit"(. 8race$ beaut"$ aesthetics$ and a basic appreciation for social interaction
shape "our spontaneous radiance of self. !here is (femaleness( here$ a wish to pro#ect
"ourself as womanl". !his b" no means indicates a tendenc" toward the effeminate$ but
rather it infers the promise of true receptivit". As with all astrological interpretations$
however$ whether or not that promise is fulfilled$ as well as how it is fulfilled$ depend
upon a m"riad of other factors. !he pitfall lies in overeager surrender to outer stimulus.
not taking a stand ma" result in "our having no position at all$ ecept that defined b"
others. !he challenge is to be definite about who "ou are while remaining co-operative
about interacting with others.

6atural persona< !he face shown to the world is pliant and focused on teh imager"
surrounding love nad sharing. !here is the promise of acceptance$ the lure of romance.

1our name-tage sa"s$ (% will love "ou if "ou allow$ but more importantl"$ % will let "ou love
me if "ou wush$ for % am the personification of beaut" and grace(.

Self-awareness< 1ou can naturall" plug into "our inner self whenever "ou pro#ect personal
love$ interpersonal harmon"$ or aesthetic beaut". !he more lovingl" "ou behave$ the more
consciousness "ou gain. !he better "ou manage social harmon"$ the more self-aware "ou
become. And finall"$ the more beautifull" "ou pro#ect "ourself$ the more "ou find
awareness of "our true inner nature$ whatever that ma" be.

*oundaries< Social poise$ harmon"$ and the pro#ection of ph"sical grace allow maimum
interaction between "our inner and outer environments. 5isagreement$ conflict$ or chaos
in epression close the lens and alienate the environments$ as does ecess aggression or
unconscious anger. 2n the other hand$ too much romance$ seductive receptivit"$ or
purel" sensor" pleasure merges the two worlds in false union$ provoking a surprising and
abrupt end to relatedness. !he challenge is to provide clear$ warm receptivit" without
falling (in love with love(.

Vitalit"< At ever" level of living$ harmon" supports "our life force. 4cess love of sensual
pleasures$ oversensitivit" to conflict$ and a distaste for hard work reduce the efficienc" of
"our long-term well-being. 1ou need to learn the value of eercise and sustained effort$
not with grave discipline$ but as part of bringing ever"thing into proper balance$ for
balance is the ke" concept in maintaining "our smooth vitalit". 7emember< moderation in
all things.

(7obert -elletier)

1our affectionate nature and willingness to compromise endear "ou to ever"one. 1ou
cleverl" allow others to think the" can win over "ou$ but reall" "ou are biding "our time
until "ou are more sure of "our position. /ating disharmon"$ "ou concede to others(
demands unless the" are completel" unfair. 1ou know that the best wa" to handle people
is to understand their motivations. 1ou eagerl" seek an education to improve "our
chances for success. 1ou choose "our associates for their intellectual accomplishments
and savoir-faire$ which can be assets in "our profession. 1ou keep the lines of
communication open to associates and competitors alike$ so "ou are alwa"s abreast of
what(s happening. )anting the ver" best for "our children$ "ou encourage them to take
advantage of opportunities to develop their creative potentials. *ut do not neglect "our
own creative talents in favor of self-indulgent pleasures.

1ou know that thebest wa" to satisf" "our need for material securit" is to put "our ideas
to work. %f "ou implement "our plans successfull"$ "ou won(t need to worr" about
financial securit". 1ou know how to win the support of close friends in reaching "our
ob#ectives$ and "ou make a sincere attempt to show concern for theirs. !hese warm ties
will be rewarding to "ou in the future$ when "ou ma" need friends more than "ou do now.
1ou get "our superiors to approve "our ideas$ especiall" when "ou show them how "our
ideas will benefit them.

1ou will benefit from being more aggressive when "ou are challenged. 1ou cannot be the
peacemaker all the time. and making concessions to those who are wrong will establish
"our weakness and limit "our success. Luckil"$ "ou attract people who are open and
frank. *e cautious about revealing all "our plans$ so that "ou can maintain some
advantage over others. 1ou should accept responsibilit" for etending "ourself in "our
career$ and learn to overcome the fear of competition as "ou strive to reach "our
ob#ectives. 1ou ma" worr" that "ou will never live up to "our parents( epectations. but
"our onl" obligation is to live up to "our own potentials. 1ou must define "our goals and
decide how "ou will reach them$ according to "our own capabilities. 1ou must be self-
sustaining as soon as possible$ so "ou can make "our own mistakes and benefit from "our
own successes. %f "ou settle for less$ "ou will get less.

1ou can relieve "our guilt about not living up to "our potentials b" making some
important contribution toward meeting the needs of other people$ including "our
associates$ "our partner and those who cannot help themselves. 1ou will earn their
gratitude forever if "ou make some sacrifices to help them in their moments of needs.
1ou are usuall" willing to do this$ but "ou want "our efforts to be appreciated. +nowing
the weaknesses of "our competitors gives "ou a distinct advantage over them.

1ou feel uplifted when "ou help people who are burdened with problems. but also "ou are
afraid of being re#ected. 1ou tr" to be generous toward those who need attention and
care. but be war" of people who make ecessive demands. 1ou onl" need to prove to
"ourself that "ou have warm$ human &ualities and enduring values$ and that "our
preoccupation with financial securit" has not made "ou insensitive. 1our public image is
Natal Venus in t#e Secon$ ouse
(7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< 'aterialistic$ possessive$ #ealous$ aesthetic$ practical$ devoted$ indulgent.

*ecause Venus is the natural ruler of the second house$ this placement brings out the
best and worst &ualities of the planet$ ranging from practicalit"$ prosperit"$ sensualit"
and an e"e for beaut" to la9iness$ indulgence$ #ealous" and greed. !he seocond house is
indicative not onl" of material securit"$ but also of the personal resources - talents$ skills$
and assets - with which we attain our goals and maintain control over our lives. -lanets in
the second house describe precisel" which t"pes of resouces (for eample Venusian$
'artian$ ,upiterian) are readil" accessible. As a result$ the traditional interpretation of
Venus in the second house has alwa"s been (making mone" (second house) through love$
beaut" and creativit" (Venus)(. )hile this description is still applicable$ the definition
must be epanded to include the utilisation of social skills$ diplomac" and inner
confidence to attain economic well-being and its accompan"ing stabilit".

*ecause the seconf house has traditionall" been an indicator of how income is ac&uired$
this placement ma" indeed foster visual and performing artists$ interior designers$
clothing manufacturers$ cosmeticians$ models$ salespeople and politicians - all Venusian
professions. Like Venus-ruled !aurus$ the second house corresponds to the throat$
making this placement common in the horoscopes of singers.

Fre&uentl" consumed with financial securit"$ these people favour long-term investments
such as mutual funds$ real estate or art collecting. 5ue to their powers of persuasion and
innate understanding of economics$ the" can also be successful financial advisers$ stock
brokers$ investment bankers$ or in an" profession in which one assists others in making
mone". %f these people are unable to achieve monetar" success on their own$ it will be
likel" to be pursued through a relationship$ thus confirming the position(s traditional
interpretation. )hile this placement does indeed indicate a conscious search for
affluence$ strength and stabilit" in the choice of partner$ those with this placement must
be cautioned not to regard the partner as another business associate$ (ac&uisition( or
financial con&uest$ and must never take him or her for granted. Since for these people
financial and emotional securit" are completel" intertwined$ the" often become #ealous
and possessive about what the" could lose (companionship$ mone" and propert") should
the relationship ever dissolve.

*ecause self-esteem is based on economic and 3 or creative success$ a postivel" aspected
Venus ma" ensure financial acumen$ prudent monetar" planning and wise investment
skills. An afflicted Venus$ on the other hand$ can encourage indulgent$ wasteful spending
to satisf" opulent tastes and$ if the level of material prosperit" to which these people
aspire is not attained$ it will be sought through personal and professional relationships.
5ue to the desire to maintain an affluent lifest"le$ ordinaril" good business sense can be
transformed into manipulative$ ruthless and unethical practices$ including th use of se to
get what the" want.

!hese fair-minded$ stubborn people are not onl" proud of their own accomplishments and
procuremets$ but also eager to support artists and charities b" providing subsidies$ loans
and emplo"ment opportunities whenever possible. Ver" rarel" are the" generous$
however$ unless a personal benefit can be derived. Should the" feel betra"ed or not
afforded the respect and 3 or gratitude the" deem was earned$ their benevolence can turn
into resentment and hostilit" - t"pical of the fied signs (!aurus$ Leo$ Scorpio and
A&uarius) and houses (second$ fifth$ eighth and eleventh). )hile the" can be ama9ingl"
devoted$ responsible and committed partners and parents$ their insecurit"$
possessiveness and 3 or #ealous" thwart their abilit" to command respect.

)hile the Libran-influenced Venus is known for co-operation and diplomac"$ the !aurus-
inspired Venus (descriptive of this particular placement) cannot accept an" challenge to
its authorit". Loving$ proud$ magnanimous and etremel" sensual$ these people must (as
emplo"ers$ partners and parents) learn to delegate responsibilit" and trust the decisions
of others - otherwise$ the" run the risk of becoming complete workaholics bent on
control. *ecause their self-esteem is based on economic and 3 or creative success$ the"
are war" of being taken advantage of$ and can recognise instinctivel" ambitious social

%f the second house (as it is in /indu MVedicN astrolog") is defined as an indicator of one(s
earl" education$ the planet occup"ing this region signifies how our learning habits
provide the skills and talents that enable us to earn a living and pursue our goals. For
people with Venus in the second house$ there ma" be great artistic talent. and the" tend
to learn creativel" rather than intellectuall". %f Venus is afflicted$ this placement ma"
contribute to la9iness$ poor learning habits and an inabilit" to concentrate.

'ost important$ the placement of this fruitful and sensual planet in its own house
bestows the uni&ue abilit" to create$ nurture and finalise goals. %n fact$ the ac&uisition of
propert"$ the accumulation of profits or the conception of a child often occurs during
transits and progressions to the second house cusp$ its occup"ing planet or planetar"

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

!he second house is to do with our innate talents$ and shows the skills we might develop.
%t describes what we value and our attitude to our possessions and mone". -eople with
Venus in the second house generall" values the things mone" can give them. !he" often
have a knack of drawing comfortable conditions to themselves. !he" are not necessaril"
materialistic$ unless Venus is also in an 4arth sign. but the" certainl" apprecitate
material beaut" and wil usuall" find the mone" the" need to surround themselves with
beautiful ob#ects and st"lish decor$ and with attractive and comfortable furnishings.

!he" ma" benefit from a talent for finance and business. !he" ma" earn mone" from
some artistic pursuit$ either as artists themselves$ or as dealers in art or dAcor. !he"
could be gifrted in interior design. !he" ma" earn mone" through beaut"$ perhaps selling
beaut" products or taking advantage of their own beaut" - for eample b" modelling.
!he" could earn a living as a fashion designer.

!heir lifest"le is likel" to be comfortable$ bordering on the luurious. and the" will eaither
earn the mone" to sustain it themselves or draw it to themselves through a partner.

!he" are likel" to be both possessive and #ealous within a relationship. !he" will value
love$ and$ if the" love someone$ the" are likel" to want to hold onto them. %n fact the" will
not easil" let go of an"thing the" value. Alternativel"$ the" might attract a possessive and
#ealous partner. A partner can easil" be seen as an etension of themselves$ so the" ma"
have ver" real difficulties in recogni9ing a partner as a separate and autonomous
individual. !he" ma" act towards their partners as if the" owned them.

)here there is a shared financial arrangement$ one or the other partner ma" feel bought$
and ma" feel he 3 she has sold him- 3 herself for financial securit"$ and that his 3 her
autonom" is compromised. Venus in the second is not be"ond marr"ing for mone" or
beliving that he 3 she can bu" love. A more positive understanding of this placement$
however$ is that the people affected need tangible proof of love from their partners$ and
that the"$ in turrn$ will be generous in tangible wa"s to those the" love.

-eople with Venus in the second ma" take special pleasure in bu"ing things with their
partner. !his could be collecting ob#ects of some sort$ either something the" find
beautiful or something that is valuable. 2ne woman % know collected beautiful plates$ and
liked to spend her leisure time browsing in anti&ue shops and markets. -art of her
pleasure la" in having a partner who also en#o"ed spending time in this wa". !here can
also be en#o"ment in simpl" going out shopping and spending mone"$ even on more
ordinar" commodities.

Shared values will be an important part of feeling close and secure with a partner. -eople
with this placement will need someone who not onl" appreciates the things the" value
(such as the plates)$ but also understands and respects their feelings. -erhaps more than
an"thing$ it is how the" feel about the things the" value that matters to them. !he" are
likel" to value their own feelings highl". !he" need to be valued b" their partner$ for their
worth to be appreciated and acknowledged.

('artin Schulman)

/ere Venus is in its rulership$ giving the individual a great capacit" to feel life(s natural
resources. /e has an instinctive attunement to nature and is especiall" sensitive to
feelings that come from the ph"sical &ualities of life. /e can perceive the love of finel"-
crafted ob#ects$ the beaut" and s"mmetr" of all that man creates from raw materials$ and
the possibilities of how to use all that nature has to offer. !here is a natural earthiness to
his character which keeps his feelings on a ver" basic level. A sense of practical ease
makes him fortunate with mone"$ while his natural tendenc" to live a constructivel"
creative lifest"le helps his fortunes to build. 1et$ until the lessons of the Venus 1od in the
Sign are learned$ he has much to reali9e before he can awaken to his true love nature.

Sometimes he can be obsessed with a false sense of values$ building his securit" on his
abilit" to amass ob#ects. 'an" with this placement can be e&uall" as possessive of people$
sometimes making the mistake of tr"ing to own another(s feelings. !hus$ there is a
tendenc" to cling to ob#ects and people through which the individual tends to insulate his
life. %n this wa"$ he often builds a fortress around his feelings$ sealing himself off from the
true wealth of material beaut" that he can eperience.

2ne of the greatest difficulties here is a sense of #ealous" for the possessions of others.
!he individual can get so attached to the things he feels he needs that he can overlook
the true &ualities of all that he has. And$ because the Second /ouse is in the unconscious
hemisphere of the chart$ his #ealousies are often #ust below his threshold of awareness.
6evertheless$ he can find himself so attracted to the values of others that he can even
build his life around the substance of someone whose wealth$ stature and securit" he

1et$ the material plane is the effect of what one understands about love rather than the
origin of feeling from which love begins. )hat a man achieves in the world of material
possessions is an incomplete view of his real feeling for life. %n fact$ most people rarel"
own the things the" trul" love$ and hardl" recogni9e the love for the things the" own.

)hen the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are learned$ however$ the individual
begins to seek true value and enduring worth as his real possessions. /e learns to
overcome ecessive tendencies that can be wastefull" indulgent$ and instead begins to
reali9e the importance of what ,esus meant when he said$ (Seek "e first the kingdom of
heaven$ and then all things shall be added unto "ou(. From this$ he learns how to bring
into his life the feeling of &ualit" from which real value manifests. !hus$ he ma" epress
his love through ph"sical ob#ects$ but the essence of love is in himself - how ob#ects
s"mboli9e what life means to him$ and how the" reflect his feeling for man(s abilit" to
creativel" use his resources.

!hus$ as he learns to center himself through an appreciative outlook$ his consciousness
begins to sing with the gentle beaut" of gratitude that is his true soul nature. /is ver"
special 8ift of Love is his abilit" to feel the essence of real possessions. those things$
ob#ects$ people and feelings which can never be taken from him because their (forever(
&ualit" is the true substance of love(s constanc".

(Stephanie 0amilleri)

!his is a powerful and secure location for Venus$ beacuse here it is in its native sector$
setile the Ascendant$ and trine the 'idheaven. /ere it is able to govern the magnetic
forces of the chart$ and gives the power to attract whatever is most desired< in 4arth
signs$ material things. in Fire$ thrills. in )ater$ love and romance. and in Air$ friendships$
contacts$ and mental adventures.

A second-house Venus does not necessaril" show wealth. but without depressing factors$
usuall" provides the resources to do whatever is desired at an" given time. For those
individuals who cannot provide for themselves for whatever reason$ there will alwa"s be
someone to turn to for help. %n fact$ this can indicate an overl"-relaed attitude towards
finances ((the world owes me a living()$ dulling the sense of need that spurs most people
into gainful activit".

!here is a strong se drive that will pull them into one situation after another until it is
satisfied. %n 0apricorn or Scorpio$ there is a tendenc" toward homoseualit"$ or at least
some homoseual eperiences in the search for emotional fulfillment. %n A&uarius$
8emini$ -isces$ or Sagittarius$ there is a tendenc" towards biseualit" or a lack of
traditional seual boundaries.

%n Aries$ there ma" be passionate seual-romantic affairs$ intense but short-lived. %n
!aurus$ there will be life-long love relationships$ with romantic beginnings and a strong
seual element. %n 8emini$ there ma" be friendships that turn into romances$ and vice
versa$ with companionship alwa"s a big factor in an" seual relationship. %n 0ancer$ deep
emotional commitment is ver" important. there is also a passionate desire for children.
the need for a partner to be parent to children is as important as or more important than
the romantic element. A 0ancer Venus here can(t bear competition or #ealous"$ and
(particularl" in a man(s chart) ma" need mothering as much as se$ at least at the
beginning. %n Leo$ this Venus is intensel" passionate. the" need se for release$ and tend
to be faithful to one partner$ but if the seual relationship dies awa" the" will find
another somewhere else. %n Virgo$ Venus is faithful and sh"$ and works hard to establish
a good relationship. the" need partners who will build their confidence$ because the"
tend to be nervous$ and ma" need to practice relaation techni&ues to full" en#o" se.
(Stephanie 0amilleri) (contd.)

)ith Venus in Libra$ the attractiveness of the partner is etremel" important. the" tend
to be faithful$ but can be enticed from time to time b" passing romantic attractions.
Venus in Scorpio is passionate and #ealous$ with periodic upheavals in the se life due to
#ealous". %n Sagittarius$ Venus is more interested in novelt" and change$ or in the
personalit"$ importance$ or eotic &ualities of their partners than in the &ualit" of the se
relationship. Venus in A&uarius in the second house is a strong testimon" for homoseual
(or aseual) relationships$ the desire being more for intellectual companionahip$ with less
concern for seual compatibilit"$ and sometimes even a dislike of ph"sical se. %n -isces$
there is a great need for tenderness and emotional rapport. without this$ the se life will
not develop but will remain on a fantas" level.

(/oward Sasportas)

2bviousl"$ Venus in this house has a love of mone"$ not #ust for the securit" it brings but
because it allows them to purchase all those things the" find beautiful and worthwhile. A
sense of well-being is attained b" surrounding themselves with that which the" consider
st"lish and tasteful. !he" have an e"e for beaut" in the ph"sical and material world. Some
ma" shun an"thing considered ugl" or inharmonious$ while a more finel" developed Dnd
house Venus has the insight to perceive beaut"$ reason and purpose in those things which
others might scorn.

!heir innate resources include a sense of fairness and diplomatic tact. !he" have a knack
for attracting what the" need or value. so mone"$ unless etravagantl" spent$ should not
be too great a problem. An income could be earned thoguh (Venusian( professions<
artistic endeavours$ modelling$ the selling or marketing of beaut" or beaut"-products$ the
diplomatic service$ etc..

(*ill /erbst)

Self-worth< %n the Dnd house$ Venus indicates that personal value is assessed through the
success or failure of personal love. !he eperience of beaut" or pleasure makes "ou feel
good$ especiall" as those &ualities can be directl" related to the self. !he prima donna
s"ndrome is a pitfall to be avoided$ for the challenge is to understand that personal worth
is "our birthright onl" when "ou allow feelings of true generosit"$ receptivit"$ and sincere
caring to flow through "ou.

-ossession< Venus tends toward pronounced ph"sicalit" when occup"ing the Dnd.
*eautiful or epensive possessions are considered proof of "our personal beaut". and
ownership in general must enhance "our sense of aesthetic grace. 1ou want to be
surrounded b" loveliness - ob#ects d(art$. so to speak. !he pitfall lies in confusing ob#ects
of beaut" with the beaut" contained within "ourself$ feeling that the ob#ects themselves
are the beaut". !he challenge is to see possessions as a s"mbolic but concrete etension
of "our inner grace$ to make tangible the personal beaut" of the soul.

'one"< 'one" is also a s"mbol of pleasure or beaut". Financial resources are seen as a
road to aesthetic fulfillment or interpersonal sharing. and fre&uentl" mone" is linked with
the fundamental abilit" to feel and epress personal love - "ou could conceivabl" marr" to
secure wealth. )ith this placement$ mone" can indeed bu" happiness$ and the challenge
is to focus on that positive aspect$ for the pitfall is to assume the opposite$ that not
enough mone" produces unhappiness.

Self-eertion< !he st"le of eerting effort is primaril" smooth. 1ou are more dancer than
worker$ more aesthete than athlete. !asks that involve the creation of beaut" or harmon"
are attractive. /ard manual labor is usuall" re#ected. /owever$ "ou are a ver" consistent$
stead" worker once in the flow of effort. )ork is better shareed than alone. !he challenge
is to put into effect the (!om Saw"er strategem($ to make even difficult work look so
en#o"able that others want to share it$ for the endeavours of social process are preferable
to the effort of manual labor.

Sensualit"< -h"sical pleasure for its own sake reaches an une&ualled peak here. -ure
en#o"ment is paramount$ for touch is a form of appreciation$ and bodies$ especiall" "our
own$ are a living source of aesthetic satisfaction. Sensation is luurious$ a song of
harmon". and ph"sical stimulation is a delight. !he emotional eperience of love merges
with ph"sicalit". and "ou use touch both to epress love that alread" eists and to
encourage love that could blossom. !he pitfall is ecessive self-involvement$ a tendenc"
to drown in personal pleasure$ forgetting the relatedness that is the truest source of
interpersonal love. !he challenge is to manifest love as ph"sicall" as possible$ to feel the
natural receptivit" of the bod"$ and to en#o" touch in a wa" that beautifies the essence of

(7obert -elletier)

1ou are concerned with securit"$ and "ou will appl" "ourself to earn the man" comforts
"ou want. A stable and responsible person$ "ou know how to gain important positions b"
impressing the right people with "our fine &ualities. 2nce established in "our profession$
"ou slowl" increase "our effectiveness b" taking on additional duties that will result in
the tenure "ou want. 1our professional contacts give "ou opportunities to gain the
comforts that make "our life pleasurable and mean so much to "ou. "ou consider "ourself
competent to take "our place beside the people "ou admire$ and "ou know how to
conduct "ourself to win their respect in return. 1ou like living (in st"le(. and the pleasure
"ou get from social activities allows "ou to be &uite content with "our general

1ou want to be free from material dependence on others$ and "ou don(t want an"one to
depend on "ou. 1our parental conditioning made "ou determined to pa" "our own wa"
and become independent. 1ou appreciate what "ou learned earl" in life$ and "ou know
"oure parents are happ" that "ou benefitted from their inflinece. An opportunist$ "ou
maintain a safe distance from friends who might make demands. *ecause "ou are
apprehensive about achieving "our goal of complete securit"$ "ou alwa"s make certain
that "ou have assets that can be converted to cash if circumstances re&uire it.

1ou are easil" intimidated b" people who make a show" displa" of their assets$ but "ou
env" their midas touch. 1ou will form ties with persons who ma" prove beneficial to "ou
in the long run. %n making investments$ "ou proceed cautiousl"$ hoping to avoid
unnecessar" losses. 1ou like to devise schemes that will improve "oru financial picture
and allow "ou to give "our famil" etra advantages. "ou have high epectations that "our
children will take advantage of "our epertise and make the best use of their available
resources. 1ou tend to limit "our romantic attentions to persons who have a talent for
earning a comfortable living.

1our abilit" to compromise emerges when "ou want to cultivate partnership interests.
and in such instances "ou make greater sacrifices than usual. 1ou are willing to help "our
mate achieve greater financial leverage in his or her endeavors$ but "ou don(t want to
help on a permanent basis. 4ven so$ "ou consider the time "ou contributed a wise
investment. %t might prove beneficial to invest time and mone" in further education to
improve "ourself. !his will augment "our abilit" to meet social obligations and enhance
"our status. 1ou have an aversion to purel" mental pursuits$ but "ou should make the
effort #ust the same.

Avoid the inclination to be self-centered in "our interests. 2ther people want life(s
comforts nearl" as much as "ou do$ but "ou make an issue of it. 5on(t neglect "our human
and social values$ for the" ma" enhance "our position with others far more than a displa"
of possessions. *eing is as important as having. %n this regard$ pa" attention to how
others round out their lives with varied interests. *e sociable even when "ou know "ou
won(t gain materiall" from it. *" associating with people who have broad interests$ "ou
will become better informed and learn of man" new wa"s to en#o" "ourself.

Natal Venus in %r$ ouse

(7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< creative (particularl" with regard to writing)$ media-orientated$ detached$
talkative$ eager to share ideas$ desiring freedom in love.

)hen Venus occupies the intellectual and communicative third house$ there is an
enormous passion for learning that is usuall" satisfied thwouth travelling$ devouring
books$ maga9ines and newspapers$ attending media events (theatre$ film$ concerts$
lectures) and$ most significantl"$ b" observing and conversing with others. 4mpowered
b" constant intellectual echanges and the wealth of information amassed therefrom$
people with Venus in the third house revel in the creativit" and productivit" that these
interchanges stimulate. -articularl" suited for professions that encompass
communications (oral and 3 or written) and the media arts$ these individuals are drawn to
writing$ #ournalism$ filmwork$ public relations and advertising - third house fields that
ma" provide the artistic fulfilment and potential economic stabilit" craved b" Venus.
-ossessing elo&uent speaking voices and powers of persuasion$ the" are as comfortable
with the sales and marketing end of these professions as the" are with the creative
facets. %nfluenced b" the versatilit" instrinsic to the third house$ such individuals also
have an enthusiasm and willingness to share ideas and work twaords a common goal$
making them adept as team pla"ers where communication and co-operation are of the
essence - for eample on the editorial staff of a maga9ine$ as a member of a film crew$

*ecause their self-confidnece hinges on peer approval$ these individuals$ unwilling to
fight adversit"$ usuall" form friendships and partnerships with those who can provide
intellectual stimulation and instruction as well as encouragement and support. 5ue to an
innate restlessness$ the" often choose vocations that do not re&uire being chained to a
desk$ and partners who share their passion for mobilit" and are willing to travel or even
relocate should the opportunit" arise. *" the same token$ partners of these people need
not share their interests. it must merel" be recognised that a wide circle of friends and
range of interests is necessar" to their well-being and$ as a result$ to their abilit" to love.

'ost important$ the partners of people with Venus in the third house must never feel that
the" can be all people to their mates. %t is important to recognise that while the
placement of Venus in the air" third house re&uires that verbal communication and 3 or
spiritual contact be the essence of a committed relationship$ the detachment of this
position can #ust as easil" lend itself to short-term liaisons with no obligation. !he
dispassionate &ualit" of a sensual planet (Venus) placed in a house that thrives on human
connection (third house) is often found in individuals who do not place high value on
monogam"$ since the" sometimes view se as a means of communication and not
necessaril" as an epression of love or a testament to devotion.

!heir short attention span$ need for constant mental stimulation and never-ending
appetite for travel usuall" impede long-term domestic planning. %f Venus is con#ucnt the
%.0. (the cusp of the fourth house)$ however$ restlessness will be abated in favour of a
proclivit" towards the establishment of a home and famil".

%f Venus is positivel" aspected$ these individuals bring an inspirational presence and
originalit" into relationships$ which will never suffer from boredom. )hile a well-
aspected Venus indicates that these people have integrated$ or attempted to integrate$
their need for freedom with their desire for love$ an afflicted Venus often creates an
emotional detachment that desensitises them to the feelings of others. %ndividuals with
Venus in the third house (to whom personal and professional freedom are imperative)
must recognise that perpetual stimulation and mobilit" are not necessaril" s"non"mous
with independence or the fulfilment of artistic epression. )ith the realisation
that freedom is$ in actualit"$ a state of mind$ the constant search for new hori9ons ma" be
abandoned in favour of challenges closer to home$ such as the re#uvenation of long-term
relationships$ #obs and 3 or creative pro#ects that ma" have grown stale.

*ecause Venus is indicative of the desire to proliferate$ its occupanc" of the house
representing communications and restlessness challenges the abilit" to maintain a
committed relationship amid a variet" of other activities (work$ hobbies$ friendships).
*ecause the need for constant stimulation can present seemingl" insurmountable
obstacles$ it is important to open the lines of communication with an" romantic partners.
!hrough rational and logical discussion$ it ma" be discovered that it is indeed possible to
nurture a famil" without surrendering personal freedom - the biggest fear confronting
those with Venus in the third house. %f Venus in the third house is con#unct the %.0.$ these
people witll be more inclined to balance their desire for outside stimulation with a need
for a loving relationship. Furthermore$ the" ma" be writers$ authors$ musicians$ artists$
interior designers$ real estate salespeople or involved in an" profession in which the" can
earn a living b" using their creative communication skills and affable personalities.

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

!he third house rules all kinds of communication$ links and connections. %t rules siblings
and neighbours as well as our neighbourhood. Someone with Venus in the third house
will be able to communicate easil" and harmoniousl" with others. !his will be someone
with a persuasive and charming wa" with words who en#o"s communicating.

!hese people(s delight with words ma" be intellectual or academic$ and there could be a
love of literature. but e&uall" this could be someone who gets pleasure from casual
conversation about ever"da" affairs. !his can be someone who en#o"s echanging the odd
few words in the newsagent(s or with a neighbour$ and who recogni9es the value of the
communit" and en#o"s feeling part of it. !he !V programme (6eighbours( demmonstrates
one level of a third house Venus. and perhaps its popularit" is to do with an unfulfilled
longing in man" people to be part of a close-knit communit".

6ot onl" will people with Venus in the third house en#o" participating$ on some level$ in
their neighbourhood$ but the" will want a partner who is e&uall" interested in their
ever"da" world. %t will be important to them to have a partner with whom the" can
discuss topics of mutual interest as well as the da"(s events.

!he" ma" en#o" sharing doing the crossword$ or pla"ing word games with loved ones$ or
watching !V together$ in which case the" will also en#o" talking about the programme
the" have watched afterwards. !he" will want a partner with a livel" mind who is gifted
with words$ and who en#o"s pla"ing with ideas and concepts.

!he" ma" also want to talk about their relationship$ and need things stated. !he" rel" a
lot on things being clearl" said.

!he" will value the friends the" have within their neighbourhood and appreciate being
able to have fre&uent contact with them. !he" will also want to keep in touch with an"
friends living further awa". and the" ma" write or telephone a lot. !he" often develop
letter-writing to a fine art. !his will be an important means of conve"ing their feelings to
those the" love.

!he" ma" have a close bond with a sibling. !his ma" be a sibling living nearb"$ with
whom the" have a lot of ever"da" involvement$ or simpl" a sibbling for whom the" feel a
lot. )here such a bond eists$ an" partner will have to be prepared to accept its

('artin Schulman)

)ith this placement$ the love nature is focused towards the eperiencing of harmonious
communication. !he individual seeks to share and echange the beaut" of ideas in all of
his relationships. !hrough a poised and graceful manner$ he finds popularit"$ success in
public relations$ and the abilit" to eperience a sense of pleasant co-operation with

Venus here gives a refined sense of social ease$ a natural warmth to the character$ and a
(#oining( instinct which helps the individual to feel a sense of belonging to all that is going
on around him. !here is an affinit" for the beaut" of language and the achievement of
culture through the media. !he individual finds the need to eperience the smooth-
flowing activities through which man communicates the beaut" of his feelings. /e sees
life through a l"rical poetic &ualit" which helps him balance the "in and "ang of ideas that
are alwa"s flowing through his consciousness. 'an" with this placement eperience a
natural sense of co-ordination which manifests as talent in artistic epression. 1et$ until
the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are learned$ it can be etremel" difficult for the
individual to balance his love nature.

Sometimes gullible$ often naive$ and almost alwa"s carelessl" casual$ he can have a
lackadaisical or frivolous outlook which makes his relationships too superficial to be
fulfilling. /e can dissipate his feelings in idle chatter$ entertaining ideas that have little
purpose or meaning. or his life can lack substance$ and little that he sa"s or hears can
bring him the fulfillment of beaut" that his soul is seeking to eperience. Some with this
placement dissipate their energies b" tr"ing to please ever"bod". !his eventuall" leads to
an imitative lifest"le through which the mind can become la9". !hus$ the individual
eperiences a tendenc" to follow or be pushed b" others$ rather than reali9ing the beaut"
of his own harmonious intellect. %nstead of following the thought currents of others$
simpl" because it is eas" to do$ it is important for him to reach the love through which he
can center his lower mind. From this$ he begins to teach himself how to transcend
wasteful thought. eventuall" to reali9e what *uddha meant when he said$ (1ou are what
"ou think$ having become what "ou thought(.

2nce the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are learned$ there is a change in the
individual(s level of consciousness. /is interest in pett" gossip or idle chit-chat becomes a
genuine devotion towards epressing love in human relationships. /e sees the value of
his words$ and begins to consider the social effect he has on others. !his teaches him how
to eperience the refined beaut" of thought$ from which he begins to establish a
meaningful sense of harmon" in his mind. From this$ he learns how to filter out the
momentar" attractions of fads and fanc" which could scatter him$ reaching instead for
the timeless beaut" of knowledge and wisdom which helps him to pla" an active role in
the evolution of human ideas. !hus$ he often finds himself using the beaut" of his intellect
to harmoni9e the uncentered thoughts of others. As he does this$ he begins to attract to
him the teachers$ the mentors and the disseminators of information who form the
integrated network through which humanit" is able to respond to meaningful thought. /e
develops a love of reading$ and begins to eplore the libraries$ cultural centers and
museums which help him to eperience the beaut" of man(s knowledge. And$ the more he
learns$ the greater his love for learning becomes. !hus$ his life eperience becomes one
of gradual unfoldment as he opens the portals of knowledge and wisdom.

/is ver" special 8ift of Love comes from his abilit" to eperience and share the l"rical
beaut" of humanit" as it unfolds through ideas$ stories$ literature and artistic media$
forever bringing man into the flow of harmonious communication which brings him to

(Stephanie 0amilleri)

!his placement of Venus gives the abilit" to communicate ideas through a variet" of
means and forms. %t gives a love of ideas for their own sake and$ with 'ars contacts$ a
willingness to argue or fight for them.

!he love of ideas ma" interfere with the abilit" to full" eperience love itself. !his
mental aspect to the Ascendant (sit" degrees) isn(t reall" the perfect spot for the true
nature of Venus to manifest at its best. Venus(s power is to rela tension so that beaut"
and happiness can be eperienced full". !he vibrator" level isn(t right at this angle$ so
these people often let their thoughts and ideas get in the wa" of the comfortable intimac"
and long-term love relationships that are the promise of Venus at her best. !here is
almost alwa"s a certain amount of frustration involved in love relationships with this
position$ and it is a partial testimon" against marriage. !his is #ust as well$ for when the"
marr" the" often do so for the wrong reasons$ so the marriage won(t last or isn(t happ".

!hese people are usuall" etremel" creative and$ given more testimonies$ should concern
themselves more with establishing a career than with marriage and famil". 2nce the" are
well on their wa" to making a name for themselves in their chosen field$ it will become
evident whether or not marriage and children will fit into their wa" of life. !he offspiring
the" will leave to posterit" are ver" often (brain children(. works of art and ideas that are
ver" difficult to produce along with the flesh and blood article. !he" are usuall" fond of
children$ but are often &uite content to pla" the role of uncle$ aunt$ godparent$ and so on
to the children of their relatives and friends. !he" need affection #ust as much as an"one$
but what the" don(t need is the constant pressure of demands on time and emotion that
drains them of the energ" and time the" need to get things - their things - accomplished.
=suall"$ there is a strong lifelong relationship with one or more siblings$ neighbors$ or
friends$ and it is often through sharing these lives from the sidelines that this position
achieves its riches emotional fulfillment. Venus at this angle is ver" susceptible to
difficulties from tension-producing aspects$ and$ where this is true$ there ma" be a good
deal of suffering connected with these relationships.

!he" usuall" love speed and vehicles that can give them the thrill of rapid motion. !he"
ma" also love horses and riding. %f Venus is s&uared or opposed b" 'ars or =ranus$ there
ma" be the possibilit" of accidents (if s&uared and 3 or poposed b" the rulers of both the
eighth and the first houses$ potentiall" fatal).

!hese people are usaull" attractive to others$ but often present a cool or unconcerned
eterior$ one that is not openl" warm or inviting. !he" ma" be rather abrupt or
disconcerting in their mode of speech or behavior towards those who don(t know them

!he 8reek m"th of 0upid and -s"che illustrates the difficulties of the planet of love in this
mental house. !he curiosit" (intellect) of -s"che (the subconscious mind) overcomes her
vow to her husband 0upid$ the god of love$ who alwa"s comes to her under cover of
darkness$ that she will not look at him or tr" to discover his real name. and so she loses
him. !his m"th illustrates what hapens when the mind oversteps its natural boundaries
and becomes too concerned with the sources and mechanisms of passion.
(*ill /erbst)

2utreach< !his is a somewhat paradoical placement$ for although Venus shows what is
loved or appreciated$ and thus indicates an appreciation for movement$ in the ?rd house
Venus is sometimes drawn more toward the mental or emotional realms of eperience.
!he appropriate image here is one of dance$ of flowing movement within and through an
environment. 5ail" activit" and the immediate environment must reflect beaut" and
harmon" to be satisf"ing to "ou. !he challenge is to represent grace in motion$ to develop
an aesthetic appreciation of the kinetic relationships that form and flow through an"

0oncrete mind< 1ou derive immense pleasure from the workings of mind. !here is an
almost geometrical aesthetic in mentalit"$ an appreciation of the music of thought
processes with their individual fact melodies and overriding chord patterns. !hinking
becomes here more artistr" than reason$ more warm sensualit" than cold logic. !he
pitfall can appear through an unwillingness to acknowledge an" information that is
perceived as ugl"$ confusing the content of mentalit" with its form$ while the challenge is
first to eperience and then to epress the natural beaut" of logical associations$ to
enhance appreciation and the #o" of mind itself.

0uriosit"< 1ou are not so much curious as "ou are appreciative. Additionall"$ things do
not interest "ou nearl" so much as people$ so "ou tend toward interview rather than
in&uir". 1ou ma" be less interested in a person(s essence than "ou are faascinated b" all
the details of his 3 her living$ the infinit" of small facts that contribute to an overall
impression of personalit". %n this regard$ "ou ma" occasionall" succumb to the pitfalls of
superficialit" or gossip$ but the challenge is to develop "our abilit" to pinpoint the heart
of a person b" composing these individuall" unimportant factors into a relevant matri.

*asic education< Although arts are more pronounced than sciences with Venus$ the
general sense of learning as an en#o"able activit" is paramount. !he sheer pleasure of
education can be emphasi9ed$ so the child regards learning with positive feelings of
anticipation. Later$ this person will love to be in the flow of new information$ especiall"
when the information comes from someone seen as intelligent. A good teacher is ver"
similar to a good lover$ and romance blossoms around the echange of information.

0ommunication< =nless there are other planetar" positions or modif"ing aspects to the
contrar"$ "ou probabl" have a ver" pelasing$ even beautiful speaking voice$ and a
charming manner of presentation. !here is smoothness$ a rounded and soothing &ualit"
to the words$ sometimes etending into the word choice itself. 1ou love beaut" in
conversation$ and strive to reach the ideal of a perfect aesthetic in speech and writing.
!he content is not nearl" so important to "ou. and because tact is of such fundamental
importance$ we can etend the statement to sa" that truth is not nearl" so important as
interpersonal harmon".

(7obert -elletier)

'ost people are comfortable with "ou because of "our charming manner and "our
willingness to compromise. 1ou en#o" the compan" of refined persons like "ourself who
can epress themselves easil" with groups and individuals. 1ou bring out the best in
people$ which helps in reali9ing "our ob#ectives. 1ou make man" concessions to others$
especiall" "our partner$ in order to win approval. 1ou want to alwa"s have the respect of
"our mate$ because "ou feel that is important in making "our relationship endure. 1ou
aren(t too worried about "our future securit"$ because "ou have planned for an"
conditions that ma" arise. 1ou are more concerned about keeping compatible ties with
"our close friends who share "our desire for the comfortable circumstances that "ou so
thoroughl" en#o". !he chances are that "ou can alwa"s count on the favors that life seems
to bestow on "ou.

8enerall" eas" to get along with$ "ou tr" to cultivate the most favorable relations with
ever"one in "our immediate environment. 1ou feel that it is especiall" important to avoid
conflict at all costs because "ou are so disoriented b" lack of harmon". 1ou usuall"
include "our children in "our plans. and as the" grow up$ the" will have fond memories of
their formative "ears. 1ou keep the lines of communication open so that the" will alwa"s
share with "ou their fortunate eperiences as well as their problems. !he" know "ou will
help them with their burdens$ #ust as "ou naturall" appl" ps"cholog" in relating to "our

1ou alwa"s endeavor to improve "ourself$ thereb" adding to the essential values that "ou
bring to the people with whom "ou are personalll" or sociall" involved. *asicall" an
ethical person$ "ou cringe when others epect "ou to take liberties with "our high
standards. %n such isntances$ "ou must assert "ourself as protection from those who
would take advantage of "ou. 1our gentleness gives the impression that "ou would not
resist. %t is painful for "ou to listen to people who constantl" berate others and never have
a kind word to sa" about an"one. 1ou ma" encounter this among the people "ou work
with. *ut the" will serve as a stimulus to improve "our skills so that "ou ma" choose a
better work environment.

1our aversion to manual labor leads "ou to seek an occupation that deals largel" with the
public in a social environment. 1ou handle "our responsibilities thoroughl"$ as "our
supervisors know. but it is essential to determine #ust what "our duties are. 2therwise
"ou will find "ourself taking on more than "ou should. 1ou work best in personal contact
with "our patrons$ because "our willingness to make concessions in serving their needs
endears "ou to them.

1ou will get the greatest "ield from "our creative resources b" putting "our best foot
forward. 1ou generall" disppla" "our most advantageous &ualities so that people will
approve of "ou and of what "ou are tr"ing to accomplish with "our skills. 1our admirable
values help "ou win the co-operation "ou need in order to earn a comfortable living. %t
wasn(t alwa"s this wa"$ however$ for "ou remember that "our parents or guardians did
not alwa"s approve of "our decisions. !he" probabl" disagreed with "our chosen partner
as well as "our other friends. *ut it was up to "ou to decide on "our most important

(/oward Sasportas)

!hose with this placement have the abilit" to communicate in an eas"$ fluent and non-
threatening manner if Venus is not hampered b" difficult aspects. !he" are sensitive to
the needs of those around them$ although some ma" tr" a little too hard to speak onl"
what the" think will please others. -eople generall" find it eas" to communicate and
(open up( to someone with Venus in the ?rd$ as if the" sense the atmosphere of loving
receptivit" this placement bestows. !here is usuall" a fondness and appreciation of
brothers and sisters$ and there are usuall" benefits through them$ although certain
aspects to to Venus (from -luto for instance) suggest an intense sibling rivalr" or
incestuous urges. =nless Venus is difficult" aspected$ the educational eperience should
be fairl" en#o"able. !here is often a love of words$ knowledge and languages$ or the
capacit" to epress the self through some form of artistic medium. )eekend #aunts here
and there are likel" to give pleasure. and these people normall" fit easil" into different
situations and environments.
Natal Venus in &t# ouse

(7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< 5omestic$ loving tran&uillit"$ famil"-oriented$ needing harmonious surrounds.

!he fourth house represents the emotional relationship we had with our paretnts which$
in turn$ affects how as adults we approach famil"$ home and emotional commitment. Self-
worth$ therefore$ is fre&uentl" measured in proportion to the strength of famil" ties.
)hen Venus is placed in this sphere$ it encourages a relationship or creative outlet that
accommodates the intense desire for the steadfastness of home$ famil" and communit".
,ust as the fertilit" 8oddesses prevented economic disaster b" replenishing the earth$
these fiercel" protective individuals will stop at nothing to preserve and safeguard the
stabilit" of their immediate environment.

*ecause the fourth house represents the emotional nourishment received from the
parents$ the placement of a well-aspected Venus ma" indicate a childhood replete with
material comforts and parental affection. 4mpowered b" a sound$ supportive background$
these people can$ in turn$ bestow boundless strength$ creativit" and unconditional love
onto their own partners and children. 6ot onl" can the" provide a strong emotional
foundation on which not onl" families but also companies$ communities and organisations
are built$ but also their sense of preservation etends to participating activel" in the
protection of the environment and the beautification of their communities.

%f$ however$ Venus is afflicted in the fourth house$ the search for emotional nourishment
ma" lead to hastil" formed and potentiall" destructive relationships. -arental models ma"
have been indulgent$ wasteful and 3 or irresponsible - behaviour patterns that these
individuals do not wish to repeat - or the" ma" have simpl" changed residences and
schools several times during childhood. Lacking a harmonious famil" life or what the"
perceive represents a stable upbringing$ these individuals ma" seek out partners whom
the" believe will provide what the" have lacked. instead$ their choices often eeril" mirror
their mothers and 3 or fathers$ thus re-enacting turbulent parental relationships. !heir
instabilities and insecurities can result in possessive attitudes towards partners or
unrealistic epectations of obtaining the devotion and attention withheld during their
"outh. %t is vital that people with Venus in the fourth house go be"ond childhood traumas
so that these events are not re-enacted with their own partners or children$ to whom the"
ma" look for und"ing devotion.

)hile a positivel" aspected Venus enables these individuals to become loving partners
who are hopelessl" romantic and etremel" lo"al$ the emotional or economic insecurit"
generated b" an afflicted Venus in thr fourth house ma" instead cause them to become
#ealous$ possessive lovers and 3 or controlling$ overprotective parents. %ronicall"$ this
stifling behaviour ma" further alienate their families and threaten the secure home base
that the" were attempting to build and maintain. Another manifestation is the desire to
confine themselves and retreat into a cocoon-like eistence devoid of social obligations.
7etaining creative hobbies and engaging in activities outside the home will lessen the
risk of living in their partner(s shadow and decrease the likelihood that the" will pro#ect
unfulfilled ambitions onto their children - both courses ultimatel" detrimental.

%n addition to representing the basis of the emotions and familial relationships$ the fourth
house s"mbolises the ph"sical abode a person inhabits (as child and adult) which serves
as an etension of the self. /ospitable and magnanimous$ people with Venus in the fourth
house take enormous pride in their homes$ which are usuall" tastefull" and comfortabl"
decorated - reminiscent of or in reaction to the comforts and securit" of their own
harmonious "outh (or lack thereof). )ith creative$ productive and loving Venus affecting
one(s domicile$ these individuals trul" en#o" activities that revolve around their homes$
ranging from cooking and decorating to entertaining friends and famil". !he" will also
encourage their children to be e&uall" hospitable hosts and hostesses.

!he financial rewards of Venus in the fourth house emanate from occupations that
involve either creative epression in the privac" of a home office (self-emplo"ed artists
and writers$ for eample) or working in the areas of real estate$ interior decorating$ art
collecting$ gardening or cooking. *ecause Venus is a materialistic planet$ idealistic and
impractical pursuits are often sacrificed in favour of professions that provide financial
stabilit" and material comforts.

For those with Venus con#unct the %.0.$ the cusp of the fourth house and part of the
parental ais$ their parents will have displa"ed Venusian characteristics. %f this
con#unction is well aspected$ one or both ma" have been loving$ creative$ prosperous and
a source fo strength. %f afflicted$ one or both ma" have been la9"$ indulgent$ manipulative
or distant.

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

!he fourth house describes our home$ our famil" background and our inner private
life. -eople with Venus in the fourth house will want to find happiness in their home. !he"
will en#o" spending time pottering about at home$ doing nothing in particular. %t will be
important to their sense of well-being to have time to themselves to do as the" wish.

!heir home is likel" to have a warm and comfortable atmosphere$ one that others will
find welcoming. !he" will en#o" friends coming round and being a part of the ambience.
!heir home is ver" much a place where others can (hang out( with no pressure to leave
and no need to do an"thing special. Friends are welcome to come and #ust be there$ and
in the meantime life goes on. At other times$ people with Venus in the fourth will lavish
attention on friends. !he" en#o" entertaining$ and the" have a gift for making others feel
at home.

At times this can go too far$ and their home can resemble a refugee camp$ with too man"
hangers-on soaking up the wonderful atmosphere$ eating them out of house and home$
with the Venus-in-the-fourth person unable to oust them and reclaim their space for fear
of creating a disturbance.

/ere we have someone who will bend over backwards to avoid offending others$ even
when he or she is clearl" being eploited. !hese people will often delude themselves as to
the realit" of the situation in order to avoid an" unpleasantness. !he" ma" over-identif"
with their guests( position$ imagining how the" might feel in their place$ while not
recogni9ing that it is not a position the" ever occup" themselves. !he" tend to be the

!he people with Venus in the fourth can$ however$ learn to avoid over-etending
themselves in this wa". A more positive epression of this placement is found in the
people who create a home that is aestheticall" pleasing and comfortable$ with an
atmosphere of peace and tran&uillit"$ that functions as a nurturing environment for

!he" ma" be talented in interior decoration$ although Venus in the fourth ma" find that
all a bit too energetic. the" will certainl" have good taste. !he" ma" en#o" artistic
pursuits at home. painting$ photograph"$ music or craft hobbies. !he" could be keen
gardeners too$ parhaps en#o"ing growing flowers. an" contact the" have with nature will
benefit and replenish them.

%n relationships$ people with Venus in the fourth house will want to spend time at home
with their partner. the" will en#o" cos" evenings at home together. !he" ma" appreciate
the arts together and spend time relaing listening to music$ for instance. )hatever$ the"
will en#o" spending &uiet times alone with their loved ones. !he" ma" even want a
partner who values being at home with them more than an"thing else.

5epending on how Venus is aspected$ these people generall" derive happiness from their
famil" background$ and have happ" memories of their childhood. !he" usuall" find
pleasure in being a part of their etended famil" network$ although the" could have a fear
of causing disharmon" within the famil"$ and the situatiuon where ever"one descends on
them could appl" to their famil" too. -eople with Venus in the fourth house will certainl"
wanta n ideal happ" background$ and have difficulties in reconciling themselves to
an"thing less. !he" will generall" focus on what was good and hold on to that.
7elationships will be the main arena in which the" rework their earl" childhood. !he past
is an ever-present influence in their relationships$ for better or for worse.

!he" ma" have ideali9ed one of their parents$ most likel" their father. !his can create
problems later in theri relating$ when a partner is less than their ideali9ed parent and
hence a disappointment. =ntangling this d"namic will take considerable introspection as
it will operate at an unconscious level. !he" need to become reconciled to the realit" of
the relationship with this parent in order to give themselves a chance with future

!his is someone whose love nature is essentiall" ver" private. !he" need to have contact
at a deep level to satisf" their relating needs. !he" need boundless intimac" in their
relationship$ and an ongoing sharing of themselves with another. !he" do not let an"one
into the depths of their private world ver" easil"$ despite their hospitable nature$ so
should "ou cross their threshold "ou are in privileged territor".

('artin Schulman)

)ith this placement$ the individual(s feelings are found in the ethnice folk" familiarit" of
his roots and the love he has for his formative origins. /e is the embodiment of famil"
warmth and securit"$ the nostalgia of past memories and the sentimentalit" of emotional
ties. +eepsakes$ mementos and all the s"mbols of treasured moments create for him the
womb of comfort from which his feelings are born. And$ from this$ his natural sensitivit"
towards nurturing the needs of others can manifest in the providing of a warm and co9"
atmosphere for those he loves. 1et$ man" with this placement have a tendenc" to allow an
eaggerated need for securit" to overtake the natural &ualit" of their genuine feelings.
!hus$ until the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are learned$ overl" strong personal
attachments to ob#ects$ places and people can emotionall" stifle the individual$ making it
difficult for him to openl" share a flow of feeling - which is the ver" essence of love.

Sometimes$ there is a clinging to one or both parents. a clutching at the comforts of
childhood long into adult life. )hen this occurs$ the individual can find himself
emotionall" lagging behind his mature needs. /e eperiences difficult" trusting new
people$ for he fears situations and circumstances which might be foreign to what he
alread" knows.

)hen the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are learned$ however$ he eperiences a
great change in his consciousness. /is attachment to home and famil" grows into an
epression of deep inner love rather than need. /e awakens to the value of unselfish
devotion as he begins to feel the sincerit" of those close to him without childishl"
demanding it. !hus$ he learns to appreciate the beaut" in his famil" and eperience the
natural love flowing through his ancestral lineage upon which his life is built. !his love
gives him the strength from which his feelings epand to a supportive understanding of

/e begins to see be"ond the narrow circle of childlike emotions. and$ coming out of the
cacoon-like incubation period of his earlier "ears$ starts$ to eperience the harmonious
warmth of all whose lives he touches. /e learns that although the love in his childhood
ma" have been comfortable$ he must nevertheless go through the emotional weaning
rocess from which he will be able to build his own famil"$ freel" epress the warmth and
goodness that is uni&uel" his own$ and find the home within himself which gives him the
securit" to meet life(s new eperiences. From this$ he becomes concerned with the
harmonious strength of his communit"$ the securit" of his religion and the roots of love
upon which a meaningful humanit" is founded and nourished.

!he more he identifies with this feeling of nourishment$ the closer he comes to the
precious beaut" of the 5ivine 'other of creation - for nourishment is the wa" of nature
from which her blessings of love pour through ever" fibre of life.

%t is from this that he reali9es his ver" special 8ift of Love - his uni&ue sensitivit" to build$
from the ver" roots of life$ the encouraging spirit of harmon" and co-operation which is
the natural source of love at the birth of all feeling.

(/oward Sasportas)

!he @th house indicates &ualities deepl" embedded within the person. !hose with Venus
here basicall" value and desire peace and harmon" in their surroundings. !he" cannot
easil" live in an atmosphere of strife$ tension or discord$ and in the end will do all that
the" can to reconcile problems or smooth over differences. Satisfaction and fulfilment can
be found in making a home and in such domestic pursuits as cooking$ decorating and
gardening. %f not too badl" aspected$ Venus in the @th suggests a comfortable situation in
the later "ears of life.

