Western Society PDF
Western Society PDF
Western Society PDF
Constitutionalism 418
Absolutist Claims in England
(16031649) 418
Religious Divides 419
Puritanical Absolutism in England:
Cromwell and the Protectorate 421
The Restoration of the English Monarchy 422
The Triumph of Englands Parliament:
Constitutional Monarchy
and Cabinet Government 423
The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century 424
Glckel of Hameln 425
Chapter Review 428 | Key Terms 428 | Notes 429
at Versailles 430
Absolutism in
Central and Eastern Europe
to 1740 432
Duero R.
Warsaw Berlin
St. Petersburg
Toulouse Belgrade
Balearic Is.
(Gr. Br.)
60N 20E 10W 10E 0 30E 40E
(Gr. Br.)
French Bourbon lands
Spanish Bourbon lands
Austrian Habsburg lands
Prussian lands
Great Britain
Boundary of the
Holy Roman Empire
Russian Empire
Russian gains, by 1725
Ottoman Empire, 1722
0 150 300 Mi.
150 300 Km.
As French power was growing, Spanish power was di-
minishing. By the early seventeenth century the seeds
of disaster were sprouting. Between 1610 and 1650
Spanish trade with the colonies fell 60 percent, due to
competition from local industries in the colonies and
from Dutch and Eng lish traders. At the same time, the native Indians and African
slaves who toiled in the South American silver mines suffered frightful epidemics
of disease. Ultimately, the lodes started to run dry, and the quantity of metal pro-
duced steadily declined after 1620.
In Madrid, however, royal expenditures constantly exceeded income. To meet
mountainous state debt and declining revenues, the Crown repeatedly devalued
the coinage and declared bankruptcy. In 1596, 1607, 1627, 1647, and 1680, Span-
ish kings found no solution to the problem of an empty treasury other than to
cancel the national debt. Given the frequency of cancellation, national credit
Seventeenth-century Spain was the victim of its past. It could not forget the
grandeur of the sixteenth century and respond to changing circumstances. Al-
though Spain lacked the nances to ght expensive wars, the im pe rial tradition
demanded the revival of war with the Dutch at the expiration of a twelve-year
truce in 1622 and a long war with France over Mantua (16281659). Spain thus
became embroiled in the Thirty Years War. These conicts, on top of an empty
treasury, brought disaster.
In 1640 Spain faced serious revolts in Catalonia and Portugal. The Portuguese
succeeded in regaining in de pen dence from Habsburg rule under their new king,
John IV (r. 16401656). In 1643 the French inicted a crushing defeat on a Span-
ish army at Rocroi in what is now Belgium. By the Treaty of the Pyrenees of 1659,
which ended the French-Spanish conict, Spain was compelled to surrender ex-
tensive territories to France. This treaty marked the decline of Spain as a great
military power.
Spains decline can also be traced to a failure to invest in productive enter-
prises. In contrast to the other countries of western Europe, Spain had only a tiny
middle class. Public opinion, taking its cue from the aristocracy, condemned
moneymaking as vulgar and undignied. Thousands entered economically un-
productive professions: there were said to be nine thousand monasteries in the
province of Castile alone. Some three hundred thousand people who had once
been Muslims were expelled by Philip III in 1609, signicantly reducing the pool
The Decline of
Absolutist Spain in
the Seventeenth
The Decline of
Absolutist Spain in
the Seventeenth
Mapping the Past
MAP 16.1 Europe in 1715
The series of treaties commonly called the Peace of Utrecht (April 1713November 1715) ended
the War of the Spanish Succession and redrew the map of Europe. A French Bourbon king
succeeded to the Spanish throne. France surrendered to Austria the Spanish Netherlands (later
Belgium), then in French hands, and France recognized the Hohenzollern (HOH-uhn-zol-
urn) rulers of Prussia. Spain ceded Gibraltar to Great Britain, for which it has been a strategic
naval station ever since. Spain also granted to Britain the asiento, the contract for supplying
African slaves to America. [1] Identify the areas on the map that changed hands as a result of
the Peace of Utrecht. How did these changes affect the balance of power in Europe? [2] How
and why did so many European countries possess scattered or discontiguous territories? What
does this suggest about European politics in this period? [3] Does this map suggest potential
for future conict?
Absolutism in France and Spain 413
414 Chapter 16 Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe, ca. 15891715
of skilled workers and merchants. Those working in the textile industry were forced
out of business when the ood of gold and silver produced severe ination, push-
ing their production costs to the point where they could not compete in colonial
and international markets. Other businessmen found so many obstacles in the way
of protable enterprise that they simply gave up.
Spanish aristocrats, attempting
to maintain an extravagant lifestyle they could no longer afford, increased the
rents on their estates. High rents and heavy taxes in turn drove the peasants from
the land. Agricultural production suffered, and peasants departed for the large cit-
ies, where they swelled the ranks of unemployed beggars.
Spanish leaders seemed to lack the will to reform. If one can discern personal-
ity from pictures, the portraits of Philip III (r. 15981622), Philip IV (r. 1622
1665), and Charles II (r. 16651700) hanging in the Prado, the Spanish national
museum in Madrid, reect the increasing weakness of the dynasty. Pessimism and
fatalism permeated national life. In the reign of Philip IV, a royal council was ap-
pointed to plan the construction of a canal linking the Tagus and Manzanares
Rivers in Spain. After interminable debate, the committee decided that if God
had intended the rivers to be navigable, He would have made them so. Spain ig-
nored new scientic methods because they came from heretical nations, Holland
and Eng land.
In the brilliant novel Don Quixote (dohn kee-HOH-tee), Spanish writer
Miguel de Cervantes (15471616) produced one of the great masterpieces of
world literature. The main character, Don Quixote, lives in a world of dreams,
traveling about the countryside seeking military glory. From the title of the book,
the Eng lish language has borrowed the word quixotic. Meaning idealistic but
Don Quixote A novel authored by
Miguel de Cervantes that is perhaps the
greatest work of Spanish literature. It is
a survey of the entire fabric of Spanish
society that can be read on several levels:
as a burlesque of chivalric romances and
as an exploration of conicting views
(idealistic vs. realistic) of life and of
the world.
Don Quixote A novel authored by
Miguel de Cervantes that is perhaps the
greatest work of Spanish literature. It is
a survey of the entire fabric of Spanish
society that can be read on several levels:
as a burlesque of chivalric romances and
as an exploration of conicting views
(idealistic vs. realistic) of life and of
the world.
Peeter Snayers: Spanish Troops (detail)
The long wars that Spain fought over Dutch in de pen dence, in support of Habsburg interests in Germany, and
against France left the country militarily exhausted and nancially drained by the mid-1600s. Here, Spanish
troopsthin, emaciated, and probably unpaidstraggle away from battle. (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid.
Photo: Jos Baztan y Alberto Otero)
impractical, the term characterizes seventeenth-century Spain. As a leading
scholar has written, The Spaniard convinced himself that reality was what he felt,
believed, imagined. He lled the world with heroic reverberations. Don Quixote
was born and grew.
Under absolutist monarchs, culture became an instrument of state power. The
baroque style in art and music ourished in Spain, Italy, and Central Europe.
Baroque masters like Rubens painted portraits celebrating the glory of European
monarchs. Architecture became an important tool for the French monarch Louis
XIV, who made the magnicent palace of Versailles (vehr-SIGH) the center of his
kingdom, inspiring imitators across Europe (see Chapter 17). Even language re-
ected the growing power of the French crown. Within France Richelieu estab-
lished an academy to oversee French literature and language. Outside its borders
French became the common language of the European elite.
Rome and the revitalized Catholic church of the later
sixteenth century played an important role in the early
development of the baroque. As we have seen (pages
539540), the papacy and the Jesuits encouraged the growth of an intensely emo-
tional, exuberant art aimed at kindling the faith of ordinary churchgoers. In addi-
tion to this underlying religious emotionalism, the baroque drew its sense of
drama, motion, and ceaseless striving from the art and architecture of the Catholic
Reformation. Yet baroque art was more than just Catholic art in the seventeenth
century and the rst half of the eigh teenth. True, neither Protestant Eng land nor
the Netherlands ever came fully under the spell of the baroque, but neither did
Catholic France. And Protestants accounted for some of the nest examples of
baroque style, especially in music. The baroque style spread partly because its ten-
sion and bombast spoke to an agitated age that was experiencing great violence
and controversy in politics and religion.
In painting, the baroque reached maturity early with the painter Peter Paul
Rubens (15771640). Rubens studied the masters of the High Renaissance such as
Michelangelo but developed his own style, which was characterized by animated
gures, melodramatic contrasts, and monumental size. Rubens excelled in glorify-
ing monarchs such as Queen Mother Marie de Medici of France (see the paint-
ing on page 409). He was also a devout Catholic; nearly half of his pictures treat
Chris tian subjects. Yet one of Rubenss trademarks was eshy, sensual nudes who
populate his canvases as Roman goddesses, water nymphs, and remarkably volup-
tuous saints and angels.
In music, the baroque style reached its culmination almost a century later in
the dynamic, soaring lines of Johann Sebastian Bach (16851750), an organist and
choirmaster of several Lutheran churches across Germany. Bachs organ music
combined the baroque spirit of invention, tension, and emotion in both secular
concertos and sublime religious cantatas. Unlike Rubens, Bach was not fully ap-
preciated in his lifetime, but since the early nineteenth century his reputation has
grown steadily.
The Culture of Absolutism
What cultural forms ourished under absolutist governments?
The Culture of Absolutism
What cultural forms ourished under absolutist governments?
Baroque Art
and Music
Baroque Art
and Music
baroque style An intensely emotional
and exuberant style of art, practiced by
artists such as Rubens and associated
with the late-sixteenth-century Catholic
Reformation; in music, it reached
maturity almost a century later with the
compositions of Bach.
baroque style An intensely emotional
and exuberant style of art, practiced by
artists such as Rubens and associated
with the late-sixteenth-century Catholic
Reformation; in music, it reached
maturity almost a century later with the
compositions of Bach.
Secti on Revi ew
Henry IV of France restored order and
prosperity but his premature death left
queen-regent Marie de Medici and
Cardinal Richelieu to rule for the boy
Louis XIII; Richelieu led France into
the Thirty Years War and continued
Henry IVs work of increasing the
power of the centralized state.
After the death of Louis XIII, Cardinal
Mazarin and the regent, Queen
Mother Anne of Austria, ruled for the
boy-king Louis XIV; the Fronde
uprisings during this time protested
growing royal power and war-related
tax increases.
The Sun King Louis XIV created an
absolute monarchy, ruling accord-
ing to the doctrine of the divine right
of kings in which a king answered to
God alone.
Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Louis XIVs
brilliant nance minister, adopted
mercantilist policies intended to foster
economic self-sufciency so that every-
thing French subjects needed would be
produced internallytherefore halting
the external ow of gold and increasing
the wealth of the nation.
Louis XIV built a large, loyal, profes-
sional army that expanded French
borders but required expensive main-
tenance, taxing French resources.
The Peace of Utrecht ended the War
of the Spanish Succession and redrew
the map of Europe, marking the end
of French expansion, an increase in
the British Empire, and the decline
of Spain.
Spains power declined due to a loss of
trade with the colonies, diminished
production of South American silver,
bankruptcy from ghting wars, a failure
to invest in productive enterprises, the
deportation of formerly Muslim work-
ers, and high rents and heavy taxes
that drove peasants from the land.
The Culture of Absolutism 415
416 Chapter 16 Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe, ca. 15891715
In 1682 Louis formally established his court at Ver-
sailles, which became the center of the kingdom: a
model of rational order and the perfect symbol of the
kings power. The art and architecture of Versailles were tools of Louiss policy,
used to overawe his subjects and foreign visitors. The Rus sian tsar Peter the Great
imitated Versailles in the construction of his palace, Peterhof, as did the Prussian
emperor Frederick the Great in his palace at Potsdam outside Berlin and the
Habsburgs at Schonbrunn outside Vienna. (See the feature Images in Society:
Absolutist Palace Building on pages 440441.)
The palace was the summit of political, social, and cultural life. The king re-
quired all great nobles to spend at least part of the year in attendance on him at
Versailles. Between three thousand and ten thousand people occupied the palace
each day. Given the demand for space, even high nobles had to make do with
cramped and uncomfortable living quarters. The palace gardens, and the palace
itself on some occasions, were open to the public, allowing even local peasants a
glimpse of their sovereign. More than a royal residence or administrative center,
Versailles was a mirror of French greatness to the world.
Much has been made of the domestication of the nobility at Versailles.
Nobles had to follow a tortuous system of court etiquette, and they vied for the
honor of serving the monarch, with the highest in rank claiming the privilege to
hand the king his shirt when he dressed. These rituals were far from meaningless or
trivial. The king controlled immense resources and privileges; access to him meant
favored treatment for pensions, military and religious posts, honorary titles, and a
Court Culture Court Culture
Juan de Pareja: The Calling of Saint Matthew
Using rich but subdued colors, Pareja depicts the biblical text (Mark 2:1317), with Jesus in traditional rst-century dress and
the other gures, arranged around a table covered with an oriental carpet, in seventeenth-century apparel. Matthew, at
Jesuss right hand, seems surprised by the call. Pareja, following a long tradition, includes himself (standing, far left).
(Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid/ The Bridgeman Art Library)
host of other benets. Courtiers sought these rewards for themselves and for their
family members and followers. As in ancient Rome, a patronage systemin which
higher-ranked individuals protected lower-ranked ones in return for loyalty and
ser vicesdominated political life. Patronage owed from the court to the provinces;
it was the mechanism through which Louis gained cooperation from social elites.
Although they were denied public ofces and posts, women played a central
role in the patronage system. At court, the kings wife, mistresses, and other female
relatives used their high rank to establish their own patronage relations. They
recommended individuals for honors, advocated policy decisions, and brokered
alliances between noble factions. Noblewomen played a similar role, bringing
their family connections to marriage to form powerful social networks. Onlookers
sometimes resented the inuence of powerful women at court. The Duke of
Saint-Simon said of Madame de Maintenon, Louis XIVs mistress and secret
second wife:
The power of Madame de Maintenon was, as may be imagined, immense. She
had everybody in her hands, from the highest and most favored ministers to the
meanest subject of the realm. Many people have been ruined by her, without
having been able to discover the author of the ruin, search as they might.
To this day, culture is a central element of French na-
tional pride and identity. French emphasis on culture
dates back to Cardinal Richelieu, whose efforts at state
centralization embraced cultural activities. In 1635 he gave ofcial recognition to
a group of scholars interested in grammar and rhetoric. Thus was born the French
Academy, which prepared a dictionary to standardize the French language; the
dictionary was completed in 1694 and has been updated in many successive edi-
tions. The Academy survives today as a prestigious society and retains authority
over correct usage in the French language.
Scholars characterize the art and literature of the age of Louis XIV as French
classicism. By this they mean that the artists and writers of the late seventeenth
century imitated the subject matter and style of classical antiquity, that their work
resembled that of Renaissance Italy, and that French art possessed the classical
qualities of discipline, balance, and restraint. This was a movement away from the
perceived excesses of baroque style.
Louis XIV was an enthusiastic patron of the arts. Music and theater frequently
served as backdrops for court ceremonials. Louis favored Jean-Baptiste Lully
(16321687), whose orchestral works combined lively animation with the re-
strained austerity typical of French classicism. Louis also supported Franois Cou-
perin (16681733), whose harpsichord and organ works possessed the regal
grandeur the king loved, and Marc-Antoine Charpentier (16341704), whose sol-
emn religious music entertained him at meals.
Louis XIV loved the stage, and in the plays of Molire (mohl-YAIR) (1622
1673) and Racine (ra-SEEN) (16391699) his court witnessed the nest achieve-
ments in the history of the French theater. As playwright, stage manager, director,
and actor, Molire (born Jean-Baptiste Poquelin) produced comedies that exposed
the hypocrisies and follies of polite society through brilliant caricature. Tartuffe
(tahr-TOOF) satirized the religious hypocrite; his plays Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme
(The Bourgeois Gentleman) and Les Prcieuses ridicules (The Pretentious Young
Ladies) mocked the social pretensions of the bourgeoisie, stopping short of criticiz-
ing the high nobility.
French Classicism French Classicism
French classicism A style of French
art, architecture, and literature
(ca. 16001750), based on admiration
and imitation of Greek and Roman
models but with greater exuberance
and complexity.
French classicism A style of French
art, architecture, and literature
(ca. 16001750), based on admiration
and imitation of Greek and Roman
models but with greater exuberance
and complexity.
The Culture of Absolutism 417
418 Chapter 16 Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe, ca. 15891715
Molires contemporary Jean Racine based his tragic dramas on Greek and
Roman legends. His persistent theme was the conict of good and evil. Several
playsAndromaque (ahn-dro-MAK), Brnice (bear-ay-NEES), Iphignie (if-ee-
jay-NEE), and Phdre (FAY-druh)bear the names of women and deal with the
power of female passion. For simplicity of language, symmetrical structure, and calm
restraint, the plays of Racine represent the nest examples of French classicism.
Louis XIVs reign inaugurated the use of French as the language of polite soci-
ety, international diplomacy, and, gradually, scholarship and learning. The royal
courts of Sweden, Russia, Poland, and Germany all spoke French. France inspired
a cosmopolitan European culture in the late seventeenth century, which looked
to Versailles as its center.
While France and later Prussia, Russia, and Austria (see Chapter 17) developed
the absolutist state, Eng land and Holland evolved toward constitutionalism,
which is the limitation of government by law. Constitutionalism also implies a
balance between the authority and power of the government, on the one hand,
and the rights and liberties of the subjects, on the other.
A nations constitution may be written or unwritten. It may be embodied in
one basic document, occasionally revised by amendment, like the Constitution of
the United States. Or it may be only partly formalized and include parliamentary
statutes, judicial decisions, and a body of traditional procedures and practices, like
the Eng lish and Dutch constitutions. Whether written or unwritten, a constitution
gets its binding force from the governments acknowledgment that it must respect
that constitutionthat is, that the state must govern according to the laws.
In 1588 Queen Elizabeth I of Eng land exercised very
great personal power; by 1689 the Eng lish monarchy
was severely circumscribed. Change in Eng land was
anything but orderly. Seventeenth-century Eng land executed one king and expe-
rienced a bloody civil war; experimented with military dictatorship, then restored
the son of the murdered king; and nally, after a bloodless revolution, established
constitutional monarchy. Political stability came only in the 1690s. After such a vio-
lent and tumultuous century, how did Eng land produce a constitutional monarchy?
A rare and politically astute female monarch, Elizabeth was able to maintain
control over her realm in part by refusing to marry and submit to a husband. The
problem with this strategy was that it left the queen with no immediate heir to
continue her legacy.
In 1603 Elizabeths Scottish cousin James Stuart succeeded her as James I
(r. 16031625). King James was well educated and had thirty-ve years experi-
ence as king of Scotland. But he was not as interested in displaying the majesty of
monarchy as Elizabeth had been. Urged to wave at the crowds who waited to greet
their new ruler, James complained that he was tired and threatened to drop his
breeches so they can cheer at my arse. Moreover, in contrast to Elizabeth, James
was a poor judge of character, and in a society already hostile to the Scots, Jamess
What is constitutionalism, and how did this form of government emerge
in Eng land and the Dutch Republic?
What is constitutionalism, and how did this form of government emerge
in Eng land and the Dutch Republic?
constitutionalism A form of govern-
ment in which power is limited by law
and balanced between the authority and
power of the government on the one
hand, and the rights and liberties of the
subject or citizen on the other hand.
constitutionalism A form of govern-
ment in which power is limited by law
and balanced between the authority and
power of the government on the one
hand, and the rights and liberties of the
subject or citizen on the other hand.
Absolutist Claims in
Eng land (16031649)
Absolutist Claims in
Eng land (16031649)
Secti on Revi ew
The baroque style, practiced by artists
such as Rubens, was intensely emo-
tional and exuberant; it was particularly
associated with the late sixteenth cen-
tury Catholic Reformation, but ap-
peared in both religious and secular
themes and in Protestant artists.
Baroque composers such as Bach com-
bined invention, tension, and emotion
in their music, much of which was
organ music played in church.
The palace at Versailles was the show-
piece and center of the French king-
dom, crowded with nobles vying for the
kings favor and patronage
French classicism, a movement reviving
classical antiquity in art and literature,
was popular during the reign of Louis
XIV; theater also gained popularity with
playwrights such as the comic Molire
and the tragedian Racine.
The French language was adopted by
elites across Europe for diplomacy,
scholarship, and polite conversation.
Scottish accent was a disadvantage.
Jamess greatest problem, however, stemmed
from his belief that a monarch has a divine (or God-given) right to his authority
and is responsible only to God. James went so far as to lecture the House of Com-
mons: There are no privileges and immunities which can stand against a divinely
appointed King. This notion, implying total royal jurisdiction over the liberties,
persons, and properties of Eng lish men and women, formed the basis of the Stuart
concept of absolutism. Such a view ran directly counter to the long-standing Eng-
lish idea that a persons property could not be taken away without due process of
law. Jamess expression of such views before the Eng lish House of Commons was
a grave political mistake, especially given the royal debt that he had inherited from
Elizabeth. The House of Commons guarded the states pocketbook.
In Eng land, unlike France, there was no social stigma attached to paying taxes.
Members of the wealthy House of Commons were willing to assess and pay taxes
to ease the royal debt provided they had some say in the formulation of state poli-
cies. James I and his son Charles I, however, considered such ambitions intolera-
ble and a threat to their divine-right prerogative. Consequently, at every Parliament
between 1603 and 1640, bitter squabbles erupted between the Crown and the ar-
ticulate and legally minded Commons. Charles Is attempt to govern without Par-
liament (16291640) and to nance his government by arbitrary nonparliamentary
levies brought the country to a crisis.
Religious issues also embittered relations between the
king and the House of Commons. In the early seven-
teenth century increasing numbers of Eng lish people
felt dissatised with the Church of Eng land established by Henry VIII and re-
formed by Elizabeth. Many Puritans believed that the Reformation had not
gone far enough. They wanted to purify the Anglican church of Roman Catho-
lic elementselaborate vestments and ceremonials, bishops, and even the giving
and wearing of wedding rings.
It is difcult to establish what proportion of the Eng lish population was Puri-
tan. According to present scholarly consensus, the dominant religious groups in
the early seventeenth century were Calvinist; their more zealous members were
Puritans. It also seems clear that many Eng lish people were attracted by Calvin-
isms emphasis on hard work, sobriety, thrift, competition, and postponement of
plea sure. These values, which have frequently been called the Protestant ethic
or capitalist ethic, t in precisely with the economic approaches and practices of
many successful business people and farmers. While it is hazardous to identify
capitalism with Protestantismthere were many successful Catholic capitalists,
for examplethe Protestant virtues represented the prevailing values of mem-
bers of the House of Commons.
Puritans wanted to abolish bishops in the Church of Eng land, and when
James I said, No bishop, no king, he meant that the bishops were among the
chief supporters of the throne. Under Charles I, people believed that the country
was being led back to Roman Catholicism. Not only did he marry a French Cath-
olic princess, but he also supported the policies of the Archbishop of Canterbury
William Laud (15731645), who tried to impose elaborate ritual on all churches.
In 1637 Laud attempted to impose two new elements on church or ga ni za tion
in Scotland: a new prayer book, modeled on the Anglican Book of Common Prayer,
and bishoprics, which the Presbyterian Scots rmly rejected. The Scots therefore
revolted. To nance an army to put down the Scots, King Charles was compelled
to summon Parliament in November 1640.
Religious Divides Religious Divides
Puritans Members of a sixteenth- and
seventeenth-century reform movement
within the Church of Eng land that
advocated purifying it of Roman
Catholic elements, such as bishops,
elaborate ceremonials, and the
wedding ring.
Puritans Members of a sixteenth- and
seventeenth-century reform movement
within the Church of Eng land that
advocated purifying it of Roman
Catholic elements, such as bishops,
elaborate ceremonials, and the
wedding ring.
Constitutionalism 419
420 Chapter 16 Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe, ca. 15891715
Charles I was an intelligent man, but
contemporaries found him deceitful and
treacherous. After quarreling with Parlia-
ment over his right to collect customs du-
ties on wine and wool and over what the
Commons perceived as religious innova-
tions, Charles had dissolved Parliament in
1629. From 1629 to 1640, he ruled with-
out Parliament, nancing his government
through extraordinary stopgap levies con-
sidered illegal by most Eng lish people. For
example, the king revived a medieval law
requiring coastal districts to help pay the
cost of ships for defense, but he levied the
tax, called ship money, on inland as well
as coastal counties. Most members of Par-
liament believed that such taxation with-
out consent amounted to despotism. Consequently, they were not willing to trust
the king with an army. Moreover, many supported the Scots re sis tance to Charless
religious innovations and had little wish for military action against them. Accord-
ingly, this Parliament, called the Long Parliament because it sat from 1640 to
1660, enacted legislation that limited the power of the monarch and made arbitrary
government impossible.
In 1641 the Commons passed the Triennial Act, which compelled the king to
summon Parliament every three years. The Commons impeached Archbishop
Laud and then went further and threatened to abolish bishops. King Charles,
fearful of a Scottish invasionthe original reason for summoning Parliament
accepted these mea sures. Understanding and peace were not achieved, however,
partly because radical members of the Commons pushed increasingly revolution-
ary propositions, and partly because Charles maneuvered to rescind those he had
already approved.
The next act in the conict was precipitated by the outbreak of rebellion in
Ireland, where Eng lish governors and landlords had long exploited the people. In
1641 the Catholic gentry of Ireland led an uprising in response to a feared invasion
by anti-Catholic forces of the British Long Parliament.
Without an army, Charles I could neither come to terms with the Scots nor
respond to the Irish rebellion. After a failed attempt to arrest parliamentary leaders
who remained unwilling to grant him an army, Charles left London for the north
of Eng land. There, he recruited an army drawn from the nobility and its cavalry
staff, the rural gentry, and mercenaries. The parliamentary army was composed of
the militia of the city of London, country squires with business connections, and
men with a rm belief in the spiritual duty of serving.
Puritan Occupations
These twelve engravings depict typical Puritan
occupations and show that the Puritans came
primarily from the artisan and lower middle
classes. The governing classes and peasants
adhered to the traditions of the Church of Eng land.
(Visual Connection Archive)
The Eng lish civil war (16421649) pitted the power of the king against that of
the Parliament. After three years of ghting, Parliaments New Model Army de-
feated the kings armies at the battles of Naseby and Langport in the summer of
1645. Charles, though, refused to concede defeat and accept restrictions on royal
authority and church reform. Both sides jockeyed for position, waiting for a deci-
sive event. This arrived in the form of the army under the leadership of Oliver
Cromwell, a member of the House of Commons. In 1647 Cromwells forces cap-
tured the king and dismissed members of the Parliament who opposed his actions.
In 1649 the remaining representatives, known as the Rump Parliament, put
Charles on trial for high treason, a severe blow to the theory of divine-right mon-
archy. Charles was found guilty and beheaded on January 30, 1649, an act that
sent shock waves around Europe.
With the execution of Charles, kingship was abolished.
A commonwealth, or republican government, was pro-
claimed. Theoretically, legislative power rested in the
surviving members of Parliament, and executive power
was lodged in a council of state. In fact, the army that
had defeated the king controlled the government, and Oliver Cromwell controlled
the army. Though called the Protectorate, the rule of Cromwell (16531658)
constituted military dictatorship.
The army prepared a constitution, the Instrument of Government (1653), that
invested executive power in a lord protector (Cromwell) and a council of state.
The instrument provided for triennial parliaments and gave Parliament the sole
power to raise taxes. But after repeated disputes, Cromwell dismissed Parliament
in 1655 and the instrument was never formally endorsed. Cromwell continued the
standing army and proclaimed quasi-martial law. He divided Eng land into twelve
military districts, each governed by a major general. Reecting Puritan ideas of
morality, Cromwells state forbade sports, kept the theaters closed, and rigorously
censored the press.
On the issue of religion, Cromwell favored some degree of toleration, and the
Instrument of Government gave all Chris tians except Roman Catholics the right
to practice their faith. Cromwell had long associated Catholicism in Ireland with
sedition and heresy. In September of the year that his army came to power, it
crushed a rebellion at Drogheda and massacred the garrison. Another massacre
followed in October. These brutal acts left a legacy of Irish hatred for Eng land.
After Cromwells departure for Eng land, the atrocities worsened. The Eng lish
banned Catholicism in Ireland, executed priests, and conscated land from Cath-
olics for Eng lish and Scottish settlers.
Cromwell adopted mercantilist policies similar to those of absolutist France.
He enforced a Navigation Act (1651) requiring that Eng lish goods be transported
on Eng lish ships. The Navigation Act was a great boost to the development of an
Eng lish merchant marine and brought about a short but successful war with the
commercially threatened Dutch. Cromwell also welcomed the immigration of
Jews because of their skills, and they began to return to Eng land after four centu-
ries of absence.
The Protectorate collapsed when Cromwell died in 1658 and his ineffectual
son, Richard, succeeded him. Having lost support of the army, Richard was forced
to abdicate. Fed up with military rule, the Eng lish longed for a return to civilian
government and, with it, common law and social stability. By 1660 they were
ready to restore the monarchy.
New Model Army The parliamentary
army, under the command of Oliver
Cromwell, that fought the army of
Charles I in the Eng lish civil war.
New Model Army The parliamentary
army, under the command of Oliver
Cromwell, that fought the army of
Charles I in the Eng lish civil war.
Absolutism in
Eng land: Cromwell
and the Protectorate
Absolutism in
Eng land: Cromwell
and the Protectorate
Protectorate The military dictatorship
established by Oliver Cromwell follow-
ing the execution of Charles I in 1649.
Protectorate The military dictatorship
established by Oliver Cromwell follow-
ing the execution of Charles I in 1649.
Constitutionalism 421
422 Chapter 16 Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe, ca. 15891715
The Restoration of 1660 brought Charles II (r. 1660
1685) to the throne at the invitation of a special session
of Parliament called for that purpose. He was the
eldest son of Charles I and had been living on the European continent. Both
houses of Parliament were also restored, together with the established Anglican
church, the courts of law, and the system of local government through justices of
the peace. The Restoration failed to resolve two serious problems, however. What
was to be the attitude of the state toward Puritans, Catholics, and dissenters from
the established church? And what was to be the relationship between the king
and Parliament?
Charles II, an easygoing and sensual man, was not interested in imposing reli-
gious uniformity on the Eng lish, but members of Parliament were. They enacted
the Test Act of 1673 against those who refused to receive the Eucharist of the
Church of Eng land, denying them the right to vote, hold public ofce, preach,
teach, attend the universities, or even assemble for meetings. But these restrictions
could not be enforced. When the Quaker William Penn held a meeting of his
Friends and was arrested, the jury refused to convict him.
In politics Charles II was determined not to set out in his travels again, which
meant that he intended to avoid exile by working well with Parliament. Therefore
he appointed a council of ve men to serve both as his major advisers and as mem-
bers of Parliament, thus acting as liaison agents between the executive and the
legislature. This bodyknown as the Cabal from the names of its ve members
(Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley-Cooper, and Lauderdale)was an an-
cestor of the later cabinet system. It gradually came to be accepted that the Cabal
was answerable in Parliament for the decisions of the king. This development gave
rise to the concept of ministerial responsibility: royal ministers must answer to
the Commons.
Harmony between the Crown and Parliament was upset in 1670, however.
When Parliament did not grant Charles an adequate income, he entered into a
The Restoration of
the Eng lish Monarchy
The Restoration of
the Eng lish Monarchy
Test Act Written in 1673, this act stated
that those who refused to receive the
Eucharist of the Church of Eng land
could not vote, hold public ofce,
preach, teach, attend the universities, or
even assemble for meetings.
Test Act Written in 1673, this act stated
that those who refused to receive the
Eucharist of the Church of Eng land
could not vote, hold public ofce,
preach, teach, attend the universities, or
even assemble for meetings.
Cartoon of 1649: The Royall
Oake of Brittayne
Chopping down this tree signies the
end of royal authority, stability, Magna
Carta (see page 205), and the rule of
law. As pigs graze (representing the
unconcerned common people), being
fattened for slaughter, Oliver Cromwell,
with his feet in Hell, quotes Scripture.
This is a royalist view of the collapse of
Charles Is government and the rule of
Cromwell. (Courtesy of the Trustees of the
British Museum)
secret agreement with his cousin Louis XIV. The French king would give Charles
two hundred thousand pounds annually, and in return Charles would relax the
laws against Catholics, gradually re-Catholicize Eng land, support French policy
against the Dutch, and convert to Catholicism himself. When the details of this
treaty leaked out, a great wave of anti-Catholic fear swept Eng land. This fear was
compounded by a crucial fact: with no legitimate heir, Charles would be suc-
ceeded by his Catholic brother, James, duke of York. A combination of hatred for
French absolutism and hostility to Catholicism produced virtual hysteria. The
Commons passed an exclusion bill denying the succession to a Roman Catholic,
but Charles quickly dissolved Parliament, and the bill never became law.
When James II (r. 16851688) succeeded his brother, the worst Eng lish anti-
Catholic fears, already aroused by Louis XIVs revocation of the Edict of Nantes,
were realized. In violation of the Test Act, James appointed Roman Catholics to
positions in the army, the universities, and local government. When these actions
were challenged in the courts, the judges, whom James had appointed, decided
for the king. The king was suspending the law at will and appeared to be reviving
the absolutism of his father and grandfather. He went further. Attempting to
broaden his base of support with Protestant dissenters and nonconformists, James
issued a declaration of indulgence granting religious freedom to all.
Two events gave the signals for revolution. First, seven bishops of the Church
of Eng land were imprisoned in the Tower of London for protesting the declaration
of indulgence but were subsequently acquitted amid great public enthusiasm.
Second, in June 1688 Jamess second wife produced a male heir. The fear of a Ro-
man Catholic dynasty supported by France and ruling outside the law prompted a
group of eminent persons to offer the Eng lish throne to Jamess Protestant daugh-
ter Mary and her Dutch husband, Prince William of Orange. In December 1688
James II, his queen, and their infant son ed to France and became pensioners
of Louis XIV. Early in 1689 William and Mary were crowned king and queen
of Eng land.
The Eng lish call the events of 1688 and 1689 the Glo-
rious Revolution because it replaced one king with
another with a minimum of bloodshed. It also repre-
sented the destruction, once and for all, of the idea of
divine-right monarchy. William and Mary accepted the
Eng lish throne from Parliament and in so doing explic-
itly recognized the supremacy of Parliament. The revolution of 1688 established
the principle that sovereignty, the ultimate power in the state, was divided between
king and Parliament and that the king ruled with the consent of the governed.
The men who brought about the revolution quickly framed their intentions in
the Bill of Rights, the cornerstone of the modern British constitution. The princi-
ples of the Bill of Rights were formulated in direct response to Stuart absolutism.
Law was to be made in Parliament; once made, it could not be suspended by the
Crown. Parliament had to be called at least once every three years. Both elections
to and debate in Parliament were to be free in the sense that the Crown was not to
interfere in them (this aspect of the bill was widely disregarded in the eigh teenth
century). The in de pen dence of the judiciary was established, and there was to be
no standing army in peacetime. And while Protestants could possess arms, the
feared Catholic minority could not. Additional legislation granted freedom of wor-
ship to Protestant dissenters and nonconformists and required that the Eng lish
monarch always be Protestant.
The Triumph of
Eng lands Parliament:
Monarchy and
Cabinet Government
The Triumph of
Eng lands Parliament:
Monarchy and
Cabinet Government
Constitutionalism 423
424 Chapter 16 Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe, ca. 15891715
The Glorious Revolution and the concept of representative government found
its best defense in political philosopher John Lockes Second Treatise of Civil
Government (1690). Locke (16321704) maintained that a government that
oversteps its proper functionprotecting the natural rights of life, liberty, and
propertybecomes a tyranny. By natural rights Locke meant rights basic to all men
because all have the ability to reason. Under a tyrannical government, the people
have the natural right to rebellion. Such rebellion can be avoided if the govern-
ment carefully respects the rights of citizens and if people zealously defend their
liberty. Locke linked economic liberty and private property with political freedom.
On the basis of this link, he justied limiting the vote to property owners.
The events of 1688 and 1689 did not constitute a dem o cratic revolution. The
revolution placed sovereignty in Parliament, and Parliament represented the up-
per classes. The great majority of Eng lish people acquired no say in their govern-
ment. The Eng lish revolution established a constitutional monarchy; it also
inaugurated an age of aristocratic government that lasted at least until 1832 and in
many ways until 1928, when women received full voting rights.
In the late sixteenth century the seven northern prov-
inces of the Netherlands fought for and won their in-
depen dence from Spain. The in de pen dence of the
Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands
was recognized in 1648, in the treaty that ended the Thirty Years War. The seven-
teenth century witnessed an unparalleled owering of Dutch scientic, artistic,
and literary achievement. In this period, often called the golden age of the Neth-
erlands, Dutch ideas and attitudes played a profound role in shaping a new and
modern worldview. At the same time, the United Provinces was another model of
the development of the modern constitutional state.
The government of the United Provinces had none of the standard categories
of seventeenth-century political or ga ni za tion. The Dutch were not monarchical
but rather ercely republican. Within each province, an oligarchy of wealthy mer-
chants and nanciers called regents handled domestic affairs in the local Estates
(assemblies). The provincial Estates held virtually all the power. A federal assem-
bly, or States General, handled matters of foreign affairs, such as war. But the
States General did not possess sovereign authority; all issues had to be referred
back to the local Estates for approval. In each province, the Estate appointed an
executive ofcer, known as the stadtholder (STAT-hohl-der), who carried out cer-
emonial functions and was responsible for military defense. Although in theory
freely chosen by the Estates and answerable to them, in practice the Princes of
Orange were almost always chosen as stadtholders. Tensions persisted between
supporters of the staunchly republican Estates and those of the aristocratic House
of Orange. Holland, which had the largest navy and the most wealth, dominated
the seven provinces of the republic and the States General.
The political success of the Dutch rested on the phenomenal commercial
prosperity of the Netherlands. The moral and ethical bases of that commercial
wealth were thrift, frugality, and religious toleration. As long as business people
conducted their religion in private, the government did not interfere with them.
Although there is scattered evidence of anti-Semitism, Jews enjoyed a level of ac-
cep tance and assimilation in Dutch business and general culture unique in early
modern Europe. (See the feature Individuals in Society: Glckel of Hameln.)
For example, Benedict Spinoza (16321677), a descendant of Spanish Jews who
ed the Inquisition, passed his entire life in Amsterdam, supporting himself as a
Second Treatise of Civil Government
A work of political philosophy published
by John Locke in 1690 that argued
governments only purpose was to defend
the natural rights of life, liberty, and
property. A justication of the Glorious
Revolution of 1688 to 1689.
Second Treatise of Civil Government
A work of political philosophy published
by John Locke in 1690 that argued
governments only purpose was to defend
the natural rights of life, liberty, and
property. A justication of the Glorious
Revolution of 1688 to 1689.
The Dutch
Republic in the
Seventeenth Century
The Dutch
Republic in the
Seventeenth Century
States General The national assembly
of the United Provinces of the
Netherlands; because many issues had
to be refereed back to the provinces, the
United Provinces was a confederation,
or weak union of strong states.
stadtholder The chief executive ofcer
in each province of the United
Provinces; in the seventeenth century
these positions were often held by the
princes of the House of Orange.
States General The national assembly
of the United Provinces of the
Netherlands; because many issues had
to be refereed back to the provinces, the
United Provinces was a confederation,
or weak union of strong states.
stadtholder The chief executive ofcer
in each province of the United
Provinces; in the seventeenth century
these positions were often held by the
princes of the House of Orange.
Indi vi dual s i n Soci et y
Glckel of Hameln
Glckels world was her family, the Jewish commu-
nity of Hameln, and the Jewish communities into which
her children married. Social and business activities took
her to Amsterdam, Baiersdorf, Bamberg, Berlin, Cleves,
Danzig, Metz, and Vienna, so
her world was not narrow or
provincial. She took great
pride that Prince Frederick of
Cleves, later the king of Prus-
sia, danced at the wedding of
her eldest daughter. The ris-
ing prosperity of Chayims
businesses allowed the couple
to maintain up to six servants.
Glckel was deeply reli-
gious, and her culture was
steeped in Jewish literature,
legends, and mystical and
secular works. Above all, she
relied on the Bible. Her lan-
guage, heavily sprinkled with
scriptural references, testies
to a rare familiarity with the
basic book of Western civiliza-
tion. The Scriptures were her
consolation, the source of her great strength in a hostile
Students who would learn about business practices,
the importance of the dowry in marriage, childbirth, the
ceremony of bris, birthrates, family celebrations, and
even the meaning of life can gain a good deal from the
memoirs of this extraordinary woman who was, in the
words of one of her descendants, the poet Heinrich
Heine, the gift of a world to me.
Questions for Analysis
1. Consider the ways in which Glckel of Hameln was
both an ordinary and an extraordinary woman of her
times. Would you call her a marginal or a central
person in her society?
2. How was Glckels life affected by the broad events
and issues of the seventeenth century?
Source: The Memoirs of Glckel of Hameln (New York:
Schocken Books, 1977).
n 1690 a Jewish widow in the small German town
of Hameln* in Lower Saxony sat down to write her
autobiography. She wanted to distract her mind from
the terrible grief she felt over the death of her husband
and to provide her twelve children with a record so you
will know from what sort of people you have sprung,
lest today or tomorrow your beloved children or grand-
children came and know naught of their family. Out of
her pain and heightened consciousness, Glckel (1646
1724) produced an invaluable source for scholars.
She was born in Hamburg two years before the end
of the Thirty Years War. In 1649 the merchants of Ham-
burg expelled the Jews, who moved to nearby Altona,
then under Danish rule. When the Swedes over ran Al-
tona (16571658), the Jews returned to Hamburg
purely at the mercy of the Town Council. Glckels
narrative proceeds against a background of the constant
harassment to which Jews were subjectedspecial pa-
pers, permits, bribesand in Hameln she wrote, And
so it has been to this day and, I fear, will continue in like
When Glckel was barely twelve, her father be-
trothed her to Chayim Hameln (HI-um HAH-muhln).
She married at age fourteen. She describes him as the
perfect pattern of the pious Jew, a man who stopped his
work every day for study and prayer, fasted, and was scru-
pulously honest in his business dealings. Only a few
years older than Glckel, Chayim earned his living
dealing in precious metals and in making small loans
on pledges (articles held on security). This work re-
quired his constant travel to larger cities, markets, and
fairs, often in bad weather, always over dangerous roads.
Chayim consulted his wife about all his business deal-
ings. As he lay dying, a friend asked if he had any last
wishes. None, he replied. My wife knows every thing.
She shall do as she has always done. For thirty years
Glckel had been his friend, full business partner, and
wife. They had thirteen children, twelve of whom sur-
vived their father, eight then unmarried. As Chayim had
foretold, Glckel succeeded in launching the boys in
careers and in providing dowries for the girls.
* A town immortalized by the Brothers Grimm. In 1284 the
town contracted with the Pied Piper to rid it of rats and mice;
he lured them away by playing his ute. When the citizens
refused to pay, he charmed away their children in revenge.
Gentleness and deep mutual
devotion seem to pervade
Rembrandts The Jewish Bride.
(Rijksmuseum-Stichting Amsterdam)
426 Chapter 16 Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe, ca. 15891715
lens grinder while producing im-
portant philosophical treatises. In
the Dutch Republic, toleration
paid off: it attracted a great deal of
foreign capital and investment. People of all races and creeds traded in Amster-
dam, at whose docks on the Amstel River ve thousand ships were berthed.
The Dutch came to dominate the shipping business by putting prots from
their original industryherring shinginto shipbuilding. They boasted the low-
est shipping rates and largest merchant marine in Europe. Their shipping power
allowed them to control the Baltic grain trade, buying entire crops in Poland,
eastern Prussia, and Swedish Pomerania. Because the Dutch dealt in bulk, nobody
could undersell them. Foreign merchants coming to Amsterdam could buy any-
thing from precision lenses for the microscope (recently invented by Dutchman
Anton van Leeuwenhoek) to muskets for an army of ve thousand. Although Dutch
cities became famous for their exportsdiamonds and linens from Haarlem, pot-
tery from DelftDutch wealth depended less on exports than on transport.
In 1602 leaders of the Estate of Holland formed the Dutch East India Com-
pany, a joint stock company. The investors each received a percentage of the prof-
its proportional to the amount of money they had put in. Within half a century the
Dutch East India Company had cut heavily into Portuguese trading in East Asia.
The Dutch seized the Cape of Good Hope, Ceylon, and Malacca and established
trading posts in each place. In the 1630s the Dutch East India Company was pay-
ing its investors about a 35 percent annual return on their investments. The Dutch
West India Company, founded in 1621, traded extensively with Latin America and
Africa (see Map 16.2). Ultimately both companies would move beyond trading to
im pe rialist exploitation.
Trade and commerce brought the Dutch the highest standard of living in
Europe, and perhaps in the world. Salaries were high for all workers except women,
but even womens wages were high when compared with those of women in other
parts of Europe. All classes of society, including unskilled laborers, ate well. Massive
granaries held surplus supplies so that the price of bread remained low. A higher
Dutch East India Company A joint
stock company chartered by the States
General of the Netherlands to expand
trade and promote relations between
the Dutch government and its colonial
ventures. It established a colony at
the Cape of Good Hope (1652), and in
the 1630s it paid a return of 35 percent
on investments.
Dutch East India Company A joint
stock company chartered by the States
General of the Netherlands to expand
trade and promote relations between
the Dutch government and its colonial
ventures. It established a colony at
the Cape of Good Hope (1652), and in
the 1630s it paid a return of 35 percent
on investments.
Jan Steen: The Christening
As the mother, surrounded by midwives,
rests in bed (rear left) and the father
proudly displays the swaddled child,
thirteen other people, united by
gestures and gazes, prepare the
celebratory meal. Very prolic, Steen
was a master of warm-hearted domestic
scenes. In contrast to the order and
cleanliness of many seventeenth-century
Dutch genre paintings, Steens more
disorderly portrayals gave rise to the
epithet a Jan Steen household,
meaning an untidy house. (Wallace
Collection, London/ The Bridgeman Art Library)
percentage of the workers income could
therefore be spent on sh, cheese, butter, veg-
etables, and even meat. A scholar has de-
scribed the Netherlands as an island of
plenty in a sea of want. Consequently, the
Netherlands experienced very few of the food
riots that characterized the rest of Europe.
The Dutch republic was not a federation but
a confederationthat is, a weak union of
strong provinces. Wealthy and lacking a mon-
arch, the provinces were a temptation to other
European powers. Nonetheless, the Dutch
resisted the long Spanish effort at reconquest
and withstood both French and Eng lish at-
tacks in the second half of the century. They
were severely weakened, however, by the long
War of the Spanish Succession, which was a
costly drain on Dutch labor and nancial re-
sources. The peace signed in 1713 to end the
war brought the republic few gains to com-
pensate for its expenses and marked the be-
ginning of Dutch economic decline.
90W 60W 30W 0 30E 60E 90E 120E 150E
Tropic of Capricorn
Tropic of
Bay of
Port Zeelandia
Cape Town
Provisioning Station
(Unknown except for
West Coast)
Verde Is.
Canary Is.
i e
Luxury goods
0 1,000 2,000 Mi.
1,000 2,000 Km.
Dutch trade routes
Areas under Dutch control
Port under Dutch control
Other major port
Goods shipped to the Netherlands Spices
MAP 16.2 Seventeenth-Century Dutch Commerce
Dutch wealth rested on commerce, and commerce depended on the huge Dutch merchant marine, manned by perhaps forty-eight thousand sailors.
The eet carried goods from all parts of the globe to the port of Amsterdam.
Secti on Revi ew
In Eng land, King James Is belief that he was subject only to God led to ten-
sion with the House of Commons as he tried to govern without Parliament.
Financial and religious disputes between King Charles I and the House
of Commons led to civil war, and even though the king allied himself with
northern nobles, Parliament won out, tried Charles for treason, and beheaded
him in 1649.
After Charless death, Cromwell came to power, proclaiming a common-
wealth that was actually a military dictatorship, holding Puritanical ideals of
morality, earning the ire of the Irish by outlawing Catholicism in Ireland, but
also boosting the Eng lish sea trade and allowing Jewish immigration.
After Cromwells death, the 1660 Restoration brought Charles to the throne,
who alienated the Eng lish by favoring Catholics; Protestant fears intensied
when the Catholic James II succeeded his brother, ending in the Glorious
Revolution of 1688, whereby James was exiled to France while his Protestant
daughter Mary and her Dutch husband William of Orange were crowned as
the monarchs.
The government of William and Mary was a constitutional monarchy that
provided freedom of religion, but economic and political liberty came only
with property ownership, so the masses still had no political rights.
The Dutch republic in the seventeenth century found political success and
prosperity by providing religious tolerance, attracting foreign capital, and
promoting trade.
Constitutionalism 427
428 Chapter 16 Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe, ca. 15891715
Chapter Review
What were the common crises and achievements of seventeenth-century
states? (page 402)
Most parts of Europe experienced the seventeenth century as a period of severe eco-
nomic, social, and military crisis. Across the continent, rulers faced popular rebellions
from their desperate subjects, who were pushed to the brink by poor harvests, high
taxes, and decades of war. Many forces, including powerful noblemen, the church,
and regional and local loyalties, constrained the states authority. Despite these obsta-
cles, most European states emerged from the seventeenth century with increased pow-
ers and more centralized control. Whether they ruled through monarchical at or
parliamentary negotiation, European governments strengthened their bureaucracies,
raised more taxes, and signicantly expanded their armies.
According to Thomas Hobbes, the central drive in every human is a perpetual and
restless desire of Power, after Power, that ceaseth only in Death. The seventeenth
century solved the problem of sovereign power in two fundamental ways: absolutism
and constitutionalism.
To what extent did French and Spanish monarchs succeed in creating absolute
monarchies? (page 405)
Under Louis XIV France witnessed the high point of absolutist ambition in western
Europe. The king saw himself as the representative of God on earth, and it has been
said that to the seventeenth century imagination God was a sort of image of Louis
Under Louiss rule, France developed a centralized bureaucracy, a professional
army, and a state-directed economy, all of which he personally supervised.
Despite his claims to absolute power, Louis XIV ruled, in practice, by securing the
collaboration of high nobles. In exchange for conrmation of their ancient privileges,
the nobles were willing to cooperate with the expansion of state power. This was a
common pattern in attempts at absolutism across Europe. In Spain, where monarchs
made similar claims to absolute power, the seventeenth century witnessed economic
catastrophe and a decline in royal capacities.
What cultural forms ourished under absolutist governments? (page 415)
Frances dominant political role in Europe elevated its cultural inuence as well.
French became the common language of the European elite, as all heads turned to
Versailles and the radiant aristocratic culture emanating from it. Within France, the
Bourbon monarchy pursued culture as one more aspect of absolutist policy, creating
cultural academies, sponsoring playwrights and musicians, and repressing Protestant-
ism with a bloody hand.
What is constitutionalism, and how did this form of government emerge in
Eng land and the Dutch Republic? (page 418)
As Louis XIV personied absolutist ambitions, so Stuart Eng land exemplied the
evolution of the constitutional state. The conicts between Parliament and the rst
two Stuart rulers, James I and Charles I, tested where sovereign power would reside.
The resulting civil war did not solve the problem. The Instrument of Government
provided for a balance of government authority and recognition of popular rights; as
such, the Instrument has been called the rst modern constitution. Unfortunately, it
Key Terms
moral economy (p. 403)
sovereignty (p. 405)
popular revolts (p. 405)
intendants (p. 407)
Fronde (p. 407)
divine right of kings (p. 408)
absolute monarchy (p. 408)
mercantilism (p. 409)
Peace of Utrecht (p. 411)
Don Quixote (p. 414)
baroque style (p. 415)
French classicism (p. 417)
constitutionalism (p. 418)
Puritans (p. 419)
New Model Army (p. 421)
Protectorate (p. 421)
Test Act (p. 422)
Second Treatise of Civil Government
(p. 424)
States General (p. 424)
stadtholder (p. 424)
Dutch East India Company (p. 426)
Chapter Review 429
did not survive the Protectorate. James IIs absolutist tendencies brought on the Glori-
ous Revolution of 1688 and 1689, and the people who made that revolution settled
three basic issues: sovereign power was divided between king and Parliament, with
Parliament enjoying the greater share; government was to be based on the rule of law;
and the liberties of Eng lish people were made explicit in written form in the Bill
of Rights.
Having won in de pen dence from Spain, the United Provinces of the Netherlands
provided another model of constitutional government, one dominated by wealthy ur-
ban merchants rather than the landed gentry who controlled the Eng lish system. The
federal constitution of the Netherlands invested power in the Estates General, but di-
luted their authority by giving veto power to provincial assemblies. Dominated by Hol-
land, the Netherlands provided a shining example of industriousness, prosperity, and
relative tolerance for the rest of Europe.
1. The classic study is by Theodore K. Rabb, The Struggle for Stability in Early Modern Europe
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1975).
2. G. Parker and L. M. Smith, Introduction, and N. Steensgaard, The Seventeenth Century
Crisis, in The General Crisis of the Seventeenth Century, ed. G. Parker and L. M. Smith
(London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985), pp. 153, esp. p. 12.
3. H. G. Koenigsberger, The Revolt of Palermo in 1647, Cambridge Historical Journal 8
(19441946): 129144.
4. See W. Beik, Urban Protest in Seventeenth-Century France: The Culture of Retribution (New
York: Cambridge University Press, 1997), p. 1.
5. Ibid.
6. See ibid., chaps. 1, 2, 3, and 11.
7. Ibid., pp. 2226.
8. See M. Turchetti, The Edict of Nantes, in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation,
ed. H. J. Hillerbrand, vol. 3 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), pp. 126128.
9. Quoted in J. H. Elliott, Richelieu and Olivares (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1984), p. 135; and in W. F. Church, Richelieu and Reason of State (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press, 1972), p. 507.
10. Quoted in J. Wolf, Louis XIV (New York: W. W. Norton, 1968), p. 146.
11. John A. Lynn, Recalculating French Army Growth, in The Military Revolution Debate:
Readings on the Military Transformation of Early Modern Europe, ed. Clifford J. Rogers
(Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1995), p. 125.
12. J. H. Elliott, Imperial Spain, 14691716 (New York: Mentor Books, 1963), pp. 306308.
13. B. Bennassar, The Spanish Character: Attitudes and Mentalities from the Sixteenth to the
Nineteenth Century, trans. B. Keen (Berkeley: University of Cal i fornia Press, 1979), p. 125.
14. For a revisionist interpretation, see J. Wormald, James VI and I: Two Kings or One? History
62 (June 1983): 187209.
15. S. Schama, The Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Culture in the Golden
Age (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1987), pp. 165170; quotation is on p. 167.
16. C. J. Friedrich and C. Blitzer, The Age of Power (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press,
1957), p. 112.
To assess your mastery of this chapter, go to bedfordstmartins.com/mckaywestbrief
Li st eni ng t o t he Past
The Court at Versailles
Very early in the reign of Louis XIV the Court
was removed from Paris, never to return. The
troubles of the minority had given him a dislike to
that city; his enforced and surreptitious ight from
it still rankled in his memory; he did not consider
himself safe there, and thought cabals would be
more easily detected if the Court was in the coun-
try, where the movements and temporary absences
of any of its members would be more
easily noticed. . . . No doubt that he
was also inuenced by the feeling that
he would be regarded with greater
awe and veneration when no longer
exposed every day to the gaze of the
He availed himself of the frequent
festivities at Versailles, and his excur-
sions to other places, as a means of
making the courtiers assiduous in
their attendance and anxious to please
him; for he nominated beforehand
those who were to take part in them,
and could thus gratify some and in-
ict a snub on others. He was con-
scious that the substantial favours he had to bestow
were not nearly sufcient to produce a continual
effect; he had therefore to invent imaginary ones,
and no one was so clever in devising petty distinc-
tions and preferences which aroused jealousy and
emulation. . . .
Not only did he expect all persons of distinction
to be in continual attendance at Court, but he was
quick to notice the absence of those of inferior de-
gree; at his lever (LEV-ay) [formal rising from bed
in the morning], his coucher (KOO-shay) [prep ara-
tions for going to bed], his meals, in the gardens of
Versailles (the only place where the courtiers in
general were allowed to follow him), he used to
cast his eyes to right and left; nothing escaped him,
he saw everybody. If any one habitually living at
Court absented himself he insisted on knowing the
reason; those who came there only for ying visits
had also to give a satisfactory explanation; any one
who seldom or never appeared there was certain to
incur his displea sure. If asked to bestow a favour on
lthough the Duc de Saint-Simon (16751755) was a
soldier, courtier, and diplomat, his enduring reputation
rests on The Memoirs (1788), his eyewitness account of the
personality and court of Louis XIV. A nobleman of extremely
high status, Saint-Simon resented Louiss high-handed treat-
ment of the ancient nobility and his promotion of newer
nobles and the bourgeoisie. The Memoirs, excerpted here,
remains a monument of French literature and an indispens-
able historical source, partly for its portrait of the court at
Louis XIV was extremely proud of the
gardens at Versailles and personally led
ambassadors and other highly ranked
visitors on tours of the extensive palace
grounds. (Erich Lessing/ Art Resource, NY)
such persons he would reply haughtily: I do not
know him; of such as rarely presented themselves
he would say, He is a man I never see; and from
these judgements there was no appeal.
He loved splendour, magnicence, and profu-
sion in all things, and encouraged similar tastes in
his Court; to spend money freely on equipages
[horse carriages] and buildings, on feasting and at
cards, was a sure way to gain his favour, perhaps to
obtain the honour of a word from him. Motives of
policy had something to do with this; by making
expensive habits the fashion, and, for people in a
certain position, a necessity, he compelled his
courtiers to live beyond their income, and gradu-
ally reduced them to depend on his bounty for the
means of subsistence. This was a plague which,
once introduced, became a scourge to the whole
country, for it did not take long to spread to Paris,
and thence to the armies and the provinces; so that
a man of any position is now estimated entirely ac-
cording to his expenditure on his table and other
luxuries. This folly, sustained by pride and ostenta-
tion, has already produced widespread confusion;
it threatens to end in nothing short of ruin and a
general overthrow.
Questions for Analysis
1. What was the role of etiquette and ceremony at
the court of Versailles? How could Louis XIV
use them in everyday life at court to inuence
and control nobles?
2. How important do you think Louiss individual
character and personality were to his style of
governing? What challenges might this present
to his successors?
3. Consider the role of ceremony in some mod-
ern governments, such as the U.S. government.
How does it compare to Louis XIVs use of
ceremony as portrayed by Saint-Simon?
4. Do you think Saint-Simon is an objective and
trustworthy recorder of life at court? Why?
Source: The Court at Versailles from The Memoirs of the
Duke de Saint Simon, ed. F. Arkwright (New York: Brenta-
nos, n.d.), Vol. V, pp. 271274, 276278.
Absolutism in Central
and Eastern
to 1740
Chapter Previ ew
Warfare and Social Change in Central and
Eastern Europe
What social and economic changes
affected central and eastern Europe
from 1400 to 1650?
The Rise of Austria and Prussia
How did the rulers of Austria and
Prussia manage to build powerful
absolute monarchies?
The Development of Russia and the
Ottoman Empire
What were the distinctive features of
Rus sian and Ottoman absolutism in
this period?
IMAGES IN SOCIETY: Absolutist Palace Building
LISTENING TO THE PAST: A Foreign Traveler in Russia
Peter the Greats magnicent new crown, created for his joint
coronation in 1682 with his half-brother Ivan. (State Museum of the
Kremlin, Moscow)
he crises of the seventeenth centuryreligious division, economic depres-
sion, and warwere not limited to western Europe. Central and eastern
Europe experienced even more catastrophic dislocation, with German lands
ser ving as the battleground of the Thirty Years War and borders constantly vulner-
able to attack from the east. In Prussia and Habsburg Austria absolutist states
emerged in the aftermath of this conict.
Russia and the Ottoman Turks also developed absolutist governments. These
empires seemed foreign and exotic to western Europeans, who saw them as the
antithesis of their political, religious, and cultural values. To Western eyes, their
own monarchs respected laweither divine or constitutionalwhile Eastern des-
pots ruled with an iron st. In this view, the Ottoman Muslim state was home to
fanaticism and heresy, and even Rus sian Orthodoxy had rituals and traditions, if
not core beliefs, that differed sharply from either Catholicism or Protestantism.
Beneath the surface, however, these Eastern governments shared many similari-
ties with Western ones.
The most successful Eastern empires lasted until 1918, far longer than monar-
chical rule endured in France, the model of absolutism under Louis XIV. Eastern
monarchs had a powerful impact on architecture and the arts, encouraging new
monumental construction to reect their glory. Questions about the relationship
between East and West remain potent today, as evidenced by the debate surround-
ing Turkeys bid for membership in the European Union.
When absolute monarchy emerged in the seventeenth century, it built on social
and economic foundations laid between roughly 1400 and 1650. In those years
the elites of eastern Europe rolled back the gains made by the peasantry during the
High Middle Ages and reimposed a harsh serfdom on the rural masses. The nobil-
ity also reduced the importance of the towns and the middle classes. This process
differed from developments in western Europe, where peasants won greater free-
dom and the urban middle class continued its rise. The Thirty Years War repre-
sented the culmination of these changes. Decades of war in central Europe led to
depopulation and economic depression, which allowed lords to impose ever-
harsher controls on the peasantry.
The period from 1050 to 1300 was a time of general
economic expansion in eastern Europe characterized
by the growth of trade, towns, and population. The rul-
ers of eastern Europe attracted settlers to the frontier beyond the Elbe River with
economic and legal incentives and the offer of greater personal freedom. These
benets were also gradually extended to the local Slavic populations, even those of
central Russia. Thus, by 1300 serfdom had all but disappeared in eastern Europe.
After the Black Death (1348), however, as Europes population and economy
declined grievously, lords sought to solve their economic problems by more heavily
Warfare and Social Change in Central
and Eastern Europe
What social and economic changes affected central and eastern Europe
from 1400 to 1650?
Warfare and Social Change in Central
and Eastern Europe
What social and economic changes affected central and eastern Europe
from 1400 to 1650?
The Consolidation
of Serfdom
The Consolidation
of Serfdom
serfdom A system used by nobles and
rulers in which peasants were bound to
the land they worked and to the lords
they served.
serfdom A system used by nobles and
rulers in which peasants were bound to
the land they worked and to the lords
they served.
Warfare and Social Change in Central and Eastern Europe 433
434 Chapter 17 Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe to 1740
exploiting the peasantry. This reaction generally failed in the
West, where by 1500 almost all peasants were free or had their
serf obligations greatly reduced. East of the Elbe, however,
the landlords won. They pushed for laws restricting or elimi-
nating the peasants right to move wherever they wished.
They also took more of their peasants land and imposed
heavier labor obligations. Instead of being in de pen dent farm-
ers paying freely negotiated rents, peasants became forced la-
borers on the lords estates. By the early 1500s, lords in many
territories could command their peasants to work without pay
as many as six days a week. The peasants had no recourse
through the courts to ght these injustices. The local lord was
also the prosecutor, judge, and jailer.
Between 1500 and 1650 the social, legal, and economic
conditions of peasants in eastern Europe continued to de-
cline, and free peasants became serfs. Polish nobles gained
complete control over their peasants in 1574, after which they
could legally inict the death penalty whenever they wished.
In Prussia in 1653 peasants were assumed to be tied to their
lords in hereditary subjugationbound to their lords and the land from one
generation to the next. In Russia a peasants right to move from an estate was per-
manently abolished in 1603. In 1649 the tsar lifted the nine-year time limit on
the recovery of runaways and eliminated all limits on lords authority over their
Political factors were crucial to the re-emergence of serfdom in eastern Eu-
rope. In the late Middle Ages central and eastern Europe experienced innumer-
able wars and general political chaos, which allowed noble landlords to increase
their power. There were, for example, many disputed royal successions, so that
weak kings were forced to grant political favors to win the nobilitys support. Thus
while strong monarchs and effective central government were rising in Spain,
France, and Eng land, kings were generally losing power in the East and could not
resist the demands of lords regarding peasants.
Moreover, most Eastern monarchs did not oppose the growth of serfdom. The
typical king was only rst among noble equals. He, too, wanted to squeeze his
peasants. The Western concept of sovereignty, as embodied in a king who pro-
tected the interests of all his people, was not well developed in eastern Europe
before 1650.
Not only the peasants suffered. Also with the approval of kings, landlords sys-
tematically undermined the medieval privileges of the towns and the power of the
urban classes. Instead of selling products to local merchants, landlords sold di-
rectly to foreigners. For example, Dutch ships sailed up the rivers of Poland and
eastern Germany to the loading docks of the great estates, completely bypassing
the local towns. Moreover, town air no longer made people free, for the Eastern
towns had lost their medieval right of refuge and were now compelled to return
Estonia in the 1660s
The Estonians were conquered by German military nobility in the Middle
Ages and reduced to serfdom. The German-speaking nobles ruled the
Estonian peasants with an iron hand, and Peter the Great reafrmed their
domination when Russia annexed Estonia (see Map 17.3 on page 445).
(Mansell Collection/ Time Life Pictures/ Getty Images)
runaways to their lords. The population of the towns and the
importance of the urban middle classes declined greatly.
The Holy Roman Empire was
a confederation of hundreds of
principalities, in de pen dent cities,
duchies, and other polities loosely united under an elected
emperor. An uneasy truce had prevailed in the Holy Roman
Empire since the Peace of Augsburg (AWGZ-burg) of 1555
(see page 350). According to the settlement, the faith of the
prince determined the religion of his subjects. Later in the
century, however, Catholics and Lutherans grew alarmed as
the faiths of various areas shifted. Calvinists and Jesuits had
converted some Lutheran princes; Lutherans had acquired
Catholic bishoprics. Lutheran princes felt compelled to form
the Protestant Union (1608), and Catholics retaliated with
the Catholic League (1609). Each alliance was determined
that the other should make no religious or territorial advance.
Dynastic interests were also involved; the Spanish Habsburgs
strongly supported the goals of their Austrian relativesthe
unity of the empire and the preservation of Catholicism
within it.
The immediate catalyst of violence was the closure of
some Protestant churches by Ferdinand of Styria, the new
Catholic king in Bohemia (boh-HEE-mee-uh) in 1617. On
May 23, 1618, Protestants hurled two of Ferdinands ofcials from a castle window
in Prague. They fell seventy feet but survived: Catholics claimed that angels had
caught them; Protestants said that the ofcials had fallen on a heap of soft horse
manure. Called the defenestration of Prague, this event marked the beginning
of the Thirty Years War (16181648).
The war is traditionally divided into four phases. The rst, or Bohemian, phase
(16181625) was characterized by civil war in Bohemia between the Catholic
League, led by Ferdinand, and the Protestant Union, headed by Frederick, the
elector of the Palatinate of the Rhine, one of the states of the Holy Roman Empire.
The Protestant Union fought for religious liberty and in de pen dence from
Habsburg rule. In 1620 Catholic forces defeated Frederick at the Battle of the
White Mountain.
The second, or Danish, phase of the war (16251629)so called because of
the leadership of the Protestant king Chris tian IV of Denmark (r. 15881648)
witnessed additional Catholic victories. The Catholic im pe rial army led by Albert
of Wallenstein swept through Silesia, north to the Baltic, and east into Pomerania,
scoring smashing victories. Wallenstein, an unscrupulous opportunist who used
his vast riches to build an army loyal only to himself, seemed more interested in
carving out his own empire than in aiding the Catholic cause. He quarreled with
the Catholic League, and soon the Catholic forces were divided. Religion was
eclipsed as a basic issue of the war.
Habsburg power peaked in 1629. The emperor issued the Edict of Restitution,
whereby all Catholic properties lost to Protestantism since 1552 were restored,
and only Catholics and Lutherans were allowed to practice their faiths. When
Wallenstein began ruthless enforcement, Protestants throughout Europe feared
the collapse of the balance of power in north-central Europe.
The Thirty Years War The Thirty Years War
ca. 14001650 Re-emergence of serfdom in eastern
14621505 Reign of Ivan III in Russia
15331584 Reign of Ivan the Terrible in Russia
16181648 Thirty Years War
1620 Habsburgs crush Protestantism in
16201740 Growth of absolutism in Austria and
16401688 Reign of Frederick William in Prussia
1652 Nikon reforms Rus sian Orthodox
16701671 Cossack revolt led by Razin
ca. 16801750 Construction of palaces by absolutist
16831718 Habsburgs defend Vienna; win war
with Ottoman Turks
1702 Peter the Great founds St. Petersburg
17131740 Growth of Prussian military
436 Chapter 17 Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe to 1740
The third, or Swedish, phase of the war (16301635) began with the arrival in
Germany of the Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus (goo-STAV-us ah-DOLF-us)
(r. 15941632). The ablest administrator of his day and a devout Lutheran, he in-
tervened to support the empires oppressed Protestants. The French chief minister,
Cardinal Richelieu, subsidized the Swedes, hoping to weaken Habsburg power in
Europe. Gustavus Adolphus won two important battles but was fatally wounded in
combat. The Swedish victories ended the Habsburg ambition to unite the Ger-
man states under im pe rial authority.
The last, or French, phase of the war (16351648) was prompted by Riche-
lieus concern that the Habsburgs would regain their strength after the death of
Gustavus Adolphus. Richelieu declared war on Spain and sent military as well as
nancial assistance to the Swedes and the Protestant princes ghting in Germany.
The war dragged on. The French, Dutch, and Swedes, supported by Scots, Finns,
and German mercenaries, burned, looted, and destroyed German agriculture and
commerce. Finally, in October 1648 peace was achieved.
The 1648 Peace of Westphalia (west-FEY-lee-uh) that
ended the Thirty Years War marked a turning point in
European history. Conicts fought over religious faith
ended. The treaties recognized the sovereign, in de pen dent authority of more than
three hundred German princes (see Map 17.1). Since the time of Holy Roman
Emperor Frederick II (11941250), Germany had followed a pattern of state-
building different from that of France and Eng land: the emperor shared authority
with the princes. After the Peace of Westphalia, the emperors power continued to be
severely limited, and the Holy Roman Empire remained a loosely knit federation.
The peace agreement acknowledged the in de pen dence of the United Prov-
inces of the Netherlands. France acquired the province of Alsace along with the
advantages of the weakened status of the empire. Sweden received a large cash
indemnity and jurisdiction over German territories along the Baltic Sea, leaving it
as a major threat to the future kingdom of Brandenburg-Prussia (BRAN-duhn-
burg PRUHSH-uh). The papacy lost the right to participate in central European
religious affairs and the Augsburg agreement of 1555 became permanent, adding
Calvinism to Catholicism and Lutheranism as legally permissible creeds. The
north German states remained Protestant; the south German states, Catholic.
The Thirty Years War was probably the most destructive event for the central
European economy and society prior to the twentieth century. Perhaps one-third
of urban residents and two-fths of the rural population died. Entire areas were
depopulated by warfare, by the ight of refugees, and by disease. The trade of
southern German cities such as Augsburg, already hard hit by the shift in transpor-
tation routes from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, was virtually destroyed. All of
Europe was experiencing severe ination due to the inux of Spanish silver, but
the destruction of land and foodstuffs made the price rise worse in central Europe
than anywhere else. Agricultural areas suffered catastrophically. Many small farm-
ers lacked the revenue to rework their holdings and had to become day laborers. In
parts of central Europe, especially in areas east of the Elbe River, loss of land con-
tributed to the consolidation of serfdom.
Some people prospered, however. Nobles and landlords who controlled agri-
cultural estates proted from rising food prices. They bought or seized the land of
failed small farmers and then demanded more unpaid labor on those enlarged
estates. Surpluses in wheat and timber were sold to foreign merchants, who ex-
ported them to the growing cities of the West.
Consequences of the
Thirty Years War
Consequences of the
Thirty Years War
Peace of Westphalia A series of
treaties that concluded the Thirty Years
War, recognized the sovereign authority
of over three hundred German princes,
acknowledged the in de pen dence of the
United Provinces, made Calvinism a
permissible creed within Germany, and
reduced the role of the Roman Catholic
Church in European politics.
Peace of Westphalia A series of
treaties that concluded the Thirty Years
War, recognized the sovereign authority
of over three hundred German princes,
acknowledged the in de pen dence of the
United Provinces, made Calvinism a
permissible creed within Germany, and
reduced the role of the Roman Catholic
Church in European politics.
Secti on Revi ew
The great decline in population and
economy from the Black Death (1348),
as well as many wars and political
instability, led eastern European land-
lords to reimpose harsh serfdom on
peasants and undermine the privileges
of urban dwellers, a tactic that failed in
western Europe, where by 1500 most
peasants were free.
Conict between Lutheran and Catho-
lic princes within the Holy Roman
Empire broke the peace of Augsburg
(1555), resulting in the outbreak of the
Thirty Years War (16181648).
The Thirty Years War erupted in
Prague in 1618 and continued through
four phases: Bohemian, Danish, Swed-
ish, and French.
Consequences of the Thirty Years War
included an end to conicts over reli-
gious faith, legal inclusion of Calvin-
ism, greater in de pen dence of princes in
the Holy Roman Empire, severe ina-
tion, the loss of small farms, and the
destruction of a third of the population.
Nor t h
Bl ac k Sea
Bal t i c
S e a
Danube R.
Tagus R.
Balearic Is.
(to Genoa)
(to Rep. Of Venice)
20E 10W 10E 0 30E 40E
See Inset
10E 15E
Nor t h
Bal t i c
Austrian Habsburg lands
Spanish Habsburg lands
Other German states
Swedish lands by 1648
Ottoman Empire and tributary states
Boundary of the Holy Roman Empire
0 150 300 Mi.
150 300 Km.
MAP 17.1 Europe After the Thirty Years War
Which country emerged from the Thirty Years War as the strongest European power? What dynastic
house was that countrys major rival in the early modern period?
438 Chapter 17 Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe to 1740
The monarchs of central and eastern Europe gradually gained political power in
three key areas. First, they imposed permanent taxes without consent. Second,
they maintained permanent standing armies to police the country and ght
abroad. Third, they conducted relations with other states as they pleased. They
were able to gain these powers by allowing the nobles greater control over serfs and
by providing protection from outside invaders.
As with all general historical developments, there were important variations on
the absolutist theme in eastern Europe. Royal absolutism in Prussia was stronger
and more effective than in Austria. This would give Prussia a thin edge in the
struggle for power in east-central Europe in the eigh teenth century. Prussian-style
absolutism had great long-term political signicance, for it was a rising Prussia that
unied the German people in the nineteenth century and imposed on them a
militaristic stamp.
Like all of central Europe, the Habsburgs emerged
from the Thirty Years War impoverished and ex-
hausted. Their efforts to destroy Protestantism in the
German lands and to turn the weak Holy Roman Empire into a real state had
failed. Although the Habsburgs remained the hereditary emperors, real power lay
in the hands of a bewildering variety of separate political jurisdictions, including
in de pen dent cities, small principalities, medium-sized states such as Bavaria and
Saxony, and some of the territories of Prussia and the Habsburgs.
Defeat in central Europe encouraged the Habsburgs to turn away from a quest
for im pe rial dominance and to focus inward and eastward in an attempt to unify
their diverse holdings. If they could not impose Catholicism in the empire, at least
they could do so in their own domains.
The Habsburg victory over Bohemia during the Thirty Years War was an im-
portant step in this direction. The victorious king, Ferdinand II (r. 16191637),
had drastically reduced the power of the Bohemian Estates, which was the largely
Protestant representative assembly. He also conscated the landholdings of many
Protestant nobles and gave them to a few loyal Catholic nobles and to the foreign
aristocratic mercenaries who led his armies. After 1650 a large portion of the Bo-
hemian nobility was of recent origin and owed every thing to the Habsburgs.
With the help of this new nobility, the Habsburgs established direct rule over
Bohemia. The condition of the enserfed peasantry worsened substantially: three
days per week of unpaid laborthe robotbecame the norm, and a quarter of the
serfs worked for their lords every day but Sundays and religious holidays. Protes-
tantism was also stamped out. The reor ga ni za tion of Bohemia was a giant step
toward creating absolutist rule. As in France in the same years, the pursuit of reli-
gious unity was an essential element of absolutism.
Ferdinand III (r. 16371657) continued to build state power. He centralized
the government in the hereditary German-speaking provinces, which formed the
core Habsburg holdings. For the rst time, a permanent standing army was ready
to put down any internal opposition.
The Rise of Austria and Prussia
How did the rulers of Austria and Prussia manage to build powerful
absolute monarchies?
The Rise of Austria and Prussia
How did the rulers of Austria and Prussia manage to build powerful
absolute monarchies?
The Austrian
The Austrian
Bohemian Estates The largely
Protestant representative body of
the different estates in Bohemia.
Signicantly reduced in power
by Ferdinand II.
Bohemian Estates The largely
Protestant representative body of
the different estates in Bohemia.
Signicantly reduced in power
by Ferdinand II.
The Habsburg monarchy then turned east toward the
plains of Hungary, which had been divided between
the Ottomans and the Habsburgs in the early sixteenth
century (see page 356). Between 1683 and 1699 the Habsburgs pushed the Otto-
mans from most of Hungary and Transylvania. The recovery of all of the former
kingdom of Hungary was completed in 1718.
The Hungarian nobility, despite its reduced strength, effectively thwarted the
full development of Habsburg absolutism. Throughout the seventeenth century
Hungarian noblesthe most numerous in Europerose in revolt against at-
tempts to impose absolute rule. They never triumphed decisively, but neither were
they crushed the way the Czech nobility had been in 1620.
The Hungarians resisted because many of them remained Protestants, espe-
cially in areas formerly ruled by the Turks. In some of these regions, the Ottomans
acted as military allies to the nobles, against the Habsburgs. Finally, the Hungar-
ian nobility, and even part of the peasantry, became attached to a national ideal
long before most of the other peoples of eastern Europe. Hungarian nobles were
determined to maintain as much in de pen dence and local control as possible. In
1703, with the Habsburgs bogged down in the War of the Spanish Succession
(see page 411), the Hungarians rose in one last patriotic rebellion under Prince
Francis Rkczy.
Rkczy and his forces were eventually defeated, but the Habsburgs had to
accept a compromise. Charles VI (r. 17111740) restored many of the traditional
privileges of the aristocracy in return for Hungarian ac cep tance of hereditary
Habsburg rule. Thus Hungary, unlike Austria and Bohemia, was never fully inte-
grated into a centralized, absolute Habsburg state.
Despite checks on their ambitions in Hungary, the Habsburgs made signi-
cant achievements in state-building overall by forging consensus with the church
and the nobility. A sense of common identity and loyalty to the monarchy grew
among elites in Habsburg lands, even to a certain extent in Hungary. The best
evidence for this consensus is the spectacular sums approved by the Estates for the
growth of the army. German became the language of the common culture and
zealous Catholicism also helped fuse a collective identity. Vienna became the
political and cultural center of the empire. By 1700 it was a thriving city with a
population of one hundred thousand, with its own version of Versailles, the royal
palace of Schnbrunn. (SHUN-broon) (See the feature Images in Society: Abso-
lutist Palace Building on pages 440441.)
In the fteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Hohen-
zollern family had ruled parts of eastern Germany as
the im pe rial electors of Brandenburg and the dukes of
Prussia, but they had little real power. The elector of Brandenburg had the right
to help choose the Holy Roman emperor, which bestowed prestige, but the elector
had no military strength of his own. Nothing suggested that the Hohenzollern
family and its territories would come to play as important a role in European af-
fairs as they did.
The elector of Brandenburg was a helpless spectator in the Thirty Years War,
his territories alternately ravaged by Swedish and Habsburg armies. Yet foreign
armies also dramatically weakened the political power of the Estates, which helped
the elector Frederick William (r. 16401688) make signicant progress toward
royal absolutism. This constitutional struggle was the most crucial in Prussian his-
tory until that of the 1860s.
Austrian Rule
in Hungary
Austrian Rule
in Hungary
Prussia in the
Seventeenth Century
Prussia in the
Seventeenth Century
elector of Brandenburg One of the
electors of the Holy Roman Empire,
with the right to help choose the
emperor, hereditarily held by the
Hohenzollern family. Frederick William,
the Great Elector, was able to use and
expand the ofce, ultimately resulting in
the consolidation of the Prussian state
under his successors.
elector of Brandenburg One of the
electors of the Holy Roman Empire,
with the right to help choose the
emperor, hereditarily held by the
Hohenzollern family. Frederick William,
the Great Elector, was able to use and
expand the ofce, ultimately resulting in
the consolidation of the Prussian state
under his successors.
The Rise of Austria and Prussia 439
Images i n Soci et y
Absolutist Palace Building
y 1700 palace building had become a veritable ob-
session for the rulers of central and eastern Europe.
Their dramatic palaces symbolized the age of absolutist
power, just as soaring Gothic cathedrals had expressed
the idealized spirit of the High Middle Ages. With its
classically harmonious, symmetrical, and geometric de-
sign, Versailles, shown in Image 1, served as the model
for the wave of palace building that began in the last
decade of the seventeenth century.
Located ten miles southwest of Paris, Versailles be-
gan as a modest hunting lodge built by Louis XIII in
1623. His son, Louis XIV, loved the site so much that
he spent decades enlarging and decorating the original
chateau. Between 1668 and 1670, his architect Louis
Le Vau (LOO-ee luh VOH) enveloped the old building
within a much larger second structure that still exists
today. In 1682 the new palace became the ofcial resi-
dence of the Sun King and his court, although con-
struction continued until 1710, when the royal chapel
was completed. At any one time, several thousand
people lived in the bustling and crowded palace. The
awesome splendor of the eighty-yard Hall of Mirrors,
replete with oor to ceiling mirrors and ceiling murals
illustrating the kings triumphs, contrasted with the
strong odors from the courtiers who commonly relieved
themselves in discreet corners. Royal palaces like Ver-
sailles were intended to overawe the people and pro-
claim their owners authority and power.
In 1693 Charles XI of Sweden, having reduced the
power of the aristocracy, ordered the construction of his
Royal Palace, which dominates the center of Stock-
holm to this day. Another such palace was Schnbrunn,
an enormous Viennese Versailles begun in 1695 by
Emperor Leopold to celebrate Austrian military victo-
ries and Habsburg might. Image 2 shows architect Jo-
seph Bernhard Fischer von Erlachs ambitious plan for
Schnbrunn palace. Erlachs plan emphasizes the pal-
aces vast size and its role as a site for military demonstra-
tions. Ultimately nancial constraints resulted in a more
modest building.
Petty German princes contributed mightily to the
palace-building mania. Frederick the Great of Prussia
noted that every descendant of a princely family imag-
ines himself to be something like Louis XIV. He builds
his Versailles, has his mistresses, and maintains his
army.* The elector-archbishop of Mainz, the ruling
prince of that city, confessed apologetically that build-
ing is a craze which costs much, but every fool likes his
own hat.
In central and eastern Europe, the favorite noble ser-
vants of royalty became extremely rich and powerful,
* Quoted in R. Ergang, The Potsdam Fuhrer: Frederick Wil-
liam I, Father of Prussian Militarism (New York: Octagon
Books, 1972), p. 13.
Quoted in J. Summerson, in The Eighteenth Century: Eu-
rope in the Age of Enlightenment, ed. A. Cobban (New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1969), p. 80.
IMAGE 1 Pierre-Denis Martin: View of the Chateau de Versailles,
1722 (Chteaux de Versailles et de Trianon, Versailles/ Runion des Muses
Nationaux/ Art Resource, NY)
and they too built grandiose palaces in the capital cities.
These palaces were in part an extension of the monarch,
for they surpassed the buildings of less-favored nobles
and showed all the high road to fame and fortune. Take,
for example, the palaces of Prince Eugene of Savoy, a
French nobleman who became Austrias most famous
military hero. It was Eugene who led the Austrian army,
smashed the Turks, fought Louis XIV to a standstill, and
generally guided the triumph of absolutism in Austria.
Rewarded with great wealth by his grateful king, Eu-
gene called on the leading architects of the day, J. B.
Fischer von Erlach and Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt,
to consecrate his glory in stone and fresco. Fischer built
Eugenes Winter (or Town) Palace in Vienna, and he
and Hildebrandt collaborated on the princes Summer
Palace on the citys outskirts, shown in Image 3. The
princes summer residence featured two baroque gems,
the Lower Belvedere and the lovely Upper Belvedere,
completed in 1722 and shown here. The buildings inte-
rior is equally stunning, with crouching giants serving as
pillars and a magnicent great staircase.
Palace gardens were an extension of the architecture.
The rational orderliness and symmetry of a garden
showed that the rulers force extended even to nature,
which offered its subjugated plea sures to the delight of
sovereign and courtiers. The terraces and waterworks of
these gardens served as showcases for the latest tech-
niques in military and civil engineering. Exotic plants
and elaborate designs testied to the sovereigns global
trading networks and elevated taste.
The gardens at Versailles, shown in Image 4, exem-
plify absolutist palace gardens. In the foreground of this
image we see a mock naval campaign being enacted on
the canal for the edication of courtiers. For diplomatic
occasions, Louis XIV himself wrote lengthy guides for
viewing the gardens of Versailles. Modern visitors can
still follow his itineraries. The themes of the sculptures
in the Versailles gardens also hailed Louiss power, with
images of Apollo, the sun god, and Neptune, the sea
god, making frequent appearances.
Compare the image of Prince Eugenes summer pal-
ace with the plans for Schnbrunn and the palace of Ver-
sailles. What did concrete objects and the manipulation
of space accomplish for these rulers that mere words
could not? What disadvantages might stem from using
architecture in this way? Is the use of space and monu-
mental construction still a political tool in todays world?
IMAGE 2 Project for the Palace at Schnbrunn (ca. 1700) (Austrian
National Library, Vienna)
IMAGE 3 Prince Eugenes Summer Palace, Vienna (Erich Lessing/ Art
Resource, NY)
IMAGE 4 View of the Petit Parc at Versailles from the Canal
(Bibliothque nationale de France)
442 Chapter 17 Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe to 1740
When he came to power in 1640, the twenty-year-old Frederick William, later
known as the Great Elector, was determined to unify his three provinces and
enlarge them by diplomacy and war. These provinces were Brandenburg; Prussia,
inherited in 1618; and scattered holdings along the Rhine, inherited in 1614 (see
Map 17.2). Each was inhabited by German-speaking people, but each had its own
Estates. Although the Estates had not met regularly during the chaotic Thirty
Years War, taxes could not be levied without their consent. The Estates of Bran-
denburg and Prussia were dominated by the nobility and the landowning classes,
known as the Junkers (YOONG-kuhrs).
To pay for the permanent standing army he rst established in 1660, Frederick
William forced the Estates to accept the introduction of permanent taxation with-
out consent. The Estates power declined rapidly thereafter, for the Great Elector
had both nancial in de pen dence and superior force. The states total revenue tri-
pled during his reign, and the size of the army leaped by ten. In 1688 a population
of one million was supporting a peacetime standing army of thirty thousand.
Two factors were central to the Great Electors triumph. First, as in the forma-
tion of every absolutist state, war was a decisive factor. The ongoing struggle be-
tween Sweden and Poland for control of the Baltic after 1648 and the wars of
Louis XIV in western Europe created an at mo sphere of permanent crisis. The
nomadic Tatars (TAY-terz) of the Crimea in southern Russia swept through Prussia
in the winter of 16561657, kill ing and carrying off thousands as slaves. This inva-
sion softened up the Estates and strengthened the urgency of the Great Electors
demands for more military funding.
Second, the nobility proved willing to accept Frederick Williams new claims
in exchange for reconrmation of their own privileges, including authority over
Junkers The nobility of Brandenburg
and Prussia. Reluctant allies of Frederick
William in his consolidation of the
Prussian state.
Junkers The nobility of Brandenburg
and Prussia. Reluctant allies of Frederick
William in his consolidation of the
Prussian state.
Nor t h Sea
Bl ac k
S e a
Danube R.
10E 15E 5E 20E
25E 30E
Austrian territory at end of
Thirty Years War (1648)
Austrian acquisitions by end
of Turkish Wars (1699)
Austrian acquisitions after decisive
victory over Ottoman Empire (1718)
Prussian territory at Great Electors
accession (1640)
Prussian acquisitions by
Great Electors death (1688)
Prussian acquisitions by end of War
of the Austrian Succession (1748)
Boundary of the Holy Roman Empire
0 100 200 Mi.
100 200 Km.
MAP 17.2 The Growth of
Austria and Brandenburg-
Prussia to 1748
Austria expanded to the southwest
into Hungary and Transylvania at the
expense of the Ottoman Empire. It
was unable to hold the rich German
province of Silesia, however, which was
conquered by Brandenburg-Prussia.
the serfs. The Junkers chose not to join representatives of the
towns in a common front against the elector. Instead, they
accepted new taxes that fell primarily on towns. The elector
used naked force to break the liberties of the towns; the main
leader of urban opposition in the key city of Knigsberg
(KUHN-nigz-burg), for example, was arrested and imprisoned
for life without trial.
Like Louis XIV, the Great Elector built his absolutist state
in collaboration with traditional elites, reafrming their privi-
leges in return for loyal ser vice and revenue. He also created
a larger centralized government bureaucracy to oversee his
realm and to collect the new taxes. Pre-existing representative
institutions were bypassed. The Diet of Brandenburg did not
meet again after 1652. In 1701 the electors son, Frederick I
(17011713), received the elevated title of king of Prussia (in-
stead of elector) as a reward for aiding the Holy Roman em-
peror in the War of the Spanish Succession.
Frederick William I, the Soldiers
King (r. 17131740), completed
his grandfathers work. He created
a strong centralized bureaucracy and eliminated the last
traces of parliamentary estates and local self-government. He
truly established Prussian absolutism and transformed Prussia
into a military state. King Frederick William was intensely
attached to military life. He always wore an army uniform,
and he lived the highly disciplined life of the professional sol-
dier. He began his work by ve or six in the morning; at ten he
almost always went to the parade ground to drill or inspect his
troops. Years later he summed up his lifes philosophy in his
instructions to his son: A formidable army and a war chest
large enough to make this army mobile in times of need can
create great respect for you in the world, so that you can speak
a word like the other powers.
The kings power grab brought him into considerable
conict with the Junkers. In his early years he even threat-
ened to destroy them; yet, in the end, the Prussian nobility
was not destroyed but enlistedinto the army. Responding to
a combination of threats and opportunities, the Junkers be-
came the ofcer caste. A new compromise was worked out
whereby the proud nobility imperiously commanded the
peasantry in the army as well as on the estates.
Through penny-pinching and hard work, Frederick Wil-
liam achieved results. Prussia, twelfth in Europe in popula-
tion, had the fourth largest army by 1740. Moreover, soldier
for soldier, the Prussian army was the best in Europe, astonish-
ing foreign observers with its precision, skill, and discipline.
For the next two hundred years Prussia and then Prussianized Germany would
win many crucial military battles.
Frederick William and his ministers also built an exceptionally honest
and conscientious bureaucracy to administer the country and foster economic
The Consolidation of
Prussian Absolutism
The Consolidation of
Prussian Absolutism
A Prussian Giant Grenadier
Frederick William I wanted tall, handsome soldiers. He dressed
them in tight bright uniforms to distinguish them from the
peasant population from which most soldiers came. He also
ordered several portraits of his favorites from his court painter,
J. C. Merk. Grenadiers (gren-AH-deers) wore the miter cap
instead of an ordinary hat so that they could hurl their heavy
grenades unimpeded by a broad brim. (The Royal Collection 2008,
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II)
The Rise of Austria and Prussia 443
444 Chapter 17 Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe to 1740
development. And like the miser he was known to be, the king loved his blue
boys so much that he hated to spend them. This most militaristic of kings was,
paradoxically, almost always at peace.
Nevertheless, Prussians paid a heavy and lasting price for the obsessions of their
royal drillmaster. Civil society became rigid and highly disciplined, and Prussia
became the Sparta of the North; unquestioning obedience was the highest vir-
tue. As a Prussian minister later summed up: To keep quiet is the rst civic duty.
Thus the policies of Frederick William I combined with harsh peasant bondage
and Junker tyranny to lay the foundations for a highly militaristic country.
A favorite parlor game of nineteenth-century intellectuals was debating whether
Russia was a Western (European) or non-Western (Asian) society. This question
was particularly fascinating because it was unanswerable. To this day, Russia differs
from the West in some fundamental ways, though its history has paralleled that of
the West in other aspects.
There was no question in the mind of Europeans, however, that the Ottomans
were outsiders. Even absolutist rulers disdained Ottoman sultans as cruel and ty-
rannical despots. Despite stereotypes, the Ottomans were in many ways more tol-
erant than Westerners, providing protection and security to other religions while
steadfastly maintaining their Muslim faith. The Ottoman state combined the Byz-
antine heritage of the territory they conquered with Persian and Arab traditions.
Flexibility and openness to other ideas and practices were sources of strength for
the empire.
In the thirteenth century the Kievan principality (see
page 445) was conquered by the Mongols, a group of
nomadic tribes from present-day Mongolia who had
come together under Chinggis Khan (11621227). At its height, the Mongol em-
pire stretched from Korea to eastern Europe, and the portion that encompassed
Russia was known as the Golden Horde. The two-hundred-year period of rule
under the Mongol khan (king), known as the Mongol Yoke, set the stage for the
rise of absolutist Russia.
The Mongols forced the Slavic princes to submit to their rule and to give them
tribute and slaves. Although the Mongols conquered, they were quite willing to
use local princes as obedient servants and tax collectors. Thus, they did not abolish
the title of great prince, bestowing it instead on the prince who served them best
and paid them most handsomely. Beginning with Alexander Nevsky in 1252, the
princes of Moscow became particularly adept at serving the Mongols. They loyally
put down popular uprisings and collected the khans taxes. As reward, the princes
of Moscow emerged as hereditary great princes. Eventually the Muscovite princes
were able to destroy the other princes who were their rivals for power. Ivan III
(r. 14621505) consolidated power around Moscow and won Novgorod (NOV-
guh-rod), almost reaching the Baltic Sea (see Map 17.3).
By 1480 Ivan III felt strong enough to stop acknowledging the khan as his su-
preme ruler and cease tribute payments to the Mongols. To legitimize their new
The Development of Russia and the Ottoman Empire
What were the distinctive features of Rus sian and Ottoman absolutism in
this period?
The Development of Russia and the Ottoman Empire
What were the distinctive features of Rus sian and Ottoman absolutism in
this period?
The Mongol Yoke and
the Rise of Moscow
The Mongol Yoke and
the Rise of Moscow
Mongol Yoke The two-hundred-year
rule of the Mongol khan over the former
territories of Kievan Rus; this period is
considered a prelude to the rise of
absolutist Russia.
Mongol Yoke The two-hundred-year
rule of the Mongol khan over the former
territories of Kievan Rus; this period is
considered a prelude to the rise of
absolutist Russia.
Secti on Revi ew
In the aftermath of the Thirty Years
War, monarchs of central and eastern
Europe gained new power through
increased taxation, the creation of
permanent standing armies, and exer-
cising a free hand in foreign policy.
The Austrian Habsburgs gained control
over Bohemia by reducing the power of
the Estates and creating a new and loyal
nobility, but were less successful in
Hungary, where they were forced to
compromise with a ercely in de pen-
dent Protestant nobility.
In Prussia, the elector of Brandenburg,
Frederick William Hohenzollern, the
Great Elector, set out to unify his
provinces under absolutist rule by
restoring privileges to the Junker nobil-
ity and by using the threat of war to
build the best army in Europe.
His grandson, King Frederick William I,
transformed Prussia into a military state,
centralized government, eliminated
parliament and local self-government,
and incorporated the nobility within his
army to enforce obedience.
Palace building modeled on Versailles
near Paris and Schnbrunn in Vienna
spread through central and eastern
Europe, as princes competed for power
and aristocrats showcased the riches
won through ser vice to the monarchy.
20E 40E 60E 80E
(New) Saray
ral R.
Volga R.
B a r e n t s
S e a
B l a c k S e a
Principality of Moscow, ca. 1300
Acquisitions by Ivan IIIs accession (1462)
Acquisitions under Ivan III (14621505)
Acquisitions by death of Ivan the Terrible (1584)
Acquisitions by Peter the Greats accession (1689)
Acquisitions under Peter the Great (16891725)
Major battle
0 250 500 Mi.
250 500 Km.
Mapping the Past
MAP 17.3 The Expansion of Russia to 1725
After the disintegration of the Kievan (KEE-ef-ahn) state and the Mongol conquest, the
princes of Moscow and their descendants gradually extended their rule over an enormous
territory. [1] Compare this map with Map 17.4, which shows Ottoman expansion from 1300.
What explains the fantastic success of both the Rus sians and the Ottomans in expanding their
territories? Why was the sixteenth century such an important period for expansion? [2] How do
you explain the geographic direction that expansion followed in each case? [3] What happened
after the periods shown on these maps? Did the territorial development of the two states diverge
from each other or follow the same trajectory?
446 Chapter 17 Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe to 1740
authority, the princes of Moscow drew on two sources of authority. First, they de-
clared themselves autocrats, meaning that, like the khans, they were the sole
source of power. Yet also like the khans, they needed the cooperation of the local
elites. The highest-ranking nobles, or boyars, enabled the tsars to rule with an ex-
tremely limited government apparatus. In addition to political authority, Moscow
also took over Mongol tribute relations and borrowed institutions such as the tax
system, postal routes, and the census.
The second source of legitimacy lay in Moscows claim to the political and
religious inheritance of the Byzantine Empire. After the fall of Constantinople
(kon-stan-tun-OH-puhl) to the Turks in 1453, the princes of Moscow saw them-
selves as the heirs of both the caesars and Orthodox Chris tianity, the one true faith.
The title tsar, rst taken by Ivan IV in 1547, is a contraction of caesar. All the other
kings of Europe were heretics; only the Rus sians were rightful and holy rulers. The
idea was promoted by Orthodox churchmen, who spoke of holy Russia as the
Third Rome. Ivans marriage to the daughter of the last Byzantine emperor fur-
ther enhanced the aura of Moscows im pe rial inheritance.
Developments in Russia took a chaotic turn with the
reign of Ivan IV (r. 15331584), the famous Ivan the
Terrible, who ascended to the throne at age three. His
mother died, possibly poisoned, when he was eight, leaving Ivan to suffer insults
and ne glect from the boyars at court. At age sixteen he suddenly pushed aside his
hated advisers, and in an awe-inspiring ceremony, complete with gold coins pour-
ing down on his head, Ivan majestically crowned himself, taking the august title of
tsar for the rst time.
Ivans reign was characterized by endless wars and violent purges. He was suc-
cessful in defeating the remnants of Mongol power, adding vast new territories to
the realm and laying the foundations for the huge, multiethnic Rus sian empire.
He engaged in a much longer struggle against the large Polish-Lithuanian state,
without success. After the sudden death of his beloved wife Anastasia [of the Ro-
manov (ROH-muh-nawf) family], the increasingly demented Ivan jailed and ex-
ecuted any he suspected of opposing him. Many were intimates of the court from
the leading boyar families, and their families, friends, servants, and peasants were
also executed. Their large estates were broken up, with some of the land added to
the tsars domain and the rest given to the lower service nobility, a group of newly
made nobles who served in the tsars army.
Ivan also took strides toward making all commoners servants of the tsar. As the
ser vice nobles demanded more from those peasants who survived the wars and
persecutions, growing numbers ed toward wild, recently conquered territories to
the east and south. There they joined free groups and outlaw armies known as
Cossacks (KOS-akz) and maintained a precarious in de pen dence. The solution to
the problem of peasant ight was to tie peasants ever more rmly to the land and
to the noble landholders, who in turn served the tsar.
Simultaneously, urban traders and artisans were also bound to their towns and
jobs so that the tsar could tax them more heavily. Ivan assumed that the tsar owned
Russias trade and industry, just as he owned all the land. The urban classes had no
security in their work or property, and even the wealthiest merchants were de pen-
dent agents of the tsar. These restrictions checked the growth of the Rus sian middle
classes and stood in sharp contrast to developments in western Europe, where the
middle classes were gaining security in their private property.
boyars The highest-ranking nobles in
boyars The highest-ranking nobles in
tsar A title rst taken by Ivan IV, it is a
contraction of the word caesar.
tsar A title rst taken by Ivan IV, it is a
contraction of the word caesar.
Tsar and People
to 1689
Tsar and People
to 1689
ser vice nobility A newly emerging
class of nobles who held some of the
tsars land on the explicit condition that
they serve in the tsars army.
ser vice nobility A newly emerging
class of nobles who held some of the
tsars land on the explicit condition that
they serve in the tsars army.
Cossacks Free groups and outlaw
armies living on the steppes bordering
Russia, whose numbers were increased
by runaway peasants during the time of
Ivan the Terrible.
Cossacks Free groups and outlaw
armies living on the steppes bordering
Russia, whose numbers were increased
by runaway peasants during the time of
Ivan the Terrible.
After the death of Ivan and his succes-
sor, Russia entered a chaotic period known
as the Time of Troubles (15981618).
While Ivans relatives struggled for power,
the Cossacks and peasants rebelled against
nobles and ofcials, demanding fairer
treatment. This social explosion from be-
low brought the nobles, big and small,
together. They crushed the Cossack rebel-
lion at the gates of Moscow and elected
Ivans sixteen-year-old grandnephew, Mi-
chael Romanov, the new hereditary tsar
(r. 16131645). Michaels election was represented as a restoration of tsarist autoc-
racy. (See the feature Listening to the Past: A Foreign Traveler in Russia on pages
Although the new tsar successfully reconsolidated central authority, social and
religious uprisings continued through the seventeenth century. One of the largest
rebellions was led by the Cossack Stenka Razin, who attracted a great army of ur-
ban poor and peasants, kill ing landlords and government ofcials, and proclaim-
ing freedom from oppression. Eventually this rebellion was defeated.
Despite the turbulence of the period, the Romanov tsars made several impor-
tant achievements during the second half of the seventeenth century. After a long
war, Russia gained a large mass of Ukraine from weak and decentralized Poland in
1667 (see Map 17.3) and completed the conquest of Siberia by the end of the
century. Territorial expansion was accompanied by growth of the bureaucracy and
the army. Foreign experts were employed to help build and reform the Rus sian
army. The great prots from Siberias natural resources, especially furs, funded the
Romanovs bid for great power status.
Heir to the rst efforts at state-building, Peter the Great
(r. 16821725) embarked on a tremendous campaign
to accelerate and complete these processes. A giant for
his time, at six feet seven inches, and possessing enormous energy and willpower,
Peter was determined to build and improve the army. He was equally determined
to continue the tsarist tradition of territorial expansion. After 1689 Peter ruled in de-
pen dently for thirty-six years, only one of which was peaceful.
Fascinated by weapons and foreign technology, the tsar led a group of two
hundred fty Rus sian ofcials and young nobles on an eigh teen-month tour of
western European capitals. Traveling unofcially to avoid lengthy diplomatic cer-
emonies, Peter worked with his hands at various crafts and met with foreign kings
The Reforms of
Peter the Great
The Reforms of
Peter the Great
The Development of Russia and the Ottoman Empire 447
Saint Basils Cathedral, Moscow
With its sloping roofs and colorful onion-shaped
domes, Saint Basils is a striking example of
powerful Byzantine inuences on Rus sian culture.
According to tradition, an enchanted Ivan the
Terrible blinded the cathedrals architects to ensure
that they would never duplicate their fantastic
achievement, which still dazzles the beholder in
todays Red Square. (George Holton/ Photo Researchers)
448 Chapter 17 Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe to 1740
and experts. He was particularly impressed with the growing power of the Dutch
and the Eng lish, and he considered how Russia could prot from their example.
Returning to Russia, Peter entered into a secret alliance with Denmark and
Poland to wage a sudden war of aggression against Sweden, with the goal of secur-
ing access to the Baltic Sea and opportunities for westward expansion. Peter and
his allies believed that their combined forces could win easy victories because
Sweden was in the hands of a new and inexperienced king.
Eighteen-year-old Charles XII of Sweden (16971718) surprised Peter. He de-
feated Denmark quickly in 1700, then turned on Russia. In a blinding snowstorm,
his well-trained professional army attacked and routed unsuspecting Rus sians be-
sieging the Swedish fortress of Narva (NAHR-vuh) on the Baltic coast. Peter and
the survivors ed in panic to Moscow. It was, for the Rus sians, a grim beginning to
the long and brutal Great Northern War, which lasted from 1700 to 1721.
Suffering defeat and faced with a military crisis, Peter responded with mea-
sures designed to increase state power, strengthen his armies, and gain victory.
He required every nobleman, great or small, to serve in the army or in the civil
administrationfor life. Since a more modern army and government required
skilled technicians and experts, Peter created schools and universities to produce
them. One of his most hated reforms was requiring a ve-year education away
from home for every young nobleman. Peter established an interlocking military-
Gustaf Cederstrom: The Swedish Victory at Narva (1701)
This poignant re-creation focuses on the contrast between the Swedish ofcers in handsome dress uniforms and the battered
Rus sian soldiers laying down their standards in surrender. Charles XII of Sweden scored brilliant, rapid-re victories over
Denmark, Saxony, and Russia, but he failed to make peace with Peter while he was ahead and eventually lost Swedens
holdings on the Baltic coast. (The National Museum of Fine Arts, Stockholm)
civilian bureaucracy with fourteen ranks, and he decreed
that all had to start at the bottom and work toward the
top. Some people of non-noble origins rose to high
positions in this embryonic meritocracy. Draw-
ing on his experience abroad, Peter searched
out talented foreigners and placed them in
his ser vice. These mea sures gradually com-
bined to make the army and government
more powerful and efcient.
Peter also greatly increased the ser vice
requirements of commoners. In the wake
of the Narva disaster, he established a regu-
lar standing army of more than two hundred
thousand peasant-soldiers commanded by of-
cers from the nobility. In addition, special
forces of Cossacks and foreigners numbered more
than one hundred thousand. Taxes on peasants in-
creased threefold during Peters reign. Serfs were arbi-
trarily assigned to work in the growing number of factories
and mines that supplied the military.
Peters new war machine was able to crush the small army of Sweden in
Ukraine at Poltava (pol-TAH-vah) in 1709, one of the most signicant battles in
Rus sian history. Russias victory was conclusive in 1721, and Estonia and present-
day Latvia (see Map 17.3) came under Rus sian rule for the rst time. The cost
was highwarfare consumed eighty to eighty-ve percent of all revenues. But
Russia became the dominant power in the Baltic and very much a European
Great Power.
After his victory at Poltava, Peter channeled enormous resources into build-
ing a new Western-style capital on the Baltic to rival the great cities of Europe.
Originally a desolate and swampy Swedish outpost, the magnicent city of St.
Petersburg was designed to reect modern urban planning, with wide, straight
avenues; buildings set in a uniform line; and large parks.
Peter the Great dictated that all in society realize his vision. Just as the govern-
ment drafted the peasants for the armies, so it drafted twenty-ve thousand to forty
thousand men each summer to labor in St. Petersburg without pay. Many peasant
construction workers died from hunger, sickness, and accidents. Nobles were or-
dered to build costly stone houses and palaces in St. Petersburg and to live in them
most of the year. Merchants and artisans were also commanded to settle and build
in the new capital. These nobles and merchants were then required to pay for the
citys infrastructure. The building of St. Petersburg was, in truth, an enormous di-
rect tax levied on the wealthy, with the peasantry forced to do the manual labor.
There were other important consequences of Peters reign. For Peter, modern-
ization meant Westernization, and both Westerners and Western ideas owed into
Russia for the rst time. He required nobles to shave their heavy beards and wear
Western clothing, previously banned in Russia. He required them to attend parties
where young men and women would mix together and freely choose their own
spouses. He forced a warrior elite to accept administrative ser vice as an honorable
occupation. From these efforts a new class of Western-oriented Rus sians began
to emerge.
At the same time, vast numbers of Rus sians hated Peters massive changes. For
nobles, one of Peters most detested reforms was the imposition of unigeniture
inheritance of land by one son alonecutting daughters and other sons from
Peter the Great in 1723
This compelling portrait by Grigory
Musikiysky captures the strength and
determination of the warrior tsar after
more than three decades of personal rule.
In his hand Peter holds the scepter,
symbol of royal sovereignty, and across his
breastplate is draped an ermine fur, a
mark of honor. In the background are the
battleships of Russias new Baltic eet and
the famous St. Peter and St. Paul Fortress
that Peter built in St. Petersburg. (Kremlin
Museums, Moscow/ The Bridgeman Art Library)
The Development of Russia and the Ottoman Empire 449
450 Chapter 17 Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe to 1740
family property. For peasants, the reign of the reforming tsar saw a signicant in-
crease in the bonds of serfdom. The gulf between the enserfed peasantry and the
educated nobility increased, even though all were caught up in the tsars demands.
Thus Peter built on the ser vice obligations of old Muscovy (MUHS-kuh-vee).
His monarchical absolutism was the culmination of the long development of a
unique Rus sian civilization. Yet the creation of a more modern army and state in-
troduced much that was new and Western to Russia. This development paved the
way for Russia to move somewhat closer to the European mainstream in its thought
and institutions during the Enlightenment, especially under Catherine the Great.
Most Chris tian Europeans perceived the Ottomans as
the antithesis of their own values and traditions and
viewed the empire as driven by an insatiable lust for
warfare and conquest. In their view the fall of Constantinople was a catastrophe
and the taking of the Balkans a despotic imprisonment of those territories. From
the perspective of the Ottomans, the world looked very different. The siege of
Constantinople liberated a glorious city from its long decline under the Byzan-
tines. Rather than being a despoiled captive, the Balkans became a haven for refu-
gees eeing the growing intolerance of Western Chris tian powers. The Ottoman
Empire provided Jews, Muslims, and even some Chris tians safety from the Inqui-
sition and religious war.
The Ottomans came out of Central Asia as conquering warriors, settled in
Anatolia (present-day Turkey), and, at their peak in the mid-sixteenth century, they
ruled one of the most powerful empires in the world. Their possessions stretched
from western Persia across North Africa and into the heart of central Europe (see
Map 17.4).
When the Ottomans captured Constantinople in 1453 they fullled a long-
held Islamic dream. Under Suleiman the Magnicent (r. 15201566), they made
great inroads into eastern Europe, capturing Bosnia, Croatia, Romania, Ukraine,
and part of Hungary at the battle of Mohcs in 1526. For the next hundred and
fty years, the Ottomans ruled the many different ethnic groups living in south-
eastern Europe and the eastern Mediterranean. In 1529 their European expansion
was halted with a failed siege of the Habsburg capital, Vienna. The Ottoman loss
at the battle of Lepanto (leh-PAN-toh) in 1571, against the Chris tian Holy League,
conrmed the limits of their ambitions in Europe.
The Ottoman Empire was originally built on a unique model of state and so-
ciety. There was an almost complete absence of private landed property. Agricul-
tural land was the personal hereditary property of the sultan (SUHL-tun), and
peasants paid taxes to use the land. There was therefore no security of landholding
and no hereditary nobility.
The Ottomans also employed a distinctive form of government administration.
The top ranks of the bureaucracy were staffed by the sultans slave corps. Because
Muslim law prohibited enslaving other Muslims, the sultans agents purchased
slaves along the borders of the empire. Within the realm, the sultan levied a tax
of one thousand to three thousand male children on the conquered Chris tian
populations in the Balkans every year. Young slaves were raised in Turkey as Mus-
lims and were trained to ght and to administer. The most talented rose to the top
of the bureaucracy, where they might acquire wealth and power; the less fortunate
formed the brave and skillful core of the sultans army, the janissary (JAN-uh-ser-
ee) corps. These highly or ga nized and efcient troops gave the Ottomans a for-
midable advantage in war with western Europeans. By 1683, ser vice in the janissary
The Growth of the
Ottoman Empire
The Growth of the
Ottoman Empire
sultan The ruler of the Ottoman
Empire; he owned all the agricultural
land of the empire and was served by an
army and bureaucracy composed of
highly trained slaves.
sultan The ruler of the Ottoman
Empire; he owned all the agricultural
land of the empire and was served by an
army and bureaucracy composed of
highly trained slaves.
janissary corps The core of the sultans
army, composed of conscripts from non-
Muslim parts of the empire until 1683.
janissary corps The core of the sultans
army, composed of conscripts from non-
Muslim parts of the empire until 1683.
corps had become so prestigious that the sultan ceased recruitment by force and it
became a volunteer force open to Chris tians and Muslims.
The Ottomans divided their subjects into religious communities, and each
millet, or nation, enjoyed autonomous self-government under its religious lead-
ers. (The Ottoman Empire recognized Orthodox Chris tians, Jews, Armenian
Chris tians, and Muslims as distinct millets.) The millet (MIL-it) system created a
powerful bond between the Ottoman ruling class and the different religious lead-
ers, who supported the sultans rule in return for extensive authority over their own
communities. Each millet collected taxes for the state, regulated group behavior,
and maintained law courts, schools, synagogues, and hospitals for its people.
After 1453 Constantinoplerenamed Istanbul (is-tahn-BOOL)became the
capital of the empire. The old palace was for the sultans female family mem-
bers, who lived in isolation under the care of eunuchs. The newly constructed
Topkapi palace was where ofcials worked and young slaves trained for future ad-
ministrative or military careers. To prevent wives from bringing foreign inuence
millet system A system used by the
Ottomans whereby subjects were divided
into religious communities with each
millet (nation) enjoying autonomous
self-government under its religious
millet system A system used by the
Ottomans whereby subjects were divided
into religious communities with each
millet (nation) enjoying autonomous
self-government under its religious
S e a
l a c k S
A r a l
S e a
Danube R.
Bursa Gallipoli
20E 30E 40E 50E
Tropic of Cancer
Major battle
Ottoman state, ca. 1300
Ottoman Empire under Suleiman, 1566
Tributary states of the sultan, 1566
0 200 400 Mi.
200 400 Km.
MAP 17.4 The Ottoman Empire at Its Height, 1566
The Ottomans, like their great rivals the Habsburgs, rose to rule a vast dynastic empire encompassing many different peoples and ethnic groups. The
army and the bureaucracy served to unite the disparate territories into a single state under an absolutist ruler.
The Development of Russia and the Ottoman Empire 451
452 Chapter 17 Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe to 1740
into governmenta constant concern in the Westsultans
procreated only with their concubines and not with ofcial
wives. They also adopted a policy of allowing each concubine
to produce only one male heir. At a young age, each son went
to govern a province of the empire under his mothers supervi-
sion. These practices were intended to stabilize power and
prevent a recurrence of the civil wars of the late fourteenth
and early fteenth centuries.
Sultan Suleiman undid these policies when he boldly
married his concubine and had several children with her. He
established a wing in the Topkapi palace for his own female
family members and his brothers families. Starting with Su-
leiman, im pe rial wives begin to take on
more power. Marriages were arranged be-
tween sultans daughters and high-ranking
servants, creating powerful new members
of the im pe rial household. Over time, the
sultans exclusive authority waned in favor
of a more bureaucratic administration.
These changes brought the Ottoman court
closer to the European model of factional-
ism, intrigue, and informal female power.
(See the feature Individuals in Society:
The Ottoman Empire experienced the
same economic and social crises that af-
fected the rest of Europe in this period. In
the 1580s and 1590s rebellions broke out
among many different groups in the vast
empire: frustrated students, underpaid
janissaries, and ambitious provincial gov-
ernors. Revolts continued during the sev-
enteenth century as the janissaries formed
alliances with court factions that resulted
in the overthrow or execution of several
Ottoman sultans.
In the late seventeenth century the Ot-
tomans succeeded in marshaling their
forces for one last attack on the Habsburgs,
and a huge Turkish army laid siege to Vi-
enna in 1683. Not only did they fail to hold
the city, but their retreat became a rout. As
Rus sian and Venetian allies attacked on
The Sultans Harem at Topkapi Palace, Istanbul
Sultan Suleiman I created separate quarters at the Topkapi Palace for his
wife Hrrem and her ladies-in-waiting. His successors transferred all of their
wives, concubines, and female family members to the harem (HAIR-
uhm) at Topkapi, carefully situated out of sight of the staterooms and
courtyards where public affairs took place. The harem was the object of
intense curiosity and fascination in the West. (Vanni/ Art Resource, NY)
Secti on Revi ew
The Mongols under Chinggis Khan added the Kievan principality in Russia to
the Mongol Empire stretching from Korea to Eastern Europe, ruling the area
as the Golden Horde for the next two hundred years through the Rus sian
princes, who collected taxes and maintained order.
By 1480 the prince of Moscow, Ivan III, deed the khan (Mongol ruler) and
seized power to begin the dynasty of the tsars.
The reign of Ivan IV the Terrible featured constant war, violent purges, peas-
ant and outlaw army (Cossack) uprisings, and the addition of vast new territories.
Following Ivans death, a period of chaos known as the Time of Troubles
(15981618) ensued, ending with the coronation of Ivans grandnephew, Mi-
chael, the rst Romanov tsar.
Despite ongoing rebellions, the seventeenth-century Romanov tsars succeeded
in consolidating royal authority, increasing the bureaucracy and army, and
acquiring Siberia and parts of Ukraine.
Peter the Great (r. 16821725) transformed Rus sian society and the Rus sian
landscape by drafting citizens for military or civil ser vice, enabling him to create
a powerful war machine, enlarge the empire, and build the modern, Western-
ized capital city of St. Petersburg on Baltic coastal land conquered from Sweden.
Despite Chris tian stereotypes, the Ottoman empire was tolerant of religious
diversity and protected Jews and other religious refugees.
The Ottomans captured Constantinople in 1453 and renamed it Istanbul, then
conquered much of southeastern Europe until their expansion was halted with
the failed siege of Vienna in 1529.
Highly trained slaves staffed the elite of the sultans administration and army;
while the millet system allowed autonomous self-government to religious mi-
nority groups; all land in the empire belonged to the sultan.
Starting with Sultan Suleiman, wives began to exercise more power and the
sultans exclusive authority gave way to more bureaucratic administration.
Indi vi dual s i n Soci et y
n Muslim culture harem means a sacred place
or a sanctuary, which is forbidden to profane
outsiders. The term was applied to the part of the
household occupied by women and children and
forbidden to men outside the family. The most fa-
mous member of the Ottoman sultans harem was
Hrrem, wife of Suleiman the Magnicent.
Hrrem (1505?1558) came to the harem as a
slave-concubine. Like many of the sultans concu-
bines, Hrrem was of foreign birth. Tradition holds
that she was born Aleksandra Lisowska in what was
then the kingdom of Poland and today is Ukraine.
She was captured during a Tartar raid and enslaved.
Between 1517 and 1520, when she was about f-
teen years old, she entered the im pe rial harem. Ve-
netian ambassadors reports insist that she was not
outstandingly beautiful but was possessed of won-
derful grace, charm, and good humor. These quali-
ties gained her the Turkish nickname Hrrem, or
joyful one. After her arrival in the harem, Hr-
rem quickly became the im pe rial favorite.
Suleimans love for Hrrem led him to break all
precedents for the role of a concubine, including
the rule that concubines must cease having chil-
dren once they gave birth to a male heir. By
1531 Hrrem had given birth to one daughter and
ve sons. In 1533 or 1534 Suleiman entered for-
mal marriage with his consortan unprecedented
honor for a concubine. He reportedly gave his ex-
clusive attention to his wife and also deed conven-
tion by allowing Hrrem to remain in the palace
throughout her life instead of accompanying her
son to a provincial governorship as other concubines
had done.
Contemporaries were shocked by Hrrems in-
uence over the sultan and resentful of the appar-
ent role she played in politics and diplomacy. The
Venetian ambassador Bassano wrote that the Janis-
saries and the entire court hate her and her chil-
dren likewise, but because the Sultan loves her, no
one dares to speak.* She was suspected of using
witchcraft to control the sultan and accused of or-
* Cited in Galina Yermolenko, Roxolana: The Greatest
Empresse of the East, in The Muslim World 95, 2
dering the death of the sultans rst-born son
(with another mother) in 1553. These stories were
based on court gossip and rumor. The correspon-
dence between Suleiman and Hrrem, unavail-
able until the nineteenth
century, along with Sulei-
mans own diaries, con-
rms her status as the
sultans most trusted con-
dant and adviser. Dur-
ing his frequent absences,
the pair exchanged pas-
sionate love letters. Hr-
rem included information
about the political situa-
tion and warnings about
any potential uprisings.
She also intervened in af-
fairs between the empire
and her former home.
She wrote to Polish king
Sigismund Augustus and
seems to have helped
Poland attain its privi-
leged diplomatic status.
She brought a particularly feminine touch to diplo-
matic relations, sending the Persian shah and the
Polish king personally embroidered articles.
Hrrem used her enormous pension to contrib-
ute a mosque, two schools, a hospital, a fountain,
and two public baths to Istanbul. In Je ru salem,
Mecca, and Istanbul, she provided soup kitchens
and hospices for pilgrims and the poor. She died in
1558. When her husband died in 1566, their son
Selim II (r. 15661574) inherited the throne.
Drawing from reports of contemporary Western
observers, historians depicted Hrrem as a manipu-
lative and power-hungry social climber. They saw
her career as the beginning of a sultanate of
women in which strong im pe rial leadership gave
way to court intrigue and dissipation. More recent
historians have emphasized the intelligence and
courage Hrrem demonstrated in navigating the
ruthlessly competitive world of the harem.
Hrrems journey from Ukrainian maiden to
harem slave girl to sultans wife captured enormous
Hrrem and her ladies in the harem.
(Bibliothque nationale de France)
public attention. She is the subject of numerous
paintings, plays, and novels as well as an opera, a
ballet, and a symphony by the composer Haydn.
Interest in and suspicion of Hrrem continues. In
2003 a Turkish miniseries once more depicted her
as a scheming intriguer.
Questions for Analysis
1. Compare Hrrem to other powerful early
modern women such as Isabella of Castile,
Elizabeth I of Eng land, and Catherine de
Medici of France.
2. What can an exceptional woman like Hrrem
reveal about the broader political and social
world in which she lived?
Source: Leslie P. Pierce, The Imperial Harem: Women
and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire (New York:
Oxford University Press, 1993).
Chapter Review 455
Key Terms
serfdom (p. 433)
hereditary subjugation (p. 434)
Peace of Westphalia (p. 436)
Bohemian Estates (p. 438)
elector of Brandenburg (p. 439)
Junkers (p. 442)
Mongol Yoke (p. 444)
boyars (p. 446)
tsar (p. 446)
ser vice nobility (p. 446)
Cossacks (p. 446)
sultan (p. 450)
millet system (p. 451)
janissary corps (p. 453)
other fronts, the Habsburgs conquered almost all of Hungary and Transylvania by
1699 (see Map 17.4). The Habsburgs completed their victory in 1718, with the
Treaty of Passarowitz. From this point on, a weakened Ottoman empire ceased to
pose a threat to Western Europe.
Chapter Review
What social and economic changes affected central and eastern Europe from
1400 to 1650? (page 433)
From about 1400 to 1650 social and economic developments in eastern Europe di-
verged from those in western Europe. In the East, after enjoying relative freedom in
the Middle Ages, peasants and towns people lost freedom and fell under the economic,
social, and legal authority of the nobles, who increased their power and prestige.
How did the rulers of Austria and Prussia manage to build powerful absolute
monarchies? (page 438)
Within this framework of resurgent serfdom and entrenched nobility, Austrian and
Prussian monarchs fashioned absolutist states in the seventeenth and early eigh teenth
centuries. These monarchs won absolutist control over standing armies, taxation, and
representative bodies, but they did not question underlying social and economic rela-
tionships. Indeed, they enhanced the privileges of the nobles, who lled enlarged
armies and growing state bureaucracies. In exchange for entrenched privileges over
their peasants, nobles thus cooperated with the growth of state power.
Triumphant absolutism interacted spectacularly with the arts. Central and eastern
European rulers built grandiose palaces, and even whole cities, like Saint Petersburg,
to glorify their power and majesty.
What were the distinctive features of Rus sian and Ottoman absolutism in this
period? (page 444)
In Russia the social and economic trends were similar, but the timing of political
absolutism was different. Mongol conquest and rule were a crucial experience, and a
harsh indigenous tsarist autocracy was rmly in place by the reign of Ivan the Terrible
in the sixteenth century. More than a century later Peter the Great succeeded in mod-
ernizing Russias traditional absolutism by reforming the army and the bureaucracy.
Farther to the east, the Ottoman sultans developed a distinctive political and economic
system in which all land theoretically belonged to the sultan, who was served by a slave
corps of administrators and soldiers. The Ottoman Empire was relatively tolerant on
religious matters and served as a haven for Jews and other marginalized religious
1. H. Kamen, The Economic and Social Consequences of the Thirty Years War, Past and
Present 39 (April 1968): 4461.
2. H. Rosenberg, Bureaucracy, Aristocracy, and Autocracy: The Prussian Experience, 16601815
(Boston: Beacon Press, 1966), p. 43.
3. Quoted in Rosenberg, Bureaucracy, Aristocracy, and Autocracy, p. 40.
To assess your mastery of this chapter, go to bedfordstmartins.com/mckaywestbrief
Li st eni ng t o t he Past
A Foreign Traveler in Russia
The government of the Rus sians is what politi-
cal theorists call a dominating and despotic mon-
archy, where the sovereign, that is, the tsar or the
grand prince who has obtained the crown by right
of succession, rules the entire land alone, and all the
people are his subjects, and where the nobles and
princes no less than the common folktowns people
and peasantsare his serfs and slaves, whom he
rules and treats as a master treats his servants. . . .
If the Rus sians be considered in respect to their
character, customs, and way of life, they are justly
to be counted among the barbarians. . . . The vice
of drunkenness is so common in this nation, among
people of every station, clergy and laity, high and
low, men and women, old and young, that when
they are seen now and then lying about in the
streets, wallowing in the mud, no attention is paid
to it, as something habitual. If a cart driver comes
upon such a drunken pig whom he happens to
know, he shoves him onto his cart and drives him
home, where he is paid his fare. No one ever re-
fuses an opportunity to drink and to get drunk, at
any time and in any place, and usually it is done
with vodka. . . .
The Rus sians being naturally tough and born, as
it were, for slav ery, they must be kept under a harsh
and strict yoke and must be driven to do their work
with clubs and whips, which they suffer without
impatience, because such is their station, and they
are accustomed to it. Young and half-grown fellows
sometimes come together on certain days and train
themselves in sticuffs, to accustom themselves to
receiving blows, and, since habit is second nature,
this makes blows given as punishment easier to
bear. Each and all, they are slaves and serfs. . . .
Although the Rus sians, especially the common
populace, living as slaves under a harsh yoke, can
bear and endure a great deal out of love for their
masters, yet if the pressure is beyond mea sure, then
it can be said of them: Patience, often wounded,
nally turned into fury. A dangerous indignation
eventeenth-century Russia remained a remote and myste-
rious land for western and even central Europeans, who
had few direct contacts with the tsars dominion. Knowledge of
Russia came mainly from occasional travelers who had visited
Muscovy and sometimes wrote accounts of what they saw. The
most famous of these accountsTravels in Muscovywas by
the German Adam Olearius (ca. 15991671), who was sent to
Moscow by the duke of Holstein on three diplomatic missions
in the 1630s. Published in German in 1647 and soon trans-
lated into several languages (but not Rus sian), Oleariuss
unattering study played a major role in shaping European
ideas about Russia.
The brutality of serfdom is shown in
this illustration from Oleariuss Travels
in Muscovy. (University of Illinois Library,
results, turned not so much against their sovereign
as against the lower authorities, especially if the
people have been much oppressed by them and by
their supporters and have not been protected by the
higher authorities. And once they are aroused and
enraged, it is not easy to appease them. Then, disre-
garding all dangers that may ensue, they resort to
every kind of violence and behave like madmen. . . .
They own little; most of them have no feather beds;
they lie on cushions, straw, mats, or their clothes;
they sleep on benches and, in winter, like the non-
Germans [natives] in Livonia, upon the oven,
which serves them for cooking and is at on the
top; here husband, wife, children, servants, and
maids huddle together. In some houses in the
countryside we saw chickens and pigs under the
benches and the ovens.
Questions for Analysis
1. In what ways were all social groups in Russia
similar, according to Olearius?
2. How did Olearius characterize the Rus sians in
general? What supporting evidence did he offer
for his judgment?
3. Does Oleariuss account help explain Stenka
Razins rebellion? In what ways?
4. On the basis of these representative passages,
why do you think Oleariuss book was so popu-
lar and inuential in central and western
Source: G. Vernadsky and R. T. Fisher, Jr., eds., A Source
Book for Rus sian History from Early Times to 1917, 3
vols., vol. 1, pp. 249251. Copyright 1972. Reprinted
by permission of the publisher, Yale University Press.
Toward a New
Chapter Previ ew
The Scientic Revolution
What was revolutionary in the new
attitudes toward the natural world?
The Enlightenment
How did the new worldview affect the
way people thought about society and
human relations?
The Enlightenment and Absolutism
What impact did this new way of
thinking have on political developments
and monarchical absolutism?
INDIVIDUALS IN SOCIETY: Moses Mendelssohn and
the Jewish Enlightenment
LISTENING TO THE PAST: Voltaire on Religion
Voltaire, the renowned Enlightenment thinker, leans forward on the
left to exchange ideas and witty conversation with Frederick the
Great, king of Prussia. (Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz/ Art Resource, NY)
he intellectual developments of the seventeenth and eigh teenth centuries
created the modern worldview that the West continues to holdand
debateto this day. In the seventeenth century fundamentally new ways of under-
standing the natural world emerged. In the nineteenth century scholars hailed
these achievements as a scientic revolution that produced modern science as
we know it. The new science created in the seventeenth century entailed the
search for precise knowledge of the physical world based on the union of experi-
mental observations with sophisticated mathematics.
In the eigh teenth century philosophers extended the use of reason from the
study of nature to the study of human society. They sought to bring the light of
reason to bear on the darkness of prejudice, outmoded traditions, and ignorance.
Self-proclaimed members of an Enlightenment movement, they wished to bring
the same progress to human affairs as their predecessors had brought to the under-
standing of the natural world. While the scientic revolution ushered in modern
science, the Enlightenment created concepts of human rights, equality, progress,
universalism, and tolerance that still guide Western societies today.
While many view the scientic revolution and the Enlightenment as bedrocks
of the achievement of Western civilization, others have seen a darker side. For
these critics, the mastery over nature permitted by the scientic revolution now
threatens to overwhelm the earths fragile equilibrium, and the belief in the uni-
versal application of reason can lead to arrogance and intolerance, particularly
intolerance of other peoples spiritual values. Such vivid debate about the legacy
of these intellectual and cultural developments testies to their continuing impor-
tance in todays world.
The emergence of modern science was a development of tremendous long-term
signicance. A noted historian has said that the scientic revolution was the real
origin both of the modern world and the modern mentality.
With the scientic
revolution Western society began to acquire its most distinctive traits.
Since developments in astronomy and physics were at
the heart of the scientic revolution, one must begin
with the traditional European conception of the uni-
verse. The practitioners of the scientic revolution did not consider their eld
science but rather natural philosophy and their intention was philosophical: to ask
fundamental questions about the nature of the universe, its purpose, and how it
functioned. In the early 1500s natural philosophy was still based primarily on the
ideas of Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher of the fourth century b.c.e. Medi-
eval theologians such as Thomas Aquinas brought Aristotelian philosophy into
harmony with Chris tian doctrines. According to the revised Aristotelian view, a
motionless earth was xed at the center of the universe. Around it moved ten sepa-
rate transparent crystal spheres. In the rst eight spheres were embedded, in turn,
the moon, the sun, the ve known planets, and the xed stars. Then followed two
spheres added during the Middle Ages to account for slight changes in the posi-
tions of the stars over the centuries. Beyond the tenth sphere was Heaven, with the
The Scientic Revolution
What was revolutionary in the new attitudes toward the natural world?
The Scientic Revolution
What was revolutionary in the new attitudes toward the natural world?
Scientic Thought
in 1500
Scientic Thought
in 1500
natural philosophy An early modern
term for the study of the nature of the
universe, its purpose, and how it
functioned; it encompassed what we
would call today science.
natural philosophy An early modern
term for the study of the nature of the
universe, its purpose, and how it
functioned; it encompassed what we
would call today science.
The Scientic Revolution 459
460 Chapter 18 Toward a New Worldview, 15401789
throne of God and the souls of the saved. Angels kept the spheres
moving in perfect circles. Thus human beings were at the cen-
ter of the universe and were the critical link in a great chain
of being that stretched from the throne of God to the low-
liest insect on earth.
Aristotles views, suitably revised by medieval phi-
losophers, also dominated thinking about physics and
motion on earth. Aristotle had distinguished sharply
between the world of the celestial spheres and that
of the earth. The celestial spheres consisted of a
perfect, incorruptible quintessence, or fth es-
sence. The earth was composed of four imperfect,
changeable elements. The light elements (air and
re) naturally moved upward, while the heavy
elements (water and earth) naturally moved down-
ward. These natural directions of motion did not al-
ways prevail, however, for elements were often mixed
together and could be affected by an outside force such
as a human being. Aristotle and his followers also be-
lieved that a uniform force moved an object at a constant
speed and that the object would stop as soon as that force was
The rst great departure from the medieval system
came from Nicolaus Copernicus (koh-PUR-ni-kuhs)
(14731543). As a young man Copernicus studied
church law and astronomy in various European universities. He saw how profes-
sional astronomers still depended for their most accurate calculations on the sec-
ond century b.c.e. work of Ptolemy. Copernicus felt that Ptolemys cumbersome
and occasionally inaccurate rules detracted from the majesty of a perfect Creator.
He preferred an old Greek idea being discussed in Renaissance Italy: that the sun,
rather than the earth, was at the center of the universe. Finishing his university
studies and returning to a church position in East Prussia, Copernicus worked on
his hypothesis from 1506 to 1530. Never questioning the Aristotelian belief in
crystal spheres or the idea that circular motion was most perfect and divine, Co-
pernicus theorized that the stars and planets, including the earth, revolved around
a xed sun. Yet fearing the ridicule of other astronomers, Copernicus did not
publish his On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres until 1543, the year of
his death.
The Copernican hypothesis brought sharp attacks from religious leaders, es-
pecially Protestants, who objected to the idea that the earth moved but the sun did
not. Martin Luther noted that the theory was counter to the Bible: as the Holy
Scripture tells us, so did Joshua bid the sun stand still and not the earth.
Calvin also condemned Copernicus. Catholic reaction was milder at rst. The
Catholic Church had never held to literal interpretations of the Bible, and not
until 1616 did it ofcially declare the Copernican hypothesis false.
This slow reaction also reected the slow progress of Copernicuss theory for
many years. Other events were almost as inuential in creating doubts about tradi-
tional astronomical ideas. In 1572 a new star appeared and shone very brightly for
almost two years. The new star, which was actually a distant exploding star, made
an enormous impression on people. It seemed to contradict the idea that the heav-
The Copernican
The Copernican
Copernican hypothesis The idea that
the sun, not the earth, was the center of
the universe; this had tremendous
scientic and religious implications.
Copernican hypothesis The idea that
the sun, not the earth, was the center of
the universe; this had tremendous
scientic and religious implications.
The Aristotelian Universe
as Imagined in the
Sixteenth Century
A round earth is at the center,
surrounded by spheres of water, air,
and re. Beyond this small nucleus, the
moon, the sun, and the ve planets
were imbedded in their own rotating
crystal spheres, with the stars sharing
the surface of one enormous sphere.
Beyond, the heavens were composed
of unchanging ether. (Image Select/ Art
Resource, NY)
enly spheres were unchanging and therefore perfect. In 1577
a new comet suddenly moved through the sky, cutting a
straight path across the supposedly impenetrable crystal
spheres. It was time, as a typical scientic writer put it, for
the radical renovation of astronomy.
One astronomer who agreed was
Tycho Brahe (TEE-koh BRAH-hee)
(15461601). Born into a promi-
nent Danish noble family, Brahe was an imposing man who
had lost a piece of his nose in a duel and replaced it with a
special bridge of gold and silver alloy. He established himself
as Europes leading astronomer with his detailed observa-
tions of the new star of 1572. For twenty years he meticu-
lously observed the stars and planets with the naked eye in
the most sophisticated observatory of his day. His limited un-
derstanding of mathematics prevented him, however, from
making much sense out of his mass of data. Part Ptolemaic,
part Copernican, he believed that all the planets except the
earth revolved around the sun and that the entire group of sun
and planets revolved in turn around the earth-moon system.
It was left to Brahes assistant, Johannes Kepler (YO-han-
nis KEP-ler) (15711630), to rework Brahes mountain of
observations. A brilliant mathematician, Kepler would even-
tually move beyond his early belief that the universe was built
on mystical mathematical relationships and a musical har-
mony of the heavenly bodies.
Kepler formulated three famous laws of planetary mo-
tion. First, building on Copernican theory, he demonstrated in 1609 that the or-
bits of the planets around the sun are elliptical rather than circular. Second, he
demonstrated that the planets do not move at a uniform speed in their orbits.
Third, in 1619 he showed that the time a planet takes to make its complete orbit
is precisely related to its distance from the sun. Keplers contribution was monu-
mental. Whereas Copernicus had speculated, Kepler proved mathematically the
precise relations of a sun-centered (solar) system. His work demolished the old
system of Aristotle and Ptolemy, and in his third law he came close to formulating
the idea of universal gravitation.
While Kepler was unraveling planetary motion, a young Florentine named
Galileo Galilei (gal-uh-LAY-oh gal-uh-LAY-ee) (15641642) was challenging all
the old ideas about motion. Like Kepler and so many early scientists, Galileo was
a poor nobleman rst marked for a religious career. Instead, his fascination with
mathematics led to a professorship in which he examined motion and mechanics
in a new way. Indeed, his great achievement was the elaboration and consolida-
tion of the experimental method. That is, rather than speculate about what might
or should happen, Galileo conducted controlled experiments to nd out what
actually did happen.
In some of these experiments Galileo mea sured the movement of a rolling ball
across a surface that he constructed, repeating the action again and again to verify
his results. In his famous acceleration experiment, he showed that a uniform
forcein this case, gravityproduced a uniform acceleration. Through another
experiment, he formulated the law of inertia (in-UR-shuh). Rest was not the
From Brahe
to Galileo
From Brahe
to Galileo
experimental method The approach,
rst developed by Galileo, that the
proper way to explore the workings of the
universe was through repeatable
experiments rather than speculation.
law of inertia A law formulated by
Galileo that stated that rest was not the
natural state of an object. Rather, an
object continues in motion forever
unless stopped by some external force.
experimental method The approach,
rst developed by Galileo, that the
proper way to explore the workings of the
universe was through repeatable
experiments rather than speculation.
law of inertia A law formulated by
Galileo that stated that rest was not the
natural state of an object. Rather, an
object continues in motion forever
unless stopped by some external force.
ca. 15401690 Scientic revolution
1543 Copernicus, On the Revolutions of the
Heavenly Spheres
15641642 Life of Galileo
15711630 Life of Kepler
1662 Royal Society of London founded
1687 Newton, Principia and the law of
universal gravitation
1690 Locke, Essay Concerning Human
ca. 16901780 Enlightenment
16941778 Life of Voltaire
17001789 Growth of book publishing
17201780 Rococo style in art and decoration
ca. 17401780 Salons led by elite women
17401786 Reign of Frederick the Great of Prussia
ca. 17501790 Enlightened absolutists
17511765 Diderot and dAlembert, Encyclopedia
1762 Rousseau, The Social Contract
17621796 Reign of Catherine the Great of Russia
17801790 Reign of Joseph II of Austria
462 Chapter 18 Toward a New Worldview, 15401789
natural state of objects. Rather, an object continues in motion forever unless
stopped by some external force. Aristotelian physics was in shambles.
In the tradition of Brahe, Galileo also applied the experimental method to as-
tronomy. On hearing details about the invention of the telescope in Holland,
Galileo made one for himself and trained it on the heavens. He wrote in 1610 in
Siderus Nuncius:
By the aid of a telescope anyone may behold [the Milky Way] in a manner
which so distinctly appeals to the senses that all the disputes which have tormented
philosophers through so many ages are exploded by the irrefutable evidence of our
eyes, and we are freed from wordy disputes upon the subject. For the galaxy is noth-
ing else but a mass of innumerable stars planted together in clusters.
Reading these famous lines, one feels a crucial corner in Western civilization
being turned. No longer should one rely on established authority. A new method
of learning and investigating was being developed, one that proved capable of
great extension. A historian investigating documents of the past, for example, is not
so different from a Galileo studying stars and rolling balls.
Galileo was employed in Florence by the Medici grand dukes of Tuscany, and
his work eventually aroused the ire of some theologians. The issue was presented
in 1624 to Pope Urban VIII, who permitted Galileo to write about different pos-
sible systems of the world as long as he did not presume to judge which one actu-
ally existed. After the publication in Italian of his widely read Dialogue on the Two
Chief Systems of the World in 1632, which openly lampooned the traditional views
of Aristotle and Ptolemy and defended those of Copernicus, Galileo was tried for
heresy by the papal Inquisition. Imprisoned and threatened with torture, the aging
Galileo recanted, renouncing and cursing his Copernican errors.
Galileos Paintings of the Moon
When Galileo published the results of his
telescopic observations of the moon, he
added these paintings to illustrate the
marvels he had seen. Galileo made two
telescopes, which are shown here. The
larger one magnies fourteen times, the
smaller one twenty times. (Biblioteca
Nazionale Centrale, Florence/ Art Resource, NY;
Museum of Science, Florence/ Art Resource, NY)
The accomplishments of Kepler, Galileo, and other
scientists had taken effect by about 1640. The old as-
tronomy and physics were in ruins, and several funda-
mental breakthroughs had been made. But the new ndings failed to explain what
forces controlled the movement of the planets and objects on Earth. That chal-
lenge was taken up by the Eng lish scientist Isaac Newton (16421727).
Newton was born into the lower Eng lish gentry and he attended Cambridge
University. A genius who spectacularly united the experimental and theoretical-
mathematical sides of modern science, Newton was far from being the perfect ra-
tionalist eulogized by later centuries. Like many other practitioners of the new
science, Newton was both intensely religious and fascinated by alchemy.
He arrived at some of his most basic ideas about physics in 1666 at age twenty-
four but was unable to prove them mathematically. In 1684, after years of studying
optics, Newton returned to physics for eigh teen extraordinarily intensive months.
The result was his towering accomplishment, a single explanatory system that
could integrate the astronomy of Copernicus, as corrected by Keplers laws, with
the physics of Galileo and his predecessors. Newton did this by means of a set of
mathematical laws that explain motion and mechanics. These laws of dynamics
are complex, and it took scientists and engineers two hundred years to work out all
their implications. Nevertheless, the key feature of the Newtonian synthesis was
the law of universal gravitation. According to this law, every body in the universe
attracts every other body in the universe in a precise mathematical relationship,
whereby the force of attraction is proportional to the quantity of matter of the ob-
jects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The
whole universefrom Keplers elliptical orbits to Galileos rolling ballswas unied
in one majestic system. Newtons synthesis prevailed until the twentieth century.
The scientic revolution drew on long-term develop-
ments in European culture. The rst was the develop-
ment of the medieval university. By the fourteenth and
fteenth centuries leading universities had evolved to include professorships of
mathematics, astronomy, and physics (natural philosophy) within their faculties of
philosophy. Although the prestige of the new elds was low, critical thinking was
now applied to scientic problems by a permanent community of scholars. And an
outlet existed for the talents of a Galileo or a Newton: all the great pathnders ei-
ther studied or taught at universities.
Second, the Renaissance also stimulated scientic progress. The recovery of
ancient texts showed that classical mathematicians had their differences; Europe-
ans were thus forced to try to resolve these ancient controversies by means of their
own efforts. Renaissance patrons played a role in funding scientic investigations
as well as artistic projects, as the Medicis of Florence did for Galileo.
The navigational problems of long sea voyages in the age of overseas expansion
were a third factor in the scientic revolution. As early as 1484 the king of Portugal
appointed a commission of mathematicians to perfect tables to help seamen nd
their latitude. Navigational problems were also critical in the development of
many new scientic instruments, such as the telescope, barometer, thermometer,
pendulum clock, microscope, and air pump. Better instruments, which permitted
more accurate observations, often led to important new knowledge. Galileo with
his telescope was by no means unique.
The fourth factor in the scientic revolution was the development of better
ways of obtaining knowledge about the world. Two important thinkers, Francis
Newtons Synthesis Newtons Synthesis
law of universal gravitation Newtons
law that every body in the universe
attracts every other body in the universe
in a precise mathematical relationship,
whereby the force of attraction is
proportional to the quantity of matter of
the objects and inversely proportional to
the square of the distance between them.
law of universal gravitation Newtons
law that every body in the universe
attracts every other body in the universe
in a precise mathematical relationship,
whereby the force of attraction is
proportional to the quantity of matter of
the objects and inversely proportional to
the square of the distance between them.
Causes of the
Scientic Revolution
Causes of the
Scientic Revolution
The Scientic Revolution 463
464 Chapter 18 Toward a New Worldview, 15401789
Bacon (15611626) and Ren Descartes (dey-KAHRT) (15961650) were inuen-
tial in describing and advocating for improved scientic methods, based on ex-
perimentation and mathematical reasoning.
The Eng lish politician and writer Francis Bacon was the greatest early propa-
gandist for the new scientic method. Bacon argued that the researcher who wants
to learn more about leaves or rocks should not speculate about the subject but
should rather collect a multitude of specimens and then compare and analyze
them. General principles will then emerge. Bacons contribution was to formalize
the empirical method, which had already been used by Brahe and Galileo, into
the general theory of inductive reasoning known as empiricism.
The French philosopher Ren Descartes was a true genius who made his rst
great discovery in mathematics. As a twenty-three-year-old soldier serving in the
Thirty Years War, he experienced a life-changing intellectual vision on a single
night in 1619. Descartes saw that there was a perfect correspondence between
geometry and algebra and that geometrical, spatial gures could be expressed as
algebraic equations and vice versa. A major step forward in the history of mathe-
matics, Descartess discovery of analytic geometry provided scientists with an im-
portant new tool.
Descartess greatest achievement was to develop his initial vision into a whole
philosophy of knowledge and science. He decided it was necessary to doubt every-
thing that could reasonably be doubted and then, as in geometry, to use deductive
reasoning from self-evident principles to ascertain scientic laws. Descartess rea-
soning ultimately reduced all substances to matter and mindthat is, to the
physical and the spiritual. His view of the world as consisting of two fundamental
entities is known as Cartesian (kahr-TEE-zhuhn) dualism. Descartes was a pro-
foundly original and extremely inuential thinker.
Bacons inductive experimentalism and Descartess deductive, mathematical
reasoning are combined in the modern scientic method, which began to crystal-
lize in the late seventeenth century. Neither mans extreme approach was suf-
cient by itself. Bacons inability to appreciate the importance of mathematics and
his obsession with practical results clearly showed the limitations of antitheoretical
empiricism. Likewise, some of Descartess positionshe believed, for example, that
it was possible to deduce the whole science of medicine from rst principles
demonstrated the inadequacy of rigid, dogmatic rationalism. Thus the modern sci-
entic method has joined precise observations and experimentalism with the search
for general laws that may be expressed in rigorously logical, mathematical language.
The rise of modern science had many consequences,
some of which are still unfolding. First, it went hand in
hand with the rise of a new and expanding social
groupthe international scientic community. Members of this community
were linked together by common interests and shared values as well as by journals
and the learned scientic societies founded in many countries in the later seven-
teenth and the eigh teenth centuries. Their personal success depended on making
new discoveries, and science became competitive. Second, as governments inter-
vened to support and sometimes direct research, the new scientic community
became closely tied to the state and its agendas. National academies of science
were created under state sponsorship in London in 1662, Paris in 1666, Berlin in
1700, and later across Europe. At the same time, scientists developed a critical at-
titude toward established authority that would inspire thinkers to question tradi-
tions in other domains as well.
empiricism A theory of inductive
reasoning that calls for acquiring
evidence through observation and
experimentation rather than reason
and speculation.
empiricism A theory of inductive
reasoning that calls for acquiring
evidence through observation and
experimentation rather than reason
and speculation.
