Rate Analysis and Abstract BOQ

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Rate Amount

SH-1 Earth work

Earth work in excavation over areas

(Exceeding 30cm in depth ,1.5 mtrs in
width as well as 10 sqmt on plan ) incl.
1 1.1 disposal of excavated earth ,and lift upto 993.32 M3 55.00 54632.60
1.5 mtrs , disposed earth to be leveled
and neatly dressed with in a lead of 50
mtrs in

Pumping out water accumulated due to

2 1.2a broken water main drain or the like and 382.04 KL 22.00 8404.88
due to spring tidal or rivers seepage.

1.50 Anti Termite Treatement

Below PCC 120.00 m2 30.00 3600.00

Around plinth walls and below floor 242.53 m2 30.00 7275.90

Filling availale excavated earth in

trenches all around foundations etc. and
under floors, lead up to 50 mtrs and lift
3 1.3 upto 1.5 mtrs, in layers not exceeding 20 761.00 m3 47.00 35767.00
cm in depth, consolidating each
deposited layer by ramming and

supply and filling of excavated earth for

filling including ramming watering and
4 1.4 456.37 m3 150.00 68455.50
conolodating in layers (incl. carriage from
available source).
Supply, filling of sand under floors incl.
5 1.6 ramming and watering including 21.31 m3 210.00 4475.10

Providing and laying in position cement

concrete of 1:4:8 nominal mix. (1
Cement : 4 Coarse Sand : 8 graded
6 2.1 2.88 m3 1450.00 4176.00
crushed stone agg. Of 40mm nominal
size) excluding cost of centering and
shuttering all work upto plinth level.

Providing and laying in position cement

concrete of 1:5:10 nominal mix. (1
Cement : 5 Coarse Sand : 10 graded
7 2.2 49.50 m3 1300.00 64350.00
crushed stone agg. Of 40mm nominal
size) excluding cost of centering and
shuttering all work for PCC bed concrete.

Providing and laying in position cement

concrete of 1:5:10 nominal mix. (1
Cement : 5 Coarse Sand : 10 graded
7 2.2 crushed stone agg. Of 40mm nominal 21.40 m3 1300.00 27820.00
size) excluding cost of centering and
shuttering all work for PCC bed concrete
below floors

Cast-in-situ concrete work of nominal

mix con. 1:4:8 grade with 40 mm nominal
size of broken brick ballast volumetric
8 2.3 42.48 m3 1430.00 60746.40
batching upto five floor level incl. curing
but excluding form work costs, (Lean
under floors for levels 1,2&3).

Page 1

Rate Amount

Providing and laying Damp Proof course

40mm thk with cement concrete 1: 2 :4
9 2.4 grade (1 Cement : 2 Coarse Sand : 4 56.55 m2 120.00 6786.00
graded crushed stone agg.) of nominal
size 12.5mm

Providing and laying bitumen of

penetration 80/100 of approved quality
10 2.5 (@1.70Kg/Sqm) on DPC and binding with 56.55 m2 61.00 3449.55
sand incl. cleaning the surface with
brushes and kerosene soaked cloth.

Filling with sunken floor of Toilets etc.

11 2.6 with cinder incl. necessary compaction as 19.51 m3 450.00 8779.50
directed with all lead and lift for all floors.

Providing and laying water proofing

treatment to vertical and horizontal
12 2.7 94.28 m2 235.00 22155.80
surface of depressed portion W/C and the
like consisting of :

Cast in situ plum concrete work of

nominal mix concrete 1:4:8 grade (1
Cement : 4 Coarse sand : 8 graded
crushed stone agg. Of 20mm nominal
13 2.8 32.94 m3 1350.00 44469.00
size aggregates), volumetric batching
using plums (Size over 160mm split
nallah stone or quarry stones) @ 20% of

Providing and laying of Cement Concrete

1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand : 6
crushed stone agg. Of 20mm nominal
14 2.9 size) excluding the cost of form work 32.94 m3 1600.00 52704.00
using plums (Size over 160mm split
nallah stones or quarry stone @20%of
gross volume) including cost of st

Cast in situ concrete work of nominal mix

1:2:4 (1 Cement : 2 Coarse Sand : 4
graded crushed stone agg. Of 20mm
15 2.10 14.07 m3 2180.00 30672.60
nominal size) including curing but
excluding cost of form work plinth
protection alround building.


Providing and laying in position machine

batched, machine mixed and machine
vibrated Design mix Cement concrete of
16 3.1 specified grade for reinforced Cement
concrete structural elements, excluding
the cost of centering, Shuttering,
Finishing & Reinforcement,

In foundations, footings and bases of

17 3.1.a 151.17 m3 2440.00 368854.80
columns up to plinth level.

Columns upto plinth beam 3.79 m3 2600.00 9854.00

18 3.1b d) Plinth Beams 27.47 m3 2600.00 71422.00

19 3.2 Roof slab lv1,2,3 126.85 m3 2750.00 348837.50

Page 2

Rate Amount

20 3.3 Roof beam lv1,2,3&mummty 82.58 m3 2750.00 227095.00

22 3.4 Above plinth beam RCC work in columns 66.42 m3 2750.00 182655.00

26 3.5 Stair case lv1,2&3 8.31 m3 2800.00 23268.00

29 3.6 In Chajjas 3.02 m3 2750.00 8305.00


30 3.7 PCC 9.23 m2 88.00 812.24

31 Coloumns and footing 199.56 m2 88.00 17561.28

32 3.8 Pedastals&columns upto L3 856.99 m2 89.00 76272.11

37 3.9 beams up to L3 1071.22 m2 89.00 95338.58

41 3.10 slabs including Stair case up to L3 1027.16 m2 89.00 91417.24

Form work to sides and soffits of arches

45 3.11 (span up to 6 mtrs) for in-situ concrete 59.00 m2 89.00 5251.00
work (upto level -V)

46 3.12 Edges of slab L1 to L3 633.81 rm 13.00 8239.53


Providing, assembling and placing high

strength (TMT) deformed bars, Fe - 415
3.13 grade (confirming to IS: 1786 - 1985) for 61386.12 kgs 36.00 2209900.32
RCC work, including cost of binding wires
for all floors.

50 4.1.a BRICK WORK (1:6)

pb top to dpc level in CM(1:6) 80.31 m3 2033.00 163270.23

52 4.1.b supper structure CM (1:6) 276.17 m3 2033.00 561453.61

53 4.2 Half Br. Masonry in CM(1:4) 614.20 m2 277.00 170133.40

40mm thick marble chips(Makrana)
flooring rubbed and polished to
granolithic finish with under layer 28mm
7.1 thick cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 208.50 m2 436.00 90906.00
coarse sand : 4 graded crushed stone
agg. Of 12.5 mm nominal size) and top
layer 12mm thick with white, bla

Page 3

Rate Amount
Marble chips skirting riser or dedo (up to
30cm height) rubbed and polished to
granolithic finish. Top layer 6mm thick
7.2 with white or black and white marble 102.44 m2 312.00 31961.28
chips of size from smallest to 4mm size
laid in cement marble powder mix 3:1 (3
cement :1 marble po

56 Providing and fixing glass strips in joints

of Terrazo/cement concrete floors of
7.3 1449.60 rm 15.00 21744.00
nominal size of 40 mm wide and 4 mm
thick in flooring.
Providing 40mm thk flooring in 1:2:4 Max
size of crushed stone aggregate 20mm
7.4 710.98 m2 170.00 120866.60
nominal finished with a flaoting coat of
neat cement

Providing 21mm thk cement plaster

skirting upto 30cm height with cment
58 7.5 mortar 1:3 (1 Cemwnt :3 Coarse Sand ) 55.44 m2 100.00 5544.00
Finish With a floating Coat of neat

Providing KOTA Stone in Kitchen counter

59 7.6 59.04 m2 467.00 27571.68
over 20mm average thkl base (1:5:10)

P & F 1st Quality Ceramic Glased tile th

60 7.7 5mm of approve(Khajaria/Orient/Bell/ 314.64 m2 448.00 140958.72
Johnson) with 12mm thk bed concrete



Providing and laying 4 layers coarse

61 8.1 water proofing treatment with bitumin felt 299.59 m2 207.00 62015.13
over roofs bitumin 85/25 or 90/15

P & Laying 100mm thk mud puska or

damped brick earth on roof laid considate
62 8.2 and plastered with 25mm thk mud mortar 299.59 m2 235.00 70403.65
mixed with busha@35kg/cum including
Brick Tiles in gruted in ceval material

Provisind Gola 75X75mm cement

concrete M-15 grade of 20mm nominal
63 8.3 268.48 rm 56.00 15034.88
size with a dose of 100ml CICO super in
the ration 1 cement:4 sand:100mm CICO

Making Khurras 450 X 450mm with an

64 8.4 average minimum thk of 50mm cement 8.00 nos 112.00 896.00
concrete M-15over PVC Sheet


18mm thk cement plaster in two coats

65 9.1 12mm thk(1:5) and 6mm thk for parapet 179.75 m2 85.00 15278.75

15mm thick cement palster 1 cement:6

66 9.2 coarse sand on rough side of single/ half 1965.89 m2 64.00 125816.96
brick mthk walls

12mm thick plaster in 1:6 MIX (1

67 9.3 2614.25 m2 59.00 154240.75
Cement:6 Coarse sand )on wall

Page 4

Rate Amount
6mm thick cement plaster 1:3 mix (1
68 9.4 cement : 3 Fine Sand ) ceilling / sloping 1070.22 m2 58.00 62072.76
stair soffits

69 9.5 Making grooves in walls/ corners of slab 2700.00 rm 3.40 9180.00

White washing new blocks with three(or

70 9.6 6137.44 m2 11.20 68739.33
more) coats of lime to an even shade.

Finishing new works with two (or more)

coats of cement based paints of specified
71 9.7 1942.00 m2 24.50 47579.00
shade of (Supper plus,Super ex,
Snowsum) for exterior to an even shade.

Painting to new metalic surfaces with 2

coats synthetic enamel of nerolac or ICI
72 9.8 574.56 m2 29.00 16662.24
paints primimh and preparation of
surfaces but including cost of sand

Applying prime coat on new wooden /

73 9.9 wood based surfaces with new white 1081.31 m2 22.50 24329.48
primer of nerolac enamel or ICI Paints

Painting to new Wood and new wood

74 9.10 based surfaces with 2 coats of synthetic 1135.75 m2 29.00 32936.75
enmel of nerolac ICI paints


p & f Palin grills of specified design ,ade

of MS square bars in windows
/ventilators/ stair railingsincl incl .welding
75 10.1 1500.00 kgs 64.00 96000.00
with flat iron frame and finished smooth
with a primer coat of red oxide metallic

Making Plith protection 50mm thk of CC

1:3:6 (1 Cement :3 Coarse Sand :6
Graded crushed stone agg of 20mm
76 10.2 nomial size )over 75 mm bed of dry brick 637.00 m2 244.00 155428.00
ballest 40mm nomial size well rammed
and consolidated and grouted with fine
sand incl finishing

Supplying & Fixing of MS Pipe 50mm

77 10.3 637.00 m2 73.00 46501.00
dia in staircases and Balconies(Railing)

Brick tile coping 80mm th ick 1 cement ,3

coarse sand mortar with first class 100 A
78 10.4 brick tiles (Laid in specfied design) with 842.70 m2 260.00 219102.00
plastering 1:3 mix (1 cement :6 sand )as
per perspective view

Providing and fixing duly welded and built

79 10.5 up section of structural steel for O.T.S 7.50 kgs 73.00 547.50
portion and nosing of steps.

P & F Poly Corbonate Corrugated sheet

having depth 17mm and overall width
80 10.60 22.59 m2 1038.00 23448.42
1070mm manufactured by VMI plastics
(for roofing)


Page 5

Rate Amount

Flush door shutters non-decoration type,

core of block board construction with
frame of first class hard wood using well
81 5.1 matched teak ply 3mm thick on both 175.305 m2 1032.000 180914.76
faces of shutter 35mm thick with
necesssary screw (excluding cost of
aluminum fitting and hinges)

Providing and fixing 3.00 mm thick glass

panes (Modi / Ashai Float/ Saint Gobain)
82 5.2 for fixing in the ventilators/ windows to be 1.26 m2 336.00 423.36
fixed with putty (of Eagle make) & glazing
pins for fixed glazing.

Providing and fixing glazed shutters for

windows/ventilators of 1st class deodar
wood using 10kg / sqm. (4mm thick)
83 5.3 glass panes Modi / Asahi Float / Saint 130.46 m2 1447.00 188775.62
Gobain with necessary screws 35mm
thick (excluding cost of aluminium fittings
and hinges).