Venus carries with it the image of the beloved and all that is beautiful. 2ne possible
interpretation of this planet in the @th is that the father (or (hidden parent() catches the
pro#ection - he is made into the beautiful one. !he bo"-child ma" feel some rivalr" or
#ealous". /ow can he ever be as good as 5add"$ who has all the charm and grace$ and
'umm" as well> !he little girl ma" fall in love with such an enchanting father$ in which
case the mother becomes the rival. 6onetheless$ Venus in the @th suggests a positive
famil" inheritance$ both ps"chological and material. Sometimes good taste runs in the
famil" or there has been an artistic influence in the earl" upbringing. 2ften$ there is an
interest in eploring the genealog" or famil" tree.

(Stephanie 0amilleri)

)ith good aspects$ this is a good place for Venus. !here will be great pleasure in the
home$ much love and sharing. !here is a love of famil" and of famil" tradition$ an interest
in roots and heritage$ which ma" include histor"$ wealth$ nobilit"$ things in which we can
take pride. !he father is usuall" handsome$ charming$ eas"-going$ or fun-loving. %t is a
partial testimon" to daughters$ sisters$ and female relatives$ usuall" attractive$ fun-loving
and artistic.

!he home environment is ver" important to these people$ who will be inclined to spend a
large portion of the mone" available to them on it$ painting$ cleaning$ restoring$ adding
on$ and renewing. !he" are more inclined to en#o" sta"ing home or entertaining at home
than going out. !he" ma" even have a business in their home or a workshop$ or work out
of thier home in some wa". %t is a partial testimon" to success in real estate$ landscaping$
gardening$ or inn-keeping.

)ithout stress aspects$ it indicates a happ" childhood with indulgent parents and a
peaceful$ happ" old age.

)ith difficult aspects$ however$ this house is not such a good place for Venus. !he
angularit" is intense$ so that difficulties are magnified. !he earl" environment ma" be
pleasurable or eciting in some wa"$ but too hectic$ confused$ or unstable. !he father ma"
be not onl" indulgent$ but self-indulgent as well$ and get into financial difficulties. /e
ma" be too fun-loving$ drink$ or have affairs. 4ither the childhood home or the father (or
both) ma" be lost$ leaving a bittersweet memor" of a time and place that is gone forever.
A self-indulgent mother ma" dominate the home environment.

%n an" case$ whatever problems this angular Venus ma" bring with hard aspects$ it
generall" forces them to rebuild their personal set of values from the ground up.
Something is wrong with the value s"stem inherited from the famil"$ and the" must re-
eamine ever"thing in light of personal eperience and stud" in order to re-evaluate
goals$ lifest"le$ and basic attitudes. A stressed fourth house Venus forces one to grow and
keep growing throughout life. At first there ma" be some unfortunate eperiences. but$ as
the" live and learn$ the" pass through man" stages and come at last to a much better
understanding of life. %t is a strong testimon" for wisdom in old age$ however painful or
pleasant the means of ac&uiring it$ and for the contentment that wisdom brings.

(*ill /erbst)
'icrocosm< Venus in the @th indicates that personal love is ultimatel" ver" personal
indeed. Love constitutes the essence of "our private self. 1our most personal levels
center around comfort$ pleasure$ and aesthetic appreciation. !he pitfalls lie in seeming
closed or self-centered emotionall"$ while the challenge is to safeguard "our feelings of
care b" epressing them warml" to the people who are loved$ in e&uisite private
moments of tangible sharing.

-ersonal securit"< 1our home is a place of beaut". 6o epense is psared to make "our
domain comfortable and aestheticall" charming. St"le is important$ and the emphasis
moves from the surface inward< if "our surroundings are effectivel" restful$ then surel"
"our relationships will become peaceful also. !he pitfall is that "ou often rel" too heavil"
on the home for pleasurable eperience$ graduall" withdrawing into a narrow and
constricted sense of famil". !he challenge is to make "our home a haven for sharing with
all loved ones.

4motional imprints< 1our imprints originated largel" from pleasure 3 pain impulses. !hat
which represented love or pleasure was absorbed. that which represented discomfort or
denial was avoided. Like the 'oon$ but less intensel"$ Venus indicated that maternal or
feminine influences formed the ma#or imprints. /armon" or its absence was an important
conditioning factor. 1ou felt "ourself to be an ob#ect of beaut" within "our famil". and "ou
learned ver" earl" that "ou would be #udged on the basis of certain feminine &ualities in
"our epression$ &ualities such as receptivit" and the willingness to maintain peace and
promote harmon" in social situations.

(%nner-link( parent< 1our mother was a model for beaut" and pleasure$ the person who
taught "ou what being a woman meant. !his could have been positive$ or negative$ or$
more probabl"$ a blend of both. Later in life$ "ou(ll tend to use that inner model in an"
situation involving "our private life$ such as the st"le of "our home or the wa" "ou
approach love. !his doesn(t necessaril" mean that as an adult "ou(ll be (#ust like her($
although that(s possible. %t means that "ou(ll either strive to create "our st"le from her
modelling$ or strive to avoid what she s"mboli9ed for "ou. Alternatel"$ "ou could use the
same approach in finding a person with whom to form famil"$ looking either for someone
like her or for someone opposite from her.

-rivate intuition< -rivate intuition occupies the realm of (good feelings(. %nner guides are
eperienced not so much as effective$ real-life advisors$ since the" are not likel" to give
information. %nstead$ messages from the /igher Self function to remind "ou of the beaut"
of life. !he" perform the function of relief$ offering a respite from the trials and
tribulations of pragmatic$ eternal living. 1our guides bring "ou loveliness. !he" open
"our e"es$ pointing the wa" toward truer beaut"$ renewing "our sense of lovingness$
revitali9ing the appreciation of both "our own life and life around "ou.

(7obert -elletier)

1our fond memories of the earl" "ears at home have made "ou appreciate those who
indulged "ou. *ecause of this conditioning$ "ou are concilator" and "ou often displa" "our
thanks for the benefits "ou received. 1ou en#o" the finer things in life$ and "ou want a
good home embellished with ever" refinement. 1ou feel a spiritual obligation to help
those in need. and even if "ou are unable to provide material assistance$ "ou find wa"s to
show that "ou are sincerel" concerned. 1ou usuall" sa" the right thing at the right time to
encourage others to think well of "ou. and people are impressed with "our willingness to
lend a hand. 1ou ar guarded$ though$ about making a commitment until "ou are sure that
the other person isn(t tr"ing to take advantage of "ou.

1ou are preoccupied with having ever" possible comfort. and "ou tr" to devise wa"s to
get them without having to invest more than is absolutel" necessar". Securit" is ver"
important to "ou$ but "ou should not have too much difficult" in fulfilling "our needs if
"ou use "our ideas imaginativel" to that end. %f forced b" conditions be"ond "our control$
"ou will compromise "our immediate desire to implement "our long-range plans for
future securit".

1ou should look for a career that will allow "ou to fulfill "our creative potential and to
learn whether "ou can accept competition. 1ou ma" choose a career in which teh risks
are minal and the gains e&uall" modest$ because "ou abhor tension and the disharmon"
of competition. =nless "ou stand firm in "our goals$ others ma" tr" to gain control over
"ou. %t would be a great help if someone dear to "ou would give "ou the stimulus "ou
need to succeed. 6ot wanting to alienate the people "ou deal with in "our dail" affairs$
"ou are inclined to make unnecessar" concessions. "our mate could give "ou the support
"ou need. and his or her advice could be most helpful when "ou feel overwhelmed b"
increasing tension.

!hough "ou don(t make demands on "our friends$ the" will be ver" likel" to help "ou plan
"our future if "ou ask. 1ou must accept the fact that an" securit" "ou hope to gain will
have to come from "our own efforts. 8etting an education will allow "ou to reach "our
goals. %n fact$ "our goals can(t be reali9ed unless "ou invest in an education$ which is the
bottom rung of "our ladder of achievement. -eople like "ou because "ou are never too
bus" to listen to their problems$ and the" feel "ou understand them better than an"one
else. 1ou have a talent for showing people how the" can make the best of their own skills
and become self-reliant.

Learn to rel" on "our abilit" to solve problems$ for "our solutions are as valid as other
people(s. %t(s all right to disagree with those who have different opinions$ for dissension is
health". 1our creative talents deserve to be full" eploited. failing to develop them is onl"
shortchanging "ourself. %f "ou assume that "ou are not desirable to the opposite se$ "ou
will dela" the time when "ou can have a warm$ affectionate relationship with soemone
whom "ou find attractive. !he chances are good that "ou will eventuall" marr" someone
"ou have known a long time who has onl" recentl" emerged as a potential partner.

Natal Venus in 't# ouse

(7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< 5emonstrative$ romantic$ passionate$ self-centred$ creative.

0orresponding to the fied Fire sign Leo$ the fifth house has traditionall" been associated
with love affairs$ children$ sports$ entertainment$ drama$ gambling and creative 3
pleasurable pursuits - in other words$ an" activit" or hobb" that fulfils the need for self-
epression. 0ontrar" to the opposiing eleventh house that is concerned with group
activities$ the operative word for the fifrth house is (self( and its gratification through the
admiration and approval of others. !o this end$ those with Venus placed in the fifth house
are able to in#ect passion$ enthusiasm and a uni&ue individualit" into their relationships
and the lives of their children. )hile these people ma" often be accued of being self-
serving$ egotistical$ overdramatic and$ at times$ too overbearing$ these are the ver"
&ualities that make them forceful$ effective$ tireless workers and advocates of causes for
which the" feel enormous convictiona nd passion.

%f Venus is well-aspected$ these individuals are magnanimous$ passionate$ euberant and
compelling partners whose abilit" to co-operate goes hand-in-hand with a need for
recognition. %f$ however$ Venus is poorl" aspected$ these people ma" be insecure about
their ph"sical appearance$ their capacit" for love and 3 or their abilit" to share. !his can
lead to a search for these &ualities within a relationship. and while the" ma"$ indeed$ be
attracted to charismatic people who can provide what the" themselves lack$ the" must
discover their own sense of worth b" learning to strike a balance between self-
gratification and co-operation.

7epresented b" the fifth house$ the enthusiasm that the" bring into their love affairs does
not necessaril" result in marriage or long-term commitment. %n fact$ these people are so
enamoured of themselves and the ecitement of new con&uests that the" often have man"
flings prior to settling down. %f the" do settle down$ it si important that the" become
involved with challenging an en#o"able activities outside the home$ such as through the
performing arts$ eercise$ sport or socialising. if the" do not$ there is a potential for all
their ecitable energ" to manifest as demanding$ childlike and domineering behavior.

Although the second house represents the actual act of conception$ the fifth house
s"mbolises the result of procreative effort and the pride it evokes - whether it be a
completed work of art$ a blossoming romance or a child. )hile usuall" loving$ attentive
and encouraging parents$ people with Venus in this house can also be overbearing$
dominant$ and etremel" resistant to change. 4ceedingl" individualistic and$ at times$
dictatorial$ the" will etend freedom of epression to others it it serves their self-interest.
Fre&uentl" lacking true compassion and empath"$ the" can become so engrossed in the
&uest for self-glorification that friendships and relationships with partners and children
ultimatel" suffer. %t is vital for these individuals to utilise the power of Venus b"
cultivating a trul" unselfish interest in their friends$ colleagues$ partners and children
rather than simpl" using them as support networks.

%n addition to affirming self-worth through creative and innovative accomplishments$
people with this placement are often highl" competitive and continuall" in pursuit of
superiorit" and recognition for their talents. *ecause of an incessant$ almost obsessive
need to feel (good($ activities such as shopping$ ph"sical eercise$ se$ sport and gambling
can be etremel" enticing. and$ if Venus is poorl" aspected$ these outlets become
compulsive and potentiall" dangerous.

*ecause the fifth house is classified as fied$ the propensit" for self-control of people with
Venus in this placement is etraordinar". and though the" ma" be somewhat hedonistic$
their indulgences will be short-lived - especiall" if these interfere with creative$ romantic
or financial goals. !he tremendous need for sensual pleasure ma" find a positive outlet in
dancing$ dramatic arts$ skiing or tennis - all of which produce feelings of ehilaration and
a sense of ph"sical well-being.

Although the fifth house has a reputation for endowing occup"ing and ruling planets with
overbearing$ self-centred traits$ the desire for centre-stage and the &uest for uni&ueness
transforms Venus into a s"mbol of innovative self-epression and boundless inspiration.
At social gatherings (which the" love hosting)$ individuals with Venus in the fifth house
are easil" recognised b" their conspicuous$ sometimes ostentatious clothing and 3 or
flirtatious$ gregarious manner. Fanatical about their own importance$ individuals with
this placement prefer self-emplo"ment or a #ob that offers creative control rather than to
be a cog in the anon"mous corporate wheel or to participate in group endeavours which
could compromise their ideals.

Fosterin self-epression$ the fifth house eemplifies one(s attitudes towards children - the
arena in which we trul" recreate and$ therefore$ perpetuate ourselves. )hile it is
understandable how the fifth house s"mbolises the procreative act of childbearing$ it is
#ust as comprehensible that$ due to its self-involvement$ the corresponding fifth sign of
Leo$ like all Fire signs$ is designated (b" classical /induMVedicN astrolog") a barren$
childless sign. !his same s"stem also states$ however$ that - as the Lesser *enefic - Venus
brings emotional and financial rewards through offspring when it appears in the fifth
house. )hen Venus or ,upiter transits or progresses through the fifth house$ or the
planet ruling or occup"ing the fifth house$ the time is ripe for childbirth (according to
both 4astern and )estern astrolog"). %f Venus$ ,upiter or the natal 'oon$ three
beneficient planets (according to /indu MVedicN astrolog")$ are situated in or rule the fifth
house$ the transit or progression of these planets will be even more effective.

=nderstandabl"$ people with Venus in the fifth house often postpone or swear off having
children due to their own self-involvement. )hen the" learn to share$ the" make ecellent
parents because of the seriousness and commitment the" bring to all their undertakings.
6ot surprisingl"$ when the" and 3 or their friends become parents$ their interest in
children(s issues soars and the" ma" even change thier profession to one concerning the
education$ health$ entertainment and 3 or the welfare of "oungsters - concerns
unimaginable to them when the" were "oung adults.

% clearl" remember the horoscope of a female client who was a "oga instructor in her
earl" thirties at the time % drew up her chart. !he placement of Venus in her fifth house
indicated to me that it would be beneficial if she were to become involved with children
on a creative level$ as either a parent or a teacher. She insisted$ however$ that she had no
affinit" with this. *" sheer coincidence$ we met seeral "ears later$ and % learned that after
having had two children she had refocused her career and was teaching "oga to
epectant mothers - linking her personal and professional life.

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

!he fifth house is to do with our creative self-epression and pla"$ things we do for sheer
pleasure. -eople with Venus in the fifth house will want their relationship to act as a
vehicle for their self-epression. !he" ma" invest a lot of their creativit" in their love life.
!heir relationship then becomes the centre of their life$ around which ever"thing else
revolves. !his means the" epect a lot back. the" give their all and epect this in return.
/ence their relationships are often dramatic and passionate. !/is is someone who
gambles with love$ and ma" take huge emotional risks. !hese people(s relationships ma"
not last$ but will alwa"s be eciting and often leave strong marks (or scars) on both

7omance is important for these people. !he" en#o" the grand romantic gestures of love<
red roses$ candlelit dinners. !he advertisement where a man goes through incredibl"
ha9ardous ordeals to deliver a bo of chocolates describes a more spectacular Venus in
the fifth house. !he" are often in love with romance$ and ma" as a conse&uence have a lot
of love affairs and romantic liaisons.

-eople with Venus in the fifth will want a lot of fun in a relationship. !he" will en#o"
sociali9ing$ going to parties$ and having good times. and the" will want a colourful and
outgoing partner who will #oin in - someone who is self-confident and full of #oie de vivre.

!he" ma" en#o" artistic and cultural activities such as visits to art galleries$ concerts$ the
theatre$ cinema$ the ballet or opera$ and want a partner to share in these pursuits. !he"
ma" be talented artisticall" themselves$ or drawn to someone who is. !he" ma" want to
work creativel" with a partner$ or the" ma" become romanticall" involved with someone
with whom the" are working creativel". 4ither wa"$ relationships and creative pro#ects
combine. and relationships ma" onl" last as long as the pro#ect with which the" are

!he fifth house also rules children$ as the creative act par ecellence. For people with
Venus in the fifth$ having a child with their partner ma" be the most fulfilling epression
of their love$ bringing them their greatest happiness. !he" would want a partner who
similarl" en#o"ed the children$ someone who wanted a share in their da"-to-da" activities.
0hildren would be a source of mutual pleasure in their relationship$ a continuing #o" that
is shared with the partner

-eople with Venus in the fifth might invest a lot of their creativit" in their children$ and
offer them a tremendous amount of creative stimulation. !he" would have the facilit" to
enter the child(s world$ and would find pleasure in the seemingl" purposeless activit" of
pla". ;uite simpl"$ their children bring them happiness$ and are the icing on the cake in a
happ" relationship.

('artin Schulman)

)ith this placement$ the love nature is found in the creative arena of life(s romantic
eperiences. !he individual has a vivid sense of dramatic amusement$ an attraction to
speculation and investment$ a sensitivit" to music$ colors and the arts$ and a flair for
en#o"ment$ children and hte personal pleasures which bring #o" into one(s life. 1et$ until
the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are learned$ the individual tends to power the
empt" pretence of fun rather than eperience the enduring power of love.

/e has a need for attention and applause which often outshines his deep feelings. As a
result$ he becomes attuned to the epressive demonstrative displa"s for he popularit" and
acclaim he can feel from others$ rather than their sincerit". !hus$ he can eperience the
eternal pretence of life as he finds himself attracting tricksters$ con-artists$ gamblers$ all
who bring him to the flash" dramatic showmanship of momentar" empt" fun. As a result$
his need to epress his vivid thirst for life often manifests like the innocence of -innochio$
creating the ver" situations and relationships which lead him astra".

'an" with this placement feel as if life is a pla" in which the" are acting out one vignette
after another. !he characters change$ but the kind of hurt that this individual eperiences
is usuall" the same - for again and again$ his prideful need to impress another$ or
compete for affection and attention$ leads him to seek the ver" situations in which he
must put on airs through impressive over-displa"s of feeling until he confuses
appearances for love.

2nce the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are learned$ however$ he eperiences a
great change in his lifest"le. /e begins to perceive the difference between the dramatic
appearance of happiness and the deep sustaining love whose fullness is the inspiring
creative substance of life. /e is able to overcome the need to con&uer along with the
inconstant lure of adventure which is alwa"s taking him from his center$ and instead
begins to tap his true creative potential.

As he starts to love life from its source$ rather than its surface appearance$ he learns the
diffrence between teh real and the unreal. !hus$ he begins to (dwell on... the fruit and not
on the flower(.

/e reali9es that the fruit alwa"s follows the flower$ and that rather than leaving his love
in the vivid dramatic appearances of pla"s$ theatres$ carnivals and all that da99les his
senses$ he learns instead how to glean from them the rich colors of feeling which he will
creativel" appl" to his life.

/is ver" special 8ift of Love becomes reali9ed when he begins to seek the everlasting
&ualit" of creative beaut". As such$ he gains a great deal of happiness through the love he
gives to children$ the people who are children in his consciousness$ or the beaut" he puts
into an" of his creations$ all of which are$ in essece$ his offspring:

)hen he can do this$ his own instinctive power to love becomes attuned to the ver"
essence of creation< the center of fertile beaut" which is forever recreating itself. And$
from this center$ he begins to shine with the brilliance$ integrit" and character which is
love(s finest ma#est".

(/oward Sasportas)

)ith Venus in the Oth$ there is a natural urge to epress the self in a creative or artistic
fashion. 4ven if a career in the arts is not pursued$ some sort of creative outlet brings
greater personal fulfillment and well-being. %n times of stress$ picking up a paintbrush or
sitting down to write something ma" restore a sense of e&uilibrium and balance. !he
motto of those with Venus in the Oth might be (%f it(s worth doing$ it(s worth doing in
st"le(. =nless Venus here is ver" difficultl" aspected b" the outer planets$ the personal
st"le and flair is usuall" of a t"pe which most people will find pleasing and endearing.

!hose with this placement are often (in love with love(. and romantic pursuits will be high
on the list of priorities. Some will onl" feel alive if the" are in the throes of a great
romance with (of course) the most divine creature on earth. /obbits$ recreational
activities and trips to the theatre$ cinema or art galler" help to (round out( the
personalit". %n short$ the" love to pla".

%f Venus is well-aspected$ children are likel" to be a source of pleasure and fulfilment.
-arents with this placement will usuall" encourage an" sign of their children(s budding
creativit" - especiall" if their own artistic promise was stifled when the" were "oung.
!aken to an etreme$ the child ma" be shuffled off to dancing school on 'onda"$ acting
class on )ednesda" and piano lessons on Frida" whether the poor kid wants to or not.
-arents with Venus in the Oth need to be careful about unconsciousl" setting up
situations of competition or rivalr" between children or between themselves and their
children in an attempt to find out #ust who is the fairest or most talented of them all.

(Stephanie 0amilleri)

!his is an ecellent location for Venus. Almost alwa"s with this location there is a great
outpouring of creative energ" throughout the life. %t takes a barricade of terrible aspects
to block the glow of life-giving and life-loving energ" maintained b" this angle of Venus$
BDC degrees from both Ascendant and 'idheaven. !hese people find it eas" to epress
themselves without restraint b" whatever means are at hand. !he worst stress aspects
onl" seem to increase their powers.

!his is a good position for an athlet$ because it is highl" competitive and eager for contest
and victor"$ though it is not so good for a team pla"er as the" aren(t willing to take a
secondar" position for long. %t is also a good position for teachers$ the creative drive here
being used to catch the imagination of the students.

7omance is ver" important to these people. the" will marr" onl" for love. 7omantic love is
a god to them. and the" will want to sacrifice much for it at one time or another$ though
the" ma" refrain out of lo"alt" to the emotional status &uo$ which is also ver" strong.
!he" know their own creative strength comes from the loving approval of those around
them$ and so do not want to kill the goose that la"s the golden egg.

!he" are kind$ thoughtful$ and considerate when Venus is in an Air sign. passionate when
it is in a Fire sign. sentimental when it is in a )ater sign. and unshakable when it is in an
4arth sign. !he" are etremel" generous of self and goods$ unless their passion goes
elsewhere$ though lo"alt" will maintain a dribble until the end.

!he" are good farmers and gardeners. their creative energ" gives them a green thumb$
and plants seem to spring up in their presence. !he" are eager to be parents$ but if fate
blocks this somehow$ the" will usuall" find some wa" to work with children as their
instinct is so strong. or$ if not children$ animals.

!he" are ver" hard workers at what the" en#o"$ but la9" about doing an"thing else$
feeling no tremors of insecurit" as the" wait for their luck to come along$ which it alwa"s
does. !he" have a tremendous amount of ph"sical energ" at their disposal$ which helps in
a career of sports or dance (or an"thing$ reall"). !his gives the energ" to embark upon a
career$ but often diminishes the follow-through$ as these people must follow their own
growth$ and so often make mid-life changes that can hurt a lifetime career thrust.
=suall"$ the" are more interested in doing whatever ecites them at the moment than in
maintaining an" kind of long-term career commitment$ although if tenth house planets
and other factors testif" to a career$ this will certainl" strengthen it.

!he" are usuall" enthusiastic about food$ cooking and eating$ and are good cooks$ often
combining gardening and cooking into a search for the perfect dining eperience.

(*ill /erbst)

0onscious persona< %n the Oth house$ Venus indicates a role formed around images of
personal beaut" and grace. 1ou want to be seen as loving. -s"chologicall"$ "ou(re more a
dancer or a model than an actor. !he conscious ego presentation is sociall" tactful$ with
an emphasis on magnetic receptivit". !he pitfall surrounds confusion between sub#ect
and ob#ect$ between entertaining and being entertained$ while the challenge is to make
"our personal beaut" shine forth for all to see and en#o".

7omance$ giving love< 1ou tend to fall in love with love. !his is the ingenue placement.
and as with the other receptive planets$ the 'oon and 6eptune$ there is an inversion of
ordinar" fifth house modes. 1ou give love b" receiving it. -ut another wa"$ "ou
characteristicall" attract others through the presentation of personal (loveliness( - the
method is magnetic and receptive rather than assertive. Seduction and insincerit"
become possible pitfalls$ along with confusion between giving and receiving affection.
!he challenge is to love with great poise$ as well as beaut". to turn the risk of courtship
into a smooth dance where the beloved feels charmed rather than pushed. !he
importance of beautiful images reaches a peak with Venus.

Seual performance< Lovemaking is an aesthetic art$ a displa" of grace and beaut". !he
(woman( energ" is strong within "ou$ regardless of biolog". and centripetal charisma is
"our natural form of self-epression - drawing the beloved further and further into the
current of "our personal beaut". As with the 'oon$ this placement indicates an active
epression of self that is reactive in form. but unlike the 'oon$ there is receptivit" here
rather than responsiveness. 1ou receive so graciousl" that others are charmed.
Sometimes "ou succumb to the pitfall of vanit" - (mirror$ mirror$ on the wall...( - but
Venus is so smooth that even this indignit" rarel" provokes protest from "our lovers$ at
least not at first. 1our challenge is to become beaut" personified in the act of lovemaking$
to bring heaven to earth.

-ersonal creativit"< Artistic creativit" is emphasi9ed$ of course$ but in a wa" that blends
in rather than standing out. 1ou have a broad appreciation of aesthetics. and often "our
bod" and personalit" are the canvasses upon which "ou paint "our loveliest pictures. !he
pitfall lies in becoming narcissisticall" sensiti9ed to "our own ego$ falling in love with
"our image in the mirror. !he challenge is to make ever" creative process seem a natural
etension of self$ and to make "our gracious acceptance of applause trul" sincere.

0ompetition< *" its nature$ Venus wants to minimi9e an" discord$ so competition is not
attractive to "ou$ ecept insofar as "ou compete around beaut". !he ordinar" connotation
is altered. here it becomes the abilit" to achieve harmonious interaction in the face of
conflict. 1ou(ll (fight( inside to maintain balanced self-presentation in a social setting. %t(s
not (winning over others($ but rather (winning them over( to "our side - winning their
affection$ friendship$ and affirmation. !he pitfall involves shrinking from an" competition$
while the challenge is to make ever" risk seem a flowing$ effortless dance.

(7obert -elletier)

1our warm and kindl" disposition attracts others. +nowing that people seek "our
friendship if "ou weem willing to compromise$ "ou make ever" effort to be on "our best
behavior. 1ou know how to effectivel" win friends and influence people with charm and
warmth. *eing somewhat artistic$ "ou tr" to surround "ourself with the finer things in
life. 1ou have an appreciation of good music$ good food and pleasurable activities. and
"ou thoroughl" en#o" them. 1oung people are drawn to "ou mainl" because "ou are
conciliator" and don(t make impossible demands on them. 1ou prefer the compan" of
people who share "our refined interests. *ut "ou must be careful not to become too
wish"-wash". /ave the courage to stand firm when "ou are right$ for it(s fine to be all
(heart($ as long as "ou don(t lack backbone. ('ake love$ not war( ma" be "our motto$ but
"ou are vulnerable to those who will take advantage of "our passivit" to win "our

8enerall" "ou are on good speaking terms with all "our ac&uaintances. 1ou like people
and en#o" the interchange of ideas. 1ou find it hard to be angr" with an"one for ver" long.
1our interest in the people "ou deal with is genuine. and the" understand this
instinctivel". -eople tend to be open with "ou about their private lives$ because the" feel
"ou reall" care. An enthusiastic conversationalist$ "ou bring some dramatic displa" into
an" dialogue.

1ou must focus "our attention more on "our future goals and learn to conserve some of
"our assets and resources for a rain" da". 1ou disregard common sense b" indulging "our
desire for the man" comforts that mone" can bu". -eople looking for a generous patron
will find "ou an eas" victim. 1ou hate to ignore an"one(s cr" for help$ even when "ou
cannot afford it. 1ou ma" win friends this wa"$ but "our financial situation could also
become embarrassing$ to sa" the least. 1our primar" concern should be to plan for "our
future financial securit" and independence.

1ou overreact to the epectations of those who have authorit" over "ou. 1ou resent the
sacrifices that "our superiors epect "ou to make to sta" in their good graces. *ut "ou
reali9e that "ou must concede to rank$ and "ou do what is re&uired$ even though it is
painful. 1ou underestimate "our creative talent$ which would enrich "ou if it were
developed. !ake care not to mi business with pleasure$ or "ou might discover that "ou
have sacrificed an opportunit" to fulfill "our destin" without binding ties.

1ou benefitted from "our parents( generosit" in "our earl" "ears$ but it ma" have taken
awa" "our desire to live according to "our own potentials. !he worst thing "ou could do is
live (off( someone and #ustif" it to "ourself b" claiming that the person needs "ou. %t is
etremel" important to develop "our skills so "ou can sustain "ourself without being
obligated to an"one. 5on(t deceive "ourself that those "ou love have no negative &ualities.
1ou should tr" to understand their failings and be willing to help resolve them if "ou can.
1ou usuall" seek "our parents( approval of an"one to whom "ou feel romanticall"
attracted. *ecause the" are not emotionall" involved$ it is unlikel" that the" will share
"our view$ but the" might give "ou good advice because the" are detached and therefore
more ob#ective.
Natal Venus in (t# ouse

(7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< /ealth-conscious$ amiable$ possessing enormous creative discipline$ desiring
harmonious working conditions.

)ith Venus in the sith house (which corresponds to the mutable 4arth sign of Virgo)$
enormous value is placed on being of service and approaching work with a meticulous
and anal"tical e"e. 6ot particularl" gifted with leadership abilities (the domain of the fifth
sign 3 house)$ individuals with a well-aspected Venus in the sith house bring to their
personal and professional relationships a sense of lo"alt"$ attention to detail$ and a flair
for sustained productivit" from which the" garner self-validation. 5ue to the time and
energ" the" epend working and 3 or volunteering their services$ the classic description
of Venus in the ith house - (falling in love (Venus) with a co-worker (sith house)( - is
likel" to appl".

%f the planet is afflicted$ however$ these sometimes sh" or self-conscious individuals often
&uestion their own abilities. !he" ma" be attracted to people who are also etremel" hard
workers but who ma" not be able to offer the encouragemetn needed. 2verl" particular
about and #udgemental of colleagues$ friends and lovers$ the" are$ in actualit"$ most
critical of themselves. For this reason the" den" themselvs the sensual pleasure that
Venus so willingl" offers. instead it is sublimated through their work and drive towards

!o attain perfection$ the" ma" bevome fanatic about diet$ eercise and health fads. )hile
individuals with a well-situated Venus approach their bodies sensibl" and with
moderation$ individuals with an ill-placed Venus ma" follow one of two etremes< B)
become obsessive about their eercise regimen$ or D) become slovel"$ careless and
indulgenet - leading$ at its most etreme$ to poor work habits$ an inabilit" to keep a #ob$
and poor health.

Advocates of ecellence through hard work$ good nutrition$ ph"sical eercise and service
to others (sith house)$ these prudent individuals often become committed social
workers$ counsellors$ dieticians$ health care practitioners$ ph"sical therapists or
secretaries. 0onsummate professionals$ their social skills$ capacit" for teamwork$ noble
dedication and efficienc" enable them to b"pass the frustrations of bureaucratic (red
tape( and become effective workers. !he" ma" also be attracted to craftswork$ interior
design$ sculpture or architecture$ which combine artistr" with the meticulousness of the
sith house.

5utiful workers concerned with the happiness and welfare of others - to the detriment of
their own en#o"ment - these individuals often feel guilt" if the" partake in frivolit" and 3
or sensual pleasure. )hile it is$ indeed$ advisable that these tense workaholics learn to
rela and (let go($ there is no doubt that even the slightest ecess ma" adversel" affect
their sensitive constitutions and ma" even produce food allergies. !he Venus-ruled throat$
kidne"s and skin ma" even present chronic problems that are likel" to flair up during an
allergic reaction or at times of emotional stress.

'oreover$ an obsession with health and fitness often lends itself to vegetarianism (or
some other special diet)$ "oga$ meditation or regular ph"sical eerise as part of a dail"
routine. 5ue to the practicalit" of the sith house$ people with Venus in this placement
will make choices in their personal and professional lives that bring contentment$
harmon" and a comfortable income which will enable them to live health"$ fit and$ thus$
en#o"able lives.

*ecause 'ercur"$ a s"mbol of intelligence and communications$ is the natural ruler of
the sith house (corresponding to the Sith sign of Virgo)$ romantic liaisons are based not
merel" on passion but on mutual respect and support. Since those with Venus in the sith
house have a propensit" for working long hours working or volunteering their services$ it
is essential that the" find partners whose professions and 3 or interests are e&uall"
fulfilling and who understand that gratif"ing work contributes greatl" to their mental

%f Venus is con#unct the 5escendant$ individuals are less reserved$ and the issues that
concern them are what make them attractive to others. !heir approach to work$ service
and health is intertwined with their choice of partner$ who is either a colleague or deepl"
involved in the same lifest"le$ causes or goals.

!he sense of accomplishment and artistic perfection that the" achieve through the
methodical (fine-tuning( of their talents$ skills and abilities is great.

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

!he sith house is to do with our ever"da" routines in life and our work. Someone with
Venus in the sith house will want to find pleasure in the commonplace necessities of life.
!hese are people who look to find pleasure in their dail" routines and will attempt to
make them as en#o"able as possible.

Venus in the sith ma" also describe someone who en#o"s ph"sical fitness and health.
Someone with Venus in this house is not likel" to be too rigorous$ and could be positivel"
slothful and over-indulgent. but a general well-being and happiness ma" be en#o"ed
through attention to diet and health in general. 1ou ma" find people taking part in an
eercise programme or having a regular massage or beaut" routine that makes them feel
good$ and being drawn to people who also value their bod" and keep to a health and
beaut" routine and eercise schedule. 2ne can imagine a partnership where both
participants go #ogging together.

Venus in the sith shows someone who co-operates and gets along easil" with colleagues.
-eople with this placement derive well-being from this co-operative effort$ and will
generall" enhance the working atmosphere with their presence. !heir main priorit" is to
be happ" and content within their ever"da" working environment$ so the" are not
particularl" hard-working and could be positivel" la9". !heir value lies in keeping things
running smoothl" and easing tensions. !he" are good at lending a s"mpathetic ear to
other people(s troubles. !he" do also en#o" being useful and feeling the" are of service$ in
which case the" will contribute more directl" to the work effort.

!heir relationships within the work setting matter a lot to them. !he" ma" find a romantic
relationship within their workplace. !he" would en#o" a combined working and romantic
partnership. !he" ma" e&uall" well set up a business with their romantic partner.

Alternativel"$ particularl" where individuals are self-emplo"ed or ver" motivated$ the"
ma" be in love with their work. !his ma" be an area of life that gives them tremendous
pleasure$ perhaps even more than the" get from a relationship.

Venus in the sith house could also signif" someone who works in an artistic wa" or in an
artistic environment$ or it could describe people who are sensitive to the aesthetic
ambience of their place of work.

)ithin a relationship$ these people ma" show their affection b" being useful and of
service to "ou in practical wa"s - hence their penchant for working partnerships. !hese
are people who find happeiness in being useful and find it an eas" wa" to epress their
love. !he" ma" epect the same of a partner and find it difficult to believe that the" are
reall" loved if the partner does not want to reciprocate. !here is then great scope for
mutual misunderstanding.

('artin Schulman)

!his is the last of the personal /ouses. )ith Venus here$ the individual(s love nature
culminates in the eperiences which teach him how to achieve harmon" with his bod" so
that it will serve him efficientl" as he eternalises his love through service to humanit".
/e can be kind and thoughtful of others$ with a health" outlook towards his work$ tasks
and chores$ which can make most of what he does labors of love. /e seeks peace through
the harmon" of order and eperiences a delicate attunement to the beaut" of efficienc" in
people$ ideas and the societ" his love helps to form. 1et$ because Venus is in its fall in the
Sith /ouse$ this can be an etremel" difficult placement until the lessons of the Venus
1od in the Sign are learned.

!he individual can be ecessive$ allowing himself to become preoccupied with the trivial
details which he believes bring him pleasure instead of the essence of what brings him
harmon". /e can become so overconcerned with tr"ing to balance small details or
seeking perfection in teh lives of those close to him that instead of letting his feelings
flow$ he is unconsciousl" putting demands and stipulations upon the circumstances he
needs to epress love. !hus$ he feels an obligation$ sometimes even a compulsion$ to
harmoni9e the mituest negative thoughts and feelings within himself and those close to
him$ which often has the reverse effect of stimulating disharmon". *ecause he keeps his
consciousness on a finite level$ he often misses the contour of the whole. As a result$ his
feelings have a tendenc" to be structured within what his mind is dwelling on rather than
what his being actuall" eperiences.

!his makes it difficult for him to rela and reali9e the love that can carr" him through all
of his burdens.

'an" with this placement can find themselves ecessivel" involved in doing favors for
others$ either out of feelings of obligation$ or out of a need for acceptance$ rather than
the sincerit" of love. %nstead of viewing life through an obligator" consciousness$ which
often separates the individual from his true feelings$ it is important that he understands
the harmonic union which brings the different facets of things into the oneness through
which the all of something can be perceived.

2nce the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are learned$ the individual eperiences a
great change in his consciousness. /e begins to see life through the natural order of the
8olden 'ean$ reali9ing that the s"mmetr" he perceives in himself and the world around
him comes from a greater natural order within which his life is contained.

As he begins to eperience this order of beaut"$ rather than tr"ing to order beaut"$
he starts to rela in the reali9ation of knowing that all is as it should be. And$ because
that order eists along the path of moderation$ he learns that b" avoiding etremes and
ecesses$ he gives his bod" and his feelings hte chance to eperience harmon".

For man"$ this can bring favorable health. 1et$ the one most outstanding influence which
brings the individual(s bod"$ mind and spirit into a wholesome consciousness is marriage:
From this$ he begins to understand that his health$ his work and his abilit" to serve a
useful function to humanit" come not onl" from the &ualit" of love that eists in his
consciousness$ but also from the beaut" of harmonious feelings with which he approaches
the da"-to-da" chores of life. %t is from this that he establishes a rapport with the true
order of the universe. for the more he serves man(s need to eperience the beaut" of love
in mundane life$ the greater he becomes like a branch connected to a tree of goodness$
bearing the fruits of worthwhile deeds and actions which become the proof of his

/is ver" special 8ift of Love is in his cherished essence of humilit" which enables him to
fit the radiant &ualit" of beaut" and love into the common medium of life.

(Stephanie 0amilleri)

!hese people love to work$ and work at love. Fre&uentl"$ a romantic attraction tempts
them into a #ob situation$ or the" are attracted to a field of endeavor more b" the
practitioners than b" the work itself. !hroughout life the" are prone to on-the-#ob
romances$ and ma" marr" someone the" meet on the #ob. !he" ma" become involved in
the theater$ films$ photograph"$ modelling$ maga9ines$ or an" of the so-called glamour
industries (advertising$ !V$ radio$ etc.).

!he" will rarel" last long on a #ob the" don(t like$ and will soon find the kind of work that
makes them happ". !he" ars capable of giving their all to a #ob the" do like$ and
fre&uentl" do not get the recognition the" deserve since seeing the #ob well done is their
primar" interest. !he onl" danger here is that the" do not alwa"s eamine the long-term
or overall effects of their efforts.

!his Venus is a difficult position for romance. and most with Venus here will have at least
one ma#or heartbreak in their lives. Sometimes their workaholic attitude is a substitute
for the true love the" think the" cannot attract$ a means of getting the praise and
response the" think the" can(t get from lovers.(!he closer Venus is to the descendant$ the
less likel" this is to be an issue.)

!he" ma" be ver" attractive$ but unfortunatel" never as attractive as the"(d like to be. %f
there are bad aspects to the 'oon$ the" ma" have skin trouble or difficulties with the
endocrine or l"mph s"stems$ all of it emotional in origin. An"one with a sith-house Venus
needs some kind of dail" ph"sical regimen to sta" health" mentall"$ ph"sicall"$ and
emotionall". =suall"$ though$ the" are &uite health-minded and take good care of their

!his is a good placement for a doctor or a nurse$ or an"one working in the health care
sector. %t(s also good for musicians$ or athletes$ those who must drive themselves towards
perfect performance through a dail" practice of skills.
(/oward Sasportas)

*" house$ Venus indicates those things we care about$ are attracted to and appreciate.
!he Ith house is concerned with the running of ever"da" affairs$ issues of work and
service$ and attending to the proper functioning of the bod". 0ombining Venus with this
house$ we come up with someone who actuall" en#o"s vacuuming the sitting room$ has a
tendenc" to fall in love with co-workers$ and derives great satisfaction from the dail"
rituals of mundane life. 4ven brushing the teeth can be done with st"le.

Frivolit" aside$ Venus in the Ith people take pleasure in developing and fine-tuning their
talents$ skills and abilities. %t(s not good enough to #ust do a #ob. it must be done
beautifull". % have done &uite a few charts for people with Venus in the Ith who have
careers in the field of health$ beaut" and fitness$ and man" others who put their artistic
talent to practical use as designers and draughtsmen. 2ne in particular was concerned
with designing kitchen products which were both functional and beautiful. 'ore
generall"$ there is the desire for a harmonious work atmosphere and the capacit" to
bring good feelings into this area.

6ormall"$ the person feels the importance of developing a good relationship with the
bod". %f health problems arise$ these could be due to over-indulgence or some imbalance
in the diet or life in general that needs consideration.

)hile Venus in the Ith en#o"s the more mundane and ever"da" tasks of life$ some ma"
become obsessive about things. !he" are usuall" able to appl" themselves to work
involving precision and detail. !he image of the beloved (Venus) might be pro#ected onto
servants$ co-workers$ milkmen$ telephone repairmen$ dental h"gienists$ and even pets. (%
did a chart for a woman with Venus in the Ith who took her poodle to the hairdresser
ever" third Frida".)

(*ill /erbst)

5isease and healing< 5isease is associated with ph"sical or ps"chological pressures. !oo
much gratification can be ver" bit as harmful as too little. As with the 'oon and ,upiter$
diet has high significance$ for there is a tendenc" toward intemperance in the pursuit of
(sweetness($ a longing for substances that ma" be too rich for the bod" to absorb. 1ou
have aniet" about personal beaut"$ leading to unfavorable comparisons with others.
-ersonal love ma" be ps"chologicall" misunderstood or misdirected. 1our challenge is to
recogni9e both the ineffable and the tangible beaut" "ou possess$ to eperience pleasure
directl"$ rather than reaching outside "ourself for beaut" or pleasure. 5isease is often the
result of failed or incomplete love. and healing is a restoration of personal grace.

=ne&ual relationships< 1ou have a pronounced sensitivit" to the social graces. 1ou love
the rituals of formal supplication$ the courtship of authorit"$ and the priviliges of position.
%n spite of outward appearance$ "ou like the submissive role in love relationships$ for
"ou(re enamored with the subtlet" of &uiet magnetism. !he pitfall lies in confusing love
and power. !he challenge is to eperience the attraction that all human beings feel for
other human beings$ and to see that relationships can be loving onl" when "ou infuse
"our affections with dignit" and self-respect.

5ut" and servie< Loving and healing are almost identical$ which is to sa" the urge to
create personal love is ver" similar to the urge to help others have more harmonious
lives. So strong is this merging of (love( and (therap"( that "ou ma" focus all "our
romantic energ" on damaged individuals. !his pitfall could be given man" names< Stra"
5og S"ndrome$ )ounded *ird !heor"$ Florence 6ightingale 4ffect. )hatever we choose
to call it$ "ou must be certain of two things< first$ that "our receptivit" is not directed
toward individuals who cannot return love in at least relativel" health" wa"s$ and second$
that "ou are not making "our beloved sick in order to validate "our healing powers. !he
challenge is to heal "ourself through the conscious gift to others of grace$ harmon"$ and
pleasure. 7emember< for love to flower$ "ou need good seeds and good soil.

!echnical mind< 'ental anal"sis is linked with personal care. !his has$ naturall" enough$
a (cooling( effect on romance. *ut the mind is most warml" appreciative of logical beaut".
'ental discipline is not a forced purgator"$ but a fine garden lovingl" tended. 1ou relish
digging into an" situation with "our mental spade. 0learing the dense underbrush and
fostering a sense of productive order makes "ou glow with satisfaction. /owever$ keep in
mind that relationships have their own indefatigable eccentricities. too much
organi9ation - too much taming - can kill the intangible beaut" of sharing. !he challenge
is to en#o" the &uest for mental perfection$ and to appreciate emotions even as "ou
anal"9e them.

5iscipline and routines< 1ou appreciate regularit" in "our lifest"le$ en#o"ing the pleasant
eperience of organi9ed habits. 7outines ma" be oriented toward ordinar" goals. but here
there is an added social dimension< "ou need interpersonal contact in "our routines to
feel the full benefits$ for people are more important to "ou than products. )ork and
aesthetics are linked. "ou want to fill "our da" with work aimed toward the creation of

(7obert -elletier)

A naturall" compromising person in "our dail" affaris$ "ou strive for harmonious relations
with ever"one. 1ou are willing to make concessions if that seems to be the onl" wa" to
avoid conflict with others. 4ven though "ou know that someone else is wrong$ "ou
sometimes unwittingl" take the blame for them. %n spite of this$ "ou have a productive
and useful life$ seeking all the comforts and luuries "ou want through hard work and
effective use of "our resources. 1ou will choose a vocation that gives "ou the greatest
possible return for "our efforts. 'one" means a lot to "ou$ and "ou appl" "ourself with
some ingenuit" to get as much as "ou need for a comfortable lifest"le. 1our superiors
appreciate "our efforts in their behald$ knowing the" can trust "ou to put in an honest
da"(s work for what "ou are paid. 1ou don(t epect an" special considerations unless "ou
know "ou deserve them. 1ou take more abuse than necessar" from "our contemporaries$
and sometimes (hate( "ourself for letting people use "ou as a doormat. 1ou tend to
indulge in food that is overl" rich.

1ou continue to have a good relationship with "our parents$ who gave "ou the self-
confidence to make "our own wa" without depending on their support. 1ou were
impressed b" the domestic harmon" "ou en#o"ed while growing up$ and hope to raise
"our own famil" in a similarl" fine environment. 1ou need to be appreciated b" those "ou
serve$ including "our partner$ who ma" take "ou for granted. 1ou will attract as a mate
someone who has certain deficiencies for which "ou must compensate. As long as "ou are
assured that "our partner is grateful for "our unselfish devotion$ "ou are happ".

%t would probabl" be a good idea to choose a vocation that brings "ou in close contact
with people who have more than their share of problems. 1our understanding and
compassion go a long wa" in giving them relief from their anieties. 8et the necessar"
formal training to deal competentl" with the variet" of problems "ou(re sure to encounter.
1ou work best in an environment of refinement$ manners and good taste. 8uard against
people who tr" to intimidate "ou when "our opinion differs from theirs$ and take a firm
stand when "ou know "ou are right.

)ith "our concilator" manner and "our desire for good relations with ever"one$ "ou give
people the impression that the" can take advantage of "ou. !his is especiall" true with
fellow workers$ who ma" abuse "ou with ecessive demands. *ut the" can(t do this unless
"ou allow it. )hile it is admirable to help others$ "ou must think about "our own future
needs as well.

1ou want ever"thing for "our children and loved ones$ so "ou have worked hard to
develop "our skills. !his has helped to improve "our image with others and made them
appreciate "our efforts in their behalf. *e more discriminating in formaing ties with
people about whom "ou know littke$ or "ou could regret it later. 5rop those freinds who
epect "ou to continuall" make concessions. Fair is far$ and "ou should not allow an"one
to make demands on "ou unless "ou know the" are willing to meet "ou halfwa" in other
Natal Venus in )t# ouse

(7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< 7elationship-orientated$ co-operative$ diplomatic$ ob#ective$ dependent.

!raditionall" signif"ing marriage$ partnership$ contracts and lawsuits$ the seventh house
reveals the social self - namel"$ how we behave in a close personal or professional
relationship. *ecause the descendant$ which commences the seventh house$ is direclt"
opposed to the ascendant$ the &ualities inherent in this region of the chart - as defined b"
its occup"ing and 3 or ruling planet(s) - are not necessaril" advantageous for developing
an abilit" to function autonomousl". 0orresponding to the seventh sign of Libra$ the
seven house represents an" situation or circumstance - marriage being the eamplar -
where diplomac"$ sharing and co-operation must appl".

)hile the planet occup"ing or ruling the seventh house describes our behaviour towards
a personal and 3 or professional partner$ it also demonstrates how we relate one-on-one
as opposed to within a group or the communit" at large. !owards this end$ Venus in its
natural seventh house$ especiall" if it is con#unct the descendant$ accentuates the
necessit" for teamwork - that is$ the belief that it is onl" through another person -
whether it be friendship$ business or marriage - that best efforts can be made. -ossessing
ob#ectivit"$ or the abilit" to view the self through another(s e"es$ those with Venus in the
seventh house are keenl" aware that individuals or situations will elicit their best
&ualities and 3 or suppl" them with the kind of lifest"le the" lack and ma" not be able to
achieve themselves. 8iven their Venusian charm$ beaut"$ sensualit" and abilit" to co-
operate$ listen and even manipulate others$ the" know how to win other people over and
achieve the union the" so desire.

!he placement of Venus in the seventh house emphasises the planet(s cerebral &ualities
and confers an approach to life dominated b" the need for harmon"$ romance and social
acceptance. *ecause the self-esteem of those with this placement depends almost entirel"
upon the adulation of others$ these individuals have carefull" cultivated poised$ charming
personalities$ agreeable dispositions and pleasing$ st"lish demeanours. Fre&uentl"
espousing ideas that endear them to others$ these beguiling and seductive individuals are
loving$ supportive and seuall" desirable partners whose devotional strength and lo"alt"
are the ke" factors in the success of an" relationship.

%n the professional sphere$ those born with Venus in the seventh house have creative
vision$ diplomatic skills and keen marketing abilities - all &ualities that make them
desirable colleagues. 0ompletel" attuned to the needs of others$ the" are well-suited for
careers in sales$ public relations or advertising$ and have an affinit" for supportive roles
such as receptionist$ secretar" or administrative assistant. %ntent listeners$ the" also
possess the potential$ like Librans$ to become ecellent mediators$ therapists$ counsellors
and ps"chologists or$ if theri charts displa" a powerful 'artian influence$ attorne"s with
commanding presence and persuasive abilities. (Although people with seventh house
emphases are fascinated with legal principles$ it is a strongl" placed 'ars that makes
them eminentl" suitable for the courtroom arena.) 7ather than ambitiousl" pursue a
career of their own$ these individuals ma" simpl" choose to enable their spouse or
partner to fulfil his or her professional obligations b" providing a supporting but none the
less vital role. For these individuals$ the accolades and monetar" rewards epitomise the
success of their collaboration.

%f Venus is well-aspected$ these people strive toward interdependence$ and know
instinctivel" how to be supportive without compromising their own needs. %ndividuals
with an afflicted Venus in the seventh house$ however$ ma" be motivated b" their
insecurit" and craving for companionship to seek partners who are then given the
impossible task of elevating their self-esteem. Such relationships are inevitabl" one-sided$
dependent and unhealth"$ based onl" on passion$ seual attraction or financial gain -
activated during transits and progressions through the seventh house. %t is during these
stressful times that these individuals must$ as the &uintessential Libran Venus$ focus on
healing and transforming the self in order to recapture the spirit of interdependence
(rather than dependence) that makes for a health" relationship.

Although the position of Venus in its natural house has traditionall" been considered
propitious in creating a loving$ prosperous famil" life$ it often produces a relentless
obsession with wealth and glamour rather than with strength of character. )hile those
with this placement ma" find that their relationships are not necessaril" philosophicall"
or intellectuall" motivated (as when the outer planets appear in the seventh house)$ these
individuals crave a loving$ creative and nurturing partnership$ and will stop at nothing to
preserve their union. *ecause the" are$ at times$ consumed with social standing and
public image$ Venus in the seventh house people strive to present a picture of marital
bliss and contentment even during times of emotional and 3 or financial stress and
obvious discord. %f Venus is con#unct the descendant$ sensualit"$ co-operation$ sharing
ideas and friendliness are especiall" evident in teh wa" these people relate to others.

!he positive application of this relationship-orientated Venus is perfectl" eemplified b"
m" creative and well-educated client 'ara$ who has four planets (including Venus)
situated in the seventh house. She confided to me that her greatest self-fulfilment was
derived not from the attainment of professional goals but from her marriage to a loving$
successful doctor. %n fact$ she could not even imagine activel" pursuing a career without
a partner to support her efforts and share her success. 6ot onl" did domestic happiness
far outweigh professional aspirations$ but also she was convinced that her financial goals
would not have been met had she been left to her own devices. %n her opinion$ mutual co-
operation is often mistakenl" viewed b" man" goal-orientated people as dependenc". She
was not living her husband(s dreams but fulfilling her own. moreover$ she defines a
committed relationship as a source of strength - not a sign of weakness.

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

For someone with Venus in the seventh house$ a love relationship will be of paramount
importance$ as it is within a partnership that the" epect to find happiness. !he" will
prioriti9e love relationships within their life$ and will offer a lot to a potential partner.
!heir well-being depends on finding happiness and affection within a relationship. !he"
will go to considerable lengths to secure this for themselves$ using the maim ()hat "ou
give$ so "ou receive(.

)ith friends as well as lovers$ the" tend to give a tremendous amount. !he well-being and
happiness of others affects their own$ so the" need those around them to feel good so
that the" can feel good themselves. !his can make them overl" dependent on how others
feel$ and ver" vulnerable to other people(s inconsistencies.

!he" need peace and harmon" in all their relating with others$ and ma" find it hard to
deal with conflict or to make a stand when necessar". !he" will do well when an issue can
be resolved through negotiation. )hile diplomac" is their strength$ confrontation is
something in which the" are weak. 7elationships ma" flounder when confrontation is
called for$ as the" seek a peaceful solution which cannot alwa"s be applied. !his is ver"
much a pacifist.

!he" have strong needs for companionship. !here is an emphasis in all their relating on
establishing common ground - their similarities and what is shared. !he" are good at
getting on with others.