Cartesian dualism Descartess view
that all of reality could ultimately be
reduced to mind and matter.
Cartesian dualism Descartess view
that all of reality could ultimately be
reduced to mind and matter.
Science and Society Science and Society
scientic community The
international social group that expanded
with the rise of modern science; its
members were linked together by
common interests and shared values as
well as by journals and the learned
scientic societies founded in many
countries in the later seventeenth and
eigh teenth centuries.
scientic community The
international social group that expanded
with the rise of modern science; its
members were linked together by
common interests and shared values as
well as by journals and the learned
scientic societies founded in many
countries in the later seventeenth and
eigh teenth centuries.
Some things did not change in the scientic revolution.
Scholars have recently analyzed representations of femininity
and masculinity in the scientic revolution and have noted
that nature was often depicted as a female, whose veil of se-
crecy needed to be stripped away and penetrated by male ex-
perts. (At the same time, the Americas were similarly depicted
as a female terrain whose potentially fertile lands needed to
be controlled and impregnated by male colonists.) New ra-
tional methods for approaching nature did not question
traditional inequalities between the sexesand may have
worsened them in some ways. Women were largely shut out
of the academies and then refused membership into scientic
communities because they lacked aca demic credentials. (This
continued for a long time. Marie Curie, the rst person to win two
Nobel prizes, was rejected by the French Academy of Science in
1911 because she was a woman.
There were, however, a number of noteworthy exceptions. In
Italy, universities and academies did offer posts to women, attracting
some foreigners spurned by their own countries. Women were al-
lowed to work as makers of wax anatomical models and as botanical
and zoological illustrators. Women were also very much involved in
informal scientic communities, attending salons, participating in
scientic experiments, and writing learned treatises. Some female
intellectuals were recognized as full-edged members of the philo-
sophical dialogue. In Eng land, Margaret Cavendish, Anne Conway,
and Mary Astell all contributed to debates about Descartess mind-
body dualism, among other issues. Descartes himself conducted an
intellectual correspondence with the princess Elizabeth of Bohe-
mia, of whom he stated: I attach more weight to her judgement
than to those messieurs the Doctors, who take for a rule of truth the
opinions of Aristotle rather than the evidence of reason.
The scientic revolution had few consequences for economic
life and the living standards of the masses until the late eigh teenth
century. True, improvements in the techniques of navigation facili-
tated overseas trade and helped enrich states and merchant compa-
nies. But science had relatively few practical economic applications.
Thus the scientic revolution of the seventeenth century was rst
and foremost an intellectual revolution. For more than a hundred
years its greatest impact was on how people thought and believed.
Metamorphoses of the Caterpillar and Moth
Maria Sibylla Merian (16471717), the stepdaughter of a Dutch painter,
became a celebrated scientic illustrator in her own right. Her nely
observed pictures of insects in the South American colony of Surinam
introduced many new species, shown in their various stages of
development. For Merian, science was intimately tied with art: she not only
painted but also bred caterpillars and performed experiments on them. Her
two-year stay in Surinam, accompanied by a teenaged daughter, was a
daring feat for a seventeenth-century woman. (Bildarchiv Preussischer
Kulturbesitz/ Art Resource, NY)
Secti on Revi ew
Natural philosophy was based on Aristotles ideas: the
earth was the center of the universe, heaven was
perfect, and the earths four elements (air, re, water,
earth) were imperfect and changeable.
The Copernican hypothesis stated that the sun, not
the earth, was xed and the planets and stars revolved
around itan idea the church rejected.
Tycho Brahe, an astronomer, took detailed observa-
tions of the planets from which his assistant, Jo-
hannes Kepler, a mathematician, was able to
determine and prove planetary motion, while Gali-
leo Galilei developed the experimental method,
using controlled experiments to verify results.
Newton used a set of mathematical laws that explain
motion and mechanics to synthesize his law of uni-
versal gravitation, which unied the universe into
one magnicent system.
The scientic revolution was a product of the medi-
eval university, Renaissance funding, the need for
navigational instruments, and the scientic method
of experimentation and mathematical reasoning.
The scientic revolution was an intellectual revolu-
tion, fostering international scientic communities
and critical thinking in many elds beyond science.
The Scientic Revolution 465
466 Chapter 18 Toward a New Worldview, 15401789
The scientic revolution was the single most important factor in the creation of
the new worldview of the eigh teenth-century Enlightenment. This worldview,
which has played a large role in shaping the modern mind, grew out of a rich mix
of diverse and often conicting ideas. Despite the diversity, three central concepts
stand at the core of Enlightenment thinking. The most important and original
idea was that the methods of natural science could and should be used to examine
and understand all aspects of life. This was what intellectuals meant by reason, a
favorite word of Enlightenment thinkers. Nothing was to be accepted on faith.
Everything was to be submitted to rationalism, a secular, critical way of thinking.
A second important Enlightenment concept was that the scientic method was
capable of discovering the laws of human society as well as those of nature. Thus
was social science born. Its birth led to the third key idea, that of progress. Armed
with the proper method of discovering the laws of human exis tence, Enlighten-
ment thinkers believed, it was at least possible for human beings to create better
societies and better people. Their belief was strengthened by some modest im-
provements in economic and social life during the eigh teenth century.
Loosely united by certain key ideas, the European En-
lightenment was a broad intellectual and cultural
movement that gained strength gradually and did not
reach its maturity until about 1750. Yet it was the generation that came of age be-
tween the publication of Newtons Principia (prin-SIP-ee-uh, prin-KIP-ee-uh) in
1687 and the death of Louis XIV in 1715 that tied the crucial knot between the
scientic revolution and a new outlook on life. Talented writers of that generation
popularized hard-to-understand scientic achievements for the educated elite.
A new generation came to believe that the human mind is capable of making
great progress. Medieval and Reformation thinkers had been concerned primarily
with sin and salvation. The humanists of the Renaissance had emphasized worldly
matters, but their inspiration was the wisdom of the past. Enlightenment thinkers
came to believe that, at least in science and mathematics, their era had gone far
beyond antiquity. Progress, at least intellectual progress, was very possible.
The excitement of the scientic revolution also generated doubt and uncer-
tainty, contributing to a widespread crisis in late seventeenth-century European
thought. In the wake of the devastation wrought by the Thirty Years War, some
people asked whether ideological conformity in religious matters was really neces-
sary. Others skeptically asked if religious truth could ever be known with absolute
certainty and concluded that it could not. This was a new development because
many seventeenth-century scientists, Catholic and Protestant, believed that their
work exalted God and helped explain his creation to fellow believers.
The most famous of these skeptics was Pierre Bayle (16471706), a French
Huguenot who despised Louis XIV and found refuge in the Netherlands. Bayle
critically examined the religious beliefs and persecutions of the past in his Histori-
cal and Critical Dictionary (1697). Demonstrating that human beliefs had been
extremely varied and very often mistaken, he concluded that nothing can ever be
known beyond all doubt, a view known as skepticism. A very inuential text, his
The Enlightenment
How did the new worldview affect the way people thought about society
and human relations?
The Enlightenment
How did the new worldview affect the way people thought about society
and human relations?
Enlightenment The intellectual
and cultural movement of the late
seventeenth and eigh teenth centuries
that introduced a new worldview that
has played a large role in shaping the
modern mind. The three central
concepts of the Enlightenment were
the use of reason, the scientic method,
and progress.
rationalism A secular, critical way of
thinking in which nothing was to be
accepted on faith, and every thing was
to be submitted to reason.
Enlightenment The intellectual
and cultural movement of the late
seventeenth and eigh teenth centuries
that introduced a new worldview that
has played a large role in shaping the
modern mind. The three central
concepts of the Enlightenment were
the use of reason, the scientic method,
and progress.
rationalism A secular, critical way of
thinking in which nothing was to be
accepted on faith, and every thing was
to be submitted to reason.
The Emergence of
the Enlightenment
The Emergence of
the Enlightenment
skepticism The belief that nothing can
ever be known beyond all doubt and that
humanitys best hope was open-minded
skepticism The belief that nothing can
ever be known beyond all doubt and that
humanitys best hope was open-minded
Dictionary was reprinted frequently in the Netherlands and
in Eng land and was found in more private libraries of
eigh teenth-century France than any other book.
The rapidly growing travel literature on non-European
lands and cultures was another cause of uncertainty. In the
wake of the great discoveries, Europeans were learning that
the peoples of China, India, Africa, and the Americas all had
their own very different beliefs and customs. Europeans
shaved their faces and let their hair grow. Turks shaved their
heads and let their beards grow. In Europe a man bowed be-
fore a woman to show respect. In Siam a man turned his back
on a woman when he met her because it was disrespectful to
look directly at her. Countless similar examples discussed in
the travel accounts helped change the perspective of edu-
cated Europeans. They began to look at truth and morality in
relative, rather than absolute, terms. If anything was possible,
who could say what was right or wrong?
An additional cause and manifestation of European intel-
lectual turmoil was John Lockes epochal Essay Concerning
Human Understanding (1690). Lockes essay brilliantly set
forth a new theory about how human beings learn and form
their ideas, rejecting Descartess view that all people are born with certain basic
ideas and ways of thinking. Locke insisted that all ideas are derived from experi-
ence. The human mind at birth is like a blank tablet, or tabula rasa (TAB-yuh-luh
RAH-suh), on which the environment writes the individuals understanding and
beliefs. Human development is therefore determined by education and social in-
stitutions, for good or for evil. Lockes Essay Concerning Human Understanding
passed through many editions and translations. Along with Newtons Principia, it
was one of the dominant intellectual inspirations of the Enlightenment.
By the time Louis XIV died in 1715, many of the ideas
that would soon coalesce into the new worldview had
been assembled. Yet Chris tian Europe was still strongly
attached to its traditional beliefs, as witnessed by the powerful revival of religious
orthodoxy in the rst half of the eigh teenth century (see pages 526530). By the
outbreak of the American Revolution in 1775, however, a large portion of western
Europes educated elite had embraced many of the new ideas. This ac cep tance
was the work of the philosophes (FIL-uh-sawfz), a group of inuential intellectu-
als who proudly proclaimed that they, at long last, were bringing the light of knowl-
edge to their ignorant fellow creatures.
Philosophe is the French word for philosopher, and it was in France that the
Enlightenment reached its highest development. There were at least three reasons
for this. First, French was the international language of the educated classes in the
tabula rasa A blank tablet,
incorporated into Lockes belief that all
ideas are derived from experience, and
that the human mind at birth is like a
blank tablet on which the environment
writes the individuals understanding
and beliefs.
tabula rasa A blank tablet,
incorporated into Lockes belief that all
ideas are derived from experience, and
that the human mind at birth is like a
blank tablet on which the environment
writes the individuals understanding
and beliefs.
The Philosophes
and the Public
The Philosophes
and the Public
philosophes Intellectuals in France
who proclaimed that they were bringing
the light of knowledge to their fellow
creatures in the Age of Enlightenment.
philosophes Intellectuals in France
who proclaimed that they were bringing
the light of knowledge to their fellow
creatures in the Age of Enlightenment.
Popularizing Science
The frontispiece illustration of Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds
by Bernard de Fontenelle (16571757) invites a nonscientic audience to
share the plea sures of astronomy with an elegant lady and an entertaining
teacher. The drawing shows the planets revolving around the sun.
(By permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library)
The Enlightenment 467
468 Chapter 18 Toward a New Worldview, 15401789
eigh teenth century, and France was still the wealthiest and most populous country
in Europe. Second, although French intellectuals were not free to openly criticize
either church or state, they were not as strongly restrained as intellectuals in
eastern and east-central Europe. Philosophes like the baron de Montesquieu
(MON-tuh-skyoo) (16891755) used satire and double meanings to spread their
message to the public. Third, the French philosophes made it their goal to reach
a larger audience of elites, many of whom were joined together in the eigh teenth-
century concept of the republic of lettersan imaginary, transnational realm of
the well-educated.
The inuence of writers like Montesquieu on the enlightened public can be
seen in the results of his political writing. Disturbed by the growth in royal absolut-
ism under Louis XIV and inspired by the example of the physical sciences, Mon-
tesquieu set out to apply the critical method to the problem of government. The
Spirit of Laws (1748) was a complex comparative study of republics, monarchies,
and despotismsa great pioneering inquiry in the emerging social sciences.
Showing that forms of government were shaped by history, geography, and
customs, Montesquieu focused on the conditions that would promote liberty and
prevent tyranny. He argued for a separation of powers, with political power di-
vided and shared by a variety of classes and legal estates holding unequal rights
and privileges. Admiring greatly the Eng lish balance of power among the king, the
houses of Parliament, and the in de pen dent courts, Montesquieu believed that in
France the thirteen high courtsthe parlementswere frontline defenders of lib-
erty against royal despotism. Apprehensive about the uneducated poor, Montes-
quieu was clearly no dem o crat, but his theory of separation of powers had a great
impact on the constitutions of the young United States in 1789 and of France
in 1791.
The most famous and in many ways most representative philosophe was Fran-
ois Marie Arouet, who was known by the pen name Voltaire (vohl-TAIR) (1694
1778). In his long career, this son of a comfortable middle-class family wrote more
than seventy witty volumes, hobnobbed with kings and queens, and died a mil-
lionaire because of shrewd business speculations. His early career, however, was
turbulent, and he was arrested on two occasions for insulting noblemen. Voltaire
moved to Eng land for three years in order to avoid a longer prison term in France,
and there he came to share Montesquieus enthusiasm for Eng lish institutions.
Returning to France and soon threatened again with prison in Paris, Voltaire
had the great fortune of meeting Gabrielle-Emilie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, mar-
quise du Chtelet (SHA-tuh-lay) (17061749), an intellectually gifted woman
from the high aristocracy with a passion for science. Inviting Voltaire to live in her
country house at Cirey in Lorraine and becoming his long-time companion (un-
der the eyes of her tolerant husband), Madame du Chtelet studied physics and
mathematics and published scientic articles and translations.
Excluded from the Royal Academy of Sciences because of her gender, Ma-
dame du Chtelet depended on private tutors for instruction and became un-
certain of her ability to make important scientic discoveries. She therefore
concentrated on spreading the ideas of others, and her translationwith an ac-
companying commentaryof Newtons Principia into French for the rst (and
only) time was her greatest work. But she, who had patiently explained Newtons
complex mathematical proofs to Europes foremost philosophe, had no doubt that
womens limited scientic contributions in the past were due to limited and un-
equal education. She once wrote that if she were a ruler I would reform an abuse
which cuts off, so to speak, half the human race. I would make women participate
in all the rights of humankind, and above all in those of the intellect.
separation of powers The idea,
developed by the philosophe
Montesquieu, that despotism could be
avoided when political power was
divided and shared by a variety of classes
and legal estates holding unequal rights
and privileges.
separation of powers The idea,
developed by the philosophe
Montesquieu, that despotism could be
avoided when political power was
divided and shared by a variety of classes
and legal estates holding unequal rights
and privileges.
While living at Cirey, Voltaire wrote various works prais-
ing Eng land and popularizing Eng lish scientic progress.
Newton, he wrote, was historys greatest man, for he had used
his genius for the benet of humanity. It is, wrote Voltaire,
the man who sways our minds by the prevalence of reason
and the native force of truth, not they who reduce mankind to
a state of slav ery by force and downright violence . . . that
claims our reverence and admiration.
In the true style of the
Enlightenment, Voltaire mixed the glorication of science and
reason with an appeal for better individuals and institutions.
Yet like almost all of the philosophes, Voltaire was a re-
former, not a revolutionary, in social and political matters. He
pessimistically concluded that the best one could hope for in
the way of government was a good monarch, since human
beings are very rarely worthy to govern themselves. Nor did
he believe in social and economic equality in human affairs.
The idea of making servants equal to their masters was ab-
surd and impossible. The only realizable equality, Voltaire
thought, was that by which the citizen only depends on the
laws which protect the freedom of the feeble against the am-
bitions of the strong.
Voltaires philosophical and religious positions were
much more radical. In the tradition of Bayle, his voluminous
writings challenged, often indirectly, the Catholic Church
and Chris tian theology at almost every point. Voltaire clearly
believed in God, but his was a distant, deistic God, the great
Clockmaker who built an orderly universe and then stepped
aside and let it run. Above all, Voltaire and most of the philo-
sophes hated all forms of religious intolerance, which they
believed often led to fanaticism and savage, inhuman action.
Simple piety and human kindnessas embodied in Christs great command-
ments to love God and your neighbor as yourself were religion enough, as
may be seen in Voltaires famous essay on religion. (See the feature Listening to
the Past: Voltaire on Religion on pages 482483.)
The ultimate strength of the French philosophes lay in their number, dedica-
tion, and or ga ni za tion. The philosophes felt keenly that they were engaged in
a common undertaking that transcended individuals. Their greatest and most
representative intellectual achievement was, quite ttingly, a group effortthe
seventeen-volume Encyclopedia: The Rational Dictionary of the Sciences, the Arts,
and the Crafts, edited by Denis Diderot (duh-nee DEE-duh-roe) (17131784) and
Jean le Rond dAlembert (al-em-BAHR) (17171783). From different circles and
with different interests, the two men set out to nd coauthors who would examine
the rapidly expanding whole of human knowledge. Even more fundamentally,
they set out to teach people how to think critically and objectively about all
matters. As Diderot said, he wanted the Encyclopedia to change the general way
of thinking.
Not every article was daring or original, but the overall effect was little short of
revolutionary. Science and the industrial arts were exalted, religion and immortal-
ity questioned. Intolerance, legal injustice, and out-of-date social institutions were
openly criticized. The encyclopedists were convinced that greater knowledge
would result in greater human happiness, for knowledge was useful and made pos-
sible economic, social, and political progress. The Encyclopedia was widely read,
Madame du Chtelet
The marquise du Chtelet was fascinated by the new world
system of Isaac Newton. She helped spread Newtons ideas in
France by translating his Principia and by inuencing Voltaire,
her companion for fteen years until her death. (Giraudon/ Art
Resource, NY)
The Enlightenment 469
470 Chapter 18 Toward a New Worldview, 15401789
especially in less-expensive reprint editions published in Switzerland, and it was
extremely inuential in France and throughout western Europe as well. It summed
up the new worldview of the Enlightenment.
Enlightenment ideas did not oat on air. A series of
new institutions and practices emerged in the late sev-
enteenth and eigh teenth centuries to facilitate their
spread. First, the European production and consumption of books grew signi-
cantly in the eigh teenth century. Moreover, the types of books people read changed
dramatically. The proportion of religious and devotional books published in Paris
declined after 1750; history and law held constant; the arts and sciences surged.
Reading more books on many more subjects, the educated public in France
and throughout Europe increasingly approached reading in a new way. The result
was what some scholars have called a reading revolution. The old style of read-
ing in Europe had been centered on a core of sacred texts that inspired reverence
and taught earthly duty and obedience to God. Reading had been patriarchal and
communal, with the father of the family slowly reading the text aloud and the audi-
ence savoring each word. Now reading involved a broader eld of books that
constantly changed. Reading became individual and silent, and texts could be
Urban Culture and
the Public Sphere
Urban Culture and
the Public Sphere
reading revolution The transition in
Europe from a society where literacy
consisted of patriarchal and communal
reading of religious texts to a society
where literacy was commonplace and
reading material was broad and diverse.
reading revolution The transition in
Europe from a society where literacy
consisted of patriarchal and communal
reading of religious texts to a society
where literacy was commonplace and
reading material was broad and diverse.
Selling Books, Promoting Ideas
This appealing bookshop with its intriguing ads for the latest works offers to put customers Under the Protection of Minerva, the Roman
goddess of wisdom. Large packets of books sit ready for shipment to foreign countries. Book consumption surged in the eigh teenth century.
(Muse des Beaux-Arts, Dijon/ Art Resource, NY)
questioned. Subtle but profound, the reading revolution ushered in new ways of
relating to the written word.
Conversation, discussion, and debate also played a critical role in the Enlight-
enment. Paris set the example, and other French and European cities followed. In
Paris a number of talented, wealthy women presided over regular social gatherings
in their elegant private drawing rooms, or salons. There they encouraged the ex-
change of witty, uncensored observations on literature, science, and philosophy.
Talented hostesses, or salonnires (sal-lon-ee-AIRZ), mediated the publics free-
wheeling examination of Enlightenment thought. As one philosophe described
his Enlightenment hostess and her salon:
She could unite the different types, even the most antagonistic, sustaining the
conversation by a well-aimed phrase, animating and guiding it at will. . . . Politics,
religion, philosophy, news: nothing was excluded. Her circle met daily from ve to
nine. There one found men of all ranks in the State, the Church, and the Court,
soldiers and foreigners, and the leading writers of the day.
As this passage suggests, the salons created a cultural realm free from religious
dogma and political censorship. There a diverse but educated public could debate
issues and form its own ideas. Through their invitation lists, salon hostesses brought
together members of the intellectual, economic, and social elites. In such an at mos-
phere, the philosophes, the French nobility, and the prosperous middle classes
intermingled and inuenced one another. Thinking critically about almost any
question became fashionable and ourished alongside hopes for human progress
through greater knowledge and enlightened public opinion.
salons Regular social gatherings held by
talented and rich Parisian women in
their homes, where philosophes and
their followers met to discuss literature,
science, and philosophy.
salons Regular social gatherings held by
talented and rich Parisian women in
their homes, where philosophes and
their followers met to discuss literature,
science, and philosophy.
Enlightenment Culture
An actor performs the rst reading of a new play by Voltaire at the salon of Madame Geoffrin. Voltaire, then in exile, is
represented by a bust statue. (Runion des Muses Nationaux/ Art Resource, NY)
The Enlightenment 471
472 Chapter 18 Toward a New Worldview, 15401789
Elite women also exercised an unprecedented feminine inuence on artistic
taste. Soft pastels, ornate interiors, sentimental portraits, and starry-eyed lovers pro-
tected by hovering cupids were all hallmarks of the style they favored. This style,
known as rococo (ruh-KOH-koh), was popular throughout Europe in the eigh-
teenth century. It has been argued that feminine inuence in the drawing room
went hand in hand with the emergence of polite society and the general attempt
to civilize a rough military nobility. Similarly, some philosophes championed
greater rights and expanded education for women, claiming that the position and
treatment of women were the best indicators of a societys level of civilization and
To be sure, for these male philosophes greater rights for women did not
mean equal rights, and the philosophes were not particularly disturbed by the fact
that elite women remained legally subordinate to men in economic and political
affairs. Elite women lacked many rights, but so did most men.
While membership at the salons was restricted to the well-born, the well-
connected, and the exceptionally talented, a number of institutions emerged for
the rest of society. Lending libraries served an important function for people who
could not afford to buy their own books. The coffeehouses that rst appeared in
the late seventeenth century became meccas of philosophical discussion. In addi-
tion to these institutions, book clubs, Masonic lodges, and journals all played roles
in the creation of a new public sphere that celebrated open debate informed by
critical reason. The public sphere was an idealized space where members of soci-
ety came together as individuals to discuss issues relevant to the society, econom-
ics, and politics of the day.
What of the common people? Did they participate in the Enlightenment?
Enlightenment philosophes did not direct their message to peasants or urban la-
borers. They believed that the masses had no time or talent for philosophical
speculation and that elevating them would be a long, slow, potentially dangerous
process. Deluded by superstitions and driven by violent passions, they thought, the
people were like little children in need of rm parental guidance. French philo-
sophe dAlembert characteristically made a sharp distinction between the truly
enlightened public and the blind and noisy multitude.
There is some evidence, however, that the people were not immune to the
words of the philosophes. At a time of rising literacy, book prices were dropping in
cities and towns, and many philosophical ideas were popularized in cheap pam-
phlets. Moreover, even illiterate people had access to written material, through
the practice of public reading. Although they were barred from salons and aca-
demies, ordinary people were not immune to the new ideas in circulation.
After about 1770 a number of thinkers and writers be-
gan to attack the Enlightenments faith in reason, prog-
ress, and moderation. The most famous of these was
the Swiss Jean-Jacques Rousseau (17121778), the son of a poor watchmaker who
made his way into the world of Paris salons through his brilliant intellect. Appeal-
ing but neurotic, Rousseau came to believe that his philosophe friends and the
women of the Parisian salons were plotting against him. In the mid-1750s he broke
with them, living thereafter as a lonely outsider with his uneducated common-law
wife and going in his own highly original direction.
Like other Enlightenment thinkers, Rousseau was passionately committed to
individual freedom. Unlike them, however, he attacked rationalism and civiliza-
tion as destroying, rather than liberating, the individual. Warm, spontaneous feel-
ing had to complement and correct cold intellect. Moreover, the basic goodness
rococo A popular style in Europe in the
eigh teenth century, known for its soft
pastels, ornate interiors, sentimental
portraits, and starry-eyed lovers protected
by hovering cupids.
rococo A popular style in Europe in the
eigh teenth century, known for its soft
pastels, ornate interiors, sentimental
portraits, and starry-eyed lovers protected
by hovering cupids.
public sphere An idealized intellectual
space that emerged in Europe during the
Enlightenment, where members of
society came together as individuals to
discuss issues relevant to the society,
economics, and politics of the day.
public sphere An idealized intellectual
space that emerged in Europe during the
Enlightenment, where members of
society came together as individuals to
discuss issues relevant to the society,
economics, and politics of the day.
Late Enlightenment Late Enlightenment
of the individual and the unspoiled child had to be protected from the cruel re-
nements of civilization. Rousseaus ideals greatly inuenced the early romantic
movement (see pages 517518), which rebelled against the culture of the Enlight-
enment in the late eigh teenth century.
Reconrming Montesquieus critique of womens inuence in public affairs,
Rousseau called for a rigid division of gender roles. According to Rousseau, women
and men were radically different beings. Destined by nature to assume a passive
role in sexual relations, women should also be passive in social life. Womens pas-
sion for fashion, attending salons, and pulling the strings of power was unnatural and
had a corrupting effect on both politics and society. Rousseau thus rejected the
sophisticated way of life of Parisian elite women. These views contributed to calls for
privileged women to abandon their stylish corsets and to breast-feed their children.
Rousseaus contribution to political theory in The Social Contract (1762) was
equally signicant. His contribution was based on two fundamental concepts: the
general will and popular sovereignty. According to Rousseau, the general will is
sacred and absolute, reecting the common interests of all the people, who have
displaced the monarch as the holder of sovereign power. The general will is not
necessarily the will of the majority, however. At times the general will may be the
authentic, long-term needs of the people as correctly interpreted by a farseeing
minority. (The concept has since been used by many dictators who have claimed
that they, rather than some momentary majority of the voters, represent the gen-
eral will.)
As the reading public developed, it joined forces with the philosophes to call
for the autonomy of the printed word. Immanuel Kant (17241804), a professor in
East Prussia and the greatest German philosopher of his day, posed the question of
the age when he published a pamphlet in 1784 entitled What Is Enlightenment?
Kant answered, Sapere Aude! (SAP-eh-ray OW-day) [dare to know] Have courage
to use your own understanding!that is the motto of enlightenment. He argued
that if serious thinkers were granted the freedom to exercise their reason publicly
in print, enlightenment would almost surely follow. Kant was no revolutionary; he
also insisted that in their private lives, individuals must obey all laws, no matter
how unreasonable, and should be punished for impertinent criticism. Kant thus
tried to reconcile absolute monarchical authority with a critical public sphere.
This balancing act characterized experiments with enlightened absolutism in
the eigh teenth century.
In recent years, historians have found in the scientic
revolution and the Enlightenment a crucial turning
point in European ideas about race. A primary catalyst
for new ideas about race was the urge to classify nature, unleashed by the scientic
revolutions insistence on careful empirical observation. In The System of Nature
(1735) Swedish botanist Carl von Linn argued that nature was or ga nized into a
God-given hierarchy. As scientists developed more elaborate taxonomies of plant
and animal species, they also began to classify humans into hierarchically ordered
races and to investigate the origins of race. The Comte de Buffon (komt duh
buh-FAWN) argued that humans originated with one species that then developed
into distinct races due largely to climatic conditions. According to Immanuel Kant,
there were four human races, each of which had derived from an original race of
white brunette people.
Using the word race to designate biologically distinct groups of humans, akin
to distinct animal species, was new. Previously, Europeans grouped other peoples
general will Rousseaus concept that
the common interest of all the people is
sacred and absolute, and is not
necessarily reected by the will of the
majority but by the interpretation of a
farseeing minority.
general will Rousseaus concept that
the common interest of all the people is
sacred and absolute, and is not
necessarily reected by the will of the
majority but by the interpretation of a
farseeing minority.
Race and the
Race and the
The Enlightenment 473
474 Chapter 18 Toward a New Worldview, 15401789
into nations based on their historical, political, and cultural afliations, rather
than on supposedly innate physical differences. Unsurprisingly, when European
thinkers drew up a hierarchical classication of human species, their own race
was placed at the top. Europeans had long believed they were culturally superior
to barbaric peoples in Africa and, since 1492, the New World. Now emerging
ideas about racial difference taught them they were biologically superior as well.
These ideas did not go unchallenged. James Beattie responded directly to
claims of white superiority by pointing out that Europeans had started out as sav-
age as nonwhites and that many non-European peoples in the Americas, Asia, and
Africa had achieved high levels of civilization.
Scholars are only at the beginning of efforts to understand links between En-
lightenment ideas about race and its notions of equality, progress, and reason.
There are clear parallels, though, between the use of science to propagate racial
hierarchies and its use to defend social inequalities between men and women. As
Rousseau used womens natural passivity to argue for their passive role in society,
so others used non-Europeans natural inferiority to defend slav ery and colonial
domination. The new powers of science and reason were thus marshaled to imbue
traditional stereotypes with the force of natural law.
How did the Enlightenment inuence political developments? To this important
question there is no easy answer. Most Enlightenment thinkers outside of Eng land
and the Netherlands believed that political change could best come from above
from the rulerrather than from below, especially in central and eastern Europe.
It was necessary to educate and enlighten the monarch, who could then make
good laws and promote human happiness.
Many government ofcials were attracted to and interested in philosophical
ideas. They were among the best-educated members of society, and their daily
involvement in complex affairs of state made them naturally interested in ideas for
improving or reforming human society. Encouraged and instructed by these of-
cials, some absolutist rulers of the later eigh teenth century tried to govern in an
enlightened manner. Yet the actual programs and accomplishments of these
rulers varied greatly. It is necessary to examine the evolution of monarchical abso-
lutism at close range before trying to judge the Enlightenments effect and the
meaning of what historians have often called the enlightened absolutism of the
later eigh teenth century.
Enlightenment teachings inspired European rulers in small as well as large
states in the second half of the eigh teenth century. Absolutist princes and mon-
archs in several west German and Italian states, as well as in Scandinavia, Spain,
and Portugal, proclaimed themselves more enlightened. A few smaller states were
actually the most successful in making reforms, perhaps because their rulers were
not overwhelmed by the size and complexity of their realms. Denmark, for exam-
ple, carried out extensive and progressive land reform in the 1780s that practically
abolished serfdom and gave Danish peasants secure tenure on their farms. Yet by
far the most inuential of the new-style monarchs were in Prussia, Russia, and
Austria, and they deserve primary attention.
The Enlightenment and Absolutism
What impact did this new way of thinking have on political developments
and monarchical absolutism?
The Enlightenment and Absolutism
What impact did this new way of thinking have on political developments
and monarchical absolutism?
enlightened absolutism Term coined
by historians to describe the rule of
eigh teenth-century monarchs who,
without renouncing their own absolute
authority, adopted Enlightenment ideals
of rationalism, progress, and tolerance.
enlightened absolutism Term coined
by historians to describe the rule of
eigh teenth-century monarchs who,
without renouncing their own absolute
authority, adopted Enlightenment ideals
of rationalism, progress, and tolerance.
Secti on Revi ew
The Enlightenment brought together
the scientic revolution and a new
worldview that believed that the
human mind is capable of progress.
The Enlightenment reached its peak
in France with the philosophes, in-
cluding Voltaire, who mixed science
and reason with an appeal for improv-
ing humans and institutions, and
ultimately in the group work of the
Encyclopedia, which taught critical
thinking in an effort to make possible
economic, social, and political
Enlightenment ideas spread through
the reading revolution and from con-
versations and debate by the educated
public in salons, which were free from
religious and political censorship.
Salons, book clubs, lodges, journals,
and libraries created a new public
sphere where intellectuals could
debate and reason, but did not include
the lower classes, who received second-
hand inuence from these ideas.
Some thinkers began to critique the
Enlightenments faith in reason;
Rousseau, for example, argued for a
rigid division of gender roles and for
balancing cold intellect with warm,
spontaneous feeling.
Some Europeans used science to
create racial hierarchies to defend
slav ery and colonial domination of
naturally inferior races as well as to
enforce social inequalities between
men and women.
Frederick II (r. 17401786), commonly known as
Frederick the Great, built masterfully on the work of
his father, Frederick William I (see page 443). Although
in his youth he embraced culture and literature rather than the crude life of the
barracks, by the time he came to the throne Frederick was determined to use the
splendid army that his father had left him.
Therefore, when Maria Theresa of Austria inherited the Habsburg dominions
upon the death of her father Charles VI, Frederick pounced. He invaded her rich,
mainly German province of Silesia (si-LEE-zhuh) in violation of the Pragmatic
Sanction that had guaranteed her succession. In 1742, as other greedy powers
were falling on her lands in the general European War of the Austrian Succession
(17401748), Maria Theresa was forced to cede almost all of Silesia to Prussia (see
Map 17.2 on page 442). In one stroke Prussia had doubled its population to six
million people. Now Prussia unquestionably towered above all the other German
states and stood as a European Great Power.
Though successful in 1742, Frederick had to spend much of his reign ghting
against great odds to save Prussia from total destruction. When the ongoing com-
petition between Britain and France for colonial empire brought another great
conict in 1756 (see page 497), Maria Theresa fashioned an aggressive alliance
with the leaders of France and Russia. During the Seven Years War (17561763),
the aim of the alliance was to conquer Prussia and divide up its territory. Despite
invasions from all sides, Frederick fought on with stoic courage. In the end he was
miraculously saved: Peter III came to the Rus sian throne in 1762 and called off the
attack against Frederick, whom he greatly admired.
The terrible struggle of the Seven Years War tempered Fredericks interest in
territorial expansion and brought him to consider how more humane policies for
his subjects might also strengthen the state. Thus Frederick went beyond a super-
cial commitment to Enlightenment culture for himself and his circle. He toler-
antly allowed his subjects to believe as they wished in religious and philosophical
matters. He promoted the advancement of knowledge, improving his countrys
schools and permitting scholars to publish their ndings. Moreover, Frederick tried
to improve the lives of his subjects more directly. As he wrote his friend Voltaire,
I must enlighten my people, cultivate their manners and morals, and make them
as happy as human beings can be, or as happy as the means at my disposal permit.
The legal system and the bureaucracy were Fredericks primary tools. Prussias
laws were simplied, torture of prisoners was abolished, and judges decided cases
quickly and impartially. Prussian ofcials became famous for their hard work and
honesty. After the Seven Years War ended in 1763, Fredericks government ener-
getically promoted the reconstruction of agriculture and industry in his war-torn
country. Frederick himself set a good example. He worked hard and lived mod-
estly, claiming that he was only the rst servant of the state. Thus Frederick justi-
ed monarchy in terms of practical results and said nothing of the divine right
of kings.
Fredericks dedication to high-minded government went only so far, however.
While he condemned serfdom in the abstract, he accepted it in practice and
did not even free the serfs on his own estates. He accepted and extended the privi-
leges of the nobility, who remained the backbone of the army and the entire Prus-
sian state.
Nor did Frederick listen to thinkers like Moses Mendelssohn (MEN-dul-suhn)
(17291786), who urged that Jews be given freedom and civil rights. (See the
feature Individuals in Society: Moses Mendelssohn and the Jewish Enlighten-
ment.) The vast majority of Jews were conned to tiny, overcrowded ghettos, were
Frederick the Great
of Prussia
Frederick the Great
of Prussia
The Enlightenment and Absolutism 475
Indi vi dual s i n Soci et y
Moses Mendelssohn and the Jewish Enlightenment
n 1743 a small, humpbacked Jewish boy with a stam-
mer left his poor parents in Dessau (DES-ow) in cen-
tral Germany and walked eighty miles to Berlin, the
capital of Frederick the Greats Prussia. According to
one story, when the boy reached the Rosenthaler (ROH-
zuhn-taw-ler) Gate, the
only one through which
Jews could pass, he told the
inquiring watchman that
his name was Moses and
that he had come to Berlin
to learn. The watchman
laughed and waved him
through. Go Moses, the
sea has opened before
you.* Embracing the En-
lightenment and seeking
a revitalization of Jewish
religious thought, Moses
Men delssohn did point his
people in a new and un-
charted direction.
In Berlin, the young
Mendelssohn turned to a
learned rabbi he had pre-
viously known in Dessau, studied Jewish law, and eked
out a living copying Hebrew manuscripts in a beautiful
hand. But he was soon fascinated by an intellectual
world that had been closed to him in the Dessau ghetto.
There, like most Jews throughout central Europe, he
had spoken Yiddisha mixture of German, Polish, and
Hebrew. Now, working mainly on his own, he mastered
German; learned Latin, Greek, French, and Eng lish;
and studied mathematics and Enlightenment philoso-
phy. Word of his exceptional abilities spread in Berlins
Jewish community (1,500 of the citys 100,000 inhabi-
tants). He began tutoring the children of a wealthy Jew-
ish silk merchant, and he soon became the merchants
clerk and later his partner. But his great passion re-
mained the life of the mind and the spirit, which he av-
idly pursued in his off hours.
Gentle and unassuming in his personal life, Men-
delssohn was a bold thinker. Reading eagerly in Western
philosophy since antiquity, he was, as a pious Jew, soon
* H. Kupferberg, The Mendelssohns: Three Generations of
Genius (New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1972), p. 3.
convinced that Enlightenment teachings need not be
opposed to Jewish thought and religion. Indeed, he con-
cluded that reason could complement and strengthen
religion, although each would retain its integrity as a
separate sphere. Developing his idea in his rst great
work, On the Immortality of the Soul (1767), Men-
delssohn used the neutral setting of a philosophical dia-
logue between Socrates and his followers in ancient
Greece to argue that the human soul lived forever. In
refusing to bring religion and critical thinking into con-
ict, he was strongly inuenced by contemporary Ger-
man philosophers who argued similarly on behalf of
Chris tianity. He reected the way the German Enlight-
enment generally supported established religion, in
contrast to the French Enlightenment, which attacked
it. This was the most important difference in Enlighten-
ment thinking between the two countries.
Mendelssohns treatise on the human soul captivated
the educated German public, which marveled that a
Jew could have written a philosophical masterpiece. In
the excitement, a Chris tian zealot named Lavater chal-
lenged Mendelssohn in a pamphlet to accept Chris-
tianity or to demonstrate how the Chris tian faith was not
reasonable. Replying politely but passionately, the
Jewish philosopher afrmed that all his studies had only
strengthened him in the faith of his fathers, although he
certainly did not seek to convert anyone not born into
Judaism. Rather, he urged toleration in religious mat-
ters. He spoke up courageously for his fellow Jews and
decried the oppression they endured, and he continued
to do so for the rest of his life.
Orthodox Jew and German philosophe, Moses Men-
delssohn serenely combined two very different worlds.
He built a bridge from the ghetto to the dominant cul-
ture over which many Jews would pass, including his
novelist daughter Dorothea and his famous grandson,
the composer Felix Mendelssohn.
Questions for Analysis
1. How did Mendelssohn seek to inuence Jewish
religious thought in his time?
2. How do Mendelssohns ideas compare with those of
the French Enlightenment?
D. Sorkin, Moses Mendelssohn and the Religious Enlighten-
ment (Berkeley: University of Cal i fornia Press, 1996), pp. 8 ff.
Lavater (right) attempts to convert
Mendelssohn, in a painting by Moritz
Oppenheim of an imaginary
encounter. (Collection of the Judah L.
Magnes Museum, Berkeley)
excluded by law from most business and professional activities, and could be or-
dered out of the kingdom at a moments notice.
Catherine the Great of Russia (r. 17621796) was one
of the most remarkable rulers of her age, and the
French philosophes adored her. Catherine was a Ger-
man princess from Anhalt-Zerbst (AHN-hahlt ZEHR-bst), a totally insignicant
principality sandwiched between Prussia and Saxony. Her father commanded a
regiment of the Prussian army, but her mother was related to the Romanovs of
Russia, and that proved to be Catherines chance.
At the age of fteen she was married to the heir to the Rus sian throne. When
her husband Peter III came to power in 1762, his decision to withdraw Rus sian
troops from the coalition against Prussia alienated the army. At the end of six
months Catherine and her conspirators deposed Peter III in a palace revolution,
and the Orlov brothers murdered him. The German princess became empress
of Russia.
Catherine had drunk deeply at the Enlightenment well. Never questioning
the common assumption that absolute monarchy was the best form of govern-
ment, she set out to rule in an enlightened manner. She had three main goals.
First, she worked hard to continue Peter the Greats effort to bring the culture of
western Europe to backward Russia. To do so, she imported Western architects,
Catherine the Great
of Russia
Catherine the Great
of Russia
The Enlightenment and Absolutism 477
Catherine the Great as Equestrian and Miniature of Count Grigory Grigoryevich Orlov
Catherine conspired with her lover Count Orlov to overthrow her husband Peter III and became empress of Russia. Strongly inuenced by the
Enlightenment, she cultivated the French philosophes and instituted moderate reforms, only to reverse them in the aftermath of Pugachevs
rebellion. This equestrian portrait now hangs above her throne in the palace throne room. (left: Muse des Beaux-Arts, Chartres / The Bridgeman Art Library;
right: State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg)
478 Chapter 18 Toward a New Worldview, 15401789
sculptors, musicians, and intellectuals. She bought masterpieces of Western art in
wholesale lots and patronized the philosophes. An enthusiastic letter writer, she
corresponded extensively with Voltaire and praised him as the champion of the
human race. When the French government banned the Encyclopedia, she of-
fered to publish it in St. Petersburg, and she sent money to Diderot when he
needed it. With these and countless similar actions, Catherine won good press in
the West for herself and for her country. Moreover, this intellectual ruler, who
wrote plays and loved good talk, set the tone for the entire Rus sian nobility. Peter
the Great westernized Rus sian armies, but it was Catherine who Westernized the
imagination of the Rus sian nobility.
Catherines second goal was domestic reform, and she began her reign with
sincere and ambitious projects. Better laws were a major concern. In 1767 she
appointed a special legislative commission to prepare a new law code. No new
unied code was ever produced, but Catherine did restrict the practice of torture
and allowed limited religious toleration. She also tried to improve education and
strengthen local government. The philosophes applauded these mea sures and
hoped more would follow.
Such was not the case. In 1773 a common Cossack soldier named Emelian
Pugachev (PEW-gah-chev) sparked a gigantic uprising of serfs, very much as
Stenka Razin had done a century earlier (see page 447). Proclaiming himself the
true tsar, Pugachev issued decrees abolishing serfdom, taxes, and army ser vice.
Thousands joined his cause, slaughtering landlords and ofcials over a vast area of
southwestern Russia. Pugachevs untrained forces eventually proved no match for
Catherines noble-led regular army. Betrayed by his own company, Pugachev was
captured and savagely executed.
Pugachevs rebellion put an end to any intentions Catherine might have had
about reforming the system. The peasants were clearly dangerous, and her empire
rested on the support of the nobility. After 1775 Catherine gave the nobles abso-
lute control of their serfs. She extended serfdom into new areas, such as Ukraine.
In 1785 she formalized the nobilitys privileged position, freeing nobles forever
from taxes and state ser vice. Under Catherine the Rus sian nobility attained its
most exalted position, and serfdom entered its most oppressive phase.
Catherines third goal was territorial expansion, and in this respect she was
extremely successful. Her armies subjugated the last descendants of the Mongols
and the Crimean Tartars, and began the conquest of the Caucasus (KAW-kuh-
suhs). Her greatest coup by far was the partition of Poland (see Map 18.1). When,
between 1768 and 1772, Catherines armies scored unprecedented victories
against the Turks and thereby threatened to disturb the balance of power between
Russia and Austria in eastern Europe, Frederick of Prussia obligingly came for-
ward with a deal. He proposed that Turkey be let off easily and that Prussia, Aus-
tria, and Russia each compensate itself by taking a gigantic slice of the weakly
ruled Polish territory. Catherine jumped at the chance. The rst partition of Po-
land took place in 1772. Two more partitions, in 1793 and 1795, gave all three
powers more Polish territory, and the ancient republic of Poland vanished from
the map.
In Austria two talented rulers did manage to introduce
major reforms, although traditional power politics was
more important than Enlightenment teachings. One
was the empress Maria Theresa (17401780), a remarkable but old-fashioned ab-
solutist. The other was her son, Joseph II (r. 17801790), a fascinating individual.
The Austrian
The Austrian
For an earlier generation of historians, he was the revolutionary emperor, a tragic
hero whose lofty reforms were undone by the landowning nobility he dared to
challenge. More recent scholarship has revised this romantic interpretation and
has stressed how Joseph II continued the state-building work of his mother.
Emerging from the long War of the Austrian Succession in 1748 with the seri-
ous loss of Silesia, Maria Theresa and her closest ministers were determined to
introduce reforms that would make the state stronger and more efcient. Three
aspects of these reforms were most important. First, Maria Theresa introduced
mea sures aimed at limiting the papacys political inuence in her realm. Second,
B l a c k S e a
of Azov
Dnieper R.
(from Ottoman Empire)
20E 30E
St. Petersburg
0 150 300 Mi.
150 300 Km.
Area of Poland in 1772
Austria in 1795
Prussia in 1795
Russia in 1795
Ottoman Empire in 1795
Year territory seized 1772
Mapping the Past
MAP 18.1 The Partition of Poland and Russias Expansion, 17721795
By 1700 Poland had become a weak and decentralized republic with an elected king. All important decisions continued to require the unanimous
agreement of all nobles elected to the Polish Diet, which meant that nothing could ever be done to strengthen the state. In 1772 war threatened
between Russia and Austria over Rus sian gains from the Ottoman Empire. To satisfy desires for expansion without ghting, Prussias Frederick the
Great proposed that parts of Poland be divided among Austria, Prussia, and Russia. In 1793 and 1795 the three powers partitioned the remainder
of the country. [1] Why was Poland vulnerable to partition in the latter half of the eigh teenth century? What does it say about European politics
at the time that a country could simply cease to exist on the map? Could that happen today? [2] Of the three powers that divided the kingdom
of Poland, which beneted the most? How did the partition affect the geographical boundaries of each state, and what was the signicance?
[3] Which border with the former Poland remained unchanged? Why do you think this was the case?
480 Chapter 18 Toward a New Worldview, 15401789
a whole series of administrative reforms strengthened the central bureau-
cracy, smoothed out some provincial differences, and revamped the tax sys-
tem, taxing even the lands of nobles without special exemptions. Third, the
government sought to improve the lot of the agricultural population, cau-
tiously reducing the power of lords over their hereditary serfs and their par-
tially free peasant tenants.
Coregent with his mother from 1765 onward and a strong supporter of
change, Joseph II moved forward rapidly when he came to the throne in
1780. Most notably, Joseph abolished serfdom in 1781, and in 1789 he de-
creed that all peasant labor obligations be converted into cash payments.
This mea sure was violently rejected not only by the nobility but also by the
peasants it was intended to help, because they lacked the necessary cash.
When a disillusioned Joseph died prematurely at forty-nine, the entire Habs-
burg empire was in turmoil. His brother Leopold II (r. 17901792) canceled
Josephs radical edicts in order to re-establish order. Peasants once again
were required to do forced labor for their lords.
The eastern European absolutists of the later eigh teenth century com-
bined old-fashioned state-building with the culture and critical thinking of
the Enlightenment. In doing so, they succeeded in expanding the role of the
state in the life of society. They perfected bureaucratic machines that were
to prove surprisingly adaptive and capable of enduring into the twentieth
century. Their failure to implement policies we would recognize as humane
and enlightenedsuch as abolishing serfdommay reveal inherent limita-
tions in Enlightenment thinking about equality and social justice, rather
than in their execution of an Enlightenment program. The fact that leading
philosophes supported rather than criticized Eastern rulers policies suggests
some of the blinders of the era.
Secti on Revi ew
Frederick the Great of Prussia struggled mili-
tarily during the Seven Years War but also
promoted Enlightenment policies to improve
the lives of his subjects.
Moses Mendelssohn, an orthodox Jew and
German philosophe who believed reason and
religion could strengthen each other, pro-
moted religious toleration and received the
admiration of the educated German public.
Catherine the Great of Russia enjoyed En-
lightenment ideas and hosted Western intel-
lectuals and artists while attempting domestic
reform, but after a peasant-led revolt, instead
increased the power of the nobility.
Catherine focused on territorial expansion,
defeating the Turks and accepting the division
of Polish territory between Russia, Austria, and
Maria Theresa enacted Enlightenment poli-
cies to limit papal inuence, strengthen bu-
reaucracy, and improve conditions for the
Her son Joseph II went further and abolished
serfdom in favor of cash payments, but both
the nobles and the peasants rejected his re-
forms and his brother and successor Leopold II
re-established serfdom.
Chapter Review
What was revolutionary in the new attitudes toward the natural world?
(page 459)
Decisive breakthroughs in astronomy and physics in the seventeenth century demol-
ished the imposing medieval synthesis of Aristotelian philosophy and Chris tian theol-
ogy. These developments had only limited practical consequences at the time, but the
impact of new scientic knowledge on intellectual life was enormous. The emergence
of modern science was a distinctive characteristic of Western civilization and became
a key element of Western identity. During the eigh teenth century scientic thought
fostered new ideas about racial differences and provided justications for belief in
Western superiority.
How did the new worldview affect the way people thought about society and
human relations? (page 466)
Interpreting scientic ndings and Newtonian laws in a manner that was both anti-
tradition and antireligion, Enlightenment philosophes extolled the superiority of ra-
tional, critical thinking. This new method, they believed, promised not just increased
knowledge but even the discovery of the fundamental laws of human society. Although
Key Terms
natural philosophy (p. 459)
Copernican hypothesis (p. 460)
experimental method (p. 461)
law of inertia (p. 461)
law of universal gravitation (p. 463)
empiricism (p. 464)
Cartesian dualism (p. 464)
scientic community (p. 464)
Enlightenment (p. 466)
rationalism (p. 466)
skepticism (p. 466)
tabula rasa (p. 467)
Chapter Review 481
they reached different conclusions when they turned to social and political realities,
they did stimulate absolute monarchs to apply reason to statecraft and the search for
useful reforms. Above all, the philosophes succeeded in shaping an emerging public
opinion and spreading their radically new worldview.
What impact did this new way of thinking have on political developments and
monarchical absolutism? (page 474)
The ideas of the Enlightenment were an inspiration for monarchs, particularly abso-
lutist rulers in central and eastern Europe who saw in them important tools for reform-
ing and rationalizing their governments. Their primary goal was to strengthen their
states and increase the efciency of their bureaucracies and armies. Enlightened abso-
lutists believed that these reforms would ultimately improve the lot of ordinary people,
but this was not their chief concern. With few exceptions, they did not question the
institution of serfdom. The fact that leading philosophes supported rather than criti-
cized Eastern rulers policies suggests some of the limitations of the era.
1. H. Buttereld, The Origins of Modern Science (New York: Macmillan, 1951), p. viii.
2. Quoted in A. G. R. Smith, Science and Society in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
(New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1972), p. 97.
3. Quoted in Buttereld, The Origins of Modern Science, p. 47.
4. Ibid., p. 120.
5. L. Schiebinger, The Mind Has No Sex? Women in the Origins of Modern Science (Cam-
bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989), p. 2.
6. Jacqueline Broad, Women Philosophers of the Seventeenth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2003), p. 17.
7. Schiebinger, The Mind Has No Sex? p. 64.
8. Quoted in L. M. Marsak, ed., The Enlightenment (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1972),
p. 56.
9. Quoted in G. L. Mosse et al., eds., Europe in Review (Chicago: Rand McNally, 1964),
p. 156.
10. Quoted in P. Gay, The Unity of the Enlightenment, History 3 (1960): 25.
11. Quoted in G. P. Gooch, Catherine the Great and Other Studies (Hamden, Conn.: Archon
Books, 1966), p. 149.
12. See E. Fox-Genovese, Women in the Enlightenment, in Becoming Visible: Women in
European History, 2d ed., ed. R. Bridenthal, C. Koonz, and S. Stuard (Boston: Houghton
Mifin, 1987), esp. pp. 252259, 263265.
13. Jean Le Rond dAlembert, Eloges lus dans les sances publiques de lAcadmie franaise
(Paris, 1779), p. ix, quoted in Mona Ozouf, Public Opinion at the End of the Old Re-
gime, The Journal of Modern History 60, Supplement: Rethinking French Politics in 1788
(September 1988), p. S9.
philosophes (p. 467)
separation of powers (p. 468)
reading revolution (p. 470)
salons (p. 471)
rococo (p. 472)
public sphere (p. 472)
general will (p. 473)
enlightened absolutism (p. 474)
To assess your mastery of this chapter, go to bedfordstmartins.com/mckaywestbrief
Li st eni ng t o t he Past
Voltaire on Religion
[At last] I saw a man with a gentle, simple face,
who seemed to me to be about thirty-ve years old.
From afar he looked with compassion upon those
piles of whitened bones, through which I had been
led to reach the sages dwelling place. I was aston-
ished to nd his feet swollen and bleeding, his
hands likewise, his side pierced, and his ribs laid
bare by the cut of the lash. Good God! I said to
him, is it possible for a just man, a sage, to be in
this state? I have just seen one who was treated in a
very hateful way, but there is no comparison be-
tween his torture and yours. Wicked priests and
wicked judges poisoned him; is it by priests and
judges that you were so cruelly assassinated?
With great courtesy he answered, Yes.
And who were these monsters?
They were hypocrites.
Ah! that says every thing; I understand by that
one word that they would have condemned you to
the cruelest punishment. Had you then proved to
them, as Socrates did, that the Moon was not a god-
dess, and that Mercury was not a god?
No, it was not a question of planets. My coun-
trymen did not even know what a planet was; they
were all arrant ignoramuses. Their superstitions
were quite different from those of the Greeks.
Then you wanted to teach them a new
Not at all; I told them simply: Love God with
all your heart and your neighbor as yourself, for that
is the whole of mankinds duty. Judge yourself if
this precept is not as old as the universe; judge
yourself if I brought them a new religion. . . .
But did you say nothing, do nothing that could
serve them as a pretext?
To the wicked every thing serves as pretext.
Did you not say once that you were come not
to bring peace, but a sword?
It was a scribes error; I told them that I brought
peace and not a sword. I never wrote anything;
what I said can have been changed without evil
You did not then contribute in any way by your
teaching, either badly reported or badly interpreted,
to those frightful piles of bones which I saw on my
way to consult with you?
I have only looked with horror upon those who
have made themselves guilty of all these murders.
. . . [Finally] I asked him to tell me in what true
religion consisted.
oltaire was the most renowned and probably the most
inuential of the French philosophes. His biting satirical
novel Candide (1759) is still widely assigned in college
courses, and his witty yet serious Philosophical Dictionary
remains a source of plea sure and stimulation. The Dictionary
consists of a series of essays on topics ranging from Adam to
Zoroaster, from certainty to circumcision. The following pas-
sage is taken from the essay on religion. In it Voltaire describes
being deep in meditation when a genie transported him to a
desert lled with the bones of those who had been killed be-
cause of their religious practices or beliefs. The genie then led
him to the heroes of humanity, who tried to banish violence
and plunder from the world.
An impish Voltaire, by the French sculptor
Houdon. (Courtesy of Board of Trustees of the
Victoria & Albert Museum)
Have I not already told you? Love God and
your neighbor as yourself.
Is it necessary for me to take sides either for the
Greek Orthodox Church or the Roman Catholic?
When I was in the world I never made any dif-
ference between the Jew and the Samaritan.
Well, if that is so, I take you for my only mas-
ter. Then he made a sign with his head that lled
me with peace. The vision disappeared, and I was
left with a clear conscience.
Questions for Analysis
1. Who is the man that Voltaire meets in this
passage? Why did the writer decide to leave this
person unnamed?
2. What is Voltaires message?
3. If a person today thought and wrote like Vol-
taire, would that person be called a defender or
a destroyer of Chris tianity? Why?
Source: F. M. Arouet de Voltaire, Oeuvres compltes, vol. 8,
trans. J. McKay (Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1875), pp. 188190.
The Expansion of Europe in
the Eighteenth
Chapter Previ ew
Agriculture and the Land
What were the causes and effects of the
agricultural revolution, and what
nations led the way in these
The Beginning of the Population Explosion
Why did European population rise
dramatically in the eigh teenth century?
Cottage Industry and Urban Guilds
What is cottage industry, and how did it
contribute to Europes economic and
social transformation?
Building the Global Economy
How did colonial markets boost
Europes economic and social
development, and what conicts and
adversity did world trade entail?
IMAGES IN SOCIETY: London: The Remaking of a
Great City
LISTENING TO THE PAST: The Debate over the Guilds
The East India Dock, London (detail), by Samuel Scott, a painting
infused with the spirit of maritime expansion. ( Board of Trustees of the
Victoria & Albert Museum)
he world of absolutism and aristocracy, a combination of raw power and
elegant renement, was a world apart from that of the common people. For
most people in the eigh teenth century, life remained a struggle with poverty and
uncertainty, with the landlord and the tax collector. In 1700 peasants on the land
and artisans in their shops lived little better than their ancestors had in the Middle
Ages. Only in science and thought, and there only among intellectual elites and
their followers, had Western society succeeded in going beyond the great achieve-
ments of the High Middle Ages, achievements that in turn owed much to Greece
and Rome.
Everyday life was a struggle because European societies still could not produce
very much by modern standards. Ordinary men and women might work like their
beasts in the elds, but there was seldom enough good food, warm clothing, and
decent housing. Life went on; history went on. The wars of religion ravaged Ger-
many in the seventeenth century; Russia rose to become a Great Power; the state
of Poland disappeared; monarchs and nobles continually jockeyed for power and
wealth. In 1700 the idea of progress, of substantial and ongoing improvement in
the lives of great numbers of people, was still the dream of a small elite in fashion-
able salons.
Yet the economic basis of European life was beginning to change. In the
course of the eigh teenth century the European economy emerged from the long
crisis of the seventeenth century, responded to challenges, and began to expand
once again. Population resumed its growth, while colonial empires developed and
colonial elites prospered. Some areas were more fortunate than others. The rising
Atlantic powersHolland, France, and above all Eng landand their colonies led
the way. The expansion of agriculture, industry, trade, and population marked the
beginning of a surge comparable to that of the eleventh- and twelfth-century
springtime of European civilization. But this time, broadly based expansion was
not cut short. This time the response to new challenges led toward one of the most
inuential developments in human history, the Industrial Revolution, considered
in Chapter 22.
At the end of the seventeenth century the economy of Europe was agrarian. With
the possible exception of Holland, at least 80 percent of the people of all western
European countries drew their livelihoods from agriculture. In eastern Europe the
percentage was considerably higher. Yet even in a rich agricultural region such
as the Po Valley in northern Italy, every bushel of wheat sown yielded on average
only ve or six bushels of grain at harvest. By modern standards output was distress-
ingly low.
In most regions of Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, climatic
conditions produced poor or disastrous harvests every eight or nine years. Unbal-
anced and inadequate food in famine years made people extremely susceptible to
illnesses such as inuenza and smallpox. In famine years the number of deaths
soared far above normal. A third of a villages population might disappear in a year
or two. But new developments in agricultural technology and methods gradually
brought an end to the ravages of hunger in western Europe.
Agriculture and the Land
What were the causes and effects of the agricultural revolution, and what
nations led the way in these developments?
Agriculture and the Land
What were the causes and effects of the agricultural revolution, and what
nations led the way in these developments?
Agriculture and the Land 485
486 Chapter 19 The Expansion of Europe in the Eighteenth Century
One way for European peasants to improve their dif-
cult position was to take land from those who owned it
but did no labor. Yet the social and political conditions
that sustained the ruling elites were ancient and deeply rooted, and powerful
forces stood ready to crush protest. Only with the coming of the French Revolu-
tion were European peasants, mainly in France, able to improve their position by
means of radical mass action.
Technological progress offered another possibility. If peasants (and their noble
landlords) could eliminate the need to leave part of the land fallow, or unplanted,
in order to restore fertility to the soil, they could greatly increase the land under
cultivation. So remarkable were the possibilities and the results that historians
have often spoken of the progressive elimination of the fallow, which occurred
gradually throughout Europe from the mid-seventeenth century on, as an agricul-
tural revolution. This revolution, which took longer than historians used to be-
lieve, was a great milestone in human development.
Because grain crops exhaust the soil and make fallowing necessary, the secret
to eliminating the fallow lies in alternating grain with nitrogen-storing crops. The
most important of these soil-reviving crops are peas and beans, root crops such as
turnips and potatoes, and clovers and grasses. As the eigh teenth century went on,
the number of crops that were systematically rotated grew. New patterns of or ga-
niza tion allowed some farmers to develop increasingly sophisticated patterns of
crop rotation to suit different kinds of soils. For example, farmers in French Flan-
ders near Lille in the late eigh teenth century used a ten-year rotation, alternating
a number of grain, root, and hay crops in a given eld on a ten-year schedule.
Continual experimentation led to more scientic farming.
Improvements in farming had multiple effects. The new crops made ideal feed
for animals, and because peasants and larger farmers had more fodder, hay, and
root crops for the winter months, they could build up their herds of cattle and
sheep. More animals meant more meat and better diets. More animals also meant
more manure for fertilizer and therefore more grain for bread
and porridge.
Advocates of the new crop rotations, who included an emerg-
ing group of experimental scientists, some government ofcials,
and a few big landowners, believed that new methods were
scarcely possible within the traditional framework of open elds
and common rights. A farmer who wanted to experiment with
new methods would have to get all the landholders in a village to
agree to the plan. Advocates of improvement argued that inno-
vating agriculturalists needed to enclose and consolidate their
scattered holdings into compact, fenced-in elds in order to farm
more effectively. In doing so, the innovators also needed to en-
close their individual shares of the natural pasture, the common.
According to proponents of this movement, known as enclosure,
The Agricultural
The Agricultural
agricultural revolution The period
in Europe from the mid-seventeenth
century on, during which great
agricultural progress was made and the
fallow was gradually eliminated.
agricultural revolution The period
in Europe from the mid-seventeenth
century on, during which great
agricultural progress was made and the
fallow was gradually eliminated.
crop rotation The system by which
farmers rotated the types of crops grown
in each eld so as to replenish the soil of
its natural resources.
enclosure The movement to fence in
elds in order to farm more effectively.
crop rotation The system by which
farmers rotated the types of crops grown
in each eld so as to replenish the soil of
its natural resources.
enclosure The movement to fence in
elds in order to farm more effectively.
Enclosure in Streatley, Berkshire County, Eng land
This map shows the results of enclosure in early-nineteenth-century Streatley,
a village ten miles west of Reading on the River Thames. The area marked
in yellow was the enclosed territory, appropriated mostly by a few large
landowners and the city of Reading. The legend provides a detailed list of
land ownership, including references to old inclosures. (Courtesy, Berkshire Record
Ofce, Ref # Streatley (1817), MRI 256)
a revolution in village life and or ga ni za tion was the necessary
price of technical progress.
That price seemed too high to many poor rural people
who had small, inadequate holdings or very little land at all.
Traditional rights were precious to these poor peasants. They
used commonly held pastureland to graze livestock, and
marsh or moor lands outside the village as a source for re-
wood, berries, and other foraged goods that could make the
difference between survival and famine in harsh times. Thus
when the small landholders and the village poor could ef-
fectively oppose the enclosure of the open elds and the
common lands, they did so. Moreover, in many countries
they found allies among the larger, predominately noble
landowners who were also wary of enclosure because it re-
quired large investments and posed risks for them as well.
The old system of unenclosed elds and the new system
of continuous rotation coexisted in Europe for a long time.
Open elds could be found in much of France and Ger-
many in the early years of the nineteenth century because
peasants there had successfully opposed efforts to introduce
the new techniques in the late eigh teenth century. Until the
end of the eigh teenth century, the new system was exten-
sively adopted only in the Low Countries and Eng land.
The new methods of the agricul-
tural revolution originated in the
Low Countries. One reason for
early Dutch leadership in farm-
ing was that the area was one of the most densely populated in Europe. The Dutch
were forced at an early date to seek maximum yields from their land and to in-
crease the cultivated area through the steady draining of marshes and swamps.
As the urban population of Amsterdam grew with its rise as an international trad-
ing hub, Dutch peasants found a huge market for their surplus crops. Each agri-
cultural region specialized in what it did best. Thus the Low Countries became
the Mecca of foreign agricultural experts who came . . . to see Flemish agricul-
ture with their own eyes, to write about it and to propagate its methods in their
home lands.
The Eng lish were the best students. In the rst half of the seventeenth century
Dutch experts made a great contribution to draining the extensive marshes, or
fens, of wet and rainy Eng land. Swampy wilderness was converted into thousands
of acres of some of the most fertile land in Eng land.
Jethro Tull (16741741), part crank and part genius, was an important Eng lish
innovator. A true son of the early Enlightenment, Tull adopted a critical attitude
toward accepted ideas about farming and tried to develop better methods through
empirical research. He was especially enthusiastic about using horses, rather than
slower-moving oxen, for plowing. He also advocated sowing seed with drilling
equipment rather than scattering it by hand. Drilling distributed seed in an even
manner and at the proper depth. Selective breeding of ordinary livestock was an-
other marked improvement over the haphazard old pattern.
By the mid-eigh teenth century Eng lish agriculture was in the process of a long
but radical transformation. The eventual result was that by 1870 Eng lish farmers
The Leadership of
the Low Countries
and Eng land
The Leadership of
the Low Countries
and Eng land
ca. 16501790 Growth of Atlantic economy
ca. 16501850 Agricultural improvement and
16511663 British Navigation Acts
16521674 Anglo-Dutch wars; rise of British
ca. 16901790 Enlightenment
17001790 Height of Atlantic slave trade;
expansion of rural industry in Europe
17011713 War of the Spanish Succession
17011763 Mercantilist wars of empire
17201722 Last of bubonic plague in Europe
17201789 Growth of European population
17401748 War of the Austrian Succession
17501790 Rise of economic liberalism
17561763 Seven Years War
1759 Fall of Quebec
17601815 Height of parliamentary enclosure
in Eng land
1776 Smith, Wealth of Nations
1807 British slave trade abolished
488 Chapter 19 The Expansion of Europe in the Eighteenth Century
were producing 300 percent more food than they had produced in 1700, although
the number of people working the land had increased by only 14 percent. This
great surge of agricultural production provided food for Eng lands rapidly growing
urban population. Growth in production was achieved in part by land enclosures.
About half the farmland in Eng land was enclosed through private initiatives prior
to 1700; in the eigh teenth century, a series of acts of Parliament enclosed most of
the remaining common land.
The eigh teenth-century enclosure movement marked the completion of two
major historical developments in Eng landthe rise of market-oriented estate ag-
riculture and the emergence of a landless rural proletariat. By 1815 a tiny minority
of wealthy Eng lish (and Scottish) landowners held most of the land and pursued
prots aggressively, leasing their holdings to middle-sized farmers, who relied on
landless laborers for their workforce. These landless laborers usually worked from
dawn to dusk, six days a week, all year long. Moreover, landless laborers had lost
that bit of in de pen dence and self-respect that common rights had provided and
were completely de pen dent on cash wages. In no other European country had
this proletarianization (proh-le-TAIR-ee-uh-nize-ay-shun)this transformation
of large numbers of small peasant farmers into landless rural wage earnersgone
so far. And Eng lands village poor found the cost of change heavy and unjust.
Another factor that affected the existing order of life and forced economic changes
in the eigh teenth century was the beginning of the population explosion. Explo-
sive growth continued in Europe until the twentieth century, by which time it was
affecting non-Western areas of the globe. What were the causes of this new popula-
tion growth?
A common misperception holds that the population of Europe was always ris-
ing quickly. On the contrary, until 1700 the total population of Europe grew slowly
much of the time, and it followed an irregular cyclical pattern (see Figure 19.1).
The population dipped after 1350 as a result of the Black Death and, after recover-
ing, population growth slowed and dipped again in the seventeenth century. Fam-
ine, epidemic disease, and war ravaged Europe during
that century, as we have seen. There were, of course,
some exceptions. Areas such as Russia and colonial New
Eng land, where there was a great deal of frontier to be
settled, experienced population growth.
proletarianization The transformation
of large numbers of small peasant
farmers into landless rural wage earners.
proletarianization The transformation
of large numbers of small peasant
farmers into landless rural wage earners.
The Beginning of the Population Explosion
Why did European population rise dramatically in the
eigh teenth century?
The Beginning of the Population Explosion
Why did European population rise dramatically in the
eigh teenth century?
Secti on Revi ew
European economies were agrarian;
low crop yields in years of poor climate
resulted in famine, disease, and death.
The agricultural revolution involved
the gradual elimination of the practice
of leaving land fallow and the develop-
ment of crop rotation patterns that
allowed crops to restore nutrients to
the soil.
Enclosure meant fencing in elds to
farm more effectively, but most peasants
opposed it and only the Low Countries
and Eng land used it extensively.
Enclosure and the new methods of
farming increased production but led to
an estate agricultural system and prole-
tarianization, changing peasant farmers
into landless laborers.
1000 1200 1400 1600 1100 1300 1500 1700 1800
FIGURE 19.1 The Growth of Population in Eng land,
Eng land is a good example of both the uneven increase of European
population before 1700 and the third great surge of growth, which
began in the eigh teenth century. (Source: Long-Term Population Trends in
England and Wales, 10001800, from E. A. Wrigley, Population and History. Copyright
1969. Reprinted by permission of the author.)
In the eigh teenth century the population of Europe
began to grow markedly. This increase in numbers oc-
curred in all areas of Europe, western and eastern, north-
ern and southern, dynamic and stagnant. Growth was
especially dramatic after about 1750 (see Figure 19.2).
What caused this population growth? In some areas
women had more babies than before because new op-
portunities for employment in rural industry allowed
them to marry at an earlier age. But the basic cause for
Europe as a whole was a decline in mortalityfewer
The bubonic plague mysteriously disappeared. Fol-
lowing the Black Death in the fourteenth century,
plagues had remained part of the European experience,
striking again and again with savage force, particularly in
towns. As late as 1720 a ship from Syria and the Levant
brought the disease to Marseilles, kill ing up to one hun-
dred thousand in the city and surrounding region. By
1722 the epidemic had passed, and that was the last time
plague fell on western and central Europe. Exactly why
plague disappeared is unknown. Stricter mea sures of
quarantine in Mediterranean ports and along the Aus-
trian border with Turkey helped by carefully isolating hu-
man carriers of plague. Chance and plain good luck were
probably just as important.
Advances in medical knowledge did not contribute
much to reducing the death rate in the eigh teenth cen-
tury. The most important advance in preventive medi-
cine in this period was inoculation against smallpox, and
this great improvement was long conned mainly to Eng-
land, probably doing little to reduce deaths throughout
Europe until the latter part of the century. However, im-
provements in the water supply and sewerage, which
were frequently promoted by strong absolutist monar-
chies, resulted in somewhat better public health and helped reduce such diseases
as typhoid and typhus in some urban areas of western Europe. Improvements in
water supply and the drainage of swamps also reduced Europes large insect popu-
lation. Flies and mosquitoes played a major role in spreading diseases, especially
those striking children and young adults. Thus early public health mea sures
helped the decline in mortality that began with the disappearance of plague and
continued into the early nineteenth century.
Human beings also became more successful in their efforts to safeguard the
supply of food. The eigh teenth century was a time of considerable canal and road
building in western Europe. These advances in transportation, which were also
among the more positive aspects of strong absolutist states, lessened the impact of
local crop failure and famine. Emergency supplies could be brought in, and local-
ized starvation became less frequent. Wars became more gentlemanly and less
destructive than in the seventeenth century and spread fewer epidemics. New
foods, particularly the potato from South America, were introduced. In short,
population grew in the eigh teenth century primarily because years of abnormal
death rates were less catastrophic. Famines, epidemics, and wars continued to oc-
cur, but their severity moderated.
1700 1750 1800 1725 1775
East Prussia
FIGURE 19.2 The Increase of Population in Europe in
the Eighteenth Century
Frances large population continued to support French political and
intellectual leadership. Russia emerged as Europes most populous state
because natural increase was complemented by growth from territorial
The Beginning of the Population Explosion 489
Secti on Revi ew
The European population fell in the
seventeenth century from famine,
disease, and war, but in the eigh teenth
century it began to grow steadily,
primarily due to a decline in mortality.
The disappearance of epidemic dis-
ease and improvements in water
supply and sewerage contributed to
improved public health.
Swamp drainage decreased the insect
population and thus the diseases they
caused; improved methods of food
storage and transportation as well as
less destructive warfare meant fewer
490 Chapter 19 The Expansion of Europe in the Eighteenth Century
The growth of population increased the number of rural workers with little or no
land, and this in turn contributed to the development of industry in rural areas.
The poor in the countryside increasingly needed to supplement their agricultural
earnings with other types of work, and urban capitalists were eager to employ
them, often at lower wages than urban workers were paid. Cottage industry, which
consisted of manufacturing with hand tools in peasant cottages and work sheds,
grew markedly in the eigh teenth century and became a crucial feature of the Eu-
ropean economy.
Craft guilds (gildz) continued to dominate production in towns and cities,
providing their masters with economic privileges as well as a social identity. Those
excluded from guild membershipwomen, day laborers, Jews, and foreigners
worked on the margins of the urban economy. Critics attacked the guilds in the
second half of the eigh teenth century as outmoded institutions that obstructed
technical progress and innovation. Until recently, most historians repeated that
view. An ongoing reassessment of guilds now emphasizes their ability to adapt to
changing economic circumstances.
Cottage industry was often or ga nized through the
putting-out system. The two main participants in the
putting-out system were the merchant capitalist and
the rural worker. The merchant loaned, or put out, raw materials to cottage
workers who processed the raw materials in their own homes and returned the
nished products to the merchant. There were many variations on this basic rela-
tionship. Sometimes rural workers bought their own raw materials and worked as
in de pen dent producers before they sold to the merchant. Sometimes whole fami-
lies were involved in domestic industry; at other times the tasks were closely associ-
ated with one gender. Sometimes several workers toiled together to perform a
complicated process in a workshop outside the home.
As industries grew in scale and complexity, production was often broken into
many stages. For example, a merchant would provide raw wool to one group of
workers for spinning into thread. He would then pass the thread to another group
of workers to be bleached, to another for dying, and to another for weaving into
cloth. The merchant paid outworkers by the piece and proceeded to sell the n-
ished product to regional, national, or international markets.
The putting-out system grew because it had competitive advantages. Labor
costs were cheaper in the countryside, where underemployed peasants were will-
ing to work for less than their guild counterparts. Because they did not operate
within guild guidelines, merchants and workers were able to experiment with pro-
cedures as they saw t. While the goods that non-guild workers produced were not
of exceptional quality, they were acceptable for everyday use. Textiles; all manner
of knives, forks, and housewares; buttons and gloves; and clocks could be pro-
duced quite satisfactorily in the countryside.
Rural manufacturing did not spread across Europe at an even rate. It devel-
oped most successfully in Eng land, particularly for the spinning and weaving of
woolen cloth. By 1500 half of Eng lands textiles were being produced in the coun-
Cottage Industry and Urban Guilds
What is cottage industry, and how did it contribute to Europes economic
and social transformation?
Cottage Industry and Urban Guilds
What is cottage industry, and how did it contribute to Europes economic
and social transformation?
cottage industry Domestic industry;
a stage of rural industrial development
with wage workers and hand tools that
preceded the emergence of large-scale
factory industry.
cottage industry Domestic industry;
a stage of rural industrial development
with wage workers and hand tools that
preceded the emergence of large-scale
factory industry.
The Putting-Out
The Putting-Out
putting-out system The system of
rural industry in the eigh teenth century
in which a merchant loaned raw
materials to cottage workers who
processed them and returned the
nished products to the merchant.
putting-out system The system of
rural industry in the eigh teenth century
in which a merchant loaned raw
materials to cottage workers who
processed them and returned the
nished products to the merchant.
tryside. By 1700 Eng lish industry was generally more rural than urban and heavily
reliant on the putting-out system. Most continental countries, with the exception
of Flanders and the Netherlands, developed rural industry more slowly. The latter
part of the eigh teenth century witnessed a remarkable expansion of rural industry
in certain densely populated regions of continental Europe (see Map 19.1).
Until the nineteenth century, the industry that em-
ployed the most people in Europe was textiles. The
making of linen, woolen, and eventually cotton cloth
was the typical activity of cottage workers engaged in the putting-out system. A
look inside the cottage of the Eng lish weaver illustrates a way of life as well as an
economic system.
The Textile Industry The Textile Industry
Nor t h Sea
rava R.
Po R.
Ghent Antwerp
Lille Lige
10E 15E 5E 5W 0 20E 25E
Wool Wool
More than 100
50 to 100
Fewer than 50
Textile production
Metal production
Main textile produced
Persons per square mile
0 100 200 Mi.
100 200 Km.
Mapping the Past
MAP 19.1 Industry and Population in Eighteenth-Century Europe
The growth of cottage manufacturing in rural areas helped country people increase their income and contributed to population growth. The
putting-out system began in Eng land, and much of the work was in the textile industry. Cottage industry was also strong in the Low Countries
modern-day Belgium and Holland. [1] What types of textiles were produced in Europe? How would you account for the dis tri bu tion of each
type of cloth across Europe? [2] What was the relationship between population density and the growth of textile production? Was this a xed or
variable relationship? What geographic characteristics seem to have played a role in encouraging this industry? [3] Did metal production draw
on different demographic and geographic conditions? Why do you think this was the case?
Cottage Industry and Urban Guilds 491
492 Chapter 19 The Expansion of Europe in the Eighteenth Century
The rural worker lived in a
small cottage with tiny windows
and little space. Indeed, the work-
ers cottage was often a single
room that served as workshop,
kitchen, and bedroom. There
were only a few pieces of furni-
ture, of which the weavers loom
was by far the largest and most
Handloom weaving was a
family enterprise. All members of
the family helped in the work, so
that every person from seven to eighty (who retained their sight and who could
move their hands) could earn their bread, as one eigh teenth-century Eng lish ob-
server put it.
Operating the loom was considered a mans job, reserved for the
male head of the family. Women and children worked at auxiliary tasks, such as
winding threads on bobbins and mounting the threads on the frame.
There was always a serious imbalance in textile manufacture before mechani-
zation: the work of four or ve spinners was needed to keep one weaver steadily
employed. Since the weavers family usually could not produce enough thread,
alternate sources of labor were needed. Merchants turned to the wives and daugh-
ters of agricultural workers, who took on spinning work in their spare time. Many
widows and single women also became spinsters, so many in fact that the word
became a synonym for an unmarried woman. (In other parts of Europe, such as
the Rhineland, spinning employed whole families and was not reserved for
women.) As the industry expanded and merchants covered ever greater distances
in search of workers, they sometimes turned to local shopkeepers to manage the
spinners in their villages.
Conditions were particularly hard for female workers. While men could earn
decent wages through long hours of arduous labor, womens wages were always
terribly low. In the Yorkshire wool industry, a male wool comber earned a good
wage of twelve shillings or more a week, while a spinner could hope for only three-
and-a-half shillings.
A single or widowed spinner faced a desperate struggle against
poverty. Any period of illness or unemployment could spell disaster for her and
any de pen dent children.
Relations between workers and employers were often marked by sharp con-
ict. There were constant disputes over the weights of materials and the quality of
nished work. Moreover, the pace of work depended on the agricultural calendar.
In spring and late summer, planting and haymaking occupied all hands in the
rural village, leading to shortages in the supply of thread. Merchants, whose liveli-
The Weavers Repose
This painting by Decker Cornelis Gerritz
(15941637) captures the plea sure of
release from long hours of toil in
cottage industry. The loom realistically
dominates the cramped living space
and the familys modest possessions.
(Muses Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussels.
Copyright A.C.I.)
hood depended on their ability to meet orders on time, bitterly resented their lack
of control over rural labor. They accused workersespecially female spinnersof
laziness, intemperance, and immorality. If workers failed to produce enough
thread, they reasoned, it must be because their wages were too high and they had
little incentive to work. Merchants thus insisted on maintaining the lowest pos-
sible wages to force the idle poor into productive labor. They also successfully
lobbied for new police powers over workers. Imprisonment and public whipping
became common punishments for pilfering small amounts of yarn or cloth. For
poor workers, their right to hold onto the bits and pieces left over in the production
process was akin to the traditional peasant right of gleaning in common lands.
The high point of the guild system in most of Europe
occurred in the seventeenth and eigh teenth centuries,
rather than in the High Middle Ages as previously be-
lieved. Guilds grew in number in cities and towns across Europe during this pe-
riod. In Louis XIVs France, for example, nance minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert
revived the urban guilds and used them to encourage high-quality production and
to collect taxes. The number of guilds in the city of Paris grew from 60 in 1672 to
129 in 1691.
Guild masters occupied the summit of the world of work. Each guild received
a detailed set of privileges from the Crown, including exclusive rights to produce
and sell certain goods, access to restricted markets in raw materials, and the rights to
train apprentices, hire workers, and open shops. Any individual who violated these
monopolies could be prosecuted. Guilds also served social and religious functions,
providing a locus of sociability and group identity to the urban middle class.
To ensure that there was enough work to go around, guilds jealously restricted
their membership to local men who were good Chris tians, had several years of
work experience, paid stiff membership fees, and completed a masterpiece. They
also favored family connections. A masters sons enjoyed automatic access to their
fathers guild, while outsiders were often barred from entering. In the 1720s, Pari-
sian guild masters numbered only about thirty-ve thousand in a population of
ve hundred thousand. Most men and women worked in non-guild trades, as do-
mestic servants, as manual laborers, and as vendors of food and other small goods.
Critics of guilds in France derided them as outmoded and exclusionary institu-
tions that obstructed technical innovation and progress. Indeed, French guilds
were abolished by the Revolution of the late eigh teenth century. (See the feature
Listening to the Past: The Debate over the Guilds on pages 508509.) Many
historians have repeated that charge. More recent scholarship, however, has em-
phasized the exibility and adaptability of the guild system and its vitality through
the eigh teenth century. Guild masters adopted new technologies and found cre-
ative ways to circumvent impractical rules. For many merchants and artisans, eco-
nomic regulation did not hinder commerce but instead fostered the condence
necessary to stimulate it. In an economy where buyers and sellers access to infor-
mation was so limited, regulation helped each side trust in the others good faith.
During the eigh teenth century some guilds grew more accessible to women.
This was particularly the case in dressmaking; given the great increase in textile
production, more hands were needed to fashion clothing for urban elites. In 1675
Colbert granted seamstresses a new all-female guild in Paris, and soon seamstresses
joined tailors guilds in parts of France, Eng land, and the Netherlands. In the late
seventeenth century new vocational training programs were established for poor
girls in many European cities, mostly in needlework. There is also evidence that
Urban Guilds Urban Guilds
guild system The or ga ni za tion of
artisanal production into trade-based
associations, or guilds, each of which
received a monopoly over their trade and
the right to train apprentices and hire
workers; the system was abolished in
France in 1791 but persisted into the
nineteenth century in other parts of
guild system The or ga ni za tion of
artisanal production into trade-based
associations, or guilds, each of which
received a monopoly over their trade and
the right to train apprentices and hire
workers; the system was abolished in
France in 1791 but persisted into the
nineteenth century in other parts of
Cottage Industry and Urban Guilds 493
494 Chapter 19 The Expansion of Europe in the Eighteenth Century
more women were hired as skilled
workers by male guilds, often in de-
ance of ofcial statutes.
While many artisans welcomed the
economic liberalization that followed the
French Revolution, some continued to es-
pouse the ideals of the guilds. Because they had
always been semi-clandestine, journeymens associa-
tions frequently survived into the nineteenth century. They
espoused the values of hand craftsmanship and limited competition, in con-
trast to the proletarianization and loss of skills endured in mechanized production.
Nevertheless, by the middle of the nineteenth century economic deregulation was
championed by most European governments and elites.
One scholar has used the term industrious revolution
to describe the social and economic changes taking
place in Europe in the late seventeenth and early eigh-
teenth centuries.
This occurred as households in northwestern Europe reduced
leisure time, stepped up the pace of work, and, most
importantly, redirected the labor of women and chil-
dren away from the production of goods for house-
hold consumption and toward wage work. By working
harder and increasing the number of wageworkers,
households could purchase more goods, even in a time
of stagnant or falling real wages.
New sources and patterns of labor established im-
portant foundations for the Industrial Revolution of
the late eigh teenth and nineteenth centuries. They
created households in which all members worked for
wages rather than in a united family business and in
which consumption relied on market-produced rather
than homemade goods. It was not until the mid-
nineteenth century, with rising industrial wages, that a
new model emerged in which the male breadwinner
was expected to earn enough to support the whole fam-
ily and women and children were relegated back to the
domestic sphere. With 77 percent of U.S. women be-
tween ages twenty-ve and fty-four in the workforce
in the year 2000, todays world is experiencing a sec-
The Industrious
The Industrious
industrious revolution The shift that
occurred as families in northwestern
Europe worked harder and longer hours
and focused on earning wages instead
of producing goods for household
consumption, especially among women
and children; this reduced families
economic self-sufciency but increased
their ability to purchase consumer goods.
industrious revolution The shift that
occurred as families in northwestern
Europe worked harder and longer hours
and focused on earning wages instead
of producing goods for household
consumption, especially among women
and children; this reduced families
economic self-sufciency but increased
their ability to purchase consumer goods.
The Linen Industry in Ireland
Many steps went into making textiles. Here
the women are beating away the woody
part of the ax plant so that the man can
comb out the soft part. The combed bers
will then be spun into thread and woven
into cloth by this family enterprise. The
increased labor of women and girls in the
late seventeenth century helped produce
an industrious revolution. (Victoria and
Albert Museum London/ Eileen Tweedy/ The Art Archive)
Secti on Revi ew
The increase of landless rural workers led to cottage industries where
peasants manufactured products in their homes for urban capitalists.
Urban merchants put out raw materials, which the cottage industry
workers processed and returned to the merchants, who then sold the
nished product.
The textile industry employed the most people in Europe and was
typically a family enterprise: the men wove while women and chil-
dren spun the wool and did other tasks; wages were low and working
conditions hard.
Urban guild masters were at the top of the work world, enjoying
exclusive rights to sell and produce some goods while the guilds
served a social and religious function to their members.
The industrious revolution describes a shift whereby families in
northwestern Europe worked harder and longer hours and focused on
earning wages instead of producing goods for household consump-
tion, especially among women and children; this reduced their
economic self-sufciency but increased their ability to purchase
consumer goods.
ond industrious revolution in a similar climate of stagnant wages and increased
demand for consumer goods.
In addition to agricultural improvement, a decline in mortality, and growing cot-
tage industry, the expansion of Europe in the eigh teenth century was character-
ized by the growth of world trade. Spain and Portugal revitalized their empires and
began drawing more wealth from renewed development. Yet once again the coun-
tries of northwestern Europethe Netherlands, France, and above all Great
Britainbeneted most. Great Britain, which was formed in 1707 by the union
of Eng land and Scotland into a single kingdom, gradually became the leading
maritime power. Thus the British played the critical role in building a fairly uni-
ed Atlantic economy that provided remarkable opportunities for them and their
colonists. They also conducted ruthless competition with France and the Nether-
lands for trade and territory in Asia.
Britains commercial leadership in the eigh teenth cen-
tury had its origins in the mercantilism of the seven-
teenth century (see page 409). Mercantilism aimed
particularly at creating a favorable balance of foreign trade in order to increase a
countrys stock of gold. A countrys gold holdings served as an all-important trea-
sure chest that could be opened periodically to pay for war in a violent age.
Beginning with Oliver Cromwell in 1651, the Eng lish government enacted a
series of laws designed to build Eng lish power and wealth under the mercantile
system. Known as the Navigation Acts, these laws controlled the import of goods
to Britain and British colonies. The most signicant of these acts required the
colonists to ship their products on British (or American) ships and to buy almost
all European goods from Britain. It was believed that these economic regulations
would help British merchants and workers as well as colonial plantation owners
and farmers; and the emerging British Empire would develop a shipping industry
with a large number of experienced seamen who could serve when necessary in
the Royal Navy.
The Navigation Acts were a form of economic warfare. Their initial target was
the Dutch, who were far ahead of the Eng lish in shipping and foreign trade in the
mid-seventeenth century (see page 426). In conjunction with three Anglo-Dutch
wars between 1652 and 1674, the Navigation Acts seriously damaged Dutch ship-
ping and commerce. The British seized the thriving Dutch colony of New Amster-
dam in 1664 and renamed it New York. By the late seventeenth century the
Netherlands was falling behind Eng land in shipping, trade, and colonies.
Thereafter France stood clearly as Eng lands most serious rival in the competi-
tion for overseas empire. Rich in natural resources, with a population three or four
times that of Eng land, and allied with Spain, continental Europes leading military
power was already building a powerful eet and a worldwide system of rigidly mo-
nopolized colonial trade. Thus from 1701 to 1763 Britain and France were locked
in a series of wars to decide, in part, which nation would become the leading mari-
time power and claim the prots of Europes overseas expansion (see Map 19.2).
Building the Global Economy
How did colonial markets boost Europes economic and social
development, and what conicts and adversity did world trade entail?
Building the Global Economy
How did colonial markets boost Europes economic and social
development, and what conicts and adversity did world trade entail?
Mercantilism and
Colonial Wars
Mercantilism and
Colonial Wars
Navigation Acts A series of Eng lish
laws that controlled the import of goods
to Britain and British colonies.
Navigation Acts A series of Eng lish
laws that controlled the import of goods
to Britain and British colonies.
Building the Global Economy 495
Buenos Aires
(To Gr. Br., 1713)
(To Gr. Br., 1713)
Canary Is.
Cape Verde Is.
(Gr. Br.)
Colonial products
Great Britain
Trade from Europe
Trade from Africa
Trade from Americas
Trade from Asia
Buenos Aires
Rio de
Strait of
Cape Horn
Canary Is.
Madeira Is.
Cape Verde Is.
Puerto Rico
Plantation zone
0 2,000 Mi.
2,000 Km.
MAP 19.2 The Atlantic Economy in 1701
The growth of trade encouraged both economic development and military conict in the Atlantic
basin. Four continents were linked together by the exchange of goods and slaves.
The rst round was the War of the Spanish Succession (see page 411), which
started when Louis XIV of France accepted the Spanish crown willed to his grand-
son. Besides upsetting the continental balance of power, a union of France and
Spain threatened to encircle and destroy the British colonies in North America
(see Map 19.2). Defeated by a great coalition of states after twelve years of ghting,
Louis XIV was forced in the Peace of Utrecht (YOO-trekt) (1713) to cede New-
foundland, Nova Scotia, and the Hudson Bay territory to Britain. Spain was com-
pelled to give Britain control of its West African slave tradethe so-called asiento
(a-SYEN-toh)and to let Britain send one ship of merchandise into the Spanish
colonies annually through Porto Bello on the Isthmus of Panama. France was still
a mighty competitor, however. The War of the Austrian Succession (17401748)
over Maria Theresas Austrian empire (see page 475) brought France and Eng land
back into conict. But the Seven Years War (17561763) marked the decisive
round in the Franco-British competition for colonial empire.
The ghting began in North America. The population of New France was
centered in Quebec and along the St. Lawrence River, but French soldiers and
Canadian fur traders had also built forts and trading posts along the Great Lakes,
through the Ohio country, and down the Mississippi to New Orleans. Allied with
many Native American tribes, the French built more forts in 1753 in what is now
western Pennsylvania to protect their claims. The following year a Virginia force
attacked a small group of French soldiers, and soon the war to conquer Canada
was on.
French and Canadian forces under the experienced marquis de Montcalm
fought well and scored major victories until 1758. Then, led by their new chief
minister, William Pitt, the British diverted men and money from the war in Eu-
rope and used their superior sea power to destroy the French eet and choke off
French commerce around the world. In 1759 a combined British naval and land
force defeated Montcalms army in a dramatic battle that sealed the fate of France
in North America.
British victory on all colonial fronts was ratied in the Treaty of Paris (1763),
ending the Seven Years War in Europe and the colonies. Canada and all French
territory east of the Mississippi River passed to Britain, and France ceded Louisi-
ana to Spain as compensation for Spains loss of Florida to Britain. France also
gave up most of its holdings in India, opening the way to British dominance on the
subcontinent. By 1763 Britain had realized its goal of monopolizing a vast trading
and colonial empire.
In the eigh teenth century, stimulated by trade and empire building, London
grew into the Wests largest and richest city. (See the feature Images in Society:
London: The Remaking of a Great City on pages 498499.) Above all, the rapidly
growing and increasingly wealthy agricultural populations of the mainland colo-
nies of North America provided an expanding market for Eng lish manufactured
goods. Foreign trade became the bread and butter of some industries; for example,
by 1750 half the nails made in Eng land were going to the colonies. Thus, the
mercantilist system achieved remarkable success for Eng land in the eigh teenth
century, and by the 1770s Eng land stood on the threshold of the epoch-making
industrial changes that are described in Chapter 22.
Despite their losses, the French still proted enormously from colonial trade.
The colonies of Saint Domingue (san do-MANG) (modern-day Haiti) and Mar-
tinique and Guadeloupe (which remain French departments today) provided im-
mense fortunes in sugar and coffee plantations and slave trading during the second
half of the eigh teenth century. By 1789 the population of Saint Domingue in-
cluded ve hundred thousand slaves whose labor had allowed the colony to
Treaty of Paris The treaty that ended
the Seven Years War in Europe and the
colonies in 1763 and ratied British
victory on all colonial fronts.
Treaty of Paris The treaty that ended
the Seven Years War in Europe and the
colonies in 1763 and ratied British
victory on all colonial fronts.
Building the Global Economy 497
Images i n Soci et y
London: The Remaking of a Great City
he im pe rial capital and intercontinental trade
center of London dominated Britain and as-
tonished the visitor. Equal in population to Paris
with four hundred thousand inhabitants in 1650,
the super city of the West grew to nine hundred
thousand in 1801, while second-place Paris had six
hundred thousand. And as London grew, its citizens
created a new urban landscape and style of living.
Image 1 shows the true prole of London and
its built environment as viewed from the south
before the Great Fire of 1666, which raged for
four days and destroyed about 80 percent of the
old, predominately wooden central city. With the
River Thames owing eastward toward the sea,
one sees from left to right pre-re St. Pauls Cathe-
dral, London Bridge crowded with houses, ships at
the wharves, and the medieval Tower of London.
Clearly visible in the distance are the open elds of
the large estates surrounding London, while be-
yond the view on the left are the royal palace and
adjacent government buildings. Also missing is the
famous London smog, the combination of fog and
smoke from coal-burning replaces that already
polluted the metropolis. How would you character-
ize pre-re London?
Reconstruction proceeded quickly after the
Great Fire so that people could regain shelter and
employment. Brick construction was made manda-
tory to prevent re, but only a few streets were
straightened or widened. Thus social classes re-
mained packed together in the rebuilt city. The
rich merchant family in a rst-class city residence
(Image 2), built in the 1670s and still standing
in 1939, shared a tiny courtyard and constantly
rubbed shoulders with poor and middling people in
every day life.
As London rebuilt and kept growing, big noble
landowners followed two earlier examples and
sought to increase their incomes by setting up resi-
dential developments on their estates west of the
city. A landowner would lay out a square with streets
and building lots, which he or she would lease to
speculative builders who put up ne houses for sale
or rent. Soho Square, rst laid out in the 1670s and
shown in Image 3 as it appeared in 1731, was fairly
typical. The spacious square with its gated park is
IMAGE 1 London Before the Great Fire (Hulton Archive/ Getty Images)
surrounded by three-story row houses set on deep,
narrow lots. Set in the country but close to the city,
a square like Soho was a kind of elegant village
with restrictive building codes that catered to aristo-
crats, ofcials, and successful professionals who were
served by artisans and shopkeepers living in alleys
and side streets. Do you see a difference between the
houses on the square and on the street behind? How
would you compare Soho Square with the hills in
the distance and with the old London of Images 1
and 2? The classy, new area, known as the West
End, contrasted sharply with the shoddy rentals and
makeshift shacks of laborers and sailors in the mush-
rooming East End, which artists rarely painted. Thus
residential segregation by income level increased
substantially in eigh teenth-century London.
As the suburban villages grew and gradually
merged together, the West End increasingly at-
tracted the well-to-do from all over Eng land. Rural
landowners and provincial notables came for the
social season from October to May. Operating out
of comfortable second homes purchased or rented
in the West End, they played the national market
for mortgages, marriages, and recreation. Image 4,
showing classy Bloomsbury Square in 1787 and the
original country mansion of the enterprising noble
developer, provides a glimpse into this well-born
culture. How does Image 4 complement Image 3?
What message is the artist conveying with the milk-
maid and her cows? Some historians believe that
Londons West End was an important social inno-
vation. Reconsidering these images, do you agree?
IMAGE 2 Merchant Familys Residence (built 16701680)
(Eng lish Heritage/ NMR)
IMAGE 3 Soho Square, 1731 (Private Collection / The Stapleton Collection / The Bridgeman
Art Library)
IMAGE 4 Bloomsbury Square, 1787 (HarperCollins Publishers/ The
Art Archive)
500 Chapter 19 The Expansion of Europe in the Eighteenth Century
become the worlds leading producer of coffee and sugar. It was the most prot-
able plantation colony in the New World and the one that consumed the greatest
number of slaves.
The wealth generated from colonial trade fostered the con-
dence of the merchant classes in Paris, Bordeaux, and other large cities, and mer-
chants soon joined other elite groups clamoring for more political responsibility.
The third major player in the Atlantic economy, Spain, saw its colonial for-
tunes improve during the eigh teenth century. Not only did it gain Louisiana from
France in 1763, but its inuence expanded westward all the way to northern Cal i-
fornia through the efforts of Spanish missionaries and ranchers. Its mercantilist
goals were boosted by a recovery in silver production, which had dropped signi-
cantly in the seventeenth century.
Silver mining also stimulated food production for the mining camps, and
wealthy Spanish landowners developed a system of debt peonage (PEE-uh-nij) to
keep indigenous workers on their estates. Under this system, which was similar to
serfdom, a planter or rancher would keep workers in perpetual debt bondage by
advancing them food, shelter, and a little money.
The prots from mining and agriculture gave the Creoles (KREE-ohlz)
people of Spanish blood born in Americathe means to purchase more and more
European luxuries and manufactured goods. A class of wealthy Creole merchants
debt peonage A system that allowed a
planter or rancher to keep his workers or
slaves in perpetual debt bondage by
periodically advancing food, shelter, and
a little money; it was a form of serfdom.
Creoles People of Spanish blood born
in America.
mestizo Spanish term for a person of
mixed racial origins, especially Native
American and European.
debt peonage A system that allowed a
planter or rancher to keep his workers or
slaves in perpetual debt bondage by
periodically advancing food, shelter, and
a little money; it was a form of serfdom.
Creoles People of Spanish blood born
in America.
mestizo Spanish term for a person of
mixed racial origins, especially Native
American and European.
Forming the Mexican People
It was not uncommon for Creole men in Latin America to take Indian wives, with the result that roughly 30 percent of the
population was racially mixed by the end of the colonial period. This painting, by an unknown eigh teenth-century artist,
shows the union of a Spanish man and a Native American woman that has produced a racially mixed mestizo (mess-TEE-
zoh) child on the left, and a group that features a mestizo woman and a Spaniard with their little daughter on the right.
Paintings such as this reect contemporary fascination with the spectrum of racial difference produced in the colonies.
(Private Collection, Mexico)
arose to handle this ourishing trade, which often relied on smuggled goods from
Great Britain. The Creoles strove to become a genuine European aristocracy and
looked upon the agents sent by Spain as meddlesome rivals.
As Britain built its empire in North America, it secured
an important outlet for surplus population, so that mi-
gration abroad limited poverty at home. The settlers
also beneted, for they enjoyed privileged access to virtually free and unlimited
land. And unlike the great majority of European peasants, American farmers kept
most of what they produced. Indeed, on the eve of the American Revolution white
men and women in the mainland British colonies had one of the highest living
standards in the world.
Cheap land and the tremendous demand for scarce labor
also fostered the growth of slav ery in the British colonies. The Spanish and the
Portuguese had rst brought African slaves to the Americas in the sixteenth cen-
tury. In the seventeenth century the Dutch aggressively followed their example
and transported thousands of Africans rst to Brazil and then to the Caribbean to
work on highly protable sugar plantations. The Eng lish established their own
Caribbean sugar plantations, and, in the eigh teenth century, tobacco planters in
Virginia and Maryland embarked on plantation agriculture using slave labor.
Taken to the Americas in chains, Africans made a decisive contribution to the
development of the Atlantic economy. Above all, the labor of enslaved Africans
made possible large-scale production of valuable commodities for sale in Europe.
Indeed, an important recent study concludes that in the years from 1761 to 1800
Africans and their descendants in Brazil, Spanish America, the Caribbean, and
Britains mainland slave colonies accounted for more than four-fths of all the
commodities produced in the Americas for sale in the Atlantic economy.
It was
this ood of ever-cheaper sugar, coffee, tobacco, rice, and (in the nineteenth cen-
tury) cotton that generated hard cash in the Americascash that paid for manu-
factured goods and ser vices from Britain and Europe as well as for more slaves
from Africa.
The forced migration of millions of Africanscruel, unjust, and tragic
remained a key element in the Atlantic system and western European economic
expansion throughout the eigh teenth century. Indeed, the brutal Atlantic slave
trade intensied dramatically after 1700 and especially after 1750. According to
one authoritative estimate, European traders purchased and shipped over six mil-
lion African slaves across the Atlantic between 1701 and 1800, fully 52 percent of
the estimated total of almost 12 million Africans transported between 1450 and
In 1790, when the U.S. population was approaching 4 million, slaves ac-
counted for almost 20 percent of the total.
Intensication of the slave trade resulted in fundamental changes in its or ga-
niza tion. After 1700, as Britain became the undisputed leader in the slave trade,
European governments and ship captains cut back on ghting among themselves
and concentrated on commerce. They generally adopted the shore method of
trading, which was less expensive than maintaining fortied trading posts. Thus
European ships sent boats ashore or invited African dealers to bring traders and
slaves out to their ships. This method allowed ships to move easily along the coast
from market to market and to depart more quickly for the Americas.
Some African merchants and rulers who controlled exports proted from the
greater demand for slaves, and some Africans secured foreign products that they
found appealing because of price or quality. But generally such economic returns
did not spread very far, and the negative consequences of the expanding slave trade
The Atlantic
Slave Trade
The Atlantic
Slave Trade
Atlantic slave trade The forced
migration of Africans across the Atlantic
for slave labor on plantations and in
other industries; although many
European countries participated, its peak
was among the Eng lish in the eigh teenth
century and ultimately the trade involved
almost twelve million Africans.
Atlantic slave trade The forced
migration of Africans across the Atlantic
for slave labor on plantations and in
other industries; although many
European countries participated, its peak
was among the Eng lish in the eigh teenth
century and ultimately the trade involved
almost twelve million Africans.
Building the Global Economy 501
502 Chapter 19 The Expansion of Europe in the Eighteenth Century
predominated. Wars between Africans to obtain salable captives increased, and
leaders purchased more arms and bought relatively fewer textiles and consumer
goods. And while the population of Europe (and Asia) grew substantially in the
eigh teenth century, that of Africa stagnated or possibly declined.
Slaves were typically captives who had been taken in battles between African
states, but as demand grew, slave dealers tried new approaches. Kidnappers seized
and enslaved men and women like Olaudah Equiano (oh-LAU-duh ay-kwee-
AHN-oh) and his sister, whose tragic separation, exile, and exploitation personied
the full horror of the Atlantic slave trade. (See the feature Individuals in Society:
Olaudah Equiano.) Another approach was for African rulers to change the pun-
ishment for misdemeanors from nes to enslavement in order to generate more
captives for sale.
Most Europeans did not personally witness the horrors of the slave trade be-
tween Africa and the Americas, and until 1700, and perhaps even 1750, they con-
sidered the African slave trade a legitimate business. But as details of the plight of
slaves became known, a campaign to abolish slav ery developed in Britain. Between
1788 and 1792, according to some recent scholarship, the abolition campaign
grew into the rst peaceful mass political movement based on the mobilization of
public opinion in British history. British women played a critical role in this mass
movement, denouncing the immorality of human bondage and stressing the cruel
and sadistic treatment of female slaves and slave families. These attacks put the
defenders of slav ery on the defensive. In 1807 Parliament abolished the British
Slaves Harvesting Sugar Cane
In this 1828 print a long line of hard-working slaves systematically harvests the ripe cane on the island of Antigua, while on the
right more slaves load cut cane into wagons for rening at the plantations central crushing mill. The manager on horseback may
be ordering the overseer to quicken the work pace, always brutal and unrelenting at harvest time. Slave labor made high-intensity
capitalist production of sugar possible in the Americas. (John Carter Brown Library at Brown University)
Indi vi dual s i n Soci et y
Olaudah Equiano
he slave trade was a mass migration involving mil-
lions of human beings. It was also the sum of indi-
vidual lives spent partly or entirely in slav ery. Although
most of those lives remain hidden to us, Olaudah Equi-
ano (17451797) is an important exception.
Equiano was born in Benin (modern Nigeria) of Ibo
ethnicity. His father, one of the village el ders (or chief-
tains), presided over a large household that included
many slaves, prisoners captured in local wars. All
people, slave and free, shared in the cultivation of family
lands. One day, when all the adults were in the elds,
two strange men and a woman broke into the family
compound, kidnapped the eleven-year-old boy and his
sister, tied them up, and dragged them into the woods.
Brother and sister were separated, and Olaudah was sold
several times to various dealers before reaching the
coast. As it took six months to walk there, his home must
have been far inland.
The slave ship and the strange appearance of the
white crew terried the boy. Much worse was the long
voyage from Benin to Barbados in the Caribbean, as
Equiano later recounted. The stench of the [ships]
hold . . . became absolutely pestilential . . . [and] brought
on a sickness among the slaves, of which many died. . . .
The shrieks of the women and the groans of the dying
rendered the whole a scene of horror almost inconceiv-
able. Placed on deck with the sick and dying, Equiano
saw two and then three of his enchained countrymen
escape somehow through the nettings and jump into
the sea, preferring death to such a life of misery.*
Equianos new owner, an ofcer in the Royal Navy,
took him to Eng land and saw that the lad received some
education. Engaged in bloody action in Europe for al-
most four years as a captains boy in the Seven Years
War, Equiano hoped that his loyal ser vice and Chris tian
baptism would help secure his freedom. He also knew
that slav ery was generally illegal in Eng land. But his
master deceived him. Docking in London, he and his
accomplices forced a protesting and heartbroken Equi-
ano onto a ship bound for the Caribbean.
There he was sold to Robert King, a Quaker mer-
chant from Philadelphia who dealt in sugar and rum.
* Olaudah Equiano, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of
Olaudah Equiano Written by Himself, ed. with an introduc-
tion by Robert J. Allison (Boston: Bedford Books, 1995),
pp. 5657. Recent scholarship has re-examined Equianos life
and thrown some details of his identity into question.
Equiano developed his mathematical skills, worked hard
to please as a clerk in Kings warehouse, and became rst
mate on one of Kings ships. Allowed to trade on the side
for his own prot, Equiano amassed capital, repaid King
his original purchase price, and re-
ceived his deed of manumission at
the age of twenty-one. King urged
his talented former slave to stay on
as a business partner, but Equiano
hated the limitations and dangers
of black freedom in the colonies
he was almost kidnapped back into
slav ery while loading a ship in
Georgiaand could think only
of Eng land. Settling in London,
Equiano studied, worked as a hair-
dresser, and went to sea periodically
as a merchant seaman. He devel-
oped his ardent Chris tian faith and
became a leading member of Lon-
dons sizable black community.
Equiano loathed the brutal slav-
ery and the vicious exploitation that
he saw in the West Indies and Brit-
ains mainland colonies. A complex
and sophisticated man, he also re-
spected the integrity of Robert King
and admired British navigational and industrial technolo-
gies. He encountered white oppressors and made white
friends. He once described himself as almost an Eng lish-
man. In the 1780s he joined with white and black activ-
ists in the antislav ery campaign and wrote The Interesting
Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano Written by Him-
self, a well-documented autobiographical indictment of
slav ery. Above all, he urged Chris tians to live by the prin-
ciples they professed and to treat Africans equally as free
human beings and children of God. With the success of
his widely read book, he carried his message to large audi-
ences across Britain and Ireland and inspired the growing
movement to abolish slav ery.
Questions for Analysis
1. What aspects of Olaudah Equianos life as a slave
were typical? What aspects were atypical?
2. Describe Equianos culture and personality. What
aspects are most striking? Why?
Olaudah Equiano, in an
engraving from his
autobiography. (National
Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian
Institution/ Art Resource, NY)
504 Chapter 19 The Expansion of Europe in the Eighteenth Century
slave trade, although slav ery continued in British colonies and the Americas
for years.
As the Atlantic economy took shape, Europeans con-
tinued to vie for dominance in the Asian trade. The
Dutch, who had dominated as a supplier of Asian
goods to Europeans in the seventeenth century, failed to diversify to meet chang-
ing consumption patterns. Spices continued to comprise much of its shipping,
despite their declining importance in the European diet. Fierce competition from
its main rival, the Eng lish East India Company (est. 1600), also severely undercut
Dutch trade.
Britain initially struggled for a foothold in Asia. With the Dutch monopolizing
the Indian Ocean, the British focused on India, where they were minor players
throughout the seventeenth century. The Eng lish East India Company relied on
trade concessions from the powerful Mughal emperor, who granted only piece-
meal access to the subcontinent. Finally, in 1716 the Mughals conceded empire-
Trade and Empire
in Asia
Trade and Empire
in Asia
The British in India (ca. 1785)
This Indian miniature shows (center) the wife of a British ofcer attended by many Indian servants. A British
merchant (left) awaits her attention. The picture reects the luxurious lifestyle of the British elite in India; many
returned home with colossal fortunes. (Scala/ Art Resource, NY)
wide trading privileges. To further their economic interests, British company
agents increasingly intervened in local affairs and made alliances or waged war
against Indian princes. However, they faced competition from France, which also
had company agents and troops stationed on the subcontinent. Forces from the
two sides clashed in the 1740s.
With the Treaty of Paris that ended the Seven Years War in 1763 (page 497),
France lost its possessions in India. British ascendancy in India subsequently ac-
celerated. In 1764 Eng lish East India Company forces defeated the Mughal em-
peror, leaving him on the throne as a ruler in title only. Robert Clive a company
agent who had led its forces in battle, became the rst British governor general of
Bengal, in northeast India, with direct authority over the province. By the early
1800s the British had overcome vigorous Indian re sis tance to gain economic and
political dominance of much of the subcontinent, and India was lauded as the
jewel in the British Empire in the nineteenth century.
Although mercantilist policies strengthened European
colonial empires in the eigh teenth century, a strong
reaction against mercantilism ultimately set in. Creole
merchants chafed at regulations imposed from Madrid, while Eng lish merchants
complained loudly about the trade monopoly enjoyed by the British East India
Company. These in de pen dent merchants led the call for free trade, borrowing
from the ideas of Scottish Enlightenment philosopher Adam Smith (17231790),
whose Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776) estab-
lished the basis for modern economics.
Smith described eigh teenth-century mercantilism as a combination of stiing
government regulations and unfair privileges for state-approved monopolies and
government favorites. Far preferable was free competition,
which would best protect consumers from price gouging and
give all citizens a fair and equal right to do what they did best.
Fearful of political oppression, Smith argued that government
should limit itself to only three duties: it should provide a de-
fense against foreign invasion, maintain civil order with courts
and police protection, and sponsor certain indispensable public
works and institutions that could never adequately prot private
investors. He believed that the pursuit of self-interest in a com-
petitive market would be sufcient to improve the living condi-
tions of citizens.
In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries Smith was often
seen as an advocate of unbridled capitalism, but his ideas were
considerably more complex. In his own mind, Smith spoke for
truth, not for special interests. Unlike many disgruntled merchant
capitalists, he applauded the modest rise in real wages of British
workers in the eigh teenth century and went on to say that No
society can surely be ourishing and happy, of which the far
greater part of the members are poor and miserable. He also
deplored the deadening effects of the division of labor and called
for government intervention to raise workers living standards.
Smiths provocative work had a great international impact,
going through eight editions in Eng lish and being translated
into several languages within twenty years. It quickly emerged as
the classic argument for economic liberalism.
Adam Smith and
Economic Liberalism
Adam Smith and
Economic Liberalism
economic liberalism Based on the
writings of Adam Smith, a belief in free
trade and competition. Smith argued
that the invisible hand of free
competition would benet all
individuals, rich and poor.
economic liberalism Based on the
writings of Adam Smith, a belief in free
trade and competition. Smith argued
that the invisible hand of free
competition would benet all
individuals, rich and poor.
Building the Global Economy 505
Secti on Revi ew
Britain imposed a form of economic warfare with the
Navigation Acts, which required the transportation of
British products on British ships.
Eng land went through a series of wars with the Dutch and
then the French in the struggle for maritime supremacy
and although Britain gained a trading monopoly and
colonial empire, France and Spain continued to prot
from their own colonial trade.
The Atlantic slave trade grew enormously as colonial
plantations used slaves to produce commodities for sale in
Europe and although public outcry at its horrors led the
British to end their involvement in the trade in 1807,
slav ery itself continued in the Americas and the British
The Great Fire of 1666 destroyed much of London; re-
construction kept the social classes mixed in the old city
but new suburbs created segregation by income level.
The British East India Company vied with the French and
the Dutch for trading dominance in Asia and emerged as
dominant rulers within the Indian subcontinent.
Adam Smiths writings gained international fame, promot-
ing free trade in a competitive market, an arrangement he
thought would protect consumers and benet all citizens.
506 Chapter 19 The Expansion of Europe in the Eighteenth Century
Key Terms
agricultural revolution (p. 486)
crop rotation (p. 486)
enclosure (p. 486)
proletarianization (p. 488)
cottage industry (p. 490)
putting-out system (p. 490)
guild system (p. 493)
industrious revolution (p. 494)
Navigation Acts (p. 495)
Treaty of Paris (p. 497)
debt peonage (p. 500)
Creoles (p. 500)
mestizo (p. 500)
Atlantic slave trade (p. 501)
economic liberalism (p. 505)
Chapter Review
What were the causes and effects of the agricultural revolution, and what na-
tions led the way in these developments? (page 485)
While the European educated elite was developing a new view of the world in the
eigh teenth century, Europe as a whole was experiencing a gradual but far-reaching
expansion. As agriculture began showing signs of modest improvement across the con-
tinent, rst the Low Countries and then Eng land launched changes that gradually
revolutionized it. New crops and intensied crop rotation created new food sources for
both people and livestock. Enclosure of common land allowed landowners to reap the
fruits of agricultural innovation at the cost of excluding poor peasants from their tradi-
tional access to the land. The gap between wealthy landowner and landless poor
stretched wider in this period.
Why did European population rise dramatically in the eigh teenth century?
(page 488)
For reasons historians do not yet understand, the recurring curse of bubonic plague
disappeared. Less vulnerable to food shortages and free from the plague, the popula-
tions of all European countries grew signicantly. During the eigh teenth century the
European population recovered from the stagnation and losses of the previous century
to reach unprecedented new levels.
What is cottage industry, and how did it contribute to Europes economic and
social transformation? (page 490)
Population increases encouraged the growth of wage labor, cottage industry, and
merchant capitalism. To escape the constraints of urban guilds, merchants transported
production to the countryside. Peasant households set up industrial production within
their cottages, allocating family members labor during the slack seasons of agriculture
or, in some cases, abandoning farming altogether for a new life of weaving or spinning.
The spread of cottage industry was one sign of an industrious revolution that helped
pave the path of the Industrial Revolution of the late eigh teenth century. Womens la-
bor was crucial to the spread of cottage industry and the renewed vitality of the urban
How did colonial markets boost Europes economic and social development, and
what conicts and adversity did world trade entail? (page 495)
The products of peasant industry were exported across Europe and even across the
world. During the eigh teenth century Europeans continued their overseas expansion,
ghting for empire and prot and, in particular, consolidating their hold on the Amer-
icas. A revived Spain and its Latin American colonies participated fully in this expan-
sion. As in agriculture and cottage industry, however, Eng land and its empire proved
most successful. The Eng lish concentrated much of the growing Atlantic trade in their
hands, a development that challenged and enriched Eng lish industry and intensied
interest in new methods of production and in an emerging economic liberalism. Thus,
by the 1770s Eng land was approaching an economic breakthrough as fully signicant
as the great political upheaval destined to develop shortly in neighboring France.
Chapter Review 507
1. B. H. Slicher van Bath, The Agrarian History of Western Europe, a.d. 5001850 (New York: St.
Martins Press, 1963), p. 240.
2. Quoted in I. Pinchbeck, Women Workers and the Industrial Revolution, 17501850 (New
York: F. S. Crofts, 1930), p. 113.
3. Richard J. Soderlund, Intended as a Terror to the Idle and Proigate: Embezzlement and
the Origins of Policing in the Yorkshire Worsted Industry, c. 17501777, Journal of Social
History 31 (Spring 1998): 658.
4. Ibid. In addition, Jan de Vries, The Industrious Revolution and the Industrious Revolution,
The Journal of Economic History 54, 2 (June 1994): 249270, discusses the second industrious
revolution of the second half of the twentieth century.
5. Laurent Dubois and John D. Garrigus, Slave Revolution in the Carribean, 17891904 (New
York: Palgrave, 2006), p. 8.
6. G. Taylor, Americas Growth Before 1840, Journal of Economic History 24 (December
1970): 427444.
7. J. Inikori, Africans and the Industrial Revolution in Eng land: A Study in International Trade
and Economic Development (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. 481482.
8. P. E. Lovejoy, Transformations in Slavery: A History of Slavery in Africa (Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press, 1983), p. 19.
To assess your mastery of this chapter, go to bedfordstmartins.com/mckaywestbrief
Li st eni ng t o t he Past
The Debate over the Guilds
uilds, also known as trade corporations, claimed that
their rules guaranteed fair wages, high-quality goods,
and community values. However, both French philosophes
and enlightened government ofcials increasingly disagreed.
The following excerpt, from a 1776 law abolishing French
guilds by the reform minister Jacques Turgot (tur-GOH), is an
important example of the liberal critique in action. A vocifer-
ous response from the guilds led to the laws repeal only six
months later. New guild regulations responded to some of the
critiques, for example by allowing women to join all guilds.
In 1791 French revolutionaries denitively abolished the
guild system.
A German brush maker and guild member shows a customer
his wares. (The Fotomas Index / The Bridgeman Art Library)
This selection has been omitted intentionally
from your CourseSmart eBook due to electronic
permissions issues. Regrettably, we cannot make
this piece available to you in a digital format.
Questions for Analysis
1. How did Turgot justify the abolition of French
guilds? Do you think his reasons are valid?
How might the guilds respond?
2. Do guildsand modern-day unionshelp or
hurt workers? Defend your position.
Source: S. Pollard and C. Holmes, eds., Documents
of European Economic History, Volume One: The Process
of In dustrialization, 17501870, 1968, pp. 5356.
The Changing Life
of the People
Chapter Previ ew
Marriage and the Family
What changes occurred in marriage
and the family in the course of the
eigh teenth century?
Children and Education
What was life like for children, and how
did attitudes toward childhood evolve?
Food, Medicine, and New
Consumption Habits
How did new patterns of consumption
and changing medical care affect
peoples lives?
Religion and Popular Culture
What were the patterns of popular
religion and culture, and how did
they interact with the worldview
of the educated public and the
the Nations Midwife
LISTENING TO THE PAST: A Day in the Life of Paris
A quack doctor uses a snake and a dog to sell a miraculous cure-all
in an Italian village market, in a painting (detail) by Michele Graneri
(17361778). (Dagli Orti Private Collection/ The Art Archive)
he discussion of agriculture and industry in the previous chapter showed
the common people at work, straining to make ends meet within the larger
context of population growth, gradual economic expansion, and ferocious politi-
cal competition. The world of work was embedded in a rich complex of family or-
ga ni za tion, community practices, everyday experiences, and collective attitudes.
In recent years, historians have intensively studied all these aspects of popular
life. The challenge has been formidable because regional variations abounded
and the common people left few written records. Yet imaginative research has re-
sulted in major ndings and much greater knowledge. It is now possible to follow
the common people into their homes, workshops, churches, and taverns and to
ask, What were the everyday experiences of ordinary people?
The basic unit of social or ga ni za tion is the family. Within the structure of the fam-
ily human beings love, mate, and reproduce. It is primarily the family that teaches
the child, imparting values and customs that condition an individuals behavior for
a lifetime. The family is also an institution woven into the web of history. It evolves
and changes, assuming different forms in different times and places.
In the previous chapter, we noted the common mis-
conception that populations of the past always grew
quickly. Another popular error is that before the mod-
ern era people married at a young age and settled in large multigenerational
households. In recent years historians have used previously ne glected parish regis-
ters of births, deaths, and marriages to uncover details of European family life be-
fore the nineteenth century. It is now clear that the extended, three-generation
family was a rarity in western and central Europe by 1700. Indeed, the extended
family may never have been common in Europe, although it is hard to know about
the early Middle Ages because very few records survive. When young European
couples married, they normally established their own households and lived apart
from their parents. If a three-generation household came into exis tence, it was
usually because a widowed parent moved into the home of a married child.
Moreover, most people did not marry young in the seventeenth and eigh teenth
centuries. The average person who was neither rich nor aristocratic married sur-
prisingly late, many years after reaching adulthood and beginning to work. In one
well-studied, apparently typical Eng lish village in the seventeenth and eigh teenth
centuries, both men and women married for the rst time at an average age of
twenty-seven or older. A similar pattern existed in eigh teenth-century France,
where women married around age twenty-ve and men around age twenty-seven.
A substantial portion of men and women never married at all. The custom of late
marriage combined with a nuclear-family household distinguished European so-
ciety from other areas of the world.
Why was marriage delayed? The main reason was that couples normally did
not marry until they could support themselves economically. Peasants often
needed to wait until the fathers death to inherit land and marry. In the towns, men
Marriage and the Family
What changes occurred in marriage and the family in the course of the
eigh teenth century?
Marriage and the Family
What changes occurred in marriage and the family in the course of the
eigh teenth century?
Late Marriage and
Nuclear Families
Late Marriage and
Nuclear Families
Marriage and the Family 511
512 Chapter 20 The Changing Life of the People
and women worked to accumulate enough savings to start a small business and
establish a household. In some areas couples needed the legal permission or tacit
approval of the local lord or landowner in order to marry. Austria and Germany
had legal restrictions on marriage, and well into the nineteenth century poor
couples had particular difculty securing the approval of local ofcials. This pat-
tern helped society maintain some kind of balance between the number of people
and the available economic resources.
Many young people worked within their families until
they could start their own households. Boys plowed
and wove; girls spun and tended the cows. Others left
home to work elsewhere. In the towns a lad would begin apprenticeship around
age fteen and nish in his late teens or early twenties. During that time he would
not be permitted to marry. In most trades he earned little and worked hard, but if
he was lucky, he might eventually be admitted to a guild. Many poor families
could not afford apprenticeship, and their sons drifted from one tough job to an-
other: hired hand for a small farmer, wage laborer on a new road, carrier of water
in a nearby town. They were always subject to economic uctuations, and unem-
ployment was a constant threat.
Many girls also left their families to work in adolescence. Some apprenticed to
mistresses in traditionally female occupations, becoming seamstresses, linen drap-
ers, or midwives. As the demand for skilled labor grew, even male guildsmen hired
girls and women, despite guild restrictions.
Service in another familys household, though, was by far the most common
job for girls, and even middle-class families often sent their daughters into ser vice.
The legions of young servant girls worked hard but had little in de pen dence. Some-
times the employer paid the girls wages directly to her par-
ents. Constantly under the eye of her mistress, the servant girl
had many taskscleaning, shopping, cooking, caring for the
baby. Court records are full of servant girls complaints of
physical mistreatment by their mistresses. There were many
like the fteen-year-old Eng lish girl in the early eigh teenth
century who told the judge that her mistress had not only
called her very opprobrious names, as Bitch, Whore and
the like, but also beat her without provocation and beyond
mea sure.
Male apprentices told similar tales of verbal and physical
abuse at their masters hands. Boys were far less vulnerable,
though, to the sexual harassment and assault that threatened
female servants. In theory, domestic ser vice offered a young
girl protection and security in a new family. But in practice
Work Away
from Home
Work Away
from Home
Boucher: The Pretty Cook
Increased migration to urban areas in the eigh teenth century contributed
to a loosening of traditional morals and soaring illegitimacy rates. Young
women who worked as servants or shop girls could not be supervised as
closely as those who lived at home. The themes of seduction, fallen virtue,
and familial conict were popular in eigh teenth-century art, such as this
painting by Franois Boucher (frahn-SWA boo-SHEY) (17031770),
master of the rococo. (Runion des Muses Nationaux / Art Resource, NY)
she was often the easy prey of a lecherous master or his sons
or friends. If the girl became pregnant, she could be quickly
red and thrown out in disgrace to make her own way, which
often led to a life of prostitution and petty thi every. What are
we? exclaimed a bitter Parisian prostitute. Most of us are
unfortunate women, without origins, without education, ser-
vants and maids for the most part.
Prostitutes encountered increasingly harsh and repres-
sive laws in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, as
ofcials across Europe began to close licensed brothels and
declare prostitution illegal. Despite this repression, prostitu-
tion ourished in European cities and towns in the eigh-
teenth century. Most prostitutes were working women who
turned to the sex trade when confronted with unemployment
or seasonal shortages of work. Farther up the social scale were
courtesans whose wealthy protectors provided apartments,
servants, beautiful clothing, and cash allowances. As she aged,
such a woman could descend once more to streetwalking.
Did late marriage in preindustrial Europe go hand in
hand with many illegitimate children? For most of
western and central Europe until at least 1750, the an-
swer is no. Eng lish parish registers seldom listed more than one illegitimate child
out of every twenty children baptized. Some French parishes in the seventeenth
century had extraordinarily low rates of illegitimacy, with less than 1 percent of the
babies born out of wedlock. Illegitimate babies were apparently a rarity, at least as
far as the ofcial church records are concerned. This does not mean that premari-
tal intercourse was unusual, however. A signicant number of women were preg-
nant on their wedding day.
The combination of very low rates of illegitimate births with large numbers of
pregnant brides reects the powerful community controls of the traditional vil-
lage, particularly the open-eld village, with its pattern of cooperation and com-
mon action. No doubt many couples were already betrothed, or at least going
steady, before they entered into intimate relationships, and pregnancy simply set
the marriage date once and for all. But if a couple wavered about marriage, they
could expect to be pressured by irate parents, anxious village el ders, indignant
priests, and stern landlords. The prospect of an unwed (and therefore poor) mother
was seen as a grave threat to the economic, social, and moral stability of the closely
knit community.
Community controls extended to domestic disputes and marital scandals as
well. The people in peasant communities gave such affairs loud and unfavorable
publicity either at the time of the event or during the Carnival season (see page 530).
The young men of the village would typically gang up on the person they wanted to
punish and force him or her to sit astride a donkey facing backward and holding up
the donkeys tail. They would parade the overly brutal spouse-beating husband (or
wife), or the couple whose adultery had been discovered, all around the village,
loudly proclaiming the offenders misdeeds with scorn and ridicule. The donkey
ride and other colorful humiliations ranging from rotten vegetables splattered on the
doorstep to obscene and insulting midnight serenades were common punishments
throughout much of Europe. They epitomized the communitys far-reaching effort
to police personal behavior and maintain community standards.
Premarital Sex and
Community Controls
Premarital Sex and
Community Controls
community controls A pattern of
cooperation and common action that
was mobilized by perceived threats to the
economic, social, and moral stability of
the closely knit community.
community controls A pattern of
cooperation and common action that
was mobilized by perceived threats to the
economic, social, and moral stability of
the closely knit community.
1717 Elementary school attendance mandatory
in Prussia
17201780 Government-run foundling homes
17401780 Reign of Maria Theresa in Austria
17401786 Reign of Frederick the Great in Prussia
17501790 Wesley preaches revival in Eng land
17501850 Illegitimacy explosion
1757 Madame du Coudray, Manual on the Art
of Childbirth
1762 Rousseau advocates more attentive child
care in Emile
1763 Louis XV orders Jesuits out of France
1796 Jenner performs rst smallpox vaccination
514 Chapter 20 The Changing Life of the People
In the second half of the eigh teenth century, the pat-
tern of few births out of wedlock began to break down.
The number of illegitimate births soared between
about 1750 and 1850 as much of Europe experienced
an illegitimacy explosion. In Frankfurt, Germany, for example, illegitimate births
rose steadily from about 2 percent of all births in the early 1700s to a peak of about
25 percent around 1850. In Bordeaux, France, 36 percent of all babies were being
born out of wedlock by 1840. Small towns and villages experienced less startling
climbs, but between 1750 and 1850 increases from a range of 1 to 3 percent ini-
tially to 10 to 20 percent were commonplace. Fewer young people were abstaining
from premarital intercourse, and, more important, fewer young men were marry-
ing the women they got pregnant. Thus a profound sexual and cultural transfor-
mation took place.
Historians are still debating the meaning of this transformation, but one trend
seems to explain the rise of illegitimate births in urban areas. The needs of a grow-
ing population sent many young villagers to towns and cities in search of employ-
ment. Most young women in urban areas found work only as servants or textile
workers. Poorly paid and with little possibility of truly in de pen dent lives, they
looked to marriage for security. But without the social controls of village life, their
courtships could lead to illegitimate children rather than marriage. Because the
lives of their partners were also insecure, many men hesitated to take on the nan-
cial burden of a wife and child. Thus the romantic aspirations of many young
people were frustrated by low wages, inequality, and changing economic and so-
cial conditions. Old patterns of marriage and family were breaking down. Only in
the late nineteenth century would more stable patterns reappear.
The pattern of late marriage also eroded in some areas in the second half of the
eigh teenth century. First, the growth of cottage industry created new opportunities
for earning a living, opportunities not tied to the land. Cottage workers married at
a younger age because they did not have to wait to inherit a farm. A scrap of
New Patterns of
Marriage and
New Patterns of
Marriage and
illegitimacy explosion The sharp
increase in out-of-wedlock births that
occurred in Europe between 1750
and 1850, caused by urbanization,
unemployment, and the breakdown
of community controls.
illegitimacy explosion The sharp
increase in out-of-wedlock births that
occurred in Europe between 1750
and 1850, caused by urbanization,
unemployment, and the breakdown
of community controls.
David Allan: The Penny
Wedding (1795)
The spirited merrymaking of a
peasant wedding was a popular
theme of European artists. In rural
Scotland penny weddings like this
one were common: guests provided
cash gifts; any money left after
paying for the wedding went to the
newlyweds to help them get started.
Dancing, feasting, and drinking
characterized these community
parties, which led the Presbyterian
church to oppose them and hasten
their decline. (National Galleries
of Scotland)
ground for a garden and a cottage for the loom and spinning wheel could be quite
enough for a modest living. Couples married not only at an earlier age but also for
different reasons. Nothing could be so businesslike as peasant marriages that were
often dictated by the needs of the couples families. After 1750, however, courtship
became more extensive and freer as cottage industry grew. It was easier to yield to
the attraction of the opposite sex and fall in love. Members of the older generation
were often highly critical of the lack of responsibility they saw in the union of
people with only two spinning wheels and not even a bed. But such scolding did
not stop cottage workers from marrying for love rather than for economic consid-
erations as they blazed a path that factory workers would follow in the nineteenth
century. Ironically, therefore, both the rise of illegitimate births and the new ten-
dencies toward earlier marriage reect a weakening of parental and communities
control over young people.
In the traditional framework of agrarian Europe, women married late but then
began bearing children rapidly. If a woman married before she was thirty, and if
both she and her husband lived to fty, she would most likely give birth to six or
more children. The newborn child entered a dangerous world. Newborns were
vulnerable to infectious diseases of the chest and stomach, and many babies died
of dehydration brought about by bad bouts of ordinary diarrhea. Of those who
survived infancy, many more died in childhood. Even in rich families little could
be done for an ailing child. Childbirth could also be dangerous. Women who bore
six children faced a cumulative risk of dying in childbirth of 5 to 10 percent, a
thousand times as great as the risk in Europe today.
Schools and formal education played only a modest role in the lives of ordi-
nary children, and many boys and many more girls never learned to read. Never-
theless, basic literacy was growing among the popular classes, whose reading habits
have been intensively studied in recent years. Attempting to peer into the collec-
tive attitudes of the common people and compare them with those of the book-
hungry cultivated public, historians have produced some fascinating insights.
In the countryside, women of the lower classes gener-
ally breast-fed their infants for two years or more.
Breast-feeding decreases the likelihood of pregnancy
for the average woman by delaying the resumption of ovulation. By nursing their
babies, women limited their fertility and spaced their children from two to three
years apart. If a newborn baby died, nursing stopped, and a new life could be cre-
ated. Nursing also saved lives: the breast-fed infant received precious immunity-
producing substances with its mothers milk and was more likely to survive than
when it was given other food.
Women of the aristocracy and upper middle class seldom nursed their own
children. The upper-class woman felt that breast-feeding was crude and undigni-
ed. Instead, she hired a live-in wet nurse to suckle her child (which usually meant
sending the nurses own infant away to be nursed). Urban mothers of more modest
means also relied on wet nurses to free them for full-time work. Unable to afford
Children and Education
What was life like for children, and how did attitudes toward
childhood evolve?
Children and Education
What was life like for children, and how did attitudes toward
childhood evolve?
Child Care
and Nursing
Child Care
and Nursing
Secti on Revi ew
Most European couples married after
reaching adulthood when they could
support themselves in a nuclear family
that lived separate from the parents.
Young men worked at home, were
apprenticed, or worked as hired labor
until they could marry; women often
worked as servants, and conditions for
both sexes were harsh.
Low illegitimate birth rates most likely
indicate the amount of pressure a
village had on individuals and fami-
lies, enforcing marriage for pregnancy
and openly ridiculing domestic vio-
lence or adultery.
The second half of the eigh teenth
century brought a steep rise in the
number of illegitimate births, a result
of young women and men working in
urban areas where relationships led to
pregnancy but not marriage; on the
other hand, the age of marriage fell as
cottage industry workers were able to
support themselves sooner.
Children and Education 515
516 Chapter 20 The Changing Life of the People
live-in wet nurses, they often turned to the cheaper ser vices of women in the coun-
tryside. Rural wet-nursing was a widespread business in the eigh teenth century,
conducted within the framework of the putting-out system. The trafc was in ba-
bies rather than in yarn or cloth, and two or three years often passed before the
wet-nurse worker in the countryside nished her task. The wet nurse generally had
little contact with the family that hired her, and she was expected to privilege the
newcomer at the expense of her own nursing child.
Reliance on wet nurses contributed to high levels of infant mortality. A study
of parish registers in northern France during the late seventeenth and early eigh-
teenth centuries reveals that 35 percent of babies died before their rst birthdays,
and another 20 percent before age ten.
In Eng land, where more mothers nursed,
only some 30 percent of children did not reach their tenth birthdays. French-
women also gave birth to more children since nursing tends to slow down the re-
turn of fertility after childbirth.
In the second half of the eigh teenth century critics mounted a harsh attack
against wet-nursing. Upper-class women responded positively to the new mindset,
but poor urban women who depended on jobs where nursing was not possible
continued to rely on wet nurses. Not until the late-nineteenth-century introduction
of sterilized cows milk and articial nipples did wet-nursing cease as a practice.
wet-nursing A widespread and
ourishing business in the eigh teenth
century in which women would breast-
feed other womens babies for money.
wet-nursing A widespread and
ourishing business in the eigh teenth
century in which women would breast-
feed other womens babies for money.
Arrival of the Wet Nurses
Wet-nursing was big business in eigh teenth-century France, particularly in Paris and the north. Here, rural wet nurses bring
their charges back to the city to be reunited with their families after around two years of care. These children were lucky
survivors of a system that produced high mortality rates. (Runion des Muses Nationaux/ Art Resource, NY)
The young woman who could not provide for a child
had few choices, especially if she had no prospect of
marriage. Abortions were illegal, dangerous, and ap-
parently rare. In desperation, some women, particularly in the countryside, hid
unwanted pregnancies, delivered in secret, and smothered their newborn infants.
If discovered, infanticide (in-fAN-tuh-side) was punishable by death.
Women in cities could leave their infants at foundling homes, which multi-
plied in the eigh teenth century. In eigh teenth-century Eng land, for example, the
government acted on a petition calling for a foundling hospital to prevent the
frequent murders of poor, miserable infants at birth and to suppress the inhu-
man custom of exposing newborn children to perish in the streets. As the number
of homes increased, the number of foundlings being cared for surged. By the end
of the century European foundling hospitals were admitting annually about one
hundred thousand abandoned children, nearly all of them infants. While most of
the children were the offspring of unwed mothers, others were the offspring of
married couples, for whom an additional mouth to feed often meant tragedy.
Great numbers of babies entered foundling homes, but few left. Even in the
best of these homes, 50 percent of the babies normally died within a year. In the
worst, fully 90 percent did not survive.
They succumbed to long journeys over
rough roads, intentional and unintentional ne glect by their wet nurses, and cus-
tomary childhood illnesses. So great were the losses that some contemporaries
called the foundling hospitals legalized infanticide.
What were the typical circumstances of childrens
lives? The topic of parental attitudes toward children
in the early modern period remains controversial.
Some scholars have claimed that parents did not risk forming emotional attach-
ments to young children because of high mortality rates. With a reasonable expec-
tation that a child might die, some scholars believe, parents maintained an attitude
of indifference, if not downright negligence.
The French essayist, Michel de Montaigne (mon-TAIN), exemplies this atti-
tude. He wrote: I cannot abide that passion for caressing new-born children,
which have neither mental activities nor recognisable bodily shape by which to
make themselves loveable and I have never willingly suffered them to be fed in my
In contrast to this harsh picture, however, historians have drawn ample evi-
dence from diaries, letters, and family portraits that many parents did cherish their
children and suffered greatly when they died. The Eng lish poet Ben Jonson wrote
movingly of the death of his seven-year-old son Benjamin:
On My First Son
Farewell, thou child of my right hand, and joy;
My sin was too much hope of thee, loved boy.
Seven years thou wert lent to me, and I thee pay,
Exacted by thy fate, on the just day.
In a society characterized by violence and brutality, discipline of children was
often severe. The novelist Daniel Defoe (duh-FOH) (16591731), who was always
delighted when he saw young children working hard in cottage industry, coined
the axiom Spare the rod and spoil the child. He meant it. So did Susannah Wes-
ley (16691742), mother of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism. According to
her, the rst task of a parent toward her children was to conquer the will, and
Foundlings and
Foundlings and
infanticide The willful destruction of a
newborn infant.
infanticide The willful destruction of a
newborn infant.
Attitudes Toward
Attitudes Toward
Children and Education 517
518 Chapter 20 The Changing Life of the People
bring them to an obedient temper. She reported that her babies were taught to
fear the rod, and to cry softly; by which means they escaped the abundance of cor-
rection they might otherwise have had, and that most odious noise of the crying of
children was rarely heard in the house.
The Enlightenment produced an enthusiastic new discourse about childhood
and child rearing. Starting around 1760, critics called for greater tenderness toward
children and proposed imaginative new teaching methods. They objected to the
practices of swaddling babies, using rigid whale-boned corsets to straighten them
out, and dressing children in miniature versions of adult clothing. Instead parents
were urged to dress their children in simpler and more comfortable clothing to
allow freedom of movement. For Enlightenment critics, the best hopes for creat-
ing a new society, untrammeled by the prejudices of the past, lay in a radical revi-
sion of child-rearing techniques according to natural laws.
One of the centurys most inuential works on child rearing was Jean-Jacques
Rousseaus (zhahn-zhock roo-SOE) Emile, which fervently advocated breast-feeding
and natural dress. Rousseau argued that boys education should include plenty of
fresh air and exercise and that they should be taught practical craft skills in addi-
tion to book learning. Reacting to what he perceived as the vanity and frivolity of
upper-class Parisian women, Rousseau insisted girls education focus on their fu-
ture domestic responsibilities. For Rousseau, womens nature destined them
solely for a life of marriage and child rearing. The ideas of Rousseau and other
reformers were enthusiastically adopted by elite women, who did not adopt uni-
versal nursing but did at least begin to supervise their wet nurses more carefully.
For all his inuence, Rousseau also reveals the occasional hypocrisy of En-
lightenment thinkers. With regard to the child-rearing techniques he believed
would create a better society, Rousseau had extremely high expectations; when it
came to the ve children he fathered with his common-law wife, however, he
abandoned them all in foundling hospitals despite their mothers protests. None
are known to have survived. For Rousseau, the idea of creating a natural man was
more important than raising real children.
The availability of formal education outside the home
increased during the eigh teenth century. Prussia led
the way in the development of universal education, in-
spired by the Protestant idea that every believer should be able to read the Bible
and by the new idea of a population capable of effectively serving the state. As early
as 1717 Prussia made attendance at elementary schools compulsory, and more
Protestant German states, such as Saxony and Wrttemberg (WUR-tuhm-burg),
followed during the eigh teenth century. In Scotland the focus on Bible study led
to the creation of parish schools for all children, and in Eng land charity schools
were established for the poor. In Catholic France, some Chris tian schools were
established to teach the catechism and prayers as well as reading and writing, and
the Catholic Habsburg state went even further, promoting elementary education
enthusiastically in the eigh teenth century. Thus some elementary education was
becoming a reality, and schools were of growing signicance in the life of the child.
The result of these efforts was a remarkable growth in basic literacy between
1600 and 1800. Whereas in 1600 only one male in six was barely literate in France
and Scotland, and one in four in Eng land, by 1800 almost nine out of ten Scottish
males, two out of three French males, and more than half of Eng lish males were
literate. In all three countries, the bulk of the jump occurred in the eigh teenth
century. Women were also increasingly literate, although they lagged behind men.
Schools and Popular
Schools and Popular
The growth in literacy promoted a growth in read-
ing, and historians have carefully examined what the
common people read in an attempt to discern what
they were thinking. While the Bible remained the over-
whelming favorite, especially in Protestant countries,
short pamphlets known as chapbooks were the staple of
popular literature. Printed on the cheapest paper avail-
able, many chapbooks dealt with religious subjects.
They featured Bible stories, prayers, devotions, and the
lives of saints and exemplary Chris tians. Promising hap-
piness after death, devotional literature was also in-
tensely practical. It gave the believer moral teachings
and a condence in God that helped in daily living.
Entertaining, often humorous stories formed a second element of popular
literature. Fairy tales, medieval romances, true crime stories, and fantastic adven-
tures were some of the delights that lled the peddlers pack as he approached a
village. These tales presented a world of danger and magic, of supernatural pow-
ers, fairy godmothers, and evil trolls. The signicance of these enter-
taining stories for the peasant reader is debated. Many scholars see
them reecting a desire for pure escapism and a temporary ight from
harsh everyday reality. Others see the tales reecting ancient folk
wisdom and counseling prudence in a world full of danger and injus-
tice, where wolves dress up like grandmothers and eat Little Red Rid-
ing Hoods.
Finally, some popular literature was highly practical, dealing with
rural crafts, household repairs, useful plants, and similar matters.
Much lore was stored in almanacs, where calendars listing secular,
religious, and astrological events were mixed with agricultural sched-
ules, arcane facts, and jokes. The almanac was universal, was not
controversial, and was highly appreciated even by many in the com-
fortable classes. Anyone who could would read an almanac.
this way, elites still shared some elements of a common culture with
the masses.
While the vast majority of ordinary people did not read the great
works of the Enlightenment, that does not mean they were immune
to its ideas. Urban working people were exposed to new ideas through
public conversation and cheap publications that helped translate En-
lightenment critiques into ordinary language. Servants who had over-
heard the discussions of their educated employers might disseminate
new ideas on trips back to their villages.
Children and Education 519
Raoux: Young Woman Reading a Letter
Literacy rates for men and women rose substantially during the
eigh teenth century. The novel also emerged as a new literary genre
in this period. With its focus on emotions, love, and family
melodrama, the novel was seen as a particularly feminine genre,
and it allowed women writers more access to publication. Writing
and reading letters were also associated with women. Some
contemporaries worried that womens growing access to reading
and writing would excite their imagination and desires, leading to
moral dissolution. (Runion des Muses Nationaux / Art Resource, NY)
Secti on Revi ew
Lower-class rural women generally breast-fed their
infants, while urban and upper-class women most
often hired a wet nurse, typically a rural woman, to
suckle their infants.
An unwanted pregnancy brought social and eco-
nomic disaster, causing some women to turn to
infanticide; in response, Europeans set up found-
ling hospitals that took in large numbers of infants,
but few left, as infant death rates were high.
The Enlightenment brought calls for a new
tenderness and freedom for children; among the
most inuential was Rousseaus plea for boys to
get exercise and practical life skills along with
book learning and for girls to learn appropriate
domestic skills.
A growing number of schools contributed to in-
creased literacy, and reading rates rose with the
introduction of popular and devotional literature,
novels, fairy tales, and books on practical subjects
such as the almanac. The Bible and Bible stories
remained favorite reading material.
520 Chapter 20 The Changing Life of the People
One of the most important developments in European society in the eigh teenth
century was the emergence of a edgling consumer culture. Much of the expan-
sion took place in the upper and upper-middle classes, but a boom in cheap repro-
ductions of luxury items also permitted people of modest means to purchase more
objects. From food to ribbons and from coal stoves to umbrellas, the material
world of city dwellers grew richer and more diverse. These developments created
new expectations for comfort and hygiene in daily life. Medical practitioners
greatly increased in number, although their techniques did not differ much from
those of previous generations.
The possibility of picking and choosing among a new variety of consumer
goods and provisioners encouraged the development of new notions of individual-
ity and self-expression. A shop girl could stand out from her peers by her choice of
a striped jacket, a colored parasol, or simply a new ribbon for her hair. New atti-
tudes about privacy and intimate life also emerged. Whereas families previously
shared common living spaces, in the eigh teenth century they erected new parti-
tions within their homes to create private nooks. Alongside an upturn in economic
production, this consumer revolution, as it has been called, dramatically changed
European life in the eigh teenth century. As in other developments, Eng land led
the way.
At the beginning of the eigh teenth century, ordinary
men and women depended on grain as fully as they
had in the past. Brown bread and gruel remained the
mainstays of peoples diets, and while they did eat vegetables, their choices were
typically limited to peas, beans, cabbage, carrots, and wild greens. Patterns of food
consumption changed markedly as the century progressed. There was a general
growth of market gardening, and a greater variety of vegetables appeared in towns
and cities. This was particularly the case in the Low Countries and Eng land,
which pioneered new methods of farming.
The Columbian exchange of foods was also responsible for dietary changes.
Originating in the Americasalong with corn, squash, tomatoes, and many other
useful plantsthe humble potato provided an excellent new food source for Eu-
ropeans. Containing a good supply of carbohydrates, calories, and vi ta mins A and
C, the potato offset the lack of vi ta mins from green vegetables in the poor persons
diet, and it provided a much higher caloric yield than grain for a given piece of
land. After initial re sis tance, the potato became an important dietary supplement
in much of Europe by the end of the century. In the course of the eigh teenth
century the large towns and cities of maritime Europe also began to receive semi-
tropical fruits, such as oranges and lemons, from Portugal and the West Indies, but
they remained expensive.
