Palm Sunday Psalm 22

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All who see me mock at me; *

they make mouths at me, they shake their heads;
Commit your cause to the Lord; let him deliver; *
let him rescue the one in whom he delights!
2. For dogs are all around me; *
a company of evildoers encir-cles me.
My hands and feet have shrivelled; *
I can count all my bones.
3. They divide my clothes among themselves, *
and for my clothing they cast lots.
But you, O Lord, do not be far away *
O my help, come quickly to my aid!
4. I will tell of your name to my brothers and sisters; *
in the midst of the congregation I will praise you:
You who fear the Lord, praise him!
All you offspring of Jacob, glorify him; *
stand in awe of him, all you offspring of Israel.

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