!he" will usuall" benefit through their social connections$ and the" can use their links
with others to get on in life. Friends ma" provide them with useful contacts. !he" ma" be
ver" aware of this level of life$ and ma" cultivate useful friends. !he" ma" also receive
more direct financial benefit from friendships$ and in a partnership the" might epect

)hile the" en#o" friendships$ the" epect the main source of their happiness to be found
in a love union. -rovided Venus does not receive difficult aspects$ the" will be drawn to
affectionate and loving t"pes. !hese are people who have a strong romantic side to their
nature. !he" will want a partner who also appreciates romance and can participate in
romantic echanges.

!his is a classic significator of someone who (marries well($ simpl" because these people
epect to find theri greatest happiness in a personal relationship. !he" ma" form a
partnership where the" do ever"thing together. !he people with Venus in the seventh
ma" want a partner who is involved in all areas of their life. !he" ma" not want their
partner to do an"thing without them$ and find it difficult to have an" separate activities of
their own. !he" will want to share ever"thing in their world with their partner - the" will
pull him or her into their personal arena.

For someone occup"ing a public position$ this placement can indicate popularit"$ with a
gift for attracting love from others. !his can be someone onto whom others often pro#ect
love. )ithin a profession that relies on public popularit"$ this would be beneficial$ but in
their personal relationships this could be a source of difficult"$ particularl" if the" valued
their public love more than the personal love the" received.

!he" have the gift of making others feel attractive and at their best. as a result$ others
can easil" misinterpret their intentions. !his ma" be wishful thinking on the part of
others. -eople with Venus in the seventh will find it eas" to solicit love$ so could collect a
few broken hearts along the wa". /owever$ the" can be out-and-out flirts. !hese are
people with considerable charm$ and this placement could describe people who use their
charm to eploit others. !his is a rather negative manifestation of a placemenet that
usuall" indicates someone who is genuinel" kind and brings considerable happiness to

('artin Schulman)

%n this house$ Venus finds its rulership. !hrough the eperiences of this placement$ the
individual(s higher cosmic self finds its first initiation into the light. !he love nature is
centred in the non-egoic part of man which is devoted to sharing life(s beaut" with
another through partnership$ close association and marriage. As such$ the individual
finds that all of his true feelings come from his abilit" to open himself to others$ through
which he fulfills a harmonious (we( identit". 1et$ in his most intimate relationship with
life$ his abilit" to feel himself$ he is dependent upon another for the confirmation of his
beliefs and the balancing of his #udgement. %t is eactl" for this reason that until the
lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are learned$ the individual tends to eperience
difficult" balancing his own love nature.

/e gives much of himself through a helpful$ altruistic and often sacrificial manner.
6evertheless$ his tendenc" to be in love with love makes him a difficult person to
understand. for his felings are usaull" linked to a noble "et unrealistic aspiration that
onl" he seems to be in touch with$ rather than the true circumstances in his life. !hus$ he
can put his partner on a pedestal woven from fantasies which are in harmon" with his
dreams while avoiding the intimac" of relating to another on an e&ual level. )hen he
does this$ he eperiences the ideali9ation of love in his mind and the frustration of being
unable to personali9e its true beaut".

'an" with this placement eperience an earl" marriage. For some it is an escape from
parental disharmon". !here is a tendenc" for the individual to wrp his life around his
partner. /e can be so devoted$ so giving and "et so overwhlmed b" his blissful fantasies
that unless he picks a mate who is going to bring out his higher essence$ he can easil"
lose himself in a dissipating partnership.

5ue to a basic insecure nature$ his affections can be hidden b" an aloof eterior when his
partner appears insensitive to his spiritual aspirations.

%f the individual marries before learning the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign$ he
tends to eperience an unfulfilling partnership$ fraught with false securit"$ superficial
flatter"$ avoidance$ and a la9" outlook towards life which drains his energies. !here can
be difficult" making decisions or establishing priorities. and the marriage can suffer from
wasteful indulgence. =suall"$ the partner does not reali9e how much the individual with
Venus in the Seventh /ouse depends upon a co-operative and fruitful union to provide
the ver" core of all of his or her feelings towards life.

2ne the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are learned$ however$ ths individual begins
to reap the full benefgits of this ruling Venus placement. /e overcomes his sense of
incompleteness b" reali9ing that instead of having to imagine his relationships or
marriage as being the wa" he would like$ he has onl" to feel the real beaut" in others.
From this he learns how to see be"ond the fantas" images$ insecurities and feelings of
self-doubt into the cherished treasure of sharing one(s life with another.

%n essence$ he discovers how the fantastic power of love con&uers all things. !hus$ he is
able to set aside lesser thoughts as he bgins to speak and act onl" from what he feels in
his heart. )hen he learns this$ his relationships prosper$ for he is opening himself to the
higher cosmic forces$ so that he is as a vessel through which the beaut" of love is being
poured into the world.

!hus$ he becomes conscious of love(s awakened essence$ reali9ing that his selflessness is
the source of all goodness that manifests in his life. And$ it is this reali9ation coupled with
his sincere instinct for humilit" that brings to him the true beaut" of fulfillment.

/is ver" special 8ift of Love comes from a selfless willingness to be the source of hamon"
for others$ through his abilit" to tolerate$ compromise$ and mediate without #udgement or
comparison$ from the beautiful &ualit" of cosmicall" balanced fairness which is the ver"
center of his being.
Natal Venus in *t# ouse

(7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< ,ealous$ intense$ charismatic$ financiall" and seuall" manipulative.

)hile the seventh house describes the t"pes of partnerships to which one gravitates as
well as the abilit" to co-operate and share$ the eighth house (second from the seventh)
depicts the financial assets and liabilities ac&uired through marriage$ business
partnerships or famil" relationships$ rnaging from mone"$ stocks and real estates to
legacies$ lawsuits and insurance benefits. 0orresponding to the fied )ater sign of
Scorpio$ the eighth house also s"mbolises emotional$ ps"chological$ seual and financial
attitudes that colour personal and professional relationships - easpeciall" the use and
misuse of power.

,ust as %nanna and 5umu9i represented the convergence of se$ mone" and power$
individuals with Venus in the eighth house seek the same t"pe of adrenaline rush from
their financial con&uests$ intimate and 3 or professional relationships. )hen the 8oddess
was seuall" fulfilled$ she was in#ected with a sense of potenc" that stimulated the
prosperous growing season and$ ultimatel"$ empowered her people. Similarl"$ the self-
worth of individuals with Venus in the eighth house is directl" connected with seual
prowess$ the abilit" to ac&uire mone" and 3 or the need to be in control.

*ecause the eighth house relates to emotional and seual intensit"$ these individuals are
aware that$ in order to satisf" their comple needs and sustain their interests$
relationships must have an element of challenge and ecitement that &uenches their
seual appetite and thirst for mone" and 3 or power. %f Venus is well-aspected these
people are charismatic$ attractive and filled with confidence$ magnetism and a boundless
sense of power and control over their lives$ which attracts e&uall" magnetic$ commanding
and financiall" successful peronal and business partnerships. Although these
relationships ma" also be volatile and$ in some instances$ seuall" motivated$ there is the
capacit" for striking the balance between emotional compatibilit" and ph"sical attraction.

%f Venus is harmoniousl" aspected$ however (especiall" b" 'ars or -luto)$ these people
ma" seek someone who provides the kind of ecitement the" feel incapable of attaining
through their own talents. !he overriding passion and seual power ma" become so
overpowering that these emotions will be eceedingl" difficult to control. )hile the" ma"
be ph"sicall" attracted to and enticed b" those who match their level of intensit"$ these
unions are more often than not compulsive and ill-fated$ often evoking #ealous"$
uncontrollable passion and destructive power games. =nless the" learn to trust others
and relin&uish thier inordinate need for control$ their personal and professional
relationships will alwa"s be threatened.

7ather than strive towards e&ualit" and 3 or develop the seventh house capacit" for co-
operation$ these individuals thrive on the struggle for suprmeac" and often utilise their
seductive charm and 3 or seual prowess to achieve their goals b" enticing others with
promised rewards of se$ moen" and 3 or power. %n fact$ the difficulties incurred during
relationships arise out of their egotism and the desire for constant self-gratification. )ith
their self-esteem in &uestion$ the" fre&uentl" seek adulating partners$ friends and
associates whom the" can manipulate or dominate emotionall"$ ps"chologicall" and 3 or

)hile the placement of fertile$ beneficient Venus in the ama9ingl" creative but potentiall"
destructive eighth house tests one(s capacit" to sustain a long-term partnership$ the ke"
lies in the abilit" to maintain a balance of power while constantl" revitalising a
partnership so it remains eciting and challenging. %f their aggression$ thrill-seeking and
high level of energ" are channelled through the performing arts (drama and dance)$
strenuous ph"sical activities or competitive ventures that are creative and financiall"
rewarding$ individuals with Venus in the eighth house are less likel" to epress hostilit"
towards their partners and might even learn to rela.

)hile their inehaustible enthusiasm fuels successful and profitable business pursuits$ it
ma" also be their downfall should the" succumb to negative emotions such as #ealous"$
combativeness$ lust and greed. %f Venus is poorl" aspected$ therefore$ their abilit" for
health" competition ma" become as tenuous$ ruthless and potentiall" destructive as it
could have been prosperous. *ecause there is an affinit" for speculation$ investment or
using their powers of persuasion to market a product$ an idea or even themselves$ these
indiviudals will be attracted to the performing arts$ politics or finance either as an
avocation or$ if Venus rules the second$ sith or tenth (work( houses$ as a vocation.

Fascination with the dark side of the ps"che or underside of life also draws them to
undercover 3 investigative work$ occult research$ ps"cholog" and astrolog"$ often for the
sheer ecitement these areas evoke and not necessaril" as a career. %n fact$ their love of
intricate game-pla"ing and risk-taking draws them into business dealings where
speculation$ investments and 3 or ps"chological challenges are at the forefront. Although
the" ma" profit wildl" from these ventures$ the" are #ust as likel" to incur devastating
losses during difficult transits when their #udgement is clouded b" greed and the desire
for instant gratification - one of Venus(s most problematic characteristics.

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

-eople with Venus in the eighth house seek a deep emotional and seual contact with a
partner - nothing short of a soul union. !he" want depth and intensit". and$ depending on
the aspects to Venus$ this ma" involve a certain amount of anguish. !hese people cannot
bear things to be static or staid in relationships. their need is for something intense$ and
the" prefer to move through the etremes of #o" and ecstas" to the pits of miser" and
despair than to feel their emotional life is drab. !he" need the etremes to feel the" are
reall" alive. and a"thing ever"da" and comfortable can feel medicore to them$ as if some
essential component is missing.

!he" thrive on crisis. and if it is not there the" will create it. !heir love life can be like an
emotional roller-coaster. Love is continuall" going through transformations with Venus in
the eighth house$ d"ing and being reborn. )ith each death$ the" are never sure whether
it has died for good this time. A treadmill of pain pursues$ deepening the love bond. After
visiting some ver" dark places with a partner$ the" become inetricabl" bound up with
him or her. !o some etent$ the" will be testing their love and the love of their partner.
!here is a need for this to be regularl" reaffirmed. and there is nothing like an emotional
crisis for achieving this. !his is not likel" to be a conscious choice. and people with Venus
in the eighth ma" be in considerable pain and feel this d"namic is completel" out of their

!he" will be looking for someone who can offer them the emotional depth the" crave.
!he" are often possessive and #ealous themselves$ or else the" will choose someone who
is. Fundamentall" it is the strong feelings the" desire. and #ealous" and possessiveness
tend to go with passion. !he" will choose those who are emotionall" complicated - who do
not offer them a smooth relationship. )hether consciousl" or not$ the" will choose
someone who will shake them up and change them in some wa". !heir partners will
plunge them into crises if the relationship is at all meaningful for them.

!he" ma" also get pleasure from the possibilit" of throwing their partner into an
emocional turmoil$ en#o"ing the power the" have to affect another. +nowing the" can
have this effect$ and that the" can bring about change in another$ ma" be a source of
satisfaction for them. %t ma" be a kind of revenge for them$ in response to their having
been hurt (albeit inadvertentl")$ and give them great delight.

%n a relationship$ the" will en#o" sharing an" moving eperience together. Seual and
emotional intimac" and the sharing of deep feelings is where their greatest happiness
lies. %t is when things are going wrong in these areas that the" draw to themselves the
rather more traumatic circumstances alread" described. 2ccasionall"$ people with Venus
in the eighth house ma" sta" out of a relationship fearing the depths that the" will be
taken to and crave. !he" can then eperience periods of intense loneliness.

('artin Schulman)

)ith this placement$ the love nature is eperienced through the m"sti&ue of seualit"$
the beaut" of the unconscious$ the wonders of the occult and a fond attraction for all that
eists in the hidden and secretive m"stical side of life. !he individual can regenerate
feeling through his deepl" passionate nature which seeks to know the ver" core of all.
!hus$ he feels the unconscious currents of hidden forces$ and has a strong abilit" to
effectivel" create smooth endings to the influences which he outgrows. 1et$ until the
lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are learned$ he can eperience much difficult" in
finding the profound depths of insight and wisdom which his love can bring him to

%nstead$ he can linger in darkess$ living in the shadow of others almost #ealousl" sp"ing
on them$ while refusing to see an" light in himself. Some with this placement will inherit.
but others can tend to sponge off the goodness$ finances and resources of a partner or
mate as their primar" means of support. !/ere can be a tendenc" to take advantage of
otehrs through a secretivel" smooth and suave manner$ whose subtle undercurrents are
not consciousl" visible.

%n this /ouse$ Venus opposes its rulership in the Second /ouse. !hus$ if the individual
hides himself in dishonest feelings$ or goes against accepted values$ he can lose out on
eperencing the depth and beaut" of love that Venus promises.

%n man" instances$ the love nature is dissipated through seual preoccupation$ and the
individual$ rather than raising his love to the heart chakra$ finds himself struggling with
internal fiations which impede his moral$ emotional and mental unfoldment. /e has a
tendenc" to inhibit what could be eas" relationships with others$ because of an
attachment to a secretive lifest"le which makes him feel separated from the goodness
and warmth of societ" that he trul" needs.

2nce the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are learned$ however$ the individual
eperiences a complete transformation in his consciousness. /e reali9es that seual love
is more than lust of the bod"$ coming instead from the inner depths of one(s being. !hus$
rather than hiding his seual nature behind a faLade of complees which keep him from
his true feelings$ he begins to confront the regenerative kind of seual love that brings
his unconscious into harmon" with his conscious life.

%n this wa"$ the secrets of dishonest" become transformed into a sacred love which
guides the m"stical truths that surface from within. !hus$ he becomes sensitive to his
unconscious as well as the hidden feelings of others close to him. )hen this occurs$ the
individualis afforded the blessings of having other people(s resources made open to him$
not because he selfishl" wants them$ but because he is capable of understanding the
great hidden m"steries of 8od(s love that eists #ust below the threshold of human

/e can be the strongest emotional healer in the 9odiac$ for he can see love manifesting
where others have not even thought to look. And$ it is through his ver" special brand of
courage and willingness to serve a master higher than himself that he begins to
eperience the great depth and beaut" of regenerative love$ the redemption of the
-hoeni and its transformation into the birth of spiritual power. !hus$ more than an"
other /ouse placement in the 9odiac$ he earns his treasure through spiritual tests which
bring him to transcend the limitations of the lower self as he overcomes temptations.

/is ver" special 8ift of Love is his abilit" to transform and regenerate the destructiveness
of his lower pasions into the reformed beaut" of new life$ filled with the eternal m"ster"
of wonder at the silent sounds of 8od(s love whispering through the &uiet stillness of
darkness$ and changing it into light.

(/oward Sasportas)

Venus in the Jth (cares about( what happens between people$ and wants to ensure that
an"thing which is shared or echanged is beautiful$ appropriate$ beneficial and valuable.
%t favours buinsess partnerships and the accruing of mone" and possessions through
marriage or inheritance.

%n the bedroom$ Aphrodite(s magic girdle transforms into a provocative corselet (possibl"
black leather if Venus is aspected to -luto). /er seductive charms find no better mode of
epression than in the intimate whispers and caresses of love. Venus in the Jth people
have a wa" of receiving and responding to others which relaes them$ making partners
feel secure enough to loosen inhibitions and restraints. %n this sense$ those with Venus in
Scorpio(s natural house$ whether innocentl" or not$ entice others to give in to them.
/earts open$ secrets are eposed$ and bank accounts are put in their name.

!here is also a love for that which is m"sterious or esoteric$ and a desire to probe for
an"thing hidden or subtle as if what is found on that level will make them more complete.
(Seance parlours are probabl" filled with people with Venus in the Jth contacting their
dear and departed$ wherever the" ma" be.)
(Stephanie 0amilleri)

/ere$ Venus gives a charisma that outshines an" ph"sical imperfections$ attracting others
in a singular manner that is hard to define. !here will be a great test of lo"alt" at some
time during the life$ re&uiring some kind of sacrifice. %f there are oppositions or
incon#uncts to Venus$ this ma" be a great sacrifice$ such as the ph"sical relationship with
the beloved.

Love is alwa"s bound up with death$ lo"alt"$ and sacrifice in some wa". %t is likel" that
the" will suffer the death or permanent loss of someone beloved$ someone beautiful and
good. !his loss$ and its inherent threat of further loss$ permanentl" affects their outlook
on life. %f the Sun is also in the eighth house$ their entire life ma" be bound up in a drama
of love$ lo"alt"$ and sacrifice$ with death as the last act. !his is an etremel" self-
sacrificial position.

!hese people take themselves ver" seriousl". !he" don(t wear their hearts on their
sleeves$ and are ver" cautious about giving their affections$ because an" mistake in this
area will leave them shattered. !he" suffer so much from unre&uited love that the" are
etremel" cautious$ and will wait for a long time before declaring themselves$ but once
the" give their hearts it is usuall" forever.

!he" love stories of romantic courage$ lo"alt"$ and sacrifice. %f the" are artists$ their
works have the same appeal that their personalities have$ a sort of pathos$ tenderness$
and idealism at the heart of a bitter and ironic realism. !he" are both idealist and c"nic$
romantic and realist. and the ecitement of their personalit" comes from a constant
tension between these etremes.

!his position testifies to one whose feelings were persistentl" ignored or badl" hurt in
childhood$ so that the" remain cautious throughout life. %f the" attain power$ the" ma" be
cold or cruel to others who the" imagine might be cold or cruel to them$ though the" are
usuall" etremel" sensitive and tender toward children$ the disabled$ animals$ or an"one
who is clearl" vulnerable and from whom the" can feel no potential threat.

!he" are ver" seual$ and love to make love$ but are capable of great restraint. !he" tend
to be #ealous$ but if forgiveness is asked the" will give it freel".

(*ill /erbst)

=nion< "ou en#o" being close to another. 1ou appreciate the eperience of surrendering
to love. *ut first make sure that love is indeed present before "ou surrender$ and second$
be certain that the otehr person is also in the flow of the same love. 5o not seduce
another into union. this leads to the pitfalls of inevitable betra"al and loss of harmon".
%nstead$ take advantage of ever" good feeling to promote shared intimac". !he challenge
is to understand that even personal love is a presence between two individuals$
something that does not originate in their seprate lives$ but is instead created out of the
harmon" that arises from togetherness.

!ransformation< Venus loves ritual in all forms$ even the etreme rituals of ego-
transcendence. !he possibilit" of rebirth offers its own aesthetic$ so "ou willingl"
participate. 1ou(re receptive to ps"chological change$ since "ou embrace more than "ou
currentl" embod". !he pitfall surrounds the belief that "ou(ll be able to keep all "our
eisting value s"stems after "ou(ve changed. %t(s as if "ou look forward to a future self
that is the same as "our present self$ onl" better able to en#o" the fruits of life. !hough
this can work to "our benefit in some wa"s$ it(s still a carrot-and-donke" approach to
growth. !he challenge is to understand that ego-death means completel" giving up old
wa"s of understanding pleasure in favor of new values$ and$ happil"$ new pleasures.

Seual merging< !he chemistr" of seual union is a powerful aphrodisiac$ a perfume of
lovel" and delicate scent$ a ver" magical potion. For "ou$ it(s the icing on the cake of life.
Feminine &ualities are emphasi9ed here< enfolidng$ softening$ receiving. )hether "ou are
male or female$ it(s "our beaut" that draws others toward union with "ou. 1ou know how
to offer "ourself to "our beloved in total openness$ but there are pitfalls. 1ou can also be
seductive$ presenting an alluring mask of receptivit" to entrap those "ou wish to snare.
1ou can even seduce "ourself into believing "ou(re open when "ou(re not. 7emember that
seual vanit" is "our enem"$ not "our all". !he challenge is to understand that the
aesthetic and ph"sical pleasures of union are trul" worthwhile when the" occur with the
right person$ at the right time$ in the right setting. =nder those conditions$ the #o" of full
release invites self-renewal.

Focused intuition< 1our intuitive capabilities have a special purpose$ to tap into the
vibration of personal love. 1ou also appreciate ps"chic sensitivit" in others. Finding it in
someone fills "ou with pleasure$ making "our inner world resonate more harmoniousl".
!he pitfall involves using these sensitivities in a purel" self-serving manner$ rather than
with mutualit"$ to benefit both "ourself and others. !he challenge is to open "ourself to
the invisible worlds that eist all around us$ worlds of ineffable beaut".

Shared assets< %t ma" be that "ou stand to inherit mone"$ or marr" someone wealth". %n
an" case$ the struggle for mone" is something "ou ma" not understand. 4ven if "ou don(t
have an" mone"$ "ou imagine "ourself deserving of it$ since "ou feel it to be the birthright
of "our superior station. )hether "ou(re correct or deluded$ it(s a consideration in all
"our decisions. !he pitfall lies in this attitude of complacent superiorit"$ the tendenc" to
overlook real suffering and deprivation in the world. 6onchalence could inspire enmit" in
others. !he challenge is to use all resources to further epression of love and beaut". !his
ma" be limited to famil" or friends$ but it should keep epanding until "ou(ve filled the
world with love. 1ou can be the shepherd of the open heart$ whether or not "ou have a

(7obert -elletier)

1ou are attracted to warm and sociable persons who are as eager as "ou are for a
meaningful relationship. 1ou have a compelling need to satisf" "our strong ph"sical
desires$ but "ou are usuall" on "our best behavior$ hoping to attract the kind of person
who will indulge "ou in "our desires. 1ou are greatl" influenced b" ph"sicall" attractive
persons who have the same needs as "ou but who also have &ualities "ou admire. 1ou
en#o" doing favors for people$ because "ou know that this increases the likelihood of
making the right kinds of social contacts. At first "ou tend to underestimate "our abilit"
to satisf" people(s epectations$ because "ou make unfair comparisons between "our
&ualifications and theirs. )hen "ou reali9e that ever"one has fears and anieties$ "ou will
be more comfortable with "ourself. 1ou don(t want to offend others$ which is admirable$
but it doesn(t allow others to know that "ou also bring something of value to a

1ou are willing to make concessions to others and to tolerate their negative &ualities
beacuse "ou trul" want to understand them and their problems. 1ou tend to regard their
positive traits as sufficient compensation for their less desirable &ualities. !he people "ou
help will remember "ou. and later in life "ou should derive some satisfaction from the
knowledge that "our efforts were appreciated.

1ou must make man" ad#ustments before "ou can satisfactoril" indulge "our personal
desires. 2bligations to "our loved ones must take precedence over personal pleasures.
1ou also have an obligation to full" eploit "our creative talents to fulfill the demands of
"our career. !his will improve "our image before others and let them know that "ou share
some of their material and personal advantages and that "ou aren(t intimidated b" them.
0hoose a career that re&uires "ou to deal with people(s problems$ because that is
probabl" where "ou are most effective.

1ou are generall" successful in dealing with people$ because "ou make the concessions
that allow for a continuing relationship. !he" en#o" talking with "ou$ and the" know that
"our interest in them is sincere. 1ou definitel" need people to be a sounding board for
"our intellectual development and to verif" that "our actions in their behalf have "ielded
satisfactor" results. 1ou must figure out eactl" wh" "ou are interested in people and
what "our motivations are for becoming involved with them. !here are two possible
reasons. 2n one hand$ "ou ma" be driven b" env" to gain control over their resources$
but on the other hand$ "ou ma" be sincerel" concerned for their well-being and want to
do what "ou can to make them happ". 1ou ma" be tempted b" both motives and vacillate
between them before making a commitment.

'ake certain that "ou understand ever" implication of the preceding paragraph. %deall"$
"our actions will be directed b" a strong spiritual desire to make sacrifices in helping
those who lack "our deep perception in handling problems. )hile it ma" often be
desirable to make concessions to others$ "ou must not allow them to gain complete
control over "ou so that "ou cannot fulfill "our own destin".
6atal Venus in Hth /ouse (B)

(7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< %nterested in publishing$ creative thinking$ living abroad$ marriage to someone

0orresponding to the mutable Fire sign of Sagittarius$ the ninth house has traditionall"
been associated with foreign travel$ higher education$ philosoph"$ religion$ publishing
and the law. 'ost significantl"$ each of these concerns reflects a preoccupation with the
eploration of profound social$ philosophical and religious values that reach be"ond the
attainment of financial rewards and romantic 3 sensual gratification. )hereas the
diametricall" opposed third house concerns learning - the accumulation of ideas - the
ninth house represents teaching - the assemblage of those concepts into a s"stem that
can be transmitted to others. )hile the third house individual ma"$ for instance$ perform
or write as a means of communicating ideas$ the ninth house personalit" aspires to direct
or publish in order to oversee$ instruct$ cultivate and guide the development of others(
skills and talents in keeping with his 3 her overall vision.

%ndividuals with Venus in the ninth house rel" on the knowledge obtained from
independent research$ academic studies or an in-depth understanding of philosophical$
religious and legal principles to gain admiration and deference$ resulting in their
attainment of self-respect (Fire house). !o elevate their self-esteem even further$ the"
tend to inundate themselves (often to the point of fanaticism) with as much worldl"
eperience (for eample foreign travel$ attending conferences$ participating in cultural
events) as possible in order to impress others. Since relationships are not usuall"
fulfilling for them unless there is constant growth and something the" are continuall"
learning$ man" people with this placement marr" either their students or their teachers.
%t is important to remember that$ as with Venus in Sagittarius$ a relationship in which the
roles of student and teacher are being enacted will often end once the student catches up
with the teacher. %f the relationship is to endure$ it is necessar" to transform it into one of

*ecause the ninth house s"mbolises the search for freedom of epression$ it is not
unusual for this position to promote people with highl" individual$ creative and even
flambo"ant behaviour that is reflected in their wardrobe$ hairst"les$ cultural interests and
friends. *" the same token$ personal and professional relationships re&uire
independence$ the eploration of broader hori9ons$ and a need for constant intellectual
stimulation. %t is not uncommon for these people to marr" foreigners and relocate to their
spouse(s homeland either temporaril" or permanentl"$ since this breeds a situation in
which the two are continuall" teaching each other about their respective cultures.

Although Venus en#o"s luur" and economic prosperit"$ its position in the ninth house is
one of the planet(s least materialistic locations. %n their search for love and creative self-
epression$ those with Venus in this house are not motivated b" personal gain$ but seek
an outlet for their knowledge and fervent convictions. 4tremel" passionate$ arrogant
and$ at times$ fanatical in their need to instruct others and share their points of view$
these people often feel compelled to convert others to their religious$ political or
philosophical beliefs. !heir magnetism and #udiciousness make them ecellent
spokespeople$ advocates and lobb"ists - positions that demand the patience$
determination and diplomac" of Venus as well as the brutal honest"$ directness and
idealism for which the ninth house and its corresponding sign$ Sagittarius$ are best

*lessed with an incredible lust for life and authentive love of people$ these restless
individuals en#o" travelling$ socialising and attentding cultural and media events. An
almost obsessive need to eplore new avenues of thought$ however$ makes it etremel"
difficult for them to forego their independent and stimulating lifest"les. !o maintain their
arrogance$ sense of authorit" and need to be right$ Venus in the ningh house produces an
attraction to partners who either share their (wanderlust( or encourage the pursuit of new
ideas$ studies and pro#ects. 6ot unlike indiviudals with Venus in the third house$ those
with Venus in the ninth house will avoid intimac" unless the" are convinved that
intellectual stimulation$ ecitement and freedom can still be maintained.

4mblematic of their &uest for knowledge and spiritual truth through higher education$
foreign travel and intellectual echanges$ the ninth house is affiliated with researchers$
academicians$ teachers$ attorne"s$ writers (especiall" #ournalists)$ politicians$ publishers
or translators. %f Venus is con#unct the 'idheaven$ it is even more improtant for these
people to be recognised for their knowledge$ which the" feel compelled to share through
one of the aforementioned professions. !his often results in the formation of creative
collaborations (actor 3 director$ writer 3 editor) or professional partnerships (law firm$
#oint research) through which their strong convictions or philosoph" of life ma" be
epressed. %f these particular fields of interest are not further developed or utilisted$ the"
ma" simpl" search for a partner who either practises one of the aforementioned
professions or is passionate and opinionated about the ver" sub#ects of which these
individuals wish to know more.

)hile individuals with Venus placed in this area of the horoscope ma" indeed be
passionate about ninth house issues such as philosoph"$ religion$ law and politics$ the"
refuse to teach or practise profesionall" unless the" can in#ect creativit" into areas that
ma" otherwise be dr" and dul. )hile the ninth house is long on theor" and devoid of
practicalit"$ Venus provides these people with diplomac"$ a sense of ethics$ the powers of
persuasion and the facilit" for epressing their strong opinions and points of view both
passionatel" and convincingl".

%f Venus is positivel" aspected$ these people derive their validation from opinions$ travel
and worldl" knowledge - this is part of what makes them attractive to others. %f Venus is
poorl" situated$ however$ the need to be right prevents compromise and being able to see
another person(s point of view - both of which are vital for an" successful relationship.

An inabilit" to balance romantic idealism with the practicalities of ever"da" life ma" be

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

!he ninth house rules all consciousness-epanding acitivities. -eople with this placement
will want a relationship to be like a vo"age of discover". !he" set sail when the" become
romanticall" involved. !he" ma" be people who en#o" the #ourne" and are less concerned
about the destination. this is the point of disembarking. !he" need a partner to be
challenging and stimulating. !he" en#o" new people$ and ma" be happier single. !heir
need is for freedom in their relating$ to be constantl" eploring new territor".

)ithin a relationship$ the sharing of beliefs and philosophies will be important to these
people. !he" will not necessaril" be great intellectuals$ but the" will en#o" intellectual
echanges and have a love of abstract ideas. 5iscovering knowledge and epanding the
mind is a source of pleasure for them. !he" ma" en#o" courses that stretch their minds$
and will gain happiness from the closeness and rapport the" can have with fellow

!he" will want their partner to be interested in their studies$ and ma" well meet a
partner in a stud" situation. !his will be something the" will want to share. !he" will feel
depleted if their partners do not stimulate them to think. !he" ma" want someone with
whom the" can discuss fundamental issues regarding the nature of the universe and the
purpose of life.

!hese people can make good teachers$ being in love with their sub#ect and able to inspire
the same in their students. !he" are able to get on with their students well and to create
a happ" learning atmosphere. !he" could fall in love with a student$ or e&uall"$ as a
student themselves$ fall in love with their teacher.

!he" ma" be drawn to topics like reigion$ or an"thing that encompasses the mma#or
&uestions regarding life and the universe. %f drawn to sub#ects of a more limited scope$
the" will infuse them with a philosophical dimension.

!he" ma" also find happiness through travel$ another mind-epanding activit". As
travellers$ the" will easil" make harmonious contact with others$ and are likel" to receive
generous hospitalit" from those the" meet. !he" ma" find a love partner abroad$ and
possibl" remain in a foreign land. !heir outlook on life would then be continuall"
stimulated b" their partner(s different cultural background.

!he" ma" choose a partner through whom the" come into conctact with a different
religious framework$ which is similar to choosing someone from a different culture.
!hrough such a relationship$ the" will re-evaluate their own beliefs. An" of these possible
scenarios will become more fraught if Venus receives difficult aspects. !his could be a
placement where people have a guru to whom the" offer a ver" pure love. !he" are
looking for someone noble to love. Love and religious and philosophical aspirations are
intertwined for someone with Venus in the ninth.

('artin Schulman)

)ith this placement$ the love nature is raised to a higher consciousness as the
individual(s life s"mboli9es a spiritual #ourne" into light. !hrough learning$ literature$
travel and foreigners$ he discovers the epansive feelings for a philosoph" or religion
through which he will eperience his place in humanit".

Venus here creates an affinit" for the outdoor settings whose great peace and natural
harmon" helps to bring out this individual(s spirit for life. From this instintive sensitivit"
to environmental beaut" comes his romantic and often inspirational feeling for the
changing scenic wonders of nature. !hus$ through an adventurous spirit$ alwa"s "earning
to feel$ eperience and know the distant hori9ons that trranscend man(s limits$ he
reaches to feel teh broad epansive wonder of life which fills him with an overwhlming
sense of awe for the natural beaut" of the universe. 1et$ because his life is a &uest$ often
reaching for what he is not "et read" to attain$ he can have great difficult" getting in
touch with his true feelings.

/is sense of eaggeration often puts his feelings out of perspective. /e can become
distant from himself through a philosophical sense of wandering$ as if he were
considering some vague human abstraction rather than the true current of his own
personal life. !hus$ he ma" see the epansive overview of humanit" while at the same
time feeling a vague uncertaint" as to his role within it.

'an" with this placement eperience a sense of frustration and restlessness$ which$
instaed of allowing them to feel appreciation for all the" are$ often makes them scatter
their energies into one superficial area after another. %n all areas of feeling$ there tends
to be a running awa" from involvement$ commitment and the lasting constanc"$ which is
the true beaut" of love.

!he 6inth /ouse is s"mbolicall" ruled b" Sagittarius (the archer-centaur) - half man and
half horse. !hus$ the eperiences of Venus in this /ouse are leading the individual to
make peace with the wildness of his animal nature. for it is onl" through a sincere love
for the beaut" of human wisdom in tune with divine law that he can learn how to raise his
consciousness above the restless (horse of desire(.

2nce the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are learned$ a great change in
consciousness occurs. 7ather than his scattering his feelings indiscriminatel"$ there is an
appreciation b" him of a higher truth$ which the individual will follow for the rest of his
da"s. %n whatever he does$ or whoever he shares his feelings with$ this devotion to truth
and the correctness of life in accordance perhaps with a great 'aster$ or religious
principle$ or even the truth he learns naturall" from life$ becomes the discipline without
chains which lights his path and illuminates his heart.

/e ma" spend "ears travelling and roaming$ appearing to others as if he is unsettled. 1et$
he never roams from his devotion to the truth$ for he is a disciple of the spirit of divine
law made manifest through man(s love for the collective consciousness of humanit". !hus$
he enlightens others through the literac" and wisdom he manages to ac&uire. /e
breathes the vivid spark of truth into the hearts of others$ and he teaches the vision of
love(s optimism$ hope and open sincerit" to all who are fortunate enough to understand
the prophetic wisdom he finds.

/is ver" special 8ift of Love comes from his abilit" to epansivel" enrich the minds of
others$ #o"ousl" lighting their wa" with the loving candle of abundant hope$ glistening in
the flame of truth:

(/oward Sasportas)

For man" of us$ sitting down to contempate the meaning and purpose of eistence results
in a headache. but rather than #ust struggling endlessl" with religious and philosophical
issues$ those with Venus in the Hth usuall" derive greater happiness$ peace and well-
being from their belief s"stems. Somehow it wouldnt be right for a Hth house Venus to
pro#ect an"thing too nast" onto 8od< in Venus(s e"es$ onl" that which is fair$ #ust and
e&uitable deserves to be worshipped. )hether their 8od manages to live up to these high
epectations will be shown b" the aspects to Venus and other placements in the Hth.

!here is usuall" a love of travel and adventure$ and the promise of beneficial and
pleasurable eperiences to be had through them. -ossessing a natural appreciation and
fascination for the diversit" of life epressed in the customs of different cultures$ the"
might fall in love with a countr" other than their own$ emulating its taste and st"le. Some
ma" even marr" someone foreign or a person met on holida" or abroad. !his is also a
good placement for teachers and educators who will be able to communicate the love of
their sib#ect to their students. Venus in the Hth easil" and graciousl" enthuses about
those things which the" find valuable. )riters and artists with this placement invariabl"
share their philosoph" of life through their creations.

2n a lighter note$ relationships with in-laws are usuall" favoured if Venus is well-
aspected in the Hth. %f we understand a planet in a house to indicate the wa" in which we
should meet the affairs of that house$ then Venus here suggests that in-laws can be
handled with tact and diplomac".

Natal Venus in +t# ouse

(*ill /erbst)

0onceptual frameworks< %n the Hth$ Venus reveals the pleasures of mentalit". 1ou love
philosoph" and formal concepts. 1ou love knowing what the rules are$ and searching for
more aesthetic wa"s of understanding. 6ot necessaril" a great intellect "ourself$ "ou are
drawn to the charismatic personalities of great thinkers. 1ou love to be in the flow of
mentalit"$ to have it wash over "ou like a cascading waterfall. !his is not the love of
conversation$ nor mere mental cleverness. "ou &uickl" tire of those. 6o$ this is the love of
ideas$ of understanding based on sweeping patterns of creative thought. !he pitfall lies in
the difference between simpl" learning philosoph"$ and the more disciplined effort of
living a trul" ethical life. !he challenge is to fill "our world with aesthetic ideas$ to make
it sing with the beaut" of an epanded mind$ and to share those pleasures with ever"one.

0ultural perspective< !he immediate environment is less attractive than what eists over
the hori9on. !ravel is a luur"$ a lovel" adventure. *eing relationship-oriented$ "ou
cultivate personal relationships with individuals from cultural backgrounds different from
"our own. !his ma" mean that "ou are drawn to foreigners in a literal sense. %t ma" also
be that "ou(re attracted to people with enlarged and perhaps eotic perspectives on
human eperience. !he pitfall involves becoming so enamored with "our longing for
travel and increased cultural perspective that "ou overlook the satisfactions eisting in
ordinar" surroundings. +eep in mind that love$ happiness and en#o"ment are ubi&uitous
and can be discovered an"where on the 4arth$ not #ust over the net hill. 1our challenge
is to promote the appreciation fo the world and all its diverse cultures.

/igher education< /igher education is a continuing source of pleasure. 1ou(re ver"
receptive to learning. and little in "our world brings greater satisfaction thatn the flow of
knowledge. )ith 'ercur"$ active dialogue is necessar". /owever$ "ou are much more
comfortable when in the receiving position. %t(s not so much that "ou wish to be wise$ but
instead that "ou trul" love surrounding "ourself with ideas. !hus. "ou could be &uite
happ" sitting at home reading a book on art or philosoph". and "ou(re even happier
attending a lecture$ being in the actual living presence of a master. !here is no innate
sense of inferiorit"$ however - #ust a love of the pure$ unmitigated luur" of education.

!he search for truth< For "ou$ truth must not be ugl". A good-looking lie is more
attractive than a homel" truth. 1ou want to warm it$ to polish it until it shines$ to bring
out the beaut" inherent in an" truth. !he challenge is to reveal the aesthetic goodness in
what is true$ to show "ourself and us the wa" to appreciate the truth. !elling the truth
must reflect this task. 0ommunicate with grace$ and "ou move toward greater harmon"
with nature and the universe. !ruth is beaut". truth is love.

%deal societ"< 1ou believe that love should fill the world$ that people should be nicer to
one another. %n "our perfect societ"$ failure to love would be a cardinal sin. !his
societ" would be a romantic culture$ in soft-focus and pastel colors. 1ou believe in art and
high st"le. !he world would be filled with lovel" ob#ects and beautiful people. ugliness
would be impossible to conceive. !here would be no upsets$ no crises$ no embarrassing
social scenes. 4ver"one would displa" graceful manners and seeml" behavior. As 7uler of
the )orld$ "ou would be the paragon of Love and *eaut"$ the /igh -riestess of 7omance$
the s"mbol of /appiness$ 7eceptivit"$ and Fertilit".

(7obert -elletier)

*eing accepted in the social mainstream is most important to "ou. !hough it anno"s "ou
to concede to others when "ou know the"(re wrong$ "ou feel that it is politicall"
advisable$ and that doing otherwise might #eopardi9e "our chances of being accepted.
2nce "ou are established$ however$ "ou won(t make such concessions$ because "ou
consider it unbecoming. 1ou prefer honest"$ and "ou are perfectl" willing to tell people
"ou like them if the" seem pleasant and attractive. 1ou en#o" "our children as the" en#o"
"ou$ and "ou know how to cultivate their desire to live up to their own creative potentials.
1ou tr" to be understanding of "our partner(s needs. and "ou are alwa"s willing to
discuss an" problems that come up. %f the lines of cmomunication are kept open at all
times$ "ou feel that most difficulties can be resolved. 1ou know how to adapt to an"
circumstances that allow "ou to full" eploit "our creative potentials.

-eople are attracted to "ou because "ou know how to make them feel important. 4ven
with people "ou(ve #ust met$ "ou tactfull" let them believe that "ou share their views and
that "ou find them pleasing beacuse "ou have (alwa"s been attracted to people who have
a keen sense of values(. 1our mate finds "ou delightful because of "our poise and skill in
dealing with people$ even those who are sociall" undesirable. 6ever satisfied with "our
accomplishments$ "ou constantl" set new goals to rach. !hough "ou accept favors from
friends$ "ou usuall" reciprocate when the" need help from "ou.

1ou find repetitive #obs tedious and boring. 1ou are drawn to occupations in which there
is a minimum of routine and "ou are free to deal with the public. 1ou also want
opportunities to grow and to demonstrate "our competence as "our skills increase and
"ou are read" for greater responsibilit". 1ou are somewhat turned off b" people who lack
polish and sophistication. but it is through them that "ou can show what "ou can
accomplish in "our career. 1our position might allow "ou to intercede with those in high
places who can help people in need. 1ou will grow as long as "ou reali9e that "ou need to
know a great deal to earn the respect of those whom "ou serve in "our profession.

1ou should pursue "our goals with the same determination "ou showed when "our earl"
conditioning taught "ou that nothing in life is free. Fulfill "our famil" obligations first$
and then "ou can devote "ourself to eploiting "our creative potentials in "our career.
An" sacrifice "ou made to gain a formal education was the most worthwhile investment of
"our life.

!he worst thing "ou could do is to imagine that others( needs are less important than
"ours. %f "ou let "ourself think that the" onl" want to get something out of "ou$ "ou will
miss a great opportunit" to achieve "our goals$ because others will doubt that "ou
deserve to achieve them. 2n the other hand$ conceding to the needs of others enriches
"ou more than it does them. After all$ aren(t the" giving "ou the chance to prove "ourself>
-lan "our moves carefull" so that "ou don(t unknowingl" undermine those who helped
"ou when "ou were starting out.

Venus in the Hth or BCth house (Stephanie 0amilleri)

/ere we see the power of love versus the love of power. Venus at the top of the chart
gives good looks and$ fre&uentl"$ real beaut"$ btu in an" case there is alwa"s the abilit" to
command attention.

'an" monarchs$ politicians$ and statesmen have Venus near the 'idheaven. %t is a
particularl" good position for those interested in a career in the arts$ though it is good for
an" career as it attracts favorable attention. %f the" become public figures$ the public is
inclined to love them and to forgive all faults. !he public will be ver" interested in their
love lives beacuse the" will alwa"s appear to be surrounded b" romantic intrigue. !he
public is inclined to make them into icons or institutions in later life$ and enshrine them
after death as s"mbols of something. !his will be true to a lesser etent even for those
who never reach be"ond smaller circles$ since the" will still be known b" name b" more
people than the" know peronsonall"$ and their lives and loves will be discussed and
wondered at b" the communit" at large.

!he" are ecellent salesmen. but their most important product is themselves. !he" are
usuall" etremel" adventurous and love travel and motion$ finding it ver" hard to sta" put
for an" length of time. %f career or famil" demands keep them in one place$ the" will take
vacations to distant places.

!he" are fascinated b" farawa" places and far-out ideas$ "et usuall" remain attracted to
conservative values and to the friends and scenes of their "outh. !he" ma" suffer stress
from being torn between new ideas and their promoters and the old tried and true$ never
reall" able to give up the latter. For some reason$ Venus at the 'idheaven gives
tremendous ph"sical stamina and courage$ and the urge to con&uer the heights$ literall" -
manifested in a love of mountains and the grandeur of nature.

)ith Venus in the ninth on the cusp of the tenth$ the" tend to back causes. in the tenth$
their big cause is themselves. %n the ninth$ this is an achiever who never stops tr"ing$
with a love of philosoph" and travel. in the tenth$ there is tremendous personal authorit".
'an" generals have Venus in the tenth. %n either house$ the" are great intriguers$
diplomats$ and manipulators.

!he" are inclined to be narcissistic$ more interested in themselves and their own ideas
and needs than in those of others. but the" are so attractive that no-one minds. !he" are
inlined to go their own wa". and others can follow if the" choose$ which the" usuall" do.
!he" are etremel" adept at getting their own wa".

%f there are bad aspects to Venus$ there ma" be a weight problem$ emotional in origin. A
fear of se could be the root cause of this$ particularl" with women$ who ma" overeat to
fill a hunger for love. !he" ma" also turn gra" earl" in life. !he" ma" eperience
difficulties having children. love affairs or children ma" be destructive or tormenting.
)ith bad aspects to Venus at the 'idheaven$ there is alwa"s danger of a se scandal at
some time in the life.

!he" are inclined toward luur". and the" love to surround themselves with ob#ects of
beaut"$ both animate and inanimate. !he" have a great appetite for grandeur$ and will go
to it (the mountains) or build it around themselves (Versailles).

(7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< 0reative goals. pro#ecting beaut"$ glamour and illusion. harmonious or
creative father figure.

0ommencing the tenth house$ the 'idheaven is the horoscope(s most elevated point$ and
aptl" describes the highest professional achievements for which we consciousl" strive.
)hile the ascendant$ which defines our immediate impression upon our environment$ is$
like breathing$ automatic and unconscious$ the 'idheaven and$ ultimatel"$ the tenth
house describes how we wish to be perceived and whether that image has been
successfull" achieved. *ecause the tenth house has alwa"s represented the conscious
choices we make and the position in life to which we aspire$ it is defined as the sphere of
professional achievements$ recognition$ public service and fame.

,ust as the fourth house has traditionall" been the house of the mother or the provider of
emotional nourishment$ the tenth house represents the father or the goal-setter and
authorit" figure. 5ue to the interchangeabilit" of parental role models$ the two houses
can be viewed as the parental ais$ the fourth house signifi"ing the more nurturing
parent and the tenth house t"pif"ing the professional role model and the attributes he or
she inspires. )ith Venus in the tenth house$ the most admired parent has instilled - b"
eample or instruction - the importance of diplomac"$ salesmanship and popularit" in
attaining one(s goals. 2n the negative side$ people with Venus in this house have learned
to associate success with a beautiful$ friendl" and good-tempered personalit" at such an
earl" age that their public image often becomes confused with their pricate feelings. )ith
so man" children presentl" raised in single-parent households$ it is not necessaril" the
father who is the career-orientated parent. and$ as a result$ the tenth house also
represents how we are viewed publicl"$ while the fourth house denotes what we are
reall" like in the sanctit" of our own home. %f the tenth house$ its ruler and 3 or occup"ing
planet are harmonious$ this image is$ for the most part$ successfull" conve"ed. %f the" are
afflicted$ there will indeed be a conflict between the private and public image. !here ma"
also be too much dependence on the approval of others. or ambitions ma" be lived out
through a successful partner - which ultimatel" leads to a sense of frutstration.

%n light of this$ individuals with Venus in the tenth house wish to be recognised for their
boundless creativit"$ compassion$ determination$ and$ most obviousl"$ their beaut". )hile
this placement commonl" appears in the charts of actors$ models and other luminaries
whose charismatic charm$ beaut" and 3 or artistr" have been carefull" nurtured and
thrust upon the public$ the idolatr" that the" generate also satisfies their need for
acknowledgement. )hile it is certainl" not eas" to second-guess the public or
methodicall" to cultivate an attractive and infectious image$ it is this uni&ue
abilit" to connect with the masses that makes these individuals ecellent actors and
politicians. )hile their (people skills($ social concern and facilit" to mediate tense
situations make them well-suited for careers in public office$ it is their abilit" to pro#ect a
likable image that attracts voters and gets them elected. 2ther professions which emplo"
the aesthetics$ diplomac" and prosperit" of Venus include singing$ architecture$ interior
design$ banking and law.

6ot merel" satisfied with ecelling artisticall"$ those with this placement demand that the
fruits of their labour be respected$ acknowledged professionall" and rewarded financiall".
5ue to their practicalit"$ sobriet" and vast ambition (tenth house)$ people with Venus in
the tenth house take their relationships &uite seriousl" and are unlikel" to indulge in a
frivolous seual union or even to contemplate a relationship unless there are indications
of permanence. Fiercel" lo"al and devoted mates$ the" are usuall" attracted to
accomplished$ prosperous partners who ma" not strike a passionate chord but who can
be counted on to support their &uest for artistic and 3 or financial success. %f their
approach to life includes the desire to have children$ this will usuall" be impeded until
economic stabilit" is assured. and$ if the" do opt to steer their lives in that direction$
parenthood is undertaken with the same commitment and seriousness as an" other
pro#ect or relationship.

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

!hese are peoplee who want to be noted for their beaut"$ st"le$ charm and grace. !he
tenth house is their public image$ and this means the" will want to look their best and
ma" feel (on show( as far as their looks are concerned. !he" ma" be ver" fashion-
conscious$ or possess a ver" attractive st"le. !he" have a good sense of how to present
themselves to their advantage. !he" will be ver" aware of the social niceties$ never
putting a foot wrong or making a social gaffe.

!he" will be drawn to others who have a combination of st"le and status$ beaut"$ dignit"
and bearing. !he" will want someone who does them credit and enhances their status in
some wa". !his could be based on their partner(s looks$ fashion-consciousness$ creative
achievements$ or connections in (art"( or literar" circles. !he" are looking for a person
who is popular and attractive to a lot of people.

!he" ma" meet a partner associated with their career. !he" ma" want a relationship that
involves working together$ perhaps a shared business venture. !he" might want a partner
with whom the" share an ambition. )hat will be important here is the feeling of
identification with and support for each other(s goals.

Love and ambition become intertwined for people with Venus in the tenth. !he" could
channel their own ambitions through a partner. !heir partner(s success would then offer
them a kind of reflected glor". 2r$ their ambition could be to have a particular t"pe of
partner. !he" can be social climbers. 1et again$ their main ambition in life ma" be to
achieve a conventionall" happ" relationship$ and this ma" be the "ardstick against which
the" #udge their success. !he" want to be known to the world as part of a couple. A
rather gross eample of this is seen in the cars with (+evin and Sharon( embla9oned over
their windscreens. 'ore positivel"$ people with Venus in the tenth could make their goal
in life a relationship with the person the" love.

-eople with this placement ma" work in a creative field and be drawn to others who
share this interest. !he" ma" be involved in the entertainment industr" and want to share
a rather glamorous and high-profile eistence with a partner. !he" ma" en#o" being one
half of a (beautiful couple( and having others admire them.

!his could describe someone who has an empt"$ show relationship with no real substance
behind the image. %t can easil" be a placement where love is epedient$ for a variet" of
reasons. !his could describe someone who knows he or she is homoseual or lesbian but
marries in order to appear normal and fit into societ". 2r it could described someone who
marries the boss(s son or daughter - someone who makes a relationship that gives her or
him consierable advantages.

For those occup"ing a public position$ this placement can describe a love relationship
with the public$ where the adulation the" receive ma" be more important to them than a
personal relationship. 2ne also sometimes finds celebrities in ostentatious relationships
that are more about media h"pe and image than about genuine love and affection. 2n a
more ever"da" level$ this might be someone who was overl" concerned with what the
neighbours thought. Alternativel"$ this placement could signif" a popular local figure.

!hese are likel" to be people who believe the world is a happ" place$ and who epect
things to be eas" and comfortable for them. !he" ma" well as a result draw ver"
favourable conditions to themselves. but in so far as the" do not$ the" could mind a lot
and be ver" unhapp".

!his can be a placement where the mother has been pretentious. !he tenth house will
describe the mother(s ambitions for her child$ often unconscious ones$ that a child will
take on. for a woman$ there might have been pressure to be elegant and graceful as a
child. For eample$ she might have been forced to take piano lessons and ballet classes
and$ if from the middle or upper classes$ sent to finishing school. She ma" have ben
brought up to be lad"like and epected to marr" well. A man ma" have been brought up
to be chivalrous$ charming and eceptionall" polite. !his can be a man who has been
made to have manners. !he mother is often ver" aware of how a combination of these
attributes in her offspring$ together with good social connections$ can help them get on in
life. At worst$ someone with Venus in the tenth grows up to value all that is superficial
and empt" at the epense of deeper and more genuine relating. )hile this might be a
mother who values social polish highl"$ she ma" e&uall" have been fostering her child(s
creative and artistic talents too. )hatever the actual background of people with Venus in
the tenth$ their relating patterns will be particularl" heavil" influenced b" their mother.

('artin Schulman)

)ith this placement$ the individual(s love nature is focused on his career$ the acceptance
he can achieve with his peers and his communit"$ and his abilit" to epress through
matter and form the lasting beaut" from which societ" establishes its permanence. /e
feels a keen sensitivit" to the beaut" of tradition$ the classic hallmarks of standards which
last through the ages$ and the harmon" of mature wisdom. !hus$ he seeks to feel the
stature of man in his glor"$ who through the beaut" of upright character and refined
dignit" is fit to be the master of his destin"$ the protective head of his household and the
ruler who eemplifies through his love for societ" the enduring &ualit" of human

1et$ with all of his efforts$ he can eperience great difficult" in actuall" feeling love until
the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are completed.

/is need for personal appreciation while preserving his sense of dignit" can make him
reluctant to show his feelings. !hus$ he creates walls between himself and others$ which
inhibits the flow of his spontaneit". As a result$ his feelings can become rigid$ patterned
and overstructured b" admiring a prestigious lifest"le which makes pretentious lifest"le
which makes pretentious demands upon the naturalness of his feelings.

Some with this placement can form lasting relationships and partnerships or even marr"$
not for love$ but for the feel of status$ the accumulation of wealth$ or the formation of
what seems to be an otherwise practical or convenient union. %f the individual does this$
he tends to lose his human &ualit" and instead fills his life with untouchable treasures
and unreachable worth$ hidden b" his inabilit" to recogni9e his real feelings and tap his
own resources. !hus$ although the individual can have a strong sense of &ualit"$ his
preoccupation with what he defines as established comfort$ or with the level in life(s
station that he seeks$ can make it etremel" difficult for him to eperience the beaut" of
his sincere feelings.