The most remarkable dietary change in the eigh teenth century was in the
consumption of sugar and tea. No other commodities grew so quickly in consump-
tion. Previously expensive and rare luxury items, they became dietary staples for
people of all social classes. This was possible because of the steady drop in prices
created by the expansion of colonial production and slave labor. Other colonial
Food, Medicine, and New Consumption Habits
How did new patterns of consumption and changing medical care affect
peoples lives?
Food, Medicine, and New Consumption Habits
How did new patterns of consumption and changing medical care affect
peoples lives?
Diets and Nutrition Diets and Nutrition
goods also became important items of daily consumption in this period, including
coffee, tobacco, and chocolate.
Part of the motivation for consuming these products was a desire to emulate
the habits of respectable people. The accelerating pace of work in the eigh teenth
century also seems to have created new needs for stimulants among working
people. (See the feature Listening to the Past: A Day in the Life of Paris on
pages 533534.) Whereas the gentry took tea as a leisurely and genteel ritual, the
lower classes usually drank tea at work. With the widespread adoption of these
products (which turned out to be mildly to extremely addictive), working people
in Europe became increasingly de pen dent on faraway colonial economies. Their
understanding of daily necessities and how to procure those necessities shifted
denitively, linking them into a globalized capitalism far beyond their ability to
shape or control.
Along with foodstuffs, all manner of other goods in-
creased in variety and number in the eigh teenth cen-
tury. This proliferation led to a growth in consumption
and new attitudes toward consumer goods so wide-ranging that some historians
have referred to an eigh teenth-century consumer revolution. The long-term
result of this revolution was the birth of a new type of society, in which people had
greater access to nished goods and derived their self-identity as much from their
consuming practices as from their working lives and place in the production pro-
cess. The full emergence of a consumer society did not take place until much
later, but its roots lie in the developments of the eigh teenth century.
Toward a
Consumer Society
Toward a
Consumer Society
consumer revolution The growth in
consumption and new attitudes toward
consumer goods as a result of an increase
in quantity and variety of foodstuffs and
other goods in the eigh teenth century.
consumer revolution The growth in
consumption and new attitudes toward
consumer goods as a result of an increase
in quantity and variety of foodstuffs and
other goods in the eigh teenth century.
Food, Medicine, and New Consumption Habits 521
Royal Interest in the Potato
Frederick the Great of Prussia, shown here supervising cultivation of the potato, used his inuence and position to promote
the new food on his estates and throughout Prussia. Peasants could grow potatoes with the simplest hand tools, but it was
backbreaking labor, as this painting by R. Warthmller suggests. (Private Collection, Hamburg / akg-images)
522 Chapter 20 The Changing Life of the People
Increased demand for consumer goods was not merely an innate response to
increased supply. Eighteenth-century merchants cleverly pioneered new tech-
niques to incite demand: they initiated marketing campaigns, opened fancy bou-
tiques with large windows, and advertised the patronage of royal princes and
princesses. By diversifying their product lines and greatly accelerating the turnover
of styles, they seized the reins of fashion from the courtiers who had earlier con-
trolled it. Instead of setting new styles, duchesses and marquises now bowed to the
dictates of fashion merchants. Fashion also extended beyond court circles to touch
many more items and social groups.
Clothing was one of the chief indicators of nascent consumerism. The wiles of
entrepreneurs made fashionable clothing seem more desirable, while legions of
women entering the textile and needle trades made it ever cheaper. As a result,
eigh teenth-century western Europe witnessed a dramatic rise in the consumption
of clothing, particularly in large cities. One historian has documented an enor-
mous growth in the size and value of Parisians wardrobes from 1700 to 1789, as
well as a new level of diversity in garments and accessories, colors, and fabrics.
Colonial economies played an important role, supplying new materials, such as
cotton and vegetable dyes, at low cost. Cheaper copies of elite styles made it pos-
sible for working people to aspire to follow fashion for the rst time.
Women were typically more interested in acquiring a fashionable wardrobe
than were their husbands, brothers, and fathers. This was true across the social
spectrum; in ribbons, shoes, gloves, and lace, French working women reaped in
the consumer revolution what they had sewn in the industrious revolution (see
pages 494495). There were also new gender distinctions in dress. Previously, no-
blemen vied with women in the magnicence and ostentation of their dress; by
the end of the eigh teenth century men had begun to don early versions of the
plain dark suit that remains standard male formalwear in the West. This was one
The Fashion Merchants Shop
Shopping in fancy boutiques became a favorite leisure pastime of the rich in the eigh teenth century. Whereas shops had
previously been dark, cramped spaces, now they were lled with light from large plate-glass windows, staffed by nely
dressed attendants, and equipped with chairs and large mirrors for a comfortable shopping experience. Fashion merchants
(or milliners) sold hats, shawls, parasols, and an innite variety of accessories and decorations. (Courtesy, University of Illinois Library)
more aspect of the increasingly rigid distinction drawn between appropriate male
and female behavior.
The consumer revolution extended into the home as well. In 1700 a meal
might be served in a common dish, with each person dipping his or her spoon into
the pot. By the end of the eigh teenth century even humble households contained
a much greater variety of cutlery and dishes, making it possible for each person to
eat from his or her own plate. More books and prints, which also proliferated at
lower prices, decorated the walls. Improvements in glass-making provided more
transparent glass, which allowed daylight to penetrate into gloomy rooms. Cold
and smoky hearths were increasingly replaced by more efcient and cleaner coal
stoves, which also eliminated the backache of cooking over an open re. People
began to assign specic functions to rooms, moving away from the practice of us-
ing the same room for sleeping, receiving guests, and working. Inner walls or
screens were added to create these specic areas along with greater privacy. Rooms
became warmer, better lit, more comfortable, and more personalized.
The scope of the new consumer economy should not be exaggerated. These
developments were concentrated in large cities in northwestern Europe and in
North America. Even in these centers the elite beneted the most from new modes
of life. This was not yet the society of mass consumption that emerged toward the
end of the nineteenth century with the full expansion of the Industrial Revolution.
The eigh teenth century did, however, lay the foundations for one of the most dis-
tinctive features of modern Western life: societies based on the consumption of
goods and ser vices obtained through the market in which individuals form their
identities and self-worth through the goods they consume.
With these advances in daily life, how did the care of
sickness, pain, and disease evolve? Medical science
continued to struggle in vain against these scourges.
Yet the Enlightenments focus on research and experimentation, along with a re-
markable rise in the number of medical practitioners, laid the foundation for sig-
nicant breakthroughs in the middle and late nineteenth century.
Care of the sick in the eigh teenth century was the domain of several compet-
ing groups: faith healers, apothecaries (or pharmacists), physicians, surgeons, and
midwives. Both men and women were prominent in the healing arts, as had been
the case since the Middle Ages. But by 1700 the range of medical activities open
to women was severely restricted because women were generally denied admis-
sion to medical colleges and lacked the diplomas necessary to practice. In the
course of the eigh teenth century, the position of women as midwives and healers
further eroded.
Faith healers remained active. They and their patients believed that demons
and evil spirits caused disease by lodging in the body and that the proper treatment
was to exorcise, or drive out, the offending devil. This demonic view of disease was
strongest in the countryside, where popular belief placed great faith in the healing
power of religious relics, prayer, and the laying on of hands.
In the larger towns and cities, apothecaries sold a vast number of herbs, drugs,
and patent medicines for every conceivable temperament and distemper. Their
prescriptions were incredibly complexa hundred or more drugs might be in-
cluded in a single prescriptionand often very expensive. Like all varieties of
medical practitioners, apothecaries advertised their wares, their high-class custom-
ers, and their miraculous cures in newspapers and commercial circulars. Medicine,
like food and fashionable clothing, thus joined the eras new commercial culture.
Medical Practitioners Medical Practitioners
Food, Medicine, and New Consumption Habits 523
524 Chapter 20 The Changing Life of the People
Physicians, who were invariably men, were apprenticed in their teens to prac-
ticing physicians for several years of on-the-job training. This training was then
rounded out with hospital work or some university courses. Because such pro-
longed training was expensive, physicians came mainly from prosperous families,
and they usually concentrated on urban patients from similar social backgrounds.
They had little contact with urban workers and less with peasants. While physi-
cians in the eigh teenth century were increasingly willing to experiment with new
methods, they continued to practice the medieval cures of blood-letting and purg-
ing of the bowels.
Surgeons, in contrast to physicians, made considerable medical and social
progress in the eigh teenth century. Long considered to be ordinary male artisans
comparable to butchers and barbers, surgeons began studying anatomy seriously
and improved their art. They learned to perform amputations when faced with
severely wounded limbs, but they labored in the face of incredible difculties.
Almost all operations were performed without painkillers, for the anesthesias of
the day were hard to control and were believed too dangerous for general use.
Many patients died from the agony and shock of such operations. Surgery was also
performed in utterly unsanitary conditions, for there was no knowledge of bacteri-
ology and the nature of infection. The simplest wound treated by a surgeon could
fester and lead to death.
Midwives continued to deliver the overwhelming majority of babies through-
out the eigh teenth century. Trained initially by another woman practitionerand
regulated by a guild in many citiesthe midwife primarily assisted in labor and de-
livering babies but also handled other medical issues specic to women and in-
fants. In France one enterprising Parisian midwife secured royal nancing for
her campaign to teach better birthing techniques to village midwives, which rein-
forced the position of women practitioners. (See the feature Individuals in Soci-
ety: Madame du Coudray, the Nations Midwife.) However, their profession came
under attack by surgeon-physicians, who used their monopoly over the new instru-
ment of the forceps to seek lucrative new business. While midwives generally lost
no more babies than did male doctors, the doctors persuaded growing numbers of
wealthy women of the superiority of their ser vices.
Experimentation and the intensied search for solutions to human problems
led to some real advances in medicine after 1750. The eigh teenth centurys great-
est medical triumph was the conquest of smallpox. With the progressive decline of
bubonic plague, smallpox became the most terrible of the infectious diseases, and
it is estimated that 60 million Europeans died of it in the eigh teenth century. Fully
80 percent of the population was stricken at some point in life.
The rst step in the conquest of this killer in Europe came in the early eigh-
teenth century. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (MON-tuh-gyoo) brought the prac-
tice of smallpox inoculation to Eng land from the Muslim lands of western Asia
where she had lived as the wife of the British ambassador. But inoculation with the
pus of a smallpox victim was risky because about one person in fty died from it.
In addition, people who had been inoculated were infectious and often spread
the disease.
While the practice of inoculation with the smallpox virus was rened over the
century, the crucial breakthrough was made by Edward Jenner (17491823), a
talented country doctor. His starting point was the countryside belief that dairy
maids who had contracted cowpox did not get smallpox. Cowpox produces sores
that resemble those of smallpox, but the disease is mild and is not contagious. For
eigh teen years Jenner practiced a kind of Baconian science, carefully collecting
data. Finally, in 1796 he performed his rst vaccination on a young boy using
smallpox inoculation The practice
of vaccinating people with cowpox so
that they would not come down with
smallpox inoculation The practice
of vaccinating people with cowpox so
that they would not come down with
Indi vi dual s i n Soci et y
Madame du Coudray, the Nations Midwife
n 1751 a highly esteemed Parisian midwife left the
capital for a market town in central France. Having
accepted an invitation to instruct local women in the
skills of childbirth, Madame Angelique Marguerite Le
Boursier du Coudray (kood-RAY) soon demonstrated a
marvelous ability to teach students and win their re-
spect. The thirty-six-year-old midwife found her mission:
she would become the nations midwife.
For eight years Madame du Coudray taught young
women from the impoverished villages of Auvergne
(oh-VAIRN). In doing so, she entered into the world of
unschooled midwives who typically were solid matrons
with several children who relied on traditional birthing
practices and folk superstitions. Trained in Paris through
a rigorous three-year apprenticeship and imbued with
an Enlightenment faith in the power of knowledge, du
Coudray had little sympathy for these village midwives.
Many peasant mothers told her about their difcult de-
liveries and their many uterine inrmities, which they
attributed to the ignorance of the women to whom
they had recourse, or to that of some inexperienced vil-
lage [male] surgeons.* Du Coudray agreed. Botched
deliveries by incompetents resulted in horrible deformi-
ties and unnecessary deaths.
Determined to raise standards, Madame du Coudray
saw that her unlettered pupils learned through the
senses, not through books. Thus she made, possibly for
the rst time in history, a life-sized obstetrical modela
machineout of fabric and stufng for use in her
classes. I had . . . the students maneuver in front of me
on a machine . . . which represented the pelvis of a
woman, the womb, its opening, its ligaments, the con-
duit called the vagina, the bladder, and rectum intestine.
I added an [articial] child of natural size, whose joints
were exible enough to be able to be put in different
positions. Now du Coudray could demonstrate the
problems of childbirth, and each student could practice
on the model in the lab session.
As her reputation grew, Madame du Coudray sought
to reach a national audience. In 1757 she published the
rst of several editions of her Manual on the Art of
* Quotes are from Nina Gelbart, The Kings Midwife: A History
and Mystery of Madame du Coudray (Berkeley: University of
Cal i fornia Press, 1998), pp. 6061. This denitive biography is
Childbirth. Handsomely and effectively illustrated (see
the image below), the Manual incorporated her hands-
on teaching method and served as a text and reference
for students and graduates. In 1759 the government
authorized Madame du
Coudray to carry her in-
struction throughout the
realm and promised nan-
cial support. Her reception
was not always warm, for
she was a self-assured and
demanding woman who
could anger old midwives,
male surgeons, and skepti-
cal ofcials. But aided by
servants, a niece, and her
husband, this inspired and
indefatigable woman took
her course from town to
town until her retirement
in 1784. Typically her stu-
dents were young peasant
women on tiny stipends
who came into town from
surrounding villages for
two to three months of
in struction. Classes met
mornings and afternoons six days a week, with ample
time to practice on the mannequin (MAN-uh-kin). Af-
ter a recuperative break, Madame du Coudray and her
entourage moved on.
Teaching thousands of edgling midwives, Madame
du Coudray may well have contributed to the decline in
infant mortality and to the increase in population occur-
ring in France in the eigh teenth centuryan increase
she and her royal supporters fervently desired. Certainly
she spread better knowledge about childbirth from the
educated elite to the common people.
Questions for Analysis
1. How do you account for Madame du Coudrays
remarkable success?
2. Does Madame du Coudrays career reect tensions
between educated elites and the common people?
If so, how?
Plate from Madame du Coudrays
manual, illustrating another incorrect
method of delivery. (Rare Books Division,
Countway [Francis A.] Library of Medicine)
526 Chapter 20 The Changing Life of the People
matter taken from a milkmaid with cowpox. After performing more successful vac-
cinations, Jenner published his ndings in 1798. The new method of treatment
spread rapidly, and smallpox soon declined to the point of disappearance in Eu-
rope and then throughout the world.
Though the critical spirit of the Enlightenment made great inroads in the eigh-
teenth century, the majority of ordinary men and women, especially those in rural
areas, remained committed Chris tians. Religious faith promised salvation and
eternal life, and it gave comfort and courage in the face of sorrow and death. Reli-
gion also remained strong because it was usually embedded in local traditions,
everyday social experience, and popular culture.
Yet the popular religion of the European village was every where enmeshed in
a larger world of church hierarchies and state power. These powerful outside
forces sought to regulate religious life at the local level. Their efforts created ten-
sions that helped set the scene for a vigorous religious revival in Germany and
Eng land. Similar tensions arose in Catholic countries, where powerful elites criti-
cized and attacked popular religious practices that their increasingly rationalistic
minds deemed foolish and superstitious.
As in the Middle Ages, the local parish church re-
mained the focal point of religious devotion and com-
munity cohesion. Congregations gossiped and swapped
stories after ser vices, and neighbors came together in church for baptisms, mar-
riages, funerals, and special events. Priests and parsons kept the community rec-
ords of births, deaths, and marriages, distributed charity, looked after orphans, and
provided primary education to the common people. Thus the parish church was
woven into the very fabric of community life.
While the parish church remained central to the community, it was also sub-
ject to greater control from the state. In Protestant areas, princes and monarchs
headed the ofcial church, and they regulated their territorial churches strictly,
selecting personnel and imposing detailed rules. By the eigh teenth century, the
radical ideas of the Reformation had resulted in another version of church bureauc-
racy. Catholic monarchs in this period also took greater control of religious mat-
ters in their kingdoms, weakening papal authority. Spain, a deeply Catholic
country with devout rulers, took rm control of ecclesiastical appointments. Papal
proclamations could not even be read in Spanish churches without prior approval
from the government. Spain also asserted state control over the Spanish Inquisition,
which pursued heresy as an in de pen dent agency under Romes direction and went
far toward creating a national Catholic Church, as France had done earlier.
A more striking indication of state power and papal weakness was the fate of
the Society of Jesus, or Jesuits. The well-educated Jesuits were extraordinary teach-
ers, missionaries, and agents of the papacy. In many Catholic countries, they exer-
cised tremendous political inuence, holding high government positions and
educating the nobility in their colleges. Yet by playing politics so effectively, the
Religion and Popular Culture
What were the patterns of popular religion and culture, and how did
they interact with the worldview of the educated public and the
Religion and Popular Culture
What were the patterns of popular religion and culture, and how did
they interact with the worldview of the educated public and the
The Institutional
The Institutional
Secti on Revi ew
Potatoes and new vegetables from the
colonies added to the diet as did sugar
and tea; their falling prices helped them
become staples for all social classes.
Increased availability of nished goods
and new techniques for marketing them
helped produce a consumer revolution
in some parts of Europe, especially
among women, thus marking the rst
step toward a society in which people
derive self-identity from the possessions
they consume.
Eighteenth-century medical practition-
ers included countryside faith healers,
apothecaries selling a wide range of
advertised treatments, physicians and
surgeons who worked primarily with
the wealthy and were almost all men,
and midwives who assisted women in
birthing and faced new competition
from male doctors.
Madame du Coudray was a French
midwife who brought her training and
knowledge of childbirth to the masses
by holding classes and offering hands-
on training.
The biggest breakthrough in medicine
was the smallpox inoculation, which
William Jenner perfected using cowpox
to vaccinate people.
Jesuits eventually elicited a broad coalition of enemies. Bitter controversies led
Louis XV to order the Jesuits out of France in 1763 and to conscate their prop-
erty. France and Spain then pressured Rome to dissolve the Jesuits completely. In
1773 a reluctant pope caved in, although the order was revived after the French
Some Catholic rulers also believed that the clergy in monasteries and con-
vents should make a more practical contribution to social and religious life. Aus-
tria, a leader in controlling the church (see page 479) and promoting primary
education, showed how far the process could go. Maria Theresa began by sharply
restricting entry into unproductive orders. In his Edict on Idle Institutions, her
successor Joseph II abolished contemplative orders, henceforth permitting only
orders that were engaged in teaching, nursing, or other practical work. The state
also expropriated the dissolved monasteries and used their wealth for charitable
purposes and higher salaries for ordinary priests. These mea sures recalled the rad-
ical transformation of the Protestant Reformation.
By the late seventeenth century the vast reforms of the
Reformation were complete and routinized in most
Protestant churches. Indeed, many ofcial Protestant
churches had settled into a smug complacency. In the Reformation heartland, one
concerned German minister wrote that the Lutheran church had become para-
lyzed in forms of dead doctrinal conformity and badly needed a return to its
original inspiration.
His voice was one of many that prepared and then guided a
powerful Protestant revival that succeeded because it answered the intense but
increasingly unsatised needs of common people.
The Protestant revival began in Germany. It was known as Pietism (PIE-uh-
tiz-um), and three aspects helped explain its powerful appeal. First, Pietism called
for a warm, emotional religion that everyone could experience. Enthusiasmin
prayer, in worship, in preaching, in life itselfwas the key concept. Just as a
drunkard becomes full of wine, so must the congregation become lled with spirit,
declared one exuberant writer. Another said simply, The heart must burn.
Second, Pietism reasserted the earlier radical stress on the priesthood of all
believers, thereby reducing the gulf between ofcial clergy and Lutheran laity.
Bible reading and study were enthusiastically extended to all classes, and this pro-
vided a powerful spur for popular education as well as individual religious devel-
opment (see page 518). Finally, Pietists believed in the practical power of Chris tian
rebirth in everyday affairs. Reborn Chris tians were expected to lead good, moral
lives and to come from all social classes.
Pietism had a major impact on John Wesley (17031791), who served as the
catalyst for popular religious revival in Eng land. As a teaching fellow at Oxford
University, Wesley or ga nized a Holy Club for similarly minded students, who were
soon known contemptuously as Methodists because they were so methodical in
their devotion. Yet like the young Luther, Wesley remained intensely troubled
about his own salvation even after his ordination as an Anglican priest in 1728.
Wesleys anxieties related to grave problems of the faith in Eng land. The gov-
ernment shamelessly used the Church of Eng land to provide favorites with high-
paying jobs. Building of churches practically stopped while the population grew,
and in many parishes there was a shortage of pews. Churches were customarily
locked on weekdays. Services and sermons had settled into an uninspiring routine.
Moreover, Enlightenment skepticism was making inroads among the educated
classes, and deism was becoming popular. Some bishops and church leaders
Protestant Revival Protestant Revival
Pietism The name for the Protestant
revival that began in Germany; it stressed
enthusiasm, the priesthood of all
believers, and the practical power of
Chris tian rebirth in everyday affairs.
Pietism The name for the Protestant
revival that began in Germany; it stressed
enthusiasm, the priesthood of all
believers, and the practical power of
Chris tian rebirth in everyday affairs.
Methodists The name given to a
Protestant religious group started by John
Wesley, so named because of their
methodical devotion.
Methodists The name given to a
Protestant religious group started by John
Wesley, so named because of their
methodical devotion.
Religion and Popular Culture 527
528 Chapter 20 The Changing Life of the People
seemed to believe that doctrines such as the Virgin
Birth were little more than elegant superstitions.
Spiritual counseling from a sympathetic Pietist
minister from Germany prepared Wesley for a mys-
tical, emotional conversion in 1738. He described
this critical turning point in his Journal:
In the evening I went to a [Chris tian] society in
Aldersgate Street where one was reading Luthers
preface to the Epistle to the Romans. About a
quarter before nine, while he was describing the
change which God works in the heart through
faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I
felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone for salva-
tion; and an assurance was given me that he had
taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me
from the law of sin and death.
Wesley took the good news of salvation to the people, traveling some 225,000
miles by horseback and preaching more than forty thousand sermons in fty years.
Crowds assembled in open elds to hear him speak. Of critical importance was
Wesleys rejection of Calvinist predestinationthe doctrine of salvation granted to
only a select few. Instead, he preached that all men and women who earnestly
sought salvation might be saved. It was a message of hope and joy, of free will and
universal salvation.
Wesleys ministry won converts, formed Methodist cells, and eventually re-
sulted in a new denomination. And as Wesley had been inspired by the Pietist re-
vival in Germany, so evangelicals in the Church of Eng land and the old dissenting
groups now followed Wesleys example, giving impetus to an even broader awaken-
ing among the lower classes. In Protestant countries, religion remained a vital
force in the lives of the people.
Catholicism had its own version of the Pietist revivals
that shook Protestant Europe. Jansenism (JAN-suh-
niz-uhm) has been described by one historian as the
illegitimate off-spring of the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-
It originated with the Flemish theologian Cornelius Jansen
(15851638), who called for a return to the austere early Chris tianity of Saint Au-
gustine. In contrast to the worldly Jesuits, Jansen emphasized the heavy weight of
original sin and accepted the doctrine of predestination.
Although outlawed by papal and royal edicts as Calvinist heresy, Jansenism
attracted Catholic followers eager for religious renewal, particularly in France.
Catholic Piety Catholic Piety Jansenism A form of Catholic revival
that originated with the Flemish
theologian, Cornelius Jansen,
emphasizing the heavy weight of
original sin and accepting the doctrine
of predestination, rejected as heresy by
the ofcial church.
Jansenism A form of Catholic revival
that originated with the Flemish
theologian, Cornelius Jansen,
emphasizing the heavy weight of
original sin and accepting the doctrine
of predestination, rejected as heresy by
the ofcial church.
Hogarths Satirical View of the Church
William Hogarth (16971764) was one of the foremost
satirical artists of his day. This image mocks a London
Methodist meeting, where the congregation swoons in
enthusiasm over the preachers sermon. The woman in the
foreground giving birth to rabbits refers to a hoax perpetrated
in 1726 by a servant named Mary Tofts; the credulousness of
those who believed Tofts is likened to that of the Methodist
congregation. (HIP/ Art Resource, NY)
Many members of elite French society, especially judicial nobles and some parish
priests, became known for their Jansenist piety and spiritual devotion. Such stern
religious values encouraged the judiciarys increasing opposition to the monarchy
in the second half of the eigh teenth century. Among the poor, a different strain of
Jansenism took hold. Prayer meetings brought men and women together in ec-
static worship, and some participants fell into convulsions and spoke in tongues.
Jansenism was an urban phenomenon. In the countryside, many peasants in
Catholic countries held religious beliefs that were marginal to the Chris tian faith
altogether, often of obscure or even pagan origin. On the Feast of Saint Anthony,
for example, priests were expected to bless salt and bread for farm animals to pro-
tect them from disease. One saints relics could help cure a child of fear, and there
were healing springs for many ailments. The ordinary person combined strong
Chris tian faith with a wealth of time-honored superstitions.
Inspired initially by the fervor of the Catholic Counter- Reformation and then
to some extent by the critical rationalism of the Enlightenment, parish priests and
Catholic hierarchies sought increasingly to purify popular religious practice.
French priests particularly denounced the various remnants of paganism found
in popular bonre ceremonies during Lent, in which young men, yelling and
screaming like madmen, tried to jump over the bonres in order to help the crops
Procession of Nuns at Port-Royal des Champs
The convent of Port-Royal, located twenty miles southwest of Paris, was a center of Jansenist activity throughout
the seventeenth century. Angered by the nuns deance, Louis XIV ordered them forcibly relocated in 1709. To
generate support, the artist Magdelaine Horthemels painted a series of images depicting the pious and placid
religious life at the convent. The convent was nonetheless destroyed by Louiss forces in 1710. This image is one
of many copies of Horthemels work made by Jansenists in the eigh teenth century. (Runion des Muses Nationaux/
Art Resource, NY)
Religion and Popular Culture 529
530 Chapter 20 The Changing Life of the People
grow and protect themselves from illness. One priest saw rational Chris tians regress-
ing into pagan animalsthe triumph of Hell and the shame of Chris tianity.
In contrast with Protestant reformers, many Catholic priests and hierarchies
preferred a compromise between theological purity and the peoples piety. Thus,
the severity of the attack on popular Catholicism varied widely by country and
region. Where authorities pursued purication vigorously, as in Austria under Jo-
seph II, pious peasants saw only an incomprehensible attack on the true faith and
drew back in anger.
The combination of religious celebration and popular
recreation was most strikingly displayed at Carnival, a
time of reveling in Catholic and Mediterranean Eu-
rope. Carnival preceded Lentthe forty days of fasting and penitence before
Easterand for a few exceptional days in February or March, a wild release of
drinking, masquerading, and dancing reigned. Moreover, a combination of plays,
processions, and rowdy spectacles turned the established order upside down. Peas-
ants dressed up as nobles and men as women, and rich masters waited on their
servants at the table. This annual holiday gave people a much-appreciated chance
to release their pent-up frustrations and aggressions before life returned to the
usual pattern of hierarchy and hard work.
Despite the spread of literacy, the culture of the common people was largely
oral rather than written. In the cold, dark winter months, families gathered around
the replace to talk, sing, tell stories, do craftwork, and keep warm. In some parts
of Europe, women would gather together in groups in someones cottage to chat,
sew, spin, and laugh. Sometimes a few young men would be invited so that the
daughters (and mothers) could size up potential suitors in a supervised at mo s-
phere. A favorite recreation of men was drinking and talking with buddies in
public places, and it was a sorry village that had no tavern.
Towns and cities offered a wide range of amusements. Many of these had to be
paid for because the eigh teenth century saw a sharp increase in the commercial-
ization of leisure-time activities. Urban fairs featured prepared foods, acrobats,
freak shows, open-air per for mances, optical illusions, and the like. Such entertain-
ments attracted a variety of social classes. So did the growing number of commer-
cial, prot-oriented spectator sports. These ranged from traveling circuses and
horse races to boxing matches and bullghts. Modern sports heroes, such as brain-
bashing heavyweight champions and haughty matadors, made their appearance
on the historical scene.
Blood sports, such as bullbaiting and cockghting, remained popular with the
masses. In bullbaiting, the bull, usually staked on a chain in the courtyard of an inn,
was attacked by ferocious dogs for the amusement of the innkeepers clients. Even-
tually the maimed and tortured animal was slaughtered by a butcher and sold as
meat. In cockghting two roosters, carefully trained by their owners and armed with
razor-sharp steel spurs, slashed and clawed each other in a small ring until the victor
wonand the loser died. An added attraction of cockghting was that the scream-
ing spectators could bet on the lightning-fast combat and its uncertain outcome.
In trying to place the vibrant popular culture of the common people in broad
perspective, historians have stressed the growing criticism levied against it by the
educated elites in the second half of the eigh teenth century. These elites, who had
previously shared the popular enthusiasm for religious festivals, Carnival, drinking
in taverns, blood sports, and the like, now tended to see these activities as supersti-
tion, sin, disorder, and vulgarity.
The resulting attack on popular culture, which
Leisure and
Leisure and
Carnival The pre-Lent festival of
reveling and excess in Catholic and
Mediterranean Europe.
Carnival The pre-Lent festival of
reveling and excess in Catholic and
Mediterranean Europe.
blood sports Spectator sports involving
torture and forced combat of animals,
such as bullbaiting and cockghting.
blood sports Spectator sports involving
torture and forced combat of animals,
such as bullbaiting and cockghting.
Secti on Revi ew
The local parish was still the center of
community life but increasingly the
state exerted more control and, in
Catholic areas, weakened papal
Protestant revival was known as Pietism
and became popular because it in-
cluded emotion and enthusiasm, en-
forced the priesthood of all believers,
and promoted morality for all social
John Wesley, frustrated with uninspir-
ing ser vices and routines, attracted
followers, later called Methodists, with
his message of universal salvation, hope,
and joy.
In Catholic countries, especially
France, Jansenism gained a hold in the
cities and focused on a return to piety
and on a belief in original sin and
predestination, while in the countryside
a combination of Chris tian and pagan
beliefs was common.
For recreation people got together to
tell stories, drink in taverns, watch
sporting events, attend an urban fair, or
celebrate, dance, and let loose during
Carnivalall pastimes increasingly
frowned upon as sinful by educated
Chapter Review 531
Key Terms
community controls (p. 513)
illegitimacy explosion (p. 514)
wet-nursing (p. 516)
infanticide (p. 517)
consumer revolution (p. 521)
smallpox inoculation (p. 524)
Pietism (p. 527)
Methodists (p. 527)
Jansenism (p. 528)
Carnival (p. 530)
blood sports (p. 530)
had its more distant origins in the Protestant clergys efforts to eliminate frivolity
and superstition, was intensied as an educated public embraced the critical
worldview of the Enlightenment.
Chapter Review
What changes occurred in marriage and the family in the course of the
eigh teenth century? (page 511)
In the current generation, imaginative research has greatly increased our understand-
ing of ordinary life and social patterns of the past. In the eigh teenth century the life of
the people remained primarily rural and oriented toward the local community. Tradi-
tion, routine, and well-established codes of behavior framed much of the everyday ex-
perience. Thus, just as the three-eld agricultural cycle and its pattern of communal
rights had determined traditional patterns of grain production, so did community val-
ues in the countryside strongly encourage a late marriage age and a low rate of illegiti-
mate births. Yet powerful forces also worked for change. Many changes came from
outside and above, from the aggressive capitalists, educated elites, and government
ofcials. Closely knit villages began to lose control over families and marital practices,
as can be seen in the earlier marriages of cottage workers and in the beginning of the
explosion in illegitimate births.
What was life like for children, and how did attitudes toward childhood evolve?
(page 515)
Infancy and childhood were highly vulnerable stages of life. In some parts of Europe
fewer than half of all children reached the age of ten. Infant mortality was high in areas
like France, in which wet-nursing was commonly practiced. Treatment of children
could be harsh in an early modern society that was characterized by much higher lev-
els of violence and brutality than Western societies today. The second half of the eigh-
teenth century witnessed a new concern with methods of child raising inspired by
Enlightenment efforts to reform human society. Schools for non-elite children spread
across Europe, leading to a growth in literacy rates.
How did new patterns of consumption and changing medical care affect
peoples lives? (page 520)
The urban populace beneted from the surge in agricultural and industrial produc-
tion. People found a greater variety of food products at the market, including new
stimulants produced in the colonies that soon became staples of elite and popular
consumption. Within homes, standards of comfort and hygiene increased, and the
emerging consumer society offered new possibilities for self-expression and individual-
ity. Medical techniques continued to follow traditional patterns, but the number of
practitioners grew, and great strides were made against smallpox.
What were the patterns of popular religion and culture, and how did they
interact with the worldview of the educated public and the Enlightenment?
(page 526)
Patterns of recreation and leisure, from churchgoing and religious festivals to sewing
and drinking in groups within an oral culture, reected and reinforced community ties
532 Chapter 20 The Changing Life of the People
and values. Many long-standing beliefs and practices remained strong forces and sus-
tained continuity in popular life. A wave of religious revival counteracted the secular
tendencies of the Enlightenment, ensuring that religion continued to have a strong
hold over the popular classes. The next great wave of change would be inaugurated by
revolution in politics.
1. Quoted in J. M. Beattie, The Criminality of Women in Eighteenth-Century Eng land,
Journal of Social History 8 (Summer 1975): 86.
2. Quoted in R. Cobb, The Police and the People: French Popular Protest, 17891820 (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1970), p. 238.
3. Pier Paolo Viazzo, Mortality, Fertility, and Family, in Family Life in Early Modern Times,
15001789, ed. David I. Kertzer and Marzio Barbagli (New Haven: Yale University Press,
2001), p. 180.
4. Robert Woods, Did Montaigne Love His Children? Demography and the Hypothesis of
Parental Indifference, Journal of Interdisciplinary History 33, 3 (2003): 426.
5. Alysa Levene, The Estimation of Mortality at the London Foundling Hospital, 174199,
Population Studies 59, 1 (2005): 8797.
6. Cited in Woods, Did Montaigne Love His Children?, p. 421.
7. Ibid., pp. 13, 16.
8. E. Kennedy, A Cultural History of the French Revolution (New Haven: Yale University Press,
1989), p. 47.
9. Daniel Roche, The Culture of Clothing: Dress and Fashion in the Ancien Regime. Translated
by Jean Birrell (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996).
10. Quoted in K. Pinson, Pietism as a Factor in the Rise of German Nationalism (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1934), p. 13.
11. Ibid., pp. 4344.
12. Quoted in S. Andrews, Methodism and Society (London: Longmans, Green, 1970), p. 327.
13. Dale Van Kley, The Rejuvenation and Rejection of Jansenism in History and Historiogra-
phy, French Historical Studies 29 (Fall 2006): 649684.
14. Quoted in T. Tackett, Priest and Parish in Eighteenth-Century France (Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press, 1977), p. 214.
15. Woloch, Eighteenth-Century Europe, pp. 220221; see also pp. 214220 for this section.
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Li st eni ng t o t he Past
A Day in the Life of Paris
ouis-Sbastien Mercier (17401814) was the best chron-
icler of everyday life in eigh teenth-century Paris. His
masterpiece was the Tableau de Paris (17811788), a multi-
volume work composed of 1,049 chapters that covered subjects
ranging from convents to cafs, bankruptcy to booksellers, the
latest fashions to royal laws. He aimed to convey the innite
diversity of people, places, and things he saw around him,
and in so doing he left future generations a precious record of
the changing dynamics of Parisian society in the second half
of the eigh teenth century.
Mercier was born in 1740 to a weapons-maker father and
a mother similarly descended from the respectable artisan
classes. Neither rich nor poor, the family enjoyed a comfort-
able lifestyle without luxury. This middling position ideally
suited Mercier for observing the extremes of wealth and pov-
erty around him. Although these volumes contain many won-
derful glimpses of daily life, they should not be taken for an
objective account. Mercier brought his own moral and political
sensibilities, inuenced by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, to the task.
A page from Merciers original manuscript.
(Bibliothque nationale de France)
This selection has been omitted intentionally
from your CourseSmart eBook due to electronic
permissions issues. Regrettably, we cannot make
this piece available to you in a digital format.
Questions for Analysis
1. What different social groups does Mercier
describe in Paris? On what basis does he cat-
egorize people?
2. What is Merciers attitude toward the poor and
the rich? Does he approve or disapprove of
Parisian society as he describes it?
Source: From Panorama of Paris: Selections from Le
Tableau de Paris, Louis Sebastien Mercier, based on the
translation by Helen Simpson, edited and with a new
preface and translations by Jeremy D. Popkin. Copyright
1999 The Pennsylvania State University. Reprinted by
permission of Penn State Press.
The Revolution
in Politics
Chapter Previ ew
Background to Revolution
What social, political, and economic
factors formed the background to the
French Revolution?
Revolution in Metropole and Colony
What were the immediate events that
sparked the Revolution, and how did
they result in the formation of a
constitutional monarchy in France?
How did the ideals and events of the
early Revolution raise new aspirations
in the colonies?
World War and Republican France
How and why did the Revolution take a
radical turn at home and in the colonies?
The Napoleonic Era (17991815)
Why did Napoleon Bonaparte assume
control of France, and what factors led
to his downfall? How did the new
republic of Haiti gain in de pen dence
from France?
LISTENING TO THE PAST: Revolution and Womens
In this painting by the female artist Nanine Vallain, the gure of
Liberty bears a copy of the Declaration of the Rights of Man in one
hand and a pike to defend them in the other. The painting hung in
the Jacobin Club until its fall from power. (Muse de la Revolution Franaise,
Vizille / The Bridgeman Art Library)
536 Chapter 21 The Revolution in Politics, 17751815
he last years of the eigh teenth century were a time of great upheaval. A se-
ries of revolutions and revolutionary wars challenged the old order of mon-
archs and aristocrats. The ideas of freedom and equality, ideas that continue to
shape the world, ourished and spread. The revolutionary era began in North
America in 1775. Then in 1789 France, the most inuential country in Europe,
became the leading revolutionary nation. It established rst a constitutional mon-
archy, then a radical republic, and nally a new empire under Napoleon. Inspired
by both the ideals of the Revolution and internal colonial conditions, the slaves of
Saint-Domingue rose up in 1791. Their rebellion led to the creation of the new
in de pen dent nation of Haiti in 1805.
The armies of France violently exported revolution beyond the nations bor-
ders in an effort to establish new governments throughout much of Europe. The
world of modern domestic and international politics was born.
The origins of the French Revolution have been one of the most debated topics in
history. In order to understand the path to revolution, numerous interrelated fac-
tors must be taken into account. These include deep social changes in France, a
long-term political crisis that eroded monarchical legitimacy, the impact of new
political ideas derived from the Enlightenment, the emergence of
a public sphere in which such opinions were formed and
shared, and, perhaps most importantly, a nancial crisis created
by Frances participation in expensive overseas wars.
As in the Middle Ages, Frances 25 mil-
lion inhabitants were still legally di-
vided into three orders, or estatesthe
clergy, the nobility, and everyone else. As the nations rst estate,
the clergy numbered about one hundred thousand and had im-
portant privileges, including exemption from regular taxes and
the ability to tax landowners. The second estate consisted of some
four hundred thousand nobles who owned about 25 percent of
the land in France outright. The nobility also enjoyed special priv-
ileges associated with their exalted social position, including lighter
taxes, exclusive hunting and shing rights, monopolies on bread
baking and wine pressing equipment, and the right to wear swords.
The third estate was a conglomeration of very different social
groupsprosperous merchants, lawyers, and ofcials along with
Background to Revolution
What social, political, and economic factors formed the background to the
French Revolution?
Background to Revolution
What social, political, and economic factors formed the background to the
French Revolution?
estates The three legal categories,
or orders, of Frances inhabitants: the
clergy, the nobility, and everyone else.
estates The three legal categories,
or orders, of Frances inhabitants: the
clergy, the nobility, and everyone else.
Legal Orders and
Social Change
Legal Orders and
Social Change
The Three Estates
In this political cartoon from 1789 a peasant of the third estate struggles under
the crushing burden of a happy clergyman and a plumed nobleman. The
captionLets hope this game ends soonsets forth a program of reform that
any peasant could understand. (Runion des Muses Nationaux / Art Resource, NY)
poorer peasants, urban artisans, and unskilled day laborers
united only by their shared legal status as distinct from the
nobility and clergy.
In discussing the origins of the French Revolution, histo-
rians long focused on growing tensions between the nobility
and the comfortable members of the third estate, the bour-
geoisie (boor-zwah-ZEE) or upper middle class. In this for-
mulation, the French bourgeoisie eventually rose up to lead
the entire third estate in a great social revolution that de-
stroyed feudal privileges and established a capitalist order
based on individualism and a market economy.
In recent years, a ood of new research has challenged
these accepted views. Above all, revisionist historians have
questioned the exis tence of growing social conict between a
progressive capitalistic bourgeoisie and a reactionary feudal
nobility in eigh teenth-century France. Instead, they see both
bourgeoisie and nobility as highly fragmented, riddled with
internal rivalries. The sword nobility, for example, who de-
scended from the oldest noble families, was separated by dif-
ferences in wealth, education, and worldview from the newer
and less prestigious robe nobility, who acquired noble titles
through ser vice in the royal administration and judiciary.
Differences within the bourgeoisiebetween wealthy nan-
ciers and local lawyers, for examplewere no less profound.
Rather than standing as unied blocs against each other, no-
bility and bourgeoisie formed two parallel social ladders in-
creasingly linked together at the top by wealth, marriage, and
Enlightenment culture.
Revisionist historians note that the nobility and the bourgeoisie were not really
at odds in the economic sphere. Investment in land and government ser vice were
the preferred activities of both groups, and the ideal of the merchant capitalist was
to gain enough wealth to retire from trade, purchase an estate, and live nobly as a
large landowner. Indeed, wealthy members of the third estate could even move
into the second estate by serving the government and purchasing noble positions.
At the same time, wealthy nobles often acted as aggressive capitalists, investing
especially in mining, metallurgy, and foreign trade. In addition, until the revolu-
tion actually began, key sections of the nobility were liberal and generally joined
the bourgeoisie in opposition to the government.
Revisionists have clearly shaken the belief that the bourgeoisie and the nobility
were inevitably locked in growing conict before the Revolution. Yet they also
make clear that the Old Regime had ceased to correspond with social reality by the
1780s. Legally, society was still based on rigid orders inherited from the Middle
Ages. In reality, France had already moved far toward being a society based on
wealth and education in which an emerging elite that included both aristocratic
and bourgeois notables was frustrated by a bureaucratic monarchy that continued
to claim the right to absolute power.
Overlaying these social changes was a century-long po-
litical and scal struggle between the monarchy and its
opponents that was primarily enacted in the law courts.
When Louis XIV died, his successor Louis XV (r. 17151774) was only ve years
The Crisis of
Political Legitimacy
The Crisis of
Political Legitimacy
17751783 American Revolution
17861789 Financial crisis in France
1789 Feudalism abolished in France; ratication
of U.S. Constitution; storming of the
17891799 French Revolution
1790 Burke, Reections on the Revolution
in France
1791 Slave insurrection in Saint-Domingue
1792 Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights
of Woman
1793 Execution of Louis XVI
17931794 Economic controls to help poor in France;
Robespierres Reign of Terror
1794 Robespierre deposed and executed
17941799 Thermidorian reaction
17991815 Napoleonic era
1804 Haitian republic declares in de pen dence
1812 Napoleon invades Russia
18141815 Napoleon defeated and exiled
538 Chapter 21 The Revolution in Politics, 17751815
old. The high courts of Francethe parlementsregained the ancient right to
evaluate royal decrees publicly in writing before they were registered and given
the force of law. The parlements used this power to prevent the king from impos-
ing taxes after the War of the Austrian Succession, and then the Seven Years War
plunged France into a scal crisis. During the latter crisis, the Parlement of Paris
asserted that it was acting as the representative of the entire nation when it checked
the kings power to levy taxes.
After years of attempting to compromise with the parlements, Louis XV roused
himself for a determined defense of his absolutist inheritance. His appointee as
chancellor, Ren de Maupeou (maw-POO), abolished the existing parlements,
exiled the vociferous members of the Parlement of Paris to the provinces, and be-
gan to tax the privileged groups. Public opinion as a whole sided with the old
parlements, however, and there was widespread criticism of royal despotism.
The king also came under attack for sexual scandals and lost the sacred aura of
Gods anointed on earth.
Despite this progressive desacralization (dee-SAY-kruh-lie-ZAY-shun) of the
monarchy, its power was still great enough to ride over the opposition, and Louis XV
would probably have prevailed if he had lived to a ripe old age, but he died in
1774. The new king, Louis XVI (r. 17741792), was a shy twenty-year-old with
good intentions. Taking the throne, he is reported to have said, What I should like
most is to be loved.
The eager-to-please monarch yielded in the face of vehement
opposition from Frances educated elite. He dismissed chancellor Maupeou and
repudiated the strong-willed ministers work. Louis also wafed on the economy,
dismissing controller general Turgot when his attempts to liberalize the economy
drew re. A weakened but unreformed monarchy now faced a judicial opposition
that claimed to speak for the entire French nation. Increasingly locked in stalemate,
the country was drifting toward renewed nancial crisis and political upheaval.
Coinciding with the rst years of Louis XVIs reign, the
American Revolution had an enormous impact on
France both in practical and ideological terms. French
expenses to support the colonists bankrupted the Crown, while the ideals of liberty
and equality provided heady inspiration for political reform.
Like the French Revolution some years later, the American Revolution had its
immediate origins in struggles over increased taxes. The high cost of the Seven
Years Warfought with little nancial contribution from the coloniesdoubled
the British national debt. When the government tried to recoup some of the losses
in increased taxes on the colonies in 1765, the colonists reacted with anger.
The key questions were political rather than economic. To what extent could
the home government assert its power while limiting the authority of colonial
legislatures and their elected representatives? Accordingly, who should represent
the colonies, and who had the right to make laws for Americans? The British
government replied that Americans were represented in Parliament, albeit indi-
rectly (like most British people themselves), and that the absolute supremacy of
Parliament throughout the empire could not be questioned. Many Americans felt
A series of disputes between the American colonies and the British govern-
ment ultimately led to open rebellion. The uncompromising attitude of the Brit-
ish government and its use of German mercenaries dissolved loyalties to the home
country and rivalries among the separate colonies. On July 4, 1776, an assembly of
colonists adopted the Declaration of Independence. Written by Thomas Jefferson,
desacralization The stripping away
of the sacred aura of the king as Gods
anointed on earth.
desacralization The stripping away
of the sacred aura of the king as Gods
anointed on earth.
The Impact of the
American Revolution
The Impact of the
American Revolution
it boldly listed the tyrannical acts committed by George III (r. 17601820) and
condently proclaimed the sovereignty of the American states. It also universal-
ized the traditional rights of Eng lish people, stating that all men are created
equal. . . . They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. . . .
Among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
On the international scene, the French wanted revenge for the humiliating
defeats of the Seven Years War. They sympathized with the rebels and supplied
guns and gunpowder from the beginning. By 1777 French volunteers were arriv-
ing in Virginia, and a dashing young nobleman, the marquis de Lafayette (1757
1834), quickly became one of Washingtons most trusted generals. In 1778 the
French government offered a formal alliance to the American ambassador in Paris,
Benjamin Franklin, and in 1779 and 1780 the Spanish and Dutch declared war
on Britain. Catherine the Great of Russia helped organize the League of Armed
Neutrality in order to protect neutral shipping rights, which Britain refused to
Thus by 1780 Great Britain was engaged in an im pe rial war against most of
Europe as well as against the thirteen colonies. In these circumstances, and in the
face of severe reverses, a new British government offered peace on extremely gen-
erous terms. By the Treaty of Paris of 1783, Britain recognized the in de pen dence
of the thirteen colonies and ceded all its territory between the Allegheny Moun-
tains and the Mississippi River to the Americans. Out of the bitter rivalries of the
Old World, the Americans snatched dominion over a vast territory.
Europeans who dreamed of a new era were fascinated by the political lessons
of the American Revolution. The Americans had begun with a revolutionary de-
fense against tyrannical oppression, and they had been victorious. They had then
shown how rational beings could assemble together to exercise sovereignty and
write a new social contract. All this gave greater reality to the concepts of individ-
ual liberty and representative government and reinforced one of the primary ideas
of the Enlightenment: that a better world was possible.
No country felt the consequences of the American Revolution more directly
than France. Hundreds of French ofcers served in America and were inspired by
the experience, the marquis de Lafayette chief among them. French intellectuals
and publicists engaged in passionate analysis of the new federal Constitution
(1789) as well as the constitutions of the various states of the new United States.
Perhaps more importantly, the expenses of supporting the revolutionary forces
provided the last nail in the cofn for the French treasury.
The French Revolution thus had its immediate origins
in the kings nancial difculties. Thwarted by the Par-
lement of Paris in its efforts to raise revenues by reform-
ing the tax system, the government was forced to nance all of its enormous
expenditures during the American war with borrowed money. As a result, the na-
tional debt and the annual budget decit soared.
By the 1780s, fully 50 percent of Frances annual budget went for interest
payments on the debt. Another 25 percent went to maintain the military, while
6 percent was absorbed by the king and his court at Versailles. Less than 20 percent
of the entire national budget was available for the productive functions of the state,
such as transportation and general administration. This was an impossible nan-
cial situation.
Louis XVIs minister of nance revived old proposals to impose a general tax
on all landed property as well as to form provincial assemblies to help administer
Financial Crisis Financial Crisis
Background to Revolution 539
540 Chapter 21 The Revolution in Politics, 17751815
the tax, and he convinced the king to call an Assembly of Notables to gain support
for the idea. The notables, who were mainly important noblemen and high-ranking
clergy, opposed the new tax. In exchange for their support, they demanded that
control over all government spending be given to the provincial assemblies. When
the government refused, the notables responded that such sweeping tax changes
required the approval of the Estates General, the representative body of all three
estates, which had not met since 1614.
Facing imminent bankruptcy, the king tried to reassert his authority. He dis-
missed the notables and established new taxes by decree. In stirring language, the
judges of the Parlement of Paris promptly declared the royal initiative null and
void. When the king tried to exile the judges, a tremendous wave of protest swept
the country. Frightened investors also refused to advance more loans to the state.
Finally, in July 1788, Louis XVI bowed to public opinion and called for a spring
session of the Estates General.
Although inspired by the ideals of the American Revolution, the French Revolu-
tion did not mirror the American example. It was more radical and more complex,
more inuential and more controversial, more loved and more hated. For Europe-
ans and most of the rest of the world, it was the great revolution of the eigh teenth
century, the revolution that opened the modern era in politics. In turn, the slave
insurrection in Saint-Dominguewhich ultimately resulted in the second in de pen-
dent republic of the Americasinspired liberation movements across the world.
Once Louis had agreed to hold the Estates General,
following precedent, he set elections for the three or-
ders. Elected ofcials from the noble order were pri-
marily con ser va tives from the provinces, but fully one-third of the nobilitys
representatives were liberals committed to major changes. The third estate elected
lawyers and government ofcials to represent them, with few delegates represent-
ing business or the working poor.
As at previous meetings of the Estates General, local assemblies were to pre-
pare a list of grievances for their representatives to bring to the next electoral level.
The petitions for change coming from the three estates showed a surprising degree
of consensus. There was general agreement that royal absolutism should give way
to a constitutional monarchy in which laws and taxes would require the consent of
the Estates General in regular meetings. All agreed that individual liberties would
have to be guaranteed by law and that economic regulations should be loosened.
The striking similarities in the grievance petitions of the clergy, nobility, and third
estate reected a shared commitment to a basic reform platform among the edu-
cated elite.
Yet an increasingly bitter quarrel undermined this consensus during the in-
tense electoral campaign: how would the Estates General vote, and precisely who
would lead in the political reor ga ni za tion that was generally desired? The Estates
Assembly of Notables A group of
important noblemen and high-ranking
clergy called by Louis XVI to impose
a general tax, but who ended up
opposing it.
Assembly of Notables A group of
important noblemen and high-ranking
clergy called by Louis XVI to impose
a general tax, but who ended up
opposing it.
Revolution in Metropole and Colony (17891791)
What were the immediate events that sparked the Revolution, and how
did they result in the formation of a constitutional monarchy in France?
How did the ideals and events of the early Revolution raise new
aspirations in the colonies?
Revolution in Metropole and Colony (17891791)
What were the immediate events that sparked the Revolution, and how
did they result in the formation of a constitutional monarchy in France?
How did the ideals and events of the early Revolution raise new
aspirations in the colonies?
The Formation of the
National Assembly
The Formation of the
National Assembly
Estates General A legislative body
in pre-revolutionary France made
up of representatives of each of the
three classes, or estates; it was called
into session in 1789 for the rst time
since 1614.
Estates General A legislative body
in pre-revolutionary France made
up of representatives of each of the
three classes, or estates; it was called
into session in 1789 for the rst time
since 1614.
Secti on Revi ew
French society had three social orders
or estates: the clergy, nobility, and
everyone else, including the bour-
geoisie or upper middle class that was
increasingly frustrated with the monar-
chys right to absolute power.
The monarchy and the high courts, the
parlements, were at odds over nancial
and political power; Louis XVs attempt
to rein in the parlements failed as
Louis XVI restored them to power.
The French supported the American
Revolution with money, volunteers, and
arms; the rebels in turn inspired the
French by their ability to oppose the
British and create their own sovereign
The royal government, indebted from
the American war, attempted to raise
taxes, but parlement thwarted it, so
nally Louis XVI called for a session
of the Estates General.
General of 1614 had sat as three separate houses. Each house held one vote, de-
spite the fact that the third estate represented the majority population of France.
Given the close ties between them, the nobility and clergy would control all deci-
sions. As soon as the estates were called, the aristocratic Parlement of Paris ruled
that the Estates General should once again sit separately. In response to protests
from some reform-minded critics, the government agreed that the third estate
should have as many delegates as the clergy and the nobility combined but then
rendered this act meaningless by upholding voting by separate order.
In May 1789 the twelve hundred delegates of the three estates paraded in
medieval pageantry through the streets of Versailles to an opening session resplen-
dent with feudal magnicence. The estates were almost immediately deadlocked.
Delegates of the third estate refused to transact any business until the king ordered
the clergy and nobility to sit with them in a single body. Finally, after a six-week
war of nerves, a few parish priests began to go over to the third estate, which on
June 17 voted to call itself the National Assembly. On June 20 the delegates of the
third estate, excluded from their hall because of repairs, moved to a large indoor
tennis court. There they swore the famous Oath of the Tennis Court, pledging not
to disband until they had written a new constitution.
The kings response was ambivalent. On June 23 he made a conciliatory
speech urging reforms to a joint session, and four days later he ordered the three
estates to meet together. At the same time, the vacillating and indecisive monarch
apparently followed the advice of relatives and court nobles who urged him to dis-
solve the Estates General by force. Belatedly asserting his divine right to rule, the
king called an army of eigh teen thousand troops toward Versailles, and on July 11
he dismissed his nance minister and his other more liberal ministers.
While delegates of the third estate pressed for political
rights, economic hardship gripped the common people.
A poor grain harvest in 1788 caused the price of bread
to soar, unleashing a classic economic depression of
the preindustrial age. With food so expensive and with so much uncertainty, the
demand for manufactured goods collapsed. Thousands of artisans and small trad-
ers were thrown out of work. By the end of 1789 almost half of the French people
would be in need of relief. One person in eight was a pauper living in extreme
want. In Paris perhaps 150,000 of the citys 600,000 people were without work in
July 1789.
Against this background of poverty and ongoing political crisis, the people of
Paris entered decisively onto the revolutionary stage. They believed in a general,
though ill-dened, way that the economic distress had human causes. They be-
lieved that they should have steady work and enough bread at fair prices to survive.
Specically, they feared that the dismissal of the kings moderate nance minister
would put them at the mercy of aristocratic landowners and grain speculators.
Rumors that the kings troops would sack the city began to ll the air. Angry crowds
formed, and passionate voices urged action. On July 13 the people began to seize
arms for the defense of the city as the kings armies moved toward Paris, and on July
14 several hundred people marched to the Bastille (bass-TEE) to search for weap-
ons and gunpowder.
The Bastille, once a medieval fortress, was a royal prison guarded by eighty
retired soldiers and thirty Swiss mercenaries. The governor of the fortress-prison
refused to hand over the powder, panicked, and ordered his men to resist, kill ing
ninety-eight people attempting to enter. Cannon were brought to batter the main
National Assembly The rst French
revolutionary legislature; a constituent
assembly made up of primarily of
representatives of the third estate and a
few nobles and clergy who joined them,
in session from 1789 to 1791.
National Assembly The rst French
revolutionary legislature; a constituent
assembly made up of primarily of
representatives of the third estate and a
few nobles and clergy who joined them,
in session from 1789 to 1791.
The Revolt of the
Poor and the
The Revolt of the
Poor and the
Revolution in Metropole and Colony (17891791) 541
542 Chapter 21 The Revolution in Politics, 17751815
gate, and ghting continued until the prison surrendered. The governor of the
prison was later hacked to death, and his head was stuck on a pike and paraded
through the streets. The next day a committee of citizens appointed the marquis
de Lafayette commander of the citys armed forces. Paris was lost to the king, who
was forced to recall the nance minister and disperse his troops. The popular up-
rising had broken the power monopoly of the royal army and thereby saved the
National Assembly.
As the delegates resumed their inconclusive debates at Versailles, the country-
side sent them a radical and unmistakable message. Throughout France peasants
began to rise in insurrection against their lords, ransacking manor houses and
burning feudal documents that recorded their obligations. In some areas peasants
reinstated traditional village practices, undoing recent enclosures and reoccupying
old common lands. They seized forests, and taxes went unpaid. Fear of vagabonds
and outlawscalled the Great Fear by contemporariesseized the countryside
and fanned the ames of rebellion. The long-suffering peasants were doing their
best to free themselves from manorial rights and exploitation. In the end, they
were successful. On the night of August 4, 1789, the delegates at Versailles agreed
to abolish all the old noble privilegespeasant serfdom where it still existed, ex-
clusive hunting rights, fees for justice, village monopolies, and a host of other
dues. Thus the French peasantry, which already owned about 30 percent of all the
land, achieved an unprecedented victory in the early days of revolutionary up-
heaval. Henceforth, French peasants would seek mainly to protect and consoli-
date their triumph. As the Great Fear subsided in the countryside, they became a
force for order and stability.
The National Assembly moved forward. On August 27,
1789, it issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man
and of the Citizen, which stated, Men are born and
remain free and equal in rights. The declaration also maintained that mankinds
natural rights are liberty, property, security, and re sis tance to oppression and that
every man is presumed innocent until he is proven guilty. As for law, it is an
expression of the general will; all citizens have the right to concur personally or
through their representatives in its formation. . . . Free expression of thoughts and
opinions is one of the most precious rights of mankind: every citizen may therefore
speak, write, and publish freely. In short, this clarion call of the liberal revolution-
ary ideal guaranteed equality before the law, representative government for a sov-
ereign people, and individual freedom. This revolutionary credo, only two pages
long, was disseminated throughout France and Europe and around the world.
Moving beyond general principles to draft a constitution proved difcult. The
questions of how much power the king should retain and whether he could per-
manently veto legislation led to another deadlock. Once again the decisive answer
came from the poorin this instance, the poor women of Paris.
Women customarily bought the food and managed the poor familys slender
resources. The economic crisis worsened after the fall of the Bastille, as aristocrats
ed the country and the luxury market collapsed. Foreign markets also shrunk in
the aftermath of the crisis, and unemployment grew. In addition, household man-
agers could no longer look to the church for grants of food and money.
On October 5 some seven thousand desperate women marched the twelve
miles from Paris to Versailles to demand action. This great crowd invaded the As-
sembly, armed with scythes, sticks and pikes. One tough old woman deantly
shouted into the debate, Whos that talking down there? Make the chatterbox
Great Fear In the summer of 1789, the
fear of vagabonds and outlaws that seized
the French countryside and fanned the
ames of revolution.
Great Fear In the summer of 1789, the
fear of vagabonds and outlaws that seized
the French countryside and fanned the
ames of revolution.
A Limited Monarchy A Limited Monarchy
shut up. Thats not the point: the point is that we want bread.
Hers was the genu-
ine voice of the people, essential to any understanding of the French Revolution.
The women invaded the royal apartments, slaughtered some of the royal body-
guards, and furiously searched for the queen, Marie Antoinette (ann-twah-NET),
who was widely despised for her frivolous and supposedly immoral behavior. We
are going to cut off her head, tear out her heart, fry her liver, and that wont be the
end of it, they shouted, surging through the palace in a frenzy. It seems likely that
only the intervention of Lafayette and the National Guard saved the royal family.
But the only way to calm the disorder was for the king to live in Paris, as the crowd
The National Assembly followed the king to Paris, and the next two years, until
September 1791, saw the consolidation of the liberal revolution. Under middle-
class leadership, the National Assembly abolished the French nobility as a legal
order and pushed forward with the creation of a constitutional monarchy, which
Louis XVI reluctantly agreed to accept in July 1790. In the nal constitution, the
king remained the head of state, but all lawmaking power was placed in the hands
of the National Assembly, elected by the economic upper half of French males.
New laws broadened womens rights to seek divorce, to inherit property, and to
obtain nancial support for illegitimate children from fathers, but women were
not allowed to hold political ofce or even vote. The men of the National
Assembly believed that civic virtue would be restored if women focused on child
rearing and domestic duties.
The National Assembly replaced the complicated patchwork of historic prov-
inces with eighty-three departments of approximately equal size. The jumble of
weights and mea sures that varied from province to province was reformed, leading
constitutional monarchy A form of
government in which the king retains his
position as head of state, while the
authority to tax and make new laws
resides in an elected body.
constitutional monarchy A form of
government in which the king retains his
position as head of state, while the
authority to tax and make new laws
resides in an elected body.
The Women of Paris March to Versailles
On October 5, 1789, a large group of Parisian market women marched to Versailles to protest the price of bread. For
the people of Paris, the king was the baker of last resort, responsible for feeding his people during times of scarcity.
The crowd forced the royal family to return with them and to live in Paris, rather than remain isolated from their
subjects at court. (Erich Lessing / Art Resource, NY)
Revolution in Metropole and Colony (17891791) 543
544 Chapter 21 The Revolution in Politics, 17751815
to the introduction of the metric system in 1793. Monopolies, guilds, and workers
associations were prohibited, and barriers to trade within France were abolished in
the name of economic liberty. Thus the National Assembly applied the critical spirit
of the Enlightenment in a thorough reform of Frances laws and institutions.
The Assembly also imposed a radical reor ga ni za tion on the countrys religious
life. It granted religious freedom to the small minority of French Jews and Protes-
tants. Of greater impact, it then nationalized the Catholic Churchs property and
abolished monasteries as useless relics of a distant past. The government used all
former church property as collateral to guarantee a new paper currency, the as-
signats (AS-ig-nat), and then sold the property in an attempt to put the states -
nances on a solid footing. Although the churchs land was sold in large blocks,
peasants eventually purchased much when it was subdivided. These purchases
strengthened their attachment to the new revolutionary order in the countryside.
Imbued with the rationalism and skepticism of the eigh teenth-century philo-
sophes, many delegates distrusted popular piety and superstitious religion. Thus
they established a national church, with priests chosen by voters. The National
Assembly then forced the Catholic clergy to take a loyalty oath to the new govern-
ment. The pope formally condemned this attempt to subjugate the church, and
only half the priests of France swore the oath. Many sincere Chris tians, especially
those in the countryside, were upset by these changes in the religious order. The
attempt to remake the Catholic Church, like the Assemblys abolition of guilds
and workers associations, sharpened the conict between the educated classes
and the common people that had been emerging in the eigh teenth century.
The French Revolution radically transformed not
only the territorial nation of France but its overseas
colonies as well. On the eve of the Revolution, Saint-
Dominguethe most protable of all Caribbean
colonieswas even more rife with social tensions than France itself. The island
was composed of a variety of social groups who resented and mistrusted one an-
other. The European population included French colonial ofcials, wealthy plan-
tation owners and merchants, and poor immigrants. Greatly outnumbering the
white population were the colonys ve hundred thousand slaves, along with a siz-
able population of free people of African and mixed African European descent.
This last group referred to themselves as free coloreds or free people of color.
The political and intellectual turmoil of the 1780s, with its growing rhetoric of
liberty, equality, and fraternity, raised new challenges and possibilities for each of
these groups. For slaves, news of abolitionist movements in France, and the royal
governments own attempts to rein in the worst abuses of slav ery, led to hopes that
the mother country might grant them freedom. Free people of color found in such
rhetoric the principles on which to base a defense of their legal and political rights.
They looked to political reforms in Paris as a means of gaining political enfran-
chisement and regaining legal rights that had been rescinded by colonial adminis-
trators. The white elite looked to revolutionary ideals of representative government
for the chance to gain control of their own affairs, as had the American colonists
before them. The meeting of the Estates General and the Declaration of the
Rights of Man and of the Citizen raised these conicting colonial aspirations to
new levels.
The National Assembly, however, frustrated the hopes of all these groups. It
ruled that each colony would draft its own constitution, with free rein over deci-
sions on slav ery and the enfranchisement of free people of color. After dealing this
Aspirations in
Aspirations in
free people of color Sizable
population of free people of African and
mixed African-European descent living
in the French isles of the Caribbean.
free people of color Sizable
population of free people of African and
mixed African-European descent living
in the French isles of the Caribbean.
blow to the aspirations of slaves and free coloreds, the committee also reafrmed
French monopolies over colonial trade, thereby angering planters as well.
Following a failed revolt in Saint-Domingue led by Vincent Og (oh-ZHAY), a
free man of color, the National Assembly attempted a compromise. It granted po-
litical rights to free people of color born to two free parents who possessed suf-
cient property. When news of this legislation arrived in Saint-Domingue, the white
elite was furious and the colonial governor refused to enact it. Violence now
erupted between groups of whites and free coloreds in parts of the colony. The
liberal revolution had failed to satisfy the contradictory ambitions in the colonies.
When Louis XVI accepted the nal version of the National Assemblys constitu-
tion in September 1791, a young and still obscure provincial lawyer and delegate
named Maximilien Robespierre (ROBES-pee-air) (17581794) concluded, The
Revolution is over. Robespierre was both right and wrong. He was right in the
sense that the most constructive and lasting reforms were in place. Nothing sub-
stantial in the way of liberty and fundamental reform would be gained in the next
generation. He was wrong in the sense that a much more radical stage lay ahead.
New heroes and new ideologies were to emerge in revolutionary wars and interna-
tional conict in which Robespierre himself would play a central role.
The outbreak and progress of revolution in France pro-
duced great excitement and a sharp division of opinion
in Europe and the United States. Liberals and radicals
saw a mighty triumph of liberty over despotism. In
Great Britain especially, they hoped that the French example would lead to a
fundamental reordering of Parliament, which was in the hands of the aristocracy
and a few wealthy merchants. After the French Revolution began, con ser va tive
leaders such as Edmund Burke (17291797) were deeply troubled by the aroused
spirit of reform. In 1790 Burke published Reections on the Revolution in France,
one of the great defenses of European conservatism. He defended inherited privi-
leges in general and those of the Eng lish monarchy and aristocracy. He gloried
the unrepresentative Parliament and predicted that thoroughgoing reform like
that occurring in France would lead only to chaos and tyranny. Burkes work
sparked much debate.
One passionate rebuttal came from a young writer in London, Mary Woll-
stonecraft (WOOL-stuhn-kraft) (17591797). Incensed by Burkes book, Woll-
stonecraft immediately wrote a blistering, widely read attack, A Vindication of the
Rights of Man (1790). Then she made a daring intellectual leap, developing for
the rst time the logical implications of natural-law philosophy in her master-
piece, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792). To fulll the still-unrealized
potential of the French Revolution and to eliminate the sexual inequality she had
felt so keenly, she demanded that
the Rights of Women be respected . . . [and] JUSTICE for one-half of the human
race. . . . It is time to effect a revolution in female manners, time to restore to them
World War and Republican France (17911799)
How and why did the Revolution take a radical turn at home and in
the colonies?
World War and Republican France (17911799)
How and why did the Revolution take a radical turn at home and in
the colonies?
Foreign Reactions
and the Beginning
of War
Foreign Reactions
and the Beginning
of War
Secti on Revi ew
Members of the Estates General
largely agreed on their goals
constitutional monarchy, a guarantee
of individual liberties, and a loosening
of economic regulationsbut dis-
agreed on how to vote and who
would lead.
The Estates General reor ga nized into
the National Assembly, which the
king at rst recognized but then
ordered to dissolve by threat of force.
Revolt from belowboth in Paris and
the countrysideovercame royal
re sis tance and saved the National
Assembly, resulting in the abolition of
noble privileges.
The Declaration of the Rights of Man
and of the Citizen guaranteed equal-
ity before the law, representative
government for a sovereign people
and individual freedom.
Building on these principles of the
Declaration, the elected National
Assembly retained all lawmaking
power, abolished the nobility, and
created a constitutional monarchy
featuring a king with limited powers
as head of state.
Friction between the educated elites
and the common people emerged
after the Assembly prohibited the
guilds and workers associations and
established a national church, requir-
ing Catholic clergy to take an oath of
loyalty to the new government.
Tensions between the white elites and
the free coloreds in the colonies
over political rights and freedom
introduced by the revolution erupted
into violence.
World War and Republican France (17911799) 545
546 Chapter 21 The Revolution in Politics, 17751815
their lost dignity, and make them, as part of the human species, labor, by reform-
ing themselves, to reform the world.
Setting high standards for womenI wish to persuade women to endeavor to
acquire strength, both of mind and body
Wollstonecraft broke with those who
had a low opinion of womens intellectual potential. She advocated rigorous co-
education, which would make women better wives and mothers, good citizens,
and economically in de pen dent. Women could manage businesses and enter poli-
tics if only men would give them the chance. Wollstonecrafts analysis testied to
the power of the Revolution to excite and inspire outside of France. Paralleling
ideas put forth in de pen dently in France by Olympe de Gouges (oh-LIMP duh
GOOJ) (17481793), a self-taught writer and woman of the people (see the feature
Listening to the Past: Revolution and Womens Rights on pages 563564), Woll-
stonecrafts work marked the birth of the modern womens movement for equal
rights, and it was ultimately very inuential.
The kings and nobles of continental Europe, who had at rst welcomed the
revolution in France as weakening a competing monarchy, realized that their
power was also threatened. In June 1791, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were
arrested and returned to Paris after trying unsuccessfully to slip out of France. The
shock of this arrest led the monarchs of Austria and Prussia to issue the Declara-
tion of Pillnitz in August 1791. This carefully worded statement declared their
willingness to intervene in France in certain circumstances and was expected to
have a sobering effect on revolutionary France without causing war.
But the crowned heads of Europe misjudged the revolutionary spirit in France.
The representative body that convened in October 1791 had completely new del-
egates and a different character. The great majority of the legislators were still
prosperous, well-educated middle-class men, but they were younger and less cau-
tious than their predecessors. Many of the deputies belonged to a political club
called the Jacobin (JAK-uh-bin) club, after the name of the former monastery in
which they held their meetings. Such clubs had proliferated in Parisian neighbor-
hoods since the beginning of the Revolution, drawing men and women to debate
the burning political questions of the day.
The new representatives to the Assembly whipped themselves into a patriotic
fury against the Declaration of Pillnitz. If the kings of Europe were attempting to
incite a war against France, then we will incite a war of people against kings. . . .
Ten million Frenchmen, kindled by the re of liberty, armed with the sword, with
reason, with eloquence would be able to change the face of the world and make
the tyrants tremble on their thrones.
In April 1792 France declared war on Fran-
cis II, the Habsburg monarch.
Frances crusade against tyranny went poorly at rst. Prussian forces joined
Austria against the French, who broke and ed at their rst military encounter
with this First Coalition. The road to Paris lay open, and it is possible that only
conict between the Eastern monarchs over the division of Poland saved France
from defeat.
The Assembly declared the country in danger, and volunteers rallied to the
capital. In this supercharged wartime at mo sphere, rumors of treason by the king
and queen spread in Paris. On August 10, 1792, a revolutionary crowd attacked the
royal palace at the Tuileries (TWEE-luh-reez), while the king and his family ed
for their lives to the nearby Legislative Assembly. Rather than offering refuge, the
Assembly suspended the king from all his functions, imprisoned him, and called
for a new National Convention to be elected by universal male suffrage. Monarchy
in France was on its deathbed, mortally wounded by war and popular upheaval.
Jacobin club A political club in
Revolutionary France whose members
were radical republicans.
Jacobin club A political club in
Revolutionary France whose members
were radical republicans.
The fall of the monarchy marked a rapid radicalization
of the Revolution, a phase that historians often call the
second revolution. Louiss imprisonment was followed
by the September Massacres. Wild stories that imprisoned counter-revolutionary
aristocrats and priests were plotting with the allied invaders seized the city. As a
result, angry crowds invaded the prisons of Paris and slaughtered half the men and
women they found. In late September 1792 the new, popularly elected National
Convention proclaimed France a republic.
The republic sought to create a new popular culture, fashioning compelling
symbols that broke with the past and gloried the new order. Its new revolutionary
calendar eliminated saints days and renamed the days and the months after the
seasons of the year, while also adding secular holidays designed to instill a love of
nation. These secular celebrations were less successful in villages, where Catholi-
cism was stronger.
All the members of the National Convention were republicans, and at the
beginning almost all belonged to the Jacobin club of Paris. But the Jacobins them-
selves were increasingly divided into two bitterly competitive groupsthe Giron-
dists (juh-RON-dists), named after a department in southwestern France that was
home to several of their leaders, and the Mountain, led by Robespierre and an-
other young lawyer, Georges Jacques Danton. The Mountain was so called be-
cause its members sat on the uppermost benches on the left side of the assembly
hall. A majority of the indecisive Convention members, seated in the Plain be-
low, oated back and forth between the rival factions.
This division emerged clearly after the National Convention overwhelmingly
convicted Louis XVI of treason. The Girondists accepted his guilt but did not wish
to put the king to death. By a narrow majority, the Mountain carried the day, and
Louis was executed on January 21, 1793, on the newly invented guillotine. Both
the Girondists and the Mountain were determined to continue the war against
tyranny. The Prussians had been stopped at the Battle of Valmy on September 20,
1792, one day before the republic was proclaimed. French armies then invaded
Savoy and captured Nice, moved into the German Rhineland, and by November
1792 were occupying the entire Austrian Netherlands (modern Belgium). Every-
where they went French armies of occupation chased the princes, abolished feu-
dalism, and liberated the people.
But the French armies also lived off the land, requisitioning food and supplies
and plundering local trea sures. The liberators looked increasingly like foreign in-
vaders. International tensions mounted. In February 1793 the National Conven-
tion, at war with Austria and Prussia, declared war on Britain, Holland, and Spain
as well. Republican France was now at war with almost all of Europe, a great war
that would last almost without interruption until 1815.
Groups within France added to the turmoil. Peasants in western France revolted
against being drafted into the army, and devout Catholics, royalists, and foreign
agents encouraged their rebellion. In Paris the National Convention was locked in
a life-and-death political struggle between the Mountain and the more moderate
Girondists. With the middle-class delegates so bitterly divided, the laboring poor
of Paris emerged as the decisive political factor. The laboring poor and the petty
traders were often known as the sans-culottes (sanz-koo-LOT), without breeches,
because their men wore trousers instead of the knee breeches of the aristocracy and
the solid middle class. They demanded radical political action to guarantee them
their daily bread. The Mountain joined with sans-culottes activists in the city gov-
ernment to engineer a popular uprising that forced the Convention to arrest thirty-
one Girondist deputies for treason on June 2. All power passed to the Mountain.
The Second
The Second
second revolution From 1792 to 1795,
the second phase of the French
Revolution during which the fall of the
French monarchy introduced a rapid
radicalization of politics.
second revolution From 1792 to 1795,
the second phase of the French
Revolution during which the fall of the
French monarchy introduced a rapid
radicalization of politics.
Girondists A group contesting control
of the National Convention in France,
named after a department in south-
western France.
the Mountain The radical faction of
the National Convention led by
Robespierre and Danton, so called
because its members sat in the
uppermost benches of the assembly hall.
Girondists A group contesting control
of the National Convention in France,
named after a department in south-
western France.
the Mountain The radical faction of
the National Convention led by
Robespierre and Danton, so called
because its members sat in the
uppermost benches of the assembly hall.
sans-culottes The name for the
laboring poor of Paris, so called because
the men wore trousers instead of the
knee breeches of the aristocracy and
middle class; it came to refer to the
militant radicals of the city.
sans-culottes The name for the
laboring poor of Paris, so called because
the men wore trousers instead of the
knee breeches of the aristocracy and
middle class; it came to refer to the
militant radicals of the city.
World War and Republican France (17911799) 547
548 Chapter 21 The Revolution in Politics, 17751815
The Convention also formed the Committee of Public Safety to deal with the
threats from within and outside France. The committee, which Robespierre came
to lead, was given dictatorial power to deal with the national emergency. Moder-
ates in leading provincial cities, such as Lyons and Marseilles, revolted and de-
manded a decentralized government. The peasant revolt also spread, and the
republics armies were driven back on all fronts. By July 1793 only the areas around
Paris and on the eastern frontier were rmly held by the central government. De-
feat seemed imminent.
A year later, in July 1794, the Austrian Netherlands
and the Rhineland were once again in the hands of
conquering French armies, and the First Coalition was
falling apart. This remarkable change of fortune was due to the revolutionary gov-
ernments success in harnessing, for perhaps the rst time in history, the explosive
forces of a planned economy, revolutionary terror, and modern nationalism in a
total war effort.
Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety rst collaborated with the
ercely patriotic sans-culottes to establish a planned economy with egalitarian
social overtones. Rather than let supply and demand determine prices, the govern-
ment set maximum allowable prices for key products. Though the state was too
weak to enforce all its price regulations, it did x the price of bread in Paris at
levels the poor could afford. Rationing was introduced, and bakers were permitted
Total War and
the Terror
Total War and
the Terror
planned economy In response to
ination and high unemployment,
Robespierre and the government set
maximum prices for products, rather
than relying on supply and demand.
planned economy In response to
ination and high unemployment,
Robespierre and the government set
maximum prices for products, rather
than relying on supply and demand.
Contrasting Visions of the Sans-Culottes
The woman on the left, with her playful cat and calm simplicity, suggests how the French sans-culottes saw themselves as
dem o crats and virtuous citizens. The ferocious sans-culotte harpy on the right, a creation of wartime Eng lands vivid counter-
revolutionary imagination, screams for more blood, more death: I am the Goddess of Liberty! Long live the guillotine!
(Bibliothque nationale de France)
The French Revolution
May 5, 1789 Estates General convene at Versailles.
June 17, 1789 Third estate declares itself the National Assembly.
June 20, 1789 Oath of the Tennis Court is sworn.
July 14, 1789 Storming of the Bastille occurs.
JulyAugust 1789 Great Fear ravages the countryside.
August 4, 1789 National Assembly abolishes feudal privileges.
August 27, 1789 National Assembly issues Declaration of the Rights of Man.
October 5, 1789 Women march on Versailles and force royal family to return to Paris.
November 1789 National Assembly conscates church lands.
July 1790 Civil Constitution of the Clergy establishes a national church.
Louis XVI reluctantly agrees to accept a constitutional monarchy.
June 1791 Royal family is arrested while attempting to ee France.
August 1791 Austria and Prussia issue the Declaration of Pillnitz.
Slave insurrections break out in Saint-Domingue.
April 1792 France declares war on Austria.
August 1792 Parisian mob attacks the palace and takes Louis XVI prisoner.
September 1792 September Massacres occur.
National Convention declares France a republic and abolishes monarchy.
January 1793 Louis XVI is executed.
February 1793 France declares war on Britain, Holland, and Spain.
Revolts take place in some provincial cities.
Slavery abolished in French colonies.
March 1793 Bitter struggle occurs in the National Convention between Girondists and
the Mountain.
AprilJune 1793 Robespierre and the Mountain organize the Committee of Public Safety and
arrest Girondist leaders.
September 1793 Price controls are instituted to aid the sans-culottes and mobilize the war effort.
British troops invade Saint-Domingue.
17931794 Reign of Terror darkens Paris and the provinces.
February 1794 National Convention abolishes slav ery in all French territories.
Spring 1794 French armies are victorious on all fronts.
July 1794 Robespierre is executed.
Thermidorian reaction begins.
17951799 Directory rules.
1795 Economic controls are abolished, and suppression of the sans-culottes begins.
Toussaint LOuverture named brigadier general.
1797 Napoleon defeats Austrian armies in Italy and returns triumphant to Paris.
1798 Austria, Great Britain, and Russia form the Second Coalition against France.
1799 Napoleon overthrows the Directory and seizes power.
World War and Republican France (17911799) 549
550 Chapter 21 The Revolution in Politics, 17751815
to make only the bread of equalitya brown bread made of a mixture of all
available ours. White bread and pastries were outlawed as luxuries. The poor of
Paris may not have eaten well, but at least they ate.
They also worked, mainly to produce arms and munitions for the war effort.
The government told craftsmen what to produce, nationalized many small work-
shops, and requisitioned raw materials and grain. The second revolution and the
ascendancy of the sans-culottes had produced an embryonic emergency socialism,
which thoroughly frightened Europes propertied classes and had great inuence
on the subsequent development of socialist ideology.
Second, while radical economic mea sures supplied the poor with bread and
the armies with weapons, the Reign of Terror (17931794) used revolutionary
terror to solidify the home front. Special revolutionary courts responsible only to
Robespierres Committee of Public Safety tried rebels and enemies of the nation
for political crimes. Some forty thousand French men and women were executed
or died in prison. Another three hundred thousand suspects were arrested.
The third and perhaps most decisive element in the French republics victory
over the First Coalition was its ability to draw on the explosive power of patriotic
dedication to a national state and a national mission. An essential part of modern
nationalism, this commitment was something new in history. With a common
language and a common tradition newly reinforced by the ideas of popular sover-
eignty and democ racy, large numbers of French people were stirred by a common
loyalty. They developed an intense emotional commitment to the defense of the
nation and saw the war as a life-and-death struggle between good and evil.
The fervor of nationalism, combined with the all-out mobilization of resources,
made the French army unstoppable. After August 1793 all unmarried young men
were subject to the draft, resulting in the largest ghting force in the history of
European warfare. Recent research concludes that the French armed forces out-
numbered their enemies almost four to one.
French generals used mass assaults
at bayonet point to overwhelm the enemy. No maneuvering, nothing elaborate,
declared the fearless General Hoche. Just cold steel, passion and patriotism.
spring 1794 French armies were victorious on all fronts. The republic was saved.
The second stage of revolution in Saint-Domingue
also resulted from decisive action from below. In Au-
gust 1791 groups of slaves or ga nized a revolt that spread
across much of the northern plain. By the end of August the uprising was 10,000
strong, divided into 3 armies, of whom 700 or 800 are on horseback, and tolerably
During the next month slaves attacked and destroyed hundreds of
sugar and coffee plantations.
On April 4, 1792, as war loomed with the European states, the National As-
sembly issued a new decree enfranchising all free blacks and free people of color.
The Assembly hoped this mea sure would win the loyalty of free blacks and their
aid in defeating the slave rebellion.
Less than two years later, on February 4, 1794, slav ery was abolished in the
entire French Caribbean, and in 1795 the former slaves won full political rights.
The National Convention was forced to make these concessions when Saint-
Domingue came under siege from Spanish and British troops hoping to capture
the protable colony. With the former slaves and free colored forces on their side,
the French gradually regained control of the island in 1796.
The key leader in the French victory was General Toussaint LOuverture (too-
SAN loo-ver-CHORE) (17431803). (See the feature Individuals in Society: Tous-
Reign of Terror The period from 1793
to 1794, during which Robespierre used
revolutionary terror to solidify the home
front of France, resulting in the death of
some 40,000 French men and women.
Reign of Terror The period from 1793
to 1794, during which Robespierre used
revolutionary terror to solidify the home
front of France, resulting in the death of
some 40,000 French men and women.
nationalism Patriotic dedication to a
national state and mission; it was a
decisive element in the French
republics victory.
nationalism Patriotic dedication to a
national state and mission; it was a
decisive element in the French
republics victory.
Revolution in
Revolution in
saint LOuverture.) LOuverture was then named commander of the western
province of Saint-Domingue. The increasingly con ser va tive nature of the French
government, however, threatened to undo the gains made by former slaves and
free people of color. As exiled planters gained a stronger voice in French policy-
making, LOuverture and other local leaders grew ever more wary of what the fu-
ture might hold.
With the French army victorious, Robespierre and the
Committee of Public Safety relaxed the emergency
economic controls, but they extended the political
Reign of Terror. In March 1794, to the horror of many
sans-culottes, Robespierre wiped out many of his critics. Two weeks later, Robes-
pierre sent many of his long-standing collaborators, including the famous orator
Danton, up the steps to the guillotine. A strange assortment of radicals and moder-
ates in the Convention, knowing that they might be next, or ga nized a conspiracy.
They howled down Robespierre when he tried to speak to the National Conven-
tion on 9 Thermidor (July 27, 1794). The next day it was Robespierres turn to be
shaved by the revolutionary razor.
As Robespierres closest supporters followed their leader to the guillotine,
France unexpectedly experienced a thorough reaction to the despotism of the
Reign of Terror. In a general way, this Thermidorian (thur-mi-DAWR-ee-uhn)
reaction recalled the early days of the Revolution. The middle-class lawyers and
professionals who had led the liberal revolution of 1789 reasserted their authority,
drawing support from their own class, the provincial cities, and the better-off peas-
ants. The National Convention abolished many economic controls, let prices rise
sharply, and severely restricted the local political or ga ni za tions in which the sans-
culottes had their strength.
The collapse of economic controls, coupled with run-
away ination, hit the working poor very hard. After the
Convention used the army to suppress the sans culottes pro-
tests, the urban poor lost their revolutionary fervor. Excluded
and disillusioned, they would have little interest in and in-
uence on politics until 1830. The poor of the countryside
turned toward religion as a relief from earthly cares. Rural
women, especially, brought back the Catholic Church and
the open worship of God as the government began to soften
its antireligious revolutionary stance.
As for the middle-class members of the National Con-
vention, in 1795 they wrote yet another constitution that
they believed would guarantee their economic position and
political supremacy. As in previous elections, the mass of
the population voted only for electors, whose number was
cut back to men of substantial means. Electors then elected
The Thermidorian
Reaction and the
Directory (17941799)
The Thermidorian
Reaction and the
Directory (17941799)
Thermidorian reaction The period
after the execution of Robespierre in
1794; it was a reaction to the violence of
the Reign of Terror.
Thermidorian reaction The period
after the execution of Robespierre in
1794; it was a reaction to the violence of
the Reign of Terror.
World War and Republican France (17911799) 551
The Execution of Robespierre
The guillotine was painted red and was completely wooden except
for the heavy iron blade. Large crowds witnessed the executions in a
majestic public square in central Paris, then known as the Place de la
Revolution and now called the Place de la Concorde (Harmony Square).
(Snark / Art Resource, NY)
552 Chapter 21 The Revolution in Politics, 17751815
the members of a reor ga nized legislative assembly as well as key ofcials through-
out France. The new assembly also chose a ve-man executivethe Directory.
The Directory continued to support French military expansion abroad. War
was no longer so much a crusade as a means to meet ever-present, ever-unsolved
economic problems. Large, victorious French armies reduced unemployment at
home and were able to live off the territories they conquered and plundered.
The unprincipled action of the Directory reinforced widespread disgust with
war and starvation. This general dissatisfaction revealed itself clearly in the na-
tional elections of 1797, which returned a large number of con ser va tive and even
monarchist deputies who favored peace at almost any price. The members of the
Directory, fearing for their skins, used the army to nullify the elections and began
to govern dictatorially. Two years later Napoleon Bonaparte (nuh-POH-lee-uhn
BOH-nuh-pahrt) ended the Directory in a coup dtat (koo day-TA) and substi-
tuted a strong dictatorship for a weak one. The effort to establish stable representa-
tive government had failed.
For almost fteen years, from 1799 to 1814, France was in the hands of a keen-
minded military dictator of exceptional ability. One of historys most fascinating
leaders, Napoleon Bonaparte (17691821) realized the need to put an end to civil
strife in France in order to create unity and consolidate his rule. And he did. But
Napoleon saw himself as a man of destiny, and the glory of war and the dream
of universal empire proved irresistible. For years he spiraled from victory to vic-
tory, but in the end he was destroyed by a mighty coalition united in fear of his
restless ambition.
In 1799 when he seized power, young General Napo-
leon Bonaparte was a national hero. Born in Corsica
into an impoverished noble family in 1769, Napoleon
left home and became a lieutenant in the French artillery in 1785. After a brief
and unsuccessful adventure ghting for Corsican in de pen dence in 1789, he re-
turned to France as a French patriot and a dedicated revolutionary. Rising rapidly
in the new army, Napoleon was placed in command of French forces in Italy and
won brilliant victories there in 1796 and 1797. His next campaign, in Egypt, was a
failure, but Napoleon returned to France before the asco was generally known,
and his reputation remained intact.
Napoleon soon learned that some prominent members of the legislature were
plotting against the Directory. The dissatisfaction of these plotters stemmed not so
much from the fact that the Directory was a dictatorship as from the fact that it was
a weak dictatorship. Ten years of upheaval and uncertainty had convinced these
disillusioned revolutionaries that a strong military ruler was needed to restore or-
der. Thus the conspirators and Napoleon or ga nized a takeover. On November 9,
1799, they ousted the Directors, and the following day soldiers disbanded the leg-
islature at bayonet point. Napoleon was named rst consul of the republic, and a
new constitution consolidating his position was overwhelmingly approved in a
The Napoleonic Era (17991815)
Why did Napoleon Bonaparte assume control of France, and what factors
led to his downfall? How did the new republic of Haiti gain in de pen dence
from France?
The Napoleonic Era (17991815)
Why did Napoleon Bonaparte assume control of France, and what factors
led to his downfall? How did the new republic of Haiti gain in de pen dence
from France?
Napoleons Rule
of France
Napoleons Rule
of France
Secti on Revi ew
The revolution in France brought
mixed reactions elsewhere, from Ed-
mund Burkes book defending conserva-
tism to Mary Wollstonecrafts passionate
plea to eliminate sexual inequality.
The monarchs of Austria and Prussia
responded to the arrest of the royal
family with the Declaration of Pillnitz,
inciting such anger that the National
Assembly, led by members of the Jaco-
bin political club, declared war on the
Habsburg monarch and then sus-
pended the king from all his functions.
The National Convention declared
France a republic, executed the king in
1793, and sought to create a new repub-
lican, secular culture.
The National Convention faced divi-
sion between the moderate Girondists
and the radical Mountain as French
armies battled Prussian and Austrian
forces, ending up at war against most
of Europe.
Robespierre and the Committee of
Public Safety established a planned
economy, xed the price of bread,
provided work to aid the war effort,
initiated the Reign of Terror, and
worked to promote a strong sense of
nationalism, all of which helped to save
the republic, though at the cost of many
In the Caribbean island of Saint-
Domingue (todays Haiti), slaves re-
volted and, under the pressure of war,
the French government rst enfran-
chised free people of color, then abol-
ished slav ery and extended political
rights to former slaves.
Under the leadership of Toussaint
LOuverture, a former slave, French
forces in Saint-Domingue defeated
Spanish and British invaders.
The Thermidorian Reaction led to the
execution of Robespierre, a new Na-
tional Convention, the end of eco-
nomic controls, a new constitution, the
establishment of the Directory, and a
coup dtat by Napoleon.
plebiscite in December 1799. Republican appearances were maintained, but Na-
poleon was already the real ruler of France.
The essence of Napoleons domestic policy was to use his great and highly
personal powers to maintain order and end civil strife. He did so by working out
unwritten agreements with powerful groups in France whereby the groups re-
ceived favors in return for loyal ser vice. Napoleons bargain with the solid middle
class was codied in the famous Civil Code of 1804, which reasserted two of the
fundamental principles of the liberal and essentially moderate revolution of 1789:
equality of all male citizens before the law and absolute security of wealth and
private property. Napoleon and the leading bankers of Paris established the pri-
vately owned Bank of France, which loyally served the interests of both the state
and the nancial oligarchy. Peasants were also appeased when Napoleon defended
the gains in land and status they had claimed during the revolution.
At the same time Napoleon perfected a thoroughly centralized state. As recent
scholarship shows, Napoleon consolidated his rule by recruiting disillusioned revo-
lutionaries for the network of ministers, prefects, and centrally appointed mayors
The Napoleonic Era
November 1799 Napoleon overthrows the Directory.
December 1799 French voters overwhelmingly approve Napoleons new constitution.
1800 Napoleon founds the Bank of France.
1801 France defeats Austria and acquires Italian and German territories in the Treaty
of Lunville.
Napoleon signs the Concordat with the pope.
1802 France signs the Treaty of Amiens with Britain.
French forces arrive in Saint-Domingue.
April 1803 Toussaint LOuverture dies in France.
January 1804 Jean Jacques Dessalines declares Haitian in de pen dence.
March 1804 Napoleonic Code comes into force.
December 1804 Napoleon crowns himself emperor.
May 1805 First Haitian constitution promulgated.
October 1805 Britain defeats the French and Spanish eet at the Battle of Trafalgar.
December 1805 Napoleon defeats Austria and Russia at the Battle of Austerlitz.
1807 Napoleon redraws the map of Europe in the treaties of Tilsit.
1810 The Grand Empire is at its height.
June 1812 Napoleon invades Russia with 600,000 men.
FallWinter 1812 Napoleon makes a disastrous retreat from Russia.
March 1814 Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Britain sign the Treaty of Chaumont, pledging
alliance to defeat Napoleon.
April 1814 Napoleon abdicates and is exiled to Elba.
FebruaryJune 1815 Napoleon escapes from Elba and rules France until he is defeated at the Battle
of Waterloo.
The Napoleonic Era (17991815) 553
554 Chapter 21 The Revolution in Politics, 17751815
that depended on him and came to serve him well. Only former revolutionaries
who leaned too far to the left or to the right were pushed to the sidelines.
were members of the old nobility slighted. In 1800 and again in 1802 Napoleon
granted amnesty to one hundred thousand migrs on the condition that they
return to France and take a loyalty oath. Members of this returning elite soon
ably occupied many high posts in the expanding centralized state. Napoleon also
created a new im pe rial nobility in order to reward his most talented generals
and ofcials.
Napoleon applied his diplomatic skills to healing the Catholic Church in
France so that it could serve as a bulwark of order and social peace. After arduous
negotiations, Napoleon and Pope Pius VII (18001823) signed the Concordat
(kon-KAWR-dat) of 1801. The pope gained the precious right for French Catho-
lics to practice their religion freely, but Napoleon gained political power: his gov-
ernment now nominated bishops, paid the clergy, and exerted great inuence over
the church in France.
The domestic reforms of Napoleons early years were his greatest achievement.
Much of his legal and administrative reor ga ni za tion has survived in France to this
day. More generally, Napoleons domestic initiatives gave the great majority of
French people a welcome sense of stability and national unity.
Order and unity had a price: Napoleons authoritarian rule. Women, who had
often participated in revolutionary politics, lost many of the gains they had made
in the 1790s. Under the law of the new Napoleonic Code, women were de pen-
dents of either their fathers or their husbands, and they could not make contracts
or even have bank accounts in their own names. Indeed, Napoleon and his advis-
ers aimed at re-establishing a family monarchy, where the power of the husband
and father was as absolute over the wife and the children as that of Napoleon was
over his subjects.
Free speech and freedom of the press were continually violated. By 1811 only
four newspapers were left, and they were little more than organs of government
propaganda. The occasional elections were a farce. Later laws prescribed harsh
penalties for political offenses, and people were watched carefully under an ef-
cient spy system. People suspected of subversive activities were arbitrarily detained,
placed under house arrest, or consigned to insane asylums. After 1810 political
suspects were held in state prisons, as they had been during the Terror. There were
about twenty-ve hundred such political prisoners in 1814.
Napoleon was above all a military man, and a great
one. After coming to power in 1799 he sent peace feel-
ers to Austria and Great Britain, the two remaining
members of the Second Coalition that had been formed against France in 1798.
When these overtures were rejected, French armies led by Napoleon decisively
defeated the Austrians. In the Treaty of Lunville (1801), Austria accepted the loss
of almost all its Italian possessions, and German territory on the west bank of the
Rhine was incorporated into France. The British agreed to the Treaty of Amiens in
1802, allowing France to remain in control of Holland, the Austrian Netherlands,
the west bank of the Rhine, and most of the Italian peninsula. The Treaty of
Amiens was clearly a diplomatic triumph for Napoleon, and peace with honor and
prot increased his popularity at home.
In 1802 Napoleon was secure but driven to expand his power. Aggressively
redrawing the map of Germany so as to weaken Austria and encourage the second-
ary states of southwestern Germany to side with France, Napoleon tried to restrict
Napoleons Expansion
in Europe
Napoleons Expansion
in Europe
British trade with all of Europe. He then plotted to attack Great Britain, but his
Mediterranean eet was virtually annihilated by Lord Nelson at the Battle of Tra-
falgar on October 21, 1805. Invasion of Eng land was henceforth impossible. Re-
newed ghting had its advantages, however, for the rst consul used the wartime
at mo sphere to have himself proclaimed emperor in late 1804.
Austria, Russia, and Sweden joined with Britain to form the Third Coalition
against France shortly before the Battle of Trafalgar. Actions such as Napoleons
assumption of the Italian crown had convinced both Alexander I of Russia and
Francis II of Austria that Napoleon was a threat to their interests and to the Euro-
pean balance of power. Yet the Austrians and the Rus sians were no match for
Napoleon, who scored a brilliant victory over them at the Battle of Austerlitz (AW-
ster-lits) in December 1805. Alexander I decided to pull back, and Austria ac-
cepted large territorial losses in return for peace as the Third Coalition collapsed.
Napoleon then proceeded to reorganize the German states to his liking. In
1806 he abolished many of the tiny German states as well as the ancient Holy Ro-
man Empire and established by decree the German Confederation of the Rhine,
a union of fteen German states minus Austria, Prussia, and Saxony. Naming him-
self protector of the confederation, Napoleon rmly controlled western Germany.
Napoleons intervention in German affairs alarmed the Prussians, who mobi-
lized their armies after more than a decade of peace with France. Napoleon at-
tacked and won two more brilliant victories in October 1806 at Jena (YEY-nah)
and Auerstdt (OW-er-stat), where the Prussians were outnumbered two to one.
The Coronation of Napoleon, 1804 (detail)
In this grandiose painting by Jacques-Louis David, Napoleon prepares to crown his wife, Josephine, in an elaborate ceremony in Notre Dame
Cathedral. Napoleon, the ultimate upstart, also crowned himself. Pope Pius VII, seated glumly behind the emperor, is reduced to being a
spectator. (Louvre/ Runion des Muses Nationaux / Art Resource, NY)
The Napoleonic Era (17991815) 555
556 Chapter 21 The Revolution in Politics, 17751815
The war with Prussia, now joined by Russia, continued into the following spring.
After Napoleons larger armies won another victory, Alexander I of Russia was
ready to negotiate the peace. In the subsequent treaties of Tilsit, Prussia lost half of
its population, while Russia accepted Napoleons reor ga ni za tion of western and
central Europe and promised to enforce Napoleons economic blockade against
British goods.
With Toussaint LOuverture acting increasingly as an
in de pen dent ruler of the western province of Saint-
Domingue, another general, Andr Rigaud, set up his
own government in the southern peninsula, which had long been more isolated
from France than the rest of the colony. Civil war broke out between the two sides
in 1799, when LOuvertures forces, led by his lieutenant Jean Jacques Dessalines
(dey-sa-LEEN), invaded the south. Victory over Rigaud gave Toussaint control of
the entire colony. (See the feature Individuals in Society: Toussaint LOuverture.)
LOuvertures victory was soon challenged, however, by Napoleons arrival in
power. Napoleon intended to reinvigorate the Caribbean plantation economy as a
basis for expanding French power. He ordered his brother-in-law General Charles-
Victor-Emmanuel Leclerc to crush the new regime.
In 1802 Leclerc landed in Saint-Domingue. Although Toussaint LOuverture
cooperated with the French and turned his army over to them, he was arrested and
deported to France, along with his family, where he died in 1803. Jean Jacques
Dessalines united the re sis tance under his command and led it to a crushing vic-
tory over the French forces. Of the fty-eight thousand French soldiers, fty thou-
sand were lost in combat and to disease. On January 1, 1804, Dessalines formally
declared the in de pen dence of Saint-Domingue and the creation of the new sover-
eign nation of Haiti, the name used by the pre-Columbian inhabitants of the is-
land. (Frances other Caribbean colonies were not granted in de pen dence. Slavery
was re-established and remained in force until 1848.)
Haiti, the second in de pen dent state in the Americas and the rst in Latin
America, was thus born from the rst successful large-scale slave revolt in history.
Fearing the spread of slave rebellion to the United States, President Thomas Jef-
ferson refused to recognize Haiti. Both the American and the French Revolutions
thus exposed their limits by acting to protect economic interests at the expense of
revolutionary ideals of freedom and equality. Yet, Haitian in de pen dence had fun-
damental repercussions for world history. As one recent historian of the Haitian
revolution commented:
The slave insurrection of Saint-Domingue led to the expansion of citizenship
beyond racial barriers despite the massive political and economic investment in the
slave system at the time. If we live in a world in which democ racy is meant to
exclude no one, it is in no small part because of the actions of those slaves in
Saint-Domingue who insisted that human rights were theirs too.
Napoleon resigned himself to the loss of Saint-
Domingue, but he still maintained im pe rial ambitions
in Europe. Increasingly, he saw himself as the emperor
of Europe and not just of France. The so-called Grand Empire he built had three
parts. The core, or rst part, was an ever-expanding France, which by 1810 in-
cluded Belgium, Holland, parts of northern Italy, and much German territory on
the east bank of the Rhine. Beyond French borders Napoleon established the
The War of Haitian
The War of Haitian
The Grand Empire
and Its End
The Grand Empire
and Its End
Grand Empire Napoleons name for
the European empire over which he
intended to rule. This Grand Empire
would consist of France, a number of
lesser de pen dent states ruled by his
relations, and several major allied states
(Austria, Prussia, and Russia).
Grand Empire Napoleons name for
the European empire over which he
intended to rule. This Grand Empire
would consist of France, a number of
lesser de pen dent states ruled by his
relations, and several major allied states
(Austria, Prussia, and Russia).
Indi vi dual s i n Soci et y
Toussaint LOuverture
ittle is known of the early life of the brilliant military
and political leader Toussaint LOuverture. He was
born in 1743 on a plantation outside Le Cap owned by
the Count de Brda (bree-DAH). According to tradi-
tion, Toussaint was the eldest son of a captured African
prince from modern-day Benin. Toussaint Brda, as he
was then called, occupied a privileged position among
slaves. Instead of performing backbreaking labor in the
elds, he served his master as a coachman and livestock
keeper. During the 1770s, after being freed, he leased
his own small coffee plantation, worked by slaves. A
devout Catholic who led a frugal and ascetic life,
LOuverture impressed others with his enormous physi-
cal energy, intellectual acumen, and air of mystery.
Toussaint LOuverture entered history in 1791 when
he joined the slave uprisings that swept Saint-Domingue.
(At some point he took on the cryptic nom de guerre
louverture meaning the opening.) Toussaint rose to
prominence among rebel slaves allied with Spain and
by early 1794 controlled his own army. In 1794 he de-
fected to the French side and led his troops to a series of
victories against the Spanish. In 1795 Frances National
Convention promoted LOuverture to brigadier general.
Over the next three years LOuverture successively
eliminated rivals for authority on the island. First he freed
himself of the French commissioners sent to govern the
colony. With a rm grip on power in the northern prov-
ince, Toussaint defeated General Andr Rigaud in 1800
to gain control in the south. His army then marched on
the capital of Spanish Santo Domingo on the eastern
half of the island, meeting little re sis tance. The entire
island of Hispaniola was now under his command.
With control of Saint-Domingue in his hands,
LOuverture was confronted with the challenge of build-
ing a postemancipation society, the rst of its kind. The
task was made even more difcult by the chaos wreaked
by war, the destruction of plantations, and bitter social
and racial tensions. For LOuverture the most pressing
concern was to re-establish the plantation economy.
Without revenue to pay his army, the gains of the rebel-
lion could be lost. He therefore encouraged white plant-
ers to return and reclaim their property. He also adopted
harsh policies toward former slaves, forcing them back
to their plantations and restrict-
ing their ability to acquire land.
When they resisted, he sent
troops across the island to en-
force submission.
In 1801 LOuverture con-
vened a colonial assembly to
draft a new constitution that reaf-
rmed his draconian labor poli-
cies. The constitution named
LOuverture governor for life,
leaving Saint-Domingue as a
colony in name alone. When
news of the constitution arrived
in France, an angry Napoleon dis-
patched General Leclerc (luh-
CLAIR) to re-establish French
control. In June 1802 Leclercs
forces arrested LOuverture and
took him to France. He was
jailed at Fort de Joux (for duh
ZHOO) in the Jura Mountains
near the Swiss border, where he
died of pneumonia on April 7, 1803. It was left to his
lieutenant, Jean Jacques Dessalines, to win in de pen-
dence for the new Haitian nation.
Questions for Analysis
1. Toussaint LOuverture was both slave and slave
owner. How did each experience shape his life and
2. Despite their differences, what did Toussaint
LOuverture and Napoleon Bonaparte have in
common? Why did they share a common fate?
Equestrian portrait of Toussaint
LOuverture. (Runion des Muses
Nationaux / Art Resource, NY)
558 Chapter 21 The Revolution in Politics, 17751815
second part: a number of de pen dent satellite kingdoms, on the thrones of which
he placed (and replaced) the members of his large family. The third part com-
prised the in de pen dent but allied states of Austria, Prussia, and Russia. After 1806
both satellites and allies were expected to support Napoleons continental system
and to cease trade with Britain.
The impact of the Grand Empire on the peoples of Europe was considerable.
In the areas incorporated into France and in the satellites (see Map 21.1), feudal
dues and serfdom had been abolished. Some of the peasants and middle class
beneted from these reforms. Yet Napoleon had to put the prosperity and special
interests of France rst in order to safeguard his power base. Levying heavy taxes
in money and men for his armies, he came to be regarded more as a conquering
tyrant than as an enlightened liberator. Thus French rule encouraged the growth
of reactive nationalism, for individuals in different lands developed patriotic feel-
ings for their own lands in opposition to Napoleons im pe rialism.
The rst great revolt occurred in Spain. In 1808 a coalition of Catholics, mon-
archists, and patriots rebelled against Napoleons attempts to make Spain a French
satellite with a Bonaparte as its king. French armies occupied Madrid, but the foes
of Napoleon ed to the hills and waged uncompromising guerrilla warfare. Spain
was a clear warning: re sis tance to French im pe rialism was growing.
Yet Napoleon pushed on, determined to hold his complex and far-ung em-
pire together. In 1810, when the Grand Empire was at its height, Britain still re-
mained at war with France, helping the guerrillas in Spain and Portugal. The
continental system, or ga nized to exclude British goods from the continent and
force that nation of shopkeepers to its knees, was a failure. Instead, it was France
that suffered from Britains counter-blockade, which created hard times for French
artisans and the middle class. Perhaps looking for a scapegoat, Napoleon turned
on Alexander I of Russia, who in 1811 openly repudiated Napoleons war of prohi-
bitions against British goods.
Napoleons invasion of Russia began in June 1812 with a force that eventually
numbered 600,000, probably the largest force yet assembled in a single army. Only
one-third of this Great Army was French, however; nationals of all the satellites
and allies were drafted into the operation. Originally planning to winter in the
Rus sian city of Smolensk (smoh-LENSK) if Alexander did not sue for peace, Napo-
leon reached Smolensk and recklessly pressed on toward Moscow. The great Battle
of Borodino that followed was a draw, and the Rus sians retreated in good order.
Alexander ordered the evacuation of Moscow, which then burned in part, and he
refused to negotiate. Finally, after ve weeks in the abandoned city, Napoleon or-
dered a retreat. That retreat was one of the greatest military disasters in history. The
Rus sian army, the Rus sian winter, and starvation cut Napoleons army to pieces.
Mapping the Past
MAP 21.1 Napoleonic Europe in 1810
Only Great Britain remained at war with Napoleon at the height of the Grand Empire. Many
British goods were smuggled through Helgoland, a tiny but strategic British possession off the
German coast. Compare this map with Map 16.1, which shows the division of Europe in 1715.
[1] How had the balance of power shifted in Europe from 1715 to 1810? What changed, and
what remained the same? [2] Why did Napoleon succeed in achieving vast territorial gains
where Louis XIV did not? [3] In comparing Map 16.1 with this map, what was the impact of
Napoleons wars on Germany and the Italian peninsula? What signicance do you think this had
for these regions in the nineteenth century?
B l a c k S e a
Bal t i c
N o r t h
S e a
Danube R.
0 20E 30E 10E
Malta (Gr. Br.)
Ionian Is.
(Gr. Br.)
St. Petersburg
0 200 400 Mi.
200 400 Km.
French empire
Dependent states
Allied with Napoleon
At war with Napoleon
Major battle
560 Chapter 21 The Revolution in Politics, 17751815
When the frozen remnants staggered into Poland and Prussia in December,
370,000 men had died and another 200,000 had been taken prisoner.
Leaving his troops to their fate, Napoleon raced to Paris to raise yet an-
other army. Austria and Prussia deserted Napoleon and joined Russia and
Great Britain in the Treaty of Chaumont in March 1814, by which the four
powers pledged allegiance to defeat the French emperor. All across Europe
patriots called for a war of liberation against Napoleons oppression. Less
than a month later, on April 4, 1814, a defeated Napoleon abdicated his
throne. After this unconditional abdication, the victorious allies granted Na-
poleon the island of Elba off the coast of Italy as his own tiny state. Napoleon
was even allowed to keep his im pe rial title, and France was required to pay
him a yearly income of 2 million francs.
The allies also agreed to the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty under
Louis XVIII (r. 18141824) and promised to treat France with leniency in a
peace settlement. The new monarch tried to consolidate support among the
people by issuing the Constitutional Charter, which accepted many of
Frances revolutionary changes and guaranteed civil liberties.
Yet Louis XVIIIold, ugly, and crippled by gouttotally lacked the
glory and magic of Napoleon. Hearing of political unrest in France and
diplomatic tensions in Vienna, Napoleon staged a daring escape from Elba
in February 1815. Landing in France, he issued appeals for support and
marched on Paris with a small band of followers. French ofcers and soldiers
who had fought so long for their emperor responded to the call. Louis XVIII
ed, and once more Napoleon took command. But Napoleons gamble was
a desperate long shot, for the allies were united against him. At the end of a
frantic period known as the Hundred Days, they crushed his forces at Water-
loo on June 18, 1815, and imprisoned him on the rocky island of St. Helena,
far off the western coast of Africa.
Louis XVIII returned again and recommenced his reign. The allies now
dealt more harshly with the apparently incorrigible French. As for Napo-
leon, he took revenge by writing his memoirs, skillfully nurturing the myth
that he had been Europes revolutionary liberator, a romantic hero whose
lofty work had been undone by oppressive reactionaries. An era had ended.
Secti on Revi ew
Napoleon brought about civil order by offer-
ing favors for loyal ser vice, letting the poor
keep land, appointing disillusioned revolution-
aries and amnestied nobles to government
posts, and exercising the power to nominate
clergy to posts in exchange for granting reli-
gious freedom for Catholics.
Civil liberties and freedoms for women suf-
fered under Napoleons authoritarian rule.
Napoleon defeated the Austrians, proclaimed
himself emperor, defeated Prussia and Russia
at Austerlitz and then abolished the Holy
Roman Empire by creating the German
Confederation of the Rhine, and gained
Russias support in a blockade against the
British, who had thwarted him at Trafalgar.
Civil war in Saint-Domingue ended with
victory for Toussaint LOuverture, who al-
lowed white planters to return, forced former
slaves to return to their plantations, and
named himself governor for life, but Napole-
onic forces captured him and deported him
to France.
The re sis tance led by Dessalines crushed the
French and Saint-Domingue became the
sovereign nation of Haiti.
Napoleons Grand Empire faced a Spanish
revolt supported by the British, a failed French
coalition invasion of Russia, and a Europe
united against France.
Napoleon abdicated and was exiled to the
island of Elba, but he escaped and after the
Hundred Days the allies defeated him at
Waterloo; the French restored the Bourbon
dynasty under Louis XVIII.
Chapter Review
What social, political, and economic factors formed the background to the
French Revolution? (page 536)
The French Revolution was forged by multiple and complex factors. Whereas an
earlier generation of historians was convinced that the origins of the Revolution lay in
class struggle between the entrenched nobility and the rising bourgeoisie, it is now
clear that many other factors were involved. Certainly, French society had undergone
signicant transformations during the eigh teenth century, which dissolved many eco-
nomic and social differences among elites without removing the legal distinction be-
tween them. These changes were accompanied by political struggles between the
monarchy and its ofcers, particularly in the high law courts. Emerging public opinion
focused on the shortcomings of monarchical rule, and a rising torrent of political the-
ory, cheap pamphlets, gossip, and innuendo offered scathing and even pornographic
Key Terms
estates (p. 536)
desacralization (p. 538)
Assembly of Notables (p. 540)
Estates General (p. 540)
National Assembly (p. 541)
Great Fear (p. 542)
constitutional monarchy (p. 543)
Chapter Review 561
depictions of the king and his court. With their sacred royal aura severely tarnished,
Louis XV and his successor Louis XVI found themselves unable to respond to the -
nancial crises generated by French involvement in the Seven Years War and the
American Revolution. Louis XVIs half-hearted efforts to redress the situation were
quickly overwhelmed by elite and popular demands for fundamental reform.
What were the immediate events that sparked the Revolution, and how did they
result in the formation of a constitutional monarchy in France? How did the
ideals and events of the early Revolution raise new aspirations in the colonies?
(page 540)
Forced to call a meeting of the Estates General for the rst time in almost two centu-
ries, Louis XVI fell back on the traditional formula of one vote for each of the three
orders of society. Debate over the composition of the assembly called forth a bold new
paradigm: that the Third Estate in itself constituted the French nation. By 1791 the
National Assembly had eliminated Old Regime privileges and had established a con-
stitutional monarchy. Talk in France of liberty, equality, and fraternity raised new and
contradictory aspirations in the colony of Saint-Domingue. White planters lobbied for
increased colonial autonomy; free people of color sought the return of legal equality;
slaves of African birth or descent took direct action on revolutionary ideals by rising in
rebellion against their masters.
How and why did the Revolution take a radical turn at home and in the
colonies? (page 545)
With the execution of the royal couple and the declaration of terror as the order of
the day, the French Revolution took an increasingly radical turn from the end of 1792.
Popular fears of counter-revolutionary conspiracy combined with the outbreak of war
against a mighty alliance of European monarchs convinced many that the Revolution
was vulnerable and must be defended against its multiple enemies. In a spiraling cycle
of accusations and executions, the Jacobins eliminated their political opponents and
then factions within their own party. The Directory government that took power after
the fall of Robespierre restored political equilibrium at the cost of the radical platform
of social equality he had pursued.
Why did Napoleon Bonaparte assume control of France, and what factors led to
his downfall? How did the new republic of Haiti gain in de pen dence from
France? (page 552)
Wearied by the weaknesses of the Directory, a group of conspirators gave Napoleon
Bonaparte control of France. His brilliant reputation as a military leader and his cha-
risma and determination made him seem ideal to lead France to victory over its ene-
mies. As is so often the case in history, Napoleons relentless ambitions ultimately led
to his downfall. His story is paralleled by that of Toussaint LOuverture, another soldier
who emerged to the political limelight from the chaos of revolution only to endure
exile and defeat. Unlike Napoleon, LOuvertures cause ultimately prevailed. After his
exile, war between the French forces and the armies he had led and inspired led to
French defeat and in de pen dence for Saint-Domingue.
As complex as its origins are the legacies of the French Revolution. These included
liberalism, assertive nationalism, radical dem o cratic republicanism, embryonic social-
ism, self-conscious conservatism, abolitionism, decolonization, and movements for
racial and sexual equality. The Revolution also left a rich and turbulent history of elec-
toral competition, legislative assemblies, and even mass politics. Thus the French
Revolution and conicting interpretations of its signicance presented a whole range
free people of color (p. 544)
Jacobin club (p. 546)
second revolution (p. 547)
Girondists (p. 547)
the Mountain (p. 547)
sans-culottes (p. 547)
planned economy (p. 548)
Reign of Terror (p. 550)
nationalism (p. 550)
Thermidorian reaction (p. 551)
Grand Empire (p. 556)
562 Chapter 21 The Revolution in Politics, 17751815
of political options and alternative visions of the future. For this reason, it was truly the
revolution in modern European politics.
1. Quoted in G. Wright, France in Modern Times, 4th ed. (New York: W. W. Norton, 1987),
p. 34.
2. G. Pernoud and S. Flaisser, eds., The French Revolution (Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett, 1960),
p. 61.
3. Quotations from Wollstonecraft are drawn from E. W. Sunstein, A Different Face: The Life
of Mary Wollstonecraft (New York: Harper & Row, 1975), pp. 208, 211; and H. R. James,
Mary Wollstonecraft: A Sketch (London: Oxford University Press, 1932), pp. 60, 62, 69.
4. Quoted in L. Gershoy, The Era of the French Revolution, 17891799 (New York: Van Nos-
trand, 1957), p. 150.
5. T. Blanning, The French Revolutionary Wars, 17871802 (London: Arnold, 1996), pp. 116
6. Quoted ibid., p. 123.
7. Quoted in Laurent Dubois, Avengers of the New World: The Story of the Haitian Revolution
(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004), p. 97.
8. I. Woloch, Napoleon and His Collaborators: The Making of a Dictatorship (New York:
W. W. Norton, 2001), pp. 3665.
9. Ibid., p. 3.
10. D. Sutherland, France, 17891815: Revolution and Counterrevolution (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1986), p. 420.
To assess your mastery of this chapter, go to bedfordstmartins.com/mckaywestbrief
Li st eni ng t o t he Past
Revolution and Womens Rights
. . . Man, are you capable of being just? . . . Tell
me, what gives you sovereign empire to oppress my
sex? Your strength? Your talents? Observe the Cre-
ator in his wisdom . . . and give me, if you dare, an
example of this tyrannical empire. Go back to ani-
mals, consult the elements, study plants . . . and
distinguish, if you can, the sexes in the administra-
tion of nature. Everywhere you will nd them
mingled; every where they cooperate in harmoni-
ous togetherness in this immortal masterpiece.
Man alone has raised his exceptional circum-
stances to a principle. . . . [H]e wants to command
as a despot a sex which is in full possession of its
intellectual faculties; he pretends to enjoy the Rev-
olution and to claim his rights to equality in order
to say nothing more about it. . . . Mothers, daugh-
ters, sisters and representatives of the nation de-
mand to be constituted into a national assembly.
Believing that ignorance, omission, or scorn for the
rights of woman are the only causes of public mis-
fortunes and of the corruption of governments, [the
women] have resolved to set forth in a solemn dec-
laration the natural, inalienable, and sacred rights
of woman. . . .
I. Woman is born free and lives equal to man in
her rights. Social distinctions can be based only on
the common utility.
II. The purpose of any political association
is the conservation of the natural and impre-
scriptible rights of woman and man; these rights
are liberty, property, security, and especially re sis-
tance to oppression.
III. The principle of all sovereignty rests essen-
tially with the nation, which is nothing but the
union of woman and man. . . .
IV. Liberty and justice consist of restoring all
that belongs to others; thus, the only limits on the
exercise of the natural rights of woman are perpet-
ual male tyranny; these limits are to be reformed by
the laws of nature and reason.
V. Laws of nature and reason proscribe all acts
harmful to society. . . .
VI. The law must be the expression of the gen-
eral will; all female and male citizens must contrib-
ute either personally or through their representatives
to its formation; it must be the same for all: male
and female citizens, being equal in the eyes of the
law, must be equally admitted to all honors, posi-
tions, and public employment according to their
he 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man was a revolu-
tionary call for legal equality, representative government,
and individual freedom that excluded women from its manifesto.
Among those who saw the contradiction in granting sup-
posedly universal rights to only half the population was Marie
Gouze (17481793), known to history as Olympe de Gouges.
The daughter of a provincial butcher and peddler, she pur-
sued a literary career in Paris after the death of her husband.
De Gougess great work was her Declaration of the Rights of
Woman (1791). Excerpted here, it called on males to end
their oppression of women and to give women equal rights. A
radical on womens issues, de Gouges sympathized with the
monarchy and criticized Robespierre in print. Convicted of
sedition, she was guillotined in November 1793.
Olympe de Gouges in 1784; aquatint by
Madame Aubry (17481793). (Muse de la Ville
de Paris, Muse Carnavalet, Paris, France/ The Bridgeman
Art Library)
capacity and without other distinctions besides
those of their virtues and talents. . . .
IX. Once any woman is declared guilty, com-
plete rigor is [to be] exercised by the law.
X. No one is to be disquieted for his very basic
opinions; woman has the right to mount the scaf-
fold; she must equally have the right to mount the
rostrum, provided that her demonstrations do not
disturb the legally established public order.
XI. The free communication of thoughts and
opinions is one of the most precious rights of
woman, since that liberty assures the recognition of
children by their fathers. Any female citizen thus
may say freely, I am the mother of a child which
belongs to you, without being forced by a bar-
barous prejudice to hide the truth. . . .
XIII. For the support of the public force and the
expenses of administration, the contributions of
woman and man are equal; she shares all the du-
ties . . . and all the painful tasks; therefore, she must
have the same share in the dis tri bu tion of positions,
employment, ofces, honors, and jobs. . . .
XVI. No society has a constitution without the
guarantee of rights and the separation of powers;
the constitution is null if the majority of individuals
comprising the nation have not cooperated in draft-
ing it.
XVII. Property belongs to both sexes whether
united or separate; for each it is an inviolable and
sacred right. . . .
Questions for Analysis
1. On what basis did de Gouges argue for gender
equality? Did she believe in natural law?
2. What consequences did scorn for the rights
of woman have for France, according to
de Gouges?
3. Did de Gouges stress political rights at the
expense of social and economic rights? If
so, why?
Source: Olympe de Gouges, Declaration of the Rights of
Woman, from Women in Revolutionary Paris, 1789
1795: Selected Documents Translated with Notes and
Commentary. Translated with notes and commentary by
Darline Gay Levy, Harriet Branson Applewhite, and
Mary Durham Johnson. Copyright 1979 Board of
Trustees. Used with permission of the editors and the
University of Illinois Press.
The Revolution
in Energy
and Industry
ca. 17801860
Chapter Previ ew
The Industrial Revolution in Britain
What were the origins of the Industrial
Revolution in Britain, and how did it
develop between 1780 and 1850?
Industrialization in Continental Europe
How after 1815 did continental countries
respond to the challenge of
Relations Between Capital and Labor
How did the Industrial Revolution affect
social classes, the standard of living,
and patterns of work? What mea sures
were taken to improve the conditions of
LISTENING TO THE PAST: Testimony Concerning
Young Mine Workers
A colorful timetable poster lists the trains from London to Folkstone,
the Eng lish Channels gateway port to the European continent, and
proudly proclaims the speed of the journey. (Private Collection/ The
Bridgeman Art Library)
566 Chapter 22 The Revolution in Energy and Industry, ca. 17801860
hile the revolution in France was opening a new political era, another
revolution was beginning to transform economic and social life. This
was the Industrial Revolution, which began in Great Britain around the 1780s and
started to inuence continental Europe after 1815. Although the Industrial Revo-
lution was less dramatic than the French Revolution, it brought about numerous
radical changes. Quite possibly only the development of agriculture during Neo-
lithic times had a comparable impact and signicance.
The Industrial Revolution profoundly modied much of human experience.
It changed patterns of work, transformed the social class structure, and eventually
even altered the international balance of political power. The Industrial Revolu-
tion also helped ordinary people gain a higher standard of living as the widespread
poverty of the preindustrial world was gradually reduced.
Unfortunately, the improvement in the European standard of living was quite
limited until about 1850 for at least two reasons. First, even in Britain, only a few
key industries experienced a technological revolution, holding down the increase
in total production. Second, Europes population continued to grow rapidly, leav-
ing most individuals poorer and making the wrenching transformation all the
more difcult.
The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain, that historic union of Eng land,
Scotland, and Wales. It was something new in history, and it was quite unplanned.
With no models to copy and no idea of what to expect, Britain had to pioneer not
only in industrial technology but also in social relations and urban living. Between
1793 and 1815, these formidable tasks were complicated by almost constant war
with France. As the trailblazer in economic developmentwhile France was un-
dergoing political changeBritain must command special attention.
Although many aspects of the British Industrial Revo-
lution are still matters for scholarly debate, it is gener-
ally agreed that the industrial changes that did occur
grew out of a long process of development. First, the British economy was expand-
ing both domestically and abroad. The North American colonial empire that Brit-
ain aggressively built, augmented by a strong position in Latin America and in the
African slave trade, provided a growing market for British manufactured goods.
Within Britain, goods owed easily between markets along miles of navigable wa-
ter. Beginning in the 1770s, a canal-building boom greatly enhanced this natural
transportation advantage. Rivers and canals also provided easy movement of Eng-
lands and Waless enormous deposits of iron and coal, raw materials that would be
critical to Europes early industrial age.
Second, improved agricultural methods played a central role in bringing about
the Industrial Revolution in Britain. The result, especially before 1760, was a pe-
riod of bountiful crops and low food prices that freed up the family budget for
other purchases.
The Industrial Revolution in Britain
What were the origins of the Industrial Revolution in Britain, and how did
it develop between 1780 and 1850?
The Industrial Revolution in Britain
What were the origins of the Industrial Revolution in Britain, and how did
it develop between 1780 and 1850?
Third, Britain had other assets that helped give rise to
industrial leadership. Unlike eigh teenth-century France, Brit-
ain had an effective central bank and well-developed credit
markets. The monarchy and the aristocratic oligarchy, which
had jointly ruled the country since 1688, provided stable and
predictable government. At the same time, the government
let the domestic economy operate with few controls, encour-
aging personal initiative, technical change, and a free mar-
ket. Finally, Britain had long had a large class of hired
agricultural laborers who were relatively mobilecompared
to village-bound peasants in France and western Germany,
for exampleand along with cottage workers they formed a
potential industrial labor force for capitalist entrepreneurs.
All these factors combined to initiate the Industrial Rev-
olution, a term rst coined by awed contemporaries in the
1830s to describe the burst of major inventions and technical
changes they had witnessed in certain industries. This tech-
nical revolution went hand in hand with an impressive quick-
ening in the annual rate of industrial growth in Britain. The
decisive quickening of growth probably came in the 1780s,
after the American War of Independence and just before the
French Revolution.
The Industrial Revolution was, however, a longer process
than the political revolutions that began around the same
time. It was not complete in Britain until 1850 at the earliest,
and it had no real impact on continental countries until
after 1815.
The rst decisive breakthrough of the Industrial Revo-
lution was the creation of large factories for the British
cotton textile industry in the 1770s and 1780s. Techno-
logical innovations in the manufacture of cotton cloth led to a new system of pro-
duction and social relationships. Since no other industry experienced such a rapid
or complete transformation before 1830, these trailblazing developments deserve
special consideration.
Although the putting-out system of merchant capitalism (see page 490) was
expanding all across Europe in the eigh teenth century, this pattern of rural indus-
try was most fully developed in Britain. There, as demand for product grew, the
systems limitations began to outweigh its advantages for the rst time. This was
especially true in the British textile industry after about 1760.
A constant shortage of thread in the textile industry prompted many a tinker-
ing worker to come up with a better spinning wheel; James Hargreaves succeeded
with his cotton-spinning jenny about 1765. At almost the same moment, Richard
Arkwright invented (or possibly pirated) another kind of spinning machine, the
water frame. These breakthroughs produced an explosion in the infant cotton
textile industry in the 1780s, and by 1790 the new machines were producing ten
times as much cotton yarn as had been made in 1770.
Hargreavess spinning jenny was simple, inexpensive, and could be hand-
operated by a single person. Arkwrights water frame, however, quickly acquired
a capacity of several hundred spindles and demanded much more power
waterpower. The water frame thus required large specialized mills, factories that
Industrial Revolution A term rst
coined by awed contemporaries in the
1830s to describe the burst of major
inventions and technical changes they
had witnessed in certain industries.
Industrial Revolution A term rst
coined by awed contemporaries in the
1830s to describe the burst of major
inventions and technical changes they
had witnessed in certain industries.
The First Factories The First Factories
spinning jenny A spinning machine
created by James Hargreaves in 1765 that
used six to twenty-four spindles mounted
on a sliding carriage to spin a ne thread.
water frame A spinning machine
created by Richard Arkwright that had a
capacity of several hundred spindles and
used water power; it therefore required a
larger and more specialized mill but the
thread it spun was thicker; generally the
thread was then spun on a spinning
jenny to achieve the desired thickness.
spinning jenny A spinning machine
created by James Hargreaves in 1765 that
used six to twenty-four spindles mounted
on a sliding carriage to spin a ne thread.
water frame A spinning machine
created by Richard Arkwright that had a
capacity of several hundred spindles and
used water power; it therefore required a
larger and more specialized mill but the
thread it spun was thicker; generally the
thread was then spun on a spinning
jenny to achieve the desired thickness.
ca. 1765 Hargreaves invents spinning jenny
1769 Watt creates modern steam engine
17751783 American Revolution
1780s1850 Industrial Revolution
17801851 Population boom in Eng land
17891799 French Revolution
1798 Malthus, Essay on the Principle of
1799 Combination Acts passed
1810 Strike of Manchester cotton spinners
1824 Combination Acts repealed
1830 Stephensons Rocket; rst important
1830s Industrial banks in Belgium
1833 Factory Act
1842 Mines Act
1844 Engels, The Condition of the Working
Class in Eng land
1851 Great Exhibition held at Crystal Palace
568 Chapter 22 The Revolution in Energy and Industry, ca. 17801860
employed as many as one thousand workers from the very beginning. The water
frame could spin only coarse, strong thread, which was then put out for respinning
on hand-powered cottage jennies. Around 1790 an alternative technique invented
by Samuel Crompton also began to require more power than the human arm
could supply. After that time, all cotton spinning was gradually concentrated in
The rst consequences of these revolutionary developments were generally
benecial to Westerners. Millions of poor people, who had earlier worn nothing
underneath their coarse, lthy outer garments, could afford the comfort and clean-
liness of cotton slips and underpants as well as cotton dresses and shirts.
Families using cotton in cottage industry were freed from their constant search
for thread, which could now be spun in the cottage on the jenny or obtained from
a nearby factory. The wages of weavers rose markedly until about 1792. They were
known to walk proudly through the streets with 5-pound notes stuck in their hat-
bands, and they dressed like the middle class. As a result, large numbers of agricul-
tural laborers became hand-loom weavers, while mechanics and capitalists sought
to invent a power loom to save on labor costs. This Edmund Cartwright achieved
in 1785. But the power looms of the factories worked poorly at rst, and hand-
loom weavers continued to receive good wages until at least 1800.
Most people preferred to work in their cottages rather than in early factories,
so factory owners often turned to children who had been abandoned by their
Woman Working a Hargreaves Spinning Jenny
The loose cotton strands on the slanted bobbins passed up to the sliding carriage and then on to the
spindles in back for ne spinning. The worker, almost always a woman, regulated the sliding carriage with
one hand, and with the other she turned the crank on the wheel to supply power. By 1783 one woman
could spin by hand a hundred threads at a time on an improved model. (Mary Evans Picture Library)
parents and put in the care of local parishes. Apprenticed as young as ve or six
years of age, boy and girl workers were forced by law to labor for their masters for
as many as fourteen years. Housed, fed, and locked up nightly in factory dormito-
ries, the young workers received little or no pay. Hours were appallingcommonly
thirteen or fourteen hours a day, six days a week. Harsh physical punishment main-
tained discipline. To be sure, poor children typically worked long hours outside
the home for brutal masters, but this was exploitation on a truly unprecedented
scale. This exploitation ultimately sparked an increase in humanitarian attitudes
toward child laborers in the early nineteenth century.
In order to grow, the cotton textile industry needed a
more expandable source of power than rivers and
streams. The iron industry was also stagnating because
of its dependence on processed wood (charcoal), which was in ever shorter supply
as forests were depleted. The shortage of energy had become particularly severe in
Britain by the eigh teenth century. As this early energy crisis grew worse, Britain
looked toward its abundant and widely scattered reserves of coal as an alternative
to its vanishing wood. Coal was rst used in Britain in the late Middle Ages as a
source of heat. By 1640 most homes in London were heated with it, and it also
provided heat for making beer, glass, soap, and other products. The breakthrough
came when industrialists began to use coal to produce mechanical energy and to
power machinery.
As more coal was produced, mines were dug deeper and deeper and were
constantly lling with water. Mechanical pumps, usually powered by animals
walking in circles at the surface, had to be installed. At one mine, fully ve hun-
dred horses were used in pumping. Such power was expensive and bothersome. In
an attempt to overcome these disadvantages, Thomas Savery in 1698 and Thomas
Newcomen in 1705 invented the rst primitive steam engines. Both engines were
extremely inefcient. Both burned coal to produce steam, which was then used to
operate a pump. However, by the early 1770s, many of the Savery engines and
hundreds of the Newcomen engines were operating successfully, though inef-
ciently, in Eng lish and Scottish mines.
In 1763, a gifted young Scot named James Watt (17361819) was called on to
repair a Newcomen engine. Watt saw that the Newcomen engines waste of energy
could be reduced by adding a separate condenser. This splendid invention, pat-
ented in 1769, greatly increased the efciency of the steam engine.
To invent something in a laboratory is one thing; to make it a practical success
is quite another. Watt needed skilled workers, precision parts, and capital, and the
relatively advanced nature of the British economy proved essential. A partnership
with a wealthy Eng lish toymaker provided risk capital and a manufacturing plant.
In the craft tradition of locksmiths, tinsmiths, and millwrights, Watt found skilled
mechanics who could install, regulate, and repair his sophisticated engines. From
ingenious manufacturers such as the cannonmaker John Wilkinson, Watt was
gradually able to purchase precision parts. In more than twenty years of constant
effort, Watt made many further improvements. By the late 1780s, the steam en-
gine had become a practical and commercial success in Britain.
The steam engine of Watt and his followers was the Industrial Revolutions
most fundamental advance in technology. For the rst time in history, humanity
had, at least for a few generations, almost unlimited power at its disposal. For the
rst time, inventors and engineers could devise and implement all kinds of power
The Steam Engine
The Steam Engine
steam engines A breakthrough
invention by Thomas Savery in 1698 and
Thomas Newcomen in 1705 that burned
coal to produce steam, which was then
used to operate a pump; although
inefcient they were used successfully in
Eng lish and Scottish mines.
steam engines A breakthrough
invention by Thomas Savery in 1698 and
Thomas Newcomen in 1705 that burned
coal to produce steam, which was then
used to operate a pump; although
inefcient they were used successfully in
Eng lish and Scottish mines.
The Industrial Revolution in Britain 569
570 Chapter 22 The Revolution in Energy and Industry, ca. 17801860
equipment to aid people in their work. For the rst time, abundance was at least a
possibility for ordinary men and women.
The steam engine was quickly put to use in several industries in Britain. It
drained mines and made possible the production of ever more coal to feed steam
engines elsewhere. The steam-power plant began to replace waterpower in the
cotton-spinning mills during the 1780s, contributing greatly to that industrys phe-
nomenal rise. Steam took the place of waterpower in our mills, in the malt mills
used in breweries, in the int mills supplying the china industry, and in the sugar
mills of the West Indies colonies. It was put to use in the British iron industry,
which grew from producing 17,000 tons in 1740 to 3 million tons in 1844. Once
scarce and expensive, iron became the cheap, basic, indispensable building block
of the economy.
As industry grew, so did the need to transport large
quantities of goods over long distances. Overland ship-
ment of freight, relying solely on horsepower, was still
quite limited and frightfully expensive; shippers used rivers and canals for heavy
freight whenever possible. It was logical, therefore, that inventors would try to use
steam power for transportation.
The Coming of
the Railroads
The Coming of
the Railroads
The Saltash Bridge
Railroad construction presented innumerable challenges, such as the building of bridges to span rivers and gorges. Civil engineers responded with
impressive feats, and their profession bounded ahead. This painting portrays the inauguration of I. K. Brunels Saltash Bridge, where the railroad
crosses the Tamar River into Cornwall in southwest Eng land. The high spans allow large ships to pass underneath. (Elton Collection, Ironbridge Gorge
Museum Trust)
As early as 1800, an American ran a steamer on wheels through city streets.
Other experiments followed. In the 1820s, Eng lish engineers created steam cars
capable of carrying fourteen passengers at ten miles an houras fast as the mail
coach. But the noisy, heavy steam automobiles frightened passing horses and dam-
aged themselves as well as the roads with their vibrations. For the rest of the cen-
tury, horses continued to reign on highways and city streets.
The coal industry had long been using plank roads and rails to move coal
wagons within mines and at the surface. Rails reduced friction and allowed a horse
or a human being to pull a heavier load. Thus once a rail capable of supporting
a heavy locomotive was developed in 1816, all sorts of experiments with steam
engines on rails went forward. In 1830 George Stephensons Rocket sped down
the track of the just-completed Liverpool and Manchester Railway at sixteen miles
per hour. This was the worlds rst important railroad, ttingly steaming in the
heart of industrial Eng land. The line from Liverpool to Manchester was a nan-
cial as well as a technical success, and many private companies were or ga nized to
build more rail lines. Within twenty years, they had completed the main trunk
lines of Great Britain. Other countries were quick to follow.
The economic consequences of the railroad were tremendous. As the barrier
of high transportation costs was lowered, markets became larger and even nation-
wide. Larger markets encouraged larger factories with more sophisticated machin-
ery in a growing number of industries. Such factories could make goods more
cheaply and gradually subjected most cottage workers and many urban artisans to
severe competitive pressures.
In all countries, the construction of railroads required a large number of labor-
ers. Many landless farm laborers and poor peasants, long accustomed to leaving
their villages for temporary employment, went to build railroads. By the time the
work was nished, urban life seemed more appealing. By the time they sent for
their wives and sweethearts to join them, they had become urban workers.
The railroad, with trains reaching speeds of fty miles per hour by 1850, gave
the entire society a new sense of power and speed. Painters such as Joseph M. W.
Turner (17751851), succeeded in expressing this sense of power and awe. So did
the massive new train stations, the cathedrals of the industrial age. Leading railway
engineers such as Isambard Kingdom Brunel (IZ-uhm-bahrd broo-NEL) and
Thomas Brassey, whose tunnels pierced mountains and whose bridges spanned
valleys, became public idolsthe astronauts of their day. Everyday speech ab-
sorbed the images of railroading. After you got up a full head of steam, you
highballed along. And if you didnt go off the track, you might toot your own
whistle. The railroad red the imagination.
In 1851 London was the site of a famous industrial fair.
This Great Exhibition was held in the newly built
Crystal Palace, an architectural masterpiece made en-
tirely of glass and iron, both of which were now cheap and abundant. For the
millions who visited, one fact stood out: the little island of Britain was the work-
shop of the world. It alone produced two-thirds of the worlds coal and more than
one-half of its iron and cotton cloth. More generally, it has been carefully esti-
mated that in 1860 Britain produced a truly remarkable 20 percent of the entire
worlds output of industrial goods, whereas it had produced only about 2 percent
of the world total in 1750.
Experiencing revolutionary industrial change, Britain
became the rst industrial nation (see Map 22.1).
Rocket The name given to George
Stephensons effective locomotive that
was rst tested in 1830 on the Liverpool
and Manchester Railway at 16 miles
per hour.
Rocket The name given to George
Stephensons effective locomotive that
was rst tested in 1830 on the Liverpool
and Manchester Railway at 16 miles
per hour.
Industry and
Industry and
Crystal Palace The location of the
Great Exposition in 1851 in London, an
architectural masterpiece made entirely
of glass and iron, both of which were
now cheap and abundant.
Crystal Palace The location of the
Great Exposition in 1851 in London, an
architectural masterpiece made entirely
of glass and iron, both of which were
now cheap and abundant.
The Industrial Revolution in Britain 571
572 Chapter 22 The Revolution in Energy and Industry, ca. 17801860
At the same time that Britains gross national product (GNP) was skyrocketing,
its population was exploding as well. Although the question is still debated, many
economic historians now believe that rapid population growth in Great Britain
was not harmful because it facilitated industrial expansion. More people meant a
more mobile labor force, with a wealth of young workers in need of employment
and ready to go where the jobs were.
Contemporaries were much less optimistic. In his famous and inuential Es-
say on the Principle of Population (1798), Thomas Malthus (17661834) argued
that population would always tend to grow faster than the food supply. In Malthuss
opinion, the only hope of warding off such positive checks to population growth
as war, famine, and disease was prudential restraint. That is, young men and
women had to limit the growth of population by the old tried-and-true means of
marrying late in life. While Malthus and his followers were proved wrong in the
long term, until the 1820s, or even the 1840s, contemporary observers might rea-
sonably have concluded that the economy and the total population were racing
neck and neck, with the outcome very much in doubt.
2W 4W 6W
Nor t h
I r i sh
E n g l i s h
Cotton and woolen textiles
Machinery, Iron
Tin and copper
Consumer goods
0 50 Mi.
50 Km.
Exposed coalfields
Industrial areas
Centers of woolen cloth
production, 18th century
Principal railroads
Towns with over 20,000
people are shown
Cities with over 100,000
people are labeled
Thousand Million
400 2.4
MAP 22.1 The Industrial
Revolution in Eng land,
ca. 1850
Industry concentrated in the rapidly
growing cities of the north and the
Midlands, where rich coal and iron
deposits were in close proximity.
Secti on Revi ew
The causes of the Industrial Revolution
included an expanding British econ-
omy, improved agricultural methods,
effective banking and credit markets,
stable government, a relatively free
market, and a mobile labor force.
The invention of the spinning jenny
and then the water frame revolution-
ized the cotton textile industry, increas-
ing wages for weavers, but requiring
large factories where owners appren-
ticed young children who worked long
hours under harsh conditions.
The invention ofand subsequent
improvements tothe steam engine
was the catalyst to the industrial revolu-
tion, replacing water power in the
production of coal, our, malt, sugar,
int, and, most importantly, iron.
The steam engine was a nancial and
technical success, lowering transporta-
tion costs, enlarging consumer markets
and factories, lowering prices, increas-
ing employment, and expanding
At the same time that Britains industry
was booming, the population was grow-
ing rapidly as well, providing more
workers for the labor force.
The new technologies developed in the British Industrial Revolution were
adopted by business in continental Europe to a considerable but variable degree
and at different rates of change. Continental Europe faced a number of challenges
in attempting to develop new industries, but all European states (as well as the
United States, Canada, and Japan) managed to raise per capita industrial levels in
the nineteenth century.
In 1750 all the countries of Europe were fairly close
together on a per capita level of industrializationthat
is, according to how much industrial product was pro-
duced, on average, for each person in a year. But Britain had opened up a notice-
able lead over all continental countries by 1800, and that gap progressively widened
as the British Industrial Revolution accelerated to 1830 and reached full maturity
by 1860. The British level of per capita industrialization was twice the French
level in 1830, for example, and more than three times the French level in 1860.
All other large countries (except the United States) had fallen even farther behind
Britain than France had at both dates.
Posing the greatest obstacle to European expansion was the political and social
turmoil caused by the French Revolution and its aftermath. On the continent, the
upheavals that began with the French Revolution disrupted trade, created run-
away ination, and fostered social anxiety. War severed normal communications
between Britain and the continent, severely handicapping continental efforts to
use new British machinery and technology. Moreover, the years from 1789 to
1815 were, even for those of the privileged French economic classes, who received
special favors from Napoleon after 1800, a time of national catastrophein the
graphic words of a famous French scholar.
Thus France and the rest of Europe
were further behind Britain in 1815 than in 1789.
This widening gap made it more difcult, if not impossible, for other countries
to follow the British pattern in energy and industry after peace was restored in
1815. Above all, in the newly mechanized industries, British goods were being
produced very economically, and these goods had come to dominate world mar-
kets completely while the continental states were absorbed in war between 1792
and 1815. In addition, British technology had become so advanced and compli-
cated that very few engineers or skilled technicians outside Eng land understood it.
Moreover, the technology of steam power had grown much more expensive. It
involved large investments in the iron and coal industries and, after 1830, required
the exis tence of railroads, which were very costly. Continental business people
had great difculty nding the large sums of money the new methods demanded,
and there was a shortage of laborers accustomed to working in factories. All these
disadvantages slowed the spread of modern industry (see Map 22.2).
After 1815, however, when continental countries began to face up to the Brit-
ish challenge, they had at least three important advantages over non-Western
countries. First, most continental countries had a rich tradition of putting-out
enterprise, merchant capitalists, and skilled urban artisans. Second, continental
capitalists were able to borrow knowledgeable engineers and skilled factory
Industrialization in Continental Europe
How after 1815 did continental countries respond to the challenge of
Industrialization in Continental Europe
How after 1815 did continental countries respond to the challenge of
The Challenge of
The Challenge of
Industrialization in Continental Europe 573
574 Chapter 22 The Revolution in Energy and Industry, ca. 17801860
workers from Eng land, even though Eng lish laws tried to prevent the export of
talent and equipment. Eng lish entrepreneurs also set up their own factories in
Europe, some producing the machinery needed for other industries. Third, conti-
nental countries were in de pen dent of foreign control and could act in their own
self-interest to foster industry.
Continental governments played an important role in
helping business people develop new industries. These
governments fashioned economic policies to serve their
own interests; tariff protection was one such policy.
tariff protection A governments way
of supporting and aiding their own
economy by laying high taxes on the
cheaper, imported goods of another
country, as when France responded to
cheaper British goods ooding their
country by imposing high tariffs on
British imports.
tariff protection A governments way
of supporting and aiding their own
economy by laying high taxes on the
cheaper, imported goods of another
country, as when France responded to
cheaper British goods ooding their
country by imposing high tariffs on
British imports.
Government Support
and Corporate
Government Support
and Corporate
Nor t h Sea
Bal t i c Sea
Bay of
Bi scay
Medi t er r anean
Oder R
. L
Po R.
Munich Nantes
Zurich Le Creusot
Le Havre
10E 15E 5E 0 20E
Railroads completed, ca. 1850
Major exposed coal deposits
Emerging industrial areas
Scattered ironworks
0 100 200 Mi.
100 200 Km.
Mapping the Past
Map 22.2 Continental Industrialization, ca. 1850
Although continental countries were beginning to make progress by 1850, they still lagged far behind Britain. For example, continental railroad
building was still in an early stage, whereas the British rail system was essentially complete (review Map 22.1, page 572). Coal played a critical role
in nineteenth-century industrialization both as a power source for steam engines and as a raw material for making iron and steel. [1] Locate the
major exposed (that is, known) coal deposits in 1850. Which countries and areas appear rich in coal resources, and which appear poor? Is there a
difference between northern and southern Europe? [2] What is the relationship between known coal deposits and emerging industrial areas?
For example, after Napoleons wars ended in 1815, France was suddenly ooded
with cheaper and better British goods. The French government responded by lay-
ing high tariffs on many British imports in order to protect the French economy.
The governments of German states formed a customs union or Zollverein (TSOLL-
feh-rine), allowing goods to move between the German member states without
tariffs, while erecting a single uniform tariff against other nations. Without such
protections, the German writer Friedrich List (17891846) argued, Britain could
make the rest of the world, like the Hindus, its serfs in all industrial and commer-
cial relations.