Providing and fixing 35mm thick wire

gauze shutters of 1st class deodar wood
termite treated and kiln seasoned wood
84 5.4 164.32 m2 1012.00 166291.84
85G (wire dia 0.56 mm) wire gauge (12
mesh to an inch) complete but excluding
cost of hinges and Aluminium fittings.

Providing and fixing 35 mm FRP flush

door shutter (manufactured by RR prefab
industry)Rajshree and should be water
85 5.11 proof, fire proof,termite resistant and 31.92 m2 2188.00 69840.96
washable fixed frame of angle iron
50X50x5mm with all necessary
accessories/fittings, all as specifi


Providing and fixing pressed steel door

frames incl. horizontal member (made of
1.25mm thick sheet) 80*90 mm nominal
86 6.1 section single rebate (of specified width) 373.92 rm 174.00 65062.08
to door frames, incl. cost of fixed M.S.
Butt hinges and provision for tower bolts,
aldrops, mo

Providing and fixing pressed Door /

Window / Ventilator frames including
boxed member (made of 1.25mm thick
87 6.2 sheet) 80*125 mm size double rebate (of 1052.80 rm 196.00 206348.80
specified width) to frames incl. cost of
fixed M.S. Butt hinges and provision of
stay hooks, T-bolts and fl

Fittings to doors and windows:

Providing and fixing of tower bolts with

88 5.5
necessary screws aluminium fittings

89 a 150 mm * 10 mm 980.00 nos 34.00 33320.00

90 b 225 mm 10 mm 352.00 nos 49.00 17248.00

Page 6

Rate Amount
Providing and fixing of sliding door bolts
91 5.6
with necessary screws

92 300*16 mm 24.00 nos 70.00 1680.00

93 5.7 Providing and fixing lock-in-bolts for doors 50.00 nos 40.00 2000.00

94 5.8 Providing and fixing door rubber buffer 124.00 nos 17.00 2108.00

95 5.9 Providing and fixing of door stoppers 124.00 nos 19.00 2356.00

Providing and fixing of door and windows

96 5.10

97 a 100 mm 490.00 nos 32.00 15680.00

98 b 125 mm 102.00 nos 39.00 3978.00

99 5.12 Providing and fixing of Mild steel hooks 280.00 nos 28.00 7840.00

Providing and fixing of Helical door

100 5.13 48.00 nos 258.00 12384.00

Civil works Sub-total 7,810,676.96


Points wiring for one light

point/fan/point/call bell point with
1.5sqmm,PVC Insulated copper
conductor wire (of
Finolex/Shalimar/Grandlay make) laid in
high density PVCconductor of 25mm dia
(2mm thick for ceiling,1.5mm in walls),
(High Power make), conce

a)One light/fan/bell push point controlled

101 213 nos 325.00 69225.00
by one 5/6 amp one way switch
b) Twin control light pointwith 2 No. two
105 way 5/6 Amps switch 5 nos 336.00 1680.00

Providing circuit wiring from switch

fuse/DB to switch board using
2x2.5sqmm along with 1x1.5sqmm PVC
106 2 insulated copper conductor wire (of 950 rm 84.00 79800.00
Finolex/Shalimar/Grandlay make) in high
density PVC conduit (High Power make),
(2mm thick for celing 1.5 mm in wals)

Wiring for power socket outlet with

2x4.0sqmm PVC insulated copper
conductor wire (of
Finolex/Shalimar/Grandlay make) in high
107 3 750.00 rm 95.00 71250.00
density PVC conduit, (25mm dia 2mm
thick) (High Power make) concealed in
walls/ceiling with all accessories as
required, with 1

Wiring with 2x6.0sqmm along with 1x4.0

sqmm PVC insulated copper conductor
wire (of Finolex/Shalimar/Grandlay make)
108 4 in high density PVC Conduit, (40mm dia 100 rm 179.00 17900.00
2mm thick) (High Power make)
concealed in walls, ceiling with all
accessories as required, Material

Page 7

Rate Amount

Sub main cable with PVC insulated

copper conductor cable (of
Finolex/Shalimar/Grandlay make) in high
density PVC conduit ( of suitable size &
109 5 75 rm 347 26025.00
High Power make), concealed in
wall/ceiling with all accessories as
required of size 3 of 19/16,1 of 19/17 and

Flush button type socket outlet,6 pin

Multipurpose type with one switch 1516
amps on and includeing MS/GI Boxes of
110 6 suitable size with 3.0mm laminated sheet, 96 nos 157.00 15072.00
sunken flush along withwall, of
Anchor/S.S.K/Bajaj make and labour
complete all as specified.

Wall bracket, made out of CRCAsheet

steel 18 SWG and 15mm squire tubing
canopy 65mm dia, 18mm deep, 20SWG
111 7 sheet, stove painted with heat resistant 48 nos 112.00 5376.00
glass fixed with accessories of Anchore
make EG. Lamp holder, incandescent
lam wiring , connector etc.

Fluorescent Tube fitting Rail ( Patti) type

complete with polyester
(Philips/Crompton Greves/ Bajaj make)
112 8 ballast, capactor, rotary lamp holder, 48 nos 252.00 12096.00
started holder, starter connector blocks,
fluorescent tubes rod, all accessories of
above make pre wired, 1x4

Celing Rose bakelite 65x50mm of

(Anchor/S.S.S.K/ Bajaj make) 3 terminal
113 9 48 nos 17.00 816.00
supplied and fixing in complete all as
specified Economical range.

Lamp holder bakelite body of

Anchor/S.S.S.K/ Bajaj suitable for batten
114 10 fitting straight or angle faced as required 87 nos 22.00 1914.00
Material and Labour complete all as

CI/MS box (not less than 16 SWG sheet)

fixed in lintel , slab , recessed, 75mm dia,
including mild steel hook made to sharp
115 11 48 nos 44.50 2136.00
the accommodate ceiling fan ( Gupta
make ) with material and labour complete
all as specified (excluding cost of fan).

Supply installation Testing Distributed

Board SPN 220/230 Volt, comprising
MCB SPN 20 Amps, one No. as
116 12 incomming MCB 6 Amps 2 Nos. 10 Amps 24 nos 1290.00 30960.00
2 Nos. as outgoing with bus bar enclosed
in shet metal box, (of Standard, Indo
Asian / L&T make) matrial and Labour

supply and fixing of Distribution board,

415 Volt TPN 100 Amps Isolator ( IS-
117 13 8828) (OF Standard, Indo Asia make) 6 6 nos 2240.00 13440.00
No,s as outgoing, Material and Labour
complete all as specified.

Page 8

Rate Amount

Supply installation testing and

commissioning LT Electric control
paneland fixing of Distribution board, 415
118 14 Volt TPN 100 control panel, cubical, 2 nos 58350.00 116700.00
indoor type, floor mounted, dust and
vermin proof made out of Structure steel
and MS sheet metel (not less th

Earthing complete with Copper Earthing

Plate Electrode 600x6.3mm buried
directly in ground to a depth not less than
119 15 2.25mm below ground level, connected to 2 nos 5610.00 11220.00
25x5mm GI stip, including charcoal,
common salt, necessary earthwork,
providing funnel, with wire m

Supply and fixing Aluminum Strip

120 16 25x3mm, completely connected from 20 nos 56.00 1120.00
Earth link to equipment.

Supply and fixing Bell/ Buzzer of

121 17 24.00 nos 56.00 1344.00
Anchor/S.S.K/Bajaj make.

Labour charges for electrical works. 1.00 42802.04 42802.04

Electrical works Sub-total 520,876.04



Providing, laying and jointing PVC pippe

of 3/6mtr. Length Type-B (ISI:3592-1992)
(Supreme or Finolex make) of the
122 1.1 following internal diameters including
testing of pipes and joints complete
(including earth cutting Wherever

a) 150mm dia 20.00 rm 341.00 6820.00

Providing and laying cement concrete

1:5:10 (1 cement, 5 coarse sand, 10
graded stone aggregates 40mm nominal
123 1.2 size) bedding and all round for PVC pipes
of the following internal diameter
necessary from work and curing

a) 150mm 20.00 rm 146.00 2920.00

Providing laying and jointing with a stiff

mixture of cement mortar in proportion
1:1 (1 cement: 1 fine sand) salt glazed
124 1.3
stone ware pipes grade 'A' of the
following internal diameter including
testing of pipes and joints complete.

a) 150mm dia 40.00 rm 146.00 5840.00

Providing and laying cement concrete

1:5:10 (1 cement, 5 coarse sand, 10
graded stone aggregates 40mm nominal
125 1.4 size) bedding and all around for stone
ware pipes of the following internal
diameter neccessary from work and
curing complete as per design.

Page 9

Rate Amount

a) 150mm 40.00 rm 174.00 6960.00

Providing and fixing square mouth S.W

gully trap grade 'A' complete with C.I
grating brick masonry chamber with
126 1.5 bricks of class designation 75 and water
tight C.I cover with frame of 300x300mm
size (inside) the weight of cover to be not
less than 4.5kg a

a) 100x100mm size with FPS bricks. 12.00 no 527.00 6324.00

constructing P- type manhole with RCC

top slab in 1:2:4 mix (1 cement: 2 coarse
sand :4 graded stone crushed aggregates
127 1.6 20mm nominal size) foundation concrete
1:4:8 mix ( 1cement:4 coarse sand 8
crushed stone aggregates 40mm nominal
size) inside plasterin

a) With 230mm tick walls of brick

masonry using bricks of class designation
128 16.00 3130.00 50080.00
75 in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement, 3
coarse sand ) of size 450mm x 450mm.

b) With 115mm thick walls of brick

masonry using bricks of class designation
129 4.00 2244.00 8976.00
75 in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement,3
Coarse sand) of size 450mm x 450mm.



Providing and fixing sand cast iron spigot

and socket soil waste ,Rain water and
ventilating pipes (Bengal Iron Foundry
make/equivalent) of the following nominal
size (Lead caulked joints to be measured
and paid for separately)

130 a) 75mm dia 75.00 562.00 42150.00

131 b) 100mm dia 300.00 658.00 197400.00

Providing and fixing M.S holder clamps

including steel bolts to sand cast /cast
(spun) iron pipes of the following nominal
2.2 diameters size embedded in and
including cement concrete block 100mm
x100mm x 100mm of 1:2:4 mix (1
cement, 2 coarse sand agg., 4

132 a) 100mm dia 190.00 51.00 9690.00

Exter over item 2.1 for providing and

fixing sand cast iron fitting and
accessories (Bengal Iron Foundry

133 a) Plain bends:

134 i) 100mm nominal size 36.00 263.00 9468.00

Page 10

Rate Amount

b) Singh equal branch of required degree:

With oval access ,insertion
rubber washer 3mm thick, bolts and nut

136 i) 100mm nominal size 24.00 415.00 9960.00

C) Singh unequal branch of required

degree: With oval access door
,insertion rubber washer 3mm thick, bolts
and nut complete.

138 i) 100mm x 75mm nominal size 48.00 421.00 20208.00

139 d) Door bends

140 i) 100mm nominal size 16.00 298.00 4768.00

2.4 Providing and fixing:

a) Cast iron cowl (Bengal Iron Foundry/

equivalent) of the following diameter

142 i) 100mm nominal size 24.00 220.00 5280.00

Providing lead caulked joints to sand

iron /cast (spun) iron soil waste and
2.5 ventilating pipes and fitings of following
nominal size / diameter including testing
of joints:

143 i) 100mm nominal size 350.00 68.00 23800.00

144 ii)75mm nominal size 120.00 60.00 7200.00

Proivding and fixing cast iron trap of self

cleaning design with C.P. screwed
dowmn or hinged with or without vent,arm
complete, including cost of cutting and
making good and Walls and floors (floor

145 i) 75mm dia 72.00 382.00 27504.00

146 ii)100mm dia

Providing and fixing Waste Coupling of

147 2.7 24.00 169.00 4056.00
35mm dia (CP).

Providing and fixing Waste Water pipe of

148 2.8 24.00 51.00 1224.00
32mm dia (PVC).