2nce the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are learned$ however$ the individual
eperiences a new outlook on life. /e begins to cast off his false sense of established
dignit"$ lowering the drawbridge of the fortress which gets in the wa" of his feelings$ and
instead recogni9es his abilit" to eperience real meaning.

From this$ he learns that the onl" true authorit" an individual can have comes not from a
need to feel comfortabl" above others$ or even from tr"ing to control their feelings$ but
rather from the ver" gentle loving care and moral wisdom which ever" great Sage and
'aster knew as the secret of true protective (fatehrl" love(.

!hus$ he learns how to honor the love of his father$ father-like figures$ mentors$ teachers$
and the /ol" Father who is at ever" moment filling him with the love to reali9e the
permanent beaut" of his honest achievements. And$ it is from this abilit" that he learns
how to be a builder of societ"$ functioning within the safe and secure guidelines of
epressing man(s higher values.

/is life stands as a praiseworth" eample of the reali9ed man who puts love into all he
does. /e begins to devote himself to the establishment of principles$ structures$ pro#ects
or masterpieces$ whose enduring truthful beaut" is so powerful that the" will far outlast
him. !hus$ he becomes dedicated to seeking the harmon" that will withstand the test of

/is ver" special 8ift of Love unfolds through his feeling for sincere commitments$ fair
rules and the propriet" and stabilit" of lasting ethics which become the ver" foundation of
societ"(s abilit" to master and preserve its enduring goodness.

(/oward Sasportas)

%f we understand the BCth house to be how we wish to appear to others$ then Venus here
is not likel" to go out of the house looking too dishevelled (or without her trust" girdle
on). !hose with this placement want to be seen for their beaut"$ taste$ grace or st"le.
-rofessions are sought which afford them the opportunit" to look beautiful or ehibit
these traits< the artistic field$ the fashion world$ etc.. 7egardless of the chosen career$
Venus in the BCth people need and desire a harmonious working situation doing a #ob
the" value with people the" like. Aspects to Venus ma" show other parts of the character
which render fulfilling this aim more difficult.

Venus in the BCth suggests a warm$ close tie with the mother$ although certain
difficulties ma" present themselves. %f Venus is pro#ected onto the mother$ then she is
eperienced as the one with a monopol" on seual power$ taste and st"le. !he little girl
with this placement ma" feel inept or awkward net to such a mother$ or turn her into a
rival with whom she competes for attention. !he bo"-child ma" be as receptive to the
mother(s seualit" as he is to her maternal &ualities. 'other then carries the image of the
beloved$ and other women will have to compete with her.
(Stephanie 0amilleri)

See Venus in Hth /ouse (D) - she gives a combined interpretation for the Hth and BCth

(*ill /erbst)

0ollective responsibilit"< 7esponsibilit" is a source of true en#o"ment. !he pitfall is that
"ou so en#o" both the rigors and the rewards of collective responsibilit" that too much of
"our urge for pleasure is focused into work. 5o not become a workaholic. 2n the other
hand$ guard against the tendenc" to epect "our work to be more pleasant than the work
re&uired of others. %f there is to be Alite status$ especiall" at the spiritual level$ "ou must
earn it with a displa" of grace under pressure. !he challenge is to foster the art of love
and en#o"ment$ to show that growing up and taking part in the collective life around us
can be$ and indeed should be$ a beautiful eperience.

-rofessional ambition< 1our most pri9ed possession is "our social image. and "ou love
nothing better than polishing it. 1ou(re happiest when "ou(re working$ or in the public
sector$ dealing with the world at large. 1ou know how to present "ourself$ how to show
"our best side to the camera. 2ne might presume that linking Venus to the BCth house
might correspond to a lack of ambition$ but this is not usuall" the case. !here is$ however$
greater flow in ambition. more pleasure than effort. 1ou work better in tandem than
alone. and "our business partnerships often have a basis in affection. 1ou(re drawn to
careers involving art$ beaut"$ aesthetics$ or luur". 1ou can be "our own product$ an
actor or model$ or "ou could market products designed for entertainment or leisure.
)hatever profession "ou choose$ it should bring "ou pleasure in doing it$ or "ou should
tr" something else. At the most s"mbolic leve$ "our career is love$ and "ou need to love
"our career.

'issions and messages< %t is "our female &ualities that stand out in our e"es. !hrough
"our living$ we remember the importance of active receptivit" and the power of personal
magnetism. 1ou have a radiance that puts us in touch with our sensitivit" to beaut"$ the
flow of graceful living. 'ore than an"thing else$ we learn about personal love from the
eample of "our own life. 1ou ma" or ma" not be fulfilled in love. "ou ma" or ma" not be
beautiful. but either wa"$ we are sparked to consider these &ualities through "our
efforts at epressing them.

(2uter-link( parent< -lacement of a feminine s"mbol in this traditionall" masculine area
can indicate that the father(s impact was suspended$ or his power superseded b" the
mother$ although that possibilit" is greated with the 'oon or 6eptune here than with
Venus. *ut strong or weak$ present or absent$ "our affection for "our father is enduring.
1ou learned to link love and work through him. his appreciation of the world was a source
of inspiration for "ou$ and "ou adopted that orientation for "ourself. !here was a reliance
on keeping up appearances$ putting on a face to show the world. 4ven if there was
conflict$ "ou imprinted on that same sense of hospitalit" the ambition to be a good host or

Authorit"< 1our regard for authorit" is based not as much on pure respect for structure as
it is on love of prestige and those who have it. 4ven if "ou(re chafing at the bit of
oppression$ something in "ou still loves the contact with power. 1our own authorit" is
based on affection rather than power. on harmon" rather than impact. 1ou do not
command$ but instead draw people(s attention magneticall". A sense of social tact and
gentle order are ke"stones of "our leadership. 1ou understand better than most people
the principle that "ou can catch more flies with hone" than with vinegar. and it(s
appropriate that "ou cultivate these talents into a high art form.

(7obert -elletier)

1ou learn how to use "our good &ualities to achieve the best results. 6ot wanting to incur
an"one(s displeasure$ "ou make an" necessar" concessions to gain the public(s attention
and still satisf" "our ambitions. )hen a dispute threatens$ "ou generall" maintain
harmon" b" giving the other person the benefit of the doubt. Although "ou ma" be
unhapp" with conditions on the #ob$ "ou adapt to them without complaining so that no-
one suspects "ou are displeased. 1ou love to have the comforts that mone" can bu"$
which is wh" "ou want to be successful in "our career. 1ou won(t resort to underhanded
methods to get what "ou want out of life$ knowing how eas" it would be to lose
ever"thing "ou have gained. 1ou take pride in "our ethical behavior. )hen "ou know that
others are taking liberties with the law$ "ou are upset$ for "ou know "ou are powerless to
do an"thing about it.

-eople en#o" being around "ou because "ou know how to make them feel comfortable.
1ou don(t make demands. and the" can epress their opinions freel" with "ou. 6ot that
"ou don(t have opinions of "our own$ but "ou feel that "ou can achieve "our ultimate
purposes best b" cultivating as man" friendl" relationships as possible. 1ou look ahead to
the da" when "ou will no longer have to be occupied with "our career and "ou can turn
"our attention to pleasurable avocational pursuits.

1ou don(t find domestic life particularl" appealing$ although "ou ma" be a good parent
#ust the same. 1ou can usuall" find a wa" to fulfill the demands of famil" life while
devoting most of "our energ" to "our career. 1ou need to prove that "ou can be
successful in "our career$ even though it is not whaat "our parents would have chosen for
"ou. %t is eas" for "ou to put "our best foot forward with finesse. 1ou understand that if
"ou are reticent$ someone else will get the promotion.

1ou find it difficult to decide whether "our love relationships or "our career should have
priorit". 4ach of these areas seems to constantl" intrude on the other. 1ou ma" be
concerned about "our abilit" to satisf" "our famil"(s needs and give them
ever" advantage and opportunit" to become successful. 1ou similarl" use ever" chance
"ou get to demonstrate "our abilities and further eploit "our creative potentials. *ut "ou
don(t mind waiting for the appropriate moment to set forth "our ideas in planning for
"our future. 1ou know how to keep "our opinions to "ourself when it will enhance "our
position before the world and in "our career.

!he most negative thing "ou can do is to doubt "our abilit" to do what "ou want with "our
future or believe that "ou are an" less &ualified than others. %f "ou develop a feeling of
responsibilit" for those who are influenced b" "ou and reali9e how much the" depend on
"ou$ "ou will be increasingl" aware that "ou are needed. 1ou know how to capitali9e on
"our training to get attention from people in important positions. 1our superiors have
confidence in "ou$ and are impressed with "our growth potential.

Natal Venus in ""t# ouse

(7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< 4n#o"ing group activities and friendships$ having high ideals and hopes.

,ust as the placement of Venus in the third and seventh Air houses focuses on the ease
with which individuals form interpersonal relationships$ its position in the air" eleventh
house encourages group activities that accommodate creative ideas$ love$ and the need to
be associated with a unit. *ecause the eleventh sign 3 hosue represents an attempt to
align with a force greater than the self$ that is$ the (limiting( sphere of home and famil"$
those with Venus in this house onl" value themselves if the" can identif" with a particular
group - whether it be their circle of friends$ the communit"$ the nation or their belief
s"stem - political$ philosophical or religious. %n fact$ the placement of Venus in this area
of the chart almost guarantees that part of the reason one attracts or is attracted to a
particular partner lies in shared political$ social$ cultural and 3 or artistic ideals.

-assionate$ diplomatic$ charming and well-spoken$ those with Venus in the eleventh
house are often called upon to mediate or be spokespeople for an organisation$ idea or
product. 5edicated to the improvement of their social$ political and cultural milieu$ the"
often devote more time to communit" activism than to their own families$ whom the" are
often accused of neglecting. or this reason$ it is vital for them to select sociall" concerned
partners$ who either share or$ at least$ respect their ideological points of view. 'ost
important$ their partners must provide the friendship$ intellectual stimulation and
freedom of epression that go be"ond the sensual en#o"ment and monetar" securit" so
important to other placements of Venus. (!he need for a spouse or partner who is valued
as a friend is particularl" acute of Venus is the ruler or the descendant - that is$ if !aurus
or Libra is on the seventh house cusp.)

)hile A&uarius (the eleventh sign) and the eleventh house are often promulgated as
representing social$ political and religious values$ the placement of Venus describes the
precise relationship formed within the group$ communit" or organisation espousing those
ideals. *eacuse Venus is directed towards harmon"$ artistr" and beautification$
individuals with this planet in the eleventh house are attracted to creative arts
organisations or troupes whose vision ma" also etend to the social and political arenas.
!heir functions within the group structure ma" range from being observers to being a
vital part of the group(s artistic or public relations staff - each role utilises their powers of

)hile traditional astrological tets infer that one(s friendships (eleventh house) are
primaril" with women (Venus)$ it is more appropriate to describe Venus in the eleventh
house as the abilit" to maintain long-lasting friendships (eleventh house) with individuals
(regardless of se) who are creative$ passionate and lo"al (Venus). !his position also
suggests that the ideal situation is one in which the spouse or love interest is also a friend
and 3 or colleague - beacuse people with Venus in this house tend to spend a fair amount
of time awa" from home.

Since the eleventh house is categorised as one of Air$ the placement of Venus there
epitomises the ethereal$ cerebral 8oddess who assigns more importance to platonic love
than to ph"sical love. Since the eleventh house signifies one(s hopes and dreams$ those
with Venus in this house have etremel" high and often unrealistic epectations for their
partners$ whom the" epect to live up to the ethical standards of the organisations to
which the" belong - an almost impossible task. %t is ver" important that these individuals
separate everda" realit" from their eaggerated idealism without relin&uishing their
dedication and activism. 2n the other hand$ an afflicted Venus ma" cause such devotion
to causes or even to friends that elements of insecurit" and #ealous" ma" enter their
relationships$ thus #eopardising otherwise meaningful associations in both the personal
and the professional sphere.

!he impracticalit" of those with Venus in this house ma" also result in a misuse or
neglect of their finances$ which can simpl" be overlooked in favour of indulging (Venus)
their social activism (eleventh house). 2n the other hand$ the" ma" #ust be donating their
earnings to their favourite charitable causes. %t ma" be advisable for these individuals to
choose efficient$ level-headed partners to handle their practical affairs and balance out
their idealism.

As the second house (finances) from the tenth house (profession)$ the eleventh house
represents$ according to /indu (Vedic) astrolog"$ that which we have earned. )ith Venus
placed in the eleventh house$ there is not onl" the abilit" to profit from the frtuits of one(s
labour$ but also a tendenc" to s&uander it #ust as easil". *ecause the eleventh house is
impractical$ these people will probabl" not amass possessions but will contributed to
charitable causes or support worthwhile organisations.

*ecause self-affirmation is often measured b" the group with whom we identif" or
(belong($ individuals with this placement of Venus are often hesitant to take on famil"
responsibilities for fear these will complicate or interfere with their social$ political and 3
or religious obligations. )hile there ma" be an inante conflict and even trepidation about
settling down into domesticit"$ the eleventh house has$ according to ancient tradition$
long been regarded (along with the fifth house) as an indicator of fertilit" and the timing
of childbirth. !o this end$ if a well-aspected Venus or ,upiter is situated in the eleventh
house$ circumstances revolving around the birth of a child should be beneficial. *" the
same token$ if the aforementioned planets transit the eleventh house$ the time is ripe for
planning a pregnanc".

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

-eople with Venus in the eleventh house will derive pleasure and happiness from a large
circle of friends and ac&uaintances. !he" ma" be a part of several different social
networks$ as the" are capable of interacting with a wide variet" of people.

Friends will be a high priorit" for people with Venus in the eleventh. and the" will spend
a lot of time maintaining friendships. !heir happiness is ver" dependent on their circle of
friends. 5iscord between others can adversel" affect them. the" want ever"one to like
and get on with ever"one else.

-eople with this placement who have not developed their own friendships ma" epect
their partner to provide them with a circle of friends. !he" ma" come to see their
partner(s friends as theirs$ not recogni9ing that the" onl" know these people through
their partner$ and that the" do not have their own friends.

!he" are likel" to find a partner through their social activities. %f the" do have their own
circle of friends$ the" will want to draw their partner into their social sphere$ and will
similarl" move in on thier partner(s social life. !hese are not likel" to be individuals who
have separate friends.

%n a relationship$ shared hopes and wishes will also matter to them. !he" will want their
partner to enter into their dreams for the future$ and will want to be involved in and
share in their partner(s vision of their future. !his$ more than an"thing$ will be what binds
them to another.

!he" ma" be people who get a lot of their relating needs met through their participation
in an organi9ation. !his could be an ideologicall" based group such as Friends of the
4arth or a political part". or one representing something else the" feel strongl" about.
!he" will derive well-being from involvement in group activities$ and the" en#o" the
camaraderie offered b" a shared ideal. !he" ma" find a love relationship with someone
the" meet in this setting. )hether in this contet or not$ the" ma" be drawn to someone
who displa"s strong convictions.

!he" en#o" and perform well in an" group situation where co-operation is re&uired. !he"
do well when working as part of a team. !he" tend to thrive in co-operative ventures.
!he" ma" en#o" group holida"s. !his is a ver" sociable person who has a high degree of
tolerance and acceptance for each individual within a group. -eople with this placement
are able to act as a mediator between otherse in order to achieve group cohesion$ and
contribute immensel" to the smooth running of an" organi9ation.

!hese are people who ma" place their friends and involvement in groups above an"
romantic involvement. -latonic love ma" matter as much to them. and an"one the"
become intimatel" involved with will have to be capable of being their best friend too.

('artin Schulman)

)ith this placement$ the love nature is found in the idealistic wonder of man(s cosmic
spirit$ teh beaut" of his universal resourcefulness$ and the loft" aspirations which elevate
his consciousness to a progressive visionar" understanding of life. /e admires the beaut"
of individual differences while at the same time being capable of reali9ing the aspirations
of group consciousness. !hus$ through a liberal and humanitarian outlook on life$ he
makes friendships easil"$ while contributing the beaut" of his universal ideas towards
groups$ associations or philosophies which harmoniousl" unfold through social change.
/e seeks the kind of love which is forever evolving towards a hopeful future. 1et$ until
the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are reali9ed$ he has much to learn about how his
impersonal values affect his abilit" to feel love on a personal level.

/e can chase for "ears the obtuse fantasies of a personal need for freedom$ finding it
easier to relate to others casuall" than intimatel". !hus$ he can allow his feelings to get
somewhat remote through a tendenc" to ease himself out of the center of warmth and
affection through which his true beaut" comes.

'an" with this placement prefer to isolate themselves from established values$ living
instead through an idle nature b" which the" seek to eperience the eas" pleasure of life.
)ith this attitude$ the individual can easil" lose himself in strange or curious pursuits
whose unconventional directions tend to warp his outlook. !hus$ in searching for
harmon" with himself$ he can be incredibl" naive about his own personal relationship
with life.

%f his friendships$ ac&uaintances and group affiliations are an"thing less than
idealisticall" founded in the higher concepts of humanit"$ he can easil" dissipate himself
in wasteful philosophies or subcultures whose libertine values contribute little to human
need. !hus$ more than an" other placement in the 9odiac$ it is important for this
individual to choose friends who are in harmon" with the uplifting ideals through which
humanit" reaches universal goodness.

2nce the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are learned$ however$ the individual begins
to reali9e the true essence of universal love. /e becomes attracted to culturall"
progressive thinkers$ artists$ poets$ musicians - the givers of beaut" and the lifters of
societ"$ whose special sense of caring helps him to feel the harmon" of human idealism
as it unfolds towards an enlightened future. From this sense of cosmic harmon"$ he
learns how to blend his hopes and dreams into the fibre of universal love$ which becomes
the foundation of all he will give to others. *eing especiall" sensitive to social in#ustice$ or
the (underdog($ his sincere feelings for mankind seek to balance human e&ualit".

!hus$ he sees how love fosters the evolution of his race. /e learns how to devote himself
to the furtherance of worth" causes which bring out man(s humanit" to man. 'an" with
this placement direct their lives towards epressing a message of humanitarian love$ for
the individual is capable of feeling how ever"thing in the universe is in harmon" with
ever"thing else. As a result$ he reali9es the beaut" of individual freedom$ "et at the same
time sees the common thread through which all is connected to the whole.

/is ver" special 8ift of Love is his abilit" to reali9e man(s individual awakening to the
essence of cosmic beaut"$ through which he helps to discover a veritable renaissance of
social change as it unfolds through the 8olden 7ule of e&ualit" which makes each man
his brother.

(/oward Sasportas)

A planet(s house position instructs how the person can best approach life in that area.
!hose with Venus in the BBth$ then$ should encourage and develop a natural inclination to
unite and co-operate with others in friendship and group situations.

!he" have the capacit" to bring positive influences into an" group the" #oin and receive
the same back in return$ although aspects to Venus will show if other things get in the
wa" of this happening. =suall" there will be a fondness for social life and cultural
openings. %f Venus is difficult" aspected b" ,upiter or 6eptune$ too much energ" ma" be
dissipated in social situations$ and greater discrimination is re&uired.

!he image of the beloved and that which is beautiful might be pro#ected onto a friend or a
group. Some people with Venus in the BBth onl" feel beautiful if the" are seen with and
accepted b" the (right( group or crowd. !here ma" be an e"e to personal social
advancement through choosing groups or friends who are helpful in achieving their goals
and ob#ectives in life. =nlike 6eptune$ Venus doesn(t alwa"s put on her girdle for nothing
back in return.

For others$ however$ there is an interest in those groups or organi9ations which propose
to better or improve life in some wa". Venus in the BBth gives and epects &uite a high
standard of friendship or group involvement$ and ma" be disappointed if others don(t
share or live up to these ideals. Sometimes$ issues of rivalr" and competitiveness ma"
surface with friends or in group situations.
(Stephanie 0amilleri)

-eople with Venus in the eleventh house are dreamers$ weavers of fantasies$ elo&uent
speakers$ and good stor"tellers. !he" have elegant manners$ and move through the
crowd with cheerful authorit". !he" eude confidence in speech and manner$ and act as
though born to the purple$ with an air of casual elegance that others seek to emulate.
Fre&uentl" the" are inheritors of wealth and position. but$ if not$ the" have the
opportunit" to observe those who are$ and learn their st"le and manner.

!he" are etremel" inventive. and their active imaginations are put to use inventing
an"thing from get-rich-&uick schemes to science fiction to more or less useful and
lucrative inventions.

!he" have pleasant$ mellow voices$ and are usuall" good singers$ able to accompan"
themselves on a piano or guitar and to amuse themselves and their companions without a
whole lot of effort or training. !he" love to part" and hang out$ which$ with other part"-
heart" placements$ can get to be too much of a good thing.

!his is a good position in an" chart$ because it assures a certain amount of success in
almost an" endeavor and the granting of at least one ma#or wish. /owever$ without an
iron will (strong Sun$ 'ars$ Saturn or -luto aspects)$ there is the danger of resting too
long on the laurels$ of drifting with pleasing circumstance with little effort be"ond what is
necessar" #ust to keep floating along. A strong 'ars is needed$ and a well-placed Saturn
or =ranus$ for these people to mobili9e their energies$ from merel" enhancing the
passing moment$ into something more permanent. )ithout pressure aspects$ the" have a
tendenc" to live in their dreams and imaginations while doing their best to steer clear of
cold$ hard realit". %t is too bad if the" do$ because an" effort on their part will bring
results unusuall" &uickl".

!his position of Venus doesn(t modif" stronger and more ambitious aspects and locations$
but it adds a veneer of bonhomie$ of good fellowship and charm$ that can hide an iron
will$ if it is there$ and create the illusion that the climb to the top has beenwithout effort.

!he" alwa"s benefit greatl" from the admiration and assistance of women and "oung
people of wealth and position. As for a career$ these people can benefit more from
a round of parties than most can from months or even "ears of hard work.

(*ill /erbst)

8roup participation< 1ou love the whole eperience of sociali9ation. and ver" little in life
is more pleasing to "ou than group involvement. 1ou fit in easil"$ naturall"$ comfortabl".
'ediation is "our natural posture in groups. *ut accept the inevitabilit" of some conflict$
since egos clash in even the smoothest organi9ations. !he challenge is to lubricate the
gears of social organi9ations with grace and charm$ but without compromising personal

Appropriate behavior< 1ou en#o" the rituals of social eistence$ and "ou look forward to
opportunities to demonstrate "our sense of class$ "our flair for high societ". 1ou(re
especiall" suited to formal gatherings with elaborate rules of order$ for the (politics of the
court( (whether serious or soap opera) are a source of #o". 1ou(re sensitive to what others
seem to want "ou to be$ since "ou want to please$ but avoid the pitfall of artificialit". !he
challenge is to be both charming and sincere.

Friendship$ social circle< Friendship is linked with personal affection. !here is a greater-
than-average likelihood of romances growing out of friendships$ or vice versa. 1ou ma"
be drawn to artistic t"pes. and ph"sical beaut" is ver" compelling$ as are those devoted to
beaut". Appreciation of social ritual is important. !here is a sweetness to "our
friendships$ a gentle delicac". 1ou want "our friends to be pleased with "ou all the time$
and pleasing to "ou as well. !he challenge is to make "our social circle a source and an
outlet for the love and beaut" in "our life.

Shared creativit"< Shared creativit" is a high priorit" and a great satisfaction. 1our talent
is polishing the ideas and structures other group members provide. *eing sensitive to
harmon"$ "ou operate in a wa" that smooths over rough edges$ soothes ego conflicts$ and
alerts the group to the necessit" of allowing creativit" to happen rather than straining to
create it. 1our creative role is to provide beautiful forms for the group(s epression.

7eceiving love< 1ou feel loved when "our beaut" is recogni9ed$ when "ou(re showered
with affection or gifts. 1ou ma" re&uire that "ou be placed on a pedestal$ although "ou(re
much too sophisticated to overtl" epress such egotism. !he &uestion is sincerit". 1ou
love being charmed$ and "ou(re certainl" charming in response. *eing the beloved is a
role "ou relish. *ut do "our suitors reall" love "ou$ or are the" too mearel" acting the
part> Are "ou in their hearts$ or simpl" in the script> %t ma" not make an" difference at
all$ though this varies according to Venus(s sign and aspects. !he challenge is to
eperience the archet"pes of courtier and beloved in all their glor"$ but then to go
be"ond "our infatuation with the rites of loving$ to feel the flesh-and-blood human beings
who can make love more than a dance. Finall"$ love is a sacrament.

(7obert -elletier)

1ou focus strongl" on achieving a comfortable and abundant lifest"le$ enriched b" a
rewarding career and good friends. %n order to fit into the social environment "ou aspire
to$ "ou ma" have to overspend to ac&uire the right social image. *eing accepted is ver"
important to "ou. *ut "ou fit &uite naturall" into the mainstream of societ". and because
of "our eas"going manner and flair for communication$ "ou generall" &ualif" for the
groups "ou want to #oin. 1ou know how to make people feel comfortable$ which endears
"ou to them. 1ou enhance "our partner(s social position. and he or she shares "our
dreams for the future. )hen given the opportunit"$ "ou prove that "ou can promote "our
ideas to achieve the goals "ou(ve established. 1ou are especiall" skilled in dealing with
people in "our personal and professional affairs.

%n "our struggle to achieve "our goals$ it is important to recogni9e "our limitations so that
"ou don(t waste "our time and energ" in unrewarding enterprises. 1ou know what "ou
want out of life$ and "ou have a feel for how to go about getting it. 1ou know that a
formal education will further &ualif" "ou to accept a responsible and rewarding position.
1ou are willing to make an" necessar" ad#ustments in "our plans to get the training "ou
need to satisf" "our ob#ectives.

1ou are attracted to persons who seem destined to succeed in their endeavors$ and "ou
will probabl" select "our partner from this group. %t is important to "ou that "ou and "our
partner have e&ual opportunities to demonstrate individual talents in "our respective
careers. 1ou look for situations in which "ou can promote "our creative talents to the
maimum. 1ou ma" have to curtail "our plans to satisf" "our famil"(s more immediate
needs. %n time$ "ou will find a wa" to achieve "our long-range plans. 1ou must be content
to build slowl" and consistentl"$ epanding as "our resources allow. much of "our desire
for financial independence and a rewarding lifest"le comes from observing those around
"ou who have arrived at those goals. 1ou ma" get man" helpful suggestions from "our

1ou don(t generall" discuss "our writings and earl" environment$ for "ou consider those
matters private and privileged. 6evertheless$ "our earl" environment stimulated "ou to
improve the &ualit" of "our life. 1ou ma" have had to put up with some obligations to
"our famil"$ which indicates how strong "our parents( influence was. 1ou will accept and
endure routine ph"sical tasks if the" give "ou a chance to improve "our skills. !hough "ou
are generous in helping others$ "ou resent it when people demand that "ou help them.

5on(t underestimate "our &ualifications for helping improve the &ualit" of life of others.
!he people "ou help will remember "ou fondl" for "our efforts. and being appreciated
does wonders for "our self-image. 1ou would prefer a career that gives "ou social status
and allows "ou to mingle with people who have distinguished themselves b" their
accomplishments. 5on(t forget those who helped "ou in "our struggle to achieve "our
goals. remember$ "ou could meet them again on the wa" down. 1ou will undoubtedl"
ac&uire the finer things in life$ for which "ou have a deep appreciation.
Natal Venus in ",t# ouse

(7onnie 5re"er)

+e"words< compassionate$ secretive$ indulgent$ reclusive.

Like Venus in the twelfth sign of -isces$ its ealted position$ the planet(s appearance in
the twelfth house endows its recipients with a gentle$ loving and s"mpathetic nature -
recalling the more tender &ualities of the Love and Fertilit" 8oddesses. *ecause
individuals with this placement possess an abundance of warmth$ soft-heartedness and
compassion$ the" often feel compelled to sacrifice thier own desires and give of
themselves in order to feel validated and worth" of love !he need to give and receive love
is$ at times$ so overpowering that their affection is bestowed upon undeserving
recipients. 5eriving their self-worth from helping those in emotional and 3 or financial
need$ these tireless workers and selfless volunteers must learn to preserve their own
mental health b" leaving work at the office.

)hile their willingness to help others is certainl" a virtue$ the insecurit" and fragilit"
associated with the twelfth house often produce in them a compulsion to befriend and
even romance unstable or addictive personalities in order to reaffirm their own self-
worth. )hile there is a genuine wish to see partners improve or recover$ the" often
become (enablers( who unintentionall" maintain$ rather than curb$ their partners(
illnesses. Should their companions improve and their role as helpmate no longer be
re&uired$ the optimism and overwhelming creative instincts supplied b" Venus in the
twelfth house must be utilised to redirect the course of the relationship.

4tremel" compassionate and highl" imaginative$ these individuals are attracted to the
emotionall" demanding professions of social work$ nursing and medicine$ as well as to
the creative fields of the visual and performing arts (such as film$ dance and drama). %n
order to succeed$ however$ the" must put aside their personal dilemmas and channel
their emotions into their work. (!his is more likel" to occur if the chart also displa"s
either a preponderance of 4arth and Fire signs or a strongl" aspected Sun$ 'ars and 3 or

A lack of confidence and fear of criticism inherent in people with Venus in the twelfth
house fre&uentl" prevent their imaginative ideas from finding a productive$ creative
outlet. instead$ these ideas are dissipated b" escapist behaviour. !he" have also been
known to conceal or repress their emotions$ which can result in clandestine$ ill-fated love
affairs or$ at its most etreme$ a reclusive lifest"le.

!hese people ma" have been awkward$ bashful or lonel" as children. and their adult
behaviour patterns often stem from these deep-seated insecurities. 5ue to the sense of
alienation that lies at the ver" core of people with this placement$ the" do not understand
the meaning of sharing - regarding it as something that is being taken awa" from them.
)hile the" often look to a relationship to bring them out of their shell$ it is important for
their partners to recognise that their need for privac" and solitude must nevertheless be

%f Venus is well-aspected$ the hidden &ualit" of personalit" ma" involve meditation$
creativit" or helping others who are either lonel"$ hospitalised$ institutionalised or
imprisoned. %f Venus is poorl" aspected$ there is an accompan"ing inabilit" to open up to
others and$ at its worst etreme$ a failure to form close relationships at all. %ronicall"$
however$ it is this alienation that aids in the &uest to help others in favour of confronting
the compleities of interpersonal relationships.

)hile the twelfth house is the domain of ph"sical or emotional confinement$ this area of
the chart$ according to /indu (Vedic) astrolog"$ also governs ependiture and spending
habits. !he placement of Venus in this house accentuates the planet(s affinit" with
opulence$ resulting in the purchase of beautiful$ costl" and often frivolous items. %f Venus
is poorl" aspected$ however$ these individuals will measure their self-esteem b" their
earning power and wil tr" to impress others with their epensive possessions$ resulting in
etravagant$ wasteful spending$ borrowing and$ if taken to the utmost degree$ perpeutual

(*abs +irb" and ,ane" Stubbs)

For someone with Venus in the twelfth house$ love and sacrifice become intertwined.
!hese people are capable of caring for others in a selfless and compassionate wa". !heir
own needs ma" not be apparent to them$ let alone to others$ so the" can easil" be
overlooked. !his will inevitabl" lead to complicated scenarios. !heir fulfilment can came
from an undemanding devotion to someone else. !he" ma" eperience a vicarious
happiness through suffering$ and ma" find pleasure in being a victim of mart"r in love.

!he" can tr" to be all things to all people$ which gets them into considerable confusion in
their relationships. As the" lack clarit"$ the" fre&uentl" find themselves enmeshed in
tangled emotional situations. !his is an eternali9ation$ a making actual$ of their own
inner muddle. !he" do not properl" understand their own needs. hence this leads them
into complicated scenarios.

!he" can therefore have ver" unhapp" love lives that invove a lot of personal sacrifice.
!he" ma" want someone who will make sacrifices from them too. !he" ma" love someone
to whom the" can never declare their love - someone unavailable for one reason or
another$ whom the" can onl" ever love in secret. !his could be someone the" know$ who
is in their life in some wa" but has no idea of how the" feel$ or someone the" have never
actuall" met$ someone famous perhaps$ a remote fantas" figure.

!he" are also susceptible to having affairs - usuall" clandestine because of ohters
involved who must not find out. !he" ma" be people who would$ an"wa"$ want to keep
their love feelings private. !he" ma" be naturall" undemonstrative ecept in totall"
private situations.

!he" ma" choose to remain uninvolved. !his might be a conscious choice to be celibate.
!he" ma" long for a (pure( spiritual or m"stical love eperience. 2r the" ma" prefer to be
alone with a fantas" rather than to be in an" real relationship. )hile this can be a lonel"
option$ their fantasies around love can remain ideal. untinged b" realit"$ the" can create
the perfect love in their mind.

!he" lack discrimination in love$ and can have their feelings pla"ed on. !he" are often
etremel" s"mpathetic and compassionate people$ and can be drawn into loving out of

/appiness might come from being a part of an institution which involves a sacrifice of
personal love and comfort for a wider and selfless good.

!he" can also be people who en#o" their privac" and spending time b" themselves. !hese
could be people who take the phone off the hook and have long$ la9"$ scented baths and
generall" find pleasure in pampering themselves. Someone with Venus in the twelfth
could be etremel" self-indulgent$ capable of creating a self-sufficient world of pleasure.

('artin Schulman)

/ere$ in the last /ouse of the 9odiac$ where Venus is in its ealtation$ man becomes
aware of his abilit" to perceive the natural flow of inner beaut" whose essence is filling
his life with divine love. !he individual seeks the finer meaning of harmon" as he learns
how the pureness of love(s infinite healing power is capable of transcending the finite
limitations of mundane life. !hus$ his feelings are sensitive to the subtle nuances in
nature$ the timelessness of eternit" and the vast inner regions of ethereal beaut". /e is
deepl" compassionate$ richl" creative and soulfull" inspired. 1et$ until the lessons of hte
Venus 1od in the Sign are learned$ he can have man" confused feelings which make it
difficult for him to epress himself.

'uch of what he perceives is #ust below the threshold of his conscious awareness. As a
result of this$ he often has to imagine his feelings instead of being clearl" in touch with
them. %f the focus of his life is not inspired b" the 5ivine creative source of all beaut"$
then his inner vision can become clouded b" the murk" waters of self-doubt. /e can
imagine himself to be unloved or unwanted$ creating negative fantasies$ while drifting in
unrealistic dreams and illusions$ all coming from a weak opinion of his own worth. !hus$
he can easil" lose himself in a sea of despair$ hopelessl" suffering from self-pit" while
la9il" wallowing in his own ineffectiveness.

/e can become so hurt b" the ease with which others impose upon him$ taking advantage
of his kind and gentle nature$ that it forces him to seek solitude$ withdrawing into
seclusion. %n essence$ he becomes protective of his feelings$ defensivel" hiding within his
dream of love(s eternal beaut". he can dissipate himself through the m"sti&ue of hidden
love affairs$ confuse himself in m"steriousl" vague and superstitious beliefs$ or even
scare himself through the intriguing allure of occult or ps"chic phenomena. 1et$ in each
of these$ it is his search for hidden value$ eternal meaning and cosmic worth that is
behind all of his feelings. 6evertheless$ it is important if the individual is to find this inner
worth that he achieve a sense of ps"chic balance first.

2nce the lessons of the Venus 1od in the Sign are learned$ the individual has a great
awakening. %nstead of hiding his inner being$ he awakens to the power of 8od(s hol" river
of love pouring through him in ever"thing he does. 'an" with this placement are so
sensitive to nature(s harmon" and so attuned to the wonder of inner aesthetic beaut" that
their lives become a special cosmic devotion manifesting love(s blessings through richl"
artistic or creative epression. !here is a deep sense of compassion to those he considers
less fortunate then himself. !hus$ the individual begins to feel a sense of mission through
which he brings harmon"$ peace and love to those who cannot find it for themselves.

/e receives his nourishment from an inner source. %n fact$ for man" with this placement$
the inner source is a past life love carried deep within them$ whose special sense of
caring guides the individual in all he feels in the current life.

!he !welfth /ouse s"mboli9es the completion of past karma. )ith Venus here$ the
individual has earned the love he will eperience in the current life. As this love becomes
one with his inner partner$ he discovers the true ethereal beaut" of how man(s feelings
can transcend both time and space. From this$ he finds the infinite cosmic flow which
makes all lifetimes one.

/is ver" special 8ift of Love is his abilit" to reali9e his personal covenant with 8od$
through which love(s divine blessings are feeding him the balanced harmon" of inner
value and worth which helps him to put more beaut" into the world.

(/oward Sasportas)

According to 8reek m"th$ Aphrodite had a rather unusual beginning to her life. Saturn
castrated his father =ranus and cast into the sea the dismembered phallus$ which floated
on the waters and produced a white foam from which Aphrodite rose. At first it seems
strange that the goddess of love and beaut" is born as a result of such a ghastl" and
despicable conflict. but it is this side of Venus which is often evinced in the BDth.
Sometimes it is through pain$ wounding$ suffering and loss that we grow more beautiful$
tender$ poised and loving.

Also rippling through the BDth house is the urge to transcend separateness and merge
with something greater than the self. Venus in this house suggests a love of letting go$ of
abandoning the self to something numinous$ unbounded and divine. (-lato once said that
(Love is the pursuit of the whole.() %n the BDth$ Venus thirsts for an undefinable and
immeasurable kind of beauit"$ something which offers total fulfilment$ or perhaps a
rememberance of a bliss long past.

!r"ing to &uench this thirst b" looking for this kind of love and beaut" with another
person$ those with Venus in the BDth "earn to give themselves to a lover as one would to
a god or goddess. *esides being a lot to ask of an"bod"$ something deep inside still nags
that adoration of #ust one person is not enough. )ith Venus in the BDth$ a love that knows
no boundaries is needed. 7oberto Assagioli$ the founder of -s"chos"thesis$ once said
something which might help Venus in the BDth out of her predicament< (%f "ou appreciate
ever"thing$ "ou remain free(. %n that case$ if "ou lose a person or it is not opportune to
have the thing "ou love$ there is alwa"s something else "ou can en#o". -erhaps this is the
task of Venus in teh natural house of 6eptune and -isces - to love ever"thing.

Venus in the BDth also suggests the love of an"thing subtle$ hidden$ intangible or hard to
grasp. Spend a rain" afternoon listening to 5ebuss"$ and "ou will glimpse something of th
enature of this placement. Some ma" literall" fall in love with a person who isn(t free$ and
in true BDth house fashion the relationship ma" have to be kept hidden$ lived within
restrictions$ or ultimatel" given up. (%n the BDth$ Venus loves to make sacrifices for love.)
Venus in the BDth also denotes the love of what other people re#ect. the love of the
downtrodden$ the underdog$ the criminal who reall" has a heart of gold$ the person
nobod" else understands$ etc..

2n a more mundane level$ Venus in this house favours associations with institutions.
Some ma" work in art galleries or museums$ while others administer to those less
fortunate in hospitals. %n two instances or Venusin the BDth % have seen$ one worked as a
drama therapist and the other as an art therapist helping people to recover after severe
breakdowns. %n another case$ % did the chart of a woman with Venus in the BDth who said
her three "ears recuperating in a mental home were some of the happiest in her life.
Sometimes it is within the confines of prison walls that people discover a talent for
painting$ writing or sculpting. Venus in the BDth can also work behind-the-scenes
designing sets or costumes$ or putting on the star(s make-up.
(Stephanie 0amilleri)

/ere matters ruled b" Venus will bring sorrow in some form. !hose benefits brought b"
the other houses are either denied or overdone$ depending on the aspects to Venus
(oppositions and incon#uncts den"$ ever"thing else overdoes). !he search for love and
pleasure can go to etremes$ bringing scandal$ sorrow$ health problems$ and$ if 'ars or
=ranus is aspected$ violence and trouble with the law.

-eople with this location of Venus must learn to approach love$ se$ and part"ing with
etreme caution$ because these pleasures have a wa" of turning around on them$ causing
a great deal of grief and trouble. !heir hearts will be broken b" sad love affairs$ or a
secret love must remain hidden for man" "ears$ or there will be something that gives
them an ecuse to give wa" to drinking out of self-pit". !he" are inclined to get involved
with the wrong people or give their affections to someone who is bad for them. Location
in the seuall" oriented signs with bad aspects to Saturn$ -luto and =ranus could indicate
promiscuit"$ sadomasochism$ venereal disease$ or seual abuse in childhood or "outh.
!his is fre&uentl" the sign of the abused or neglected child$ still seeking compensation in
adult life for what was lacking in childhood$ and$ with bad aspects$ wreaking vengeance
on a world felt to be cold$ cruel$ and re#ecting.

)ith strong supportive aspects and a generall" well-balanced chart$ these difficulties ma"
manifest chiefl" in "outh$ maturit" bringing self-knowledge$ inner healing$ and wisdom.
4ven so$ matters of the heart will alwa"s be problematic. !he best use of Venus in the
twelfth is to direct the love nature towards helping those less fortunate$ although healing
societ" at large cannot trul" compensate for a lack of healing within.

!his is an ecellent position for fiction writers$ as writing fiction can provide a harmless
outlet for these turbulent energies$ perhaps even a means of harnessing them for profit.

!he closer Venus is to the ascendant$ the more attractive the" will be$ and the more
fre&uentl"$ intense$ and outward the romantic and seual events of the life will be. but as
long as Venus is in the twelfth$ it will bring problems.

(*ill /erbst)

%magination< Venus in the BDth reveals that fantas" is a continuing source of pleasure for
"ou. %t ma" be too pleasurable$ so that "ou prefer fantas" to realit". 5reams revolve
around personal love and ideal femaleness. %n real life$ love has man" pitfalls. 1ou fall in
love with undeveloped beaut"$ or "ou(re seduced b" comel" but cosmetic images. 2thers
are seduced b" "our invisible radiance. 5on(t become a fantas" ob#ect for individuals
whose love is damaged. !he challenge is to allow "our fantasies without undue
indulgence$ and to communicate to the world the importance of devoted care. %n
shepherding this dream without succumbing to its siren lures$ "ou add to our
understanding of love.

=nfocused intuition< %n order for "our intuition to operate effectivel"$ "ou (fall in love(
with whatever (or whomever) "ou tune into. !his is not forced. it(s the natural wa" "ou
work. *ut be in love with the source of intuitive messages onl" while "ou(re receiving
information$ then disconnect and move on to the net (romance(. !he pitfall involves
fiating on the ob#ect of the transmission. 1ou become so enamored with some intuitive
messengers that "ou attempt to create relationships with them. !his is not to "our
advantage$ and often ends in disappointment. !he challenge is to let "our love move with
the flows of "our intuition$ like a bee skipping from flower to flower$ cross-pollinating the

)ithdrawal or isolation< 1ou withdraw to eperience satisfacion$ and "ou(ve learned to
en#o" "our own compan" for long stretches. Since love comes to "ou not from within the
world$ but from be"ond it$ there are separations in personal relationships. Absence
makes the heart grow fonder$ as does time spent alone with "our beloved. !he pitfall
involves the sense of being cut off from life. and when isolation or separation surrounds
the issue of love$ suffering becomes more private and poignant. !he challenge is to use
"our withdrawals not as escapes$ but as fora"s or eplorations. /unt for feminine
receptivit" in the transparenc" of isolation. and when "ou find it$ bring her lovingness out
into the world.

Selfless giving< -ersonal love is subordinate to universal love - giving with no thought of
return. 1ou wish to love more than be loved. and "ou(re more devotional than "our
personalit" ma" reveal. =niversal love flows from higher concentrations to lower. As a
conduit for this flow$ "ou(re directed toward those who lack love. %f "ou insist on
operating through attached or (chemical( love$ "ou still have romances$ but these
relationships result in great pain once the purpose is fulfilled and "ou(ve been
disconnected from the ob#ect of "our affections. %n that case$ "ou learn about grief. !he
challenge is to love openl"$ full"$ but lightl"$ with grace and st"le. !he love "ou feel is
real. but don(t cling to specific people. !rust that "our beaut" will be recogni9ed not
merel" b" one$ but b" all.

(-ast lives(< 1our relationships with women are karmic$ as are the issues of care and
affection. 7eceptivit" and pleasure are not "et understood. 1our own femaleness is
influenced b" past lives. and when women are "our love ob#ects$ the" are beings with
whm "ou(ve had significant past life contacts. 4amine "our images and epectations
about womanhood. %s it the source of all #o"$ all pleasure$ all aesthetic beaut"> %f it is$
then "ou(re fiated$ and asking for trouble. %s love sub#ect to recurring patterns of failure
through seduction and betra"al> 1our challenge is to recogni9e and release karmic
rh"thms in love or receptivit"$ letting them be healed$ cleansed$ and grounded.

(7obert -elletier)

1ou are sensitive to other people(s needs$ and alwa"s read" to offer assistance$ which
means that some people will tr" to take advantage of "our generosit". 1ou are
imaginative and confident of "our abilit" to make a worthwhile life for "ourself once
"ou(ve established a solid foundation. !hen all "ou need is the opportunit" to grow and
epand as "our needs indicate. Luckil"$ "our parents probabl" understood "our need to
go about "our business in "our own wa". 2nce free to seek "our destin"$ "ou ma" turn
"our attention to satisf"ing "our personal desires in a relationship. 1ou want to be a good
companion as well as a lover to "our partner$ but "ou are turned off b" pressure to
commit "ourself in a binding alliance.

1our temperament is well-suited to dealing with people in "our dail" affairs$ both in "our
profession and in personal relationships. 1ou are willing to make concessions to succeed.
and the people "ou are competing with usuall" co-operate. 1ou work &uietl" until "ou feel
confident that "our plans for the future are working. %n this wa"$ "ou are more sure of
reaching "our goals and having the means to bu" all the finer things in life. !he people
"ou(ve helped won(t forget "ou. and "ou don(t forget those who helped "ou when "ou
were struggling to succeed.

1ou reali9e how important it is to be well-informed about man" sub#ets. and this will
improve "our chance of achieving lasting success. 1ou deplore the fact that some people
bend the law to reach their goals$ for "ou know this can #eopardi9e the gains that have
been made. 1ou reach "our goals b" carefull" implementing "our ideas without letting
"our plans intimidate those around "ou. 1our skill in getting the co-operation "ou need
attests to "our communicative abilit". Also "ou are effective in dealing with disharmon"
among the people who are working with or for "ou$ restoring order so that "our dail"
affairs run smoothl".

1ou attract people who epect favors from "ou. and "ou ma" feel that ever"one with
severe problems comes to "ou. !he fact is$ "ou are a comfort to others when the going
gets rough$ and an"thing "ou can do for them will be helpful. !his can be tr"ing. but even
"our competitors are impressed with "our abilit" to solve most of "our problems. 1ou
don(t mind indulging someone to whom "ou are romanticall" attracted$ beacuse "ou know
the investment ma" bring about a happ" relationship. 1ou invested #ust as much time and
energ" to develop "our creative talents$ which will enable "ou to derive the results "ou
want for the future.

1ou want to be secure enough to retire earl" if "ou decide to$ but the chances are "ou
won(t. 1ou never assume that "ou have etended "ourself enough$ either in &uantit" or in
&ualit" of effort$ and "ou keep tr"ing to reach "our maimum output. 1ou hope that
others will be enriched b" "our accomplishments. and it is highl" likel" that the" will be.
/owever$ it would be senseless to make "ourself the victim b" following a course that
nourishes others while leaving "ou with ps"chological malnutrition and social starvation.
!hat would make "ou useless to the world and to "ourself. %t(s simpl" a matter of
eercising thoughtful restraint$ knowing when to share and when to insist that others
make a genuine effort to help themselves.