After 1815 continental governments bore the cost of building roads and canals
to improve transportation. They also bore to a signicant extent the cost of build-
ing railroads. Belgium led the way in the 1830s and 1840s. In an effort to tie the
newly in de pen dent nation together, the Belgian government decided to construct
a state-owned system that helped make the country an early industrial leader. Sev-
eral of the smaller German states also built state systems.
The Prussian government provided another kind of invaluable support for the
construction of a national rail system. It guaranteed that the state treasury would
pay the interest and principal on railroad bonds if the closely regulated private
companies in Prussia were unable to do so. Thus railroad investors in Prussia ran
little risk, and capital was quickly raised.
In France the state shouldered all the expense of acquiring and laying road-
bed, including bridges and tunnels. Finished roadbed was leased to a carefully
supervised private company, which usually beneted from a state guarantee of its
A German Ironworks, 1845
This big business enterprise, the Borsig ironworks in Berlin, mastered the new British method of smelting iron ore with coke. Germany,
and especially the state of Prussia, was well endowed with both iron and coal, and the rapid exploitation of these resources after 1840
transformed a poor agricultural country into an industrial powerhouse. (akg-images)
Industrialization in Continental Europe 575
576 Chapter 22 The Revolution in Energy and Industry, ca. 17801860
debts. In short, governments helped pay for railroads, the all-important leading
sector in continental industrialization.
Finally, banks, like governments, also played a larger and more creative role
on the continent than in Britain. Previously, banks in Europe had generally
avoided industrial investment as being too risky because the partners in these pri-
vate banks risked losing their entire personal fortunes if an investment failed. In
the 1830s, two important Belgian banks pioneered in a new direction. They re-
ceived permission from the growth-oriented government to establish themselves as
corporations enjoying limited liability. That is, a stockholder could lose only his or
her original investment in the banks common stock and could not be assessed for
any additional losses. Publicizing the risk-reducing advantage of limited liability,
these Belgian banks were able to attract many shareholders, large and small. They
mobilized impressive resources for investment in big companies, became indus-
trial banks, and successfully promoted industrial development.
Similar corporate banks became important in France and Germany in the
1850s and 1860s. Usually working in collaboration with governments, they estab-
lished and developed many railroads and many companies working in heavy in-
dustry, which were increasingly or ga nized as limited liability corporations.
The combined efforts of skilled workers, entrepreneurs, governments, and in-
dustrial banks meshed successfully between 1850 and the nancial crash of 1873.
This was a period of unprecedented economic growth on the continent. In Belgium,
Germany, and France, key indicators of modern industrial developmentsuch as
railway mileage, iron and coal production, and steam-engine capacityincreased
at average annual rates of 5 to 10 percent. As a result, rail networks were completed
in western and much of central Europe, and the leading continental countries
mastered the industrial technologies that had rst been developed in Great Brit-
ain. In the early 1870s, Britain was still Europes most industrial nation, but a se-
lect handful of countries were closing the gap that had been opened up by the
Industrial Revolution.
Europes continent-wide increases stood in stark contrast to the large and tragic
decreases that occurred at the same time in many non-Western countries, most
notably in China and India. European countries industrialized to a greater or
lesser extent even as most of the non-Western world de-industrialized. Thus dif-
ferential rates of wealth- and power-creating industrial development, which height-
ened disparities within Europe, also greatly magnied existing inequalities between
Europe and the rest of the world. We shall return to this momentous change in
world economic relationships in Chapter 26.
Industrial development brought new social relations and intensied long-standing
problems between capital and labor in both urban workshops and cottage industry.
A new group of factory owners and industrial capitalists arose. These men and
women and their families strengthened the wealth and size of the middle class,
which had previously been made up mainly of merchants and professional people.
The nineteenth century became the golden age of the middle class. Modern in-
dustry also created a much larger group, the factory workers. For the rst time, large
Relations Between Capital and Labor
How did the Industrial Revolution affect social classes, the standard of
living, and patterns of work? What mea sures were taken to improve the
conditions of workers?
Relations Between Capital and Labor
How did the Industrial Revolution affect social classes, the standard of
living, and patterns of work? What mea sures were taken to improve the
conditions of workers?
Secti on Revi ew
The countries of Europe faced a great
challenge to keep up with Britains
industry and were hindered by disrup-
tions caused by war and by the lack of
skilled engineers, railroads, funding,
and laborers accustomed to factory
Continental governments paved the
way for industry in their own countries
by imposing tariffs on foreign goods and
by encouraging and nancing railroad-
Banks mobilized funding for invest-
ments by offering limited liability,
causing a rapid rise in economic growth
across Europe, the completion of rail
networks, and the adaptation of new
industrial technologies.
numbers of men, women, and children came together under one roof to work with
complicated machinery for a single owner or a few partners in large companies.
The growth of new occupational groups in industry stimulated new thinking
about social relations. Often combined with reections on the French Revolution,
this thinking led to the development of a new overarching interpretationa new
paradigmregarding social relationships (see Chapter 23). Briey, this paradigm
argued, with considerable success, that individuals were members of economically
determined classes, which had conicting interests. Accordingly, the comfortable,
well-educated public of the eigh teenth century came increasingly to see itself as
the backbone of the middle class (or the middle classes), and the people gradu-
ally transformed themselves into the modern working class (or working classes).
And if the new class interpretation was more of a deceptive simplication than a
fundamental truth for some critics, it appealed to many because it seemed to ex-
plain what was happening. Therefore, conicting classes existed, in part, because
many individuals came to believe they existed and they developed an appropriate
sense of class feelingwhat Marxists call class-consciousness.
Early industrialists operated in a highly competitive
economic system, and success and large prots were by
no means certain. Manufacturers waged a constant
battle to cut their production costs while also investing prots back into the busi-
ness for new and better machinery. Dragged on by the frenzy of this terrible life,
according to one of the dismayed critics, the struggling manufacturer had no time
for niceties. He must conquer or die, make a fortune or drown himself.
Most early industrialists drew upon their families and friends for labor and cap-
ital, but they came from a variety of backgrounds. Many were from well-established
merchant families, which provided a rich network of contacts and support. Others
were of modest means, especially in the early days. Artisans and skilled workers of
exceptional ability had unparalleled opportunities. Members of ethnic and reli-
gious groups who had been discriminated against in the traditional occupations
controlled by the landed aristocracy jumped at the new chances and often helped
each other. Scots, Quakers, and other Protestant dissenters were tremendously
important in Britain; Protestants and Jews dominated banking in Catholic France.
Many of the industrialists were newly rich, and, not surprisingly, they were very
proud and self-satised.
As factories and rms grew larger, opportunities declined, at least in well-
developed industries. It became considerably harder for a gifted but poor young
mechanic to start a small enterprise and end up as a wealthy manufacturer. Formal
education (for males) became more important as a means of success and advance-
ment, and at the advanced level it was very expensive. In Britain by 1830 and in
France and Germany by 1860, leading industrialists were more likely to have in-
herited their well-established enterprises, and they were nancially much more
secure than their struggling fathers and mothers had been. They also had a greater
sense of class-consciousness, fully aware that ongoing industrial development had
widened the gap between themselves and their workers.
The wives and daughters of successful businessmen also found fewer opportu-
nities for active participation in Europes increasingly complex business world.
Rather than contributing as vital partners in a family-owned enterprise, as so many
middle-class women such as Elizabeth Strutt had done (see the feature Individu-
als in Society: The Strutt Family), these women were increasingly valued for their
ladylike gentility. By 1850 some inuential women writers and most businessmen
class-consciousness A sense of class
differentiation that existed, in part,
because many individuals came to
believe that conicting classes existed.
class-consciousness A sense of class
differentiation that existed, in part,
because many individuals came to
believe that conicting classes existed.
The New Class of
Factory Owners
The New Class of
Factory Owners
Relations Between Capital and Labor 577
Indi vi dual s i n Soci et y
The Strutt Family
or centuries economic life in Europe revolved around
hundreds of thousands of small family enterprises.
These family enterprises worked farms, crafted products,
and traded goods. They built and operated the rms and
factories of the early indus-
trial era, with the notable
exceptions of the capital-
hungry railroads and a few
big banks. Indeed, until late
in the nineteenth cen-
tury, close-knit family groups
continued to control most
successful businesses, includ-
ing those or ga nized as
One successful and fairly
well-documented family en-
terprise began with the mar-
riage of Jedediah Strutt
(17261797) and Elizabeth
Woollat (17291774) in Der-
byshire in northern Eng land
in 1755. The son of a farmer,
Jedediah fell in love with
Elizabeth when he lodged
with her parents. Both young
people grew up in the close-knit dissenting Protestant
community, which did not accept the doctrines of the
state-sponsored Church of Eng land, and the well-
educated Elizabeth worked in a local school for dis-
senters and then for a dissenter minister in London.
Aided by Elizabeth, who was obviously a very ca-
pable woman and who supplied some of the drive her
husband had previously lacked, Jedediah embarked on
a new career.* He invented a machine to make hand-
some, neat-tting ribbed silk stockings, which had previ-
ously been made by hand. He secured a patent, despite
strong opposition from competitors, and went into pro-
duction. Elizabeth helped constantly in the enterprise,
which was nothing less than an informal partnership
between husband and wife.
In 1757, for example, when Jedediah was ghting to
uphold his patent in the local court, Elizabeth left her
son of nine months and journeyed to London to seek a
badly needed loan from her former employer. She also
canvassed her London relatives and dissenter friends for
orders for stockings and looked for sales agents and
sources of capital. Elizabeths letters reveal a detailed
knowledge of ribbed stockings and the prices and qual-
ity of different kinds of thread. The family biographers
conclude that her husband owed much of his success
to her energy and counsel. Elizabeth was always active
in the businessa partner in herself. Despite the in-
valuable business contribution of wives like Elizabeth,
the legal rights and consequences of partnership were
denied to married women in Britain and Europe in the
eigh teenth and nineteenth centuries.
The Strutt enterprise grew and gradually prospered,
but it always retained its family character. The rm built
a large silk mill and then went into cotton spinning in
partnership with Richard Arkwright, the inventor of the
water frame (see page 567). The brothers of both Jede-
diah and Elizabeth worked for the rm, and their eldest
daughter worked long hours in the warehouse. Bearing
three sons, Elizabeth fullled yet another vital task be-
cause the typical family rm looked to its own members
for managers and continued success. All three sons en-
tered the business and became cotton textile magnates.
Elizabeth never saw these triumphs. The loyal and tal-
ented wife in the family partnership died suddenly at
age forty-ve while in London with Jedediah on a busi-
ness trip.
Questions for Analysis
1. How and why did the Strutts succeed?
2. What does Elizabeths life tell us about the role of
British women in the early Industrial Revolution?
Jedediah Strutt (ca. 1790), by Joseph
Wright of Derby. (Derby Museum & Art
Gallery/ The Bridgeman Art Library)
* R. Fitton and A. Wadsworth, The Strutts and the Arkwrights,
17581830: A Study of the Early Factory System (Manchester,
Eng land: Manchester University Press, 1958), p. 23.
See the excellent discussion by C. Hall, Strains in the Firm
of Wife, Children and Friends? Middle-Class Women and
Employment in Early Nineteenth-Century Eng land, in
P. Hudson and W. Lee, eds., Womens Work and the Family
Economy in Historical Perspective (Manchester, Eng land:
Manchester University Press, 1990), pp. 106132.
Fitton and Wadsworth, The Strutts, pp. 110111.
assumed that middle-class wives and daughters should steer clear of undignied
work in ofces and factories. Rather, a middle-class lady should protect and en-
hance her femininity. She should concentrate on her proper role as wife and
mother, preferably in an elegant residential area far removed from ruthless com-
merce and the volatile working class.
The social consequences of the Industrial Revolution
have long been hotly debated. The condition of British
workers during the transformation has always gener-
ated the most controversy among historians because
Britain was the rst country to industrialize and because the social consequences
seemed harshest there. Before 1850 other countries had not proceeded very far
with industrialization, and almost everyone agrees that the economic conditions of
European workers improved after 1850. Thus the experience of British workers to
about 1850 deserves special attention. (Industrial growth also promoted rapid ur-
banization, with its own awesome problems, as will be shown in Chapter 24.)
From the beginning, the Industrial Revolution in Britain had its critics. Among
the rst were the romantic poets. William Blake (17571827) called the early
factories satanic mills and protested against the hard life of the London poor.
William Wordsworth (17701850) lamented the destruction of the rural way of
life and the pollution of the land and water. Some handicraft workersnotably
the Luddites (LUD-eytes), who attacked whole factories in northern Eng land in
1812 and aftersmashed the new machines, which they believed were putting
them out of work. Doctors and reformers wrote eloquently of problems in the
factories and new towns.
Was the new poverty of industrial workers worse than the old poverty of cottage
workers and agricultural laborers? Friedrich Engels (ENG-guhlz) (18201895),
the future revolutionary and colleague of Karl Marx, charged that it was. After
studying conditions in northern Eng land, this young middle-class German issued
a blistering indictment of the middle classes in The Condition of the Working Class
in Eng land. At the bar of world opinion, he wrote, I charge the Eng lish middle
classes with mass murder, wholesale robbery, and all the other crimes in the cal-
endar. Engelss extremely inuential charge of middle-class exploitation and in-
creasing worker poverty was embellished by Marx and later socialists.
Meanwhile, other observers believed that conditions were improving for the
working people. Andrew Ure (yoo-RAY) wrote in 1835 in his study of the cotton
industry that conditions in most factories were not harsh and were even quite
good. Edwin Chadwick, a conscientious government ofcial well acquainted with
the problems of the working population, concluded that the whole mass of the
laboring community was increasingly able to buy more of the necessities and
minor luxuries of life.
Nevertheless, if all the contemporary assessments had
been counted up, those who thought conditions were getting worse for working
people would probably have been the majority.
In an attempt to go beyond the contradictory judgments of contemporaries,
some historians have looked at different kinds of sources. The most recent studies
also conrm the view that the early years of the Industrial Revolution were hard
ones for British workers. There was little or no increase in the purchasing power of
the average British worker from about 1780 to about 1820. The years from 1792 to
1815, a period of almost constant warfare with France, were particularly difcult.
Food prices rose faster than wages, and the living conditions of the laboring poor
declined. Only after 1820, and especially after 1840, did real wages rise substantially,
The New
Factory Workers
The New
Factory Workers
Luddites Handicraft workers who
attacked whole factories in northern
Eng land in 1812 and after, smashing
the new machines that they believed
were putting them out of work.
Luddites Handicraft workers who
attacked whole factories in northern
Eng land in 1812 and after, smashing
the new machines that they believed
were putting them out of work.
Relations Between Capital and Labor 579
580 Chapter 22 The Revolution in Energy and Industry, ca. 17801860
so that the average worker earned and consumed roughly 50 percent more in real
terms in 1850 than in 1770.
In short, there was considerable economic improve-
ment for workers throughout Great Britain by 1850, but that improvement was
hard won and slow in coming.
This important conclusion must be qualied, however. The hours in the
average workweek increased, as some economic historians now believe it had
been increasing in parts of northern Europe since the seventeenth century. Thus,
to a large extent, workers earned more simply because they worked more. Indeed,
signicant recent research shows that in Eng land nonagricultural workers labored
about 250 days per year in 1760 as opposed to 300 days per year in 1830, while
the normal workday remained an exhausting eleven hours throughout the entire
Another way to consider the workers standard of living is to look at the goods
that they purchased. Again the evidence is somewhat contradictory. Speaking gen-
erally, workers ate somewhat more food of higher nutritional quality as the Indus-
trial Revolution progressed, except during wartime. Diets became more varied;
people ate more potatoes, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. Clothing im-
proved, but housing for working people probably deteriorated somewhat. In short,
per capita use of specic goods supports the position that the standard of living of
the working classes rose, at least moderately, after the long wars with France.
What about working conditions? Did workers eventu-
ally earn more only at the cost of working longer and
harder? Were workers exploited harshly by the new
factory owners?
The rst factories were cotton mills, which began functioning along rivers and
streams in the 1770s. Cottage workers, accustomed to the putting-out system, were
reluctant to work in the new factories even when they received relatively good
wages because factory work was unappealing. In the factory, workers had to keep
up with the machine and follow its tempo. They had to show up every day and
work long, monotonous hours. Factory workers had to adjust their daily lives to the
shrill call of the factory whistle.
Cottage workers were not used to that kind of schedule. All members of the
family worked hard and long, but in spurts, setting their own pace. They could
interrupt their work when they wanted to. Women and children could break up
their long hours of spinning with other tasks. On Saturday afternoon the head of
the family delivered the weeks work to the merchant manufacturer and got paid.
Saturday night was a time of relaxation and drinking, especially for the men. Re-
covering from his hangover on Tuesday, the weaver bent to his task on Wednesday
and then worked frantically to meet his deadline on Saturday. Like some students
today, he might pull an all-nighter on Thursday or Friday in order to get his
work nished.
Also, early factories resembled Eng lish poorhouses, where totally destitute
people went to live at public expense. Some poorhouses were industrial prisons,
where the inmates had to work in order to receive their food and lodging. The
similarity between large brick factories and large stone poorhouses increased the
cottage workers aversion to factories.
By 1790 the factory system was gaining greater ac cep tance. Many more facto-
ries were being built, mainly in urban areas, where they could use steam power
rather than waterpower and attract a workforce more easily than in the country-
side. The need for workers was great, especially when the practice of using aban-
Conditions of Work Conditions of Work
doned and orphaned children was outlawed by Parliament in 1802. Indeed, people
came from near and far to work in the cities, both as factory workers and as laborers,
builders, and domestic servants. Yet as they took these new jobs, working people
did not simply give in to a system of labor that had formerly repelled them. Rather,
they helped modify the system by carrying over old, familiar working traditions.
For one thing, they often came to the mills and the mines as family units. This
was how they had worked on farms and in the putting-out system. The mill or
mine owner bargained with the head of the family and paid him or her for the
work of the whole family. In the cotton mills, children worked for their mothers or
fathers, collecting scraps and piecing broken threads together. In the mines,
children sorted coal and worked the ventilation equipment. Their mothers hauled
coal in the tunnels below the surface, while their fathers hewed with pick and
shovel at the face of the seam.
The preservation of the family as an economic unit in the factories from the
1790s on made the new surroundings more tolerable, and parents felt that their
children were still under their control when they worked side by side. Adult work-
ers were not particularly interested in limiting the minimum working age or hours
of their children as long as family members worked together. Only when technical
changes threatened to place control and discipline in the hands of impersonal
managers and overseers did adult workers protest against inhuman conditions in
the name of their children.
Some enlightened employers and social reformers in Parliament worked to
change this practice, arguing that more humane standards were necessary. For
example, Robert Owen (17711858), a very successful manufacturer in Scotland,
testied in 1816 before an investigating committee on the basis of his experience.
He stated that very strong facts demonstrated that employing children under ten
years of age as factory workers was injurious to the children, and not benecial to
the proprietors.
Workers also provided graphic testimony at such hearings as the
reformers pressed Parliament to pass corrective laws. They scored some important
Their most signicant early accomplishment was the Factory Act of 1833. It
limited the factory workday for children between nine and thirteen to eight hours
and that of adolescents between fourteen and eigh teen to twelve hours, although
the act made no effort to regulate the hours of work for children at home or in
small businesses. Children under nine were to be enrolled in the elementary
schools that factory owners were required to establish. The employment of chil-
dren declined rapidly. Thus the Factory Act broke the pattern of whole families
working together in the factory because efciency required standardized shifts for
all workers.
Ties of blood and kinship were important in other ways in Great Britain in the
formative years between about 1790 and 1840. Many manufacturers and builders
hired subcontractors, who in turn hired the work crews. The subcontractor might
be as harsh as the greediest capitalist, but the relationship between subcontractor
and work crew was close and personal because many of his hires were friends and
relatives. This kind of personal relationship had traditionally existed in cottage
industry and in urban crafts, and it was more acceptable to many workers than
impersonal factory discipline.
Ties of kinship were particularly important for newcomers, who often traveled
great distances to nd work. Many urban workers in Great Britain were from Ire-
land. Forced out of rural Ireland by population growth and deteriorating economic
conditions from 1817 on, Irish in search of jobs could not be choosy; they took
what they could get. As early as 1824, most of the workers in the Glasgow cotton
Factory Act of 1833 This act limited
the factory workday for children between
nine and thirteen to eight hours and that
of adolescents between fourteen and eigh-
teen to twelve hours.
Factory Act of 1833 This act limited
the factory workday for children between
nine and thirteen to eight hours and that
of adolescents between fourteen and eigh-
teen to twelve hours.
Relations Between Capital and Labor 581
582 Chapter 22 The Revolution in Energy and Industry, ca. 17801860
mills were Irish; in 1851 one-sixth of the population of Liverpool was Irish. Like
many other immigrant groups held together by ethnic and religious ties, the Irish
worked together, formed their own neighborhoods, and not only survived but also
The era of the Industrial Revolution witnessed major
changes in the gender division of labor. In preindustrial
Europe most people generally worked in family units.
By tradition, certain jobs were dened by gender
women and girls for milking and spinning, men and boys for plowing and
weavingbut many tasks might go to either sex. Family employment carried over
into early factories and subcontracting, but it collapsed as child labor was restricted
and new attitudes emerged. A different sexual division of labor gradually arose to
take its place. The man emerged as the familys primary wage earner, while the
woman found only limited job opportunities. Generally denied good jobs at good
wages in the growing urban economy, women were expected to concentrate on
unpaid housework, child care, and craftwork at home.
This new pattern of separate spheres had several aspects. First, all studies agree
that married women from the working classes were much less likely to work full-
time for wages outside the house after the rst child arrived, although they often
Changes in the
Division of Labor
by Gender
Changes in the
Division of Labor
by Gender
separate spheres A rigid gender
division of labor with the wife as mother
and homemaker and the husband as
wage earner.
separate spheres A rigid gender
division of labor with the wife as mother
and homemaker and the husband as
wage earner.
Workers at a Large Cotton Mill
This 1833 engraving shows adult women operating power looms under the supervision of a male foreman, and it accurately reects both the
decline of family employment and the emergence of a gender-based division of labor in many Eng lish factories. The jungle of belts and
shafts connecting the noisy looms to the giant steam engine on the ground oor created a constant din. (Time Life Pictures/ Getty Images)
earned small amounts doing putting-out handicrafts at home and taking in board-
ers. Second, when married women did work for wages outside the house, they
usually came from the poorest families, where the husbands were poorly paid,
sick, unemployed, or missing. Third, these poor married (or widowed) women
were joined by legions of young unmarried women, who worked full-time but only
in certain jobs. Fourth, all women were generally conned to low-paying, dead-
end jobs. Virtually no occupation open to women paid a wage sufcient for a
person to live in de pen dently. Men predominated in the better-paying, more prom-
ising employments. Evolving gradually, but largely in place by 1850, the new
sexual division of labor in Britain constituted a major development in the history
of women and of the family.
If the reor ga ni za tion of paid work along gender lines is widely recognized,
there is no agreement on its causes. One school of scholars sees little connection
with industrialization and nds the answer in the deeply ingrained sexist attitudes
of a patriarchal tradition, which predated the economic transformation. These
scholars stress the role of male-dominated craft unions in denying working women
access to good jobs and relegating them to unpaid housework. Other scholars,
stressing that the gender roles of women and men can vary enormously with time
and culture, look more to a combination of economic and biological factors in
order to explain the emergence of a sex-segregated division of labor.
Three ideas stand out in this more recent interpretation. First, relentless fac-
tory discipline conicted with child care in a way that labor on the farm or in the
cottage had not. A woman operating earsplitting spinning machinery could mind
a child of seven or eight working beside her (until such work was outlawed), but
she could no longer pace herself through pregnancy or breast-feed her baby on the
job. One mother of four, in describing her past experience of working in the
mines, provided a real insight into why many women accepted the emerging gen-
der division of labor:
While working in the pit I was worth to my [miner] husband seven shillings a
week, out of which we had to pay 2 shillings to a woman for looking after the
younger children. I used to take them to her house at 4 oclock in the morning, out
of their own beds, to put them into hers. Then there was one shilling a week for
washing; besides, there was mending to pay for, and other things. The house was
not guided. The other children broke things; they did not go to school when they
were sent; they would be playing about, and get ill-used by other children, and
their clothes torn. Then when I came home in the evening, every thing was to do
after the days labor, and I was so tired I had no heart for it; no re lit, nothing
cooked, no water fetched, the house dirty, and nothing comfortable for my hus-
band. It is all far better now, and I wouldnt go down again.
Second, running a household in conditions of primitive urban poverty was an
extremely demanding job in its own right. There were no supermarkets or public
transportation. Everything had to be done on foot, with children in tow. Yet an-
other brutal job outside the housea second shifthad limited appeal for the
average married woman. Thus women might well have accepted the emerging
division of labor as the best available strategy for family survival in the industrial-
izing society.
Third, why were the women who did work for wages outside the home con-
ned to certain womens jobs? No doubt the desire of males to monopolize the
best opportunities and hold women down provides part of the answer. Yet as some
feminist scholars have argued, sex-segregated employment was also a collective
response to the new industrial system, where young people mingled without pa-
rental supervision. Continuing to mix after work, they were more likely to form
Relations Between Capital and Labor 583
584 Chapter 22 The Revolution in Energy and Industry, ca. 17801860
liaisons, initiate courtships, and respond to advances.
Such intimacy also led to
more unplanned pregnancies and fueled the illegitimacy explosion that had be-
gun in the late eigh teenth century and that gathered force until at least 1850 (see
pages 514515). Thus segregation of jobs by gender was partly an effort by older
people to help control the sexuality of working-class youths. The Mines Act of
1842, for example, prohibited underground work for all women as well as for boys
under ten.
Many kinds of employment changed slowly during
and after the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain. In
1850 more British people still worked on farms than in
any other occupation. The second-largest occupation was domestic ser vice, with
more than one million household servants, 90 percent of whom were women.
Thus many old, familiar jobs outside industry lived on and provided alternatives
for individual workers. This helped ease the transition to industrial civilization.
Within industry itself, the pattern of artisans working with hand tools in small
shops remained unchanged in many trades, even as some others were revolutionized
by technological change. For example, as in the case of cotton and coal, the British
iron industry was completely dominated by large-scale capitalist rms by 1850. Many
large ironworks had more than one thousand people on their payrolls. Yet the rms
that fashioned iron into small metal goods, such as tools, tableware, and toys, em-
ployed on average fewer than ten wage workers, who used time-honored handicraft
skills. Only gradually after 1850 did some owners nd ways to
reorganize some handicraft industries with new machines
and new patterns of work. The survival of small workshops
gave many workers an alternative to factory employment.
Working-class solidarity and class-consciousness devel-
oped in small workshops as well as in large factories. In the
northern factory districts, where thousands of hired hands
looked across at a tiny minority of managers and owners, anti-
capitalist sentiments were frequent by the 1820s. Comment-
ing in 1825 on a strike in the woolen center of Bradford and
the support it had gathered from other regions, one paper
claimed with pride that it is all the workers of Eng land
against a few masters of Bradford.
Modern technology had
created a few versus a many.
As in France during the French Revolution, the British
government attacked monopolies, guilds, and workers combi-
nations in the name of economic freedom, adding to the ill
will between classes. In 1799 Parliament passed the Combi-
nation Acts, which outlawed unions and strikes. In 1813 and
1814, Parliament repealed an old law regulating the wages of
artisans and the conditions of apprenticeship. As a result of
Mines Act of 1842 This act prohibited
underground work for all women as well
as for boys under ten.
Mines Act of 1842 This act prohibited
underground work for all women as well
as for boys under ten.
The Early Labor
Movement in Britain
The Early Labor
Movement in Britain
Combination Acts Passed in 1799,
these acts outlawed unions and strikes.
They were repealed by Parliament
in 1824.
Combination Acts Passed in 1799,
these acts outlawed unions and strikes.
They were repealed by Parliament
in 1824.
Celebrating Skilled Labor
This handsome engraving embellished the membership certicate of the
British carpenters union, one of the leading new model unions that
represented skilled workers effectively after 1850. The upper panel shows
carpenters building the scaffolding for a great arch; the lower panel
captures the spirit of a busy workshop. (E & E Image Library/ Art Resource, NY)
Chapter Review 585
Key Terms
Industrial Revolution (p. 567)
spinning jenny (p. 567)
water frame (p. 567)
steam engines (p. 569)
these and other mea sures, certain skilled artisan workers, such as bootmakers
and high-quality tailors, found aggressive capitalists ignoring traditional work rules
and ooding their trades with unor ga nized women workers and children to beat
down wages.
The liberal capitalist attack on artisan guilds and work rules was bitterly re-
sented by many craftworkers, who subsequently played an important part in
gradually building a modern labor movement to improve working condi-
tions and to serve worker needs. The Combination Acts were widely disre-
garded by workers. Printers, papermakers, carpenters, tailors, and other
such craftsmen continued to take collective action, and societies of skilled
factory workers also or ga nized unions. They were not afraid to strike; there
was, for example, a general strike of adult cotton spinners in Manchester in
1810. In the face of widespread union activity, Parliament repealed the
Combination Acts in 1824, and unions were tolerated, though not fully ac-
cepted, after 1825.
The next stage in the development of the British trade-union movement
was the attempt to create a single large national union. This effort was led
not so much by working people as by social reformers such as Robert Owen,
a self-made cotton manufacturer. In 1834 Owen or ga nized one of the largest
and most visionary of the early national unions, the Grand National Con-
solidated Trades Union. When this and other grandiose schemes collapsed,
the British labor movement moved once again after 1851 in the direction of
craft unions. The most famous of these new model unions was the Amal-
gamated Society of Engineers, which represented skilled machinists. These
unions won real benets for members and became an accepted part of the
industrial scene.
British workers also engaged in direct political activity in defense of
their own interests. After the collapse of Owens national trade union, many
working people went into the Chartist movement, which sought political
democ racy. The key Chartist demandthat all men be given the right to
votebecame the great hope of millions. Workers were also active in cam-
paigns to limit the workday in factories to ten hours and to permit duty-free
importation of wheat into Great Britain to secure cheap bread. Thus work-
ing people developed a sense of their own identity and played an active role
in shaping the new industrial system. They were neither helpless victims nor
passive beneciaries.
Chapter Review
What were the origins of the Industrial Revolution in Britain, and how did it
develop between 1780 and 1850? (page 566)
Western societys industrial breakthrough grew out of a long process of economic and
social change in which the rise of capitalism, overseas expansion, and the growth of
rural industry stood out as critical preparatory developments. Eventually taking the
lead in all of these developments, and also proting from stable government, abundant
natural resources, and a exible labor force, Britain experienced between the 1780s
and the 1850s an epoch-making transformation, one that is still aptly termed the Indus-
trial Revolution.
Grand National Consolidated Trades
Union Organized by Robert Owen in
1834, this was one of the largest and
most visionary early national unions.
Grand National Consolidated Trades
Union Organized by Robert Owen in
1834, this was one of the largest and
most visionary early national unions.
Secti on Revi ew
Early industrialists worked hard to establish
their factories, but the next generation inher-
ited already prosperous businesses so they
had a new class-consciousness, prizing their
wealth and role in society.
Conditions for factory workers improved
over time but were harsh, with long hours
and low wages; although clothing and diets
improved, housing conditions did not.
Critics of the harsh new conditions included
William Blake and Friedrich Engels, while
apologists such as Andrew Ure depicted
conditions in optimistic terms.
Factories often employed whole families
until the Factory Act of 1833 limited the
number of hours children and adolescents
could work and required children under age
nine to attend school.
The division of labor between men and
women emerged, with men the primary
wage earners while married women were
conned to the home and unmarried
women to low-paying jobs.
Farmers, domestic ser vice, and small artisans
coexisted with industry and formed the
working class, organizing unions and taking
collective action against capitalists to im-
prove working conditions, wages, and dem o-
cratic political rights, such as in the Chartist
586 Chapter 22 The Revolution in Energy and Industry, ca. 17801860
How after 1815 did continental countries respond to the challenge of industrial-
ization? (page 573)
Building on technical breakthroughs, power- driven equipment, and large-scale en-
terprise, the Industrial Revolution in Eng land greatly increased output in certain radi-
cally altered industries, stimulated the large handicraft and commercial sectors, and
speeded up overall economic growth. By 1850 the level of British per capita industrial
production was surpassing continental levels by a growing margin, and Britain savored
a near monopoly in world markets for mass-produced goods.
Continental countries inevitably took rather different paths to the urban industrial
society. They relied more on handicraft production in both towns and villages. Only in
the 1840s did railroad construction begin to create the strong demand for iron, coal,
and railway equipment that speeded up the process of industrialization in the 1850s
and 1860s.
How did the Industrial Revolution affect social classes, the standard of living,
and patterns of work? What mea sures were taken to improve the conditions of
workers? (page 576)
The rise of modern industry had a profound impact on people and their lives. In the
early stages, Britain again led the way, experiencing in a striking manner the long-term
social changes accompanying the economic transformation. Factory discipline and
Britains stern capitalist economy weighed heavily on working people, who, however,
actively fashioned their destinies and refused to be passive victims. Improvements in
the standard of living came slowly, but they were substantial by 1850. The era of indus-
trialization fostered new attitudes toward child labor, encouraged protective factory
legislation, and called forth a new sense of class feeling and an assertive labor move-
ment. It also promoted a more rigid division of roles and responsibilities within the
family that was detrimental to women, another gradual but profound change of revo-
lutionary proportions.
1. P. Bairoch, International Industrialization Levels from 1750 to 1980, Journal of European
Economic History 11 (Spring 1982): 269333.
2. M. Lvy-Leboyer, Les banques europennes et lindustrialisation dans la premire moiti du
XIXe sicle (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1964), p. 29.
3. J. Michelet, The People, trans. with an introduction by J. P. McKay (Urbana: University of
Illinois Press, 1973; original publication, 1846), p. 64.
4. Quoted in W. A. Hayek, ed., Capitalism and the Historians (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1954), p. 126.
5. N. Crafts, British Economic Growth During the Industrial Revolution (Oxford University
Press, 1985), p. 95.
6. H-J. Voth, Time and Work in Eng land, 17501830 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000),
pp. 268270; also pp. 118133.
7. Quoted in E. R. Pike, Hard Times: Human Documents of the Industrial Revolution (New
York: Praeger, 1966), p. 109.
8. Ibid., Hard Times, p. 208.
9. See especially J. Brenner and M. Rama, Rethinking Womens Oppression, New Left Re-
view 144 (MarchApril 1984): 3371, and sources cited there.
10. J. Humphries, . . . The Most Free from Objection . . . : The Sexual Division of Labor and
Womens Work in Nineteenth-Century Eng land, Journal of Economic History 47 (Decem-
ber 1987): 948.
11. Quoted in D. Geary, ed., Labour and Socialist Movements in Europe Before 1914 (Oxford:
Berg, 1989), p. 29.
Rocket (p. 571)
Crystal Palace (p. 571)
tariff protection (p. 574)
class-consciousness (p. 577)
Luddites (p. 579)
Factory Act of 1833 (p. 581)
separate spheres (p. 582)
Mines Act of 1842 (p. 584)
Combination Acts (p. 584)
Grand National Consolidated Trades
Union (p. 585)
To assess your mastery of this chapter, go to bedfordstmartins.com/mckaywestbrief
Li st eni ng t o t he Past
Testimony Concerning Young Mine Workers
Mr. Payne, coal master:
That children are employed generally at nine
years old in the coal pits and sometimes at eight. In
fact, the smaller the vein of coal is in height, the
younger and smaller are the children required; the
work occupies from six to seven hours per day
in the pits; they are not ill-used or worked beyond
their strength; a good deal of depravity exists but
they are certainly not worse in morals than in other
branches of the Shefeld trade, but upon the whole
superior; the morals of this district are materially
improving; Mr. Bruce, the clergyman, has been
zealous and active in endeavoring to ameliorate
their moral and religious education. . . .
Patience Kershaw, hurrier, aged 17:
My father has been dead about a year; my
mother is living and has ten children, ve lads and
ve lasses; the oldest is about thirty, the youngest
is four; three lasses go to mill; all the lads are col-
liers, two getters and three hurriers [workers who
move coal wagons underground]; one lives at home
and does nothing; mother does nought but look
after home.
All my sisters have been hurriers, but three went
to the mill. Alice went because her legs swelled
from hurrying in cold water when she was hot. I
never went to day-school; I go to Sunday-school,
but I cannot read or write; I go to pit at ve oclock
in the morning and come out at ve in the evening;
I get my breakfast of porridge and milk rst; I take
my dinner with me, a cake, and eat it as I go; I do
not stop or rest any time for the purpose; I get noth-
ing else until I get home, and then have potatoes
and meat, not every day meat. I hurry in the clothes
I have now got on, trousers and ragged jacket; the
bald place upon my head is made by thrusting the
he use of child labor in British industrialization quickly
attracted the attention of humanitarians and social
reformers. This interest led to investigations by parliamentary
commissions, which resulted in laws limiting the hours and
the ages of children working in large factories. Designed to
build a case for remedial legislation, parliamentary inquiries
gave large numbers of workers a rare chance to speak directly
to contemporaries and to historians.
The moving passages that follow are taken from testimony
gathered in 1841 and 1842 by the Ashley Mines Commission.
Interviewing employers and many male and female workers,
the commissioners focused on the physical condition of the
youth and on the sexual behavior of workers far underground.
The subsequent Mines Act of 1842 sought to reduce immoral
behavior and sexual bullying by prohibiting underground
work for all women (and for boys younger than ten).
This illustration of a girl dragging a coal wagon was one of several that shocked public opinion and contributed to the
Mines Act of 1842. (The British Library)
corves [coal wagons]; my legs have never swelled,
but sisters did when they went to mill; I hurry the
corves a mile and more under ground and back;
they weigh 300; I hurry 11 a day; I wear a belt and
chain at the workings to get the corves out; the put-
ters [miners] that I work for are naked except their
caps; they pull off all their clothes; I see them at
work when I go up; sometimes they beat me, if I am
not quick enough, with their hands; they strike me
upon my back; the boys take liberties with me,
sometimes, they pull me about; I am the only girl
in the pit; there are about 20 boys and 15 men; all
the men are naked; I would rather work in mill
than in coal-pit.
Questions for Analysis
1. To what extent is the testimony of Patience
Kershaw in harmony with that of Payne?
2. Describe Kershaws work. What do you think of
her work? Why?
3. The witnesses were responding to questions
from middle-class commissioners. What did the
commissioners seem interested in? Why?
Source: From Voices of the Industrial Revolution, edited
by J. Bowditch and C. Ramsland. Copyright 1961. Re-
printed by permission of University of Michigan Press.
Ideologies and
Chapter Previ ew
The Peace Settlement
How did the victorious allies fashion a
general peace settlement, and how did
Metternich uphold a con ser va tive
European order?
Radical Ideas and Early Socialism
What were the basic tenets of
liberalism, nationalism, and socialism,
and what groups were most attracted
to these ideologies?
The Romantic Movement
What were the characteristics of the
romantic movement, and who were
some of the great romantic artists?
Reforms and Revolutions
How after 1815 did liberal, national, and
socialist forces challenge conservatism
in Greece, Great Britain, and France?
The Revolutions of 1848
Why in 1848 did revolution triumph
briey throughout most of Europe, and
why did it fail almost completely?
LISTENING TO THE PAST: Speaking for the Czech
Revolutionaries in Transylvania. Ana Ipatescu, of the rst group of
revolutionaries in Transylvania against Russia, 1848. (National Historical
Museum, Bucharest/ The Art Archive)
590 Chapter 23 Ideologies and Upheavals, 18151850
he momentous economic and political transformation of modern times
began in the late eigh teenth century with the Industrial Revolution in Eng-
land and then the French Revolution. Until about 1815, these economic and po-
litical revolutions were separate, involving different countries and activities and
proceeding at very different paces. After peace returned in 1815, the situation
changed. Economic and political changes tended to fuse, reinforcing each other
and bringing about what historian Eric Hobsbawm has incisively called the dual
revolution. For instance, the growth of the industrial middle class encouraged the
drive for representative government, and the demands of the French sans-culottes
in 1793 and 1794 inspired many socialist thinkers. Gathering strength, the dual
revolution rushed on to alter completely rst Europe and then the rest of the
world. Much of world history in the past two centuries can be seen as the progres-
sive unfolding of the dual revolution.
The dual revolution posed a tremendous intellectual challenge. The mean-
ings of the economic, political, and social changes that were occurring, as well as
the ways they would be shaped by human action, were anything but clear. These
changes fascinated observers and stimulated the growth of new ideas and powerful
ideologies. The most important of these ideological forces were revitalized conser-
vatism and three ideologies of changeliberalism, nationalism, and socialism. All
played critical roles in the political and social battles of the era and the great popu-
lar upheaval that eventually swept across Europe in the revolutions of 1848.
The eventual triumph of revolutionary economic and political forces was by no
means certain as the Napoleonic era ended. Quite the contrary. The con ser va tive,
aristocratic monarchies of Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Great Britainthe Qua-
druple Alliancehad nally defeated France and reafrmed their determination
to hold France in line. But many other international questions were outstanding,
and the allies agreed to meet at the Congress of Vienna to fashion a general peace
Most people felt a profound longing for peace. The great challenge for politi-
cal leaders in 1814 was to construct a settlement that would last and not sow the
seeds of another war. Their efforts were largely successful and contributed to a
century unmarred by destructive, generalized war (see Map 23.1).
The allied powers were concerned rst and foremost
with the defeated enemy, France. Agreeing to the res-
toration of the Bourbon dynasty (see page 560), the al-
lies were quite lenient toward France after Napoleons abdication. The rst Peace
of Paris gave to France the boundaries it possessed in 1792, which were larger than
those of 1789, and France did not have to pay any war reparations. Thus the vic-
torious powers did not foment a spirit of injustice and revenge in the defeated
When the four allies of the Quadruple Alliance (plus a representative of the
restored monarchy in France) met together at the Congress of Vienna, they also
dual revolution A term that historian
Eric Hobsbawn used for the economic
and political changes that tended to fuse
after 1815, reinforcing each other.
dual revolution A term that historian
Eric Hobsbawn used for the economic
and political changes that tended to fuse
after 1815, reinforcing each other.
The Peace Settlement
How did the victorious allies fashion a general peace settlement, and how
did Metternich uphold a con ser va tive European order?
The Peace Settlement
How did the victorious allies fashion a general peace settlement, and how
did Metternich uphold a con ser va tive European order?
Congress of Vienna A meeting of
Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Great
Britain to fashion a peace settlement
after defeating France.
Congress of Vienna A meeting of
Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Great
Britain to fashion a peace settlement
after defeating France.
The European
Balance of Power
The European
Balance of Power
agreed to raise a number of formidable barriers against re-
newed French aggression. Above all, Prussia received consid-
erably more territory on Frances eastern border so as to stand
as the sentinel on the Rhine against France. In these ways,
the Quadruple Alliance combined leniency toward France
with strong defensive mea sures.
In their moderation toward France, the allies were moti-
vated by self-interest and traditional ideas about the balance
of power. To Klemens von Metternich (MET-uhr-nik) and
Robert Castlereagh (KAS-uhl-rey), the foreign ministers of
Austria and Great Britain, respectively, as well as their French
counterpart, Charles Talleyrand, the balance of power meant
an international equilibrium that would discourage aggres-
sion by any combination of states or, worse, the domination
of Europe by any single state.
The Great PowersAustria, Britain, Prussia, Russia, and
Franceused the balance of power to settle their own dan-
gerous disputes at the Congress of Vienna. There was general
agreement among the victors that each of them should re-
ceive compensation in the form of territory for their success-
ful struggle against the French. Great Britain had already
won colonies and strategic outposts during the long wars.
Metternichs Austria gave up territories in Belgium and
1790s1840s Romantic movement in literature and
the arts
18091848 Metternich serves as Austrian foreign
1810 Stal, On Germany
1815 Holy Alliance formed; revision of Corn
Laws in Britain
1819 Carlsbad Decrees issued by German
1830 Greece wins in de pen dence from Turks
18301848 Reign of Louis Philippe in France
1832 Reform Bill in Britain
1839 Blanc, Organization of Work
18451851 Great Famine in Ireland
1847 Ten Hours Act in Britain
1848 Revolutions in France, Austria, and
Prussia; Marx and Engels, The
Communist Manifesto
Adjusting the Balance
The Eng lishman on the left uses his money to counterbalance the people that the Prussian and the fat Metternich are gaining in
Saxony and Italy. Alexander I sits happily on his prize, Poland. This cartoon captures the essence of how most people thought
about balance-of-power diplomacy at the Congress of Vienna. (Bibliothque nationale de France)
Bl ac k
B a l t i c
S e a
N o r t h
S e a
Danube R
0 20E 30E 10E
St. Petersburg
(Gr. Br.)
(Gr. Br.)
0 200 400 Mi.
200 400 Km.
Kingdom of Prussia
Austrian Empire
Boundary of German Confederation
MAP 23.1 Europe in 1815
Europes leaders re-established a balance of political power after the defeat of Napoleon. Prussia gained territory on the Rhine and in Saxony,
consolidating its position as a Great Power. Austria gained the Italian provinces of Lombardy and Venetia as well as Galicia and land along the
Adriatic Sea. In 1815 Europe contained many different states, but international politics was dominated by the ve Great Powers (or six, if one
includes the Ottoman Empire). Trace the political boundaries of each Great Power, and compare their geographical strengths and weaknesses.
[1] In which directions might the different Great Powers seek to expand further and gain more people and territory? [2] At what points might
these states then come into conict with one another?
southern Germany but expanded greatly elsewhere, taking the rich provinces of
Venetia and Lombardy in northern Italy as well as former Polish possessions and
new lands on the eastern coast of the Adriatic. More contentious was the push for
greater territory by Russia and Prussia. When France, Austria, and Great Britain
allied against these central European powers, Russia accepted a small Polish king-
dom, and Prussia took only part of Saxony (see Map 23.1). This compromise was
very much within the framework of balance-of-power ideology.
Following Napoleons escape from Elba and his nal defeat at Waterloo, a
second Peace of Paris was convened. Again the Quadruple Alliance was relatively
moderate toward France, and the previously agreed-upon balance of power was
left intact. The members of the Quadruple Alliance and France also agreed to
meet periodically to discuss their common interests and to consider appropriate
mea sures for the maintenance of peace in Europe. This agreement marked the
beginning of the European congress system, which lasted long into the nine-
teenth century and settled many international crises through international confer-
ences and balance-of-power diplomacy.
There was also a domestic political side to the re-
establishment of peace. Within their own countries,
the leaders of the victorious states were much less ex-
ible. In 1815 under Metternichs leadership, Austria, Prussia, and Russia were de-
termined to uphold a con ser va tive European order. Thus they embarked on a
crusade against the ideas and politics of the dual revolution. This crusade lasted
until 1848. The rst step was the Holy Alliance, formed by Austria, Prussia, and
Russia in September 1815. First proposed by Russias Alexander I, the alliance
soon became a symbol of the repression of liberal and revolutionary movements
all over Europe.
In 1820 revolutionaries succeeded in forcing the monarchs of Spain and the
southern Italian kingdom of the Two Sicilies to grant liberal constitutions. Met-
ternich was horried: revolution was rising once again. Calling a conference at
Troppau in Austria under the provisions of the Quadruple Alliance, he and Alex-
ander I proclaimed the principle of active intervention to maintain all autocratic
regimes whenever they were threatened. Austrian forces then marched into Na-
ples in 1821 and restored Ferdinand I to the throne of the Two Sicilies, while
French armies likewise restored the Spanish regime.
In the following years, Metternich continued to battle against liberal political
change. Sometimes he could do little, as in the case of the new Latin American
republics that broke away from Spain. Nor could he undo the dynastic changes of
1830 and 1831 in France and Belgium. Nonetheless, until 1848 Metternichs sys-
tem proved quite effective in central Europe, where his power was the greatest.
Metternichs policies dominated not only Austria and the Italian peninsula but
also the entire German Confederation, which the peace settlement of Vienna had
called into being. The confederation was composed of thirty-eight in de pen dent
German states, including Prussia and Austria (see Map 23.1). These states met in
complicated assemblies dominated by Austria, with Prussia a willing ju nior part-
ner in the execution of repressive mea sures.
Through this German Confederation, Metternich had the infamous Carlsbad
Decrees issued in 1819. These decrees required the thirty-eight German member
states to root out subversive ideas in their universities and newspapers. The decrees
also established a permanent committee with spies and informers to investigate
and punish any liberal or radical or ga ni za tions.
In his efforts to hold back liberalism, Metternich was supported by the Rus sian
Empire and, to a lesser extent, by the Ottoman Empire. Bitter enemies and often
at war with each other, these far-ung empires also shared several basic character-
istics. Both the Rus sian and Ottoman empires were absolutist states with powerful
armies and long traditions of expansion and conquest. Both were multinational
empires made up of many peoples, languages, and religions, but in each case most
of the ruling elite came from the dominant ethnic groupthe Orthodox Chris tian
Intervention and
Intervention and
Holy Alliance An alliance formed by
Austria, Russia, and Prussia in September
of 1815 that became a symbol of the
repression of liberal and revolutionary
movements all over Europe.
Holy Alliance An alliance formed by
Austria, Russia, and Prussia in September
of 1815 that became a symbol of the
repression of liberal and revolutionary
movements all over Europe.
Carlsbad Decrees Issued in 1819, these
decrees required the thirty-eight German
member states to root out subversive
ideas in their universities and
Carlsbad Decrees Issued in 1819, these
decrees required the thirty-eight German
member states to root out subversive
ideas in their universities and
The Peace Settlement 593
594 Chapter 23 Ideologies and Upheavals, 18151850
Rus sians centered in central and northern Russia, and the Muslim Ottoman Turks
of Anatolia (much of modern Turkey). After 1815, both multinational, absolutist
states worked to preserve their respective traditional, con ser va tive orders. Only in
the middle of the nineteenth century did each in turn experience a profound crisis
and embark on a program of fundamental reform and modernization, as we shall
see in Chapter 25.
In the years following the peace settlement of 1815 intellectuals and social observ-
ers sought to understand the revolutionary changes that had occurred and were
still taking place. These efforts led to ideas that still motivate people throughout
the world.
Almost all of these basic ideas were radical. In one way or another, they re-
jected conservatism, with its stress on tradition, a hereditary monarchy, a strong
and privileged landowning aristocracy, and an ofcial church. Instead, they devel-
oped and rened alternative visionsalternative ideologiesand tried to con-
vince society to act on them. With time, they were very successful.
The principal ideas of liberalismliberty and
equal itywere by no means defeated in 1815. First
realized successfully in the American Revolution and
then achieved in part in the French Revolution, this political and social philoso-
phy continued to pose a radical challenge to revived conservatism. Liberalism
demanded representative government as opposed to autocratic monarchy, equal-
ity before the law as opposed to legally separate classes. The idea of liberty also
meant specic individual freedoms: freedom of the press, freedom of speech, free-
dom of assembly, and freedom from arbitrary arrest. In Europe only France with
Louis XVIIIs Constitutional Charter and Great Britain with its Parliament and
historic rights of Eng lish men and women had realized much of the liberal pro-
gram in 1815. Even in those countries, liberalism had not fully succeeded.
Liberalism was also aligned with the doctrine of laissez faire (lay-say FAIR),
which called for unrestricted private enterprise and no government interference
in the economy. (This form of liberalism is often called classical liberalism in
the United States in order to distinguish it sharply from modern American liberal-
ism, which usually favors more government programs to meet social needs and to
regulate the economy.)
As we have seen (Chapter 19), Adam Smith posited the idea of a free economy
in opposition to mercantilism, in which the government placed major restrictions
on trade. Smith argued that freely competitive private enterprise would give all
citizens a fair and equal opportunity to do what they did best and would result in
greater income for everyone, not just the rich.
In early-nineteenth-century Britain, economic liberalism was embraced most
enthusiastically by business groups and thus became a doctrine associated with
business interests. Businessmen used the doctrine to defend their right to do as
they wished in their factories. Labor unions were outlawed because they suppos-
edly restricted free competition and the individuals right to work.
Radical Ideas and Early Socialism
What were the basic tenets of liberalism, nationalism, and socialism, and
what groups were most attracted to these ideologies?
Radical Ideas and Early Socialism
What were the basic tenets of liberalism, nationalism, and socialism, and
what groups were most attracted to these ideologies?
Liberalism Liberalism
liberalism The principal ideas of this
movement were equality and liberty;
liberals demanded representative
government and equality before the law
as well as individual freedoms such as
freedom of the press, freedom of speech,
freedom of assembly, and freedom from
arbitrary arrest.
liberalism The principal ideas of this
movement were equality and liberty;
liberals demanded representative
government and equality before the law
as well as individual freedoms such as
freedom of the press, freedom of speech,
freedom of assembly, and freedom from
arbitrary arrest.
laissez faire A doctrine of economic
liberalism that believes in unrestricted
private enterprise and no government
interference in the economy.
laissez faire A doctrine of economic
liberalism that believes in unrestricted
private enterprise and no government
interference in the economy.
Secti on Revi ew
The Quadruple Alliance of Russia,
Prussia, Austria, and Great Britain,
joined by France, used balance-of-
power diplomacy at the Congress of
Vienna to form a settlement with
France that would bring peace
in Europe.
They agreed to continue to meet
periodically as a congress system to
maintain the peace and discuss com-
mon interests.
Metternich of Austria actively re-
pressed liberal and revolutionary
movements all over Europe through
spies, informers, censorship, and the
Carlsbad Decrees.
Absolutist Russia and the Ottoman
Empire also strove to maintain the
con ser va tive status quo in their
Liberal political ideals in the early nineteenth century also became more
closely associated with narrow class interests. Liberals favored representative gov-
ernment, but they generally wanted property qualications attached to the right to
vote. In practice, this meant limiting the vote to well-to-do aristocratic landowners,
substantial businessmen, and successful members of the professions. Workers and
peasants, as well as the lower middle class of shopkeepers, clerks, and artisans, did
not own the necessary property and thus could not vote.
As liberalism became increasingly identied with the middle class after 1815,
some intellectuals and foes of conservatism felt that liberalism did not go nearly far
enough. Inspired by memories of the French Revolution and the example of the
young American republic, they called for universal voting rights, at least for males,
and for democ racy. These dem o cratic republicans were more radical than the
liberals, and they were more willing than most liberals to endorse violent upheaval
to achieve goals. All of this meant that liberals and radical, dem o cratic republicans
could join forces against con ser va tives only up to a point.
With immediate origins in the
French Revolution and the Napo-
leonic wars, nationalism was based
on the idea that each people had its own genius and its own
cultural unity. For nationalists this cultural unity was basically
self-evident, manifesting itself especially in a common lan-
guage, history, and territory. In fact, in the early nineteenth
century such cultural unity was more a dream than a reality.
Within each ethnic grouping only an elite spoke a standard-
ized written language. Local dialects abounded, and peasants
from nearby villages often failed to understand each other. As
for historical memory, it divided the inhabitants of the differ-
ent German or Italian states as much as it unied them.
Moreover, a variety of ethnic groups shared the territory of
most states.
Despite these basic realities, sooner or later European na-
tionalists usually sought to turn the cultural unity that they
perceived into a political reality. They sought to make the ter-
ritory of each people coincide with well-dened boundaries
in an in de pen dent nation-state. This political goal was what
made nationalism so explosive in central and eastern Europe
after 1815, when there were either too few states (Austria,
Russia, and the Ottoman Empire) or too many (the Italian
peninsula and the German Confederation) and when differ-
ent peoples overlapped and intermingled.
Of fundamental importance in the rise of nationalism
was the push to use a standardized national language in order
to facilitate communication in an increasingly complex in-
dustrial and urban society. As the entire population was edu-
cated in the national language, at least a supercial cultural
unity took root. Citizens might also be brought together with
emotionally charged symbols and ceremonies, such as in de-
pen dence holidays and patriotic parades. On such eeting
occasions the imagined nation of spiritual equals might cele-
brate its most hallowed traditions, which were often recent
nationalism The idea that each people
had its own genius and its own cultural
unity, which was self-evident, manifesting
itself especially in a common language,
history, and territory.
nationalism The idea that each people
had its own genius and its own cultural
unity, which was self-evident, manifesting
itself especially in a common language,
history, and territory.
Nationalism Nationalism
Radical Ideas and Early Socialism 595
Building German Nationalism
As popular upheaval in France spread to central Europe in March
1848, Germans from the solid middle classes came together in
Frankfurt to draft a constitution for a new united Germany. This
woodcut commemorates the solemn procession of delegates
entering Saint Pauls Cathedral in Frankfurt, where the delegates
would have their deliberations. Festivals, celebrations, and parades
helped create a feeling of belonging to a large unseen community,
a nation binding millions of strangers together. (akg-images)
596 Chapter 23 Ideologies and Upheavals, 18151850
Liberals and nationalists agreed that the benets of self-government
would be possible only if the people were united by common traditions that tran-
scended local interests and even class differences.
Early nationalists usually believed that every nation, like every citizen, had the
right to exist in freedom and to develop its character and spirit. They were con-
dent that a symphony of nations would promote the harmony and ultimate unity
of all peoples. The great Italian patriot Guiseppe Mazzini (18051872) believed
that in laboring according to the true principles of our country we are laboring for
Humanity. Thus the liberty of the individual and the love of a free nation over-
lapped greatly in the early nineteenth century.
Yet early nationalists also stressed the differences among peoples and they de-
veloped a strong sense of we and they. To this we-they outlook, it was all too
easy for nationalists to add two highly volatile ingredients: a sense of national mis-
sion and a sense of national superiority. Even the French historian Jules Michelet
(zhul meesh-uh-LEY), so alive to the national aspirations of other peoples, could
not help speaking in 1846 of the superiority of France; the principles espoused
in the French Revolution had made France the salvation of mankind. (See the
feature Individuals in Society: Jules Michelet on page 608.)
Rus sian and German nationalists had a very different opinion of France. In the
narratives they constructed, the French often seemed oppressive, as the Rus sians
did to the Poles and as the Germans did to the Czechs. (See the feature Listening
to the Past: Speaking for the Czech Nation on pages 615616.) Thus they often
emerged as the enemy.
Socialism, the new radical doctrine after 1815, began in
France, despite the fact that France lagged far behind
Great Britain in developing modern industry. Early
French socialist thinkers were acutely aware that the political revolution in France,
the rise of laissez faire, and the emergence of modern industry in Britain were
transforming society. They were disturbed because they saw these developments as
fomenting selsh individualism and splitting the community into isolated frag-
ments. There was, they believed, an urgent need for a further reor ga ni za tion of
society to establish cooperation and a new sense of community.
Early French socialists believed in economic planning. Inspired by the emer-
gency mea sures of 1793 and 1794 in France, they argued that the government
should rationally organize the economy and not depend on destructive competition
to do the job. Early socialists also shared an intense desire to help the poor, and they
preached that the rich and the poor should be more nearly equal economically.
Finally, socialists believed that private property should be strictly regulated by the
government or that it should be abolished and replaced by state or community
ownership. Planning, greater economic equality, and state regulation of property
these were the key ideas of early French socialism and of all socialism since.
One of the most inuential early socialist thinkers was a nobleman, Count
Henri de Saint-Simon (on-REE duh san-see-MAWN) (17601825). Saint-Simon
optimistically proclaimed the tremendous possibilities of industrial development:
The age of gold is before us! The key to progress was a social or ga ni za tion that
required the parasitesthe court, the aristocracy, lawyers, and churchmento
surrender power to the doersthe leading scientists, engineers, and industrialists.
The doers would guide the economy forward by undertaking vast public works
projects and establishing investment banks. Saint-Simon also stressed that every
social institution ought to have as its main goal improved conditions for the poor.
French Utopian
French Utopian
socialism A backlash against the
emergence of individualism and the
fragmentation of society, and a move
toward cooperation and a sense of
community; the key ideas were
economic planning, greater economic
equality, and state regulation of property.
socialism A backlash against the
emergence of individualism and the
fragmentation of society, and a move
toward cooperation and a sense of
community; the key ideas were
economic planning, greater economic
equality, and state regulation of property.
The journalist Louis Blanc (18111882) urged workers to agitate for universal
voting rights and to take control of the state peacefully. Blanc believed that the
state should set up government-backed workshops and factories to guarantee full
employment. The right to work had to become as sacred as any other right.
Of great importance, the message of French utopian socialists interacted with
the experiences of French urban workers. Workers cherished the memory of the
radical phase of the French Revolution, and they became violently opposed to
laissez-faire laws that denied workers the right to organize. Developing a sense of
class in the process, workers favored collective action and government interven-
tion in economic life. Thus the aspirations of workers and utopian theorists rein-
forced each other, and a genuine socialist movement emerged in Paris in the
1830s and 1840s. To Karl Marx was left the task of establishing rm foundations
for modern socialism.
In 1848 Karl Marx (18181883) and Friedrich Engels
(18201895) published The Communist Manifesto,
which became the bible of socialism. The son of a Jew-
ish lawyer who had converted to Chris tianity, the atheistic young Marx had studied
philosophy at the University of Berlin before turning to journalism and econom-
ics. By the time Marx was twenty-ve, he was developing his own socialist ideas.
Early French socialists often appealed to the middle class and the state to help
the poor. Marx ridiculed such appeals as naive. He argued that the interests of the
middle class and those of the industrial working class were inevitably opposed to
each other. Indeed, according to the Manifesto, the history of all previously exist-
ing society is the history of class struggles. In Marxs view, one class had always
exploited the other, and with the advent of modern industry,
society was split more clearly than ever before: between the
middle classthe bourgeoisie (boor-zwah-ZEE) and the mod-
ern working classthe proletariat (proh-li-TAIR-ee-uht).
Just as the bourgeoisie had triumphed over the feudal
aristocracy, Marx predicted that the proletariat would con-
quer the bourgeoisie in a violent revolution. While a tiny
minority owned the means of production and grew richer, the
ever-poorer proletariat was constantly growing in size and
in class-consciousness. In this process, the proletariat was
aided, according to Marx, by a portion of the bourgeoisie who
had gone over to the proletariat and who (like Marx and
Engels) had raised themselves to the level of comprehend-
ing theoretically the historical moment. The critical mo-
ment, Marx thought, was very near. Let the ruling classes
tremble at a Communist revolution. The proletarians have
nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
The Birth of
Marxian Socialism
The Birth of
Marxian Socialism
bourgeoisie The middle class.
proletariat The modern working class.
bourgeoisie The middle class.
proletariat The modern working class.
Karl Marx
Active in the revolution of 1848, Marx ed from Germany in 1849 and
settled in London. There he wrote Capital, the weighty exposition of his
socialist theories, and worked to organize the working class. Marx earned a
modest living as a journalist, supplemented by nancial support from his
coauthor, Friedrich Engels. (The Granger Collection, New York)
Radical Ideas and Early Socialism 597
598 Chapter 23 Ideologies and Upheavals, 18151850
Marxs debt to Eng land was great. He was the last of the classical economists.
Following David Ricardo, who had taught that labor was the source of all value,
Marx went on to argue that prots were really wages stolen from the workers.
Moreover, Marx incorporated Engelss charges of terrible oppression of the new
class of factory workers in Eng land; thus Marxs doctrines seemed to be based on
hard facts.
Marxs theory of historical evolution was built on the philosophy of the Ger-
man Georg Hegel (HEY-guhl) (17701831). Hegel believed that each age is char-
acterized by a dominant set of ideas; this produces opposing ideas and eventually
a new synthesis. Marx retained Hegels view of history as a dialectic process of
change but made economic relationships between classes the driv ing force. Marxs
next idea, that it was now the bourgeoisies turn to give way to the socialism of
revolutionary workers, appeared to many the irrefutable capstone of a brilliant in-
terpretation of humanitys long development. Thus Marx synthesized a number of
early-nineteenth-century ideas to create a powerful ideology that would have a
major impact on world history.
The early nineteenth century was a time of change in literature and other arts as
well as in politics. The romantic movement was in part a revolt against the empha-
sis on rationality, order, and restraint that characterized the Enlightenment and
the controlled style of classicism.
Forerunners of the romantic movement appeared from about 1750 on. Of
these, Rousseau (see page 472)the passionate advocate of feeling, freedom, and
natural goodnesswas the most inuential. Romanticism then crystallized fully
in the 1790s, primarily in Eng land and Germany. The French Revolution kindled
the belief that radical reconstruction was also possible in cultural and artistic life
(even though many early Eng lish and German romantics became disillusioned
with events in France and turned from liberalism to conservatism in politics).
Romanticism gained strength until the 1840s.
Romanticism was characterized by a belief in emo-
tional exuberance, unrestrained imagination, and spon-
taneity in both art and personal life. In Germany early
romantics of the 1770s and 1780s called themselves the Sturm und Drang (Storm
and Stress), and many romantic artists of the early nineteenth century lived lives
of tremendous emotional intensity. Suicide, duels to the death, madness, and
strange illnesses were not uncommon among leading romantics. Romantic artists
typically led bohemian lives, wearing their hair long and uncombed in preference
to powdered wigs and rejecting the materialism of rened society. Great individu-
alists, the romantics believed the full development of ones unique human poten-
tial to be the supreme purpose in life.
Nowhere was the break with classicism more apparent than in romanticisms
general conception of nature. Classicism in art was not particularly interested in
The Romantic Movement
What were the characteristics of the romantic movement, and who were
some of the great romantic artists?
The Romantic Movement
What were the characteristics of the romantic movement, and who were
some of the great romantic artists?
Romanticisms Tenets Romanticisms Tenets
romanticism A movement that a revolt
against classicism and the Enlightenment,
characterized by a belief in emotional
exuberance, unrestrained imagination,
and spontaneity in both art and
personal life.
Sturm und Drang The name adopted
by German early Romantics of the 1770s
and 1780s who lived lives of tremendous
emotional intensity; it means Storm
and Stress.
romanticism A movement that a revolt
against classicism and the Enlightenment,
characterized by a belief in emotional
exuberance, unrestrained imagination,
and spontaneity in both art and
personal life.
Sturm und Drang The name adopted
by German early Romantics of the 1770s
and 1780s who lived lives of tremendous
emotional intensity; it means Storm
and Stress.
Secti on Revi ew
Liberalism stood for representative
government, equality before the law,
individual freedoms, and unrestricted
private enterprise associated with the
business middle class.
Nationalism was based on the concept
of a cultural unity among people who
shared a common language, history,
and territory; nationalists often tried to
turn this perceived cultural unity into
political reality.
Socialists believed in planning, greater
economic equality, and state regulation
of property with the goal of helping the
poor and thus improving society for
Karl Marxs ideology was based on the
concept that the middle class (the
bourgeoisie) exploited the working class
(the proletariat), who should band
together and revolt to change the sys-
tem into a socialist one.
The Romantic Movement 599
nature. In the words of the eigh teenth-century Eng lish author Samuel Johnson, A
blade of grass is always a blade of grass; men and women are my subjects of in-
quiry. The romantics, in contrast, were enchanted by nature. For some it was
awesome and tempestuous, while others saw nature as a source of spiritual inspira-
tion. As the great Eng lish landscape artist John Constable declared, Nature is
Spirit visible.
Most romantics saw the growth of modern industry as an ugly, brutal attack on
their beloved nature and on the human personality. They sought escapein the
unspoiled Lake District of northern Eng land, in exotic North Africa, in an ideal-
ized Middle Ages.
Diverse, exciting, and important, the study of history became a romantic pas-
sion. History was the key to a universe that was now perceived to be organic and
dynamic, not mechanical and static as the Enlightenment thinkers had believed.
Historical studies also promoted the growth of national aspirations, encouraging
entire peoples to seek in the past their special destinies.
Romanticism found its distinctive voice in poetry, as
the Enlightenment had in prose. Its rst great poets
were British: Wordsworth and Coleridge were all ac-
tive by 1800, to be followed shortly by Byron, Shelley, and Keats.
A towering leader of Eng lish romanticism, William Wordsworth (17701850)
was deeply inuenced by Rousseau and the spirit of the early French Revolution.
Wordsworth settled in the rural Lake District of Eng land with his sister, Dorothy,
and poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge (17721834). In 1798 Wordsworth and
Coleridge published their Lyrical Ballads, which abandoned owery classical con-
ventions for the language of ordinary speech and endowed simple subjects with
the loftiest majesty. One of the best examples of Wordsworths romantic credo and
genius is Daffodils. After describing the joyful experience of wandering into a
eld of owers, the poet reects on the power of that single experience in the last
stanza of the poem:
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They ash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with plea sure lls,
And dances with the daffodils.
Here indeed are simplicity and love of nature in commonplace forms that
could be appreciated by everyone. Wordsworths conception of poetry as the spon-
taneous overow of powerful feeling recollected in tranquility is well illustrated
in this stanza.
Classicism remained strong in France under Napoleon and inhibited the
growth of romanticism there. In 1813 Germaine de Stal (duh STAHL) (1766
1817), a Franco-Swiss writer living in exile, urged the French to throw away their
worn-out classical models. Her study On Germany (1810) extolled the spontaneity
and enthusiasm of German writers and thinkers, and it had a powerful impact on
the post-1815 generation in France. Between 1820 and 1850, the romantic im-
pulse broke through in the poetry and prose of Lamartine, de Vigny, Dumas,
Hugo, and Sand.
The powerful novels of Victor Hugo (18021885) exemplied the romantic
fascination with fantastic characters, exotic historical settings, and human emotions.
Literature Literature
600 Chapter 23 Ideologies and Upheavals, 18151850
The hero of Hugos famous Hunchback of Notre Dame (1831) is the great cathe-
drals deformed bell-ringer, a human gargoyle overlooking the teeming life of
fteenth-century Paris. Renouncing his early conservatism, Hugo equated free-
dom in literature with liberty in politics and society.
Amandine Aurore Lucie Dupin (18041876), generally known by her pen
name, George Sand, deed the narrow conventions of her time in an unending
search for sexual and personal freedom. After eight years of unhappy marriage she
abandoned her husband and took her two children to Paris to pursue a career as a
writer. There Sand soon achieved fame, notoriety, and wealth, eventually writing
over eighty novels on a variety of romantic and social themes.
In central and eastern Europe, literary romanticism and early nationalism of-
ten reinforced each other. Some romantic writers became fascinated with peasant
life and transcribed the folk songs, tales, and proverbs that the cosmopolitan En-
lightenment had disdained. The brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were par-
ticularly successful at rescuing German fairy tales from oblivion. In the Slavic
lands, romantics played a decisive role in converting spoken peasant languages
into modern written languages. The greatest of all Rus sian poets, Aleksander Push-
kin (17991837), rejected eigh teenth-century attempts to force Rus sian poetry
into a classical straitjacket and used his lyric genius to mold the modern literary
Frances master of the romantic style in painting was
Eugne Delacroix (OO-gene duh-la-KWAH) (1798
1863), probably the illegitimate son of French foreign
minister Talleyrand. Delacroixs dramatic, colorful depictions of the violent
struggle for freedom stirred the emotions. He was also fascinated with remote and
exotic subjects, whether lion hunts in Morocco or dreams of languishing, sensu-
ous women in a sultans harem.
In Eng land the most notable romantic painters were Joseph M. W. Turner
(17751851) and John Constable (17761837). Both were fascinated by nature,
but their interpretations of it contrasted sharply, aptly symbolizing the tremendous
emotional range of the romantic movement. Turner depicted natures power and
terror; wild storms and sinking ships were favorite subjects. Constable painted the
idyllic and soothing countryside of unspoiled rural Eng land.
In music, the romantic movement endured well into the late nineteeth cen-
tury. Abandoning well-dened structures, the great romantic composers used a
wide range of forms to create a thousand musical landscapes and evoke a host of
powerful emotions. Romantic composers also transformed the small classical or-
chestra, tripling its size by adding wind instruments, percussion, and more brass
and strings. The crashing chords evoking the surge of the masses in Chopins
Revolutionary Etude and the bottomless despair of the funeral march in
Beethovens Third Symphony plumbed the depths of human feeling.
This range and intensity gave music and musicians much greater prestige than
in the past. Music no longer simply complemented a church ser vice or helped a
nobleman digest his dinner. Music became a sublime end in itself, most perfectly
realizing the endless yearning of the soul. The unbelievable one-in-a-million
performerthe great virtuoso who could transport the listener to ecstasy and
hysteriabecame a cultural hero. People swooned for Franz Liszt (frahnts list)
(18111886), the greatest pianist of his age, as they scream for rock stars today.
The rst great romantic composer is also the most famous today. Ludwig van
Beethoven (BEY-toe-vuhn) (17701827) used contrasting themes and tones to
Art and Music Art and Music
produce dramatic conict and inspiring resolutions. As one contemporary admirer
wrote, Beethovens music sets in motion the lever of fear, of awe, of horror, of suffer-
ing, and awakens just that innite longing which is the essence of Romanticism.
While the romantic movement was developing, liberal, national, and socialist
forces battered against the conservatism of 1815. In some countries, change oc-
curred gradually and peacefully. Elsewhere, pressures built and eventually caused
an explosion in 1848. Three countriesGreece, Great Britain, and France
experienced variations on this basic theme between 1815 and 1848.
Reforms and Revolutions
How after 1815 did liberal, national, and socialist forces challenge
conservatism in Greece, Great Britain, and France?
Reforms and Revolutions
How after 1815 did liberal, national, and socialist forces challenge
conservatism in Greece, Great Britain, and France?
Nature and the Meaning
of Life
Caspar David Friedrich (17741840) was
Germanys greatest romantic painter,
and his Traveler Looking over a Sea
of Fog (1815) is a representative
masterpiece. Friedrichs paintings
often focus on dark, silhouetted
gures silently contemplating an eerie
landscape. Friedrich came to believe
that humans were only an insignicant
part of an all-embracing higher unity.
(Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz/ Art
Resource, NY)
Reforms and Revolutions 601
Secti on Revi ew
Romanticisms tenets included a
belief in emotional expression and
imagination, living life to the fullest
by devel oping ones potential, and
being captivated by nature and the
study of history.
Poetry was the language of the roman-
tics, who used ordinary speech, simple
subjects, and novels with fantastic
characters, historical settings, and
heightened human emotions.
Romantic art depicted the full range
of expression in nature, from power
and terror to the calm and serene; in
music, too, the romantic goal was to
evoke a range of emotions by using
contrasting themes and tones.
602 Chapter 23 Ideologies and Upheavals, 18151850
National, liberal revolution, frustrated in Italy and
Spain by con ser va tive statesmen, succeeded rst in
Greece after 1815. Since the fteenth century, the
Greeks had been living under the domination of the Ottoman Turks. In spite of
centuries of foreign rule, the Greeks had survived as a people, united by their lan-
guage and the Greek Orthodox religion. Inspired by the general growth of nation-
alism and in de pen dence movements in the early nineteenth century, a rising
Greek national movement took root. Under Alexander Ypsilanti (ip-suh-LAN-tee),
a Greek patriot and a general in the Rus sian army, revolution broke out in 1821.
The Great Powers, particularly Metternich, were opposed to all revolution,
even revolution against the Islamic Turks. They refused to back Ypsilanti and sup-
ported the Ottoman Empire. Yet for many Europeans, the Greek cause became a
holy one. Educated Americans and Europeans were in love with the culture of
classical Greece; Rus sians were stirred by the piety of their Orthodox brethren.
Writers and artists, moved by the romantic impulse, responded enthusiastically to
the Greek national struggle. The famous Eng lish romantic poet Lord Byron even
joined the Greeks and died ghting that Greece may yet be free.
The Greeks, though often quarreling among themselves, battled on against
the Turks and hoped for the eventual support of European governments. In 1827
Great Britain, France, and Russia responded to popular demands at home and
directed Turkey to accept an armistice. When the Turks refused, the navies of
these three powers trapped the Turkish eet at Navarino and destroyed it. Russia
then declared another of its periodic wars of expansion against the Turks. This led
to the establishment of a Rus sian protectorate over much of present-day Romania,
which had also been under Turkish rule. Great Britain, France, and Russia nally
declared Greece in de pen dent in 1830 and installed a German prince as king of
the new country in 1832. In the end, the Greeks had won: a small nation had
gained its in de pen dence in a heroic war of liberation against a foreign empire.
Eighteenth-century British society had been both ex-
ible and remarkably stable. It was dominated by the
landowning aristocracy, but that class was neither
closed nor rigidly dened. Successful business and professional people could buy
land and become gentlefolk, while the common people had more than the usual
opportunities of the preindustrial world. Nonetheless, the British Parliament was
thoroughly undem o cratic.
By the 1780s there was growing interest in some kind of political reform, but
the French Revolution made the British aristocracy fearful and extremely hostile
to any attempts to change the status quo. Conicts between the ruling class and
laborers were sparked in 1815 with revision of the Corn Laws. Britain had been
unable to import cheap grain from eastern Europe during the war years, leading
to high prices and large prots for the landed aristocracy. With the war over, grain
could be imported again, allowing the price of wheat and bread to go down and
beneting almost everyone except the aristocracy. The aristocracy, however,
rammed far-reaching changes in the Corn Laws through Parliament. The new
regulation prohibited the importation of foreign grain unless the price at home
rose to improb able levels. Seldom has a class legislated more selshly for its own
narrow economic advantage or done more to promote a class-based view of politi-
cal action.
The change in the Corn Laws, coming as it did at a time of widespread unem-
ployment and postwar economic distress, triggered protests and demonstrations. In
National Liberation
in Greece
National Liberation
in Greece
Liberal Reform
in Great Britain
Liberal Reform
in Great Britain
Corn Laws British laws, revised in 1815,
that prohibited the importation of
foreign grain unless the price at home
rose to improb able levels.
Corn Laws British laws, revised in 1815,
that prohibited the importation of
foreign grain unless the price at home
rose to improb able levels.
Reforms and Revolutions 603
1817 the Tory government, which was completely controlled by the landed aris-
tocracy, responded by temporarily suspending the traditional rights of peaceable
assembly and habeas corpus. Two years later, Parliament passed the infamous Six
Acts, which, among other things, placed controls on a heavily taxed press and
practically eliminated all mass meetings. These acts followed an enormous but
orderly protest, at Saint Peters Fields in Manchester, that had been savagely bro-
ken up by armed cavalry. Nicknamed the Battle of Peterloo, in scornful reference
to the British victory at Waterloo, this incident demonstrated the governments
determination to repress dissenters.
As their wealth grew, the new manufacturing and commercial groups insisted
on a place in the framework of political power and social prestige, and they called
for many kinds of liberal reform. In the 1820s, a less frightened Tory government
responded with reforms that offered better urban administration, greater economic
liberalism, civil equality for Catholics, and limited imports of foreign grain. These
actions encouraged the middle classes to press on for reform of Parliament so they
could have a larger say in government.
The Whig Party, though led like the Tories by great aristocrats, had by tradition
been more responsive to commercial and manufacturing interests. After a series of
setbacks, their Reform Bill of 1832 was propelled into law by a mighty surge of
popular support. The Reform Bill of 1832 moved politics in a dem o cratic direc-
tion. It increased the power in Parliament of the House of Commons at the ex-
pense of the House of Lords. The new industrial areas of the country also gained
representation in the Commons, and many old rotten boroughselectoral dis-
tricts that had very few voters and that the landed aristocracy had bought and
soldwere eliminated. As a result of the Reform Bill of 1832, the number of vot-
ers increased by about 50 percent, giving about 12 percent of adult men in Britain
and Ireland the right to vote. Comfortable middle-class groups in the urban popu-
lation, as well as some larger-scale farmers, received the vote. Thus the pressures
building in Great Britain were temporarily released. A major reform had been
achieved peacefully. Continued fundamental reform within the system appeared
difcult but not impossible.
The movement to grant voting rights to all men gained momentum. Hun-
dreds of thousands of people signed gigantic petitions calling on Parliament to
grant universal male suffrage, rst and most seriously in 1839, again in 1842, and
yet again in 1848. Parliament rejected all three petitions. In the short run, the
working poor failed with their demands, but they learned a valuable lesson in mass
While calling for universal male suffrage, many working-class people joined
with middle-class manufacturers in the AntiCorn Law League, founded in Man-
chester in 1839. The League argued that lower food prices and more jobs in indus-
try depended on repeal of the Corn Laws. Finally, in 1846, Parliament allowed for
free imports of grain when the failure of the Irish potato crop threatened famine.
Thereafter the liberal doctrine of free trade became almost sacred dogma in Great
The following year, the Tories passed a bill designed to help the working
classes, but in a different way. The Ten Hours Act of 1847 limited the workday for
women and young people in factories to ten hours. Tory aristocrats continued to
champion legislation regulating factory conditions. They were competing vigor-
ously with the middle class for the support of the working class. This healthy com-
petition between a still-vigorous aristocracy and a strong middle class was a crucial
factor in Great Britains peaceful evolution. The working classes could make tem-
porary alliances with either competitor to better their own conditions.
Battle of Peterloo A protest that took
place at Saint Peters Fields in Manchester
in reaction to the revision of the Corn
Laws; it was broken up by armed cavalry.
Battle of Peterloo A protest that took
place at Saint Peters Fields in Manchester
in reaction to the revision of the Corn
Laws; it was broken up by armed cavalry.
Reform Bill of 1832 A major British
political reform that increased the number
of male voters by about 50 percent and
gave political representation to new
industrial areas.
Reform Bill of 1832 A major British
political reform that increased the number
of male voters by about 50 percent and
gave political representation to new
industrial areas.
604 Chapter 23 Ideologies and Upheavals, 18151850
The people of Ireland did not benet from the politi-
cal competition in Britain. The great mass of the popu-
lation (outside of the northern counties of Ulster,
which were partly Presbyterian) were Irish Catholics, who rented their land from
a tiny minority of Church of Eng land Protestants. These landlords were content
to use their power to grab as much as possible.
The result was that the condition of the Irish peasantry around 1800 was abom-
inable. The typical peasant lived in a wretched cottage and could afford neither
shoes nor stockings. Hundreds of shocking accounts describe hopeless poverty. Yet
Ireland and the
Great Famine
Ireland and the
Great Famine
The Prelude to 1848
March 1814 Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Britain form the Quadruple Alliance to defeat France.
April 1814 Napoleon abdicates.
MayJune 1814 Bourbon monarchy is restored; Louis XVIII issues the Constitutional Charter providing for civil
liberties and representative government.
First Peace of Paris: allies combine leniency with a defensive posture toward France.
October 1814June 1815 Congress of Vienna peace settlement establishes balance-of-power principle and creates the
German Confederation.
February 1815 Napoleon escapes from Elba and marches on Paris.
June 1815 Napoleon defeated at the Battle of Waterloo.
September 1815 Austria, Prussia, and Russia form the Holy Alliance to repress liberal and revolutionary
November 1815 Second Peace of Paris and renewal of Quadruple Alliance punish France and establish the
European congress system.
1819 In Carlsbad Decrees, Metternich imposes harsh mea sures throughout the German
1820 Revolution occurs in Spain and the kingdom of the Two Sicilies.
At the Congress of Troppau, Metternich and Alexander I of Russia proclaim the principle of
intervention to maintain autocratic regimes.
1821 Austria crushes a liberal revolution in Naples and restores the Sicilian autocracy.
Greeks revolt against the Ottoman Turks.
1823 French armies restore the Spanish regime.
1824 Reactionary Charles X succeeds Louis XVIII in France.
1830 Charles X repudiates the Constitutional Charter; insurrection and collapse of the government
follow. Louis Philippe succeeds to the throne and maintains a narrowly liberal regime until 1848.
Greece wins in de pen dence from the Ottoman Empire.
1832 Reform Bill expands British electorate and encourages the middle class.
1839 Louis Blanc publishes Organization of Work.
1840 Pierre Joseph Proudhon publishes What Is Property?
1846 Jules Michelet publishes The People.
1848 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels publish The Communist Manifesto.
Reforms and Revolutions 605
in spite of terrible conditions, population growth sped onward. The 3 million of
1725 reached 4 million in 1780 and doubled to 8 million by 1840.
The population grew so quickly for three reasons: extensive cultivation of the
potato, early marriage, and exploitation of peasants by landlords. Once peasants be-
gan to cultivate potatoes in the late sixteenth century, a larger population could be
supported. A single acre of land spaded and planted with potatoes could feed an Irish
family of six for a year, whereas two to four acres of grain and pasture were needed to
feed the same number. Needing only a big potato patch to survive, Irish men and
women married early. Because landlords leased land for short periods only, peasants
had no incentive to make permanent improvements or hold off on marriage until
they were settled. Rural poverty was inescapable and better shared with a spouse,
while dutiful children were an old persons best hope of escaping destitution.
As population and potato dependency grew, conditions became more precari-
ous. From 1820 onward deciencies and diseases in the potato crop became more
common. In 1845 and 1846, and again in 1848 and 1851, the potato crop failed
in Ireland.
The result was unmitigated disasterthe Great Famine. Blight attacked the
young plants, the leaves withered, and the tubers rotted. Widespread starvation
and mass fever epidemics followed. Yet the British government, committed to rigid
laissez-faire ideology, was slow to act. When it did, its relief efforts were tragically
inadequate. Moreover, the government continued to collect taxes, and landlords
demanded their rents. Tenants who could not pay were evicted and their homes
destroyed. Famine or no, Ireland remained the conquered jewel of foreign land-
The Great Famine shattered the pattern of Irish population growth. Fully
1 million emigrants ed the famine between 1845 and 1851, and at least 1.5 mil-
lion died or went unborn because of the disaster. Alone among the countries of
Great Famine The result of four years
of crop failure in Ireland, a country that
had grown de pen dent on potatoes as a
dietary staple.
Great Famine The result of four years
of crop failure in Ireland, a country that
had grown de pen dent on potatoes as a
dietary staple.
Daniel McDonald: The
Discovery of the Potato Blight
Although the leaves of diseased plants
usually shriveled and died, they could
also look deceptively healthy. This Irish
family has dug up its potato harvest and
just discovered to its horror that the
blight has rotted the crop. Like
thousands of Irish families, this family
now faces the starvation and the mass
epidemics of the Great Famine. (Delargy
Centre for Irish Folklore, University College, Dublin)
606 Chapter 23 Ideologies and Upheavals, 18151850
Europe, Ireland experienced a declining population in the nineteenth century,
from about 8 million in 1845 to 4.4 million in 1911. Ireland became a land of
continuous out-migration, late marriage, and widespread celibacy.
The Great Famine also intensied anti-British feeling and promoted Irish na-
tionalism, for the bitter memory of starvation, exile, and British inaction was
burned deeply into the popular consciousness. Patriots could call on powerful col-
lective emotions in their campaigns for land reform, home rule, and, eventually,
Irish in de pen dence.
France won a liberal constitution under Louis XVIII.
His Constitutional Charter of 1814 protected the eco-
nomic and social gains made by sections of the middle
class and the peasantry in the French Revolution, permitted great intellectual and
artistic freedom, and allowed for the creation of a parliament with upper and lower
houses. Immediately after Napoleons abortive Hundred Days, the moderate king
refused the counsel of reactionary aristocrats such as his brother Charles, who
wished to sweep away all the revolutionary changes and return to a bygone age of
royal absolutism and aristocratic pretension. Instead, Louis appointed as his min-
isters moderate royalists, who sought and obtained the support of a majority of the
representatives elected to the lower Chamber of Deputies.
Louis XVIIIs charter was anything but dem o cratic. Only about 100,000 of
the wealthiest males out of a total population of 30 million had the right to vote
for the deputies who, with the king and his ministers, made the laws of the nation.
Nonetheless, the notable people who did vote came from very different back-
grounds. There were wealthy businessmen, war proteers, successful profession-
als, ex-revolutionaries, large landowners from the old aristocracy and the middle
class, Bourbons, and Bonapartists.
The old aristocracy, with its pre-1789 mentality, was a minority within the vot-
ing population. It was this situation that Louiss successor, Charles X (r. 1824
1830), could not abide. Crowned in a lavish, utterly medieval, ve-hour ceremony
in the cathedral of Reims (reemz) in 1824, Charles was a true reactionary. He
wanted to re-establish the old order in France. Increasingly blocked by the opposi-
tion of the deputies, Charless government turned in 1830 to military adventure in
an effort to rally French nationalism and gain popular support. A long-standing
economic and diplomatic dispute with Muslim Algeria, a vassal state of the Otto-
man Empire, provided the opportunity.
In June 1830, a French force of 37,000 crossed the Mediterranean, landed to
the west of Algiers, and took the capital city in three short weeks. Victory seemed
complete, but in 1831 Muslims from the interior revolted and waged a fearsome
war until 1847, when French armies nally subdued the country. Bringing French,
Spanish, and Italian settlers to Algeria and leading to the expropriation of large
tracts of Muslim land, the conquest of Algeria marked the rebirth of French colo-
nial expansion.
Emboldened by the good news from Algeria, Charles repudiated the Constitu-
tional Charter and issued decrees stripping much of the wealthy middle class of its
voting rights. He also censored the press. The immediate reaction, encouraged by
journalists and lawyers, was an insurrection in the capital by printers, other arti-
sans, and small traders. In three glorious days, the government collapsed. Paris
boiled with revolutionary excitement, and Charles ed. Then the upper middle
class, which had fomented the revolt, skillfully seated Charless cousin, Louis
Philippe, duke of Orlans, on the vacant throne.
The Revolution of
1830 in France
The Revolution of
1830 in France
The Revolutions of 1848 607
Louis Philippe (r. 18301848) accepted the Constitutional Charter of 1814;
adopted the red, white, and blue ag of the French Revolution; and admitted that
he was merely the king of the French people. Yet the situation in France re-
mained fundamentally unchanged. The vote was extended from 100,000 to just
170,000 citizens. The upper middle class wanted only to protect their interests and
the narrowly liberal institutions of 1815. Republicans, dem o crats, social reformers,
and the poor of Paris were bitterly disappointed. They had made a revolution, but
it seemed for naught. The social and political divisions that so troubled Jules
Michelet in the 1840s were clear for all to see. (See the feature Individuals in
Society: Jules Michelet.)
In 1848 revolutionary political and social ideologies combined with a severe eco-
nomic crisis to produce a vast upheaval across Europe. Only reforming Great Brit-
ain and immobile Russia escaped untouched. Governments toppled; monarchs
and ministers bowed or ed. National in de pen dence, liberal-dem o cratic constitu-
tions, and social reform: the lofty aspirations of a generation seemed at hand. Yet
in the end, the revolutions failed.
The late 1840s in Europe were hard economically and
tense politically. The potato famine in Ireland in 1845
and 1846 had many echoes on the continent. Bad har-
vests jacked up food prices and caused misery and unemployment in the cities.
Prerevolutionary outbreaks occurred all across Europe: an abortive Polish revo-
lution in the northern part of Austria in 1846, a civil war between radicals and
con ser va tives in Switzerland in 1847, and an armed uprising in Naples, Italy, in
January 1848. Revolution was almost universally expected, but it took revolution
in Parisonce againto turn expectations into realities.
Louis Philippes bourgeois monarchy had been characterized by stubborn
inaction and complacency. There was a glaring lack of social legislation, and poli-
tics was dominated by corruption and selsh special interests. With only the rich
voting for deputies, many of the deputies were docile government bureaucrats.
The governments stubborn refusal to consider electoral reform heightened a
sense of class injustice among middle-class shopkeepers, skilled artisans, and un-
skilled working people, and it eventually touched off a popular revolt in Paris.
Barricades went up on the night of February 22, 1848, and by February 24 Louis
Philippe had abdicated in favor of his grandson. But the common people in arms
would tolerate no more monarchy. This refusal led to the proclamation of a provi-
sional republic, headed by a ten-man executive committee and certied by cries
of approval from the revolutionary crowd.
The revolutionaries immediately set about drafting a constitution for Frances
Second Republic. Moreover, they wanted a truly popular and dem o cratic republic
so that the common peoplethe peasants, the artisans, and the unskilled workers
could participate in reforming society. In practice, building such a republic meant
giving the right to vote to every adult male, and this was quickly done. Revolutionary
The Revolutions of 1848
Why in 1848 did revolution triumph briey throughout most of Europe,
and why did it fail almost completely?
The Revolutions of 1848
Why in 1848 did revolution triumph briey throughout most of Europe,
and why did it fail almost completely?
A Democratic
Republic in France
A Democratic
Republic in France
Secti on Revi ew
The Greeks, inspired by their growing
nationalism and in de pen dence move-
ments, revolted against the Islamic
Turks and, with the support of other
European powers, won their
in de pen dence.
Conicts between laborers and the
Tory aristocracy in Great Britain over
the Corn Laws triggered protests and
savage repression at the Battle of
Competition between the Tory aristo-
crats and the middle class Whig party
for the support of the working class
brought about improvements in
working conditions and greater male
suffrage, and it resulted in a peaceful
redis tri bu tion of power in Parliament
away from the House of Lords and
toward the House of Commons
through the Reform Bill of 1832.
The failure of the potato crop, the
Great Famine, devastated Ireland as
1.5 million people died and a million
emigrated; Britains callous lack of
response fed resentment toward the
British and inspired the Irish national-
ist campaign for in de pen dence.
Louis XVIIIs Constitutional Charter
of 1814 provided some economic
and social gains but his brother and
successor Charles X repealed it,
re-establishing the old order of France.
In three glorious days a revolt de-
posed the reactionary Charles X and
placed the moderate King Louis
Philippe on the throne; he re-enacted
the Constitutional Charter, which
pleased the upper middle class but did
little to help the republicans, dem o-
crats, social reformers, or the poor.
Indi vi dual s i n Soci et y
Jules Michelet
amous proponent of dem o cratic nationalism and
generally recognized as Frances pre-eminent ro-
mantic historian, Jules Michelet (17981874) was born
and educated in Paris, the only child in a loving family
of poor printers. Largely self-taught
in the family print shop in his early
years, the awkward apprentice-
turned-student entered the pres-
tigious Charlemagne College in
1813 and had to repeat his rst year.
Then he sped forward, winning
prizes, earning a professorship, and
building a brilliant aca demic ca-
reer. Yet Michelet remained true to
his roots in the common people,
and he drew from history a vision of
a generous France that would em-
brace all its children and heal their
social divisions.
The young Michelet was
strongly inuenced by the still
largely ignored Italian philosopher
Giovanni Battista Vico (1668
1744), who viewed history as the
development of societies and hu-
man institutions, as opposed to the biographies of great
men or the work of divine providence.
After being appointed the historical director of the
National Archives after the revolution of 1830, Michelet
was able to combine teaching and writing with intense
research in still largely unexplored documentary collec-
tions and he presented what he believed to be the rst
genuine history of his country and its people. Many his-
torians, though not Michelet himself, believe that his
history of France in the Middle Agespublished be-
tween 1833 and 1844 and becoming the rst six volumes
in his multivolume History of France (18331867)is
his most solid, useful, and lasting accomplishment.
These volumes single out his vast knowledge of the
sources, his uncanny evocation of times and places, and
his empathic and balanced understanding of different
views and individuals. His treatment of the national re-
vival under Joan of Arc in the fteenth century is a fa-
mous example of his early work.
Finishing his study of the Middle Ages and shaken
by his wifes death, Michelet became eager to write the
history of the French Revolution as the ultimate achieve-
ment, the time the French people reached maturity and
began the long-delayed liberation of mankind. Yet, con-
fronted by growing social divisions and seeing France
sinking hour by hour, he tried rst to write a book that
would save France. Published in 1846, The People drew
on personal experience, history, and contemporary de-
bates, painting a vivid picture of French society and the
social dislocation that aficted all classes. Rejecting so-
cialism as an unrealistic fantasy, Michelet pleaded in-
stead for national unity: One people! one country! one
France! Never, never, I beg you, must we become two
nations! Without unity, we perish!* He also called for
universal secular education as a way to create a unied
and stable citizenry. Michelets book was widely read
and discussed.
Sickened by the failure of the revolution of 1848 and
refusing to swear allegiance to Louis Napoleon, Miche-
let lost his government positions and turned to full-time
writing. He completed his seven-volume history of the
French Revolution, lled in the history of the early
modern period of France with another eleven volumes,
and wrote popular impressions of nature and anticleri-
cal polemics. Michelets later history is often criticized
for being overly emotional and biased against the mon-
archy, the nobility, and the clergy while idealizing
popular forces and revolutionary upheaval. A great indi-
vidualist, Michelet was a gifted writer with a grand,
heartfelt historical narrative of compassionate nation-
hood for a noble people.
Questions for Analysis
1. How would you describe Michelets conception of
history, and how did it evolve over time?
2. Does the study of history help solve contemporary
problems? Debate this question, and defend your
* Jules Michelet, The People, trans. with an introduction by
John P. McKay (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1973),
p. 21.
Jules Michelet, in a portrait by
Joseph Court. (Photo12.com)
compassion and sympathy for freedom were expressed in the freeing of all slaves
in French colonies, the abolition of the death penalty, and the establishment of a
ten-hour workday for Paris.
Yet there were profound differences within the revolutionary coalition in Paris.
On the one hand, there were the moderate, liberal republicans of the middle class.
They viewed universal male suffrage as the ultimate concession to be made to
popular forces, and they strongly opposed any further radical social mea sures. On
the other hand, there were radical republicans and hard-pressed artisans. Inu-
enced by a generation of utopian socialists, and appalled by the poverty and misery
of the urban poor, the radical republicans were committed to some kind of social-
ism. So were many artisans, who hated the unrestrained competition of cutthroat
capitalism and who advocated a combination of strong craft unions and worker-
owned businesses.
Worsening depression and rising unemployment brought these conicting
goals to the fore in 1848. Louis Blanc, who along with a worker named Albert
represented the republican socialists in the provisional government, pressed for
recognition of a socialist right to work. Blanc asserted that permanent government-
sponsored cooperative workshops should be established for workers. Such work-
shops would be an alternative to capitalist employment and a decisive step toward
a new, noncompetitive social order.
The moderate republicans wanted no such thing. They were willing to provide
only temporary relief. The resulting compromise set up national workshopssoon
to become little more than a vast program of pick-and-shovel public worksand
established a special commission under Blanc to study the question. This satis-
ed no one. The national workshops were, however, better than nothing. An army
of desperate poor from the French provinces and even from foreign countries
streamed into Paris to sign up. As the economic crisis worsened, the number en-
rolled in the workshops soared from 10,000 in March to 120,000 by June, and
another 80,000 were trying unsuccessfully to join.
While the workshops in Paris grew, the French masses went to the election
polls in late April. Voting in most cases for the rst time, the people of France
elected to the new Constituent Assembly about ve hundred moderate republi-
cans, three hundred monarchists, and one hundred radicals who professed various
brands of socialism. One of the moderate republicans was the author of Democ-
racy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville (TOHK-vil) (18051859), who had predicted
the overthrow of Louis Philippes government.
Tocqueville observed that the socialist movement in Paris was an anathema to
Frances peasants as well as to the upper and middle classes. The French peasants
owned land, and according to Tocqueville, private property had become with all
those who owned it a sort of bond of fraternity.
Returning from Normandy to take
his seat in the new Constituent Assembly, Tocqueville saw that a majority of the
members were rmly committed to the republic and strongly opposed to the so-
cialists and their artisan allies, and he shared their sentiments.
This clash of ideologiesof liberal capitalism and socialismbecame a clash
of classes and arms after the elections. The new governments executive commit-
tee dropped Blanc and thereafter included no representative of the Parisian work-
ing class. Fearing that their socialist hopes were about to be dashed, artisans and
unskilled workers invaded the Constituent Assembly on May 15 and tried to pro-
claim a new revolutionary state. But the government was ready and used the
middle-class National Guard to squelch this uprising. As the workshops continued
to ll and grow more radical, the fearful but powerful propertied classes in the As-
sembly took the offensive. On June 22, the government dissolved the national
The Revolutions of 1848 609
610 Chapter 23 Ideologies and Upheavals, 18151850
workshops in Paris, giving the workers the choice of joining the army or going to
workshops in the provinces.
The result was a spontaneous and violent uprising. Frustrated in attempts to
create a socialist society, masses of desperate people were now losing even their
life-sustaining relief. As a voice from the crowd cried out when the famous as-
tronomer Franois Arago counseled patience, Ah, Monsieur Arago, you have
never been hungry!
Barricades sprang up in the narrow streets of Paris, and a
terrible class war began. Working people fought with the courage of utter despera-
tion, but the government had the army and the support of peasant France. After
three terrible June Days and the death or injury of more than ten thousand
people, the republican army under General Louis Cavaignac triumphed.
The revolution in France thus ended in spectacular failure. The February
coalition of the middle and working classes had in four short months become
locked in mortal combat. In place of a generous dem o cratic republic, the Con-
stituent Assembly completed a constitution featuring a strong executive. This
allowed Louis Napoleon, nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, to win a landslide
victory in the election of December 1848. The appeal of his great name as well
as the desire of the propertied classes for order at any cost had produced a semi-
authoritarian regime.
Throughout central Europe, the rst news of the
upheaval in France evoked feverish excitement and
eventually revolution. Liberals demanded written con-
stitutions, representative government, and greater civil liberties from authoritarian
regimes. When governments hesitated, popular revolts followed. Urban workers
and students served as the shock troops, but they were allied with middle-class
liberals and peasants. In the face of this united front, monarchs collapsed and
granted almost every thing. The popular revolutionary coalition, having secured
great and easy victories, then broke down as it had in France. The traditional
forcesthe monarchy, the aristocracy, the regular armyrecovered their nerve,
reasserted their authority, and took back many, though not all, of the concessions.
Reaction was every where victorious.
The revolution in the Austrian Empire began in Hungary in 1848, where na-
tionalistic Hungarians demanded national autonomy, full civil liberties, and uni-
versal suffrage. When the monarchy in Vienna hesitated, Viennese students and
workers took to the streets, and peasant disorders broke out in parts of the empire.
The Habsburg emperor Ferdinand I (r. 18351848) capitulated and promised re-
forms and a liberal constitution. Metternich, who had foreseen the disruptive po-
tential of nationalism, ed in disguise toward London. The old absolutist order
seemed to be collapsing with unbelievable rapidity.
The coalition of revolutionaries was not stable, however. When the monarchy
abolished serfdom as part of its promised reforms, the newly free peasants then lost
interest in the political and social questions agitating the cities. Meanwhile, the
coalition of urban revolutionaries broke down along class lines over the issue of
socialist workshops and universal voting rights for men.
The revolutionary coalition was also weakened, and ultimately destroyed, by
conicting national aspirations. In March the Hungarian revolutionary leaders
pushed through an extremely liberal, almost dem o cratic, constitution. But the
Hungarian revolutionaries also sought to transform the mosaic of provinces and
peoples that was the kingdom of Hungary into a unied, centralized, Hungarian
nation. To the minority groups that formed half of the populationthe Croats,
The Austrian Empire
in 1848
The Austrian Empire
in 1848
Serbs, and Romanianssuch unication was completely unacceptable. Each felt
entitled to political autonomy and cultural in de pen dence. In a somewhat similar
way, Czech nationalists based in Bohemia and the city of Prague came into con-
ict with German nationalists. (See the feature Listening to the Past: Speaking for
the Czech Nation on pages 615616.) Thus conicting national aspirations
within the Austrian Empire enabled the monarchy to play off one ethnic group
against the other.
Finally, the con ser va tive aristocratic forces regained their nerve under the
rallying call of the archduchess Sophia, a Bavarian princess married to the em-
perors brother. Deeply ashamed of the emperors collapse before a mess of stu-
dents, she insisted that Ferdinand, who had no heir, abdicate in favor of her son,
Francis Joseph.
Powerful nobles or ga nized around Sophia in a secret conspiracy
to reverse and crush the revolution.
Their rst breakthrough came when the army bombarded Prague and savagely
crushed a working-class revolt there on June 17. Other Austrian ofcials and
nobles began to lead the minority nationalities of Hungary against the revolution-
ary government. At the end of October, the well-equipped, predominately peasant
troops of the regular Austrian army attacked the student and working-class radicals
in Vienna and retook the city at the cost of more than four thousand casualties.
Thus the determination of the Austrian aristocracy and the loyalty of its army were
the nal ingredients in the triumph of reaction and the defeat of revolution.
When Francis Joseph (r. 18481916) was crowned emperor of Austria imme-
diately after his eigh teenth birthday in December 1848, only Hungary had yet to
be brought under control. But another determined con ser va tive, Nicholas I of
Russia (r. 18251855), obligingly lent his iron hand. On June 6, 1849, 130,000
Rus sian troops poured into Hungary and subdued the country after bitter ghting.
For a number of years, the Habsburgs ruled Hungary as a conquered territory.
After Austria, Prussia was the largest and most inuen-
tial German kingdom. Prior to 1848, the goal of middle-
class Prussian liberals had been to transform absolutist
Prussia into a liberal constitutional monarchy, which would lead the thirty-eight
states of the German Confederation into a liberal, unied nation. The agitation
following the fall of Louis Philippe in France encouraged Prussian liberals to press
their demands. When the artisans and factory workers in Berlin exploded in March
and joined temporarily with the middle-class liberals in the struggle against the
monarchy, Frederick William IV (r. 18401861) promised to grant Prussia a lib-
eral constitution and to merge Prussia into a new national German state that was
to be created. But urban workers wanted much more and the Prussian aristocracy
wanted much less than the moderate constitutional liberalism the king conceded.
The workers issued a series of dem o cratic and vaguely socialist demands that
troubled their middle-class allies, and the con ser va tive clique gathered around the
king to urge counter-revolution.
As an elected Prussian Constituent Assembly met in Berlin to write a constitu-
tion for the Prussian state, a self-appointed committee of liberals from various
German states began organizing for the creation of a unied German state. Meet-
ing in Frankfurt in May, a National Assembly composed of lawyers, professors,
doctors, ofcials, and businessmen convened to write the German federal consti-
tution. However, their attention shifted from drafting a constitution to deciding
how to respond to Denmarks claims on the provinces of Schleswig (SCHLES-wig)
and Holstein, which where inhabited primarily by Germans.
Prussia and the
Frankfurt Assembly
Prussia and the
Frankfurt Assembly
The Revolutions of 1848 611
612 Chapter 23 Ideologies and Upheavals, 18151850
Thus delayed, the National Assembly did
not complete its draft of a liberal constitution
until March 1849, at which time it elected
King Frederick William of Prussia emperor of
the new German national state (minus Aus-
tria and Schleswig-Holstein). By early 1849,
however, reaction had been successful almost
every where. Frederick William had reasserted
his royal authority, disbanded the Prussian
Constituent Assembly, and granted his sub-
jects a limited, essentially con ser va tive consti-
tution. Reasserting that he ruled by divine
right, Frederick William contemptuously re-
fused to accept the crown from the gutter.
Bogged down by their preoccupation with na-
tionalist issues, the reluctant revolutionaries
in Frankfurt had waited too long and acted
too timidly.
When Frederick William, who really
wanted to be emperor but only on his own
Street Fighting in Frankfurt, 1848
Workers and students could tear up the cobblestones, barricade a street, and make it into a fortress. But urban
revolutionaries were untrained and poorly armed. They were no match for professional soldiers led by tough ofcers
who were sent against them after frightened rulers had recovered their nerve. (The Granger Collection, New York)
Secti on Revi ew
Jules Michelet, a romantic historian and prolic writer on the history of France,
called for French unity instead of socialism and had a vision of France that
would provide universal education and heal social divisions.
King Louis Philippe ruled with the help of the wealthy and corrupt; his failure
to provide social programs led to revolt and an end to monarchy in 1848, and
the establishment of the Second Republic.
The moderate republicans and the republican socialists disagreed about re-
forms, not going far enough for the working class, who unsuccessfully revolted
in the June Days; the reaction replaced the generous dem o cratic republic
with Bonapartes nephew Louis Napoleon, who consolidated power once again
in the hands of the propertied elite under a semi-authoritarian regime.
Revolution in France inspired popular revolts in the Austrian Empire in 1848 and
led to reforms, but conicting national aspirations and poor or ga ni za tion brought
defeat to the revolutionaries by the Austrian aristocracy and its loyal army.
At the Frankfurt Assembly, Prussian liberals demanded a constitutional monar-
chy but urban workers wanted more radical reforms; Prussian king Frederick
William refused the constitutional crown they offered and with the help of
Austria and Russia reasserted his con ser va tive and autocratic royal authority,
forcing a return to the German Confederation.
Chapter Review 613
Key Terms
dual revolution (p. 590)
Congress of Vienna (p. 590)
Holy Alliance (p. 593)
Carlsbad Decrees (p. 593)
liberalism (p. 594)
laissez faire (p. 594)
nationalism (p. 595)
socialism (p. 596)
bourgeoisie (p. 597)
proletariat (p. 597)
romanticism (p. 598)
Sturm und Drang (p. 598)
Corn Laws (p. 602)
Battle of Peterloo (p. 603)
Reform Bill of 1832 (p. 603)
Great Famine (p. 605)
authoritarian terms, tried to get the small monarchs of Germany to elect him em-
peror, Austria balked. Supported by Russia, Austria forced Prussia to renounce all
of its schemes of unication in late 1850. The German Confederation was re-
established. Attempts to unite the Germansrst in a liberal national state and
then in a con ser va tive Prussian empirehad failed completely.
Chapter Review
How did the victorious allies fashion a general peace settlement, and how did
Metternich uphold a con ser va tive European order? (page 590)
In 1814 the victorious allied powers sought to restore peace and stability in Europe.
Dealing moderately with France and wisely settling their own differences, the allies
laid the foundations for benecial international cooperation throughout much of the
nineteenth century. Led by Metternich, the con ser va tive powers also used intervention
and repression as they sought to prevent the spread of subversive ideas and radical
changes in domestic politics.
What were the basic tenets of liberalism, nationalism, and socialism, and what
groups were most attracted to these ideologies? (page 594)
European thought has seldom been more powerfully creative than after 1815, and
ideologies of liberalism, nationalism, and socialism all developed to challenge the ex-
isting order in this period of early industrialization and rapid population growth. The
basic tenets in one way or another rejected conservatism, with its stress on tradition,
hereditary monarchy and aristocracy, and an ofcial church.
What were the characteristics of the romantic movement, and who were some
of the great romantic artists? (page 598)
The romantic movement, breaking decisively with the dictates of classicism, re-
inforced the spirit of change and revolutionary anticipation. The romantic movement
was characterized by a belief in self-expression, imagination, and spontaneity, in art as
well as in personal life. Some of the artists and thinkers who embodied the romantic
movement include Rousseau, Wordsworth, George Sand, Delacroix, and Chopin.
How after 1815 did liberal, national, and socialist forces challenge conservatism
in Greece, Great Britain, and France? (page 601)
Inspired by modern nationalism, Greek patriots rebelled against their Turkish rulers
and won national in de pen dence. In Great Britain the liberal challenge to the con ser-
va tive order led to fundamental reforms, as more men gained the right to vote, high
tariffs on grain were abolished, and the factory workday was reduced. Elsewhere in
Europe the old order held rm, and political, economic, and social pressures kept
Why in 1848 did revolution triumph briey throughout most of Europe, and why
did it fail almost completely? (page 607)
In 1848 the increasing pressures exploded dramatically as they culminated in liberal
and nationalistic revolutions. Monarchies panicked and crumbled as revolutionaries
triumphed, rst in France and then all across the continent. Yet very few revolutionary
614 Chapter 23 Ideologies and Upheavals, 18151850
goals were realized. The moderate, nationalistic middle classes were unable to con-
solidate their initial victories. Instead, they drew back when artisans, factory workers,
and radical socialists rose up to present their own much more revolutionary demands.
This retreat facilitated the efforts of dedicated aristocrats in central Europe to reassert
their power. And it made possible the crushing of Parisian workers by a coalition of
solid bourgeoisie and landowning peasantry in France. Thus the lofty ideals of a gen-
eration drowned in a sea of blood and disillusion. Soon tough-minded realists would
take command to confront the challenges of the day.
1. This paragraph draws on the inuential views of B. Anderson, Imagined Communities: Reec-
tions on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism, rev. ed. (London/ New York: Verso, 1991), and
E. J. Hobsbawm and T. Ranger, eds., The Invention of Tradition (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1983).
2. A. de Tocqueville, Recollections (New York: Columbia University Press, 1949), p. 94.
3. M. Agulhon, 1848 (Paris: ditions du Seuil, 1973), pp. 6869.
4. W. L. Langer, Political and Social Upheaval, 18321852 (New York: Harper & Row, 1969),
p. 361.
To assess your mastery of this chapter, go to bedfordstmartins.com/mckaywestbrief
Li st eni ng t o t he Past
Speaking for the Czech Nation
I am a Czech of Slav descent and with all the
little I own and possess I have devoted myself wholly
and forever to the ser vice of my nation. That na-
tion is small, it is true, but from time immemorial
it has been an in de pen den0t nation with its own
character; its rulers have participated since old
times in the federation of German princes, but the
nation never regarded itself nor was it regarded by
others throughout all the centuries, as part of the
German nation. The whole union of the Czech
lands rst with the Holy German Empire and then
with the German Confederation was always a
purely dynastic one of which the Czech nation, the
Czech Estates, hardly wished to know and which
they hardly noticed. . . . If anyone asks that the
Czech nation should now unite with the German
nation, beyond this heretofore existing federation
between princes, this is then a new demand which
has no historical legal basis. . . . The second reason
which prevents me from participating in your de-
liberations is the fact that . . . you . . . are . . . aiming
to undermine Austria forever as an in de pen dent
empire and to make its exis tence impossiblean
empire whose preservation, integrity and consoli-
dation is, and must be, a great and important mat-
ter not only for my own nation but for the whole of
Europe, indeed for mankind and civilization itself.
[Palacky goes on to argue that a strong Austrian em-
pire is needed as a barrier to Rus sian expansion.]
But why have we seen this state, which by na-
ture and history is destined to be the bulwark and
guardian of Europe against Asiatic elements of
every kindwhy have we seen it in a critical mo-
ment helpless and almost unadvised in the face of
the advancing storm? It is because in an unhappy
blindness which has lasted for very long, Austria
has not recognized the real legal and moral founda-
tion of its exis tence and has denied it: the funda-
mental rule that all the nationalities united under
its scepter should enjoy complete equality of rights
and respect. The right of nations is truly a natural
right; no nation on earth has the right to demand
that its neighbour should sacrice itself for its ben-
et, no nation obliged to deny or sacrice itself for
he creation of national consciousness and nationalism
often began with a cultural revival that focused on a
peoples language and history. In Austria, the inuential
historian Frantisek Palacky (17981876) created a portrait of
the Czechs as progressive and dem o cratic before the Counter-
Reformation and the long process of Germanization under
Habsburg rule.
In the revolution of 1848, the German National Assembly
in Frankfurt asked Palacky to represent the Austrian province
of Czech Bohemia in its efforts to form a unied Germany. In
the famous letter that follows Palacky rejected this invitation.
Asserting the reality of a Czech nation and warning of both
Rus sian and German expansionism, he proposed a union
of equals in a radically transformed Austria. A version of
Palackys proposal was passed by Austrias constituent assem-
bly in 1849, but the resurgent absolutist government vetoed it.
Frantisek Palacky, in a frontispiece portrait
accompanying his most important work on Czech
history. (Visual Connection Archive)
the good of its neighbour. Nature knows neither
ruling nor subservient nations. If the union which
unites several different nations is to be rm and
lasting, no nation must have cause to fear that by
that union it will lose any of the goods which it
holds most dear; on the contrary each must have
the certain hope that it will nd in the central au-
thority defense and protection against possible vio-
lations of equality by neighbours; then every nation
will do its best to strengthen that central authority
so that it can successfully provide the aforesaid
Questions for Analysis
1. Why did Palacky refuse to participate in the
German National Assembly?
2. What Enlightenment ideas does Palacky draw
upon in his letter?
3. Why might an absolutist government reject
Palackys argument?
Source: Slightly adapted from Hans Kohn, Pan-Slavism:
Its Ideology and History, pp. 6569. Copyright 1953
by the University of Notre Dame Press. Reprinted with
Life in the Emerging Urban
Society in the
John Perry, A Bill-posters Fantasy (1855), explores the endless
diversity of big-city entertainment. (Dunhill Museum & Archive, 48 Jermyn
Street, St. Jamess, London)
Chapter Previ ew
Taming the City
What was life like in the cities, and how
did urban life change in the nineteenth
Rich and Poor and Those in Between
What did the emergence of urban
industrial society mean for rich and
poor and those in between?
The Changing Family
How did families change as they
coped with the challenges and the
opportunities of the developing urban
Science and Thought
What major changes in science and
thought reected and inuenced the
new urban society?
IMAGES IN SOCIETY: Class and Gender Boundaries
in Womens Fashion, 18501914
and Sexuality
618 Chapter 24 Life in the Emerging Urban Society in the Nineteenth Century
he era of intellectual and political upheaval that culminated in the revolu-
tions of 1848 was also an era of rapid urbanization. After 1848 Western
political development veered off in a novel and uncharted direction, but the
growth of towns and cities rushed forward with undiminished force. Thus Western
society was urban and industrial in 1900 as surely as it had been rural and agrarian
in 1800. The urbanization of society was both a result of the Industrial Revolution
and a reection of its enormous long-term impact.
The growth of industry posed enormous challenges for all members of Western
society, from young factory workers confronting relentless discipline to aristocratic
elites maneuvering to retain political power. As we saw in Chapter 22, the early
consequences of economic transformation were mixed and far-reaching and by no
means wholly negative. By 1850 at the latest, working conditions were improving
and real wages were rising for the mass of the population, and they continued to
do so until 1914. Thus given the poverty and uncertainty of preindustrial life,
some historians maintain that the history of industrialization in the nineteenth
century is probably better written in terms of increasing opportunities than in
terms of greater hardships.
Critics of this relatively optimistic view of industrialization claim that it ne-
glects the quality of life in urban areas. They stress that the new industrial towns
and cities were awful places where people, especially poor people, suffered from
bad housing, lack of sanitation, and a sense of hopelessness. They ask if these
drawbacks did not more than cancel out higher wages and greater opportunity. An
examination of the development of cities in the nineteenth century provides some
answers to this complex question.
Since the Middle Ages, European cities had been cen-
ters of government, culture, and large-scale commerce.
They had also been congested, dirty, and unhealthy.
People were packed together almost as tightly as possible within the city limits.
Infectious disease spread with deadly speed in overcrowded cities, and in the larger
towns, yearly deaths outnumbered births. Urban populations were able to maintain
their numbers only because newcomers were continually arriving from rural areas.
Clearly, deplorable urban conditions did not originate with the Industrial Rev-
olution. What the Industrial Revolution did was to amplify those conditions. The
steam engine freed industrialists from dependence on water power and allowed
them to build factories in any location. Cities were desirable sites because they
offered better access to shipping facilities, materials and markets, and a large pool
of workers. Therefore, as industry grew, there was also a rapid expansion of already
overcrowded and unhealthy cities.
The challenge of the urban environment was felt rst and most acutely in
Great Britain. The number of people living in cities of 20,000 or more in Eng land
and Wales jumped from 1.5 million in 1801 to 6.3 million in 1851 and reached
15.6 million in 1891. Such cities accounted for 17 percent of the total Eng lish
Taming the City
What was life like in the cities, and how did urban life change in the
nineteenth century?
Taming the City
What was life like in the cities, and how did urban life change in the
nineteenth century?
Industry and the
Growth of Cities
Industry and the
Growth of Cities
population in 1801, 35 percent as early as 1851, and fully 54
percent in 1891. Other countries duplicated the Eng lish pat-
tern as they industrialized (see Map 24.1). An American ob-
server was hardly exaggerating when he wrote in 1899 that
the most remarkable social phenomenon of the present cen-
tury is the concentration of population in cities.
As the population climbed, each town or city utilized
every scrap of land to the fullest extent. Parks and open areas
were almost nonexistent. Narrow houses were built wall to
wall in long rows. These row houses had neither front nor
back yards, and only a narrow alley in back separated one row
from the next. Or buildings were built around tiny courtyards
completely enclosed on all four sides. Six, eight, and even
ten occupying one room is anything but uncommon, wrote
one observer in 1842.
These highly concentrated urban populations lived in
extremely unsanitary and unhealthy conditions. Open drains
and sewers owed alongside or down the middle of unpaved streets. Toilet facili-
ties were primitive in the extreme. In parts of Manchester, as many as two hundred
people shared a single outhouse. Sewage often overowed and seeped into cellar
dwellings. Moreover, some courtyards in poorer neighborhoods became dung-
hills, collecting excrement that was sometimes sold as fertilizer.
Who or what was responsible for these awful conditions? The crucial factors
were the tremendous pressure of more people and the total absence of public
transportation. People simply had to jam themselves together if they were to be
able to walk to shops and factories. Another factor was that governments, on the
continent as well as in Great Britain, were slow to provide sanitary facilities and
establish adequate building codes. This slow pace was probably attributable more
to uncertainty about what precisely should be done than to rigid middle-class op-
position to government action. Moreover, because of the sad legacy of rural hous-
ing conditions in preindustrial society, ordinary people generally took dirt and lth
for granted. One Eng lish miner told an investigator, I do not think it usual for the
lasses [in the coal mines] to wash their bodies; my sisters never wash themselves.
As for the men, their legs and bodies are as black as your hat.
Although cleanliness was not next to godliness in most
peoples eyes, it was becoming so for some reformers.
The most famous of these was Edwin Chadwick, a
commissioner charged with the administration of relief to paupers. Chadwick was
a follower of radical philosopher Jeremy Bentham (17481832), whose approach
to social problems, called utilitarianism, aimed for a solution that provided the
greatest good for the greatest number. Chadwick believed that unsanitary condi-
tions led to illness and that the sickness or death of a wage earner pushed the fam-
ily deeper into poverty. His goal was to ward off disease and thus poverty by
cleaning up the urban environment.
Chadwick documented the sanitary conditions of the laboring populations
in an 1842 report and argued that the excrement of communal outhouses could
be dependably carried off by water through sewers at less than one-twentieth the
cost of removing it by hand. The cheap iron pipes and tile drains of the industrial
age would provide running water and sewerage for all sections of town, not just the
wealthy ones. In 1848, with the cause strengthened by the cholera epidemic of
Public Health and the
Bacterial Revolution
Public Health and the
Bacterial Revolution
utilitarianism The idea of Jeremy
Bentham that social policies should
promote the greatest good for the
greatest number.
utilitarianism The idea of Jeremy
Bentham that social policies should
promote the greatest good for the
greatest number.
ca. 18501870 Modernization of Paris
18501914 Condition of working classes improves
1854 Pasteur studies fermentation and
develops pasteurization
18541870 Development of germ theory
1857 Flaubert, Madame Bovary
1859 Darwin, On the Origin of Species
1869 Mendeleev creates periodic table
18801881 Dostoevski, The Brothers Karamazov
18801913 Birthrate steadily declines in Europe
1890s Electric streetcars introduced in Europe
620 Chapter 24 Life in the Emerging Urban Society in the Nineteenth Century
1846, Chadwicks report became the basis of Great Brit-
ains rst public health law, which created a national
health board and gave cities broad authority to build
modern sanitary systems.
The public health movement won dedicated sup-
porters in the United States, France, and Germany from
the 1840s on. Governments accepted at least limited re-
sponsibility for the health of all citizens, and their pro-
grams broke decisively with the age-old fatalism of urban
populations in the face of shockingly high mortality. By
the 1860s and 1870s, European cities were making real
progress toward adequate water supplies and sewerage
systems, city dwellers were beginning to reap the rewards
of better health, and death rates began to decline (see
Figure 24.1).
Still, effective control of communicable disease re-
quired an understanding of the connection between
germs and disease. This was to evolve through the work
of Louis Pasteur (pa-STUR) (18221895), a French
chemist who began studying fermentation in 1854 at the
request of brewers. Using his microscope to study the fer-
mentation process, Pasteur found that it depended on
the growth of living organisms and that the activity of
these organisms could be suppressed by heating the
beverageby pasteurization. The breathtaking implica-
tion was that specic diseases were caused by specic
living organismsgermsand that those organisms could be controlled.
By 1870 the work of Pasteur and others had demonstrated the general connec-
tion between germs and disease. Next the German country doctor Robert Koch
(kawkh) and his coworkers developed pure cultures of harmful bacteria and de-
scribed their life cycles, paving the way for researchersmainly Germansto
identify the organisms responsible for disease after disease. These discoveries led to
the development of a number of effective vaccines. Medical procedures became
much more effective as well when the Eng lish surgeon Joseph Lister (18271912)
reasoned that a chemical disinfectant applied to a wound dressing would destroy
airborne germs.
The evolution of germ theory coupled with the ever more sophisticated public
health movement saved millions of lives, particularly after about 1880. Diphthe-
germ theory The idea that disease was
spread through lth and not caused by it.
germ theory The idea that disease was
spread through lth and not caused by it.
0 250 500 Mi.
250 500 Km.
St. Petersburg
0 250 500 Mi.
250 500 Km.
MAP 24.1 European Cities of 100,000 or More,
1800 and 1900
There were more large cities in Great Britain in 1900 than in all of
Europe in 1800. A careful comparison of these historical snapshots
reveals key aspects of nineteenth-century urbanization. [1] In 1800,
what common characteristics were shared by many large European
cities? (For example, how many big cities were capitals and/ or leading
ports?) [2] Compare the spatial dis tri bu tion of cities in 1800 with the
dis tri bu tion in 1900. Where and why in 1900 are many large cities
concentrated in two clusters?
ria, typhoid, typhus, cholera, and yellow fever claimed
fewer victims, and mortality rates began to decline dra-
matically (see Figure 24.1). By 1910 a great silent revolu-
tion had occurred: the death rates for people of all ages in
urban areas were generally no higher than those for
people in rural areas, and sometimes they were lower.
More effective urban planning
was one of the keys to improv-
ing the quality of urban life.
France took the lead during the rule of Napoleon III
(r. 18481870), who sought to stand above class conict
and promote the welfare of all his subjects through gov-
ernment action. He believed that rebuilding much of
Paris would provide employment, improve living condi-
tions, and testify to the power and glory of his empire.
Under his appointee, the baron Georges Haussmann
(HOUSE-muhn) (18091884), Paris was transformed.
Haussmann and his fellow planners proceeded on many interrelated fronts.
With a bold energy that often shocked their contemporaries, they razed old build-
ings in order to cut broad, straight, tree-lined boulevards through the center of the
city as well as in new quarters on the outskirts. These boulevards, designed in part
to prevent the easy construction and defense of barricades by revolutionary crowds,
permitted trafc to ow freely and afforded impressive vistas. Their creation also
demolished some of the worst slums.
New streets stimulated the construction of better housing, especially for the
middle classes. Small neighborhood parks and open spaces were created through-
out the city, and two very large parks suitable for all kinds of holiday activities were
developedone on the wealthy west side and one on the poor east side. The city
also improved its sewers, and a system of aqueducts more than doubled the citys
supply of good fresh water.
The Parisian model of urban planning spread throughout Europe, particularly
after 1870. In city after city, public authorities mounted a coordinated attack on
many of the interrelated problems of the urban environment. They razed struc-
tures to build new boulevards, ofce buildings, town halls, theaters, opera houses,
and museums, while also placing pipes for sewage and water underground. Zon-
ing expropriation laws, which allowed a majority of the owners of land in a given
quarter of the city to impose major street or sanitation improvements on a reluc-
tant minority, were an important mechanism of the new urbanism.
The development of mass public transportation also contributed to better liv-
ing conditions. In the 1870s, horse-drawn streetcars carried riders along the grow-
ing number of major thoroughfares. Then in the 1890s, the real revolution
occurred: European countries adopted the electric streetcar.
Urban Planning and
Public Transportation
Urban Planning and
Public Transportation
1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1913
and Wales
FIGURE 24.1 The Decline of Death Rates
in Eng land and Wales, Germany, France, and
Sweden, 18401913
A rising standard of living, improvements in public health, and better
medical knowledge all contributed to the dramatic decline of death
rates in the nineteenth century.
Taming the City 621
622 Chapter 24 Life in the Emerging Urban Society in the Nineteenth Century
Electric streetcars were cheaper, faster, more dependable, and more comfort-
able than their horse-drawn counterparts. Service improved dramatically. Millions
of Europeansworkers, shoppers, schoolchildrenhopped on board during the
workweek. And on weekends and holidays, streetcars carried millions on happy
outings to parks and countryside, racetracks and music halls. Good mass transit
helped greatly in the struggle for decent housing. While horse-drawn streetcars
had allowed the middle classes to move to better housing, electric streetcars made
better housing accessible to those of modest means. The still-crowded city was
able to expand and become less congested.
General improvements in health and in the urban environment had benecial
consequences for all kinds of people. Yet differences in living conditions among
social classes remained gigantic.
Rich and Poor and Those in Between
What did the emergence of urban industrial society mean for rich and
poor and those in between?
Rich and Poor and Those in Between
What did the emergence of urban industrial society mean for rich and
poor and those in between?
The Urban Landscape: Madrid in 1900
This wistful painting of a Spanish square on a rainy day, by Enrique Martinez Cubells y Ruiz (18741917), includes a revealing
commentary on public transportation. Coachmen wait atop their expensive hackney cabs for a wealthy clientele, while modern
electric streetcars that carry the masses converge on the square from all directions. (Museo Municipal, Madrid/ The Bridgeman Art Library)
Secti on Revi ew
Industrialization meant increasing
opportunities but also greater hardships
including population density, lack of
public transportation, and little govern-
ment oversight, resulting in unsanitary,
overcrowded conditions.
The development of germ theory and
the implementation of public health
laws improved sanitation in the cities
and mortality rates fell dramatically.
Beginning in France, modern urban
planning included or ga nized streets and
parks, better housing, sewers and fresh
water supplies, and horse-drawn and
then electric streetcars.
How much did the almost-completed journey to an
urban, industrialized world change the social frame-
work of rich and poor and those in between? The rst
great change was a substantial and undeniable increase in the standard of living
for the average person. The real wages of British workers, for example, which had
already risen by 1850, almost doubled between 1850 and 1906. Similar increases
occurred in continental countries as industrial development quickened after 1850.
Ordinary people took a major step forward in the centuries-old battle against pov-
erty, reinforcing efforts to improve many aspects of human exis tence.
There is another side to the income coin, however. Greater economic rewards
for the average person did not eliminate hardship and poverty, nor did they make
the wealth and income of the rich and the poor signicantly more equal. In almost
every advanced country around 1900, the richest 5 percent of all households in
the population received 33 percent of all national income. The richest 20 percent
of households received anywhere from 50 to 60 percent of all national income.
Moreover, income taxes on the wealthy were light or nonexistent. Thus the gap
between rich and poor remained enormous at the beginning of the twentieth cen-
tury. It was probably almost as great as it had been in the age of agriculture and
aristocracy before the Industrial Revolution.
The great gap between rich and poor endured, in part, because industrial and
urban development made society more diverse and less unied. There developed
an almost unlimited range of jobs, skills, and earnings; one group or subclass
shaded off into another in a complex, confusing hierarchy. Thus the very rich and
the dreadfully poor were separated from each other by a range of subclasses, each
lled with individuals struggling to rise or at least to hold their own in the social
order. In this at mo sphere of competition and hierarchy, neither the middle classes
nor the working classes acted as a unied force, counter to Marxs predictions.
This social and occupational hierarchy developed enormous variations, but the
age-old pattern of great economic inequality remained rmly intact.
By the beginning of the twentieth century, the diversity
and range within the urban middle classes were strik-
ing. At the top stood the most successful business fami-
lies from banking, industry, and large-scale commerce. As people in this upper
middle class gained in income and progressively lost all traces of radicalism after
the trauma of 1848, they were almost irresistibly drawn toward the aristocratic
lifestyle. They purchased country places or built beach houses for weekend and
summer use. They employed a staff of servants and hired private coaches and car-
riages to signal their rising social status.
The topmost reaches of the upper middle class tended to shade off into the old
aristocracy to form a new upper class of at most 5 percent of the population. Much
of the aristocracy welcomed this development. Having experienced a sharp de-
cline in its relative income in the course of industrialization, the landed aristoc-
racy was often delighted to trade titles, country homes, and snobbish elegance for
good hard cash. Some of the best bargains were made through marriages to Amer-
ican heiresses. Correspondingly, wealthy aristocrats tended increasingly to exploit
their agricultural and mineral resources as if they were business people. Below the
wealthy upper middle class were much larger, much less wealthy, and increasingly
diversied middle-class groups. Here one found the moderately successful indus-
trialists and merchants as well as professionals in law and medicine. This was the
middle middle class, solid and quite comfortable but lacking great wealth. Below
Social Structure Social Structure
The Middle Classes The Middle Classes
Rich and Poor and Those in Between 623
624 Chapter 24 Life in the Emerging Urban Society in the Nineteenth Century
it were in de pen dent shopkeepers, small traders, and tiny manufacturersthe
lower middle class. Both of these traditional elements of the middle class expanded
modestly in size with economic development.
As industry and technology developed, new occupations entered the middle-
class sphere. Engineering, for example, emerged from the world of skilled labor as
a full-edged profession of great importance, considerable prestige, and many
branches. Architects, chemists, accountants, and surveyors, to name only a few,
rst achieved professional standing in this period. Management of large public and
private institutions also emerged as a kind of profession as governments provided
more ser vices and as very large corporations such as railroads came into being.
Industrialization also expanded and diversied the lower middle class. The
number of in de pen dent, property-owning shopkeepers and small business people
grew, and so did the number of white-collar employeesa mixed group of travel-
ing salesmen, bookkeepers, store managers, and clerks who staffed the ofces and
branch stores of large corporations. White-collar employees were propertyless and
often earned no more than the better-paid skilled or semiskilled workers did. Yet
white-collar workers were ercely committed to the middle class and to the ideal
of moving up in society. In the Balkans, for example, clerks let their ngernails
grow very long to distinguish themselves from people who worked with their hands.
The tie, the suit, and soft, clean hands were no-less-subtle marks of class distinc-
tion than wages.
Relatively well educated but without complex technical skills, many white-
collar groups aimed at achieving professional standing and solid middle-class
status. Elementary school teachers largely succeeded in this effort. From being
miserably paid part-time workers in the early nineteenth century, teachers rode the
wave of mass education to respectable middle-class status and income. Nurses also
rose from the lower ranks of unskilled labor to precarious middle-class standing.
Dentistry was taken out of the hands of working-class barbers and placed in the
hands of highly trained (and middle-class) professionals.
In spite of their diversity, the middle classes were
loosely united by a certain style of life and culture.
Food was the largest item in the household budget,
and a well-off family might spend 10 percent of its substantial earnings on meat
and fully 25 percent of its income on food and drink. The dinner party was this
classs favored social occasion. A wealthy family might host eight to twelve almost
every week, whereas more modest households would settle for once a month.
The middle-class wife could cope with this endless procession of meals,
courses, and dishes because she had both servants and money at her disposal. In-
deed, the employment of at least one full-time maid was the best single sign that a
family had crossed the cultural divide separating the working classes from what
some contemporary observers called the servant-keeping classes. The greater a
familys income, the greater the number of servants it employed. Food and servants
together absorbed about 50 percent of income at all levels of the middle class.
Well fed and well served, the middle classes were also well housed by 1900.
Many quite prosperous families chose to rent apartments, complete with tiny
rooms for servants under the eaves of the top oor. By 1900 the middle classes
were also quite clothes-conscious. The factory, the sewing machine, and the de-
partment store had all helped reduce the cost and expand the variety of clothing.
Middle-class women were particularly attentive to the ckle dictates of fashion.
Middle-Class Culture Middle-Class Culture
(See the feature Images in Society: Class and Gender Boundaries in Womens
Fashion, 18501914 on pages 626627.)
Education was another growing expense, as middle-class parents tried to pro-
vide their children with ever more crucial advanced education. The keystones of
culture and leisure were books, music, and travel. The long realistic novel, the
heroics of composers Wagner and Verdi, the diligent striving of the dutiful daugh-
ter at the piano, and the packaged tour to a foreign country were all sources of
middle-class plea sure.
Finally, the middle classes were loosely united by a strict code of morality. This
code laid great stress on hard work, self-discipline, and personal achievement.
Drunkenness and gambling were denounced as vices; sexual purity and delity
were celebrated as virtues. Men and women who fell into crime or poverty were
generally assumed to be responsible for their own downfall.
About four out of ve people belonged to the working
classes at the turn of the century. Many members of
the working classesthat is, people whose livelihoods
depended on physical labor and who did not employ domestic servantswere still
small landowning peasants and hired farm hands. This was especially true in east-
ern Europe. In western and central Europe, however, the typical worker had left
the land. In Great Britain, fewer than 8 percent of the people worked in agricul-
ture, and in rapidly industrializing Germany only 25 percent were employed in
agriculture and forestry. Even in less industrialized France, fewer than 50 percent
of the people depended on the land in 1900.
The urban working classes were even less unied and homogeneous than the
middle classes. Not only were there divides based on skill level (see Figure 24.2),
The Working Classes The Working Classes
A Corner of the Table
With photographic precision, the French
aca demic artist Paul-mile Chabas
(18691937) idealizes the elegance and
intimacy of a sumptuous dinner party.
Throughout Europe, such dinners were
served in eight or nine separate courses,
beginning with appetizers and ending
with coffee and liqueurs. (Archives
Charmet / The Bridgeman Art Library)
Rich and Poor and Those in Between 625
Middle classes
Working classes
Highly skilled: the labor aristocracy
FIGURE 24.2 The Urban
Social Hierarchy
Images i n Soci et y
Class and Gender Boundaries in Womens Fashion,
omens fashion was big business in the nine-
teenth century. Long the dominant industrial
pursuit in human history, the production of textiles took
off with the Industrial Revolution. In the later nineteenth
century fashionable clothing, especially for middle-class
women, became the rst modern consumer industry as
careful buyers snapped up the constantly changing
ready-to-wear goods sold by large department stores.
In the nineteenth century, before society fragmented
into many different groups expressing themselves in
many dress styles, clothing patterns focused mainly on
perceived differences in class and gender. The four
illustrations presented here allow one to analyze the
social information communicated through womens
clothing. As you study these illustrations, note the prin-
cipal characteristics and then try to draw out the larger
implications. What does the impractical, restrictive
clothing in these images reveal about societys view of
women during this period? What is the signicance
of the emergence of alternative styles of well-groomed
Most changes in womens fashion originated in Paris
in the nineteenth century. Image 1 shows the attire worn
by French aristocratic and wealthy middle-class women
in the 1850s and 1860s. Note that these expensive
dresses, awlessly tailored by an army of skilled seam-
stresses, abound in elaborate embroidery, rich velvety
materials, and fancy accessories. The circular spread of
these oor-sweeping gowns is due to the crinoline, a slip
with metal hoops that holds the skirt out on all sides.
These women also are wearing the corset, the centurys
most characteristic womens undergarment, which was
laced up tightly in back and pressed unmercifully from
the breasts to the hips. What does this image tell you
about the life of these women (their work, leisure activi-
ties, and so on)?
The intriguing 1875 painting by Atkinson Grimshaw,
Summer (Image 2), shows a middle-class interior and
the evolution of womens summer fashion two decades
later. The corset still binds, but crinoline hoops have
given way to the bustle, a cotton fan with steel reinforce-
ment that pushes the dress out in back and exagger-
ates gender differences. The elaborate costume of the
wealthy elite, available in cheaper ready-to-wear ver-
sions sold through department stores and mail-order
catalogues throughout Europe, had become the stan-
dard for middle-class women. Emulating the elite in
IMAGE 1 Crinoline Dresses, Paris, 1859 (ILN/Mary Evans Picture Library)
style, conventional middle-class women shopped care-
fully, scouting for sales, and drew a boundary separating
themselves from working-class women in their simple
cotton clothes. What implications, if any, do you see this
having on class distinctions?
The young middle-class Eng lishwoman in an 1893
photo (Image 3) has chosen a womans tailored suit, the
only major Eng lish innovation in nineteenth-century
womens fashion. This alternative dress combines the
tie, suit jacket, vest, and straw hatall initially items of
male attirewith typical feminine elements, such as
the skirt and gloves. This practical, socially accepted al-
ternative dress appealed to the growing number of
women in paid employment in the 1890s. The historian
Diana Crane has argued that this departure from the
dominant style can be seen as a symbolic, nonverbal as-
sertion of in de pen dence and equality with men.* Do
you agree with this? If so, what was the signicance of
the pre-1914 turn from stiing corset to the more ex-
ible brassiere and the mainstream embrace of loose-
tting garments, such as the 1910 dress in Image 4? Did
the greater freedom of movement in clothing reect the
emerging emancipation of Western women? Or was the
*Diana Crane, Fashion and Its Social Agendas: Class, Gender,
and Identity in Clothing (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 2000), pp. 99114.
coquettish femininity of these loose, owing dresses only
a repackaging of the dominant cultures sharply dened
gender boundaries?
IMAGE 2 Summer Dress with Bustle, Eng land, 1875
(Roy Miles, Esq./ The Bridgeman Art Library)
IMAGE 3 Alternative
Fashion, Eng land, 1893
( Manchester City Art Galleries)
IMAGE 4 Loose-tting Dress, France, 1910 ( Corbis)
628 Chapter 24 Life in the Emerging Urban Society in the Nineteenth Century
but there were also great differences in lifestyles and cultural values. These dif-
ferences contributed to a keen sense of social status and hierarchy within the work-
ing classes.
Highly skilled workers, who made up about 15 percent of the working classes,
became a real labor aristocracy. These workers earned only about two-thirds of
the income of the bottom ranks of the servant-keeping classes, but that was fully
twice as much as the earnings of unskilled workers. The most aristocratic of the
highly skilled workers were construction bosses and factory foremen, men who
had risen from the ranks and were ercely proud of their achievement. The labor
aristocracy also included members of the traditional highly skilled handicraft
trades that had not been mechanized or placed in factories, such as cabinetmak-
ers, jewelers, and printers.
This group as a whole was under constant pressure. Over time, many skilled
artisans such as woodcarvers and watchmakers were replaced by lower-paid semi-
skilled factory workers. At the same time, new kinds of skilled workers such as
shipbuilders and railway locomotive engineers entered the labor aristocracy. Thus
the labor elite remained in a state of ux as individuals and whole crafts moved in
and out of it.
To maintain their precarious standing, the upper working class adopted strait-
laced, almost puritanical values. Like the middle classes, the labor aristocracy was
strongly committed to the family and to economic improvement. Families in the
upper working class saved money regularly, worried about their childrens educa-
tion, and valued good housing. Despite these similarities, skilled workers viewed
themselves not as aspirants to the middle class but as the pacesetters and natural
leaders of all the working classes. Well aware of the degradation not so far below
them, they practiced self-discipline and stern morality.
The upper working class in general frowned on heavy drinking and sexual per-
missiveness. An or ga nized temperance movement was strong in the countries of
northern Europe. As one German labor aristocrat somberly warned, The path to
the brothel leads through the tavern and from there quite possibly to drastic decline
or total ruin for person and family.
Men and women of the labor aristocracy were
also quick to nd fault with those below them who failed to meet their standards.
Below the labor aristocracy stood semiskilled and unskilled urban workers.
The enormous complexity of this sector of the world of labor is not easily summa-
rized. Workers in the established craftscarpenters, bricklayers, pipe ttersstood
near the top of the semiskilled hierarchy. A large number of the semiskilled were
factory workers who earned highly variable but relatively good wages and whose
relative importance in the labor force was increasing.
Below the semiskilled workers was a larger group of unskilled workers that in-
cluded day laborers such as longshoremen, wagon-driv ing teamsters, teenagers,
and every kind of helper. Many of these people had real skills and performed
valuable ser vices, but they were unor ga nized and divided, united only by the com-
mon fate of meager earnings. The same lack of unity characterized street vendors
and market peopleself-employed workers who competed savagely with each
other and with the established shopkeepers of the lower middle class.
Domestic servants comprised a large and steadily growing segment of the un-
skilled group in the nineteenth century. The great majority were women; indeed,
one out of every three girls in Britain between the ages of fteen and twenty was a
domestic servant. Throughout Europe and America, a great many female domes-
tics in the cities were recent migrants from rural areas. As in earlier times, domes-
tic ser vice was still hard work at low pay with limited personal in de pen dence and
the danger of sexual exploitation. Nonetheless, domestic ser vice had real attrac-
labor aristocracy The highly skilled
workers who made up about 15 percent
of the working classes at the turn of the
twentieth century.
labor aristocracy The highly skilled
workers who made up about 15 percent
of the working classes at the turn of the
twentieth century.
tions for rough country girls: higher wages than agricultural work, more varied
marriage prospects, and access to a broader range of entertainment.
Many young domestics from the countryside made a successful transition to
working-class wife and mother, yet they often needed to supplement the family
income by working in the sweated industries. Like the putting-out and cottage
industries of earlier times, these industries paid by the piece for work done off-site,
in the home. While some women hand-decorated objects, most made clothing,
especially after the advent of the sewing machine. An army of poor women ac-
counted for the bulk of the inexpensive ready-made clothes displayed on depart-
ment store racks and in tiny shops.
While the middle classes gathered over dinner in their
homes, the working classes mingled in taverns, cafs,
and pubs. Working-class political activities, both mod-
erate and radical, were also concentrated in drinking establishments. Moreover,
social drinking in public places by married couples and sweethearts became an
sweated industries Poorly paid
handicraft production, often by married
women paid by the piece and working
at home.
sweated industries Poorly paid
handicraft production, often by married
women paid by the piece and working
at home.
Leisure and Religion
Leisure and Religion
A School for Servants
Although domestic ser vice was poorly paid, there was always plenty of competition for the available
jobs. Schools sprang up to teach young women the manners and the household skills that
employers in the servant-keeping classes demanded. (Corporation of London: London Metropolitan Archives)
Rich and Poor and Those in Between 629
630 Chapter 24 Life in the Emerging Urban Society in the Nineteenth Century
accepted and widespread practice for the rst time. This greater participation by
women undoubtedly helped civilize the world of drink and hard liquor.
The two other leisure-time passions of the working classes were sports and
music halls. A great decline in blood sports, such as bullbaiting and cockght-
ing, had occurred throughout Europe by the late nineteenth century. Their place
was lled by modern spectator sports, of which racing and soccer were the most
popular. Men and women also frequented music halls and vaudeville theaters, the
working-class counterparts of middle-class opera and classical theater. Drunkenness,
sexual intercourse and pregnancy before marriage, marital difculties, and problems
with mothers-in-law were favorite themes of broad jokes and bittersweet songs.
The working poor continued to nd solace and meaning in religion. Yet histori-
ans also recognize that by the last two or three decades of the nineteenth century, a
considerable decline in both church attendance and church donations was occur-
ring in most European countries. And it seems clear that this decline was greater for
the urban working classes than for their rural counterparts or for the middle classes.
Why did working-class church attendance decline? Part of the reason was that
the vibrant, materialistic urban environment undermined popular religious im-
pulses, which were poorly served in the cities. Equally important, however, was
the fact that throughout the nineteenth century both Catholic and Protestant
churches were normally seen as con ser va tive institutions defending social order
and custom. Therefore, as the European working classes became more politically
conscious, they tended to see the established (or quasi-established) territorial
church as defending what they wished to change and as allied with their political
opponents. Especially the men of the urban working classes developed vaguely
antichurch attitudes, even though they remained neutral or positive toward reli-
gion. They tended to regard regular church attendance as not our kind of
thingnot part of urban working-class culture. The pattern was different in those
places where the church or synagogue had never been linked to the state and
served as a focus for ethnic cohesion. Irish Catholic churches in Protestant Britain
and Jewish synagogues in Russia were outstanding examples.
Urban life wrought many fundamental changes in the family. Although much is
still unknown, it seems clear that in the second half of the nineteenth century the
family had stabilized considerably after the disruption of the late eigh teenth and
early nineteenth centuries. The home became more important for both men and
women. The role of women and attitudes toward children underwent substantial
change, and adolescence emerged as a distinct stage of life. These are but a few of
the transformations that affected all social classes in varying degrees.
By 1850 the ideal of romantic love had triumphed
among the working classes. Couples were ever more
likely to come from different, even distant, towns and
to be more nearly the same age, further indicating that romantic sentiment was
replacing tradition and nancial considerations.
For the middle classes, however, economic considerations continued to play a
major role in marriage arrangements. In France dowries and elaborate legal mar-
The Changing Family
How did families change as they coped with the challenges and the
opportunities of the developing urban civilization?
