Opening Letter 2014 - 2

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August, 2014

Dear Parents,
Welcome to the 2014-2015 School Year. I am very hay an! e"c#te! to $e
shar#ng th#s school year %#th you an! your ch#l!. &hey %#ll e"er#ence
'econc#l#at#on an! rece#ve (#rst )ommun#on. I am sure %#th love, trust an!
un!erstan!#ng, %e can ma*e th#s a os#t#ve learn#ng e"er#ence +or your
,elo% I have l#ste! the $oo*s %e %#ll use an! the e"ectat#ons I have +or
secon! gra!e.
-rs. Salamone
.ur $as#c te"t #s /(a#th (#rst0 $y ')1 ,en2#ger. &h#s %#ll $e use! through
out the year an! %#ll $e use! to reare the stu!ents +or 'econc#l#at#on an!
3uchar#st. .ur rel#g#on rogram %#ll also #nclu!e the stu!y o+ the -ass an!
our art#c#at#on #n 1#turg#es.
&he -ac-#llan -c4ra% 5#ll 'ea!#ng ser#es #s use! as the $as#c rea!#ng
rogram. We %#ll use -o!ern )urr#culum Press +or our hon#cs rogram.
We stress the honet#c aroach to rea!#ng, %h#ch %#ll a#! your ch#l!
throughout h#s6her school years. S*#lls #nclu!e! #n our rea!#ng ser#es are
ma#n #!ea, #n+erence, re!#ct#ng, an! cause an! e++ect.
.ur $as#c rea!er %#ll $e sent home %#th your ch#l! once a %ee*. Please ta*e
the t#me to l#sten to your ch#l! rea! our current story. I %#ll also $e sen!#ng
home a coy o+ our ol! rea!#ng ser#es. 7se th#s $oo* to have your ch#l!
ract#ce h#s6her oral rea!#ng. You may *ee th#s $oo* at home. At the en! o+
the Decem$er, I %#ll as* you to sen! #t $ac* to school an! I %#ll g#ve your
ch#l! another secon! gra!e rea!er to use at home. .n other n#ghts, lease use
your ch#l!8s l#$rary $oo*s +rom %h#ch to hel %#th oral rea!#ng ract#ce. I
%#ll e"ect the stu!ents to art#c#ate #n the /,oo*-It0 rogram sonsore!
$y P#22a 5ut. &h#s %#ll ena$le me to *ee trac* o+ #n!een!ent rea!#ng they
We %#ll use -ac-#llan -c4ra% 5#ll ser#es. Sell#ng #s taught !a#ly #n
secon! gra!e. A ne% lesson %#ll $e #ntro!uce! at the $eg#nn#ng o+ each
%ee*. &he %or!s %#ll go home at the $eg#nn#ng o+ each %ee* an! the
sell#ng test %#ll $e on (r#!ay. &here %#ll $e some tye o+ home%or*
ass#gnment !ue %#th these %ee*ly %or!s.
I %#ll also $e ost#ng our %ee*ly %or!s on the %e$ s#te &hese %or!s correlate to the story %e are rea!#ng
each %ee* #n our rea!er. Please use th#s s#te +or games an! stu!y a#!es
%h#ch relate to the %ee*ly sell#ng %or!s.
&he -ath te"t #s +rom the ne% -ac-#llan -c4ra% 5#ll ser#es. It encourages
cooerat#ve learn#ng an! small grou act#v#t#es. It %#ll ut a +ocus on %or!
ro$lems. Please ma*e t#me to hel your ch#l! memor#2e the $as#c math
+acts #n a!!#t#on an! su$tract#on. I+ you !o not have your +lash car!s +rom
+#rst gra!e, you %#ll have to urchase a ne% set. Wee*ly t#me tests %#ll $e
g#ven to your ch#l!, to assess rogress. &h#s year %e %#ll rev#s#t t#me an!
money. ,y the secon! tr#mester, %e %#ll $eg#n regrou#ng #n a!!#t#on an!
