Educ 510 Course Design Document

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Joddi Harkness ENG 2301 Contemporary American

June 24, 2014 Course Design and Overview for EDUC 510

Course Structure Analyzing the Course Structure
Please complete the following table which will provide an overview of your course and will set the context for what students will learn and how the course is
structured. If you have already created a syllabus, much of this should be available.
Course Structure
Course Description:
What is the description of your course?
(e.g. course catalog course description)
The study of one or more literary genres including, but not limited to, fiction, non-fiction, drama, and film. This course
allows the focus on more specific studies of a genre or genres not normally allowed in more generic courses. Special
topics within literature may be addressed.
Target Population:
Please describe the population of
learners most likely to participate in
your online course.
This course is intended to be taught at a Community College and it will be online based. This course is considered a
sophomore level English Literature course.
Course Summary:
What is a one-two sentence synopsis of
your course? What is this course about
and what will students be able to do or
understand when they complete it?
This course is a literature course that will allow the students to critically review works of arts read and movies shown
in class. This course will help the students demonstrate knowledge of the influence of literature, philosophy, and/or
the arts on intercultural experiences.
Course Objectives:
Please list the course level learning

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of the works in the arts and humanities.
2. Understand those works as expressions of individual and human values within an historical and social context.
3. Respond critically to works in the arts and humanities.
4. Engage in the creative process or interpretive performance and comprehend the physical and intellectual
demands required of the author or visual or performing artist.
5. Articulate as informed personal reaction to works in the arts
6. Develop an appreciation for the aesthetic principles that guide or govern the humanities and arts
7. To demonstrate knowledge of the influence of literature, philosophy, and/or the arts on intercultural

Weekly Topics
What topics and concepts will be
covered each week?

W1 Review of Syllabus, Class Introduction, Group Assignments, and Journal Entry on questionnaire posted.
Group 1 will make a presentation over the background and literary works of writer Stephen King.
Create a PPT, Prezi, or MERLOT and Send out link to classmates to view presentation. This is due on
Monday. Discussion board post will be due by Wednesday.
Group 2 will make a presentation over the background and literary works of writer John Grisham
Create a PPT, Prezi, or MERLOT and Send out link to classmates to view presentation. This is due on
Monday. Discussion board post will be due by Wednesday. Journal entry due by Sunday.
Group 3 will make a presentation over the background and literary works of writer Michael Crichton
Create a PPT, Prezi, or MERLOT and Send out link to classmates to view presentation. This is due on
Monday. Discussion board post will be due by Wednesday.
Group 4 will make a presentation over the background and literary works of writer John Steinbeck
Create a PPT, Prezi, or MERLOT and Send out link to classmates to view presentation. This is due on
Monday. Discussion board post will be due by Wednesday. Journal entry due by Sunday.
Group 5 will make a presentation over the background and literary works of writer Nicholas Sparks
Create a PPT, Prezi, or MERLOT and Send out link to classmates to view presentation. This is due on
Monday. Discussion board post will be due by Wednesday.
Final Exam will consist of important key notes about each writer and the movies shown. This is due by
Assigned Textbook(s)
Please provide the Textbook Citation(s)
including the ISBN-10 and ISBN-13

There are NO assigned textbooks for this course.
Students will be responsible for obtaining a literary work by their assigned author.

Assigned Articles/Resources
Please list all assigned (required)
articles and resources by week. This
does not include assigned textbook
chapters. This list will be given to the
library so they can secure permissions
and copies of the articles and materials.

W1 N/A
W2 Literary works written by Stephen King
W3 Literary works written by John Grisham
W4 Literary works written by Michael Crichton
W5 Literary works written by John Steinbeck
W6 Literary works written by Nicholas Sparks
W7 N/A
Major Project/Final Assessment
Will there be a major project or final
Weekly Group Presentation: The students will be divided into groups and assigned a writer to research. Each group
member will read one book that was written by the assigned writer but a different book from their group members.

assessment at the end of the term? If
so, please provide a brief synopsis of
the project describe the deliverables,
the objective of the assignment, and an
overview of the project structure.