The Changing Family
How did families change as they coped with the challenges and the
opportunities of the developing urban civilization?
Premarital Sex
and Marriage
Premarital Sex
and Marriage
Secti on Revi ew
The standard of living increased for the
average person during the nineteenth
century, but poverty still existed and
income disparity remained enormous;
taxes on the rich were low and the
working classes were not unied.
The middle classes had an upper
middle class of business owners, a
diverse middle middle class, and a
lower middle class of white-collar
workers and shopkeepers.
The middle classes had some common
cultural interests, including socializing
at dinner parties, employing servants,
wearing fashionable clothing, educat-
ing their children, and abiding by a
strict moral code.
The working class had an upper work-
ing class, or labor aristocracy, skilled
workers with high moral standards who
viewed themselves as leaders of the
working classes; below them were the
semi-skilled and unskilled workers, both
highly diverse groups that were not
or ga nized.
Social and political gatherings of the
working classes took place in taverns
and pubs and for the rst time included
women; sports and music were other
favored pastimes, while church atten-
dance declined.
riage contracts were common practice among the middle classes in the later nine-
teenth century, and marriage was for many families one of lifes most crucial
nancial transactions. As in the past, this preoccupation with money led many men
to marry late, after they had been established economically, and to choose women
considerably younger than themselves. A young woman of the middle class found
her romantic life carefully supervised by her well-meaning mother, who schemed
for a proper marriage and guarded her daughters virginity like the familys credit.
After marriage, middle-class morality sternly demanded delity. Middle-class boys
were watched, too, but not as vigilantly. By the time they reached late adolescence,
they had usually attained considerable sexual experience with maids or prosti-
tutes. (See the feature Listening to the Past: Middle-Class Youth and Sexuality
on pages 643644.)
In Paris alone, 155,000 women were registered as prostitutes between 1871
and 1903, and 750,000 others were suspected of prostitution in the same years.
Men of all classes visited prostitutes, but the middle and upper classes supplied
much of the motivating cash. Thus, though many middle-class men abided by
the publicly professed code of stern puritanical morality, others indulged their
appetites for prostitutes and sexual promiscuity. For many poor young women,
prostitution, like domestic ser vice, was a stage of life and not a permanent em-
ployment. They went on to marry (or live with) men of their own class and estab-
lish homes and families.
A womans virginity before marriage was not as important to the working
classes, and in urban Europe around 1900, as many as one woman in three was
going to the altar an expectant mother. Unmarried young people in western, north-
ern, and central Europe were probably engaging in just as much sexual activity as
their parents and grandparents who had created the illegitimacy explosion of 1750
to 1850 (see page 514). However, the rising rate of illegitimacy was reversed in the
second half of the nineteenth century: more babies were born to married mothers.
What accounts for this reversal? Pregnancy led increasingly to marriage and the
establishment of a two-parent household. Skipping out was less acceptable, and
marriage was less of an economic challenge. Thus the urban working-class couple
became more stable, and that stability strengthened the family as an institution.
Within working-class homes, ties to relatives after
marriagekinship tieswere in general much stronger
than many social observers have recognized. Most newly-
weds tried to live near their parents, though not in the same house. Indeed, for many
married couples in later-nineteenth-century cities, ties to mothers and fathers,
uncles and aunts, were more important than ties to unrelated acquaintances.
Although governments were generally providing more welfare ser vices by
1900, many people turned to their families for help in coping with sickness, unem-
ployment, old age, and death. Relatives were also valuable at less tragic moments.
If a couple was very poor, an aged relation often moved in to cook and mind the
children so that the wife could earn badly needed income outside the home. Sun-
day dinners were often shared, as were outgrown clothing and useful information.
Often the members of a large family group all lived in the same neighborhood.
Industrialization and the growth of modern cities
brought great changes to the lives of European women.
These changes were particularly consequential for
married women, and in the nineteenth century most women did marry.
Kinship Ties Kinship Ties
Gender Roles and
Family Life
Gender Roles and
Family Life
The Changing Family 631
632 Chapter 24 Life in the Emerging Urban Society in the Nineteenth Century
The rigid gender roles that had developed with industrialization were rmly
entrenched after 1850. Men and women occupied separate spheres: the wife as
mother and homemaker, the husband as wage earner. Well-paying jobs were off-
limits to women, and married women were subordinated to their husbands by law.
With all women facing discrimination in education and employment and with
middle-class women suffering especially from a lack of legal rights, there is little
wonder that some women rebelled and began the long-continuing ght for equal-
ity of the sexes and the rights of women. Their struggle proceeded on two main
fronts. First, following in the steps of women such as Mary Wollstonecraft (see
page 545), or ga ni za tions founded by middle-class feminists campaigned for equal
legal rights for women as well as access to higher education and professional
employment. These middle-class feminists argued that unmarried women and
middle-class widows with inadequate incomes simply had to have more opportu-
nities to support themselves. Middle-class feminists also recognized that paid (as
opposed to unpaid) work could relieve the monotony that some women found in
their sheltered middle-class exis tence and put greater meaning into their lives.
In the later nineteenth century, these or ga ni za tions scored some signicant
victories, such as the 1882 law giving Eng lish married women full property rights.
More women found professional and white-collar employment, especially after
about 1880. But progress was slow and hard won. For example, in Germany before
1900, women were not admitted as fully registered students at a single university,
and it was virtually impossible for a woman to receive certication and practice as
a lawyer or doctor. (See the feature Individuals in Society: Franziska Tiburtius.)
In the years before 1914, middle-class feminists increasingly focused their atten-
tion on political action and fought for the right to vote for women.
Women inspired by utopian and especially Marxian socialism blazed a second
path. Often scorning the programs of middle-class feminists, socialist women lead-
ers argued that the liberation of working-class women would come only with the
liberation of the entire working class through revolution. In the meantime, they
championed the cause of working women and won some practical improvements,
especially in Germany, where the socialist movement was most effectively or ga-
nized. In a general way, these different approaches to womens issues reected the
diversity of classes in urban society.
While the ideology and practice of rigidly separate spheres made women pow-
erless outside the home, within it their power grew stronger. Among the Eng lish
working classes, it was the wife who generally determined how the familys money
was spent. In many families, the husband gave all his earnings to his wife to man-
age, whatever the law might read. She returned to him only a small allowance for
carfare, beer, tobacco, and union dues. All the major domestic decisions, from the
childrens schooling and religious instruction to the selection of new furniture or
a new apartment, were hers. Despite this power, however, a good deal of her effort
was directed toward pampering her husband as he expected. In countless humble
households, she saw that he had meat while she ate bread, that he relaxed by the
re while she did the dishes.
The womans guidance of the household went hand in hand with the increased
emotional importance of home and family. The home she ran was idealized as a
warm shelter in a hard and impersonal urban world. For a child of the Eng lish
slums in the early 1900s,
home, however poor, was the focus of all love and interests, a sure fortress against a
hostile world. Songs about its beauties were ever on peoples lips. Home, sweet
home, rst heard in the 1870s, had become almost a second national anthem.
Indi vi dual s i n Soci et y
Franziska Tiburtius
hy did a small number of women in the late
nineteenth century brave great odds and embark
on professional careers? And how did a few of those
manage to reach their objectives? The career and
personal reections of Franziska Tiburtius (tie-bur-
TEE-us), a pioneer in German medicine, suggest that
talent, determination, and economic necessity were
critical ingredients.*
Like many women of her time who would study and
pursue professional careers, Franziska Tiburtius (1843
1927) was born into a property-owning family of modest
means. The youngest of nine children on a small estate
in northeastern Germany, the sensitive child wilted with
a harsh governess but owered with a caring teacher
and became an excellent student.
Graduating at sixteen and needing to support herself,
Tiburtius had few opportunities. A young woman from
a proper background could work as a governess or a
teacher without losing her respectability and spoiling
her matrimonial prospects, but that was about it. She
tried both avenues. Working for six years as a governess
in a noble family and no doubt learning that poverty was
often ones fate in this genteel profession, she then
turned to teaching. Called home from her studies in
Britain in 1871 to care for her brother, who had con-
tracted typhus as a eld doctor in the Franco-Prussian
War, she found her calling. She decided to become a
medical doctor.
Supported by her family, Tiburtiuss decision was
truly audacious. In all of Europe, only the University of
Zurich in republican Switzerland accepted female stu-
dents. Moreover, if it became known that she had stud-
ied medicine and failed, she would never get a job as a
teacher. No parent would entrust a daughter to an
emancipated radical who had carved up dead bodies!
Although the male students at the university some-
times harassed the women with crude pranks, Tiburtius
thrived. The revolution of the microscope and the dis-
covery of microorganisms was rocking Zurich, and she
was fascinated by her studies. She became close friends
with a fellow female medical student from Germany,
Emilie Lehmus, with whom she would form a lifelong
partnership in medicine. She did her internship with
*This portrait draws on Conradine Lck, Frauen: Neun Lebens-
schicksale (Reutlingen: Ensslin & Laiblin, n.d.), pp. 153185.
families of cottage workers around Zurich and loved
her work.
Graduating at age thirty-three in 1876, Tiburtius
went to stay with her brother, a doctor in Berlin.
Though well qualied to prac-
tice, she ran into pervasive dis-
crimination. She was not even
permitted to take the state medi-
cal exams and could practice
only as an unregulated (and un-
professional) natural healer.
But after persistent ghting with
the bureaucrats, she was able to
display her diploma and prac-
tice as Franziska Tiburtius,
M.D. University of Zurich. She
and Lehmus were in business.
Soon the two women real-
ized their dream and opened a
clinic, subsidized by a wealthy
industrialist, for female factory
workers. The clinic lled a great
need and was soon treating
many patients. A room with beds
for extremely sick women was
later expanded into a second
Tiburtius and Lehmus became famous. For fteen
years, they were the only women doctors in all Berlin.
An inspiration for a new generation of women, they
added the wealthy to their thriving practice. But Tibur-
tiuss clinics always concentrated on the poor, providing
them with subsidized and up-to-date treatment. Tal-
ented, determined, and working with her partner, Ti-
burtius experienced the joys of personal achievement
and useful ser vice, joys that women and men share in
equal mea sure.
Questions for Analysis
1. How does Franziska Tiburtiuss life reect both the
challenges and the changing roles of middle-class
women in the later nineteenth century?
2. In what ways was Tiburtiuss career related to im-
provements in health in urban society and to the
expansion of the professions?
Franziska Tiburtius, pioneering
woman physician in Berlin.
(Ullstein Bilderdienst / The Granger
Collection, New York)
634 Chapter 24 Life in the Emerging Urban Society in the Nineteenth Century
Few walls in lower-working-class houses lacked mottoescolored strips of paper,
about nine inches wide and eigh teen inches in length, attesting to domestic joys:
By 1900 home and family were what life was all about for millions of people of all
Married couples also developed stronger emotional ties to each other. Affec-
tion and eroticism became more central to the couple after marriage. Gustave
Droz (drose), whose bestseller Mr., Mrs., and Baby went through 121 editions
between 1866 and 1884, saw love within marriage as the key to human happiness.
Many French marriage manuals of the late 1800s stressed that women had legiti-
mate sexual needs, such as the right to orgasm. Perhaps the French were a bit
more enlightened in these matters than other nationalities. But the rise of public
socializing by couples in cafs and music halls as well as franker affection within
the family suggests a more erotic, pleasurable intimate life for women throughout
Western society. This, too, helped make the womans role as mother and home-
maker acceptable and even satisfying.
Within the family, attitudes toward children and child
rearing also shifted. As more babies survived, parents
allowed themselves to form emotional attachments ear-
lier in their childrens lives. Mothers increasingly breast-fed their infants, for ex-
ample, rather than paying wet nurses to do so. Breast feeding involved sacricea
Child Rearing Child Rearing
A Working-Class Home, 1875
Emotional ties within ordinary families grew stronger in the nineteenth century. Parents gave their children more love and better care.
(ILN/Mary Evans Picture Library)
temporary loss of freedom, if nothing else. Yet in an age when there was no good
alternative to mothers milk, it saved lives. This surge of parental feeling also gave
rise to a wave of specialized books on child rearing and infant hygiene, such as
Drozs phenomenally successful book. Droz urged fathers to get into the act and
pitied those who do not know how to roll around on the carpet, play at being a
horse and a great wolf, and undress their baby.
The loving care lavished on infants was matched by greater concern for older
children and adolescents. They, too, were wrapped in the strong emotional ties of
a more intimate and protective family. For one thing, European couples began to
limit their number of children in order to care adequately for those they had. It was
evident by the end of the nineteenth century that the birthrate was declining across
Europe, as Figure 24.3 shows, and it continued to do so until after World War II.
The Eng lishwoman who married in the 1860s, for example, had an average of
about six children; her daughter marrying in the 1890s had only four; and her
granddaughter marrying in the 1920s had only two or possibly three.
The most important reason for this revolutionary reduction in family size, in
which the comfortable and well-educated classes took the lead, was parents desire
to improve their economic and social position and that of their children. Children
were no longer contributors to the family income; indeed, parents saved to provide
their children with such advantages as music lessons and summer vacations and
long, expensive university educations and suitable dowries. A young German
skilled worker with only one child spoke for many in his class when he said, We
want to get ahead, and our daughter should have things better than my wife and
sisters did.
Thus the growing tendency of couples in the late nineteenth century
to use a variety of contraceptive methodsrhythm method, withdrawal method,
and mechanical devicescertainly reected increased concern for children.
Indeed, many parents, especially in the middle classes, probably became too
concerned about their children, unwittingly subjecting
them to an emotional pressure cooker of almost unbear-
able intensity. The result was that many children and es-
pecially adolescents came to feel trapped and in need of
greater in de pen dence.
The rigid division of gender roles within the family
contributed to feelings of tension and anxiety. It was
widely believed that mother and child loved each other
easily but that relations between father and child were
necessarily difcult and often tragic. The father was a
stranger; his world of business was far removed from the
maternal world of spontaneous affection. Moreover, the
father was demanding, often expecting the child to suc-
ceed where he himself had failed and making his love
conditional on achievement. Little wonder that the imag-
inative literature of the late nineteenth century came to
deal with the emotional and destructive elements of
The Changing Family 635
1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900
and Wales
FIGURE 24.3 The Decline of Birthrates in
Eng land and Wales, Germany, France, and
Sweden, 18401913
Women had fewer babies for a variety of reasons, including the fact
that their children were increasingly less likely to die before reaching
adulthood. Compare with Figure 24.1.
636 Chapter 24 Life in the Emerging Urban Society in the Nineteenth Century
father-son relationships. In the Rus sian Feodor Dostoevskis (dos-tuh-YEF-skee)
great novel The Brothers Karamazov (18801881), for example, four sons work
knowingly or unknowingly to destroy their father. Later at the murder trial, one of
the brothers claims to speak for all mankind and screams out, Who doesnt wish
his father dead?
Sigmund Freud (froid) (18561939), the Viennese founder of psychoanalysis,
formulated the most striking analysis of the explosive dynamics of the family, par-
ticularly the middle-class family in the late nineteenth century. A physician by
training, Freud began his career treating mentally ill patients. He noted that the
hysteria of his patients appeared to originate in bitter early-childhood experiences
wherein the child had been obliged to repress strong feelings. When these painful
experiences were recalled and reproduced under hypnosis or through the patients
free association of ideas, the patient could be brought to understand his or her
unhappiness and eventually deal with it.
The working classes probably had more avenues of escape from such tensions
than did the middle classes. Unlike their middle-class counterparts, who remained
economically de pen dent on their families until a long education was nished or a
proper marriage secured, working-class boys and girls went to work when they
reached adolescence. Earning wages on their own, they could bargain with their
parents for greater in de pen dence within the household by the time they were six-
teen or seventeen. If they were unsuccessful, they could and did leave home to live
cheaply as paying lodgers in other working-class homes. Thus the young person
from the working classes broke away from the family more easily when emotional
ties became oppressive. In the twentieth century, middle-class youths would follow
this lead.
Major changes in Western science and thought accompanied the emergence of
urban society. Two aspects of these complex intellectual developments stand out
as especially signicant. First, scientic knowledge expanded rapidly, inuencing
the Western worldview even more profoundly than before and spurring the cre-
ation of new products and whole industries. Second, between about the 1840s and
the 1890s, European literature underwent a shift from soaring romanticism to
tough-minded realism.
The pace of scientic discoveries accelerated from the
1830s onward, stimulated by breakthroughs in indus-
trial technology. While ordinary citizens continued to
lack detailed scientic knowledge, they became convinced of the importance of
science to human advancement.
The new branch of physics known as thermodynamics was one example of a
theoretical eld with roots in industry and obvious practical applications. Building
on Isaac Newtons laws of mechanics and on studies of steam engines, thermody-
namics investigated the relationship between heat and mechanical energy. By
midcentury, physicists had formulated the fundamental laws of thermodynamics,
Science and Thought
What major changes in science and thought reected and inuenced the
new urban society?
Science and Thought
What major changes in science and thought reected and inuenced the
new urban society?
The Triumph
of Science
The Triumph
of Science
thermodynamics A branch of physics
built on Newtons laws of mechanics that
investigated the relationship between
heat and mechanical energy.
thermodynamics A branch of physics
built on Newtons laws of mechanics that
investigated the relationship between
heat and mechanical energy.
Secti on Revi ew
Members of the working classes now
often married for love but in the middle
classes marriage was still an economic
arrangement, with young women care-
fully supervised while young men
frequented prostitutes.
Kinship ties remained important for
members of a working-class family,
who often lived near each other and
provided needed help and care.
Rigid gender roles led to the develop-
ment of or ga ni za tions that pursued
womens rights.
Within the home a woman typically
had more power, managing the house-
holds income and making domestic
decisions, but her primary responsibility
was still to care for her husband
and family.
Love and emotional bonding to chil-
dren occurred earlier, as infant survival
rates grew, and couples, for economic
reasons, generally had fewer children.
Freud blamed tension and anxiety in
young adulthood on early childhood
experiences, while popular literature
questioned parent- child relationships;
for working-class youths, escape was
possible as they could nd work and
leave home, but for middle-class youths
there was no easy escape.
which were then applied to mechanical engineering, chemical processes, and
many other elds. The law of conservation of energy held that different forms of
energysuch as heat, electricity, and magnetism could be converted but nei-
ther created nor destroyed. Nineteenth-century thermodynamics demonstrated
that the physical world was governed by rm, unchanging laws, leaving little room
for either divine intervention or human will.
Chemistry and electricity were two other elds characterized by extremely rapid
scientic progress. And in both elds, science was put in the ser vice of industry,
as the inuential economist Alfred Marshall (18421924) argued at the time.
Chemists devised ways of measuring the atomic weight of different elements,
and in 1869 the Rus sian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev (men-duh-LEY-uhf) (1834
1907) codied the rules of chemistry in the periodic law and the periodic table.
Chemistry was subdivided into many specialized branches, such as organic
chemistrythe study of the compounds of carbon. Applying theoretical insights
gleaned from this new eld, researchers in large German chemical companies
discovered ways of transforming the dirty, useless coal tar that accumulated in coke
ovens into beautiful, expensive synthetic dyes for the world of fashion. The basic
discoveries of Michael Faraday (FAR-uh-dee) (17911867) in electromagnetism
in the 1830s and 1840s resulted in the rst dynamo (generator) and opened the
way for the subsequent development of the telegraph, electric motor, electric light,
and electric streetcar.
The successful application of scientic research in the fast-growing electrical
and organic chemical industries promoted solid economic growth between 1880 and
1913 and provided a model for other industries. Systematic R & Dresearch and
developmentwas born in the late nineteenth century.
The methods of science acquired unrivaled prestige after 1850. For many, the
union of careful experiment and abstract theory was the only reliable route to truth
and objective reality. The unscientic intuitions of poets and the revelations of
saints seemed hopelessly inferior.
From the 1830s onward, many thinkers tried to apply
the objective methods of science to the study of society.
In some ways, these efforts simply perpetuated the
critical thinking of the philosophes. Yet there were important differences. The
new social scientists had access to the massive sets of numerical data that govern-
ments had begun to collect on every thing from children to crime, from popula-
tion to prostitution. In response, social scientists developed new statistical methods
to analyze these facts scientically and supposedly to test their theories. And the
systems of the leading nineteenth-century social scientists were more unied, all-
encompassing, and dogmatic than those of the philosophes. Marx was a prime
example (see pages 597598).
Another extremely inuential system builder was French philosopher Auguste
Comte (komt) (17981857), author of the six-volume System of Positive Philoso-
phy (18301842). Comte postulated that all intellectual activity progresses through
predictable stages:
The great fundamental law . . . is this:that each of our leading conceptions
each branch of our knowledgepasses successively through three different theoreti-
cal conditions: the Theological, or ctitious; the Metaphysical, or abstract; and the
Scientic, or positive. . . . The rst is the necessary point of departure of human
understanding, and the third is the xed and denitive state. The second is merely
a transition.
organic chemistry The study of the
compounds of carbon.
organic chemistry The study of the
compounds of carbon.
Social Science
and Evolution
Social Science
and Evolution
Science and Thought 637
638 Chapter 24 Life in the Emerging Urban Society in the Nineteenth Century
By way of example, Comte noted that the prevailing explanation of cosmic
patterns had shifted, as knowledge of astronomy developed, from the will of God
(the theological) to the will of an orderly nature (the metaphysical) to the rule of
unchanging laws (the scientic). Later, this same intellectual progression took
place in increasingly complex eldsphysics, chemistry, and, nally, the study of
society. Comte believed that by applying the scientic method, also called the
positivist method, his new discipline of sociology would soon discover the eternal
laws of human relations.
Comtes stages of knowledge exemplify the nineteenth-century fascination
with the idea of evolution and dynamic development. Thinkers in many elds,
such as the romantic historians and scientic Marxists, shared and applied this
basic concept. In geology, Charles Lyell (LAHY-uhl) (17971875) effectively dis-
credited the long-standing view that the earths surface had been formed by short-
lived cataclysms, such as biblical oods and earthquakes. Instead, Lyell posited
that the earths surface changed and continues to change over an immensely long
time. The evolutionary view of biological development, rst proposed by the
positivist method Auguste Comtes
discipline of sociology, which postulated
that each branch of our knowledge
passes successively through three
different theoretical conditions;
the theological, or ctitious; the
metaphysical, or abstract; and the
scientic, or positive.
evolution The idea, applied by thinkers
in many elds, that stresses gradual
change and continuous adjustment.
positivist method Auguste Comtes
discipline of sociology, which postulated
that each branch of our knowledge
passes successively through three
different theoretical conditions;
the theological, or ctitious; the
metaphysical, or abstract; and the
scientic, or positive.
evolution The idea, applied by thinkers
in many elds, that stresses gradual
change and continuous adjustment.
Satirizing Darwins Ideas
The heated controversies over Darwins theory of evolution also spawned innumerable jokes and cartoons. This cartoon depicts a bearded
Charles Darwin and the atheistic materialist Emile Littr performing as monkeys in a circus. (Muse de la Ville de Paris, Muse Carnavalet / Archives
Charmet / The Bridgeman Art Library)
Greek Anaximander in the sixth century b.c.e., re-emerged in a more modern
form in the work of Jean Baptiste Lamarck (luh-MAHRK) (17441829). Lamarck
asserted that all forms of life had arisen through a long process of continuous ad-
justment to the environment.
Lamarcks work was awedhe believed that the characteristics parents ac-
quired in the course of their lives could be inherited by their childrenand was
not accepted, but it helped prepare the way for Charles Darwin (18091882), the
most inuential of all nineteenth-century evolutionary thinkers. Convinced by
fossil evidence that he had collected and also persuaded by his friend Lyell that the
earth and life on it were immensely ancient, Darwin came to doubt the general
belief in a special divine creation of each species of animal. Instead, he concluded,
all life had gradually evolved from a common ancestral origin in an unending
struggle for survival.
Darwins great originality lay in suggesting precisely how biological evolution
might have occurred. His theory is summarized in the title of his work On the
Origin of Species by the Means of Natural Selection (1859). Decisively inuenced
by Thomas Malthuss (MAL-thuhs) gloomy theory that populations naturally grow
faster than their food supplies (see page 572), Darwin argued that chance differ-
ences among the members of a given species help some survive while others die.
Thus the variations that prove useful in the struggle for survival are selected natu-
rally and gradually spread to the entire species through reproduction.
Darwin was hailed throughout Europe as the great scientist par excellence, the
Newton of biology, who had revealed once again the powers of objective sci-
ence. Darwins ndings also reinforced the teachings of secularists such as Comte
and Marx, who scornfully dismissed religious belief in favor of agnostic or atheistic
materialism. In the great cities especially, religion was on the defensive. Finally,
many writers applied the theory of biological evolution to human affairs. Herbert
Spencer (18201903) saw the idea of the survival of the ttest at work in eco-
nomic progress: the poor were the ill-fated weak; the prosperous were the chosen
strong. Understandably, Spencer and other Social Darwinists were especially
popular with the upper middle class.
In literature, the key themes of realism and naturalism
emerged in the 1840s and continued to dominate
Western culture and style until the 1890s. The major
realist writers focused their extraordinary powers of observation on contemporary
everyday life. Emphatically rejecting the romantic search for the exotic and the sub-
lime, they energetically pursued the typical and the commonplace. Beginning with
a dissection of the middle classes, from which most of them sprang, many realists
eventually focused on the urban working classes, which had been ne glected in
imaginative literature before this time. The realists put a microscope to many un-
explored and taboo subjectssex, strikes, violence, alcoholismand were charged
by middle-class critics with sensationalism and undermining public morality.
Unlike the romantics, who had gloried in individual freedom and an unlim-
ited universe, realists were strict determinists. Human beings, like atoms, were
components of the physical world, and all human actions were caused by unalter-
able natural laws. Heredity and environment determined human behavior; good
and evil were merely social conventions.
The realist movement began in France and was home to three of its greatest
practitionersBalzac, Flaubert, and Zola. Honor de Balzac (BAWL-zak) (1799
1850) spent thirty years writing a vastly ambitious panorama of postrevolutionary
Social Darwinists A group of thinkers
popular with the upper middle class
who saw the human race as driven
forward to ever-greater specialization
and progress by the unending economic
struggle that would determine the
survival of the ttest.
realism A literary movement that
stressed the depiction of life exactly
as it was.
Social Darwinists A group of thinkers
popular with the upper middle class
who saw the human race as driven
forward to ever-greater specialization
and progress by the unending economic
struggle that would determine the
survival of the ttest.
realism A literary movement that
stressed the depiction of life exactly
as it was.
Realism in Literature Realism in Literature
Science and Thought 639
640 Chapter 24 Life in the Emerging Urban Society in the Nineteenth Century
French life. Known collectively as The Human
Comedy, this series of nearly one hundred books
vividly portrays more than two thousand characters
from virtually all sectors of French society. Balzac
pictures urban society as grasping, amoral, and bru-
tal, characterized by a Darwinian struggle for wealth
and power.
Madame Bovary (1857), the masterpiece of
Gustave Flaubert (oh-BAIR) (18211880), is far
narrower in scope than Balzacs work but unparal-
leled in its depth and accuracy of psychological in-
sight. The story of a frustrated middle-class housewife
who has an adulterous love affair and is betrayed by
her lover, Madame Bovary portrays the provincial
middle class as petty, smug, and hypocritical.
Emile Zola (18401902) was most famous for
his seamy, animalistic view of working-class life.
Like many later realists, Zola sympathized with
socialisma sympathy evident in his overpowering
novel Germinal (1885).
Realism quickly spread beyond France. In Eng land, Mary Ann
Evans (18191880), who wrote under the pen name George Eliot,
brilliantly achieved a deeply felt, less sensational kind of realism.
Her great novel Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial Life (1871
1872) examines masterfully the ways in which people are shaped
by their social medium as well as their own inner strivings, con-
icts, and moral choices. Thomas Hardy (18401928) was more in
the Zola tradition. His novels, such as Tess of the DUrbervilles
(1891) and The Return of the Native (1878), depict men and
women crushed by society, their own impulses, and bad luck.
The greatest Rus sian realist, Count Leo Tolstoy (18281910),
combined realism in description and character development with
an atypical moralizing, which came to dominate his later work.
Tolstoys greatest work is War and Peace (18641869), a monumen-
tal novel set against the historical background of Napoleons inva-
sion of Russia in 1812. Tolstoy went to great pains to develop his
fatalistic theory of history, which regards free will as an illusion and
the achievements of even the greatest leaders as only the channel-
ing of historical necessity. Yet Tolstoys central message is one that
most of the people discussed in this chapter would have readily ac-
cepted: human love, trust, and everyday family ties are lifes endur-
ing values.
Manet: Emile Zola
The young novelists sensitivity and strength of character
permeate this famous portrait by the great French painter
Edouard Manet. Focusing on nuances and subtle variations,
Manet was at rst denounced by the critics, and after Zola lost
a newspaper job defending Manet they became close friends.
Manet was strongly inuenced by Japa nese prints, seen in the
background. (Erich Lessing/ Art Resource, NY)
Secti on Revi ew
Scientic breakthroughs began to occur rapidly and
their application to industry in the elds of physics,
electrical engineering, and organic chemistry encour-
aged research and development to supplant the unscien-
tic ideas of poets, philosophers, and religion.
Social scientists studied society using scientic methods
such as August Comtes positivist method.
Charles Darwin built on Lyells and Lamarcks ideas of
evolution to propose that life on earth was immensely
ancient and evolved in a slow process without the need
for miraculous divine intervention.
Herbert Spencer and other Social Darwinists applied
evolution to human relations, arguing that survival
of the ttest meant that society should accept the
wealthy as the most t and need not help the unsuc-
cessful poor.
Realism in literature branched away from the romantics
and pursued middle and urban working class subjects,
believing that heredity and environment were respon-
sible for human behavior.
Chapter Review 641
Key Terms
utilitarianism (p. 619)
germ theory (p. 620)
labor aristocracy (p. 628)
sweated industries (p. 629)
thermodynamics (p. 636)
organic chemistry (p. 637)
positivist method (p. 638)
evolution (p. 638)
Social Darwinists (p. 639)
realism (p. 639)
Chapter Review
What was life like in the cities, and how did urban life change in the nineteenth
century? (page 618)
The revolution in industry had a decisive inuence on the urban environment. The
populations of towns and cities grew rapidly because it was economically advantageous
to locate factories and ofces in urban areas. This rapid growth worsened long-standing
overcrowding and unhealthy living conditions and posed a frightening challenge for
society. Eventually government leaders, city planners, reformers, scientists, and ordi-
nary citizens responded. They took effective action in public health and provided
themselves with other badly needed urban ser vices. Gradually they tamed the fero-
cious savagery of the traditional city.
What did the emergence of urban industrial society mean for rich and poor and
those in between? (page 622)
As the quality of urban life improved, the class structure became more complex and
diversied than before. Urban society featured many distinct social groups, which existed
in a state of constant ux and competition. The gap between rich and poor remained
enormous and really quite traditional in mature urban society, although there were
countless gradations between the extremes. Large numbers of poor women in particular
continued to labor as workers in sweated industries, as domestic servants, and as prosti-
tutes in order to satisfy the demands of their masters in the servant-keeping classes.
How did families change as they coped with the challenges and the opportuni-
ties of the developing urban civilization? (page 630)
Major changes in family life accompanied the more complex and diversied class
system. Especially among the working classes, family life became more stable, more
loving, and less mercenary. These improvements had a price, however. Gender roles
for men and women became sharply dened and rigidly separate. Women especially
tended to be locked into a subordinate and stereotypical role. Nonetheless, on balance,
the quality of family life improved for all family members. Better, more stable family
relations reinforced the benets for the masses of higher real wages, increased social
security, political participation, and education. Urban society in the late nineteenth
century represented a long step forward for humanity, but it remained very unequal.
What major changes in science and thought reected and inuenced the new
urban society? (page 636)
Inequality was a favorite theme of realist novelists such as Balzac and Zola. More
generally, literary realism reected Western societys growing faith in science, material
progress, and evolutionary thinking. The emergence of urban, industrial civilization
accelerated the secularization of the Western worldview.
1. A. Weber, The Growth of Cities in the Nineteenth Century (New York: Columbia University
Press, 1899), p. 1.
2. Quoted in E. Chadwick, Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of
Great Britain, ed. M. W. Flinn (Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 1965; original
publication, 1842), pp. 315316.
642 Chapter 24 Life in the Emerging Urban Society in the Nineteenth Century
3. Quoted in R. P. Neuman, The Sexual Question and Social Democracy in Imperial Ger-
many, Journal of Social History 7 (Winter 1974): 276.
4. Quoted in R. Roberts, The Classic Slum: Salford Life in the First Quarter of the Century (Man-
chester, Eng land: University of Manchester Press, 1971), p. 35.
5. Quoted in T. Zeldin, France, 18481945, vol. 1 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973), p. 328.
6. Quoted in Neuman, The Sexual Question, p. 281.
7. A. Comte, The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte, trans. H. Martineau, vol. 1 (London:
J. Chapman, 1853), pp. 12.
To assess your mastery of this chapter, go to bedfordstmartins.com/mckaywestbrief
Li st eni ng t o t he Past
Middle-Class Youth and Sexuality
During the eight years of our higher schooling
[beyond grade school], something had occurred
which was of great importance to each one of us:
we ten-year-olds had grown into virile young men
of sixteen, seventeen, and eigh teen, and Nature be-
gan to assert its rights. . . . It did not take us long to
discover that those authorities in whom we had pre-
viously condedschool, family, and public mor-
alsmanifested an astonishing insincerity in this
matter of sex. But what is more, they also demanded
secrecy and reserve from us in this connection. . . .
This social morality, which on the one hand
privately presupposed the exis tence of sexuality and
its natural course, but on the other would not rec-
ognize it openly at any price, was doubly deceitful.
While it winked one eye at a young man and even
encouraged him with the other to sow his wild
oats, as the kindly language of the home put it, in
the case of a woman it studiously shut both eyes
and acted as if it were blind. That a man could ex-
perience desires, and was permitted to experience
them, was silently admitted by custom. But to ad-
mit frankly that a woman could be subject to simi-
lar desires, or that creation for its eternal purposes
also required a female polarity, would have trans-
gressed the conception of the sanctity of woman-
hood. In the pre-Freudian era, therefore, the
axiom was agreed upon that a female person could
have no physical desires as long as they had not
been awakened by man, and that, obviously, was
ofcially permitted only in marriage. . . .
What [sexual] possibilities actually existed for a
young man of the middle-class world? . . . Only a
very few particularly rich young men could afford
the luxury of keeping a mistress, that is, taking an
apartment and paying her expenses. And only a
very few fortunate young men achieved the literary
ideal of love of the timesthe only one which it
was permitted to describe in novelsan affair with
a married woman. The others helped themselves
for the most part with shopgirls and waitresses, and
this offered little inner satisfaction. . . . But, gener-
ally speaking, prostitution was still the foundation
of the erotic life outside of marriage; in a certain
sense it constituted a dark underground vault over
which rose the gorgeous structure of middle-class
society with its faultless, radiant faade.
We should not permit ourselves to be misled by
sentimental novels or stories of that epoch. It was a
bad time for youth. The young girls were hermeti-
cally locked up under the control of the family,
hindered in their free bodily as well as intellectual
development. The young men were forced to se-
crecy and reticence by a morality which funda-
mentally no one believed or obeyed. Unhampered,
honest relationshipsin other words, all that could
have made youth happy and joyous according to
rowing up in Vienna in a prosperous Jewish family,
Stephan Zweig (zwahyg) (18811942) became an
inuential voice calling for humanitarian values and interna-
tional culture in early twentieth-century Europe. The follow-
ing passage from his autobiography, The World of Yesterday
(1943), offers a glimpse into late nineteenth-century attitudes
toward the sexuality of young adults and Zweigs assessment
of the social consequences of these attitudes.
An elegant ball for upper-class youth, with debutantes, ju nior
ofcers, and vigilant chaperons watching in the background (State
Rus sian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia/ The Bridgeman Art Library)
the laws of Naturewere permitted only to the
very few.
Questions for Analysis
1. According to Zweig, how did the sex lives of
young middle-class women and young middle-
class men differ? What accounted for these
2. Was there nonetheless a basic underlying unity
in the way society treated both the young men
and the young women of the comfortable
middle class? If so, what was that unity?
3. Zweig ends this passage with a value judgment:
It was a bad time for youth. Do you agree or
disagree? Why?
Source: Middle-Class Youth and Sexuality, from The
World of Yesterday by Stephan Zweig, translated by
Helmut Ripperger, copyright 1943 by the Viking Press,
Inc. Used by permission of Viking Penguin, a division of
Penguin Group (USA) Inc., and Williams Verlag AG.
The Age of
Chapter Previ ew
Napoleon III in France
How in France did Napoleon III seek to
reconcile popular and con ser va tive
forces in an authoritarian nation-state?
Nation Building in Italy and Germany
How did the process of unication in
Italy and Germany create con ser va tive
Nation Building in the United States
In what ways did the United States
experience the full drama of nation
The Modernization of Russia and the
Ottoman Empire
What steps did Russia and the Ottoman
Turks take toward modernization, and
how successful were they?
The Responsive National State (18711914)
Why after 1871 did ordinary citizens feel
a growing loyalty to their governments?
Marxism and the Socialist Movement
Why did the socialist movement grow,
and how revolutionary was it?
LISTENING TO THE PAST: The Making of a Socialist
Frances Napoleon III and Empress Eugnie greet Britains Queen
Victoria and Prince Albert in a dazzling ceremony in Paris in 1855.
(The Royal Collection, 2008 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II)
646 Chapter 25 The Age of Nationalism, 18501914
he revolutions of 1848 closed one era and opened another. Urban industrial
society began to take a strong hold on the continent and in the young United
States, as it already had in Great Britain. Internationally, the repressive peace and
diplomatic stability of Metternichs time were replaced by a period of war and rapid
change. In thought and culture, exuberant romanticism gave way to hardheaded
realism. In the Atlantic economy, the hard years of the 1840s were followed by
good times and prosperity throughout most of the 1850s and 1860s. Perhaps most
important of all, Western society progressively developed, for better or worse, a
new and effective organizing principle capable of coping with the many-sided
challenge of the dual revolution and the emerging urban civilization. That prin-
ciple was nationalismdedication to an identication with the nation-state.
The triumph of nationalism is an enormously signicant historical develop-
ment that was by no means completely predictable. After all, nationalism had
been a powerful force since at least 1789, but it had repeatedly failed to realize its
goals, most spectacularly so in 1848. Yet by 1914 nationalism had become in one
way or another an almost universal faith in Europe and in the United States, a
faith that had evolved to appeal not only to predominately middle-class liberals but
also to the broad masses of society. To understand this fateful evolution is the task
of this chapter.
The ideas of nationhood and popular sovereignty posed a fearful revolutionary
threat to con ser va tives like Metternich. Yet from the vantage point of the twenty-
rst century, it is clear that nationalism wears many masks: it may be narrowly
liberal or dem o cratic and radical, as it was for Mazzini and Michelet, but it can
also ourish in dictatorial states, which may be con ser va tive, fascist, or commu-
nist. Napoleon Is France had already combined national feeling with authoritar-
ian rule. Signicantly, it was Napoleons nephew, Louis Napoleon, who revived
and extended this merger. In doing so, he provided a model for political leaders
Although Louis Napoleon Bonaparte had played no
part in French politics before 1848, he was elected
president by a resounding majority. There were several
reasons for his success. First, he had the great name of his uncle, whom romantics
had transformed through legend from a dictator into a hero. Second, middle-class
and peasant property owners wanted a tough ruler to curb the socialist agitation of
workers. Third, in late 1848 Louis Napoleon had a positive program for France,
which had been elaborated in widely circulated pamphlets before the election. He
argued that the state and its leader had a sacred duty to provide jobs and stimulate
the economy. Large numbers of French peasants and workers believed his claim
that he would champion the interests of all classes.
Elected to a four-year term, President Louis Napoleon had to share power
with a con ser va tive National Assembly. But in 1851, after the Assembly failed to
Napoleon III in France
How in France did Napoleon III seek to reconcile popular and con ser va tive
forces in an authoritarian nation-state?
Napoleon III in France
How in France did Napoleon III seek to reconcile popular and con ser va tive
forces in an authoritarian nation-state?
The Second Republic
and Louis Napoleon
The Second Republic
and Louis Napoleon
change the constitution so he could run for a second term, Louis
Napoleon seized power in a coup dtat. Restoring universal
male suffrage, Louis Napoleon called on the French people, as
his uncle had done, to legalize his actions. They did: 92 percent
voted to make him president for ten years. A year later, by the
greatest electoral margin yet, the authoritarian Louis Napoleon
was made emperor of the French nation.
Louis Napoleonnow proclaimed
Emperor Napoleon IIIexperienced
both success and failure between
1852 and 1870. His greatest success was with the economy, par-
ticularly in the 1850s. His government encouraged the new in-
vestment banks and massive railroad construction that were at
the heart of the Industrial Revolution on the continent. The gov-
ernment also fostered general economic expansion through an
ambitious program of public works, which included the rebuild-
ing of Paris to improve the urban environment (see page 621).
Prots soared while unemployment declined.
Louis Napoleon aimed to garner the support of workers as
well as business owners. In the 1850s he regulated pawnshops,
supported credit unions, and provided better housing for the working classes. In
the 1860s, he granted workers the right to form unions and the right to strike
important economic rights denied by earlier governments.
At rst, political power remained in the hands of the emperor. At the same
time, Napoleon III restricted but did not abolish the Assembly. Members were
elected by universal male suffrage every six years, and Louis Napoleon and his
government took the parliamentary elections very seriously. By persuading voters
that the election of government candidates was the key to roads, tax rebates, and a
thousand other benets, Napoleon IIIs supporters won big victories in 1857 and
1863. Yet in the 1860s, Napoleon III encountered opposition when he attempted
to reorganize Europe on the principle of nationality and gain inuence and terri-
tory for France and himself in the process. Problems in Italy and the rising power
of Prussia led to increasing criticism at home. With increasing effectiveness, the
middle-class liberals who had always wanted a less authoritarian re-
gime continued to denounce his rule.
Napoleon was always sensitive to the public mood. Public opin-
ion, he once said, always wins the last victory. Thus in the 1860s, he
progressively liberalized his empire. He gave the Assembly greater
powers and the opposition candidates greater freedom, which they
used to good advantage. In 1869 the opposition, consisting of re-
publicans, monarchists, and liberals, polled almost 45 percent of
the vote.
The next year, a sick and weary Louis Napoleon again granted
France a new constitution, which combined a basically parliamen-
tary regime with a hereditary emperor as chief of state. In a nal great
plebiscite on the eve of the disastrous war with Prussia, 7.5 million
Frenchmen voted in favor of the new constitution, and only 1.5 mil-
lion opposed it. Napoleon IIIs attempt to reconcile a strong na-
tional state with universal male suffrage was still evolving and was
doing so in a dem o cratic direction.
Napoleon IIIs
Second Empire
Napoleon IIIs
Second Empire
18521871 Reign of Napoleon III in France
18591870 Unication of Italy
18601900 Industrialization of Russia
1861 Freeing of Rus sian serfs
18611865 U.S. Civil War
1866 Austro-Prussian War
18701871 Franco-Prussian War
18701878 Kulturkampf, Bismarcks attack on
Catholic Church
1880s Educational reforms affect Catholic
schools in France
1883 First social security laws to help
workers in Germany
1905 Bloody Sunday in Russia
1908 Young Turks in Power
Secti on Revi ew
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte had several things in his
favor: his name, the middle and peasant classes
wanted a tough ruler, and he had a positive program
for the economy.
After his election he shared power with the National
Assembly but when they would not allow him to run
again, he seized power, successfully faced re-election
and then took the title of emperor Napoleon III,
ending the Second Republic.
Napoleon III liberalized the Second Empire, improv-
ing the French economy through his public works
program, and allowing universal male suffrage, but by
the late 1860s, facing an imminent war with Prussia,
his power waned in favor of the Assembly and a new
648 Chapter 25 The Age of Nationalism, 18501914
Louis Napoleons triumph in 1848 and his authoritarian rule in the 1850s pro-
vided the old ruling classes of Europe with a new model in politics. To what extent
might the expanding urban middle classes and even portions of the growing work-
ing classes rally to a strong and essentially con ser va tive national state? This was
one of the great political questions in the 1850s and 1860s. In central Europe, a
resounding answer came with the national unication of Italy and Germany.
Italy, which had been a collection of competing city-
states during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, was
reor ga nized at the Congress of Vienna in 1815. The
rich northern provinces of Lombardy and Venetia were taken by Metternichs Aus-
tria. Sardinia and Piedmont were under the rule of an Italian monarch, and Tus-
cany, with its famous capital Florence, shared north-central Italy with several
smaller states. Central Italy and Rome were ruled by the papacy; Naples and Sicily
were ruled, as they had been for almost a hundred years, by a branch of the Bour-
bons. Metternich was not wrong in dismissing Italy as a geographical expression.
Between 1815 and 1848, the goal of an Italian nation captured the imagina-
tions of many Italians. For many, the kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont was ideally
suited to achieve the goal of national unication. Its constitution provided for a
fair degree of civil liberties and real parliamentary government, with deputies
elected by a limited franchise based on income. Its leaders had the diplomatic and
military skills needed to unify the peninsula.
Sardinia was ruled by King Victor Emmanuel, who had appointed Count Ca-
millo Benso di Cavour (kah-VOOR) to prime minister in 1850. A brilliant states-
man, Cavour came from a noble family, but he had also made a substantial fortune
in business before entering politics. Cavours national goals were limited and real-
istic. Until 1859 he sought unity only for the states of northern and perhaps central
Italy in a greatly expanded kingdom of Sardinia.
In the 1850s, Cavour worked to consolidate Sardinia as a liberal constitutional
state capable of leading northern Italy. His program of highways and railroads, of
civil liberties and opposition to clerical privilege, increased support for Sardinia
throughout northern Italy. Yet Cavour realized that Victor Emmanuel could not
drive Austria out of Lombardy and Venetia and unify northern Italy without the
help of a powerful ally. Accordingly, he worked for a secret diplomatic alliance
with Napoleon III against Austria.
Finally, in July 1858 Cavour succeeded and goaded Austria into attacking Sar-
dinia in 1859. Napoleon III came to Sardinias defense. Then, after the victory of
the combined Franco-Sardinian forces, Napoleon III did a sudden about-face. De-
ciding it was not in his interest to have too strong a state on his southern border and
criticized by French Catholics for supporting the popes declared enemy, Napo-
leon III abandoned Cavour and made a compromise peace with the Austrians.
Yet Cavours plans were salvaged by the skillful maneuvers of his allies in the
moderate nationalist movement. While the war against Austria had raged in the
north, nationalists in central Italy had fanned popular revolts and driven out their
easily toppled princes. With the nationalists holding rm, Cavour gained Napo-
leon IIIs support by ceding Savoy and Nice to France. The people of central Italy
Nation Building in Italy and Germany
How did the process of unication in Italy and Germany create con ser va-
tive nation-states?
Nation Building in Italy and Germany
How did the process of unication in Italy and Germany create con ser va-
tive nation-states?
Cavour and Garibaldi
in Italy
Cavour and Garibaldi
in Italy
then voted overwhelmingly to join a greatly enlarged kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont.
Cavour had achieved his original goal of a northern Italian state (see Map 25.1).
Meanwhile, in southern Italy, nationalists united under the superpatriot Giu-
seppe Garibaldi (juh-SEP-ee gar-uh-BAWL-dee) (18071882). The son of a poor
sailor, Garibaldi personied the romantic, revolutionary nationalism and republi-
canism of Mazzini and 1848. Partly to use him and partly to get rid of him, Cavour
secretly supported Garibaldis bold plan to liberate the kingdom of the Two Sic-
ilies. Landing on the shores of Sicily in May 1860, Garibaldis guerrilla band of a
thousand Red Shirts captured the imagination of the Sicilian peasantry. With
their support, the guerrilla leader took Palermo. Then he and his men crossed to
the mainland, marched triumphantly toward Naples, and prepared to attack Rome
and the pope. But the wily Cavour quickly sent his forces to intercept Garibaldi.
Cavour realized that an attack on Rome would bring about war with France,
and he also feared Garibaldis radicalism and popular appeal. Thus he immediately
or ga nized a plebiscite in the conquered territories. Despite the urging of some
radical supporters, the patriotic Garibaldi did not oppose Cavour, and the people
Red Shirts The guerrilla army of
Giuseppe Garibaldi, who invaded Sicily
in 1860 in an attempt to liberate it and
won the hearts of the Sicilian peasantry.
Red Shirts The guerrilla army of
Giuseppe Garibaldi, who invaded Sicily
in 1860 in an attempt to liberate it and
won the hearts of the Sicilian peasantry.
15E 10E 5E
T y r r h e n i a n
S e a
Po R
Strait of
(to France 1860)
(from Austria)
(to France 1860)
(from Austria 1866)
0 50 100 Mi.
50 100 Km.
Kingdom of Sardinia before 1859
To Kingdom of Sardinia, 1859
To Kingdom of Sardinia, 1860
To Kingdom of Italy, 1866, 1870
Major battle
Boundary of Kingdom of Italy after unification
MAP 25.1 The Unication of Italy, 18591870
The leadership of Sardinia-Piedmont, nationalist fervor, and Garibaldis attack on the kingdom of Two
Sicilies were decisive factors in the unication of Italy.
Nation Building in Italy and Germany 649
650 Chapter 25 The Age of Nationalism, 18501914
of the south voted to join Sardinia. When Garibaldi and Victor Emmanuel rode
through Naples to cheering crowds, they symbolically sealed the union of north
and south, of monarch and nation-state.
Cavour had succeeded. He had controlled Garibaldi and had turned popular
nationalism in a con ser va tive direction. The new kingdom of Italy, which ex-
panded to include Venice in 1866 and Rome in 1870, was a parliamentary mon-
archy under Victor Emmanuel, neither radical nor dem o cratic. Despite political
unity, only a small minority of Italian males had the right to vote. The propertied
classes and the common people were divided. A great and growing social and cul-
tural gap separated the progressive, industrializing north from the stagnant, agrar-
ian south. The new Italy was united on paper, but profound divisions remained.
In the aftermath of 1848, the German states were
locked in a political stalemate. After Austria and
Russia blocked Frederick Williams attempt to unify
Germany from above, tension grew between Austria
and Prussia.
At the same time, powerful economic forces were contributing to the Austro-
Prussian rivalry. By the end of 1853, Austria was the only German state that had
not joined the German customs union, or Zollverein. Middle-class and business
groups in the Zollverein were enriching themselves and nding solid economic
reasons to bolster their idealistic support of national unication. Prussias leading
role within the Zollverein gave it a valuable advantage in its struggle against Aus-
trias supremacy in German political affairs.
Prussias king William I (r. 18611888), who had replaced the unstable Fred-
erick William IV, was convinced of the need for a larger army, which meant a
bigger defense budget and higher taxes. His plans were opposed by parliament,
however, which was in the hands of the liberal middle class. The wealthy middle
class wanted society to be less, not more, militaristic. Above all, middle-class rep-
resentatives wanted to establish once and for all that the parliament, not the king,
had the ultimate political power and that the army was responsible to Prussias
elected representatives. King William then called on Count Otto von Bismarck to
head a new ministry and defy the parliament. This was a momentous choice.
The most important gure in German history between Luther and Hitler,
Otto von Bismarck (18151898) was a master of politics and a devoted servant of
his Prussian sovereign. One must always have two irons in the re, he once said.
He kept his options open, pursuing one policy and then another as he moved with
skill and cunning toward his goal.
When the aristocratic Bismarck took ofce as chief minister in 1862, he made
a strong but unfavorable impression. Declaring that the government would rule
without parliamentary consent, Bismarck lashed out at the middle-class opposition:
The great questions of the day will not be decided by speeches and resolutions
that was the blunder of 1848 and 1849but by blood and iron. Bismarck had the
Prussian bureaucracy go right on collecting taxes, even though the parliament
refused to approve the budget. Bismarck reor ga nized the army. And for four years,
from 1862 to 1866, the voters of Prussia continued to express their opposition by
sending large liberal majorities to the parliament.
Opposition at home spurred the search for success abroad. An opportunity
presented itself in 1864, when the Danish king tried again, as in 1848, to bring the
provinces into a more centralized Danish state against the will of the German
Confederation. Prussia joined Austria in a short and successful war against Den-
Bismarck and the
War (1866)
Bismarck and the
War (1866)
Zollverein A German customs union
founded in 1834 to stimulate trade and
increase the revenues of member states.
Zollverein A German customs union
founded in 1834 to stimulate trade and
increase the revenues of member states.
mark. However, Bismarck was convinced that Austria should be expelled from
German affairs so that Prussia could be in control. He knew that a war with Austria
would have to be a localized one that would not provoke a mighty alliance against
Prussia. By skillfully neutralizing Russia and France, he was in a position to en-
gage in a war of his own making.
The Austro-Prussian War of 1866 lasted only seven weeks. Utilizing railroads
to mass troops and the new breechloading needle gun to achieve maximum re-
power, the reor ga nized Prussian army overran northern Germany and defeated
Austria decisively at the Battle of Sadowa (SAD-daw-vah) in Bohemia. Anticipat-
ing Prussias future needs, Bismarck offered Austria realistic, even generous, peace
terms. Austria paid no reparations and lost no territory to Prussia, although Venetia
was ceded to Italy. But the German Confederation was dissolved, and Austria
agreed to withdraw from German affairs. The states north of the Main River were
grouped in the new North German Confederation, led by an expanded Prussia.
The mainly Catholic states of the south remained in de pen dent while forming al-
liances with Prussia. Bismarcks fundamental goal of Prussian expansion was being
realized (see Map 25.2).
In the aftermath of victory, Bismarck fashioned a federal
constitution for the new North German Confedera-
tion. Each state retained its own local government, but
the king of Prussia became president of the confederation, and the chancellor
Bismarckwas responsible only to the president. King and chancellor controlled
the army and foreign affairs. There was also a legislature with members of the
lower house elected by universal male suffrage. With this radical innovation, Bis-
marck opened the door to popular participation and the possibility of going over
the head of the middle class directly to the people, much as Napoleon III had done
in France. All the while, however, ultimate power rested in the hands of Prussia
and its king and army.
Marshaling all his diplomatic skill, Bismarck reached out to parliament and
asked them to pass a special indemnity bill to approve after the fact all the govern-
ments spending between 1862 and 1866. Most of the liberals jumped at the
chance to cooperate. With German unity in sight, the German middle class ac-
cepted the con ser va tive, authoritarian government that Bismarck represented. In
the years before 1914, the values of the aristocratic Prussian army ofcer increas-
ingly replaced those of the middle-class liberal in public esteem and set the social
The nal act in the drama of German unication fol-
lowed quickly. Bismarck realized that a patriotic war
with France would drive the south German states into
his arms. The French obligingly played their part. The apparent issuewhether a
distant relative of Prussias William I (and Frances Napoleon III) might become
king of Spainwas only a diplomatic pretext. By 1870 the French leaders of the
Second Empire, goaded by Bismarck and alarmed by their powerful new neighbor
on the Rhine, had decided on a war to teach Prussia a lesson.
As soon as war against France began in 1870, Bismarck had the wholehearted
sup port of the south German states. With other governments standing still
Bismarcks generosity to Austria in 1866 was paying big dividendsGerman forces
under Prussian leadership decisively defeated the main French army at Sedan on
The Taming of
the Parliament
The Taming of
the Parliament
The Franco-Prussian
War (18701871)
The Franco-Prussian
War (18701871)
Nation Building in Italy and Germany 651
September 1, 1870. Louis Napoleon himself was captured and humiliated. Three
days later, French patriots in Paris proclaimed yet another French republic and
vowed to continue ghting. But after ve months, in January 1871, a starving Paris
surrendered, and France went on to accept Bismarcks harsh peace terms. By this
time, the south German states had agreed to join a new German empire.
N o r t h
S e a
B a l t i c S e a
ube R.
15E 25E 20E
0 50 100 Mi.
50 100 Km.
Prussia before 1866
Conquered by Prussia in
Austro-Prussian War, 1866
Austrian territories excluded from
North German Confederation, 1867
Joined with Prussia to form
North German Confederation, 1867
South German states joining with
Prussia to form German Empire, 1871
Won by Prussia in
Franco-Prussian War, 1871
Major battle
German Confederation boundary, 18151866
Bismarcks German Empire, 1871
Mapping the Past
Map 25.2 The Unication of Germany, 18661871
This map shows how Prussia expanded and a new German empire was created through two wars, the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 and the
Franco-Prussian War of 18701871. It deserves careful study because it highlights how central Europe was remade and the power of Prussia-
Germany was greatly increased. [1] What were the results of the Austro-Prussian War? Specically, how did Prussia treat its neighbors in the
north, such as Hanover and Saxony? [2] What losses did Austria experience in 1866? [3] What were the results of the Franco-Prussian War for
France and for the predominately Catholic states of southern Germany, such as Bavaria and Wrttemberg?
The victorious William I was proclaimed emperor of Germany in the Hall of
Mirrors in the palace of Versailles. Europe had a nineteenth-century German sun
king. As in the 1866 constitution, the king of Prussia and his ministers had ulti-
mate power in the new German Empire, and the lower house of the legislature
was elected by universal male suffrage.
The Franco-Prussian War released an enormous surge of patriotic feeling in
Germany while poisoning relations with France. Prussia had become, with forti-
cation by the other German states, the most powerful state in Europe in less than
a decade. Most Germans were enormously proud, blissfully imagining themselves
the ttest and best of the European species. Semi-authoritarian nationalism and a
new conservatism, which was based on an alliance of the propertied classes and
sought the active support of the working classes, had triumphed in Germany.
Closely linked to European developments in the nineteenth century, the United
States experienced the full drama of bloody nation building. The United States
was divided by slav ery from its birth, as economic development in the young re-
public carried free and slaveholding states in very different directions. Northerners
extended family farms westward and began building Eng lish-model factories in
the Northeast. By 1850 an industrializing, urbanizing North was also building a
system of canals and railroads and attracting most of the European immigrants. In
the South, cotton plantations dominated the economy, producing 5 million bales
Nation Building in the United States
In what ways did the United States experience the full drama of
nation building?
Nation Building in the United States
In what ways did the United States experience the full drama of
nation building?
Proclaiming the German
Empire, January 1871
This commemorative painting by Anton
von Werner testies to the nationalistic
intoxication in Germany after the victory
over France. William I of Prussia stands
on a platform surrounded by princes
and generals in the famous Hall of
Mirrors in the palace of Versailles, while
ofcers from all the units around a
besieged Paris cheer and salute him
with uplifted swords as emperor of a
unied Germany. Bismarck, like a heroic
white knight, stands between king and
army. (akg-images)
Secti on Revi ew
The prime minister of Sardinia and
Piedmont, Cavour, sought Italian
unity and worked to consolidate the
north; he used Napoleon IIIs support
to gain central Italy from the papacy
and Garibaldis Red Shirts uprising in
the south to establish a parliamentary
monarchy for Italy under King Victor
Prussian King William I appointed
Otto von Bismarck to head a new
government ministry to defy parlia-
ment and achieve his goals of reorgan-
izing the army, defeating Austria,
dissolving the German Confedera-
tion, and forming the new North
German Confederation led by Prussia.
Bismarck set up a royal system of
government that controlled the army
and foreign affairs, although he pla-
cated the lower classes by instituting
universal male suffrage to elect the
legislatures lower house, and he won
the approval of parliament by pursu-
ing German unication.
Bismarck arranged the Franco-
Prussian war to win the support of
the south German states; the French
defeat allowed him to form the new
German Empire.
Nation Building in the United States 653
654 Chapter 25 The Age of Nationalism, 18501914
a year and satisfying an apparently insatiable demand from textile mills in Europe
and New Eng land.
The rise of the cotton empire revitalized slave-based agriculture, spurred ex-
ports, and played a key role in igniting rapid U.S. economic growth. The large
prots owing from cotton also led inuential Southerners to defend slav ery. Even
though three-quarters of all Southern white families were small farmers and owned
no slaves in 1850, Southern whites developed a strong cultural identity and came
to see themselves as a closely knit we distinct from the Northern they. North-
ern whites viewed their free-labor system as being morally superior. Thus regional
antagonisms intensied.
These antagonisms came to a climax after 1848 when a defeated Mexico
ceded to the United States a vast area stretching from west Texas to the Pacic
Ocean. Debate over the extension of slav ery in this new territory caused attitudes
to harden on both sides. In Abraham Lincolns famous words, the United States
was a house divided.
Lincolns election as president in 1860 gave Southern re-eaters the chance
they had been waiting for. Eventually eleven states left the Union, determined to
win their own in de pen dence, and formed the Confederate States of America.
When Southern troops red on a Union fort in South Carolinas Charleston har-
bor, war began.
The long Civil War (18611865) was the bloodiest conict in American his-
tory, but in the end the South was decisively defeated and the Union preserved.
While Northern causalities were high, many people there prospered during the
war years and certain dominant characteristics of American life and national cul-
ture took shape. Powerful business corporations emerged, steadfastly supported by
the Republican party during and after the war. The Homestead Act of 1862,
which gave western land to settlers, and the Thirteenth Amendment of 1865,
which ended slav ery, reinforced the concept of free labor taking its chances in a
market economy. Finally, the triumph of the Union seemed to conrm that the
nations manifest destiny was indeed to straddle a continent as a great world
power. Thus a new American nationalism grew out of civil war.
The Rus sian and the Ottoman empires also experienced profound political crises in
the mid-nineteenth century. These crises were unlike those occurring in Italy and
Germany, for neither Russia nor the Ottoman Empire aspired to build a single pow-
erful state out of a jumble of principalities. Both empires were already vast multi-
national states, built on long traditions of military conquest and absolutist rule by
elites from the dominant ethnic groupsthe Rus sians and the Ottoman Turks. In
the early nineteenth century these governing elites in both states were strongly op-
posed to representative government and national self-determination, and they con-
tinued to concentrate on absolutist rule and competition with other great powers.
For both states relentless power politics led to serious trouble. It became clear to
the leaders of both empires that they had to embrace the process of modernization,
Homestead Act A result of the
American Civil War that gave western
land to settlers, reinforcing the concept
of free labor in a market economy.
Homestead Act A result of the
American Civil War that gave western
land to settlers, reinforcing the concept
of free labor in a market economy.
The Modernization of Russia and the
Ottoman Empire
What steps did Russia and the Ottoman Turks take toward modernization,
and how successful were they?
The Modernization of Russia and the
Ottoman Empire
What steps did Russia and the Ottoman Turks take toward modernization,
and how successful were they?
modernization The changes that
enable a country to compete effectively
with the leading countries at a
given time.
modernization The changes that
enable a country to compete effectively
with the leading countries at a
given time.
Secti on Revi ew
Differences between the urbanized
North and the agricultural slave-owning
plantations in the South led to the
American Civil War.
The factories and free market society of
the North were victorious over South-
ern rebels in the Civil War, fostering a
new American nationalism.
The Homestead Act providing western
land to settlers and the abolishment of
slav ery reinforced the concept of mani-
fest destiny, that the Union was des-
tined to occupy the continent and
become a great nation.
dened narrowly and usefully as the changes that enable a country to compete
effectively with the leading countries at a given time. This limited conception of
modernization ts Russia after the Crimean War particularly well, and it helps
explain developments in the Ottoman Empire.
In the 1850s, almost 90 percent of the Rus sian popula-
tion lived on the land and industry was little developed.
Agricultural techniques were backward, and serfdom
was still the basic social institution. Bound to the lord on a hereditary basis, the
peasant serf was little more than a slave.
Serfdom had become the great moral and political issue for the government by
the 1840s. Then the Crimean War of 1853 to 1856, arising out of a dispute with
France over who should protect certain Chris tian shrines in the Ottoman Empire,
brought crisis. Because the ghting was concentrated in the Crimean peninsula
on the Black Sea, Russias transportation network of rivers and wagons failed to
supply the distant Rus sian armies adequately. France and Great Britain, aided by
Sardinia and the Ottoman Empire, inicted a humiliating defeat on Russia.
This military defeat demonstrated that Russia had fallen behind the rapidly
industrializing nations of western Europe. At the very least, Russia needed rail-
roads, better armaments, and reor ga ni za tion of the army if it was to maintain its
international position. Moreover, the disastrous war had caused hardship and
raised the specter of massive peasant rebellion. Reform of serfdom was imperative.
Military disaster thus forced Alexander II (r. 18551881) and his ministers along
the path of rapid social change and general modernization.
The rst and greatest of the reforms was the freeing of the serfs in 1861. Hu-
man bondage was abolished forever, and the emancipated peasants received, on
average, about half of the land. Yet they had to pay fairly high prices for their land,
and because the land was owned collectively, each peasant village was jointly re-
sponsible for the payments of all the families in the village. Collective ownership
and responsibility made it very difcult for individual peasants to improve agricul-
tural methods or leave their villages. Thus the effects of the reform were limited.
Most of the later reforms were also halfway mea sures. In 1864 Alexander II
established a new institution of local government, the zemstvo (ZEMST-voh). Rus-
sian liberals hoped that this reform would lead to an elected national parliament,
but they were soon disappointed. The local zemstvo remained subordinate to the
traditional bureaucracy and the local nobility. More successful was reform of the
legal system, which established in de pen dent courts and equality before the law.
Education and policies toward Rus sian Jews were also liberalized somewhat, and
censorship was relaxed but not removed.
Until the twentieth century, Russias greatest strides toward modernization
were economic rather than political. Industry and transport, both so vital to the
military, were transformed when the government subsidized private railway com-
panies. The railroads enabled agricultural Russia to export grain and thus earn
money for further industrialization. Industrial suburbs grew up around Moscow
and St. Petersburg, and a class of modern factory workers began to take shape.
Industrial development strengthened Russias military forces and gave rise to
territorial expansion to the south and east. Imperial expansion greatly excited
many ardent Rus sian nationalists and superpatriots, who became some of the gov-
ernments most enthusiastic supporters. Industrial development also contributed
mightily to the spread of Marxian thought and the transformation of the Rus sian
revolutionary movement after 1890.
The Great Reforms The Great Reforms
zemstvo A new institution of local
government in reformed Russia, whose
members were elected by a three-class
system of towns, peasant villages, and
noble landowners.
zemstvo A new institution of local
government in reformed Russia, whose
members were elected by a three-class
system of towns, peasant villages, and
noble landowners.
The Modernization of Russia and the Ottoman Empire 655
656 Chapter 25 The Age of Nationalism, 18501914
In 1881 Alexander II was assassinated by a small group of terrorists. The era of
reform came to an abrupt end, for the new tsar (zahr), Alexander III (r. 1881
1894), was a determined reactionary. Nevertheless, economic modernization sped
forward under Sergei Witte (sur-GEY VIT-uh), the tough, competent minister of
nance from 1892 to 1903. Inspired by the writings of Friedrich List (see pages
575576), Witte believed that the harsh reality of industrial backwardness was
threatening Russias power and greatness.
Therefore, under Wittes leadership the government built state-owned rail-
roads rapidly, doubling the network to thirty-ve thousand miles by the end of the
century. Witte established high protective tariffs to build Rus sian industry, and he
put the country on the gold standard of the civilized world in order to strengthen
Rus sian nances.
Wittes greatest innovation was to use the West to catch up with the West. His
efforts to entice Westerners to locate their factories in Russia were especially suc-
cessful in southern Russia. There, in eastern Ukraine, foreign capitalists and their
engineers built an enormous and very modern steel and coal industry.
In 1900
peasants still constituted the great majority of the population, but Russia was catch-
ing up with the industrialized West.
Catching up partly meant vigorous territorial expan-
sion, for this was the age of Western im pe rialism. By
1903 Russia had established a sphere of inuence in
Chinese Manchuria and was eyeing northern Korea. When the diplomatic pro-
tests of equally im pe rialistic Japan were ignored, the Japa nese launched a surprise
attack in February 1904. After Japan scored repeated victories, Russia was forced
in September 1905 to accept a humiliating defeat.
As is often the case, military disaster abroad brought political upheaval at
home. The business and professional classes had long wanted a liberal, representa-
tive government. Urban factory workers had all the grievances of early industrial-
ization and were or ga nized in a radical and still illegal labor movement. Peasants
had gained little from the era of reforms and were suffering from poverty and over-
population. At the same time, nationalist sentiment was emerging among the
empires minorities, and subject nationalities such as the Poles and Ukrainians
were calling for self-rule. With the army pinned down in Manchuria, all these
currents of discontent converged in the revolution of 1905.
On a Sunday in January 1905, a massive crowd of workers and their families
converged peacefully on the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg to present a petition
to Tsar Nicholas II (18941917). Suddenly troops opened re, kill ing and wound-
ing hundreds. The Bloody Sunday massacre turned ordinary workers against the
tsar and produced a wave of general indignation.
Outlawed political parties came out into the open, and by the summer of 1905
strikes, peasant uprisings, revolts among minority nationalities, and troop mutinies
were sweeping the country. The revolutionary surge culminated in October 1905
in a great paralyzing general strike, which forced the government to capitulate.
The tsar issued the October Manifesto, which granted full civil rights and prom-
ised a popularly elected Duma (DOO-muh) (parliament) with real legislative
power. The manifesto split the opposition. Frightened middle-class leaders helped
the government repress the uprising and survive as a constitutional monarchy.
On the eve of the opening of the rst Duma in May 1906, the government is-
sued the new constitution, the Fundamental Laws. The tsar retained great powers.
The Duma, elected indirectly by universal male suffrage, and a largely appointive
The Revolution
of 1905
The Revolution
of 1905
revolution of 1905 A popular upheaval
that overturned absolute tsarist rule and
made Russia into a con ser va tive
constitutional monarchy.
Bloody Sunday A massacre of peaceful
protesters at the Winter Palace in
St. Petersberg in 1905 that turned
ordinary workers against the tsar and
produced a wave of general indignation.
October Manifesto The result of a
great general strike in October 1905, it
granted full civil rights and promised a
popularly elected Duma (parliament)
with real legislative power.
Duma The Rus sian parliament that
opened in 1906, elected indirectly by
universal male suffrage but controlled
after 1907 by the tsar and the con ser va-
tive classes.
revolution of 1905 A popular upheaval
that overturned absolute tsarist rule and
made Russia into a con ser va tive
constitutional monarchy.
Bloody Sunday A massacre of peaceful
protesters at the Winter Palace in
St. Petersberg in 1905 that turned
ordinary workers against the tsar and
produced a wave of general indignation.
October Manifesto The result of a
great general strike in October 1905, it
granted full civil rights and promised a
popularly elected Duma (parliament)
with real legislative power.
Duma The Rus sian parliament that
opened in 1906, elected indirectly by
universal male suffrage but controlled
after 1907 by the tsar and the con ser va-
tive classes.
upper house, could debate and pass laws, but the tsar had an absolute veto. As in
Bismarcks Germany, the emperor appointed his ministers, who did not need to
command a majority in the Duma.
The disappointed, predominately middle-class liberals, the largest group in the
newly elected Duma, saw the Fundamental Laws as a step backwards. Efforts to
cooperate with the tsars ministers soon broke down. After months of deadlock, the
tsar dismissed the Duma and rewrote the electoral law so as to increase greatly the
weight of the propertied classes. When elections were held, the tsar could count
on a loyal majority in the Duma. His chief minister then pushed through impor-
tant agrarian reforms designed to break down collective village ownership of land
and encourage the more enterprising peasantshis wager on the strong. In
1914, Russia was partially modernized, a con ser va tive constitutional monarchy
with a peasant-based but industrializing economy.
The Ottoman Empire had reached its high point of
development under Suleiman the Magnicent in the
sixteenth century. By the eigh teenth century it fell rap-
idly behind western Europe in science, industrial skill,
and military technology. Also during the eigh teenth century, Russias powerful
westernized army was able to occupy Ottoman provinces on the Danube River.
Decline and Reform
in the Ottoman
Decline and Reform
in the Ottoman
Pasha Halim Receiving Archduke Maximilian of Austria
As this painting suggests, Ottoman leaders became well versed in European languages and culture. They also mastered the game of
power politics, playing one European state off against another and securing the Ottoman Empires survival. The black servants on the right
may be slaves from the Sudan. (Miramare Palace Trieste/ Dagli Orti/ The Art Archive)
The Modernization of Russia and the Ottoman Empire 657
658 Chapter 25 The Age of Nationalism, 18501914
Caught up in the Napoleonic wars and losing more territory to Russia, the Ot-
tomans were forced in 1816 to grant Serbia local autonomy. In 1830, the Greeks
won their national in de pen dence, while French armies began their long and
bloody conquest of Algeria (see page 606). The Ottoman Empire was losing terri-
tory and power.
Another threat to the empire came from within, with the rise of Muhammad
Ali, the Ottoman governor in Egypt. In 1831, and again in 1839, his French-
trained forces occupied the Ottoman provinces of Syria and then Iraq and ap-
peared ready to depose Sultan Mahmud II (r. 18081839). The Ottoman sultan
survived, but only because the European powers forced Muhammad Ali to with-
draw. The European powers, minus France, preferred a weak and de pen dent Ot-
toman state to a strong and revitalized Muslim entity under a dynamic leader such
as Muhammad Ali.
Realizing their precarious position, liberal Ottoman statesmen launched in
1839 an era of radical reforms, which lasted with ts and starts until 1876 and
culminated in a constitution and a short-lived parliament. Known as the Tanzimat
(TAHNZ-ee-MAT) (literally, regulations or orders), these reforms were designed to
remake the empire on a western European model. New decrees called for the
equality of Muslims, Chris tians, and Jews before the law and a modernized admin-
istration and military. New commercial laws allowed free importation of foreign
goods and permitted foreign merchants to operate freely throughout the empire.
Of great importance for later developments, growing numbers among the elite
and the upwardly mobile embraced Western education and accepted
secular values to some extent.
Intended to bring revolutionary modernization, the Tanzimat per-
mitted partial recovery but fell short of its goals for several reasons. First,
the liberal reforms failed to halt the growth of nationalism among Chris-
tian subjects in the Balkans (see Chapter 27), which resulted in crises
and defeats that undermined all reform efforts. Second, the Ottoman
initiatives did not curtail the appetite of Western im pe rialism, which
secured a stranglehold on the Ottoman economy. Finally, equality be-
fore the law for all citizens and religious communities actually increased
religious disputes, which were in turn exacerbated by the relentless in-
terference of the European powers. This development embittered rela-
tions between the religious communities, distracted the government
from its reform mission, and split Muslims into secularists and religious
con ser va tives. These Islamic con ser va tives became the most dependable
support of Sultan Abdlhamid (ahb-dool-hah-MEED) (r. 18761909),
who abandoned the model of European liberalism in his long and re-
pressive reign.
The combination of declining international power and con ser va tive
tyranny eventually led to a powerful resurgence of the modernizing im-
pulse among idealistic Turkish exiles in Europe and young army ofcers
in Istanbul. These fervent patriots, the so-called Young Turks, seized
power in the revolution of 1908, and they forced the sultan to imple-
ment reforms. Failing to stop the rising tide of anti-Ottoman nationalism
in the Balkans, the Young Turks helped to prepare the way for the birth
of modern secular Turkey after the defeat and collapse of the Ottoman
Empire in World War I (see page 705).
Tanzimat A set of reforms that were
designed to remake the Ottoman Empire
on a western European model.
Young Turks Fervent patriots who
seized power in the revolution of 1908
in the Ottoman Empire.
Tanzimat A set of reforms that were
designed to remake the Ottoman Empire
on a western European model.
Young Turks Fervent patriots who
seized power in the revolution of 1908
in the Ottoman Empire.
Secti on Revi ew
The Rus sians began to catch up with the West by
modernizing, abolishing serfdom, building rail-
roads, and attracting industry from the West,
which built huge coal and steel factories.
The rise in industrialization contributed to the
spread of Marxist thought, leading to the Rus sian
revolutionary movement.
The Revolution of 1905 arose from defeat abroad
by the Japa nese and upheaval at home; when the
army red on a peaceful demonstration, revolts
and strikes began and the tsar issued the October
Manifesto, granting civil rights and an elected
Duma (parliament).
The Duma and the new constitution were a disap-
pointment to the middle-class liberals because the
tsar rewrote laws to secure his power and that of
the propertied classes, ending collective village
ownership of land and preserving the con ser va tive
constitutional monarchy with a peasant-based but
industrialized economy.
The Ottoman Empire embarked on a partially
successful series of reforms, the Tanzimat, in an
attempt to gain territory and power, but increasing
disputes over religion and Western im pe rialism
allowed the Young Turks to seize power in the
revolution of 1908.
For central and western Europe, the unication of Italy and Germany by blood
and iron marked the end of a dramatic period of nation building. After 1871 the
heartland of Europe was or ga nized into strong national states. Only on the borders
of Europein Ireland and Russia, in Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire
did subject peoples still strive for political unity and in de pen dence.
Despite some major differences between countries,
European domestic politics after 1871 had in common
the emergence of mass politics and growing mass loy-
alty toward the national state.
For good reason, ordinary people felt increasing loyalty to their governments.
By 1914 most men had gained the right to vote and felt that they counted; they
could inuence the government to some extent. They were becoming part of the
system. Women also made some gains in their suffrage movement. By 1913
The Responsive National State (18711914)
Why after 1871 did ordinary citizens feel a growing loyalty to
their governments?
The Responsive National State (18711914)
Why after 1871 did ordinary citizens feel a growing loyalty to
their governments?
General Trends General Trends
The Responsive National State (18711914) 659
Votes for Women!
The long-simmering campaign for womens suffrage in Eng land came to a rapid boil after 1903, as
militants took to the streets, disrupted political meetings, and tried to storm Parliament. Manhandled
by the police and often jailed, some activists responded by damaging public property and going on
hunger strikes in prison. This 1908 illustration shows demonstrators giving a heros welcome to Mary
Leigh, the rst suffragette imprisoned for property damage after she threw rocks through the
windows of the prime ministers house. (The Art Archive)
660 Chapter 25 The Age of Nationalism, 18501914
women could vote in twelve of the western United States. In 1914 Norway gave
the vote to most women. Elsewhere, the efforts of more militant feminists pre-
pared the way for the triumph of the womens suffrage movement immediately
after World War I.
As the right to vote spread, politicians and parties in national parliaments rep-
resented the people more responsively. Governments also passed laws to alleviate
general problems, thereby acquiring greater legitimacy and appearing more wor-
thy of support.
There was a manipulative aspect to building support for strong nation-states
after 1871. Conservative and moderate leaders found that workers who voted so-
cialist would rally around the ag in a diplomatic crisis or cheer when distant ter-
ritory was seized in Africa or Asia (see Chapter 26). Therefore, after 1871 governing
elites frequently used militaristic policies to help manage domestic conicts, but
at the expense of increasing international tensions. Some leaders fanned anti-
Semitism in order to unite Chris tians around their party.
Politics in Germany after 1871 developed within the
new framework of a federal union of Prussia and
twenty-four smaller states. This federal government
was run by a chancelloruntil 1890, Bismarckand a popularly elected lower
house, called the Reichstag (RIKES-tog). Although Bismarck refused to be bound
by a parliamentary majority, he tried nonetheless to maintain one. This situation
gave the political parties opportunities. For most of his chancellorship Bismarck
relied mainly on the National Liberals, who supported legislation useful for fur-
ther economic and legal unication of the country.
Bismarcks moves against the Catholic Church, however, gradually lost the
National Liberals their parliamentary majority. Known as the Kulturkampf (kool-
TOOR-kahmpf), or struggle for civilization, Bismarcks anti-Catholic legislation
was a response to Pope Pius IXs declaration of papal infallibility in 1870, which
seemed to make the pope and not the government the ultimate source of authority
for Catholics. Catholics throughout the country turned to the Catholic Center
party, which blocked passage of national laws hostile to the church. Bismarck was
forced to abandon his attack and instead court the support of the Catholic Center
party, whose supporters included many small farmers in western and southern
Germany. By enacting high tariffs on cheap grain from the outside the country, he
won over both the Catholic Center and the Protestant Junkers, who had large
landholdings in the east. With the tariffs, then, Bismark won Catholic and con ser-
va tive support.
Bismarck had been looking for a way to increase taxes, and the solution he
chose was higher tariffs. Many other governments acted similarly. The 1880s and
1890s saw a widespread return to protectionism. France, in particular, established
very high tariffs to protect agriculture and industry, peasants and manufacturers,
from foreign competition. Thus the German government and other governments
responded effectively to a major economic problem and won greater loyalty. The
general rise of protectionism in this period was also an outstanding example of the
dangers of self-centered nationalism: new tariffs led to international name-calling
and nasty trade wars.
Like other European leaders, Bismarck feared the revolutionary language of
socialism. In 1878, after two attempts on the life of William I by radicals (though
not socialists), Bismarck used a carefully orchestrated national outcry to ram through
the Reichstag a law that outlawed the Social Democratic party and restricted so-
The German Empire The German Empire
Reichstag The popularly elected lower
house of government of the new German
Empire after 1871.
Reichstag The popularly elected lower
house of government of the new German
Empire after 1871.
Kulturkampf A struggle for civilization,
Bismarcks attack on the Catholic church
resulting from Pius IXs declaration of
papal infallibility in 1870.
Kulturkampf A struggle for civilization,
Bismarcks attack on the Catholic church
resulting from Pius IXs declaration of
papal infallibility in 1870.
cialist meetings. However, German socialists displayed a discipline and or ga ni za-
tion worthy of the Prussian army itself. Bismarck decided to try another tack.
Bismarcks new approach was to create social programs that would win him
the support of working-class people. In 1883 and 1884 the government established
national sickness and accident insurance; in 1889 it established old-age pensions
and retirement benets. This national social security system, paid for through
compulsory contributions by wage earners and employers as well as grants from
the state, was the rst of its kind anywhere. Bismarcks social security system did
not wean workers from voting socialist, but it did give them a small stake in the
system and protect them from some of the uncertainties of the complex urban
industrial world. This enormously signicant development was a product of po-
litical competition and government efforts to win popular support.
Increasingly, the great issues in German domestic politics were socialism and
the Marxian Social Democratic party. In 1890 the new emperor, the young, ideal-
istic, and unstable William II (r. 18881918), opposed Bismarcks attempt to re-
new the law outlawing the Social Democratic party. Eager to rule in his own right
and to earn the support of the workers, William II forced Bismarck to resign.
Yet William II was no more successful than Bismarck in getting workers to
renounce socialism. Indeed, Social Democrats won more and more seats in
the Reichstag, until it became the largest single party in the Reichstag in 1912.
This victory shocked aristocrats and their wealthy con ser va tive middle-class al-
lies, heightening the fears of an impending socialist upheaval. Yet the revolu-
tionary socialists were actually becoming less radical in Germany. In the years
before World War I, the German Social Democratic party broadened its base by
adopting a more patriotic tone, allowing for greater military spending and im pe-
rialist expansion. German socialists concentrated instead on gradual social and
political reform.
Frances progress toward a unied national state suf-
fered in the immediate aftermath of the Franco-
Prussian War (see pages 651653). Parisians, who had
bravely defended their city against Prussian forces, exploded in patriotic frustration
when the National Assembly of France agreed to surrender Alsace (al-SAS) and
Lorraine to Prussia. They proclaimed the Paris Commune in March 1871, with
the goal of governing Paris without interference from the con ser va tive French
countryside. The National Assembly, led by the aging politician Adolphe Thiers
(tyer), would hear none of it. The Assembly ordered the French army into Paris
and brutally crushed the Commune. Twenty thousand people died in the ghting.
As in June 1848, it was Paris against the provinces, French against French.
Out of this tragedy, France slowly formed a new national unity, achieving con-
siderable stability before 1914. How is one to account for this? Luck played a part.
Although the monarchists had gained the majority in the National Assembly, they
could not nd an acceptable king. Meanwhile, the middle class and people from
the provinces were persuaded by Thierss actions that the Third Republic might
be moderate and socially con ser va tive. France therefore retained the republic,
though reluctantly. As President Thiers cautiously said, this was the government
which divides us least.
Another stabilizing factor was the skill and determination of the moderate re-
publican leaders in the early years. The most famous of these was Lon Gambetta
(gam-BET-uh), the son of an Italian grocer, a warm, easygoing, unsuccessful law-
yer who had turned professional politician. By 1879 the great majority of members
Republican France Republican France
The Responsive National State (18711914) 661
662 Chapter 25 The Age of Nationalism, 18501914
of both the upper and the lower houses of the National Assembly were republi-
cans, and the Third Republic had rm foundations after almost a decade.
The moderate republicans sought to endure politically by appealing to the
next generation. They worked to expand the state system of public schools, so that
con ser va tive Catholic schoolteachers were no longer the primary shapers of young
minds. New laws made elementary education for girls and boys both free and
compulsory. Public education served to reinforce nationalism and the value of
republican government.
Although the educational reforms of the 1880s disturbed French Catholics,
many of them rallied to the republic in the 1890s. The limited ac cep tance of the
modern world by the more liberal Pope Leo XIII (18781903) eased tensions. The
Dreyfus affair, however, would lead to the separation of church and state in
Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the French army, was falsely accused and
convicted of treason. In 1898 and 1899, the case split France apart. On one side
was the army, which had manufactured evidence against Dreyfus, joined by anti-
Semites and most of the Catholic establishment. On the other side stood the civil
libertarians and most of the more radical republicans.
This battle, which eventually led to Dreyfuss being declared innocent, revived
republican feeling against the church. Between 1901 and 1905, the French gov-
ernment severed all ties to the Catholic Church. The salaries of priests and bish-
ops were no longer paid by the government, and all churches were given to local
committees of lay Catholics. Catholic schools were put on their own nancially
and soon lost a third of their students. In France only the growing socialist move-
ment, with its very different and thoroughly secular ideology, stood in opposition
to patriotic, republican nationalism.
Britain in the late nineteenth century has often been
seen as a shining example of peaceful and successful
political evolution, where an effective two-party parlia-
ment skillfully guided the country from classical liberalism to full-edged democ-
racy with hardly a misstep. This view of Great Britain is not so much wrong as it is
incomplete. The House of Commons did gradually widen the right to vote, so that
by 1884 almost every adult male could participate in elections. The House of
Lords, however, remained a bastion of aristocratic conservatism, ruling against la-
bor unions and vetoing several mea sures passed by the Commons in the rst dec-
ade of the twentieth century. The turning point came when the Lords vetoed the
so-called Peoples Budget, which was designed to increase spending on social
welfare ser vices. The king threatened to create enough new peers to pass the bill,
and aristocratic conservatism was forced to yield to popular democ racy once and
for all.
Between 1906 and 1914, extensive social welfare mea sures, slow to come to
Great Britain, were passed in a spectacular rush. During those years, the Liberal
party, inspired by the ery Welshman David Lloyd George (18631945), substan-
tially raised taxes on the rich as part of the Peoples Budget. This income helped
the government pay for national health insurance, unemployment benets, old-
age pensions, and a host of other social mea sures. The state was integrating the
urban masses socially as well as politically.
This record of accomplishment was only part of the story, however. On the eve
of World War I, the unanswered question of Ireland brought Great Britain to the
brink of civil war. The terrible Irish famine had fueled an Irish revolutionary move-
Dreyfus affair A divisive case in which
Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the
French army was falsely accused and
convicted of treason. The Catholic
Church sided with the anti-Semites
against Dreyfus; after Dreyfus was
declared innocent, the French
government severed all ties between
the state and church.
Dreyfus affair A divisive case in which
Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the
French army was falsely accused and
convicted of treason. The Catholic
Church sided with the anti-Semites
against Dreyfus; after Dreyfus was
declared innocent, the French
government severed all ties between
the state and church.
Great Britain
and Ireland
Great Britain
and Ireland
Peoples Budget A bill proposed after
the Liberal party came to power in
Eng land in 1906, it was designed to
increase spending on social welfare
issues, but was vetoed in the House
of Lords.
Peoples Budget A bill proposed after
the Liberal party came to power in
Eng land in 1906, it was designed to
increase spending on social welfare
issues, but was vetoed in the House
of Lords.
ment. Thereafter, the Eng lish slowly granted concessions,
such as the abolition of the privileges of the Anglican
Church and rights for Irish peasants. Yet the question of
self-rule for Ireland was divisive. Bills giving Ireland self-
government failed to pass in 1886 and 1893. In 1913, how-
ever, Irish nationalists in the British Parliament were able
to obtain a new home-rule bill for Ireland.
Within Ireland, the home-rule bill unleashed hostili-
ties between north and south. The Protestants of Ulster in
Northern Ireland refused to submerge themselves into
Catholic Ireland and vowed to resist home rule in north-
ern counties. By December 1913 they had raised 100,000
armed volunteers, and they were supported by much of
Eng lish public opinion. Thus in 1914 the Liberals in the
House of Lords introduced a compromise home-rule bill
that did not apply to the northern counties. This bill,
which openly betrayed promises made to Irish national-
ists, was rejected, and in September the original home-
rule bill was passed but simultaneously suspended for the
duration of the hostilities. The momentous Irish question
was then overtaken by an earth-shattering world war in
August 1914.
Irish developments illustrated once again the power of
national movements in the nineteenth century. Moreover,
they were proof that governments could not elicit greater loyalty unless they could
capture and control that elemental current of national feeling. Though Great
Britain had much going for itpower, Parliament, prosperitynone of these
availed in the face of the conicting nationalisms created by Catholics and Protes-
tants in Northern Ireland. Similarly, progressive Sweden was powerless to stop the
growth of the Norwegian national movement, which culminated in Norways
breaking away from Sweden and becoming a fully in de pen dent nation in 1905. In
this light, one can also see how hopeless was the case of the Ottoman Empire in
Europe in the later nineteenth century. It was only a matter of time before the
Serbs, Bulgarians, and Romanians would break away, and they did.
The dilemma of conicting nationalisms also tore at
the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the early twentieth
century. In the wake of defeat in the Austro-Prussian
War of 1866, a weakened Austria was forced to strike a compromise with its sub-
jects in Hungary who had wanted in de pen dence. Through the so-called dual
monarchy, the empire was divided, and the nationalistic Magyars gained virtual
in de pen dence for Hungary. The two states were joined only by a shared monarch
and common ministries for nance, defense, and foreign affairs.
The Austro-
Hungarian Empire
The Austro-
Hungarian Empire
The Responsive National State (18711914) 663
No Home Rule
Posters like this one helped to foment pro-British, anti-Catholic
sentiment in the northern Irish counties of Ulster before the First World
War. The rie raised deantly and the accompanying rhyme are a
thinly veiled threat of armed rebellion and civil war. (Photograph
reproduced courtesy of the Trustees of National Museums Northern Ireland)
664 Chapter 25 The Age of Nationalism, 18501914
The dual monarchy did not diffuse nationalist tensions, however. In Austria,
many Germans saw their traditional dominance threatened by Czechs, Poles, and
other Slavs. A particularly emotional issue in the Austrian parliament was the lan-
guage used in government and elementary education at the local level. From
1900 to 1914 the parliament was so divided that ministries generally could not
obtain a majority and ruled instead by decree. Even attempts to nd common
ground on economic issues were unsuccessful. In Hungary the Magyar nobility
restricted voting to the wealthiest one-fourth of adult males, making the parlia-
ment the creature of the elite. Laws promoting the use of the Magyar (Hungarian)
language in schools and government were rammed through and bitterly resented,
especially by the Croatians and Romanians. While Hungarian extremists cam-
paigned loudly for total separation from Austria, Croatian and Romanian radicals
agitated for in de pen dence from Hungary. Unlike most major countries, which
harnessed nationalism to strengthen the state after 1871, the Austro-Hungarian
Empire was progressively weakened and destroyed by it.
Revolutionary changes in politics brought equally rev-
olutionary changes in Jewish life in western and cen-
tral Europe. The decisive turning point came in 1848,
when Jews formed part of the revolutionary vanguard
in Vienna and Berlin and the Frankfurt Assembly endorsed full rights for German
Jews. In 1871 the constitution of the new German Empire consolidated the pro-
cess of Jewish emancipation in central Europe. It abolished all restrictions on
Jewish marriage, choice of occupation, place of residence, and property owner-
ship. Exclusion from government employment and discrimination in social rela-
tions remained. However, according to one leading historian, by 1871 it was
widely accepted in Central Europe that the gradual disappearance of anti-Jewish
prejudice was inevitable.
The process of emancipation presented Jews with challenges and opportuni-
ties. Traditional Jewish occupations, such as court nancial agent, village money-
lender, and peddler, were undermined by free-market reforms, but careers in
business, the professions, and the arts were opening to Jewish talent. By 1871 a
majority of Jewish people in western and central Europe had improved their eco-
nomic situation and entered the middle classes. Most Jewish people also identied
strongly with their respective nation-states and with good reason saw themselves as
patriotic citizens.
Vicious anti-Semitism reappeared after the stock market crash of 1873, begin-
ning in central Europe. While Europe had a long history of anti-Semitism, this
time it had modern elements. Resentment was aimed against Jewish achievement
and Jewish nancial control, while fanatics claimed that the Jewish race (rather
than the Jewish religion) posed a biological threat to the German people. Anti-
Semitic beliefs were particularly popular among con ser va tives, extremist national-
ists, and people who felt threatened by Jewish competition, such as small
shopkeepers, ofceworkers, and professionals.
Anti-Semites also created modern political parties to attack and degrade Jews.
In Austrian Vienna in the early 1890s, Karl Lueger (LEW-ay-ger) and his Chris-
tian socialists won striking electoral victories, spurring Theodor Herzl to turn
from German nationalism and advocate political Zionism and the creation of a
Jewish state. (See the feature Individuals in Society: Theodor Herzl.) Lueger,
the popular mayor of Vienna from 1897 to 1910, combined erce anti-Semitic
rhetoric with municipal ownership of basic ser vices, and he appealed especially to
Jewish Emancipation
and Modern
Jewish Emancipation
and Modern
Zionism A movement toward Jewish
political nationhood, started by
Theodor Herzl.
Zionism A movement toward Jewish
political nationhood, started by
Theodor Herzl.
Indi vi dual s i n Soci et y
Theodor Herzl
n September 1897, only days after his vision and
energy had called into being the First Zionist
Congress in Basel, Switzerland, Theodor Herzl
(18601904) assessed the results in his diary: If I
were to sum up the Congress in a wordwhich I
shall take care not to publishit would be this: At
Basel I founded the Jewish state. If I said this out
loud today I would be greeted by universal laugh-
ter. In ve years perhaps, and certainly in fty years,
everyone will perceive it.* Herzls buoyant opti-
mism, which so often carried him forward, was pro-
phetic. Leading the Zionist movement until his
death at age forty-four in 1904, Herzl guided the
rst historic steps toward modern Jewish political
nationhood and the creation of Israel in 1948.
Theodor Herzl was born in Budapest, Hungary,
into an upper-middle-class, German-speaking Jew-
ish family. When Herzl was eigh teen, his family
moved to Vienna, where he studied law. As a uni-
versity student, he soaked up the liberal beliefs of
most well-to-do Viennese Jews, who also champi-
oned the assimilation of German culture. Wres-
tling with his nonreligious Jewishness and his
strong pro-German feeling, Herzl embraced Ger-
man nationalism and joined a German dueling
fraternity. There he discovered that full ac cep tance
required openly anti-Semitic attitudes and a repu-
diation of all things Jewish. This Herzl could not
tolerate, and he resigned. After receiving his law
degree, he embarked on a literary career. In 1889
Herzl married into a wealthy Viennese Jewish fam-
ily, but he and his socialite wife were mismatched
and never happy together.
Herzl achieved considerable success as both a
journalist and a playwright. His witty comedies fo-
cused on the bourgeoisie, including Jewish mil-
lionaires trying to live like aristocrats. Accepting
many German stereotypes, Herzl sometimes de-
picted eastern Jews as uneducated and grasping.
But as a dedicated, highly educated liberal, he
mainly believed that the Jewish shortcomings he
*Quotes are from Theodor Herzl, The Diaries of Theodor
Herzl, trans. and ed. with an introduction by Marvin
Lowenthal (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1962), pp. 224,
22, xxi.
perceived were the results of age-old persecution
and would disappear through education and as-
similation. Herzl also took a growing pride in
Jewish steadfastness in the face
of victimization and suffering.
He savored memories of his
early Jewish education and
going with his father to the
The emergence of modern
anti-Semitism shocked Herzl,
as it did many acculturated
Jewish Germans. Moving to
Paris in 1891 as the correspon-
dent for Viennas leading lib-
eral newspaper, Herzl studied
politics and pondered recent
historical developments. He
then came to a bold conclu-
sion, published in 1896 as The
Jewish State: An Attempt at a
Modern Solution to the Jewish Question. According
to Herzl, Jewish assimilation had failed, and at-
tempts to combat anti-Semitism would never suc-
ceed. Only by building an in de pen dent Jewish
state could the Jewish people achieve dignity and
renewal. As recent scholarship shows, Herzl devel-
oped his political nationalism, or Zionism, before
the anti-Jewish agitation accompanying the Drey-
fus affair, which only strengthened his faith in his
Generally rebuffed by skeptical Jewish elites in
western and central Europe, Herzl turned for
support to youthful idealists and the poor Jewish
masses. He became an inspiring man of action, ral-
lying the delegates to the annual Zionist congresses,
directing the growth of the worldwide Zionist or ga-
ni za tion, and working himself to death. Herzl also
understood that national consciousness required
powerful emotions and symbols, such as a Jewish
ag. Flags build nations, he said, because people
live and die for a ag.
Putting the Zionist vision before non-Jews and
world public opinion, Herzl believed in interna-
tional diplomacy and political agreements. He trav-
eled constantly to negotiate with European rulers
Theodor Herzl (Library of Congress)
and top ofcials, seeking their support in securing
territory for a Jewish state, usually in the Ottoman
Empire. Aptly described by an admiring contem-
porary as the rst Jewish statesman since the
destruction of Je ru salem, Herzl proved most suc-
cessful in Britain. He paved the way for the 1917
Balfour Declaration, which solemnly pledged Brit-
ish support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
Questions for Analysis
1. Describe Theodor Herzls background and
early beliefs. Do you see a link between Herzls
early German nationalism and his later
2. How did Herzl work as a leader to turn his
Zionist vision into a reality?
the German-speaking lower middle classand an unsuccessful young artist named
Adolf Hitler.
Before 1914 anti-Semitism was most oppressive in eastern Europe, where Jews
also suffered from terrible poverty. In the Rus sian empire, where there was no Jew-
ish emancipation and 4 million of Europes 7 million Jewish people lived in 1880,
ofcials used anti-Semitism to channel popular discontent away from the govern-
ment and onto the Jewish minority. Rus sian Jews were denounced as foreign ex-
ploiters who corrupted national traditions, and in 1881 through 1882 a wave of
violent pogroms commenced in southern Russia. The police and the army stood
aside for days while peasants looted and destroyed Jewish property. Ofcial harass-
ment continued in the following decades, and large numbers of Rus sian Jews
emigrated to western Europe and the United States. About 2.75 million Jews left
eastern Europe between 1881 and 1914.
Nationalism served, for better or worse, as a new unifying principle. But what
about socialism? Socialist parties, which were generally Marxian parties dedicated
to an international proletarian revolution, grew rapidly in these years. Did this
mean that national states had failed to gain the support of workers? Certainly,
many prosperous and con ser va tive citizens were greatly troubled by the socialist
movement. And numerous historians have portrayed the years before 1914 as a
time of increasing conict between revolutionary socialism, on the one hand, and
a nationalist alliance of the con ser va tive aristocracy and the prosperous middle
class, on the other.
The growth of socialist parties after 1871 was phenom-
enal. (See the feature Listening to the Past: The
Making of a Socialist on pages 671672.) Neither
Bismarcks antisocialist laws nor his extensive social security system checked the
growth of the German Social Democratic party, which espoused the Marxian ide-
ology. By 1912 it had millions of followersmostly working-class peopleand
was the largest party in the Reichstag. Socialist parties also grew in other countries,
though nowhere else with such success. In 1883 Rus sian exiles in Switzerland
founded the Rus sian Social Democratic party, and various socialist parties were
unied in 1905 in the French Section of the Workers International. Belgium and
Austria-Hungary also had strong socialist parties.
As the name of the French party suggests, Marxian socialist parties were eventu-
ally linked together in an international or ga ni za tion. Marx believed that the work-
ing men have no country, and he had urged proletarians of all nations to unite. Marx
himself played an important role in founding the First International of social-
iststhe International Working Mens Association. Then Marx enthusiastically
embraced the passionate, vaguely radical patriotism of the Paris Commune and its
terrible conict with the French National Assembly as a giant step toward socialist
revolution. This impetuous action frightened many of his early supporters, espe-
cially the more moderate British labor leaders. The First International collapsed.
Yet international proletarian solidarity remained an important objective for
Marxists. In 1889, as the individual parties in different countries grew stronger,
Marxism and the Socialist Movement
Why did the socialist movement grow, and how revolutionary was it?
Marxism and the Socialist Movement
Why did the socialist movement grow, and how revolutionary was it?
The Socialist
The Socialist
Secti on Revi ew
Ordinary people were becoming more
nationalistic as they had more repre-
sentation in governments; women,
too, were slowly winning the right to
vote, and governing elites took advan-
tage of nationalistic sentiments using
militaristic policies to manage domes-
tic social conicts.
Chancellor Bismarck won popular
support by imposing high tariffs on
foreign grain and in an effort to take
support away from the socialists,
enacted the rst social security system,
but Emperor William II forced Bis-
marck to resign while the German
Social Democratic party broadened its
base by focusing on gradual social and
political reform.
Frances mostly republican National
Assembly led by Adolphe Thiers
struggled to unite France and brought
stabilization by expanding the state
system of public schools and separat-
ing completely from the Catholic
church after the Dreyfus Affair.
Britains House of Commons yielded
to public pressure and enacted exten-
sive social welfare mea sures benet-
ing the urban masses socially and
politically, but Irish calls for home
rule continued to be a problem along
with Catholic-Protestant conict in
Northern Ireland.
Conicting nationalisms created
friction as Hungarians wanted total
separation from Austria while Croa-
tians and Romanians agitated for
in de pen dence from Hungary.
German Jews won full political rights
in 1848 and again in 1871, although
they were still excluded from govern-
ment employment and suffered from
the growth of anti-Semitism in Aus-
tria, eastern Europe, and Russia.
Marxism and the Socialist Movement 667
668 Chapter 25 The Age of Nationalism, 18501914
socialist leaders came together to form the Second International, which lasted
until 1914. The International was only a federation of national socialist parties, but
it had a great psychological impact. Every three years, delegates from the different
parties met to interpret Marxian doctrines and plan coordinated action. May 1
(May Day) was declared an annual international one-day strike, a day of marches
and demonstrations. A permanent executive for the International was established.
Many feared and many others rejoiced in the growing power of socialism and the
Second International.
Was socialism really radical in these years? On the
whole, it was not. Indeed, as socialist parties grew, they
looked more and more toward gradual change and
steady improvement for the working class and less and less toward revolution. The
mainstream of European socialism increasingly combined radical rhetoric with
sober action.
Workers themselves were progressively less inclined to follow radical programs.
There were several reasons for this. As workers gained the right to vote and to par-
ticipate politically in the nation-state, they focused their attention more on elec-
tions than on revolutions. And as workers won real, tangible benets, this furthered
the process. Workers were also not immune to patriotic education and indoctrina-
tion during military ser vice, and many responded positively to drum-beating parades
and aggressive foreign policy as they loyally voted for socialists. Nor were workers
a unied social group.
Unions and
Unions and
Greetings from the May Day Festival
Workers participated enthusiastically in the annual one-day strike on May 1 to honor internationalist socialist solidarity, as this
postcard from a happy woman visitor to her cousin suggests. Speeches, picnics, and parades were the order of the day, and workers
celebrated their respectability and in de pen dent culture. Picture postcards developed with railroads and mass travel. (akg-images)
Chapter Review 669
Secti on Revi ew
The Socialist International was an
or ga nized group of socialist parties
from many countries; after the First
International collapsed, a Second
formed in 1889, meeting every three
years until 1914 to discuss Marxian
doctrines and make plans, declaring
each May 1 as an international one-
day strike with marches and demon-
For the working class, socialism be-
came more a means for gradual
change than for revolution as they
reaped the benets of voting, union
bargaining, and an increased standard
of living.
Edward Bernsteins revisionism was
an attempt to make socialism less
revolutionary and more gradual by
combining it with legislation, unions,
and economic development, but the
German Social Democratic party
and the Second International
denounced it.
Key Terms
Red Shirts (p. 649)
Zollverein (p. 650)
Perhaps most important of all, workers standard of living rose gradually but
substantially after 1850. Workers experienced gradual wage increases in most con-
tinental countries after 1850, though much less strikingly in late-developing Rus-
sia. The quality of life in urban areas improved dramatically as well. Therefore,
workers tended more and more to become militantly moderate: they demanded
gains, but they were less likely to take to the barricades in pursuit of them.
The growth of labor unions reinforced this trend toward moderation. In Ger-
many, for example, unions had been denied rights and were viewed with suspicion
as socialist fronts during their early years. But as German industrialization stormed
ahead, almost all legal harassment of unions was eliminated, and union member-
ship skyrocketed. Increasingly, unions in Germany focused on bread-and-butter
issueswages, hours, working conditionsrather than on the dissemination of
pure socialist doctrine. Genuine collective bargaining, long opposed by socialist
intellectuals as a sellout, was ofcially recognized as desirable by the German
Trade Union Congress in 1899. When employers proved unwilling to bargain, a
series of strikes forced them to change their minds. Germany was the most indus-
trialized, socialized, and unionized continental country by 1914.
The German trade unions and their leaders were in fact, if not in name, thor-
oughgoing revisionists. Revisionism was an effort by various socialists to update
Marxian doctrines to reect the realities of the time. Thus the socialist Edward
Bernstein (BURN-stine) (18501932) argued in 1899 in his Evolutionary Social-
ism that socialists should combine with other progressive forces to win gradual
evolutionary gains for workers through legislation, unions, and further economic
development. These views were denounced as heresy by the German Social Dem-
ocratic party and later by the entire Second International. Yet the revisionist, grad-
ualist approach continued to gain the tacit ac cep tance of many German socialists,
particularly in the trade unions.
Socialist parties before 1914 had clear-cut national characteristics. Rus sians
and socialists in the Austro-Hungarian Empire tended to be the most radical. The
German party talked revolution but practiced reformism, greatly inuenced by its
enormous trade-union movement. The French party talked revolution and tried to
practice it, unrestrained by a trade-union movement that was both very weak and
very radical. In Eng land the socialist but non-Marxian Labour party, reecting the
well-established union movement, was formally committed to gradual reform. In
Spain and Italy, Marxian socialism was very weak. There anarchism, seeking to smash
the state rather than the bourgeoisie, dominated radical thought and action.
In short, socialist policies and doctrines varied from country to country. Social-
ism itself was to a large extent nationalized behind the imposing faade of inter-
national unity. This helps explain why when war came in 1914, almost all socialist
leaders supported their governments.
Chapter Review
How in France did Napoleon III seek to reconcile popular and con ser va tive forces
in an authoritarian nation-state? (page 646)
After 1850, Western society became nationalistic as well as urban and industrial.
Conservative monarchical governments, recovering from the revolutionary trauma of
1848, learned to remodel early so as to build stronger states with greater popular sup-
port. Napoleon III in France led the way, combining authoritarian rule with economic
prosperity and positive mea sures for the poor.
revisionism An effort by various
socialists to update Marxian doctrines
to reect the realities of the time.
revisionism An effort by various
socialists to update Marxian doctrines
to reect the realities of the time.
670 Chapter 25 The Age of Nationalism, 18501914
How did the process of unication in Italy and Germany create con ser va tive
nation-states? (page 648)
In Italy, Cavour joined traditional diplomacy with national revolt in the north and
Garibaldis revolutionary patriotism in the south, expanding the liberal monarchy of
Sardinia-Piedmont into a con ser va tive nation-state. Bismarck also combined tradi-
tional statecraft with national feeling to expand the power of Prussia and its king in a
new German empire.
In what ways did the United States experience the full drama of nation build-
ing? (page 653)
In the mid-century years, the United States also experienced a crisis of nation build-
ing. The United States overcame sectionalism in a war that prevented an in de pen dent
South and seemed to conrm Americas destiny as a great world power.
What steps did Russia and the Ottoman Turks take toward modernization, and
how successful were they? (page 654)
In autocratic Russia, defeat in the Crimean War led to the emancipation of the serfs,
economic modernization with railroad building and industrialization, and limited po-
litical reform. The Ottoman Empire also sought to modernize to protect the state, but
it was considerably less successful.
Why after 1871 did ordinary citizens feel a growing loyalty to their governments?
(page 659)
Nation-states gradually enlisted widespread popular support, providing men and
women with a greater sense of belonging, and giving them specic political, social,
and economic improvements.
Why did the socialist movement grow, and how revolutionary was it? (page 667)
Even the growing socialist movement became increasingly national in orientation,
gathering strength as a champion of working-class interests in domestic politics. Yet
even though nationalism served to unite peoples, it also drove them apartobvious
not only in the United States before the Civil War and in Austria-Hungary and Ireland,
but also throughout Europe. There the universal national faith, which usually reduced
social tensions within states, promoted a bitter, almost Darwinian, competition be-
tween states and thus threatened the progress and unity it had helped to build, as we
shall see in Chapters 26 and 27.
1. H. Schulze, States, Nations and Nationalism: From the Middle Ages to the Present (Oxford:
Blackwell, 1994), pp. 222223, 246247.
2. J. McKay, Pioneers for Prot: Foreign Entrepreneurship and Rus sian Industrialization, 1885
1913 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970), pp. 112157.
3. R. Seltzer, Jewish People, Jewish Thought: The Jewish Experience in History (New York: Mac-
millan, 1980), p. 533.
Homestead Act (p. 654)
modernization (p. 654)
zemstvo (p. 655)
revolution of 1905 (p. 656)
Bloody Sunday (p. 656)
October Manifesto (p. 656)
Duma (p. 656)
Tanzimat (p. 658)
Young Turks (p. 658)
Reichstag (p. 660)
Kulturkampf (p. 660)
Dreyfus affair (p. 662)
Peoples Budget (p. 662)
Zionism (p. 664)
revisionism (p. 669)
To assess your mastery of this chapter, go to bedfordstmartins.com/mckaywestbrief
Li st eni ng t o t he Past
The Making of a Socialist
[At age fteen] I was recommended to a great
factory which stood in the best repute. . . . In none
of the neighbouring factories were the wages so
high; we were envied every where. . . . And even
here, in this paradise, all were badly nourished.
Those who stayed at the factory for the dinner
hour would buy themselves for a few pennies a
sausage or the leavings of a cheese shop. . . . In
spite of all the diligence and economy, every one
was poor, and trembled at the thought of losing
her work. . . .
I did not only read novels and tales; I had
begun . . . to read the classics and other good books.
I also began to take an interest in public events. . . .
I was not dem o cratically inclined. I was full of en-
thusiasm then for emperors, and kings and highly
placed personages played no small part in my
fancies. . . . I bought myself a strict Catholic paper,
that criticised very adversely the workers move-
ment, which was attracting notice. Its aim was to
educate in a patriotic and religious direction. . . . I
took the warmest interest in the events that oc-
curred in the royal families, and I took the death of
the Crown Prince of Austria so much to heart that I
wept a whole day. . . .
Later on my mother and I lived with one of my
brothers who had married. Friends came to him,
among them some intelligent workmen. One of
these workmen was particularly intelligent, and . . .
could talk on many subjects. He was the rst Social
Democrat I knew. He brought me many books,
and explained to me the difference between Anar-
chism and Socialism. I heard from him, also for the
rst time, what a republic was, and in spite of my
former enthusiasm for royal dynasties, I also de-
clared myself in favour of a republican form of gov-
ernment. I saw every thing so near and so clearly,
that I actually counted the weeks which must still
elapse before the revolution of state and society
would take place.
From this workman I received the rst Social
Democratic party organ. . . . I rst learned from it
to understand and judge of my own lot. I learned to
see that all I had suffered was the result not of a di-
vine ordinance, but of an unjust or ga ni za tion of
society. . . .
ationalism and socialism appeared to be competing
ideologies, but both fostered political awareness. A
working person who became interested in politics and devel-
oped nationalist beliefs might well convert to socialism at a
later date.
This was the case for Adelheid Popp (18691939), the
editor of a major socialist newspaper for German working-
women. Born into a desperately poor working-class family in
Vienna, she was forced by her parents to quit school at age ten
to begin full-time work. She struggled with low-paying piece-
work for years before she landed a solid factory job, as she
recounts in the following selection from her widely read auto-
biography. She told her life story so that all working women
might share her truth: Socialism could change and
strengthen others, as it did me.
1890 engraving of a meeting of workers in Berlin (Bildarchiv
Preussischer Kulturbesitz/ Art Resource, NY)
In the factory I became another woman. . . . I
told my [female] comrades all that I had read of the
workers movement. Formerly I had often told sto-
ries when they had begged me for them. But in-
stead of narrating . . . the fate of some queen, I now
held forth on oppression and exploitation. I told of
accumulated wealth in the hands of a few, and in-
troduced as a contrast the shoemakers who had no
shoes and the tailors who had no clothes. On breaks
I read aloud the articles in the Social Democratic
paper and explained what Socialism was as far as I
understood it. . . . [While I was reading] it often
happened that one of the clerks passing by shook
his head and said to another clerk: The girl speaks
like a man.
Questions for Analysis
1. How did Popp describe and interpret work in
the factory?
2. To what extent did her socialist interpretation
of factory life t the facts she described?
3. What were Popps political interests before she
became a socialist?
4. Was this account likely to lead other working-
women to socialism? Why or why not?
Source: Slightly adapted from A. Popp, The Autobiogra-
phy of a Working Woman, trans. E. C. Harvey (Chicago:
F. G. Browne, 1913), pp. 29, 3435, 39, 6669, 71, 74,
The West and
the World
Chapter Previ ew
Industrialization and the World Economy
What were some of the global
consequences of European
industrialization between 1815 and 1914?
The Great Migration
How was massive migration an integral
part of Western expansion?
Western Imperialism (18801914)
How and why after 1875 did European
nations rush to build political empires
in Africa and Asia?
Responding to Western Imperialism
What was the general pattern of
non-Western responses to Western
expansion, and how did India, Japan,
and China meet the im pe rialist
LISTENING TO THE PAST: A British Woman in India
Africans in Madagascar transport a French diplomat in 1894, shortly
before France annexed the island. (Snark/ Art Resource, NY)
674 Chapter 26 The West and the World, 18151914
hile industrialization and nationalism were transforming urban life
and Western society, Western society itself was reshaping the world. At
the peak of its power, the West entered the third and most dynamic phase of expan-
sion that had begun with the Crusades and continued with the great discoveries
and the rise of seaborne colonial empires. An ever-growing stream of products,
people, and ideas owed out of Europe in the nineteenth century. Hardly any
corner of the globe was left untouched. The most spectacular manifestations of
Western expansion came in the late nineteenth century when the leading Euro-
pean nations established or enlarged their far-ung political empires. The politi-
cal annexation of territory in the 1880sthe new im pe rialism, as it is often
called by historianswas the capstone of a profound underlying economic and
technological process.
The Industrial Revolution created, rst in Great Britain and then in continental
Europe and North America, a tremendously dynamic economic system. In the
course of the nineteenth century, Europeans extended that system across the face
of the earth through both peaceful and militaristic means. In general, they fash-
ioned the global economic system so that the largest share of gains owed to the
West and its propertied classes.
The Industrial Revolution marked a momentous turn-
ing point in human history. It allowed those regions of
the world that industrialized to increase their wealth
and power enormously in comparison to those that did not. As a result, a gap be-
tween the industrializing regions (mainly Europe and North America) and the
nonindustrializing or Third World regions (mainly Africa, Asia, and Latin Amer-
ica) opened up and grew steadily throughout the nine-
teenth century. Moreover, this pattern of uneven global
development became institutionalized, or built into the
structure of the world economy. Thus we evolved a lop-
sided world, a world of rich lands and poor.
The enormous income disparities between devel-
oped and Third World countries (see Figure 26.1) are
poignant indicators of equal disparities in food and cloth-
ing, health and education, life expectancy and general
material well-being. The reason for these disparities has
Industrialization and the World Economy
What were some of the global consequences of European
industrialization between 1815 and 1914?
Industrialization and the World Economy
What were some of the global consequences of European
industrialization between 1815 and 1914?
The Rise of Global
The Rise of Global
Third World A term widely used by
international or ga ni za tions and by
scholars to group the nonindustrialized
nations Africa, Asia, and Latin America
into a single unit.
Third World A term widely used by
international or ga ni za tions and by
scholars to group the nonindustrialized
nations Africa, Asia, and Latin America
into a single unit.
1970 1913 1750
The Third World includes Africa, Asia, Latin America,
and Oceania. Developed countries include all European
countries, Canada, the United States, and Japan.
1950 1860
Great Britain
Developed countries
Third World
FIGURE 26.1 The Growth of Average Income per
Person in the Third World, Developed Countries,
and Great Britain, 17501970
Growth is given in 1960 U.S. dollars and prices. (Source: P. Bairoch and
M. Lvy-Leboyer, eds., Disparities in Economic Development Since the Industrial
Revolution. Copyright 1981. Reproduced with permission of Palgrave Macmillan.)
generated a great deal of debate. One school of interpreta-
tion stresses that the West used science, technology, capitalist
or ga ni za tion, and even its critical worldview to create its
wealth and greater physical well-being. Another school ar-
gues that the West used its political and economic power to
steal much of its riches, continuing in the nineteenth (and
twentieth) century the rapacious colonialism born of the era
of expansion. These issues are complex, and there are few
simple answers. It is helpful to consider them in the context
of the dynamics of world trade in the nineteenth century.
Trade between nations has always
stimulated economic develop-
ment. In the nineteenth century,
an enormous increase in international commerce was di-
rected by Europe.Great Britain took the lead in cultivating
export markets for its booming industrial output. British man-
ufacturers looked rst to Europe and then around the world.
Take the case of cotton textiles. By 1820 Britain was exporting 50 percent of its
production. Europe bought 50 percent of these cotton textile exports, while India
bought only 6 percent. Then as European nations and the United States erected
protective tariff barriers and promoted domestic industry, British cotton textile man-
ufacturers aggressively sought and found other foreign markets in non-Western ar-
eas. By 1850 India was buying 25 percent and Europe only 16 percent of a much
larger total. As a British colony, India could not raise tariffs to protect its ancient
cotton textile industry, and thousands of Indian weavers lost their livelihoods.
International trade also grew as transportation systems improved. Wherever
railroads were built, they drastically reduced transportation costs, opened new eco-
nomic opportunities, and called forth new skills and attitudes. Much of the rail-
road construction undertaken in Latin America, Asia, and Africa connected
seaports with inland cities and regions, as opposed to linking and developing cities
and regions within a given country. Thus these railroads supported Western eco-
nomic interests, facilitating the inow and sale of Western manufactured goods
and the export of local raw materials.
The power of steam revolutionized transportation by sea as well as by land.
Steam power began to supplant sails on the oceans of the world in the late 1860s.
Passenger and freight rates tumbled as ship design became more sophisticated,
and the intercontinental shipment of low-priced raw materials became feasible.
The opening of the Suez and Panama Canals shortened transport time consider-
ably, and port facilities were also modernized to make loading and unloading
cheaper, faster, and more dependable.
New communications systems directed the ow of goods across global net-
works. Transoceanic telegraph cables inaugurated rapid communications among
the nancial centers of the world. While a British tramp freighter steamed from
Calcutta to New York, a broker in London was arranging by telegram for it to carry
an American cargo to Australia. The same communications network conveyed
world commodity prices instantaneously.
The revolution in transportation and communications encouraged European
entrepreneurs to open up vast new territories around the world and develop agri-
cultural products and raw materials there for sale in Europe. Improved transporta-
tion also enabled European ventures in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to ship not
The World Market The World Market
1842 China cedes Hong Kong to Britain
1853 Perry opens Japan for trade
18631879 Reign of Ismail in Egypt
1867 Meiji Restoration in Japan
1869 Completion of Suez Canal
1885 Berlin Conference gives Leopold II
dominion over Congo Free State;
founding of Indian National Congress
1898 United States takes over Philippines
1899 Kipling, The White Mans Burden
1902 Conrad, Heart of Darkness;
Hobson, Imperialism
19001903 Boxer Rebellion in China
676 Chapter 26 The West and the World, 18151914
only the traditional tropical productsspices, tea, sugar, coffeebut also new raw
materials for industry, such as jute, rubber, cotton, and coconut oil.
As their economies grew, Europeans began to make massive foreign invest-
ments beginning about 1840. By the outbreak of World War I in 1914, wealthy
Europeans had invested more than $40 billion abroad. Great Britain, France, and
Germany were the principal investing countries. Most of the capital exported did
not go to European colonies or protectorates in Asia and Africa. Europeans found
the most protable opportunities for investment in construction of the railroads,
ports, and utilities that were necessary for white settlers to develop the lands in
such places as Australia and the Americas. Much of this investment was peaceful
and mutually benecial for lenders and borrowers. The victims were Native Amer-
ican Indians and Australian aborigines, who were decimated by the diseases,
liquor, and weapons of an aggressively expanding Western society.
While Europeans looked primarily to North America,
Australia, and much of Latin America to absorb huge
quantities of goods, investments, and migrants, they
also hoped to penetrate the markets of Asia. In China and Japan they demon-
strated their willingness to use force to remove trade barriers.
Traditional Chinese civilization was self-sufcient. For centuries China had
sent more goods and inventions to Europe than it had received, and this was still
the case in the early nineteenth century. Trade with Europe was carefully regu-
lated by the Chinese im pe rial governmentthe Qing (ching), or Manchu (man-
CHOO), Dynastywhich required all foreign merchants to live in the southern
city of Canton and to buy from and sell to only the local merchant monopoly.
Goods considered harmful to Chinese interests, such as opium, were forbidden.
For years the little community of foreign merchants in Canton accepted the
Chinese system. By the 1820s, however, British merchants began exing their
muscles. They had found in opium a product the Chinese desired, and they
wanted to stop smuggling and sell it openly. They pressured the British govern-
ment to help them establish an in de pen dent British colony in China with safe
and unrestricted liberty in trade. British merchants in Canton also enlisted the
support of British manufacturers with visions of vast Chinese markets.
At the same time, the Qing government decided that the opium trade had to
be stamped out. It was ruining the people and hurting the economy, as silver for
opium was owing to British merchants. The government began to prosecute Chi-
nese drug dealers vigorously and in 1839 it ordered the foreign merchants to obey
Chinas laws. The British merchants refused and were expelled, whereupon war
soon broke out.
The British were able to call troops from India and used their superior sea
power to occupy several coastal cities. China submitted to the Treaty of Nanking
in 1842 and was forced to cede the island of Hong Kong to Britain forever, pay
an indemnity of $100 million, and open up four large cities to foreign trade with
low tariffs.
Thereafter the opium trade ourished, and Hong Kong developed rapidly as
an Anglo-Chinese enclave. The British, joined by the French, attacked China
again between 1856 and 1860, culminating in the occupation of Beijing. Another
round of harsh treaties gave European merchants and missionaries greater privi-
leges and protection and forced the Chinese to accept trade and investment on
unfavorable terms for several more cities. Thus did Europeans use military aggres-
sion to open China to foreign trade and foreign ideas.
The Opening of China
and Japan
The Opening of China
and Japan
opium trade Opium was grown legally
in British-occupied India and smuggled
into China by means of fast ships and
bribed ofcials; it became a destructive
and ensnaring vice of the Chinese.
opium trade Opium was grown legally
in British-occupied India and smuggled
into China by means of fast ships and
bribed ofcials; it became a destructive
and ensnaring vice of the Chinese.
Chinas neighbor Japan had decided by 1640 to seal off the country from all
European inuences in order to preserve traditional Japa nese culture and society.
When American and British whaling ships began to appear off Japa nese coasts
almost two hundred years later, the policy of exclusion was still in effect. An order
of 1825 commanded Japa nese ofcials to drive away foreign vessels without sec-
ond thought.
Japans refusal to share its ports complicated the provisioning of whaling ships
and trading vessels in the eastern Pacic. It also thwarted the hope of trade and
prot. Americans came to see it as their duty to force the Japa nese to behave as a
civilized nation.
After several unsuccessful American attempts to establish commercial rela-
tions with Japan, Commodore Matthew Perry steamed into Edo (ED-doe) (now
Tokyo) Bay in 1853 and demanded diplomatic negotiations with the emperor. Ja-
pan entered a grave crisis. Some Japa nese warriors urged re sis tance, but se nior
ofcials realized how defenseless their cities were against naval bombardment.
Shocked and humiliated, they reluctantly signed a treaty with the United States
that opened two ports and permitted trade. Over the next ve years, more treaties
spelled out the rights and privileges of the Western nations and their merchants in
Japan. Japan was opened.
Britain and China at War, 1841
Britain capitalized on its overwhelming naval superiority, and this British aquatint celebrates a
dramatic moment in a crucial battle near Guangzhou. Having received a direct hit from a steam-
powered British ironclad, a Chinese sailing ship explodes into a wall of ame. The Chinese lost
eleven ships and ve hundred men in the two-hour engagement; the British suffered only minor
damage. (National Maritime Museum, London)
Industrialization and the World Economy 677
678 Chapter 26 The West and the World, 18151914
Unlike China and Japan, nineteenth-century Egypt
was attracted to European models of modernization
and open to European business ventures. But it too
was forced to make concessions to European powers, eventually falling under Brit-
ish rule.
Egypt emerged as an autonomous country in the nineteenth century under
the leadership of the extraordinary Albanian-born Turkish general, Muhammad
Ali (17691849). First appointed governor of Egypt by the Turkish sultan, Mu-
hammad Ali set out to build his own state on the strength of a large, powerful army
or ga nized along European lines. He drafted for the rst time the peasants of Egypt,
and he hired French and Italian army ofcers to train these raw recruits and their
Turkish ofcers. The government was also reformed, new lands were cultivated,
and communications were improved. By the time of his death in 1849, Muham-
mad Ali had established a strong and virtually in de pen dent Egyp tian state, to be
ruled by his family on a hereditary basis within the Turkish empire.
Muhammad Alis policies of modernization attracted large numbers of Euro-
peans to the banks of the Nile. The port city of Alexandria had more than fty
thousand Europeans by 1864. Europeans served not only as army ofcers but also
as engineers, doctors, government ofcials, and police ofcers. Others turned to
trade, nance, and shipping.
Muhammad Alis grandson Ismail (is-mah-EEL) (r. 18631879) continued to
Westernize Egypt during his rule as the countrys khedive (kuh-DEEV), or prince.
The large irrigation networks he promoted caused cotton production and exports
to Europe to boom, and with his support the Suez Canal was completed by a
French company in 1869. Cairo acquired modern boulevards and Western hotels.
As French-educated Ismail proudly declared, My country is no
longer in Africa, we now form part of Europe.
Yet Ismails projects were enormously expensive, and by 1876
Egypt owed foreign bondholders a colossal debt that it could not pay.
The governments of France and Great Britain intervened to protect
the European bondholders, forcing Ismail to appoint French and Brit-
ish commissioners to oversee Egyp tian nances.
Foreign nancial control evoked a violent nationalistic reaction
among Egyp tian religious leaders, young intellectuals, and army of-
cers. The British pushed Ismail out and brought in his weak son, Tew-
g (r. 18791892), sparking anti-European riots in Alexandria. The
British eet then bombarded the city, which led to a country-wide re-
volt. But a British expeditionary force put down the rebellion and oc-
cupied all of Egypt.
The British said their occupation was temporary, but British armies
remained in Egypt until 1956. They maintained the faade of the
khedives government as an autonomous province of the Ottoman
Empire, but the khedive was a mere puppet. British rule did result in
tax reforms and somewhat better conditions for peasants, while for-
eign bondholders received their interest and Egyp tian nationalists
nursed their injured pride.
British rule in Egypt provided a new model for European expan-
sion in Africa and Asia. Such expansion was based on military force,
political domination, and a self-justifying ideology of benecial re-
form. This model was to predominate until 1914. Thus did Europes
Industrial Revolution lead to tremendous political as well as economic
expansion throughout the world after 1880.
Western Penetration
of Egypt
Western Penetration
of Egypt
khedive A prince in Egypt. khedive A prince in Egypt.
Secti on Revi ew
An expanding gap between industrialized countries
and Third World non-industrializing countries
developed with enormous economic disparities
between them.
Improvements in communication, such as the tele-
graph and transportation, including railroads and
steamships, facilitated the establishment of a
Western- driven global trade network, often at the
expense of indigenous peoples.
China had strict regulations for trade and when
British merchants desired more favorable conditions
for their opium trade, the Chinese government
resisted, so Britain invaded, claiming Hong Kong
and several other cities, forcing the Chinese to lift
restrictions on foreign trade.
Japan was closed to foreign trade until the Americans
demanded diplomatic relations under threat of force
and the Japa nese reluctantly agreed to open some of
their ports.
Muhammad Ali and Ismail modernized Egypt and
opened the door to foreign investors and immigrants
but the expense of his projects, including the Suez
Canal, put Egypt in debt and foreign commissioners
took over nancial control; when the Egyp tians
revolted the British used force to occupy Egypt
until 1956.
A poignant human drama was interwoven with economic expansion: millions of
people pulled up stakes and left their ancestral lands in the course of historys
greatest migration. To millions of ordinary people, for whom the opening of China
and the interest on the Egyp tian debt had not the slightest signicance, this great
movement was the central experience in the saga of Western expansion. It was, in
part, because of this great migration that the Wests impact on the world in the
nineteenth century was so powerful and many-sided.
Population growth was a driv ing force behind Euro-
pean migration. The trend of falling death rates contin-
ued until the early twentieth century, mainly because
of the rising standard of living but also because of improvements in medicine. Mil-
lions of country folk, seeing little available land and few opportunities, went abroad
as well as to nearby cities in search of work and economic opportunity.
The United States absorbed the largest number of European migrants, but less
than half of all migrants went there (see Figure 26.2). Moreover, migrants ac-
counted for a larger proportion of the total population in Argentina, Brazil, and
Canada than in the United States. The common American assumption that Euro-
pean migration meant migration to the United States is quite inaccurate.
Determined to maintain or improve their status, migrants were a great asset to
the countries that received them. The vast majority came in the prime of life and
were ready to work hard in the new land, at least for a time. Many Europeans
moved but remained within Europe, settling temporarily or permanently in an-
other European country. Jews from eastern Europe and peasants from Ireland
migrated to Great Britain; Rus sians and Poles sought work in Germany; and Latin
peoples from Spain, Portugal, and Italy entered France. Many Europeans were
The Great Migration
How was massive migration an integral part of Western expansion?
The Great Migration
How was massive migration an integral part of Western expansion?
great migration A great movement of
people that was the central experience in
the saga of Western expansion; one
reason why the Wests impact on the
world in the nineteenth century was so
powerful and many-sided.
great migration A great movement of
people that was the central experience in
the saga of Western expansion; one
reason why the Wests impact on the
world in the nineteenth century was so
powerful and many-sided.
European Migrants European Migrants
The Great Migration 679
Great Britain
and Ireland 34%
Germany 11%
Spain 9%
Austria 7%
Poland 5%
Portugal 5%
Russia 4%*
Sweden 2%
Norway 1%
Netherlands 1%
New Zealand 7%
Canada 8%
Brazil 7%
Other 4%
Argentina 10%
Asiatic Russia 20%
States 45%
Italy 19%
Finland, Denmark,
France, Belgium,
Switzerland, etc. 4%
* Not including migrants to Asiatic Russia.
FIGURE 26.2 Origins and Destinations of European Emigrants, 18511960
Source: From Impact of Western Man, by W. Woodruff. Copyright 1982. Reprinted by permission of University Press
of America.
680 Chapter 26 The West and the World, 18151914
truly migrants as opposed to immigrantsthat is, they returned home after some
time abroad. One in two migrants to Argentina and probably one in three to the
United States eventually returned to their native land. Once again, the possibility
of buying land in the old country was of central importance.
Ties of family and friendship played a crucial role in the movement of peoples.
Many people from a given province or village settled together in rural enclaves or
tightly knit urban neighborhoods thousands of miles away. Very often a strong
individuala businessman, a religious leaderwould blaze the way and others
would follow, forming a migration chain.
Many landless young European men and women were spurred to leave by a
spirit of revolt and in de pen dence. In Sweden and in Norway, in Jewish Russia and
in Italy, these young people felt frustrated by the small privileged classes, which
often controlled both church and government and resisted demands for change
and greater opportunity. Many a young Norwegian seconded the passionate cry of
Norways national poet, Martinius Bjrnson (BYURN-suhn): Forth will I! Forth! I
will be crushed and consumed if I stay.
Thus for many, migration was a radical
way to get out from under. Migration slowed down when the people won basic
political and social reforms, such as the right to vote and social security.
Not all migration was from Europe. A substantial num-
ber of Chinese, Japa nese, Indians, and Filipinosto
name only four key groupsresponded to rural hard-
ship with temporary or permanent migration. At least 3 million Asians (as opposed
to more than 60 million Europeans) moved abroad before 1920. Most went as
indentured laborers to work under incred-
ibly difcult conditions on the plantations
or in the gold mines of Latin America,
southern Asia, Africa, Cal i fornia, Hawaii,
and Australia. White estate owners very often
used Asians to replace or supplement blacks
after the suppression of the slave trade.
Such migration from Asia would un-
doubtedly have grown to much greater pro-
portions if planters and mine owners in
search of cheap labor had been able to hire
as many Asian workers as they wished. But
they could not. By the 1880s, Americans
and Australians were building great white
wallsdiscriminatory laws designed to keep
Asians out.
Asian Migrants Asian Migrants
great white walls Laws designed by
Americans and Australians to keep
Asians out.
great white walls Laws designed by
Americans and Australians to keep
Asians out.
Vaccinating Migrants Bound for
Hawaii, 1904
First Chinese, then Japa nese, and nally Koreans
and Filipinos went in large numbers across the
Pacic to labor in Hawaii on American-owned sugar
plantations in the late nineteenth century. The
native Hawaiians had been decimated by disease,
preparing the way for the annexation of Hawaii by
the United States in 1898. (Corbis)
A crucial factor in the migrations before 1914 was, therefore, the general pol-
icy of whites only in the open lands of possible permanent settlement. This, too,
was part of Western dominance in the increasingly lopsided world. Largely suc-
cessful in monopolizing the best overseas opportunities, Europeans and people of
European ancestry reaped the main benets from the great migration. By 1913
people in Australia, Canada, and the United States all had higher average incomes
than people in Great Britain, still Europes wealthiest nation.
The expansion of Western society reached its apex between about 1880 and 1914.
In those years, the leading European nations not only continued to send massive
streams of migrants, money, and manufactured goods around the world, but also
rushed to create or enlarge vast political empires abroad. This political empire
building contrasted sharply with the economic penetration of non-Western territo-
ries between 1816 and 1880, which had left a China or a Japan opened but po-
litically in de pen dent. By contrast, the empires of the late nineteenth century
recalled the old European colonial empires of the seventeenth and eigh teenth
centuries and led contemporaries to speak of the new im perialism.
Characterized by a frantic rush to plant the ag over as many people and as
much territory as possible, the new im pe rialism had momentous consequences. It
resulted in new tensions among competing European states, and it led to wars and
rumors of war with non-European powers. The new im pe rialism was aimed pri-
marily at Africa and Asia and subjugated millions under European rule.
The most spectacular manifestation of the new im pe-
rialism was the scramble for Africa. As late as 1880,
European nations controlled only 10 percent of the
African continent (see inset, Map 26.1). Between 1880 and 1900, the situation
changed drastically. Britain, France, Germany, and Italy raced one another for
African possessions (see Map 26.1). By 1900 nearly the whole continent had been
carved up and placed under European rule: only Ethiopia in northeast Africa,
which repulsed Italian invaders, and Liberia on the West African coast, which had
been settled by freed slaves from the United States, remained in de pen dent. In the
years before 1914, the European powers tightened their control and established
colonial governments to rule their gigantic empires.
The situation in South Africa had a different nal outcome. The British had
taken possession of the Dutch settlements at Cape Town during the wars with
Napoleon I. The descendents of Dutch settlers, known as Boers (bores) or Afrikan-
ers (af-rih-KAHN-uhrs), moved north and settled the regions later known as the
Orange Free State and the Transvaal (trans-VAHL), proclaiming their political in-
de pen dence. Then in the early 1890s, Cecil Rhodes led the British farther north,
establishing protectorates over Bechuanaland (bech-oo-AH-nuh-land) (now
Botswana) and Rhodesia (roh-DEE-zhuh) (now Zimbabwe and Zambia).
Trying unsuccessfully to undermine the stubborn Afrikaners in the Transvaal,
where Eng lish-speaking capitalists like Rhodes were developing fabulously rich
gold mines, the British conquered their white rivals in the bloody South African
Western Imperialism (18801914)
How and why after 1875 did European nations rush to build political
empires in Africa and Asia?
Western Imperialism (18801914)
How and why after 1875 did European nations rush to build political
empires in Africa and Asia?
new im pe rialism The drive to create
vast political empires abroad, recalling
the old European colonial empires of the
seventeenth and eigh teenth centuries
and contrasting with the economic
penetration of non-Western territories
between 1816 and 1880.
new im pe rialism The drive to create
vast political empires abroad, recalling
the old European colonial empires of the
seventeenth and eigh teenth centuries
and contrasting with the economic
penetration of non-Western territories
between 1816 and 1880.
The Scramble
for Africa
The Scramble
for Africa
Afrikaners Descendants of the Dutch
in the Cape Colony.
Afrikaners Descendants of the Dutch
in the Cape Colony.
Secti on Revi ew
Population growth and the search for
better economic and social opportuni-
ties drove European migration, which
slowed when these conditions im-
proved in the home country.
Migrants were an asset to the receiv-
ing countries as they worked hard and
often arrived with family and friends
forming a migration chain, all
settling in the same neighborhoods or
in specic areas.
Asian migrants went to work most
often as indentured laborers in awful
conditions after the suppression of the
slave trade, but laws allowing only
whites to settle permanently limited
their numbers.
Western Imperialism (18801914) 681
Tripoli Cyrene
Cape Town
Tropic of Capricorn
0 Equator
20W 20E 40E 60E 0
Tropic of Cancer
i R.
L. Chad
L. Victoria
L. Tanganyika
L. Nyasa
Uele R.
Me d i t e r r
Canary Is.
So Tom
Fernando Po
Madeira Is.
Zanzibar (Gr. Br.)
20E 20W
0 40E
0 800 Mi.
800 Km.
0 400 800 Mi.
400 800 Km.
Independent African
Mapping the Past
MAP 26.1 The Partition of Africa
The European powers carved up Africa after 1880 and built vast political empires. European states also seized territory in Asia in
the nineteenth century, although some Asian states and peoples managed to maintain their political in de pen dence, as may be
seen on Map 26.2, page 686. The late nineteenth century was the peak of European im pe rialism. Compare the patterns of
European im pe rialism in Africa and Asia, using this map and Map 26.2. [1] What European countries were leading im pe rialist
states in both Africa and Asia, and what lands did they hold? [2] What countries in Africa and Asia maintained their political
in de pen dence? [3] From an im pe rialist perspective, what in 1914 did the United States and Japan, two very different countries,
have in common in Africa and Asia?
War (18991902). In 1910 their territories were united in a new Union of
South Africa, establishedunlike any other territory in Africaas a largely self-
governing colony. This enabled the defeated Afrikaners to use their numerical
superiority over the British settlers to gradually take political power, as even the
most educated nonwhites lost the right to vote outside the Cape Colony. (See the
feature Individuals in Society: Cecil Rhodes.)
In the complexity of the European seizure of Africa, certain events and indi-
viduals stand out. Of enormous importance was the British occupation of Egypt in
1882, which established the new model of formal political control. There was also
the role of Leopold II of Belgium (r. 18651909), an energetic, strong-willed mon-
arch with a lust for empire. Steam and electricity have annihilated distance, and
all the non-appropriated lands on the surface of the globe can
become the eld of our operations and of our success,
had exclaimed in 1861. Leopold ignited a gold rush mentality
after sending the part-time explorer Henry M. Stanley to plant
his ag in the Congo. The French rushed to stake their claim
in the region, and the race for territory was on.
The leaders of Europe met at the Berlin conference in
1884 and 1885 to agree on some basic rules for this new and
dangerous game of im pe rialist competition in sub-Saharan
Africa. The conference established the principle that Euro-
pean claims to African territory had to rest on effective oc-
cupation in order to be recognized by other states. The
conference recognized Leopolds personal rule over a neutral
Congo free state and agreed to work to stop slav ery and the
slave trade in Africa.
Bismarck, who saw little value in colonies, had a change
of stance when Germans clamored for a stake in Africa. In
1884 and 1885, Germany established protectorates over a
number of small African kingdoms and tribes in Togo, Cam-
eroons, southwest Africa, and, later, East Africa. In acquiring
colonies, Bismarck worked with Frances Jules Ferry against
the British. With Bismarcks tacit approval, the French pressed
southward from Algeria, eastward from their old forts on the
Senegal coast, and northward from their protectorate on the
Congo River.
Meanwhile, the British began enlarging their West Afri-
can enclaves and impatiently pushing northward from the
Cape Colony and westward from Zanzibar. Their attempt to
move southward from Egypt was blocked by Muslim forces in
the Sudan in 1885. A decade later, another British force, un-
der General Horatio H. Kitchener (KICH-uh-ner), moved
cautiously and more successfully up the Nile River, building
Berlin conference A meeting of
European leaders held in 1884 and 1885
in order to lay down some basic rules for
im pe rialist competition in sub-Saharan
Africa; they established the principle that
European claims to African territory had
to rest on effective occupation in order to
be recognized by other states.
Berlin conference A meeting of
European leaders held in 1884 and 1885
in order to lay down some basic rules for
im pe rialist competition in sub-Saharan
Africa; they established the principle that
European claims to African territory had
to rest on effective occupation in order to
be recognized by other states.
Western Imperialism (18801914) 683
European Imperialism at its Worst
This 1908 Eng lish cartoon, Leopold, King of the Congo, in his native
dress, focuses on the barbaric practice of cutting off the hands and feet of
Africans who refused to gather as much rubber as Leopolds company
demanded. In 1908 an international human rights campaign forced the
Belgian king to cede his personal ef to the Belgian state. (The Granger
Collection, New York)
Indi vi dual s i n Soci et y
Cecil Rhodes
ecil Rhodes (18531902) epitomized the dyna-
mism and the ruthlessness of the new im pe rialism.
He built a corporate monopoly, claimed vast tracts in
Africa, and established the famous Rhodes scholarships
to develop colonial
(and Amer ican) lead-
ers who would love
and strengthen the
British Empire. But
to Africans, he left a
bitter legacy.
Rhodes came
from a large middle-
class family and at
seventeen went to
southern Africa to
seek his fortune. He
soon turned to dia-
monds, newly discov-
ered at Kimberley,
picked good partners, and was wealthy by 1876. But
Rhodes, often called a dreamer, wanted more. He en-
tered Oxford University, while returning periodically to
Africa, and his musings crystallized in a belief in prog-
ress through racial competition and territorial expan-
sion. I contend, he wrote, that we [Eng lish] are the
nest race in the world and the more of the world we
inhabit the better it is for the human race.*
Rhodess belief in British expansion never wavered.
In 1880 he formed the De Beers Mining Company, and
by 1888 his rm monopolized southern Africas dia-
mond production and earned fabulous prots. Rhodes
also entered the Cape Colonys legislature and became
the all-powerful prime minister from 1890 to 1896. His
main objective was to dominate the Afrikaner republics
and to impose British rule on as much land as possible
beyond their northern borders. Working through a state-
approved private company nanced in part by De Beers,
Rhodess agents forced and cajoled African kings to ac-
cept British protection, then put down rebellions with
Maxim machine guns. Britain thus obtained a great
swath of empire on the cheap.
*Robert Rotberg, The Founder: Cecil Rhodes and the Pursuit of
Power (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988), p. 150.
But Rhodes, like many high achievers obsessed with
power and personal aggrandizement, went too far. He
backed, and then in 1896 failed to call back, a failed inva-
sion of the Transvaal, which was designed to topple the
Dutch-speaking republic. Repudiated by top British lead-
ers who had encouraged his plan, Rhodes had to resign as
prime minister. In declining health, he continued to agi-
tate against the Afrikaner republics. He died at age forty-
nine as the South African War (18991902) ended.
In accounting for Rhodess remarkable but awed
achievements, both sympathetic and critical biographers
stress his imposing size, enormous energy, and powerful
personality. His ideas were commonplace, but he be-
lieved in them passionately, and he could persuade and
inspire others to follow his lead. Rhodes the idealist was
nonetheless a born negotiator, a crafty dealmaker who
believed that everyone could be had for a price. Accord-
ing to his best biographer, Rhodess homosexuality
discreet, partially repressed, and undeniablewas also
a major component of his magnetism and his success.
Never comfortable with women, he loved male com-
panionship. He drew together a band of brothers, both
gay and straight, to share in the pursuit of power.
Rhodes cared nothing for the rights of blacks. Ever a
combination of visionary and opportunist, he looked
forward to an eventual reconciliation of Afrikaners and
British in a united white front. Therefore, as prime min-
ister of the Cape Colony, he broke with the colonys
liberal tradition and supported Afrikaner demands to
reduce drastically the number of black voters and limit
black freedoms. This helped lay the foundation for the
Union of South Africas brutal policy of racial segrega-
tion known as apartheid after 1948.
Questions for Analysis
1. How did Rhodes relate to Afrikaners and to black
Africans? How do you account for the differences
and the similarities?
2. In what ways does Rhodess career throw additional
light on the debate over the causes of the new
im pe rialism?
Ibid., p. 408.
Cecil Rhodes, after crushing the last African
revolt in Rhodesia in 1896. (Brown Brothers)
a railroad to supply arms and reinforcements as it went. Finally, in 1898 these Brit-
ish troops met their foe at Omdurman (om-door-MAHN) (see Map 26.1), where
Muslim tribesmen armed with spears charged time and time again, only to be cut
down by the recently invented machine gun. In the end, eleven thousand brave
Muslim tribesmen lay dead, while only twenty-eight Britons had been killed.
Continuing up the Nile after the Battle of Omdurman, Kitcheners armies
found that a small French force had beaten them to the village of Fashoda (fuh-
SHOH-duh). The result was a serious diplomatic crisis and even the threat of war.
Eventually, wracked by the Dreyfus affair (see page 662) and unwilling to ght,
France backed down and withdrew its forces, allowing the British to take over.
The British conquest of Sudan exemplies the general process of empire build-
ing in Africa. The fate of the Muslim force at Omdurman was eventually inicted on
all native peoples who resisted European rule: they were blown away by vastly supe-
r ior armaments. But however much the European powers squabbled for territory
and privilege around the world, they always had the sense to stop short of actually
ghting each other. Imperial ambitions were not worth a great European war.
Although the sudden division of Africa was more spec-
tacular, Europeans also extended their political con-
trol in Asia. In 1815 the Dutch ruled little more than
the island of Java in the East Indies. Thereafter they gradually brought almost all
of the three-thousand-mile archipelago under their political authority, although
they had to grant some territory to Britain and Germany. In the critical decade of
the 1880s, the French under the leadership of Jules Ferry took Indochina. The
Rus sians expanded to the south in the Caucasus and to the east in Central Asia
and Chinas outlying provinces. India, Japan, and China also experienced a pro-
found im pe rialist impact (see Map 26.2).
The United Statess great conquest was the Philippines, taken from Spain in
1898 after the Spanish-American War. When it quickly became clear that the
United States had no intention of granting in de pen dence, Philippine patriots rose
in revolt and were suppressed only after long, bitter ghting. Some Americans
protested the taking of the Philippines, but to no avail. Thus another great Western
power joined the im pe rialist ranks in Asia.
Many factors contributed to the late-nineteenth-century
rush for territory and empire, among them economics,
nationalism, ideology, military technology, and the am-
bitions of individuals. While these reasons do not constitute a defense of im pe-
rialism, they are helpful in understanding what drove it.
