Rome Capital of Italy

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Rome capital of Italy

Rome is an Italian city of 2,796,102 inhabitants, capital of the province of Roma, region Lazio and
It is the largest city in Italy and is the fourth most populous city in the European Union; par
excellence, is known as the Eternal City, Urbe (the City ") or Citt Eterna.
In the course of its history, spanning three
millennia, it was one of the first great
metropolis of Humanity. It was the heart of
one of the most important ancient
civilizations , which influenced society ,
culture , language , literature , art ,
architecture , philosophy , religion , law and
the dress of the centuries ; was capital of
the Roman Empire, which extended its
domain over the entire Mediterranean
Basin and much of Europe , and the Papal States , under the command of the temporal power of
the Popes.
It is the city with the highest concentration of historic and architectural assets of the world; its
historic center defined by the perimeter marking the Aurelian walls, overlapping traces of three
millennia, is the expression of historical, artisti c and cultural heritage of Europe and the Western
world in 1980, with extraterritorial properties of the Holy See that found in the city and the
Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, was included in the list of World Heritage of Unesco.
Rome, geographic heart of the Catholic religion is the only city in the world that has inside a
foreign state, the enclave of Vatican City: for this reason is also known as the capital of two states.

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