Painting heavy cast iron soil, Waste vent

pipe , rain water pipe and fittings With
2.9 paint of color such as chocolate, grey or
buff etc. Over a coat of primer for new

149 a) 100mm dia pipe 279.00 28.00 7812.00

150 b) 75mm dia pipe

Page 11

Rate Amount

Providing and laying cement concrete

1:2:4 mix (1 cement, 2 coarse sand, 4
sand graded crushed stone aggregate
20mm down gauge).75mm in bed /all
round pipe of following dia and waste

151 a) 75mm and 75.00 146.00 10950.00

152 b) 150mm 30.00 146.00 4380.00


Providing and fxing Wall,ceiling and floor

galvanized mild steel tubes (medium
grade of Prakash Surya/Jindal/Tata
3.1 make) of the following nominal bore ,
tube fitting and clamps (of ship/ unique/
sun /heavy pipe fittings) including making
good the wall , c

153 a) 15mm dia ( Concealed) 500.00 89.00 44500.00

154 b) 25mm dia (Exposed) 311.00 166.00 51626.00

C) 40mm dia (Exposed) 100.00 252.00 25200.00

Making connections of G.I distribution

branch with galvanized mild steel main
155 3.2 25mm to 40mm nominal bore by 48.00 no 36.00 1728.00
providing and fixing the Tee including
cutting and threading the pipes complete.

Painting GI pipes and Fitting with white

3.3 paint over a ready mix primer coat, both
of approved quality for new work.

156 a) 15mm dia 500.00 rm 16.00 8000.00

157 b) 25mm dia 311.00 rm 17.00 5287.00

158 c) 40mm dia 100.00 rm 17.00 1700.00

Providing and fixing brass full way valve

of Type Class-I (Fly Wheel) of Neva make
or Zoloto make the following nominal
bore wheel:

159 a) 15mm dia

160 b) 25mm dia 4.00 no 365.00 1460.00
161 c) 40mm dia 16.00 no 561.00 8976.00

Providing and fiximg PVC water tanks

with lockable covers of (Sintex make)
including connections of inlet/ outlet,
overflow and clearing pipes , capacity of
tanks tobe measured (1500 liter capacity)
of ISI make; Double layer.

16.00 no 8415.00 134640.00

162 3.6 100 mm dia., steel jalli 48.00 no 23.00 1104.00

163 3.7 C.I Manhole cover 16.00 no 1908.00 30528.00

Page 12

Rate Amount


Providing and fixing white glazed vitreous

China Orissa pan W.C of
(parryware/Hindware/Cera Make) with
4.1 flushing cistrn PVC of Hind ware sleek/
Maxware of parry ware (ISI make of 10ltrs
Capacity) Low level with fiting brackets
over floor including cuttin

164 a) H.S.I.Orissa Pan W.C.580mm. 24.00 no 1620.00 38880.00

Providing and fixing white glazed vitreous

China wash basins
(parryware/Hindware/Cera make ) with
165 4.2 C.P. waste coupling , 32mm and sealing 24.00 no 1040.00 24960.00
of joints between wash basins and wall
around the wash basin with white cement
of matching color all complete includ

Providing and fixing C.P. brass bib taps of

double 'O' ring system with Copper
4.3 Platting Before nickle and crome platting
of make Jaquare Queen/Plumber
Nectar/Nova with P Cup.

166 i) Long Nose Bib Cock 24.00 no 637.00 15288.00

167 ii) Short Body Bib Cock. 24.00 no 388.00 9312.00

168 iii) Long Body Bib Cock 72.00 no 432.00 31104.00

Providing and fixing 15mm Cp brass

angle valve of double 'O' ring system with
Copper Platting Before nickle and crome
4.4 platting with CP Cup of make Jaquare
Queen/Plumber Nectar/Nova with CP.
brass connection pipe nuts,washers and
CP brass flange complete

169 i) 15mm dia 96.00 no 397.00 38112.00

Providing and fixing concealed stop cock

of double 'o' ring system with Copper
plating before nickle and crome plating
170 4.5 48.00 no 490.00 23520.00
(of make Jaquare Queen/ Plumber
Nectar/nova with CP cup of 15mm
nominal bore.

Providing and fixing C.P. brass shower

with arm with CP Cup of make jaquar
171 4.6 24.00 no 393.00 9432.00
Queen/Plumber Nectar/Nova 230mm

Providing and fixing CP connection pipe

172 4.7 48.00 no 90.00 4320.00
with unions of 450mm length.

Labour charges for Plumbing , sanitary

173 and water supply excluding extern al 1.00 45000.00 45000.00
drianage system.

Plumbing Works-Sub total 1,028,447.00

Grand total Contract amount 9,360,000.00

Page 13
Contract Material Rates Total LABOUR

Total cost of
Miscellaneo Stone/Mar Miscellaneo Form Stone/Marble/ Material
Rate Amount Metal Sand Cement/lime stone/Marble/Brick Earth Formwork Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Miscellaneous Form work Steel RATE AMOUNT
us ble/Bricks us work Bricks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35

SH-1 Earth work

1 1.1 Earthwork excavation for footings 868.78 M3 110.00 95565.25 868.78 49.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 49.00 42569.98 42570 42570 49
2 1.2 Earth work in surface excavation .
100 Sqm 15.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0
0.00 49.00 49.00
Bailing out of water during PCC,
1.2a 0.00 KL 50.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0

1.50 Anti Termite Treatement 348.30 m2 76.00 26470.80 152.38 80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12190.40 0.00 0.00 12190 5.00 1741.50 13932 13932 40

3 1.3 Back filling upto G.L 636.47 m3 43.00 27368.38 636.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 42.00 26731.91 26732 26732 42

4 1.4 Back filling upto DPC level. 92.76 m3 320.00 29682.22 92.76 110.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10203 20.00 1855.14 12058 12058 130

1.4 Back filling with excavated earth 218.15 m3 43.00 9380.36 218.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 42.00 9162.22 9162 9162 42

5 1.6 Sand filling under floors 0.00 m3 280.00 0.00 0.00 176.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 10.00 0.00 0 0 0


PCC(1:4:8) using 40mm upto

6 2.1 m3 2776.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 423.00 176.00 252.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 160.00 0.00 0 0 0
Plinth beam.

PCC(1:5:10) using 40 mm under

7 2.2 77.17 m3 2435.00 187916.37 69.46 38.20 204.51 423.00 176.00 252.00 29379.78 6723.32 51536.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 87639 160.00 12347.69 99987 3086.92 103074 1336
footings and floors.

PCC(1:4:8) using brick bats under

8 2.3 45.83 m3 2555.00 117104.61 41.25 22.69 151.71 423.00 176.00 252.00 17448.82 3993.01 38230.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 59672 160.00 7333.36 67006 1833.34 68839 1502

DPC Course PCC(1:2:4) using 20

9 2.4 42.46 m2 296.00 12568.16 1.53 0.84 11.24 423.00 176.00 252.00 646.58 147.96 2833.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3628 28 1188.88 4817 4817 113

B.T coat using 80/100 B.T over

10 2.5 42.46 m2 115.00 4882.90 96.00 27.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2592.00 0.00 0.00 2592 8 339.68 2932 2932 69
DPC Course.

Filling with sunken floor of Toilets

11 2.6 24.70 m3 833.00 20575.10 24.70 355.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8768.50 0.00 0.00 8769 150.00 3705.00 12474 12474 505
etc. with cinder material.

Water proofing treatment to vertical

12 2.7 and horizontal surface of depressed 131.24 m2 385.00 50527.57 131.24 190.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24935.68 0.00 0.00 24936 40.00 5249.62 30185 30185 230
portion W/C .

Plum concrete PCC (1:4:8) for

13 2.8 10.00 m3 2683.00 26830.00 7.20 3.17 33.20 2.00 423.00 176.00 252.00 200.00 3045.60 557.57 8366.40 400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12370 160.00 1600.00 13970 400.00 14370 1437

Plum concrete PCC (1:3:6) for

14 2.9 6.81 m3 3067.00 20878.73 4.90 2.16 30.02 1.36 423.00 176.00 252.00 200.00 2073.30 379.57 7565.36 272.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10291 160.00 1089.21 11380 272.30 11652 1712
Balcony and Kitchen partition wall

PCC (1:2:4) for plinth protection

15 2.10 14.07 m3 3970.00 55857.90 12.66 6.96 93.14 423.00 176.00 252.00 5356.45 1225.78 23472.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30054 160.00 2251.20 32306 562.80 32868 2336
alround building


16 3.1 M2o RCC (1:1.5:3) 0.00

17 3.1.a a) Footings, 151.17 m3 4362.00 659412.26 136.05 74.83 1053.67 423.00 176.00 252.00 57551.18 13170.10 265524.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 336246 175 26455.10 362701 24187.52 386888 2559

b) Columns upto DPC level 17.50 m3 4362.00 76317.55 15.75 8.66 121.95 423.00 176.00 252.00 6660.73 1524.25 30730.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38916 175 3061.80 41977 2799.36 44777 2559

18 3.1b b) Plinth Beams 27.54 m3 4362.00 120120.76 24.78 13.63 191.94 423.00 176.00 252.00 10483.72 2399.11 48368.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61252 250 6884.50 68136 4406.08 72542 2634

19 3.2 Roof slab (Lv1,2,3 & Mumty) 124.61 m3 4367.00 544168.80 112.15 61.68 868.53 423.00 176.00 252.00 47438.76 10855.96 218868.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 277163 200 24921.86 302085 19937.49 322023 2584

20 3.3 Roof beam (Lv1,2,3&mummty) 73.54 m3 4362.00 320799.26 66.19 36.40 512.60 423.00 176.00 252.00 27998.23 6407.16 129175.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 163581 200 14708.82 178290 11767.05 190057 2584

22 3.4 Columns ( LV1 ,2 , 3 & Mumty ) 54.49 m3 4390.00 239228.66 49.04 26.97 379.82 423.00 176.00 252.00 20745.87 4747.52 95715.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 121209 250 13623.50 134832 8719.04 143551 2634

26 3.5 Stair case (Lv1,2&3) 10.00 m3 4420.00 44199.69 9.00 4.95 69.70 423.00 176.00 252.00 3806.97 871.19 17564.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22242 250 2499.98 24742 1599.99 26342 2634

29 3.6 In Chajjas (Lv1,2&3) 4.03 m3 4420.00 17805.53 3.63 1.99 28.08 423.00 176.00 252.00 1533.61 350.95 7075.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8960 225 906.39 9867 644.54 10511 2609


PCC ,Footins, Balcony, Dpc

30 3.7 333.30 m2 170.00 56661.76 333.30 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14998.70 0.00 14999 45 14998.70 29997 29997 90
Course,Kitchen partition wall.

32 3.8 Pedastals&columns upto Mumty 805.00 m2 235.00 189175.00 805.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40250.00 0.00 40250 45 36225.00 76475 76475 95

37 3.9 beams up to Mumty 1091.65 m2 225.00 245621.82 1091.65 75.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 81873.94 0.00 81874 45 49124.36 130998 130998 120

slabs including Stair case up to

41 3.10 1068.84 m2 214.00 228731.55 1068.84 75.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80162.93 0.00 80163 45 48097.76 128261 128261 120

Form work for arches (span up to 6

45 3.11 mtrs) for in-situ concrete work (upto 59.00 m2 702.00 41418.00 59.00 75.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4425.00 0.00 4425 150 8850.00 13275 13275 225
level -V)

46 3.12 Edges of slab upto Mumty 665.05 rm 22.00 14631.06 665.05 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3990.29 0.00 3990 8 5320.38 9311 9311 14

3.13 TMT Fe - 415 grade steel 60104.86 kgs 49.00 2945137.99 60104.86 46.6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2800886 1.8 108188.74 2909075 2909075 48

50 4.1.a BRICK WORK (1:6)

51 Plinth beam top to dpc level in
63.22 m3 2485.00 157110.72 17.07 82.19 31611.81 176.00 252.00 2.65 0.00 3004.39 20712.06 83771.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 107488 300 18967.09 126455 126455 2000

supper structure 9" br. Work in CM

52 4.1.b 221.46 m3 2522.00 558524.64 59.79 287.90 110730.50 176.00 252.00 2.65 0.00 10523.83 72550.62 293435.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 376510 300 66438.30 442949 5536.53 448485 2025

ornamental brick work 9" 23.75 m3 2522.00 59907.59 6.41 30.88 11877.00 176.00 252.00 2.65 0.00 1128.79 7781.81 31474.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40385 375 8907.75 49292 593.85 49886 2100

Page 14
Contract Material Rates Total LABOUR

Total cost of
Miscellaneo Stone/Mar Miscellaneo Form Stone/Marble/ Material
Rate Amount Metal Sand Cement/lime stone/Marble/Brick Earth Formwork Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Miscellaneous Form work Steel RATE AMOUNT
us ble/Bricks us work Bricks

Super structure 41/2" br. Work in

53 4.2 589.64 m2 422.00 248828.92 18.31 128.84 33904.42 176.00 252.00 2.65 0.00 3222.28 32466.87 89846.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 125536 60 35378.52 160914 2948.21 163863 278

ornamental brick work 41/2" 168.80 m2 422.00 71234.44 5.24 36.88 9706.12 176.00 252.00 2.65 0.00 922.47 9294.58 25721.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35938 75 12660.15 48598 844.01 49442 293

40 mm thick Marble chips
7.1 208.50 m2 420.00 87570.00 5.37 2.69 86.74 3919.00 423.00 176.00 252.00 8.00 2271.92 472.64 21857.47 31352.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 55954 105.00 21892.50 77847 77847 373
(Makrana) flooring.

