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CCBC Dundalk School of Liberal Arts
English 101 Section DXG/DMA
all !01" College Co#$osition % I. Basic Course Information Class da&s/ti#es/location' () fro# 11'10 a*#* to 1!'+0 $*#* in S(A(!0, %nstructor' Associate -rofessor Mar& .o Garcia/Bro0n E/#ail' #garcia1ccbc#d*edu acult& #ailbo2 location' ! nd floor of the C3MM building in the Liberal Arts 3ffice -hone' 4""+5 6"0/+!6+ 4office5 or 4""+5 67,/,87, 4cell5 999Do not call or te2t #& cell nu#ber before 10 a*#* or after 8 $*#* Monda& through rida&* :ou #a& call #& office nu#ber an&ti#e; but re#e#ber % 0ill onl& be there to ans0er it or to return #essages during office hours* 999 3ffice hours/location' M< fro# 1!'18 $*#* to !'18 $*#* in C3MM!10 on the Dundalk ca#$us A=ailabilit&' % should be in #& office during the hours listed abo=e* % 0ill be una=ailable on 0eekends and holida&s* <eekl& class 0ork e2$ectations' (his is a three/credit course* :ou are e2$ected to co#$lete at least six hours of work per week outside the class including reading; class $re$aration; ho#e0ork; stud&ing; etc* Student concerns' Students should first atte#$t to take concerns to their instructor* %f students are unable to resol=e course/related concerns 0ith the instructor; the& should contact -at )ennie; Dundalk ca#$us English coordinator at ""+/6"0/+66! or Monica <alker; English de$art#ent chair$erson at ""+/6"0/1,66* II. Course Description ENGL 101 ! Credits " Colle#e Composition I $ro=ides instruction in a 0riting $rocess that 0ill enable students to de=elo$ a to$ic; organi>e their ideas; 0rite a draft; re=ise; edit; and $roofread? to access; e=aluate; incor$orate; and docu#ent outside #aterial as a #eans to de=elo$ a to$ic? and to continue to i#$ro=e use of gra##ar; and language* -lace#ent is based on assess#ent and/or successful co#$letion of 4E@GL 08! or LAE !5 and 4)D@G 08! or LA) !5 or ES3L 08!* III. $%erall Course $&'ecti%es B$on co#$letion of this course; students 0ill be able to do the follo0ing' 1* e#$lo& a recursi=e 0riting $rocess that includes in=ention; $lanning; drafting; re=ising; $roofreading and editing? !* 0ork collaborati=el& 0ith $eers to $lan; de=elo$; and carr& out 0riting $roCects and $ro=ide constructi=e feedback? +* 0rite 0ell/organi>ed; unified; coherent essa&s 0ith clear and co#$lete thesis state#ents that e2$ress a $ur$ose? "* think criticall& and su$$ort the thesis 0ith details; e2a#$les; reasons; and other e=idence? 8* e#$lo& a =ariet& of rhetorical strategies and #odes to e2$ress co#$le2 ideas? D* =ar& sentence structure and length? 7* use language in a #anner a$$ro$riate to a gi=en audience? 6* conduct research? access and choose a$$ro$riate sources fro# standard librar& resources 0hich #a& be in a =ariet& of for#ats both $rint and electronic? ,* e=aluate sources 40hich #a& be $rint or electronic5 b& e2a#ining authenticit&; currenc&; =alidit&; and reliabilit&? 10* incor$orate outside #aterial into essa&s b& su##ari>ing; Euoting; and $ara$hrasing correctl&? 11* $ro=ide docu#entation for sources 0ith a <orks Cited $age and $arenthetical citations; using the MLA for#at? and 1!