The group will also discuss these writers in a group setting and give a presentation to the rest of the class. The class, as
a whole, will have a better understanding of all the writers that were presented during the seven week course.
Instructor will provide movies uploaded into the classroom for students to view.

Final Exam: The final exam will consist of important key notes about each writer and the movies shown will be given
electronically and in a multiple choice format with 2 essay questions.

Course Objectives and Assessment Linkage Map
List the course level objectives and then place an X in the week where the objective will be addressed. Later this section can be used to develop appropriate

LO# Learning Objectives/Outcomes W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7
1 Demonstrate awareness of the scope and
variety of the works in the arts and
Understand those works as expressions of
individual and human values within an
historical and social context.
3 Respond critically to works in the arts and
Engage in the creative process or interpretive
performance and comprehend the physical
and intellectual demands required of the
author or visual or performing artist.
5 Articulate as informed personal reaction to
works in the arts
Develop an appreciation for the aesthetic
principles that guide or govern the humanities
and arts
To demonstrate knowledge of the influence of
literature, philosophy, and/or the arts on
intercultural experiences

Assignment Table
The purpose of this table is to provide a snapshot of the assessment requirements it maps the aligned course content and objectives against what is being
assessed. It also shows timing and relative weight of the various assessment items. For this table a simple list or brief description is all thats needed.
Assignment Description
Aligned Course Content
(Readings, Case Studies, Lecture
Course Obj.
Aligned to
Due Date
% Weight
Assignment Title
Deliverable Description
(i.e., presentation, budget, executive summary,
risk register, etc.).
List those assigned materials that will
help students understand the concepts
and complete the assignment.
Please take the
from the list
Day # /
Wk. #

Group Presentation
Each group member will read one book
that was written by the assigned writer
but a different book from their group
members. The group will also discuss
these writers in a group setting and give
a presentation to the rest of the class.
LO2, LO3, LO4,
Day 1
W2, W3,
70 35%
Discussion Boards
Students will demonstrate their learning
and knowledge by having the ability to
give judgment about what was
LO2, LO3, LO4,
Day 3
W2, W3,
35 17.5%
Journal Entries
Students will demonstrate their learning
and knowledge by having the ability to
express what they think about what was
LO1, LO3, LO4,
Day 7
W1, W3,
45 22.5%
Final Exam
The exam will include information about
the writers, films, and books that was
presented over the course.
LO6, LO7
Day 5
50 25%

Assessment Instructions and Information
Discussion Boards, Journal Entries, Presentation, Exam: 200 possible points
The student will work on their assignments according to the course schedule on the course calendar and submit these accordingly to the Dropbox.
*Discussion Board (5 points/posted comment x 7 modules = 35 points;

*Journal Entries (15 points x 3 modules = 45 points;

*Final Exam (50 points)

*Writer Presentation (70 points)

The students will be divided into groups and assigned a writer to research. Each group member will read one book that was written by the assigned writer
but a different book from their group members. The group will also discuss these writers in a group setting and give a presentation to the rest of the class.
The class, as a whole, will have a better understanding of all the writers that were presented during the seven week course.
Assessment 1:
Learning Outcome: Respond critically to works in the arts and humanities
Assessment: This learning outcome will be assessed by students participating in the discussion boards and responding to discussion topics given after a group
has presented their assigned author.
Justification: By using this assessment method, students will demonstrate their learning and knowledge by having the ability to give judgment about what was
presented. Students will also have gained further understanding about the presentation though their knowledge about different works of arts that they have
encountered in previous courses.
Assessment 2:
Learning Outcome: Articulate as informed personal reaction to works in the arts
Assessment: This learning outcome will be assessed by students participating in the discussion boards and responding to discussion topics given and journal
Justification: By using this assessment method, students will demonstrate their learning and knowledge by having the ability to express what they think about
what was presented. Students will also have gained further understanding about the presentation though their classmates.
Assessment 3:
Learning Outcome: To demonstrate knowledge of the influence of literature, philosophy, and/or the arts on intercultural experiences
Assessment: This learning outcome will be assessed by exam.
Justification: By using this assessment method, the exam will include information about the writers, films, and books that was presented over the course and
will measure the students knowledge of obtained information.

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