Marble chips skirting riser or dedo
7.2 102.44 m2 441.00 45176.04 1.23 22.02 921.96 423.00 176.00 252.00 8.00 0.00 216.35 5550.20 7375.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13142 150.00 15366.00 28508 28508 278
(up to 30cm height) .

Glass strips in joints of
7.3 1449.60 rm 24.00 34790.40 1449.60 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14496.00 0.00 0.00 14496 3.00 4348.80 18845 18845 13
Terrazo/cement concrete floors.

40mm th. flooring in CC( 1:2:4) with
7.4 710.98 m2 300.00 213294.00 26.16 13.08 244.90 423.00 176.00 252.00 11067.40 2302.44 61713.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 75084 59.00 41947.82 117031 117031 165
a flaoting coat of neat cement.

21mm th. plaster skirting upto 30cm

58 7.5 55.44 m2 191.00 10589.04 1.16 13.64 176.00 252.00 0.00 204.91 3436.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3642 34.00 1884.96 5527 5527 100
height with CM(1:3) .

Providing KOTA Stone in Kitchen

59 7.6 59.04 m2 904.00 53372.16 1.09 0.54 3.13 70.85 423.00 176.00 252.00 300.00 459.52 120.00 788.42 21255.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22623 75.00 4428.00 27051 27051 458

Ceramic Glased tile 5mm

60 7.7 314.64 m2 724.00 227799.36 3.47 1.74 31.46 314.64 423.00 176.00 252.00 280.00 1469.34 305.68 7928.93 88099.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 97803 70.00 22024.80 119828 119828 381



Water proofing treatment with

61 8.1 bitumin felt over roofs ( bitumin 299.59 m2 282.00 84484.38 1797.54 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 53926.20 0.00 0.00 53926 40.00 11983.60 65910 65910 220
85/25 or 90/15 )

100mm thick mud puska over roof

62 8.2 299.59 m2 350.00 104856.50 160.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47934.40 0.00 0.00 47934 50.00 14979.50 62914 62914 210
slab .

Gola 75X75mm with M-15 (1:2:4)

63 8.3 268.48 rm 87.00 23357.76 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12081.60 0.00 0.00 12082 5.00 1342.40 13424 13424 50
concrete .

Khurras 450 X 450mm with th. of

64 8.4 50mm cement concrete M-15over 8.00 nos 241.00 1928.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 400 50.00 400.00 800 800 100
PVC Sheet.


18mm thk cement plaster in two

65 9.1 454.83 m2 205.00 93240.15 8.19 56.22 0.09 176.00 252.00 20.00 0.00 1440.90 14166.68 0.00 0.00 1.84 0.00 0.00 15609 45.00 20467.35 36077 4548.30 40625 89
coats .

15mm thick cement plaster in CM

66 9.2 (1:6) on rough side of single/ half 1448.87 m2 145.00 210086.31 21.73 125.18 176.00 252.00 0.00 3825.02 31545.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35371 40.00 57954.84 93326 14488.71 107815 74

12mm thick plaster in CM( 1:6) on

67 9.3 1490.84 m2 135.00 201263.62 17.89 103.05 176.00 252.00 0.00 3148.66 25967.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29116 35.00 52179.46 81296 14908.42 96204 65

6mm thick ceiling plaster in CM

68 9.4 1042.35 m2 127.00 132379.07 6.25 72.05 176.00 252.00 0.00 1100.73 18155.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19257 35.00 36482.42 55739 55739 53

Making grooves in walls/ corners of

69 9.5 2700.00 rm 10.00 27000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 3.00 8100.00 8100 8100 3

White washing new blocks with

70 9.6 three(or more) coats of lime to an 6137.44 m2 22.00 135023.68 1963.98 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29459.71 0.00 0.00 29460 5.50 33755.92 63216 63216 10
even shade.

Two (or more) coats of cement

71 9.7 based paints of specified shade or 1942.00 m2 45.00 87390.00 621.44 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24857.60 0.00 0.00 24858 9.00 17478.00 42336 42336 22
exterior to an even shade.

Painting to new metalic surfaces

72 9.8 with 2 coats of synthetic enamel 574.56 m2 51.00 29302.56 63.20 80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5056.13 0.00 0.00 5056 15.00 8618.40 13675 13675 24

Applying prime coat on new

73 9.9 1081.31 m2 61.00 65959.91 64.88 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2595.14 0.00 0.00 2595 15.00 16219.65 18815 18815 17
wooden / wood based surfaces .

Painting to new Wood surfaces with

74 9.10 1135.75 m2 51.00 57923.25 136.29 80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10903.20 0.00 0.00 10903 15.00 17036.25 27939 27939 25
2 coats of synthetic enamel paints.


M.S sqare Grills in windows

75 10.1 1500.00 kgs 78.06 117090.00 1500.00 55.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 82500.00 0.00 0.00 82500 10.00 15000.00 97500 97500 65
/ventilators/ stair railings etc.,

Plith protection 50mm th. of CC

76 10.2 (1:3:6) over 75 mm bed of dry 82.32 m2 298.00 24531.36 3.29 9.30 18.11 3704.40 423.00 176.00 252.00 2.50 1392.85 1637.18 4563.82 9261.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16855 15.00 1234.80 18090 18090 220
brick ballest .

MS Pipe 50mm dia in staircases

77 10.3 637.00 m2 78.00 49686.00 637.00 55.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35035.00 0.00 0.00 35035 12.00 7644.00 42679 42679 67
and Balconies(Railing)

Brick tile coping 80mm thick in CM

78 10.4 44.77 m2 382.00 17102.17 1.57 15.03 1880.34 176.00 252.00 2.75 0.00 275.78 3788.52 5170.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9235 35.00 1566.95 10802 10802 241
(1:3) with plastering in CM(1:3 ).

Built up section of structural steel

79 10.5 for O.T.S portion and nosing of 750.00 kgs 78.06 58545.00 750.00 55.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41250.00 0.00 0.00 41250 10.00 7500.00 48750 48750 65

Page 15
Contract Material Rates Total LABOUR

Total cost of
Miscellaneo Stone/Mar Miscellaneo Form Stone/Marble/ Material
Rate Amount Metal Sand Cement/lime stone/Marble/Brick Earth Formwork Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Miscellaneous Form work Steel RATE AMOUNT
us ble/Bricks us work Bricks

80 10.60 Poly Corbonate Corrugated sheet . 22.59 m2 1232.00 27830.88 22.59 850.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19201.50 0.00 0.00 19202 75.00 1694.25 20896 20896 925


Flush door shutters of 35 mm

81 5.1 175.31 m2 1800.00 315549.00 175.305 900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 157774.50 0.00 0.00 157775 25 4382.63 162157 162157 925
thick.using 3 mm ply on both sides.

3.00 mm thick glass panes for

82 5.2 90.00 m2 571.00 51390.00 90.000 280.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25200.00 0.00 25200 20 1800.00 27000 27000 300
fixing in the ventilators/ windows .

glazed shutters for

windows/ventilators of 1st class
83 5.3 130.46 m2 2250.00 293535.00 130.460 1290.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 168293.40 0.00 0.00 168293 25 3261.50 171555 171555 1315
deodar wood using 10kg / sqm.
(4mm thick) glass panes .

35mm thick wire gauze shutters of

1st class deodar wood termite
84 5.4 treated and kiln seasoned wood 165.06 m2 1389.00 229264.17 165.057 900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 148551.30 0.00 0.00 148551 25 4126.43 152678 152678 925
85G (wire dia 0.56 mm) wire gauge
(12 mesh to an inch)

35 mm FRP flush door shutter with

85 5.11 fixed frame of angle iron 31.92 m2 2787.00 88961.04 31.92 2000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 63840.00 0.00 0.00 63840 50.00 1596.00 65436 65436 2050
50X50x5mm .


86 6.1 Pressed steel door frames. 359.04 rm 400.00 143616.00 359.040 275.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 98736.00 0.00 0.00 98736 20 7180.80 105917 105917 295

Pressed Door / Window / Ventilator

87 6.2 1046.50 rm 400.00 418600.00 1046.500 275.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 287787.50 0.00 0.00 287788 20 20930.00 308718 308718 295

Fittings to doors and windows:

Tower bolts with necessary screws

88 5.5
aluminium fittings

89 a 150 mm x 10 mm 980.00 nos 51.00 49980.00 980.000 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29400.00 0.00 0.00 29400 0.00 29400 29400 30

90 b 225 mm x 10 mm 352.00 nos 73.00 25696.00 352.00 44.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15488.00 0.00 0.00 15488 0.00 15488 15488 44
Sliding door bolts with necessary
91 5.6
92 300 x 16 mm 24.00 nos 102.00 2448.00 24.000 62.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1488.00 0.00 0.00 1488 0.00 1488 1488 62

93 5.7 Lock-in-bolts for doors 50.00 nos 60.00 3000.00 50.00 36.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1800.00 0.00 0.00 1800 0.00 1800 1800 36

94 5.8 Door rubber buffer 124.00 nos 25.00 3100.00 124.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1860.00 0.00 0.00 1860 0.00 1860 1860 15

95 5.9 Door stoppers 124.00 nos 29.00 3596.00 124.00 17.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2108.00 0.00 0.00 2108 0.00 2108 2108 17

96 5.10 Door and windows handles

97 a 100 mm 490.00 nos 49.00 24010.00 490.00 29.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14210.00 0.00 0.00 14210 0.00 14210 14210 29

98 b 125 mm 102.00 nos 59.00 6018.00 102.00 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3570.00 0.00 0.00 3570 0.00 3570 3570 35

99 5.12 Mild steel hooks 280.00 nos 42.00 11760.00 280.00 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7000.00 0.00 0.00 7000 0.00 7000 7000 25

100 5.13 Helical door spring 48.00 nos 382.00 18336.00 48.00 230.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11040.00 0.00 0.00 11040 0.00 11040 11040 230

592.98 495.35 5108.33 199710.19 1816.15 4022.84 60104.86 250830.63 87205.50 1287298.29 687435.21 0.00 1466331.61 225700.85 2800886.34

ELECTRIFICATION ITEMS Meatal Sand Cement Bricks E/w Formwork steel

Wiring for light point/fan
point/calling bell with 1.5 sq mm
pvc insulated copper conducted

a)One light/fan/bell push point

101 controlled by one 5/6 amp one way 213.00 nos 520.00 110760.00 213.000 254 54102.00 54102 54102 54102 290
b) Twin control light pointwith 2 No.
105 two way 5/6 Amps switch 5.00 nos 743.00 3715.00 5.000 306 1530.00 1530 1530 1530 300

Circuit wiring from switch fuse /DB

106 2 to switch board using 2x 2.5 sq mm 950.00 rm 119.00 113050.00 950.000 77 73150.00 73150 73150 73150 75
along with 1x 1.5 sqmm wire.

Wiring for power socket 2x 4 sq mm

107 3 750.00 rm 208.00 156000.00 750.000 110 82500.00 82500 82500 82500 85
Wiring with 2x6.0sqmm along with
108 4 1x4.0 sqmm PVC wire in walls, 100.00 rm 282.00 28200.00 100.000 140 14000.00 14000 14000 14000 160
ceiling .

Sub main cable with PVC wire of 2

109 5 75.00 rm 386.00 28950.00 75.000 145 10875.00 10875 10875 10875 310
x10 sqmts concealed in wall/ceiling.