su$tract#on o+ 2 !#g#t num$ers.
&h#s year %e %#ll use the 9aner-,loser 5an!%r#t#ng Program. We %#ll $eg#n
$y rev#e%#ng manuscr#t. ,y the secon! tr#mester, %e %#ll $eg#n our
#ntro!uct#on o+ curs#ve. ,y the th#r! tr#mester some class %or* %#ll $e !one
#n curs#ve. :eatness %#ll count #n all %r#tten %or*.
.ur te"t /We 1#ve &ogether0 $y -ac-#llan -c4ra% 5#ll %#ll $e use! to
teach ma s*#lls, the %or*#ng o+ our government, the ma*#ng o+ our country
an! l#+e #n commun#t#es.
.ur sc#ence curr#culum %#ll $e $ase! on the 5arcourt ser#es. &h#s te"t
ensures stu!ents success $y e"lor#ng sc#ence content %#th numerous han!s-
on act#v#t#es.
.ur 1anguage Arts rogram coml#ments our rea!#ng ser#es. It stresses
arts o+ seech, unctuat#on, an! elements o+ goo! story %r#t#ng. We %#ll $e
ract#c#ng sentence structure an! unctuat#on most every !ay. We %#ll $e
!o#ng ;ournal %r#t#ng several t#mes each %ee*.
&ues!ay-)omuter an! Art
&hurs!ay- 1#$rary
Please ma*e sure all #tems o+ cloth#ng, esec#ally un#+orms an! s%eaters, are
mar*e! %#th your ch#l!8s name.
Please cons#!er an eye e"am, #+ your ch#l! has not ha! one recently.
5ome%or* #s a art o+ the learn#ng rocess. &hese ass#gnments %#ll $e
a!!#t#onal ract#ce o+ the concets taught !ur#ng the !ay. All home%or*
shoul! $e returne! to school the +ollo%#ng !ay. I+ home%or* #s later than 2
!ays, arents %#ll $e not#+#e!.
4ra!e! aers %#ll $e sent home #n a +ol!er every &ues!ay. Please rev#e% all
aers %#th your ch#l!. Pra#se the#r successes an! !#scuss errors. Please s#gn
an! return the +ol!er the +ollo%#ng !ay. &h#s #s also a goo! lace to !ro me
a <uest#on.
Stu!ents %#ll rece#ve %arn#ng notes +or m#s$ehav#or #n the classroom an! #n
the lunchroom. We %#ll cont#nue to use the re! l#ght 6green l#ght metho! +or
trac*#ng $ehav#or.
A %or*#ng snac* %#ll $e #ncororate! #nto our morn#ng sche!ule. Please
sen! only healthy snac*s that can $e eaten %h#le %or*#ng.
You may contact me $y e-ma#l at !
I %#ll rely to your ema#l at the en! o+ the school !ay. I am also ava#la$le to
con+erence %#th $y ao#ntment.
.ur classroom ne%sletters %#ll $e sent $y e-ma#l to the arents. Please g#ve
me your e-ma#l as soon as oss#$le. I+ you %oul! re+er to rece#ve a har!
coy, lease let me *no%. I %#ll ost a ne%sletter t%#ce a month.
&han* you aga#n +or your cont#nue! suort th#s com#ng year>
-rs. Salamone
P.S. Your stu!ent %#ll $e us#ng 2 har! cover $oo*s th#s year that %#ll nee! to
$e covere!. You can urchase $oo* soc*s at the store, or I can sen! home
aer covers +or you to ut on these $oo*s th#s %ee*.
&h#s year the stu!ents %#ll $e us#ng #n!#v#!ual %#e-o++ %h#te $oar!s. 3ach
stu!ent %#ll nee! a !ry erase mar*er an! an ol! %h#te cotton soc* +or
clean#ng o++ the $oar!.

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