The first edition of the book covered all types of insulated cable for the supply of
electrical energy for voltages from about 100 V to 525 kV. The second edition covered a
similar range of cables but also reflected the significant changes in materials, the
application of polymeric cables at higher voltages and the increasing technology
content of high voltage (HV) transmission systems. Owing to the subsequent extensive
growth of cables for electronic equipment, and their similarity to some existing energy
cables, the second edition included a chapter on such applications at lower voltages.
The third edition describes the further elimination of the traditional distinctions
between materials, the wider use of fire retardant cables and other environmental issues,
the significant advances in dielectric materials at high voltages, and the major
technology developments in supertension systems. High temperature superconductivity
is discussed with the emphasis on practical applications.
We have resisted calls for a comprehensive coverage of communication cables.
Nevertheless the scope of the edition has been widened substantially to include some
communication cables, in particular the use of optical fibres within energy cables.
The division into chapters has followed the principles established in the earlier editions
and the specialist contributors have reflected the current patterns for manufacturing
and marketing cables. For the benefit of the reader, and for ease of reference, each
chapter is almost self-contained; there is therefore some repetition but it is hoped that
this is not excessive.
Organisation of the book and the cable industry
There are no sharp distinctions between cable types and applications and in practice
there is considerable overlap; this presents problems in chapter sequence. Operating
voltage provides a rough guide but does not represent a clear division between cable
types; nevertheless progress through the book broadly follows increasing voltage.
2 Electric Cables Handbook
The cable making industry, together with its relationships with users and standardising
authorities, was built mainly around specific factories for established groupings of cable
types. Historically these groupings arose because of the materials used in the cables and
the types of manufacturing plant adopted; size and weight of the cables can be allied
with the same pattern.
The division of the book is set out below.
Part 1
Many aspects of cable design are common to all types; new developments and trends in
usage continue to eliminate the traditional distinctions between materials. Part 1 deals
extensively with materials and design features which are reasonably applicable to most
Part 2
Historically a group of cables generally known as 'wiring and general' grew around
cables mainly with rubber insulation; these contrasted with power distribution cables
with impregnated paper insulation. Whereas paper cables were usually bought directly
by the end-user, the wiring cables were commonly marketed through distributors and
wholesalers. Although the main product types still remain, the insulants used in the two
fields are often similar, i.e. thermoplastics and thermosets (rubbers and crosslinked
These cables are often further subdivided by technology or factory, e.g. cables having
thermoset insulation and sheaths, cables produced in large quantity for specific
applications (such as PVC insulated cables for fixed wiring), and flexible cables.
Part 3
This part describes cables required for public supply and heavy industrial distribution.
However, the latter are designed for a wide range of power requirements and do overlap
part 2. For example the British Standard for PVC armoured cables for industrial use is
common to cables covered by parts 2 and 3 of the book. It is common for cables with
conductor sizes of 25 mm 2 and above to be classed as power distribution cables.
Part 4
This covers cables for public supply transmission systems, but below 132 kV there is
some overlap with part 3. Historically, transmission cables have been of the pressure-
assisted paper insulated type and major developments in paper laminated dielectrics are
included. With the further development of polymeric materials, polyethylene (PE),
crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE), and EPR are now well established as insulants for
voltages of 132kV and above; they are described in some detail and extend the use
covered earlier in the book.
Part 5
This covers the very specialist, and growing area, of submarine cables; it deals with
system design, manufacture and installation.
Part 6
This is a new addition to the handbook and reflects the worldwide interest in high
temperature superconductivity (HTS). The background to development at 4K is
Introduction 3
covered followed by a description of materials, conductor fabrication, superconducting
cables and their economics; the emphasis is on practical applications in power
Part 7
This is a new addition and describes the application of optical fibres in power
transmission systems. It begins with the principles of optical fibre transmission and then
describes the various methods of incorporating fibres into long span power lines.
Part 8
This part brings up to date the chapter on data communication cables from the
previous handbook and includes a chapter on metallic telephone cables.