Flush button type socket outlet,6

110 6 pin Multipurpose type with one 96.00 nos 223.00 21408.00 96.000 119 11424.00 11424 11424 11424 140
switch 1516 amps

111 7 Wall bracket. 48.00 nos 297.00 14256.00 48.000 149 7152.00 7152 7152 7152 100

Fluorescent Tube fitting Rail ( Patti)

112 8 48.00 nos 431.00 20688.00 48.000 305 14640.00 14640 14640 14640 225

113 9 Celing Rose bakelite 65x50mm. 48.00 nos 44.00 2112.00 48.000 12 576.00 576 576 576 15

114 10 Lamp holder bakelite body. 87.00 nos 52.00 4524.00 87.000 18 1566.00 1566 1566 1566 20

CI/MS box (not less than 16 SWG

115 11 48.00 nos 57.00 2736.00 48.000 50 2400.00 2400 2400 2400 40

Distributed Board SPN 220/230

116 12 24.00 nos 2231.00 53544.00 24.000 1200 28800.00 28800 28800 28800 1150

Page 16
Contract Material Rates Total LABOUR

Total cost of
Miscellaneo Stone/Mar Miscellaneo Form Stone/Marble/ Material
Rate Amount Metal Sand Cement/lime stone/Marble/Brick Earth Formwork Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Miscellaneous Form work Steel RATE AMOUNT
us ble/Bricks us work Bricks

Distribution board, 415 Volt TPN

117 13 6.00 nos 4462.00 26772.00 6.000 4150 24900.00 24900 24900 24900 2000
100 Amps Isolator .

LT Electric control panel and fixing

118 14 of Distribution board, 415 Volt TPN 2.00 nos 96687.00 193374.00 2.000 58012.2 116024.40 116024 116024 116024 52000
100 control panel.

Earthing complete with Copper

119 15 2.00 nos 11156.00 22312.00 2.000 6693.6 13387.20 13387 13387 13387 5000
Earthing Plate .

Aluminum Strip 25x3mm,

120 16 completely connected from Earth 20.00 nos 297.00 5940.00 20.000 50 1000.00 1000 1000 1000 50
link to equipment.

121 17 Bell/ Buzzer 24.00 nos 89.00 2136.00 24.000 120 2880.00 2880 2880 2880 50

Labour charges for electrical

45000.00 45000 45000 50



122 1.1 PVC pipes

a) 150mm dia 19.80 rm 510.00 10098.00 19.8 198.00 3920.40 3920 3920 3920 198

PCC (1:5:10) bed alround the

123 1.2
pipe .

a) 150mm 19.80 rm 271.00 5365.80 19.8 135.00 2673.00 2673 0.00 2673 2673 135

salt glazed stone ware pipes grade

124 1.3

a) 150mm dia 40.00 rm 177.00 7080.00 40 161.67 6466.80 6467 0.00 6467 6467 162

PCC (1:5:10) bed alround the

125 1.4
pipe .

a) 150mm 40.00 rm 271.00 10840.00 40 135.00 5400.00 5400 25 1000.00 6400 6400 160

Square mouth S.W gully trap grade

126 1.5 'A' with brick masonry chamber and
C.I cover.

a) 100x100mm size with FPS

12.00 no 945.00 11340.00 12 612.00 7344.00 7344 30 360.00 7704 7704 642

P- type manhole with RCC(1:2:4)

127 1.6
top slab

a) With 230mm tick walls of brick

128 16.00 4429.00 70864.00 16 3000.00 48000.00 48000 500 8000.00 56000 56000 3500
masonry of size 450mm x 450mm.

b) With 115mm thick walls of brick

129 4.00 4116.00 16464.00 4 2800.00 11200.00 11200 500 2000.00 13200 13200 3300
masonry) of size 450mm x 450mm.



Sand cast iron spigot and socket

2.1 soil waste ,Rain water and
ventilating pipes

130 a) 75mm dia 75.00 669.00 50175.00 75 423.00 31725.00 31725 31725 31725 423
131 b) 100mm dia 300.00 1027.00 308100.00 300 500.50 150150.00 150150 150150 150150 501

M.S holder clamps including

2.2 cement concrete block 100mm
x100mm x 100mm of 1:2:4 mix

132 a) 100mm dia 190.00 60.00 11400.00 190 28.69 5451.10 5451 5451 5451 29
sand cast iron fitting and
133 a) Plain bends:

134 i) 100mm nominal size 36.00 377.00 13572.00 36 266.00 9576.00 9576 9576 9576 266

135 b) T-C.I bends

136 i) 100mm nominal size 24.00 603.00 14472.00 24 470.00 11280.00 11280 11280 11280 470

137 C) C.I Reduced T bends

138 i) 100mm x 75mm nominal size 48.00 547.00 26256.00 48 470.00 22560.00 22560 22560 22560 470

139 d) Door bends

140 i) 100mm nominal size 16.00 452.00 7232.00 16 311.00 4976.00 4976 4976 4976 311
2.4 Providing and fixing:

141 a) Cast iron cowl

142 i) 100mm nominal size 24.00 309.00 7416.00 24 240.00 5760.00 5760 5760 5760 240

Lead caulked joints to sand iron

2.5 /cast (spun) iron soil waste and
ventilating pipes .

143 i) 100mm nominal size 350.00 202.00 70700.00 350 125.00 43750.00 43750 43750 43750 125

144 ii)75mm nominal size 120.00 146.00 17520.00 120 100.00 12000.00 12000 12000 12000 100

2.6 Cast iron trap (floor Trap).

145 i) 75mm dia 72.00 542.00 39024.00 72 400.00 28800.00 28800 28800 28800 400

146 ii)100mm dia

Page 17
Contract Material Rates Total LABOUR

Total cost of
Miscellaneo Stone/Mar Miscellaneo Form Stone/Marble/ Material
Rate Amount Metal Sand Cement/lime stone/Marble/Brick Earth Formwork Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Miscellaneous Form work Steel RATE AMOUNT
us ble/Bricks us work Bricks

147 2.7 Waste Coupling of 35mm dia (CP). 24.00 382.00 9168.00 24 183.00 4392.00 4392 4392 4392 183

Waste Water pipe of 32mm dia

148 2.8 24.00 53.00 1272.00 24 30.00 720.00 720 720 720 30

Painting heavy cast iron soil, Waste

2.9 vent pipe , rain water pipe and
fittings .

149 a) 100mm dia pipe 279.00 35.00 9765.00 279 18.00 5022.00 5022 5022 5022 18

150 b) 75mm dia pipe

Bed concrete 1:2:4 mix 75mm thick

all round pipe

151 a) 75mm and 75.00 276.00 20700.00 75 130.00 9750.00 9750 9750 9750 130

152 b) 150mm 30.00 394.00 11820.00 30 130.00 3900.00 3900 3900 3900 130


3.1 Galvanized mild steel tubes

153 a) 15mm dia ( Concealed) 556.08 246.00 136795.68 556.08 92.47 51420.72 51421 51421 51421 92

154 b) 25mm dia (Exposed) 311.00 314.00 97654.00 311 172.36 53603.96 53604 53604 53604 172

C) 40mm dia (Exposed) 100.00 396.00 39600.00 100 224.00 22400.00 22400 22400 22400 224

155 3.2 G.I distribution branch 48.00 no 248.00 11904.00 48 32.00 1536.00 1536 1536 1536 32

Painting GI pipes and Fitting with

white paint

156 a) 15mm dia 500.00 rm 8.00 4000.00 500 3.90 1950.00 1950 1950 1950 4

157 b) 25mm dia 311.00 rm 10.00 3110.00 311 4.84 1505.24 1505 1505 1505 5

158 c) 40mm dia 100.00 rm 14.00 1400.00 100 6.75 675.00 675 675 675 7

3.4 brass full way valve of Type

159 a) 15mm dia 0

160 b) 25mm dia 16.00 no 518.00 8288.00 16 566.00 9056.00 9056 9056 9056 566

161 c) 40mm dia 4.00 no 598.00 2392.00 4 1198.00 4792.00 4792 4792 4792 1198

PVC water tanks with lockable

3.5 covers of (Sintex make) 1500 lits

16.00 no 11475.00 183600.00 16 6225.00 99600.00 99600 99600 99600 6225


4.1 W.C pan

164 a) H.S.I.Orissa Pan W.C.580mm. 24.00 no 3112.00 74688.00 24 2080.00 49920.00 49920 49920 49920 2080

White glazed vitreous China wash

165 4.2 24.00 no 1528.00 36672.00 24 755.00 18120.00 18120 18120 18120 755

C.P. brass bib taps of double 'O'

ring system.

166 i) Long Nose Bib Cock 24.00 no 331.00 7944.00 24 375.00 9000.00 9000 9000 9000 375

167 ii) Short Body Bib Cock. 24.00 no 374.00 8976.00 24 317.00 7608.00 7608 7608 7608 317

168 iii) Long Body Bib Cock 72.00 no 467.00 33624.00 72 375.00 27000.00 27000 27000 27000 375

Providing and fixing 15mm Cp

4.4 brass angle valve of double 'O' ring

169 i) 15mm dia 96.00 no 238.00 22848.00 96 305.00 29280.00 29280 29280 29280 305

Concealed stop cock of double 'o'

170 4.5 48.00 no 542.00 26016.00 48 392.00 18816.00 18816 18816 18816 392
ring system with Copper plating

C.P. brass shower with arm with

171 4.6 24.00 no 569.00 13656.00 24 376.00 9024.00 9024 9024 9024 376
CP Cup

CP connection pipe with unions of

172 4.7 48.00 no 60.00 2880.00 48 50.00 2400.00 2400 2400 2400 50
450mm length.

Labour charges for Plumbing ,

173 sanitary and water supply excluding 75000 75000 75000
extern al drianage system.

13712244 8129322 1241552 9370874 124084 9494958

Initial Rebate = 4.5% 617051


Rebate after negotiation = 7.06844%




Page 18
Contract Material Rates Total LABOUR

Total cost of
Miscellaneo Stone/Mar Miscellaneo Form Stone/Marble/ Material
Rate Amount Metal Sand Cement/lime stone/Marble/Brick Earth Formwork Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Miscellaneous Form work Steel RATE AMOUNT
us ble/Bricks us work Bricks


T&P @
Sl.No Item Labour Material Total Cost

1 Frame structure 1110192 6815892 124084 8050168

3 Electrification 45000 460907 0 505907

External sewage , plumbing ,

4 86360 852523 0 938883
Sanitary , and water supply

Total 1241552 8129322 124084 9494958


T&P @
Sl.No Item Labour Total Total Cost

1 Frame work 92.52 567.99 10.34 670.85

3 Electrification 3.75 38.41 0.00 42.16

External sewage , plumbing ,

4 7.20 71.04 0.00 78.24
Sanitary , and water supply

Total 103.46 677.44 10.34 791.25

steel extra 80

net 711

Page 19






































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Page 25
Contract Material Rates Total LABOUR

S.N Total cost of

O stone/Marble/Bri Miscellaneo Stone/Mar Miscellaneo Form Stone/Marble/ Material
Rate Amount Metal Sand Cement/lime Earth Formwork Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Miscellaneous Form work Steel RATE AMOUNT
ck us ble/Bricks us work Bricks

1 2 3 4.00 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36

SH-1 Earth work

1 1.1 Earthwork excavation for footings 868.78 M3 110.00 95565.25 868.78 49.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 49.00 42569.98 42570 42570 49 /cum

2 1.2 Earth work in surface excavation . non

oper 100
15.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0
al 0.00 49.00 49.00
Bailing out of water during PCC,
1.2a 0.00 KL 50.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 #DIV/0! /kl

1.50 Anti Termite Treatement 348.30 m2 76.00 26470.80 152.38 80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12190.40 0.00 0.00 12190 5.00 1741.50 13932 13932 40 /sqm

3 1.3 Back filling upto G.L 636.47 m3 43.00 27368.38 636.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 42.00 26731.91 26732 26732 42 /cum

4 1.4 Back filling upto DPC level. 92.76 m3 320.00 29682.22 92.76 110.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10203.26 0.00 0.00 10203 20.00 1855.14 12058 12058 130 /cum

1.4 Back filling with excavated earth 218.15 m3 43.00 9380.36 218.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 42.00 9162.22 9162 9162 42 /cum

5 1.6 Sand filling under floors 0.00 m3 280.00 0.00 0.00 176.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 10.00 0.00 0 0 #DIV/0! /cum


PCC(1:4:8) using 40mm upto Plinth oper
6 2.1 m3 2776.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 423.00 176.00 252.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 160.00 0.00 0 0 #DIV/0! /cum
beam. ation
PCC(1:5:10) using 40 mm under
7 2.2 77.17 m3 2435.00 187916.37 61.74 37.04 204.51 423.00 176.00 252.00 26115.36 6519.58 51536.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 84171 160.00 12347.69 96519 3086.92 99606 1291 /cum
footings and floors.