Economic motives were a factor in the new im pe rialism, especially in the Brit-
ish Empire. By the late 1870s, Great Britain was losing its early lead in industrial-
ization and facing increasingly tough competition from France, Germany, and the
United States. When continental powers began to grab territory in the 1880s, the
British followed suit immediately. They feared that France and Germany would
seal off their empires with high tariffs and restrictions and that potential markets
would be lost forever. In actuality, however, the overall economic gains of the new
im pe rialism proved quite limited before 1914. The new colonies were simply too
poor to buy much, and they offered few immediately protable investments.
Colonies also seemed important for political and diplomatic reasons. For in-
stance, the British occupation of Egypt was motivated in part by the desire to
Imperialism in Asia Imperialism in Asia
Causes of the
New Imperialism
Causes of the
New Imperialism
Western Imperialism (18801914) 685
40E 60E 80E 100E 110E 120E
Tropic of Cancer
nges R.
Ar abi an
Ar al
c k S e a
Sout h
Chi na
Chi na
Sea of
J apan
Sea of
Okhot sk
edi t er r anean
St. Petersburg
(Port. 1557)
Guangzhou (Gr. Br. 1842)
Hong Kong (Gr. Br. 1842)
(Gr. Br. 1842)
(Ger. 1898)
Weihai (Gr. Br. 1898)
Lshun (Port Arthur)
(Japan 1905)
Zhanjiang (France 1898)
Andizhan (1871)
Pondicherry (Fr.)
(Gr. Br. 1819)
Karikal (Fr.)
(Russian Influence, 1912)
(1874, 1909)
(1905, 1910)
(1852, 1885)
(1859, 1907)
Formosa (1895)
Ryuku Is. (Jap.)
Philippine Is.
(U.S. 1898)
Andaman Is.
(Gr. Br.)
New Guinea
(Portugal 1859)
Great Britain
United States
Russian Empire
Japan and its territories
Independent Asian states
Ottoman Empire
Major railroads
Territories held by
Western powers
0 500 1,000 Mi.
500 1,000 Km.
MAP 26.2 Asia in 1914
India remained under British rule, while China precariously preserved its political in de pen dence. The Dutch empire in modern-day Indonesia was old,
but French control of Indochina was a product of the new im pe rialism.
safeguard the Suez Canal. Far-ung possessions guaranteed ever-growing navies
the safe havens and the dependable coaling stations they needed in times of crisis
or war.
Imperialism also served European rulers who were dealing with social tensions
and political conicts at home. The tabloid press whipped up feelings of patri-
otism over foreign triumphs, while leaders stressed that colonies beneted workers
as well as capitalists by providing cheap raw materials for industry. In short, con ser-
va tive leaders used im pe rialism to justify the status quo and their hold on power.
European leaders were themselves pressured to acquire colonies by special-
interest groups. Shipping companies wanted lucrative subsidies. White settlers
demanded more land and greater protection. Missionaries and humanitarians
wanted to spread religion and stop the slave trade. Military men and colonial of-
cials, whose role has often been overlooked, foresaw rapid advancement and
high-paid positions in growing empires. The actions of such groups pushed the
course of empire forward.
Many Westerners were convinced that colonies were essential to achieving
greatness. There has never been a great power without great colonies, wrote one
French publicist in 1877. Every virile people has established colonial power,
echoed the famous nationalist historian of Germany, Heinrich von Treitschke
(HAHYN-rikh fuhn TRAHYCH-kuh). All great nations in the fullness of their
strength have desired to set their mark upon barbarian lands and those who fail to
participate in this great rivalry will play a pitiable role in time to come.
As Treitschkes statement suggests, Social Darwinism and racist doctrines also
fostered im pe rialist expansion. As one prominent Eng lish economist argued, the
strongest nation has always been conquering the weaker . . . and the strongest
tend to be best. In the words of another, The path of progress is strewn with the
wreck . . . of inferior races. Thus im pe rialism was justied as the inevitable tri-
umph of the superior European race.
Convinced of their moral and intellectual superiority, Europeans also came to
believe that they should civilize nonwhite peoples. According to this view, non-
whites would eventually receive the benets of modern economies, cities, ad-
vanced medicine, and higher standards of living. In time, they might be ready for
self-government and Western democ racy. Thus the French spoke of their sacred
civilizing mission. In 1899 Rudyard Kipling (18651936), who wrote masterfully
of Anglo-Indian life and was perhaps the most inuential British writer of the
1890s, exhorted Europeans (and Americans in the United States) to unselsh ser-
vice in distant lands:
Take up the White Mans Burden
Send forth the best ye breed
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives need,
To wait in heavy harness,
On uttered folk and wild
Your new-caught, sullen peoples
Half-devil and half-child.
Many Americans also accepted the ideology of the white mans burden. It was
an important factor in the decision to rule, rather than liberate, the Philippines
after the Spanish-American War. Like their European counterparts, these Ameri-
cans sincerely believed that their civilization had reached unprecedented heights
and that they had unique benets to bestow on all less advanced peoples. An-
other argument was that im pe rial government protected natives from tribal war-
fare as well as cruder forms of exploitation by white settlers and business people.
white mans burden The idea that
Europeans could and should civilize
more primitive, nonwhite peoples and
that nonwhites would eventually receive
the benets of modern economics,
cities, advanced medicine, and higher
standards of living.
white mans burden The idea that
Europeans could and should civilize
more primitive, nonwhite peoples and
that nonwhites would eventually receive
the benets of modern economics,
cities, advanced medicine, and higher
standards of living.
Western Imperialism (18801914) 687
688 Chapter 26 The West and the World, 18151914
Peace and stability under European control also facilitated the spread of Chris-
tianity. In Africa, Catholic and Protestant missionaries competed with Islam south
of the Sahara, seeking converts and building schools to spread the Gospel. Many
Africans rst real contact with whites was in mission schools. Some peoples, such
as the Ibo in Nigeria, became highly Chris tianized.
Such occasional successes in black Africa contrasted with the general failure
of missionary efforts in India, China, and the Islamic world. There Chris tians of-
ten preached in vain to peoples with ancient, complex religious beliefs. Yet the
number of Chris tian believers around the world did increase substantially in the
nineteenth century, and missionary groups kept trying. Unfortunately, many mis-
sionaries had drunk at the well of European racism, and this probably prevented
them from doing better.
Not all Westerners were convinced of the value of im-
perialism. The radical Eng lish economist J. A. Hobson
(18581940), in his Imperialism, contended that the
rush to acquire colonies was due to the need of the rich to nd outlets for their
surplus capital. Yet, Hobson argued, im pe rial possessions did not pay off economi-
cally for the country as a whole. Moreover, Hobson argued that the quest for em-
pire diverted popular attention away from domestic reform and the need to reduce
the great gap between rich and poor. Most people, however, did not believe Hobsons
economic argument and believed instead that im pe rialism proted the homeland.
Hobson and many other critics struck home, however, with their moral con-
demnation of whites imperiously ruling nonwhites. They rebelled against crude
Social Darwinian thought: Blessed are the strong, for they shall
prey on the weak.
Kipling and his kind were lampooned as racist
bullies whose rule rested on brutality, racial contempt, and the
Maxim machine gun. In the novel Heart of Darkness, Joseph Con-
rad (18571924) castigated the pure selshness of Europeans in
civilizing Africa and dramatized how both whites and nonwhites
are destroyed in the process. Henry Labouchre, a member of
Parliament and prominent spokesman for this position, mocked
Kiplings famous poem:
Pile on the Brown Mans burden!
And if ye rouse his hate,
Meet his old-fashioned reasons
With Maxims up to date,
With shells and Dum-Dum bullets
A hundred times plain
The Brown Mans loss must never
Imply the White Mans gain.
Critics charged Europeans with applying a degrading double
standard and failing to live up to their own noble ideals. At home
Europeans had won or were winning representative government,
individual liberties, and a certain equality of opportunity. In their
empires, Europeans imposed military dictatorships on Africans
and Asians; forced them to work involuntarily, almost like slaves;
and discriminated against them shamelessly. Europeans who de-
nounced the im pe rialist tide provided colonial peoples with a
Western ideology of liberation.
Critics of Imperialism Critics of Imperialism
Secti on Revi ew
The struggle between Dutch settlers (Afrikaners) and the
British for control of South Africa led to a bloody South
African war, resulting in a self-governing colony with the
more numerous Afrikaners gaining political dominance,
disenfranchising nonwhites.
European leaders met at the Berlin conference (1884
1885) to set rules for the im pe rialistic competition for
African territory, agreeing on effective occupation as
the basis for European control of Africa.
Asia also fell to im pe rialist Westerners, the Dutch
occupying Indonesia, the French taking Indochina,
the Rus sians expanding into the Caucasus, Central
Asia, and China, and the United States taking over
the Philippines.
Causes of the new im pe rialism were: economic, as
im pe rialistic countries feared they would lose markets;
political, as leaders promoted nationalism to cover social
and political tensions at home; and ideological, with
social Darwinism and racist doctrines fueling the supe-
rior European need to civilize nonwhite peoples and
for Chris tian missionaries to convert them.
Dissenters toward European im pe rialism, such as
J. A. Hobson, denounced its diverting attention away
from domestic reform and condemned its false morality,
charging that civil liberties won at home were not prac-
ticed in colonies.
To peoples in Africa and Asia, Western expansion represented a profoundly disrup-
tive assault. Everywhere it threatened traditional ruling classes, traditional econo-
mies, and traditional ways of life. Chris tian missionaries and European secular
ideologies challenged established beliefs and values. Non-Western peoples experi-
enced a crisis of identity, one made all the more painful by the power and arro-
gance of the white intruders.
Generally, the initial response of African and Asian rul-
ers to aggressive Western expansion was to try to drive
the unwelcome foreigners away. When that proved im-
possible, conquered peoples responded in a variety of ways. At one end of the
spectrum were traditionalists, who concentrated on preserving their cultural tra-
ditions at all costs. Westernizers or modernizers stood at the other, and many
shades of opinion rested in between. Both before and after European domination,
the struggle among these groups was often intense. With time, however, the mod-
ernizers usually prevailed.
When the power of both the traditionalists and the modernizers was thoroughly
shattered by superior force, the great majority of Asians and Africans accepted im-
pe rial rule. Political participation in non-Western lands was historically limited to
small elites, and the masses were used to doing what their rulers told them. Never-
theless, support for European rule was shallow and weak. Thus the conforming
masses followed with greater or lesser enthusiasm a few determined personalities
who came to oppose the Europeans. Such leaders always arose, both when Euro-
peans ruled directly and when they manipulated native governments.
Those individuals who would lead the ght against im pe rialism found in the
Western world the ideologies and justication for their protest. They discovered
liberalism, with its credo of civil liberty and political self-determination. Above all,
they found themselves attracted to modern nationalism, which asserted that every
people had the right to control its own destiny. After 1917 anti-im pe rialist revolt
would nd another weapon in Lenins version of Marxian socialism. Thus the
anti-im pe rialist search for dignity drew strength from Western thought and cul-
ture, as is apparent in the development of three major Asian countriesIndia, Ja-
pan, and China.
India was the jewel of the British Empire, and no colo-
nial area experienced a more profound British impact.
Unlike Japan and China, which maintained a real or
precarious in de pen dence, and unlike African territories, which were annexed by
Europeans only at the end of the nineteenth century, India was ruled more or less
absolutely by Britain for a very long time.
Arriving in India on the heels of the Portuguese in the seventeenth century, the
British East India Company had conquered the last in de pen dent native state
by 1848. In the Great Rebellion of 1857 and 1858, people throughout northern
Responding to Western Imperialism
What was the general pattern of non-Western responses to Western
expansion, and how did India, Japan, and China meet the im pe rialist
Responding to Western Imperialism
What was the general pattern of non-Western responses to Western
expansion, and how did India, Japan, and China meet the im pe rialist
The Pattern
of Response
The Pattern
of Response
Empire in India Empire in India
Great Rebellion The 1857 and 1858
insurrection by Muslim and Hindu
mercenaries in the British army that
spread throughout northern and central
India before nally being crushed,
primarily by loyal native troops from
southern India. Britain thereafter ruled
India directly.
Great Rebellion The 1857 and 1858
insurrection by Muslim and Hindu
mercenaries in the British army that
spread throughout northern and central
India before nally being crushed,
primarily by loyal native troops from
southern India. Britain thereafter ruled
India directly.
Responding to Western Imperialism 689
690 Chapter 26 The West and the World, 18151914
and central India tried to drive the British out, but the rebellion was crushed, pri-
marily by native troops from southern India. Thereafter the British Parliament in
London ruled India directly, with white administrators in India carrying out their
orders. Many British shared the sentiments of Lord Kitchener in justifying British
It is this consciousness of the inherent superiority of the European which has won
for us India. However well educated and clever a native may be, and however
brave he may prove himself, I believe that no rank we can bestow on him would
cause him to be considered an equal of the British ofcer.
British women played an important part in the im pe rial enterprise, especially
after the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 made it much easier for civil servants
and businessmen to bring their wives and children with them to India. These Brit-
ish families tended to live in their own separate communities, where they occu-
Imperial Complexities in India
Britain permitted many native princes to continue their rule, if they accepted British domination. This photo shows a road-building
project designed to facilitate famine relief in a southern native state. Ofcials of the local Muslim prince and their British advisers
watch over workers drawn from the Hindu majority. (Nizams Good Works ProjectFamine Relief: Road Building, Aurangabad 18951902, from
Judith Mara Gutman, Through Indian Eyes. Courtesy, Private Collection)
pied large houses with well-shaded porches, handsome lawns, and a multitude of
servants. It was the wifes responsibility to direct their households and servants with
the same self-condent authoritarianism that characterized British political rule
in India. (See the feature Listening to the Past: A British Woman in India on
pages 696697.)
With British men and women sharing a sense of mission as well as strong feel-
ings of racial and cultural superiority, the British established a modern system of
progressive secondary education in which all instruction was in Eng lish. Thus
through education and government ser vice, the British offered some Indians op-
portunities for both economic and social advancement. High-caste Hindus, par-
ticularly quick to respond, emerged as skillful intermediaries between the British
rulers and the Indian people, and soon they formed a new elite profoundly inu-
enced by Western thought and culture.
This new bureaucratic elite played a crucial role in modern economic devel-
opment, which was a second result of British rule. Irrigation projects for agricul-
ture, the worlds third-largest railroad network for good communications, and large
tea and jute plantations geared to the world economy were all developed. Unfor-
tunately, the lot of the Indian masses improved little, for the increase in produc-
tion was eaten up by population increase.
Finally, with a well-educated, Eng lish-speaking Indian bureaucracy and mod-
ern communications, the British created a unied, powerful state. They placed
under the same general system of law and administration the vanquished king-
doms of the entire subcontinentgroups that had fought each other for centuries
and had been repeatedly conquered by Muslim and Mongol invaders.
In spite of these achievements, the decisive reaction to European rule was the
rise of nationalism among the Indian elite. No matter how anglicized and neces-
sary a member of the educated classes became, he or she could never become the
white rulers equal. The top jobs, the best clubs, the modern hotels, and even
certain railroad compartments were sealed off to brown-skinned Indians. The
peasant masses might accept such inequality as the latest version of age-old oppres-
sion, but the well-educated, Eng lish-speaking elite eventually could not. For the
elite, racial discrimination meant bitter injustice. It agrantly contradicted those
cherished Western concepts of human rights and equality. Moreover, it was based
on dictatorship, no matter how benign.
By 1885, when educated Indians came together to found the predominately
Hindu Indian National Congress, demands were increasing for the equality and
self-government that Britain had already granted white-settler colonies, such as
Canada and Australia. By 1907, emboldened in part by Japans success (see the
next section), the radicals in the Indian National Congress were calling for com-
plete in de pen dence. Even the moderates were demanding home rule for India
through an elected parliament. Although there were sharp divisions between Hin-
dus and Muslims, Indians were nding an answer to the foreign challenge. The
common heritage of British rule and Western ideals, along with the reform and
revitalization of the Hindu religion, had created a genuine movement for national
in de pen dence.
When Commodore Matthew Perry arrived in Japan in
1853 with his crude but effective gunboat diplomacy,
Japan was a complex feudal society. At the top stood a
gurehead emperor, but real power was in the hands of a hereditary military gov-
ernor, the shogun (SHOH-guhn). With the help of a warrior nobility known as
The Example of Japan The Example of Japan
shogun The hereditary governor in
feudal Japan.
shogun The hereditary governor in
feudal Japan.
Responding to Western Imperialism 691
692 Chapter 26 The West and the World, 18151914
samurai (SAH-muh-rye), the shogun governed an unindustrialized country of
peasants and city dwellers.
When foreign diplomats and merchants began to settle in Yokohama (yoh-
kuh-HAH-muh), radical samurai reacted with a wave of antiforeign terrorism and
antigovernment assassinations between 1858 and 1863. The im pe rialist response
was swift. An allied eet of American, British, Dutch, and French warships demol-
ished key forts, further weakening the power and prestige of the shoguns govern-
ment. Then in 1867, a coalition led by patriotic samurai seized control of the
government and restored the political power of the emperor. This was the Meiji
(MAY-jee) Restoration, a great turning point in Japa nese development.
The immediate, all-important goal of the new government was to meet the
foreign threat. The battle cry of the Meiji reformers was Enrich the state and
strengthen the armed forces. Yet how were these tasks to be done? In a remark-
able about-face, the leaders of Meiji Japan dropped their antiforeign attacks and
initiated a series of mea sures to reform Japan along modern lines. In the broadest
sense, the Meiji leaders tried to harness the power inherent in Europes dual revo-
lution in order to protect their country and catch up with the West.
In 1871 the new leaders abolished the old feudal structure and declared social
equality. They decreed freedom of movement in a country where traveling abroad
had been a most serious crime. They created a free, competitive, government-
stimulated economy. Japan began to build railroads and
modern factories. Thus the new generation adopted
many principles of a free, liberal society, and, as in Eu-
rope, such freedom resulted in a tremendously creative
release of human energy.
Yet the overriding concern of Japans political leader-
ship was always a powerful state, and to achieve this,
more than liberalism was borrowed from the West. A
powerful modern navy was created, and the army was
completely reor ga nized along European lines, so that an
army of draftees and a professional ofcer corps replaced
the aristocratic samurai warriors. Japan also adapted
skillfully the Wests science and modern technology, par-
ticularly in industry, medicine, and education. Many
Japa nese were encouraged to study abroad, and the gov-
ernment paid large salaries to attract foreign experts.
These experts were always carefully controlled, however,
and replaced by trained Japa nese as soon as possible.
By 1890, the new state was rmly established. Follow-
ing the model of the German Empire, Japan established
an authoritarian constitution and rejected democ racy.
The power of the emperor and his ministers was vast;
that of the legislature, limited.
Japan successfully copied the im pe rialism of West-
ern society. Expansion not only proved that Japan was
samurai Japa nese warrior nobility
who were often poor, restless, and
intensely proud.
samurai Japa nese warrior nobility
who were often poor, restless, and
intensely proud.
The Rapid Modernization of the Japa nese Army
This woodcut from about 1870 shows Japa nese soldiers outtted in
Western uniforms and marching in Western formation. Japa nese
reformers, impressed by Prussian discipline and success on the
battleeld, looked to Germany for their military models. (Ryogoku
Tsuneo Tamba Collection/ Laurie Platt Winfrey)
strong; it also cemented the nation together in a great mission. Having opened
Korea with the gunboat diplomacy of im pe rialism in 1876, Japan decisively de-
feated China in a war over Korea in 1894 and 1895 and took Formosa (modern-
day Taiwan). In the next years, Japan competed aggressively with the leading
European powers for inuence and territory in China, particularly Manchuria
(man-CHOOR-ee-uh). There Japa nese and Rus sian im pe rialism met and collided.
In 1904 Japan attacked Russia without warning, and after a bloody war, Japan
emerged with a valuable foothold in China. By 1910, with the annexation of Ko-
rea, Japan had become a major im pe rialist power.
In 1860 the two-hundred-year-old Qing Dynasty in
China appeared on the verge of collapse. Efforts to re-
pel foreigners had failed, and rebellion and chaos
wracked the country. Yet the government made a surprising comeback that lasted
more than thirty years. Loyal scholar-statesmen and generals quelled disturbances
such as the great Tai Ping (tie-PING) rebellion, while the empress dowager Tzu
Hsi (TSOO SHEE) revitalized the bureaucracy with some help from European ad-
visers. Foreign aggression also lessened during this period, for the Europeans had
obtained their primary goal of commercial and diplomatic relations.
The Qing Dynasty moved again toward collapse in the wake of the Sino-
Japa nese War of 1894 to 1895, which had revealed Chinas helplessness in the face
of aggression. European powers seized the opportunity to grab concessions and
protectorates in China. At the high point of this rush in 1898, it appeared that the
European powers might actually divide China among themselves, as they had re-
cently divided Africa. Probably only the jealousy each nation felt toward its im pe-
rialist competitors saved China from partition, although the U.S. Open Door
policy, which opposed formal annexation of Chinese territory, may have helped
tip the balance. In any event, the tempo of foreign encroachment greatly acceler-
ated after 1894.
So, too, did the intensity and radicalism of the Chinese reaction. Like the lead-
ers of the Meiji Restoration, some modernizers saw salvation in Western institu-
tions. In 1898 the government launched a desperate hundred days of reform in
an attempt to meet the foreign challenge. More radical reformers, such as the
revolutionary Sun Yat-sen (soon yot-SEN) (18661925), who came from the peas-
antry and was educated in Hawaii by Chris tian missionaries, sought to overthrow
the dynasty altogether and establish a republic.
On the other side, some traditionalists turned back toward ancient practices,
political conservatism, and fanatical hatred of the foreign devils. Protect the
country, destroy the foreigner was their simple motto. In the agony of defeat and
unwanted reforms, secret societies such as the Boxers rebelled. In northeastern
China, more than two hundred foreign missionaries and several thousand Chi-
nese Chris tians were killed. Once again the im pe rialist response was swift and
harsh. Peking was occupied and plundered by foreign armies. A heavy indemnity
was imposed.
The years after the Boxer Rebellion (19001903) were ever more troubled.
Anarchy and foreign inuence spread as the power and prestige of the Qing Dy-
nasty declined still further. Antiforeign, antigovernment revolutionary groups agi-
tated and plotted. Finally in 1912, a spontaneous uprising toppled the Qing
Dynasty. After thousands of years of emperors and empires, a loose coalition of
revolutionaries proclaimed a Western-style republic and called for an elected
parliament. The transformation of China under the impact of expanding Western
society entered a new phase, and the end was not in sight.
Toward Revolution
in China
Toward Revolution
in China
hundred days of reform A series of
Western-style reforms launched in 1898
by the Chinese government in an
attempt to meet the foreign challenge.
hundred days of reform A series of
Western-style reforms launched in 1898
by the Chinese government in an
attempt to meet the foreign challenge.
Responding to Western Imperialism 693
Secti on Revi ew
Natives initially met Western expan-
sion militarily to get rid of the white
invaders, but when that failed, a
variety of responses ensued, from
struggles to maintain traditionalist
culture to modernists who assimi-
lated Western culture within
their own.
Support for European rule was
generally weak, allowing native anti-
im pe rialist leaders to use Western
ideas of nationalism to inspire the
masses to revolt.
In British-ruled India, native Indians,
no matter how educated, were only
second class, leading to the formation
of the Indian National Congress that
began to call for complete in de pen-
dence or at least home rule through
an elected parliament.
Japan met the im pe rialist threat with
counterforce, restoring the emperor
and completely reorganizing their
nation along the Western lines of a
competitive, free, liberal society; they
revamped the army and navy while
retaining an authoritarian constitution
and competing with the West for
territory and inuence in China.
The Qing Dynasty struggled to main-
tain control of China in a climate of
rebellion, chaos, and threats on all
sides from foreign im pe rialists, but
after the failed Boxer rebellion, an-
other uprising in 1912 nally ended
the empire, calling for a republic and
an elected Western-style parliament.
694 Chapter 26 The West and the World, 18151914
Chapter Review
What were some of the global consequences of European industrialization
between 1815 and 1914? (page 674)
In the nineteenth century, the industrializing West entered the third and most dy-
namic phase of its centuries-old expansion into non-Western lands. In so doing, West-
ern nations promoted a prodigious growth of world trade, forced reluctant countries
such as China and Japan into the globalizing economy, and protably subordinated
many lands to their own economic interests.
How was massive migration an integral part of Western expansion? (page 679)
In response to population pressures at home and economic opportunities abroad,
Western nations also sent forth millions of emigrants to the sparsely populated areas of
European settlement in North and South America, Australia, and Asiatic Russia. Mi-
gration from Asia was much more limited, mainly because European settlers raised
high barriers against Asian immigrants.
How and why after 1875 did European nations rush to build political empires in
Africa and Asia? (page 681)
After 1875, Western countries grabbed vast political empires in Africa and rushed to
establish political inuence in Asia. The reasons for this culminating surge were many,
but the economic thrust of robust industrial capitalism, an ever-growing lead in tech-
nology, and the competitive pressures of European nationalism were particularly im-
What was the general pattern of non-Western responses to Western expansion,
and how did India, Japan, and China meet the im pe rialist challenge? (page 689)
Western expansion had far-reaching consequences. The world became in many ways
a single unit, as European expansion diffused the ideas and techniques of a highly de-
veloped civilization. Yet the West relied on force to conquer and rule, and it treated
non-Western peoples as racial inferiors. Thus non-Western elites, often armed with
Western doctrines, responded gradually but effectively to the Western challenge. In
India, a well-educated Eng lish-speaking elite rejected racial discrimination, and in
1885 it launched the Indian National Congress, which was calling for complete in de-
pen dence by 1907. In Japan, the Meiji reformers reor ga nized the society, promoted
modernization, and embraced im pe rialism. In China, less successful at reform, a pop-
ular uprising deposed the emperor in 1912 and established a republic. By 1914 non-
Western elites in all three countries were engaged in a national, anti-im pe rialist struggle
for dignity, genuine in de pen dence, and modernization.
1. Quoted in J. W. Hall, Japan, from Prehistory to Modern Times (New York: Delacorte Press,
1970), p. 250.
2. Quoted in Earl of Cromer, Modern Egypt (London, 1911), p. 48.
3. Quoted in T. Blegen, Norwegian Migration to America, vol. 2 (Northeld, Minn.:
Norwegian-American Historical Association, 1940), p. 468.
4. Quoted in W. L. Langer, European Alliances and Alignments, 18711890 (New York: Vintage
Books, 1931), p. 290.
Key Terms
Third World (p. 674)
opium trade (p. 676)
khedive (p. 678)
great migration (p. 679)
great white walls (p. 680)
new im pe rialism (p. 681)
Afrikaners (p. 681)
Berlin conference (p. 683)
white mans burden (p. 687)
Great Rebellion (p. 689)
shogun (p. 691)
samurai (p. 692)
hundred days of reform (p. 693)
Chapter Review 695
5. Quoted in G. H. Nadel and P. Curtis, eds., Imperialism and Colonialism (New York: Mac-
millan, 1964), p. 94.
6. Rudyard Kipling, The Five Nations (London, 1903).
7. E. H. Berman, African Responses to Chris tian Mission Education, African Studies Review
17 (1974): 530.
8. Quoted in W. L. Langer, The Diplomacy of Imperialism, 2d ed. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf,
1951), p. 88.
9. The Brown Mans Burden, by Henry Labouchre, 1899. Quoted in Ellis, The Social His-
tory of the Machine Gun (New York: Pantheon Books, 1975), pp. 99100.
10. Quoted in K. M. Panikkar, Asia and Western Dominance: A Survey of the Vasco da Gama
Epoch of Asian History (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1959), p. 116.
To assess your mastery of this chapter, go to bedfordstmartins.com/mckaywestbrief
Li st eni ng t o t he Past
A British Woman in India
Easy, however, as the actual housekeeping is in
India, the personal attention of the mistress is quite
as much needed here as at home. The Indian ser-
vant, it is true, learns more readily, and is guiltless
of the snifness with which Mary Jane [the servant
in Eng land] receives suggestions, but a few days of
absence or ne glect on the part of the mistress, re-
sults in the servants falling into their old habits with
the inherited conservatism of dirt. This is, of course,
disheartening, but it has to be faced as a necessary
condition of life, until a few generations of training
shall have started the Indian servant on a new in-
heritance of habit. It must never be forgotten that at
present those mistresses who aim at anything be-
yond keeping a good table are in the minority, and
that pioneering is always arduous work.
The rst duty of a mistress is, of course, to
be able to give intelligible orders to her servants;
therefore it is necessary she should learn to speak
Hindustani. . . .
The next duty is obviously to insist on her orders
being carried out. And here we come to the burn-
ing question: How is this to be done? Certainly,
there is at present very little to which we can appeal
in the average Indian servant, but then, until it is
implanted by training, there is very little sense of
duty in a child; yet in some well-regulated nurseries
obedience is a foregone conclusion. The secret lies
in making rules, and keeping to them. The Indian
servant is a child in every thing save age, and should
be treated as a child; that is to say, kindly, but with
the greatest rmness. The laws of the household
should be those of the Medes and Persians, and rst
faults should never go unpunished. By overlooking
a rst offence, we lose the only opportunity we have
of preventing it becoming a habit.
But it will be asked, How are we to punish our
servants when we have no hold either on their
minds or bodies? . . .
In their own experience the authors have found
a system of rewards and punishments perfectly easy
of attainment. One of them has for years adopted
the plan of engaging her servants at so much a
monththe lowest rate at which such servant is
obtainableand so much extra as buksheesh (buk-
SHEESH) [a bonus], conditional on good ser vice.
For instance, a khitmutgr (KID-muht-gahr) [male
table servant] is engaged permanently on Rs. 9 a
month, but the additional rupee which makes the
wage up to that usually demanded by good servants
is a uctuating assessment! . . . That plan has never
been objected to, and . . . the household quite en-
uides for housekeeping became popular in Europe in
the nineteenth century as middle-class women funneled
great energy into their homes. A British woman in India
probably consulted The Complete Indian Housekeeper and
Cook by Flora Annie Steel and Grace Gardiner, a bestseller
published in 1888 and frequently updated.
The following passage focuses on how the British mistress
should manage her Indian servants, and along with practical
suggestions it lays bare some basic attitudes and assumptions
of Europeans in colonial settings.
An Eng lish lady attended by her Indian servants.
(Stapleton Collection, UK/ The Bridgeman Art Library)
ters into the spirit of the idea, innitely preferring it
to volcanic eruptions of fault-nding. . . .
We do not wish to advocate an unholy haughti-
ness; but an Indian household can no more be gov-
erned peacefully, without dignity and prestige, than
an Indian Empire. For instance, if the mistress
wishes to teach the cook a new dish, let her give the
order for every thing, down to charcoal, to be ready
at a given time, and the cook in attendance; and let
her do nothing herself that the servants can do, if
only for this reason, that the only way of teaching
is to see things done, not to let others see you
do them.
Questions for Analysis
1. What challenges does the British housekeeper
face in India? How, according to Steel and
Gardiner, should she meet them?
2. In what ways do the authors comments and
housekeeping policies reect the attitudes of
European im pe rialism?
Source: F. A. Steel and G. Gardiner, The Complete In-
dian Housekeeper and Cook (London: William Heine-
mann, 1902), chap. 1. Reprinted in L. DiCaprio and
M. Wiesner, eds., Lives and Voices: Sources in Euro-
pean Womens History (Boston: Houghton Mifin, 2001),
pp. 323328.
The Great Break:
War and
Chapter Previ ew
The First World War
What caused the Great War, and why
did it have such revolutionary
The Home Front
What was the impact of total war on
civilian populations?
The Rus sian Revolution
Why did World War I bring socialist
revolution in Russia?
The Peace Settlement
How did the Allies fashion a peace
settlement, and why was it
LISTENING TO THE PAST: Arab Political Aspirations
in 1919
French soldiers in the trenches man a machine gun, the weapon that
killed so many, in this chilling work by Christopher Nevinson. ( Tate,
London/ Art Resource, NY)
n the summer of 1914, the nations of Europe went willingly to war. They
believed they had no other choice. Moreover, both peoples and governments
condently expected a short war leading to a decisive victory. Such a war, they
believed, would clear the air, and European society would be able to go on
as before.
These expectations were almost totally mistaken. The First World War was
long, indecisive, and tremendously destructive. To the shell-shocked generation of
survivors, it was known simply as the Great War: the war of unprecedented scope
and intensity. From todays perspective, it is clear that the First World War marked
a great break in the course of modern Western history. World War I was a revolu-
tionary conict of gigantic proportions.
The First World War was extremely long and destructive because it involved all
the Great Powers and because it quickly degenerated into a senseless military
stalemate. Like evenly matched boxers in a championship bout, the two sides tried
to wear each other down. But there was no referee to call a draw, only the blind
hammering of a life-or-death struggle.
In ten short years, from 1862 to 1871, Prussia-Germany
had risen to become the most powerful nation in Eu-
rope, opening a new era in international relations. Yet,
as Bismarck never tired of repeating after his victory over France in 1871, Ger-
many was a satised power. Within Europe, Germany had no territorial ambi-
tions and wanted only peace.
But how was peace to be preserved? Bismarcks rst concern was to keep
an embittered France from gaining military allies. His second concern was the
threat to peace posed from the east, from Austria-Hungary and from Russia. Those
two enormous multinational empires had many conicting interests, particularly
in southeastern Europe where the strength of the Ottoman Empire was ebbing
fast. There was a real threat that Germany might be dragged into a great war be-
tween the two rival empires. Bismarcks solution was a system of alliances to re-
strain both Russia and Austria-Hungary, to prevent conict between them, and to
isolate France.
A rst step was the creation in 1873 of the con ser va tive Three Emperors
League, which linked the monarchs of Prussia-Germany, Austria-Hungary, and
Russia in an alliance against radical movements. In 1877 and 1878, when Russias
victories in a war with the Ottoman Empire threatened the balance of Austrian
and Rus sian interests in the Balkans and the balance of British and Rus sian inter-
ests in the entire Middle East, Bismarck played the role of sincere peacemaker.
But his balancing efforts at the Congress of Berlin in 1878 infuriated Rus sian na-
tionalists, and this led Bismarck to conclude a defensive military alliance with
Austria against Russia in 1879. This alliance lasted until 1918 and the end of
World War I. Motivated by tensions with France, Italy joined Germany and Aus-
tria in 1882, thereby forming what became known as the Triple Alliance.
The First World War
What caused the Great War, and why did it have such revolutionary
The First World War
What caused the Great War, and why did it have such revolutionary
The Bismarckian
System of Alliances
The Bismarckian
System of Alliances
Three Emperors League A con ser va-
tive alliance that linked the monarchs of
Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Russia
against radical movements.
Three Emperors League A con ser va-
tive alliance that linked the monarchs of
Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Russia
against radical movements.
The First World War 699
700 Chapter 27 The Great Break: War and Revolution, 19141919
Bismarck also maintained good relations with Britain, while encouraging
France in Africa but keeping France isolated in Europe. While he was not able to
maintain an alliance with Russia, he was able to substitute an agreement by which
both states promised neutrality if the other was attacked. In sum, Bismarcks ac-
complishments in foreign policy after 1871 were great. For almost a generation, he
maintained German leadership in international affairs, and he worked success-
fully for peace by managing conicts and by restraining Austria-Hungary and Rus-
sia with defensive alliances.
In 1890 the young, impetuous Emperor William II dis-
missed Bismarck, in part because of the chancellors
friendly policy toward Russia since the 1870s. William
then adamantly refused to renew the neutrality agreement with Russia, prompting
France to seize the chance to gain a powerful new ally. The alliance of France and
Russia was to remain in effect as long as the Triple Alliance of Austria, Germany,
and Italy existed. As a result, continental Europe was dangerously divided into two
rival blocs.
Great Britains foreign policy became increasingly crucial. Long content with
splendid isolation and no permanent alliances, Britain after 1891 was the only
uncommitted Great Power. Could Britain afford to remain isolated, or would it feel
compelled to take sides? Many Germans and some Britons felt that a natural alli-
ance of shared ancestry united the Germanic and Anglo-Saxon peoples. However,
the generally good relations that had prevailed between Prussia and Great Britain
ever since the mid-eigh teenth century gave way to commercial and naval rivalries.
Above all, Germanys decision in 1900 to expand greatly its battle eet posed a
challenge to Britains long-standing naval supremacy. This decision coincided
with the hard-fought South African War (18991902) between the British and the
tiny Dutch republics of southern Africa, a war of British im pe rialism that was
widely denounced in the European press. Thus British leaders prudently set about
shoring up their exposed position with alliances and agreements.
Britain improved its often-strained relations with the United States and in
1902 concluded a formal alliance with Japan. Britain then responded favorably to
the advances of Frances skillful foreign minister, Thophile Delcass (tey-aw-
FEEL del-ka-SEY), who wanted better relations with Britain and was willing to ac-
cept British rule in Egypt in return for British support of French plans to dominate
Morocco. The resulting Anglo-French Entente of 1904 settled all outstanding co-
lonial disputes between Britain and France.
Germanys leaders foolishly decided to test the strength of the entente by insist-
ing in 1905 on an international conference on the whole Moroccan question. But
Germanys crude bullying forced France and Britain closer together, and the con-
ference left Germany empty-handed and isolated (except for Austria-Hungary).
The result of the Moroccan crisis was something of a diplomatic revolution.
Britain, France, Russia, and even the United States began to see Germany as a
potential threat, a would-be intimidator that might seek to dominate all Europe. At
the same time, German leaders began to see sinister plots to encircle Germany
and block its development as a world power.
Germanys decision to add a large, enormously expensive eet of big-gun
battleships to its already expanding navy also heightened tensions after 1907. Again
the British saw it as a challenge to their power, and they resented having to invest
in a competing eet. Unscrupulous journalists and special-interest groups in both
countries also fanned hostilities with talk of economic warfare between the trade
The Rival Blocs The Rival Blocs
giants. In 1909 the mass-circulation London Daily Mail hys-
terically informed its readers that Germany is deliberately
preparing to destroy the British Empire.
By then Britain
was psychologically, if not ofcially, in the Franco-Rus sian
In the early years of the twentieth
century, nationalism was destroy-
ing the Ottoman Empire in Eu-
rope and threatening to break up the Austro-Hungarian
Empire. War in the Balkans seemed inevitable.
In 1875 widespread nationalist rebellion resulted in the
partial division of Ottoman Turkish possessions in Europe.
Serbia and Romania won in de pen dence, and a part of Bul-
garia won local autonomy, but Austria-Hungary obtained the
right to occupy and administer Bosnia and Herzegovina
(her-tsuh-goh-VEE-nuh), and the Ottoman Empire retained
important Balkan holdings (see Map 27.1).
By 1903, however, nationalism in southeastern Europe
was on the rise once again. Serbia led the way, hoping to expand its territories at
the expense of Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. The Serbs looked to
The Outbreak of War The Outbreak of War
1912 First Balkan War
1914 Assassination of Archduke
Francis Ferdinand
19141918 World War I
1915 Italy and Bulgaria enter World
War I
1916 German males between
seventeen and sixty required to
work only for war effort;
Rasputin murdered
19161918 Growth of antiwar movement
throughout Europe
1917 Rus sian Revolution
19181920 Great Civil War in Russia
1919 Treaty of Versailles
German Warships Under Full Steam
As these impressive ships engaged in battle exercises in 1907 suggest, Germany did succeed in building a large modern navy. But
Britain was equally determined to maintain its naval superiority, and the spiraling arms race helped poison relations between the
two countries. (Bibliothque des Arts Dcoratifs/Archives Charmet/ The Bridgeman Art Library)
702 Chapter 27 The Great Break: War and Revolution, 19141919
Slavic Russia for support of their national aspirations. To block Serbian expansion
and to take advantage of Russias weakness after the revolution of 1905, Austria in
1908 formally annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina, with their large Serbian, Croa-
tian, and Muslim populations. The kingdom of Serbia erupted in rage but could
do nothing without Rus sian support.
Then, in 1912, in the First Balkan War, Serbia joined Greece and Bulgaria to
attack the Ottoman Empire and then quarreled with Bulgaria over the spoils of
victorya dispute that led in 1913 to the Second Balkan War. Austria intervened
in 1913 and forced Serbia to give up Albania. After centuries, nationalism had -
nally destroyed the Ottoman Empire in Europe (see Map 27.2). This sudden but
long-awaited event elated the Balkan nationalists and dismayed the leaders of
multinational Austria-Hungary. The former hoped and the latter feared that Aus-
tria might be broken apart next.
Within this tense context, Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian
and Hungarian thrones, and his wife, Sophie, were assassinated by Serbian revolu-
tionaries living in Bosnia on June 28, 1914, during a state visit to the Bosnian
capital of Sarajevo (sar-uh-YEY-voh). After some hesitation, the leaders of Austria-
Hungary concluded that Serbia was implicated and had to be severely punished
B l a c k
S e a
Me d i t e r r a n e a n S e a
Danube R.
Sava R.
(To Romania)
(To Bulgaria, 1885)
(Independent) BOSNIA
(Indep. 1830)
Ottoman Empire before 1878
Ottoman Empire after 1878
Occupied by Austria-Hungary
Independent or autonomous
0 100 200 Mi.
100 200 Km.
B l a c k
S e a
Me d i t e r r a n e a n S e a
Danube R.
Sava R.
Ottoman Empire
Predominantly Serbs and Croats
Predominantly Romanians
0 100 200 Mi.
100 200 Km.
MAP 27.1 The Balkans After the Congress
of Berlin, 1878
The Ottoman Empire suffered large territorial losses but remained a
power in the Balkans.
MAP 27.2 The Balkans in 1914
Ethnic boundaries did not follow political boundaries, and Serbian
national aspirations threatened Austria-Hungary.
once and for all. On July 23 Austria-Hungary presented Serbia
with an unconditional ultimatum. The Serbian government
had forty-eight hours in which to agree to demands that would
amount to ceding control of the Serbian state. When Serbia
replied moderately but evasively, Austria began to mobilize
and then declared war on Serbia on July 28. Thus a desperate
multinational Austria-Hungary deliberately chose war in a
last-ditch attempt to stem the rising tide of hostile nationalism
within its borders. The Third Balkan War had begun.
Of prime importance in Austria-Hungarys fateful deci-
sion was Germanys unconditional support. Germanys lead-
ers realized that a resurgent Russia (and therefore France)
would probably enter the war in support of Serbia, but they
hoped that Great Britain would remain neutral.
In fact, the diplomatic situation was already out of con-
trol. Military plans and timetables began to dictate policy.
Russia, a vast country, would require much longer to mobilize
its armies than Germany and Austria-Hungary. All the com-
plicated mobilization plans of the Rus sian general staff had
assumed a war with both Austria and Germany: Russia could
not mobilize against Austria-Hungary alone. Therefore, on
July 29 Tsar Nicholas II ordered full mobilization and in ef-
fect declared general war.
The German general staff had also assumed a two-front
war, and following its plans meant striking France as well as
Russia. France was to be knocked out rst with a lightning
attack through neutral Belgium before turning on Russia. So
on August 3 German armies attacked Belgium, whose neu-
trality had been solemnly guaranteed in 1839 by all the great
states including Prussia. In the face of this act of aggression,
Great Britain joined the Triple Entente (on-TONT) with
France and Russia and declared war on Germany the follow-
ing day. The First World War had begun.
When the Germans invaded Belgium in August 1914,
everyone believed that their side would secure a swift
victory: The boys will be home by Christmas. But
German forces had been slowed by Belgian and British troops near the Franco-
Belgian border, and by the end of August they were still making their way to Paris.
On September 6 the French attacked a gap in the German line at the Battle of
the Marne. For three days, France threw every thing into the attack. At one point,
the French government desperately requisitioned all the taxis of Paris to rush re-
serves to the troops at the front. Finally, the Germans fell back. Paris and France
had been saved (see Map 27.3 on page 706).
Soon, with the armies stalled, both sides began to dig trenches to protect them-
selves from machine-gun re. By November 1914, an unbroken line of trenches
extended from the Belgian ports through northern France, past the fortress of Ver-
dun, and on to the Swiss frontier. Stalemate and slaughter followed. The defend-
ers on both sides dug in behind rows of trenches, mines, and barbed wire. For days
and even weeks, ceaseless shelling by heavy artillery supposedly softened up the
enemy in a given area (and also signaled the coming attack). Then young draftees
Stalemate and
Stalemate and
Triple Entente The alliance of Great
Britain, France, and Russia in the First
World War.
Triple Entente The alliance of Great
Britain, France, and Russia in the First
World War.
Never Forget!
This 1915 French poster with its passionate headline dramatizes
Germanys brutal invasion of Belgium in 1914. Neutral Belgium is
personied as a traumatized mother, assaulted and ravished by
savage outlaws. The rape of Belgium featured prominentlyand
effectivelyin anti-German propaganda. (Mary Evans Picture Library)
The First World War 703
704 Chapter 27 The Great Break: War and Revolution, 19141919
and their ju nior ofcers went over the top of the trenches in frontal attacks on
the enemys line.
The cost in lives of this trench warfare was staggering, the gains in territory
minuscule. The massive French and British offensives during 1915 never gained
more than 3 miles of blood-soaked earth from the enemy. In the Battle of the
Somme in the summer of 1916, the British and French gained an insignicant
125 square miles at the cost of 600,000 dead or wounded, while the Germans lost
500,000 men. In that same year the unsuccessful German campaign against Ver-
dun cost 700,000 lives on both sides. British poet Siegfried Sassoon (18861967)
wrote of the Somme offensive, I am staring at a sunlit picture of Hell.
The year 1917 was equally terrible. The hero of Erich Remarques (ri-MAHRK)
great novel All Quiet on the Western Front (1929) describes one attack:
We see men living with their skulls blown open; we see soldiers run with their two
feet cut off. . . . Still the little piece of convulsed earth in which we lie is held. We
have yielded no more than a few hundred yards of it as a prize to the enemy. But
on every yard there lies a dead man.
Such was war on the western front.
trench warfare A type of ghting
behind rows of trenches, mines, and
barbed wire; the cost in lives was
staggering and the gains in territory
trench warfare A type of ghting
behind rows of trenches, mines, and
barbed wire; the cost in lives was
staggering and the gains in territory
The Tragic Absurdity of Trench Warfare
Soldiers charge across a scarred battleeld and overrun an enemy trench. The dead defender on the right will re
no more. But this is only another futile charge that will yield much blood and little land. A whole generation is
being decimated by the slaughter. (By courtesy of the Trustees of the Imperial War Museum)
Trench warfare shattered an entire generation of young men. Millions who
could have provided political creativity and leadership after the war were forever
missing. Moreover, those who lived through the slaughter were maimed, shell-
shocked, embittered, and profoundly disillusioned. The young soldiers went to
war believing in the world of their leaders and el dersthe pre-1914 world of or-
der, progress, and patriotism. Then, in Remarques words, the rst bombardment
showed us our mistake, and under it the world as they had taught it to us broke
in pieces.
On the eastern front, soldiers were spared trench war-
fare but the costs were equally high. The Rus sian
steamroller immediately moved into eastern Ger-
many but was badly damaged at the Battles of Tannenberg and the Masurian
(mah-ZOOR-ee-an) Lakes in August and September 1914. Thereafter, Russia
never threatened Germany again. On the Austrian front, armies seesawed back
and forth, suffering enormous losses. Austro-Hungarian armies were repulsed
twice by Serbia in bitter ghting. The Rus sians advanced on Austrias northwest-
ern border in 1914, but Austro-Hungarian and German armies forced the Rus sians
to retreat deep into their own territory in the eastern campaign of 1915. A stagger-
ing 2.5 million Rus sians were killed, wounded, or taken prisoner that year.
The war widened as previously neutral countries joined the ghting (see
Map 27.3). Italy, once allied with Austria and Germany, joined the Triple Entente
of Great Britain, France, and Russia in return for promises of Austrian territory. In
October 1914 the Ottoman Empire joined with Austria and Germany, by then
known as the Central Powers. The following September Bulgaria decided to fol-
low the Ottoman Empires lead in order to settle old scores with Serbia. The Bal-
kans, with the exception of Greece, came to be occupied by the Central Powers.
The entry of the Ottoman Turks carried the war into the Middle East. Heavy ght-
ing between the Ottomans and the Rus sians saw battle lines seesawing back and
forth and enveloping the Armenians, who lived on both sides of the border and
had experienced brutal repression by the Turks in 1909. When in 1915 some Ar-
menians welcomed Rus sian armies as liberators, the Ottoman government ordered
a genocidal mass deportation of its Armenian citizens from their homeland. A mil-
lion Armenians died from murder, starvation, and disease during World War I. In
1915 British forces tried to take the Dardanelles (dahr-den-ELZ) and Constanti-
nople from the Ottomans but were badly defeated.
The British were more successful at inciting the Arabs to revolt against the Ot-
toman Turks. They bargained with the foremost Arab leader, Hussein ibn-Ali
(hoo-SEYN IB-uhn ah-LEE) (18561931), who managed in 1915 to win vague Brit-
ish commitments for an in de pen dent Arab kingdom. Thus in 1916 Hussein re-
volted against the Turks, proclaiming himself king of the Arabs. He joined forces
with the British under T. E. Lawrence, who in 1917 led Arab tribesmen and In-
dian soldiers in a highly successful guerrilla war against the Turks on the Arabian
Similar victories were eventually scored in the Ottoman province of Iraq. Brit-
ain occupied the southern Iraqi city of Basra in 1914 and captured Baghdad (BAG-
dad) in 1917. In September 1918 British armies and their Arab allies rolled into
Syria. This offensive culminated in the triumphal entry of Husseins son Faisal
(FIE-suhl) into Damascus. Throughout Syria and Iraq there was wild Arab rejoic-
ing. Many patriots expected a large, unied Arab nation-state to rise from the dust
of the Ottoman collapse.
The Widening War The Widening War
The First World War 705
l l
St. Quentin
St. Mihiel
Marne II
Marne I
Belleau Wood
. M
. A
ine R.
0 25 50 Mi.
25 50 Km.
i t e
r r a
a n
S e a
B l a c k S e a
B a l t i c
S e a No r t h
S e a
Loire R.
Po R.
iester R.
Danube R.
. 191
Masurian Lakes
British blockade line
(St. Petersburg)
Wilno (Vilnius)
Balearic Is.
0 10E 10W 20E 30E
Farthest Russian
advance, 1914
Armistice line,
December 1917
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk,
March 1918
0 200 400 Mi.
200 400 Km.
Germany, 1914
German offensive, 1915
Greatest extent of territory
gained by Germany, Sept. 1914
Front at beginning of 1915
Triple Entente and its Allies
Central Powers
Neutral nations
Greatest extent of territory gained
by Germany-Austria
Battle line
German offensive,
Summer 1918
Armistice line,
November 1918
Major battle
MAP 27.3 The First World War in Europe
Trench warfare on the western front was concentrated in Belgium and northern France, while the war in the east
encompassed an enormous territory.
As world war engulfed and revolutionized the Middle East, it also spread to
some parts of East Asia and Africa. Instead of revolting as the Germans hoped, the
colonial subjects of the British and French generally supported their foreign mas-
ters, providing crucial supplies and ghting in Europe and the Ottoman Empire.
They also helped local British and French commanders seize Germanys colonies
around the globe.
The Japa nese, allied in Asia with the British since 1902, similarly used the war
to grab German outposts in the Pacic Ocean and on the Chinese mainland, in-
furiating Chinese patriots and heightening long-standing tensions between China
and Japan. More than a million Africans and Asians served in the various armies
of the warring powers; more than double that number served as porters to carry
equipment. The French, facing a shortage of young men, made especially heavy
use of colonial troops.
In April 1917 the United States declared war on Germany, another crucial
development in the expanding conict. American intervention grew out of the
war at sea, sympathy for the Triple Entente, and the increasing desperation of total
war. At the beginning of the war, Britain and France had established a total naval
blockade to strangle the Central Powers. No neutral ship was permitted to sail to
The Armenian Atrocities
When in 1915 some Armenians welcomed Rus sian armies as liberators after years of persecution, the Ottoman
government ordered a genocidal mass deportation of its Armenian citizens from their homeland in the empires
eastern provinces. This photo, taken in Kharpert in 1915 by a German businessman from his hotel window, shows
Turkish guards marching Armenian men off to a prison, where they will be tortured to death. A million Armenians
died from murder, starvation, and disease during World War I. (Courtesy of the Armenian Library and Museum of America
[ALMA], Watertown, MA)
The First World War 707
708 Chapter 27 The Great Break: War and Revolution, 19141919
Germany with any cargo. In early 1915 Germany retaliated with a counter-
blockade using the murderously effective submarine, a new weapon that violated
traditional niceties of fair warning under international law. In May 1915 a Ger-
man submarine sank the British passenger liner Lusitania, claiming more than
1,000 lives, among them 139 Americans. President Woodrow Wilson protested
vigorously. Germany was forced to relax its submarine warfare for almost two years;
the alternative was almost certain war with the United States.
Early in 1917, the German military commandcondent that improved sub-
marines could starve Britain into submission before the United States could come
to its rescueresumed unrestricted submarine warfare. Like the invasion of Bel-
gium, this was a reckless gamble. German submarine warfare against commerce,
President Wilson had told a sympathetic Congress and people, is a warfare against
mankind. Thus the last uncommitted great nation, as fresh and enthusiastic as
Europe had been in 1914, entered the world war in April 1917, almost three years
after it began. Eventually the United States was to tip the balance in favor of the
Triple Entente and its allies.
Before looking at the last year of the Great War, let us turn our attention to the
people on the home front. They were tremendously involved in the titanic
struggle. Wars impact on them was no less massive than on the men crouched in
the trenches.
In August 1914, most people greeted the outbreak of
hostilities enthusiastically. In every country, the masses
believed that their nation was in the right and defend-
ing itself from aggression. With the exception of a few extreme left-wingers, even
socialists supported the war. Everywhere the support of the masses and working
class contributed to national unity and an energetic war effort.
By mid-October generals and politicians had begun to realize that more than
patriotism would be needed to win the war, whose end was not in sight. In each
country, a government of national unity began to plan and control economic and
social life in order to wage total war. Free-market capitalism was abandoned, at
least for the duration. Instead, government planning boards established priorities
and decided what was to be produced and consumed.
Rationing, price and wage controls, and even restrictions on workers freedom
of movement were imposed by government. Only through such regimentation could
a country make the greatest possible military effort. Thus, though there were national
variations, the great nations all moved toward planned economies commanded by
the established political leadership. However awful the war was, the ability of gov-
ernments to manage and control highly complicated economies strengthened the
cause of socialism. With the First World War, state socialism became for the rst
time a realistic economic blueprint rather than a utopian program.
The social impact of total war was no less profound than the economic impact,
though again there were important national variations. The millions of men at the
front and the insatiable needs of the military created a tremendous demand for
Lusitania The British passenger liner
sunk by a German submarine that
claimed 1,000 lives.
Lusitania The British passenger liner
sunk by a German submarine that
claimed 1,000 lives.
The Home Front
What was the impact of total war on civilian populations?
The Home Front
What was the impact of total war on civilian populations?
Mobilizing for
Total War
Mobilizing for
Total War
total war In each country during the
First World War, a government of
national unity that began to plan and
control economic and social life in
order to make the greatest possible
military effort.
total war In each country during the
First World War, a government of
national unity that began to plan and
control economic and social life in
order to make the greatest possible
military effort.
Secti on Revi ew
German chancellor Bismarck main-
tained peace in Europe by managing a
balance-of-power system with the other
European powers, forming rst the
Three Emperors League with Austria-
Hungary and Russia, and then the
Triple Alliance with Italy and Austria.
German emperor William II dismissed
Bismarck, refused to renew neutrality
with Russia, and, after arguing with
France and Britain over Morocco,
isolated himself and Austria-Hungary
while Britain, formerly neutral, found
itself siding with France and Russia.
Nationalist problems in eastern Europe
caused the decline of the Ottoman
Empire and Serbian revolutionaries
assassinated the heir to the Austrian
throne, causing Austria to declare war
on Serbia; confusion over military
mobilization plans led Russia to declare
general war, Germany overran Belgium
to attack France, and Great Britain
joined France and Russia to form the
Triple Entente.
The German offensive to take Paris
ended as a stalemate with the Germans
facing the French and British in hor-
ric trench warfare that led to huge
losses on both sides for little ground
gained, resulting in disillusioned,
maimed, and bitter soldiers.
The war widened to include Italy with
the Triple Entente and the Ottomans
with the Central Powers, which opened
ghting in the Middle East; the colo-
nies generally supported their masters,
Japan allied with the British, and nally
the United States joined the Triple
Entente in response to German subma-
rine warfare.
workers. Jobs were available for everyone. This situationseldom, if ever, seen
before 1914brought about momentous changes.
One such change was greater power and prestige for labor unions. Having
proved their loyalty in August 1914, labor unions cooperated with war governments
on work rules, wages, and production schedules in return for real participation in
important decisions. This entry of labor leaders and unions into policymaking
councils paralleled the entry of socialist leaders into the war governments.
The role of women changed dramatically. In every country, large numbers of
women left home and domestic ser vice to work in industry, transportation, and
ofces. Moreover, women became highly visiblenot only as munitions workers
but as bank tellers, mail carriers, even police ofcers. Women also served as nurses
and doctors at the front. (See the feature Individuals in Society: Vera Brittain.)
In general, the war greatly expanded the range of womens activities and changed
attitudes toward women. As a direct result of womens many-sided war effort, Brit-
ain, Germany, and Austria granted women the right to vote immediately after the
war. Women also showed a growing spirit of in de pen dence during the war, as they
started to bob their hair, shorten their skirts, and smoke in public.
War promoted greater social equality, blurring class distinctions and lessening
the gap between rich and poor. This blurring was most apparent in Great Britain,
where wartime hardship was never extreme. In fact, the bottom third of the popu-
lation generally lived better than they ever had, for the poorest gained most from
the severe shortage of labor. In continental countries, greater equality was reected
in full employment, rationing according to physical needs, and a sharing of hard-
ships. There, too, society became more uniform and more egalitarian, in spite of
some war proteering.
Waging Total War
A British war plant strains to meet the insatiable demand for trench-smashing heavy artillery shells.
Quite typically, many of these defense workers are women. (By courtesy of the Trustees of the Imperial
War Museum, neg. #Q30011)
The Home Front 709
Indi vi dual s i n Soci et y
Vera Brittain
lthough the Great War upended millions of lives, it
struck Europes young people with the greatest
force. For Vera Brittain (18931970), as for so many in
her generation, the war became lifes dening experi-
ence, which she captured forever in
her famous autobiography, Testa-
ment of Youth (1933).
Brittain grew up in a wealthy
business family in northern Eng land,
bristling at small-town conventions
and discrimination against women.
Very close to her brother Edward,
two years her ju nior, Brittain read
voraciously and dreamed of being a
successful writer. Finishing boarding
school and beating down her fathers
objections, she prepared for Oxfords
rigorous entry exams and won a
scholarship to its womens college.
Brittain also fell in love with Roland
Leighton (LEYT-un), an equally bril-
liant student from a literary family
and her brothers best friend. All three,
along with two more close friends,
Victor Richardson and Geoffrey Thur-
low, condently prepared to enter Oxford in late 1914.
When war suddenly approached in July 1914, Brit-
tain shared with millions of Europeans a thrilling surge
of patriotic support for her government, a pro-war en-
thusiasm she later played down in her published writ-
ings. She wrote in her diary that her great fear was that
Eng land would declare its neutrality and commit the
grossest treachery toward France.* She seconded Ro-
lands decision to enlist, agreeing with her sweethearts
glamorous view of war as very ennobling and very
beautiful. Later, exchanging anxious letters in 1915
with Roland in France, Vera began to see the conict in
personal, human terms. She wondered if any victory or
defeat could be worth Rolands life.
Struggling to quell her doubts, Brittain redoubled
her commitment to Eng lands cause and volunteered as
an army nurse. For the next three years she served with
distinction in military hospitals in London, Malta, and
*Quoted in the excellent study by P. Berry and M. Bostridge,
Vera Brittain: A Life (London: Virago Press, 2001), p. 59; ad-
ditional quotes are from pp. 80 and 136. This work is highly
northern France, repeatedly torn between the vision of
noble sacrice and the reality of human tragedy. She
lost her sexual inhibitions caring for mangled male bod-
ies, and she longed to consummate her love with Ro-
land. Awaiting his return on leave on Christmas Day in
1915, she was greeted instead with a telegram: Roland
had been killed two days before.
Rolands death was the rst of the devastating blows
that eventually overwhelmed Brittains idealistic patri-
otism. In 1917, rst Geoffrey and then Victor died from
gruesome wounds. In early 1918, as the last great Ger-
man offensive covered the oors of her war-zone hospi-
tal with maimed and dying German prisoners, the
bone-weary Vera felt a common humanity and saw only
more victims. A few weeks later brother Edwardher
last hopedied in action. When the war ended, she
was, she said, a complete automaton, with my deep-
est emotions paralyzed if not dead.
Returning to Oxford and nishing her studies, Brit-
tain gradually recovered. She formed a deep, restorative
friendship with another talented woman writer, Winifred
Holtby, published novels and articles, and became a
leader in the feminist campaign for gender equality. She
also married and had children. But her wartime memo-
ries were always there. Finally, Brittain succeeded in
coming to grips with them in Testament of Youth, her
powerful antiwar autobiography. The uninching narra-
tive spoke to the experiences of an entire generation and
became a runaway bestseller. Above all, perhaps, Brittain
captured the ambivalent, contradictory character of the
war, when millions of young people found excitement,
courage, and common purpose but succeeded only in
destroying their lives with their superhuman efforts and
futile sacrices. Becoming ever more committed to paci-
sm, Brittain opposed Eng lands entry into World War II.
Questions for Analysis
1. What were Brittains initial feelings toward the war?
How did they change as the conict continued?
Why did they change?
2. Why did Brittain volunteer as a nurse, as many
women did? Judging from her account, how might
wartime nursing have inuenced women of her
3. In portraying the ambivalent, contradictory charac-
ter of World War I for Europes youth, was Brittain
describing the character of all modern warfare?
Vera Brittain, marked
forever by her wartime
experiences. (Vera Brittain
Archive, William Ready Division of
Archives and Research Collections,
McMaster University Library)
During the rst two years of war, most soldiers and ci-
vilians supported their governments. Belief in a just
cause, patriotic nationalism, the planned economy,
and a sharing of burdens united peoples behind their various national leaders.
Each government employed rigorous censorship to control public opinion,
and each used both crude and subtle propaganda to maintain popular support.
German propaganda hysterically pictured black soldiers from Frances African
empire raping German women, while German atrocities in Belgium and else-
where were ceaselessly recounted and exaggerated by the French and British. Pa-
triotic posters and slogans, slanted news, and biased editorials inamed national
hatreds and helped sustain superhuman efforts. However, by the spring of 1916,
people were beginning to crack under the strain of total war. Strikes and protest
marches over inadequate food began to are up on every home front.
Soldiers morale also began to decline. Italian troops mutinied. Numerous
French units refused to ght after the disastrous French offensive of May 1917.
Only tough military justice for leaders and a tacit agreement with the troops that
there would be no more grand offensives enabled the new general in chief, Henri
Philippe Ptain (pey-TAN), to restore order. A rising tide of war-weariness and de-
featism also swept Frances civilian population before Georges Clemenceau
(zhorzh cluh-mon-SO) emerged as a ruthless and effective wartime leader in No-
vember 1917. Clemenceau (18411929) established a virtual dictatorship, pounc-
ing on strikers and jailing without trial journalists and politicians who dared to
suggest a compromise peace with Germany.
The strains were worse for the Central Powers. In October 1916, the chief
minister of Austria was assassinated by a young socialist crying, Down with Abso-
lutism! We want peace!
The following month, when feeble old Emperor Francis
Joseph died, a symbol of unity disappeared. In spite of absolute censorship, politi-
cal dissatisfaction and conicts among nationalities grew. In April 1917, Austrias
chief minister summed up the situation in the gloomiest possible terms. The
country and army were exhausted. Another winter of war would bring revolution
and disintegration. Both Czech and Yugoslav leaders demanded autonomous
dem o cratic states for their peoples. The British blockade kept tightening; people
were starving.
The strain of total war was also evident in Germany. In the winter of 1916 to
1917, Germanys military position appeared increasingly desperate. The social
conict of prewar Germany re-emerged, and revolutionary agitation and strikes by
war-weary workers occurred in early 1917. Thus militaristic Germany, like its ally
Austria-Hungary (and its enemy France), was beginning to crack in 1917. Yet it
was Russia that collapsed rst and saved the Central Powersfor a time.
The Rus sian Revolution of 1917 was one of modern historys most momentous
events. Directly related to the growing tensions of World War I, it had a signi-
cance far beyond the wartime agonies of a single European nation. The Rus sian
Revolution opened a new era. For some, it was Marxs socialist vision come true;
for others, it was the triumph of dictatorship. To all, it presented a radically new
prototype of state and society.
Growing Political
Growing Political
The Rus sian Revolution
Why did World War I bring socialist revolution in Russia?
The Rus sian Revolution
Why did World War I bring socialist revolution in Russia?
Secti on Revi ew
Almost all governments fostered
national unity by implementing total
war using temporary socialist mea s-
ures, rationing, and price and wage
Wartime conditions improved worker
conditions, strengthened womens
roles in the labor market, and pro-
moted greater social equality, strength-
ening the cause of socialism.
Popular support for the war remained
strong during the rst years through
propaganda, media censorship, and
patriotism, but as the war dragged
on, inadequate food inamed
public sentiment, and strikes and
protests began.
The war fronts on all sides began to
decline as well, with soldiers ex-
hausted and morale low; people were
starving and social conict became
evident in Italy, France, Germany,
Austria-Hungary, and in Russia, which
collapsed rst.
The Russian Revolution 711
712 Chapter 27 The Great Break: War and Revolution, 19141919
Like its allies and its enemies, Russia embraced war
with patriotic enthusiasm in 1914. Crowds rallied
around Tsar Nicholas II (r. 18941917) as he took an
oath never to make peace as long as the enemy stood on Rus sian soil. Conserva-
tives anticipated expansion in the Balkans, while liberals and most socialists be-
lieved alliance with Britain and France would bring dem o cratic reforms. For a
moment, Russia was united.
The Rus sian war machine was underprepared, however, and mobilized less
effectively for total war than the other warring nations. Its supplies of shells and
ammunition were quickly depleted, and substantial numbers of soldiers were ex-
pected to nd the ries they needed on the battleeld among the dead. There
were 2 million Rus sian casualties in 1915 alone.
The great problem was leadership. A kindly, slightly stupid man, Nicholas
failed to form a close partnership with his citizens in order to ght the war more
effectively. He came to rely instead on the old bureaucratic apparatus, distrusting
the moderate Duma (the parliament), rejecting popular involvement, and resist-
ing calls to share power.
As a result, the Duma, the educated middle classes, and the masses became
increasingly critical of the tsars leadership. In September 1915 parties ranging
from con ser va tive to moderate socialist formed the Progressive bloc, which called
for a completely new government responsible to the Duma instead of the tsar. In
answer, Nicholas temporarily adjourned the Duma and announced that he was
traveling to the front in order to lead and rally Russias armies.
His departure was a fatal turning point. With the tsar in the eld with the troops,
control of the government fell to the empress, Tsarina Alexandra. Nicholass wife
was a strong-willed woman with a hatred of parliaments. Having constantly urged
her husband to rule absolutely, Alexandra tried to do so herself in his absence. She
seated and unseated the top ministers. Her most trusted adviser was our Friend
Grigori, an uneducated Siberian preacher who was appropriately nicknamed
Rasputin (ra-SPYOO-tin)the Degenerate. Rasputins extraordinary inuence
rested on his seeming ability to stop the bleeding of Alexis, Alexandras fth child
and heir to the throne, who suffered from the rare blood disease hemophilia.
In a desperate attempt to right the situation and end unfounded rumors that
Rasputin was the empresss lover, three members of the high aristocracy murdered
Rasputin in December 1916. The empress went into semipermanent shock. Food
shortages in the cities worsened; morale declined. On March 8, women calling for
bread in Petrograd (formerly St. Petersburg) started riots, which spontaneously
spread to the factories and then elsewhere throughout the city. From the front, the
tsar ordered troops to restore order, but discipline broke down, and the soldiers
joined the revolutionary crowd. The Duma responded by declaring a provisional
government on March 12, 1917. Three days later, Nicholas abdicated.
The March revolution was the result of an unplanned
uprising of hungry, angry people in the capital, but it
was joyfully accepted throughout the country. Patriots
rejoiced at the prospect of a more determined and effective war effort, while work-
ers happily anticipated better wages and more food. All classes and political parties
called for liberty and democ racy. They were not disappointed. After generations of
arbitrary authoritarianism, the provisional government quickly established equal-
ity before the law; freedom of religion, speech, and assembly; the right of unions
to organize and strike; and the rest of the classic liberal program.
The Fall of
Imperial Russia
The Fall of
Imperial Russia
The Provisional
The Provisional
The reor ga nized government formed in May 1917 made the patriotic socialist
Alexander Kerensky (kuh-REN-skee) its prime minister in July. For Kerensky and
other moderate socialists, the continuation of war was still the all-important na-
tional duty. Human suffering and war-weariness grew, sapping the limited strength
of the provisional government.
From its rst day, the provisional government had to share power with a for-
midable rivalthe Petrograd Soviet (or council) of Workers and Soldiers Deputies.
Modeled on the revolutionary soviets of 1905, the Petrograd Soviet was a huge,
uctuating mass meeting of two thousand to three thousand workers, soldiers, and
socialist intellectuals. Seeing itself as a true grassroots revolutionary democ racy,
this counter- or half-government suspiciously watched the provisional government
and issued its own radical orders, further weakening the provisional government.
Its Army Order No. 1 stripped ofcers of their authority and placed power in the
hands of elected committees of common soldiers. Designed primarily to protect
the revolution from some counter-revolutionary Bonaparte on horseback, the or-
der instead led to a total collapse of army discipline.
Meanwhile, masses of peasant soldiers began voting with their feet, to use
Lenins graphic phrase. That is, they began returning to their villages to help their
families get a share of the land, which peasants were simply seizing as they settled
old scores in a great agrarian upheaval. All across the country, liberty was turning
into anarchy in the summer of 1917. It was an unparalleled opportunity for the
most radical and most talented of Russias many socialist leaders, Vladimir Ilyich
Lenin (VLAD-uh-meer IL-yich LEN-in) (18701924).
From his youth, Lenins whole life had been dedicated
to the cause of revolution. Born into the middle class,
Lenin became an implacable enemy of im pe rial Rus-
sia when his older brother was executed for plotting to kill the tsar in 1887. Exiled
to Siberia for three years for his own revolutionary activity, Lenin continued the
intense study of Marxian doctrines that he had begun as a law student. After his
release, he joined fellow socialists in western Europe and developed his own revo-
lutionary interpretations of the body of Marxian thought.
Three interrelated ideas were central for Lenin. First, he stressed that capital-
ism could be destroyed only by violent revolution and denounced all revisionist
theories of a peaceful evolution to socialism. Lenins second, more original, idea
was that a socialist revolution was possible even in non-industrial countries like
Russia if an underclass was exploited. Lenin also believed that at a given moment
revolution was determined more by human leadership than by vast historical laws.
Thus was born his third basic idea: the necessity of a highly disciplined workers
party, strictly controlled by a dedicated elite of intellectuals and full-time revolu-
tionaries like Lenin himself. An opposing camp of Rus sian Marxists wanted a
more dem o cratic party with mass membership. Lenins camp was called the Bol-
sheviks (BOHL-shuh-viks), or majority group. While his majority did not hold,
he kept the ne-sounding name and developed the party he wanted: tough, disci-
plined, revolutionary.
Unlike most other socialists, Lenin did not rally round the national ag in
1914. Observing events from neutral Switzerland, he saw the war as a product of
im pe rialistic rivalries and as a marvelous opportunity for class war and socialist
upheaval. Hoping that Lenin would undermine the Rus sian war effort, the Ger-
man government provided him with safe passage across Germany and back into
Russia after the March revolution.
Petrograd Soviet A huge, uctuating
mass meeting of 2,000 to 3,000 workers,
soldiers, and socialist intellectuals,
modeled on the revolutionary soviets
of 1905.
Petrograd Soviet A huge, uctuating
mass meeting of 2,000 to 3,000 workers,
soldiers, and socialist intellectuals,
modeled on the revolutionary soviets
of 1905.
Army Order No. 1 A radical order of
the Petrograd Soviet that stripped ofcers
of their authority and placed power in
the hands of elected committees of
common soldiers.
Army Order No. 1 A radical order of
the Petrograd Soviet that stripped ofcers
of their authority and placed power in
the hands of elected committees of
common soldiers.
Lenin and the
Bolshevik Revolution
Lenin and the
Bolshevik Revolution
Bolsheviks Meaning majority group,
the name for Lenins camp of the Rus-
sian party of Marxian socialism.
Bolsheviks Meaning majority group,
the name for Lenins camp of the Rus-
sian party of Marxian socialism.
The Russian Revolution 713
714 Chapter 27 The Great Break: War and Revolution, 19141919
Arriving triumphantly in Petrograd on April 3, Lenin attacked at once. He had
no intentions to cooperate with the bourgeois provisional government, instead
declaring a radical program: All power to the soviets; All land to the peasants;
Stop the war now. But an attempt by the Bolsheviks to seize power in July col-
lapsed, and Lenin ed and went into hiding. He was charged with being a Ger-
man agent, and indeed he and the Bolsheviks were getting money from Germany.
But no matter. Intrigue between Kerensky and his commander in chief, General
Lavr Kornilov, resulted in Kornilovs leading a feeble attack against the provisional
government in September. In the face of this rightist counter-revolutionary
threat, the Bolsheviks were rearmed and redeemed. Kornilovs forces disintegrated,
but Kerensky lost all credit with the army, the only force that might have saved him
and dem o cratic government in Russia.
By October the Bolsheviks had gained a fragile major-
ity in the Petrograd Soviet by appealing very effectively
to its workers and soldiers. It was now Lenins sup-
porter Leon Trotsky (TROT-skee) (18791940), a spellbinding revolutionary orator
and in de pen dent radical Marxist, who brilliantly executed the Bolshevik seizure
of power.
Trotsky convinced the Petrograd Soviet that it was at risk and needed to make
him the leader of a special military-revolutionary committee. Then, on the night
of November 6, militants from Trotskys committee joined with trusty Bolshevik
soldiers to seize government buildings and pounce on members of the provisional
government. Then they went on to the congress of soviets. There a Bolshevik ma-
jority declared that all power had passed to the soviets and named Lenin head of
the new government.
The Bolsheviks came to power for three key reasons. First, by late 1917 democ-
racy had given way to anarchy: power was there for those who would take it. Sec-
ond, in Lenin and Trotsky the Bolsheviks had an utterly determined and truly
superior leadership, which both the tsarist government and the provisional govern-
ment lacked. Third, in 1917 the Bolsheviks succeeded in appealing to many sol-
diers and urban workers, people who were exhausted by war and eager for socialism.
With time, many workers would become bitterly disappointed, but for the mo-
ment they had good reason to believe that they had won what they wanted.
History is full of short-lived coups and unsuccessful
revolutions. The truly monumental accomplishment
of Lenin, Trotsky, and the rest of the Bolsheviks was not
taking power but keeping it. In the next four years, the Bolsheviks went on to con-
quer the chaos they had helped create, and they began to build their kind of dicta-
torial socialist society. The conspirators became conquerors. How was this done?
Lenin had the genius to prot from developments over which he and the Bol-
sheviks had no control. Thus Lenins rst law, which supposedly gave land to the
peasants, actually merely approved what peasants were already doing. Urban work-
ers great demand in November was direct control of individual factories by local
workers committees. This, too, Lenin ratied with a decree in November.
Lenin also acknowledged that Russia had lost the war with Germany and that
the only realistic goal was peace. He was able to convince the majority of the Cen-
tral Committee to accept Germanys demand that the Soviet government give up
Trotsky and the
Seizure of Power
Trotsky and the
Seizure of Power
Dictatorship and
Civil War
Dictatorship and
Civil War
all its western territories. Poles, Finns, Lithuanians, and
other non-Rus sians inhabited these areaslands that
had been conquered by the tsars over three centuries.
With the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (brest lih-TOFSK) in
March 1918, Lenin had escaped the certain disaster
of continued war and could pursue his goal of abso-
lute political power for the Bolsheviksnow renamed
Communistswithin Russia.
In November 1917, the Bolsheviks had promised
that a freely elected Constituent Assembly would draw
up a new constitution. But free elections produced a
stunning setback for the Bolsheviks, and Bolshevik sol-
diers acting under Lenins orders permanently dis-
banded the Assembly after its rst day. Thus even before
the peace with Germany, Lenin was forming a one-party
The destruction of the dem o cratically elected Con-
stituent Assembly helped feed the ames of civil war.
The ofcers of the old army took the lead in organizing
the so-called White opposition to the Bolsheviks in
southern Russia, Ukraine, Siberia, and west of Petrograd.
The Whites came from many social groups and were
united only by their hatred of the Bolsheviksthe Reds.
By the summer of 1918, fully eigh teen self-
proclaimed regional governmentsseveral of which
represented minority nationalitieswere competing
with Lenins Bolsheviks in Moscow. By the end of the
year, White armies were on the attack. In October 1919,
it appeared they might triumph, as they closed in on
Lenins government from three sides. Yet they did not.
By the spring of 1920, the White armies had been al-
most completely defeated, and the Bolshevik Red Army
had retaken Belorussia and Ukraine. The following
year, the Communists also reconquered the in de pen dent nationalist governments
of the Caucasus. The civil war was over; Lenin had won.
Lenin and the Bolsheviks won for several reasons. Strategically, they controlled
the center, while the Whites were always on the fringes and disunited. Moreover,
the poorly dened political program of the Whites was vaguely con ser va tive, and
it did not unite all the foes of the Bolsheviks under a progressive, dem o cratic ban-
ner. Most important, the divided Whites were no match for Trotskys Red Army.
Manned through a draft and severely disciplined by former tsarist ofcers, the Red
Army was a superior ghting force. Through war communism, resources were
marshaled from civilians to keep the army supplied. Civil opposition to the Bol-
sheviks was silenced by the Cheka (CHE-kah), a new incarnation of the tsarist se-
cret police.
Together, the Rus sian Revolution and the Bolshevik triumph were one of the
reasons the First World War was such a great turning point in modern history. A
radically new government, based on socialism and one-party dictatorship, came to
power in a great European state, maintained power, and eagerly encouraged
worldwide revolution. Although halfhearted constitutional monarchy in Russia
was undoubtedly headed for some kind of political crisis before 1914, it is hard to
Constituent Assembly A freely elected
assembly promised by the Bolsheviks, but
permanently disbanded within one day
under Lenins orders after the Bolsheviks
won less than one-fourth of the elected
war communism The application
of the total war concept to a civil
conict, the Bolsheviks seized grain
from peasants, introduced rationing,
nationalized all banks and industry, and
required everyone to work.
Cheka The re-established tsarist
secret police, which hunted down
and executed thousands of real or
suspected foes, sowing fear and
silencing opposition.
Constituent Assembly A freely elected
assembly promised by the Bolsheviks, but
permanently disbanded within one day
under Lenins orders after the Bolsheviks
won less than one-fourth of the elected
war communism The application
of the total war concept to a civil
conict, the Bolsheviks seized grain
from peasants, introduced rationing,
nationalized all banks and industry, and
required everyone to work.
Cheka The re-established tsarist
secret police, which hunted down
and executed thousands of real or
suspected foes, sowing fear and
silencing opposition.
Lenin Rallies Worker and Soldier Delegates
At a midnight meeting of the Petrograd Soviet, the Bolsheviks rise up
and seize power on November 6, 1917. This painting from the 1940s
idealizes Lenin, but his great talents as a revolutionary leader are
undeniable. In this re-creation Stalin, who actually played only a small
role in the uprising, is standing behind Lenin, already his trusty right-
hand man. (Sovfoto)
The Russian Revolution 715
716 Chapter 27 The Great Break: War and Revolution, 19141919
imagine the triumph of the most radical proponents of change and reform except
in a situation of total collapse. That was precisely what happened to Russia in the
First World War.
In the spring of 1918, the combined forces of the United States, Great Britain, and
France decisively defeated Germany. The guns of world war nally fell silent.
Then as civil war spread in Russia and as chaos engulfed much of eastern Europe,
the victorious Western Allies came together in Paris to establish a lasting peace.
Expectations were high; optimism was almost unlimited. Nevertheless, the
hopes of peoples and politicians were soon disappointed, for the peace settlement
of 1919 turned out to be a failure. Rather than creating conditions for peace, it
sowed the seeds of another war. Surely this was the ultimate tragedy of the Great
War, a war that directly and indirectly cost $332 billion and left 10 million dead
and another 20 million wounded.
Victory over revolutionary Russia boosted sagging Ger-
man morale, and in the spring of 1918 the Germans
launched their last major attack against France under
the command of General Erich Ludendorff (LOOD-n-dawrf). For a time, German
armies pushed forward, coming within thirty-ve miles of Paris. But Ludendorffs
exhausted, overextended forces never broke through. They were decisively stopped
in July at the second Battle of the Marne, where 140,000 fresh American soldiers saw
action. Adding 2 million men in arms to the war effort by August, the late but mas-
sive American intervention decisively tipped the scales in favor of Allied victory.
By September British, French, and American armies were advancing steadily
on all fronts, and a panicky General Ludendorff realized that Germany had lost
the war. Yet he insolently insisted that moderate politicians shoulder the shame of
defeat, and on October 4 the emperor formed a new, more liberal German gov-
ernment to sue for peace.
As negotiations over an armistice dragged on, an angry and frustrated German
people nally rose up. On November 3, sailors in Kiel (keel) mutinied, and
throughout northern Germany soldiers and workers began to establish revolution-
ary councils on the Rus sian soviet model. The same day, Austria-Hungary surren-
dered to the Allies and began breaking apart. Revolution broke out in Germany,
and masses of workers demonstrated for peace in Berlin. With army discipline col-
lapsing, the emperor abdicated and ed to Holland. Moderate socialist leaders in
Berlin proclaimed a German republic on November 9 and simultaneously agreed
to tough Allied terms of surrender. The armistice went into effect on November 11,
1918. The war was over.
Military defeat brought political revolution to Ger-
many and Austria-Hungary, as it had to Russia. In
Austria-Hungary the revolution was primarily national-
istic and republican in character. Having started the war to preserve an antination-
alistic dynastic state, the Habsburg empire had perished in the attempt. In its
The Peace Settlement
How did the Allies fashion a peace settlement, and why was it
The Peace Settlement
How did the Allies fashion a peace settlement, and why was it
The End of the War The End of the War
Revolution in
Revolution in
Secti on Revi ew
Nicholas II proved an inept leader at
the front while his wife Alexandria
attempted to rule with her adviser
Rasputin until the public, angry over
food shortages and heavy war losses,
revolted; the Duma set up a provisional
government, forcing Nicholas to
The provisional government made the
continuation of war a top priority but
shared power with the Petrograd Soviet,
who issued their own orders placing
power in elected committees of soldiers;
this resulted in chaos, with many sol-
diers leaving to return to their families,
seizing what land they could as liberty
turned to anarchy.
Lenins Bolshevik program called for
violent overthrow of capitalism by the
exploited underclass controlled by an
educated vanguard elite, the Bolshevik
party, who unsuccessfully attempted to
seize power in July 1917.
Lenins supporter Trotsky or ga nized a
special military-revolutionary commit-
tee, which joined with the Bolshevik
soldiers, seizing power and naming
Lenin as head of a new government by
gaining the support of the masses who
believed the time for Communism
had come.
Lenin and the Bolsheviks maintained
their control by ending the war with
Germany, disbanding the elected
Constituent Assembly, and forming a
one-party government with a strong,
well-or ga nized Red Army that was
able to defeat the disor ga nized anti-
Communist White army.
place, in de pen dent Austrian, Hungarian, and Czechoslovakian republics were
proclaimed, while a greatly expanded Serbian monarchy united the South Slavs
and took the name Yugoslavia.
In Germany, the empire was replaced by the Weimar Republic, which was
composed largely of Social Democrats and the Catholic party. The German Revo-
lution of November 1918 resembled the Rus sian Revolution of March 1917. In
both cases, a genuine popular uprising welled up from below, toppled an authori-
tarian monarchy, and brought the establishment of a liberal provisional republic.
In both countries, liberals and moderate socialists took control of the central gov-
ernment, while workers and soldiers councils formed a counter-government. In
Germany, however, the moderate socialists and their liberal allies won, and the
Lenin-like radical revolutionaries in the councils lost.
The peace conference opened in Paris in January 1919
with seventy delegates representing twenty-seven victo-
rious nations. There were great expectations. A young
British diplomat later wrote that the victors were journeying to Paris . . . to found
a new order in Europe. We were preparing not Peace only, but Eternal Peace.
This general optimism and idealism had been greatly strengthened by President
Wilsons January 1918 peace proposal, the Fourteen Points, which stressed na-
tional self-determination and the rights of small countries.
The real powers at the conference were the United States, Great Britain, and
France. Germany was not allowed to participate; Russia was locked in civil war;
and Italys role was limited. Almost immediately the three great Allies began to
quarrel. President Wilson passionately believed that only a permanent interna-
tional or ga ni za tion could protect member states from aggression and avert future
wars, and he insisted that the creation of a League of Nations come rst on the
agenda. Wilson had his way, although Lloyd George of Great Britain and espe-
cially Clemenceau of France were unenthusiastic. They were primarily concerned
with punishing Germany.
Playing on British nationalism, David Lloyd George had already won a
smashing electoral victory as prime minister in December on the popular plat-
form of making Germany pay for the war. As Kipling summed up the general
British feeling at the end of the war, the Germans were a people with the heart
of beasts.
Frances Georges Clemenceau, the Tiger who had broken wartime defeat-
ism and led his country to victory, wholeheartedly agreed. Like most French
people, Clemenceau wanted old-fashioned revenge as well as lasting security for
France. This, he believed, required the creation of a buffer state between France
and Germany, the permanent demilitarization of Germany, and vast German
reparations. Clemenceaus demands seemed vindictive to Wilson and Lloyd
George, violating morality and the principle of national self-determination. By
April the countries attending the conference were deadlocked on the German
question, and Wilson packed his bags to go home.
In the end, Clemenceau agreed to a compromise. He gave up the French de-
mand for a Rhineland buffer state in return for Wilson and Lloyd Georges prom-
ise that their countries would come to Frances aid in the event of a German
attack. Thus Clemenceau appeared to win his goal of French security, as Wilson
had won his of a permanent international or ga ni za tion. The Allies moved quickly
to nish the settlement, believing that any adjustments would later be possible
within the dual framework of a strong Western alliance and the League of Nations
(see Map 27.4).
The Treaty
of Versailles
The Treaty
of Versailles
League of Nations A permanent
international or ga ni za tion established
during the peace conference in Paris
in January 1919, designed to protect
member states from aggression and
avert future wars.
League of Nations A permanent
international or ga ni za tion established
during the peace conference in Paris
in January 1919, designed to protect
member states from aggression and
avert future wars.
The Peace Settlement 717
No r t h
S e a
B l a c k
S e a
Loire R.
Po R.
nieper R.
Danube R.
Warsaw Berlin
(St. Petersburg)
10W 10E 20E
30E 0
(To Yugoslavia 1921)
0 200 400 Mi.
200 400 Km.
Boundaries of German, Russian, and
Austro-Hungarian Empires in 1914
Areas lost by Austro-Hungarian Empire
Areas lost by Russian Empire
Areas lost by German Empire
Areas lost by Bulgaria
Demilitarized Zones
Boundaries of 1926
Mapping the Past
MAP 27.4 Shattered Empires and Territorial Changes After World War I
The Great War brought tremendous changes in eastern Europe. New nations and new
boundaries were established, generally on the principle of national self-determination. A
dangerous power vacuum was created by the new, usually small states established between
Germany and Soviet Russia. [1] Identify the boundaries of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and
Russia in 1914, and note carefully the changes caused by the war. [2] What territory did
Germany lose, and why did France, Poland, and even Denmark receive it? Why was Austria
sometimes called a head without a body in the 1920s? [3] What new in de pen dent states
(excluding disputed Bessarabia) were formed from the old Rus sian Empire, and what nationalities
lived in these states?
The Treaty of Versailles between the Allies and Germany was the key to the
settlement, and the terms were not unreasonable as a rst step toward re-establishing
international order. Had Germany won, it seems certain that France and Belgium
would have been treated with greater severity, as Russia had been at Brest-Litovsk.
Germanys colonies were given to France, Britain, and Japan as League of Nations
mandates. Germanys territorial losses within Europe were minor, thanks to Wil-
son. Alsace-Lorraine (AL-sas-law-REYN) was returned to France. Parts of Germany
inhabited primarily by Poles were ceded to the new Polish state, in keeping with
the principle of national self-determination. Germany had to limit its army to
100,000 men and agree to build no military fortications in the Rhineland.
More harshly, the Allies declared that Germany (with Austria) was responsible
for the war and had therefore to pay reparations equal to all civilian damages
caused by the war. This unfortunate and much-criticized clause expressed ines-
capable popular demands for German blood, but the actual gure was not set, and
there was the clear possibility that reparations might be set at a reasonable level in
the future when tempers had cooled.
When presented with the treaty, the German government protested vigorously.
But there was no alternative, especially considering that Germany was still starving
because the Allies had not yet lifted their naval blockade. On June 28, 1919, Ger-
man representatives of the ruling moderate Social Democrats and the Catholic
party signed the treaty in the Sun Kings Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, where Bis-
marcks empire had been joyously proclaimed almost fty years before.
Separate peace treaties were concluded with the other defeated European
powersAustria, Hungary, and Bulgaria. For the most part, these treaties merely
ratied the existing situation in east-central Europe following the breakup of the
Austro-Hungarian Empire. Like Austria, Hungary was a particularly big loser, as its
captive nationalities (and some interspersed Hungarians) were ceded to Roma-
nia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Yugoslavia.
Although Allied leaders at Versailles focused mainly
on European questions, they also imposed a political
settlement on what had been the Ottoman Empire.
This settlement brought radical changes to the Middle East, and it became very
controversial. Basically, the Ottoman Empire was broken up, Britain and France
expanded their power and inuence in the Middle East, and Arab nationalists felt
cheated and betrayed.
The British government had encouraged the wartime Arab revolt against the
Ottoman Turks (see page 705) and had even made vague promises of an in de pen-
dent Arab kingdom. However, when the ghting stopped, the British and the
French chose instead to honor secret wartime agreements to divide and rule the
Ottoman lands. Arab nationalists were also angered by the Balfour Declaration of
November 1917, named after the British foreign secretary. It announced that Brit-
ain favored a National Home for the Jewish People in Palestine, but without
prejudicing the civil and religious rights of the non-Jewish communities already
living in Palestine. The National Home for the Jewish People implied to the
Arabsand to the Zionist Jews as wellthe establishment of some kind of Jewish
state that would be incompatible with rule by the majority Arab population.
The Arab leader Hussein ibn-Ali sent his son Faisal (18851933) to the Ver-
sailles Peace Conference with the goal of securing Arab in de pen dence. Although
President Wilson wanted to give the Arab case serious consideration, the British
and the French were determined to rule Syria, Iraq, Transjordan, and Palestine as
Treaty of Versailles The treaty by
which Germanys army was limited to
100,000 men and Germany was declared
responsible for the war and had therefore
to pay reparations equal to all civilian
damages caused by the war.
Treaty of Versailles The treaty by
which Germanys army was limited to
100,000 men and Germany was declared
responsible for the war and had therefore
to pay reparations equal to all civilian
damages caused by the war.
The Peace Settlement
in the Middle East
The Peace Settlement
in the Middle East
Balfour Declaration A 1917 British
statement that declared British support of
a National Home for the Jewish People
in Palestine.
Balfour Declaration A 1917 British
statement that declared British support of
a National Home for the Jewish People
in Palestine.
The Peace Settlement 719
720 Chapter 27 The Great Break: War and Revolution, 19141919
League of Nations mandates, and they conrmed only the in de pen dence of
Husseins kingdom of Hejaz along the western coast of contemporary Saudi Ara-
bia. In response Arab nationalists met in Damascus to call for political in de pen-
dence. (See the feature Listening to the Past: Arab Political Aspirations in 1919
on pages 724725.) Brushing aside Arab opposition, the British mandate in Palestine
formally incorporated the Balfour Declaration and its commitment to a Jewish
national home. When Faisal returned to Syria, his followers repudiated the agree-
ment he had reluctantly accepted. In March 1920 they met as the Syrian National
Congress and proclaimed Syria in de pen dent, with Faisal as king. A similar con-
gress declared Iraq an in de pen dent kingdom.
Western reaction to events in Syria and Iraq was swift and decisive. A French
army stationed in Lebanon attacked Syria, taking Damascus in July 1920. Faisal
ed, and the French took over. Meanwhile, the British put down an uprising in
Iraq with bloody ghting and established effective control there. Western im pe-
rialism, in the form of League of Nations mandates, appeared to have replaced
Ottoman rule in the Arab Middle East. The Allies laid claim to the Turkish heart-
land as well. Great Britain and France occupied parts of modern-day Turkey, and
Italy and Greece also claimed shares. There was a sizable Greek minority in west-
ern Turkey, and Greek nationalists wanted to build a modern Greek empire mod-
eled on long-dead Chris tian Byzantium. In 1919 Greek armies carried by British
ships landed on the Turkish coast at Smyrna (SMUR-nuh) and advanced unop-
posed into the interior. Turkey seemed nished.
But Turkey revived under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal (MOOS-tah-fah
kuh-MAHL) (18811938), later known as Atatrk (AT-uh-turk) (father of the
Turks). Kemal was a military man who had directed the successful defense of the
Dardanelles against British attack. Watching the Allies aggression and the sultans
Prince Faisal at the Versailles
Peace Conference, 1919
Standing in front, Faisal is supported by
his allies and black slave. Nur-as-Said, an
ofcer in the Ottoman army who joined
the Arab revolt, is second from the left,
and the British ofcer T. E. Lawrence
popularly known as Lawrence of
Arabiais fourth from the left in back.
Faisal failed to win political in de pen-
dence for the Arabs, as the British
backed away from the vague promises
they had made during the war. (Courtesy
of the Trustees of the Imperial War Museum,
neg. #Q55581)
cowardice after the armistice, in early 1919 he moved to central Turkey and gradu-
ally unied the Turkish re sis tance. After a year of defeat in battle, they won a great
victory in central Turkey, and the Greeks and their British allies sued for peace.
The Treaty of Lausanne (loh-ZAN) (1923) recognized the territorial integrity of a
truly in de pen dent Turkey. Turkey lost only its former Arab provinces.
Mustafa Kemal, a nationalist without religious faith, believed that Turkey
should modernize and secularize along Western lines. He established a republic,
had himself elected president, and created a one-party systempartly inspired by
the Bolshevik examplein order to transform his country. Profoundly inuenced
by the example of western Europe, Mustafa Kemal set out to limit the place of
religion and religious leaders in daily affairs. He decreed a revolutionary separa-
tion of church and state, promulgated law codes inspired by European models,
and established a secular public school system. Women received rights that they
never had before. By the time of his death in 1938, Mustafa Kemal had imple-
mented successfully much of his revolutionary program. He had moved Turkey
much closer to Europe, foretelling current efforts by Turkey to join the European
Union as a full-edged member.
The rapidly concluded Versailles Treaty of early 1919
was not perfect, but within the context of war-shattered
Europe it was an acceptable beginning. The
principle of national self-determination, which
had played such a large role in starting the war, served as an organizing
framework. Germany had been punished but not dismembered. A new
world or ga ni za tion complemented a traditional defensive alliance of sat-
ised powers. The serious remaining problems could be worked out in
the future. Moreover, Allied leaders had seen speed as essential for an-
other reason: they detested Lenin and feared that his Bolshevik Revolu-
tion might spread. They realized that their best answer to Lenins
unending calls for worldwide upheaval was peace and tranquillity for
war-weary peoples.
There were, however, two great, interrelated obstacles to such peace:
Germany and the United States. Plagued by communist uprisings, reac-
tionary plots, and popular disillusionment with losing the war, Germanys
moderate socialists and their liberal and Catholic supporters faced an
enormous challenge. Like French republicans after 1871, they needed
time (and luck) if they were to establish rmly a peaceful and dem o cratic
republic. Progress in this direction required understanding but rm treat-
ment of Germany by the victorious Western Allies, particularly by the
United States.
However, the United States Senate and, to a lesser extent, the Ameri-
can people, rejected Wilsons handiwork. Republican senators led by
Henry Cabot Lodge refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles without
changes in the articles creating the League of Nations. Lodge and others
believed that this requirement gave away Congresss constitutional right
to declare war. Moreover, the Senate refused to ratify Wilsons treaties
forming a defensive alliance with France and Great Britain. Wilson, in
failing health, refused to compromise.
The Wilson-Lodge asco and the newfound gospel of isolationism
represented a tragic and cowardly renunciation of Americas responsibil-
ity. Using Americas action as an excuse, Great Britain, too, refused to
American Rejection
of the Versailles
American Rejection
of the Versailles
The Peace Settlement 721
Secti on Revi ew
The entry of the United States into the war
nally gave the Allies the edge and although
Germany tried to hold on, the exhausted and
angry Germans revolted and the emperor abdi-
cated and ed; moderate socialists declared a
German republic and agreed to an armistice.
Post-war Austria-Hungary became in de pen dent
Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and the
monarchy of Yugoslavia; in Germany, an inter-
nal revolution led to a provisional republic led
by the moderate Social Democrats.
The United States, Britain, and France were at
odds over how to create a lasting peace; U.S.
president Wilson got a permanent League of
Nationsan international or ga ni za tion to
protect its members from aggressionwhile
Britain and France pressed for German demili-
tarization and reparations.
The Arabs in the Ottoman Empire were an-
gered when the Allies denied their in de pen-
dence, forcibly occupying Syria and Iraq and
attempting to control Turkey, but Atatrk was
able to establish a republic and modernize
The United States Senate did not ratify the
treaty of Versailles because Republican senators
feared it gave away congresss right to declare
war and they did not want to form a defensive
alliance with Britain and France; Britain, too,
refused to enter the alliance, leaving France
alone and hopes for lasting peace unstable.
722 Chapter 27 The Great Break: War and Revolution, 19141919
ratify its defensive alliance with France. Bitterly betrayed by its allies, France stood
alone. Very shortly France was to take actions against Germany that would feed
the res of German resentment and seriously undermine dem o cratic forces in the
new republic. The great hopes of early 1919 had turned to ashes by the end of the
year. The Western alliance had collapsed, and a grandiose plan for permanent
peace had given way to a fragile truce. For this and for what came later, the United
States must share a large part of the guilt.
Key Terms
Three Emperors League (p. 699)
Triple Entente (p. 703)
trench warfare (p. 704)
Lusitania (p. 708)
total war (p. 708)
Petrograd Soviet (p. 713)
Army Order No. 1 (p. 713)
Bolsheviks (p. 713)
Constituent Assembly (p. 715)
war communism (p. 715)
Cheka (p. 715)
League of Nations (p. 717)
Treaty of Versailles (p. 719)
Balfour Declaration (p. 719)
Chapter Review
What caused the Great War, and why did it have such revolutionary conse-
quences? (page 699)
World War I had truly revolutionary consequences because, rst and foremost, it was
a war of committed peoples. In France, Britain, and Germany in particular, govern-
ments drew on genuine popular support. This support reected in part the diplomatic
origins of the war, which citizens saw as growing out of an unwanted crisis in the Bal-
kans and an inexible alliance system of opposing blocs. More importantly, popular
support reected the way western European society had been unied under the na-
tionalist banner in the later nineteenth century, despite the fears that the growing so-
cialist movement aroused in con ser va tives.
What was the impact of total war on civilian populations? (page 708)
The relentlessness of total war helps explain why so many died, why so many were
crippled physically and psychologically, and why Western civilization would in so
many ways never be the same again. More concretely, the war swept away monarchs
and multinational empires. National self-determination apparently triumphed across
Europe, not only in Austria-Hungary but also in many of Russias western border-
lands. Except in Ireland and parts of Soviet Russia and the Arab Middle East, the
revolutionary dream of national unity, born of the French Revolution, had nally
come true.
Why did World War I bring socialist revolution in Russia? (page 711)
Two other revolutions were products of the war. In Russia the Bolsheviks established
a radical regime, smashed existing capitalist institutions, and stayed in power with a
new kind of authoritarian rule. Whether the new Rus sian regime was truly Marxian or
socialist was questionable, but it indisputably posed a powerful, ongoing revolutionary
challenge to Europe and its colonial empires.
More subtle but quite universal in its impact was an administrative revolution. This
revolution, born of the need to mobilize entire societies and economies for total war,
greatly increased the power of government. Freewheeling market capitalism and a
well-integrated world economy were among the many casualties of the administrative
revolution, and greater social equality was every where one of its results. Thus even in
European countries where a communist takeover never came close to occurring, soci-
ety still experienced a great revolution.
Chapter Review 723
How did the Allies fashion a peace settlement, and why was it unsuccessful?
(page 716)
Finally, the war to end war did not bring peaceonly a fragile truce. In the West,
the Allies failed to maintain their wartime solidarity. Germany remained unrepentant
and would soon have more grievances to nurse. Moreover, the victory of national self-
determination in eastern Europe created small, weak states and thus a power vacuum
between a still-powerful Germany and a potentially mighty communist Russia. A vast
area lay open to military aggression from two sides.
1. Quoted in J. Remak, The Origins of World War I (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston,
1967), p. 84.
2. Quoted in R. O. Paxton, Europe in the Twentieth Century (New York: Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1975), p. 109.
3. A. B. Ulam, The Bolsheviks (New York: Collier Books, 1968), p. 349.
4. H. Nicolson, Peacemaking 1919 (New York: Grosset & Dunlap Universal Library, 1965),
pp. 8, 3132.
5. Quoted ibid., p. 24.
To assess your mastery of this chapter, go to bedfordstmartins.com/mckaywestbrief
Li st eni ng t o t he Past
Arab Political Aspirations in 1919
We the undersigned members of the General
Syrian Congress, meeting in Damascus on Wednes-
day, July 2nd, 1919, . . . provided with credentials
and authorizations by the inhabitants of our vari-
ous districts, Moslems, Chris tians, and Jews, have
agreed upon the following statement of the desires
of the people of the country who have elected us to
present them to the American Section of the Inter-
national Commission; the fth article was passed
by a very large majority; all the other articles were
accepted unanimously.
1. We ask absolutely complete political in de pen-
dence for Syria within these boundaries. [De-
scribes the area including the present-day states
of Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan.]
2. We ask that the Government of this Syrian
country should be a dem o cratic civil constitu-
tional Monarchy on broad decentralization
principles, safeguarding the rights of minorities,
and that the King be the Emir Faisal, who
carried on a glorious struggle in the cause of
our liberation and merited our full condence
and entire reliance. . . .
6. We do not acknowledge any right claimed by
the French Government in any part whatever
of our Syrian country and refuse that she
should assist us or have a hand in our country
under any circumstances and in any place.
7. We oppose the pretensions of the Zionists to
create a Jewish commonwealth in the southern
part of Syria, known as Palestine, and oppose
Zionist migration to any part of our country; for
we do not acknowledge their title but consider
them a grave peril to our people from the
national, economical, and political points of
view. Our Jewish compatriots shall enjoy our
common rights and assume the common
8. We ask that there should be no separation of
the southern part of Syria, known as Palestine,
reat Britain and France had agreed to divide up the
Arab lands, and the British also had made conicting
promises to Arab and Jewish nationalists. However, President
Wilson insisted at Versailles that the right of self-determina-
tion should be applied to the conquered Ottoman territories,
and he sent an American commission of inquiry to Syria, even
though the British and French refused to participate. The
commission canvassed political views throughout greater
Syria, and its long report with many documents reected
public opinion in the region in 1919.
To present their view to the Americans, Arab nationalists
from present-day Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan came
together in Damascus as the General Syrian Congress, and
they passed the following resolution on July 2, 1919.
Palestinian Arabs protest against large-scale Jewish migration into Palestine.
(Roger-Viollet/ Getty Images)
nor of the littoral western zone, which includes
Lebanon, from the Syrian country. We
desire that the unity of the country should be
guaranteed against partition under whatever
9. We ask complete in de pen dence for emanci-
pated Mesopotamia [todays Iraq] and that
there should be no economical barriers be-
tween the two countries. . . .
The noble principles enunciated by President
Wilson strengthen our condence that our desires
emanating from the depths of our hearts, shall be
the decisive factor in determining our future; and
that President Wilson and the free American
people will be our supporters for the realization of
our hopes, thereby proving their sincerity and
noble sympathy with the aspiration of the
weaker nations in general and our Arab people in
We also have the fullest condence that the
Peace Conference will realize that we would not
have risen against the Turks, with whom we had
participated in all civil, political, and representative
privileges, but for their violation of our national
rights, and so will grant us our desires in full in or-
der that our political rights may not be less after
the war than they were before, since we have shed
so much blood in the cause of our liberty and
in de pen dence.
We request to be allowed to send a delegation to
represent us at the Peace Conference to defend our
rights and secure the realization of our aspirations.
Questions for Analysis
1. What kind of state did the delegates want?
2. Did the delegates view their Jewish compatri-
ots and the Zionists in different ways? Why?
3. How did the delegates appeal to American
Source: Resolution of the General Syrian Congress at
Damascus, 2 July 1919, from the King-Crane Commis-
sion Report, in Foreign Relations of the United States:
Paris Peace Conference, 1919, 12: 780781.
The Age
of Anxiety
ca. 19001940
Chapter Previ ew
Modernism and the Crisis
of Western Thought
In what ways did new and disturbing
ideas in philosophy, physics, psychology,
and the arts reect the general crisis in
Western thought?
Movies and Radio
In what ways did movies and radio
become mainstays of popular culture?
The Search for Peace and Political Stability
How did the dem o cratic leaders of the
1920s deal with deep-seated instability
and try to establish real peace and
The Great Depression (19291939)
What caused the Great Depression, and
how did the Western democracies
respond to this challenge?
IMAGES IN SOCIETY: Pablo Picasso and Modern Art
LISTENING TO THE PAST: Life on the Dole in
Great Britain
This detail of George Groszs Draussen und Drinnen (Outside and
Inside) captures the uncertainty and anxiety of the 1920s. (akg-images/
Art@Estate of George Grosz/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY)
ith the end of the terrible trauma of total war, most people hoped that
once again life would make sense in the familiar prewar terms of peace,
prosperity, and progress. These hopes were in vain. The Great Breakthe First
World War and the Rus sian Revolutionhad mangled too many things beyond
repair. Life would no longer t neatly into the old molds.
Instead, great numbers of men and women felt themselves increasingly adrift
in a strange, uncertain, and uncontrollable world. They saw themselves living in
an age of anxiety, an age of continual crisis (this age lasted until at least the early
1950s). In almost every area of human experience, people went searching for ways
to put meaning back into life.
Before 1914 most people still believed in the Enlightenment ideals of progress,
reason, and the rights of the individual. Yet a small band of serious thinkers and
creative writers had been attacking these well-worn optimistic ideas since the
1880s. These critics rejected the general faith in progress and the power of the ra-
tional human mind. An expanding chorus of thinkers echoed and enlarged their
views after the experience of historys most destructive wara war that suggested
to many that human beings were a pack of violent, irrational animals quite capable
of tearing the individual and his or her rights to shreds. Disorientation and pessi-
mism were particularly acute in the 1930s, when the rapid rise of harsh dictator-
ships and the Great Depression transformed old certainties into bitter illusions, as
we shall see in Chapter 29.
In the midst of economic, political, and social disruptions, the French poet
and critic Paul Valry (va-ley-REE) (18711945) saw the cruelly injured mind,
besieged by doubts and suffering from anxieties. This was the general intellectual
crisis of the twentieth century, which touched almost every eld of thought. The
implications of new ideas and discoveries in philosophy, physics, psychology, and
the arts played a central role in this crisis, disturbing thinking people every where.
The work of the nineteenth-century German philoso-
pher Friedrich Nietzsche (NEE-chee) (18441900) laid
the foundation for the twentieth-century rejection of
Enlightenment ideals. His rst great work in 1872 argued that ever since classical
Athens, the West had overemphasized rationality and stied the passion and ani-
mal instinct that drive human activity and true creativity. Nietzsche went on to
question all values. He claimed that Chris tianity embodied a slave morality that
gloried weakness, envy, and mediocrity. In Nietzsches most famous line, a wise
fool proclaims that God is dead, dead because he has been murdered by lacka-
daisical modern Chris tians who no longer really believe in him. Nietzsche viewed
the pillars of conventional moralityreason, democ racy, progress, respectability
as outworn social and psychological constructs whose inuence was suffocating
self-realization and excellence.
Nietzsche painted a dark world, foreshadowing perhaps his loss of sanity in
1889. The West was in decline; false values had triumphed. The only hope for the
Modernism and the Crisis of Western Thought
In what ways did new and disturbing ideas in philosophy, physics,
psychology, and the arts reect the general crisis in Western thought?
Modernism and the Crisis of Western Thought
In what ways did new and disturbing ideas in philosophy, physics,
psychology, and the arts reect the general crisis in Western thought?
Modern Philosophy Modern Philosophy
Modernism and the Crisis of Western Thought 727
728 Chapter 28 The Age of Anxiety, ca. 19001940
individual was to accept the meaninglessness of human exis tence and then make
that very meaninglessness a source of self-dened personal integrity and hence
liberation. Little read during his active years, Nietzsche attracted growing atten-
tion in the early twentieth century, especially from German radicals who found
inspiration in Nietzsches ferocious assault on the conventions of pre-1914 im pe-
rial Germany. Subsequent generations have each discovered new Nietzsches, and
his inuence remains enormous to this day.
This growing dissatisfaction with established ideas before 1914 was apparent in
other important thinkers. In the 1890s, French philosophy professor Henri Berg-
son (18591941) convinced many young people through his writing that immedi-
ate experience and intuition were as important as rational and scientic thinking
for understanding reality. Indeed, according to Bergson, a religious experience or
a mystical poem could be more meaningful than a scientic law or a mathemati-
cal equation.
The First World War accelerated the revolt against established certainties in
philosophy, but that revolt went in two very different directions. In Eng lish-speaking
countries, the main development was the ac cep tance of logical empiricism (or
logical positivism) in university circles. In continental countries, the primary de-
velopment in philosophy was existentialism.
Logical empiricism was truly revolutionary. This outlook began primarily with
the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein (VIT-guhn-shtine) (18891951),
who later immigrated to Eng land, where he trained numerous disciples. Wittgen-
stein argued that the traditional concerns of philosophyGod, freedom, morality,
and so onare quite literally senseless, a great waste of time, for statements about
them can be neither tested by scientic experiments nor demonstrated by the logic
of mathematics. Statements about such matters reect only the personal prefer-
ences of a given individual. As Wittgenstein put it in the famous last sentence of
his work, Of what one cannot speak, of that one must keep silent. People could
no longer look to philosophy for answers to the great questions of life.
Another direction in philosophy, existentialism, argued that philosophy was
necessary to understand the truth of the human condition. Most existential think-
ers in the twentieth century did not believe a supreme being had established hu-
manitys fundamental nature and given life meaning. In the words of the famous
French existentialist, Jean-Paul Sartre (zhahn-pawl sahrt) (19051980), exis-
tence precedes essence. The existentialist thinker sees the world without a caring
God or an underlying order. In the face of a world without God, only the actions
of individuals can give life meaning. Individuals must become engaged and
choose their own actions courageously and consistently and in full awareness of
their inescapable responsibility for their own behavior. In the end, existentialists
argued, human beings can overcome lifes absurdity.
Not all twentieth-century philosophers rejected the possibility of God, how-
ever. Sometimes described as Chris tian existentialists because they shared the
loneliness and despair of atheistic existentialists, they stressed the human beings
sinful nature, the need for faith, and the mystery of Gods forgiveness. The revival
of fundamental Chris tian belief after World War I was fed by the rediscovery of the
work of nineteenth-century Danish religious philosopher Sren Kierkegaard
(KEER-ki-gahrd) (18131855), whose ideas became extremely inuential. Having
rejected formalistic religion, Kierkegaard had eventually resolved his personal an-
guish over his imperfect nature by making a total religious commitment to a re-
mote and majestic God.
Similar ideas were brilliantly developed by Swiss Protestant theologian Karl
Barth (18861968), whose many inuential writings after 1920 sought to re-create
logical empiricism A revolt against
established certainties in philosophy
that rejected most of the concerns of
traditional philosophy, from the exis-
tence of God to the meaning of
happiness, as nonsense and hot air.
logical empiricism A revolt against
established certainties in philosophy
that rejected most of the concerns of
traditional philosophy, from the exis-
tence of God to the meaning of
happiness, as nonsense and hot air.
existentialism A highly diverse and
even contradictory system of thought that
was loosely united in a courageous
search for moral values in a world of
terror and uncertainty.
existentialism A highly diverse and
even contradictory system of thought that
was loosely united in a courageous
search for moral values in a world of
terror and uncertainty.
the religious intensity of the Reformation. Barth urged people
to accept Gods word and the supernatural revelation of Jesus
Christ with awe, trust, and obedience. Lowly mortals should
not expect to reason out God and his ways. Among Catho-
lics, the leading existential thinker was Gabriel Marcel
(mahr-SEL) (18871973), who found in the Catholic Church
an answer to what he called the postwar broken world. Ca-
tholicism and religious belief provided the hope, humanity,
honesty, and piety for which he hungered.
After 1914 religion became much more relevant and
meaningful to intellectuals than it had been before the war. In
addition to Barth and Marcel, many other illustrious individu-
als turned to religion between about 1920 and 1950. Poets
T. S. Eliot and W. H. Auden, novelists Evelyn Waugh (waw)
and Aldous Huxley, historian Arnold Toynbee (TOIN-bee),
Oxford professor C. S. Lewis, psychoanalyst Karl Stern, phys-
icist Max Planck (plahngk), and philosopher Cyril Joad were
all either converted to religion or attracted to it for the rst
time. Religion, often of a despairing, existential variety, was
one meaningful answer to terror and anxiety. In the words of
a famous Roman Catholic convert, Eng lish novelist Graham
Greene, One began to believe in heaven because one be-
lieved in hell.
Ever since the scientic revolu-
tion of the seventeenth century,
progressive minds believed that
science, unlike religion and philosophical speculation, was
based on hard facts and controlled experiments. Science
seemed to have achieved an unerring and almost complete
picture of reality. Unchanging natural laws seemed to deter-
mine physical processes and permit useful solutions to more
and more problems. All this was comforting, especially to
people who were no longer committed to traditional religious
beliefs. And all this was challenged by the new physics.
The work of Polish-born physicist Marie Curie (KYOOR-ee) (18671934) and
German physicist Max Planck (18581947) called into question the old view
of atoms as the stable, basic building blocks of nature, with a different kind of
unbreakable atom for each of the ninety-two chemical elements. In 1905 the
German-Jewish genius Albert Einstein (AHYN-stine) (18791955) went further
than Curie and Planck in undermining Newtonian physics. His famous theory of
special relativity postulated that time and space are relative to the viewpoint of the
observer and that only the speed of light is constant for all frames of reference in
the universe. The closed framework of Newtonian physics was quite limited com-
pared to that of Einsteinian physics, which unied an apparently innite universe
with the incredibly small, fast-moving subatomic world. Moreover, Einsteins the-
ory stated clearly that matter and energy are interchangeable and that even a par-
ticle of matter contains enormous levels of potential energy.
The 1920s opened the heroic age of physics, in the apt words of one of its
leading pioneers, Ernest Rutherford (18711937). Breakthrough followed break-
through. In 1919 Rutherford showed that the atom could be split. By 1944 seven
The New Physics The New Physics
1919 Treaty of Versailles; Freudian
psychology gains popular attention;
Keynes, Economic Consequences of the
Peace; Rutherford splits the atom
1920s Existentialism gains prominence
1920s1930s Dadaism and surrealism (artistic
1922 Eliot, The Waste Land; Joyce, Ulysses;
Woolf, Jacobs Room; Wittgenstein
writes on logical empiricism
1923 French and Belgian armies occupy
the Ruhr
1924 Dawes Plan
1925 Bergs opera Wozzeck rst performed;
Kafka, The Trial
1926 Germany joins League of Nations
1927 Heisenbergs principle of uncertainty
1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact
1929 Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
19291939 Great Depression
1930 Van der Rohe becomes director
of Bauhaus
1932 Franklin Roosevelt elected
U.S. president
1934 Riefenstahls documentary lm
The Triumph of the Will
1935 Creation of WPA as part of New Deal
1936 Formation of Popular Front in France
730 Chapter 28 The Age of Anxiety, ca. 19001940
subatomic particles had been identi-
ed, of which the most important was
the neutron (NOO-tron). The neutrons
capacity to pass through other atoms al-
lowed for even more intense experimen-
tal bombardment of matter, leading to
chain reactions of unbelievable force.
This was the road to the atomic bomb.
Although few nonscientists under-
stood this revolution in physics, the im-
plications of the new theories and
discoveries, as presented by newspapers
and popular writers, were disturbing to
millions of men and women in the 1920s
and 1930s. The new universe was strange
and troubling. It lacked any absolute ob-
jective reality. Everything was relative,
that is, de pen dent on the observers frame
of reference. Moreover, the universe was
uncertain and undetermined, without
stable building blocks. In 1927 German
physicist Werner Heisenberg (VER-nuhr
HI-zuhn-burg) (19011976) formulated
the principle of uncertainty, which postulates that because it is impossible to
know the position and speed of an individual electron, it is therefore impossible to
predict its behavior. Instead of Newtons dependable, rational laws, there seemed
to be only tendencies and probabilities in an extraordinarily complex and uncer-
tain universe.
While physics presented an unpredictable universe,
the ndings and speculations of leading psychologist
Sigmund Freud (see page 636) suggested that human
behavior was basically irrational.
According to Freud, the key to understanding the mind is the primitive, irrational
unconscious, which he called the id. The unconscious is driven by sexual, aggres-
sive, and plea sure-seeking desires and is locked in a constant battle with the other
parts of the mind: the rationalizing conscious, the ego, which mediates what a
person can do; and ingrained moral values (the superego), which specify what a
person should do. Human behavior is a product of a fragile compromise between
instinctual drives and the controls of rational thinking and moral values. Since the
neutron The most important of the
subatomic particles because its capacity
to pass through other atoms allowed for
intense experimental bombardment of
matter, leading to chain reactions of
unbelievable force.
neutron The most important of the
subatomic particles because its capacity
to pass through other atoms allowed for
intense experimental bombardment of
matter, leading to chain reactions of
unbelievable force.
Freudian Psychology Freudian Psychology
id, ego, and superego Freudian terms
to describe human behavior, which
Freud saw as basically irrational.
id, ego, and superego Freudian terms
to describe human behavior, which
Freud saw as basically irrational.
Unlocking the Power of the Atom
Many of the fanciful visions of science ction
came true in the twentieth century, although not
exactly as rst imagined. This 1927 cartoon
satirizes a professor who has split the atom and
unwittingly destroyed his building and
neighborhood in the process. In the Second
World War the professors harnessed the atom in
bombs and decimated faraway cities and foreign
civilians. (Mary Evans Picture Library)
instinctual drives are extremely powerful, the ever-present danger for individuals
and whole societies is that unacknowledged drives will overwhelm the control
mechanisms in a violent, distorted way. Yet Freud also agreed with Nietzsche that
the mechanisms of rational thinking and traditional moral values can be too strong.
They can repress sexual desires too effectively, crippling individuals and entire
peoples with guilt and neurotic fears.
Freudian psychology and clinical psychiatry had become an international
movement by 1910, but only after 1918 did they receive popular attention, espe-
cially in the Protestant countries of northern Europe and in the United States.
Many opponents and even some enthusiasts interpreted Freud as saying that the
rst requirement for mental health is an uninhibited sex life. Thus after the First
World War, the popular interpretation of Freud reected and encouraged growing
sexual experimentation, particularly among middle-class women. For more seri-
ous students, the psychology of Freud and his followers drastically undermined the
old, easy optimism about the rational and progressive nature of the human mind.
Freuds ideas about the complexity and irrationality of
the human mind found expression in the stream-of-
consciousness technique of modern novelists. In Ja-
cobs Room (1922), Virginia Woolf (18821941) created a novel made up of a
series of internal monologues, in which a characters ideas and emotions from
different periods of time bubble up as randomly as from a
patient on a psychoanalysts couch. William Faulkner (1897
1962), perhaps Americas greatest twentieth-century novelist,
used the same technique in The Sound and the Fury (1929),
much of whose intense drama is confusedly seen through the
eyes of an idiot. The most famous stream-of-consciousness
noveland surely the most disturbing novel of its generation
is Ulysses (1922), in which Irish novelist James Joyce (1882
1941) weaves an extended ironic parallel between his ordinary
heros aimless wanderings through the streets and pubs of
Dublin and the heroic adventures of Homers Ulysses on his
way home from Troy. Abandoning conventional grammar
and blending foreign words, puns, bits of knowledge, and
scraps of memory together in bewildering confusion, the lan-
guage of Ulysses mirrors the riddle of everyday life.
As creative writers turned their attention from society to
the individual and from realism to psychological relativity,
they rejected the idea of progress. Some even described anti-
utopias, nightmare visions of things to come. Franz Kafkas
(18831924) novels and stories, such as The Trial (1925) and
The Modern Novel The Modern Novel
stream-of-consciousness technique
A literary technique, used by Virginia
Woolf, James Joyce, and others, that
used interior monologue to explore
the human psyche.
stream-of-consciousness technique
A literary technique, used by Virginia
Woolf, James Joyce, and others, that
used interior monologue to explore
the human psyche.
Modernism and the Crisis of Western Thought 731
This intriguing cover for an early edition of Orwells brilliant novel hints at
the tragic love affair between Winston and Julia. Considered a crime in
Orwells totalitarian dictatorship of the future, the love affair leads to the
couples arrest, torture, and betrayal. No one can escape the scrutiny of Big
Brother and the Thought Police. (Signet Books/New American Library, 1949, cover
illustration, James Avati. Private Collection)
732 Chapter 28 The Age of Anxiety, ca. 19001940
The Castle (1926), portray helpless individuals crushed by inexplicably hostile
forces. The German-Jewish Kafka died young, at forty-one, and so did not see the
world of his nightmares materialize in the Nazi state.
Eng lishman George Orwell (19031950), however, had seen both that reality
and its Stalinist counterpart by 1949, when he wrote perhaps the ultimate in anti-
utopian literature: 1984. Orwell set the action in the future, in 1984. Big Brother
the dictatorand his totalitarian state use a new kind of language, sophisticated
technology, and psychological terror to strip a weak individual of his last shred of
human dignity. The supremely self-condent chief of the Thought Police tells the
tortured, broken, and framed Winston Smith, If you want a picture of the future,
imagine a boot stamping on a human faceforever.
A phenomenal bestseller,
1984 spoke to millions of people in the closing years of the age of anxiety.
Like the scientists and writers who were partaking of
the same culture, visual artists rejected old forms and
old values. Modernism in art and music meant con-
stant experimentation and a search for new kinds of expression. And though many
people nd the numerous and varied modern visions of the arts strange, disturb-
ing, and even ugly, the rst half of the twentieth century, so dismal in many re-
spects, will probably stand as one of Western civilizations great artistic eras.
Modernism in the arts was loosely unied by a revolution in architecture. This
revolution intended nothing less than a transformation of the physical framework
of urban society according to a new principle: functionalism. Buildings, like in-
dustrial products, should be useful and functionalthat is, they should serve, as
well as possible, the purpose for which they were made. Moreover, they had to
throw away useless ornamentation and nd beauty and aesthetic plea sure in the
clean lines of practical constructions and efcient machinery. Franco-Swiss gen-
ius Le Corbusier (luh cor-booz-YEH) (18871965) insisted that a house is a
machine for living in.
Featuring low lines, open interiors, and mass-produced
building materials, the work of American architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1869
1959) embodied the modernist aesthetic.
In post-war Germany, Walter Gropius (GROH-pee-uhs) (18831969) estab-
lished a new kind of interdisciplinary art school, called the Bauhaus (BOU-hous).
The Bauhaus brought together many leading modern architects, designers, and
theatrical innovators to work as a team, combining the study of ne art, such as
painting and sculpture, with the study of applied art in the crafts of printing, weav-
ing, and furniture making. Throughout the 1920s, the Bauhaus, with its stress on
functionalism and good design for everyday life, attracted enthusiastic students
from all over the world. It had a great and continuing impact.
In painting, the early twentieth century saw a move away from representing
reality to an interest in the arrangement of color, line, and form as an end in itself.
(See the feature Images in Society: Pablo Picasso and Modern Art on pages 734
735.) Another concern was to express a complicated psychological view of reality
as well as an overwhelming emotional intensity. The observer, said Rus sian-born
Wassily Kandinsky (VAS-uh-lee kan-DIN-skee) (18661944), must learn to look
at [my] pictures . . . as form and color combinations . . . as a representation of
mood and not as a representation of objects.
On the eve of the First World War,
extreme expressionism and abstract painting were developing rapidly not only in
Paris but also in Russia and Germany. Modern art had become international.
In the 1920s and 1930s, the artistic movements of the prewar years were ex-
tended and consolidated. The most notable new developments were dadaism
Modernism in Art
and Design
Modernism in Art
and Design
functionalism The principle that
buildings, like industrial products,
should serve as well as possible the
purpose for which they were made.
functionalism The principle that
buildings, like industrial products,
should serve as well as possible the
purpose for which they were made.
Bauhaus A German interdisciplinary
school of ne and applied arts that
brought together many leading modern
architects, designers, and theatrical
Bauhaus A German interdisciplinary
school of ne and applied arts that
brought together many leading modern
architects, designers, and theatrical
(DAH-dah-izm) and surrealism. Dadaism attacked all accepted standards of art
and behavior, delighting in outrageous conduct. Its name is deliberately nonsensi-
cal. A famous example of dadaism is a reproduction of Leonardo da Vincis Mona
Lisa in which the famous woman with the mysterious smile sports a mustache and
is ridiculed with an obscene inscription. After 1924 many dadaists were attracted
to surrealism, which became very inuential in art in the late 1920s and 1930s.
Surrealists painted a fantastic world of wild dreams and complex symbols, where
watches melted and giant metronomes beat time in precisely drawn but impos-
sible alien landscapes. Refusing to depict ordinary visual reality, surrealist painters
made powerful statements about the age of anxiety.
Developments in modern music were strikingly paral-
lel to those in painting. Composers, too, were attracted
by the emotional intensity of expressionism. The ballet
The Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky (struh-VIN-skee) (18821971) practically
caused a riot when it was rst performed in Paris, in 1913, by Sergei Diaghilevs
(dee-AH-guh-lef) famous Rus sian dance company. The combination of pulsat-
ing, dissonant rhythms from the orchestra pit and an earthy representation of love-
making by the dancers on the stage seemed a shocking, almost pornographic
enactment of a primitive fertility rite.
Dadaism An artistic movement of
the 1920s and 1930s that attacked all
accepted standards of art and behavior
and delighted in outrageous conduct.
Dadaism An artistic movement of
the 1920s and 1930s that attacked all
accepted standards of art and behavior
and delighted in outrageous conduct.
Modern Music Modern Music
Walter Gropius: The Fagus Shoe Factory, 1911
The factorys sleek exterior is inspired by the revolutionary principles of functionalism. The striking
glass faade creates a feeling of lightness and eliminates the traditional separation between interior
and exterior. The glass faade also provides workers with healthy, natural lighta practical,
functional concern. (Vanni/ Art Resource, NY)
Modernism and the Crisis of Western Thought 733
Images i n Soci et y
Pablo Picasso and Modern Art
ablo Picasso (pi-KAH-soh) (18811973) was
probably the most signicant artist of the early
twentieth century. For more than seventy years, he
personied the individuality, freedom, and revolu-
tionary creativity of the modern artist.
Born at Mlaga in southern Spain, Picasso
quickly demonstrated a precocious talent. At nine-
teen he headed for Paris, Europes art capital. Suf-
fering from poverty and falling into depression, he
painted the weak and the poor in somber blue and
purple tones. These pessimistic paintings of Picas-
sos Blue Period (19011904) are masterpieces in
the tradition of Spanish realism.
Yet the young Picasso soon sought a new visual
reality. In 1907 his arduous struggle to create a
new style resulted in Les Demoiselles dAvignon
(dem-wuh-ZEL duh-a-vee-NYAWN) (Image 1), a
painting originating in memories of a
brothel scene in Barcelona. This work
was considered a revolutionary upheaval
in art. Since the Renaissance, artists had
been expected to follow established rules,
seeing objects in an orderly perspective
from a single viewpoint and creating
beauty and unied human forms. Do
the faces of the central gures in this
work conform to these rules? Regard the
gures on either side, who were painted
later. Notice how the light fails to com-
bine with the shadow to create bodies
with continuous, three-dimensional contours. The
gures appear broken into large, at planes with
heads that are twisted, fractured dislocations. Do
you see the magical violence of a pictorial break-
through or a grotesque, ugly departure?
Picasso extended his revolutionary experiments,
and after 1910 he was joined by others. A critic
called the new school cubism because these artists
used many geometric forms in intersecting planes.
Objects, viewed from many shifting viewpoints, of-
ten emerged as purely abstract designs.
Three Musicians (Image 2), painted in 1921,
represents mature cubism. Many people believe
that it marks the culmination of Picassos cubist
style. What similarities and differences do you see
between this picture and Image 1? Notice the lim-
ited number of viewpoints, with the white clown,
IMAGE 1 Les Demoiselles dAvignon (1907).
(Digital image The Museum of Modern Art/ Licensed by
Scala/ Art Resource, NY/ 2004 Estate of Pablo Picasso/ Artists
Rights Society [ARS], New York)
the harlequin, the monk, their instruments, and
the table in front cut up into rectangular shapes
and reassembled in recognizable form on a shallow
series of planes. What is the effect of the bright pri-
mary colors and the harmonious, decorative order?
Picasso had been making the sets for Sergei Diaghi-
levs famous Rus sian dance company in Paris, and
these three jagged gures from traditional Italian
comedy seem to convey the at mo sphere of the the-
ater and the dissonant, syncopated rhythm of mod-
ern music. Picasso always drew back from pure
abstraction because he began with real objects and
used models.
Picassos passionate involvement in his times
infuses his immense painting Guernica (Image 3),
often considered his greatest work. Painted for the
Spanish pavilion at the Paris International Exhibi-
tion in 1937, this mural, with its mournful white,
black, and blue colors, was inspired by the Spanish
civil war and the deadly terror bombing of Guer-
nica by fascist planes in a single night. In this com-
plex work, a shrieking woman falls from a burning
house on the far right. On the left, a woman holds
a dead child, while toward the center are fragments
of a warrior and a screaming horse pierced by a
spear. Do cubist techniques heighten the effect?
Picasso also draws on the surrealist aspect of the
modernist revolution in this painting.
IMAGE 2 Three Musicians (1921). (Digital image The Museum of Modern Art/
Licensed by Scala/ Art Resource, NY/ 2004 Estate of Pablo Picasso/ Artists Rights Society
[ARS], New York)
IMAGE 3 Guernica (1937). (Bridgeman-Giraudon/ Art Resource, NY/ 2004 Estate of Pablo Picasso/ Artists Rights Society [ARS], New York)
736 Chapter 28 The Age of Anxiety, ca. 19001940
After the experience of the First World War, when irrationality and violence
seemed to pervade the human experience, expressionism in opera and ballet our-
ished. One of the most famous and powerful examples was the opera Wozzeck, by
Alban Berg (18851935), rst performed in Berlin in 1925. Blending a half-sung,
half-spoken kind of dialogue with harsh, atonal music, Wozzeck is a gruesome tale
of a soldier driven by Kafka-like inner terrors to murder his mistress.
Some composers turned their backs on long-established musical conventions.
As abstract painters arranged lines and color but did not draw identiable objects,
so modern composers arranged sounds without creating recognizable harmonies.
Led by Viennese composer Arnold Schnberg (SHON-burg) (18741951), they
abandoned traditional harmony and tonality. The musical notes in a given piece
were no longer united and or ga nized by a key; instead they were in de pen dent and
unrelated. Schnbergs twelve-tone music of the 1920s arranged all twelve notes of
the scale in an abstract, mathematical pattern, or tone row. This pattern, which
sounded like no pattern at all to the ordinary listener, could be detected only by a
highly trained eye studying the musical score.
Until after World War II at the earliest, these revolutionary changes in art and
music appealed mainly to a minority of highbrows and not to the general public.
That public was primarily and enthusiastically wrapped up in movies and radio.
Moving pictures were rst shown as a popular novelty in naughty peepshows
What the Butler Sawand penny arcades in the 1890s, especially in Paris. But
on the eve of the First World War, lmmakers were capable of producing full-
length feature lms such as the Italian Quo Vadis (kwo VAH-dis) and the Ameri-
can Birth of a Nation. During the First World War, the United States became the
dominant force in the rapidly expanding silent-lm industry. Charlie Chaplin
(18891978), an Eng lishman working in Hollywood, was unquestionably the king
of the silver screen in the 1920s. In his enormously popular role as the lonely
Little Tramp, complete with baggy trousers, battered derby, and an awkward,
shufing walk, Chaplin symbolized the gay spirit of laughter in a cruel, crazy
Chaplin also demonstrated that in the hands of a genius, the new me-
dium could combine mass entertainment and artistic accomplishment.
The early 1920s were also the great age of German lms. Protected and devel-
oped during the war, the large German studios excelled in bizarre expressionist
dramas, beginning with The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari in 1919. Unfortunately, their
period of creativity was short-lived. By 1926 American money was drawing the
leading German talents to Hollywood and consolidating Americas international
Whether foreign or domestic, motion pictures became the main entertain-
ment of the masses until after the Second World War. In Great Britain one in
every four adults went to the movies twice a week in the late 1930s, and two in ve
went at least once a week. The greatest appeal of motion pictures was that they
offered ordinary people a temporary escape from the hard realities of everyday life.
The appeal of escapist entertainment was especially strong during the Great De-
pression. Millions ocked to musical comedies featuring glittering stars such as
Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire and to the fanciful cartoons of Mickey Mouse and
his friends.
Movies and Radio
In what ways did movies and radio become mainstays of popular culture?
Movies and Radio
In what ways did movies and radio become mainstays of popular culture?
Secti on Revi ew
After the terrible trauma of the First
World War, philosophers turned to
ideas of logical empiricism, which
argued that concerns with God, free-
dom, or morality were a waste of time
because you cannot test or prove them;
existentialists argued that only ones
actions have meaning; Chris tianity and
Catholicism also attempted to give life
meaning through a renewed faith and
awe of God.
Progress in physics altered the world
of science radically; Einstein theorized
that scientic laws were not permanent,
that time and space are relative to an
observer and matter and energy are
interchangeable, insights that led to
the invention of the atom bomb.
Freudian psychology believed that
human behavior is determined by the
plea sure-seeking unconscious id
struggling with the rationalizing
conscious ego and the moralizing
superego, ideas that led to a popular
interpretation that encouraged growing
sexual experimentation.
A new form of writing was the stream-
of-consciousness technique, used by
Virginia Woolf and James Joyce in
novels made up of a series of mono-
logues telling the story from one char-
acters point of view; other literature
such as George Orwells 1984 foretold
a bleak and frightening future.
Functionalism, such as the Bauhaus
movement, decreed that art and archi-
tecture should be useful, while in
painting, Dadaism and surrealism
depicted abstract thoughts.
Modern music followed the artistic
trend and became dominated by emo-
tional intensity, as ballets, operas, and
music combined wild sounds and
irrationality instead of traditional har-
mony and tonality.
Radio became technically possible at the turn of the century,
but only in 1920 were the rst major public broadcasts of special
events made in Great Britain and the United States. Lord North-
cliffe, who had pioneered in journalism with the inexpensive,
mass-circulation Daily Mail, sponsored a broadcast of only one
artist . . . the worlds very best, the soprano Nellie Melba.
ing from London, Melba was heard simultaneously all over Eu-
rope on June 16, 1920. This historic event captured the publics
imagination. The meteoric career of radio was launched.
Every major country quickly established national broadcast-
ing networks. In the United States such networks were privately
owned and nanced by advertising. In Great Britain Parliament
set up an in de pen dent, public corporation, the British Broad-
casting Corporation (BBC), supported by licensing fees. Else-
where in Europe the typical pattern was direct control by the
Radio was also well suited for political propaganda. Dictators
such as Mussolini and Hitler controlled the airwaves and could
reach enormous national audiences with their frequent, dra-
matic speeches. In dem o cratic countries, politicians such as
President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin effectively used
informal reside chats to bolster their support.
Motion pictures also became powerful tools of indoctrination. Lenin himself
encouraged the development of Soviet lm making, and the communist view of
Rus sian history was presented in a series of epic lms, the most famous of which
were directed by Sergei Eisenstein (18981948).
In Germany Hitler turned to a young and immensely talented woman lm
maker, Leni Riefenstahl (REE-fuhn-shtahl) (19022003), for a masterpiece of
documentary propaganda, The Triumph of the Will, based on the Nazi party rally
at Nuremberg in 1934. Riefenstahl combined stunning aerial photography, joyful
crowds welcoming Hitler, and mass processions of young Nazi fanatics. Her lm
was a brilliant and all-too-powerful documentary of Germanys Nazi rebirth.
The new media of mass culture were potentially dangerous instruments of politi-
cal manipulation.
As established patterns of thought and culture were challenged and mangled
by the ferocious impact of World War I, so also was the political fabric stretched
and torn by the consequences of the great conict. The Versailles settlement had
The Search for Peace and Political Stability
How did the dem o cratic leaders of the 1920s deal with deep-seated
instability and try to establish real peace and prosperity?
The Search for Peace and Political Stability
How did the dem o cratic leaders of the 1920s deal with deep-seated
instability and try to establish real peace and prosperity?
The Great Dictator
In 1940 the renowned actor and director Charlie Chaplin abandoned the Little
Tramp role to satirize the great dictator, Adolf Hitler. Chaplin had strong
political views and made a number of lms with political themes as the
escapist fare of the Great Depression gave way to the reality of the Second
World War. (The Museum of Modern Art/ Film Stills Archive)
Secti on Revi ew
The revolution in the arts moved the
masses in the new elds of movies
and radio.
The king of the silent lm era was
Charlie Chaplin, who combined
humor and ingenuity to entertain,
providing a way to escape the hard-
ships of everyday life.
Radio also took off as an inexpensive
means of mass entertainment and,
with movies, became a tool for politi-
cal propaganda.
The Search for Peace and Political Stability 737
738 Chapter 28 The Age of Anxiety, ca. 19001940
established a shaky truce, not a solid peace. Thus national leaders faced a gigantic
task as they struggled with uncertainty and sought to create a stable international
order within the general context of intellectual crisis and revolutionary artistic ex-
The pursuit of real and lasting peace proved difcult for many reasons. Ger-
many hated the Treaty of Versailles. France was fearful and isolated. Britain was
undependable, and the United States had turned its back on European problems.
Eastern Europe was in ferment, and no one could predict the future of communist
Russia. Moreover, the international economic situation was poor and greatly com-
plicated by war debts and disrupted patterns of trade. Yet for a time, from 1925 to
late 1929, it appeared that peace and stability were within reach. When the subse-
quent collapse of the 1930s mocked these hopes and brought the rise of brutal
dictators, the disillusionment of liberals in the democracies was intensied.
Germany was the key to lasting peace. Yet to Germans,
the Treaty of Versailles represented a harsh, dictated
peace, to be revised or repudiated as soon as possible.
The treaty had neither broken nor reduced Germany, which was potentially still
the strongest country in Europe. It was too harsh for a peace of reconciliation, too
soft for a peace of conquest.
Moreover, with ominous implications for the future, France and Great Britain
did not agree about how to treat Germany. French politicians believed that mas-
sive reparations from Germany were a vital economic necessity, as they had to
shoulder the major burden of reconstruction while also repaying war debts to the
United States. Many French leaders saw strict implementation of all provisions of
the Treaty of Versailles as Frances best chance at curbing Germanys power and
ensuring Frances security.
The British, however, wanted Germany to regain its economic strength so that
it would again become a major market for British goods. Indeed, many Eng lish
people agreed with the analysis of the young Eng lish economist John Maynard
Keynes (cainz) (18831946), who argued that if Germany was impoverished by
war reparations and other economic mea sures, all of Europe would suffer. The
British were also suspicious of the fact that France had the largest army in Europe
and was making alliances with the newly formed states of eastern Europe. In 1921
France signed a mutual defense pact with Poland and associated itself closely with
the so-called Little Entente, an alliance that joined Czechoslovakia, Romania,
and Yugoslavia against defeated and bitter Hungary.
While French and British leaders drifted in different directions, the Allied
reparations commission completed its work. In April 1921, it announced that Ger-
many had to pay the enormous sum of 132 billion gold marks ($33 billion) in an-
nual installments of 2.5 billion gold marks. Facing possible occupation of more of
its territory (Versailles already authorized France to occupy the Rhineland), the
young German republicgenerally known as the Weimar Republicmade its
rst payment in 1921. Then in 1922, wracked by rapid ination and political as-
sassinations and motivated by hostility and arrogance as well, the Weimar Repub-
lic announced its inability to pay more. It proposed a moratorium on reparations
for three years, with the clear implication that thereafter reparations would be ei-
ther drastically reduced or eliminated entirely.
Led by their tough-minded prime minister, Raymond Poincar (pwan-ka-REY)
(18601934), the French decided they had to either call Germanys bluff or see the
entire peace settlement dissolve. So, despite strong British protests, in early January
Germany and the
Western Powers
Germany and the
Western Powers
1923, armies of France and its ally Belgium moved out of the Rhineland and be-
gan to occupy the Ruhr (roor) district, the heartland of industrial Germany, creat-
ing the most serious international crisis of the 1920s. If forcible collection proved
impossible, France would use occupation to paralyze Germany and force it to ac-
cept the Treaty of Versailles. Strengthened by a wave of patriotism, the German
government ordered the people of the Ruhr to stop working and start passively
resisting the French occupation. The coal mines and steel mills of the Ruhr grew
silent, leaving 10 percent of Germanys total population in need of relief. The
French answer to passive re sis tance was to seal off the Ruhr and the entire Rhine-
land from the rest of Germany, letting in only enough food to prevent starvation.
By the summer of 1923, France and Germany were engaged in a great test of
wills. French armies could not collect reparations from striking workers at gun-
point. But French occupation was indeed paralyzing Germany and its economy
and had turned rapid German ination into runaway ination. Faced with the
need to support the striking Ruhr workers and their employers, the German gov-
ernment began to print money to pay its bills. Prices soared. People went to the
store with a big bag of paper money; they returned home with a handful of grocer-
ies. German money rapidly lost all value.
Runaway ination brought about a social revolution. The accumulated sav-
ings of many retired and middle-class people were wiped out. Catastrophic ina-
tion cruelly mocked the old middle-class virtues of thrift, caution, and self-reliance.
Many Germans felt betrayed. They hated and blamed the Western governments,
their own government, big business, the Jews, the workers, and the communists for
their misfortune. They were psychologically prepared to follow radical leaders in
a crisis.
In August 1923, a new leader in Germany was able to diffuse the situation.
Gustav Stresemann (GOOS-tahf SHTREY-zuh-mahn) (18781929) called off pas-
sive re sis tance in the Ruhr and agreed in principle to pay reparations but asked for
a re-examination of Germanys ability to pay. (See the feature Individuals in Soci-
ety: Gustav Stresemann.) Poincar accepted, recognizing that continued con-
frontation was a destructive, no-win situation. The British, and even the Americans,
were willing to help. The rst step was a reasonable agreement on the reparations
The reparations commission appointed an international
committee of nancial experts headed by American
banker Charles G. Dawes to re-examine reparations
from a broad perspective. The resulting Dawes Plan (1924) was accepted by
France, Germany, and Britain. Germanys yearly reparations were reduced and
depended on the level of German economic prosperity. Germany would also re-
ceive large loans from the United States to promote German recovery. In short,
Germany would get private loans from the United States and pay reparations to
France and Britain, thus enabling those countries to repay the large sums they
owed the United States.
This circular ow of international payments was complicated and risky, but for
a while it worked. The German republic experienced a spectacular economic re-
covery. With prosperity and large, continual inows of American capital, Ger-
many easily paid about $1.3 billion in reparations in 1927 and 1928, enabling
France and Britain to pay the United States. In this way the Americans belatedly
played a part in the general economic settlement that, though far from ideal, fa-
cilitated the worldwide recovery of the late 1920s.
Hope in Foreign
Affairs (19241929)
Hope in Foreign
Affairs (19241929)
Dawes Plan The product of the
reparations commission headed by
Charles G. Dawes that was accepted
by Germany, France, and Britain, and
reduced Germanys yearly reparations,
made payment dependant on German
economic prosperity, and granted
Germany large loans from the United
States to promote recovery.
Dawes Plan The product of the
reparations commission headed by
Charles G. Dawes that was accepted
by Germany, France, and Britain, and
reduced Germanys yearly reparations,
made payment dependant on German
economic prosperity, and granted
Germany large loans from the United
States to promote recovery.
The Search for Peace and Political Stability 739
Indi vi dual s i n Soci et y
Gustav Stresemann
he German foreign minister Gustav Stresemann
(18781929) is a controversial historical gure.
Hailed by many as a hero of peace, he was denounced
as a traitor by radical German nationalists and then
by Hitlers Nazis. After World
War II, revisionist historians
stressed Stresemanns persistent
nationalism and cast doubt
on his peaceful intentions. Wei-
mar Germanys most renowned
leader is a fascinating example
of the restless quest for convinc-
ing historical interpretation.
Stresemanns origins were
modest. His parents were Ber-
lin innkeepers and retailers of
bottled beer, and only Gustav
of their ve children was able
to attend high school. Attracted
rst to literature and history,
Stresemann later turned to
economics, earned a doctoral
degree, and quickly reached the
top as a manager and director
of German trade associations. A highly intelligent extro-
vert with a knack for negotiation, Stresemann entered
the Reichstag in 1907 as a business-oriented liberal and
nationalist. When World War I erupted, he believed,
like most Germans, that Germany had acted defensively
and was not at fault. He emerged as a strident nationalist
and urged German annexation of conquered foreign
territories. Germanys collapse in defeat and revolution
devastated Stresemann. He seemed a prime candidate
for the hateful extremism of the far right.
Yet although Stresemann opposed the Treaty of Ver-
sailles as an unjust and unrealistic imposition, he turned
back toward the center. He accepted the new Weimar
Republic and played a growing role in the Reichstag as
the leader of his own small probusiness party. His hour
came in the Ruhr crisis, when French and Belgian
troops occupied the district. Named chancellor in Au-
gust 1923, he called off passive re sis tance and began
talks with the French. His government also quelled
communist uprisings; put down rebellions in Bavaria,
including Hitlers attempted coup; and ended runaway
ination with a new currency. Stresemann fought to
preserve German unity, and he succeeded.
Voted out as chancellor in November 1923, Strese-
mann remained as foreign minister in every government
until his death in 1929. Proclaiming a policy of peace
and agreeing to pay reparations, he achieved his greatest
triumph in the Locarno agreements of 1925 (see page
741). But the interlocking guarantees of existing French
and German borders (and the related agreements to re-
solve peacefully all disputes with Poland and Czecho-
slovakia) did not lead the French to make any further
concessions that might have disarmed Stresemanns ex-
tremist foes. Working himself to death, he made little
additional progress in achieving international reconcili-
ation and sovereign equality for Germany.