As this edition continues to serve as both a reference book and a handbook the
substantial list of appendices has been retained. Much of the tabular data presented
provides information on the range of cables (and their properties) available in the most
widely used fields. Those engineers dealing with cables on a regular basis will have
manufacturers' catalogues available which give other more detailed information.
This edition gives an up-to-date account of the present position on the types of cable
used and their applications; an outline is also given of the stages which have led to
current practices. Some of the more important dates and periods which have been
significant in past developments are indicated in table 1.1. An extensive bibliography
and references are also included.
Transmission cable practices are similar throughout the world. For wiring type cables
many countries have preferences for particular designs or materials but the differences
are not fundamental. Similar preferences apply to distribution cables but there are some
major differences allied with the systems; these may be divided into two broad
categories: those countries following British and European practice, and those which
have adopted the USA system designs.
There is some overlap between distribution practices but the differences are such that
it was not possible to produce a book which would adequately deal with both. Hence
the coverage, which is mainly for British practice, also reflects the philosophies in
Europe and the majority of countries throughout the world.
In the British and European systems the distribution cables have been installed
underground in urban areas - hence the avoidance of unsightly poles, wires and
overhead transformers. The USA practices are followed in countries and areas that have
been more closely allied to the American economy, such as South America and the
Philippines. The most notable difference in these systems is that in urban areas, apart
from the concept of underground residential distribution (URD), the vast majority of
4 Electric Cables Handbook
Table 1.1 Significant dates in cable developments
First gutta percha electric cable followed by rubber and vulcanised bitumen insulation
Ferranti 10 kV tubular cable and the introduction of paper insulation
Hochstadter development of screening which enabled distribution voltage to be
increased to 33 kV
Emanueli provided the principle of pressurisation with fluid-filled paper cables for
voltages of 66 kV upwards
PVC insulation first tried out in Germany
First 3-core 132 kV pressure cable in service
Introduction of the mass-impregnated non-draining cable in the UK to overcome the
problems of drainage of oil-rosin impregnant with cables installed on slopes
Full commercial introduction of PVC and later thermoset insulation for wiring cables
PVC for power cables followed at the end of the decade
Successful development of aluminium sheaths, initially for pressure-assisted cables,
and gradual adoption of aluminium conductors for power cables
First 275 kV FF cable (1954), operational use in 1959
Significant distribution economies obtained by the use of combined neutral and
earth cables
England/France +100kV submarine d.c. link inaugurated in 1961
First 400 kV FF cable, operational in 1969
Metrication of British Standards
Gradual extension of the use of thermoset insulation, mainly XLPE, as an alternative
to paper insulation. Large commercial applications up to 15 kV but also experimental
installations at higher voltages including transmission up to 132 kV
Introduction of optical fibre into overhead lines
Very widespread use of XLPE in the 11-33kV range with significant quantities
installed for transmission voltages of 66-240 kV
Discovery of high temperature superconducting materials
Development and growing use of cables designed to alleviate the effects when cables
are involved in fires; properties include reduced flame propagation, low smoke
emission, reduced emission of noxious fumes and corrosive gases and combinations of
these characteristics
Widespread use of optical fibres in overhead lines
Extension of polymerics to EHV and the commercialisation of PPL
Practical demonstrations of superconducting cables
distribution is via overhead cables; undergroundi ng is only adopt ed in limited areas in
the innermost parts of cities and large towns. Even there the concept often differs from
undergrounding in Europe, as it often uses conduct ors similar to those used overhead
but having insulation, i.e. single-core cables, which are installed in ducts. The
transformers often consist of small single-phase types, in contrast to the larger 3-phase
transformers used elsewhere. The use of single-core cables in ducts has an effect on cable
designs, particularly concerning the neutral and/ or protective conduct or and armour.
Introduction 5
In the early stages of development, the American systems favoured rubber and so
paper insulation was never developed to the same extent as in Europe. The introduction
of thermoplastic and thermoset insulation, coupled with the large output from the
American chemical industry, also favoured the development of single-core polymeric
insulated cables and this has led the way to changes which are steadily being adopted
throughout the world.