Natal Venus con-unct .ars
(5onna van !oen)
1our relationship with "our parents will determine "our attitudes towards the opposite
se and marriage for better or worse. 6ormall"$ this gives a harmonious blending of
active and passive energies and makes "ou sensitive and loving unless both planets are
under severe stress. 5rive is generall" epressed constructivel". !his aspect is an asset
when it comes to relating to the public$ and is said to give luck in financial matters.
!his con#unction can var" dramaticall" from sign to sign$ and tends to give "ou valuable
insights into "our earliest dealing with the opposite se - including dealings with "our
opposite-se parent$ siblings$ and peers.
1ou have ver" strong emotions. *ecause of their intensit"$ "ou find it hard to treat
relationships lightl". ever"thing$ even the smallest gesture$ has importance to "ou. !his is
true in almost all relationships. it(s especiall" true when it comes to se and romance. %f
there are problems in "our love life$ it could be beacuse "ou(re being too push" or coming
on too strong.
!his aspect stimulates affections in a wa" that causes "ou to want an all-consuming$
(forever( t"pe of relationship. but$ funnil" enough$ it also givesa flirtatious streak that
continues even after "ou(ve entered into a satisf"ing relationship. % think that people with
this aspect feel that it(s especiall" important to remain desirable - not #ust to a mate or
lover$ but to the opposite se in general.
As the con#unction is a uniting aspect$ and Venus and 'ars are the male and female
principles$ respectivel"$ "ou might think$ as % once did$ that it(s a portent of a lasting
marriage. From m" studies$ %(ve learned that this isn(t the case. )hile people with this
aspect want a lasting relationship ver" badl"$ the" suffer their fair share of s&uabbles and
separations. !here(s a difference between this aspect and the s&uare and opposition
though$ in that there seems to be greater reluctance to make the first break. ,ealous" -
sometimes #ustified$ sometimes not - on one side or another seems to be the primar"
cause of discord.
%f "ou have Venus and 'ars in the same sign but not con#unct$ the foregoing ma" appl" to
"ou. /owever$ "ou(d be less push".
(7obert -elletier)
Venus con#unct 'ars shows that "ou have a strong desire nature which "ou need to
epress at all times. 1ou ma" prefer to satisf" "our desires through relationships$ but "ou
are willing to satisf" them through other alternatives$ so that "ou don(t have to endure
frustration. !hese alternatives include artistic endeavors or social functions that can
prove ver" rewarding to "ou in themselves and ma" additionall" provide "ou with
opportunities to meet persons with whom "ou can identif" and relate. 1our emotional
warmth and generous nature attract people to "ou$ but "ou ma" not be aware that "ou
communicate ph"sical suggestions both to groups and to individuals. 1our intentions ma"
be easil" misunderstood because of this$ and "ou will eperience some difficulties$ which
will force "ou to bring "our defences into pla".
%n "our eagerness to make social contact$ "ou tend to be indiscriminate about the kinds of
people with whom "ou associate. 8enerll" the aggressor in relationships with the
opposite se$ "ou ma" be resented for being (push"(. *ut "our aggressiveness increases
"our chances of success in meeting competition$ because "ou don(t give up without
making ever" attempt to demonstrate "our abilities. !his planetar" pairing does not of
itself signif" a specific professional interest$ but "ou will gain attention for "our
determination to be given the same opportunities as others. 1ou would probabl" work
best in a #ob that re&uires "ou to meet and deal with the public. )orking alone or without
contact with the public and co-workers would deprive "ou of the fulfillment "ou need and
would probabl" lead to boredom. 1ou are too much of a (live wire( to be happ" awa" from
the bus"ness and crises of close human encounter.
1ou are attracted to individuals who are active$ aggressive$ and amorous$ but the" must
not tr" to eercise control over "ou. 1ou consider "ourself a free person and will not
tolerate an"one who tries to restrict "ou. 1ou don(t make concessions without a lot of
thought$ although "ou epect the other person to compromise. 1ou demand a great deal
from the person "ou love$ and ma" make demands that are difficult to compl" with.
*ecause of "our (love (em and leave (em( attitude$ man" potential mates will look
elsewhere when seeking a binding relationship.
(+aren /amaker-Eondag)
!he con#unction between Venus and 'ars #oins together passive and active instincts for
self-preservation< that is to sa"$ the desire for the securit" of harmonious and agreeable
contacts goes hand in hand with a need to stand up for ourselves and to make our
presence felt. /ow this will work out in practice depends on the rest of the chart. )hen
we are deepl" attached to someone (Venus) we are prepared to go through fire and water
for them ('ars)$ but at the same time we make heav" demands because 'ars has a
selfish streak. )e are ver" emotional and ver" sensual$ too.
'ars con#unct Venus can make us inclined to indulge in all sorts of amorous adventures
and hedonism. *ut although infidelit" does occur with these aspects$ it is not
irrefrangible law of the 'edes and -ersians. )e look for a partner with whom we can
share our emotions and en#o" seual fulfillment$ and$ if we succeed$ our intense union is
not easil" disturbed.
!he abrasive side of 'ars is softened b" Venus. but something of 'ars tends to rub off on
Venus$ too$ so that tact is not alwa"s a strong point. )e are a trifle inconsiderate$ a bit
too sharp-tongued$ and &uicker off the mark than the situation re&uires.
)ith a 'ars3Venus con#unction$ the opposite se alwa"s pla"s an important part$ and
even in childhood this can reveal itself in a strong attachment to the father or mother as
the case ma" be.
(*ett" Lundsted)
%f Venus represents the concept of love and 'ars represents the wa" we se someone$
then one ma" rationall" assume that this con#unction is an eas" one to live with.
/owever$ it has been noted that man" people who own it have trouble opening up
seuall". !here ma" be difficult" with seual epression. either it is taken too seriousl" or
there is a need for total commitment before getting involved. %t seems that the se drive
is tied up with some subconscious mother influence. 2ther aspects to this con#unction
and the Sun sign needs for epression ma" give a clue as to how the con#unction is
working. !he aspect indicates that the individual receives se with difficult". As a result$
the se partner becomes apprehensive about the relationship and begins to wonder if he
or she is loved. !he partner becomes insecure. the person with the Venus-'ars
con#unction absorbs that insecurit" and becomes insecure too. %t can be a difficult aspect
to work out because even more tension is caused b" an" serious discussion of seualit".
!his con#unction is often the mark of individuals who have fantastic crushes on people
the" admire. and in the midst of a "et untried love affair$ the" are thinking of marriage
and commitment. !he" fall in love &uite often - men sometimes propose before the" have
even necked with the lad". %n some instances$ it represents people who are so tied to
'other that the" ma" epress love onl" homoseuall" or ma"be not at all.
At an" rate$ the two planets influence each other in a difficult manner$ for the 'ars heats
up the Venus and makes it harsh$ while the mother(s influence softens the 'ars
epression. Various Sun signs react to this aspect differentl"$ depending on the influence
of the dominant parent. %n order to relieve the tension caused b" the aspect$ the mother(s
effect on the ps"che must be eplored. A double standard ma" have been evoked$ for
there is seual confusion. A culture ma" rule that commitment (or marriage) must be co-
ordinated with seual involvements$ but 'other 6ature does not. !he individual ma" hare
responded to the mother on some forgotten seual level$ therefore creating a
subconscious guilt comple that confuses lo"alt"$ mother love and seualit".
(0harles 0arter)
!he native is likel" to be sensitive and easil" angered in a superficial manner. on the
other hand$ the s"mpathies are e&uall" active and the anno"ance is easil" appeased.
!he sensuous nature is strong$ and there is a love of good living$ fun$ adventure$ and
amusement. %t has something of a coarse effect$ and the native$ if a man$ is generall"
lacking in delicac" in his attitude towards women and ma" be something of a 7abelais.
the language and humour are often not of a drawing-room kind.
6evertheless$ if this con#unction takes some of the bloom from Venus it likewise greatl"
softens 'ars$ making the action of the planet more gentle and s"mpathetic at heart$ if
not in manner. %f the con#unction receives good aspects from other bodies$ it ma" be
valuable$ indicating an harmonious blending of two opposite influences$ the charm of
Venus and the energ" of 'ars.
Natal Venus trine / se0tile .ars
Venus trine 'ars (5onna van !oen)
Affectionate$ pleasure-loving$ and passionate$ "ou have an intense approach to life that
lasts well into middle age and sometimes longer. 1ou have a great deal of warmth$ which
attracts others to "ou.
1ou have an enthusiasm for romance and se that other people find attractive. 1ou like to
be with the opposite se and show it. !he"$ in turn$ like "ou for being "ourself and not
pla"ing games with them.
1our relationships should be good. 1our se life should also be good. 6ot that this aspect
is a guarantee of romantic success - there can still be an unhapp" love affair or two - but
it(s certainl" a plus$ and can help offset other stressful romantic aspects "ou might have.
2ne thing with this aspect that could need watching is the fact that "ou tend to be
susceptible to flatter". )hile "ou don(t pla" games with other people(s affections "ourself$
"ou(re a bit vulnerable to being caught up in other people(s games$ simpl" because "ou
mean what "ou sa" and therefore assume others also mean what the" sa". %f there are
problems in "our love life$ it could be a sign that a little more discrimination is needed.
%f "ou have Venus trine 'ars b" sign but not b" aspect$ the foregoing would appl" to "ou
to a lesser degree. 1ou might not be &uite as averse to pla"ing games as those with the
trine aspect$ though.
Venus trine 'ars (7obert -elletier)
!he trine from Venus to 'ars shows that "ou are warm$ affectionate$ and congenial. 1ou
have a happ" disposition and look for the better &ualities in the people "ou relate to. 1ou
eagerl" pro#ect "ourself toward others and generall" get the response "ou hope for. !he
demands "ou make on others are no greater than "ou would be willing to have them
make. 1ou have se appeal$ but "ou are not preoccupied with se to the eclusion of
other kinds of human contact. 1our willingness to compromise encourages people to
make concessions to "ou when it seems the right thing to do.
1ou are creative in entertaining friends at home$ and people seek "ou out for their own
social activities. 1our creative talents could also be developed in the arts$ drama$ mustic$
and appreciation for the dance. An" of these could prove rewarding to "ou either as a
primar" interest or as an avocation. 1ou epress "ourself easil" and could succeed in
occupations that re&uire "ou to appear before the public in some capacit". -ublic
relations would seem particularl" appropriate. )ith "our congenial disposition$ "ou can
handle the most infleible individual "ou might meet in carr"ing out "our duties. 1ou
might also achieve success if "ou were self-emplo"ed.
0hildren find "ou a delightful companion$ and "ou stimulate them to achieve because "ou
believe in their individual capabilities. 1ou also know how to win people over to "our
point of view b" dramati9ing "our own position and not casting aspersions on theirs. 1ou
don(t generall" arouse criticism from those "ou deal with because "ou don(t appear
threatening to them. 1ou tend to bring out the best in people.
1ou probabl" had a fairl" happ" home life that conditioned "ou to maintain happiness.
1our own children will benefit from this too. 1our belief in "ourself allows "ou to give
others the benefit of the doubt in "our relations with them. 1ou have a deep
understanding of human nature and usuall" tr" to be helpful when people need help. *ut
"ou don(t assume that "ou have the right to interfere unless asked.
A fun-loving person at heart$ "ou en#o" a good time. 1ou ma" run into problems with
romantic partners$ who will assume b" "our nature that "ou won(t care if the" take
liberties with "ou. for the most part$ the" would be mistaken.
Venus setile 'ars (5onna van !oen)
1ou have an even$ well-balanced flow of seual and romantic energies$ meaning "ou(re
neither overl" aggressive nor overl" passive in "our approach to these areas. Love-hate
relationships aren(t "our st"le. nor are purel" platonic ones. 1ou tend to be happiest with
an eas"-going mate who has a considerable amount of imagination and is creative without
being a mood"$ brood"$ artistic archet"pe. 1our attitude towards se is good overall.
1ou(re attracted to marriage and are generall" ocmfortable in "our role as a spouse$
provided$ of course$ that "ou choose a compatible mate.
1ou probabl" get along well with the opposite se. !he" like "ou. "ou like them - with one
eception. !hat eception is that "ou tend to find passive people &uite frustrating. 1our
approach to love is one in which "ou throw "ourself into each new romantic eperience.
1ou don(t like to do things half-wa". and$ once involved$ "ou put ever"thing "ou(ve got
into making a relationship work.
2ccasionall"$ seual 3 romantic energies are sublimated into some sort of artistic activit".
!his is most common when air is the predominant element in the chart.
6ormall"$ however$ "ou(re a loving person who wants and needs a seual outlet. For this
reason$ a less-than-satisf"ing seual relationship could lead to infidelit".
%f "ou have Venus setile 'ars b" sign but not b" aspect$ the foregoing ma" appl"$
although "our need for a seual outlet would be less strong.
Venus setile 'ars (7obert -elletier)
Venus setile 'ars gives "ou a warm$ affectionate nature. 1our ph"sical needs are
considerable$ but "ou know how to contain them until "ou meet a person with whom "ou
can en#o" a comfortable relationship. 1ou don(t displa" "our feelings until "ou know the
person fairl" well and can determine whether the attraction is social and intellecutal as
well as ph"sical. 1ou reali9e it is necessar" to compromise with people to win their
continued friendship. 2thers are inclined to make concessions to "ou because "our
attitude encourages them to. 1ou don(t threaten other people(s opinion of themselves b"
calling attention to their failings. Although "ou allow for human frailties$ "ou epect to
see the better &ualities manifested.
1ou prefer to en#o" the more beautiful elements of life rather than preoccup" "ourself
with the seam" side of it. 1our artistic nature inclines "ou to en#o" good music$ fine works
of art$ good literature$ interesting social contacts$ and congenial friendships. -rofessional
interests are not specified b" this combination of planets$ but "ou would be suited to an"
occupation re&uiring human contact in a reasonabl" intimate wa". )ith people "ou don(t
know$ "ou like to strike up a conversation over some trifling matter #ust so "ou can
introduce "ourself and eliminate the strain of unfamiliarit". 1ou have an optimistic
outlook and generall" wear a smile that shows the world that "ou are a congenial person.
-ublic relations work would be enormousl" satisf"ing to "ou$ and people would en#o"
doing business with "ou$ since "ou immediatel" put them at ease.
1ou probabl" still have the friends "ou made "ears ago$ even though "ou ma" no longer
be directl" in touch with them. 1ou retain good memories of the times "ou en#o"ed with
them and tend to forget an" painful incidents that ma" have occurred.
1ou ma" marr" someone who will co-operate with "ou in achieving the good things in life.
*ut whether "ou marr" for securit" or for purel" emotional reasons$ the relationship will
prove enriching.
1ou are inclined to be a little careless about financial matters and ma" spend more than
"ou earm. %n "our preoccupation with the refinements of life and the fine things mone"
can bu"$ "ou are unconcerned with econom". )hen "ou indulge in a whim$ one would
think "ou had an endless suppl" of cash available. 0onservation is a &ualit" "ou need to
Venus trine or setile 'ars (+aren /amaker-Eondag)
)ith harmonious 'ars 3 Venus aspects$ we are in a position to combine activit" and
passivit"$ industr" and harmon"$ and therefore usuall" make a good impresion. Affection
means a lot to us$ and$ as a rule$ we eperience little difficult" in displa"ing affection to
others. !hese aspects can make contacts pleasant. for although we often pla" an active
role ('ars)$ we do know how to rein ourselves in when this will help things to run more
smoothl" (Venus).
As in all the 'ars 3 Venus aspects$ seualit" is important. so indeed is ever" form of
sensuous en#o"ment. 5ancing$ theatre-going and the like can be some favorite diversions.
)e ma" well be ver" creative. Venus alwa"s gives a feeling for form$ proportion and
color. and this$ combined with 'artian drive$ is what we need for producing original
work. 6evertheless$ the 'artian energ" ma" not be strong enough in these harmonious
aspects for creativit" to manifest itself.
%n love we can be ver" passionate. !he partner means ever"thing and we are prepared to
devote ourselves to the loved one. 2n the other hand$ we epect the partner to be
devoted to us. !he eas" aspects are traditionall" said to be favorable for love< the need to
unite with someone (Venus) is in harmon" with a desire to go and prove ourselves ('ars).
Also a measure of independence is epected within the relationship so that the partners
do not take each other over completel".
Venus trine 'ars (*ett" Lundsted)
!he mother of this individual is a health" influences during the childhood from a
ps"chological point. )hat a person wants$ desires$ appreciates in life$ what a person
epects from a love relationship$ is showsn b" the Venus position and sign. %t is
complemented b" the 'ars energ"$ for 'ars enables one to act in a manner that helps
the goal manifest. )hen the trine takes place$ the personalit" reflects a great capacit" for
love and giving. %f there are other relating problems indicated in the chart$ this aspect
can help give confidence to the (worthwhileness( of working through them.
'ars represents action and Venus s"mboli9es what we appreciate$ what we want from a
love relationship$ what we want to surround ourselves with in life. !his interaction can be
a beneficial
one if used for accomplishment on the career level. /owever$ an" trine should be
eamined in contet with the signs$ for trines can indicate a different dilemma. For
eample$ a Fire sign trine here might be too idealistic$ and the idealism ma" cause an
overl" sensitive reaction to the normal da"-to-da" relating problems.
Venus setile 'ars (*ett" Lundsted)
!he setile indicates that the mother of the individual has a health" attitude toward
seualit" and femininit". !his person can go into emotional relationships and easil"
combine the emotional and seual needs. 7elationships can be en#o"ed.
!he setile indicates that an appreciation of beaut" is inherent. often this person
becomes involved in the arts$ or emplo"ment ma" be obtained in the art field. 0areer
action taken will include an appreciation of other people(s needs.
Venus trine or setile 'ars (0harles 0arter)
!hese tend to make the feelings warm and cordial. the" indicate what we should
generall" call an affectionate$ warm-hearted person$ even though other configurations
ma" den" epression. 2n the other hand$ in an emotional chart their ma" be epression
of an unrestrained kind$ or gush. or$ again$ there ma" be a highl" strung condition due to
a lack of ade&uate epression.
!he contacts are invigorating to the seual nature$ but better in this respect for males
than for women$ since the" often appear in the charts of spinsters. !his fact is probabl"
due to the feelings of independence which the" give and the love of freedom of thought or
action. sometimes these traits even verge on the masterful.
!hese good aspects also tend to affectionate relations with the children and benefit from
!he" are ver" favourable for the famil"-life$ provided that the planets are well-placed - all
depends on this. !he affections are rich and generous$ and like will beget like in the
shape of man" kindnesses received. 'ars$ representing the rough side of life$ is$ as it
were$ blunted and mitigated b" the Venus influence. %t is decidedl" good for men in their
relations with women. the" are likel" to be helped in ever" respect$ and often ac&uire
both beaut" and affection in marriage$ and$ b" no means rarel"$ mone" as well.
Venus square .ars
(5onna van !oen)
%nsecure relationships or ver" difficult partnerships are common. 1ou tend to be
flirtatious$ and can be self-indulgent. 2ften people with this aspect are &uite good-
looking. 1ou tend to put too high a value on the trappings of success$ and sometimes not
enough on inner satisfaction.
1our seual 3 romantic feelings are ver" intense. in fact$ "ou have to be careful that "ou
run them instead of the other wa" around.
!his is a disruptive aspect that works primaril" in the love life area$ though it can have
repercussions on finances and other areas as well. %t(s one of the classic indicators of
divorce-proneness and romantic 3 marital difficulties. %t also occasionall" coincides with
the death of "our mate during marriage$ but this is less fre&uent and there(d have to be
substantial confirmation of this tendenc" found elsewhere in the chart before an"thing of
this sort should be epected.
-eople with this aspect are demonstrative$ warm$ and generall" faithful when committed$
but the" demand a lot in return. %n etreme cases$ when needs aren(t met$ dissipation of
various t"pes can result$ with infidelit"$ gambling$ and 3 or ecessive drinking being the
most common form of misdirection of romantic 3 seual energies.
%f "ou have Venus s&uare 'ars b" sign but not b" aspect$ some of the foregoing ma"
appl" to "ou. /owever$ "ou(d be less inclined towards dissipation and slightl" more
inclined to find a constructive wa" to meet "our romantic 3 seual needs.
Venus s&uare 'ars (7obert -elletier)
1our Venus s&uare 'ars indicates that "ou have difficult" in maintaining harmonious
relations with people. 1ou are not the easiest person to get along with. "ou epect others
to make concessions to "ou$ but "ou refuse to make an" compromises without being
pressured to do so. 1ou have a strong desire nature and use all kinds of clever tactics to
get what "ou want. -eople ma" accuse "ou of using others to gratif" "our desires b"
taking advantage of their feelings for "ou$ especiall" when "ou don(t have similar feelings
for them. 1ou greedil" assume the privilege of indulging "ourself at ever" opportunit"$
epecting no interference from an"one.
!his planetar" combination indicates that "ou are not reall" happ" with "ourself$ so "ou
provoke trouble with others in order to blame them for "our inabilit" to resolve "our
personal conflicts. 1ou are indifferent to the feelings of others because "ou don(t reall"
think the" are worth it. !he problems "ou have in relationships should cause "ou to
wonder whether "ou are worth it to them as well. Somewhere there is a solution$ and it
would certainl" help if "ou toned down "our desires and adopted a more compromising
attitude. Accept the fact that few people get ever"thing the" want$ and$ when the" don(t$
the" turn their attention elsewhere. 1ou cannot force "ourself on people and not epect
some resentment for it.
=ntil "ou work out these personalit" difficulties$ "ou will have problems with "our famil"$
friends$ and associates on the #ob. %f "ou can become more compromising "ou can be
successful in an" occupation$ even those that bring "ou into close contact with people.
1ou have magnetism$ and "ou tempt people to want to be close to "ou. 1ou are certainl"
not dull$ and ecitement goes wherever "ou go. ,ust be sure that the ecitement doesn(t
become turmoil.
'ake an effort to broaden "our perspective b" learning something about art$ literature$
music$ and the social amenities. !his aspect tends to produce a coarseness of manner
that re&uires refinement and polish.
Venus opposition 'ars(5onna van !oen)
4ither "our relationship with one or both parents was difficult$ or their relationship with
each other was difficult. %mpulsive and sometimes fickle$ "ou tend to have a rather
turbulent love life. /"persensitivit" is common when this aspect is present.
1ou have an intense emotional nature. 2ften "our feelings about the opposite se are
ambivalent. %n love$ there(s often a tinge of (can(t live with him 3 her. can(t live without
him 3 her(. 1ou love passionatel" and hate passionatel" - sometimes the same person:
!here(s a great deal of impatience in relationships - especiall" romantic relationships.
!his sometimes stems from a lack of trust in the opposite se.
2ften this aspect signifies a person whose childhood was unhapp". !his ma" have been a
result of difficulties with the opposite-se parent$ a strife-filled or broken home$ or being
ridiculed or ignored b" the opposite se in the teenage "ears. 2ccasionall" it results from
a too-earl" seual eperience that came before the person was mature enough to
understand and handle it. An"wa"$ there(s often a carr"-over of these childhood
eperiences and the emotions stemming from them into the adult "ears. 2ften therap"
can banish these (ghost emotions( and lead to a more satisfactor" love life.
Sometimes seual 3 romantic energies are sublimated into artistic activities. For those
who are inclined to be ecessivel" intense$ involvement in art or music can bring strong
emotions down to a manageable level.
%f "ou have Venus opposing 'ars b" sign but not b" aspect$ the foregoing ma" appl" to
"ou. /owever$ less energ" would be epended in passionate hating. "ou(d be more
inclined to #ust break up and go on.
Venus opposition 'ars (7obert -elletier)
!he opposition of Venus and 'ars shows that "ou are a glutton for punishment. 1ou have
a strong desire nature$ and "ou are livel"$ aggressive$ and even sparkling at times. *ut
"ou are not a ver" compromising person$ which makes for some problems in relationships
with others. 1ou tend to be argumentative when people ob#ect to the demands "ou make
of them$ for "ou cannot understand wh" the" should ob#ect. 1ou eude much animal
magnetism$ which ma" be offensive to some people$ especiall" those of the same se.
7el"ing heavil" on this &ualit"$ "ou have no feeling of emotional responsibilit" for people
who are attracted to "ou and to whom "ou are drawn. 1ou are etremel" sensitive$ and
when people behave harshl" toward "ou$ "ou become fighting mad. Still$ "ou seem to be
ver" insensitive to the feelings of others and can be abusive without reali9ing it. 1ou
alienate "ourself from "our closest friends this wa"$ and when it is all over "ou wonder
eactl" what went wrong.
=ntil "ou learn to compromise$ "ou will eperience man" ups and downs in "our
professional affairs. 1ou must accept responsibilit" for an" alienation between "ourself
and others because "ou are so totall" preoccupied with "ourself and indifferent to the
feelings of others. 5on(t let a personal habit be a ma#or deterrent to sucess. %n dealing
with people$ avoid #umping to conclusions and defer #udgement until "ou can eamine all
the facts. !o get these facts$ "ou can talk intelligentl" with those who know more about
the problem than "ou do. %f "ou will give people the opportunit" to present their opinions$
"ou will win their respect and admiration forever. First make them comfortable b"
impl"ing that the" are superior to "ou (even if that is debatable). then "ou can reveal
"our opinion and the reason for it. !he" will not fail to be impressed b" "our maturit" and
1ou are forward in epressing "our feelings for people but are hurt when the feeling is
not returned. 1ou need to give others the right to make up their own minds. %f the" care
for "ou$ the" will let "ou know. %f the" don(t$ would "ou want them to lie and sa" the" do>
2f course not.
!r" to develop an interest in abstract sub#ects such as art$ literature$ theatre$ dancing$
etc.. !hese interests can conve" that there is more to "ou than one would surmise from
"our animal magnetism. 2nl" those "ou encounter casuall" can be content with a purel"
ph"sical relationship. %f "ou want to attract someone in an enduring contact$ "ou must
make a greater contribution.
Venus s&uare or opposition 'ars (+aren /amaker-Eondag)
!he tension between the need for harmon"$ balance and friendship$ on the one hand$ and
the urge to make a mark$ on the other hand$ certainl" emphasi9es a need for contacts -
especiall" emotional ones. but$ because we are not sure when to hold back and when to
be outgoing$ relationships ma" become strained in both friendships and love life from
time to time. )hat is more$ we do not know &uite what we want. sometimes the partner is
ever"thing and we feel intensel" drawn to this person. at other times we fear that our
libert" is being threatened and we start reasserting ourselves ('ars). For this reason$ a
love-hate relationship with the partner is thought to be t"pical of the aspects.
)henever we are read" to compromise$ the conflict of 'ars with Venus spoils ever"thing
- we change our mind$ for instance$ or find that we cannot bring ourselves to give wa"
after all. And when we push to the front ('ars)$ we are ill-at-ease because the Venusian
part of our nature cannot reconcile itself to this form of behavior. !he conse&uence is
inner dis&uiet and outer vacillation. !he desire to unite (Venus) and the desire to break
('ars) keep interfering with one another.
)ith these hard aspects$ we are often etremel" creative provided we can settle down -
although we shall alwa"s be rather impatient. A bonus point is that the Venus indolence
is counteracted both b" the active planet 'ars and b" the tension in the aspects
themselves. so we are able to get through a large amount of work. And$ although we can
run into problems in relationships$ these can be sorted out fairl" &uickl". !hrough 'ars
we are &uick to take offence$ but e&uall" &uick to forget wh". and Venus hastens to mend
the breach.
Natal Venus quincun0 .ars
(5onna van !oen)
1ou ma" be attracted to people who are wrong for "ou romanticall"$ making it difficult to
satisf" "our desires. 1ou(re often discontented without knowing eactl" wh". 1ou can be
passionate to the point of dissipation. 1ou can also be too ambitious for "our own good.
1our emotional self-control is erratic. 1ou find it difficult to react to the opposite se
ob#ectivel" - "our emotions get in the wa". 4ven after "our getting involved$ "our feelings
about "our loved one are mied - there(s a (what am % doing with him 3 her an"wa">(
feeling that comes and goes even when the relationship is running relativel" smoothl". So
"our romantic and seual relationships tend to be a bit stormier than those described
under the con#unction$ though not generall" as storm" as the" might be if "ou had hte
s&uare or opposition.
1ou(re inclined to make snap #udgements when it comes to members of the opposite se.
1ou want what "ou want as soon as possible - "esterda" would be ideal: !here(s also a
tendenc" to want to have "our cake and eat it too.
Although "ou(re a passionate$ loving person$ "ou often find some facet of "our love life
disappointing. !his is invariabl" because "ou(re seeking perfection. *e realistic about
"our loved one(s virtues as well as his 3 her flaws$ and things should go smoothl" as long
as "ou keep "our epectations consistent.
%f "ou have Venus &uincun 'ars b" sign but not b" aspect$ some of the foregoing ma"
appl" to "ou$ although "ou(d be more inclined to wait for what "ou want instead of
demanding it &uickl".
(7obert -elletier)
)ith Venus incon#unct 'ars "ou have powerful desires$ but "ou have difficult" in
satisf"ing them. %n "our eagerness to gain the approval of the people "ou deal with$ "ou
make enormous concessions to them. 1ou fail to ask "ourself$ ()h" must % win their
approval>( Sometimes "ou do favors for others simpl" because "ou want to$ but eventuall"
"ou find that the" epect it from "ou. !hen "ou become resentful toward them and ma"
even hate "ourself for it. 1ou do not have a high enough opinion of "ourself$ for of course
"ou deserve better treatment than that.
%t seems as if "ou have to work hard for an" benefits$ when other people gain with little
effort. 1ou should immediatel" stop making comparisons between "ourself and others. %t
is better to focus "our attention on "our own affairs. 2verreacting to what "ou think
people epect$ "ou go so far as to rearrange "our life to fulfill their epectations.
1our professional achievements will suffer unless "ou can understand that "ou are as
important to "ourself as "our competitors are to themselves. Spend some time eamining
how "our co-workers or business associates operate. )hen was the last time someone did
"ou a favor "ou didn(t have to ask for> 1ou probabl" can(t remember$ and it isn(t
surprising. 1ou alone are to blame if in "our #ob "ou work in an obscure corner where "ou
are either ignored or not included in the mainstream of activit".
!his negative attitude "ou have about "ourself can lead to problems in personal emotional
relationships. 1ou give the impression that "ou will do an"thing to get attention$ which
some individuals will use to take advantage of "ou. 1ou bring out the worst &ualities in
people$ and "ou ma" be defenceless to protect "ourself against them. As an eample$ "ou
ma" volunteer (which "ou should never do) to help a co-worker catch up with a backlog of
work. later "ou will discover that "ou have been given that work as part of "our regular
assignment. )hen "ou volunteered to help$ "ou probabl" indicated that "ou had more
than enough time to do it. !hus "ou fall victim to the negative influences that some
people will use. !he same kind of situation can occur in "our romantic associations. "ou
can be easil" victimi9ed b" dishonest persons who entrap "ou and make "ou submit.
*elieve onl" those who can ampl" demonstrate how the" feel b" their deeds$ not their
(+aren /amaker-Eondag)
%n the incon#unct between Venus and 'ars$ the desire for harmon" and our urge to be
self-assertive have completel" different settings and do not mesh with one another. )hen
we go out of our wa" to be warm and friendl" (Venus) we seem in practice to strike a
wrong note ('ars) and get reactions that pu99le us. )e are fiercer or more emotional
than we suppose$ and this often leads to disappointments and misunderstandings with
friends and loved ones.
0onversel"$ we find that when we start to stand up for ourselves ('ars)$ the Venus factor
interferes and unsettles us. Sometimes$ simpl" out of insecurit"$ we are even prepared to
compromise when we feel it is against our best interests$ or we tr" to enlist the support of
others before making a move. An"how$ we feel terribl" dependent on emotional and
friendl" contacts with others while all we want is proper recognition.
And so the incon#unct between Venus and 'ars gives either a great reliance on others or
else a fierce but unconscious emphasis on ourselves. =nderstandabl"$ the emotional life
is none too stable$ but we do have some good safet" valves for the pressures from Venus
and 'ars< creative work$ for instance$ and activities such as sport. !hese help us rela. A
stable relationship is also possible with this aspect$ provided (as with all Venus 3 'ars
aspects) the partner$ while giving emotional securit"$ allows us a certain amount of
(*ett" Lundsted)
!his aspect implies a strain between the concept of love and the abilit" to ph"sicall" act
out a personal love relationship. )hen a person appreciates being loved$ he ma"
appreciate values different from those that his seual needs signif". A strain eists$ for
the partner ma" be seuall" satisf"ing but not emotionall" gratif"ing - or the reverse. the
emotional needs ma" be fulfilled leaving the seual side of the relationship somewhat
unfulfilled. )hen this aspect occurs$ it(s important not to settle for #ust an"thing - for
once the emotional needs are determined$ an arrangement can be worked out with an
appropriate personalit".
!he confusion stems from the mother and her misapprehension regarding the
combination of love and se. She ma" have second thoughts about her own life when this
person is "oung. her personal standards and the morals of her generation will bring some
answers to how her dilemma ma" appl" to the generation to which this personalit"
belongs. )e all take our mother(s problems and appl" them to some related feminine
concept$ and the root problem is often ver" similar from generation to generation.
Venus semisetile 'ars (5onna van !oen)
1ou ma" be attracted to people who are wrong for "ou for some reason$ making it
difficult to satisf" "our romantic desires. 1ou have warm feelings and se appeal$ but
somehow tend to be on the wrong track when it comes to choosing a mate. So while this
aspect alwa"s increases "our chances of marr"ing$ it also increases the risk of eventual
!his is a vague aspect that seems to contribute to non-traditional seual 3 romantic
attitudes. %t should be considered as a reinforcer of other similar aspects rather than a
tendenc" in itself. Semi-setiles b" sign (out-of-orb) don(t seem to have an" relevance at
Natal Venus con-unct 1upiter

(7obert -elletier)

!he con#unction of Venus to ,upiter indicates that "ou are benevolent$ kind$ s"mpathetic$
and generous. *ut "ou go to etremes in epressing these &ualities and are indulgent
with people even when the" don(t deserve it. *rutalit" and vulgarit" are intolerable to
"ou. 1ou have a good sense of humor$ although "ou have "our contemplative moments$
and "ou usuall" conduct "ourself with decorum. %n the presence of adversit"$ "ou are
especiall" optimistic and alwa"s hopeful that the situation will turn out for the best. Self-
indulgent in ac&uiring material comforts$ "ou prefer a life of ease that allows "ou to
participate in all the pleasurable social activities that "ou love.

5omestic conditions in "our childhood ma" not have been abundant in material comforts$
but probabl" "ou were not deprived of an"thing trul" essential. Love$ kindness$ and
understanding between "ou and "our parents established the foundation for "our
continued growth and development.

1ou are suited to occupations in which "our effusive mannet can be epressed$ such as
public relations$ travel$ working with "oung people as a teacher or guidance counsellor$
or directing social activities. !hrough "our work in a welfare ogani9ation or foundation$
"ou could bring #o" and hope to people who are disadvantaged b" social$ economic$ or
ph"sical problems. 1our talents mght also be applied in rehabilitative therap" through
crafts and other avocational pursuits.

1our bree9" disposition and warm nature make "ou popular with almost ever"bod". 1ou
are too eas"-going$ though$ and some individuals ma" tr" to take advantage of "ou.
/owever$ "ou are rarel" embittered b" such negative encounters. 1ou seek and are
sought after b" people who are also self-assured and who epect to succeed. 1ou respond
to honest" and gravitate toward persons with that &ualit". *ut "ou react negativel" to
those who make sincere gestures toward others onl" if the" have some ulterior motive.
1ou don(t waste time on people who waste their time. An" accomplishment$ either
material or personal$ makes "ou glow with happiness. 5ifficult stress contact from Saturn
to this planetar" pair ma" make it burdensome to gain this happiness$ but "ou would still
be inclined to it.

(+aren /amaker-Eondag)

/ere$ epansive$ ameliorating ,upiter #oins forces with Venus$ the promoter of balance
and harmon". %t is generall" assumed that this should make us lovable$ friendl" and #oll"$
and therefore well-liked and popular. )e appreciate good companionship$ and certainl"
know how to en#o" life.

%n love and friendship$ we can shed a lot of warmth$ but the desire to spread our wings
(given b" ,upiter) ma" mean that we do not sta" faithful to one partner.

)e are &uite prepared to set the ball rolling sociall"$ and we like to immerse ourselves
with others in an"thing that happens to fascinate us$ including philosophical sub#ects
(,upiter). /owever$ Venus is a rather la9" planet and$ in this con#unction$ can make us
rather half-hearted or self-indulgent when it comes to ,ovian interests such as stud"$
travel and philosophical reasoning. 4n#o"ment$ comfort and elegant idleness are liable to
have the edge on serious effort. Self-discipline is not the strong point of this con#unction.

Venus also represents the need for material securit". %ts con#unction with ,upiter
intensifies this need$ and a fair amount of effort will be epended satisf"ing it. 8enerall"$
we look for a position where we can prosper and wind up with plent" of mone" in the

(*ett" Lundsted)

!he mother brings an eciting$ open and straightforward influence to this child(s concept
of epectanc". !his influence can be somewhat moderated b" the signs in which the
con#unction takes place$ and the aspect should be read with the signs in mind. 2ther
aspects can mitigate this interpretation$ for the energ" will not be free to operate until
the mitigating aspect is rechanneled.

!he con#unction aspect is helpful for it indicates the capacit" to relate to what is wanted$
to pursue what is wanted$ and if the aspect is unafflicted the energ" can indicate a go-
getter. %f other aspects inhibit this one$ or if the chart is undeveloped$ the aspect can
indicate a person who is merel" self-euberant or selfish.

(0harles 0arter)

*oth the good and the inharmonious elements ma" result from this configuartion$
according to the sign involved and the remainder of the nativit". 8race of epression$
deep philosophic insight$ idealism and literar" tendencies are among the good

!his con#unction is sometimes rather s"baritic and amorous$ but ma" be present in the
charts of people capable of sternness. %t also has a lighter social side. %t seems to tend to
popularit"$ but$ in itself$ appeals to the less thoughtful and serious elements of the
population - one ma" become a matinAe idol or the ob#ect of flapper-adoration. %t
certainl" tends to make men popular with women$ and it would be an ecellent feature in
the nativit" of one who desired to do business with that se$ or to found a religion which
might appeal to them. !eachers with this position have indeed been criticised rightl" or
wrongl" for allowing themselves to become ob#ects of adulation from ladies with more
heart than discrimination.

% have heard it said that good aspects between Venus and ,upiter are of use onl" to la9"
people$ but the lists % have made (including 'ussolini) disprove an" connection between
it and indolence.

Natal Venus trine / se0tile 1upiter

Venus trine ,upiter (7obert -elletier)

!he trine of Venus to "our ,upiter shows that "our inner poise enables "ou to view people
and circumstances optimisticall". 1ou are rarel" disturbed b" negative elements in
societ" because "ou have faith that ever"thing will eventuall" turn out right. 'ost of the
time "ou are cheerful$ but when conditions warrant it$ "ou can be serious. 1our happ"
disposition bolsters people out of depression$ and the" feel the" are not as badl" off as
the" had thought. 1ou meet people more than halfwa" because "ou are generous$
understanding$ and s"mpathetic. 2thers are not aware that "ou are not alwa"s as trouble-
free as it seems$ for "ou do not wear "our problems on "our sleeve. 1ou don(t share "our
difficulties with those who have enough problems of their own. 6or do "ou attempt to
fight (cit" hall($ preferring to &uietl" take care of "our affairs with little or no fanfare. 1ou
ma" gain attention$ but "ou don(t seek it.

1our talent in handling people suits "ou to work in public relations$ social organi9ations$
artistic endeavors$ or an" occupation that serves the public needs or desires. 1ou have a
great appreciation for art and could find much satisfaction in some aspect of that field.
-erhaps decoration$ design$ and fabrication could provide "ou with meaningful

1ou have a strong sense of ethics and social decorum. 1ou alwa"s tr" to put "our best
foot forward and reach out to people with sincerit" and honest". 1ou disdain an"thing
vulgar or obscene$ and abhor being with individuals whose attitudes are perverse. 1ou
prefer to associate with well-mannered persons who conduct themselves with propriet".
'usic$ art$ drama$ and dancing are delights that enrich "our ever"da" eistence. 1ou
en#o" good food$ the compan" of friendl" people$ and pleasant social activities.

1ou are drawn to individuals who are traditional in their conduct. %n a romantic
relationship$ "ou are especiall" fascinated b" persons who are not pretentious about their
epections of "ou. 1ou want honest" between "ou and "our lover and$ above all$ sincerit".
1ou want to be respected and admired for not indulging in public displa"s of love$ for "ou
feel that such things should be reserved for the intimate moments when "ou are alone

1ou seel self-assured about what "ou want most in life$ and "ou should en#o" marital and
domestic harmon". *ecause "ou are able to make ad#ustments to what "ou want$ "ou are
likel" to get them.

Venus setile ,upiter (7obert -elletier)

!he setile from Venus to ,upiter shows that "ou have an outgoing personalit". 1our ease
in epressing "ourself endears "ou to ever"one with whom "ou deal. 1ou know how to sa"
the right thing at the right time for the results "ou want. 1ou are generous with praise
when it is deserved$ and sometimes even when it isn(t. 2thers think of "ou as a kind$
s"mpathetic$ and understanding person who can alwa"s find the time for someone who
needs assistance. 4ven people who are inclined to pessimism come awa" with hope
because "ou can alwa"s visuali9e a solution to their problems. 1ou don(t generall"
interfere in the affairs of others$ but "ou will make "ourself available if necessar". 1our
attitude is$ (%f the" need me$ %(m as close as the telephone(. 1ou are popular because "ou
don(t make ecessive demands on people$ being tolerant of their frailties.

1ou can appl" "our talents in man" diverse directions$ for this planetar" combination
does not of itself give a specific talent. %t does give a personable &ualit" that is a distinct
asset in certain professions and fields. An" occupation involving public contact is far
easier with this kind of temperament. %t would be especiall" beneficial$ both to "ou and to
others$ to work with the public in some capacit"$ perhaps as social director of some large
organi9ation$ as a teacher$ or as a travelers( guide. )riting would be another avenue of
epression for "our creative abilit". 1ou are not patient enough to submit to the rigorous
discipline re&uired for writing length" stories$ but essa"s or maga9ine articles would
certainl" be suitable.

!he (good life($ with comfortable surroundings$ a lavishl" furnished home$ good friends$
and plent" of social activit"$ is what "ou desire. 1ou would find it difficult to accept a life
of austerit" that allowed onl" the barest essentials.

1ou round out "our dail" living with a variet" of avocational interests. 7eading$ travel$
social activities$ music$ art$ and theatre are some of the man" interests that enrich "ou
and give "ou pleasure. 1ou not onl" en#o" these interests as a spectator$ but "ou also
participate in them when "ou can.

1ou epect honest" and sincerit" from an"one with whom "ou have more than a casual
relationship. 4ven among "our casual ac&uaintances$ "ou are (turned off( if "ou discover
them to be deceptive$ indifferent$ insensitive$ or coarse. 1ou identif" with people who are
not content to stand still in their development and are alwa"s eager to improve

Venus trine or setile ,upiter (+aren /amaker-Eondag)

)hen the natal horoscope has Venus and ,upiter in harmon"$ we stroke people as being
ver" charming and friendl". )e mingle social graces and genialit"$ and instinctivel" know
how to be popular. )ith a kindl" word$ a friendl" gesture or the latest #oke$ we get people
on our side. 6o wonder these aspects are reckoned to be among the most useful to own.

!he ease with which we sail through life is based largel" on the wa" in which we inspire
confidence. !hese are reall" beautiful aspects for forming secure relationships and for
success in love and in material things - provided we can rule ourselves. !he harmon" of
the aspects should keep us relativel" free from marital problems. /owever$ ,upiter
increases the demands of Venus and ma" leave us continuall" wnating more emotional
satisfaction and more material possessions. !herefore$ we do not alwa"s find
permanentl" happ" marriages under these aspects. 6evertheless$ there will certainl" be a
high degree of stabilit" in a relationship.

Lo"alt"$ cheerfulness$ affabilit" and a fondness for amusements and luuries are

Venus trine ,upiter (*ett" Lundsted)

'an" think that this is a creative aspect$ for Venus indicates an appreciation of beaut"
and the arts. and ,upiter indiactes our abilit" to epand$ and sometimes abundance.
)hen the two are in trine aspect$ it implies that the mother of the native is able to relate
her concept of femininit" and feeling in a constructive manner. She demonstrates the
abilit" to give and receive love easil" when this person is forming a personalit" (age C-?).
!he individual learns to respond to works of art$ to beaut"$ and to relating in general.
!his usuall" is the mark of one who falls in love with a constructive person$ who en#o"s a
lovel" home$ literature$ the classics. !his individual is able to appreciate the love given to
him$ and can graciousl" accept an" favor or gift.

Such people are inspiring to be around$ for their en#o"ment of life is obvious. /owever$
the impact of the aspect will be curtailed if the 'oon is afflicted.

Venus setile ,upiter (*ett" Lundsted)

!he setile indicates a person whose ps"che is constructivel" affected b" his mother$ for
she shows him that relationships can take place$ that one can reach out and be favorabl"
received. 'etaph"sicall" speaking$ we all get what we epect. Some people are naturall"
able to reach out - to respond to others$ to ask for what is needed - because the earl"
childhood environment was encouraging. !his individual will have an inner sense of
securit" that will enable him to have the confidence he needs to pursue his goals.

For a woman$ this aspect indicates a predilection for comfortable emotional relationships$
and she will pass her responsiveness on to her children. For a man$ the aspect indicates
an interest in relating to his children. he can encourage them to respond and relate. !he
trine aspect will also encourage this kind of attitude.

Venus trine or setile ,upiter (0harles 0arter)

6earl" all$ or perhaps &uite all$ of the persons known to me with this combination are b"
no means placid or tran&uil b" nature$ as might be epected from a good configuration of
the benefics. !he great gift of the combination seems to be grace of epression$ although
this ma" be epressed in some forms onl". A case like that of !enn"son shows that the
grace of epression ma" be epressed onl" through writing$ for he was often gruff in his
behavior. Sometimes there are oratorical abilities. As a rule$ the grace is verbal$ but
sometimes it would be more true to sa" that there is an attractive grace of demeanour. %
have occasionall" noticed this even in persons with Venus and ,upiter in bad aspect$
provided the" are in congenial signs.

2ften the feelings are capricious and restless$ so that connubial happiness does not
alwa"s accompan" this contact$ nor is the native alwa"s happ" in disposition< its chief
influence seems certainl" to be in the direction of art and literature.

%t promotes popularit" and affection$ so benefitting an"one who has to do with the public$
especiall" in the wa" of amusing or pleasing them. %t is less good for those who must
correct or instruct.

!he effects of this combination on the health are considerable$ and it seems to promote
longevit"$ perhaps because the influence of Venus tempers and moderates the ,ovian
tendenc" towards ecess and ha9ardous conduct.
Natal Venus square / opposition 1upiter

Venus s&uare ,upiter (7obert -elletier)

1our Venus s&uare ,upiter indicates that "ou are a bit indulgent and careless in attending
to "our responsibilities. )hen things are going "our wa"$ "ou are outgoing and
personable$ but "ou can be difficult to deal with when "ou run into opposition. %n "our
relations with people$ "ou ma" indicate that "ou will make ad#ustments$ but this is often
an empt" gesture. 1ou resent being forced to do an"thing$ and wish that people would
reali9e this before attempting to get "ou to act. 1ou feel that antagonistic feelings
between "ou and someone else are largel" the result of the other person not
understanding "ou. 1ou are generous mainl" when it satisfies an ulterior motive$ and "ou
ma" withdraw an offer to hel someone at a later time b" sa"ing (%t wouldn(t have been
appreciated an"wa"(.

1ou have the potential to fill an" of a variet" of occupational positions if "ou learn to
accept responsibilit". 1ou ma" not be free to engage in other activities that "ou would
prefer$ but "ou must be realistic in determining "our priorities. 1ou must discipline
"ourself to earn "our living first and indulge "ourself onl" when "our duties are fulfilled.
%t is indeed almost impossible to have it both wa"s. %n all "our affairs$ including personal
relationships$ #ob opportunities$ or frustrations$ "ou tend to eaggerate "our plans for the
future. 1ou make it seem that ever"one is beating a path to "our door for "our attentions.
*ut the truth is that "ou are desperate for attention and will resort to all sorts of
deceptive tactics to gain it. 1ou must come to grips with these problems before "ou can
epect to be successful. 2nce "ou do$ "ou are well on "our wa" to achievement in such
fields as travel$ public relations$ guidance counselling$ etc.. 0ommunication is "our
greatest asset$ and "ou can use it skillfull" to gain "our ob#ectives. Stop being so
defensive. most people are willing to meet "ou halfwa" if "ou give them the chance. 1ou
feel that "ou attract more than "our fair share of hostilit" from people who are tr"ing to
take advantage of "ou.

%f "ou present "ourself honestl"$ "ou will attract individuals whom "ou can relate to
romanticall". Learn to be generous to others$ even if it hurts to know that the generosit"
ma" never be returned. 1ou ma" be surprised to discover how man" people are naturall"
generous. 0ertainl" "ou sometimes hate "ourself for being cantankerous with people who
don(t deserve this treatment. )hen "ou indulge the needs and desires of others$ it pa"s
big dividends in goodwill.

1our greatest problems are learning to be less suspicious of people when the" etend
themselves to "ou$ and to be less demanding of them in their relationships with "ou.

1ou ma" have a problem in keeping "our weight down because of "our self-indulgent
habits. 7ich foods are not for "ou$ and a low-carboh"drate diet is recommended. 7est is
also ver" important$ and if "ou cannot get etended hours of sleep$ tr" taking fre&uent
short rest periods.

Venus opposition ,upiter (7obert -elletier)

!he opposition from Venus to ,upiter indicates that "ou don(t trust "our competence in
dealing with people and circumstances. "ou are never reall" sure "ou can ade&uatel"
cope with relationships. 1ou are indugent to others in the hope that the" will conform
that "ou are indeed capable. !he challenge of constant competition reassures "ou of "our
skill in handling even the most demanding problems in "our situation. 1ou seek social
approval for ever"thing "ou do$ and are upset when it is not forthcoming. -resumptuous
in "our epections of others and somewhat conceited$ "ou alienate even "our closest
friends b" boring them with endless trivia about "ourself and "our affairs. %t is a sign of
immaturit" if "our self-regard depends on the approval "ou etract from "our associates.

1ou are conniving in "our dealings with people$ and "ou tend to use them to satisf" "our
ob#ectives. )hen "ou find that "ou have been used also$ "ou become bitter. 1ou associate
with those who approve of "ou and detach "ourself from those who don(t. 1ou will go
along with an" prevailing opinion if it suits "our purposes. !he onl" time "ou compromise
is when it costs "ou little or nothing. 1our inconsistenc" in appl"ing #ustice is remarkable.
And "et$ with all these negative tendencies$ "ou can be generous to "our benefactors and
s"mpathetic with the problems of "our associates.

*usiness is probabl" the area of "our greatest creative self-epression. 1ou are
essentiall" a wheeler-dealer who en#o"s direct contact with adversaries$ for competing
successfull" confirms "our competence. Argument$ or what "ou call discussion$ is the skill
"ou use most effectivel". 1ou know how to charm people and get them to lower their
defences while "ou prepare their defeat. 6ot altogether honest in "our dealings$ "ou
(bend( the truth when it suits "our purposes. 1ou can be h"pocritical when it serves "our

1our romantic relationships are touch and go - "ou make sincere-seeming gestures until
"our lover suggests a more contractual arrangement$ when "ou suddenl" lose interest.
(Alwa"s a bridesmaid or best man$ never a bride or groom( seems particularl" appropriate
for "ou. )hether "ou will be married depends on "our willingness to accept the
responsibilit" of such a contract. it isn(t that "ou lack the opportunit".

Venus s&uare or opposition ,upiter (+aren /amaker-Eondag)

)ith the hard aspects between Venus and ,upiter we do have a great deal of warmth and
cordialit" to displa"$ but we tend to be too push". !here is no mistaking how much we
value good fellowship and the pleasant side of life. %t is not often "ou will find us gated
with the wallflowers. no$ we are more likel" to come walt9ing in with the gate-crashers.

!he craving for friendship and love (Venus) can well become too epansive under the
influence of ,upiter and can incite us to make con&uests on a large scale. especiall" as
,upiter$ literall" and metaphoricall"$ is the planet of vo"ages of discover". And although
what we have here is a combination of two ver" compatible factors$ we suffer from
restless activit" accompanied b" restless feelings. All the same$ this tension brought
about both b" the nature of the aspects and b" the stirring epansiveness of ,upiter is an
optimistic t"pe of tension. An" ,upiter s&uare will make us eager and challenging. )hen
the s&uare is with Venus$ this can be rather attractive as long as it is not overdone.

)e appreciate beaut" and nice things$ not to mention luuries$ but the appreciation is not
sumpl" passive even though two (eas"( planets are involved. )ith the restlessness both of
the tense aspect and of ,upiter$ we can work wonders in creative and artistic fields
(Venus). -hilosophical pursuits are not so well-starred$ because$ for these$ Venus has to
stimulate ,upiter$ and Venus is not a great encourager of activit".

As in all Venus 3 ,upiter aspects$ self-discipline is not a strong point$ "et this is #ust what
we need in order to keep our liveliness within bounds.

Venus s&uare ,upiter (*ett" Lundsted)

Venus s"mboli9es how the mother affects the child(s ps"che as far as the concept of love
and 3 or femininit" is concerned. ,upiter indicates the abilit" to relate. )hen these two
facets of personalit" are s&uare to each other$ it indicates a person who tends to be
ecessive. ,upiter denotes our abilit" to open up$ to epand$ to reach out. !he concept of
love developed from the &ualities of the Venus sign will not correspond to the relating
&ualities. !his person ma" fall in love in an instant and fall out of love the net$ or ma"
overreact to ever" nuance in the relationship.

)hen this aspect occurs in a female(s chart$ she ma" be ecesive about her femaleness$
she ma" feel unsure of herself as a woman and therefore attempt to over-relate to
an"thing she loves. !his can indicate a superficiall" feminine woman who is all harido$
painted fingernails and make-up$ onewho appears at her door at J a.m. looking as if she(s
read" to go to a part". a woman who is overl" sensitive to an" slight she feels ma" be
directed toward her femininit"$ who has to prove that she(s affectionate$ and who ma"
seem a bit shallow. !his is an overreaction to the concept of the feminine. %t means that
her mother presented an image during the formative "ears that neither she nor her
daughter could relate to. A concept of self-worth will need to be developed.

!he man born with this aspect ma" be a bit afraid of women$ for his image of mother is
unpredictable and he ma" have unconscious memories of her reactions to life that were
formed b" the time he was three "ears old. /e tends to pro#ect this uncertaint" onto the
women he meets. he ma" have difficult" taking love and marriage seriousl". /e ma"
enter a relationship from a role-pla"ing point so that he can pla" (5add"( and she pla"s
('omm"(. /e ma" wander from one love affair to another$ for$ like his female
counterpart$ he can fall in love at the drop of a hat.

/ere$ the relating principle doesn(t agree with the concept of love< one reaches out to
grab the brass ring on a merr"-go-round that one doesn(t reall" want. )hen loved$ this
person ma" not be able to relate to or appreciate being loved b" the person who cares.
)hen one can(t relate to what one wants$ the riddle of life becomes more and more
m"sterious. !his person reall" doesn(t know what(s good for him.

!he aspect can be understood when it(s broken down b" sign and ke"word. !he concept
of love can be interpreted b" sign. !he relating principle can be intellectuall" understood
b" sign. 7elationships can be anal"9ed so that previous relating problems can be used as
the ke" to avoiding the same situation in the future. 2nce the frustration of the s&uare
energ" is comprehended$ the aspect can be rechanneled into a productive pattern similar
to the trine.

Venus opposition ,upiter (*ett" Lundsted)

!his aspect indicates that the mother of the native does not relate well to her femininit".
she ma" be going through a period in which she considers herself a second-class citi9en
during this person(s formative "ears. ,upiter indicates how open we are$ how we receive
love and beaut"$ the capacit" to relate to others. *ecause Venus represents how the
mother thinks of her femininit" and how she is able to perceive love and affection$ the
opposition between Venus and ,upiter indicates a person who is etravagant and
ecessive when beginning a love relationship$ but the energ" is seldom long-lasting. %t is
a response to the loving-relating function that was learned earl" in life. %t ma" cause a
feeling that love is a compromise$ that one(s ideals and (druthers( cannot be fulfilled while
relating to another.

A female with this opposition will learn not to accept love easil"$ nor will she epect that
an" woman can be appreciated for herself. A male will have little feeling for the feminine
principle. often this aspect indicates a male who doesn(t appreciate what his wife does in
the home to make it attractive. nor does he reall" appreciate the fact that she loves him$
if she does. /e ma" fall in and out of love as does his female counterpart$ for he turns on
and off. !hese people bring an epectanc" of loss into their love relationships. %f the" can
understand that this attitude can be changed$ that the" can develop their own
epectancies$ that the universe is metaph"sical$ that it gives what one epects. if the"
understand that the pattern was learned from the mother at a time when she was relating
poorl"$ then the" can teach themselves to change. Sometimes this aspect develops a
selfishness that needs to be overcome$ for it indicates a tendenc" to want immediate
satisfaction to all wants.

!his aspect can be anal"9ed as follows< the ,upiter (relating principle) opposes Venus ((%
want( facet of the personalit"). !his can be interpreted as (% don(t relate to what % want($
and can be the basis for forming individual relating patterns that are brought about
because the person thinks he is able to appreciate his surroundings when in fact he is
relating discontent. !he aspect can indicate a confusion of goals$ and some signs ma"
indicate an inabilit" to reach the goals desired.

!he trick to working with the energ" is learned when the different phases of life are
understood so that both sides of the opposition can be epressed in the appropriate time
and place.
Natal Venus quincun0 1upiter

(7obert -elletier)

!he incon#unct of Venus to ,upiter shows that "ou overreact in making ad#ustments to
other people(s epectations. *ecause "ou are insufficientl" aware of "our own needs$ "ou
generousl" offer to serve the needs of others. *ut people are inclined to take advantage
of "our generosit" to the point of abusing it. 1ou aren(t at all selective in choosing those
to whom "ou submit$ which invites all kinds of problems. 4videntl"$ "ou were trained in
the earl" "ears to take an inferior position to others. -erhaps "ou were told (/onest work
never hurt an"one($ even if the people "ou were helping could take care of themselves.
!his could make "ou bitter for all "our efforts$ which bring so little benefit to "ourself. %t(s
one thing to be accommodating$ but being a doormat is something else.

!here are man" occupational functions "ou can do well. !his planetar" combination does
not of itself give a specific talent$ but it does enable "ou to take on enormous
responsibilities and succeed in carr"ing them out. 1ou adapt to #ob demands easil"$
ad#usting "our personal circumstances as necessar". 1ou are not likel" to gain full
recognition for all the work "ou either do "ourself or assign to others. *ecause "ou
underestimate "our capabilities$ "ou ma" be victimi9ed b" fellow emplo"ees who could
take "our ideas and use them for their own benefit.

1ou tend to eaggerate the epectations of "our boss and co-workers$ and &uickl" rise to
prove "our worth in their estimation. 1ou labor under assumed challenges that ma" never
materiali9e$ and fear competitors who never eisted. 1ou respond to the goals "ou(ve
established for "ourself in a particular wa"$ and it is difficult to persuade "ou to think
otherwise. *" taking "ourself too seriousl"$ "ou impede "our progress. 1ou care pro#ects
that are destined to fail because of "our impossible epectations.

%n general$ "ou are defensive in "our relationships with people$ even those for whom "ou
feel affection. 1ou tend to pro#ect a meek and inade&uate image in hopes of gaining their
indulgence. 1ou are often victimi9ed and eploited in "our romantic affairs$ and ma" do
all kinds of favors for someone who has no genuine affection for "ou. 1ou so want
approval that "ou submit to gross indignities$ onl" to reali9e later that "ou(ve been taken.

'ost of "our ph"sical problems have their origin in "our mental attituds. 1our weariness
ma" be mental ehaustion from tr"ing so hard to be desired b" others. 1ou need to take a
more optimistic attitude in order to protect "ourself in "our relationships with others.
1our greatest priorit" should be to maintain "our self-respect b" refusing to be used b"

(+aren /amaker-Eondag)

!he elusive tension of the incon#unct does not lead to an open conflict between the
planetar" factors involved$ and does little to stir things up. !herefore$ in the incon#unct
between Venus and ,upiter$ we find passivit" and a degree of la9iness or love of ease.
!here is a latent dissatisfaction$ a niggling feeling that there must be something more
than what we are getting out of social contacts$ friendships or love affairs - something
more$ that is to sa"$ in the epansive sense$ not in the transpersonal or spiritual sense
t"pical of 6eptune.