* confor# to the gra##ar; $unctuation; and s$elling rules of standard 0ritten English 0ith a #ini#u# of errors* 1 CCBC Dundalk School of Liberal Arts English 101 Section DXG/DMA all !01" College Co#$osition % I(. )a'or *opics %* Audience a0areness %%* <riting as a recursi=e $rocess %%%* Essa& organi>ation and de=elo$#ent %A* Bnit&; coherence and clarit& in 0ritten language A* )hetorical strategies A%* Sentence =ariet& A%%* Gra##ar; $unctuation and usage re=ie0 A%%%* Su##ari>ing; $ara$hrasing and Euoting %X* Docu#enting and citing both $rint and electronic sources in MLA for#at X* <riting the research $a$er that e#$lo&s a =ariet& of $rint and electronic sources X%* )e=ising X%%* Editing and $roofreading X%%%* (he i#$act of technolog& on 0riting V. Rationale English 101; the first course in a t0o/course seEuence of 0riting courses; is one of the essential co#$onents of the CCBC General Education $rogra#; $ro=iding kno0ledge; skills; and attitudes that enable students to achie=e #an& of their acade#ic and career goals* (he course $ro=ides students 0ith kno0ledge that includes basic #ethods for $lanning and 0riting essa&s; #ethods of re=ision; and techniEues for editing and $roofreading* Most of these #ethods and techniEues can be readil& transferred to life/0ork situations in 0hich $eo$le are reEuired to co##unicate their ideas and argu#ents in 0riting* (he funda#ental skills that students learn in this courseFthe thinking as 0ell as the 0riting skillsF0ill enable the# to de=elo$ e2a# res$onses and longer essa&s for a 0ide =ariet& of acade#ic courses as 0ell as Cob/related 0riting assign#ents* %n addition; the 0riting e2$eriences that students ha=e in this course 0ill hel$ the# de=elo$ attitudes of $ersistence and coo$eration that 0ill enable the# to succeed 0ithin the di=ersit& of the conte#$orar& 0orld* (I. E%aluation A. Requirements 1* -artici$ate acti=el& in class acti=ities; reader/res$onse Cournals and online $eer re=ie0 threads !* <rite and re=ise four essa&s; e#$lo&ing all of the $rocess ste$s; including #ulti$le drafts; for a #ini#u# of +;000 0ords* At least one of these essa&s 0ith be researched; using se=eral secondar& sources a. Grading Policy Mindsets 4$ersonal narrati=e5 10 $oints Strategies for Gro0th 4$ro$osal5 18 $oints E2$loring the @ature of Change 4research5 !8 $oints Change on il# 4fil#/te2t anal&sis5 10 $oints -eer )e=ie0s 4! 1 + $oints ea/ 1 1 " $ts*5 10 $oints )eader )es$onse .ournals 410 1 ! $oints ea*5 !0 $oints Mindset Stud& Guide 10 $oints GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Total: 100 points 2 CCBC Dundalk School of Liberal Arts English 101 Section DXG/DMA all !01" College Co#$osition % inal course grades' AG,0 $oints or #ore BG60 $oints or #ore CG70 $oints or #ore DGD0 $oints or #ore Ge0er than D0 $oints Students 0ho are not being successful in the course and ha=e e2hausted all a=ailable re#edies to i#$ro=e their grades 4#eeting 0ith instructor; tutors; and ad=isors5 #a&consider 0ithdra0ing fro# the course $rior to the deadline to dro$ the course 0ith a H<I on +ednesda,- No%em&er .. Do not si#$l& sto$ attending class and sub#itting 0ork* %f &ou do; &ou 0ill earn a failing score at the end of the se#ester* Before droppin# this class- please contact the instructor- an academic ad%isor- and/or financial aid to discuss the possi&le effect of withdrawal on ,our 0atisfactor, 1cademic 2ro#ress and financial aid. C. Attendance policy (his is a blended learning class* (hat is #ost of the class #eetings 0ill ha$$en to face/to/face; but &ou 0ill also ha=e online class acti=ities* 3n the dates indicated on the course calendar; 0e 0ill not #eet in the classroo#; but &ou 0ill be e2$ected to interact 0ith &our class#ates =ia Blackboard* :ou are e2$ected to attend all face/to/face #eetings and $artici$ate in all online acti=ities as 0ell* <hile % do not e2$licitl& $enali>e students for failure to attend class; students 0ho are freEuentl& absent 0ill see their grades suffer as those 0ho are absent 0ill #ost certainl& #iss out on i#$ortant infor#ation and acti=ities* :ouJ=e $aid for this course* Sho0 u$ and get &our #one&Js 0orth out of it* All of &our assign#ents 0ill