PCC(1:4:8) using brick bats under

8 2.3 45.83 m3 2555.00 117104.61 36.67 22.00 151.71 423.00 176.00 252.00 15510.06 3872.01 38230.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 57613 160.00 7333.36 64946 1833.34 66779 1457 /cum
DPC Course PCC(1:2:4) using 20
9 2.4 42.46 m2 296.00 12568.16 1.36 0.03 11.24 423.00 176.00 252.00 574.74 5.74 2833.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3414 28 1188.88 4603 4603 108 /sqm

B.T coat using 80/100 B.T over DPC

10 2.5 42.46 m2 115.00 4882.90 96.00 27.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2592.00 0.00 0.00 2592 8 339.68 2932 2932 69 /sqm

Filling with sunken floor of Toilets etc.

11 2.6 24.70 m3 833.00 20575.10 24.70 355.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8768.50 0.00 0.00 8769 150.00 3705.00 12474 12474 505 /cum
with cinder material.

Water proofing treatment to vertical

12 2.7 and horizontal surface of depressed 131.24 m2 385.00 50527.57 131.24 190.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24935.68 0.00 0.00 24936 40.00 5249.62 30185 30185 230 /sqm
portion W/C .

Plum concrete PCC (1:4:8) for

13 2.8 10.00 m3 2683.00 26830.00 6.40 3.07 33.20 2.00 423.00 176.00 252.00 200.00 2707.20 540.67 8366.40 400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12014 160.00 1600.00 13614 400.00 14014 1401 /cum

Plum concrete PCC (1:3:6) for

14 2.9 6.81 m3 3067.00 20878.73 4.36 2.09 30.02 1.36 423.00 176.00 252.00 200.00 1842.94 368.06 7565.36 272.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10049 160.00 1089.21 11138 272.30 11410 1676 /cum
Balcony and Kitchen partition wall

PCC (1:2:4) for plinth protection

15 2.10 14.07 m3 3970.00 55857.90 11.26 6.75 93.14 423.00 176.00 252.00 4761.29 1188.63 23472.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29422 160.00 2251.20 31673 562.80 32236 2291 /cum
alround building


16 3.1 M2o RCC (1:1.5:3) 0.00 0

17 3.1.a a) Footings, 151.17 m3 4362.00 659412.26 136.05 74.83 1053.67 423.00 176.00 252.00 57551.18 13170.10 265524.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 336246 175 26455.10 362701 24187.52 386888 2559 /cum

b) Columns upto DPC level 17.50 m3 4362.00 76317.55 15.75 8.66 121.95 423.00 176.00 252.00 6660.73 1524.25 30730.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38916 175 3061.80 41977 2799.36 44777 2559 /cum

18 3.1b b) Plinth Beams 27.54 m3 4362.00 120120.76 24.78 13.63 191.94 423.00 176.00 252.00 10483.72 2399.11 48368.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61252 250 6884.50 68136 4406.08 72542 2634 /cum

19 3.2 Roof slab (Lv1,2,3 & Mumty) 124.61 m3 4367.00 544168.80 112.15 61.68 868.53 423.00 176.00 252.00 47438.76 10855.96 218868.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 277163 200 24921.86 302085 19937.49 322023 2584 /cum

20 3.3 Roof beam (Lv1,2,3&mummty) 73.54 m3 4362.00 320799.26 66.19 36.40 435.71 423.00 176.00 252.00 27998.23 6407.16 109799.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 144205 200 14708.82 158914 11767.05 170681 2321 /cum

22 3.4 Columns ( LV1 ,2 , 3 & Mumty ) 54.49 m3 4390.00 239228.66 49.04 26.97 379.82 423.00 176.00 252.00 20745.87 4747.52 95715.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 121209 250 13623.50 134832 8719.04 143551 2634 /cum

26 3.5 Stair case (Lv1,2&3) 10.00 m3 4420.00 44199.69 9.00 4.95 69.70 423.00 176.00 252.00 3806.97 871.19 17564.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22242 250 2499.98 24742 1599.99 26342 2634 /cum

29 3.6 In Chajjas (Lv1,2&3) 4.03 m3 4420.00 17805.53 3.63 1.99 28.08 423.00 176.00 252.00 1533.61 350.95 7075.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8960 225 906.39 9867 644.54 10511 2609 /cum


PCC ,Footins, Balcony, Dpc

30 3.7 333.30 m2 170.00 56661.76 333.30 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14998.70 0.00 14999 45 14998.70 29997 29997 90 /sqm
Course,Kitchen partition wall.

32 3.8 Pedastals&columns upto Mumty 805.00 m2 235.00 189175.00 805.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40250.00 0.00 40250 45 36225.00 76475 76475 95 /sqm

37 3.9 beams up to Mumty 1091.65 m2 225.00 245621.82 1091.65 75.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 81873.94 0.00 81874 45 49124.36 130998 130998 120 /sqm

slabs including Stair case up to

41 3.10 1068.84 m2 214.00 228731.55 1068.84 75.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80162.93 0.00 80163 45 48097.76 128261 128261 120 /sqm

Form work for arches (span up to 6

45 3.11 mtrs) for in-situ concrete work (upto 59.00 m2 702.00 41418.00 59.00 75.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4425.00 0.00 4425 150 8850.00 13275 13275 225 /sqm
level -V)

46 3.12 Edges of slab upto Mumty 665.05 rm 22.00 14631.06 665.05 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3990.29 0.00 3990 8 5320.38 9311 9311 14 /rmt


3.13 TMT Fe - 415 grade steel 60104.86 kgs 49 2945137.99 60104.86 46.6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2800886 1.8 108188.74 2909075 2909075 48.00 /kg

50 4.1.a BRICK WORK (1:6) 0

51 Plinth beam top to dpc level in
63.22 m3 2485.00 157110.72 17.07 82.19 31611.81 176.00 252.00 2.65 0.00 3004.39 20712.06 83771.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 107488 300 18967.09 126455 126455 2000 /cum
supper structure 9" br. Work in CM
52 4.1.b 221.46 m3 2522.00 558524.64 59.79 287.90 110730.50 176.00 252.00 2.65 0.00 10523.83 72550.62 293435.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 376510 300 66438.30 442949 5536.53 448485 2025 /cum

ornamental brick work 9" 23.75 m3 2522.00 59907.59 6.41 30.88 11877.00 176.00 252.00 2.65 0.00 1128.79 7781.81 31474.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40385 375 8907.75 49292 593.85 49886 2100 /cum

Super structure 41/2" br. Work in

53 4.2 589.64 m2 422.00 248828.92 18.31 128.84 33904.42 176.00 252.00 2.65 0.00 3222.28 32466.87 89846.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 125536 60 35378.52 160914 2948.21 163863 278 /sqm
ornamental brick work 41/2" 168.80 m2 422.00 71234.44 5.24 36.88 9706.12 176.00 252.00 2.65 0.00 922.47 9294.58 25721.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35938 75 12660.15 48598 844.01 49442 293 /sqm

40 mm thick Marble chips (Makrana)
7.1 208.50 m2 420.00 87570.00 5.37 2.69 86.74 3919.00 423.00 176.00 252.00 8.00 2271.92 472.64 21857.47 31352.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 55954 105.00 21892.50 77847 77847 373 /sqm
Marble chips skirting riser or dedo (up
7.2 102.44 m2 441.00 45176.04 1.23 22.02 921.96 423.00 176.00 252.00 8.00 0.00 216.35 5550.20 7375.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13142 150.00 15366.00 28508 28508 278 /sqm
to 30cm height) .

Page 26
Contract Material Rates Total LABOUR

S.N Total cost of

O stone/Marble/Bri Miscellaneo Stone/Mar Miscellaneo Form Stone/Marble/ Material
Rate Amount Metal Sand Cement/lime Earth Formwork Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Miscellaneous Form work Steel RATE AMOUNT
ck us ble/Bricks us work Bricks

Glass strips in joints of
7.3 1449.60 rm 24.00 34790.40 1449.60 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14496.00 0.00 0.00 14496 3.00 4348.80 18845 18845 13 /rmt
Terrazo/cement concrete floors.
57 40mm th. flooring in CC( 1:2:4) with a
7.4 710.98 m2 300.00 213294.00 26.16 13.08 244.90 423.00 176.00 252.00 11067.40 2302.44 61713.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 75084 59.00 41947.82 117031 117031 165 /sqm
flaoting coat of neat cement.

21mm th. plaster skirting upto 30cm

58 7.5 55.44 m2 191.00 10589.04 1.16 13.64 176.00 252.00 0.00 204.91 3436.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3642 34.00 1884.96 5527 5527 100 /sqm
height with CM(1:3) .

Providing KOTA Stone in Kitchen

59 7.6 59.04 m2 904.00 53372.16 1.09 0.54 3.13 70.85 423.00 176.00 252.00 300.00 459.52 120.00 788.42 21254.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22622 75.00 4428.00 27050 27050 458 /sqm

60 7.7 Ceramic Glased tile 5mm thickness. 314.64 m2 724.00 227799.36 3.47 1.74 31.46 314.64 423.00 176.00 252.00 280.00 1469.34 305.68 7928.93 88099.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 97803 70.00 22024.80 119828 119828 381 /sqm


SH-8 0
Water proofing treatment with bitumin
61 8.1 felt over roofs ( bitumin 85/25 or 299.59 m2 282.00 84484.38 1797.54 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 53926.20 0.00 0.00 53926 40.00 11983.60 65910 65910 220 /sqm
90/15 )
100mm thick mud puska over roof
62 8.2 299.59 m2 350.00 104856.50 160.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47934.40 0.00 0.00 47934 50.00 14979.50 62914 62914 210 /sqm
slab .
Gola 75X75mm with M-15 (1:2:4)
63 8.3 268.48 rm 87.00 23357.76 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12081.60 0.00 0.00 12082 5.00 1342.40 13424 13424 50 /rm
concrete .
Khurras 450 X 450mm with th. of
64 8.4 50mm cement concrete M-15over 8.00 nos 241.00 1928.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 400 50.00 400.00 800 800 100 /Each
PVC Sheet.


18mm thk cement plaster in two

65 9.1 454.83 m2 205.00 93240.15 8.19 56.22 0.09 176.00 252.00 20.00 0.00 1440.90 14166.68 0.00 0.00 1.84 0.00 0.00 15609 45.00 20467.35 36077 4548.30 40625 89 /sqm
coats .
15mm thick cement plaster in CM
66 9.2 (1:6) on rough side of single/ half 1448.87 m2 145.00 210086.31 21.73 125.18 176.00 252.00 0.00 3825.02 31545.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35371 40.00 57954.84 93326 14488.71 107815 74 /sqm
12mm thick plaster in CM( 1:6) on
67 9.3 1490.84 m2 135.00 201263.62 17.89 103.05 176.00 252.00 0.00 3148.66 25967.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29116 35.00 52179.46 81296 14908.42 96204 65 /sqm

68 9.4 6mm thick ceiling plaster in CM (1:3) 1042.35 m2 127.00 132379.07 6.25 72.05 176.00 252.00 0.00 1100.73 18155.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19257 35.00 36482.42 55739 55739 53 /sqm

Making grooves in walls/ corners of

69 9.5 2700.00 rm 10.00 27000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 3.00 8100.00 8100 8100 3 /rmt
White washing new blocks with
70 9.6 three(or more) coats of lime to an 6137.44 m2 22.00 135023.68 9.00 1963.98 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29459.71 0.00 0.00 29460 5.50 33755.92 63216 63216 10 /sqm
even shade.
Two (or more) coats of cement based
71 9.7 paints of specified shade or exterior 1942.00 m2 45.00 87390.00 621.44 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24857.60 0.00 0.00 24858 9.00 17478.00 42336 42336 22 /sqm
to an even shade.

Painting to new metalic surfaces with

72 9.8 574.56 m2 51.00 29302.56 63.20 80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5056.13 0.00 0.00 5056 15.00 8618.40 13675 13675 24 /sqm
2 coats of synthetic enamel paint.

Applying prime coat on new

73 9.9 1081.31 m2 61.00 65959.91 64.88 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2595.14 0.00 0.00 2595 15.00 16219.65 18815 18815 17 /sqm
wooden / wood based surfaces .
Painting to new Wood surfaces with 2
74 9.10 1135.75 m2 51.00 57923.25 136.29 80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10903.20 0.00 0.00 10903 15.00 17036.25 27939 27939 25 /sqm
coats of synthetic enamel paints.