)hat is more$ due to uncertaint" in social concerns$ we often tr" to be as #ovial and
cordial as possible in order to win affection and to feel safe with people. 2n the other
hand$ we can be so opinionated and willful (,upiter) that all at once we leave ever"one in
the lurch to do our own thing. %n short$ we are &uite erratic in our treatment of those
around us.

!his changeableness poses problems for us$ too. for we estrange the ver" people we need
so much to bring us warmth and reassurance$ and are left longing for the ver" thing we
have been insidiousl" undermining.

!he craving for warmth and for that everlasting (more( is an incentive to various love
affairs. -robabl" we shall meet with a number of disappointments but$ in the end$ we can
form a successful union with someone. *efore being able to do so$ we have to discover
that insecurit" stems from the fact that natural optimism and confidence (,upiter) are
unconsciousl" out of step with our methods for ensuring safet" in relationships and
material things (Venus).

(*ett" Lundsted)

Venus represents the effect of the mother on the person(s ps"che$ and ,upiter basicall"
represents the abilit" to relate to others. )hen the &uincun aspect ties these facets of
life together$ the resulting strain eventuall" has an effect on the health. %t causes
indecisiveness to occur$ for the (% want( part of the self disagrees a little with how this
person will relate to others. !he aspect can be resolved b" understanding the signs and
the houses involved. %f it remains unconscious$ the (% wants( are never reall" satisfied and
relationships are not all the" could be.

Natal Venus con-unct Saturn

(7obert -elletier)

!he con#unction of Venus and Saturn indicates that "ou feel "ou must make concessions
to others to get what "ou want. 1ou are alwa"s the one who is epected to ad#ust to the
demands of others in order to have a satisfactor" relationship. As a result$ "ou are often
dissatisfied with the contacts "ou make$ either because the" are not fulfilling enough$ or
because "ou feel "ou are being used. 1ou ma" become resigned to making the best of a
relationship in which "ou give more than the other person does. 2n the positive side$
however$ this shows that "ou take the relationship seriousl". 1ou are lo"al and sincere in
"our affections$ but tend to be inhibited in demonstrating them$ because "ou are afraid
that others will take advantage of "ou.

1ou have reasonabl" good #udgement$ which is reflected in "our material affairs. 1ou are
self-disciplined in handling mone"$ and prudent enough to alwa"s save something
regardless of "our income. Such prudence is a wa" to compensate for the
disappointments "ou ma" have in personal relationships$ and "ou consider it a reasonable
substitute. Saving mone" also gives "ou securit" and allows "ou some material comforts.

1ou are temperamentall" suited to occupations in which success depends on adhering to
rules and regulations. Finance$ banking$ building trades$ insurance$ law$ real estate$
sales$ and designing are some endeavors in which "ou can successfull" appl" "ourself.
%deall"$ "ou should have a position that allows "ou to function independentl". 1ou are
dutiful and responsible$ and would accomplish more without a supervisor breathing down
"our neck. 1ou are certainl" able to work with others$ but "ou prefer working in privac".

1our romantic interests are stimulated b" individuals who are serious$ sincere$ honest.
1ou need a person "ou can respect and who will respect "ou too. A mature individual
represents securit" to "ou$ in addition to providing social status. 1our lover must be
tactful and polished$ and have a strong and admirable character. 1ou are repulsed b"
vulgarit" and disturbed b" disorder. 1our ob#ectives are well-defined$ and "ou will epect
"our mate to co-operate in reaching mutual goals. *ecause of "our deep concern for the
integrit" of the famil"$ "ou will unhesitatingl" withdraw from an" eternal situation that
threatens "our famil".

%t is important that "ou look at the bright and positive side of life. negative attitudes can
bring about negative effects. -roblems in the throat glands ma" have a similar origin. 1ou
can improve "our general well-being b" adopting a more cheerful outlook$ but the
optimism must be genuine.

(+aren /amaker-Eondag)

!he need for warmth and love$ for securit" and harmon"$ is a weak and sensitive spot in
all Saturnian aspects to Venus (and most of all in the con#unction). )e find it hard to let
our warmth show and are often so prickl" that we erect a wall around ourselves and seem
ver" cool$ impassive and formal. 6obod" sees that inside we are cr"ing out for a little
friendliness and warmth to give us a sense of personal worth and that it is through sheer
inabilit" to handle relationships that we are shutting them out. !herefore the Venus 3
Saturn aspects are regarded as fraught with problems$ and classical astrolog" promises
little #o" in life and man" emotional upsets to those who have them.

6evertheless$ with this aspect we can become ver" fond of a person and we have the
potential to build up a lasting stable relationship. that is the other side of Saturn. !here is
more faithfulness with these aspects than there is with aspects between Venus and
,upiter. *ut before we give ourselves to another$ we have to know that other through and
through and completel" trust this person$ because Saturn will onl" bet on certainties. 2f
course$ this can consume time and effort. %n fact$ we need to guard against letting the
securit" factor predominate< we should resist the temptation to look for a fatherl" or
motherl" partner$ as the" would not be close enough to be a true companion.

)ith all this uncertaint" and vulnerabilit"$ suspicion can creep in. )e are so anious to
keep our loved one that we hedge him or her in on all sides and make the relationship
difficult or even impossible. At times$ our attitude can be most subservient< we slave
awa" to do ever"thing to our partner(s liking$ but are still ver" constrained. %f$ as is &uite
likel"$ the" seem to be ungrateful$ then we must reali9e it is because the partner is put off
b" our air of taut worr".

Learning self-confidence and self-acceptance is a must if we are to settle down. 2nce we
accept that we are not cut out to be one of the world(s revellers$ but are solid$ reliable
citi9ens in need of securit"$ and once we bring ourselves to reveal our weak side$ we can
en#o" a strong$ enduring marriage or friendship.

(*ett" Lundsted)

)hen Venus and Saturn are con#unct$ it indicates that the mother and father of this
individual presented a united front that placed certain restrictions and limitations upon
his ps"che during his formative "ears. Venus indicates the effect of the mother(s attitudes
regarding her femininit"$ and these images will help form the concept of womanhood$ the
feminine function and the concept of love in later life. Saturn represents the area of
restriction. it also shows how the father influenced the ps"che. !he combination of these
planets indicates a strong tie to the m"thic 'other and Father image - these archet"pal
images can easil" be confused with the ph"sical parents.

!he aspects between the Sun and 'oon indicate the parents in a ph"sical sense. and how
the" responded to their lives when the personalit" of the individual was forming. !he
Saturn-Venus placement affects the concept of giving and cr"stalli9ation in the ps"che
and is a more difficult concept to comprehend. !he con#unction of Venus and Saturn
implies that the individual was restricted or restrained from having what he wanted
during the first three "ears of life. !his ma" not mean that he was abused (although %
would not entirel" dismiss the thought)$ but that he ma" have lost his favorite to" or
blanket. or he ma" have been fed according to some scientific theor" rather than when he
was hungr". !his person grew up to view affection as something that is coupled with loss.
/e ma" be a pessimist in love relationships and ma" be apprehensive of romance. /e
ma" marr" out of common sense< in other words$ he doesn(t marr" someone he loves$ he
marries someone who will logicall" make a (good( partner. 2r he falls in love with
someone$ and ends the relationship after the first argument because he feels the
relationship is over. 2r he withdraws into "ears of hurt feelings and never trusts the
loved one again.

-eople with this aspect are etremel" interested in guarantees - one must constantl"
prove to the Saturn-Venus t"pes that one loves them. %ronicall"$ the" don(t offer the same
guarantees. !he" can be takers and have great trouble giving. !he" don(t know how to
give because the" did not see their parents giving to each other. when children don(t see
this during their formative "ears$ the" have to make a conscious attempt to lern how to
do it as adults. !hese people also think the grass is greener on the other side and often
wonder whether the" might do better in another relationship - so$ sometimes$ the" can be
seen as flirts.

)hen the individual becomes aware of this aspect$ it(s a good idea to start practising how
to give - not how to bu" someone$ but to give. Learning how to give a part of the self is
the hardest thing for this person to do. *ecause the parents( marriage was not a model of
a health" relationship$ it is hard for this individual to learn how to have one. '"
suggestion would be that an" activit" in a relationship that is inspire b" the memor" of
(that(s what 'om and 5ad would have done( is probabl" not what needs to be done.
Sometimes we learn what we want b" beginning to understand what we don(t want.

(0harles 0arter)

!his con#unction is etremel" powerful$ and partakes of the character of both good and
evil contacts$ the life$ on its affectional side$ being completel" dominated b" the sense of
dut". dut" and happiness become identified. 4cept for its great power$ it is in no wise
different from the inharmonious contact (the s&uare or opposition$ &.v.).
Natal Venus square / opposition Saturn

Venus s&uare Saturn (7obert -elletier)

!he s&uare from Venus to Saturn indicates that "ou have difficult" relating to others. As a
result$ "ou ma" feel left out of the mainstream of social relationships. 1ou are basicall"
unwilling to accept the responsibilit" that is established when two individuals meet in a
more than casual wa". 1ou tend to be on the defensive$ as if "ou feared that the other
person would make impossible demands of "ou. -erhaps in "our earl" life "ou felt
re#ected b" someone "ou reall" cared for$ even a parent. As "ou grew$ "ou sheltered
"ourself more and more from outside communication$ alwa"s afraid of re#ection. !his
conditioning ma" have produced the feeling "ou have that "ou are not destined for
happiness in "our relationships. %f "ou accept others for themselves$ reali9ing that
ever"one has to make concessions and ad#ustments to others$ then happiness can surel"
be "ours. 7emember that even people who seem happ" have difficult moments in relating
to others. "our predicament is not at all uni&ue.

-erhaps "our most signficant lessons will be learned in relationships with others. %f "ou
will meet people halfwa"$ "ou(ll find that most of them will do the same. %f "ou are
attracted to someone whom "ou can admire and respect$ isn(t it worth ad#usting to that
person(s peculiarities> 1ou will find "our own identit" b" being willing to identif" with
others in mutual responsiveness.

*efore "ou can hope to succeed in an" occupational capacit"$ "ou will have to solve "our
problem in relating to people. 2therwise "ou will create a difficult environment in which
to work. 'ost people will not tolerate someone who is cantankerous or difficult to please.
1ou have the talent to achieve rewarding and satisf"ing goals$ once "ou learn to meet
people halfwa".

1ou could find satisfaction in banking$ finance$ law$ insurance$ real estate$ bu"ing and
selling$ or designing. 1our sense of order and balanced #udgement could prove useful to
"ou in an" of these fields. *ut it is essential that "ou recogni9e "our self-worth before "ou
implement "our talents. 1ou must gain the recognition of "our emplo"ers for "our
honest"$ integrit"$ and good #udgement because these are the good &ualities that will
help "ou achieve success.

!r" to become more optimistic and give "ourself a greater chance for happiness. Feeling
melanchol" and sorr" for "ourself stimulates some ph"sical problems$ such as high blood
pressure caused b" tension and aniet". Learn to rela and let go. Life is too short to let it
become unnecessaril" burdened b" unimportant matters. !r" giving instead of
complaining about what others demand of "ou.

Venus opposition Saturn (7obert -elletier)

)ith Venus opposition to Saturn$ "ou are inclined to regard "our eperiences as being
almost useless. )ith this aspect$ "ou will alwa"s be challenged b" competitors until "ou
reali9e how important "ou reall" are. 1ou must stop underestimating "our self-worth.
7emind "ourself continuall" that "ou can match "our competitors$ and don(t give others
more credit than the" deserve. %f "ou will eamine "our good &ualities carefull"$ "ou will
see that the" compare ver" favorabl" to those of others. Stop hiding the truth from
"ourself. -erhaps when "ou were ver" "oung$ "ou were led to believe that "ou were less
talented than others in ever" wa"$ and "ou still act on that belief. 1ou need competition to
prove how capable "ou are. if "ou re#ect competition$ "ou will never trul" know "our

!hroughout "our life$ "ou will have to make concessions to others without knowing
whether or not the" are worth the effort. %n time$ however$ "ou will be able to #udge
people without having to endure the painful eperience of submission. As "our #udgement
becomes sharper$ "ou will become ver" skilled in solving problems for "ourself and

1ou ma" suffer emotional frustrations during the earl" "ears$ but as "ou become more
mature "ou will understand that no-one gets ever"thing when he or she wants it. 1ou ma"
compensate for privations that "ou eperience in "our personal life b" becoming
successful in "our profession. 7eal estate$ law$ insurance$ designing$ sales$ and bu"ing
are suitable fields. All of them re&uire responsibilit"$ attention to detail$ integrit"$ and
honest" if "ou are to be proud of "our accomplishments. %t is advised that "ou work alone
or at least be able to set "our own pace. )orking with others in an intimate atmosphere
would not be advisable because "ou would arouse their criticism. 1ou have talent$ but
"our emplo"er ma" refuse to recogni9e it in order to avoid pa"ing "ou more.

5on(t anticipate an earl" marriage unless "ou are prepared to make enormous
concessions to keep it together. *etter to postpone a binding partnership until "ou can be
more selective in choosing a mate. %f "ou marr" for securit" it ma" last$ but it will be little
more than a corporate merger with little emotional satisfaction. %f "our upbringing was
austere and "ou saw privation and financial difficulties in "our parents( lives$ there is
even more reason to wait for financial independence before taking a mate.

Venus s&uare Saturn (*ett" Lundsted)

/ere the mother and father present an influence to the individual during his formative
"ears that makes it difficult to develop an" sense of self-worth. %n order for an
androg"nous personalit" to develop - a personalit" with the masculine and feminine
principles in balance - the parents must offer an image that can help build the concept. A
feeling of self-worth is created b" the constructive union of the masculine and feminine
principles. !he s&uare aspect indicates that the images are at odds.

Venus indicates the effect of the mother and Saturn that of the father on the person(s
developing ps"che. )hen these two planets are in a s&uare aspect$ the parents are at
odds with each others and the effect on the person during childhood is a weight" one.
-eople with this aspect don(t know how the" feel about men or women$ warmth and
affection (Venus)$ or authorit" and the abilit" to eecute a personal sense of order in the
live (Saturn). (%s love frivolous>( the" ask. (2r$ are men against women and vice versa>(
!his person carries an unconscious memor" of 'om and 5ad against each other$ and this
puts a feeling of apprhension in ever" relationship. 'an" internal or even subconscious
apprehensions ma" ocur because the parents didn(t epress affection in a health"
manner. !hese people often get into role-pla"ing marriages. the" merel" live with the
partner but don(t reall" share emotionall".

!he aspect can cause a lonel" feeling. pessimistic thoughts about love are similar to the
Venus-Saturn con#unction. /ere again$ we see the person who was deprived of the kind of
love he needed$ or one who was deprived of possessions that his parents didn(t
understand his attachment to. !hese people do not enter into relationships easil". nor do
the" work well or co-operativel" when relationship compromises must be handled.

)hen attempting to break the power of this aspect$ the individual has to stop looking for
guarantees. he must learn to give confidence to his partner as well as look for it from the
partner. 'ore comes from a relationship when the (insurance polic"( ideas are
abandoned. An" personal behavior that seems to be motivated b" (m" parents handled life
this wa"( should be &uestioned because it ma" be an imitation of an unhealth" famil"
pattern that will also create the same problems in the children he parents.

!he person born with this configuration comes from a bleak childhood. /e didn(t have a
chance to learn how to give or how to receive$ for it wasn(t done b" the parents. !he
aspect can be overcome b" deciding to learn how to give$ how to appreciate$ how to cake
a chance in a love relationship$ how to work through a compromise without a feeling of
loss. )hen these things are learned$ then the hardness of the aspect goes. %t is much like
taking a course in French or 8erman< "ou start at the beginning and learn the sub#ect.

Venus opposition Saturn (*ett" Lundsted)

/ere the energ" is similar to the con#unction and the s&uare$ but there is an additional
feeling of compromise or loss (or both). Venus s"mboli9es the effect of the mother and
Saturn represents the effect of the father on the individual$ and the images are confused.
2ne parent ma" leave when the person is a child. but even if the loss of a parent doesn(t
occur$ the person feels like a victim between the two parents who are each throwing a
different vibration into his developing ps"che. )hat is a man> )hat is a woman> /ow
does one treat men and women> /ow does one feel about oneself and one(s relationships
with members of the opposite se>

!his often represents an individual who has losses in love because the ps"che is
programmed to lose. this individual ma" fall in love with someon who is unavailable or
with someone who dies or who makes him intensel" miserable. !he parents removed the
ob#ects that the person was attached to during his formative "ears. !he (love ob#ect( ma"
have been a favorite to" or a securit" blanket$ or the affection of one or both of the
parents. 2ne parent ma" have been harsh to the other. one parent ma" have suppressed
the other. the child saw the parents disliking each other in some wa". So the image in the
ps"che carries a message that men and women are against each other - each must make
the other compromise in some wa".

!he abilit" to love is harshened or lessened$ and fre&uentl" authorit" is resented. )hen
Saturn opposes Venus$ the father is harsh with the mother because Saturn is a stronger
planet than Venus. %t makes the person suspicious of his own desires$ unnecessaril" hard
on himself$ willing to give up pleasure$ and read" to turn awa" from love.

!he mother didn(t value herself$ and this person will absorb her feelings< women have
little value. love can hurt or love can be a harsh eperience. !his individual grows up to
be ver" cautious about developing relationships$ and it is this feeling that makes him look
for the love insurance policies that are unattainable. !his is the t"pe of personalit" that
doesn(t give of itself or gives onl" of the material self$ or one who unconsciousl" picks
someone to love who is taken from him. %t seems possible that the ps"che of unconscious
self of a person with this aspect ma" not think that he or she deserves to have a long-
lasting$ good relationship.

%t(s important to understand that there are no bad aspects or awful destinies in astrolog"$
but rather that we tend to seek what we have been programmed for even though the
program is unconscious. !he ps"che is powerful. the power of the subconscious is far
stronger than that of the conscious mind. !here is no argument going on between the
subconscious and the conscious. 2nce we are able to diagnose an unhealth" program$ we
can begin to change the wa" we use the energ" and rid ourselves of the negative
influence of an" energ" source that we call an (aspect(.
Venus quincun0 Saturn

(7obert -elletier)

!he incon#unct between Venus and Saturn indicates that "ou feel burdened b" ecessive
responsibilities. 1ou feel that other people alwa"s want "ou to do something for them$
and "ou resent it. Actuall"$ "ou overreact$ assuming the" want more from "ou than the"
do. %t would be unfair to critici9e them for this. 1ou reall" want ever"one to approve of
"ou$ so "ou tr" to bu" approval b" offering "ourself.

1ou must carefull" evaluate "our priorities for "ourself and for others. 1our greatest
problem is that "ou don(t like "ourself enough$ so "ou feel that "ou reall" deserve to be
used b" others. %f "ou think about it$ all "ou owe an"bod" else is tolerance and respect.
1ou owe "ourself much more than this - for instance$ to be free from intimidation$ to
know "our own worth$ and to be burdened onl" b" matters that serve "our interests.
)hen "ou have achieved some satisfaction of "our own needs$ it will be time enough to
do it for others.

%f "ou improve "our opinion of "ourself$ "ou can accomplish man" things in "our career.
!he same intensit" "ou directed towards others can be used to develop "our natural
talents. 1ou have enormous potential for success. 1ou are serious and responsible about
doing "our work well. in fact$ "ou probabl" work harder than "our co-workers or
competitors. !here are man" fields in which "ou could find satisfaction and reasonable
success$ including public relations$ interior design$ horticulture$ real estate$ and sales.
1ou are sufficientl" fleible to fit into man" categories of occupational interests.

1our love interests ma" be burdensome unless "ou stand firm and refuse to let "our lover
consider "ou as an"thing less than an e&ual. 1ou should be suspicious if "ou are
constantl" kept waiting$ or if "our partner alwa"s stra"s over to others at a gathering$
leaving "ou alone. !hese are signs that interest is waning or that "ou are considered an
ob#ect that can be put aside when something more interesting comes along.

%f "ou occasionall" find "ourself alone$ tr" not to grow depressed and conclude that no-
one wants "ou. =se the opportunit" to learn new skills or develop those "ou alread" have.
1ou have ever" chance of being greatl" admired if "ou will simpl" mobili9e "our efforts
toward specific goals. 5epression is "our worst enem"$ for it interferes with good
digestion and assimilation.

(+aren /amaker-Eondag)

!he trouble with the incon#unct is that it makes it difficult to pinpoint the source of our
sensitivit". Also we are sei9ed with an indefinable aniet" whenever we want to give
warmth and love. we are aware of being inhibited and of there being a chasm over which
we have to leap to reach the ob#ect of our affections. 2r else we have such a sense of
responsibilit" that we hold ourselves in check. )e unconsciousl" look for a partner on
whom we can lavish care (a disabled person for eample)< someone for whom we can do
ever"thing$ so that there is more of a parent-child than a romantic relationship. At the
same time$ we often feel unworth" or are plagued b" an inferiorit" comple$ and slave all
the harder to sta" in favor. 1et this is the ver" thing that alienates us from partners or
friends$ leaving us still more isolated.

!he negative spiral can continue for a long time and$ if we do not take care$ we shall
develop the sort of behavior which sends out (% am not worth loving( signals - and that is a
barricade that ma" prove impassable. 2nce again$ the wa" can be cleared b" self-
acceptance and b" the reali9ation that others suffer from weaknesses too$ and that our
own weaknesses$ though different$ are also on a par with theirs. !he resultant increase in
self-confidence gives greater balance. Although warmth and securit" will alwa"s be ver"
important to us$ we can become much more settled.

(*ett" Lundsted)

!his aspect s"mboli9es a strain or mild struggle between the (% want( part of the
personalit" and the (% take seriousl"( or (% fear( part. !his energ" serves to inhibit in the
sense that it becomes difficult to manifest an appreciation of love$ to pursue the
(druthers( because the restrictive effect of the father serves to inhibit emotional concepts.
!he signs involved should be eamined for the" will give the ke" to overcoming the
energ" block. !his individual(s parents weren(t activel" standing in each other(s wa"$ but
the" tripped each other occasionall".

!he father did not approve of the mother(s interests$ and$ therefore$ authorities will not
approve of "our Venus interests$ or men won(t or "our partner won(t - or$ conversel"$ "our
partner won(t appreciate or understand what "ou fear$ or won(t understand the aspect of
life that "ou regard with caution. %f this &uincun sits in the mone" houses$ "our partner
ma" not take "our financial problems seriousl" and ma" spend mone" that "ou aren(t
making. %t can manifest on pett" mundane levels as well as the bigger ps"chological ones.

Natal Venus con-unct Uranus
(/a"dn -aul)
Aspects made between Venus and =ranus emphasise the spheres of social and intimate
relationships$ with the energ" focus turned towards eploring the outer world through an
etroverted personalit".
!he dominating influence will be the urge for ecitement$ the stimulation of the unknown
and the thirst for the richness of life(s eperiences. 1ou will not be an introvert. and "our
main preoccupation will be ensuring that "our life is (interesting($ occup"ing "ourself with
a multitude of interests and eplorations so that there is no time or space left for inner
!he =ranian influence is the stronger partner of the two$ and its agitator" vibration will
give "ou an inner restlessness$ which "ou tr" to release in social activit" and interaction
with friends. /owever$ the development of "our creative$ artistic$ unorthodo
individualit" ma" lead to adaptation problems in mainstream societ"$ where "ou react
against being emplo"ed in mundane$ repetitive #obs$ or refuse to feel imprisoned in
traditional social attitudes$ beliefs and lifest"les.
1ou insist on being free to be "ourself$ and to do as "ou please. At times$ this can reflect
an immature$ seemingl" adolescent attitude$ which can be too self-centred and lack real
awareness of others. Also$ "our definition of "our self is inconsistent and dependent on
the attractions of the moment. !his develops the appearance of unpredictabilit" and lack
of continuit"$ which others often see as a lack of responsibilit" and commitment.
!his will affect "our intimate relationships. and "ou will probabl" have difficulties in
maintaining lasting partnerships$ either because the relationships collapse through a
withdrawal of interest$ or because there are too man" inner desires and conflicts which
trigger storm"$ emotionall" distressing confrontations. !hese ma" arise because of "our
insistence upon having "our own wa"$ which can clash with a partner(s views$ needs and
desires. 1ou see "our need for freedom to be important$ and so "ou tend to resist an"
attempt to make "ou give a serious commitment. 1our emotions ma" onl" be touched on a
superficial level$ and rarel" full" engaged with another$ which can also lead to periods
when "ou are tempted to become promiscuous in a search for variet" and new
eperience. Sudden affairs are &uite possible$ and also satisf" that urge for ecitement
and even danger$ where "ou can epress "ourself even more freel" than usual. 0ertainl"
"our love life will have an erratic &ualit"$ similar to the flow of "our se drive$ which will
confuse others. 1our disdain for traditional forms of relationship can lead "ou along man"
different paths. #oin this with the fascination that the unusual has for "ou$ and "our life
could develop like a multi-coloured weaving$ some colours harmonising$ others clashing.
(7obert -elletier)
)ith Venus con#unct =ranus$ "ou have a sparkling$ effervescent personaalit". -opular
and sociable almost to an etreme$ "ou have a d"namic 9est for living a full$ unrestricted
life. 1ou seek ever" kind of human encounter in order to full" eplore life in all its
dimensions. 1ou tend to disregard sociall" acceptable relationships unless the" are
eciting enough for "ou to feel uninhibited.
1ou are best suited to occupations that involve novelt" and in which "ou can function in
"our own uni&uel" creative wa". 1ou don(t take easil" to routine$ and a dail" scedule of
repetitious work would be unbearabl" boring. -rofessions dealing with the public are
more in line with "our sociable temperament. -ublic relations$ part" planning$ social
functions$ fashion shows$ investment counseling$ and interior decorating are some of the
fields that can give "ou the mobilit" and creative epression "ou need.
%n "our personal relationships$ "ou demand unlimited freedom so "ou can detach "ourself
without guilt when "ou lose interest. %f a person continues to fascinate "ou$ "ou form
strong ties. *ut "ou ma" sever those ties suddenl" if "ou meet someone whose unusual
&ualities gain "our attention.
%t ma" be difficult for "ou to establish a permanent relationship$ since "ou are outgoing
and probabl" career-oriented. %t is better to defer marriage until "ou(ve had the
opportunit" to tr" making it on "our own. *ecause "our romantic responses are
unpredictable$ "ou would be well advised to be engaged for a reasonable time before
marr"ing. %f "ou marr" on impulse$ it probabl" won(t be permanent. 2nl" strong Saturn or
earth &ualities$ determined elsewhere in "our anal"sis$ can reverse this trend. 1our
responsibilit" is somewhat lacking$ indicating that enduring ties are unlikel".
(+aren /amaker-Eondag)
Venus$ representing the need for harmon" and warmth$ teams up here with =ranus$ the
need for individualit"$ freedom and a life of our own. As it happens$ the two tend to clash.
especiall" as =ranus causes enough disruption to drive us off the well-beaten track in
order to find ourselves. !hat is wh" Venus 3 =ranus aspects$ and especiall" the
con#unction and the hard aspects$ are traditionall" associated with homoseualit"$
perversit"$ and so on. /owever$ these are the etreme$ and are b" no means the universal
rule in real life.
6evertheless$ it is true to sa" that with these aspects we take to people who boldl" go
their own wa" or$ at least$ are somehow different - ma"be eccentric or reformist. %n
friendships and love life$ we seek the stimulus of change and variet"$ and are not
particularl" stable. !he restlessness of =ranus affects feelings. *eing highl" strung and
haveing an overpowering desire for personal freedom$ we eperience difficult" in forming
firm friendships. Friendships make us tense$ nervous$ and insecure - because we are
doing our best to sta" unfettered while tr"ing to build up harmonious relationships$ and
this re&uires concessions on our part. Sometimes we prefer being cool$ with an emphasis
on eternals and the avoidance of an" deep emotional epression. 2nl" in the etreme
case$ when all the rest of the chart points in the same diretion$ can perversion or seual
aberration show itself.
)ith a con#unction between Venus adn =ranus$ we resist becoming full" domesticated.
"et the relationship with our partners can still be fine as long as we are not hemmed in b"
conventional rules$ have scope for development$ and above all are living with a partner
who is unconventionall" stimulating.
(*ett" Lundsted)
)hen these two planets are con#unct$ it indicates some kind of tie between the
ps"chological effect of the mother and the behavior pattern that she manifests during the
individual(s formative "ears. %t is indicative of some kind of eccentric or erratic behavior
on her part. She ma" have been tremendousl" creative or self-willed. !he =ranus-Venus
con#unction indicates that the mother presents herself to the native in some sudden and
erratic manner which the native cannot relate to. even so$ the native forms a similar
behavior pattern because of the mother(s behavior. !his behavior pattern affects the part
of life that has to do with the intellectual concept of love$ how one is able to appreciate
love$ to receive love or to communicate it to others. !his tie can bring out unusual talents
as well as unusual perceptions of what love is$ so it can manifest either in creative energ"
or in an abrupt attitude regarding affairs of the heart. !his individual ma" make
impetuous decisions and cause unnecessar" pain to those around him. /e will have to
learn how to (pla" fair( since his earl" childhood eperienve taught that decisions are
made before talking things over with the partner.
!he aspect indicates that this individual ma" fall in love impetuousl" and fall out of love
the same wa". !he concept of love will be unusual$ unorthodo$ and the lover ma" seem
to be a ver" different t"pe from the norm. *ecause the image of woman in the ps"che is
an unusual one$ the loved one ma" be an unusual =ranian t"pe who ma" not seem suited
to this individual(s outer personalit". !his con#unction ma" signif" a lack of
communiction$ for all decisions regarding love ma" be made in an abrupt manner and
without consulting an"one else. )hen a relationship problem needs to be solved$ a
person with this aspect thinks it through$ ma#es a decision$ and when an" discussion of
the problem takes place it is merel" a social courtes"$ for as far as he is concerned the
decision is done. 7elationships are ended with no warning$ and the partner ma" be left in
a state of shock.
'en with this aspect ma" leave a woman$ with little idea or no feeling about the
emotional trauma caused to her. )omen with this aspect ma" be an enigma to the men
with whom the" are in contact. !he aspect is harder on the female than the male because
she ma" re#ect her biological role. !he mother ma" have resented the responsibilities of
motherhood when this person was "oung$ and the memor" in the subconscious mind
recalls some plaguing fear about childbirth$ or distaste for the responsibilities of child
raising to such a degree that this woman ma" avoid ever getting pregnant. !he biological
role can be reconsidered when the aspect is anal"9ed from a conscious point. She is not
re&uired to be like her mother or to have the attitudes of her mothers. !he damaged
image in the ps"che can be healed through good couselling or therap".
(0harles 0arter)
!he inner effect is a high state of emotional tension$ with a craving for peace$ perfection$
and the realisation of beaut" in the life and surroundings. From this$ we ma" get great
genius$ but alwa"s accompanied b" self-will$ wa"wardness$ and a lack of practical
common sense and balance$ unless indeed the horoscope powerfull" supports the aspect
with stead"ing influences. %n an ordinar" chart$ it inclines to wildness$ ecitabilit"$ and
recklessness in incurring personal risks$ both ph"sical and in the wa" of reputation.
it tends to danger of violence$ attacks$ or accidents$ if the rest of the nativit" is of this
Venus trine Uranus
(/a"dn -aul)
!he epression of the trine has several similarities to that of the setile$ and usuall"
enables these two planetar" energies to work well together.
!he social sphere of life will be of considerable importance to "ou$ both as a personal
need for contact with others$ and in the en#o"ment that "ou derive from it. )hilst "ou
develop "our own individualit" and st"le$ "ou have a (communit" attitude(. "our ideal is to
live in a wa" that both succeeds in satisf"ing "our needs and has a beneficial effect upon
the wider world. 1our personal values are founded within a social perspective. and "ou
feel that "our concerns embrace the world. As a planetar" citi9en$ "ou ma" feel attracted
towards involvement with those groups which share this attitude$ so that through either
personal or financial support "ou are able to contribute towards creating a better world.
!he abilit" to have positive relationships with people ma" be used through work which
brings "ou into broader contact with the public. !his can be through teaching or
communication in some wa". -ossibl" "our talents can be epressed via artistic creations
or music$ which embod" "our Venusian sense of harmon" and beaut".
%n "our intimate partnerships$ "ou find it eas" to epress "our feelings$ and these will
remain more consistent than with the con#unction aspect. )ith these Venus-=ranus
aspects$ though$ there is the tendenc" to be affectionate and s"mpathetic with the
ma#orit" of people$ a form of diffused love which is universal rather than individuall"
orientated. !his can cause some unease and confusion within a partner who fails to be
convinced of "our specific love for him or her.
Venus trine =ranus (7obert -elletier)
!he trine from Venus to =ranus shows that "ou are usuall" optimistic and cheerful and
thoroughl" en#o" life. 1ou epress "our love for people without great fanfare$ and can
usuall" detect insincerit" in others. 1ou make necessar" ad#ustments to people$ which
endears "ou to them$ but "ou are &uick to see when others are abusing "our affable
*ecause of "our sense of values$ "ou strive to enrich the lives of others b" sharing "our
good fortune with them. %n the past$ "ou accepted "our responsibilities$ and now "ou can
en#o" the rewards. 1ou reali9e that what "ou give is returned in abundance b" others$ to
"our mutual benefit.
1our well-developed sense of harmon" and appreciateion of beaut" ma" be epressed
through the arts$ music$ design$ or drama. 1ou radiate warmth in ever"thing "ou do$ and
are rarel" negative in "our social contacts. 1ou can work effectivel" in occupations that
involve the public$ because people feel comfortable with "ou.
0hildren are especiall" appreciative of "our truthfulness in dealing with them. As a
teacher$ "ou would instantl" capture "our students( imagination because "ou have a
talent for making a sub#ect come alive. 1our uni&ue talents could prove rewarding in
financial work. 1our intuition would be an asset in speculating on the stock market.
*ecause of "our innate self-control$ "ou will probabl" marr" well. 1ou can look forward to
satisf"ing romantic eperiences based on mutual trust and understanding. 1ou epect a
lot from "our partner$ and "ou are willing to do whatever is epected of "ou. 1ou have
high hopes for a future rich with inner contentment. 1our ecitement and #o" in living are
the ke"s to much happiness.
Venus setile =ranus (/a"dn -aul)
!he Venus-=ranus setile and trine are easier aspects to deal with than the con#unction$
and both are more sociall" adaptable. !his is because the contacts between these planets
are more diffused$ which appears to diminish the more dominating =ranian influence$ so
that the Venus characteristics emerge more prominentl" and are capable of absorbing
the erratic =ranian energ". !he" harmonise more easil". and the =ranus impact becomes
a vitalising enrichment of new hori9ons to eplore.
1ou will have a social awareness$ which will enable "ou to have satisf"ing social
relationships with others$ which have both a creative and a beneficial effect upon the
participants. 1ou will be tolerant in attitude. and "our abilit" to be s"mpatheticall"
understanding will often attract people to confide in "ou$ perhaps using "ou for personal
counselling. 2ften "our innate attitude of acceptance can be a healing factor in such
relationships. and "our grasp of life challenges can reveal potential wa"s for others to
resolve their hidden conflicts. 5iplomac" will also come easil" to "ou. !his is not a
manipulative diplomac"$ but an approach that reflects "our natural honest" and sincerit"
with others$ and can be used to resolve disputes.
1our intention is to improve the &ualit" of life. and "our social concerns will reflect the
futurist impulse of =ranus. 4ven if "ou can onl" achieve harmon" within "our own
immediate environment$ then that is a success$ and satisfies the impulses of Venus-
=ranus$ because "ou know that ever" oasis of harmon" helps to build a better world for
all. 1ou are not resistant to compromise with others$ because "ou recognise that it is a
positive step bringing people together$ and is not a denial of individualit" that other
Venus-=ranus aspects tend to pro#ect within the person. !he spirit of compromise is
allied to the development of A&uarian group consciousness$ which uses the energ" of
goodwill$ and if rightl" applied releases individual potential and does not restrict its
%n "our intimate relationships$ "ou will have a preference for emotional freedom$ but$
because of "our other positive &ualities$ will be less inclined to reach a crisis-point
dissolving the relationship in order to secure this freedom. 1ou will tend to work within
the partnership to develop mutual trust and interdependence$ with the aim of achieving
freedom and personal creativit" for both$ thus turning it into a growth process. 1our
relationships will have an unconventional dimension. and generall" "our lifest"le will
stand at that point of interface between mainstream traditional societ" and that of the
more iconoclastic$ artistic and futuristic groupings. ,anus-like$ "ou will perceive both
wa"s$ the intermeshing (in harmon" and conflict) of the old and the new. Some have to
bridge this divide. and "ou are attracted towards volunteering for this task.
Venus setile =ranus (7obert -elletier)
!he setile between Venus and =ranus indicates that "ou are clever in social dealings$
reasonabl" competent in facing challenges$ and charming in "our romantic affairs. 1ou
are sufficientl" aware of others to compromise in deference to their desires. %n this wa"$
"ou en#o" eciting and satisf"ing contacts with others. 1ou pro#ect s"mpath" and
understanding b" becoming familiar with people(s hopes and wishes$ their goals and
1ou have strong hopes for "ourself also$ but in achieving them "ou refuse to deprive
others of their desires. 1ou have the intellectual abilit" to communicate "our genuine
concern to others$ and people regard "ou as basicall" honest and sincere. 1ou don(t
threaten people or put them on the defensive. 1ou en#o" being free$ but "ou value
freedom for others$ too. 2f course$ "ou have a wide circle of friends$ most of whom will
remain close to "ou for a long time.
1ou are highl" creative and ma" find epression either in sociall" oriented activities or in
artistic pursuits. 2ccupations involving children and teaching would be especiall"
beneficial$ both to them and to "ou. 1our sense of drama infuses learning with
1ou can relate to large groups as well as to individuals. 1ou are detached enough to be
ob#ective and at the same time emotional enough to be sensitive. *ecause of these
&ualities$ "ou could succeed in politics. 1ou would strive to merit the trust others have
given "ou.
1ou should en#o" warm$ meaningful romantic ties with "our beloved. 1ou are generall"
willing to make a substantial contribution to ensure that the relationship will alwa"s be
1ou are not overl" preoccupied with mone" for its own sake$ but consider it merel" a
means to satisf" "our most sincere goals and ob#ectives.
Venus trine or setile =ranus (+aren /amaker-Eondag)
!he option of remaining free to lead one(s own life$ and of developing within a
relationship as one thinks best$ is a must for those who have harmonious aspects between
=ranus and Venus. As soon as friends or the partner start t"ing this person down$ =ranus
incites him or her to kick over the traces. /e or she is attracted b" an"thing unusual or
capricious in ohters and is &uite likel" to cop" this behavior. A woman with ones of these
aspects is often ver" independent and has a mind of her own. A man with one of these
aspects usuall" looks for a strong-willed woman who knows how to get what she wants.
-eople with these aspects are full" alive to the individualit" of themselves and others$
and$ with their taste for the unusual$ the" keep an open mind on ever"thing$ no matter
how strange. 6othing much disturbs them. instead$ the unusual ma" even be found
stimulating. Sometimes$ the" even go looking for change (at work$ for eample). !he
chance that the emotional life will be fairl" unstable is therefore present even in the
harmonious aspects.
Venus trine =ranus (*ett" Lundsted)
!his is a lovel" aspect. it is much like the setile. Venus indicates our abilit" to appreciate
love$ our (druthers($ our (% want to be(s. and =ranus indicates our behavior pattern. !he
Venus placement shows how the mother influences the individual from a ps"chological
point. !he trine to =ranus denotes that she is a broad-minded woman who is receptive to
growth$ change$ and ideas from the "ounger generation$ and that she is able to give the
child a similar image to imitate. !his individual will en#o" eploring humanitarian or new-
age interests$ sharing with others and supporting future
generations and their ideas. %f the chart warrants$ this ma" be a person who will make an
ecellent teacher or counsellor$ for he can be supportive of his students or clients. it can
indicate someone involved in the art world$ for he is looking for new forms of epression.
As far as love is concerned$ relationships ma" be unusual or unorthodo but meaningful.
!he elements will epress this energ" differentl". for instance$ this trine in )ater signs
will indicate a much different person than the trine in Fire. !he )ater trine will be
etremel" sensitive and intuiive$ looking for a ver" special relationship. !he Fire trine will
be looking for ultra-idealism. !he energ" is best used when the needs of the signs and
elements are incorporated into what is looked for in life$ and those needs should be tied
into the &ualities described b" the Sun.
Venus setile =ranus (*ett" Lundsted)
/ere$ the mother affects the individual(s ps"che in a constructive manner. Venus
represents the intellectual concept of love$ the abilit" to appreciate love$ and =ranus
represents the behavior pattern that affects one(s generation. !he setile indicates that
the mother is able to give this person a far-reaching or modern concept of love and can
teach him how to appreciate being loved. Since =ranus rules the sign of A&uarius$ it
encompasses development on a humanitarian level as well as new concepts in scientific
research. !he energ" is eciting$ for it uplifts or lifts the desire nature to heights that
Venus probabl" would not reach all b" itself. !he aspect represents talent. and as this
individual matures the influence from his mother will benefit the consideration of new
ideas and new possibilities - and that(s a health" pattern for creative epression.
Venus trine or setile =ranus (0harles 0arter)
!his is a combination which usuall" signifies unusual taste and some degree of artistic
abilit". !here ma" be talent for music$ literature$ or the drama. it is often witt"$
fascinating$ humorous$ or charming. )ith a prominent 'ars$ there ma" be abilit" for
work in metals.
%t tends somewhat to eccentricit"$ sentiment$ and romance$ the passions being ver"
sensitive. %n ma" cases$ it seems to be rather a dumb note$ and goes no further than a
mild liking for music.
So far as eternals are concerned$ if favours popularit"$ eas" circumstances$ and
en#o"able$ though not alwa"s steadfast$ relations with the other se. Ver" much depends
upon the abilit" of the native to find an ade&uate outlet for the emotional nature$ for
there is a proclivit" towards adventures in love$ and the romantic part of the natue ma"
lead to looseness of conduct unless it can be (sublimated( in some harmless wa". For
eample$ -etrarch epressed his romantic nature b" writing sonnets to Laura$ while
living a perfectl" comfortable and respectable life with a wife and several children$ being
plump and well-fed at a time when$ according to his writings$ love denied him food$ sleep$
and most other necessaries. 2r$ again$ romance ma" be sought in stranger directions$ as
in the case of )illiam *lake$ who was most happil" married$ but allowed the eccentricit"
of =ranus to find vent for itself in such peculiar habits as insisting on receiving and
entertaining his guests in a completel" unclothed condition$ b" wa" of demonstrating
be"ond all argument the fact of his having regained man(s pristine (innocence of
childhood pure(. Another eccentric$ but (so far as % know) perfectl" moral Venus-=ranus
man was ,oseph Smith$ the 'ormon$ who (rationalised( the inner cravings of the aspect
b" producing a pol"gamous religion$ miraculousl" revealed.
Natal Venus square / opposition Uranus
Venus s&uare =ranus (/a"dn -aul)
)ith s&uare aspects$ the tendenc" is for the individual to (side( with one of the planets$
and to partl" re#ect and pro#ect the characteristics of the other planet onto other people.
%t is likel" that the more dominating =ranian energ" will condition "ou to the detriment of
the Venus feeling nature.
!his will be revealed in "our insistence upon being emotionall" free$ and in "our
reluctance to commit "ourself to an" single relationship and share in an" responsibilit"
arising from that. -art of this wariness is derived from "our awareness of a basicall"
promiscuous attitude (whether practised or not)$ and that often compulsive fascination
that can sweep "ou awa" on the tids of sudden intense affairs. %t is an innate curiosit"
that tempts "ou towards those individuals who appear to offer a m"ster"$ something
unusual in their life. and "ou feel the desire to discover and eplore their secrets. !his
does not alwa"s lead "ou into favourable situations$ and often can create etra problems
in "our life. "et "ou cannot resist the lure of ecitement. 2nce "ou have uncovered that
particular secret$ "our interest ma" &uickl" decline$ and "ou consider "ourself to be open
to the net fascination that comes along.
1ou will be sociall" active$ searching for novelt"$ new people$ and new interests$ and will
be especiall" attracted towards unconventional or artisticall" orientated groups. 1ou have
a natural reaction against convention and social traditions$ often dismissing their validit"
in a &uite flippant manner. 1ou tend to see a mainstream$ sociall" acceptable lifest"le as
one to be avoided at all costs$ and can have a low opinion of those who live that wa". !o
"ou$ it is a denial of individualit" to submit to the social consensus$ and "ou consider it
important to promote the image of being different. Sometimes "ou can rebel for the sake
of rebellion$ to support a less mature image towards which "ou aspire. 1ou rarel" anal"se
"our anti-tradition stance in clear intellectual terms$ or epress it in the form of a
reasoned reaction against certain aspects of societ". it is more of an instinctual reaction.
1ou find it hard to maintain intimate relationships$ even when interested in doing so$
because part of "ou is running awa" from accepting and giving love. Love makes "ou feel
uneas". "ou fear that it will inhibit "our freedom. and "our emotions tend to be repressed
to some degree. %n etreme cases$ the emotions can be almost rigid with inhibition$ with a
fear of acknowledging and releasing them. 2ften "ou eperience "our affairs or
relationships as superficiall" as possible$ enabling "ou to fl" like a butterfl" to the net
temporar" stopping-place. -erseverance is not "our strongest asset. and when situations
arise re&uiring self-discipline in order to achieve personal aims$ or to maintain a
relationship through a difficult phase$ "ou often displa" that lack of commitment$
preferring the ecitement of the unknown. 1ou are emotionall" fickle$ and with that
feeling of restless irritation on that level$ "ou ma" attempt to ignore its presence as much
as possible$ choosing ph"sical ecitement and mental curiosit" as "our prime directions
to follow. As =ranus will distort that feeling nature over time$ perverse feelings ma"
begin to form as a kind of twisted inner compensation for an emotional denial. !his can
lead to unusual and varied seual behaviour$ or the desire to eperiment.
%n several wa"s$ "ou probabl" need to reclaim that Venus feeling part of "our nature.
!hose emotions need to be released$ to have freedom to breathe properl" and to circulate
through "ou. 1ou have to feel those emotions$ allow them to penetrate "our inner depths$
instead of limiting their emergence. 2therwise$ over time$ the" will begin to poison "ou$
affecting an" relationships in a negative manner and ensuring that none trul" satisfies.
*eing willing to open to vulnerabilit" in "our relationships is essential. to risk being hurt
is a chance to take$ but can lead to a greater maturation and understanding of the
transformative and healing &ualities that intimac" can offer.
Venus s&uare =ranus (7obert -elletier)
!he s&uare from Venus to =ranus shows that "ou tend to be fascinated b" individuals
who have unusual &ualities. 1ou remain infatuated until the person begins to be seriousl"
interested in "ou. !hen "ou find new wa"s to detach "ourself from an" permanent tue$
because "ou en#o" being a free spirit. 1ou are not reall" sure "ou can ever accept the
responsabilit" of belonging to one person. !he fear of responsibilit" is unrealistic$ but it is
consistent with "our figurativel" promiscuous temperament. 1ou def" convention and
deliberatel" show "our disdain for those who submit to it.
1ou refuse to compromise with tradition because to do so would mean that "ou had no
individualit" of "our own. !here is much confusion in "our mind between love and
friendship. "ou win friends easil" but "ou aren(t committed to them$ ecept sociall" or
superficiall". Love$ however$ is more difficult$ because of the demands involved and the
limitations on "our freedom. %t is etremel" impractical to epect others to make
ad#ustments that allow "ou to preserve "our freedom$ while "ou contribute nothing in
return. 4ven friendship re&uires that "ou meet others halfwa".
1ou can en#o" e&uisite thrills in the total fulfillment of a true love relationship. %n a
merel" casual contact$ however$ (%f "ou settle for less$ "ou will get less(.
%f "ou appl" the same attitudes to "our professional interests$ the results can be
devastating. -romotion is unlikel" unless "ou slow down "our breakneck social pace$ to
show that "ou are sufficientl" stable to accept greater responsabilit". 1ou must also be
more discreet in "our private affairs$ which "ou tend to flaunt carelessl".
6ervous irritabilit" often results from this planetar" combination$ especiall" if "ou are
immoderate and don(t get sufficient rest.
Venus opposition =ranus (/a"dn -aul)
*oth the opposition and the s&uare displa" the stronger influence of the =ranian energ"
dominating the easier$ harmonious social st"le of Venus. 7ebellious$ unconventional
attitudes appear. and with this opposition aspect$ "ou will feel that "ou have to assert
"our own uni&ue identit" even though it ma" create discord between "ourself and others.
1ou will often feel disturbed b" emotional insecurit" and an instabilit" in the consistenc"
of "our feelings towards others. %n intimate relationships$ this will be displa"ed in swings
between red-hot passions and ice-cold disinterest.
!his pu99les "ou$ and can obviousl" confuse a partner$ especiall" when the need for a
deeper commitment arises. 1ou wouldn(t be sure what to do. and "our lover would doubt
"our real feelings.
1our desires can feel etremel" powerful$ demanding satisfaction. and the intensit" of
this energ" can lead "ou to eplore unconventional wa"s of life. A certain impulsiveness
and reckless spirit can take "ou into eperiences that could be dangerous. and "our
choices for relationships ma" often create future problems for "ou.
1our unconventional st"le and basicall" friendl" nature will attract friends. but "our own
sense of attachment and commitment to them ma" be erratic. 1ou will be too much drawn
b" the glamour of following "our own uni&ue light to maintain friendships. and some will
fall b" the wa"side as "ou move ever onwards.
'ost of "our tendenc" to oppose will be directed towards authorit" and those who
embod" a traditional social structure. As a natural rebel$ "ou will &uestion the
foundations of "our societ"$ challenge their effectiveness$ and probabl" support the
causes of those who are oppressed or disadvantaged b" the dominant political attitudes.
1ou have several characteristics which can be used positivel"$ such as a strong will and
determination$ and an acceptance of intellectual responsibilit" (sometimes subverted b"
emotional instabilit"). !he use of these will depend upon "our abilit" to be clear about
"our ob#ectives$ and to maintain enough emotional commitment to fuel "our efforts to
achieve them.
!here is likel" to be a need to learn greater compromise and consistenc"$ especiall"
within "our intimate relationships$ and to evoke the Venus energ" to a higher degree.
-rovided that "ou pa" attention$ and consider thre effects of "our choices in life$ "ou will
realise that eperience will teach "ou all "ou need to know$ despite its often painful
impact. As a rebel$ "ou can learn much about the less publicised frontiers of life$ become
aware of the heights and depths that people can eperience or endure. !his will enrich
"ou and increase "our maturit". 4ventuall"$ "ou ma" have much that is ov value to share
with others.
Venus opposition =ranus (7obert -elletier)
)ith Venus opposition =ranus$ "ou are somewhat emotionall" unstable. 1ou have strong
desires and don(t care who knows it. 1our intensit" in epressing "ourself often leads to
uncomfortable and even dangerous relationships. 1ou seem intend on eploring ever"
kind of human contact$ totall" disregarding the dangers involved. 1ou are a rebel who
insists that eperience is the best teacher. -erhaps$ but it is also the most painful wa" to
learn$ since the residues linger and ma" even haunt "ou later in life. 1ou are impulsive
and even reckless in handling mone"$ probabl" overspending on clothing or on pleasures
to indulge in.
1ou depends on "our bright and witt" charm to carr" "ou to success in "our #ob. %t is
possible for "ou to en#o" warm personal and social contacts with "our superiors. An"
profession in which "ou must deal with the public could provide "ou with much
1ou don(t submit to authorit" without challenge$ which can be a deterrent to reali9ing
"our goals. 1ou en#o" competition$ because "ou have enormous
assets to help "ou succeed. *ut if there is no ecitement accompan"ing the competition$
"ou lose interest. "ou are willful$ determined$ and persistent$ and "ou take on
responsabilities with ease. 1ou ma" alienate "our closest friends or associates as "ou
climb to success$ because "ou will detach "ourself from them if it is epedient.
1our romantic affairs will alwa"s remain #ust affairs unless "ou can learn to compromise
and meet others halfwa". 1ou tend to want fulfillment without making a contribution to
sustain a permanent relationship. %f "our attitude does not change$ "ou will en#o" a
succession of full and satisf"ing romantic alliances. *ut "ou will have no assurances of
trul" (belonging( to someone in the latter "ears of "our life. and loneliness is ver"
uncomfortable for "ou.
Venus s&uare or opposition =ranus (+aren /amaker-Eondag)
*" and large$ the tense aspects betwee Venus and =ranus receive prett" poor press in
traditional astrolog". And this is perfectl" understandable$ given that their inherent strain
and unrest compounded b" that of =ranus reall" tests the resilience of close relationships
with others. )hat is more$ =ranus is alwa"s the planet of the iconoclast$ the individualist
and the know-it-all - hardl" the ideal person for holding a marriage or a friendship
)ith these aspects$ we are tense$ nervous and generall" unsure in our dealings with
others. conse&uentl"$ we &uickl" get irritated$ or fail to take enough time to build up one
relationship before abandoning it to start another. !he idea of change and renewal is
irresistible. what we ma" not reali9e is that the source of our restlessness is in our own
emotional constitution. 2ur inconstanc" and fear of firm commitments are pro#ected into
a colorful series of on-off$ half-baked relationships which do not give us or the other(s) a
chance. 6ew friendships keep ending as suddenl" as the" begin.
2n the other hand$ nerviness can contribute to an almost Saturnian aniet"$ which
inhibits us from forming an" close ties. !his problem will recur time and time again until
we manage to deal with its root. !he creative side of the aspects can then be epressed in
a ver" stimulating relationship with people who are #ust as determined to preserve their
own freedom of development as we are to preserve ours. "et as a character the" are
sufficientl" interesting to us. Such a relationship is not alwa"s eas" but$ with these
aspecs$ we should become bored if things ran too smoothl". So tense aspects are b" no
means inimical to good relationships.
Venus s&uare or opposition =ranus (0harles 0arter)

!hough far less depressing than the evil aspects of Venus and Saturn$ this combination
has a tendenc" to make the native etremel" (touch"($ so that co-operation of an" kind
becomes almost impossible. !here is self-will$ and sometimes an unusual rigidit" of
outlook and opinion from which the native cannot be moved. indeed it often happens that
he will refuse to discuss hie reasons or motives. !he feelings seem subtl" to dominate the
will$ so that the native$ while remaining outwardl" rational and logical$ will persist in an
unfortunate course$ and will refuse to give wa" or conced an"thing$ with the strange
unreasonableness of the =ranian. !he character is often good and kind$ but the
orientation of the will is$ as it were$ distorted.