Stresemann was no fuzzy pacist. Historians debunk-
ing his legend are right in seeing an enduring love of
nation in his defense of German interests. But Strese-
mann, like his French counterpart Aristide Briand, was
a statesman of goodwill who wanted peace through mu-
tually advantageous compromise. A realist trained by
business and politics in the art of the possible, Strese-
mann also reasoned that Germany had to be a satised
and equal partner if peace was to be secure. His unwill-
ingness to guarantee Germanys eastern borders (see
Map 27.4 on page 718), which is often criticized, re-
ects his conviction that keeping some Germans under
Polish and Czechoslovak rule created a ticking time
bomb in Europe. Stresemann was no less convinced
that war on Poland would almost certainly re-create the
Allied coalition that had crushed Germany in 1918.*
His insistence on the necessity of peace in the east as
well as the west was prophetic. Hitlers 1939 invasion of
Poland resulted in an even mightier coalition that al-
most annihilated Germany in 1945.
Questions for Analysis
1. What did Gustav Stresemann do to promote recon-
ciliation in Europe? How did his policy toward
France differ from that toward Poland and
2. What is your interpretation of Stresemann? Does
he arouse your sympathy or your suspicion and
hostility? Why?
* Robert Grathwol, Stresemann: Reections on His Foreign
Policy, Journal of Modern History 45 (March 1973): 5270.
Foreign Minister Gustav Stresemann
of Germany (right) leaves a
meeting with Aristide Briand, his
French counterpart. (Corbis)
This economic settlement was matched by a political settlement. In 1925 the
leaders of Europe signed a number of agreements at Locarno, Switzerland. Ger-
many and France solemnly pledged to accept their common border, and both
Britain and Italy agreed to ght either France or Germany if one invaded the
other. Stresemann also agreed to settle boundary disputes with Poland and Czecho-
slovakia by peaceful means, and France promised those countries military aid if
Germany attacked them. For years, a spirit of Locarno gave Europeans a sense
of growing security and stability in international affairs.
Other developments also strengthened hopes. In 1926 Germany joined the
League of Nations, where Stresemann continued his peace offensive. In 1928
fteen countries signed the Kellogg-Briand Pact, initiated by French prime minis-
ter Aristide Briand and U.S. secretary of state Frank B. Kellogg. This multinational
pact condemned and renounced war as an instrument of national policy. The
signing states agreed to settle international disputes peacefully. Often seen as ide-
alistic nonsense because it made no provisions for action in case war actually oc-
curred, the pact was still a positive step. It fostered the cautious optimism of the
late 1920s and also encouraged the hope that the United States would accept its
responsibilities as a great world power and contribute to European stability.
Domestic politics also offered reason to hope. During
the occupation of the Ruhr and the great ination, re-
publican government in Germany had appeared on
the verge of collapse. In 1923 communists momentarily entered provincial gov-
ernments, and in November an obscure nobody named Adolf Hitler leaped onto
a table in a beer hall in Munich and proclaimed a national socialist revolution.
But Hitlers plot to seize control of the government was poorly or ga nized and easily
crushed, and Hitler was sentenced to prison, where he outlined his theories and
program in his book Mein Kampf (mine kompf) (My Struggle). Throughout the
1920s, Hitlers National Socialist Party attracted support only from a few fanatical
anti-Semites, ultranationalists, and disgruntled ex-ser vicemen. In 1928 his party
had an insignicant twelve seats in the Reichstag. Indeed, after 1923 democ racy
seemed to take root in Weimar Germany. A new currency was established, the
economy boomed, and elections were held regularly.
There were, however, sharp political divisions in the country, with nationalists
and monarchists on the right and newly formed Communist Party members on
the left. The working classes were divided politically, but a majority supported the
moderate socialist Social Democrats.
The situation in France had numerous similarities to that in Germany. Com-
munists and Socialists battled for the support of the workers. After 1924 the dem o-
cratically elected government rested mainly in the hands of coalitions of moderates,
and business interests were well represented. Frances great accomplishment was
rapid rebuilding of its war-torn northern region. The expense of this undertaking
led, however, to a large decit and substantial ination, which reached a crisis
point in early 1926. The government restored condence in the economy by slash-
ing spending and raising taxes, and good times prevailed until 1930. France also
became a locus of cultural energy, attracting artists and writers from all over the
world. As writer Gertrude Stein (stine) (18741946), a leader of the large colony
of American expatriates living in Paris, later recalled, Paris was where the twenti-
eth century was.
Britain, too, faced challenges after 1920. The wartime trend toward greater
social equality continued, however, helping maintain social harmony. Many of
Hope in Democratic
Hope in Democratic
Mein Kampf A book written by Adolf
Hitler, in which he outlines his theories
and program for a national socialist
Mein Kampf A book written by Adolf
Hitler, in which he outlines his theories
and program for a national socialist
The Search for Peace and Political Stability 741
742 Chapter 28 The Age of Anxiety, ca. 19001940
Britains best markets had been lost during the war, and com-
panies laid off massive numbers of workers in response. Yet
the state provided unemployment benets of equal size to all
those without jobs and supplemented those payments with
subsidized housing, medical aid, and increased old-age pen-
sions. These and other mea sures kept living standards from
seriously declining, defused class tensions, and pointed the
way toward the welfare state Britain established after World
War II. Relative social harmony was accompanied by the
rise of the Labour party as a determined champion of the
working classes and of greater social equality. Committed to
the kind of moderate, revisionist socialism that had emerged
before World War I (see pages 668669), the Labour Party
replaced the Liberal Party as the main opposition to the
Conservatives. The new prominence of the Labour Party
reected the decline of old liberal ideals of competitive capi-
talism, limited government control, and individual responsi-
bility. In 1924 and 1929, the Labour Party under Ramsay
MacDonald (18661937) governed the country with the sup-
port of the smaller Liberal Party. Yet Labour moved toward
socialism gradually and dem o cratically, so that the middle
classes were not overly frightened as the working classes won
new benets.
The Conservatives under Stanley Baldwin (18671947)
showed the same compromising spirit on social issues. The
last line of Baldwins greatest speech in March 1925 sum-
marized his international and domestic programs: Give us
peace in our time, O Lord. In spite of such conicts as the
1926 strike by hard-pressed coal miners, which ended in an
unsuccessful general strike, social unrest in Britain was lim-
ited in the 1920s and in the 1930s as well. In 1922 Britain
granted southern, Catholic Ireland full autonomy after a bit-
ter guerrilla war, thereby removing another source of prewar
friction. Thus developments in both international relations
and the domestic politics of the leading democracies gave
cause for optimism in the late 1920s.
American Jazz in Paris
This woodcut from a 1928 French book on cafs and nightclubs suggests
how black musicians took Europe by storm, although the blacks are
represented stereotypically. One French critic concluded that American
blacks had attained a pre-eminent place in music since the war, for they
have impressed the entire world with their vibrating or melancholy
rhythms. (akg-images)
Secti on Revi ew
Conicts remained over how to treat Germany after the Treaty
of Versailles; Germans thought it was too harsh, the French
wanted to enforce it fully to curb Germanys power, while the
British wanted Germany to regain its strength and become an
important market for British goods.
The Allied reparations commission left Germany with an
enormous sum that it could not repay and led to a stalemate,
with France occupying Germany in the Ruhr district until
Gustav Stresemann was able to call in the British and the
Americans for help in reassessing the debt.
The Dawes Plan allowed Germany to get private loans
from the United States to pay reparations to France and Brit-
ain, who then repaid their own war debt to the United States;
politically all agreed to settle international disputes peacefully.
In Germany, democ racy seemed to be taking root, but division
remained with nationalists and monarchists on the right and
communists and socialists on the left; in France the commu-
nists and the socialists battled for support of the workers while
culture thrived.
In Great Britain, the moderate revisionist socialism of the
Labour party led the country gradually toward socialism while
Catholic Ireland nally gained full autonomy in 1922 after a
bitter guerrilla war.
Like the Great War, the Great Depression must be spelled with capital letters.
Economic depression was nothing new. Depressions occurred throughout the
nineteenth century with predictable regularity, as they recur in the form of reces-
sions and slumps to this day. What was new about this depression was its severity
and duration. It struck the entire world with ever-greater intensity from 1929 to
1933, and recovery was uneven and slow. Only with the Second World War did
the depression disappear in much of the world.
The social and political consequences of prolonged economic collapse were
enormous. Mass unemployment and failing farms made insecurity a reality for
millions of ordinary people, who looked in desperation for leaders who would do
There is no agreement among historians and econo-
mists about why the Great Depression was so deep and
lasted so long. Thus it is best to trace the course of the
great collapse before trying to identify what caused it.
The Great Depression was triggered by developments in the United States that
culminated in the stock market crash of 1929. The American economy had pros-
pered in the late 1920s, but there was a serious imbalance between real invest-
ment and stock market speculation. Thus net investmentin factories, farms,
equipment, and the likeactually fell from $3.5 billion in 1925 to $3.2 billion in
1929. In the same years, as money ooded into stocks, the value of shares traded
on the exchanges soared from $27 billion to $87 billion. Although it was not clear
to people at the time, a crash was inevitable.
The American stock market boom was built on borrowed money. Many
wealthy investors, speculators, and people of modest means had bought stocks by
paying only a small fraction of the total purchase price and borrowing the remain-
der from their stockbrokers. Such buying on margin was extremely dangerous.
When prices started falling, the hard-pressed margin buyers either had to put up
more money, which was often impossible, or sell their shares to pay off their bro-
kers. Thus thousands of people started selling all at once. The result was a nan-
cial panic. Countless investors and speculators were wiped out in a matter of days
or weeks.
The nancial panic in the United States triggered a worldwide nancial crisis.
Throughout the 1920s, American bankers and investors had lent large amounts of
capital to many countries. Many of these loans were short-term, and once panic
broke, New York bankers began recalling them. Gold reserves thus began to ow
out of European countries, particularly Germany and Austria, toward the United
States. It became very hard for European business people to borrow money, and
the panicky public began to withdraw its savings from the banks. These banking
problems eventually led to the crash of the largest bank in Austria in 1931 and then
to general nancial chaos. The recall of private loans by American bankers also
accelerated the collapse in world prices, as business people around the world
dumped industrial goods and agricultural commodities in a frantic attempt to get
cash to pay what they owed.
The Great Depression (19291939)
What caused the Great Depression, and how did the Western
democracies respond to this challenge?
The Great Depression (19291939)
What caused the Great Depression, and how did the Western
democracies respond to this challenge?
Great Depression A world wide
economic depression from 1929 through
1933, unique in its severity and duration
and with slow and uneven recovery.
Great Depression A world wide
economic depression from 1929 through
1933, unique in its severity and duration
and with slow and uneven recovery.
The Economic Crisis The Economic Crisis
The Great Depression (19291939) 743
744 Chapter 28 The Age of Anxiety, ca. 19001940
The nancial crisis led to a general crisis of production: between 1929 and
1933, world output of goods fell by an estimated 38 percent. As this happened,
each country turned inward and tried to go it alone. More than twenty nations,
including Britain and the United States, went off the gold standard in order to
price their goods more attractively in foreign markets, with no real advantage
gained. Similarly, country after country followed the example of the United States
when in 1930 it raised protective tariffs to their highest levels ever and tried to seal
off shrinking national markets for American producers only. Within this context of
fragmented and destructive economic nationalism, recovery nally began in 1933.
Although opinions differ, two factors probably best explain the relentless slide
to the bottom from 1929 to early 1933. First, no country came forward to coordi-
nate a response to the international economic situation. Second, almost every
country suffered from poor national economic policy. Governments generally cut
their budgets and reduced spending when they should have run large decits in an
attempt to stimulate their economies. After World War II, such a counter-cyclical
policy, advocated by John Maynard Keynes, became a well-established weapon
against downturn and depression. But in the 1930s, Keyness prescription was gen-
erally dismissed.
The nancial crisis led to cuts in production, and in
turn workers all across Europe and the United States
lost their jobs and had little money to buy goods (see
Map 28.1). Along with economic effects, mass unemployment posed a great social
problem. Poverty increased dramatically, although in most countries unemployed
workers generally received some kind of meager unemployment benets or public
aid that prevented starvation. (See the feature Listening to the Past: Life on the
Dole in Great Britain on pages 750751.) Homes and ways of life were disrupted
in millions of personal tragedies. Young people postponed marriages, and birth-
rates fell sharply. There was an increase in suicide and mental illness. Poverty or
the threat of poverty became a grinding reality. Only strong government action
could deal with mass unemployment, a social powder keg preparing to explode.
Of all the major industrial countries, only Germany
was harder hit by the Great Depression, or reacted
more radically to it, than the United States (see Chap-
ter 29). Depression was so traumatic in the United States because the Roaring
Twenties had been a period of great optimism. The Great Depression and the
response to it marked a major turning point in American history.
Mass Unemployment Mass Unemployment
The New Deal in
the United States
The New Deal in
the United States
Mapping the Past
MAP 28.1 The Great Depression in the United States,
Britain, and Europe
These maps show that unemployment was high almost every where, but that national and
regional differences were also substantial. With this in mind: [1] In the United States, what in
1934 were the main channels of migration for workers? [2] In Britain, locate the areas with the
highest levels of unemployment, which were generally de pen dent on traditional basic industries
such as steel, coal, and textiles. What large area has the lowest unemployment? Why? [3] Which
European countries in 1932 had the highest rate of unemployment, usually considered a good
indicator of the level of economic hardship?
20E 10E 0
European Historical Statistics,
17901970 Monthly Labor Review,
U.S. Dept. of Labor, 1934, vol. 39
0 200 400 Mi.
200 400 Km.
No comparable
data available
Percentage of workers
unemployed, 1932
0 50 100 Mi.
50 100 Km.
Historical Atlas of Britain, 1981
More than 35
Less than 15
Percentage of
insured workers
unemployed, 1932
Statistical Abstract of the United States 1935
70W 80W 90W 100W 110W 120W
0 200 400 Mi.
200 400 Km.
Locations of major
strikes, 19321937
Main migration
of workers
Percentage of total
population receiving
relief, 1934
President Herbert Hoover (18951972) and his administration initially reacted
to the stock market crash and economic decline with hope for recovery and lim-
ited action. But when the full force of the nancial crisis struck Europe in the
summer of 1931 and boomeranged back to the United States, peoples worst fears
became reality. Banks failed; unemployment soared. Between 1929 and 1932, in-
dustrial production fell by about 50 percent.
746 Chapter 28 The Age of Anxiety, ca. 19001940
In these tragic circumstances, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (18821945) won a
landslide presidential victory in 1932 with grand but vague promises of a New
Deal for the forgotten man.
Roosevelts basic goal was to reform capitalism in order to preserve it. Roo-
sevelt rejected socialism and government ownership of industry in 1933. To right
the situation, he chose forceful government intervention in the economy. In this
choice, Roosevelt was exible, pragmatic, and willing to experiment. He and his
brain trust of advisers adopted policies echoing the American experience in
World War I, when the American economy had been thoroughly planned and
Innovative programs promoted agricultural recovery, a top priority. The Agri-
cultural Adjustment Act of 1933 also aimed at raising prices and farm income by
limiting production. These planning mea sures worked for a while, and farmers
repaid Roosevelt in 1936 with overwhelming support.
Roosevelt and his advisers then attacked the key problem of mass unemploy-
ment directly. The federal government accepted the responsibility of employing
directly as many people as nancially possible. New agencies were created to un-
dertake a vast range of projects. The most famous of these was the Works Progress
Administration, or WPA, set up in 1935. One-fth of the entire labor force worked
for the WPA at some point in the 1930s, constructing public buildings, bridges,
and highways. The WPA was enormously popular, and the hope of a government
job helped check the threat of social revolution in the United States.
Government relief programs like the WPA marked a profound shift from the
traditional stress on family support and community responsibility. Other social
mea sures aimed in the same direction. In 1935 the government established a na-
tional Social Security system, with old-age pensions and unemployment benets,
to protect many workers against some of lifes uncertainties. The National Labor
Relations Act of 1935 gave union organizers the green light by declaring collective
bargaining to be the policy of the United States. Union membership more than
doubled, from 4 million in 1935 to 9 million in 1940. In general, between 1935
and 1938 government rulings and social reforms chipped away at the privileges of
the wealthy and tried to help ordinary people.
Yet despite undeniable accomplishments in social reform, the New Deal was
only partly successful as a response to the Great Depression. A recession hit the
United States in 1937 and 1938, and unemployment was still a staggering 10 mil-
lion when war broke out in Europe in September 1939. The New Deal never did
pull the United States out of the depression.
Of all the Western democracies, the Scandinavian
countries under Social Democratic leadership re-
sponded most successfully to the challenge of the
Great Depression. In the 1920s, the Social Democrats
developed a unique kind of socialism. Flexible and nonrevolutionary, Scandina-
vian socialism grew out of a strong tradition of cooperative action in peasant com-
munities. Labor leaders and capitalists had also been inclined to work together.
When the economic crisis struck in 1929, socialist governments in Scandina-
via built on this pattern of cooperative social action. Sweden in particular pio-
neered in the use of large-scale decits to nance public works and thereby
maintain production and employment. Scandinavian governments also increased
social welfare benets, from old-age pensions and unemployment insurance to
subsidized housing and maternity allowances. All this spending required a large
New Deal Franklin Delano Roosevelts
plan to reform capitalism through
forceful government intervention in
the economy.
New Deal Franklin Delano Roosevelts
plan to reform capitalism through
forceful government intervention in
the economy.
WPA The Works Progress
Administration, set up in 1935. The
most famous of Roosevelts New Deal
programs, it employed one-fth of the
entire labor force at some point in the
1930s, constructing public buildings,
bridges, and highways.
WPA The Works Progress
Administration, set up in 1935. The
most famous of Roosevelts New Deal
programs, it employed one-fth of the
entire labor force at some point in the
1930s, constructing public buildings,
bridges, and highways.
The Scandinavian
Response to the
The Scandinavian
Response to the
Social Democrats A exible and
nonrevolutionary socialist government
in Scandinavia that grew out of a strong
tradition of cooperative community
action. In the 1920s, it passed important
social reform legislation for both
peasants and workers, gained practical
administrative experience, and
developed a unique kind of socialism.
Social Democrats A exible and
nonrevolutionary socialist government
in Scandinavia that grew out of a strong
tradition of cooperative community
action. In the 1920s, it passed important
social reform legislation for both
peasants and workers, gained practical
administrative experience, and
developed a unique kind of socialism.
bureaucracy and high taxes, rst on the rich and then on practically everyone. Yet
both private and cooperative enterprise thrived, as did democ racy. Some observers
saw Scandinavias welfare socialism as an appealing middle way between sick
capitalism and cruel communism or fascism.
In Britain, MacDonalds Labour government and
then, after 1931, the Conservative-dominated coalition
government followed orthodox economic theory. The
budget was balanced, but unemployed workers received barely enough welfare to
live. Yet the economy recovered considerably after 1932 and even improved some-
what on the 1920s economy, quite the opposite of the situation in the United
States and France.
This good but by no means brilliant per for mance reected the gradual reori-
entation of the British economy toward the domestic market. New industries, such
as automobiles and electrical appliances, grew in response to British home de-
mand. Moreover, low interest rates encouraged a housing boom. These develop-
ments encouraged Britain to look inward and avoid unpleasant foreign questions.
Because France was relatively less industrialized and more isolated from the
world economy, the Great Depression came late. But once the depression hit
France, it was long-lived. Economic stagnation both reected and heightened an
ongoing political crisis. There was no stability in government. As before 1914, the
French parliament was made up of many political parties, which could never co-
operate for very long. The difference this time was that the vital center of moderate
republicanism was sapped from both sides. New Fascist-type or ga ni za tions agi-
tated against parliamentary democ racy and looked to Mussolinis Italy and Hitlers
Germany for inspiration (see Chapter 29). At the same time, the Communist party
Recovery and Reform
in Britain and France
Recovery and Reform
in Britain and France
Oslo Breakfast
Scandinavian socialism championed cooperation and practical welfare mea sures, playing down
strident rhetoric and theories of class conict. The Oslo Breakfast exemplied the Scandinavian
approach. It provided every schoolchild in the Norwegian capital with a good breakfast free of
charge. (Courtesy, Directorate for Health and Social Affairs, Oslo)
The Great Depression (19291939) 747
748 Chapter 28 The Age of Anxiety, ca. 19001940
and many workers opposed to the existing system were looking to Stalins Russia
for guidance.
Frightened by the growing strength of the fascists at home and abroad, the
Communists, the Socialists, and the Radicals formed an alliancethe Popular
Frontfor the national elections of May 1936. Their clear victory reected the
trend toward polarization. The number of Communists in the parliament jumped
dramatically, while the Socialists, led by Lon Blum, became the strongest party
in France. The really quite moderate Radicals slipped badly,
and the con ser va tives lost ground to the semifascists.
In the next few months, Blums Popular Front government
made the rst and only real attempt to deal with Frances
social and economic problems. Inspired by Roosevelts New
Deal, the Popular Front encouraged the union movement
and launched a far-reaching program of social reform, com-
plete with paid vacations and a forty-hour workweek. Popular
with workers and the lower middle class, these mea sures
were quickly sabotaged by rapid ination and cries of revolu-
tion from fascists and frightened con ser va tives. Wealthy
people sneaked their money out of the country, labor unrest
grew, and France entered a severe nancial crisis. Blum was
forced to announce a breathing spell in social reform.
The res of political dissension were also fanned by civil
war in Spain. Communists demanded that France support
the Spanish republicans, while many French con ser va tives
would gladly have joined Hitler and Mussolini in aiding the
attack of Spanish fascists. Extremism grew, and France itself
was within sight of civil war. Blum was forced to resign in
June 1937, and the Popular Front quickly collapsed. An anx-
ious and divided France drifted aimlessly once again, pre-
occupied by Hitler and German rearmament.
Popular Front A New Dealinspired
party in France led by Leon Blum that
encouraged the union movement and
launched a far-reaching program of
social reform, complete with paid
vacations and a forty-hour workweek.
Popular Front A New Dealinspired
party in France led by Leon Blum that
encouraged the union movement and
launched a far-reaching program of
social reform, complete with paid
vacations and a forty-hour workweek.
Secti on Revi ew
The economic crisis that began with the crash of the American
stock market in 1929 spread across the world as American
bankers recalled their loans, collapsing the world market and
decreasing the output of goods; countries attempted to recover
by raising tariffs and going off the gold standard.
Cuts in production caused mass unemployment and a wide-
spread social crisis as the poor received little government aid.
In the United States, Franklin Roosevelt reformed capitalism
through the forceful government intervention of the New
Deal, enacting programs to boost agriculture and employment
rates, setting up a Social Security system, and allowing collec-
tive bargaining.
The Social Democrats in Scandinavia responded most success-
fully to the depression by using large-scale decits to fund
public works and increasing social welfare benets, taxing the
wealthy rst and then almost everyone.
Britain weathered the depression and recovered as new auto-
mobile and electrical appliance industries grew along with a
housing boom; France, on the other hand, was caught in a
political crossre between political parties and the strength of
the Popular Front, unable to pull the country out of crisis.
Chapter Review
In what ways did new and disturbing ideas in philosophy, physics, psychology,
and the arts reect the general crisis in Western thought? (page 727)
After the First World War, Western intellectual life underwent a general crisis marked
by pessimism, uncertainty, and fascination with irrational forces. Philosophers, build-
ing on the prewar writings of Nietzsche, rejected the traditional philosophical ques-
tions, focusing instead on the rules of language or an existential morality. Einsteins
theories reordered the universe and overturned Newtonian physics; Freudian psychol-
ogy privileged the power of the irrational in human thought. Ceaseless experimenta-
tion and rejection of old forms characterized literature, painting, and music. In short,
almost every eld of Western thought and art experienced revolutionary change.
In what ways did movies and radio become mainstays of popular culture?
(page 736)
Motion pictures and radio provided entertainment and relaxation for the masses.
They were enormously popular, offering escape from the hard realities of everyday life.
Dictatorial governments used the new media for political propaganda.
Key Terms
logical empiricism (p. 728)
existentialism (p. 728)
neutron (p. 730)
id, ego, and superego (p. 730)
stream-of-consciousness technique
(p. 731)
functionalism (p. 732)
Bauhaus (p. 732)
Dadaism (p. 733)
Dawes Plan (p. 739)
Mein Kampf (p. 741)
Great Depression (p. 743)
Chapter Review 749
How did the dem o cratic leaders of the 1920s deal with deep-seated instability
and try to establish real peace and prosperity? (page 737)
The Treaty of Versailles left defeated Germany and the victorious Allies bitterly di-
vided. The question of Germany reparations soon led to political stalemate, French
occupation of Germanys Ruhr district, runaway German ination, and the prospect of
a general European collapse. In 1923, courageous new leaders turned to compromise.
Led by Stresemann in Germany and Briand in France and backed by Great Britain
and the United States, the new leaders worked out a complicated nancial and politi-
cal settlement that led to economic recovery and fragile political stability. Germany
boomed, France rebuilt its war-ravaged areas, and Britains Labour Party expanded
social ser vices.
What caused the Great Depression, and how did the Western democracies
respond to this challenge? (page 743)
The Great Depression grew out of the fragile international nancial system and the
speculative boom in the U.S. stock market in the 1920s. The stock market crash in 1929
shattered international banking and triggered a disastrous downward spiral in prices
and production, bringing massive unemployment to millions of workers. Turning in-
ward to cope with the economic crisis and the related social problems, the Western
democracies responded with relief mea sures, extended unemployment benets, labor
reforms, and social concern. These mea sures eased distress and prevented revolutions
in the leading nations, but with signicant exception of the Scandinavian countries the
Western democracies failed to restore prosperity, eliminate high unemployment, and
prevent widespread disillusionment. The old liberal ideals of individual rights and re-
sponsibilities, elected government, and economic freedom declined and appeared
outmoded to many citizens. And in many countries of central and eastern Europe,
these ideas were abandoned completely, as we shall see in the next chapter.
1. G. Greene, Another Mexico (New York: Viking Press, 1939), p. 3.
2. G. Orwell, 1984 (New York: New American Library, 1950), p. 220.
3. C. E. Jeanneret-Gris (Le Corbusier), Towards a New Architecture (London: J. Rodker, 1931),
p. 15.
4. Quoted in A. H. Barr, Jr., What Is Modern Painting?, 9th ed. (New York: Museum of Modern
Art, 1966), p. 25.
5. R. Graves and A. Hodge, The Long Week End: A Social History of Great Britain, 19181939
(New York: Macmillan, 1941), p. 131.
6. Quoted in A. Briggs, The Birth of Broadcasting, vol. 1 (London: Oxford University Press,
1961), p. 47.
7. Quoted in R. J. Sontag, A Broken World, 19191939 (New York: Harper & Row, 1971), p. 129.
New Deal (p. 746)
WPA (p. 746)
Social Democrats (p. 746)
Popular Front (p. 748)
To assess your mastery of this chapter, go to bedfordstmartins.com/mckaywestbrief
Li st eni ng t o t he Past
Life on the Dole in Great Britain
When people live on the dole for years at a time
they grow used to it, and drawing the dole, though
it remains unpleasant, ceases to be shameful. Thus
the old, in de pen dent, workhouse-fearing tradition
is undermined. . . .
So you have whole populations settling down,
as it were, to a lifetime of the P.A.C. . . . Take, for
instance, the fact that the working class think noth-
ing of getting married on the dole. . . . Life is still
fairly normal, more normal than one really has the
right to expect. Families are impoverished, but the
family-system has not broken up. The people are in
effect living a reduced version of their former lives.
Instead of raging against their destiny they have
made things tolerable by lowering their standards.
But they dont necessarily lower their standards
by cutting out luxuries and concentrating on ne-
cessities; more often it is the other way aboutthe
more natural way, if you come to think of it. Hence
the fact that in a decade of unparalleled depres-
sion, the consumption of all cheap luxuries has in-
creased. The two things that have probably made
the greatest difference of all are the movies and the
mass-production of cheap smart clothes since the
war. The youth who leaves school at fourteen and
gets a blind-alley job is out of work at twenty, prob-
ably for life; but for two pounds ten on the hire-
purchase system he can buy himself a suit which,
for a little while and at a little distance, looks as
though it had been tailored in Savile Row. The girl
can look like a fashion plate at an even lower
price. . . . You can stand on the street corner, in-
dulging in a private daydream of yourself as Clark
Gable or Greta Garbo, which compensates you for
a great deal. . . .
Trade since the war has had to adjust itself to
meet the demands of underpaid, underfed people,
with the result that a luxury is nowadays almost al-
ways cheaper than a necessity. One pair of plain
solid shoes costs as much as two ultra-smart
pairs. . . . And above all there is gambling, the
cheapest of all luxuries. Even people on the verge
of starvation can buy a few days hope (Something
to live for, as they call it) by having a penny on a
sweepstake. . . . Twenty million people are under-
fed but literally everyone in Eng land has access to
a radio. What we have lost in food we have gained
in electricity. Whole sections of the working class
eriodic surges in unemployment were an old story in
capitalist economies, but the long-term joblessness of
millions in the Great Depression was something new and
unexpected. In Britain especially, where the depression fol-
lowed a weak postwar recovery, large numbers suffered invol-
untary idleness for years at a time. Whole families lived on
the dole, the weekly welfare benets paid by the government.
One of the most insightful accounts of unemployed work-
ers was written by the British journalist and novelist George
Orwell (19031950), who studied the conditions in northern
Eng land and wrote The Road to Wigan Pier (1937).
Poster used in the election campaign of
1931, when unemployment rose to a new
record high. (Conservative Research Department/
The Bridgeman Art Library)
who have been plundered of all they really need
are being compensated, in part, by cheap luxuries
which mitigate the surface of life.
Do you consider all this desirable? No, I dont.
But it may be that the psychological adjustment
which the working class are visibly making is the
best they could make in the circumstances. They
have neither turned revolutionary nor lost their
self-respect; merely they have kept their tempers
and settled down to make the best of things on a
sh-and-chip standard. The alternative would be
God knows what continued agonies of despair; or
it might be attempted insurrections which, in a
strongly governed country like Eng land, could only
lead to futile massacres and a rgime of savage
Questions for Analysis
1. What were the consequences of long-term
unemployment for Eng lish workers? Were
some of the consequences surprising?
2. Judging from Orwells description, did radical
revolution seem likely in Eng land in the Great
Depression? Why?
Source: Excerpts from Chapter V in The Road to Wigan Pier
by George Orwell, copyright 1958 and renewed 1986 by
the Estate of Sonia B. Orwell. Reprinted by permission
of Houghton Mifin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Dictatorships and the Second
World War
Chapter Previ ew
Stalins Soviet Union
How did Stalin and the Communist
Party build a modern totalitarian state
in the Soviet Union?
Mussolini and Fascism in Italy
How did Mussolinis dictatorship come
to power and govern in Italy?
Hitler and Nazism in Germany
How did Hitler gain power, what
policies did totalitarian Nazi Germany
pursue, and why did they lead to World
War II?
The Second World War
How did Germany and Japan create
enormous empires that were defeated
by the AlliesBritain, the Soviet Union,
and the United States?
LISTENING TO THE PAST: Stalin Justies the
Five-Year Plan
Hugo Jagers photograph of a crowd of enthusiastic Hitler
supporters. (Time Life Pictures/ Getty Images)
he period following the First World War also saw the rise of political dicta-
torships. On the eve of the Second World War, liberal dem o cratic govern-
ments were surviving only in Great Britain, France, the Low Countries, the
Scandinavian nations, and Switzerland. Elsewhere in Europe, various kinds of
strongmen ruled. Dictatorship seemed the wave of the future. Thus the intel-
lectual and economic crisis discussed in Chapter 28 and the rise of dictatorship to
be considered in this chapter were interrelated elements in the general crisis of
European civilization.
The key development in the era of dictatorship was the rise of a particularly
ruthless and dynamic tyranny. This new kind of tyranny reached its full realization
in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Stalin and Hitler mobilized
their peoples for enormous undertakings and ruled with unprecedented severity.
Both made an unprecedented total claim on the belief and behavior of their
respective citizens, as a noted scholar has recently concluded.
While Stalins ag-
gression was directed within his state, Hitler wanted greater territory as well as the
eradication of entire peoples whom he despised. His moves against Germanys
neighbors sparked another great war that divided the world into two opposing
forces and introduced new methods of mass destruction. Historians continue to
ponder what led an entire society to rally behind a leader whose name has become
synonymous with human evil. The question remains vital as state-sponsored atroc-
ities and acts of genocide continue to plague our world.
Lenins harshest critics claim that he established the basic outlines of a modern
totalitarian dictatorship after the Bolshevik Revolution and during the Rus sian
civil war. If this is so, then Joseph Stalin (18791953) certainly nished the job. A
master of political inghting, Stalin cautiously consolidated his power and elimi-
nated his enemies in the mid-1920s. Then in 1928, as undisputed leader of the
ruling Communist Party, he launched the rst ve-year planthe revolution
from above, as he so aptly termed it.
The ve-year plans marked the beginning of a renewed attempt to mobilize
and transform Soviet society along socialist lines. They were achieved through
propaganda, enormous sacrice by the people, and the concentration of all power
in party hands. Thus the Soviet Union in the 1930s became a dynamic, modern
totalitarian state.
By spring 1921, Lenin and the Bolsheviks had won the
civil war, but they ruled a shattered and devastated
land. Many farms were in ruins, and food supplies
were exhausted. In southern Russia, drought combined with the ravages of war to
produce the worst famine in generations. Industrial production also broke down
completely. The Bolsheviks had destroyed the economy as well as their foes.
Lenins solution was to change course. In March 1921, he announced the
New Economic Policy (NEP), which re-established limited economic freedom in
an attempt to rebuild agriculture and industry. Peasant producers were permitted
Stalins Soviet Union
How did Stalin and the Communist Party build a modern totalitarian
state in the Soviet Union?
Stalins Soviet Union
How did Stalin and the Communist Party build a modern totalitarian
state in the Soviet Union?
ve-year plan A plan launched
by Stalin in 1928 and termed the
revolution from above, the ultimate
goal of which was to generate new
attitudes, new loyalties, and a new
socialist humanity.
ve-year plan A plan launched
by Stalin in 1928 and termed the
revolution from above, the ultimate
goal of which was to generate new
attitudes, new loyalties, and a new
socialist humanity.
From Lenin to Stalin From Lenin to Stalin
New Economic Policy (NEP) Lenins
1921 policy to re-establish limited
economic freedom in an attempt to
rebuild agriculture and industry in the
face of economic disintegration.
New Economic Policy (NEP) Lenins
1921 policy to re-establish limited
economic freedom in an attempt to
rebuild agriculture and industry in the
face of economic disintegration.
Stalins Soviet Union 753
754 Chapter 29 Dictatorships and the Second World War, 19191945
to sell their surpluses in free markets, and private traders and small handicraft
manufacturers were allowed to reappear. Heavy industry, railroads, and banks,
however, remained wholly nationalized.
The NEP represented a deal with the only force capable of overturning the
governmentthe peasant majority. Economically, it brought rapid recovery. In
1926 industrial output surpassed the level of 1913, and Soviet peasants were pro-
ducing almost as much grain as before the war.
As the economy recovered and the government partially relaxed its censorship
and repression, an intense struggle for power began in the inner circles of the
Communist Party, for Lenin had left no chosen successor when he died in 1924.
The principal contenders were the stolid Stalin and the amboyant Trotsky.
Joseph Stalin, born Joseph Dzhugashvili (joo-guhsh-VEE-lee), was a good or-
ganizer but a poor speaker and writer, with no experience outside of Russia. Leon
Trotsky, an inspiring leader who had planned the 1917 takeover (see page 714)
and then created the victorious Red Army, appeared to have all the advantages. Yet
it was Stalin who succeeded Lenin. Stalin won because he was more effective at
gaining the all-important support of the party, the only genuine source of power in
the one-party state. Rising to general secretary of the partys Central Committee
just before Lenins rst stroke in 1922, Stalin used his ofce to win friends and
allies with jobs and promises.
The practical Stalin also won because he appeared better able to relate Marx-
ian teaching to Soviet realities in the 1920s. Stalin developed a theory of social-
ism in one country that was more appealing to the majority of communists than
Trotskys doctrine of permanent revolution. Stalin argued that the Rus sian-
dominated Soviet Union had the ability to build socialism on its own. Trotsky main-
tained that socialism in the Soviet Union could succeed only if revolution occurred
quickly throughout Europe. To many Rus sian communists, Trotskys views seemed
to sell their country short and to promise risky conicts with capitalist countries.
With cunning skill, Stalin gradually achieved supreme power between 1922
and 1927. His nal triumph came at the party congress of December 1927, which
condemned all deviation from the general party line formulated by Stalin. The
dictator and his followers were then ready to launch the revolution from above
the real revolution for millions of ordinary citizens.
The party congress of 1927, which ratied Stalins con-
solidation of power, marked the end of the NEP. In its
place Stalin rolled out the rst in a series of ve-year
plans designed to catch up with the industrialized west and bring the country
closer to having a true socialist economy. Building on planning models developed
by Soviet economists in the 1920s, the rst ve-year plan had staggering economic
objectives. In just ve years, total industrial output was to increase by 250 percent.
Heavy industry, the preferred sector, was to grow even faster. Agricultural production
was slated to increase by 150 percent, and one-fth of the peasants in the Soviet
Union were scheduled to give up their private plots and join socialist collective farms.
By 1930 economic and social change was sweeping the country. (See the feature
Listening to the Past: Stalin Justies the Five-Year Plan on pages 779780.)
A major aspect of the second revolution was collectivizationthe forcible
consolidation of individual peasant farms into large, state-controlled enterprises.
Beginning in 1929, peasants all over the Soviet Union were ordered to give up their
land and animals and become members of collective farms, although they contin-
ued to live in their own homes. As for the kulaks (COO-lox), the better-off peas-
The Five-Year Plans The Five-Year Plans
collectivization The forcible
consolidation of individual peasant farms
into large, state-controlled enterprises.
kulaks The better-off peasants who
were stripped of land and livestock under
Stalin and were generally not permitted
to join the collective farms; many of
them starved or were deported to forced-
labor camps for re-education.
collectivization The forcible
consolidation of individual peasant farms
into large, state-controlled enterprises.
kulaks The better-off peasants who
were stripped of land and livestock under
Stalin and were generally not permitted
to join the collective farms; many of
them starved or were deported to forced-
labor camps for re-education.
ants, Stalin instructed party workers to liquidate them as
a class. Stripped of land and livestock, the kulaks were
generally not even permitted to join the collective farms.
Many starved or were deported to forced-labor camps for
Since almost all peasants were in fact poor, the term ku-
lak soon meant any peasant who opposed the new system.
Whole villages were often attacked. One conscience-stricken
colonel in the secret police confessed to a foreign journalist,
I am an old Bolshevik. I worked in the underground against
the Tsar and then I fought in the Civil War. Did I do all that
in order that I should now surround villages with machine
guns and order my men to re indiscriminately into crowds of
peasants? Oh, no, no!
Forced collectivization of the peasants led to economic
and human disaster. Peasants, who had wanted to own their
own land for centuries, slaughtered their animals and burned
their crops in protest. Between 1929 and 1933, the number
of horses, cattle, sheep, and goats in the Soviet Union fell by
at least half. Nor were the state-controlled collective farms
more productive. The output of grain barely increased be-
tween 1928 and 1938. Collectivized agriculture was unable
to make any substantial nancial contribution to Soviet in-
dustrial development in the rst ve-year plan.
The human dimension of the tragedy was absolutely stag-
gering. As one leading historian writes in outrage, The num-
ber dying in Stalins war against the peasants was higher than
the total deaths of all the countries in World War I. Yet, he
notes, in Stalins war only one side was armed and the other
side bore almost all the casualties, many of whom were
women, children, and the old.
The Communists won the battle to collectivize farms,
but their victory did not bring them the agricultural gains
they had expected. Peasants fought back with indirect daily
opposition until the government agreed to limit a familys
labor on the state-run farms and gave them the right to culti-
vate tiny family plots. In 1938 these family plots grew 22 per-
cent of all Soviet agricultural produce on only 4 percent of all cultivated land.
The industrial side of the ve-year plans was more successfulindeed, quite
spectacular. Soviet industry produced about four times as much in 1937 as it had
in 1928. No other major country had ever achieved such rapid industrial growth.
Heavy industry led the way; consumer industry grew quite slowly. A new heavy
industrial complex was built almost from scratch in western Siberia. Industrial
growth also went hand in hand with urban development, and more than 25 mil-
lion people migrated to cities during the 1930s.
The great industrialization drive, concentrated between 1928 and 1937, was
an awe-inspiring achievement purchased at enormous sacrice. The money for
investment in dozens of new factories was collected from the people by means of
heavy, hidden sales taxes. The workers for the new factories were assigned by the
government, which could force people to move to any job anywhere in the coun-
try. When factory managers needed more hands, they called on their counterparts on
1921 New Economic Policy (NEP) in U.S.S.R.
1922 Mussolini seizes power in Italy
19241929 Buildup of Nazi Party in Germany
1927 Stalin comes to power in U.S.S.R.
1928 Stalins rst ve-year plan
1929 Lateran Agreement; start of
collectivization in Soviet Union
1931 Japan invades Manchuria
19291939 Great Depression
19321933 Famine in Ukraine
1933 Hitler appointed chancellor in Germany;
Nazis begin to control intellectual life and
blacklist authors
1935 Mussolini invades Ethiopia; Hitler
announces German rearmament
1936 Start of great purges under Stalin;
German armies move into Rhineland; civil
war begins in Spain
1938 Germany annexes Austria and
1939 Germany occupies Czech lands; Germany
invades Poland; Britain and France
declare war on Germany
1941 SS stops Jewish emigration from Europe;
Germany invades Soviet Union; bombing
of Pearl Harbor; U.S. enters war
19411945 Six million Jews killed in death camps
1944 Allied invasion at Normandy
1945 Germany surrenders; atomic bombs
dropped on Japan; end of war
756 Chapter 29 Dictatorships and the Second World War, 19191945
the collective farms, who sent them millions of unneeded peasants over the years.
Individuals, meanwhile, could not move without the permission of the police.
The aim of Stalins ve-year plans was to create a new
society as well as a stronger economy and army. Once
every thing was owned by the state, the Stalinists be-
lieved, a utopian brotherhood of individuals with socialist values would inevitably
emerge. The society that the Stalinists created, whose broad outlines existed into
the mid-1980s, was far from utopian. It had both good and bad aspects.
Because consumption was reduced to pay for investment, there was no im-
provement in the average standard of living. Indeed, wages could buy signicantly
less than they had before the revolution. The masses of people lived primarily on
black bread and wore old, shabby clothing. There were constant shortages in the
stores, although very heavily taxed vodka was always readily available. A shortage
of housing was a particularly serious problem. Millions were moving into the cit-
ies, but the government built few new apartments. A relatively lucky family re-
ceived one room for all its members and shared both a kitchen and a toilet with
others on the oor.
Life was hard but by no means hopeless. Idealism and ideology had real appeal
for many communists, who saw themselves heroically building the worlds rst
socialist society while capitalism crumbled in a worldwide depression and degen-
Life and Culture in
Soviet Society
Life and Culture in
Soviet Society
Life in a Forced-Labor Camp
This rare photo from about 1933 shows the reality of deported peasants and other political prisoners building the
StalinWhite Sea Canal in far northern Russia, with their bare hands and under the most dehumanizing conditions.
In books and plays Stalins followers praised the project as a model for the regeneration of reactionaries and
kulak exploiters through the joys of socialist work. ( David King Collection)
erated into fascism in the West. This optimistic belief in the
future of the Soviet Union also attracted many disillusioned
Westerners to communism in the 1930s.
On a more practical level, Soviet workers did receive
some important social benets, such as old-age pensions, free
medical ser vices, free education, and day-care centers for
children. Unemployment was almost unknown. Finally, there
was the possibility of personal advancement.
The keys to improving ones position were specialized
skills and technical education. Rapid industrialization re-
quired massive numbers of trained experts, such as skilled
workers, engineers, and plant managers. Thus the Stalinist
state broke with the egalitarian policies of the 1920s and
dangled high salaries and many special privileges before its
growing technical and managerial elite. This elite joined with
the political and artistic elites in a new upper class of the rich
and powerful. The Stalinist state gave women access to higher
education and the ranks of the better-paid specialists in indus-
try and science. Medicine practically became a womans pro-
fession. By 1950, 75 percent of all doctors in the Soviet Union
were women. Women were expected to toil in factories and in
heavy construction as the equals of men as well. The massive
mobilization of women was a striking characteristic of the So-
viet state.
Popular culture became a vehicle of the state, as news-
papers, lms, and radio broadcasts endlessly recounted social-
ist achievements and capitalist plots. Whereas the 1920s had
seen considerable experimentation in modern art and the-
ater, intellectuals were ordered by Stalin to become engi-
neers of human minds. It became increasingly important for
the successful writer and artist to glorify Rus sian nationalism.
Rus sian history was rewritten so that early tsars such as Ivan
the Terrible and Peter the Great became worthy forerunners
of the greatest Rus sian leader of allStalin.
Stalin seldom appeared in public, but his presence was
every wherein portraits, statues, books, and quotations from
his sacred writings. Although the government persecuted
religion and turned churches into museums of atheism,
the state had both an earthly religion and a high priest: Marxism-Leninism and
Joseph Stalin.
In the mid-1930s, the great effort to engineer a socialist
state culminated in ruthless police terror and a massive
purging of the Communist Party. The party and gov-
ernment elite publicly supported Stalins initiatives, but in private there was
grumbling. At a small gathering in November 1932, even Stalins wife complained
bitterly about the misery of the people and the horrible famine in Ukraine. Stalin
showered her with insults, and she died that same night, apparently by her own
hand. In late 1934, Stalins number-two man, Sergei Kirov (KEER-awf), was mys-
teriously murdered. Although Stalin himself probably ordered Kirovs murder, he
used the incident to launch a reign of terror.
Stalinist Terror and
the Great Purges
Stalinist Terror and
the Great Purges
Lets All Get to Work, Comrades!
Art in the Stalinist era generally followed the ofcial doctrine
of socialist realism, representing objects in a literal style and
celebrating Soviet achievements. Characteristically, this poster
glories the working class, womens equality (in hard labor at
least), mammoth factories, and the Communist Party (represented
by the hammer and sickle by the womans foot). Assailed by
propaganda, Soviet citizens often found refuge in personal
relations and deep friendships. (From Art of the October Revolution,
Mikhail Guerman [Leningrad: Aurora Publishers.] Permission, Professor Guerman,
Department of Education, St. Petersburg State University)
Stalins Soviet Union 757
758 Chapter 29 Dictatorships and the Second World War, 19191945
In August 1936, sixteen prominent Old Bolsheviks confessed to all manner of
plots against Stalin in spectacular public trials in Moscow. Then in 1937 the secret
police arrested a mass of lesser party ofcials and newer members, also torturing
them and extracting more confessions for more show trials. In addition to the party
faithful, union ofcials, managers, intellectuals, army ofcers, and countless ordi-
nary citizens were struck down. In all, at least 8 million people were probably ar-
rested, and millions of these were executed or never returned from prisons and
forced-labor camps.
Stalin and the remaining party leadership recruited 1.5 million new members
to take the place of those purged. Thus more than half of all Communist Party
members in 1941 had joined since the purges. Often the upwardly mobile sons
(and daughters) of workers, they had usually studied in the new technical schools,
and they soon proved capable of managing the government and large-scale pro-
duction. A product of the great purges, this new generation of Stalin-formed com-
munists would serve the leader effectively until his death in 1953, and they would
govern the Soviet Union until the early 1980s.
Stalins mass purges remain bafing, for almost all historians believe that those
purged posed no threat and confessed to crimes they had not committed. Cer-
tainly the highly publicized purges sent a warning to the people: no one was se-
cure, and everyone had to serve the party and its leader with redoubled devotion.
Some Western scholars have also argued that the terror reected a fully developed
totalitarian state, which must always be ghting real or imaginary enemies.
The long-standing Western interpretation that puts the blame for the great
purges on Stalin, which became very popular in Russia after the fall of commu-
nism, has nevertheless been challenged. Some historians argue that Stalins fears
were exaggerated but real. Moreover, these fears and suspicions were shared by
many in the party and in the general population. Bombarded with ideology and
political slogans, the population responded energetically to Stalins directives. In-
vestigations and trials snowballed into a mass hysteria, a new witch-hunt that claimed
millions of victims.
In short, in this view of the 1930s, a deluded Stalin found
large numbers of willing collaborators for crime as well as for achievement.
Mussolini, like Stalin, began as a revolutionary socialist, but in his rise to power he
found it necessary to turn against the working class and seek the support of con ser-
va tives. Mussolinis fascist party was the rst to establish a dictatorship in western
Europe. Yet few scholars today would argue that Mussolini succeeded in establish-
ing a totalitarian state that completely reshaped and dominated the economic,
social, intellectual, and cultural aspects of peoples lives. Membership in the Fas-
cist Party was more a sign of an Italians respectability than a commitment to radi-
cal change, and the fascist experiment was relatively short-lived.
In the early twentieth century, Italy was a liberal state
with civil rights and a constitutional monarchy. On the
eve of the First World War, the parliamentary regime
nally granted universal male suffrage, and Italy appeared to be moving toward
democ racy. But there were serious tensions. Many Italians were more attached to
Mussolini and Fascism in Italy
How did Mussolinis dictatorship come to power and govern in Italy?
Mussolini and Fascism in Italy
How did Mussolinis dictatorship come to power and govern in Italy?
The Seizure of Power The Seizure of Power
Secti on Revi ew
After Lenins death, Stalin and Trotsky
vied for control of the Soviet Union,
but Stalin won out due to his connec-
tions within the Communist Party; he
then set out to launch his revolution
from above.
The ve-year plans set up by Stalin
began with collectivization of agricul-
ture, forcing peasants to give up owner-
ship of land and animals by force, with
disastrous results and enormous casual-
ties in purges of any who dissented;
growth of heavy industry and urban
development were more successful.
Although the average Soviet citizen
lived in crowded conditions and food
shortages were common, many had
high, idealistic hopes for communism
and received educational, medical, and
pension benets and enjoyed career
advancement within a gender-equal
workplace, while the state-controlled
media espoused the wonders of social-
ism, vilied capitalism, and gloried
Rus sian nationalism.
In an effort to reorganize a socialist
state, Stalin ordered purges of the
Communist Party by the secret police
with public show trials and confessions,
sending millions to labor camps, pris-
ons, or execution, replacing them with
new party members who would serve
the party and Stalin faithfully.
their villages and local interests than to the national state. Relations between
church and state were often strained. Class differences were also extreme, and a
powerful revolutionary socialist movement had developed.
The war worsened the political situation. Having fought on the side of the
Allies almost exclusively for purposes of territorial expansion, the parliamentary
government bitterly disappointed Italian nationalists with Italys modest gains at
Versailles. Workers and peasants also felt cheated: to win their support during the war,
the government had promised social and land reform, which it did not deliver.
The Rus sian Revolution inspired and energized Italys revolutionary socialist
movement. The Socialist Party quickly lined up with the Bolsheviks, and radical
workers and peasants began occupying factories and seizing land in 1920. These
actions scared and mobilized the property-owning classes. Moreover, after the
war the pope lifted his ban on participation by Catholics in Italian politics, and
a strong Catholic Party quickly emerged. Thus by 1921 revolutionary social-
ists, antiliberal con ser va tives, and frightened property owners were all opposed
though for different reasonsto the liberal parliamentary government.
Into these crosscurrents of unrest and fear stepped the blustering, bullying
Benito Mussolini (buh-NEE-toh moos-uh-LEE-nee) (18831945). Son of a village
schoolteacher and a poor blacksmith, Mussolini began his political career as a
Socialist Party leader and radical newspaper editor before World War I. In 1914,
powerfully inuenced by antidem o cratic cults of violent action, the young Mus-
solini urged that Italy join the Allies, a stand for which he was expelled from the
Italian Socialist Party. Later Mussolini fought at the front and was wounded in
Hitler and Mussolini in Italy, May 1938
At rst Mussolini distrusted Hitler, but Mussolinis conquest of Ethiopia in 1936 and Hitlers occupation of the Rhineland
brought the two dictators together in a close alliance. State visits by Mussolini to Berlin in 1937 and by Hitler to Rome
in 1938 included gigantic military reviews, which were lmed to impress the whole world. Uniformed Italian fascists
accompany this motorcade. (Time Life Pictures/ Getty Images)
Mussolini and Fascism in Italy 759
760 Chapter 29 Dictatorships and the Second World War, 19191945
1917. Returning home, he began organizing bitter war veterans like himself into a
band of fascistsfrom the Italian word for a union of forces.
At rst Mussolinis program was too similar to that of the well-or ga nized Social-
ist Party, and it failed to rally people behind him. When Mussolini saw that his
verbal assaults on rival Socialists won him growing support from con ser va tives and
the frightened middle classes, he shifted gears in 1920. He and his growing private
army of Black Shirts began to use brute force against the socialists. Typically, a
band of fascist toughs would roar off in trucks at night and swoop down on a few
isolated organizers, beating them up and force-feeding them almost deadly doses
of castor oil. Few people were killed, but socialist newspapers, union halls, and
local Socialist Party headquarters were destroyed. Mussolini convinced his follow-
ers that they were not just opposing the Reds but also making a real revolution
of their own.
His next step was to position himself publicly as the champion of order and
property against the socialists and the ineffectual liberal parliamentary govern-
ment. Striking a con ser va tive note in his speeches and gaining the sympathetic
neutrality of army leaders, Mussolini demanded the resignation of the existing
government and his own appointment by the king. In October 1922, to force mat-
ters, a large group of fascists marched on Rome. The threat worked. Victor Em-
manuel III (r. 19001946), who had no love for the old liberal politicians, asked
Mussolini to form a new cabinet. He was immediately granted dictatorial authority
for one year by the king and the parliament.
Once in power, Mussolini and his ministers changed
the election laws so that the party that won the most
votes was given two-thirds of the representatives in the
parliament. This change allowed the Fascist Party and its allies to win an over-
whelming majority in 1924. Shortly thereafter, ve of Mussolinis thugs kidnapped
and murdered Giacomo Matteotti (JAH-kaw-moh mat-te-AWT-tee), the leader of
the Socialists in the parliament. In the face of this outrage, the opposition de-
manded that Mussolinis armed squads be dissolved and all violence be banned.
Although Mussolini may or may not have ordered Matteottis murder, he stood
at the crossroads of a severe political crisis. After some hesitation, he charged for-
ward. Declaring his desire to make the nation Fascist, he imposed a series of re-
pressive mea sures. Freedom of the press was abolished, elections were xed, and
the government ruled by decree. Mussolini arrested his political opponents, dis-
banded all in de pen dent labor unions, and put dedicated Fascists in control of Ita-
lys schools. Moreover, he created a fascist youth movement, fascist labor unions,
and many other fascist or ga ni za tions. Mussolini trumpeted his goal in a famous
slogan of 1926: Everything in the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against
the state. By the end of that year, Italy was a one-party dictatorship under Musso-
linis unquestioned leadership.
Mussolini, however, never destroyed the old power structure, as the Commu-
nists did in the Soviet Union, or succeeded in dominating it, as the Nazis did in
Germany. Interested primarily in personal power, Mussolini was content to com-
promise with the old con ser va tive classes that controlled the army, the economy,
and the state. He controlled and propagandized labor but left big business to regu-
late itself, protably and securely. There was no land reform.
Mussolini also drew increasing support from the Catholic Church. In the Lat-
eran (LAT-er-uhn) Agreement of 1929, he recognized the Vatican as a tiny in de-
fascists The members of a movement
characterized by extreme, often
expansionist nationalism, an
antisocialism aimed at destroying
working-class movements, alliances with
powerful capitalists and landowners,
a dynamic and violent leader, and
glorication of war and the military.
Black Shirts A private army under
Mussolini that destroyed socialist
newspapers, union halls, and Socialist
Party headquarters, eventually pushing
Socialists out of the city governments of
Northern Italy.
fascists The members of a movement
characterized by extreme, often
expansionist nationalism, an
antisocialism aimed at destroying
working-class movements, alliances with
powerful capitalists and landowners,
a dynamic and violent leader, and
glorication of war and the military.
Black Shirts A private army under
Mussolini that destroyed socialist
newspapers, union halls, and Socialist
Party headquarters, eventually pushing
Socialists out of the city governments of
Northern Italy.
The Regime in Action The Regime in Action
Lateran Agreement A 1929 agreement
that recognized the Vatican as a tiny
in de pen dent state, with Mussolini
agreeing to give the church heavy
nancial support. In turn, the pope
expressed his satisfaction and urged
Italians to support Mussolinis
Lateran Agreement A 1929 agreement
that recognized the Vatican as a tiny
in de pen dent state, with Mussolini
agreeing to give the church heavy
nancial support. In turn, the pope
expressed his satisfaction and urged
Italians to support Mussolinis
pen dent state, and he agreed to give the church heavy nancial support. The pope
expressed his satisfaction and urged Italians to support Mussolinis government.
Mussolinis con ser va tive values are evident in his treatment of women. Rather
than encouraging women to participate in the building of a new society, he abol-
ished divorce and told women to stay at home and produce children. In 1938
women were limited by law to a maximum of 10 percent of the better-paying jobs
in industry and government.
Mussolinis fascist Italy was repressive and undem o cratic, and he insisted on
the spectacle of mass obedience in rallies and salutes. Yet in spite of his posing, his
fascist Italy was never really totalitarian. Indeed, he allowed Victor Emmanuel III
to remain king, and it was Victor Emmanuel who dismissed him as leader after his
own party refused further support of his war policy in 1943.
The most frightening dictatorship developed in Germany. There the Nazi move-
ment, which was a form of fascism, smashed or took over most in de pen dent or ga-
ni za tions, mobilized the economy, and violently persecuted the Jewish population.
Thus Nazism asserted an unlimited claim over German society and proclaimed
the ultimate power of its endlessly aggressive leaderAdolf Hitler. Truly totalitar-
ian in its aspirations, the dynamism of Hitler and the Nazi elite was ultimately di-
rected to war, territorial expansion, and racial aggression.
Nazism grew out of many complex developments, of
which the most inuential were extreme nationalism
and racism. These two ideas captured the mind of the
young Hitler, and it was he who dominated Nazism for as long as it lasted.
The child of a customs ofcial, Adolf Hitler (18891945) spent his youth in
small towns in Austria. He dropped out of high school at age fourteen following
the death of his father and eventually left home for Vienna, where he became
deeply impressed by the mayor, Karl Lueger (18441910). From Lueger and oth-
ers, Hitler absorbed virulent anti-Semitism, racism, and hatred of Slavs. He devel-
oped an unshakable belief in the crudest, most exaggerated distortions of the
Darwinian theory of survival, the superiority of Germanic races, and the inevitabil-
ity of racial conict. Anti-Semitism and racism became Hitlers most passionate
convictions, his explanation for every thing. The Jews, he claimed, directed an in-
ternational conspiracy of nance capitalism and Marxian socialism against Ger-
man culture, German unity, and the German race. Hitlers belief was totally
irrational, but he never doubted it.
Hitler served as a dispatch carrier in the First World War, nding that the
struggle and disciple of war gave life meaning. Crushed by Germanys defeat, he
joined a tiny extremist group in Munich called the German Workers Party, and by
1921 he had gained absolute control of this small but growing party. He was al-
ready a master of mass propaganda and political showmanship. His most effective
tool was the mass rally, where he often worked his audience into a frenzy with
Hitler and Nazism in Germany
How did Hitler gain power, what policies did totalitarian Nazi Germany
pursue, and why did they lead to World War II?
Hitler and Nazism in Germany
How did Hitler gain power, what policies did totalitarian Nazi Germany
pursue, and why did they lead to World War II?
Hitlers Road
to Power
Hitlers Road
to Power
Nazism A movement born of extreme
nationalism and racism and dominated
by Adolf Hitler for as long as it lasted.
Nazism A movement born of extreme
nationalism and racism and dominated
by Adolf Hitler for as long as it lasted.
Secti on Revi ew
Disappointment with Italys modest
gains at Versailles and increasing
socialist agitation in Italy created
conditions that allowed Mussolini to
gain power using his private army, the
Black Shirts, to terrorize the socialists
and to force his way into government.
Mussolini had the election laws
changed so that the Fascist Party
controlled the parliament, and he had
the leader of the Socialist Party mur-
dered, causing outrage and demands
that he dissolve his armed squads.
Mussolini responded by arresting his
opponents, implementing fascist
or ga ni za tions, and winning the sup-
port of the Catholic church while
leaving the old power structure alone
and letting big business regulate itself.
Fascists abolished divorce and told
women to stay at home and have
children, legally limiting women to a
maximum of 10 percent of the better-
paying jobs.
Hitler and Nazism in Germany 761
762 Chapter 29 Dictatorships and the Second World War, 19191945
wild, demagogic attacks on the Versailles treaty, the Jews, Marxists, the war pro-
teers, and Germanys Weimar Republic.
Membership in Hitlers party multiplied tenfold after early 1922. In late 1923,
the Weimar Republic seemed on the verge of collapse, and Hitler, inspired by
Mussolinis recent easy victory, decided on an armed uprising in Munich. Despite
the failure of the poorly or ga nized plot and Hitlers arrest, Nazism had been born.
Hitler concluded from his unsuccessful revolt that he had to undermine,
rather than overthrow, the government and come to power legally through elec-
toral competition. He forced his more violent supporters to accept his new strat-
egy. He also used his brief prison term to dictate his autobiography, Mein Kampf.
There he expounded on his basic themes: race, with a stress on anti-Semitism;
living space, with a sweeping vision of war and conquered territory; and the
leader-dictator, or Fhrer (FYUR-rer), with unlimited, arbitrary power.
In the years of prosperity and relative stability between 1924 and 1929, Hitler
concentrated on building his National Socialist German Workers Party, or Nazi
Party. While his party boasted 100,000 loyal followers by 1928, it received only 2.6
percent of the vote in the general elections. The Great Depression, shattering
economic prosperity from 1929 on, presented Hitler with a new opportunity to
gain votes. Chancellor (chief minister) Heinrich Brning (BREW-ning) and Presi-
dent von Hindenburg inadvertently intensied the economic collapse with their
economic mea sures, convincing many that the countrys republican leaders were
stupid. Never very interested in economics before, Hitler began promising Ger-
man voters economic as well as political and international salvation.
Above all, Hitler rejected free-market capitalism and advocated government
programs to bring recovery. Seized by panic as bankruptcies increased, unemploy-
ment soared, and the Communists made dramatic election
gains, great numbers of middle- and lower-middle-class people
voted their pocketbooks
and deserted the con ser va tive and
moderate parties for the Nazis. By 1932 the Nazis had became
the largest party in the Reichstag.
The appeal to pocketbook interests was particularly effec-
tive in the early 1930s because Hitler appeared more main-
stream, playing down his anti-Jewish hatred and racist
nationalism. A master of propaganda, he had written in Mein
Kampf that the masses were driven by fanaticism and not by
knowledge. To arouse such hysterical fanaticism, he believed
that all propaganda had to be limited to a few simple, end-
lessly repeated slogans. But now when he harangued vast au-
diences with wild oratory and simple slogans, he featured
national rebirth and the crimes of the Versailles treaty.
And many uncertain individuals, surrounded by thousands of
enthralled listeners, found a sense of belonging as well as hope
for better times.
Fhrer A leader-dictator with unlimited,
arbitrary power, this name was bestowed
upon Adolf Hitler.
Fhrer A leader-dictator with unlimited,
arbitrary power, this name was bestowed
upon Adolf Hitler.
Reaching a National Audience
This poster ad promotes the VE-301 receiver, the worlds cheapest radio,
and claims that All Germany listens to the Fhrer on the peoples receiver.
Constantly broadcasting ofcial views and attitudes, the state-controlled
media also put the Nazis favorite entertainmentgigantic mass meetings
that climaxed with Hitlers violent theatrical speecheson an invisible stage
for millions. (Bundesarchiv Koblenz Plak 003-022-025)
Hitler and the Nazis also appealed strongly to German youth. Indeed, in some
ways the Nazi movement was a mass movement of young Germans. Hitler himself
was only forty in 1929, and he and most of his top aides were much younger than
other leading German politicians. National Socialism is the or ga nized will of the
youth, proclaimed the ofcial Nazi slogan. National recovery, exciting and rapid
change, and personal advancement were the appeals of Nazism to millions of Ger-
man youths.
Disunity on the left was another factor in Hitlers rise to power. The Commu-
nists refused to cooperate with the Social Democrats, even though the two parties
together outnumbered the Nazis in the Reichstag, even after the elections of 1932.
The Communists saw themselves as eventual victors, believing that a communist
revolution would follow in the aftermath of Hitlers eventual destruction.
Finally, Hitler excelled in the dirty, backroom politics of the decaying Weimar
Republic. That, in fact, brought him to power. In complicated inghting in 1932,
he cleverly succeeded in gaining additional support from key people in the army
and big business, who thought Hitler would advance their interests. When Hitler
demanded the role of chancellor, those in power reasoned that with nine solid
con ser va tives as ministers and only two other National Socialists, he could be con-
trolled. On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler, leader of the largest party in Germany,
was legally appointed chancellor by Hindenburg.
Hitler moved rapidly to gain total control of Germany.
Continuing to maintain legal appearances, he imme-
diately called for new elections. In the midst of a vio-
lent electoral campaign, the Reichstag building was partly destroyed by re, and
Hitler blamed the Communists. Fearing further violence, President Hinden-
burg agreed to emergency acts that practically abolished freedom of speech and
assembly as well as most personal liberties. The Nazis in the Reichstag then gave
Hitler absolute power for four years when they pushed through the so-called
Enabling Act on March 23, 1933. President Hindenburg died the next year, and
Hitler consolidated president and chancellor in the role of Fhrer.
Germany soon became a one-party state. Only the Nazi Party was legal. The
Reichstag was jokingly referred to as the most expensive glee club in the country,
for its only function was to sing hymns of praise to the Fhrer. Hitler and the Nazis
took over the government bureaucracy intact, installing many Nazis in top posi-
tions. At the same time, they created a series of overlapping Nazi Party or ga ni za-
tions responsible solely to Hitler.
As research in recent years shows, the resulting system of dual government was
riddled with rivalries, contradictions, and inefciencies. Thus the Nazi state was
sloppy and often disor ga nized, lacking the all-encompassing unity that its propa-
gandists claimed. Yet this fractured system suited Hitler and his purposes. He could
play the established bureaucracy against his private, personal party government
and maintain his freedom of action. Hitler could concentrate on general prin-
ciples and the big decisions, which he always made.
In the economic sphere, strikes were outlawed, and in de pen dent labor unions
and professional or ga ni za tions were replaced by Nazi associations. Publishing houses
were put under Nazi control, and universities and writers were quickly brought into
line. Democratic, socialist, and Jewish literature was blacklisted; banned books were
burned in public squares. Modern art and architecture were ruthlessly prohibited.
Life became violently anti-intellectual. By 1934 a brutal dictatorship character-
ized by frightening dynamism and obedience to Hitler was already largely in place.
The Nazi State
and Society
The Nazi State
and Society
Enabling Act An act pushed through
the Reichstag by the Nazis that gave
Hitler absolute dictatorial power for
four years.
Enabling Act An act pushed through
the Reichstag by the Nazis that gave
Hitler absolute dictatorial power for
four years.
Hitler and Nazism in Germany 763
764 Chapter 29 Dictatorships and the Second World War, 19191945
Only the army retained in de pen dence, and Hitler moved brutally and skill-
fully to establish his control there, too. The Nazi storm troopers (the SA), the
quasi-military band of 3 million toughs in brown shirts who had fought commu-
nists and beaten up Jews before the Nazis took power, expected top positions in the
army and even talked of a second revolution against capitalism. Hitler decided
that the SA leaders had to be eliminated. Needing to preserve good relations with
the army as well as with big business, he struck on the night of June 30, 1934.
Hitlers elite personal guardthe SSarrested and shot without trial roughly a
thousand SA leaders and assorted political enemies. Shortly thereafter army lead-
ers swore a binding oath of unquestioning obedience . . . to the Leader of the
German State and People, Adolf Hitler. The SS grew rapidly. Under its methodi-
cal, inhuman leader, Heinrich Himmler (19001945), the SS joined with the
political police, the Gestapo, to expand its network of special courts and concen-
tration camps. Nobody was safe.
From the beginning, Jews were a special object of Nazi persecution, although
Slavs, Roma (Gypsies), Jehovahs Witnesses, Communists, and homosexuals were
also targets. By the end of 1934, most Jewish lawyers, doctors, professors, civil ser-
vants, and musicians had lost their jobs and the right to practice their professions.
In 1935 the infamous Nuremberg Laws deprived Jews of all rights of citizenship.
By 1938 roughly 150,000 of Germanys half a million Jews had emigrated, sacric-
ing almost all their property in order to leave Germany.
In late 1938, the attack on the Jews accelerated. In a well-or ga nized wave of
violence, known to history as Kristallnacht, mobs smashed windows, looted shops,
and destroyed homes and synagogues. German Jews were then rounded up and
made to pay for the damage. Another 150,000 Jews ed Germany. Some Germans
privately opposed these outrages, but most went along or looked the other way.
Hitler had promised the masses economic recovery
work and breadand he delivered. Breaking with
Brnings do-nothing policies, Hitler launched a large
public works program to help pull Germany out of the depression. Work began on
superhighways, ofces, gigantic sports stadiums, and public housing, and then
shifted in 1936 toward rearmament and prep ara tion for war. As a result of these
policies (and plain good luck), unemployment dropped steadily and the standard
of living for the average employed worker increased moderately. The prots of
business rose sharply. For millions of people, economic recovery was tangible evi-
dence that Nazi promises were more than show and propaganda.
Millions of modest middle-class and lower-middle-class people felt that Ger-
many was becoming more open and equal, as Nazi propagandists constantly
claimed. But quantitative studies show that the well-educated classes held on to
most of their advantages and that only a modest social leveling occurred in the
Nazi years. It is signicant that the Nazis shared with the Italian fascists the stereo-
typic view of women as housewives and mothers. Only under the relentless pres-
sure of war did they reluctantly mobilize large numbers of German women for
work in ofces and factories.
Not all Germans supported Hitler, however, and a number of German groups
actively resisted him after 1933. Tens of thousands of political enemies were im-
prisoned, and thousands were executed. But opponents of the Nazis pursued vari-
ous goals, and they were never unied, a fact that helps account for their ultimate
lack of success. In the rst years of Hitlers rule, the principal resisters were the
communists and the socialists in the trade unions. But the expansion of the SS
Hitlers Popularity Hitlers Popularity
system of terror after 1935 smashed most of these leftists. A second group of op-
ponents arose in the Catholic and Protestant churches. However, their efforts were
directed primarily at preserving genuine religious life, not at overthrowing Hitler.
Finally in 1938 (and again from 1942 to 1944), some high-ranking army ofcers,
who feared the consequences of Hitlers reckless aggression, plotted against him,
Although economic recovery and somewhat greater
opportunity for social advancement won Hitler sup-
port, they were only byproducts of the Nazi regime.
The guiding and unique concepts of Nazism remained
space and racethe territorial expansion of the superior German race. As we shall
see, German expansion was facilitated by the uncertain and divided Western de-
mocracies, which tried to appease Hitler to avoid war.
Hitler realized that his aggressive policies had to be carefully camouaged at
rst, for Germanys army was limited by the Treaty of Versailles to only one hun-
dred thousand men. As he told a group of army commanders in February 1933,
the early stages of his policy of conquest of new living space in the East and its
ruthless Germanization had serious dangers. If France had real leaders, Hitler
said, it would not give us time but attack us, presumably with its eastern satel-
Thus, Hitler loudly proclaimed his peaceful intentions, while signaling
otherwise by withdrawing from the League of Nations.
Following this action, Hitler sought to incorporate in de pen dent Austria into a
greater Germany. But a worried Mussolini threatened to ght, and Hitler backed
down. When in March 1935 Hitler repudiated the Treaty of Versailles by establish-
ing a general military draft and declaring Germanys right to rearm, other coun-
tries appeared to understand the danger. With France taking the lead, Italy and
Great Britain protested strongly and warned against future aggressive actions.
Yet the emerging united front against Hitler quickly collapsed. Of crucial im-
portance, Britain adopted a policy of appeasement, granting Hitler every thing he
could reasonably want (and more) in order to avoid another horric war. The rst
step was an Anglo-German naval agreement in June 1935 that broke Germanys
isolation. The second step came in March 1936 when Hitler suddenly marched
his armies into the demilitarized Rhineland, brazenly violating the Treaties of
Versailles and Locarno. This was the last good chance to stop the Nazis, but an
uncertain France would not move without British support, and Britain refused to
act (Map 29.1).
As the Great Powers stood on the sidelines, Hitler found allies in Italy and Ja-
pan. He supported their wars of aggressionItaly against Ethiopia and Japan
against Chinaand they agreed to join the Axis alliance.
The fascist leaders of Germany and Italy came to the aid of another fascist
power in the Spanish civil war (19361939). Their support eventually helped Gen-
eral Francisco Francos fascist movement defeat republican Spain. Only the Soviet
Union offered ofcial support for the Spanish government, as public opinion in
Britain and especially in France was hopelessly divided on the Spanish question.
In late 1937 Hitler moved forward with plans to crush Austria and Czechoslo-
vakia at the earliest possible moment as the rst step in his long-contemplated
drive to the east. Threatening invasion, he forced the Austrian chancellor in March
1938 to put local Nazis in control of the government. The next day, German
armies moved in unopposed, and Austria became part of Greater Germany (see
Map 29.1).
Aggression and
Aggression and
appeasement The British policy
toward Germany prior to World War II
that aimed at granting Hitler whatever he
wanted, including western Czechoslovakia,
in order to avoid war.
appeasement The British policy
toward Germany prior to World War II
that aimed at granting Hitler whatever he
wanted, including western Czechoslovakia,
in order to avoid war.
Hitler and Nazism in Germany 765
766 Chapter 29 Dictatorships and the Second World War, 19191945
Simultaneously, Hitler began demanding that the pro-Nazi, German-speaking
minority of western Czechoslovakiathe Sudetenlandbe turned over to Ger-
many. Yet dem o cratic Czechoslovakia was prepared to resist, and it counted on
France, its ally since 1924, and the Soviet Union, Frances ally. War appeared in-
evitable, but appeasement triumphed again. In September 1938, Britains prime
minister Chamberlain ew to Germany three times in fourteen days. In these ne-
gotiations, to which the U.S.S.R. (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) was delib-
erately not invited, Chamberlain and the French agreed with Hitler that the
Sudetenland should be ceded to Germany immediately. Returning to London
from the Munich Conference, Chamberlain told cheering crowds that he had
secured peace with honor . . . peace for our time. Sold out by the Western pow-
ers, Czechoslovakia gave in.
Gained by
plebiscite, 1935
Annexed by Germany,
March 1939
To Hungary
N o r t h
S e a
B a l t i c
S e a
Pinsk Brest-
0 100 200 Mi.
100 200 Km.
Germany in 1933
International boundaries,
Remilitarized in 1936
Annexed in 1938
Satellite states,
March 1939
Conquered by Germany
in September 1939
Annexed by Soviet Union
in September 1939
MAP 29.1 The Growth of Nazi Germany, 19331939
Until March 1939, Hitler brought ethnic Germans into the Nazi state; then he turned on the Slavic peoples he
had always hated. He stripped Czechoslovakia of its in de pen dence and prepared for an attack on Poland in
September 1939.
Appeasement conrmed Hitlers belief that the Western democracies were
weak and unwilling to ght. He accelerated his eastern expansion, moving into
the remaining Czech lands in March 1939. The Western public now recognized
Hitlers moves as acts of aggression since he was seizing Czechs and Slovaks as
captive peoples. Thus when Hitler used the question of German minorities in
Danzig as a pretext to claim Poland, a suddenly militant Chamberlain declared
that Britain and France would ght if Hitler attacked his eastern neighbor. Hitler
did not take Chamberlains warning seriously, but he was concerned about the
possible response from Polands Soviet neighbor.
In a stunning about-face, Hitler and Stalin signed a ten-year Nazi-Soviet non-
aggression pact in August 1939. Each dictator promised to remain neutral if the
other became involved in war. In secret they agreed to divide eastern Europe into
German and Soviet zones, in the event of a political territorial reor ga ni za tion.
The nonaggression pact itself was enough to make Britain and France cry treach-
ery, for they, too, had been negotiating with Stalin. But Stalin had remained dis-
trustful of Western intentions, and Hitler had offered immediate territorial gain.
For Hitler, every thing was set. He told his generals on the day of the nonaggres-
sion pact, My only fear is that at the last moment some dirty dog will come up
with a mediation plan. On September 1, 1939, German armies and warplanes
smashed into Poland from three sides. Two days later, Britain and France, nally
true to their word, declared war on Germany. The Second World War had begun.
War broke out in both western and eastern Europe because Hitlers ambitions
were essentially unlimited. On both war fronts, Nazi soldiers scored enormous
successes until late 1942, establishing a vast empire of death and destruction. Hit-
lers victories increased tensions in Asia between Japan and the United States and
prompted Japan to attack the United States and overrun much of Southeast Asia.
Yet reckless aggression by Germany and Japan also raised a mighty coalition deter-
mined to smash the aggressors. Led by Britain, the United States, and the Soviet
Union, the Grand Allianceto use Winston Churchills favorite name for it
functioned quite effectively in military terms. Thus the Nazi and Japa nese em-
pires proved short-lived.
Using planes, tanks, and trucks in the rst example of
a blitzkrieg (BLITS-kreeg), or lightning war, Hitlers
armies crushed Poland in four weeks. While the Soviet
Union quickly took its part of the bootythe eastern half of Poland and the in de-
pen dent Baltic states of Lithuania, Estonia, and LatviaFrench and British armies
dug in in the west. They expected another war of attrition and economic blockade.
In spring 1940, the lightning war struck again. After occupying Denmark, Nor-
way, and Holland, German motorized columns broke through southern Bel-
gium, split the Franco-British forces, and trapped the entire British army on the
beaches of Dunkirk. By heroic efforts, the British withdrew their troops but not
their equipment.
The Second World War
How did Germany and Japan create enormous empires that were
defeated by the AlliesBritain, the Soviet Union, and the United States?
The Second World War
How did Germany and Japan create enormous empires that were
defeated by the AlliesBritain, the Soviet Union, and the United States?
Hitlers Empire
Hitlers Empire
blitzkrieg A lightning war that used
planes, tanks, and trucks; Hitler rst
used this method to crush Poland in
four weeks.
blitzkrieg A lightning war that used
planes, tanks, and trucks; Hitler rst
used this method to crush Poland in
four weeks.
Secti on Revi ew
Hitler honed his ideas of anti-
Semitism, the superiority of the
German race, a vision of conquered
territory, and a leader-dictator (Fh-
rer), and he used his oratory skills to
convince the masses of his economic
and political plans for recovery.
Hitler appealed to the youth by pro-
moting national recovery, exciting
change, and personal advancement,
and he succeeded in winning the
support of key gures in big business
and the army to have himself legally
declared chancellor in 1933.
Hitler established himself as Fhrer
and placed Nazis in key political
positions, using his personal SS troops
to eliminate the SA storm troopers,
rivals of the regular German army,
and implementing programs that
discriminated against Jews and other
The public generally supported Hitler
as he delivered a large public works
program that improved living condi-
tions and employment rates, but
re sis tance existed in the Communist
and Socialist parties, the churches,
and some high-ranking ofcials, all of
whom were unable to remove Hitler
from power.
Hitlers plan for Germany was to
expand the German race and territory,
and he was able to do so by making an
Axis alliance with Italy and Japan,
annexing Austria, and helping Franco
win the Spanish civil war.
Hitler was able to gain the Sudeten-
land region of Czechoslovakia with-
out a ght as France and Britain
wanted to avoid another war at all
costs, but when he tried to take Po-
land, France and Britain nally de-
clared war.
Hitler and Stalin signed a ten-year
Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact in
August 1939, right before the outbreak
of the war.
The Second World War 767
768 Chapter 29 Dictatorships and the Second World War, 19191945
France was taken by the Nazis. Aging marshal Henri-Philippe Ptain formed
a new French governmentthe so-called Vichy (VISH-ee) governmentto ac-
cept defeat, and German armies occupied most of France. By July 1940, Hitler
ruled practically all of western continental Europe; Italy was an ally, and the So-
viet Union and Spain were friendly neutrals. Only Britain, led by the uncompro-
mising Winston Churchill (18741965), remained unconquered.
Germany sought to gain control of the air, the necessary rst step toward an
amphibious invasion of Britain. In the Battle of Britain, up to a thousand German
planes attacked British airelds and key factories in a single day, dueling with Brit-
ish defenders high in the skies. Losses were heavy on both sides. Then in Septem-
ber Hitler angrily turned from military objectives to indiscriminate bombing of
British cities in an attempt to break British morale. British aircraft factories in-
creased production, and the heavily bombed people of London deantly dug in.
In September and October 1940, Britain was beating Germany three to one in the
air war. There was no possibility of an immediate German invasion of Britain.
Turning from Britain and moving into the Balkans by April 1941, Hitler now
allowed his lifetime obsession with a vast eastern European empire for the master
race to dictate policy. In June 1941, German armies suddenly attacked the Soviet
Union along a vast front (see Map 29.2, p. 774). By October, Leningrad (St. Peters-
burg) was practically surrounded, Moscow was besieged, and most of Ukraine had
been conquered. But the Soviets did not collapse, and when a severe winter struck
German armies outtted in summer uniforms, the invaders were stopped.
London, 1940
Hitler believed that his relentless terror bombing of Londonthe blitz could break the will of the British
people. He was wrong. The blitz caused enormous destruction, but Londoners went about their business with
courage and calm determination, as this unforgettable image of a milkman in the rubble suggests. (Corbis)
Stalled in Russia, Hitler ruled over a vast European empire stretching from the
outskirts of Moscow to the Eng lish Channel. Hitler, the Nazi leadership, and the
loyal German army were positioned to greatly accelerate construction of their
New Order in Europe, and they continued their efforts until their nal collapse
in 1945. In doing so, they showed what Nazi victory would have meant.
Hitlers New Order was based rmly on racial im pe rialism, the guiding prin-
ciple of Nazi totalitarianism. Within this New Order, the Nordic peoplesthe
Dutch, Norwegians, and Danesreceived preferential treatment, for they were
racially related to the master race, the Germans. The French, an inferior Latin
people, occupied a middle position. All the occupied territories of western and
northern Europe were exploited with increasing intensity. Material shortages and
both mental and physical suffering aficted millions of people.
Slavs in the conquered territories to the east were treated with harsh hatred as
subhumans. At the height of his success in 1941 and 1942, Hitler set the tone.
He painted for his intimate circle the fantastic vision of a vast eastern colonial
empire where Poles, Ukrainians, and Rus sians would be enslaved and forced to die
out, while Germanic peasants resettled the resulting abandoned lands. But he
needed countless helpers and many ambitious initiators to turn his dreams into
reality. These accomplices came forth.
Himmler and the elite corps of SS volunteers shared Hitlers ideology of bar-
barous racial im pe rialism, and they rarely wavered in their efforts to realize his
Supported (or condoned) by military commanders and German police-
men in the occupied territories, the SS corps pressed relentlessly to implement the
program of destruction and to create a mass settlement space for Germans.
Many Poles, Communists, Roma, and Jehovahs Witnesses were murdered in cold
Nazi racism culminated in the Holocaust, the system-
atic, state-sponsored effort to annihilate all the Jews of
Europe. After the fall of Warsaw, the Nazis stepped up
their expulsion campaign and began deporting all German Jews to occupied Po-
land. There they and Jews from all over Europe were concentrated in ghettos,
compelled to wear the Jewish star, and turned into slave laborers.
In 1941, following the invasion of the Soviet Union, the large-scale extermi-
nation of Jews began. On the Rus sian front, Himmlers special SS kill ing squads
and also regular army units forced Soviet Jews to dig giant pits, which became
mass graves as the victims were lined up on the edge and cut down by machine
guns. Then in late 1941, Hitler and the Nazi leadership, in some still-debated
combination, ordered the SS to stop all Jewish emigration from Europe and
speeded up planning for mass murder. As one German diplomat put it, The Jew-
ish Question must be resolved in the course of the war, for only so can it be solved
without a worldwide outcry.
The nal solution of the Jewish questionthe
murder of every single Jewhad begun. Jews were systematically arrested, packed
like cattle onto freight trains, and dispatched to extermination camps. Many Jews
could hardly imagine the enormity of the crime that lay before them.
Arriving at their destination, small numbers of Jews were sent to nearby slave
labor camps, where they were starved and systematically worked to death. But
most of the victims were moved immediately to the death camps, where they were
taken by force or deception to shower rooms that were actually gas chambers.
These gas chambers, rst perfected in the quiet, efcient execution of seventy
New Order Hitlers program based
on the guiding principle of racial
imperialism, which gave preferential
treatment to the Nordic peoples while
the French, an inferior Latin people,
occupied a middle position. Slavs in the
conquered territories to the east were
treated harshly, as subhumans.
totalitarianism A dictatorship that
exercises unprecedented control over
the masses and seeks to mobilize them
for action.
New Order Hitlers program based
on the guiding principle of racial
imperialism, which gave preferential
treatment to the Nordic peoples while
the French, an inferior Latin people,
occupied a middle position. Slavs in the
conquered territories to the east were
treated harshly, as subhumans.
totalitarianism A dictatorship that
exercises unprecedented control over
the masses and seeks to mobilize them
for action.
The Holocaust The Holocaust
Holocaust The systematic effort of the
Nazi state to exterminate all European
Jews, which resulted in the murder of six
million Jews.
Holocaust The systematic effort of the
Nazi state to exterminate all European
Jews, which resulted in the murder of six
million Jews.
The Second World War 769
770 Chapter 29 Dictatorships and the Second World War, 19191945
thousand mentally ill Germans between 1938 and 1941, permitted rapid, hideous,
and thoroughly bureaucratized mass murder. For fteen to twenty minutes came
the terrible screams and gasping sobs of men, women, and children choking to
death on poison gas. Then, only silence. Special camp workers quickly yanked the
victims gold teeth from their jaws, and the bodies were then cremated or some-
times boiled for oil to make soap. At Auschwitz-Birkenau (OUSH-vits beer-ken-
OW), the most infamous of the Nazi death factories, as many as twelve thousand
human beings were slaughtered each day. The extermination of European Jews was
the ultimate monstrosity of Nazi racism and racial im pe rialism. By 1945, 6 million
Jews had been murdered. (See the feature Individuals in Society: Primo Levi.)
Who was responsible for this terrible crime? An earlier generation of historians
usually laid most of the guilt on Hitler and the Nazi leadership. Ordinary Ger-
mans had little knowledge of the extermination camps, it was argued, and those
who cooperated had no alternative given the brutality of Nazi terror and totalitar-
ian control. But in recent years, many studies have revealed a much broader par-
ticipation of German people in the Holocaust and popular indifference (or worse)
to the fate of the Jews.
The reasons for the active participation or complacency of Germans and oth-
ers in the Holocaust are debated. The American historian Daniel Goldhagen has
made the provocative claim that the extreme anti-Semitism of ordinary Germans
led them to respond to Hitler and to become his willing executioners in World
War II.
Yet in most occupied countries, local non-German ofcials also cooper-
ated in the arrest and deportation of Jews to a large extent. As in Germany, only a
Prelude to Murder
This photo captures the terrible inhumanity of Nazi racism and the Holocaust. Frightened and bewildered families from the soon-
to-be-destroyed Warsaw Ghetto are being forced out of their homes by German soldiers for deportation to concentration camps.
There they face murder in the gas chambers. (Hulton Archive/ Getty Images)
Indi vi dual s i n Soci et y
Primo Levi
ost Jews deported to Auschwitz were murdered as
soon as they arrived, but the Nazis made some
prisoners into slave laborers and a few of these survived.
Primo Levi (19191987), an Italian Jew, became one of
the most inuential witnesses to the Holocaust and its
death camps.
Like much of Italys small Jewish community, Levis
family belonged to the urban professional classes. The
young Primo graduated in 1941 from the University of
Turin with highest honors in chemistry. But since 1938,
when Italy introduced racial laws, he had faced growing
discrimination, and two years after graduation he joined
the antifascist re sis tance movement. Quickly captured,
he was deported to Auschwitz with 650 Italian Jews in
February 1944. Stone-faced SS men picked only ninety-
six men and twenty-nine women to work in their respec-
tive labor camps. Primo was one of them.
Nothing prepared Levi for what he encountered.
The Jewish prisoners were kicked, punched, stripped,
branded with tattoos, crammed into huts, and worked
unmercifully. Hoping for some sign of prisoner solidar-
ity in this terrible environment, Levi found only a des-
perate struggle of each against all and enormous status
differences among prisoners. Many stunned and bewil-
dered newcomers, beaten and demoralized by their
bossesthe most privileged prisonerssimply col-
lapsed and died. Others struggled to secure their own
privileges, however small, because food rations and
working conditions were so abominable that ordinary
Jewish prisoners perished in two to three months.
Sensitive and noncombative, Levi found himself
sinking into oblivion. But instead of joining the mass of
the drowned, he became one of the saveda com-
plicated surprise with moral implications that he would
ponder all his life. As Levi explained in Survival in
Auschwitz (1947), the usual road to salvation in the camps
was some kind of collaboration with German power.*
Savage German criminals were released from prison to
become brutal camp guards; non-Jewish political pris-
oners competed for jobs entitling them to better condi-
tions, and, especially troubling for Levi, a small number
of Jewish men plotted and struggled for the power of life
* Primo Levi, Survival in Auschwitz: The Nazi Assault on Hu-
manity, rev. ed. 1958 (London: Collier Books, 1961), pp. 7984,
and The Drowned and the Saved (New York: Summit Books,
1988). These powerful testimonies are highly recommended.
and death over other Jewish prisoners. Though not one
of these Jewish bosses, Levi believed that he himself,
like almost all survivors, had entered the gray zone of
moral compromise. Only a very few superior individu-
als, the stuff of saints and martyrs,
survived the death camps without
shifting their moral stance.
For Levi, compromise and sal-
vation came from his profession.
Interviewed by a German techno-
crat for the camps synthetic rubber
program, Levi performed bril-
liantly in scientic German and
savored his triumph as a Jew over
Nazi racism. Work in the warm
camp laboratory offered Levi op-
portunities to pilfer equipment that
could then be traded for food and
necessities with other prisoners.
Levi also gained critical support
from three saintly prisoners, who
refused to do wicked and hateful
acts. And he counted luck as es-
sential for his survival: in the camp
inrmary with scarlet fever in February 1945 as advanc-
ing Rus sian armies prepared to liberate the camp, Levi
was not evacuated by the Nazis and shot to death like
most Jewish prisoners.
After the war Primo Levi was forever haunted by the
nightmare that the Holocaust would be ignored or for-
gotten. Always ashamed that so many people whom he
considered better than himself had perished, he wrote
and lectured tirelessly to preserve the memory of Jewish
victims and guilty Nazis. Wanting the world to under-
stand the Jewish genocide in all its complexity so that
never again would people tolerate such atrocities, he
grappled tirelessly with his vision of individual choice
and moral compromise in a hell designed to make the
victims collaborate and persecute each other.
Questions for Analysis
1. Describe Levis experience at Auschwitz. How did
camp prisoners treat each other? Why?
2. What does Levi mean by the gray zone? How is
this concept central to his thinking?
3. Will a vivid historical memory of the Holocaust
help to prevent future genocide?
Primo Levi, who never
stopped thinking, writing, and
speaking about the Holocaust.
(Giansanti/ Corbis Sygma)
772 Chapter 29 Dictatorships and the Second World War, 19191945
few exceptional bystanders did not turn a blind eye. Thus some scholars have
concluded that the key for most Germans (and most people in occupied coun-
tries) was that they felt no personal responsibility for Jews and therefore were not
prepared to help them. This meant that many individuals, conditioned by Nazi
racist propaganda but also inuenced by peer pressure and brutalizing wartime
violence, were psychologically prepared to join the SS ideologues and perpetrate
ever-greater crimes. They were ready to plumb the depths of evil and to spiral
downward from mistreatment to arrest to mass murder.
By late 1938, 1.5 million Japa nese troops were bogged
down in China, holding a great swath of territory but
unable to defeat the Nationalists and the Communists
(see Map 29.3). Nor had Japan succeeded in building a large, self-sufcient Asian
economic zone, for it still depended on oil and scrap metal from the Netherlands
East Indies and the United States. Thus Japa nese leaders followed events in Eu-
rope closely, looking for alliances and actions that might improve their position in
Asia. At home they gave free reign to the anti-Western ultranationalism that had
risen in the 1920s and 1930s. In speeches, schools, and newspapers ultranational-
ists proclaimed Japans liberating mission in Asia, gloried the warrior virtues of
honor and sacrice, and demanded absolute devotion to the semidivine emperor.
The outbreak of war in Europe in 1939 and Hitlers early victories opened up
opportunities for the Japa nese in Southeast Asia, where European empires ap-
peared vulnerable. Expanding the war in China, the Japa nese also pressured the
Dutch to surrender control of the Netherlands East Indies and its rich oil elds,
but Dutch colonial ofcials, backed by the British and the Americans, refused.
The United States had repeatedly condemned Japa nese aggression in China, and
it now feared that embattled Britain would collapse if it lost the support of its Asian
Japans invasion of southern Indochina in July 1941 further worsened relations
with the United States. President Franklin Roosevelt demanded that Japan with-
draw from China, and they refused. The United States responded by cutting off
the sale of U.S. oil to Japan and thereby reducing Japans oil supplies by 90 per-
cent. Japa nese leaders believed increasingly that war with the United States was
inevitable, for Japans battle eet would run out of fuel in eigh teen months, and its
industry would be crippled. After much debate, Japa nese leaders decided to launch
a surprise attack on the United States. They hoped to cripple their Pacic rival,
gain time to build a defensible Asian empire while getting oil from Indonesia, and
eventually win an ill-dened compromise peace.
The Japa nese attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in the Hawaiian
Islands was a complete surprise but a limited success. On December 7, 1941, the
Japa nese sank or crippled every American battleship, but by chance all the all-
important American aircraft carriers were at sea and escaped unharmed. More
important, Pearl Harbor united Americans in a spirit of anger and revenge.
Hitler immediately declared war on the United States. Simultaneously, Japa nese
armies successfully attacked European and American colonies in Southeast Asia.
Japa nese armies were small (because most soldiers remained in China), but they
were well trained, highly motivated, and very successful. By May 1942 Japan held a
vast empire in Southeast Asia and the western Pacic (see Map 29.3, p. 776).
Japans Empire
in Asia
Japans Empire
in Asia
Facing war across both the Pacic and the Atlantic, the
United States agreed with its allies Great Britain and
the Soviet Union on a policy of Europe rst. Only af-
ter Hitler was defeated would the Allies turn toward the Pacic for an all-out attack
on Japan, the lesser threat. The Allies agreed to wage war until the unconditional
surrender of both Germany and Japan.
The military resources of the Grand Alliance were awesome. The strengths of
the United States were its mighty industry, its large population, and its national
unity. Gearing up rapidly for all-out war in 1942, the United States acquired a
unique capacity to wage global war. In 1943 it outproduced not only Germany,
Italy, and Japan but also all of the rest of the world combined.
Britain continued to make a great contribution as well. The British economy
was totally and effectively mobilized, and the sharing of burdens through rationing
and heavy taxes on war prots maintained social harmony. By early 1943 the
Americans and the British were combining small aircraft carriers with radar-guided
bombers to rid the Atlantic of German submarines. Britain, the impregnable oat-
ing fortress, became a gigantic frontline staging area for the decisive blow to the
heart of Germany.
As for the Soviet Union, so great was its strength that it might well have de-
feated Germany without Western help. In the face of the German advance, whole
factories and populations were successfully evacuated to eastern Russia and Sibe-
ria. There war production was reor ga nized and expanded, and the Red Army was
increasingly well supplied and well led. Above all, Stalin drew on the massive sup-
port and heroic determination of the Soviet people, especially those in the central
Rus sian heartland. Broad-based Rus sian nationalism, as opposed to narrow com-
munist ideology, became the powerful unifying force in what the Soviet people
appropriately called the Great Patriotic War of the Fatherland.
Finally, the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union had the resources of
much of the world at their command. They were also aided by a growing re sis-
tance movement against the Nazis throughout Europe, even in Germany. After
the Soviet Union was invaded in June 1941, communists throughout Europe took
the lead in the underground re sis tance, joined by a growing number of patriots,
Chris tians, and agents sent by governments-in-exile in London.
Barely halted at the gates of Moscow and Leningrad in
1941, the Germans renewed their offensive against the
Soviet Union in July 1942, driv ing toward the southern
city of Stalingrad and occupying most of the city in a month of incredibly savage
house-to-house ghting.
Then, in November 1942, Soviet armies counterattacked. They rolled over
Romanian and Italian troops to the north and south of Stalingrad, quickly closing
the trap and surrounding the entire German Sixth Army of 300,000 men. The sur-
rounded Germans were systematically destroyed, until by the end of January 1943
only 123,000 soldiers were left to surrender. Hitler, who had refused to allow a re-
treat, had suffered a catastrophic defeat. In summer 1943, the larger, better-equipped
Soviet armies took the offensive and began moving forward (Map 29.2).
Not yet prepared to attack Germany directly through France, the Western Al-
lies saw heavy ghting in North Africa from 1940 onward. In May 1942, combined
German and Italian armies were nally defeated by British forces only seventy
miles from Alexandria at the Battle of El Alamein (al-uh-MAYN). Almost immedi-
ately thereafter, an Anglo-American force landed in Morocco and Algeria. These
The Grand Alliance The Grand Alliance
Europe rst The Allied policy to
defeat Hitler in Europe before turning
their attack on Japan.
Europe rst The Allied policy to
defeat Hitler in Europe before turning
their attack on Japan.
The War in Europe
The War in Europe
The Second World War 773
774 Chapter 29 Dictatorships and the Second World War, 19191945
Nor t h
n e a n S e a
S e a
er R.
Danube R
Po R.
(Liberated June 1944)
(Gr. Br.)
Invasion of Normandy,
June 6, 1944
Battle of
the Bulge,
Dec. 1944
El Alamein,
summer 1942
Nov. 1942
Monte Cassino,
May 1944
Sept. 1943
July 1943
(Vichy France)
(Br. Mandate)
(Gr. Br.)
(Occupied Nov. 1942)
(Br. Mandate)
t, N
ov. 1942
Italian front,
Feb. 1945
20E 10E 0 30E 40E 50E
Hitlers Greater Germany
Allied with Germany
Occupied by Germany and its allies
Grand Alliance
Neutral nations
Major battle
Rhine Crossing,
March 7, 1945
Battle of Britain,
fall 1940
Allies land in Provence,
Aug. 15, 1944
German surrender:
Reims, May 7, 1945
Berlin, May 8, 1945
Axis troops occupy
Vichy France,
Nov. 10 and 11, 1942
Allies invade Sicily and
Italy, JulySept. 1943
Rommel defeated
in Tunisia; Axis
troops evacuated,
May 1943
Siege of Stalingrad,
Aug. 21, 1942Jan. 31, 1943
Siege of Leningrad,
Sept. 1941Jan. 1944
0 150 300 Mi.
150 300 Km.
Mapping the Past
MAP 29.2 World War II in Europe
The map shows the extent of Hitlers empire before the Battle of Stalingrad in late 1942 and the
subsequent advances of the Allies until Germany surrendered on May 7, 1945. This map,
combined with Map 29.1 on page 766, can be used to trace the rise and fall of the Nazi empire
over time. [1] First, using Map 29.1 on page 766, what was the rst country to be conquered by
Hitler (and divided with the Soviet Union)? [2] Second, locate Germanys advance and retreat
on the Rus sian front at different dates: December 1941, November 1942, Spring 1944, and
February 1945. Locate the position of British and American forces on the battleeld at similar
points in time, and then compare the respective Rus sian and British-American positions. What
implications might the battle lines on February 1945 have for the postwar settlement in Europe?
French possessions, which were under the control of Ptains Vichy government,
quickly went over to the side of the Allies.
Having driven the Axis powers from North Africa by spring 1943, Allied forces
maintained the initiative by invading Sicily and then mainland Italy. Mussolini
was deposed by a war-weary people, and the new Italian government publicly ac-
cepted unconditional surrender in September 1943. Italy, it seemed, was liber-
ated. Yet German commandos rescued Mussolini in a daring raid and put him at
the head of a puppet government. German armies seized Rome and all of north-
ern Italy. Fighting continued in Italy.
Indeed, bitter ghting continued in Europe for almost two years. Germany,
less fully mobilized for war than Britain in 1941, applied itself to total war in 1942
and enlisted millions of German women and millions of prisoners of war and slave
laborers from all across occupied Europe in that effort. Between early 1942 and
July 1944, German war production actually tripled in spite of heavy bombing by
the British and American air forces. German re sis tance against Hitler also failed.
After an unsuccessful attempt on Hitlers life in July 1944, SS fanatics brutally
liquidated thousands of Germans. Terrorized at home and frightened by the pros-
pect of unconditional surrender, the Germans fought on with suicidal stoicism.
On June 6, 1944, American and British forces under General Dwight Eisen-
hower landed on the beaches of Normandy, France, in historys greatest naval in-
vasion. In a hundred dramatic days, more than 2 million men and almost half a
million vehicles pushed inland and broke through German lines. Rejecting pro-
posals to strike straight at Berlin in a massive attack, Eisenhower moved forward
cautiously on a broad front. Not until March 1945 did American troops cross the
Rhine and enter Germany.
The Soviets, who had been advancing steadily since July 1943, reached the
outskirts of Warsaw by August 1944. For the next six months, they moved south-
ward into Romania, Hungary, and Yugoslavia. In January 1945, the Red Army
again moved westward through Poland, and on April 26 it met American forces on
the Elbe River. The Allies had closed their vise on Nazi Germany and overrun
Europe. As Soviet forces fought their way into Berlin, Hitler committed suicide in
his bunker, and on May 7 the remaining German commanders capitulated.
In Asia, as gigantic armies clashed in Europe, the great-
est naval battles in history decided the fate of warring
nations (see Map 29.3). First, in the Battle of the Coral
Sea in May 1942, an American carrier force fought its Japa nese counterpart to a
draw, thereby stopping the Japa nese advance on Port Moresby and relieving Aus-
tralia from the threat of invasion. This engagement was followed in June 1942 by
the Battle of Midway, in which American carrier-based pilots sank all four of the
attacking Japa nese aircraft carriers and established overall naval equality with Ja-
pan in the Pacic. In August 1942 American marines attacked and took Guadal-
canal in the Sol o mon Islands in heavy ghting.
Hampered by the policy of Europe rst, the United States gradually won
control of the sea and air as it geared up massive production of aircraft carriers,
submarines, and ghter planes. By 1943 the United States was producing one
hundred thousand aircraft a year, almost twice as many as Japan produced in the
entire war. In July 1943 the Americans and their Australian allies opened an is-
land hopping campaign toward Japan. Pounding Japa nese forces on a given
island with saturation bombing, American army and marine units would then
hit the beaches with ries and ame throwers and secure victory in hand-to-hand
The War in the
Pacic (19421945)
The War in the
Pacic (19421945)
The Second World War 775
776 Chapter 29 Dictatorships and the Second World War, 19191945
combat. Many islands were bypassed, and their Japa nese defenders were block-
aded and left to starve.
The war in the Pacic was extremely brutala war without mercy, in the
words of a leading American scholarand atrocities were committed on both
Knowing of Japa nese atrocities in China and the Philippines, the U.S.
Marines and Army troops seldom took Japa nese prisoners after the Battle of Gua-
dalcanal, kill ing even those rare Japa nese soldiers who offered to surrender. A
product of spiraling violence, mutual hatred, and dehumanizing racial stereotypes,
the war without mercy intensied as it moved toward Japan.
In June 1944 giant U.S. bombers began a relentless bombing campaign that
intensied steadily until the end of the war. In October 1944, as Allied advances
in the Pacic paralleled those in Europe, American forces won a great victory in
Atom bombs dropped,
August 1945
5 1
Bering Sea
Port Moresby
(Gr. Br.)
Coral Sea
May 1942
June 1942
Dec. 1941
JulyAug. 1944
Oct. 1944
Iwo Jima
Feb.March 1945
Aug. 1942
Feb. 1943
Midway Is.
Wake I.
Marcus I.
Bonin Is.
New Guinea
Sakhalin I.
Attu I.
Kiska I.
(Gr. Br.)
(Gr. Br.)
(Gr. Br.)
(Gr. Br.)
(Gr. Br.)
(Gr. Br.)
180 160W 160E 140E 120E 100E
0 Equator
Tropic of Capricorn
Tropic of Cancer
0 500 1000 Mi.
500 1000 Km.
Farthest advance of
Japanese conquests, 1942
Allied-controlled territory
Allied advance
Territory gained by Allies
before Japanese surrender
Japanese-controlled territory
at surrender, August 14, 1945
Major battle
MAP 29.3 World War II in the Pacic
Japa nese forces overran an enormous amount of territory in 1942, which the Allies slowly recaptured in a long,
bitter struggle. As this map shows, Japan still held a large Asian empire in August 1945, when the unprecedented
devastation of atomic warfare suddenly forced it to surrender.
Chapter Review 777
Key Terms
ve-year plan (p. 753)
New Economic Policy (NEP)
(p. 753)
collectivization (p. 754)
kulaks (p. 754)
fascists (p. 760)
Black Shirts (p. 760)
Lateran Agreement (p. 760)
Nazism (p. 761)
Fhrer (p. 762)
Enabling Act (p. 763)
the four-day Battle of Leyte (LEY-tee) Gulf, the
greatest battle in naval history, with 282 ships in-
volved. The Japa nese navy was practically nished.
In spite of all their defeats, Japa nese troops con-
tinued to ght with enormous courage and determi-
nation. Indeed, the bloodiest battles of the Pacic
war took place on Iwo Jima in February 1945 and
on Okinawa (oh-kee-NAH-wah) in June 1945.
American commanders believed the conquest of
Japan might cost a million American casualties and
claim 10 to 20 million Japa nese lives. In fact, Japan
was almost helpless, its industry and dense, fragile
wooden cities largely destroyed by incendiary bomb-
ing and uncontrollable hurricanes of re. Yet the
Japa nese seemed determined to ght on, ever ready
to die for a hopeless cause.
On August 6 and 9, 1945, the United States
dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima (heer-oh-
SHEE-muh) and Nagasaki (nah-gah-SAH-kee) in
Japan. Mass bombing of cities and civilians, one of
the terrible new practices of World War II, had
ended in the nal nightmareunprecedented hu-
man destruction in a single blinding ash. On
August 14, 1945, the Japa nese announced their sur-
render. The Second World War, which had claimed
the lives of more than 50 million soldiers and civil-
ians, was over.
Chapter Review
How did Stalin and the Communist Party build a modern totalitarian state in
the Soviet Union? (page 753)
The crafty Stalin consolidated his power in the 1920s, and in 1928 he launched the
ve-year plans. In doing so, Stalins Soviet Union asserted a total claim on the lives of
its citizens. It posed ambitious goals in the form of rapid state-directed industrialization
and savage collectivization of agriculture. And it found enthusiastic supporters who
believed that Stalin and the Communist Party were building their kind of socialism
and a new socialist personality at home. Relentless propaganda and the great purges
reinforced the Partys claims of unlimited control of its citizens.
How did Mussolinis dictatorship come to power and govern in Italy? (page 758)
Mussolini began as a socialist but he turned to the right when he received growing
support from con ser va tives. Coming to power with the kings help, Mussolini pro-
claimed the revolutionary, totalitarian character of his one-party rule. In fact, Mus-
solinis government retained many elements of con ser va tive authoritarianism, such as
compromising with the Catholic Church and keeping women in traditional roles.
Secti on Revi ew
The Germans used a blitzkrieg to crush Poland and most of western
continental Europe except Britain, turning next to the Soviet Union,
where they gained vast amounts of territory; their aim was to have
Germanic peoples occupy and populate the conquered territories,
enslaving and eliminating the inferior races there.
Hitlers ultimate horror was his goal of racial im pe rialism, including the
deportations to concentration camps and slave labor camps, culminat-
ing in the outright mass murder of millions of Jews and other undesir-
ables in the Holocaust.
Japan tried to expand into Southeast Asia, angering the United States,
who cut off the sale of oil to Japan, which responded with a surprise
attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and European and American colonies
in Southeast Asia, sparking Hitlers declaration of war against the
United States.
The Allied powers agreed to liberate Europe rst and then to take on
Japan in the Pacic; they effectively mobilized for war, with the United
States out-producing every other country while Britain and the Soviet
Union also elded well-or ga nized war machines.
The Germans pursued their attack on the Soviet Union but suffered
defeat while the Soviets went on the offensive, and with the western
Allies, closed the noose, surrounding and nally entering Germany
where Hitler committed suicide and the remaining Germans
The brutal war in the Pacic, a war without mercy, involved an Allied
island hopping campaign on the way to Japan; intense ghting
pressed Japan to the limit, but the United States dealt the nal cata-
strophic blow by dropping two atomic bombs to end the war.
778 Chapter 29 Dictatorships and the Second World War, 19191945
How did Hitler gain power, what policies did totalitarian Nazi Germany pursue,
and why did they lead to World War II? (page 761)
Failing to overthrow the government in 1923 in an attempted coup, Hitler came to
power legally in 1933 by promising voters national renewal and economic recovery
from the Great Depression. His policies appeared to help the economy and he quickly
established a one-party totalitarian regime with ambitious goals and widespread popu-
lar support. But whereas Stalin concentrated on building socialism at home, Hitler
and the Nazi elite aimed at unlimited territorial and racial aggression on behalf of a
master race. He proceeded gradually at rst, and Britain and France sought to ap-
pease Hitler with various diplomatic concessions. Only Hitlers unprovoked attack on
Poland in 1939 brought a military response from Britain and France and the begin-
ning of World War II.
How did Germany and Japan create enormous empires that were defeated by
the AlliesBritain, the Soviet Union, and the United States? (page 767)
Nazi racism and unlimited aggression made war inevitable, rst with the western
European democracies, then with hated eastern neighbors, and nally with the United
States. Joined by Japan after Pearl Harbor, Hitlers forces overran much of western and
eastern Europe, annihilated millions of Jews, and plunged Europe into the ultimate
nightmare. But unlimited aggression unwittingly forged a mighty coalition led by Brit-
ain, the Soviet Union, and the United States. This Grand Alliance held together and
smashed the racist Nazi empire and its leader. The United States also destroyed Japans
vast, overextended empire in the Pacic, thus bringing to a close historys most destruc-
tive war.
1. I. Kershaw, The Nazi Dictatorship: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation, 2d ed. (Lon-
don: Edward Arnold, 1989), p. 34.
2. Quoted in I. Deutscher, Stalin: A Political Biography, 2d ed. (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1967), p. 325.
3. R. Conquest, The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1986), pp. 4, 303.
4. R. Thurston, Life and Terror in Stalins Russia, 19341941 (New Haven, Conn.: Yale Uni-
versity Press, 1996), esp. pp. 16106; also Malia, The Soviet Tragedy, pp. 227270.
5. W. Brustein, The Logic of Evil: The Social Origins of the Nazi Party, 19251933 (New Ha-
ven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1996), pp. 52, 182.
6. Quoted in K. D. Bracher, The German Dictatorship: The Origins, Structure and Effects of
National Socialism (New York: Praeger, 1970), p. 289.
7. R. Allen, The Business of Genocide: The SS, Slave Labor, and the Concentration Camps
(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002), pp. 270285.
8. Quoted in M. Marrus, The Holocaust in History (Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New
Eng land, 1987), p. 28.
9. D. Goldhagen, Hitlers Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust (New
York: Vintage Books, 1997).
10. J. Dower, War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacic War (New York: Pantheon, 1986).
appeasement (p. 765)
blitzkrieg (p. 767)
New Order (p. 769)
totalitarianism (p. 769)
Holocaust (p. 769)
Europe rst (p. 773)
To assess your mastery of this chapter, go to bedfordstmartins.com/mckaywestbrief
Li st eni ng t o t he Past
Stalin Justies the Five-Year Plan
It is sometimes asked whether it is not possible
to slow down the tempo somewhat, to put a check
on the movement. No, comrades, it is not possible!
The tempo must not be reduced! On the contrary,
we must increase it as much as is within our powers
and possibilities. This is dictated to us by our obli-
gations to the workers and peasants of the U.S.S.R.
This is dictated to us by our obligations to the work-
ing class of the whole world.
To slacken the tempo would mean falling be-
hind. And those who fall behind get beaten. But we
do not want to be beaten. No, we refuse to be
beaten! One feature of the history of old Russia
was the continual beatings she suffered because of
her backwardness. She was beaten by the Mongol
khans, . . . the Turkish beys, . . . and the Japa nese
barons. All beat herbecause of her backwardness,
cultural backwardness, political backwardness, in-
dustrial backwardness, agricultural backwardness.
They beat her because to do so was protable and
could be done with impunity. . . . Such is the law
of the exploitersto beat the backward and the
weak. It is the jungle law of capitalism. You are
backward, you are weaktherefore you are wrong;
hence you can be beaten and enslaved. You are
mightytherefore you are right; hence we must be
wary of you.
That is why we must no longer lag behind. . . .
But we have yet other, more serious and more
important, obligations. They are our obligations to
the world proletariat. . . . We must march forward
in such a way that the working class of the whole
world, looking at us, may say: There you have
my advanced detachment, my shock brigade, my
working-class state power, my fatherland; they are
engaged on their cause, our cause, and they are
working well; let us support them against the capi-
talists and promote the cause of the world revolu-
tion. Must we not justify the hopes of the worlds
working class, must we not fulll our obligations to
them? Yes, we must if we do not want to utterly
disgrace ourselves.
Such are our obligations, internal and inter-
As you see, they dictate to us a Bolshevik tempo
of development.
I will not say that we have accomplished noth-
ing in regard to management of production during
these years. In fact, we have accomplished a good
deal. . . . But we could have accomplished still
n February 4, 1931, Joseph Stalin delivered the follow-
ing address, entitled No Slowdown in Tempo!, to the
First Conference of Soviet Industrial Managers. Published the
following day in Pravda, the newspaper of the Communist
Party, and widely publicized at home and abroad, Stalins
speech sought to rally the people and generate support for the
partys program. His address captures the spirit of Soviet
public discourse in the early 1930s.
Our program is realistic, Stalin proclaims on this
poster, because it is you and me working together.
( David King Collection)
more if we had tried during this period really to
master production, the technique of production,
the nancial and economic side of it. . . .
It is said that it is hard to master technique. That
is not true! There are no fortresses that Bolsheviks
cannot capture. We have solved a number of most
difcult problems. We have overthrown capitalism.
We have assumed power. We have built up a huge
socialist industry. We have transferred the middle
peasants on the path of socialism. We have already
accomplished what is most important from the
point of view of construction. What remains to be
done is not so much: to study technique, to master
science. And when we have done that we shall de-
velop a tempo of which we dare not even dream at
And we shall do it if we really want to.
Questions for Analysis
1. What reasons does Stalin give to justify an
unrelenting Bolshevik tempo of industrial
and social change? In the light of history,
which reason seems most convincing? Why?
2. Imagine that the year is 1931 and you are a
Soviet student reading Stalins speech. Would
Stalins determination inspire you, frighten
you, or leave you cold? Why?
3. Some historians argue that Soviet socialism was
a kind of utopianismthat zealots believed
that the economy, the society, and even human
beings could be completely remade and per-
fected. What utopian elements do you see in
Stalins declaration?
Source: From Joseph Stalin, No Slowdown in Tempo!
Pravda, February 5, 1931.
Cold War Conicts
and Social
Chapter Previ ew
The Division of Europe
What were the causes of the cold war?
The Western Renaissance (19451968)
Why did western Europe recover so
successfully? How did colonial peoples
win political in de pen dence and
American blacks triumph in the civil
rights movement?
Soviet Eastern Europe (19451968)
What was the pattern of postwar
rebuilding and development in the
Soviet Union and communist eastern
Postwar Social Transformations (19451968)
How did changing patterns in
technology, class relations, womens
work, and youth culture bring major
social transformations?
Conict and Challenge in the Late Cold
War (19681985)
What were the key aspects of political
conict, economic stagnation, and the
feminist movement in the late cold war?
LISTENING TO THE PAST: A Feminist Critique
of Marriage
The youth revolution. London, ca. 1980. (Anthea Sieveking/Wellcome Images)
782 Chapter 30 Cold War Conicts and Social Transformations, 19451985
he total defeat of the Nazis and their allies in 1945 laid the basis for one of
Western civilizations most remarkable recoveries, as Europe dug itself out
from under the rubble and fashioned a great renaissance. Yet there was also a
tragic setback. The Grand Alliance against Hitler gave way to an apparently end-
less cold war in which tension between East and West threatened world peace.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, three major changes marked the end of the
era of postwar Western renaissance. First, as cold war competition again turned
very hot in Vietnam, postwar certainties such as domestic political stability and
social harmony evaporated, and several countries experienced major crises. Sec-
ond, the astonishing postwar economic advance came to a halt, and this had seri-
ous social consequences. Third, new roles for women after World War II led to a
powerful second wave of feminist thought and action in the 1970s, resulting in
major changes for women and gender relations. Thus the long cold war created an
underlying unity for the years 19451985, but the rst half of the cold war era was
quite different from the second.
In 1945 triumphant American and Rus sian soldiers came together and embraced
on the banks of the Elbe River in the heart of vanquished Germany. At home, in
the United States and in the Soviet Union, the soldiers loved ones erupted in joy-
ous celebration. Yet victory was awed. The Allies could not cooperate politically
in peacemaking. Motivated by different goals and hounded by misunderstandings,
the United States and the Soviet Union soon found themselves at loggerheads. By
the end of 1947, Europe was rigidly divided. It was West versus East in a cold war
that was waged around the world for forty years.
The most powerful allies in the wartime coalitionthe
Soviet Union and the United Statesbegan to quarrel
almost as soon as the threat of Nazi Germany disap-
peared. This hostility between the Eastern and Western superpowers was the sad
but logical outgrowth of military developments, wartime agreements, and long-
standing political and ideological differences.
In the early phases of the Second World War, the Americans and the British
chose to avoid discussing with Stalin the shape of the eventual peace settlement.
They feared that hard bargaining would encourage Stalin to consider making a
separate peace with Hitler. They focused instead on the policy of unconditional
surrender to solidify the alliance.
By late 1943, discussion about the shape of the postwar world could no longer
be postponed. The conference that Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill held in the
Iranian capital of Teheran in November 1943 thus proved of crucial importance
in determining subsequent events. There, the Big Three searched for the appropri-
ate military strategy to crush Germany. Roosevelt chose to meet Stalins wartime
demands whenever possible and so supported Stalins plan for an American-
British frontal assault through France. This strategy meant that the Soviet and the
American-British armies would come together in defeated Germany along a north-
The Division of Europe
What were the causes of the cold war?
The Division of Europe
What were the causes of the cold war?
The Origins of
the Cold War
The Origins of
the Cold War
Big Three Russia, the United States,
and Eng land.
Big Three Russia, the United States,
and Eng land.
south line and that only Soviet troops would liberate eastern
Europe. Thus the basic shape of postwar Europe was emerg-
ing even as the ghting continued.
When the Big Three met again in February 1945 at Yalta
on the Black Sea in southern Russia, advancing Soviet armies
were within a hundred miles of Berlin. The Red Army had
occupied not only Poland but also Bulgaria, Romania, Hun-
gary, part of Yugoslavia, and much of Czechoslovakia. The
temporarily stalled American-British forces had yet to cross
the Rhine into Germany. Moreover, the United States was
far from defeating Japan. In short, the Soviet Unions position
was strong and Americas weak.
It was agreed at Yalta that Germany would be divided
into zones of occupation and would pay heavy reparations to
the Soviet Union. At American insistence, Stalin agreed to
declare war on Japan after Germany was defeated. An am-
biguous compromise was reached on Poland and eastern
Europe: their governments were to be freely elected but
pro-Rus sian.
The Yalta compromise over eastern Europe broke down
almost immediately. Even before the Yalta Conference, Bul-
garia and Poland were controlled by communists who arrived
home with the Red Army. Elsewhere in eastern Europe,
pro-Soviet coalition governments of several parties were
formed, but the key ministerial posts were reserved for
Moscow-trained communists.
At the postwar Potsdam Conference of July 1945, differ-
ences over eastern Europe nally surged to the fore. The new
American president, Harry Truman, demanded immediate
free elections throughout eastern Eu-
rope. Stalin refused point-blank. A
freely elected government in any of
these East European countries would
be anti-Soviet, he admitted simply,
and that we cannot allow.
Here, then, is the key to the
much-debated origins of the cold war.
American ideals, pumped up by the
crusade against Hitler, and American
politics, heavily inuenced by mil-
lions of voters from eastern Europe,
demanded free elections in Soviet-
occupied eastern Europe. Stalin, who
19451962 U.S. takes lead in Big Science
19451960s Decolonization of Asia and Africa
1947 Truman Doctrine; Marshall Plan
1949 Formation of NATO; Stalin launches
verbal attack on Soviet Jews; Beauvoir,
The Second Sex
19501953 Korean War
19531964 De-Stalinization of Soviet Union
1957 Formation of Common Market
1961 Building of Berlin Wall
1962 Cuban missile crisis; Solzhenitsyn,
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
1964 Civil Rights Act in the United States
19641973 U.S. involvement in Vietnam War
1966 Formation of National Organization for
Women (NOW)
1968 Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia;
student protests in Paris
1969 First Apollo moon landing
1972 Watergate break-in
1973 OPEC oil embargo
1979 Margaret Thatcher becomes British
prime minister
The Big Three
In 1945 a triumphant Winston Churchill, an
ailing Franklin Roosevelt, and a determined
Joseph Stalin met at Yalta in southern Russia
to plan for peace. Cooperation soon gave
way to bitter hostility. (Franklin Delano Roosevelt
784 Chapter 30 Cold War Conicts and Social Transformations, 19451985
had lived through two enormously destructive German invasions, wanted absolute
military security in relation to Germany and its potential Eastern allies. Suspicious
by nature, he believed that only communist states could be truly dependable al-
lies, and he realized that free elections would result in in de pen dent and possibly
hostile governments on his western border. Moreover, by the middle of 1945,
there was no way short of war that the United States could control political devel-
opments in eastern Europe, and war was out of the question. Stalin was bound to
have his way.
The American response to Stalins refusal to allow
elections was to get tough. In May 1945, Truman
abruptly cut off all aid to the U.S.S.R. In October he
declared that the United States would never recognize any government estab-
lished by force against the free will of its people. In March 1946, former British
prime minister Churchill ominously informed an American audience that an
iron curtain had fallen across the continent, dividing Germany and all of Eu-
rope into two antagonistic camps. Emotional, moralistic denunciations of Stalin
and communist Russia emerged as part of American political life. Yet the United
States also responded to the popular desire to bring the boys home and demobi-
lized its troops with great speed. Some historians have argued that American lead-
ers believed that the atomic bomb gave the United States all the power it needed,
but getting tough really meant talking tough.
Stalins agents quickly reheated what they viewed as the ideological struggle
against capitalist im pe rialism. The large, well-or ga nized Communist Parties of
France and Italy obediently started to uncover American plots to take over Eu-
rope and challenged their own governments with violent criticisms and large
strikes. The Soviet Union also put pressure on Iran, Turkey, and Greece, while a
bitter civil war raged in China. By the spring of 1947, it appeared to many Ameri-
cans that Stalin was determined to export communism by subversion throughout
Europe and around the world.
The United States responded to this challenge with the Truman Doctrine,
which was aimed at containing communism to areas already occupied by the
Red Army and supporting governments facing a communist threat. To begin, Tru-
man asked Congress for military aid to Greece and Turkey, countries that Britain,
weakened by war and nancially overextended, could no longer protect. Then, in
June, Secretary of State George C. Marshall offered Europe economic aidthe
Marshall Planto help it rebuild.
Stalin refused Marshall Plan assistance for all of eastern Europe and attempted
unsuccessfully to add West Berlin to the Soviet bloc. In 1949, intent on contain-
ment, the United States formed an anti-Soviet military alliance of Western govern-
ments: the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO. Stalin countered by
tightening his hold on his satellites, later united in the Warsaw Pact. Europe was
divided into two hostile blocs and the bitter cold war was begun (see Map 30.1,
page 786).
In late 1949, the communists triumphed in China, which many Americans
perceived as new evidence of a powerful worldwide communist conspiracy. When
the Rus sian-backed communist army of North Korea invaded South Korea in
1950, President Truman acted swiftly. American-led United Nations forces under
General Douglas MacArthur intervened. The bitter, bloody contest seesawed back
and forth, but President Truman rejected General MacArthurs call to attack
China and red him instead. In 1953 a fragile truce was negotiated, and the ght-
West Versus East West Versus East
Marshall Plan Secretary of State
George C. Marshalls plan of economic
aid to Europe to help it rebuild, which
Stalin refused for all of eastern Europe.
NATO The North Atlantic Treaty
Organization, an anti-Soviet military
alliance of Western governments.
cold war The long period after World
War II during which Europe and the
United States were divided between
East and West into two hostile military
alliances and the tension threatened
world peace.
Marshall Plan Secretary of State
George C. Marshalls plan of economic
aid to Europe to help it rebuild, which
Stalin refused for all of eastern Europe.
NATO The North Atlantic Treaty
Organization, an anti-Soviet military
alliance of Western governments.
cold war The long period after World
War II during which Europe and the
United States were divided between
East and West into two hostile military
alliances and the tension threatened
world peace.
ing stopped. Thus the United States extended its policy of containment to Asia but
drew back from an attack on communist China and possible nuclear war.
As the cold war divided Europe into two blocs, the future appeared bleak on both
sides of the iron curtain. European economic conditions were the worst in genera-
tions, and the overseas empires of western Europe were crumbling in the face of
nationalism in Asia and Africa. Yet in less than a generation, western Europe and
the United States achieved unprecedented economic prosperity and social trans-
formation. It was an amazing rebirtha true renaissance.
After the war, the people of western Europe faced se-
vere shortages and hardships. Suffering was most in-
tense in defeated Germany. The major territorial
change of the war had moved the Soviet Unions border far to the west. Poland was
in turn compensated for this loss to the Soviets with land taken from Germany. To
solidify these changes in boundaries, 13 million Germans were driven from their
homes and forced to resettle in a greatly reduced Germany. The Rus sians were
also seizing factories and equipment as reparations in their zone, even tearing up
railroad tracks and sending the rails to the Soviet Union.
In 1945 and 1946, conditions were not much better in the Western zones, for
the Western allies also treated the German population with severity at rst. Count-
less Germans sold prized possessions to American soldiers to buy food. By the
spring of 1947, Germany was on the verge of total collapse and threatening to drag
down the rest of Europe. Yet the seeds of recovery were also planted, for the people
had had enough of old ideas, and new leaders were coming to the fore to guide
these aspirations for change. In Italy, France, and the Federal Republic of Ger-
many (as Western Germany was ofcially known), the Christian Democrats and
Catholic Party offered strong leaders. They steadfastly rejected authoritarianism
and narrow nationalism and placed their faith in democ racy and cooperation. The
socialists and the communists, active in the re sis tance against Hitler, also emerged
from the war with increased power and prestige, especially in France and Italy.
They, too, provided fresh leadership and pushed for social change and economic
reform. In the immediate postwar years, welfare mea sures such as family allow-
ances, health insurance, and increased public housing were enacted throughout
continental Europe. Britain followed the same trend, as the newly elected socialist
Labour Party established a welfare state. Many British industries were national-
ized, and the government provided free medical ser vice. Thus all across Europe,
social reform complemented political transformation, creating solid foundations
for a great European renaissance.
Massive economic aid and ongoing military protection from the United States
was also essential to rebuilding Europe. As Marshall Plan aid poured in, the bat-
tered economies of western Europe began to turn the corner in 1948. The out-
break of the Korean War in 1950 further stimulated economic activity, and Europe
entered a period of rapid economic progress that lasted into the late 1960s. Never
The Western Renaissance (19451968)
Why did western Europe recover so successfully? How did colonial peoples
win political in de pen dence and American blacks triumph in the civil
rights movement?
The Western Renaissance (19451968)
Why did western Europe recover so successfully? How did colonial peoples
win political in de pen dence and American blacks triumph in the civil
rights movement?
The Postwar
The Postwar
Chris tian Democrats Progressive
Catholics and revitalized Catholic
political parties that became inuential
after the Second World War.
Chris tian Democrats Progressive
Catholics and revitalized Catholic
political parties that became inuential
after the Second World War.
The Western Renaissance (19451968) 785
Secti on Revi ew
Stalin and the Western Allies could
not agree on a post-war settlement:
Stalin argued for communist states in
eastern Europe as dependable allies
and the west pushed for free elec-
tions; Stalin, in a stronger position
militarily, got his way.
The Americans responded by cutting
off aid to the U.S.S.R., issuing the
Truman Doctrine to contain com-
munism; negative propaganda was
pursued by both sides; the United
States formed the anti-Soviet military
alliance, NATO, while Stalin formed
the Warsaw pact, dividing Europe
into two hostile zones, initiating the
cold war.
When China fell to the communists
and North Korea attacked South
Korea, the United States defended the
Truman Doctrine by sending troops to
intervene in Korea, but held short of
invading China.
Joined Common
Market, 1973
Joined Common
Market, 1973
Zones of occupation
ended, 1955
Revolution, 1956
Left COMECON, 1961
Withdrew from WP, 1968
Exploded first atomic bomb, 1960
Withdrew from NATO, 1966
Berlin blockade,
Communist coup, 1948
U.S.S.R. invasion, 1968
U.S. loan of $3.5 billion, 1946
Exploded first atomic bomb, 1952
Joined Common Market, 1973
Joined Common Market, 1986
Truman Doctrine, 1947
Joined NATO, 1952
Joined Common Market, 1981
Truman Doctrine, 1947
Joined NATO, 1952
Joined NATO, 1982
Joined Common Market, 1986
Exploded first atomic bomb, 1949
Joined NATO, 1955
Tito-Stalin schism, 1948
N o r t h
S e a
B l a c k S e a
Bal t i c
Danube R.
N 0 20E
East Berlin
Balearic Is.
0 200 400 Mi.
200 400 Km.
Member of NATO,*
formed in 1949
Participants in the Marshall Plan
* North Atlantic Treaty Organization
** Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
Member of COMECON,** formed in
1949, and the Warsaw Pact,
organized in 1955
Member of the European
Common Market, formed in 1958
Iron Curtain
Arctic Circle
before had the European economy grown so fast. In most countries, there were
many people ready to work hard for low wages and the hope of a better future.
Moreover, although many consumer products had been invented or perfected
since the late 1920s, few Europeans had been able to buy them. In 1945 the elec-
tric refrigerator, the washing machine, and the automobile were rare luxuries.
There was a great potential demand, which the economic system moved to satisfy.
Finally, western European nations abandoned protectionism and gradually cre-
ated a large unied market known as the Common Market (see Map 30.1). This
historic action, which certainly stimulated the economy, was part of a larger search
for European unity.
The development of the Common Market red imaginations and encouraged
hopes of rapid progress toward political as well as economic union. In the 1960s,
however, these hopes were frustrated by a resurgence of more traditional national-
ism. France took the lead. Mired in a bitter colonial war in Algeria, the French
turned in 1958 to General de Gaulle (duh GOHL), who established the Fifth Re-
public and ruled as its president until 1969. Charles de Gaulle (18901970) was
at heart a romantic nationalist, and he viewed the United States as the main threat
to genuine French (and European) in de pen dence. He withdrew all French mili-
tary forces from the American-controlled NATO, developed Frances own nu-
clear weapons, and vetoed the scheduled advent of majority rule within the
Common Market. Thus throughout the 1960s, the Common Market thrived eco-
nomically but remained a union of sovereign states.
In the postwar era, Europes long-standing overseas ex-
pansion was dramatically reversed. Future generations
will almost certainly see this rolling back of Western
expansion as one of world historys great turning points.
The most basic cause of im pe rial collapsewhat Europeans called decol-
onizationwas the rising demand of Asian and African peoples for national self-
determination, racial equality, and personal dignity. This demand spread from
intellectuals to the masses in nearly every colonial territory after the First World
War. As a result, colonial empires had already been shaken by 1939, and the way
was prepared for the eventual triumph of in de pen dence movements.
European empires had been based on an enormous power differential between
the rulers and the ruled, a difference that had greatly declined after western Europe
was battered by war. In addition, strong nationalist movements continued to de-
velop under the Japa nese occupation of European colonies in Southeast Asia. With
their political power and moral authority in tatters in 1945, many Europeans had
little taste for bloody colonial wars and wanted to concentrate on rebuilding at home.
Common Market The European
Economic Community, created by
six western European nations in 1957
as part of a larger search for European
Common Market The European
Economic Community, created by
six western European nations in 1957
as part of a larger search for European
in East Asia
in East Asia
decolonization The reversal of
Europes overseas expansion caused by
the rising demand of Asian and African
peoples for national self-determination,
racial equality, and personal dignity.
decolonization The reversal of
Europes overseas expansion caused by
the rising demand of Asian and African
peoples for national self-determination,
racial equality, and personal dignity.
Mapping the Past
MAP 30.1 European Alliance Systems, 19491989
After the cold war divided Europe into two hostile military alliances, six western European
countries formed the Common Market in 1957. The Common Market grew later to include most
of western Europe. The communist states or ga nized their own economic association
COMECON. [1] Identify the countries that were the original members of the Common Market.
What do they have in common? [2] Identify the members of COMECON. What communist
country or countries did not join COMECON? Why? [3] Which non-allied nations had joined the
Common Market by 1989?
The Western Renaissance (19451968) 787
788 Chapter 30 Cold War Conicts and Social Transformations, 19451985
India, Britains oldest, largest, and most lucrative nonwhite possession, played
a key role in decolonization. Nationalist opposition to British rule coalesced after
the First World War under the leadership of British-educated lawyer Mohandas
Mahatma Gandhi (GAHN-dee) (18691948), one of the twentieth centurys
most signicant and inuential gures. In the 1920s and 1930s Gandhi built a
mass movement preaching nonviolent noncooperation with the British. In 1935
the British agreed to a new constitution that was practically a blueprint for in de-
pen dence. When the Labour party came to power in Great Britain in 1945, it was
ready to relinquish sovereignty.
If Indian nationalism drew on Western parliamentary liberalism, Chinese na-
tionalism developed and triumphed in the framework of Marxist-Leninist ideol-
ogy. In the turbulent early 1920s, a broad alliance of nationalist forces within the
Soviet-supported Guomindang (Kuomintang) (kwoh-min-TANG), or National
Peoples party, was dedicated to unifying China and abolishing European conces-
sions. But in 1927 Chiang Kai-shek (chang kie-SHEK) (18871975), successor to
Sun Yat-sen (see page 693) and leader of the Guomindang, broke with his more
radical communist allies, headed by Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung) (maow dzuh-
DONG), and tried to destroy them.
In the civil war that ensued, Maos Soviet-backed forces defeated Chiangs
American-backed forces, with the crucial support of the Chinese peasantry.
Chiangs nationalists withdrew to the island of Taiwan in 1949. Mao (18931976)
and the communists united Chinas 550 million inhabitants in a strong centralized
Gandhi Arrives in Delhi, October 1939
A small and frail man, Gandhi possessed enormous courage and determination. His campaign of nonviolent
re sis tance to British rule inspired the Indian masses and nurtured national identity and self-condence. Here he
arrives for talks with the British viceroy after the outbreak of World War II. (Corbis)
state, expelled foreigners, and began building a new society along Soviet lines, col-
lectivizing the peasants and implementing ve-year plans to expand heavy industry.
Most Asian countries followed the pattern of either India or China. In 1946 the
Philippines achieved in de pen dence peacefully from the United States. Britain
quickly granted Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and Burma in de pen dence in 1948. However,
Indonesian nationalists had to beat off attempts by the Dutch to reconquer the
Dutch East Indies before Indonesia emerged in 1949 as a sovereign state.
The French also tried their best to re-establish colonial rule in Indochina, but
despite American aid, they were defeated in 1954 by forces under the communist
and nationalist guerrilla leader Ho Chi Minh (hoh chee min) (18901969), who
was supported by the Soviet Union and China. But Indochina was not unied,
and two in de pen dent Vietnamese states came into being, which led to civil war
and subsequent intervention by the United States (see pages 800801).
In the Middle East, the movement toward political in-
de pen dence continued after World War II. In 1944 the
French gave up their League of Nations mandates in
Syria and Lebanon. In British-mandated Palestine,
where after 1918 the British government established a Jewish homeland alongside
the Arab population, violence and terrorism mounted on both sides. In 1947 the
frustrated British decided to leave Palestine, and the United Nations then voted in
a nonbinding resolution to divide Palestine into two statesone Arab and one
Jewish, which became Israel. The Jews accepted the plan but the Arabs did not,
and in 1948 they attacked the Jewish state as soon as it was proclaimed. The Is-
raelis drove off the invaders and conquered more territory, as roughly 900,000 Ar-
abs ed or were expelled. Holocaust survivors from Europe streamed into Israel, as
Theodor Herzls (HER-tsuhl) Zionist dream came true (see page 665). The next
fty years saw four more wars between the Israelis and the Arab states and innu-
merable clashes between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
The Arab defeat in 1948 triggered a powerful nationalist revolution in Egypt in
1952, where a young army ofcer named Gamal Abdel Nasser (gah-MAHL AHB-
dal NAH-suhr) (19181970) drove out the pro-Western king. In 1956 Nasser
abruptly nationalized the foreign-owned Suez Canal Company, the last symbol
and substance of Western power in the Middle East. Infuriated, the British and the
French, along with the Israelis, invaded Egypt. This was, however, the dying gasp
of traditional im pe rial power: the Americans joined with the Soviets to force the
British, French, and Israelis to withdraw. Nasser and anti-Western Egyp tian na-
tionalism triumphed.
The failure of Britain and France to unseat Nasser in 1956 encouraged Arab
nationalists in Algeria. Although they met tough re sis tance from the countrys
large French population, the Algerians won their in de pen dence in 1962. South of
the Sahara, decolonization proceeded with little or no bloodshed. Beginning in
1957, Britains colonies achieved in de pen dence and then entered a very loose as-
sociation with Britain as members of the British Commonwealth of Nations. In
1958 the clever de Gaulle offered the leaders of French black Africa the choice of
a total break with France or immediate in de pen dence within a kind of French
commonwealth. All but one of the new states chose association with France. In
exchange for aid from France, the African countries granted the French access to
untapped markets for their industrial goods, raw materials for their factories, out-
lets for protable investment, and good temporary jobs for their engineers and
teachers. The British acted somewhat similarly.
Decolonization in
the Middle East
and Africa
Decolonization in
the Middle East
and Africa
The Western Renaissance (19451968) 789
790 Chapter 30 Cold War Conicts and Social Transformations, 19451985
As a result, western European countries actually managed to increase their
economic and cultural ties with their former African colonies in the 1960s and
1970s. Above all, they used the lure of special trading privileges and heavy invest-
ment in French- and Eng lish-language education to enhance a powerful Western
presence in the new African states. This situation led a variety of leaders and schol-
ars to charge that western Europe (and the United States) had imposed a system of
neocolonialism on the former colonies. According to this view, neocolonialism
was a system designed to perpetuate Western economic domination and under-
mine the promise of political in de pen dence, thereby extending to Africa (and
much of Asia) the economic subordination that the United States had established
in Latin America in the nineteenth century. At the very least, enduring inuence
in sub-Saharan Africa testied to western Europes resurgent economic and politi-
cal power in international relations.
The Second World War cured the depression in the
United States and brought about an economic boom.
In the postwar years, America experienced a genuine
social revolution. The civil rights movement threw off a deeply entrenched sys-
tem of segregation, discrimination, and repression of African Americans. As civil
rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. (19291968), told the white power structure,
We will not hate you, but we will not obey your evil laws.
Through civil dis-
obedience and court challenges, separate schools and facilities for African Ameri-
cans were deemed illegal, as were job discrimination and obstacles to voting
neocolonialism A system designed
to perpetuate Western economic
domination and undermine the promise
of political in de pen dence, thereby
extending to Africa (and much of Asia)
the economic subordination that the
United States had established in Latin
America in the nineteenth century.
neocolonialism A system designed
to perpetuate Western economic
domination and undermine the promise
of political in de pen dence, thereby
extending to Africa (and much of Asia)
the economic subordination that the
United States had established in Latin
America in the nineteenth century.
Americas Civil Rights
Americas Civil Rights
The March on Washington, August 1963
The march marked a dramatic climax in the civil rights struggle. More than 200,000 people gathered at the
Lincoln Memorial to hear the young Martin Luther King, Jr., deliver his greatest address, the I have a dream
speech. (Time Life Pictures/ Getty Images)
rights. By the 1970s, substantial numbers of blacks had been elected to public and
private ofce throughout the southern states, a sign of dramatic changes in Amer-
ican race relations.
President Lyndon Johnson (19081973) also declared unconditional war on
poverty, and Congress and the administration created a host of antipoverty pro-
grams intended to aid all poor Americans and bring greater economic equality.
Thus the United States promoted in the mid-1960s the kind of fundamental social
reform that western Europe had embraced immediately after the Second World
War. The United States became more of a welfare state, as government spending
for social benets rose dramatically and approached European levels.
While western Europe surged ahead economically after the Second World War
and increased its political power as American inuence in Europe gradually
waned, eastern Europe followed a different path. The Soviet Union rst tightened
its grip on the liberated nations of eastern Europe under Stalin and then refused
to let go. Thus postwar economic recovery in eastern Europe proceeded along
Soviet lines, and political and social developments were strongly inuenced by
changes in the Soviet Union.
The Great Patriotic War of the Fatherland had fos-
tered Rus sian nationalism and had unied the Rus sian
people under their leaders. Having made a heroic war
effort, many people hoped in 1945 that a grateful party and government would
grant greater freedom and democ racy. Such hopes were soon crushed.
Stalins new foreign foe in the West provided an excuse for re-establishing a
harsh dictatorship. Many returning soldiers and ordinary citizens were purged in
1945 and 1946, as Stalin revived the terrible forced-labor camps of the 1930s. Art-
ists who did not promote anti-Western ideology were denounced, and Soviet Jews
were accused of being pro-Western and antisocialist.
Five-year plans were reintroduced to cope with the enormous task of economic
reconstruction. Once again, heavy industry and the military were given top prior-
ity, and consumer goods, housing, and collectivized agriculture were ne glected.
Everyday life was very hard. In short, it was the 1930s all over again in the Soviet
Union, although police terror was less intense.
Stalins prime postwar innovation was to export the Stalinist system to the
countries of eastern Europe. One-party states were established by 1948 and the
middle class was stripped of its possessions. Forced industrialization lurched for-
ward, and the collectivization of agriculture began.
Only Josip Broz Tito (TEE-toh) (18921980), the re sis tance leader and Com-
munist chief of Yugoslavia, was able to resist Soviet domination successfully. Tito
stood up to Stalin in 1948, and since there was no Rus sian army in Yugoslavia, he
got away with it. Yugoslavia prospered as a multiethnic state until it began to break
apart in the 1980s. Titos proclamation of in de pen dence infuriated Stalin. Else-
where Stalin sought obedient leaders and purged those who had the potential to
challenge him.
Soviet Eastern Europe (19451968)
What was the pattern of postwar rebuilding and development in the
Soviet Union and communist eastern Europe?
Soviet Eastern Europe (19451968)
What was the pattern of postwar rebuilding and development in the
Soviet Union and communist eastern Europe?
Stalins Last Years
Stalins Last Years
Secti on Revi ew
New leadership in western Europe
provided social reform and rapid
economic progress with the United
States Marshall Plans economic aid
and the Common Market; however,
the French withdrew their forces from
NATO and vetoed majority rule in
the Common Market.
Increasing demands for in de pen-
dence by colonies led to a period of
decolonization; India led the way,
gaining freedom through Mahatma
Gandhis program of nonviolence,
with Sri-Lanka, Burma, the Philip-
pines, and Indonesia eventually also
gaining in de pen dence.
China fought a civil war that left the
Soviet-backed communists in charge
and set up a strong centralized state,
while in Vietnam ghting led to two
in de pen dent states that remained
at odds.
In the Middle East, tensions mounted
and came to violence when the
United Nations divided Palestine into
two states, one Arab and the other
Jewish, which became Israel; in
Egypt, Nassers anti-Western Egyp tian
nationalism triumphed over the
British and French.
In Africa, Algeria won its in de pen-
dence and other African states gained
in de pen dence under the umbrella of
the British Commonwealth of Na-
tions; France similarly granted free-
doms but maintained economic
markets and industry in its former
The civil rights movement in the
United States, headed by Martin
Luther King, Jr.s commitment to
non violence, led to civil rights reforms
and an end to legal segregation while
other social reforms and antipoverty
programs improved the condition of
the poorest Americans.
Soviet Eastern Europe (19451968) 791
792 Chapter 30 Cold War Conicts and Social Transformations, 19451985
By the time of Stalins death in 1953, it was apparent
that support for the system was eroding and reforms
were needed. However, the Communist leadership
was badly split on the extent of changes needed. Con-
servatives wanted to make as few changes as possible. Reformers, who were led by
Nikita Khrushchev (KROOSH-chof), argued for major innovations. Khrushchev
(18941971), who had joined the party as an uneducated coal miner in 1918 and
risen to a high-level position in the 1930s, emerged as the new ruler in 1955.
To strengthen his position and that of his fellow reformers within the party,
Khrushchev launched an all-out attack on Stalin and his crimes at a closed session
of the Twentieth Party Congress in 1956. In gory detail, he described to the startled
Communist delegates how Stalin had tortured and murdered thousands of loyal
Communists, how he had trusted Hitler completely and bungled the countrys
defense, and how he had supported the glorication of his own person with all
conceivable methods. Khrushchevs secret speech was read at Communist Party
meetings held throughout the country, and it strengthened the reform movement.
The liberalizationor de-Stalinization, as it was called in the Westof the
Soviet Union was genuine. While the Communist Party maintained its monopoly
on political power, Khrushchev brought in new members with new ideas. Some
resources were shifted from heavy industry and the military toward consumer
goods and agriculture, and Stalinist controls over workers were relaxed. The Soviet
Unions very low standard of living nally began to improve and continued to rise
substantially throughout the booming 1960s.
De-Stalinization created great ferment among writers and intellectuals who
hungered for cultural freedom. The writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (sol-zhuh-
NEET-sin) (b. 1918) created a sensation when his One Day in the Life of Ivan
Denisovich was published in the Soviet Union in 1962. Solzhenitsyns novel por-
trays in grim detail life in a Stalinist concentration campa life to which Sol-
zhenitsyn himself had been unjustly condemnedand is a damning indictment
of the Stalinist past.
Khrushchev also de-Stalinized Soviet foreign policy. Peaceful coexis tence
with capitalism was possible, he argued, and great wars were not inevitable.
Reform and
Reform and
de-Stalinization The liberalization
of the post-Stalin Soviet Union, led
by reformer Nikita Khrushchev.
de-Stalinization The liberalization
of the post-Stalin Soviet Union, led
by reformer Nikita Khrushchev.
Sergei Eisenstein:
Ivan the Terrible
Eisensteins nal masterpieceone of
the greatest lms everwas lmed
during the Second World War and
released in two parts in 1946. In this
chilling scene, the crafty paranoid tyrant,
who has saved Russia from foreign
invaders, invites the unsuspecting Prince
Vladimir to a midnight revel that will
lead to his murder. The increasingly
demonic Ivan seemed to resemble
Stalin, and Eisenstein was censored
and purged. ( David King Collection)
Khrushchev even made concessions, agreeing in 1955 to real in de pen dence for a
neutral Austria after ten long years of Allied occupation. Thus there was consider-
able relaxation of cold war tensions between 1955 and 1957. At the same time,
Khrushchev began wooing the new nations of Asia and Africaeven if they were
not communistwith promises and aid.
De-Stalinization stimulated rebelliousness in the eastern European satellites.