M.S sqare Grills in windows

75 10.1 1500.00 kgs 78.06 117090.00 1500.00 55.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 82500.00 0.00 0.00 82500 10.00 15000.00 97500 97500 65 /kg
/ventilators/ stair railings etc.,

Plith protection 50mm th. of CC

76 10.2 (1:3:6) over 75 mm bed of dry brick 82.32 m2 298.00 24531.36 3.29 9.30 18.11 3704.40 423.00 176.00 252.00 2.50 1392.85 1637.18 4563.82 9261.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16855 15.00 1234.80 18090 18090 220 /sqm
ballest .
MS Pipe 50mm dia in staircases
77 10.3 637.00 m2 78.00 49686.00 637.00 55.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35035.00 0.00 0.00 35035 12.00 7644.00 42679 42679 67 /kg
and Balconies(Railing)

Brick tile coping 80mm thick in CM

78 10.4 44.77 m2 382.00 17102.17 1.57 15.03 1880.34 176.00 252.00 2.75 0.00 275.78 3788.52 5170.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9235 35.00 1566.95 10802 10802 241 /sqm
(1:3) with plastering in CM(1:3 ).

Built up section of structural steel for

79 10.5 750.00 kgs 78.06 58545.00 750.00 55.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41250.00 0.00 0.00 41250 10.00 7500.00 48750 48750 65 /kg
O.T.S portion and nosing of steps.

80 10.60 Poly Corbonate Corrugated sheet . 22.59 m2 1232.00 27830.88 22.59 850.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19201.50 0.00 0.00 19202 75.00 1694.25 20896 20896 925 /sqm


Flush door shutters of 35 mm

81 5.1 175.31 m2 1800.000 315549.00 175.305 900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 157774.50 0.00 0.00 157775 25 4382.63 162157 162157 925 /sqm
thick.using 3 mm ply on both sides.

3.00 mm thick glass panes for fixing

82 5.2 90.00 m2 571.00 51390.00 90.000 280.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25200.00 0.00 25200 20 1800.00 27000 27000 300 /sqm
in the ventilators/ windows .

glazed shutters for

windows/ventilators of 1st class
83 5.3 130.46 m2 2250.00 293535.00 130.460 1290.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 168293.40 0.00 0.00 168293 25 3261.50 171555 171555 1315 /sqm
deodar wood using 10kg / sqm. (4mm
thick) glass panes .
35mm thick wire gauze shutters of 1st
class deodar wood termite treated
84 5.4 and kiln seasoned wood 85G (wire 165.06 m2 1389.00 229264.17 165.057 900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 148551.30 0.00 0.00 148551 25 4126.43 152678 152678 925 /m2
dia 0.56 mm) wire gauge (12 mesh to
an inch)
35 mm FRP flush door shutter with
85 5.11 fixed frame of angle iron 50X50x5mm 31.92 m2 2787.00 88961.04 31.92 2000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 63840.00 0.00 0.00 63840 50.00 1596.00 65436 65436 2050 /sqm


86 6.1 Pressed steel door frames. 359.04 rm 400.00 143616.00 359.040 275.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 98736.00 0.00 0.00 98736 20 7180.80 105917 105917 295 /rmt

Pressed Door / Window / Ventilator

87 6.2 1046.50 rm 400.00 418600.00 1046.500 275.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 287787.50 0.00 0.00 287788 20 20930.00 308718 308718 295 /rmt

Fittings to doors and windows:

Tower bolts with necessary screws

88 5.5
aluminium fittings

89 a 150 mm x 10 mm 980.00 nos 51.00 49980.00 980.000 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29400.00 0.00 0.00 29400 0.00 29400 29400 30 /Each

90 b 225 mm x 10 mm 352.00 nos 73.00 25696.00 352.00 44.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15488.00 0.00 0.00 15488 0.00 15488 15488 44 /Each

Sliding door bolts with necessary

91 5.6

92 300 x 16 mm 24.00 nos 102.00 2448.00 24.000 62.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1488.00 0.00 0.00 1488 0.00 1488 1488 62 /Each

93 5.7 Lock-in-bolts for doors 50.00 nos 60.00 3000.00 50.00 36.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1800.00 0.00 0.00 1800 0.00 1800 1800 36 /Each

94 5.8 Door rubber buffer 124.00 nos 25.00 3100.00 124.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1860.00 0.00 0.00 1860 0.00 1860 1860 15 /Each

95 5.9 Door stoppers 124.00 nos 29.00 3596.00 124.00 17.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2108.00 0.00 0.00 2108 0.00 2108 2108 17 /Each

96 5.10 Door and windows handles

Page 27
Contract Material Rates Total LABOUR

S.N Total cost of

O stone/Marble/Bri Miscellaneo Stone/Mar Miscellaneo Form Stone/Marble/ Material
Rate Amount Metal Sand Cement/lime Earth Formwork Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Miscellaneous Form work Steel RATE AMOUNT
ck us ble/Bricks us work Bricks

97 a 100 mm 490.00 nos 49.00 24010.00 490.00 29.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14210.00 0.00 0.00 14210 0.00 14210 14210 29 /Each

98 b 125 mm 102.00 nos 59.00 6018.00 102.00 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3570.00 0.00 0.00 3570 0.00 3570 3570 35 /Each

99 5.12 Mild steel hooks 280.00 nos 42.00 11760.00 280.00 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7000.00 0.00 0.00 7000 0.00 7000 7000 25 /Each

100 5.13 Helical door spring 48.00 nos 382.00 18336.00 48.00 230.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11040.00 0.00 0.00 11040 0.00 11040 11040 230 /Each

577.76 501.32 5031.44 201534.24 1816.15 4022.84 60104.86 244391.68 86673.00 1267921.93 0

ELECTRIFICATION ITEMS Meatal Sand Cement Bricks E/w Formwork steel

Wiring for light point/fan point/calling

1 bell with 1.5 sq mm pvc insulated
copper conducted wire.

a)One light/fan/bell push point

101 controlled by one 5/6 amp one way 213.00 nos 520 110760.00 213.000 254 54102.00 54102 54102 54102 290 /Each
b) Twin control light pointwith 2 No.
105 two way 5/6 Amps switch 5.00 nos 743 3715.00 5.000 306 1530.00 1530 1530 1530 300 /Each

Circuit wiring from switch fuse /DB to

106 2 switch board using 2x 2.5 sq mm 950.00 rm 119 113050.00 950.000 77 73150.00 73150 73150 73150 75
along with 1x 1.5 sqmm wire.

Wiring for power socket 2x 4 sq mm

107 3 750.00 rm 208.00 156000.00 750.000 110 82500.00 82500 82500 82500 85

Wiring with 2x6.0sqmm along with

108 4 1x4.0 sqmm PVC wire in walls, 100.00 rm 282.00 28200.00 100.000 140 14000.00 14000 14000 14000 160
ceiling .

Sub main cable with PVC wire of 2

109 5 75.00 rm 386.00 28950.00 75.000 145 10875.00 10875 10875 10875 310
x10 sqmts concealed in wall/ceiling.

Flush button type socket outlet,6 pin

110 6 Multipurpose type with one switch 96.00 nos 223.00 21408.00 96.000 119 11424.00 11424 11424 11424 140
1516 amps

111 7 Wall bracket. 48.00 nos 297.00 14256.00 48.000 149 7152.00 7152 7152 7152 100

Fluorescent Tube fitting Rail ( Patti)

112 8 48.00 nos 431.00 20688.00 48.000 305 14640.00 14640 14640 14640 225

113 9 Celing Rose bakelite 65x50mm. 48.00 nos 44.00 2112.00 48.000 12 576.00 576 576 576 15

114 10 Lamp holder bakelite body. 87.00 nos 52.00 4524.00 87.000 18 1566.00 1566 1566 1566 20

CI/MS box (not less than 16 SWG

115 11 48.00 nos 57.00 2736.00 48.000 50 2400.00 2400 2400 2400 40

116 12 Distributed Board SPN 220/230 Volt, 24.00 nos 2231.00 53544.00 24.000 1200 28800.00 28800 28800 28800 1150

Distribution board, 415 Volt TPN 100

117 13 6.00 nos 4462.00 26772.00 6.000 4150 24900.00 24900 24900 24900 2000
Amps Isolator .

LT Electric control panel and fixing of

118 14 Distribution board, 415 Volt TPN 100 2.00 nos 96687.00 193374.00 2.000 58012.2 116024.40 116024 116024 116024 52000
control panel.

Earthing complete with Copper

119 15 2.00 nos 11156.00 22312.00 2.000 6693.6 13387.20 13387 13387 13387 5000
Earthing Plate .

Aluminum Strip 25x3mm, completely

120 16 connected from Earth link to 20.00 nos 297.00 5940.00 20.000 50 1000.00 1000 1000 1000 50

121 17 Bell/ Buzzer 24.00 nos 89.00 2136.00 24.000 120 2880.00 2880 2880 2880 50

Labour charges for electrical works. 45000.00 45000 45000 50




122 1.1 PVC pipes

a) 150mm dia 19.80 rm 510.00 10098.00 19.8 198.00 3920.40 3920 3920 3920 198 /rmt

123 1.2 PCC (1:5:10) bed alround the pipe .

a) 150mm 19.80 rm 271.00 5365.80 19.8 135.00 2673.00 2673 0.00 2673 2673 135 /rmt

124 1.3 salt glazed stone ware pipes grade 'A'

a) 150mm dia 40.00 rm 177.00 7080.00 40 161.67 6466.80 6467 0.00 6467 6467 162 /rmt

125 1.4 PCC (1:5:10) bed alround the pipe .

a) 150mm 40.00 rm 271.00 10840.00 40 135.00 5400.00 5400 25 1000.00 6400 6400 160 /rmt

Square mouth S.W gully trap grade

126 1.5 'A' with brick masonry chamber and
C.I cover.

a) 100x100mm size with FPS bricks. 12.00 no 945.00 11340.00 12 612.00 7344.00 7344 30 360.00 7704 7704 642 /Each

P- type manhole with RCC(1:2:4) top

127 1.6

a) With 230mm tick walls of brick

128 16.00 4429.00 70864.00 16 3000.00 48000.00 48000 500 8000.00 56000 56000 3500 /Each
masonry of size 450mm x 450mm.

b) With 115mm thick walls of brick

129 4.00 4116.00 16464.00 4 2800.00 11200.00 11200 500 2000.00 13200 13200 3300 /Each
masonry) of size 450mm x 450mm.



Page 28
Contract Material Rates Total LABOUR

S.N Total cost of

O stone/Marble/Bri Miscellaneo Stone/Mar Miscellaneo Form Stone/Marble/ Material
Rate Amount Metal Sand Cement/lime Earth Formwork Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Miscellaneous Form work Steel RATE AMOUNT
ck us ble/Bricks us work Bricks

Sand cast iron spigot and socket soil

2.1 waste ,Rain water and ventilating

130 a) 75mm dia 75.00 669.00 50175.00 75 423.00 31725.00 31725 31725 31725 423 /rmt

131 b) 100mm dia 300.00 1027.00 308100.00 300 500.50 150150.00 150150 150150 150150 501 /rmt

M.S holder clamps including cement

2.2 concrete block 100mm x100mm x
100mm of 1:2:4 mix

132 a) 100mm dia 190.00 60.00 11400.00 190 28.69 5451.10 5451 5451 5451 29 /rmt

2.3 sand cast iron fitting and accessories

133 a) Plain bends:

134 i) 100mm nominal size 36.00 377.00 13572.00 36 266.00 9576.00 9576 9576 9576 266 /Each

135 b) T-C.I bends

136 i) 100mm nominal size 24.00 603.00 14472.00 24 470.00 11280.00 11280 11280 11280 470 /Each

137 C) C.I Reduced T bends

138 i) 100mm x 75mm nominal size 48.00 547.00 26256.00 48 470.00 22560.00 22560 22560 22560 470 /Each

139 d) Door bends

140 i) 100mm nominal size 16.00 452.00 7232.00 16 311.00 4976.00 4976 4976 4976 311 /Each

2.4 Providing and fixing:

141 a) Cast iron cowl

142 i) 100mm nominal size 24.00 309.00 7416.00 24 240.00 5760.00 5760 5760 5760 240 /Each

Lead caulked joints to sand iron /cast

2.5 (spun) iron soil waste and ventilating
pipes .