=nfortunate associates menace the life$ both in love and in business$ as well as in other
wa"s. %n marriage$ the partner is uncongenial or dies. and sometimes the native is
changeful or eacting or eccentric. %t inclines to peculiar and unconventional ideas about
se$ and the native often has an eaggerated idea of independence and personal freedom$
overlooking the fact that man is naturall" gregarious and is more or less dependent on
his fellows$ whether he cares to admit this dependence or not. *ut the aspect does not
incline to promiscuit" or vulgar vice$ and its connection with seual perversion has
probabl" been etremel" eaggerated. /owever$ the effects of the seual life upon the
health are often unhelpful.

%t ma" concur with other features to signif" tragic separations and bereavements in
either marriage or other near relationships. %t is a somewhat common feature in the
nativities of suicides$ and it is also sometimes found in the horoscopes of child-victims of
assault and seual offences$ so that children possessing it should be carefull" protected.
%t is not favourable with regard to the mother$ who ma" die earl"$ or be unfortunate or

%t inclines to nervous instabilit" and various nervous afflictions$ probabl" due to
repressed or defeated desires$ for the desire-nature is strong and does not easil" submit
to repulse or re#ection. %t is useless to epect persons with this aspect to live a strictl"
conventional or harshl" -uritanic life$ for repression is likel" to cause violent outbreaks
or else repression-neuroses
Natal Venus con-unct Neptune

(/a"dn -aul)

!his con#unction of 6eptune and Venus indicates that there is likel" to be a high degree
of idealisation in the spheres of romantic relationships$ images of (perfect lovers and
partners( emanating from an overshadowing b" either the anima (if male) or the animus
(if female) inner patterns arising from the unconscious mind. )hen evoked b" powerful
emotions of love$ lust$ passion and attraction to another person$ these images of
perfection are pro#ected onto the loved one$ forming a glamour which is &uite bewitching
- until frail human nature eventuall" reasserts its presence and the image collapses
through a phase of disillusionment$ when the lovers fail to conform to that pattern of
perfection which has been superimposed upon them.

4ssentiall"$ "ou(ll have a simple$ trusting attitude$ which can become unwisel" gullible at
times$ resulting in conse&uences of deception and eploitations. !his emotional
sensitivit" makes "ou etremel" vulnerable$ and is often the source of difficulties in "our
personal and intimate relationships. 1ou hate confrontation$ tending to be more passive
and giving$ and will sh" awa" from an" emotional aggression and insensitivit" shown b"
an"one. -art of "our ideal relationship includes refined culture$ art$ music and literature
as common interests or personal talents$ and where the concepts and environments of
harmon" and beaut" predominate in a peaceful and tran&uil lifest"le. 1ou have an
appreciation of the more subtle delights of life$ with a sensitive and perceptive aesthetic
sense$ and "our standards of partner and lifest"le will be &uite high and demanding.

!here will be an active and vivid imagination at pla"$ looking to see or create harmon"
and beaut"$ perhaps reflecting in an artistic manner contemporar" fashions in art$ music$
literature$ fashion and culture. 1our heart will be soft and tender$ and often that
sensitivit" will be unsuitable for man" of the more #arring and discordant environments of
the modern world. "ou will hate having to rush around #ostling in large groups of people.
1ou prefer those sophisticated cultural scenes$ with perhaps a small grouping of
successful and intelligent people. *eing delicate in the modern wold which is swept b"
powerful collective changes can be a disturbing sensitivit".!his is wh" "ou often wear
those rose-coloured glases$ so that the stark realit" and grim harshness of certain aspects
is not clearl" perceived or is kept at a distance. 1ou can(t avoid the wholeness of the
world$ and such abrasive eperiences often stimulate disturbances in "our life$ as if
tr"ing to force "ou to look at them without distortion. !his tendenc" continues into
evaluating others in a realistic manner$ especiall" when pro#ections are evoked. often "ou
are disappointed when their true natures are revealed.

1ou can be too impressionable at times$ especiall" through that emotional empath" with
others$ and can revert back into being an impractical$ idealistic and ineffectual dreamer if
clarit" and focus are lacking. 1ou ma" need to learn to stand on "our own feet$ and be
less reliant on others. Some can succeed in epressing degrees of universal love$ healing
through their spiritual understanding and acceptance of others. but in treading this path$
there is also the crucifiion of the heart$ and a willingness to share in the world(s

(7obert -elletier)

)ith Venus con#unct 6eptune$ "ou are a romantic idealist. 1our trusting nature makes
"ou vulnerable to deceptive individuals who ma" tr" to take advantage of "ou. 1ou have a
kind of delicac" and aesthetic refinement that finds comfort in art$ music$ and literature.
1ou are artisticall" imaginative$ and thus can find beaut" where others cannot.

1our tender &ualities are best suited to professions in which calm conditions are the rule.
Avoid an" occupation in which turmoil or aggressive behavior is epected$ for "ou would
find this intolerable. An" of the non-ph"sical arts$ such as music$ writing$ fashion$ or
cultural functions$ would be suitable epressions of "our creativit".

!he idealism of "our romantic nature ma" cause some problems in "our personal
relationships. 1ou seek relationships that are serene and trouble-free. but "ou are
susceptible to and defenceless against attempts b" others to eploit "ou negativel". %t is
difficult for "ou to see others realisticall"$ so "ou can readil" be victimi9ed. !his kind of
behavior appals and emotionall" crushes "ou. Since "ou are not a fighter b" nature$ "ou
ma" simpl" withdraw. %f such eperiences occur$ and it is ver" likel" that the" will$ "ou
could resort to imaginar" safe alliances. 2n the ohter hand$ "ou ma" decide to protect
"ourself b" emplo"ing similar deceptive tactics. 1our rose-colored view of lide can cause
disorder in "our affairs$ unless "ou can understand that coarseness in some people and
abrasive elements in the environment are natural aspects of realit".

(+aren /amaker-Eondag)

!he need for emotional and material securit" and for harmonious relationships (Venus)
gives$ when combined with the refining and ideali9ing of 6eptune and with 6eptune(s
tendenc" to blur the line of demarcation between the collective and the individual$ a
great deepening of the emotional life. !/e danger is that this deepening will take place at
the epense of the personal level$ and we shall tr" to ideali9e friends and loved ones and
drift about wrapped in a pink ha9e of romance. Also$ b" ideali9ing realit" we often court
disappointment. *eing ver" s"mpathetic$ we do whatever we can to console others.
!herefore$ with this aspect$ love ma" well spring from compassion. moreover$ we are
susceptible to emotional blackmail.

)hat we have to offer is not ver" satisfactor". For$ because we pursue universal love$ we
embrace ever"one and appear to be loving the whole of humanit" in an" partner chosen.
2bviousl"$ this stands in the wa" of a true person-to-person love match - the partner is
unable to enter our visionar" world.

;uite often$ we seek spiritual values in friendship and love$ and often have a penchant for
m"sticism and the like. )here the material side of Venus is concerned$ the combination
with 6eptune gives refined artistr". and$ because 6eptune is the planet of the collective$
we can reach a wide public with our skill. )e have a fine sense of form$ color and
proportion$ and know how to make good use of it. *ut there is a danger of dall"ing in a
tinsel-town fantas"-world (the world of film stars for eample) which has nothing in
common with the world in which we live.

)hen this combination is present$ we need to choose our associates with care. )e are
not ver" good at refusing re&uests$ are easil" browbeaten$ and are too self-effacing - all
because we have difficult" in seeing relationships in their true light.

(*ett" Lundsted)

!here are man" wa"s to look at this con#unction. !he Venus placement indicates the
ps"chological influence of the mother$ and when attached to 6eptune it indicates that
this influence or the impact on the ps"che is clouded$ unreal. %t ma" be difficult to
consciousl" reali9e #ust how 'om influences this person. or how or what she does that
keeps him from being comfortable with the outlook on life that is developed. !he aspects
to the 'oon and other aspects to Venus ma" give us a clue as to what the emotional
disorder ma" be$ for usuall" more than one aspect will describe serious condiions in the
emotional life.

Venus indicates how we appreciate love$ our abilit" to give and receive affection$ warmth
and love. it represents our intellectual concept of what love should be for us. )hen
6eptune con#uncts$ or influences$ this part of life$ it becomes cloud"$ veiled$ deluded$ or
overl" spirituali9ed. )e could sa" that this con#unction gives a person an unrealistic
concept of love in some wa" - man" times this shows up as a tendenc" to spirituali9e se$
to make a love affair so special that it condemns ever"one else(s as not being good.
-eople ma" become involved in spiritual love affairs that are not consummated seuall"$
for the" feel that se and the ph"sical epression of emotions is too animalistic. %t
confuses religion or religious piet" and love relationships. !he Venus-6eptune
con#unction can develop man" kinds of seual phobias depending on the gender of the
owner and the additional aspects to either 'ars or the 'oon in the natal chart.

A woman with this aspect ma" look for a great spiritual relationship$ sometimes being
drawn into the soul-mate s"ndrome. and usuall" the soul-mate is a homoseual or a
married man with five kids and a happ" wife. She sees the potential in someone(s soul
and can be drawn to relationships with an alcoholic or drug t"pe. At an" rate$ she seems
to be drawn to unhealth" people - and the problem is caused b" the fact that she relates
to them from a spiritual or ethereal point of view and sees something there that no-one
else can. !his situation makes it difficult to grow in a relationship$ for the person she is
attempting to relate with is not capable of giving an"thing back and she ma" become ver"
lonel"$ or make up a life for herself.

A man with this con#unction puts women on a pedestal and ma" feel guilt" about
epressing love ph"sicall". /is mother pro#ects a &ualit" onto women that doesn(t add up
- for she presents women as a special group of people who are ecessivel" good. !he
male(s guilt about his own seual and emotional needs can come from the fact that he
was taught that (good women( don(t like se$ so he feels guilt" when he wants it. !his
con#unction can go so far as to force him to be unfaithful in a marriage for he can(t defile
the woman he loves. he would rather defile a stranger. A woman with this aspect doesn(t
know what she wants from a love relationship$ and most of her insecurit" about what a
woman should want comes from the mother figure.

For some reason$ there seems to be a cloud of illusion 3 delusion around the mother as
well. For her own reasons$ the mother presented an unusual" or delusor" image of what
women are$ along with a cloud" picture about her own histor". !his untruth gives the
native a strange image in the ps"che that will affect his adult relationships. !he mother
ma" have good reason to delude the child$ for she ma" be hiding something about herself.
Sometimes$ the reason for this misinterpretation seems ridiculous later$ but it doesn(t
seem so at the time. !he ps"che drives us to live out the dreams and delusions held on
that level$ and if we wnat to change our circumstances$ we must know wh" we have
created the unhapp" ones in the first place.

%t is important for the child to discover what the mother(s reasons were for hiding what
she was$ or what women are$ so that the power of the aspect can be diminished and he or
she is free to establish his or her own values.

(0harles 0arter)

!he temper is usuall" ver" kind-hearted$ with particular fondness for animals$ but it is
rare to find persons with this configuration who are not highl"-strung$ temperamental$
and more than averagel" sensitive. Fre&uentl" there is a peculiarit" of the temperament
which is best described b" the hackne"ed ad#ective (sweet($ with the most abundant
s"mpathies for all suffering. !here ma" be interest in art$ or in m"sticism$ or in m"stic
art$ but it is necessar" not to epect to much from an" aspects of these planets unless the
remainder of the chart is of a high order. !hough often weak in itself$ this con#unction
ma" form a constituent part of the nativities of artistic geniuses.

%t often happens that the affections are disappointed or denied full epression. !here is a
tendenc" for this con#unction to bring sorrow and loneliness into the life$ often with some
inhibition of the health$ such as nervous weakness or a general delicac" of constitution. %t
does not favour an" kind of worldl" success or abilit" to combat or overcome the harsh
realities of life. Fre&uentl" the native is in some wa" sheltered or he seeks or is brought
into retirement. %t often denotes disappointed attachments or aniet" through the
partner$ such as his being sickl"$ in which case the aspect ma" take on a markedl"
protective and cherishing character.

%n two cases at least$ this con#unction has been associated with murder$ although it can
onl" be regarded as an accessor" in such matters$ being scarcel" of a violent nature.
Venus trine Neptune 2/a"dn -aul)

!here are several similarities between the trine and the setile$ based on the fluid
sensitivit" and creative imagination that is the potential of this aspect. !he trine has a
reconciling function between planets$ and with both 6eptune and Venus there is an
essential fusion of affinitive &ualities and characteristics. !he challenge here ma" be
actuall" appl"ing "our innate potential$ as there ma" be relativel" little inner pressure to
resolve personal conflicts through releasing the energ" in creative epressions. !here
should be artistic cultural appreciation$ plus an artistic talent that can be eploited$
especiall" through such areas as music$ art$ writing$ dance and drama. As "ou are
responsive to the more subtle dimensions of life$ and prefer more elevated ideals$ "our
artisitic creations are likel" to reflect such perception and sensitivit" and involve a high
level of purified emotion and intellectual content. !his &ualit" of idealism and romance
that can pervade "our creations can be at odds with the real world$ perhaps even a denial
of those harsher eperiences$ "et if successfull" epressed can indicate a future direction
for people to aspire towards< a vision of beaut" and harmon". 1ou believe that much of
value in life is found within a sensitive and sophisticated awareness$ and that such
cultural development deepens that sense of meaning and purpose for the individual.

1ou en#o" the compan" of others$ and are usuall" an en#o"able companion$ although due
to "our soothing and positive presence$ "ou ma" find "ouself placed in positions of having
to support friends who are passing through times of crisis. 1ou listen well$ and can offer
valid advice. friends feel that "ou do not condemn them for an" failings and that spirit of
acceptance of human nature is a healing power in itself. 1ou epress emotional empath"
and understanding$ and others feel safe and secure in "our compan"$ often confiding
troubles and confidential problems to "ou. %f an"thing$ "our permissive attitudes offered
to others can be misused as an ecuse to continue the path that the" are taking.
acknowledging human failings is compassionate and realistic$ but helping others to
become free from problems ma" often re&uire advice that is more direct and
confrontational in essence$ mirroring back the answer that personall" the" ma" not want
to hear$ "et which is the real answer to their problem. !rue compassion is not soft.
sometimes the solution involves taking a hard position.

!he t"pe of social compan" that "ou prefer to be associated with is that of similarl"
artistic and sophisticated individuals$ those who are involved with personal development
and epression and who epress a dissatisfaction with much of contemporar" societ".
!here can be a preference for discussing the resolution of social issues$ "et a lack of
direct involvement in transformingn them. Finding more appropriate channels to turn
"our responses into constructive means ma" be more satisf"ing. Sometimes complacenc"
ma" rule$ especiall" if "our own lifest"le is basicall" fulfilling and immune from being
touched b" the more negative conse&uences of sical decline and deca".

*ecoming more practical is an ongoing challenge$ and "ou need to link "our inspired
creativit" towards that. otherwise "our imagination ma" be wasted and rarel" anchored
in ob#ective form. 1our romantic live ma" be unusual at times$ often with a feeling of
(inevitabilit"( about partners and lovers.

Venus trine 6eptune (7obert -elletier)

!he trine from Venus to 6eptune means that "ou use "our creative imagination in an
inspired wa". !hrough "our sensitive and romantic nature$ "ou respond to the highest
ideals of others$ and "ou are enriched b" them. 1ou have artistic talents and a deep
appreciation for all that is refined in art$ music and literature. 8enerous in "our
#udgement of others$ "ou are kind even when the" disappoint "ou. 1ou are reasonabl"
permissive with an"one who fails$ as long as he is earnestl" tr"ing to succeed. )hen "ou
become aware of the negative elements in "our environment$ "ou ma" look the other wa"$
for "ou can be complacent about such conditions$ not wanting to get involved.

!here are man" wa"s "ou can epress "our creative talents$ although "ou are particularl"
suited to artistic endeavors. %n the performing arts$ "ou could succeed in drama$ dance$
or in choral groups. 1ou might dramati9e "our abilities b" teaching "oung people to
appreciate the finer things of life. 1ou have a refined and personable nature that makes
"our compan" soothing and en#o"able. -eople are often h"pnoti9ed b" a kind of m"stical
&ualit" in "ou. *ecause "ou generate trust$ "ou ma" be given a great responsibilit" that
others cannot be depended upon to fulfill. 1our delicac" and charm endear "ou to "our
superiors$ and "et co-workers rarel" feel threatened b" competition for favors.

1ou easil" form attachments with individuals who strive to improve themselves and who
voice displeasure for an"thing unclean$ sordid$ or coarse. An idealist$ "ou have well-
defined spiritual convictions$ which make life trul" meaningful for "ou.

1ou ma" choose to assert "ourself creativel" or elect not to involve "ourself$ but it would
be a waste of talent if "ou didn(t.

Venus setile 6eptune (/a"dn -aul)

)ith the setile$ the sensitivit" in the con#unction is still present$ although not felt so
intensel"$ and there is more of a mental orientaion towards the eternal world and an
abilit" to work effectivel" with people for social harmon". 0reativit" and communication
are enhanced with the setile$ and these gifts are used to create meaningful and
evocative ob#ective forms which man" others find resonant and inspiring$ such as those in
art$ music or literature. !he imagination is active and fertile$ and the channels are
present through which the images can flow easil" and naturall". this creative talent can
greatl" enrich "our life once it is properl" released. 1ou prefer to emphasise the positive
and beneficial aspects of life and human nature$ and are basicall" optimistic$ although
there should still be a realistic streak within "ou which adds a shade of balance.

)hilst "our emotions are too general and diffuse to be restricted to an" one person$ "our
basic outlook is that of a universal compassion linked to an understanding and
acceptance of human nature$ and "ou ma" find that "ou become a confidante to others
and perform a role whereb" "ou offer counsel and support to others in difficult". !he love
aspects as represented b" Venus and 6eptune (individual and universal) flow well
together$ and the emotion epressed through the heart and mind is ver" comforting and
soothing to others$ often possessing healing &ualities. !his caould be more formall"
epressed through medicine or ps"chotherap" situations$ and "ou can be an adept
resolver of conflicts through restoring harmon" in confrontationar" tensions between
people. Social or communit" work could be attractive to "ou in some form$ if "ou choose
to work in the outer world. Some prefer to work in the inner realms$ and choose to appl"
their talents through music$ art and literature to epress similar &ualities to the world.

-rivatel" "ou are likel" to hold romantic ideals$ often entering alliances with similar-
thinking and -feeling individuals$ especiall" those of a m"stical and sensitive disposition.
%deal love relationships are probabl" sought$ and this can leave "ou &uite vulnerable to
emotional pain and disappointment$ especiall" through others failing to live up to "our
probabl" unreasonable epectations. 1ou tend to elevate "our love affairs to sublime
realms$ using them as a m"stical stepladder to reach those subtle spiritual lands that are
"our private dreamscapes of paradise. 2ften "our emotions are associated with a m"stical
and religious importance$ and the setile and trine have been described as (lovers of the
universe(. 7elationships ma" be an area of sacrifice for "ou$ a sphere of transformation$
as well as an area where "ou ma" be forced to come to terms with the real world through
compromise with others and b" realising that for harmon" to eist difficult inner
emotional battles ma" need to be fought and ad#ustments made. Sometimes$ when under
pressure$ "ou ma" retreat into that inner ideal world$ and lapse into a re#ected state of
apath" and inertia whilst "our sensitivit" is renewed and made read" to face the world
again. 1our natural gifts and talents could be used to restore more beaut" and harmon"
to people and the world$ to make it more like "our ideal dream of a perfect universe$ so
look to that direction to epress "our creativit".

Venus setile 6eptune (7obert -elletier)

!he setile between Venus and 6eptune shows that "ou have an active imagination and
the capacit" to use it effectivel". 1ou have a talent for translating "our sense impressions
into patterns that are easil" recogni9ed b" others. 1ou can alwa"s find a means for
epressing "our creativit"$ and this enriches "our life. 1ou are compassionate$ and tr" to
understand others as the" strive to solve their problems.

1ou can be effective in man" diverse occupation. Solving problems is eas" for "ou$
especiall" those involving people. 1ou have a soothing &ualit" that calms others when
the" are distressed$ and thus "ou could succeed in activities related to medicine or
ph"sical therap". As a mediator in conflicts$ "ou would be able to resotre some semblance
of order in spite of strained conditions. Social organi9ations are especiall" suited to "our
temperament and disposition. %f "ou choose to function in a personal or largel" private
wa"$ "ou are well &ualified to pursue music$ art$ or writing.

1ou are a romanticist and emotionall" vulnerable to people who have similar ideals. 1ou
are especiall" drawn to refined individuals who are as impatient as "ou are with the ugl"
facts of life. %n "our eagerness to eperience the most sublime kind of love$ "ou are
spirituall" prepared to invest "ourself. /owever$ "ou must keep "our epectations within
reasonable bounds$ or "ou will suffer disappointment.

1ou are generall" willing to make the necessar" ad#ustments in order to establish a
relationship with someone$ and "ou recogni9e that "ou ma" have to make additional
compromises to sustain and secure that relationship.

!here ma" be times when "ou will feel oppressed b" temporar" difficulties. )hen this
happens$ be alert to the negative tendenc" to become indolent or perhaps apathetic.
*ecause of "our sensitive nature$ "ou respond more deepl" than others might under
similar circumstances.

Venus trine or setile 6eptune (+aren /amaker-Eondag)

!he ideali9ing and the search for a paragon of a partner are also a feature of the
harmonious Venus 3 6eptune aspects. )e seek perfect love and heavenl" inspiration in a
partner$ and dream of an elevated spiritual passion. but$ as with the other aspects
between these planets$ we are liable to run into the brick wall of hard realit" while
chasing the soap bubbles of the imagination.

2wing to the relative inertia of the eas" aspects$ we can remain a long time in a dream
world$ and this ma" distort our sense of realit". 6evertheless$ we can give first-rate
artistic epression to this dream world$ because an" aspect between Venus and 6eptune
produces creativit". =nfortunatel"$ when the aspect is eas"$ we tend to neglect talents$
unless we are stirred up b" influences from elsewhere in the horoscope.

)e like to get on well with our friends and ac&uaintances$ and seldom upset them. 2ur
attitude is s"mpathetic$ warm and cordial$ but rather impersonal where deeper feelings
are concerned. /ere we encounter difficulties similar to those encountered b" people
with the con#unction.
)ith the s&uare$ there can be difficulties with the inhibition of emotions$ creativit" and
relationships with others. -art of this difficult" arises from an etreme sensitivit" of
feelings which have never been properl" integrated. !he other main source is that of an
unrealistic imagination which has a tendenc" to create escapist private realities$ where
"ou can avoid facing those aspects of life that "ou dislike or which are too painful.

!he s&uare is one of the 6eptune aspects that stimulates those emotional-level fogs and
mists$ creating a conse&uence of being unable to see clearl" and of being liable to make
mis#udgements. and which fuels tendencies of self-deception and mental distortion.
Sometimes "ou even (rel"( on these inner fogs to prevent "ou from seeing the real and
true situations regarding "ourself and "our relationships. 2ften these emotionall" rooted
problems are associated with impulses from the unconscious mind$ and there can be a
pattern of guilt$ self-sacrifice and mart"rdom operating within "ou at a deep unconscious

!hese factors tend to make "ou vulnerable to deception$ prone to suffer from "our own
realit" pro#ections and filters$ and from the choices and actions of others who ma" be
similarl" ps"chologicall" influenced. 5ue to this unease within "our emotions$ "ou can be
almost belligerentl" defensive at times when "ou believe that others are opposing "ou.
relationship or emplo"ment disputations are probable. !here can be inner reactions
against too much social or work compan"$ often caused b" that apssive and unconscious
empath" which can intensif" the level of stress and tension in "ou. Such ps"chic currents
seep into "our (aura( and mind at an unconscious level$ and these will influence "our state
of well-being unless "ou recognise what ma" be occurring and then take action to release
these intrusive energies from "our bod"-emotions-mind s"stem.

%ntimate relationships can be a source of challenges$ especiall" when "ou have made
some form of emotional commitment$ as often "our choice of lover or partner results from
mis#udgement. =nless "ou have ps"chologicall" cleansed "our distorting emotional level$
"ou ma" discover that marriage ma" reveal a lack of honest" and direct relationship$ and
the impulse of attraction was founded solel" on transient passions$ illusions and the
personal need to rel" on another. %t can be that a preoccupation with those inner
emotional flaws makes "ou less adept at dealing with the material world$ and this can
translate into unwise financial and business decisions$ which can then have a negative
impact on the economic foundations of a famil" and marriage.

2ften there is a need to rel" on others$ or on an ideolog" or religion. 1ou are basicall"
idealistic$ "et this is likel" to attract "ou towards involvement with minorit" cults or
foreign religions because of their glamours and strange fascinations. !hese can be a seed
bed for additional confusions and distortions if not carefull" approached$ and "ou ma"
discover that "ou have been too indiscriminate in "our choices. %n several wa"s$ these are
s"mptomatic of an inner need of transformation$ of the need to redeem negative patterns
dominating "our life. Seualit" as a powerful aspect of the impulse for relationships can
be a prime area in which such dilemmas can be epressed. !his can be revealed through
needs for multiple partners$ searching for a perfect thgouh unattainable lover$ "et being
unprepared and unwilling to actuall" commit "ourself to a real flesh-and-blood person. %t
ma" emerget through ecessive seual imagination$ where unfulfilled seual imager" and
desires ma" be intertwined with underl"ing and repressed emotionall" based complees$
or are practised secretl" and conspire to build an area of denial in "our life.

0hanges are probabl" needed in order to integrate the 6eptune energ" into "our life$ so
that it ceases to displa" its more negative face of unresolution. 1our attitutdes to others
through relationships need to be redefined$ so that an" paranoia is dropped$ as well as
an" tendencies toward eploitation b" "ourself or against "ourself. Standing free and
independent is preferable$ at ltast as an initial cleansing process. Facing realit"$ and
turning eperience into wisdom and insight$ is an essential step to move towards$ so that
"our basic perception of "our own nature and of others is reconstructed. !urning within
through meditation or forms of self-therap" is an ideal path to take$ so that "ou begin to
release the old patterns$ discover a new centre b" cleaning out old illusions$ and see
through new e"es. 'editation is a deconditioning techni&ue$ se&uentiall" liberating
through practice$ and redirecting the energ" flow of the mind not inwards instead of
outwards$ so the energ" acts as a penetrating disperser of restrictive ps"chological
patterns. !his will strengthen self-discipline$ which$ as energ" is released through the
resolution of inner conflicts and frictions$ can free those channels of blocked creativit"$
and so enable "ou to take control and direction of "our life back into "our own hands.
Accepting personal responsibilit" for "our choices$ decisions and actions will create a
firm foundation to deal with the more comple sphere of the emotional sensitivities
which$ whilst it ma" take time and effort to clarif"$ is the point of resolution for the
ma#orit" of conflicts in "our life$ and so is the ke" to a meaningful and satisf"ing future

Venus square Neptune
(7obert -elletier)

!he s&uare from Venus to 6eptune means that "our imagination ma" case "ou some
difficulties. 1our defences usuall" go up whenever an"thing or an"one seems to challenge
"ou. !he" ma" not in fact be threatening "ou$ but "ou still respond as if the" were. %t is
not eas" for "ou to see things clearl"$ and "ou are often ill-advised in "our #udgement.
%nstead of rose-colored glasses$ "ou have blinders that block out the truths "ou can(t
accept. 1our outlook on life needs great ad#ustment if "ou wish to avoid the man"
problems that are sure to develop.

1ou are best suited to self-emplo"ment. 1ou are so sensitive to people that occupations
involving others can produce much aniet" and stress. *ecause "ou can(t handle
frustration$ it is doubtful that "ou could succeed in an" competitive function. 1ou will
tend to get into disputes with co-workers or make accusations "ou cannot sustain or
#ustif". 1ou must reconstruct "our attitudes so that tolerance is a feature$ not an accident$
of "our behavior.

Find an individual outlet for "our enormous creative abilit" so that when problems occur
it must be "our responsibilit" alone to resolve them. %n this wa"$ "ou will avoid the
compleities of guilt or condemnation that can result when others are involved. %n time$
"ou will learn from "our eperiences and kno how to cope with realit" when escape is not
possible. 'editate seriousl" so that "ou can be spirituall" prepared to endure eternal
abrasions with dignit" and self-assurance.

5iscipline "ourself in "our personal relationships and romantic ties. %t is one of "our
failings that "ou tend to encourage others to take advantage of "ou. *e cautious about
making an" emotional commitments unless the other person has shown solid proof of
honest" and sincerit".

1our lack of concern about material matters can prove costl". 5on(t overmortgage
"ourself so that "ou are caught in a financial trap. and resist bu"ing on credit. 1ou are
easil" entranced b" appearances and often ignore the harsh realit" of pa"ing for what "ou
have purchased.

Venus opposition 6eptune (/a"dn -aul)

)hilst the s&uare is associated with inner changes being stimulated b" the pain of inner
tension and frustration$ the focus of the opposition is usuall" pro#ected eternall" onto
people and the world$ from which it is often reflected back again as a source of conflict.
/ow this tends to manifest in "our life is likel" to be through an underl"ing suspicion and
distrust of others$ perhaps based on actual eperiences where "ou have been a victim of
deception and deceit$ or where "ou feel that others have badl" let "ou down and reneged
on actual or implicit promises. As (energ" follows thought($ because "ou are pro#ecting a
pattern of suspicion and lack of trust into the world$ it is likel" that "ou are receiving
back the conse&uences of "our own inner pattern.

!his is often formed b" unresolved$ unintegrated and unconscious factors associated with
the influence of 6eptune operating through a heightened emotional sensitivit" and
vulnerabilit". As the strength of imagination in "ou is potentiall" ver" potent$ if it is
misused or unrecognised then unconscious inner needs and desires create compulsive
motivations formed around private fantasies and perceptual distortions of realit". !hese
inner pressures affect the stabilit" and content of "our emotional level$ so that one result
can be moods and uncertaint" regarding the consistenc" of "our feelings. 2bviousl" this
will affect "our intimate relationships$ and can demonstrate its presence in a variet" of
forms of deceoption$ within "ourself and within the love affair. !he (enem"( that "ou often
pro#ect (out there( is hidden within "ourself. !hose 6eptunian patterns of victim$ sacrifice
and mart"r ma" emerge$ either as eperienced b" "ou$ or as epressed through "ou onto
others$ where "ou eploit an" powers of seual seduction that "ou possess for self-
gratification. Sensual preoccupation ma" appeal to "ou$ "et this could hold the seeds of
"our own destruction within it$ as there is likel" to be an addictive tendenc" operating
which is associated with alcohol$ drugs and se. Surrendering to this pattern would be
most unwise$ and a reflection of an unintegrated 6eptune.

8reater clarit" and honest" in relationships is probabl" needed. or the conse&uences of
this will emerge through deceit$ b" "our own secret love affairs or those of a partner.
0ertainl" trust will be a casualt"$ and if not perceived correctl" will onl" serve to add
more fuel to the fires of "our own suspicious outer pro#ections. 'arriage ma" become an
uneas" battleground and a focus for inner pressures and stress. !his is sometimes felt b"
others as an (antagonistic vibration( with which it is unplesasnt to remain in close contact
for long periods.

Learning how to recognise these pro#ections is an essential first step< "ou realise how "ou
are creating "our own eperiences$ and how unconscious inner influences and
motivational patterns are reflected back at "ou through eternal eperiences.
7eabsorbing these and accepting responsabilit" for them is step two. %f this can be
achieved to some degree$ then energ" will be liberated to enable "ou to access the
positive nature of 6eptune. 1ou alread" have a form of idealism$ "et this has been badl"
battered and damaged b" the eperiences of pro#ectsion returned to "ou$ so this needs to
be restimulated and integrated$ based on a new self-perspective. !he fogs distorting that
idealism need to be dispersed$ and old unrealistic dreams need to be dropped. A creative
potential also lies within "ou$ relativel" undisturbed and uneploited$ and this too could
be successfull" awakened into action and epressed in "our own uni&ue manner. !here is
no reason wh" "ou cannot take effective action to transform aspects of "our life$ unless it
is through willed inertia and apath"$ or because "ou fail to see that taking control of "our
life is "our responsibilit". )hen real transformation commences - even though it ma" be
hard to generate the initial momentum - then minor or even ma#or miracles occur in the
inner life to add their support to the personal efforts being made to change. Life becomes
supportive to the degree that it is appreciated and enriched b" "our personal
contribution. what "ou receive is what "ou give out into the world. %t(s a simple message$
but one which is often a ke" to resolving conflicts.
Natal Venus quincun0 Neptune

(7obert -elletier)

!he incon#unct from Venus to 6eptune shows that "ou are sensitive$ imaginative$ and
inspired. /owever$ "ou eperience great stress in using these abilities. 1ou attempt to
use "our talents all at once$ as if "ou had a deadline to meet and were afraid of failing.
5on(t be in such a hurr". what can(t be done toda" will get done tomorrow. After all$
"ou(ve set the schedule. 4stablish "our priorities and take care of them in their proper
time. %t is unrealistic to tr" to accomplish more than "ou are constitutionall" able to.
Learn to make compromises with "our desires$ to avoid ph"sical ehaustion. 1our
sensitive nature does not permit this kind of abuse.

1our professional life can be oppressive if "ou allow others to take advantage of "our
desire to gain approval and praise. 1ou are eager to volunteer "our services (be"ond the
call of dut"($ but in so doing "ou deprive "ourself of personal needs. 5on(t tr" to be liked
b" ever"one. *eing well thought of does not relieve "our burdens$ and can frustrate "our
need to epress "our creative potentials.

Artistic fields are best suited to "our temperament and creative epression. !he
familiarit" of this environment can soften the harshness "ou often encounter in
relationships with co-workers.

1our romantic nature is so "ielding and vulnerable that "ou are sure to have
disappointments that are shattering to "our sensibilities. Accept a romantic alliance or a
lover(s claim of affection with reservation. 1ou can be victimi9ed b" what "ou don(t know.
%gnorance ma" be bliss$ but not for long.

(+aren /amaker-Eondag)

)henever we want to enter into a harmonious relationship with someone (Venus)$ we
become ver" insecure owing to the undermining effect of 6eptune. )e start wondering
about our true feelings towards the other person and 3 or what he or she reall" feels
about us. 6evertheless$ we have ver" high epectations of the relationship. 2wing to the
uncertaint" of this combination$ we react unpredictabl" in love and friendship$ and this
also is hampering. For the incon#unct between Venus and 6eptune makes us etremel"
sensitive to people(s feelings and attitudes. )e are too obse&uious$ too read" to
compromise. either we keep slaving for others or else we become withdrawn and
completel" unresponsive - retiring to a dream world where we can contemplate a pale
ideal image of the beloved.

2ur emotions easil" deceive us$ and we are &uickl" swa"ed. Also (though the fact ma"
escape our notice)$ our own behavior is itself a source of misunderstanding - it does not
give others a fair idea of how we feel. )e neglect to show our true colors$ and the
resulting confusion merel" reinforces sensitiveness and uncertaint".

2n coming to terms with this insecurit"$ we ma" release an unsuspected artistic abilit" to
portra" our elusive feelings.

(*ett" Lundsted)

!his kind of aspect brings another sort of dilemma. !he mother of the native influences
his ps"che about womanhood according to the sign Venus is in. 6eptune brings a vague
feeling that this idea is all wrong.

As far as the desire nature is concerned$ Venus represents what we desire in life and the
kind of love relationship we want. 6eptune represents what kinds of goals and dreans we
work toward. !he two are not working together when &uincun. %t ma" be that the aspect
provides the kind of strain or discontent that ends up stagnating the efforts of this
individual. that the person ma" end up drifting instead of creating. !he &ualities of both
signs need to compromise with each other in such a wa" that both the signs can be
epressed in life.
Natal Venus con-unct Pluto
(/a"dn -aul)
1our intimate personal relationships will be etremel" important in "our life$ creating a
sphere of eperience which can take "ou to both the heights and the depths of emotional
intensit"$ and will be a focus for energies of transformation which will influence the
direction of "our life.
)hat "ou are searching for is (the ultimate ph"sical 3 emotional affair($ a consuming
passionate involvement with "our ideal partner. and this desire will pla" a prominent role
in "our choices of partner for relationship. =nfortunatel"$ what "ou are chasing is more of
an illusion rather than a realit"$ a dream figure pro#ected from "our own ps"che that "ou
look to find in the ob#ective worldl the anima and animus images of ,ungian ps"cholog".
As real life has a habit of shattering illusions$ "ou will often be frustrated in "our
relationships$ which could lead "ou to eperiment with a variet" of partners$ none of
whom seems to fit "our inner picture of (perfection(.
4motionall"$ "ou can be difficult to satisf"$ as "ou tend to believe that there is alwa"s a
greater intensit" and eperience that has so far eluded "ou$ but which would be within
"our reach if onl" "ou could find the right partner. %nevitabl"$ "our emotional life will be
full of highs and lows. and the likelihood is that "ou will either break up promising
relationships or allow them to fall apart b" withdrawing "our commitment$ because "ou
are alread" casting "our net for a more suitable mate. %t can be difficult for someone who
is emotionall" attached to "ou$ as "ou tend to (blow hot and cold($ fire$ passion and
intensit"$ and ice$ distance and disinterest$ as "our partner displa"s his or her more frail
human face. 2nl" a (god or a goddess( will do for "ou:
!he point is that "ou are eternalising "our inner ideal partner. and what is re&uired is
that "ou realise that "ou have to evoke these &ualities from within "our own nature$ to
become more complete and self-sufficient in "ourself$ rather than look for another to bear
the strain of epressing them$ and upon whom "ou lean. 1ou have to reabsorb "our own
fantas" pro#ection$ stop epecting another to live up to "our ideal$ and learn how to
embod" it "ourself. %t is a step in moving towards the inner androg"nous state of being$
where the ph"sical male integrates his anima$ allowing (traditional feminine &ualities( of
sensitivit"$ intuitiveness$ nurturing and caring to enrich his life$ and the ph"sical woman
integrates her animus$ releasing &ualities of action$ intellect and assertiveness to enrich
her life. an inner balance.
=ntil "ou begin to make progress in this inner ps"chological necessit"$ then it is likel"
that "ou will continue to find an underl"ing dissatisfaction in "our relationships$ a feeling
that there must be more somewhere. 1ou need to change in order to create an
opportunit" for "our relationships to stand a chance of working. "ou need to accept the
real nature of people$ their weaknesses and strengths$ and learn to love real flesh and
blood people. -otentiall"$ "our capacit" for hte intensit" of love can stimulate
considerable transformation in "ourself and partners$ acting as a healing and
development catal"st. the process of rebirth in "our life will come via "our emotions$ but
be prepared to suffer the (death of the heart( first.
1our vitalit" and energ" can give "ou an artistic temperament and abilit"$ coupled with a
st"le of dramatic self-epression. and people will rarel" respond to "ou in a lukewarm
manner$ finding themselves either strongl" attracted to the consuming flame or repulsed
as the intensit" is too much for them. !ransformation$ perhaps through the reorientation
of "our ecess vital emotional energ" towards a spiritual or social cause$ could help
regeneration$ offering e&ual intensit" but from a stabilised inner balance.
(7obert -elletier)
)ith Venus con#unct -luto$ "ou will encounter recurring crises as "our romantic nature
seeks emotional fulfillment. 1ou pursue the ultimate in ph"sical and emotional release$
and because of "our ardent love needs$ "ou will be attracted to a wide variet" of partners.
1ou are possessive of "our current love interest$ but "ou easil" turn "our attention to
someone else who seems able to provide "ou with a deeper relationship.
1ou often demand tangible love tokens from those with whom "ou become emotionall"
involved. Since "ou are willing to make enormous commitments to the one "ou love$ "ou
feel it is onl" fair that "our partner should make some material sacrifice to demonstrate
genuine interest. %n this wa"$ "ou are reassured that the relationship is more than merel"
a ph"sical attraction$ and there is a possibilit" of a permanent bond between "ou. 1ou are
alwa"s hoping for that total partnership in which "ou en#o" all levels of companionship -
ph"sical$ emotional$ and spiritual.
1ou arouse deep responses in people$ even those "ou contact casuall". 1our nature
stimulates both positive and negative reactions. some individuals will find "ou irresistible
and enticing$ wheil others will be fearful of becoming trapped b" "our pervasive charm.
%n time$ "ou will be freed from "our ph"sical preoccupation with se$ and "ou will be
more able to en#o" all kinds of human contacts.
1ou attract others to "ou like a magnet. !he" ma" be interested in "our dramatic sense or
"our artistic leanings$ or the" ma" be fascinated b" "our fearless involvement in deep and
sometimes dangerous alliances.
=nable to accept social in#ustices$ "ou feel strongl" that something must be done about
them. 1ou are ama9ed at the indifference of public officials to such inhuman conditions.
2nce a prohram has been started to correct the situation$ "ou ma" be willing to work for
it$ if it will serve those in greatest need. 1ou ma" feel that no sacrifice is too great$ if even
a small improvement is made.
1ou will en#o" working in fund-raising campaigns$ where "our deep respect for human
dignit" could be constructivel" demonstrated. 1ou know how to use pressure tactics$
especiall" with "our more well-to-do associates$ to gain their support for "our goals.
(+aren /amaker-Eondag)
!he all-or-nothing attitude of -luto is united here with the Venusian search for harmon"$
a combination that produces a rare blend of outward charm and a strong$ dark power of
attraction. -luto delves but is never satisfied. Although the native has much to give$ the
-lutonian influence on Venus means that he or she ma" demand ever"thin in love and
friendship. !he eactingness comes from the unconscious depths of the ps"che$ which is
alwa"s whispering that there is something more. therefor$ he or she is determined to
have more. !his person seeks an intense emotional involvement with a partner$ and
carries it to etremes. *" being over-eager$ he or she stands to lose ever"thing.
-luto(s hunger for power manifests itself here &uite affabl"$ because Venus has a refining
effect. !he native can captivate someone with a sweet smile - and then manipulate that
person to make him or her fall into line. 6eedless to sa"$ the con#unction (and the same is
true of the other Venus 3 -luto aspects) does produce power struggles within
!he intensit" of -luto can make the native #ealous and bitter in love and friendship.
forceful$ too. 2n the other hand$ he himself ma" attract strong-minded friends$ or a
dominant partner. Since -luto(s appetite is endless$ there is seldom an" satisfaction or
fulfillment in a relationship. 4cessive demands b" either part" can prove destructive$
and then -luto$ in keeping with another side of its nature$ confronts the individual with
separation and loneliness. 1et this can offer the chance to eamine the fundamental
causes of the break-up and can la" the basis for transformation and regeneration. )ith a
Venus 3 -luto con#unction$ relationships help the native sound his or her own depths and
to discover weaknesses and problems.
(*ett" Lundsted)
Venus represents the ps"chological effect of the mother on the individual$ the abilit" to
appreciate love$ as well as the intellectual concept of what a love relationship is. !hese
feelings will be altered in some wa" b" the presence of -luto. %t seems that during the
individual(s formative "ears the mother was convinced that she had to control her
universe through her (womanhood(. %n some wa"$ she was able to overwhelm this native
on a ps"chological level$ and the resultant adult is a person who has to protect himself
from the unseen influence$ the devouring mother. !he mother is an overwhelming
influence. !his produces a male who feels he has to control his relationships with the
female$ and perhaps even subconsciousl" he will be attempting to control an"
relationship that he forms. /e ma" obsess over relationships or obsess over his desires$
but the most harmful part of the aspect in the subconscious is a fear of the power of
woman. %t means that rather than relating he must manage ever"one. and that does not
make a relationship smooth or happ".
!he female with this aspect was taught earl" in her childhood that in order to survive as a
female one must control all relationships. 2ne must know where one stands in an"
relationship that is formed$ or it ma" be lost. !his woman will attempt to have a (grip( on
ever"thing around her. otherwise she thinks she will lose her position. 2ften the aspect
works subconsciousl". She ma" be vaguel" aware that she needs to detemine edges$ for
rarel" is a hard -luto aspect reall" conscious of the manoeuvring it does. She ma" pick
men that she can manage and then resent them for being manageable. She ma" want to
end relationships when this con#unction is being transited b" other planets$ for the
energ" ma" bring her insecurit" into focus. She ma" be afraid of her mother or resent her
mother from childhood on into adulthood.
!he aspect can indicate a person who
has obsessive desires. Additional configurations in the chart ma" indicate how much so
and what area of life is affected b" the aspect. %f -luto represents transformation$ or if it
represents the collective unconscious of humanit"$ then the tie between -luto and Venus
is a (biggie( in terms of human growth potential. %f Venus represents our appreciation of
art$ culture and beaut"$ then the con#unction will intensif" that appreciation and enable
the owner to transform the art world$ or to gain understanding of potential art forms.
*ecause -luto s"mboli9es the archet"pes of the collective unconscious$ personal
transformation and 3 or insights can be developed when the lower manifestations of the
aspect are comprehended.
Natal Venus trine / se0tile Pluto
Venus trine -luto (/a"dn -aul)
!he trine aspect gives similar indications to the setile$ where the possibilit" of personal
transformation is likel" to occur through emotional eperiences of a higher and intense
1ou will have a fundamental faith in life$ an innate optimism that all will work out well in
the end. !his belief in the goodness of life can be (contagious(. and "ou ma" feel attracted
towards sharing with others "our personal approach or philosoph" of life$ so that the" too
can eperience how trust$ faith and love can enrich and guide a life. 1ou feel that higher
values are essential in interpersonal relationships. and "ou tr" to embod" these in "our
own life. 1ou see that the bedrock of a partnership - apart from mutual love and affection
- lies in &ualities of commitment$ honest"$ integrit"$ responsibilit" to mutual obligations$
and allowing each other the space to epress his or her own uni&ue nature and to
continue to unfold the personalit" in a developmental wa". 8enerall"$ "ou have a belief
that the lives of others could be greatl" improved if certain ad#ustments were made in
their attitudes. and "ou are probabl" correct in assuming so. 1ou ma"$ however$ have to
avoid a tendenc" to interfere in the choices that others make. !he" have to find their own
wa"$ although "ou have the potential to help others do this$ perhaps b" encouraging them
to eamine themselves and their options.
1ou should have a sense of life direction to follow$ a meaningful path which ma" appear
in hindsight to have an element of inevitabilit" about it. Similarl"$ "our intimate love life
ma" feel preordained$ and "ou ma" find that "ou are waiting for that special partner to
enter "our life$ nto feeling &uite right with an" previous relationships or full" able to
commit "ourself to them. %t could bet hat "ou eperience the right partner in the
traditional sense of (love at first sight($ an intuitive feeling of (rightness(.
)hether immediatel" obvious or not$ "our life will be strongl" directed and influenced b"
"our emotions. "our choices will alwa"s be conditioned b" "our emotional responses to
people and situations$ even though "ou ma" overla" "our (gut reaction( b" intellectual
reasons or logic. Fortunatel"$ "our choices tend to turn out right for "ou$ unlike the
choices made b" those with the Venus--luto s&uare or opposition$ where following
emotional impulses leads towards considerable difficulties and frustrations. %t ma" be
that some of the higher appreciation and &ualities that potentiall" are "ours to eperience
ma" remain latent until the" are triggered into conscious activit" through the
transformative action of love upon "ou. meeting "our (fated partner( could be the stimulus
for this process. !his does not necessaril" impl" that the relationship will succeed and
survive$ but could indicate a crisis and turning-point in "our life centred within "our
emotions$ which - whatever the result - will lead to enhanced understanding and inner
Venus trine -luto (7obert -elletier)
1our Venus trine -luto enables "ou to en#o" the highest creative eperiences that love
can bring. 1ou derive spiritual benefits from personal contacts$ and "ou stimulate others
to emulate "our attitude about love$ which benefits them too.
1ou will control "our ardent love nature until "our intuition signals that "ou have found a
suitable partner for creative epression of "our passion. 1ou ma" have love interests$
which can be more romantic than real love$ but when "ou meet the one special individual$
"ou will respond with undeniable persuasiveness. !he chances are good that the feeling
will be mutual. !here is a &ualit" of fate in the chance encounter that defies all logic. this
love will grow until "ou both feel as one.
1ou can be etremel" effective in teaching others about moral and spiritual values and
how to enrich their lives b" adhering to the highest ethical standards. 1oung people
especiall" will relate to "ou. "ou can teach them to stand on their own feet$ secure in
their values and commitments and in their eagerness to be loving in spite of adversit".
An" profession that "ou follow$ "ou will be dedicated to. 1ou are honest and would
probabl" &uite "our #ob if "ou had to bend "our ethics in performing it. Some fields that
are especiall" suited to "our capabilities include investment$ insurance$ financial
management$ and sales. Selling would be especiall" rewarding because "our sincerit"
would encourage customers to bu" "our product. 1ou could also function well as an
anal"st because "ou can focus on people(s needs. 1ou are understanding$ s"mpathetic$
and "et strong enough to persuade people to accept "our suggestions for their own good.
1ou have a &ualit" that is essential to success - "ou believe in "ourself and in the
potentials of others. 1our basic integrit" is solidl" founded. 1ou could make a substantial
contribution to societ" through government service or political activit"$ probabl" in the
financial management of someone in office or seeking it. 1ou could also find satisfaction
in working for the %nternal 7evenue Service or as a private citi9en conducting "our own
ta service. %t would be difficult for an"one to pull the wool over "our e"es because "ou
are keenl" perceptive of dishonest".
)hatever course "ou follow in "our pricate and "our professional life$ "ou will be ampl"
rewarrded for "our efforts. !he love principle "ou pro#ect to all has the peripheral effect
of bringing abundance into "our life. !his aspect usuall" means "ou will inherit
something$ and it is almost a certaint" that "ou will be named in someone(s will because
of "our unselfish contribution.
Venus setile -luto (/a"dn -aul)
!he setile aspect is an easier one to eperience than the con#uncion or the challenging
s&uare and opposition. !he state of a more harmonious inner balance is easier to find.
and there is a more realistic appreciation and understanding of the nature of human love
and relationships.
!he eperience of "our feelings and emotions will be strong$ but will be able to be
absorbed into a personal integration rather than be a compulsive dominating energ"
driving "our life. !his means that "ou should be able to gain some perspsective upon the
patterns of "our emotional life$ to see the rh"thmic c"cle$ and to appl" common sense$
logic$ and rationalit" to moderate an" obsessive tendencies emanating from that level.
=nderstanding is a ke" for "ou. and "ou have an insight into the potentiall"
transformative and beneficial power of love in a human life. !o "ou$ having a successful
intimate relationship is a high priorit"$ although "ou will tend to be ver" careful in "our
choice of partners. )hat "ou re&uire is a partner who is capable of developing with "ou$
as the relationship matures and changes over time$ where there is a natural love and
respect for each other$ with mutual or compatible interests$ and where both will benefit
from each other(s compan". 7unning through the partnership will be a thread of purpose
and meaning$ perhaps a #oint life direction to be aimed towards$ which is nourished b" a
high degree of real communication and sharing. 1our ideals are high$ but are achievable
in real life. the ke" to success lies in right mutual choice. and this can come about
through a series of events that could impl" that the partnership is (fated( to occur.
Feeling this wa" can give a strength and inner commmitment to the relationship at those
times when mutual ad#ustment and personal change are re&uired for the relationship to
progress and deepen over the "ears.
Seualit" will be important to "ou$ but not compulsivel" so$ as "ou will see it as a natural$
en#o"able aspect of adult life$ and are unlikel" to have an" damaging feelings of unease
about ph"sical epressions of love and affection. !alents in the arts or music are at least
latent in "ou. and if "ou draw these out strongl" enough$ "ou ma" discover that "ou have
&uite an original creative abilit" to displa".
Venus setile -luto (7obert -elletier)
!he setile of Venus to -luto gives "ou an understanding of the power of love. 1ou
recogni9e that an emotional contact alwa"s re&uires both parties to ad#ust somewhat if
the relationship is to be meaningful. 1ou consider harmon" an important factor$ for it
allows intense ph"sical epression to endure. 0onse&uentl"$ "ou t" to establish a good
level of communication with "our lover before making an" commitment. 1ou ma" find
that "ou are attracted to certain people because of their appearance. however$ when "ou
get to know them$ "ou are completel" turned off b" their superficial attitudes.
8enerall"$ "ou are able to accuratel" perceive and evaluate people(s motives in their
dealings with "ou. 1ou still adhere to the strong opinions about love that "ou formed
earl" in life. -erhaps "ou feel that superficial relationships are such a waste of time and
effort that "ou will defer an" permanent tie. 1ou intend to make sure that this
relationship is broadl" based on mutual interests. %n other words$ "ou don(t want and will
not accept #ust an"bod".
1ou respond to individuals who want to develop their potential and themselves to ever
higher levels of accomplishment. 1ou relate best to those who have more than mere
ph"sical assets to offer and who are willing to compromise and make ad#ustments to
other people(s desires.
%n the broad spectrum of societ"$ "ou are impatient with insensitive public sercants who
fail to respond to the most basic human needs. %n fact$ "ou are temperamentall" capable
of going to etremes in eposing those who are guilt". Singlehandedl"$ "ou ma" launch a
campaign to uncover the most damaging evidence and then enlist the support of the
media to publici9e it. 1ou are especiall" keen on eposing the misuse of public funds. !o
"ou$ this is #ust as bad as being personall" robbed$
and "ou refuse to look the other wa".
1ou would be suited to such positions as compan" treasurer$ financial advisor$ insurance
agent$ or law"er in the field of wills and trusts. An" of these can bring "ou rewarding
creative epression and the opportunit" to enrich others.
Venus square Pluto
(/a"dn -aul)
-luto introduces an element of fate into "our emotional affairs$ which are likel" to be a
source of problems in "our life. 1our intense emotions are liable to dictate the nature of
"our choices$ and "ou ma" eperience difficulties through being unable to control "our
desires and passions. !his can involve "ou in relationships that ma" be basicall"
unsuitable$ and which serve to stimulate aspects of "our character that ma" not be to
"our own or "our partner(s benefit. At an etreme$ such relationships could become
mutuall" destructive and life-spoiling$ or degenerate into debasement of character.
Social and materialistic conditions will tend to influence "our potential fulfilment. and
"ou are likel" to be attracted towards those who seem to offer mone"$ possessions and
social status as well as a personal relationship. !his is partl" because of "our need for a
sense of securit". and it can pla" a deciding factor in "our affairs or marriage.
0onversel"$ in the inebriation of passion$ "ou ma" find that "ou are committed to
someone who has none of these additional (assets($ and that the lack of them eventuall"
has a negative effect on the relationship. 1ou are probabl" too self-centred in
relationship$ eagerl" taking but giving less in return$ and "et discovering that "ou are still
not eperiencing the peaks of emotional and seual intensit" that "ou imagine are there.
this builds a feeling of frustration over time$ which dissipates much of "our abilit" to
en#o" and causes "ou to begin a process of withdrawal form "our commitment and
responsibilit"$ mentall"$ emotionall" and ph"sicall".
A conflict that "ou encounter is that of chasing "our desires$ or chasing "our needs. 1ou
ma" nee to spend some time actuall" deciding what "our real needsactuall" are$ as
opposed todesires - which are much less essential to "our well-being. 4perience should
show "ou that there is usuall" a cost for ever"thing$ and that the fulfilment of genuine
needs tends to bring in its wake far fewer negatives than does the compulsion to satisf"
desires. 2ne can imagine an infinite number of desires. but in general onl" a handful of
needs demands to be met in order for one to en#o" life. %t is "our choice towards which
"ou direct "our energ". chasing desires often encourages "ou to attempt to manipulate
others through some form of personal domination.
0rises associated with relationship and emotions are likel"$ providing "ou with the
possibilit" of transformationa nd understanding of the energies of love$ emotion and se
within "ourself. !his can break down "our self-preoccupation$ making "ou able to give
and compromise more with "our partner$ to resolve the dangers of negative relationship
and to have more conscious control over "our strong impulsive drives and desires. 2ne
wa" to channel this energ" is in artistic epression$ as "ou should discover that "ou
possess some talent in that area which ma" be l"ing latent. 1ou should tr" to avoid an"
tendenc" towards entering secret love affairs$ which$ whilst the" ma" stoke the fires of
passion$ also stimulate "our more negative characteristics of not alwa"s being
trustworth" and not alwa"s fulfillihg "our obligations.
Venus s&uare -luto (7obert -elletier)
As a result of Venus s&uare -luto$ "ou ma" find that "our emotional life brings "ou more
problems than satisfaction. 1ou are deepl" aware that an" benefits "ou receive are
alwa"s accompanied b" some negative effects. )hat "ou want is often not what "ou need$
so that as "ou strive to satisf" "our desires "ou also have to endure suffering in some
wa". !hese desires cast "ou into relationships that eventuall" frustrate "our real need for
a permanent and serene partnership.
1ou tend to give of "ourself in order to get what "ou want$ and ma" even profess love for
someone in order to marr". 1ou could be obsessed with using se as a device to obtain
financial securit" or material comforts. %t ma" also be that "ou reall" love someone who is
alread" attac"hed$ or that "our lover ma" be taken from "ou b" a new interest in someone
!here will be a ma#or upheaval or serious crisis in "our life$ which could easil" transform
"our preoccupation with personal$ ph"sical relationships to a broader love that includes
spiritual and intellectual companionship as well.
1ou can be sure that if problems persist in "our domestic and professional relationships$
"ou have not successfull" resolved "our personal conflicts. !o demonstrate "our worth$
"ou must learn to fulfill "our responsibilities. 5on(t wait until "ou are sure "ou will benefit
from a paricular course before "ou start$ or "ou never will accomplish what "ou want.
'ake sure that "our behavior is above reproach so "ou can attract people for what "ou
are. !his will also encourage the kinds of circumstances "ou can deal with$ at home and
on the #ob.
1ou need to change "our attitudes in order to significantl" improve people(s feelings
about "ou. -atroni9ing people is a poor substitute for being honest with them. Friends
thus gained will never respect "ou$ and "ou won(t respect them$ either. 5on(t make
promises unless "ou intend to keep them. -eople will think "ou are a poor loser or that
"ou make gestures of compromise onl" when there is something "ou want. 1ou are
inclined to take when "ou should give$ to make accusations without thinking and to feel
offended when "our sincerit" is challenged. All these &ualities make others behave
offensivel" to "ou. !r" to develop warmth$ sincerit"$ and compassion. !he revised image
will miraculousl" transform "our personal and social affairs to "our benefit.
1ou ma" eperience some malfunction of the generative organs. -eriodic ph"sical
eaminations are recommended.
Venus opposition -luto (/a"dn -aul)
!he challenging aspects of s&uare and opposition invariabl" displa" the dark face of the
distorted -luto energ"$ and re&uire considerable individual transformation and self-
understanding to mitigate the potentiall" negative impact on life that the" will otherwise
influence a person to eperience. %t is important to remember that this influence to
confront the darker side of the ps"che is inherentl" positive and creativel" beneficial if it
is used to reorientate the inner life$ and that this ist he hidden purpose of the -luto
%t is likel" that "ou will eperience a repetitive pattern of seual love and emotional
affairs which either do not seem to satisf" and fulfil "ou$ or collapse into failure$ acrimon"
and suffering. !his can lead to a #aded$ c"nical attitude founded upon a frustrated$
demoralised emotionall" battered perception of love.
1our emotional intensit" and passion is likel" to cause difficulties for "ou$ as it often
seems to run awa" out of "our control$ and can take "ou into situations and encounters
which from a clearer perspective "ou would consider to be undesirable. 0ertainl" "ou are
looking for something. but "our seual and emotional desires can be too strong$ creating
distortions of inner energ" and leading to compulsive behaviour on "our part - followed
b" an attempt at #ustification in the vein of (% couldn(t help m"self...(. 4ither "ou will feel
driven to eperiment in various relationships on a continuous basis$ or$ as a reaction$ "ou
ma" attempt to avoid entering an" emotional affair as "ou are afraid of eperiencing the
old established pattern again.
-roblems can arise in "our intimate relationships due to "our tendenc" to introduce the
elemnt of domination. 1ou tend to demand "our own wa" or assume a dominating role$
sometimes pla"ed out in potentiall" damaging seual and emotional contets$ sometimes
obvious$ sometimes more subtle. 4ven if "ou assume a submissive role$ it is onl" as a
hidden wa" to manipulate and achieve "our intentions through a subtle route. it is not
"our natural approach. =suall"$ "ou want "our partners to change to suit "ou$ and "ou
can put intense pressure upon them$ especiall" seuall" and emotionall".
1ou will need to learn the necessit" for mutual compromise in relationships$ to
understand "our inner underl"ing desires and impulses which are conditioning and
controlling "ou from the depths of "our unconscious. %t ma" be appropriate to stud"
humanistic ps"cholog"$ or take part in a course or therap" designed to bring about safe
release of hidden impulses into the light of conscious awareness. Such impulses$ and
unconscious inner fantas" lives$ are present to some degree in ever"one. but with this
aspect the" will stimulate problems for "ou$ which are resolvable if "ou are willing to
confront them in an act of personal reintegration and transformation. !his will also serve
to balance out "our erratic flow of emotional desires$ which often seems to confuse "ou
and "our partner$ as "ou appear to (blow ver" hot and ver" cold( in "our responses to
them. this is when "our inner impulses arise and fall in some hidden rh"thmic c"cle$
leading to uncontrollable emotional and seual needs and intensit"$ or to a lack of
response and to coldness.
Alwa"s$ the choice is "ours. potentiall" "ou can defuse man" of the difficulties that
usuall" face "ou in relationships$ or "ou can continue hoping that the" will lift of their
own accord. -luto is influencing "ou to take the positive approach$ b" facing "ou with the
results of being passive to the inner forces and b" remaining unconscious of their hidden
Venus opposition -luto (7obert -elletier)
)ith Venus opposition -luto$ "our intense emotional nature ma" create man" problems
for "ou$ as "ou strive to force "our demands on others. 2n the other hand$ "ou ma" avoid
involvement with others$ fearing the responsibilit" of an emotional attachment. %n either
case$ "ou will alienate "outself from those who ma" be dearest to "ou.
%n an" permanent relationship$ mone" is often seen as the cause of disharmon". !he real
problem$ however$
is usuall" the ecessive demands "ou make of "our partner$ or "our partner(s possessive
attitude toward "ou. 1ou must appraise "our feelings realisticall" to see if the two of "ou
have simpl" grown apart$ or if "ou have tried to remake "our partner to fit "our ideal
*efore making an" contractual commitment to someone$ "uo should tr" to eamine "our
prospective mate(s potentials carefull". !his means realisticall" evaluating his or her
capacit" to fulfil "our needs$ both as a partner and as a parent of "our children. !he best
ph"sical mate does not necessaril" make a good parent. !here ma" be an inabilit" to
accept the responsibilit" of a famil" and the restraints to personal freedom and mobilit".
An" problems "ou ma" have$ however$ can be resolved if "ou are willing to compromise.
!he freedom "ou can en#o" together ma" be greater than an" freedom "ou could have
4arl" in "our professional career$ as "ou are tr"ing to become established$ "ou will
encounter certain difficulties. Some individuals ma" tr" to take advantage of "our naivet"
to create trouble between "ou and "our superiors. 1ou are sure to encounter severe
competition from "our co-workers$ who will feel threatened b" "ou.
Avoid forming a close alliance with an"one until "ou are sure that person can be trusted
with "our confidences. !his is especiall" true of "our boss. *eing friendl" with him ma"
give "ou #ob securit"$ but it will certainl" disrupt comfortable working conditions with
"our fellow emplo"ees$ and these are the people "ou have to live with each da".
!o be trul" effective$ tr" to maintain a purel" social attitude in "our professional
endeavors. An" emotional involvement will unnecessaril" complicate "our goals. %t is eas"
to be victimi9ed b" a person for whom "ou feel an emotional attachment because it is so
difficult to sa" (no($ even to ecessive demands. %f "ou allow "ourself to be used$ "ou will
increase the chances of being abused.
Natal Venus quincun0 Pluto