be sub#itted =ia Blackboard* 2lease note that late work is N$* 1CCE2*ED in this course for an, reason- includin# a&sence from class on the date an assi#nment is due. Assign#ents not sub#itted b& the $osted due dates 0ill recei=e auto#atic >eroes* (. Course 2rocedures b. Required materials Required texts ne! or used editions o" t#ese boo$s are acceptable%: D0eck; Carol S* Mindset: T#e &e! Psyc#ology o" 'uccess* @e0 :ork' Ballantine; !006 o0ler; K* )*; .ane E* Aaron*(he Little; Bro0n Essential Kandbook* 6 th ed* @e0 :ork' -earson; !018* (t#er required supplies: A collegiate dictionar& and a co$& of )ogetJs thesaurus* A 0ebsite such as <ordnik #a& also $ro=e hel$ful* A flash dri=e or cloud storage so &ou can #ake backu$s of all &our 0ork* CCBC E/#ail address and reliable; regular %nternet access* ). Course*related policies and procedures 1* All 0riting assign#ents 4including drafts5 are to follo0 MLA #anuscri$t guidelines* (his #eans the& #ust be 0ord/$rocessed; double/s$aced; 0ith 1I #argins all around; and 0ritten in either (i#es @e0 )o#an or Arial font* A heading #ust be included on u$$er; left/hand corner of the first $age 0ith &our na#e; the instructorJs na#e; the course nu#ber and 3 CCBC Dundalk School of Liberal Arts English 101 Section DXG/DMA all !01" College Co#$osition % section; and the date* 3n the first and all follo0ing $ages in the u$$er right/hand corner; there should be a running header 0ith &our last na#e and the $age nu#ber* @o title $ages should acco#$an& &our essa&s* (he title 0ill be centered on the first line follo0ing the heading*
!* % $refer that final drafts #ust be sub#itted in *doc2 or *$df for#at* Bnrecogni>ed file for#ats 0ill be returned ungraded*
+* As college students; &ou 0ill be e2$osed to a 0orld of di=ersit&; so &ou #a& encounter ideas; language; or beha=iors that challenge or e=en offend &ou* <hile &ou al0a&s ha=e the right to disagree; &ou ha=e the obligation to conduct &ourself in a ci=il #anner in all e2changes 0ith &our teachers and $eers; both face/to/face and online* Students 0ill be held to the standards outlined in the Student Code of Conduct*
"* Late 0ork $olic&' Because this is an e2tre#el& reading/0riting/intensi=e course; late 0ork 0ill not be acce$ted for an& reason* Leroes 0ill be gi=en for all assign#ents not sub#itted or sub#itted late* -lease adhere to the deadlines $osted on &our course calendar* )e#e#ber that absence and/or technolog& failure are not e2cuses for late 0ork* :ou #ust sub#it all 0ork to Blackboard on or before $osted deadlines 0hether or not &ou actuall& log in to class on the date 0ork is due*
8* Bnless 0ritten $er#ission has been granted b& the student; no co##unication bet0een the instructor and that studentJs $arents or guardians about grades #a& occur* See E)-A guidelines for #ore infor#ation*
D* CCBC <riting Centers and 3<L 3ur <riting CentersJ #ission is to hel$ all CCBC students to beco#e better critical thinkers and #ore skilled 0riters so that the& beco#e #ore confident in their 0riting and in the critiEue of the 0riting of others* Students #a& seek free hel$ for an& course the& are taking at the College and at an& $oint in their 0riting $rocess* <hile 0orking collaborati=el& 0ith; and recei=ing $ersonali>ed instruction fro#; English facult&; students 0ill learn that 0riting is a life/ long $rocess and is a hel$ful skill in all facets of life* 3ur <riting Centers seek to create a 0ar# and 0elco#ing en=iron#ent 0hile #aintaining acade#ic integrit& b& ha=ing students re=ise and edit their o0n 0ork* 3=erall; 0e are co##itted to #aintaining the CollegeJs Mission and to hel$ing students beco#e better thinkers; better 