What a busy beginning of school we have had! Thanks to all who contributed to our PTA Membership Drive! We appreciate your support for our PTA! The donations will be used for some great activities at our school this year! Your PTA membership cards will be coming home in the net couple weeks! A "#$% Thank you to &heri %ppich' Diana Arnold' &idra Morris and everyone else who helped out with our (undraiser! )t was a "#$% &uccess and we couldn*t have done it without the many hands that showed up to help each morning! T"A+, Y-#! )t was fun to see all of the cute bears around the school and everyone .oining in the fun by trading them! We also finished up &afety week! Thanks to "eather $riffiths and her committee! The kids had fun participating in the daily activities and it was great to see so many parents .oin in for /Walk you 0hild to &chool Day!/ 1et*s keep those safety precautions going throughout the whole year! Thanks for your help in making the traffic issues in front of our school safer! -ur 1ayton Police Department has been ama2ing by showing up randomly to help keep our children safe! Thanks 1ayton 0ity PD!!! 3-4 T-P&!!! )f our school can collect 5'666 bo tops by -ctober 56th' Principal (orbush will be ,)&&)+$ A (7-$!!! &tart clipping those bo tops! "e is thrilled to be involved in this awesome effort!! 8ha ha9 7eflections is coming up! Packets are in the office! The Theme is /The World Would 3e A 3etter Place if!!!!!/ The contest will run -ctober :;<6th! )t will be eciting to see all of the fun entries from the children! 7ed 7ibbon week is -ct <6;<=! Ann ,elly has a fun surprise in store! An ama2ing puppeteer has written an assembly for our school and will be coming to perform for us! )t will be a treat! -ur PTA Meeting will be Monday' -ctober <6th at =>66 PM in the 1ibrary! Please .oin us! We*d love to have your input! ) cannot say enough good about Adams %lementary! )t has been so great to be involved in our PTA and to rub shoulders with ama2ing people! We really do live in a wonderful community! Thank you for all your support in making this year a wonderful one for the staff' teachers and children! &incerely' ?ackie Malan .acksb:=@gmail!com A65;:==;=<==
T P A T Calendar -ct! :;<6> 7eflections -ct! 5:;5A> (all 7ecess' +o &chool -ct! <6> PTA 3oard Meeting -ct! <6;<=> 7ed 7ibbon Week -ct! <=> -ctober 3irthday Table -ct! <A> Watch Dog ,ick -ff -ct! B5> "alloween' Teacher Professional Day' +o &chool
RED RIBBON WEEK -0T <6 th ; <= th Adams %lementary will celebrate 7ed 7ibbon Week to encourage our students to be Drug (ree! -ur <65= theme is CA "appy Me is Drug (reeD! &tudents are invited to dress up each day to participate in 7ed 7ibbon Week! Monday> &tudents will sign a Pledge to be CD7#$ (7%%D during lunch! Tuesday> Wear your shirt 8-+1Y9 backwards to Turn Your Back on Drugs. Wednesday> Wear your favorite Team shirt and letEs all TEA !P Against Drugs! Thursday> Wear the cra2iest socks you have and letEs all "ock #t to Drugs! 0ome ready to party with 7ick Fander Does' Muppet impersonator and his cra2y Muppet rendition puppets! (riday> )tEs a 7%D -#T day! Wear as much red as you can to show your support to stay Drug $ree! Please encourage your students to take part' make good choices and support drug prevention! CA "appy Me is Drug (reeD! Guestions' please contact Ann ,elly A65;H5B;H:AI
Reflections 7eflections entries will be accepted in the office from -ct :;<6! %ntry forms are available in the office and online at http>JJwww!utahpta!orgJreflections! This year*s theme is /The World Would 3e A 3etter Place )f!!!/ Any Kuestions' contact Alisa 1ittlefield A65;H<A;B<=< or alisalittlefield@gmail!com Box tops are agic! Make Mr! (orbush ,iss a frog! )f our school collects "#$$$ %ox tops by -ctober 56 th ' Principal (orbush will kiss a frog at the assembly on the 5= th ! Don%t &orget to 'ut bot( YO!) na*e and +our TEA,-E)" na*e on +our bag or collection s(eet. .e want +our bo/ to's to count toward *ont(l+ class 'arties.
&ear%oo' Pict(res Throughout the school year' if you take any pictures that you would like to go in the yearbook' please send them to Diane ,elsey! &he works hard all year to put our wonderful yearbook together and she would like to receive the pictures as you take them! You can email the pictures to her at ornellaskelsey@msn!com!
Watc) Dogs There will be a Watch Dog ,ick off on Tuesday -ct! <A at :>66 PM! Dads> 0ome en.oy pi22a and get more info on how to become a Watch Dog! This is such a great program to get all of the men involved in our schools and keep our kids safe! (or more information' 0ontact 0harles Acosta> charles!acosta@us!af!mil
Birt)da* Ta%le The net birthday table will be (riday' -ctober <=th! )f your child has a birthday in -ctober' have them stop by the birthday table during lunch recess to receive a gift! +c)ool +pirit %very (riday is &chool &pirit Day! Wear your school colors or your Adams %agles T;&hirt! Pri2es will be given out to students who participate!
Rec*cling -ur school earns money for everything that is placed in our recycling bins! Please save all of your paper and cardboard and place them in our recycling bins! You can even place large cardboard boes in the bins! ?ust make sure to break down them down first! )t*s an easy way to help the school earn some etra cash!
PTA We%site 0heck out the PTA website> www!adamseaglespta!org
We will keep you updated on everything to do with the PTA! )t*s a great way to stay connected! Also' remember to /like/ the Adams %lementary PTA page on (acebook ! Dont Forget to Clip Labels for Education! When clipping your labels make sure to include the UPC code so your points count !ere is a list of Participating Products" t We hope you*ve en.oyed this edition of %agles %;+ews! )f you have any Kuestions or comments' please feel free to email the PTA at adamseaglespta@dsdmail!net! We*d love to know what you think! &incerely' Adams %agles PTA Adams %lementary <<66 %! <H66 +! 1ayton' #T A=6=6