(7obert -elletier)

)ith Venus incon#unct -luto$ "ou ma" overburden "ourself b" giving to ecess in "our
emotional relationships. 1ou need to be more moderate in "our contacts with others.
!here is alwa"s an element of stress associated with "our feelings for the opposite se.
1ou tend to fall for the sob-stor" and find "ourself making commitments to people hwo
don(t mean that much to "ou. %t is "our desire for acceptance and approval that makes
"ou overetend "our efforts for others.

%n "our personal$ romantic pursuits$ "ou ma" be misled in believing in the profuse
affection shown b" "our current love interest. 1ou are likel" to be disappointed in the
end. *e particularl" war" of an"one who asks "ou to prove "our love b" demonstrating it
ph"sicall". 1ou are susceptible to such alliances$ and "ou can suffer enormous problems
unless "ou are aware of it and tr" to protect "ourself. -h"sical problems involving the
generative organs are a distinct possibilit" and ma" result in permanent damage to the
reproductive s"stem.

1ou can derive much benefit from working for enterprises of a social nature$ such as
medical research$ nutrition and diet$ and welfare programs. %n an" #ob$ it is best if "ou
are assigned a specific task to perform.

Seek professional advice before "ou make an agreement with an"one. 1our decisions are
often made under emotional stress when "ou cannot reason logicall"$ and these are the
times when "ou need help. 7eali9e that people will tr" to take advantage of "ou$ which
can sometimes be costl".

All kinds of negative elements seem to creep into "our affairs. %n "our #ob$ for instance$
"ou might be involved in preparations for a social function for fellow emplo"ees. %n the
confusion of the proceedings$ "ou ma" find "ourself pa"ing for things out of "our own
pocket because someone insists his contribution was paid$ and "ou are left holding the
bag. !his is not terribl" important b" itself$ to be sure$ but the constant repetition of such
incidents becomes irritating. So the first thing to remember is this< don(t volunteer either
"our time or "our mone". %t is enough for "ou to simpl" make "our contribution.

(+aren /amaker-Eondag)

=ncertaint" dogs friendship and love. and this person has a strong desire to prove
himself or herself$ or to take a firm hold on situations. /e or she can appear ver" forceful.
At the same time$ he or she conceals personal emotions$ because he or she is afraid to let
him- or herself go - which would mean losing a grip on things. )ithout knowing it$ this
person wears an impersonal$ forbidding mask< thinking all the while that he or she is
pleasant$ friendl" and read" to compromise (Venus)$ he or she is impersonal and off-
putting. !he tense reactions of others pu99le the native$ even though he or she is the

Also$ this person is inclined to attract difficult or cantankerous people with whom he or
she can engage in an unconscious power struggle. /e or she is aware that the" are tr"ing
to get the better of him 3 her$ but unaware that he or she is actuall" tr"ing to do the same
to them. )ith an incon#unct$ this person even makes a show of following the partner(s
lead and of doing ever"thing the partner wants$ but on the tacit understanding that the
native is alwa"s the centre of attention. Alternativel"$ this person ma" fall victim to
someone who pla"s this trick on him or her. !he aspect often goes hand in hand with
confused relationships in which unconscious processes pla" a part.

/owever$ this person can be an outstanding marriage guidance (or similar) counsellor$
once he or she has penetrated to the core of the personal problem. An insight into what
causes this behavior can make him a good adviser to those with similar problems$ for he
knows the tensions and difficulties all too well.

(*ett" Lundsted)

!he influence of the mother is strained b" an unconscious control pattern that this
individual absorbs from her. !he concept of love ma" be marred b" a subliminal feeling of
doubt regarding decisions in this area. !he -luto placement can indicate a sensitivit" on a
subconscious level that ma" elicit a reaction to love that involves retaliation or control.

!he energ" can be understood b" eamining the signs involved as well as the house
placement of the planets$ so that the areas of life implicated in the aspect can be
Natal Venus aspecting Nort# No$e

(Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker)

Venus con#unct 6orth 6ode< !his aspect indicates good timing in social contacts and in
forming relationships favorable for mone"$ romance$ partnerships$ marriage$ and
friendship. !hrough an innate abilit" to be in the right place at the right time$ the natives
attract those things necessar" for happiness. According to some authorities$ this abilit"
represents the good karma coming from friendliness and generosit" in the past. 2n the
negative side$ this aspect can lead to a frivolous invovlement with ever" passing pleasure$
so that time is wasted on useless social activit".

Venus setile 6orth 6ode< !his configuration bestows social grace and good manners
according to the native(s culture. 8enerall" the natives know how to use their charm to
gain the approval of their societ" and of the established institutions with which the" must
deal. 2ften the" possess good timing in relation to financial affairs$ public relations$
partnerships$ social activities$ and marriage. !his aspect especiall" favors business
because of the natives( abilit" to keep in step with current vogues and economic trends.

Venus trine 6orth 6ode< !his configuration indicates much refinement of the social
graces. !he natives( actions in all social situations coincide with the appropriate line of
conduct. !hus their popularit" is enhanced$ but unless other factors in the horoscope give
evidence of a deeper sense of values$ their concern for the sensibilit" of others ma" be

Venus s&uare 6orth 6ode< !he emotional &ualities of the natives and of their social
epressions (these are the persons who flirt in church and giggle at funerals) are not
likel" to conform to prevailing social mores and attitudes. 'arriages and financial
dealings especiall" can meet with social disapproval.

Venus opposition 6orth 6ode< 6atives with this aspect tend to loneliness and personal
isolation where their feelings are concerned. !he" are inept in timing social and romantic
advances$ approaching others when the" are preoccupied or indisposed. 0onse&uentl"
the" suffer fre&uent brush-offs and develop inferiorit" complees. 2n the positive side$
love takes on a serious and profound meaning. !here is a desire to help and relate to
those who reall" need love and friendship. %n the long run$ this brings spiritual rewards.

(7einhold 4bertin)

Venus con#unct 6orth 6ode< Love-union. 0ordialit" and a warm heart$ an agreeable and
pleasant behaviour towards others$ a general love of humanit". Lovers$ love-unions.

Venus trine or setile 6orth 6ode< Adaptabilit" and adaptation$ obligingness$ a pleasant
and engaging personalit". !he stage of entering into a love-union$ the preference for
associating oneself with artistic friends.

Venus s&uare or opposition 6orth 6ode< Lack of adaptabilit"$ little endeavour to oblige
other people$ a disagreeable nature. A disharmonious love-union.

(*ernice 8rebner)

Venus con#unct$ trine or setile 6orth 6ode< !he person with this aspect is affectionate
and warm-hearted. /e ma" tend to be ver" epressive$ and$ with an aspect to ,upiter$ to
the point of being gush". !his adds to the Venus charm and makes for great popularit".
!his aspect in a man(s chart makes him attract beautiful women with much charm of
manner. !his gives a nature that is dependable and well able to put action behind the
feelings of affection.

Venus s&uare or opposition 6orth 6ode< !his does not eactl" favor happiness. !his
person is usuall" ver" sensitive and cannot epress his affection comfortabl". /e cannot
adapt easil" to intimate relationships. For a man it ma" remove the woman he loves in
some wa"$ or ma" make the relationship difficult$ especiall" if s&uare. %t ma" not den"
love in his life$ but it can put obstacles in the wa" that he must overcome. !his diminishes
the Venus charm and makes the feelings easil" influenced. Venus s&uare the 6odes tends
to break up his numerous love affairs. Venus opposition the South 6ode designates an
imbalance or ecessive feelings. !here can be great sacrifice to an ideal love. !he s&uare
is not food for lasting love$ and ma" tend to make the person t"rannical and #ealous. !he
6ode s&uare Venus is especiall" significant for it takes much of the person(s attention.
!he interest goes to the sign and house in which Venus is located. and great force has to
be eercised in balancing the whole !-cross.

('ohan +oparkar)

Venus con#unct 6orth 6ode< !his aspect provides the person ecellent abilit" to epress
love emotions and appropriate charm. !he good things in life have a tendenc" to come b"
them &uite easil". %n social or public activities the" do not suffocate bur properl" mingle
and distribute their magnetism. %n spite of this$ the" ma" not necessaril" have a good
time from within$ but the" will show a smile on the face. )hat the" are doing is a part of
their destined dut" to keep the surroundings happ" and livel". Awareness of considerable
frustration and deprived se life from their previous incarnation subconsciousl" forces
them to be withdrawn in stages form this en#o"able game of life. 'arriage relationships
often are successful for them$ at least from the surface end of it.

Venus trine 6orth 6ode< !his aspect provides the individual with hidden creative talents
during the lifetime. !he" can epect better luck in love 3 romance or regarding mone"
matters. !his is due to the several good deeds performed in the previous life(s). !hese
people seem to have a charm and magnetism associated with their normal behavior. !he"
like to indulge in good things in life$ and this is their (coffee-break( during lives... which
the" have rightfull" earned. Lessons regarding Venusian activities are strange in this
aspect. As a result$ more than one marriage is likel"$ but not becuase the first one has
an" ma#or problems. %n realit"$ if the first marriage has difficulties$ circumstances take
upon themselves the challenge to overcome these difficulties and let that individual go
through that marriage throughout his life.

Venus s&uare 6orth 6ode< %n this aspect$ considerable stress and obstacles in love 3
romance are seen. !hese are needed in order to maintain and achieve the consistent
growth of that soul regarding the Venusian direction. !his transitional stage in life #ust
checks "ou out as to whether "ou are read" for further en#o"ment of life or not. !his
balancing of soul is achieved b" giving "ou u#st the right proportion of support and
hindrance in "our Venusian activities. !hus$ if "ou begin to en#o" the affair considerabl"$
then sudden obstacles are noticed. 2n the other hand$ if there are severe problems$ then
the circumstances will tr" to bail "ou out. 'arriage and love affairs are alwa"s kept warm
provided "ou are not overindulging in happiness from them.

Venus opposition 6orth 6ode< !his aspect gives the individual a difficult time
understanding and diagnosing love emotions and feelings. !hese people face several
hidden problems regarding love 3 romance and with people of the opposite se. /ere the
basic need for that soul is to convert the ph"sical seual energ" into high consciousness.
!his is not an eas" process b" an" means. 6ot man" of these individuals can manage the
processing or conversion. !his makes the aspect a tough one to live through in that
lifetime. 5uring the recent lives$ the person has overindulged in too man" good things. As
a result$ here in this life$ a coffee-break for that soul is provided. %f the" do not learn to
accept this$ the changes are circumstantiall" forced upon them eventuall".

(5onna van !oen)

Venus con#unct 6orth 6ode< 8enerall" this person epresses his or her growth potential
in a charming$ eas"-to-take wa". Sociabilit" aids growth.

Venus trine 6orth 6ode< 7omance$ marriage can set the stage for growth. !here(s an
attraction to artistic$ friendl"$ or loving people that aids growth. 2therwise ver" much
like Venus con#unct 6orth 6ode.

Venus setile 6orth 6ode< 'aking sacrifices for others ma" either provide opportunities
for growth or contribute to personal stangation$ depending on how the person chooses to
handle the nodal potential.

Venus s&uare 6orth 6ode< La9iness can become a means of coping with nodal imbalance.
5issatisfaction at the nodal and Venus locations is common. Venus con#unct South 6ode
tendencies ma" be displa"ed. !his aspect seems to have a high incidence in charts of
people who come from broken homes or have a histor" of romantic difficulties.

Venus opposition 6orth 6ode< !his person ma" have trouble adapting to new people and
circumstances. 2ften there(s difficult" in close relationships. !his person ma" be
agreeable enough but about the wrong things. Sometimes an over-developed sense of
dut" contributes to emotional stagnation.

(*runo and Louise /uber)

Venus con#unct 6orth 6ode< !he con#unction encourages the native to make man" friends
and to be ver" obliging. )ith Venus$ a person will want to en#o" the good things of life
and will avoid hard work if at all possible. Artistic gifts are often present. /owever$
Venus can be a hindrance to the Ascending -oint$ because this demands conscious effort
on the individual(s part. Although the planet promotes the feminine aspect of love$
upward progress is often impeded.

Venus opposition 6orth 6ode< %n the opposition$ slowing down is evern more marked.
!here are a dislike of eertion$ reliance on others$ and the view that making a token
effort is good enough. According to the theme of the ais$ the native waits to be
motivated b" others$ and is dependent on stronger$ usuall" male$ persons. !he love of
ease and a tendenc" to compromise mean that man" opportunities for personal growth
are allowed to slip b"$ and that refuge is taken in pseudo-harmon".
Natal Venus con-unct Ascen$ant

(7obert -elletier)

Venus con#unct the Ascendant indicates "ou have a ver" personable manner and social
charm$ which win "ou the approval of ever"one "ou deal with. !his is eactl" the sanction
"ou seek$ for above all "ou want to be accepted. 1ou find it eas" to make whatever
compromises are necessar" to get what "ou desire. Fond of the finer things of life$ "ou
tend to associate with people who have similar tastes$ in the hope of establishing a
permanent relationship with such a person. /owever$ "ou ma" not succeed in convincing
ever"one that "ou are onl" (acting the part( of the conniver. 7egardless of the image "ou
present to observers$ underneath the veneer is a calculating machine on which "ou count
the advantages and disadvantages of ever" association and friendship$ ever" social
contact and social function.

1ou are clever in eploiting "our best &ualities because "ou know how to win admireres
with "our charming wa"s. 1ou are usualll" well-behaved and refined$ but when "ou can(t
get what "ou want "ou become etremel" aggressive and demanding. 4ver"thing has to
stop until "our wishes are satisfied. 1ou provoke people to take advantage of "ou and
then are anno"ed at their presumptuous attitude. Learn to tone down "our self-seeking
and spend some time developing the more substantial talents that will make "ou worth"
of the gifts "ou seek.

(+aren /amaker-Eondag)

)e simpl" oo9e Venusian sweet reasonableness$ friendliness and charm$ when Venus is
on the Ascendant. And this seems to bring out the best in those with whom we mi. )e
are good mediators$ and can usuall" give or restore harmon" to our surroundings simpl"
b" refusing to &uarrel.

5ue to a generall" cheerful and obliging manner$ we get good responses from others.
and$ even if the" do not see e"e-to-e"e with us$ we can often win them over. !he
drawback to this otherwise desirable position of Venus is that we are rather self-
indulgent$ even la9" or idle$ and look at ever"thing ver" superficiall".

(*ett" Lundsted)

)hen the Ascendant con#uncts Venus$ the energ" epresses according to the sign
involved in the con#unction. !he Ascendant represents the persona$ the mas&uerade$ the
(best foot forward(. Venus indicates how we appreciate love$ how we wish to be treated$
our concept of the feminine principle and$ therefore$ how we regard femininit" and

!his con#unction often indicates a warm and social personalit". %t can indicate individuals
who are capable of being generous and responsive to what pleases them. /owever$ the
generosit" reflected will be influenced b" the images coming from the mother(s sphere
earl" in the life$ and the aspects to the con#unction will indicate if the energ" operates
freel" or not.

(Sue !ompkins)

Venus rising is usuall" descriptive of someone who approaches the environment and
those within it$ seeking to be as diplomatic as possible. !here is a strong need to maintain
or create harmon" and peace$ ometimes even if the maintenance of that peace means the
individual has to go along with proposals that are actuall" at variance with their
innermost wishes.

-eople with Venus rising appear and seek to be co-operative and willing to compromise.
!he" approach the world from the standpoint of wanting to fit in and to be popular and
well-liked. !he" ma" meet others from the vantage point of asking ()hat have we got in
common>( !here are often strong issues about being (good( in childhood with Venus close
to the Ascendant ais and into the first house. 2ften too$ a desire to keep things as eas"
as possible$ to plump for simplicit" and to avoid unnecessar" complications. !here is
sometimes a gift with comparison$ whether the abilit" to compare is ph"sical or
intellectual. %t could be said that Venus rising goes out into the world being concerned
with taste< ph"sical taste$ or taste inasmuch as a sensitivit" to what is or is not
appropriate behaviour for a given situation.

!here is usuall" also a strong concern with appearance and on all levels. !his placement
is good at packaging$ whether this packaging be of oneself$ or of a product or idea.
-h"sicall"$ there is usuall" a strong need to make oneself as ph"sicall" attractive and
pleasing as possible. the t"pe #ust cannot wear an" old clothes but has to feel (right( about
his 3 her appearance. /e 3 she is sensitive to the idea that he 3 she can attract or repel
others b" how he 3 she appears to be ph"sicall". !raditionall"$ Venus rising is supposed to
confer good looks$ and certainl" this is often the case. !here is often a distinct colour
sense. %ndividuals with Venus rising and into the Bst house usuall" received positive
strokes in childhood for their appearance$ as opposed to Venus in the BDth house$ where
the child often picks up the idea that others find them unattractive for some reason.
Venus rising inclines to soft$ rather than rugged features$ although as alwa"s the sign is
of central importance.

Some people with Venus con#unct either end of this ais appear ver" concerned with
mone". perhaps the" naturall" eude material advantage$ or wish to do so. 0ertainl" the
#ourne" in life is often ver" concerned with value. with self-valuation and the gaining of
an understanding about what is and is not highl" valued in the life.

-eople with Venus on either end of this ais often have a gift for making others feel liked
or loved b" them$ and this does much to confer personal popularit". Venus con#unct an"
of the angles lends a distinct non-competitive feel to the chart$ but the condition of 'ars
can$ of course$ do much to offset this. !hose with Venus rising ma" appear to be more
non-competitive than the" reall" are
Venus trine Ascendant (7obert -elletier)

Venus trine the Ascendant gives "ou a charming and conciliator" manner that generates
warmth in the people "ou deal with. =suall" "ou are sociable$ refined$ and gracious$ but
at times "ou articifiall" turn on the charm to win someone(s support. Although "ou en#o"
receiving gifts$ "ou prefer to recipricate with favors rather than gifts. "ou don(t often
spend mone"$ ecept on "ourself. %f "ou do bu" a gift for someone$ "ou would rather
deliver it personall" than send it.

1ou deliberatel" avoid discussing other people(s negative &ualities for fear "our own bad
features will be mentioned. *ecause "ou cannot stand criticism$ "ou don(t like to hear
what ma" be the truth about "ourself. 1ou tr" hard to win the approval of "our friends$
and "ou make concession to them so the" will think well of "ou.

1ou ma" have to work harder than "our co-workers to please those "ou work for. -erhaps
"ou don(t take "our work seriousl" enough to satisf" "our superiors$ so "ou make the
etra effort to prove that "ou are responsible.

1ou probabl" did receive an education$ and "ou especiall" en#o"ed the social aspect of
college life. 1ou also were looking for someone who was as career-minded$ refined$ and
sociall" oriented as "ou are. 1ou must respect the person "ou are attracted to$ and that
person must want to improve on the traditional life-st"le of the past. %n other words$ "ou
want someone who will be eager to succeed and to ac&uire the comforts of success.

1ou win friends easil"$ and "ou make it a point to hold on to those who can be helpful in
"our career. 1ou usuall" make encounters with people who ma" become important social
contacts$ and "ou genuinel" like these people as much as ever"one else.

Venus setile Ascendant (7obert -elletier)

!he setile from Venus to the Ascendant shows that "ou strive to maintain harmonious
relations with ever"one "ou contact. 1ou are inclined to make substantial concessions if it
seems to be the onl" wa" to resolve a situation. A peacemaker b" nature$ "ou often tr" to
smooth out the difficulties people have in reaching an amicable relationship. )hen "ou
have a difference of opinion with someone$ "ou tend to give that person the benefit of the
doubt. 1ou feel that if that person is wrong$ he will eventuall" reali9e it. 1ou don(t push
"our views on others$ preferring to find some basis for compromise.

1ou know what "ou want out of life$ and "ou epress that conviction freel". 6ot being a
deceitful person$ "ou consider it best to disclose that "ou intend to do whatever is
necessar" to reali9e "our goals. *ecause "ou are somewhat timid$ however$ people don(t
reall" epect that "ou will go to great lengths to satisf" "our desires. Above all$ "ou want
securit" in "our later "ears$ and "our plans are geared to that ob#ective.

%n "our career$ "ou tr" to do ever"thing that is epected of "ou$ but "ou should refrain
from becoming too familiar with "our co-workers or superiors. 1ou are too eas"-going and
indulgent for "our own good$ and this encourages others to tr" to take advantage of "ou.

*asicall" an honorable person$ "ou prefer to operate within the law at all times. 1ou
dread the thought of becoming involved in an uncomfortable legal situation that would
disturb the general harmon" of "our life. *ut be alert to the danger of becoming
implicated in the legal problems of close associates$ which could prove costl" to "ou.
!here are times when giving others the benefit of the doubr can be a liabilit". 2n the
whole$ however$ "our relations with people are compatible$ and an" problems that
develop can be settled to "our mutual satisfaction through compromise.

Venus trine or setile Ascendant (+aren /amaker-Eondag)

)ith the harmonious aspects between Venus and the Ascendant$ people find us well-
balanced$ and friendl"$ and we pla" an important part in keeping the peace and healing
rifts. Social contacts appeal to us$ and we like events that are bright and entertaining. so
much so that we tend to ignore the serious side of life. )e are adroit at working on
people(s emotions.

Although ever" Venus 3 Ascendant aspect is potentiall" creative and artistic$ the
harmonious aspects discourage industr"$ and Venus tends to produce a superficial
approach. Sloth$ self-indulgence and a liking for luur" are as much a part of the picture
with the harmonious aspects as the" are with the con#unction.

Venus trine or setile Ascendant (*ett" Lundsted)

-eople with a trine or setile from Venus to the Ascendant easil" attain their affectional
needs$ for their persona manifests traits similar to that which the" appreciate in general.
Venus s&uare Ascendant (7obert -elletier)

Venus s&uare Ascendant shows that "ou are a sentimentalist and too attached to "our
earl" home life. 1our still-vivid memories of that time interfere with "our becoming
independent and secure enough to stand on "our own feet. 1ou feel that if "ou assert
"our freedom$ "ou are being dislo"al to the past. %t should be apparent that unless "ou let
go of binding obligations to those "ou love$ "ou will never succeed in reali9ing "our
personal goals. !o #ustif" "our difficult" in transferring lo"alt" to "ourself$ "ou devise all
kinds of ecuses for holding on to "our obligations.

1ou can gain the securit" "ou need if "ou capitali9e on "our creative ideas. 6ot having
sufficient financial reserves is especiall" painful for "ou. 1ou know how to make mone"
but "ou don(t en#o" making an" ph"sical effort to earn it. 1ou love "our comforts and
don(t like to be disturbed unless it is absolutel" necessar". -erhaps it seems easier to let
someone else provide for "ou$ so "ou prefer to live at home with "our parents in a read"-
made environment.

At times "ou are ungracious to "our friends when the" ask favors of "ou$ probabl"
because "ou don(t like to etend "ourself unless it will benefit "ou in some wa". 1ou are
generous when "ou talk about what "ou would do with a huge amount of mone"$ but if
"ou had it "ou probabl" wouldn(t follow through. 1ou admire people who are skilled in
accumulating capital in their endeavors$ but "ou resent it when "ou cannot induce them
to assist "ou in "our efforts.

/ard work seems worthwhile to "ou onl" when "our future securit" is at stake. 1our goals
are not well-defined$ beacuse to define them would burden "ou with responsibilit". 1ou
avoid making a personal commitment in using "our creative talents unless there is no
other alternative$ or if "our source of sustenance is cut off.

Venus opposition Ascendant (7obert -elletier)

Venus opposition the Ascendant indicates that "ou are drawn to refined and sophisticated
people. 1ou are well-mannered$ and generall" people have a good opinion of "ou. 1ou
make concessions if it seems necessar" to maintain harmonious relations$ and "ou refuse
to #udge someone whose conduct does not come up to "our epectations. !oo fre&uentl"
"ou give people the benefit of the doubt and see in them &ualities the" don(t possess.
)anting to believe that "ou choose to associate onl" with persons of the highest
character$ "ou are disappointed if the" don(t reall" measure up.

Although "ou appear self-confident and assured$ the fact is that "ou are not comfortable
unless "ou have someone around to give "ou the support "ou need. !here is no deception
in "our claim that "ou are happ" to meet people$ because "ou trul" en#o" their compan"
and conversation. 1ou work hard$ although subtl"$ to make sure that people are warml"
disposed toward "ou$ and "ou tr" to emphasi9e "our better &ualities to prove "ou are
worth" of their friendship. !o put others at ease$ "ou pla" the innocent role and make it
clear that "ou won(t threaten them. 1ou hope no-one perceives "our negative &ualities
and discovers how insecure "ou reall" are.

1our best publicit" agents are "our friends$ who freel" etol "our virtues when an"one
asks them. %n the compan" of "our superiors or an"one "ou admire$ "ou tend to be sh".

Alwa"s on the lookout for wa"s to improve "our social status$ "ou prefer the compan" of
successful people or those who are obviousl" on their wa" up. 1ou have no &ualms about
forming close relationships with people who are financiall" secure if this will increase
"our chances of a permanent association. 2n the surface "ou are docile$ gentle$ and
charming$ but underneath "ou conspire and connive to make a better life for "ourself
through the people "ou deal with.

Venus square or opposition Ascen$ant
2+aren /amaker-Eondag)

%n practice$ Venus 3 Ascendant conflicts do not seem to be too much of a disadvantage.
!here is a good chance that their tension will make us more interesting to others.
!herefore$ even with these aspects$ we can epect eas" social intercourse and a genuine
desire for a peaceful$ harmonious environment. 6ot that we alwa"s succeed in obtaining
the latter - we tend to overdo things$ and ma" fail to read some situations properl".
0ertainl" we need to learn how to direct our energies.

Although$ in principle$ these aspects can encourage la9iness$ not to mention self-
indulgence and luur"$ their tension guarantees a fairl" energetic approach. Artistic and
other aesthetic forms of epression are therefore more likel" to find an outlet.
Sometimes$ however$ the outlet is simpl" a matter of tr"ing to impose one(s own tastes.

Venus s&uare or opposition Ascendant (*ett" Lundsted)

-eople with a s&uare or opposition ma" find their (wants($ their abilit" to receive love$
thwarted or frustrated in some wa". !he attributes of both signs will manifest in attitudes
presented to others.

!he s&uare is most often an indication that its owner will live one end and suppress the
other$ finding it difficult to attain the compromise necessar" so that both energies can
function at the same time. if the (best foot forward( battles with the concept of love$ all
relationships will encompass a strain$ and permanent relationships will be difficult to

)hen the opposition takes place between Venus and the Ascendant$ some kind of
compromise must take place between the (persona( and the desires. !he career drive ma"
be confused$ or the personal relationships ma" be difficult. !hese individuals will appear
to be looking for a different kind of relationship from what their Venus sign wants.

Venus s&uare or opposition Ascendant (Sue !ompkins)

Venus on the 5escendant sometimes reveals itself as a concenrn with others( appearance.
!his ma" manifest in the field of work. For eample$ hairdressers can work on the issue
of their own appearance through working on how others look. Success in such a field
would also confer great personal popularit". Some with this placement pro#ect their
Venus onto others b" seeing them as (nice($ beautiful$ good or even wealth"$ but in so
doing can find these principles within themselves. 'an" with this placement feel more
valuable when in a partnership$ and % have seen this work on a literal level$ as in the case
where an individual becomes involved with someone who$ relative to his or her own
income$ is ver" wealth".

Venus on either end of this ais inevitabl" gives rise to a strong concern with
relationship. !he need for partnership ma" be &uite overwhelming. Some with Venus
con#unct 5escendant particularl" also want a relationship that looks good to others.
5epending on the overall condition of Venus and the Kth house$ there ma" be a difficult"
in accepting the more difficult$ complicated and sordid aspects of one(s relationships$
since one alwa"s wants to keep ever"thing (nice(.

Venus making hard aspect to this ais sometimes suggests that the individual dresses
inappropriatel" for the outer image that he or she is tr"ing to conve".
Natal Venus quincun0 Ascen$ant

(7obert -elletier)

Venus incon#unct the Ascendant shows that "ou are more compromising than necessar"
toward those "ou are in close contact with. 1ou do favors for people so that the" will
appreciate "ou$ and "ou make concessions to them in order to keep peace. *ut "ou ma"
secretl" hate "ourself for this when "ou think about it later$ for "ou reali9e that b"
conceding "ou(ve given them "our consent to treat "ou as the" wish. 1ou ma" not have
the opportunit" to develop all "our creative potentials$ but "ou will be satisfied if some of
them are developed. 1ou know how to compensate for what is lacking in "our life and can
get b" with a lot less than most people would be happ" with. 1ou don(t measure "our
happiness b" what "ou get but b" the degree of fulfillment "ou derive from what "ou are

1ou tr" to comunicate with other members of the famil"$ and make whatever
compromises are necessar" to maintain harmon" in "our home. 1ou are willing to work to
get what "ou want$ and "ou hope that those close to "ou will appreciate "our efforts.
Sometimes "ou feel that "ou are being taken advantage of$ but "ou make a point of tr"ing
to serve in an" wa" "ou can. 1ou have a fair number of friends$ but "ou &uestion the
friendship of someone who asks for a loan.

%n "our work$ "ou adapt "ourself to the demands of each #ob. 2verreacting to what "ou
think is epected$ "ou etend "ourself too far in compl"ing with these demands. /owever$
"ou win the good fellowship of "our co-workers and superiors alike.

Securit" is ver" important to "ou$ but it ma" seem that "ou will never have it. -erhaps
"ou will marr" for financial advantage$ although that would mean making a substanial
compromise$ which "ou might not be able to live with. 2n the other hand$ "ou might
#ustif" "our decision b" looking back at all the concessions "ou had to make that onl"
served to benefit others.

(+aren /amaker-Eondag)

Although we do not usuall" feel at ease with our fellow men and women$ we do have an
enormous need of them with this aspect. 6ot knowing the best wa" to find satisfaction
and securit" in human relationships$ we end up feeling uncomfortable and awkward.
2thers tend to see a childlike charm in us$ and for the most part treat us kindl". but we
are unsure how we ought to respond$ beacuse we are unable to fathom their motives.

!herefore we are inclined to hold back$ and refrain from taking an active part in what is
going on around us because we do not know the ropes. )e make things hard for
ourselves b" hiding from others that side of us that would help them to get on with us. As
in all Venusian aspects$ there is plent" of creative and artistic potential$ but this will not
reveal itself until we effectivel" tackle the uncertaint" that inhibits us.

Natal Venus con-unct .i$#ea3en

(7obert /and)

At its best$ this placement means that "ou are full of love and affection for others$ but at
the same time "ou can follow "our own path and attract onl" those who are able to go
along with "ou. 1ou will be liked because "ou can be "ourself without feeling that "ou
must live up to other people(s ideas of what "ou should be.

!his aspect ma" also mean that "ou have considerable artistic abilit"$ although there
should be other indications in the chart to confirm that. 0ertainl" "ou en#o" and
appreciate becaut"$ and "ou are able to bring beaut" into "our ever"da" life.

1ou en#o" peace and harmon"$ and "ou get along ver" well with others. )herever "ou go$
"ou create a peaceful atmosphere. 1our relationship with "our parents$ as well as with
other authorities$ such as teachers and emplo"ers$ should be ecellent. !he ke" element
in "our abilit" to get along is that "ou are true to "ourself as well as fair to others.

!his placement ma" indicate a career involving either beaut" and art or human relations -
that is$ getting people to work easil" together. 2r "our career might be in entertainment
of some field in which "ou make people feel good and lightheated. %n an" career$ "our
abilit" to get along easil" with people will be an important part of "our success.

(+aren /amaker-Eondag)

A need for secure relationships and for beaut" and harmon" pla"s an important part in
our striving for social position. 0onse&uentl"$ we can do outstandingl" well in Venusian
occupations involving art$ clothing$ cosmetics$ beaut" culture$ fashion$ etc.. )ith Venus at
the top of the chart$ we make a friendl"$ sociable impression. also$ we shrink from
&uarreling and prefer to settle disputes diplomaticall". 2ther things being e&ual$ we can
make fine abritrators or ambassadors.

6evertheless$ with rather eas"-going Venus at this place$ we need to avoid the trap of
taking things too easil" where social position is concerned or of rel"ing too much on our
backers. Lasiness and passivit" can spoil the promise of eas" success.

(Sue !ompkins)

Venus con#unct the '0 might be indicative of a Venusian career. a vocation in art$
beaut"$ diplomac" or somewhere where there is a re&uirement for taste$ comparison or
harmon". 0ertainl"$ whatever the actual work$ the individual will be able to bring
diplomatic skills to it. =suall" people with this placement know how to charm and get on
easil" with those in authorit". Venus con#unct '0 might also be epected to confer public
popularit"$ or at least an urge towards tr"ing to create it. Some with this configuration
ma" become well-known because of their romantic life or the relationships the" form.
Still others might wish$ be"ond all else$ to be known as a loving parent.

Venus on either end of the '0-%0 ais ma" be descriptive of the eperience of their own
parent(s) as being ver" loving or popular. For others it ma" be more descriptive of a
parent(s vocational activities or their wishes for the career of the child.

(Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker)

!his aspect favors people in artistic professions$ public relations work$ and diplomac".
Females are often able to promote their careers b" charming their bosses or those in

6atives are often prone to social ambition. !heir status can be improved through
marriage$ and marriage is sometimes contracted in order to achieve this$ especiall" if
Venus is in !aurus or 0apricorn. !he" also have the abilit" to attract mone" through
social prominence or b" forming partnerships with those in positions of power.
Venus trine 'idheaven (7obert /and)

!his aspect means that "ou love working with and owning beautiful things$ so that later
"ou ma" have a career in art$ crafts$ decorating or another field involving beaut". *ut it
also means that "ou have a harmonious nature$ that "ou like to have a good time with
others. 1ou are not especiall" aggressive$ preferring to give in or smooth over a possible
dispute rather than fight. !his is not beacuse "ou lack self-confidence$ but because "ou
hate conflict. 1ou are ver" warmhearted and friendl"$ and "ou like "our relationships to
be smooth.

1our relationship with "our parents should be &uite positive$ and "our earl" life should be
ver" pleasant. )hen "ou are older$ "ou will have happ" memories of these "ears. 1ou also
get along well with persons in authorit" over "ou$ such as teachers and emplo"ers. %f "ou
want$ "ou can easil" charm and flatter them$ but "ou shouldn(t do this ordinaril"$ because
others will lose respect for "ou.

1ou do not like to be alone ver" much$ for "ou find it difficult to amuse "ourself$ feeling
that nothing is reall" worth doing unless "ou share it with someone else. So "ou alwa"s
tr" to have friends around "ou. )hen "ou are older$ "ou will seek out relationships with
the opposite se so that "ou are never alone for an" length of time.

!his trait also makes "ou a good team worker$ because "ou know how to bring together
the various interests of people in a group for ever"one(s benefit.

Venus se0tile .i$#ea3en (7obert /and)

!his aspect indicates that "ou are an agreeable and sociable person$ who doesn(t like
conflict with others. 1ou are more willing than most to make compromises$ because
keeping peace and harmon" with those "ou love is more important to "ou than getting
"our own wa". %n fact$ "ou will give up a great deal in order to sta" on good terms with

1ou like to have the approval of persons in authorit" over "ou$ and "ou will work to get it.
'ost important$ "our relationship with "our parents is likel" to be ver" good. *ecause of
that$ and because "ou have good relationships with other authorit" figures$ "ou will feel
secure in "ourself and will be able to love and be loved wherever "ou go. Also "ou will
attract people who can help "ou as "ou go through life.

1our home life is also ver" secure. 1ou should grow up in a peaceful and pleasant
atmosphere$ surrounded b" beaut" and comfort. )hat "ou learn in "outh will serve "ou
well throughout "our life$ and "ou will alwa"s have a warm feeling for "our childhood
home and the places that "ou associate with it. *ut "ou will not feel tied to "our past in a
wa" that prevents "ou from getting ahead in life.

Sometimes this aspect is a sign of artistic abilit"$ especiall" if other areas of "our chart
reinforce the theme. 4ven at worst$ "ou will have a strong sense of beaut" and a love of
beautiful ob#ects.

Venus trine or setile 'idheaven (+aren /amaker-Eondag)

!he behavior when we have Venus setile or trine the '0 is ver" like that of the native
with the con#unction - that is to sa"$ we seem friendl"$ warm$ sociable and cordial$ and
this gives us a fl"ing start when it comes to asking for favors. Artistic or other work
involving form$ color and proportion could well be our mAtier. nor would we be out of
place in positions demanding a friendl" social approach$ such as that of receptionist$
steward$ stewardess$ host or hostess.

!he need to preserve the peace at all costs and the wish to have harmon" in societ" at
large are also present in the eas" aspects. so here$ too$ we have possibilities as #ustice of
the peace or diplomat. 5ue to an (all too) great willingness to compromise$ matters are
not alwa"s thrashed out. this can create misunderstandings$ and ma" leave openings for
wolves in sheep(s clothing to take advantage of a situation. )e can also tangle with
people who drag their feet over issues.

Venus trine 'idheaven (Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker)

!his configuration indicates continuation of the natives( careers and ambitions through
the use of beaut"$ charm$ and the social graces$ which win the favor of people in
important places. !he harmon" in their homes creates a favorable social atmosphere for
furthering professional ambitions.

-erforming artists with this aspect will achieve some recognition.

Venus setile 'idheaven (Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker)

!his configuration gives diplomatic abilities in professional matters. %t brings harmon"
and love into the native(s famil" life. !here is contentment in marital$ home$ and
professional affairs. !hese people often grow roses and other flowers in an effort to make
their surroundings more pleasant. !he home is usuall" tastefull" and artisticall"
decorated. %n some cases$ the career will be related to artistic pursuits.
Venus square .i$#ea3en (7obert /and)

!his is a positive aspect$ indicating that "ou are a ver" loving and warm person. 1ou
should have little difficult" in getting along with people$ because being on good terms
with others is ver" important to "ou. ,ust make sure that in seeking love and approval$
"ou don(t give up an important part of "ourself. Above all$ be honest and don(t tr" to use
flatter" and charm to make people like "ou. 1our friends won(t respect "ou if the" think
"ou do ever"thing #ust to get people$ especiall" elders$ to like "ou. !he onl" challenge of
this aspect is that "ou must learn to set "our own standards and follow "our own goals$
and not simpl" be and do what others want.

1ou have a strong creative drive$ and if an"thing else in "our chart indicates artistic
talent$ this aspect will reinforce it. "ou should tr" out various kinds of crafts and artistic
studies to find out whether "ou have such abilit". %f "ou do$ "ou will get great satisfaction
from it.

2ften with this aspect$ "ou feel that the world will take care of "ou even if "ou make no
effort. %n fact "ou ma" not have to work as hard as others$ but "ou will have to work. %t is
not good for "our character to be la9" and dependent on others. -robabl" "ou will alwa"s
attract people who will take care of "ou$ but if "ou depend on this$ "ou will lose the
respect of others as well as "our own self-respect.

Venus opposition 'idheaven (7obert /and)

1our childhood home should be a place of warmth$ love and friendliness. and while "ou
are "oung "our life should be reasonabl" calm. As a result$ "ou will have an ecellent
relationship with "our parents as "ou grow up$ and "ou will feel secure within "ourself.
1ou will be able to give and receive love ver" easil" and make others feel "our personal
warmth. 1our famil"$ as well as "our own spouse and children when "ou are older$ will
alwa"s be important to "ou. )henever "ou need help$ "ou know "ou can turn to "our

1ou en#o" warm and comfortable home surroundings. )herever "ou go$ "ou will create a
warm$ friendl" place where "ou can get awa" from the cares of the world. 1ou en#o"
haveing friends come to "our home$ because "ou like to share "our personal world with
others and make them feel as good there as "ou do.

)hile "ou are still &uite "oung$ but later in life especiall"$ "ou will en#o" having ob#ects of
art in "our home. 1ou like to be surrounded b" elegance and grace. %n "outh$ "our taste
ma" border on the flash"$ but "ou should tire of this &uite &uickl"$ and eventuall" "our
ideas about art and decoration will be &uite advanced. Also "ou will prefer rather fanc"

Venus s&uare or opposition 'idheaven (+aren /amaker-Eondag)

Although we need a harmonious relationship with the environment$ especiall" in social
matters$ we do not alwa"s know how to go about obtaining it. )hereas$ generall"
speaking$ an" Venusian aspect to the '0 would make us seem friendl"$ the tense aspects
are not so straightforward< we do not have our relationships under proper control$
therefore we are sometimes inclined to overcompensate Venusian characteristics and do
our utmost to keep the peace and to preserve and air of affabilit". *ut sometimes we
couldn(t care less. we cannot be bothered to be nice$ but #ust concentrate on en#o"ing
ourselves. !his is something that has to be reckoned with in all Venusian aspects$ but in
the hard aspects it can be ver" marked where there is no other safet" valve. For with the
hard aspects$ we usuall" take Venus interests or callings ver" seriousl"$ and are not so
likel" to be eas"-going.

Venus opposition 'idheaven (Sue !ompkins)

% have fre&uentl" seen Venus con#unct the %0 as being descriptive of a parent who
pursued secret etramarital affairs.

Venus on the %0 often suggests that the individual comes from a background which had
mone". there is a feeling of a (good( home with this placement and the idea of (good
home( can be interpreted on a number of levels. %deall" it should perhaps mean a warm
and loving environment. and the absence of hard aspects to Venus con#unct the %0 ma"
well indicate this. 0ertainl" there are usuall" at least some aspects of the individual(s
ancestr" or background that the" value ver" highl".

-eople with this placement want to create a beautiful home themselves$ a place with
harmonious colours and pleasing music perhaps$ and certainl" one as free as possible
from emotional discord.

Venus s&uare 'idheaven (Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker)

!his s&uare can cause emotional difficulties relating to domestic and professional
responsibilities. !he natives ma" regard their #ob and their home life as mundane and
have a certain distaste for both. 0areer and home responsibilities ma" hinder the
fulfillment of their social$ romantic and aesthetic urges. 4motional misunderstandings
with parents are probable. %n some cases the natives lack good taste in decorating the
home and office.

Venus opposition 'idheaven (Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker)

!his aspect indicates a love of domestic harmon". !herefore$ the natives( home will be
artistic and beautiful$ even if on a simple scale. Since the relationship of home to
marriage is important to this person$ much of his mone" is spent on improvements in the
home. !hus$ there is likel" to be a deep love for famil" and parents$ along with a tendenc"
to marr" for the sake of having a beautiful famil" and domestic life. Fondness of good
cooking is also indicated.
Natal Venus quincun0 .i$#ea3en

(7obert /and)

1ou have a strong need to be loved and to love others as well$ but this ma" create some
problems in "our life. 1ou are afraid that if "ou appear to others as "ou reall" are$ the"
won(t accept "ou. !his problem can be corrected onl" b" the most careful upbringing$
such that "our parents correct "our behavior in wa"s that help "ou feel self-confident
rather than undeserving and unworth".

1ou are ver" likel" to feel that there is a conflict between what "ou ought to do in a
particular situation and what would be acceptable to the people around "ou. 2ften "our
friendships come into conflict with "our parents( intentions for "ou$ which is difficult to
resolve. Later in life$ "ou ma" see "our #ob$ career or profession as part of "our life that is
&uite separate from "our personal relationships with loved ones. !his ma" cause "ou to
neglect one area in favor of the other$ instead of tr"ing to create a balance between them.

!his same pattern of thinking ma" make "ou believe that "ou must sacrifice pleasure and
en#o"ment in order to achieve an"thing worthwhile in life. /ere again "ou cannot afford
to let either aspect of "our life triumph over the other. 4speciall" as "ou get older$ "ou
should make a conscious effort to find wa"s to en#o" "ourself$ be with "our friends and
loved ones$ and$ at the same time$ move toward "our goals.

(+aren /amaker-Eondag)

Social behavior (the 'idheaven) and a need for emotional relationships and for peace
and harmon" (Venus) are not in keeping with one another. )e do not know how best to
conduct ourselves at work$ and have little idea what sort of impression we make on
others. !he temptation is to avoid the risk of confrontation b" being ver" friendl"$ but
also ver" superficial and neutral. 2ur role in the social process is therefore rather
unclear$ and we ma" manoeuver ourselves into a second-rate position beause we are sh"
about competing. 4ven the natural creative urge bestowed b" Venus unsettles us because
we do not know how to handle it in a balanced wa".

6evertheless$ in general we make an unmistakabl" friendl" impression on others$ and
this should help us gain in self-confidence. For although$ with the incon#unct$ we feel
insecure in relationships$ we can definitel" learn to handle them. )e can be tossed to and
fro for a considerable time$ but after a crisis involving someone else - possibl" a life
partner - we usuall" see that the root of the problem is a negative epectation pattern
grounded in a sense of uncertaint".

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