143 i) 100mm nominal size 350.00 202.00 70700.00 350 125.00 43750.00 43750 43750 43750 125 /rmt

144 ii)75mm nominal size 120.00 146.00 17520.00 120 100.00 12000.00 12000 12000 12000 100 /rmt

2.6 Cast iron trap (floor Trap).

145 i) 75mm dia 72.00 542.00 39024.00 72 400.00 28800.00 28800 28800 28800 400 /cum

146 ii)100mm dia

147 2.7 Waste Coupling of 35mm dia (CP). 24.00 382.00 9168.00 24 183.00 4392.00 4392 4392 4392 183 /cum

Waste Water pipe of 32mm dia

148 2.8 24.00 53.00 1272.00 24 30.00 720.00 720 720 720 30 /cum

Painting heavy cast iron soil, Waste

2.9 vent pipe , rain water pipe and fittings
149 a) 100mm dia pipe 279.00 35.00 9765.00 279 18.00 5022.00 5022 5022 5022 18 /cum

150 b) 75mm dia pipe

Bed concrete 1:2:4 mix 75mm thick

all round pipe

151 a) 75mm and 75.00 276.00 20700.00 75 130.00 9750.00 9750 9750 9750 130 /cum

152 b) 150mm 30.00 394.00 11820.00 30 130.00 3900.00 3900 3900 3900 130 /cum


3.1 Galvanized mild steel tubes

153 a) 15mm dia ( Concealed) 556.08 246.00 136795.68 556.08 92.47 51420.72 51421 51421 51421 92 /cum

154 b) 25mm dia (Exposed) 311.00 314.00 97654.00 311 172.36 53603.96 53604 53604 53604 172 /cum

C) 40mm dia (Exposed) 100.00 396.00 39600.00 100 224.00 22400.00 22400 22400 22400 224 /cum

155 3.2 G.I distribution branch 48.00 no 248.00 11904.00 48 32.00 1536.00 1536 1536 1536 32 /cum

Painting GI pipes and Fitting with

white paint

156 a) 15mm dia 500.00 rm 8.00 4000.00 500 3.90 1950.00 1950 1950 1950 4 /cum

157 b) 25mm dia 311.00 rm 10.00 3110.00 311 4.84 1505.24 1505 1505 1505 5 /cum

158 c) 40mm dia 100.00 rm 14.00 1400.00 100 6.75 675.00 675 675 675 7 /cum

3.4 brass full way valve of Type

159 a) 15mm dia #DIV/0! /cum

160 b) 25mm dia 16.00 no 518.00 8288.00 16 566.00 9056.00 9056 9056 9056 566 /cum

161 c) 40mm dia 4.00 no 598.00 2392.00 4 1198.00 4792.00 4792 4792 4792 1198 /cum

PVC water tanks with lockable covers

of (Sintex make) 1500 lits capacity

16.00 no 11475.00 183600.00 16 6225.00 99600.00 99600 99600 99600 6225 /cum


4.1 W.C pan

164 a) H.S.I.Orissa Pan W.C.580mm. 24.00 no 3112.00 74688.00 24 2080.00 49920.00 49920 49920 49920 2080 /cum

Page 29
Contract Material Rates Total LABOUR

S.N Total cost of

O stone/Marble/Bri Miscellaneo Stone/Mar Miscellaneo Form Stone/Marble/ Material
Rate Amount Metal Sand Cement/lime Earth Formwork Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Steel Metal Sand Cement Earth Miscellaneous Form work Steel RATE AMOUNT
ck us ble/Bricks us work Bricks

White glazed vitreous China wash

165 4.2 24.00 no 1528.00 36672.00 24 755.00 18120.00 18120 18120 18120 755 /cum
C.P. brass bib taps of double 'O' ring

166 i) Long Nose Bib Cock 24.00 no 331.00 7944.00 24 375.00 9000.00 9000 9000 9000 375 /cum

167 ii) Short Body Bib Cock. 24.00 no 374.00 8976.00 24 317.00 7608.00 7608 7608 7608 317 /cum

168 iii) Long Body Bib Cock 72.00 no 467.00 33624.00 72 375.00 27000.00 27000 27000 27000 375 /cum

Providing and fixing 15mm Cp brass

angle valve of double 'O' ring system

169 i) 15mm dia 96.00 no 238.00 22848.00 96 305.00 29280.00 29280 29280 29280 305 /cum

Concealed stop cock of double 'o'

170 4.5 48.00 no 542.00 26016.00 48 392.00 18816.00 18816 18816 18816 392 /cum
ring system with Copper plating

C.P. brass shower with arm with CP

171 4.6 24.00 no 569.00 13656.00 24 376.00 9024.00 9024 9024 9024 376 /cum

CP connection pipe with unions of

172 4.7 48.00 no 60.00 2880.00 48 50.00 2400.00 2400 2400 2400 50 /cum
450mm length.

Labour charges for Plumbing ,

173 sanitary and water supply excluding 75000 75000 75000
extern al drianage system.

13712244 8102973 1241552 9344525 124084 9468610

Initial Rebate = 4.5% 617051


Rebate after negotiation = 7.06844%


T&P @
Sl.No Item Labour Material Total Cost

1 Civil works 1110192.10 6789543.27 124084.46 8023819.83

3 Electrification 45000.00 460906.60 505906.60

External sewage , plumbing ,

4 86360.00 852523.22 0.00 938883.22
Sanitary , and water supply

Total 1241552 8102973 124084.46 9468610


T&P @
Sl.No Item Labour Total Total Cost

1 Civil works 92.52 565.80 10.34 668.65

2 Electrification 3.75 38.41 0.00 42.16

External sewage , plumbing ,

3 7.20 71.04 0.00 78.24
Sanitary , and water supply

Total 103.46 675.25 10.34 789.05

Page 30


Framed strucutre:

1 Cement 5108.33 252.00 BAGS 1287298

2 Sand 495.35 176.00 CUM 87181

3 Metal 592.98 423.00 CUM 250831

4 Bricks 199710.19 2.65 EACH 529232

5 steel 60.10 46600 MT 2800886

6 B.T Coat 96.00 27.00 kg 2592

7 Cynder 24.70 355.00 cum 8769

8 Water proofing treatment 131.24 190.00 sqm 24936

9 Boulder stone for plum concrete 3.36 200.00 cum 672

10 Marble chips 4840.96 8.00 cft 38728

11 Glass strips 1449.60 10.00 rmt 14496

12 Kota stone 70.85 300.00 sqm 21255

13 Ceramic glazed tiles 314.64 280.00 sqm 88099

14 Roofing treatment 1797.54 30.00 sqm 53926

15 100 mm thick mud pushka 299.59 160.00 sqm 47934

16 Gola 75x75 268.48 45.00 rmts 12082

17 Khurrass 450x450 mm 8 50.00 nos 400

18 White washing 1963.98 15.00 kgs 29460

19 Cement based paints 621.44 40.00 kgs 24858

20 Synthetic enamel paint 63.20 80.00 lts 5056

21 Wood primer 64.88 40.00 lts 2595

22 Synthetic enamel paint 136.29 80.00 lts 10903

23 M.S square grills 1500.00 55.00 kgs 82500

24 M.S pipes 50 mm dia., 637.00 55.00 kgs 35035

25 Brick tile for coaping 1880.34 2.75 each 5171

26 Built up structural steel for OTS 750.00 55.00 kgs 41250

27 Poly corborated sheets 22.59 850.00 sqm 19202

Bailing out of water during excavation
102 and concreting 0.00 20 HP/HR 0

Page 31


Anti termite teatment under footings

103 and floors 152.38 80.00 lit 12190

28 Doors , Windows and Ventilators

29 Flush dooor shutters 35 mm 175.31 900.00 sqm 157775

30 3 mm thick glass panels 90 280.00 sqm 25200

Glazed shutters for windows and
31 ventilators 130.46 1290.00 sqm 168293

32 35 mm thick wire gauge shutters 165.06 900.00 sqm 148551

33 35 mm FRP Flush door shutters 31.92 2000.00 sqm 63840

34 Pressed steel door frames 359.04 275.00 rmt 98736
Pressed steel windows and ventilator
35 frames 1046.5 275.00 rmt 287788
Accessories for doors and windows
36 fittings 100295

50 Plumbing

51 150 mm dia. PVC Pipe ( Type-B) 19.8 198.00 rmt 3920

52 PCC ( 1:5:10) alround the pipe 19.8 135.00 rmt 2673

150 mm Salt glazed stone ware pipe
53 grade-A 40 161.67 rmt 6467

54 PCC ( 1:5:10) alround the pipe 40 135.00 rmt 5400

100x100 Square mouth SW Gully trap

55 grade-A 12 612.00 each 7344
P- type manholes with 9" br. Walls
56 (450x450) 16 3000.00 each 48000
P- type manholes with 41/2" br. Walls
57 (450x450) 4 2800.00 each 11200

58 75 mm C.I S/S joint pipes 75 423.00 each 31725

59 100 mm C.I S/S joint pipes 300 500.50 each 150150

60 100 mm M.S holder clamps 190 28.69 each 5451

61 100 mm C.I Plain bends 36 266.00 each 9576

62 100 mm C.I T bends 24 470.00 each 11280

63 100 x 75 mm C.I Reduced T bends 48 470.00 each 22560

64 100 mm door bends 16 311.00 each 4976

65 100 mm C.I Cowl 24 240.00 each 5760

Page 32


66 100 mm C.I pipe lead jointing 350 125.00 each 43750

67 75 mm C.I pipe lead jointing 120 100.00 each 12000

68 75 mm C.I Trap 72 400.00 each 28800

69 35 mm dia., waste coupling 24 183.00 each 4392

70 32 mm dia., waste pvc pipe 24 30.00 each 720

71 Painting to 100 mm dia., C.I pipe 279 18.00 each 5022

72 75 mm thick bed concrete for C.I Pipes 105 130.00 each 13650

73 Water supply:

74 15 mm dia., G.I pipe 556.08 92.47 rmt 51421

75 25 mm dia., G.I pipe 311 172.36 rmt 53604

76 40 mm dia., G.I pipe 100 224.00 rmt 22400

77 G.I distribution branch 48 32.00 rmt 1536

78 Painting to 15 mm dia., pipe 500 3.90 rmt 1950

79 Painting to 25 mm dia., pipe 311 4.84 rmt 1505

80 Painting to 40 mm dia., pipe 100 6.75 rmt 675

81 25 mm dia., brass full way valve 16 566.00 each 9056

82 40 mm dia., brass full way valve 4 1198.00 each 4792

83 1500 lit capacity Sintex tank 16 6225 each 99600

84 Sanitary fittings:

85 580 mm Orrisa W.C pan 24 2080.00 each 49920

86 White glazed china wash basin 24 755.00 each 18120

87 C.P brass bib tap

88 Long nose bib tap 24 375.00 each 9000

89 Short body bib tap 24 317.00 each 7608

90 Long body bib tap 72 375.00 each 27000

91 15 mm dia., c.p brass angle valve 96 305.00 each 29280

92 Concealled stop cock 48 392.00 each 18816

93 C.p brass shower 24 376.00 each 9024

94 C.p Connecting pipe 48 50.00 each 2400

Page 33


95 Electrical fittings:

96 Material cost 460907

104 Formwork:
PCC ,Footins, Balcony, Dpc 333.30 45.00
105 Course,Kitchen partition wall. sqm 14999

106 Pedastals&columns upto Mumty 720.14 50.00 sqm 36007

107 beams up to Mumty 1091.65 75.00 sqm 81874

slabs including Stair case up to 1068.84 75.00
108 Mumty sqm 80163
Form work for arches (span up to 6
mtrs) for in-situ concrete work (upto 59.00 75.00
109 level -V) sqm 4425

110 Edges of slab upto Mumty 665.05 6.00 rmt 3990

Abstract of Materials
1 Framed strucutre: 5537537

2 Doors , Windows and Ventilators 1050478

3 Electrical fittings: 460907

External sewage, plumbing, sanitary
4 and water supply 852523

5 Formwork: 221458

Total 8122903

Framed Doors , Electrical
strucutre: 10%
Windows and fittings:
External 6%
sanitary and
water supply 13%


Page 34
strucutre: 10%
Windows and fittings:
External 6%
sanitary and
water supply 13%


Page 35


Sl,No Items Material Labour T&P Total

1 Framed strucutre: 5537537 1110192 124084 6771814
2 Doors , Windows and Ventilators 1050478 1050478
3 Electrical fittings: 460907 45000.00 505907
4 External sewage, plumbing, sanitary and water supply 852523 86360.00 938883
5 Formwork: 221458 221458
Total 8122902.6 1241552 124084 9488539

cost per squre foot as per recorded quantities 677 103 10 791

Present billing
As per billing quantities
Total bill amount per building 12169567
Bill amount per suare foot 1014.13

Sub contractor billing

Total bill amount per building ###
Bill amount per suare foot+addl steel cost 755 excluding service tax

Amounts considered at the time of award ing sub contract

As per Technical Sanctioned estimate quantities
Total bill amount per building 12900000
Bill amount per suare foot 1075

Sub contractor billing

Total bill amount per building 8591400
Bill amount per suare foot 716 excluding service tax
due to hike in steel cost Rs 80 per sft addl expenditure for JV

Material Labour Total

8122902.6 1241552 9364455




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