0riters; and thus better $eo$le* Staffed entirel& b& CCBC facult&; the <riting Centers 0ill hel$ students 0ith an& as$ect of 0riting that the& #a& need including the follo0ing' $lanning; editing; organi>ing; citing; and understanding $rofessorsJ co##ents* (he <riting Consultants 0ill not $roofread $a$ers; 0rite an& $arts of studentsJ $a$ers; or co##ent on grades* (he Esse2 and Dundalk <riting Centers and the Catons=ille Student Success Center offer ES3L/s$ecific assistance* ES3L consultants 0ill 0ork 0ith students enrolled in ES3L onl&; and 0ill co=er all as$ects of Second Language AcEuisition 4reading; 0riting; s$eaking; listening; $ronunciation; =ocabular&; gra##ar; sentence structure; etc*5* A$$oint#ents are thirt& #inutes long; and students #a& ha=e onl& one a$$oint#ent a da& and t0o a 0eek* Students should be on ti#e and $re$ared 0ith s$ecific Euestions and class #aterials 4es$eciall& an assign#ent sheet5* %n addition to the #ain <riting Centers on each ca#$us; the 3nline <riting Lab 4000*ccbc#d*edu/o0l/5 is a=ailable for all CCBC students to use* @o a$$oint#ent is 4 CCBC Dundalk School of Liberal Arts English 101 Section DXG/DMA all !01" College Co#$osition % reEuired; and $a$ers are returned 0ithin !"/"6 hours* Kours of o$eration =ar& b& se#ester and ca#$us* Students can check 0ith the <riting Center on their ca#$us for #ore infor#ation and to schedule an a$$oint#ent* Catons=ille' :/1!1 4Librar&5 -hone' ""+/6"0/!7D0 Dundalk' L/1!+ -hone' ""+/6"0/+DDD Esse2' E/++6 -hone' ""+/6"0/17,, 30ings Mills')oo# +00 -hone' ""+/6"0/8670 7* Students should log into M&CCBC and re=ie0 all college0ide $olicies; es$eciall& the $lagiaris# $olic& 0hich has recentl& been re=ised* Students caught in a flagrant act of $lagiaris# 0ill fail the course and 0ill be subCect to sanction b& the 3ffice of .udicial Affairs*
C* Contingenc& -lans
1* 3n da&s that the school is closed for holida&s; incle#ent 0eather; and on 0eekends; % a# una=ailable to students* During these ti#es; do not e2$ect #e to res$ond to e/#ail; discussion $ostings; or =oice#ail* !* During the regular school 0eek; &ou can generall& antici$ate a res$onse to &our e/#ail Eueries and =oice#ails 0ithin +D hours* +* %f % a# unable to attend class due to illness or for $rofessional reasons; a sign should be $osted on the classroo# door to indicate this; and % 0ill also $ost a notice to Blackboard* "* Should the Blackboard ser=er go do0n; notices 0ill be sent fro# the %( de$art#ent =ia e/ #ail and 0ill be $osted on the CCBC ho#e$age* Should Blackboard and the CCBC e/#ail ser=ers beco#e una=ailable for #ore than a da&; % 0ill contact students =ia tele$hone* or this reason; it is i#$ortant that e=er&one sub#it co#$lete and accurate student infor#ation sheets to #e during the first 0eek of class* 8* %t is i#$ortant that all students de=elo$ their o0n contingenc& $lans in the e=ent of a technical failure during the se#ester* :ou should ha=e access to a co#$uter and an %nternet connection other than &our ho#e s&ste# 4co#$uters at the school lab; the $ublic librar&; or at a friend or neighborMs ho#e; for e2a#$le5; and &ou should ha=e a #eans of sa=ing &our files other than on &our hard dri=e 4i*e* e2ternal hard dri=e; flash dri=e; or &our CCBC Sk&Dri=e5* %f &ou #ake back/u$ $lans and back/u$ files; then itMs unlikel& that &ou 0ill be caught una0ares should the 0orst ha$$en*
D* College0ide s&llabus $olicies or college0ide s&llabus $olicies such as the Code of Conduct related to Acade#ic %ntegrit& and Classroo# Beha=ior or the Audit/<ithdra0al $olic&; $lease go to the S&llabus (ab on the M&CCBC $age* (his s&llabus #a& be changed at an& ti#e 0ith notification* 5