Cindy Q. Bananas: Vice President of Media Sales
Cindy Q. Bananas: Vice President of Media Sales
Cindy Q. Bananas: Vice President of Media Sales
Cindy Q. Bananas
123 Street Blvd Singapore, CA 94044 123.555.1111
Vice President of Media Sales
Specializing in Launching & Monetizing Newspapers & Magazines
Paper Printer US Inc., San Francisco, CA May 2000 Present
Vice President-Consumer Media/ Tech Group Dec 2010 Present
*Earned several promotions, from Sr. Sales Manager to Vice President May 2000 Dec 2010
Leading triple-digit growth for Paper Printer in the US by launching new products, growing sales,
increasing traffic, digital subscriptions, and signing content distribution/ aggregation deals.
Currently overseeing strategy, vision and P&L for the Paper Paper Group, delivering a $2M increase
in revenue and a $3M increase in contribution level , within only 1 year.
Managing 12 portfolio products, including Magazine, Newspaper and Website: The Official Magazine
across multiple platforms: magazines, websites, email, newsletters, events, and podcasts.
Key Successes Include:
Successfully managing revenues ranging from $1M to $40M, with up to $7M in gross contribution.
Winning multiple major awards, including 8 from the Newspaper Society, with particular recognition
for Salesperson of the Year and Best Integrated Advertising Campaign, among others.
Launching dozens of profitable products (videos, online/ print magazines, games, apps) including:
o Introducing the digital distribution of magazine content over the Apple Newsstand platform,
generating over $2M in revenues within first 2 months alone.
o Successfully diversifying business by building out a video studio team to create custom
licensed content in partnership with Frank Co., Wilma Inc., Fred, Barney & Bambam.
Sample Content:
o Launching Paper Paper magazine into a crowded category of 18 publications, and growing it
to become the #3 title, with 59% year-to-year ad growth.
o Producing Magazine Magazine and website, adding approximately $5M in new revenues.
o Redeveloping 5 titles which were in major decline, 4 of which are now in growth.
o Bringing iPhone and iPad apps from concept to acceptance into the App Store, earning
millions of downloads and 4-5 Star ratings within months.
Growing sales, PVs, traffic and revenue per customer in each role, including:
o Improving overall portfolio profits by 178% in 2008 and by another 250% in 2010.
o Increasing digital revenues by 30% in 2011, reversing a downward trend begun in 2008.
o Implementing standardized SEO practices, social media programs, analytics driven content
creation and compelling UGC with meaningful tracking.
Negotiating multiple $MM long-term media and licensing partnerships, across the US and Europe.
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Cindy Q. Bananas
123 Street Blvd Singapore, CA 94044 123.555.1111
Newspaperville, Dursley, England Jul 1995 May 2000
Earned 5 significant promotions in 5 years for achieving management goals in every position filled.
Successes include increasing revenue by 243% and decreasing costs by 78% within 2 years.
Spearheaded Executive Committee that improved profitability, implemented companywide
performance standards, rolled out a regional call center program, and standardized sales group
training, targets and incentive plans.
Newspaper Group, Newport, Wales Jun 1991 Jul 1995
Business Manager
Promoted from Journalist to Sales Trainer to Business Manager, earning consistently increased
responsibility, and eventually managing the entire sales team.
Led all sales operations including recruiting, training, day-to-day supervision, target allocation and
oversight, forecasting, and developing new revenue streams.
Master of Arts in Publishing
Columbia University; May 2006
Bachelor of Arts in International Relations
University of Columbus; May 1991
MANAGERIAL: Team Leadership Product Launches Budget Management Content Origination,
Editing & Production Sales Training & Management Financial Oversight Business Strategy &
Planning Online Publishing DIGITAL: Forecasting Inventory Yield Analysis Behavioral Targeting
Mobile, Display, Video (Pre/Post Roll) & CPM Advertising SEO/ SEM Management TECHNOLOGICAL:
Salesforce DoubleClick Dart (DFP) Nielsen ComScore Google Analytics
Founding Member of AAAA; San Francisco Chapter Member; Group of People (GOP) Member;
Online Association of Online (OAO) Member; Academy of Super Cool Stuff (ASCS) Member; PC And
A Mac (PCAM) Charity Board Member ; Charity is Good Foundation