Poland took the lead in 1956, when extensive rioting brought a new government
that managed to win greater autonomy. In Hungary, revolution brought tragic re-
sults. Soviet troops were forced out and a new liberal communist leader was made
chief in October 1956. But after the new government promised free elections and
renounced Hungarys military alliance with Moscow, the Rus sian leaders ordered
an invasion and crushed the national and dem o cratic revolution. Fighting was
bitter until the end, for the Hungarians hoped that the United States would come
to their aid. When this did not occur, most people in eastern Europe concluded
that their only hope was to strive for small domestic gains while following Russia
obediently in foreign affairs.
By late 1962, opposition in party circles to Khrushchevs
policies was strong, and in 1964 Leonid Brezhnev
(BREZH-nef) (19061982) took control. Under Brezh-
nev, the Soviet Union began a period of stagnation and limited re-Stalinization.
The basic reason for this development was that Khrushchevs communist col-
leagues saw de-Stalinization as a dangerous threat to the dictatorial authority of
the party.
Another reason for con ser va tive opposition was that Khrushchevs policy
toward the West was erratic and ultimately unsuccessful. In 1958 he ordered the
Western allies to evacuate West Berlin within six months. In response, the allies
reafrmed their unity in West Berlin, and Khrushchev backed down. Then in
1961, as relations with communist China deteriorated dramatically, Khrushchev
ordered the East Germans to build a wall between East and West Berlin, thereby
sealing off West Berlin in clear violation of existing access agreements between the
Great Powers. The recently elected U.S. president, John F. Kennedy, acquiesced
to the construction of the Berlin Wall. Emboldened and seeing a chance to change
the balance of military power decisively, Khrushchev ordered missiles with nuclear
warheads installed in Fidel Castros communist Cuba in 1962. President Kennedy
countered with a naval blockade of Cuba. After a tense diplomatic crisis, Khrush-
chev agreed to remove the Soviet missiles in return for American pledges not to
disturb Castros regime. Khrushchev looked like a bumbling buffoon; his inu-
ence, already slipping, declined rapidly after the Cuban asco.
When Brezhnev and his supporters took over, they launched a massive arms
buildup to counter American nuclear superiority. Yet Brezhnev and company
avoided direct confrontation with the United States. They were, however, willing
to act as aggressor against any Soviet bloc country moving toward liberalization.
The 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia exemplied the Brezhnev Doctrine regard-
ing the Soviet Unions right to intervene in any socialist country whenever they
saw the need.
In January 1968, the reform elements in the Czechoslovak Communist Party
had gained a majority and voted out the long-time Stalinist leader in favor of
Alexander Dubcek (DOOB-chek) (19211992), whose new government aimed to
build what they called socialism with a human face. Local decision making by
trade unions, managers, and consumers replaced rigid bureaucratic planning, and
censorship was relaxed. Hardliners in Poland and East Germany were afraid that
The End of Reform The End of Reform
Brezhnev Doctrine The doctrine
created by Leonid Brezhnev and
exemplied by the Soviet invasion of
Czechoslovakia in 1968, according to
which the Soviet Union had the right
to intervene in any socialist country
whenever it saw the need.
Brezhnev Doctrine The doctrine
created by Leonid Brezhnev and
exemplied by the Soviet invasion of
Czechoslovakia in 1968, according to
which the Soviet Union had the right
to intervene in any socialist country
whenever it saw the need.
Soviet Eastern Europe (19451968) 793
794 Chapter 30 Cold War Conicts and Social Transformations, 19451985
the reform movement would spread and push them out of power, while Moscow
feared that a liberalized Czechoslovakia would eventually be drawn to neutrality
or even to the dem o cratic West. Thus the Eastern bloc countries launched a con-
certed campaign of intimidation against the Czechoslovak leaders, and in August
1968, 500,000 Rus sian and allied eastern European troops suddenly occupied
Czechoslovakia. The arrested leaders surrendered to Soviet demands, and the re-
form program was abandoned.
The 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia was the crucial event of the Brezhnev
era, which really lasted beyond the aging leaders death in 1982 until the emergence
in 1985 of Mikhail Gorbachev (GORE-beh-chof). The invasion demonstrated the
determination of the ruling elite to maintain the status quo throughout the Soviet
bloc. Only in the 1980s, with Poland taking the lead, would a strong current of
reform and opposition develop again to challenge Communist Party rule.
Determined to maintain rm control of eastern Eu-
rope, Soviet leaders set the example at home. There
was a certain re-Stalinization of the U.S.S.R., but now
dictatorship was collective rather than personal, and coercion replaced terror. This
compromise seemed to suit the leaders and a majority of the people.
The Soviet Union
to 1985
The Soviet Union
to 1985
re-Stalinization An attempt by Soviet
leaders to maintain rm control of
eastern Europe.
re-Stalinization An attempt by Soviet
leaders to maintain rm control of
eastern Europe.
The Invasion of Czechoslovakia
Armed with Czechoslovakian ags, courageous Czechs in downtown Prague try to stop a Soviet tank and repel
the invasion and occupation of their country by the Soviet Union and its eastern European allies. This dramatic
confrontation marked a high point, because the Czechs and the Slovaks realized that military re sis tance would
be suicidal. (AP/ Wide World Photos)
A slowly rising standard of living for ordinary people contributed to the appar-
ent stability in the Soviet Union, although long food lines and innumerable short-
ages persisted. Ambitious individuals had a tremendous incentive to do as the state
wished in order to gain access to special, well-stocked stores, to attend special
schools, and to travel abroad.
The strength of the government was expressed in the re-Stalinization of cul-
ture and art. Acts of open nonconformity and public protest were often punished
by blacklisting, leaving the dissident unable to nd a decent job. More determined
protesters were quietly imprisoned, while celebrated nonconformists such as Alek-
sandr Solzhenitsyn were permanently expelled from the country.
Eliminating the worst aspects of Stalins dictatorship strengthened the regime,
and almost all Western experts concluded that rule by a self-perpetuating Com-
munist Party elite in the Soviet Union appeared to be quite solid in the 1970s and
early 1980s. Yet Soviet life was changing profoundly in the Brezhnev era, laying
the groundwork for the revolution to come under Gorbachev. The urban popula-
tion grew rapidly in the 1960s and 1970s, and these city dwellers were better edu-
cated and more sophisticated than the peasants of earlier generations. Many of
them were highly trained scientists, managers, and specialists. Educated people
read, discussed, and formed denite ideas on important issues, many of which
could be approached and debated in nonpolitical terms. Developing ideas on
such questions as environmental pollution and urban transportation, educated
urban people increasingly saw themselves as worthy of having a voice in societys
decisions, even its political decisions.
During the postwar period, the patterns of everyday life and the structure of West-
ern society were changing along with the economy and politics. New inventions
and technologies profoundly affected human exis tence. The structure of womens
lives changed dramatically. An international youth culture took shape and rose to
challenge established lifestyles and even governments.
With the advent of the Second World War, most lead-
ing university scientists went to work on top-secret
government projects. British scientists, for example,
developed radar to detect enemy aircraft, which was key to Britains victory in the
battle for air supremacy in 1940. The air war also greatly stimulated the development
of jet aircraft and spurred further research on electronic computers, which calcu-
lated the complex mathematical relationships between fast-moving planes and
anti-aircraft shells to increase the likelihood of a hit. However, it was the atomic
bomb, the product of three years of intensive research, that showed the world both
the awesome power and the heavy moral responsibilities of modern science.
The spectacular results of directed research during World War II inspired
a new model for scienceBig Science. By combining theoretical work with
sophisticated engineering in a large or ga ni za tion, Big Science could attack ex-
tremely difcult problems, from better products for consumers to new and improved
Postwar Social Transformations (19451968)
How did changing patterns in technology, class relations, womens work,
and youth culture bring major social transformations?
Postwar Social Transformations (19451968)
How did changing patterns in technology, class relations, womens work,
and youth culture bring major social transformations?
Science and
Science and
Big Science The combination of
theoretical work with sophisticated
engineering in a large or ga ni za tion to
create improved consumer products and
military weapons.
Big Science The combination of
theoretical work with sophisticated
engineering in a large or ga ni za tion to
create improved consumer products and
military weapons.
Secti on Revi ew
Stalins post-war programs were harsh,
building up industry and the military
at the expense of consumer goods,
housing, and agriculture; in eastern
Europe, Soviet-backed countries, with
the exception of Yugoslavia, set up
similar programs.
Stalins successor Khrushchev
brought to light the horrors of Stalins
regime and began de-Stalinizing the
country, bringing reforms that im-
proved the standard of living; he also
relaxed Soviet foreign policy, albeit
erratically, easing cold war tensions.
Khrushchevs successor Brezhnev
went back to a Stalinist type of rule,
ending reform and implementing
strict control of Eastern bloc coun-
tries, putting down a progressive new
government in Czechoslovakia in
1968 and launching an arms buildup
to counter American superiority.
The Soviet dictatorship was collective
and domestic conditions improved,
but personal advancement was based
on loyalty to the party, which pun-
ished dissenters, although an increas-
ingly educated public began to gain
interest in inuencing political
Postwar Social Transformations (19451968) 795
796 Chapter 30 Cold War Conicts and Social Transformations, 19451985
weapons for the military. Big Science was extremely expensive, requiring large-
scale nancing from governments and large corporations.
Populous, victorious, and wealthy, the United States took the lead in Big Sci-
ence after World War II. Between 1945 and 1965, spending on scientic research
and development in the United States grew ve times as fast as the national in-
come, and by 1965 such spending took 3 percent of all U.S. income. It was gen-
erally accepted that government should nance science heavily in both the
capitalist United States and the socialist Soviet Union. In both countries a
large portion of all postwar scientic research went for defense. New weapons
such as rockets, nuclear submarines, and spy satellites demanded breakthroughs
no less remarkable than those of radar and the rst atomic bomb. Sophisticated
science, lavish government spending, and military needs all came together in the
space race of the 1960s. In 1957 the Soviets put a satellite in orbit, and in 1961
they sent the worlds rst cosmonaut circling the globe. The United States raced
to catch up with the Soviets and landed a crewed spacecraft on the moon in 1969.
Four more moon landings followed by 1972.
The rise of Big Science and of close ties between science and technology
greatly altered the lives of scientists. The scientic community grew much larger
than ever before. There were about four times as many scientists in Europe and
North America in 1975 as in 1945. With increased specialization, modern scien-
tists and technologists normally had to work as members of a team, typically in
large bureaucratic or ga ni za tions. There the individual was very often a small cog
in a great machine. Modern science also became highly, even brutally, competi-
tive. James Watson, who worked with Francis Crick to discover the structure of
DNA, exemplied the competitive spirit in his race to crack the molecule of he-
redity before another research team. With so many thousands of like-minded re-
searchers in the wealthy countries of the world, scientic and technical knowledge
rushed forward in the postwar era.
Scientists and engineers were not the only people to
experience a transformation of the workplace in the
postwar years. For both the middle and lower classes,
the new economy brought new opportunities for making and spending money.
A new breed of managers and experts replaced traditional property owners as
the leaders of the middle class. Well paid and highly trained, often with back-
grounds in engineering or accounting, these experts increasingly came from all
social classes, even the working class. The ability to serve the needs of a big or ga ni-
za tion largely replaced inherited property and family connections in determining
an individuals social position. This new middle class was more open, dem o cratic,
and insecure than the old propertied middle class. At the same time, the middle
class grew massively and became harder to dene.
The lower classes were also transformed, as many people abandoned the tradi-
tional, rooted life of the farm for a more mobile urban exis tence. Meanwhile, the
number of factory jobs ceased to expand and began to decline, and the remaining
industrial workers became better educated and more specialized. Job opportuni-
ties for white-collar and ser vice employees grew rapidly.
European governments were reducing class tensions with a series of social se-
curity reforms. Many of these reformssuch as increased unemployment benets
and more extensive old-age pensionssimply strengthened social security mea-
sures rst pioneered in Bismarcks Germany before the First World War (see page
661). Other programs were new, like comprehensive national health systems
The Changing
Class Structure
The Changing
Class Structure
directed by the state. Most countries introduced family allow-
ancesdirect government grants to parents to help them raise
their children. Most European governments also gave mater-
nity grants and built inexpensive public housing. These and
other social reforms provided a humane oor of well-being.
Reforms also promoted greater equality because they were
paid for in part by higher taxes on the rich.
The rising standard of living and the availability of credit
made consumer goods such as washing machines, refrigera-
tors, vacuum cleaners, radios, TVs, and even automobiles
more accessible to workers. With the expansion of social secu-
rity safeguards for hard times and old age, ordinary people
were increasingly willing to take on debt. This change had
far-reaching consequences.
Leisure and recreation occupied an important place in
consumer societies. The most astonishing leisure-time devel-
opment was the blossoming of mass travel and tourism. With
month-long paid vacations required by law in most European
countries and widespread automobile ownership, beaches
and ski resorts came within the reach of the middle class and
much of the working class. By the late 1960s, packaged tours
with cheap group ights and bargain hotel accommodations
had made even distant lands easily accessible. Truly, consum-
erism had come of age.
The postwar era saw signicant
transformations in the lives of
women, preparing the way for the
success of a new generation of feminist thinkers and a militant
womens movement in the 1970s and 1980s (see pages 802
803). Building on trends that had developed with the Indus-
trial Revolution, this period was one of early marriage, early
childbearing, and small family size in wealthy urban areas. By
the early 1970s, about half of Western women were having
their last baby by the age of twenty-six or twenty-seven. When
the youngest child trooped off to kindergarten, the average mother had more than
forty years of life in front of her.
This was a momentous change. Throughout history male-dominated society
insisted on dening most women as mothers or potential mothers, and mother-
hood was very demanding. In the postwar years, however, motherhood no longer
absorbed the energies of a lifetime, and more and more married women looked for
new roles in the world of work outside the family (see Figure 30.1).
Three major forces helped women searching for jobs. First, the economy
boomed from about 1950 to 1973 and created a strong demand for labor. Second,
the economy continued its gradual shift away from the old, male-dominated heavy
industries, such as coal, steel, and shipbuilding, to the more dynamic, white-
collar ser vice industries, such as government, education, trade, and health care.
Some women had always worked in these ser vice elds. Third, young Western
women shared fully in the postwar education revolution and could take advantage
of the growing need for ofce workers and well-trained professionals. Thus more
and more married women became full-time and part-time wage earners.
New Roles
for Women
New Roles
for Women
Consumers on the Move
In the early postwar years the Italians had their motor scooters
and the French their motorbikes. This ad promises young people
that sooner or later they will have a Velo, and it subtly assures
housewives that the bike is safe. In small towns and villages the
slow-moving motorbike could be a godsend for errands and daily
shopping. (Roger Perrin/ The Bridgeman Art Library)
Postwar Social Transformations (19451968) 797
798 Chapter 30 Cold War Conicts and Social Transformations, 19451985
The trend went the furthest in communist eastern
Europe, where women accounted for almost half of all
employed persons. In noncommunist western Europe
and North America, there was a good deal of variation,
with the percentage of married women in the workforce
rising from a range of roughly 20 to 25 percent in 1950 to
a range of 40 to 70 percent in the early 1980s.
Married women entering (or re-entering) the labor
force faced widespread, long-established discrimination
in pay, advancement, and occupational choice in com-
parison to men. Moreover, many women could nd only
part-time work. As the divorce rate rose in the 1960s, part-time work, with its low
pay and scanty benets, meant poverty for many women with teenage children.
Finally, in the best of circumstances, married working women still carried most of
the child-raising and housekeeping responsibilities. A reason for many to accept
part-time employment, this gendered imbalance meant an exhausting double
dayon the job and at homefor the full-time worker.
The injustices that married women encountered as wage earners contributed
greatly to the subsequent movement for womens equality and emancipation. A
young unmarried woman of a hundred years ago was more likely to accept such
problems as temporary nuisances because she looked forward to marriage and
motherhood for fulllment. In the postwar era, a married wage earner in her thir-
ties gradually developed a very different perspective. She saw employment as a
permanent condition within which she, like her male counterpart, sought not
only income but also psychological satisfaction. Sexism and discrimination in the
workplaceand in the homegrew loathsome and evoked the sense of injustice
that drives revolutions and reforms. When powerful voices arose to challenge the
system, they found widespread support among working women.
The baby boom generation born after World War II
developed a distinctive and very international youth
culture, which eventually became a counterculture
of social rebellion.
Young people in the United States took the lead. By the late 1950s the beat
movement was stoking the res of revolt in selected urban enclaves, such as the
Near North Side of Chicago. There the young (and the not-so-young) fashioned a
highly publicized subculture that blended radical politics, unbridled personal ex-
perimentation (with drugs and communal living, for example), and new artistic
styles. This subculture quickly spread to major American and western European
cities. In the words of folksinger Bob Dylan, the times they are achanging.
Certainly the sexual behavior of young people appeared to change dramati-
cally in the 1960s and into the 1970s. More young people engaged in sexual inter-
course, and they did so at an earlier age, in part because the discovery of safe and
Youth and the
Youth and the
1955 1952 1960 1965 1970 1975 1979
Married working women
Note: Data for married working women includes only women
with husbands present.
FIGURE 30.1 The Decline of the Birthrate and the
Increase of Married Working Women in the United
States, 19521979
The challenge of working away from home encouraged American
wives to prefer fewer children and helped lower the birthrate.
effective contraceptive pills could eliminate the risk of unwanted pregnancy. Per-
haps even more signicant was the growing tendency of young unmarried people
to live together in a separate household on a semipermanent basis, demonstrating
in effect that the long-standing monopoly of married couples on legitimate sexual
unions was dead.
Several factors contributed to the emergence of the international youth cul-
ture in the 1960s. First, mass communications and youth travel linked countries
and continents together. Second, the postwar baby boom meant that young people
became an unusually large part of the population and could therefore exercise
exceptional inuence on society as a whole. Third, postwar prosperity and greater
equality gave young people more purchasing power than ever before. This en-
abled them to set their own trends and patterns of consumption, which fostered
generational loyalty. Finally, prosperity meant that good jobs were readily avail-
able, and employers might be more willing to hire unconventional young people.
The youth culture practically fused with the counterculture in opposition to the
established order in the late 1960s. Student protesters saw the materialistic West as
hopelessly rotten but believed that better societies were being built in the newly
in de pen dent countries of Asia and Africa. Thus the Vietnam War was perceived
by young radicals as an immoral and im pe rialistic war against a small and heroic
people. As the war intensied, so did worldwide student opposition to it.
Student protests in western Europe were also a response to the negative conse-
quences of the rapid expansion of higher education. Classes were badly over-
crowded and competition for grades became intense. Moreover, although more
practical areas of study were gradually added, many students felt that they were not
getting the kind of education they needed for jobs in the modern world. At the
same time, some reective students feared that universities would soon do nothing
but turn out docile technocrats both to stock and to serve the establishment.
Student Rebellion in Paris
These rock-throwing students in the Latin Quarter of Paris are trying to force education reforms and even to topple de
Gaulles government. Throughout May 1968 students clashed repeatedly with Frances tough riot police in bloody street
ghting. De Gaulle remained in power, but a major reform of French education did follow. (Bruno Barbey/ Magnum Photos)
Postwar Social Transformations (19451968) 799
800 Chapter 30 Cold War Conicts and Social Transformations, 19451985
The many tensions within the exploding university population came to a head
in the late 1960s and early 1970s, most famously in France in May 1968. Students
occupied buildings and took over the University of Paris, which led to violent
clashes with police. In deance of union ofcials, many workers across France
joined the protest by going on strike. It seemed certain that President de Gaulles
Fifth Republic would collapse.
In fact, de Gaulle stiffened, like an old-fashioned irate father. He moved troops
toward Paris and called for new elections. The masses of France, fearing an even-
tual communist takeover, voted overwhelmingly for de Gaulles party and a return
to law and order. Workers went back to work, and the mini-revolution collapsed.
Yet within a year de Gaulle resigned. Growing out of the counterculture and
youthful idealism, the student rebellion of 1968 signaled the end of an era and the
return of unrest and uncertainty in the 1970s and early 1980s.
The Vietnam War also marked the beginning of a new era of challenges and un-
certainties in the late 1960s. The war and its aftermath divided the people of the
United States, shook the ideology of containment, and weakened the Western al-
liance. A second challenge affecting the whole world appeared when the great
postwar economic boom came to a close in 1973, opening a long period of eco-
nomic stagnation, widespread unemployment, and social dislocation. The era also
saw the birth of new liberation movements, including the womens movement for
gender equality.
President Johnson wanted his legacy to be as the cham-
pion of civil rights and the leader of the war on pov-
erty. Instead, his presidency is better known for having
drafted thousands of young American men for a foreign war that divided the
American involvement in Vietnam was primarily a product of the cold war
and the policy of containing the spread of communism. As western Europe began
to revive and China established a communist government in 1949, efforts to con-
tain communism shifted to Asia. The bloody Korean War (19501953) ended in
stalemate, but the United States did succeed in preventing a communist victory in
South Korea. After the Vietnamese won their in de pen dence from France in 1954,
the United States refused to sign the Geneva Accords that temporarily divided
Vietnam into two zones pending national unication by means of free elections.
(Ho Chi Minh led a socialist state in the northern zone.) When the anticommu-
nist South Vietnamese government declined to hold elections, President Eisen-
hower supported it with military aid. President Kennedy greatly increased the
number of American military advisers in South Vietnam to sixteen thousand.
After winning the 1964 election on a peace platform, President Johnson greatly
expanded the American role in the Vietnam conict. The United States gave
South Vietnam massive military aid, American forces in the South gradually grew
Conict and Challenge in the Late Cold War
What were the key aspects of political conict, economic stagnation,
and the feminist movement in the late cold war?
Conict and Challenge in the Late Cold War
What were the key aspects of political conict, economic stagnation,
and the feminist movement in the late cold war?
The United States
and Vietnam
The United States
and Vietnam
Secti on Revi ew
Big Science became the trend as sci-
ence and technology developed new
weapons that required huge govern-
ment expenditures, fueling the compe-
tition between the U.S.S.R. and the
United States that extended into space.
The middle class changed from the
owners of inherited property to well-
educated managers in big business,
while the lower classes enjoyed stronger
social welfare programs, increasing
consumer goods, and substantial leisure
The womens movement for equality
and emancipation was driven by edu-
cated young women who saw them-
selves as permanent members of the
workforce, yet who still faced discrimi-
nation in pay, advancement, and occu-
pational choices.
A generation of educated youths, open
to experimentation and radical politics,
with money and strength in numbers,
and linked globally through mass com-
munications, exerted their inuence by
protesting the Vietnam War and, in
France, the higher education system.
to half a million men, and the United States bombed North Viet-
nam with ever-greater intensity.
The undeclared war in Vietnam, fought nightly on American
television, eventually divided the nation. In October 1965, student
protesters joined forces with old-line socialists, New Left intellectu-
als, and pacists in antiwar demonstrations in fty American cities.
By 1967 a growing number of critics denounced the war as a crim-
inal intrusion into a complex and distant civil war. Criticism reached
a crescendo in January 1968, after the Tet Offensive, the rst com-
prehensive attack by the Vietcong on major cities in South Viet-
nam. Although the Vietcong suffered heavy losses, the Tet Offensive
signaled that the war was not close to ending, as Washington had
claimed. President Johnson called for negotiations with North
Vietnam and announced that he would not stand for re-election.
The new president, Richard Nixon (19131994), promised
peace with honor. In his second term in ofce, Nixon and Secre-
tary of State Henry Kissinger nally reached a peace agreement
with North Vietnam. The 1973 agreement allowed American
forces, which had been withdrawing since 1971, to complete their
withdrawal, and the United States reserved the right to resume
bombing if the accords were broken. Fighting declined markedly
in South Vietnam, where the South Vietnamese army appeared to
hold its own against the Vietcong. But in early 1974, when North
Vietnam launched a general invasion against South Vietnamese
armies, the United States Congress refused to permit a military re-
sponse. At this point Nixon had resigned as a result of the Water-
gate scandal, in which he and others were exposed in lies about the
illegal break-in of the Democratic Party headquarters. The belated
fall of South Vietnam in the wake of Watergate shook Americas
postwar condence and left the country divided and uncertain
about its proper role in world affairs.
One alternative to the badly damaged policy of con-
taining communism was the policy of dtente (dey-
TAHNT), or the easing of cold war tensions. Thus while
the cold war continued to dene superpower relations between the Soviet Union
and the United States, West Germany took a major step toward genuine peace
in Europe.
West German leader Willy Brandt (19131992) aimed at nothing less than a
comprehensive peace settlement for central Europe and the two German states
established after 1945. Winning the chancellorship in 1969, Brandt negotiated
treaties with the Soviet Union, Poland, and Czechoslovakia that formally accepted
existing state boundaries in return for a mutual renunciation of force or the threat
of force. Using the imaginative formula of two German states within one German
nation, Brandts government also broke decisively with the past policy of refusing
to recognize the legitimacy of East Germany and entered into direct relations with
that state. He aimed for modest practical improvements rather than reunication,
which at that point was inconceivable.
The policy of dtente reached its high point when all European nations (ex-
cept Albania), the United States, Canada, and the Soviet Union signed the Final
Act of the Helsinki Conference in 1975. The thirty-ve nations participating
Watergate The scandal in which
Nixons assistants broke into the
Democratic Party headquarters in July
1972 and the administration attempted
to cover it up.
dtente The progressive relaxation of
cold war tensions.
Watergate The scandal in which
Nixons assistants broke into the
Democratic Party headquarters in July
1972 and the administration attempted
to cover it up.
dtente The progressive relaxation of
cold war tensions.
Dtente or Cold War? Dtente or Cold War?
Conict and Challenge in the Late Cold War (19681985) 801
Seymour Chwast: End Bad Breath
Antiwar messages came in every shape and form as
opposition to the Vietnam War heated up. This vibrant
poster assumes, quite reasonably, that the American viewer
is steeped in the popular culture of the mass media. It
ridicules American military involvement with a sarcastic
parody of familiar television commercials. (Courtesy, Seymore
Chwast/ PushPin Group)
802 Chapter 30 Cold War Conicts and Social Transformations, 19451985
agreed that Europes existing political frontiers could not be changed by force.
They also solemnly accepted numerous provisions guaranteeing the human rights
and political freedoms of their citizens.
Hopes for dtente in international relations gradually faded in the later 1970s.
Many Americans became convinced that the Soviet Union was steadily building
up its military might and pushing for political gains and revolutions in Africa, Asia,
and Latin America. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979, which
was designed to save an increasingly unpopular Marxist regime, was especially
alarming. Fearing that the oil-rich states of the Persian Gulf would be next, Amer-
icans looked to the Atlantic alliance to thwart communist expansion and hold
Brezhnev to the human rights provisions of the Helsinki Agreement.
President Jimmy Carter (b. 1924), elected in 1976, tried to lead the Atlantic
alliance beyond verbal condemnation and urged economic sanctions against the
Soviet Union. Yet only Great Britain among the European allies supported the
American initiative. The alliance showed the same lack of concerted action when
the Solidarity movement rose in Poland. Some observers concluded that the alli-
ance had lost the will to think and act decisively in dealing with the Soviet bloc.
The Atlantic alliance endured, however. The U.S. military buildup launched
by Carter in his last years in ofce was greatly accelerated by President Ronald
Rea gan (19112004), who referred to the Soviet Union as the evil empire. In-
creasing defense spending enormously, the Rea gan administration concentrated
on nuclear arms and an expanded navy as keys to American power in the post-
Vietnam age.
A broad swing in the pendulum toward greater conservatism in the 1980s gave
Rea gan invaluable allies in western Europe. In Great Britain, Margaret Thatcher
worked well with Rea gan and was a forceful advocate for a revitalized Atlantic al-
liance. In West Germany, Helmut Kohl worked with the United States to coordi-
nate military and political policy toward the Soviet bloc. In maintaining the
alliance, the Western nations gave indirect support to ongoing efforts to liberalize
authoritarian communist eastern Europe.
The 1970s marked the birth of a broad-based feminist
movement devoted to securing genuine gender equal-
ity and promoting the general interests of women.
Three basic reasons accounted for this major development. First, ongoing changes
in underlying patterns of motherhood and paid work created novel conditions and
new demands (see pages 797798). Second, a vanguard of feminist intellectuals
articulated a powerful critique of gender relations, which stimulated many women
to rethink their assumptions and challenge the status quo. Third, taking a lesson
from the civil rights movement in the United States and worldwide student protest
against the Vietnam War, dissatised individuals recognized that they had to band
together if they were to inuence politics and secure fundamental reforms.
One of the most inuential written works produced by this new feminist wave
was The Second Sex (1949) by the French writer and philosopher Simone de
Beauvoir (19081986). Beauvoir analyzed the position of women within the
framework of existential thought (see pages 728729). She argued that women
had almost always been trapped by particularly inexible and limiting conditions.
(See the feature Listening to the Past: A Feminist Critique of Marriage on pages
808809.) Only by courageously embracing her freedom could a woman escape
the role of the inferior other. Drawing on history, philosophy, psychology, biol-
ogy, and literature, Beauvoirs massive investigation inspired a generation of fe-
male intellectuals.
The Womens
The Womens
One such woman was the American writer
and organizer Betty Friedan (fri-DAN) (1921
2006). In The Feminine Mystique (1963),
Friedan concluded that many well-educated
women shared her growing dissatisfaction with
a life devoted to the ser vice of husbands and
children. According to Friedan, women faced
a crisis of identity because they were not per-
mitted to become mature adults and genuine
human beings. In short, women faced what feminists would soon call sexism, a
pervasive social problem that required drastic reforms.
Friedan took the lead in 1966 in founding the National Organization for
Women (NOW) to press for womens rights. NOW ourished, growing from seven
hundred members in 1967 to forty thousand in 1974. Many other womens or ga ni-
za tions took root in Europe and the United States. Throughout the 1970s, a pro-
liferation of publications, conferences, and institutions devoted to womens issues
reinforced the emerging international movement.
This movement generally shared the common strategy of pushing for new stat-
utes in the workplace: laws against discrimination, equal pay for equal work, and
supportive mea sures such as maternal leave and affordable day care. In addition, the
movement concentrated on gender and family questions, including the right to di-
vorce (in some Catholic countries), legalized abortion, the needs of single mothers,
and protection from rape and physical violence. In almost every country, the effort to
decriminalize abortion served as a catalyst in mobilizing an effective, self-conscious
womens movement (and in creating an opposition to it, as in the United States).
The sharply focused womens movement of the 1970s was successful in winning
new rights for women. Subsequently, the movement became more diffuse, a vic-
tim of both its successes and the resurgence of an antifeminist opposition.
The accomplishments of the womens movement encouraged mobilization by
many other groups. Gay men and lesbian women pressed their own demands, or-
ganizing politically and calling for an end to legal discrimination and social harass-
ment. People with physical disabilities joined together to promote their interests.
Thus many subordinate groups challenged the dominant majorities, and the ex-
pansion and redenition of human libertyone of the great themes of modern
Western and world historycontinued.
The 1970s and early 1980s witnessed the worst eco-
nomic decline since the Great Depression. The great
postwar boom had been fueled by cheap oil from the
Middle East, which permitted energy-intensive industriesautomobiles, chemicals,
Society in a Time of
Economic Uncertainty
Society in a Time of
Economic Uncertainty
Conict and Challenge in the Late Cold War (19681985) 803
Celebrating Womens History
Judy Chicagos multimedia creation The Dinner Party
features thirty-nine handcrafted placemats and ceramic
plates, each embellished with a painted motif associated
with the woman being honored. Begun in 1974 and
completed in 1978 with the participation of more than
one hundred women, The Dinner Party was intended to
represent the historic struggle of women to participate
in all the aspects of society. It attracted enormous
crowds. ( Judy Chicago, 1979/ Artists Rights Society [ARS], New York)
804 Chapter 30 Cold War Conicts and Social Transformations, 19451985
and electric powerto expand rapidly and lead other sectors of the economy for-
ward. By 1971 the Arab-led Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
was no longer satised to see the price of oil decline as the price of manufactured
goods rose, and they presented a united front against the oil com panies. When
OPEC declared an embargo on oil shipments to the United States, during the
fourth Arab-Israeli war in October 1973, oil prices quadrupled within the year.
Governments, industry, and individuals had no other choice than to deal piecemeal
with the so-called oil shocka shock that turned out to be an earthquake.
The energy-intensive industries that had driven the economy upward in the
1950s and 1960s now dragged it down. Unemployment rose; productivity and liv-
ing standards declined. By 1976 a modest recovery was in progress. But when a
fundamentalist Islamic revolution struck Iran and oil production collapsed in that
country, the price of crude oil doubled in 1979 and the world economy suc-
cumbed to its second oil shock. Unemployment and ination rose dramatically
before another uneven recovery began in 1982. In 1985 the unemployment rate
in western Europe rose to its highest level since the Great Depression. Nineteen
million people were unemployed.
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, anxious observers, recalling the disastrous
consequences of the Great Depression, worried that the Common Market would
disintegrate in the face of severe economic dislocation and that economic nation-
alism would halt steps toward European unity. Yet the Common Marketnow
ofcially known as the European Economic Communitycontinued to attract
new members. In 1973 Denmark and Iceland, in addition to Britain, nally joined.
Greece joined in 1981, and Portugal and Spain entered in 1986. The nations of the
European Economic Community also cooperated more closely in international
undertakings, and the movement toward unity for western Europe stayed alive.
As a consequence of the economic stagnation of the 1970s and early 1980s,
optimism gave way to pessimism; romantic utopianism yielded to sober realism.
This drastic change in mooda complete surprise only to those who had never
studied historyaffected states, institutions, and individuals in countless ways.
Governments responded with social programs to prevent mass suffering and
degradation. Indeed, government spending increased sharply in most countries dur-
ing the 1970s and early 1980s. In all countries, however, people were much more
willing to see their governments increase spending than raise taxes. This imbal-
ance contributed to the rapid growth of budget decits, national debts, and ina-
tion. By the late 1970s, a powerful reaction against governments ever-increasing role
had set in, however, and Western governments were gradually forced to introduce
austerity mea sures to slow the growth of public spending and the welfare state.
This con ser va tive backlash helped bring Margaret Thatcher (b. 1925) to power
in Britain in 1979. Thatcher was determined to scale back the role of government
in Britain, and in the 1980sthe Thatcher yearsshe pushed through a series
of controversial free market policies that transformed postwar Britain. In one of
its most popular actions, Thatchers Conservative government encouraged low-
and moderate-income renters in state-owned housing projects to buy their apart-
ments at rock-bottom prices. This initiative, part of Thatchers broader privatization
campaign, created a whole new class of property owners, thereby eroding the elec-
toral base of Britains socialist Labour Party. (See the feature Individuals in Soci-
ety: Margaret Thatcher.)
President Ronald Rea gans success in the United States was more limited.
With widespread support, Rea gan in 1981 pushed through major cuts in income
taxes all across the board. But Rea gan and Congress failed to cut government
spending, which increased as a percentage of national income in the course of his
OPEC The Arab-led Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries.
OPEC The Arab-led Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries.
Indi vi dual s i n Soci et y
Margaret Thatcher
argaret Thatcher (b. 1925), the rst woman elected
to lead a major European state, stands as one of the
most signicant leaders of the late twentieth century. The
controversial Iron Lady attacked socialism, promoted
capitalism, and changed the face of modern Britain.
Born Margaret Roberts in a small city in southeast-
ern Eng land, her father was a small shopkeeper who
instilled in his daughter the classic lower-middle-class
virtueshard work, personal responsibility, and practi-
cal education. A scholarship student at a local girls
school, she entered Oxford in 1943 to study chemistry
but soon found that politics was her passion. Elected
president of the student Conservatives, she ran in 1950
for Parliament in a solidly Labour district to gain experi-
ence. Articulate and attractive, she also gained the atten-
tion of Denis Thatcher, a wealthy businessman who
drove her to campaign appearances in his Jaguar. Mar-
ried a year later, the new Mrs. Thatcher abandoned
chemistry, went to law school, gave birth to twins, and
practiced as a tax attorney. In 1959, she returned to pol-
itics and won a seat in the Conservative triumph.
For the next fteen years Mrs. Thatcher served in
Parliament and held various ministerial posts when the
Conservatives governed. In 1974, as the economy soured
and the Conservatives lost two close elections, a rebel-
lious Margaret Thatcher adroitly ran for the leadership
position of the Conservative Party and won. In the 1979
election, as the Labour government faced rampant in-
ation and crippling strikes, Mrs. Thatcher promised to
reduce union power, lower taxes, and promote free mar-
kets. Attracting swing votes from skilled workers, she
won and became prime minister.
A self-described conviction politician, Thatcher
rejected postwar Keynesian efforts to manage the econ-
omy, arguing that governments had created ination by
printing too much money. Thus her government re-
duced the supply of money and credit, and it refused to
retreat as interest rates and unemployment soared. Her
popularity plummeted. But Thatcher was saved by good
luckand courage. In 1982, the generals ruling Argen-
tina suddenly seized the Falkland Islands off the Ar-
gentine coast, the home of 1,800 British citizens. Ever a
staunch nationalist, Thatcher detached a naval armada
that recaptured the Falklands without a hitch. Britain
loved Thatchers determination, and the Iron Lady
was reelected in 1983.
Thatchers second term was the high point of her
success and inuence. Her whole hearted commitment
to privatization changed the face of British industry.
More than fty state-owned companies, ranging from
the state telephone monopoly
to the nationalized steel trust,
were sold to private investors.
Small investors were offered
shares at bargain prices to
promote peoples capitalism.
Thatcher also curbed the
power of British labor unions
with various laws and actions.
Most spectacularly, when in
1984 the once mighty coal
miners rejected more mine
closings and doggedly struck
for a year, Thatcher stood rm
and beat them. This outcome
had a profound psychological
impact on the public.
Elected again in 1987,
Thatcher became increasingly
stubborn, overcondent, and
uncaring. Working well with her ideological soul mate,
U.S. president Ronald Rea gan, she opposed greater po-
litical and economic unity within the European Com-
munity. This, coupled with an unpopular effort to assert
nancial control over city governments, proved her un-
doing. In 1990, as in 1974, party stalwarts suddenly re-
volted and elected a new Conservative leader. Raised to
the peerage by Queen Elizabeth II, the new Lady
Thatcher then sat in the largely ceremonial House of
Lords. The transformational changes of the Thatcher
years endured, consolidated by her Conservative succes-
sor and largely accepted by the New Labour prime
minister, the moderate Tony Blair.
Questions for Analysis
1. Why did Margaret Thatcher want to change Brit-
ain, and how did she do it?
2. Historians have often debated whether great leaders
determine the course of history, or whether they
only ride successfully the major forces of their time.
Which view of history is supported by Thatchers
achievements? Why?
Margaret Thatcher as prime
minister. (AP Images/ Staff-Caulkin)
806 Chapter 30 Cold War Conicts and Social Transformations, 19451985
presidency. Rea gans massive military buildup was partly responsible, but spend-
ing on social programs also grew rapidly as more people needed unemployment
and welfare benets. Thus the budget decit soared and the U.S. government debt
tripled in a decade.
Individuals felt the impact of austerity at an early date, for unlike governments,
they could not pay their bills by printing money and going ever further into debt.
The energy crisis of the 1970s forced them to re-examine not only their fuel bills
but also the whole pattern of self-indulgent materialism in the postwar years. A
growing number of experts and citizens concluded that the world was running out
of resources and decried wasteful industrial practices and environmental pollu-
tion. In West Germany young activists known as the Greens in 1979 founded a
political party to ght for environmental causes. The German Green movement
elected some national and local representatives, and similar parties developed
throughout Europe as environmentalism became a leading societal concern.
Another consequence of austerity in both Europe and North America was a
self-improvement movement that focused on strict diet and exercise routines as a
means to longevity. In addition, men and women were encouraged to postpone
marriage until they had put their careers on a rm foundation, so the age of
marriage rose sharply for both sexes in many Western countries. Indeed, career
planning became important to a generation faced with the very real threat of
unemployment or underemployment in a dead-end job.
Harder times also help explain why ever more women entered or remained in
the workforce after they did marry. Although attitudes related to personal fulll-
ment were one reason for the continuing increaseespecially for well-educated,
upper-middle-class womenmany wives in poor and middle-class families simply
had to work outside the home because of economic necessity. As in preindustrial
Europe, the wifes earnings provided the margin of survival for millions of hard-
pressed families.
Secti on Revi ew
The United States backed the anti-
communist South Vietnamese militar-
ily, gradually expanding the American
presence in Vietnam until protests at
home led to a peace agreement with
North Vietnam and ghting subsided,
but when the North invaded the South,
the United States did not respond and
the South fell to the communists.
The Helsinki conference gave hope
that political and human rights for
European countries was ensured, but
the Soviets invaded Afghanistan and the
United States revitalized NATO to
contain the Soviet evil empire.
Feminist leaders founded the National
Organization for Women, pressing for
an end to sexual discrimination, giving
strength to other subordinate group
movements such as gays and lesbians,
but also creating an anti-feminist
movement, mostly angered by the
abortion issue.
Economic decline and a sharp rise in
unemployment followed increasing oil
prices; governments responded by
increasing social welfare programs and
going into debt; the new austerity
sparked a trend toward environmental-
ism and health consciousness.
Chapter Review
What were the causes of the cold war? (page 782)
The Cold War grew out of the way World War II was fought in Europe. American
and British forces met Stalins armies in the middle of Germany and central Europe,
so that the war-torn continent was already divided militarily in 1945. Extremely suspi-
cious of the West and well aware that dem o cratic governments in eastern Europe
would be opposed to the Soviet Union, Stalin gradually established de pen dent Com-
munist dictatorships in eastern Europe to ensure the security of the Soviet Union.
Stalins action in Eastern Europe, together with bitter disagreements between the war-
time allies over the treatment of Germany, then led to a spiraling ideological confron-
tation between East and West. The Cold War match-up in Europe was institutionalized
and extended to Asia, Africa, and Latin America for a long generation.
Why did western Europe recover so successfully? How did colonial peoples win
political in de pen dence and American blacks triumph in the civil rights move-
ment? (page 785)
Western Europes success was due to a combination of political recovery, fundamen-
tal social changes, and unprecedented economic expansion. Political recovery included
the establishment of dem o cratic governments, the NATO alliance for military security,
and the movement toward European unity. A whole series of social reforms provided
Key Terms
Big Three (p. 782)
Marshall Plan (p. 784)
NATO (p. 784)
cold war (p. 784)
Chris tian Democrats
(p. 785)
Common Market (p. 787)
decolonization (p. 787)
neocolonialism (p. 790)
de-Stalinization (p. 792)
Brezhnev Doctrine (p. 793)
re-Stalinization (p. 794)
Big Science (p. 795)
Watergate (p. 801)
the citizens of the welfare state with national health systems, family allowances, paid
vacations, and shorter workweeks. In about 1950 economic growth took off for a gen-
eration, fueled by Marshall Plan aid, a consumer revolution, and the liberal trade poli-
cies of the new Common Market. The transition from im pe rialism to decolonization
proceeded rapidly, surprisingly smoothly, and without serious damage to western Eu-
rope. American blacks won victories in the struggle for civil rights because of their
courageous determination and the inspired leadership of Martin Luther King, Jr.
What was the pattern of postwar rebuilding and development in the Soviet
Union and communist eastern Europe? (page 791)
Postwar developments in the Soviet Union and communist eastern Europe displayed
both similarities to and differences from developments in western Europe and North
America. Perhaps the biggest difference was that Stalin imposed harsh one-party rule
in the lands occupied by his armies, which led to the bitter cold war. Stalin also re-
imposed rigid central planning in the Soviet Union after the war and made satellite
countries follow his lead. Nevertheless, the Soviet Union became less dictatorial under
Khrushchev, and the standard of living in the Soviet Union improved markedly in the
1950s and 1960s.
How did changing patterns in technology, class relations, womens work,
and youth culture bring major social transformations? (page 795)
In the years after 1945 pure science combined with applied technology to achieve
remarkable success. The triumphs of applied science contributed not only to eco-
nomic expansion but also to a more uid, less antagonistic class structure, in which
specialized education was the high road to advancement for men and women. Mar-
ried women entered the labor force in growing numbers. The growing prosperity of the
postwar era gave young people condence and money, spurring the development of a
distinct youth culture in the 1960s.
What were the key aspects of political conict, economic stagnation,
and the feminist movement in the late cold war? (page 800)
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Europe and North America entered a time of crisis
and rapid change. Many nations, from France to Czechoslovakia to the United States,
experienced major political difculties, as cold war conicts and ideological battles
divided peoples and shook governments. Beginning with the oil shocks of the 1970s,
severe economic problems added to the turmoil and brought real hardship to millions
of people. Yet in western Europe and North America, the welfare system held rm,
and both democ racy and the movement toward European unity successfully passed
through the storm. The womens movement mobilized effectively and won expanded
rights in the best tradition of Western civilization. Finally, efforts to achieve dtente in
central Europe while still maintaining a strong Atlantic alliance met some success.
This modest progress helped lay the foundations for the sudden end of the cold war
and the opening of a new era.
1. Quoted in N. Graebner, Cold War Diplomacy, 19451960 (Princeton, N.J.: Van Nostrand,
1962), p. 17.
2. Quoted in S. E. Morison et al., A Concise History of the American Republic (New York: Ox-
ford University Press, 1977), p. 697.
3. Quoted in N. Cantor, Twentieth-Century Culture: Modernism to Deconstruction (New York:
Peter Lang, 1988), p. 252.
dtente (p. 801)
OPEC (p. 804)
Chapter Review 807
To assess your mastery of this chapter, go to bedfordstmartins.com/mckaywestbrief
Li st eni ng t o t he Past
A Feminist Critique of Marriage
In domestic work, with or without the aid of ser-
vants, woman makes her home her own, nds so-
cial justication, and provides herself with an
occupation, an activity, that deals usefully and sat-
isfyingly with material objectsshining stoves, fresh,
clean clothes, bright copper, polished furniture
but provides no escape from immanence and little
afrmation of individuality. . . . Few tasks are more
like the torture of Sisyphus than housework, with
its endless repetition: the clean becomes soiled, the
soiled is made clean, over and over, day after day.
The housewife wears herself out marking time: she
makes nothing, simply perpetuates the present.
She never senses conquest of a positive Good, but
rather indenite struggle against negative Evil. . . .
Washing, ironing, sweeping, ferreting out rolls of
lint from under wardrobesall this halting of de-
cay is also the denial of life; for time simultaneously
creates and destroys, and only its negative aspect
concerns the housekeeper. . . .
Thus womans work within the home gives her
no autonomy; it is not directly useful to society, it
does not open out on the future, it produces noth-
ing. It takes on meaning and dignity only as it is
linked with existent beings who reach out beyond
themselves, transcend themselves, toward society
in production and action. That is, far from freeing
the matron, her occupation makes her de pen dent
upon husband and children; she is justied through
them; but in their lives she is only an inessential
intermediary. . . .
The tragedy of marriage is not that it fails to as-
sure woman the promised happinessthere is no
such thing as assurance in regard to happiness
but that it mutilates her; it dooms her to repetition
and routine. The rst twenty years of womans life
are extraordinarily rich, as we have seen; she discov-
ers the world and her destiny. At twenty or there-
abouts mistress of a home, bound permanently to a
man, a child in her arms, she stands with her life
virtually nished forever. Real activities, real work,
are the prerogative of her man: she has mere things
to occupy her which are sometimes tiring but never
fully satisfying. . . .
Marriage should be a combining of two whole,
in de pen dent exis tences, not a retreat, an annexa-
tion, a ight, a remedy. . . . The couple should not
be regarded as a unit, a closed cell; rather each in-
dividual should be integrated as such in society at
large, where each (whether male or female) could
he existentialist writer Simone de Beauvoir (19081986)
turned increasingly to feminist concerns after World
War II. Her most inuential work was The Second Sex
(1949), a massive declaration of in de pen dence for contempo-
rary women. Beauvoir argued that men had generally used
education and social conditioning to create a de pen dent
other, a negative nonman who was not permitted to grow
and strive for freedom.
Marriageon mens termswas part of this unjust and
undesirable process. Beauvoirs conclusion that some couples
could establish free and equal unions was based in part on her
experience with philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, Beauvoirs
encouraging companion and sometime lover.
Simone de Beauvoir as a teacher in 1947, when she was
writing The Second Sex. (Hulton-Deutsch Collection/ Corbis)
ourish without aid; then attachments could be
formed in pure generosity with another individual
equally adapted to the group, attachments that
would be founded upon the acknowledgment that
both are free. This balanced couple is not a utopian
fancy: such couples do exist, sometimes even
within the frame of marriage, most often outside it.
Some mates are united by a strong sexual love that
leaves them free in their friendships and in their
work; others are held together by a friendship that
does not preclude sexual liberty; more rare are
those who are at once lovers and friends but do not
seek in each other their sole reasons for living.
Many nuances are possible in the relations between
a man and a woman: in comradeship, plea sure,
trust, fondness, co-operation, and love, they can be
for each other the most abundant source of joy,
richness, and power available to human beings.
Questions for Analysis
1. Do you agree with Beauvoirs assertion that
domestic work is neither creative nor fully
satisfying? How is domestic work depicted in
current popular culture?
2. What was Beauvoirs solution to the situation
she described? Was her solution desirable?
3. What have you learned about the history of
women that supports or challenges Beauvoirs
analysis? Include developments since World
War II and your own reections.
Source: The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir, trans-
lated by H. M. Parshley, copyright 1952 and renewed
1980 by Alfred A. Knopf, a division of Random House,
Inc. Used by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, a division of
Random House, Inc.
Revolution, Rebuilding,
and New
1985 to the Present
Chapter Previ ew
The Collapse of Communism in Eastern
Europe and the Soviet Union
How did Mikhail Gorbachev try to
revitalize communism in the Soviet
Union? What were the radical
consequences of his policies?
Building a New Europe in the 1990s
How, in the 1990s, did the different
parts of a reunifying Europe meet the
challenges of postcommunist
reconstruction, resurgent nationalism,
and economic union?
New Challenges in the Twenty-rst Century
Why did the prospect of population
decline, the reality of large-scale
immigration, and concern for human
rights emerge as critical issues in
contemporary Europe?
The West and the Islamic World
How and why did relations between the
West and the Islamic world deteriorate
dramatically in the early twenty-rst
LISTENING TO THE PAST: The French Riots: Will They
Change Anything?
Italians protesting government economic policies gather in front of
the Roman Coliseum during a nationwide strike in October 2003.
(Philippe Desmazes/ AFP/ Getty Images)
n the late twentieth century, massive changes swept through eastern Europe
and opened a new era in human history. In the 1980s a broad movement to
transform the communist system took root in Poland, and efforts to reform and
revitalize the communist system in the Soviet Union snowballed out of control. In
1989 revolutions swept away communist rule throughout the entire Soviet bloc.
The cold war came to a spectacular end, West Germany absorbed East Germany,
and the Soviet Union broke into fteen in de pen dent countries. Thus after forty
years of cold war division, Europe regained an underlying unity, as faith in dem o-
cratic government and some kind of market economy became the common Euro-
pean creed. In 1991 hopes for peaceful dem o cratic progress throughout Europe
were almost universal.
The postcold war years saw the realization of some of these hopes, but the
new era brought its own problems and tragedies. The cold war division of Europe
had kept a lid on ethnic conicts and nationalism, which suddenly burst into the
open and led to a disastrous civil war in the former Yugoslavia. Moreover, most
western European economies were plagued by high unemployment and were
struggling to adapt to the global economy. In eastern Europe, the process of re-
building shattered societies was more difcult than optimists had envisioned in
1991, and in western Europe, the road toward greater unity and eastward expan-
sion proved bumpy. Nevertheless, the will to undo the cold war division prevailed,
and in 2004 eight former communist countries as well as the islands of Cyprus and
Malta joined the European Uniona historic achievement.
The twenty-rst century brought a growing awareness of a new set of funda-
mental challenges, which were related to the prospect of population decline, the
reality of large-scale immigration, and the promotion of human rights. These chal-
lenges promise to preoccupy Western society for years to come.
More dramatically, the old, often contentious question of relations with the
Islamic world suddenly reemerged as a critical issue after the attack on New Yorks
World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001. Although the West united in a
quick response against al Qaeda (al-KIGHduh) and the Taliban in Afghanistan, the
subsequent war in Iraq divided western Europe and threatened the future of West-
ern cooperation in world affairs. The war in Iraq also complicated the ongoing
integration of Europes rapidly growing Muslim population.
Following the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia (pages 793794), the Soviet
Union repeatedly demonstrated that it was determined to uphold its rule through-
out eastern Europe. Periodic efforts to achieve fundamental political change were
doomed to failure sooner or lateror so it seemed to most Western experts into
the mid-1980s.
And then Mikhail Gorbachev burst on the scene. The new Soviet leader opened
an era of reform that was as sweeping as it was unexpected. His reforms rapidly
transformed Soviet culture and politics, and they drastically reduced cold war ten-
sions. But communism, which Gorbachev wanted so desperately to revitalize in
The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe
and the Soviet Union
How did Mikhail Gorbachev try to revitalize communism in the Soviet
Union? What were the radical consequences of his policies?
The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe
and the Soviet Union
How did Mikhail Gorbachev try to revitalize communism in the Soviet
Union? What were the radical consequences of his policies?
The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union 811
812 Chapter 31 Revolution, Rebuilding, and New Challenges, 1985 to the Present
order to save it, continued to decline as a functioning system throughout the So-
viet bloc. In 1989 Gorbachevs plan to reform communism snowballed out of con-
trol. A series of largely peaceful revolutions swept across eastern Europe, overturning
existing communist regimes and ending the communists monopoly of power.
The revolutions of 1989 had momentous consequences. First, the countries of
eastern and western Europe were no longer separate, and a new European Union
slowly emerged. Second, an anticommunist revolution swept through the Soviet
Union, which broke into a large Russia and fourteen other in de pen dent states.
Third, West Germany quickly absorbed its East German rival and emerged as the
most inuential country in Europe. Finally, the long cold war came to an abrupt
end, and the United States suddenly stood as the worlds only superpower.
Fundamental change in Rus sian history has often come
in short, intensive spurts, which contrast vividly with
long periods of immobility. The era of reform launched
by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985 was one such decisive transformation. Gorbachevs
initiatives brought political and cultural liberalization to the
Soviet Union, and they then permitted democ racy and na-
tional self-determination to triumph spectacularly in the old
satellite empire and eventually in the Soviet Union itself, al-
though this was certainly not Gorbachevs original intention.
As we have seen, the Soviet Unions Communist Party elite
seemed secure in the early 1980s as far as any challenge from
below was concerned. The long-established system of adminis-
trative controls continued to stretch downward from the cen-
tral ministries and state committees to provincial cities, and
from there to factories, neighborhoods, and villages. At each
level of this massive state bureaucracy, the overlapping hierar-
chy of the Communist Party, with its 17.5 million members,
continued to manage every aspect of national life. Yet the
massive state and party bureaucracy was a mixed blessing. It
safeguarded the elite, but it promoted apathy in the masses.
Therefore, when the ailing Brezhnev nally died in 1982, his
successor Yuri Andropov (YOOR-ee an-DROH-pawf) (1914
1984) tried to invigorate the system. Relatively little came of
these efforts, but they combined with a sharply worsening
economic situation to set the stage for the emergence in 1985
of Mikhail Gorbachev (b. 1931), the most vigorous Soviet
leader in a generation.
Gorbachev believed in communism, but he realized it was
failing to keep up with Western capitalism and technology.
This was eroding the Soviet Unions status as a superpower.
Gorbachevs Reforms
in the Soviet Union
Gorbachevs Reforms
in the Soviet Union
Mikhail Gorbachev
In his ac cep tance speech before the Supreme Soviet (the U.S.S.R.s
parliament), newly elected president Mikhail Gorbachev vowed to assume
all responsibility for the success or failure of perestroika. Previous
parliaments were no more than tools of the Communist party, but this one
actively debated and even opposed some government programs. (Vlastimir
Shone/ Gamma Presse/ EYEDEA)
Thus Gorbachev (and his wife, Raisa, a professor
of Marxist-Leninist thought) wanted to save the
Soviet system by revitalizing it with fundamental
reforms. In his rst year in ofce, Gorbachev at-
tacked corruption and incompetence in the bu-
reaucracy, and alcoholism and drunkenness in
Soviet society. He consolidated his power and
elaborated his ambitious reform program.
The rst set of reform policies was designed
to transform and restructure the economy, in or-
der to provide for the real needs of the Soviet
population. To accomplish this economic re-
structuring, or perestroika (per-ih-STROY-kuh),
Gorbachev and his supporters permitted an eas-
ing of government price controls on some goods,
more in de pen dence for state enterprises, and the
setting up of prot-seeking private cooperatives
to provide personal ser vices for consumers. While
these reforms produced a few improvements, the
economy stalled at an intermediate point between
central planning and free-market mechanisms.
By late 1988, widespread shortages threatened
the entire reform program.
Gorbachevs bold and far-reaching campaign
to tell it like it is was much more successful.
Very popular in a country where censorship, dull
uniformity, and outright lies had long character-
ized public discourse, the newfound openness,
or glasnost (GLAZ-nost), of the government and
the media marked an astonishing break with the
past. Long-banned writers sold millions of copies
of their works in new editions, while denuncia-
tions of Stalin and his terror became standard
fare in plays and movies. Thus initial openness
in government pronouncements quickly went
much further than Gorbachev intended and led
to something approaching free speech and free
expression, a veritable cultural revolution.
Democratization was the third element of
reform. Beginning as an attack on corruption in
the Communist Party, it led to the rst free elec-
tions in the Soviet Union since 1917. Gorbachev
and the party remained in control, but a minor-
ity of critical in de pen dents was elected in April 1989 to a revitalized Congress of
Peoples Deputies. Millions of Soviets then watched the new congress for hours on
television as Gorbachev and his ministers saw their proposals debated and even
rejected. The result was a new political culture at odds with the Communist Partys
monopoly of power and control.
The Soviet leader also brought new political thinking to the eld of foreign
affairs. He withdrew Soviet troops from Afghanistan and pledged to respect the
political choices of the peoples of eastern Europe, repudiating the Brezhnev Doc-
trine. Of enormous importance, he sought to halt the arms race with the United
perestroika Economic restructuring
and reform implemented by Gorbachev
that permitted an easing of government
price controls on some goods, more
in de pen dence for state enterprises, and
the setting up of prot-seeking private
cooperatives to provide personal ser vices
for consumers.
glasnost Openness, part of Gorbachevs
campaign to tell it like it is, marked a
break from the past; long-banned writers
sold millions of copies of their works, and
denunciations of Stalin and his terror
were standard public discourse.
perestroika Economic restructuring
and reform implemented by Gorbachev
that permitted an easing of government
price controls on some goods, more
in de pen dence for state enterprises, and
the setting up of prot-seeking private
cooperatives to provide personal ser vices
for consumers.
glasnost Openness, part of Gorbachevs
campaign to tell it like it is, marked a
break from the past; long-banned writers
sold millions of copies of their works, and
denunciations of Stalin and his terror
were standard public discourse.
1985 Glasnost leads to greater freedom of speech and
expression in the Soviet Union
1985 Decline in birthrate in industrialized nations
1986 Single European Act lays groundwork for single
August 1989 Solidarity gains power in Poland
November 1989 Collapse of the Berlin Wall
December 1989
Velvet Revolution ends communism in
October 1990 Reunication of Germany
19901991 First war with Iraq
July 1991 Failed coup against Gorbachev in Russia
December 1991
Dissolution of the Soviet Union
1991 Maastricht treaty sets nancial criteria for
European monetary union
19912000 Resurgence of nationalism and ethnic conict in
eastern Europe
19912001 Civil war in Yugoslavia
19921997 Shock therapy in Russia causes decline of the
1993 Creation of the European Union; growth of illegal
immigration in Europe
1998 Growing support for global human rights in Europe
1999 Rus sian economy booms
2000 Controversy over Muslim headscarves in French
schools begins
September 2001 Terrorist attack on the United States
2001 War in Afghanistan
January 2002 New euro currency goes into effect in the
European Union
2003 Second war with Iraq begins
2004 Ten new states join European Union
814 Chapter 31 Revolution, Rebuilding, and New Challenges, 1985 to the Present
States and convinced President Ronald Rea gan of his sincerity. In December
1987, the two leaders agreed in a Washington summit to eliminate all land-based
intermediate-range missiles in Europe, setting the stage for more arms reductions.
Both leaders saw the opportunity to ease the strains on their national budgets that
the arms race had created.
Gorbachevs reforms interacted with a resurgence of
popular protest in the Soviet Unions satellite empire.
Developments in Poland were the most striking and
Poland had been an unruly satellite from the beginning. Stalin said that intro-
ducing communism to Poland was like putting a saddle on a cow. As a result of
widespread riots in 1956, Polish Communists dropped their efforts to impose
Soviet-style collectivization on the peasants and to break the Roman Catholic
Church. Yet they were determined to plan the economy, with poor results. Even
the booming 1960s saw little economic improvement.
In 1970 Polands working class rose again in angry protest. A new Communist
leader came to power, and he wagered that massive inows of Western capital and
technology, especially from rich and now-friendly West Germany (see pages 801
802), could produce a Polish economic miracle. Instead, bureaucratic incompe-
tence and the rst oil shock in 1973 put the economy into a nosedive. Then the
real Polish miracle occurred: Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (KAH-rol voy-TIL-ah), arch-
bishop of Cracow, was elected pope in 1978. The following year, now as Pope
John Paul II, he returned from Rome and electried the Polish nation with talk of
the inalienable rights of man. The economic crisis became a moral and spiritual
crisis as well.
In August 1980, the sixteen thousand workers at the gigantic Lenin Shipyards
in Gdansk (gdahynsk) (formerly known as Danzig) laid down their tools and oc-
cupied the plant. As other workers joined in solidarity, the strikers advanced
revolutionary demands, including the right to form free trade unions, freedom of
speech, release of political prisoners, and economic reforms.
Led by Lenin Shipyards electrician Lech Walesa (leck wah-LENS-ah) (b. 1943),
the workers proceeded to organize their free and dem o cratic trade union. They
called it Solidarity. Joined by intellectuals and supported by the Catholic Church,
Solidarity became the union of a nation. By March 1981, it had 9.5 million union
members. Yet as the economic situation worsened and some members of Solidar-
ity became more radical, the Polish Communist leadership shrewdly denounced
Solidarity for promoting economic collapse and provoking the Soviet Union. In
December 1981, Communist leader General Wojciech Jaruzelski (VOI-chekh
yah-roo-ZEL-skee) suddenly struck, proclaiming martial law, arresting Solidaritys
leaders, and saving the nation.
Although it was driven underground, Solidarity maintained its or ga ni za tion
and continued to voice the aspirations of the Polish masses after 1981. Part of the
reason for the unions survival was the governments unwillingness (and probably
its inability) to impose full-scale terror. Moreover, millions of Poles decided to
continue acting as if they were free, even though they were not. Cultural and intel-
lectual life remained extremely vigorous as the faltering Polish economy contin-
ued to deteriorate. Thus popular support for outlawed Solidarity remained strong
under martial law in the 1980s, preparing the way for the unions political rebirth
during the Gorbachev era at the end of the decade.
The Revolutions
of 1989
The Revolutions
of 1989
Solidarity Led by Lech Walesa, this
group of workers in Poland or ga nized
their free and dem o cratic trade union
and quickly became the union of a
nation with a full-time staff of 40,000
and 9.5 million union members by
March 1981.
Solidarity Led by Lech Walesa, this
group of workers in Poland or ga nized
their free and dem o cratic trade union
and quickly became the union of a
nation with a full-time staff of 40,000
and 9.5 million union members by
March 1981.
In early 1989, on the brink of economic collapse and political stalemate, Po-
land became the rst eastern European country to experience revolution. Solidar-
ity skillfully pressured Polands frustrated Communist leaders into legalizing
Solidarity and declaring that a large minority of representatives to the Polish par-
liament would be chosen by free elections in June 1989. Still guaranteed a parlia-
mentary majority and expecting to win many of the contested seats, the Communists
believed that the status quo could be maintained.
Instead the Communists were roundly defeated. Solidarity mobilized the
country and won most of the contested seats in an overwhelming victory. More-
over, many angry voters crossed off the names of unopposed party candidates, so
that the Communist Party failed to win the majority its leaders had anticipated.
Solidarity members jubilantly entered the Polish parliament, and a dangerous
stalemate quickly developed. But Solidaritys gifted leader Lech Walesa adroitly
obtained a majority as two minor procommunist parties that had been part of the
coalition government after World War II now joined forces with Walesa. In August
1989, the editor of Solidaritys weekly newspaper was sworn in as Polands new
noncommunist leader.
In its rst year and a half, the new Solidarity government eliminated the hated
secret police, the Communist ministers in the government, and nally Jaruzelski
himself, but it did so step by step in order to avoid confrontation with the army or
the Soviet Union. However, in economic affairs, the Solidarity-led government
was radical from the beginning. It applied shock therapy designed to make a clean
shock therapy The Solidarity-led
governments radical take on economic
affairs that were designed to make a
clean break with state planning and
move to market mechanisms and private
shock therapy The Solidarity-led
governments radical take on economic
affairs that were designed to make a
clean break with state planning and
move to market mechanisms and private
Lech Walesa and Solidarity
An inspiration for fellow workers at the Lenin Shipyards in the dramatic and successful strike against the
Communist bosses in August 1980, Walesa played a key role in Solidarity before and after it was outlawed.
Speaking here to old comrades at the Lenin Shipyards after Solidarity was again legalized in 1988, Walesa
personied an enduring opposition to Communist rule in eastern Europe. (G. Merrillon/ Gamma Presse/ EYEDEA)
The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union 815
816 Chapter 31 Revolution, Rebuilding, and New Challenges, 1985 to the Present
break with state planning and move quickly to market mechanisms and private
property. Thus the Solidarity government abolished controls on many prices on
January 1, 1990, and reformed the monetary system with a big bang.
Hungary followed Poland. Hungarys Communist Party boss, Jnos Kdr
(KAH-dahr), had permitted liberalization of the rigid planned economy after the
1956 uprising in exchange for political obedience and continued Communist
control. In May 1988, in an effort to retain power by granting modest political
concessions, the party replaced Kdr with a reform communist. But opposition
groups rejected piecemeal progress, and in the summer of 1989 the Hungarian
Communist Party agreed to hold free elections in early 1990. Welcoming Western
investment and moving rapidly toward multiparty democ racy, Hungarys Com-
munists now enjoyed considerable popular support, and they believed, quite mis-
takenly it turned out, that they could defeat the opposition in the upcoming
elections. In an effort to strengthen their support at home and also put pressure on
East Germanys hard-line Communist regime, the Hungarians opened their bor-
der to East Germans and tore down the barbed-wire iron curtain with Austria.
Thus tens of thousands of dissatised East German vacationers began pouring
into Hungary, crossed into Austria as refugees, and continued on to immediate
resettlement in thriving West Germany.
The ight of East Germans led to the rapid growth of a homegrown protest
movement in East Germany. Intellectuals, environmentalists, and Protestant min-
isters took the lead, organizing huge candlelight demonstrations and arguing that
a dem o cratic but still socialist East Germany was both possible and desirable.
These stayers failed to convince the leavers, however, who continued to ee
the country en masse. In a desperate attempt to stabilize the situation, the East
German government opened the Berlin Wall in November 1989, and people
danced for joy atop that grim symbol of the prison state. East Germanys aging
Communist leaders were swept aside, and a reform government took power and
scheduled free elections. In March 1990, the East German Alliance for Germany,
which was closely tied to Kohls West German Chris tian Democrats, won almost
50 percent of the votes in an East German parliamentary election. The Alliance
for Germany quickly negotiated an economic union on favorable terms with
Chancellor Kohl.
Finally, in the summer of 1990, the crucial international aspect of German
unication was successfully resolved. In a historic agreement signed by Gorbachev
and Kohl in July 1990, Germany solemnly afrmed its peaceful intentions and
pledged never to develop nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons. In October
1990, East Germany merged into West Germany, forming henceforth a single na-
tion under the West German laws and constitution.
In Czechoslovakia, communism died in December 1989 in only ten days.
This so-called Velvet Revolution grew out of popular demonstrations led by stu-
dents, intellectuals, and a dissident playwright turned moral revolutionary named
Vclav Havel (VAH-slav HAH-vel). The protesters practically took control of the
streets and forced the Communists into a power-sharing arrangement, which
quickly resulted in the resignation of the Communist government. As 1989 ended,
the Czechoslovakian assembly elected Havel president.
Only in Romania was revolution violent and bloody. There, ironsted Com-
munist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu (chow-CHES-ku) (19181989) had long com-
bined Stalinist brutality with stubborn in de pen dence from Moscow. Faced with
mass protests in December, Ceausescu, alone among eastern European bosses,
ordered his ruthless security forces to slaughter thousands, thereby sparking a clas-
sic armed uprising. After Ceausescus forces were defeated, the tyrant and his wife
Alliance for Germany A political party
that was set up in East Germany, calling
for the unication of East and West
Germany, which they felt would lead to
an economic bonanza in East Germany.
In March 1990 they won almost
50 percent of the votes in the East
German parliamentary election, thereby
beating out the Socialist party.
Alliance for Germany A political party
that was set up in East Germany, calling
for the unication of East and West
Germany, which they felt would lead to
an economic bonanza in East Germany.
In March 1990 they won almost
50 percent of the votes in the East
German parliamentary election, thereby
beating out the Socialist party.
Velvet Revolution The moment
when communism died in 1989
with an ousting of Communist bosses
in only ten days; it grew out of popular
demonstrations led by students,
intellectuals, and a dissident playwright.
Velvet Revolution The moment
when communism died in 1989
with an ousting of Communist bosses
in only ten days; it grew out of popular
demonstrations led by students,
intellectuals, and a dissident playwright.
were captured and executed by a military court. A coalition government emerged
from the ghting, although the legacy of Ceausescus oppression left a very
troubled country.
The breakdown of barriers between western and eastern Europe, with the
peaceful reunication of Germany as a key element, led to agreements liquidating
the cold war. In November 1990, delegates from twenty-two European countries
joined those from the United States and the Soviet Union in Paris and agreed to a
scaling down of all their armed forces. The delegates also solemnly afrmed that
all existing borders in Europefrom unied Germany to the newly in de pen dent
Baltic republicswere legal and valid. The Paris Accord was for all practical pur-
poses a general peace treaty, bringing an end to World War II and the cold war.
In the months that followed, the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to
scrap a signicant portion of their nuclear weapons. In September 1991, the lead-
ers of both countries canceled the around-the-clock alert status for bombers outt-
ted with atomic bombs. For the rst time in four decades, Soviet and American
nuclear weapons were no longer standing ready to destroy capitalism, commu-
nism, and life itself.
Paris Accord A general peace treaty
that brought an end to World War II and
the cold war that followed; it called for a
scaling down of all armed forces and the
ac cep tance of all existing borders as legal
and valid.
Paris Accord A general peace treaty
that brought an end to World War II and
the cold war that followed; it called for a
scaling down of all armed forces and the
ac cep tance of all existing borders as legal
and valid.
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
The sudden opening of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 dramatized the spectacular collapse of communism
throughout eastern Europe. Built by the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in 1961, the hated barrier had stopped
the ow of refugees from East Germany to West Germany. (Patrick Piel/ Gamma Presse/ EYEDEA)
The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union 817
818 Chapter 31 Revolution, Rebuilding, and New Challenges, 1985 to the Present
As 1990 began, revolutionary changes had triumphed
in all but two eastern European statestiny Albania
and the vast Soviet Union. The great question now be-
came whether reform communism would give way to a popular anticommunist
The elections of February 1990 provided the rst indication that reform com-
munism would not survive. As in the eastern European satellites, dem o crats and
anticommunists won clear majorities in the leading cities of the Rus sian Federa-
tion. Moreover, in Lithuania the people elected an uncompromising nationalist as
president, and the newly chosen parliament declared Lithuania an in de pen dent
state. Gorbachev responded by placing an economic embargo on Lithuania, but
he refused to use the army to crush the separatist government. The result was a
tense political stalemate, which undermined popular support for Gorbachev. Sep-
arating himself further from Communist hard-liners, Gorbachev asked Soviet citi-
zens to ratify a new constitution, which formally abolished the Communist Partys
monopoly of political power and expanded the Power of the Congress of Peoples
Deputies. Retaining his post as party secretary, Gorbachev convinced a majority of
deputies to elect him president of the Soviet Union.
Gorbachevs eroding power and his unwillingness to risk a universal suffrage
election for the presidency strengthened his great rival, Boris Yeltsin (19312007).
A radical reform communist who had been purged by party con ser va tives in 1987,
Yeltsin embraced the dem o cratic movement, and in May 1990 he was elected
leader of the Rus sian Federations parliament. He boldly announced that Russia
would put its interests rst and declare its in de pen dence from the Soviet Union.
Gorbachev tried to save the Soviet Union with a new treaty that would link the
member republics in a looser, freely accepted confederation, but six of the fteen
Soviet republics rejected Gorbachevs pleas.
Opposed by dem o crats and nationalists, Gorbachev was also challenged again
by the Communist old guard. A gang of hard-liners kidnapped a vacationing Gor-
bachev and his family in the Caucasus and tried to seize the Soviet government in
August 1991. But the attempted coup collapsed in the face of massive popular re-
sis tance, which rallied around Yeltsin. As the world watched spellbound on televi-
sion, Yeltsin deantly denounced the hard-liners from atop a stalled tank in central
Moscow and declared the rebirth of Russia. The army supported Yeltsin, and
Gorbachev returned to power as head of the Soviet Union.
The leaders of the coup wanted to preserve Communist power, state owner-
ship, and the multinational Soviet Union, but they succeeded only in destroying
all three. An anticommunist revolution swept the Rus sian Federation as Yeltsin
and his supporters outlawed the Communist Party and conscated its property.
Locked in a personal and political duel with Gorbachev, Yeltsin and his dem o-
cratic allies declared Russia in de pen dent and withdrew from the Soviet Union. All
the other Soviet republics also left. The Soviet Unionand Gorbachevs job
ceased to exist on December 25, 1991 (see Map 31.1). The in de pen dent republics
of the old Soviet Union then established a loose confederation, the Common-
wealth of Inde pen dent States, which played only a minor role in the 1990s.
As the Soviet Union collapsed, losing both the will and
the means to intervene in global conicts, the United
States emerged rather suddenly as the worlds only sur-
viving superpower. In 1991 the United States used its military superiority to chal-
The Disintegration of
the Soviet Union
The Disintegration of
the Soviet Union
The Gulf War of 1991 The Gulf War of 1991
lenge Iraqs August 1990 invasion and annexation of its oil-rich southern neighbor,
Reacting vigorously to free Kuwait, the United States mobilized the U.N. Se-
curity Council, which in August 1990 imposed a strict naval blockade on Iraq.
Receiving the support of some Arab states, as well as of Great Britain and France,
the United States also landed 500,000 American soldiers in Saudi Arabia near the
border of Kuwait. When the deant Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein (sah-DAHM
who-SANE) (19372006) refused to withdraw from Kuwait, the Security Council
authorized the U.S.-led military coalition to attack Iraq. The American army and
air force then smashed Iraqi forces in a lightning-quick desert campaign, although
the United States stopped short of toppling Saddam because it feared a sudden
disintegration of Iraq.
The defeat of Iraqi armies in the Gulf War demonstrated the awesome power
of the U.S. military, rebuilt and revitalized by the spending and patriotism of the
1980s. Little wonder that in the ush of yet another victory, the rst President
Bush spoke of a new world order, an order that would apparently feature the
new world order President George
H. W. Bushs vision after the U.S. defeat
of Iraqi armies in the Gulf War that
would feature the United States and a
cooperative United Nations working
together to impose peace and stability
throughout the world.
new world order President George
H. W. Bushs vision after the U.S. defeat
of Iraqi armies in the Gulf War that
would feature the United States and a
cooperative United Nations working
together to impose peace and stability
throughout the world.
St. Petersburg
l ti c Se
Dnieper R.
160E 140E 120E 100E 80E 60E 40E 20E
0 400 800 Mi.
400 800 Km.
Capital city
MAP 31.1 Russia and the Successor States
After the attempt in August 1991 to depose Gorbachev failed, an anticommunist revolution swept
the Soviet Union. Led by Russia and Boris Yeltsin, the republics that formed the Soviet Union
declared their sovereignty and in de pen dence. Eleven of the fteen republics then formed a loose
confederation called the Commonwealth of Inde pen dent States, but the integrated economy of the
Soviet Union dissolved into separate national economies, each with its own goals and policies.
The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union 819
820 Chapter 31 Revolution, Rebuilding, and New Challenges, 1985 to the Present
United States and a cooperative United Nations working together to impose stabil-
ity throughout the world.
The fall of communism, the end of the cold war, and the collapse of the Soviet
Union opened a new era in European and world history. The dimensions and
signicance of this new era, opening suddenly and unexpectedly, are subject to
debate. We are so close to what is going on that we lack vital perspective. Yet the
historian must take a stand.
First, we shall focus on three of the most important trends: the pressure on
national economies increasingly caught up in global capitalism; the defense of
social achievements under attack; and a resurgence of nationalism and ethnic
conict. Second, with these common themes providing an or ga ni za tional frame-
work, we shall examine the course of development in the three overlapping but
still distinct regions of contemporary Europe. These are Russia and the western
states of the old Soviet Union, previously communist eastern Europe, and western
The end of the cold war and the disintegration of the
Soviet Union ended the division of Europe into two
opposing camps with two different political and eco-
nomic systems. Thus, although Europe in the 1990s was a collage of diverse
peoples, the entire continent shared an underlying network of common develop-
ments and challenges (see Map 31.2).
Of critical importance, in economic affairs European leaders embraced, or at
least accepted, a large part of the neoliberal, free-market vision of capitalist devel-
opment. Postcommunist governments in eastern Europe freed prices, turned state
enterprises over to private owners, and sought to move toward strong currencies
and balanced budgets. In western Europe, new free-market initiatives produced
changes in western Europes still-dominant welfare capitalism, which featured
government intervention, high taxes, and high levels of social benets.
Two factors were particularly important in accounting for this ongoing shift
from welfare state activism to tough-minded capitalism. First, western Europeans
Building a New Europe in the 1990s
How, in the 1990s, did the different parts of a reunifying Europe meet the
challenges of postcommunist reconstruction, resurgent nationalism, and
economic union?
Building a New Europe in the 1990s
How, in the 1990s, did the different parts of a reunifying Europe meet the
challenges of postcommunist reconstruction, resurgent nationalism, and
economic union?
Common Patterns
and Problems
Common Patterns
and Problems
Secti on Revi ew
Gorbachev attempted to save commu-
nism through perestroika (restructur-
ing), easing government control of
economic markets; glasnost (openness),
easing censorship of the media; dem o-
cratization, allowing free elections; and
by easing foreign policy and the arms
race with the United States.
Poland experienced a revolution led by
the Solidarity movement that won free
elections and control of the govern-
ment, defeating the communists, elimi-
nating the secret police, and abolishing
state controls.
Hungary followed Poland in its bid for
free elections, ousting the communists
and opening the border for East Ger-
mans to leave, which promoted pro-
tests, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the
rejoining of East and West Germany.
Czechoslovakias Velvet Revolution
ended communism there; only in
Romania was revolution accompanied
by ghting, as Eastern European coun-
tries joined the West at the Paris Ac-
cord, ending the cold war.
Political unrest plagued the Soviet
Union, with Gorbachev trying to save
reformed communism while Yeltsin
declared in de pen dence for the Rus sian
Federation along with the other Soviet
republics, forming a loose confedera-
tion, the Commonwealth of Inde pen-
dent States.
The United States challenged Iraqs
invasion of Kuwait in 1991 and then,
authorized by the United Nations
Security Council, attacked and de-
feated Iraqi forces in a quick desert
Mapping the Past
MAP 31.2 Contemporary Europe
No longer divided by ideological competition and the cold war, todays Europe features a large
number of in de pen dent states. Several of these states were previously part of the Soviet Union
and Yugoslavia, both of which broke into many different countries. Czechoslovakia also divided
on ethnic lines, while a reunited Germany emerged, once again, as the dominant nation in
central Europe. [1] Which countries shown here were previously part of the Soviet Union?
[2] Which countries were part of Yugoslavia? [3] Where did the old iron curtain run?
(See Map 30.1, page 786, if necessary.)
N o r t h
S e a
Ar al
M e d
i t e
c k S e a
Po R.
a R.
Stockholm Tallinn
la Vella
St. Petersburg
Balearic Islands
Faroe Islands
20E 30E 50E 60E 70E 80E
10W 20W 30W
0 200 400 Mi.
200 400 Km.
822 Chapter 31 Revolution, Rebuilding, and New Challenges, 1985 to the Present
looked to the stronger U.S. economy and borrowed the practices and ideologies
instituted there and in Great Britain in the 1980s (see page 804). Second, eastern
Europeans wanting to compete in the global economy were compelled to follow
the rules of Western governments, multinational corporations, and international
nancial or ga ni za tions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF). These
rules called for the free movement of capital and goods and ser vices, as well as low
ination and limited government decits.
The ongoing computer and electronics revolution strengthened the move
toward a global economy. The computer revolution reduced the costs of distance,
speeding up communications and helping businesses tap cheaper labor overseas.
Reducing the friction of distance made threats of moving factories abroad ring true
and helped hold down wages at home.
Globalization, the emergence of a freer global economy, probably did speed
up world economic growth as enthusiasts invariably claimed, but it also had pow-
erful and quite negative social consequences. Millions of ordinary citizens in west-
ern Europe believed that global capitalism and freer markets were undermining
hard-won social achievements. As in the United States and Great Britain in the
1980s, the public in other countries generally associated globalization with the
increased unemployment that accompanied corporate downsizing, the efforts to
reduce the power of labor unions, and, above all, government plans to reduce so-
cial benets. The reaction was particularly intense in France and Germany, where
unions remained strong and socialists championed a minimum of change in social
Indeed, the broad movement toward neoliberal global development sparked a
powerful counterattack as the 1990s ended. Critics insisted that globalization hurt
the worlds poor, because multinational corporations destroyed local industries
and paid pitiful wages, and because international nancial or ga ni za tions de-
manded harsh balanced budgets and deep cuts in government social programs.
These attacks shook global neoliberalism, but it remained dominant.
In politics, European countries embraced genuine electoral competition, with
elected presidents and legislatures and the outward manifestations of representa-
tive liberal governments. With some notable exceptions, such as discrimination
against Roma (Gypsies), countries also guaranteed basic civil liberties. Thus, for
the rst time since before the French Revolution, almost all of Europe followed
the same general political model of liberal democ racy, although with variations.
Politics and economics were closely intertwined in
Russia after the attempted Communist coup in 1991
and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. President Bo-
ris Yeltsin and his economic ministers listened to those Western advisers who ar-
gued that private economies were always best and opted in January 1992 for
breakneck liberalization. Their shock therapy freed prices on 90 percent of all
Rus sian goods, with the exception of bread, vodka, oil, and public transportation.
The government also launched a rapid privatization of industry and turned thou-
sands of factories and mines over to new private companies. Each citizen received
a voucher worth 10,000 rubles (about $22) to buy stock in private companies, but
control of the privatized companies usually remained in the hands of the old
bossesthe managers and government ofcials from the communist era.
President Yeltsin and his economic reformers believed that shock therapy
would revive production and bring prosperity after a brief period of hardship. The
results of the reforms were in fact quite different. Prices increased 250 percent on
globalization The emergence of a freer
global economy; it also refers to the
exchange of cultural, political, and
religious ideas throughout the world.
globalization The emergence of a freer
global economy; it also refers to the
exchange of cultural, political, and
religious ideas throughout the world.
Recasting Russia Recasting Russia
the very rst day, and they kept on soaring, increasing twenty-six times in the
course of 1992. At the same time, Rus sian production fell a staggering 20 percent.
Nor did the situation stabilize quickly. Throughout 1995 rapid but gradually slowing
ination raged, and output continued to fall. Only in 1997 did the economy stop
declining, before crashing yet again in 1998 in the wake of Asias nancial crisis.
Runaway ination and poorly executed privatization brought a profound so-
cial revolution to Russia. A new capitalist elite acquired great wealth and power,
while large numbers of people fell into abject poverty, and the majority struggled
in the midst of decline to make ends meet.
Rapid economic decline in 1992 and 1993 and rising popular dissatisfaction
encouraged a majority of communists, nationalists, and populists in the Rus sian
parliament to oppose Yeltsin and his coalition of dem o cratic reformers and big-
business interests. The erratic, increasingly hard-drinking Yeltsin would accept no
compromise and insisted on a strong presidential system. Winning in April 1993
the support of 58 percent of the population in a referendum on his proposed con-
stitution, Yeltsin then brought in tanks to crush a parliamentary mutiny in October
1993 and literally blew away the opposition. Subsequently, Yeltsin consolidated
his power, and in 1996 he used his big-business cronies in the media to win an
impressive come-from-behind victory. But effective representative government
failed to develop, and many Rus sians came to equate democ racy with the cor-
ruption, poverty, and national decline they experienced throughout the 1990s.
This widespread disillusionment set the stage for the managed democ racy of
Vladimir Putin (VLAD-ih-mir POO-tin), rst elected president as Yeltsins chosen
successor in 2000 and re-elected in a landslide in March 2004. An ofcer in the
secret police in the communist era, Putin maintained relatively free markets in the
economic sphere but gradually re-established semi-authoritarian political rule.
Aided greatly by high prices for oil, Russias most important export, this combina-
tion worked well and seemed to suit most Rus sians. In 2007, the Rus sian economy
had been growing rapidly for eight years, the Rus sian middle class was expanding,
and the elected parliament supported Putin overwhelmingly. Proponents of lib-
eral democ racy were in retreat, while con ser va tive Rus sian intellectuals were on
the offensive, arguing that free markets and capitalism required strong political
rule to control corruption and prevent chaos. Historians saw a reassertion of Rus-
sias long authoritarian tradition. In March 2008 Putins ally and hand-picked suc-
cessor, Dmitry Medvedev, was elected president in a landslide.
Putins forceful, competent image in world affairs also soothed the countrys
injured pride and symbolized its national resurgence. Nor did the government per-
mit any negative television reports on the civil war in Chechnya (CHECH-nee-ah),
the tiny republic of one million Muslims on Russias southern border, which in
1991 had declared its in de pen dence from the Rus sian Federation (see Map 31.1).
The savage conict in Chechnya continued, largely unreported, with numerous
atrocities on both sides.
Developments in eastern Europe shared important
similarities with those in Russia, as many of the prob-
lems were the same. Thus the postcommunist states of
the former satellite empire worked to replace state planning and socialism with
market mechanisms and private property. Western-style electoral politics also took
hold, and as in Russia, these politics were marked by intense battles between pres-
idents and parliaments and by weak political parties. The social consequences of
these revolutionary changes were similar to those in Russia. Ordinary citizens and
Progress in
Eastern Europe
Progress in
Eastern Europe
Building a New Europe in the 1990s 823
824 Chapter 31 Revolution, Rebuilding, and New Challenges, 1985 to the Present
the el derly were once again the big losers, while the young and the ex-Communists
were the big winners. Inequalities between richer and poorer regions also in-
creased. Capital cities such as Warsaw, Prague, and Budapest concentrated wealth,
power, and opportunity as never before, while provincial centers stagnated and old
industrial areas declined. Crime and gangsterism increased in the streets and in
the executive suites.
Yet the 1990s saw more than a difcult transition, with high social costs, to
market economies and freely elected governments in eastern Europe. Many citi-
zens had never fully accepted communism, which they equated with Rus sian im-
pe rialism and the loss of national in de pen dence. The joyous crowds that toppled
communist regimes in 1989 believed that they were liberating the nation as well
as the individual. Thus communism died and nationalism was reborn.
The surge of nationalism in eastern Europe recalled a similar surge of state
creation after World War I. Then, too, authoritarian multinational empires had come
crashing down in defeat and revolution. Then, too, nationalities with long histo-
ries and rich cultures had drawn upon ideologies of popular sovereignty and na-
tional self-determination to throw off foreign rule and found new dem o cratic states.
The response to this opportunity in the former communist countries was quite
varied in the 1990s, but most observers agreed that Poland, the Czech Republic,
and Hungary were the most successful (see Map 31.2, page 821). Each of these
three countries met the critical challenge of economic reconstruction more suc-
cessfully than Russia, and each could claim to be the economic leader in eastern
Europe, depending on the criteria selected. The reasons for these successes in-
cluded considerable experience with limited market reforms before 1989, exibil-
ity and lack of dogmatism in government policy, and an enthusiastic embrace of
capitalism by a new entrepreneurial class. In the rst ve years of reform, Poland
created twice as many new businesses as Russia, with a total population only one-
fourth as large.
The three northern countries in the former Soviet bloc also did far better than
Russia in creating new civic institutions, legal systems, and in de pen dent broad-
casting networks that reinforced political freedom and national revival. Lech
Walesa in Poland and Vclav Havel in Czechoslovakia were elected presidents of
their countries and proved as remarkable in power as in opposition. After Czecho-
slovakias Velvet Revolution in 1989, Havel and the Czech parliament accepted
a velvet divorce in 1993 when Slovakian nationalists wanted to break off and
form their own state. All three northern countries managed to control national and
ethnic tensions that might have destroyed their postcommunist reconstruction.
Above all, and in sharp contrast to Russia, the popular goal of rejoining the
West reinforced political moderation and compromise. Seeing themselves as
heirs to medieval Christendom and liberal dem o cratic values of the 1920s, Poles,
Hungarians, and Czechs hoped to nd security in NATO membership and eco-
nomic prosperity in western Europes ever-tighter European Union (the former
Common Market or EEC, see page 787). Membership required many proofs of
character and stability, however. Providing these proofs and endorsed by the Clin-
ton administration, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic were accepted into
the NATO alliance in 1997. Gaining admission to the European Union (EU) proved
more difcult, because candidates also had to accept and be ready to apply all the
rules and regulations that the EU had developed since 1956an awesome task.
Romania and Bulgaria were the eastern European laggards in the postcom-
munist transition. Western traditions were much weaker there, and both countries
were much poorer than neighbors to the north. In 1993 Bulgaria and Romania
had per capita national incomes of $1,140, in contrast to Hungary ($3,830) and
European Union The new name as of
1993 for the European Community.
European Union The new name as of
1993 for the European Community.
the Czech Republic ($2,710). Although Romania and Bulgaria eventually made
progress in the late 1990s, full membership for both countries in either NATO or
the EU still lay far in the future.
The great postcommunist tragedy was Yugoslavia,
which under Josip Tito had been a federation of repub-
lics and regions under strict communist rule. Yugosla-
via had the most ethnically diverse population of Europe (see Map 31.3), and the
different ethnic groups held historic grievances against one another. After Titos
death in 1980, power passed increasingly to the sister republics. Tensions among
the republics mounted throughout the decade as they desired greater autonomy.
The revolutions of 1989 accelerated the breakup of Yugoslavia. Serbian president
Slobodan Milosevic (SLOH-buh-dain muh-LOH-suh-vich) (19412006) pushed
to unite all Serbs, including those living outside the existing borders of Serbia, into
a greater Serbia. The republics of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and
Macedonia rejected this idea while advocating for separation. In June 1991 Slove-
nia and Croatia declared their in de pen dence from Yugoslavia.
Tragedy in Yugoslavia Tragedy in Yugoslavia
Building a New Europe in the 1990s 825
Banja Luka
Novi Sad
Pristina Sofia
15E 20E
anube R.
0 50 100 Mi.
50 100 Km.
No majority present
Bosnians or
Sandzak Muslims
Ethnic majority
Date of independence
Autonomous region
Federation of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, 1994
Bosnian Serb Republic, 1992
Yugoslavia in 1991
Former Yugoslavia
MAP 31.3 The Ethnic Composition of Yugoslavia, 1991
Yugoslavia had the most ethnically diverse population in eastern Europe. The Republic of Croatia
had substantial Serbian and Muslim minorities. Bosnia-Herzegovina had large Muslim, Serbian,
and Croatian populations, none of which had a majority. In June 1991, Serbias brutal effort to
seize territory and unite all Serbs in a single state brought a tragic civil war.
826 Chapter 31 Revolution, Rebuilding, and New Challenges, 1985 to the Present
Milosevic, who controlled the Yugoslavian army and intended to maintain a
united Yugoslavia under Serbian domination, sent forces to the break-off repub-
lics. Slovenia repulsed this attack, but Milosevics armies managed to take about
30 percent of Croatia.
In 1992 the conict spread to Bosnia-Herzegovina, which was home to Catho-
lic Croats, Orthodox Serbs, and Muslim Slavs. When the republic voted for in de-
pen dence, the Serbian minority rebelled. They shared the goal of their military
ally Milosevica greater Serbia composed of all Serbian-held lands. The result-
ing civil war between the three ethnic groups unleashed ruthless brutality, with
murder, rape, destruction, and the herding of refugees into concentration camps.
In 1994, the Muslims and Croats called a truce and formed an alliance. The turn-
ing point came in July 1995, when Bosnian Serbs overran Srebrenicaa Muslim
city previously declared a United Nations safe areaand killed several thousand
civilians. World outrage prompted NATO to bomb Bosnian Serb military targets
intensively, and the Croatian army drove all the Serbs from Croatia. In November
1995, President Bill Clinton helped the warring sides agree to a complicated ac-
cord dividing the country between the Serbs and Muslim-Croats. Troops from
NATO countries patrolled Bosnia to try to keep the peace.
Violence then ared in Kosovo, a province within Serbia that was stripped of
self-rule by Milosevic in 1989. Most Kosovars were Muslim ethnic Albanians. In
early 1998, frustrated Kosovar militants formed the Kosovo Liberation Army
(KLA) to ght for in de pen dence. Serbian repression of the Kosovars increased,
and in 1998 Serbian forces attacked both KLA guerrillas and unarmed villagers,
displacing 250,000 people within Kosovo. By January 1999, the Western powers,
led by the United States, were threatening Milosevic with heavy air raids if he did
not withdraw Serbian armies from Kosovo and accept self-government (but not
in de pen dence) for Kosovo. Milosevic refused, and in March 1999 NATO began
bombing Yugoslavia (now reduced to Serbia and Montenegro). Serbian paramili-
tary forces responded by driv ing about 780,000 Kosovars into exile. NATO re-
doubled its highly destructive bombing campaign, which eventually forced
Milosevic to withdraw and allowed the joyous Kosovars to regain their homeland.
The impoverished Serbs eventually voted the still-deant Milosevic out of ofce,
and in July 2001 a new pro-Western Serbian government turned him over to the
war crimes tribunal in the Netherlands. Milosevic died while standing trial for
crimes against humanity.
The movement toward a European identity that tran-
scended destructive national rivalries was revitalized in
the 1980s and 1990s as European leaders put forth
new proposals for economic and political unity. Implementing a 1986 agreement,
the European Union went to a single market in 1993 through which labor, capital,
ser vices, and goods could travel freely. The next step, a monetary union and single
currency, the euro, went into effect on January 1, 2002, after more than a decade
of planning and debate. Then on May 1, 2004, the European Union added
70 million people and expanded to include 455 million citizens in twenty-ve dif-
ferent countries. The largest newcomer by far was Poland, followed in descending
size by the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania, Lat-
via, Malta, and Cyprus.
In June 2004, more than two years after charging a special commission to write
a new constitution for European citizens, the leaders of the European Union
reached agreement on the nal document. Above all, the new constitution, with
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)
Formed in 1998 by frustrated Kosovar
militants who sought to ght for their
in de pen dence.
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)
Formed in 1998 by frustrated Kosovar
militants who sought to ght for their
in de pen dence.
Unity and Identity in
Western Europe
Unity and Identity in
Western Europe
almost 350 articles, established a single rulebook to replace the com-
plex network of treaties concluded by the member states since the
1957 creation of the European Economic Community. The EU
constitution created a president, a foreign minister, and a voting sys-
tem weighted to reect the number of people in the different states.
The result of intense debate and many compromises, the constitu-
tion moved toward a more centralized federal system in several
elds, but each state retained veto power in the most sensitive areas,
such as taxation, social policy, and foreign affairs. In order for the
constitution to take effect, each and every EU country needed to
ratify it.
Nine countries, led by Germany, Italy, and seven east European
members, soon ratied the constitution by parliamentary action,
while seven states planned to go beyond the political elites and let
the voters decide. The referendum campaigns were noisy and con-
tentious, as generally well-informed citizens debated whether the
new constitution surrendered too much national sovereignty to an
emerging central European government in Brussels. British voters
were considered most likely to vote no, but both the French and the
Dutch beat them to it, rejecting the new constitution by clear ma-
jorities. Nationalist fears about losing sovereignty were matched by
fears that an unwieldy European Union would grow to include
Ukraine, Georgia, and Muslim Turkeycountries with cultures and
histories that were very different from those in western Europe. Thus
the long postwar march toward ever-greater European unity stopped,
Turkeys Struggle for EU Membership
Turkish elites and the general population want to join Europe, but the road to EU membership is proving
long and difcult. The EU has required Turkey to make many constitutional reforms and give greater
autonomy to Turkish Kurds. Yet the Turks face ever more demands, and many now believe that the real
roadblock is Europes anti-Muslim feeling. (CartoonStock Limited)
Secti on Revi ew
Most European countries adopted free-market capi-
talism but as neoliberal global development
emerged, critics argued that it hurt the poor and
undermined social welfare programs.
Yeltsins rapid privatization of industry was successful
only for the new elite, while the masses struggled;
Putin re-established semi-authoritarian rule while
maintaining free markets and managed some eco-
nomic recovery and a resurgence of nationalism.
Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic were
able to make the transition from communism to
capitalism and regain prosperity far better than Rus-
sia, Romania, or Bulgaria due to their leadership,
exibility, and ability to control ethnic and national
Ethnic tensions within Yugoslavia led to civil war,
with the Serbian president Milosevic pushing for a
greater Serbia and other republics wanting in de-
pen dence, before NATO intervened and replaced
Milosevic with a pro-Western Serbian government.
The European Union reworked itself and expanded
to include more countries, redrafting its constitution,
although not all countries ratied it because they
feared losing their national sovereignty.
Building a New Europe in the 1990s 827
828 Chapter 31 Revolution, Rebuilding, and New Challenges, 1985 to the Present
or at least stalled, and the European Union concentrated on fully integrating the
new eastern European members and redrafting the constitution.
As the twenty-rst century opened, European society faced new uncertainties. Of
great signicance, Europe continued to experience a remarkable baby bust, as
birthrates fell to levels that seemed to promise a shrinking and aging population in
the future. At the same time, the peaceful, wealthy European Union attracted rap-
idly growing numbers of refugees and illegal immigrants from the former Soviet
Union, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. The unexpected arrival of so many new-
comers raised many perplexing questions and prompted serious thinking about
European identity, Europes humanitarian mission, and its place in the world.
Population is still growing rapidly in many poor coun-
tries, but this is not the case in the worlds industrial-
ized nations. In 2000 women in developed countries
had only 1.6 children on average; only in the United States did women have, al-
most exactly, the 2.1 children necessary to maintain a stable population. In Euro-
pean countries, where women had been steadily having fewer babies since the
1950s, national fertility rates ranged from 1.2 to 1.8 children per woman.
If the current baby bust continues, the long-term consequences could be dra-
matic, though hardly predictable. At the least, Europes population would decline
and age. Projections for Germany are illustrative. Total German population, bar-
ring much greater immigration, would gradually decline from 82 million in 2001
to only 62 million around 2050. The number of people of working age would drop
by a third, and almost half of the population would be over sixty. Social security
taxes paid by the shrinking labor force would need to soar for the skyrocketing
costs of pensions and health care for se niors to be meta recipe for generational
tension and conict.
Why, in time of peace, were birthrates falling? Certainly the uneven, uninspir-
ing European economic conditions of the 1980s and much of the 1990s played
some role. But in our view, the ongoing impact of careers for married women and
the related drive for gender equality remained the decisive factors in the long-term
decline of postwar birthrates. Research showed that European women (and men)
in their twenties, thirties, and early forties still wanted to have two or even three
childrenabout the same number as their parents had wanted. But unlike their
parents, young couples did not realize their ideal family size. Many women post-
poned the birth of their rst child into their thirties in order to nish their educa-
tion and establish themselves in their careers. Then, nding that raising even one
child was more difcult and time-consuming than anticipated, new mothers
tended to postpone and eventually forgo a second child. This was especially true
of professional women.
By 2005 some population experts believed that European women were no
longer postponing having children. At the least, birthrates appeared to have stabi-
lized. Moreover, the frightening implications of dramatic population decline had
New Challenges in the Twenty-rst Century
Why did the prospect of population decline, the reality of large-scale
immigration, and concern for human rights emerge as critical issues in
contemporary Europe?
New Challenges in the Twenty-rst Century
Why did the prospect of population decline, the reality of large-scale
immigration, and concern for human rights emerge as critical issues in
contemporary Europe?
baby bust Falling European birthrates
at the opening to the twenty-rst century,
that seemed to promise a shrinking and
aging population in the future.
baby bust Falling European birthrates
at the opening to the twenty-rst century,
that seemed to promise a shrinking and
aging population in the future.
The Prospect of
Population Decline
The Prospect of
Population Decline
emerged as a major public issue. Opinion leaders, politicians, and the media
started to press the case for more support for families with children.
While the European birthrates declined in the 1990s,
population numbers got a push from the surge in im-
migration. The collapse of communism in the East
and savage civil wars in Yugoslavia sent hundreds of thousands of refugees eeing
westward. Equally brutal conicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and Rwandato
name only four countriesbrought thousands more from Asia and Africa. Illegal
immigration into the European Union also exploded, rising from an estimated
50,000 people in 1993 to perhaps 500,000 a decade later. This movement ex-
ceeded the estimated 300,000 unauthorized foreigners entering the United States
each year.
In the early twenty-rst century, many migrants still applied for political asy-
lum and refugee status, but most were eventually rejected and classied as illegal
job-seekers. Certainly, greater economic opportunities exerted a powerful pull.
Germans earned on average ve times more than neighboring Poles, who in turn
earned much more than people farther east and in North Africa.
Illegal immigration also soared because powerful criminal gangs turned to
people smuggling for big, low-risk prots. A large portion of the illegal immi-
grants were young women from eastern Europe, especially Russia and Ukraine.
Often lured by criminals promising jobs as maids or waitresses and sometimes
simply kidnapped and sold like slaves from hand to hand for a few thousand
The Growth of
The Growth of
Illegal Immigrants from Eritrea
Italian police have just rescued these young immigrants from an overloaded boat off the coast of Italy. Fleeing
civil war and desperate for work, the immigrants are weary because of the long and dangerous voyage from
Libya. Every year thousands of illegal immigrants try to reach Italy and Spain from North Africa. Many are found
dead on the shoreline. (Mimi Mollica/ Corbis)
New Challenges in the Twenty-rst Century 829
830 Chapter 31 Revolution, Rebuilding, and New Challenges, 1985 to the Present
dollars, these women were smuggled into the most prosperous parts of central
Europe and into the European Union and forced into prostitution or slav ery.
Illegal immigration generated intense discussion and controversy in western
Europe. A majority opposed the newcomers, who were accused of taking jobs
from the unemployed and somehow undermining national unity. The idea that
cultural and ethnic diversity could be a force for vitality and creativity ran counter
to deep-seated beliefs. Concern about illegal migration in general often fused with
fears of Muslim immigrants and Muslim residents who had grown up in Europe.
As busy mosques came to outnumber dying churches in parts of some European
cities, rightist politicians especially tried to exploit widespread doubts that immi-
grant populations from Muslim countries would ever assimilate to the different
national cultures. These doubts increased after the attack on New Yorks World
Trade Center, as we shall see later in the chapter.
An articulate minority challenged the anti-immigrant campaign and its racist
overtones. They argued that Europe badly needed newcomerspreferably tal-
ented newcomersto limit the impending population decline and provide valu-
able technical skills. European leaders also focused on improved policing of EU
borders and tougher common procedures to combat people smuggling and pun-
ish international crime. Above all, growing illegal immigration pushed Europeans
to examine the whys of this dramatic human movement and to consider how it
related to Europes proper role in world affairs.
The tide of refugees and illegal job-seekers, the ethnic
violence of Yugoslavia, and western Europes relative
prosperity were some of the factors prompting Euro-
pean visionaries to seek a leadership role in promoting human rights.
In practical terms, western Europes evolving human rights mission meant,
rst of all, humanitarian interventions to stop civil wars and to prevent tyrannical
governments from slaughtering their own people. Thus the European Union
joined with the United States to intervene militarily to stop the kill ing in Bos-
nia, Kosovo, and Macedonia and to protect the rights of embattled minorities.
The states of the EU also vigorously supported U.N.-sponsored conferences and
treaties that sought to verify the compliance of antigerm warfare conventions,
outlawed the use of hideously destructive land mines, and established a new inter-
national court to prosecute war criminals.
Europeans also pushed for broader denitions of individual rights. Abolishing
the death penalty in the European Union, for example, they condemned its con-
tinued use in China, the United States, Saudi Arabia, and some other countries as
inhumane and uncivilized. Rights for Europeans in their personal relations also
continued to expand. In the pacesetting Netherlands, for example, a growing net-
work of laws gave prostitutes (legally recognized since 1917) pensions and full
workers rights and legalized gay and lesbian marriages, the smoking of pot in li-
censed coffee shops, and assisted suicide (euthanasia) for the terminally ill.
As the twenty-rst century opened, western Europeans also pushed as best they
could to extend their broad-based concept of social and economic rights to the
worlds poor countries. For example, Europes moderate social dem o crats com-
bined with human rights campaigners in 2001 to help African governments secure
drastic price cuts from the big international drug companies on the drug cocktails
needed to combat Africas AIDS crisis. Strong advocates of greater social equality
and state-funded health care, European socialists embraced morality as a basis for
action and the global expansion of human rights as a primary goal.
Promoting Human
Promoting Human
Secti on Revi ew
Population growth continues in many
poor countries but is declining in the
industrialized nations, most likely
because of the impact of education and
careers for women who delay rst births
as they face the expense and difculty
of managing a career and family.
Immigration rates soared as refugees
eeing civil war and poverty sought
refuge in the European Union, but con-
icts over illegal immigration pushed
Europeans to debate and plan their role
in this human dilemma.
Europeans led the way in promoting
human rights around the world by
agreeing to humanitarian intervention
in civil wars, ending the use of land
mines and germ warfare, opening an
international court, broadening indi-
vidual rights, and offering help to Afri-
can nations for the AIDS crisis.
A hundred years from now, when historians assess developments in the early
twenty-rst century, they will almost certainly highlight the dramatic deterioration
in the long, rich, up-and-down relationship between the West and the Islamic
world. They will examine the reasons that the peaceful conclusion of the cold war
and the joyful reunication of a divided continent gave way to spectacular terrorist
attacks, Western invasions of Muslim countries, and new concern about Muslims
living in the West. Unfortunately, we lack the perspective and the full range of
source materials that future historians will have at their disposal. Yet we are deeply
involved in this momentous historical drama, and we must try to nd insight and
On the morning of September 11, 2001, two hijacked
passenger planes from Boston crashed into and de-
stroyed the World Trade Center towers in New York
City. Shortly thereafter a third plane crashed into the Pentagon, and a fourth, be-
lieved to be headed for Washington, crashed into a eld in rural Pennsylvania.
These terrorist attacks took the lives of more than three thousand people from
many countries.
The United States, led by President George W. Bush, launched a military cam-
paign to destroy the perpetrators of the crimeOsama bin Ladens al-Qaeda net-
work of terrorists and Afghanistans reactionary Muslim government, the Taliban.
With the support of an international coalition, the United States joined its tremen-
dous airpower with the faltering Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, which had been
ghting the Taliban for years. In mid-November the Taliban collapsed, and Af-
ghan opposition leaders and United Nations mediators worked out plans for a new
broad-based government. The hunt for bin Laden, however, was unsuccessful.
The use of terrorist tactics by or ga nized groups against governments has its
roots in the early twentieth century. Beginning in the 1920s and peaking in the
1960s, many nationalist movements used terrorism in their battles to achieve po-
litical in de pen dence and decolonization. This was the case in several new states,
including Algeria, Cyprus, Ireland, Israel, and Yemen.
In the Vietnam War era, a
second wave of terrorism saw some far-left supporters of the communist Vietcong,
such as the American Weathermen, the German Red Army Faction, and the Ital-
ian Red Brigade, practicing revolutionary terror. They added airplane hijacking
to the earlier tactics of bombings, assassinations, and kidnappings. More than one
hundred passenger planes a year were hijacked in the 1970s, as terrorists used civil-
ian hostages to achieve the release of fellow terrorists or other demands. Some
terrorists trained in the facilities of the PLO (the Palestine Liberation Organiza-
tion) operated international networks and targeted Israel and U.S. installations
abroad. This second wave receded in the 1980s as painstaking police work and
international cooperation defeated these revolutionaries in country after country.
Scholars of the contemporary wave of terrorism have avoided the medias ten-
dency to focus almost exclusively on extreme Islamic fundamentalism as the
motivation for attacks. They have noted that recent deadly attacks had been
committed by terrorists inspired by several religious faiths and religious sects and
The West and the Islamic World
How and why did relations between the West and the Islamic world
deteriorate dramatically in the early twenty-rst century?
The West and the Islamic World
How and why did relations between the West and the Islamic world
deteriorate dramatically in the early twenty-rst century?
The al-Qaeda Attack
of September 11, 2001
The al-Qaeda Attack
of September 11, 2001
al-Qaeda A terrorist or ga ni za tion led by
Osama bin Laden that is committed to
jihadist revolution in Muslim countries,
violently anti-Western, and responsible
for the September 11, 2001, attack on
New Yorks World Trade Center.
al-Qaeda A terrorist or ga ni za tion led by
Osama bin Laden that is committed to
jihadist revolution in Muslim countries,
violently anti-Western, and responsible
for the September 11, 2001, attack on
New Yorks World Trade Center.
The West and the Islamic World 831
832 Chapter 31 Revolution, Rebuilding, and New Challenges, 1985 to the Present
were by no means limited to Islamic extremists.
Instead they trace the terrorists
roots to political conicts and civil wars.
In the case of Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda members, two stages stand out.
First, bin Laden and like-minded holy warriors developed terrorist skills and a
fanatical Islamic puritanism over years of ghting against the Soviet Union and
local communists in Afghanistan. They also developed a hatred of most existing
Arab governments, which they viewed as corrupt, un-Islamic, and unresponsive to
the needs of ordinary Muslims. The objects of their hostility included Egypt, Iraq,
and bin Ladens native country, Saudi Arabia. Second, when al-Qaeda members
returned home from Afghanistan and began to organize, they were usually jailed
or forced into exile, often in tolerant Europe. There they blamed the United States
for being the supporter and corrupter of existing Arab governments, and they
or ga nized murderous plots against the United Statesa despised proxy for the
Arab rulers they could not reach.
Unfortunately, Western unity in Afghanistan soon
turned into bitter quarreling and international crisis
over the prospect of war with Iraq. Many in the Bush
administration believed that the United States could create a dem o cratic, pro-
American Iraq, an Iraq that would transform the Middle East, make peace with
Israel, and ensure access to the worlds second-largest oil reserves. They publicly
The War in Iraq The War in Iraq
New York, September 11, 2001
Pedestrians race for safety as the World Trade Center towers collapse after being hit by jet airliners.
Al-Qaeda terrorists with box cutters hijacked four aircraft and used three of them as suicide missiles
to perpetrate their unthinkable crime. Heroic passengers on the fourth plane realized what was
happening and forced their hijackers to crash in a eld. (AP Images/ Suzanne Plunkett)
argued that Saddam Hussein was still developing weapons of mass destruction in
agrant disregard of his promise to end all such programs following the rst war
with Iraq, in 1991.
Iraq declared that it had destroyed all prohibited weapons, and it allowed
United Nations weapons inspectors to return to the country. As 2003 opened, the
inspectors operated freely in Iraq and found no weapons of mass destruction. How-
ever, the United States and Britain said Iraq was hiding prohibited weapons,
moved armies to the Middle East, and lobbied for a new United Nations resolu-
tion authorizing immediate military action against Iraq. France, Russia, China,
Germany, and a majority of the smaller states argued for continued weapons in-
spections. Western governments became bitterly divided, and the Security Coun-
cil deadlocked and failed to act.
In March 2003 the United States and Britain invaded Iraq from bases in Ku-
wait and quickly toppled Saddams dictatorship. The allies found no weapons of
mass destruction, which raised many questions about a prewar manipulation of
intelligence data.
American efforts to establish a stable, pro-American Iraq proved difcult if not
impossible. Poor postwar planning and management by President Bush, Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and other top aides was one factor, but there were
others. Modern Iraq, a creation of Western im pe rialism after World War I (see
page 720), is a fragile state with three distinct groups: non-Arab Kurds, and Sunnis
and ShiitesArab Muslims who were forever divided by a great schism in the
seventh century. Saddams dictatorship preached Arab and Iraqi nationalism, but
it relied heavily on the Sunni minority20 percent of the populationand re-
pressed the Shiites, who made up 60 percent of the population. Jailed or ousted
from their positions by American forces for having supported Saddam, top Sunnis
quickly turned against the occupation, rallied their supporters, and launched
an armed insurgency. By late 2004, radical Sunnis and al-Qaeda converts were
The West and the Islamic World 833
The Golden Mosque of Samara: Before and After
Built to commemorate two of Shiite Islams most revered saints, the Golden Mosque drew countless
Shiite pilgrims. Then, on June 13, 2006, insurgents dressed as Iraqi policemen entered the mosque,
overwhelmed the guards, and detonated two bombs that collapsed the golden dome and destroyed
the mosque. Sectarian conict exploded. (A second terrorist bombing in June 2007 leveled the two
minarets seen on the right.) (AP Images/ Khalid Mohammed, Hameed Rasheed)
834 Chapter 31 Revolution, Rebuilding, and New Challenges, 1985 to the Present
slipping into Iraq, where they directed horrendous suicide bombings at American
soldiers, Iraqi security forces, and defenseless Shiite civilians.
Believing in democ racy and representative institutions, the Americans restored
Iraqi sovereignty in July 2004, formed a provisional government, and held rela-
tively free national elections in January 2005. Boycotted by the Sunnis, these elec-
tions brought the Shiite majority to power and marked the high point of Iraqi and
American hopes for security and a gradual reconciliation with the Sunni popula-
tion. Instead, Sunni ghters and jihadist (ji-HAHD-ist) extremists stepped up their
deadly campaign. Then, in February 2005 in a carefully planned operation, they
blew up the beautiful Golden Mosque of Samarra, one of the most sacred shrines
of Shiite Islam. This outrage touched off violent retaliation. Shiite militias be-
came death squads, kill ing Sunnis and driv ing them from their homes. By 2006 a
deadly sectarian conict had taken hold of Baghdad. American solders, loyally
continuing to do their duty, were increasingly caught in the crossre.
In 2007, in the face of widespread American opposition to the war, President
Bush ordered more troops to Iraq in an attempt to quell the growing chaos. Amer-
ican commanders on the ground succeeded in forming a critical alliance with
some Sunni tribal leaders, who accepted American money and arms and agreed to
ght against rather than for the al-Qaedaled Sunni extremists. As 2008 opened,
the military situation in some Sunni provinces and in Baghdad had improved, but
Iraq was still very far from peace, stable government, and American withdrawal.
After the attacks of September 11, the people of the
United States braced for further terrorist acts. But in-
stead Europe was next to receive the extremists blows.
In May 2004 Moroccan Muslims living in Spain exploded bombs planted on
morning trains for Madrid and killed 252 commuters. A year later a similar attack
was carried out in London by British citizens of Pakistani descent, young men who
had grown up in Britain. The brutal murder of lmmaker Theo van Gogh (van
GOH) by a young Dutch Muslim avenging van Goghs satirical depiction of Mu-
hammad seemed to illustrate the depths of Muslim intolerance.
These spectacular attacks and lesser actions by Islamic militants led a shrill
chorus to warn that Europes rapidly growing Muslim population threatened the
Wests entire Enlightenment tradition of freedom of thought, representative gov-
ernment, toleration, separation of church and state, and, more recently, equal
rights for women and gays. Muslim clerics were believed to turn their followers
into anti-Western radicals, and even those who urged assimilation were viewed
with suspicion. (See the feature Individuals in Society: Tariq Ramadan.) And
time was on the side of Euro-Islam. Europes Muslim population, estimated at 15
million in 2006, appeared likely to double to 30 million by 2025, and it would
increase rapidly thereafter as the percentage of non-Muslim Europeans plum-
meted because of their baby bust.
Admitting that Islamic extremism could pose a serious challenge, many main-
stream observers focused instead on the problem of immigrant integration.
Whereas the rst generation of Muslim immigrants had found jobs as unskilled
workers in Europes great postwar boom, many Muslims of the second and third
generations were nding themselves locked out of work in their adopted countries.
This argument was strengthened by widespread rioting in France in November
2005 that saw hundreds of young second- and third-generation Muslim men torch
automobiles night after night in Paris suburbs and large cities. (See the feature
Listening to the Past: The French Riots: Will They Change Anything? on pages
The West and Its
Muslim Citizens
The West and Its
Muslim Citizens
Indi vi dual s i n Soci et y
Tariq Ramadan
eligious teacher, activist professor, and media star,
Tariq Ramadan (b. 1962), is Europes most famous
Muslim intellectual. He is also a controversial gure,
praised by many as a moderate bridge-builder and de-
nounced by others as an Islamic militant in clever
Born in Switzerland of Egyp tian ancestry, Ramadan
is the grandson of Hassan al-Banna, the charismatic
founder of the powerful Muslim Brotherhood. Al-Banna
fought to reshape Arab nationalism within a framework
of Islamic religious orthodoxy and anti-British terrorism
until he himself was assassinated in 1949. Growing up
in Geneva, where his father sought refuge in 1954 after
Nassers anti-Islamic crackdown in Egypt, the young
Tariq attended mainstream public schools, played soc-
cer, and absorbed a wide-ranging Islamic heritage. For
example, growing up uent in French and Arabic, he
learned Eng lish mainly from listening to Pakistani Mus-
lims discuss issues with his father, who represented the
Muslim Brotherhood and its ideology in Europe.
Ramadan studied philosophy and French literature
as an undergraduate at the University of Geneva, and he
then earned a doctorate in Arabic and Islamic Stud-
ies. Marrying a Swiss woman who converted to Islam,
Ramadan moved his family to Cairo in 1991 to study
Islamic law and philosophy. It proved to be a pivotal
experience. Eagerly anticipating the return to his Mus-
lim roots, Ramadan gradually realized that only in Europe
did he feel truly at home. In his personal experience
he found his message: that Western Muslims should feel
equally at home and that they should participate fully
as active citizens in their adopted countries.
In developing his message, Ramadan left the class-
room and focused on creating non-scholarly books, au-
dio cassettes that sell in the tens of thousands, and media
events. Slim and elegant in well-tailored suits and open
collars, Ramadan is a brilliant speaker. His public lec-
tures in French and Eng lish draw hundreds of Muslims
(and curious non-Muslims).
Ramadan argues that Western Muslims basically live
in security, have fundamental legal rights, and can freely
practice their religion. He notes that Muslims in the
West are often more secure than are believers in the
Muslim world, where governments are frequently re-
pressive and arbitrary. According to Ramadan, Islamic
teaching requires Western Muslims to obey Western
laws, although in rare cases they may need to plead
conscientious objection and disobey on religious
grounds. Becoming full citizens and refusing to live in
parallel as the foreign Other, Muslims should work with
non-Muslims on matters of common con-
cern, such as mutual respect, better
schools, and economic justice.* Ramadan
is most effective with second- or third-
generation college graduates. He urges
them to think for themselves and distin-
guish the sacred revelation of Islam from
the nonessential cultural aspects that their
parents brought from African and Asian
With growing fame has come growing
controversy. In 2004, preparing to take up
a professorship in the United States, he
was denied an entry visa on the grounds
that he had contributed to a Palestinian
charity with ties to terrorists. Defenders
disputed the facts and charged that his
criticism of Israeli policies and the inva-
sion of Iraq were the real reasons. Rama-
dans critics also claim that he says different things to
different groups: hard-edged criticism of the West found
on tapes for Muslims belies the reasoned moderation of
his books. Some critics also argue that his recent con-
demnation of Western capitalism and globalization is
an opportunistic attempt to win favor with European
leftists, and does not reect a self-proclaimed Islamic
passion for justice. Yet, on balance, Ramadans reputa-
tion remains intact. An innovative bridge-builder, he
symbolizes the growing importance of Europes Muslim
Questions for Analysis
1. What is Ramadans message to Western Muslims?
How did he reach his conclusions?
2. Do you think Ramadans ideas are realistic? Why?
*See, especially, Tariq Ramadan, Western Muslims and the Fu-
ture of Islam (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004).
See Ian Buruma, The New York Times Magazine, February 4,
Tariq Ramadan.
(AP Images/ Keystone/
Salvatore Di Nol)
836 Chapter 31 Revolution, Rebuilding, and New Challenges, 1985 to the Present
838839.) The rioters complained bitterly of very high
unemployment, systematic discrimination, and exclu-
sion. Religious ideology appeared almost nonexistent in
their thinking. Studies sparked by the rioting in France
found poor, alienated Muslims in unwholesome ghettos
throughout western Europe.
Finally, as Europe has become more secular, western
Europeans have tended to nd all traditional religious be-
lief irrational and out-of-date. The renowned French
scholar Olivier Roy argues that Europe must recognize
that Islam is now a European religion and a vital part of
European life. This recognition, he argues, will open the
way to eventual full ac cep tance of European Muslims in
both political and cultural terms. It will head off the re-
sentment that can drive Europes Muslim believers to
separatism and acts of terror.
Secti on Revi ew
The terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11,
2001, motivated by al-Qaedas hatred of Arab governments sup-
ported by the West, inspired a U.S. military campaign against
Osama bin Ladens al-Qaeda network and Afghanistans Muslim
government, the Taliban.
The United States and Britain invaded Iraq without United
Nations sanction under the pretense of nding weapons of mass
destruction, which they failed to nd, and in their attempt at
setting up a pro-Western government, touched off a civil war
between opposing Muslim groups, with American soldiers
caught in the middle.
Discrimination and fear of Muslims increased as the war in Iraq
waged, while Muslim immigrant populations in Europe grew
and complained of unfair treatment; ac cep tance of European
Muslims is the way to mutual understanding and the prevention
of future violence.
Chapter Review
How did Mikhail Gorbachev try to revitalize communism in the Soviet Union?
What were the radical consequences of his policies? (page 811)
Gorbachev was an idealist who wanted to reform communism in order to save it. His
initiatives sought to restructure the stagnant economy, provide accurate information,
have meaningful elections, and improve relations with the West. When he refused to
use Soviet armies in eastern Europe, the peoples of the satellite nations revolted. Led
by Solidarity in Poland, they overturned communist rule in the spectacular, peaceful
revolutions of 1989. The dem o cratic movement then triumphed in the Soviet Union,
East Germany was reunited with West Germany, and the cold war ended. Emerging
as the only superpower, the United States defeated Iraq in the rst Gulf war.
How, in the 1990s, did the different parts of a reunifying Europe meet the chal-
lenges of postcommunist reconstruction, resurgent nationalism, and economic
union? (page 820)
In the 1990s, postcold war Europe grappled with neoliberal market economies,
welfare systems under continuing attack, and globalization. Post-communist recon-
struction in Russia was less successful than it was in the newly in de pen dent countries
of eastern Europe. The former Yugoslavia, tragically destroyed by resurgent ethnic
nationalism and civil war, was the glaring exception. Eastern Europes rebuilding and
its determination to rejoin Europe stimulated the long postwar movement toward
European unity, and the newly named European Union expanded to include almost
all of Europe west of Russia, Ukraine, and the Caucasus. This expansion was the shin-
ing achievement of the postcold war era.
Key Terms
perestroika (p. 813)
glasnost (p. 813)
Solidarity (p. 814)
shock therapy (p. 815)
Alliance for Germany (p. 816)
Velvet Revolution (p. 816)
Paris Accord (p. 817)
new world order (p. 819)
globalization (p. 822)
European Union (p. 824)
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)
(p. 826)
baby bust (p. 828)
al-Qaeda (p. 831)
Chapter Review 837
Why did the prospect of population decline, the reality of large-scale immigra-
tion, and concern for human rights emerge as critical issues in contemporary
Europe? (page 828)
The failure of Europeans to reproduce themselves posed a multitude of serious long-
term problems related to pensions, health care, and social vitality. Immigrants eeing
civil war and poverty in Africa and Asia offered a possible solution to Europes baby
bust, but most Europeans were not prepared to accept large numbers of illegal im-
migrants from very different cultures. Forced to examine their consciences, Europeans
concentrated on promoting human rights around the world, agreeing to humanitarian
intervention in civil wars, promoting international courts of justice, and offering help
to African nations for the AIDS crisis.
How and why did relations between the West and the Islamic world deteriorate
dramatically in the early twenty-rst century? (page 831)
The most disturbing development in the early twenty-rst century was the renewed
hostility between the West and the Islamic world, which was marked indelibly by the
al-Qaeda attack of 2001, the American campaign to punish Afghanistan, and the
American and British invasion of Iraq. The Anglo-American occupation of Iraq began
as a condent effort to remake Iraq (and the Arab world) along Western lines, but early
optimism quickly faded. American soldiers in Iraq ran up against a potent combina-
tion of Arab nationalism, Islamic extremism, and sectarian conict between Sunnis,
Shiites, and Kurds. In western Europe, war in the Middle East encouraged shrill cries
about an ominous Muslin threat from immigrants living in western Europe, but a
thoughtful consideration of Tariq Ramadan and his audience suggests that these fears
were greatly exaggerated.
1. D. Rappaport, The Fourth Wave: September 11 in the History of Terrorism, Current His-
tory, December 2001, pp. 419424.
2. Ibid.
To assess your mastery of this chapter, go to bedfordstmartins.com/mckaywestbrief
Li st eni ng t o t he Past
The French Riots: Will They Change Anything?
The rioting in Frances ghetto suburbs is a phe-
nomenon of futilitybut a revelation nonetheless.
It has no ideology and no purpose other than to
make a statement of distress and anger. It is beyond
politics. It broke out spontaneously and spread in
the same way, communicated by televised example,
ratied by the huge attention it won from the press
and television and the politicians, none of whom
had any idea what to do. . . .
[The rioters] grandfathers came to France,
mostly from North Africa, to do the hard labor in
Frances industrial reconstruction after the Second
World War. Their fathers saw the work gradually
dry up as Europes economies slowed, following
the rst oil shock in the early 1970s. After that came
unemployment. The unemployment rate in the
zones where there has been the most violence is
nearly 40 percent and among young people it is
higher. Many of the young men in these places
have never been offered a job. When they applied,
their names often excluded them.
Their grandfathers were hard-working men.
Their fathers saw their manhood undermined by
unemployment. These young men are doomed to
be boys. They often take their frustration out on
their sisters and girlfriends, who are more likely to
have done well in school and found jobsand fre-
quently a new lifeoutside the ghetto. . . .
The Muslim mothers and wives of the French
ghetto are often conned in the home. Drugs are
big business in the American ghetto; they are not
that big in France. The crimes of the French ghetto
are robbery and shoplifting, stealing mobile phones,
stealing cars for joyrides, burning them afterward to
eliminate ngerprints, or burning cars just for the
hell of it, as well as robbing middle-class students in
the city and making trouble on suburban trains,
looking for excitement.
Religion is important . . . in the French ghetto,
it provides the shell that protects against the France
that excludes Muslims. To the European Muslim,
it seems that all of the powerful in the world are in
collusion to exclude Muslimsor are at war with
them. The war in Iraq, on television, is the con-
stant backdrop to Muslim life in Europe. There are
itinerant imams who can put the young ghetto
Muslim on the road to danger and adventure in
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraqor elsewhere. There
are plenty more who preach a still deeper ghetto-
ization: a retreat inside Islamic fundamentalism,
totally shutting out a diabolized secular world.
One would think there would be a revolution-
ary potential in these ghettos, vulnerability to a mo-
bilizing ideology. This seems not to be so. We may
be living in a religious age, but it is not one at po-
litical ideology. In any case, it is difcult to imagine
n late November 2005, young Muslim males rioted for
several nights in the suburbs of Paris and other French
cities. Intensely reported, this explosion of car-burning and
arson ignited controversy and debate throughout France and
across Europe. What caused the riots? What could, what
should, be done? How did the conditions of second- and third-
generation Muslims in France compare with conditions of
Muslims in other Western countries? One penetrating com-
mentary, aimed at an American audience and reprinted here,
came from William Pfaff, a noted author and political colum-
nist with many years of European experience.
French police face off with young rioters, silhouetted against the
frames of burning automobiles. (Reuters/ Corbis)
how the marginalized, thirteen- to twenty-three-
year-old children of the Muslim immigration could
change France other than by what they are doing,
which is to demonstrate that the French model of
assimilating immigrants as citizens, and not as
members of religious or ethnic groups, has failed
for them. It has failed because it has not seriously
been tried.
The ghettoization of immigrant youth in France
is the consequence of negligence. It has been as
bad as the ghettoization through political correct-
ness of Muslims in Britain and the Netherlands,
where many people who thought of themselves as
enlightened said that assimilation efforts were acts
of cultural aggression. The immigrant in France is
told that he or she is a citizen just like everyone else,
with all the rights and privileges of citizenship
including the right to be unemployed.
Questions for Analysis
1. Describe the situation of young Muslims in
France. What elements of their situation strike
you most forcefully? Why?
2. France has maintained that, since all citizens
are equal, they should all be treated the same
way. Why has this policy failed for French
Muslims? What alternatives would you sug-
gest? Why?
Source: William Pfaff, The French Riots: Will They
Change Anything? Reprinted with permission from
The New York Review of Books, December 15, 2005,
pp. 8889.
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Abdlhamid (Ottoman Empire), 658
Abolition, of slave trade and slav ery, 502,
550, 687; in United States, 654
Abortion rights, 803. See also Birth control
Absolute monarchy and absolutism,
401457, 423; in central and eastern
Europe, 432457; culture of, 415418;
and decline, in Spain, 413415; En-
lightenment and, 474480; in France,
406412; in Ottoman Empire, 433,
593594, 654; in Rus sian Empire, 433,
593, 654, 712; state building and,
403405; in Western Europe, 401431.
See also Divine right of kings; specic
Academies of science, 464, 468
Academy (France), 415, 417
Afghanistan, 829, 832; Soviet invasion of,
802, 813, 832; Taliban in, 811, 831
Africa: Dutch and, 426, 427(map); rail-
roads in, 675; Cecil Rhodes and, 681,
684; Chris tian missionaries in, 688;
European colonization of, 676,
681685, 689; First World War and,
707; decolonization of, 789790; AIDs
crisis in, 830
African American civil rights, 790791
African slave trade, 411, 497, 566; Atlantic
economy and, 496(map), 501504; end
of, 687
Afrikaners, 681, 683, 684
Age of anxiety (19001940), 726751
Agricultural Adjustment Act (United
States), 746
Agriculture: after Thirty Years War, 436;
in Prussia, 475; in Eng land, 486(illus.),
487488, 520; in Low Countries, 487,
520; 18th century revolution in,
486488; Industrial Revolution and,
566; slave-based, in United States, 654;
Soviet collectivization of, 754755, 791.
See also Farms and farming; Peasant(s);
Serfs and serfdom
Aircraft: in Second World War, 768, 775,
776, 795; in terrorist attacks, 831,
Albania, 702, 826
Albert of Wallenstein, 435
Alcohol and drunkenness, 625, 630; in
Russia and Soviet Union, 456, 813;
women and, 628629
Alexander I (Russia), 555, 558; at Congress
of Vienna, 591(illus.); Holy Alliance
and, 593
Alexander II (Russia), 655, 656
Alexander III (Russia), 656
Alexandra (Russia), 712
Alexandria, 678
Algeria, 773, 831; France and, 606, 658,
683, 787, 789
Allan, David, 514(illus.)
Alliance for Germany, 816
Alliance(s): War of Spanish Succession
and, 411; in French court, 417; Thirty
Years War, 435; Denmark-Russia-
Poland, 448; coalitions against Napo-
leon, 546, 550, 555, 560; at Congress of
Vienna, 590593; France-Italy, 648;
Austria-Prussia, 650651; before First
World War, 699700; First World War,
703, 705, 706(map), 707, 708, 711;
Little Entente, 738; Second World War,
733777 and maps, 767, 782; Cold
War, 786(map), 787
All Quiet on the Western Front (Re-
marque), 704, 705
Almanacs, 519
Alsace, 411, 436, 661
Alsace-Lorraine, 718(map), 719
Amalgamated Society of Engineers, 585
American Indians. See Native Americans
American Revolution, 538539, 594
Americas (New World): mercantilism and
colonial warfare in, 495, 497; Atlantic
economy and, 496(map); slave labor in,
501, 502 and illus., 520; new foods
from, 520; white settlers in, 676. See
also North America; Latin America;
specic countries
Amiens, Treaty of (1802), 554
Amsterdam, 426; Jews in, 424; population
of, 487; religious toleration in, 425
Anatolia, Ottomans in, 450. See also
Anaximander, 639
Andropov, Yuri, 812
Anglicanism. See Church of Eng land
Anglo-Dutch wars (16521674), 495
Anglo-French Entente (1904), 700
Anglo-Saxons, 700
Anne of Austria, 407
Anti-Corn Law League, 603
Antigua, plantation slav ery on, 502(illus.)
Anti-Semitism, 424, 660; Dreyfus affair
and, 662; Zionism and, 664666; in
Nazi Germany, 761, 762. See also Jews
and Judaism
Antiutopias, 731732 and illus.
Anxiety, age of, 726751
Appeasement, of Hitler, 765767
Aquinas, Thomas, 459
Arabs and Arab world: after First World
War, 719720 and illus.; Palestine and,
719, 720, 724 and illus.; revolt against
Ottomans by, 705; nationalism in,
719720 and illus., 724725; OPEC
and, 804; terrorism and, 832. See also
Islam; Middle East
Arago, Franois, 610
Architecture: baroque, 415; palace build-
ing, 416, 440441; modernist, 732,
Argentina, immigration to, 679 and
gure, 680
Aristocracy. See Nobles (aristocracy)
Aristotle, 465; universe of, 459460 and
illus., 461, 462
Arkwright, Richard, 567, 578
Armed forces: size of, 402; state sover-
eignty and, 405; French, under Louis
XIV, 410, 411; Spanish, 414(illus.);
Eng lish civil war, 420421; Austrian,
439, 611; Cossack, 446; Ottoman
Janissary, 450, 452; Prussian, 442, 443
and illus., 475, 555, 612(illus.), 650,
651; Rus sian, 448 and illus, 449, 478,
611, 657, 714; French, under Louis
XVI, 541, 542; French, under Napo-
leon, 555556, 558, 560; French revo-
lutionary, 547, 548, 550; Egyp tian, 678;
European colonial, 685; First World
War, 698(illus.), 703705, 707, 711,
716; Greek, in Turkey, 720, 721; Nazi
German, 764, 765, 767768, 769,
773775 and map; Soviet (Red), 715,
773, 775, 783, 794 and illus.; Second
World War, 767, 773777 and maps;
American, in Vietnam War, 800801;
Paris Accord and, 817; American, in
Gulf War, 819. See also Military; Wars
and warfare
Armenian genocide, 705, 707(illus.)
Arms race, Cold War, 793, 813814
Army Order No. 1 (Russia), 713
Arouet, Franois Marie. See Voltaire
Art and artists: Baroque, 415; Pareja,
416(illus.); Dutch, 425, 426(illus.);
rococo, 472; romanticism in, 598, 599,
600, 601(illus.); French, 625(illus.);
modern, 732733; abstract, 736; dada-
ism and surrealism, 733; Picassso and
cubism, 734735 and illus.; womens
history in, 803(illus.). See also Architec-
ture; Literature; specic arts
Artisans (crafts people): foreign, in
France, 410; Puritanism and,
420(illus.); factory-made goods and,
I-2 Index
Artisans (continued)
571; industrialization and, 577; British
law and, 584; collective actions by, 585;
revolution of 1848 and, 609; labor
aristocracy and, 628
Ashley Mines Commission, 587588
Asia: French-Dutch rivalry for trade with,
410; European trade with, 504505;
European empires and, 676, 685,
686(map), 689; migration from, 680;
railroads in, 675; in 1914, 686(map);
First World War and, 707; Second
World War in, 775; containment policy
and, 785; decolonization in, 787789.
See also specic countries
Assemblies, in France, 540, 609, 610. See
also National Assembly
Astell, Mary, 465
Astronomy, 467(illus.), 638; Aristotle and,
459460; Copernicus and, 460461;
Galileo and, 461463, 464; Newton
and, 463. See also Scientic revolution;
Universe; specic astronomers
Atatrk (Mustafa Kemal), 720721
Atlantic alliance, 802. See also NATO
Atlantic economy, 495, 646; in 1701,
496(map); African slave trade and,
496(map), 501504; Spain in,
496(map), 500
Atomic bombs, 730 and illus., 784; Hiro-
shima, Nagasaki and, 776(map), 777;
research required for, 795, 796;
US-Soviet agreement and, 817
Atomic power, discoveries in, 730
and illus.
Auden, W. H., 729
Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp, 770, 771
Austerlitz, battle of, 555
Australia: aborigines of, 676; in Second
World War, 775; white settlers in, 676,
680681, 691
Austria, 411, 717; absolutism in, 433;
Habsburgs of, 412(map), 435,
437(map), 438439, 546; in 1715,
412(map); church control of, 439;
Russia and, 478; marriage in, 511;
Napoleon and, 554, 555, 558, 560; war
with France, 546, 547; Holy Alliance
and, 593; revolt in (1848), 610611;
Germany and, 613; Czech nationalism
and, 615; Italy and, 592(map), 648;
Prussia and, 650651; Zollverein and,
650; womens rights in, 709; peace
treaty with, 719; Great Depression in,
743; Hitler and, 765, 766(map); in de-
pen dence of, 793; opening border
with Hungary, 816. See also Austro-
Hungarian Empire
Austrian Netherlands, 547, 548, 554, 591.
See also Belgium
Austro-Hungarian Empire (Austria-
Hungary), 663664; Alliance System
and, 699700; socialists in, 669; Balkan
nationalism and, 701, 702703 and
map; break up of, 716717, 718(map),
719; First World War and, 705,
706(map), 711, 716
Austro-Prussian War (1866), 650651, 663
Authoritarianism: in British India, 691; in
Japan, 692; in Putins Russia, 823. See
also Dictators and dictatorship; Power
Automobiles, steam-powered, 571
Axis powers, Second World War, 775. See
also Italy; Japan; Nazi Germany
Baby boom, 798
Baby bust, in Europe, 828
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 415
Bacon, Francis, 463464, 524
Balance of power: Peace of Utrecht and,
411, 497; Thirty Years War and, 435; in
Eng land, 468; eastern Europe, 478;
Napoleon and, 555; Industrial Revolu-
tion and, 566; Congress of Vienna and,
Baldwin, Stanley, 737, 742
Balfour Declaration, 666, 719
Balkan region: Ottoman Empire and, 450,
658; class distinctions in, 624; national-
ism in, 658, 663, 701702; Alliance
System and, 699; in First World War,
701, 702 and map; in Second World
War, 768. See also specic countries
Baltic region, 442; Dutch power in, 426;
after Thirty Years War, 436; Swedish
power in, 436; Peter the Great and, 448;
Second World War and, 767; Soviet
Union and, 767; in de pen dence in, 817.
See also specic countries
Balzac, Honor de, 639640
Banks: industrial investment and, 576,
647; Jews and, 577; nancial panic and,
743, 745. See also Credit; Finance;
Baroque art, 415
Barth, Karl, 728729
Basel, Zionist Congress in (1897), 665
Bastille, storming of (1789), 541542
Bauhaus architecture, 732, 733(illus.)
Bavaria, 438
Bayle, Pierre, 466467, 469
Beat subculture, 798
Beattie, James, 474
Beauvoir, Simone de, 802, 808809
Bechuanaland, 681, 682(map)
Beethoven, Ludwig von, 600601
Beijing (Peking), 693; foreign occupation
of, 676
Belgium, 413, 556, 593, 739; as Austrian
Netherlands, 547, 548, 554, 591; indus-
trialization in, 575; corporate banks in,
576; Africa and, 682(map), 683 and
illus.; invasion of, 703 and illus.; in
First World War, 711; Treaty of Ver-
sailles and, 719; Nazi occupation
of, 767
Belorussia, 715
Bentham, Jeremy, 619
Berg, Alban, 736
Bergson, Henri, 728
Berlin, 736; Constituent Assembly in, 611;
Congress of (1878), 699, 702(map);
Jews in, 664; workers in, 671(illus.), 716
Berlin Conference, 683
Berlin Wall, 793; dismantling of, 816,
Bernstein, Edward, 669
Bthune, Maximilien de (duke of Sully),
406, 410
Bible, 460; Jewish, 425; reading of, 518,
519, 527
Big Three (Second World War), 782783
and illus.
Bill of Rights (Eng land, 1688), 423
A Bill-Posters Fantasy (Perry), 617(illus.)
Bin Laden, Osama, 829, 832
Birth control (contraception), 635, 798;
abortion rights, 803
Birthrate: in 17th century, 489; illegiti-
macy and, 513, 514, 515; decline
of, 635 and gure; decline, in Great
Depression, 744; decline, in postwar
era, 798(gure); in Western
Europe, 828
Bismarck, Otto von: Prussian Parliament
and, 650, 651; Franco-Prussian War
and, 651, 653 and illus.; as chancellor,
660661; Berlin Conference and, 683;
African territory and, 683; Alliance
System of, 699700
Bjrnson, Martinius, 680
Black Death, decline following, 433,
488, 489
Blacklisting, in Soviet Union, 795
Blacks, American jazz and, 742(illus.). See
also Africa; African Americans
Black Sea region, Crimean War in, 655
Black Shirts (Italy), 760
Blair, Tony, 805
Blake, William, 579
Blanc, Louis, 597, 609
Blitzkrieg, 767
Blood sports, 530, 630
Bloody Sunday (St. Petersburg), 656
Blum, Lon, 748
Boers, in South Africa, 681
Bohemia, 651; Thirty Years War and,
435; Czech, 615 (See also Czech
Bohemian Estates, 438
Bolshevik Revolution, 713714, 721, 753
Bolsheviks, 715, 721, 753, 759; ve-year
plans and, 779780. See also Commu-
nist Party (Soviet Union)
Index I-3
Bombs and bombings: blitzkrieg and,
767; of cities, in Second World War,
768 and illus.; in Pacic islands, 776
and map; atomic, 730 and illus,
776(map), 777, 784, 795, 817 (See also
Nuclear weapons); of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, 776(map), 777; in Vietnam
War, 801; in Yugoslavia, 826. See also
Bonaparte family. See Napoleon III (Louis
Napoleon); Napoleon I (Napoleon
Book of Common Prayer, 419
Books: Reading revolution and, 470471
and illus.; in Enlightenment, 472; burn-
ing of, in Nazi Germany, 763. See also
Borders and boundaries: Locarno Agree-
ments and, 740, 741; after Second
World War (See Iron Curtain); of
Hungary, 816. See also Frontiers
Borodino, battle of, 558
Borsig ironworks (Berlin), 575(illus.)
Bosnia, 450, 830
Bosnia-Herzegovina, 701, 702 and map;
civil war in, 826; in de pen dence of, 825
and map
Bossuet (French theologian), 406
Botswana, 681
Boucher, Franois, 512(illus.)
Boundaries. See Borders and boundaries;
Bourbon dynasty, 648; absolutism and,
406; Spain and, 411, 412(map); restora-
tion of, 560, 590
Bourgeoisie, 417, 537, 607; Marx on,
597, 598
Boxer rebellion (China), 693
Brahe, Tycho, 461, 464
Brandenburg-Prussia, 436, 442 and map.
See also Prussia
Brandt, Willy, 801
Brassey, Thomas, 571
Brazil: slave trade in, 501; sugar planta-
tions in, 496(map); immigration to, 679
and gure
Breast-feeding, 634635. See also
Wet nurses
Breshnev, Leonid, 793, 794, 802; death
of, 812
Breshnev Doctrine, 793, 813
Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of, 706(map),
715, 719
Breteuil, Gabrielle-Emilie Le Tonnelier
de. See Chtelet, Marquise du
Briand, Aristide, 740, 741
Bridge building, in Eng land,
570(illus.), 571
Britain, battle of, 768
British Broadcasting Corporation, 737
British Commonwealth of Nations, 789
British East India Company, 505, 689
British Empire, 411, 686(map); India and,
689691, 788 and illus. See also Eng-
land (Britain)
Brittain, Vera, 710 and illus.
Brothels, 628. See also Prostitution
The Brothers Karamazov (Dostoevski), 636
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom,
570(illus.), 571
Brning, 764
Bubonic plague, 403, 489
Buffon, Comte de, 473
Bulgaria, 663, 705; Balkan war and, 701,
702 and map; after First World War,
718(map), 719; communism in, 783; in
postcommunist era, 824825
Bureaucracy, 402; centralization and, 404,
405; Prussian, 443, 475, 650; Rus sian,
449; Ottoman, 450, 452; Austrian
reforms, 480; church, 526; British
India, 691; Chinese, 693; Rus sian, 712;
Nazi German, 763, 770; scientic
research and, 796; Soviet, 812; Polish,
814. See also Government
Burke, Edmund, 545
Burma, in de pen dence of, 789
Bush, George H.W., 819820
Bush, George W., 831
Business: investment by, 573; women and,
578; liberalism and, 594. See also
Byron, Lord (George Gordon Noel), 602
Byzantine Empire, Russia and, 446,
Cabal, in Eng land, 422
Cairo, modernization of, 678
Calvin, John and Calvinism, 435, 460,
528; French Huguenots, 407, 408, 466;
Puritans, 419, 421
Cameroons, 683
Canada, 691, 801; French in, 410, 497;
immigration to, 679 and gure; income
in, 681
Canals, 489, 575; in Eng land, 566, 570;
Panama, 675; Suez, 675, 678, 687, 690
Canterbury, archbishop of, 419, 420
Canton, 676
Cape Colony, 684
Cape Town, 681, 682(map)
Capitalism, 490; Smith and, 505; global-
ized, 521; bourgeoisie and, 537; in
Britain, 567; industrial, 585; socialists
and, 609; im pe rialism and, 688; com-
munism and, 812; neoliberal, 820; in
Russia, 823; in eastern Europe, 824
Capitalist ethic, 419
Capital (Marx), 597(illus.)
Caribbean region (West Indies), 520;
slaves in, 501; sugar mills in, 570. See
also Saint-Domingue
Carlsbad Decrees, 593
Carnival, 513, 530
Carter, Jimmy, 802
Cartesian dualism, 464
Cartwright, Edmund, 568
The Castle (Kafka), 732
Castlereagh, Robert, 591
Catalonia, revolt in, 405, 413
Cathedrals, in Moscow, 447(illus.)
Catherine the Great (Russia), 450,
477478 and illus.; League of Armed
Neutrality and, 539
Catholic Church, 435, 729; in France,
406, 407, 408; baroque art and, 415; in
Eng land, 423, 603; in Ireland, 420, 421,
604, 663; in Austria, 438, 439; in Ger-
man states, 436; Voltaire and, 469;
Copernican hypothesis and, 460;
church regulation by, 526; contribu-
tions to social and religious life, 527;
Pietism and, 528530; French Revolu-
tion and, 544, 547, 551; Napoleon and,
554; working class and, 630; French
government and, 662; missionaries,
688; existentialism and, 729; in fascist
Italy, 759, 760761; Nazi Germany
and, 765; in Poland, 814; in Bosnia-
Herzegovina, 826. See also Popes
and papacy
Catholic League, 435
Catholic party: of France, 785; of Ger-
many, 660, 717, 719, 785; of Italy,
759, 785
Caucasus, Russia and, 478
Cavaignac, Louis, 610
Cavendish, Margaret, 465
Cavour, Camillo Benso di, 648650
Ceausescu, Nicolae, 816817
Cederstrom, Gustaf, 448(illus.)
Censorship, 606; in Puritan Eng land, 421;
in Russia, 655; in First World War, 711;
in Nazi Germany, 763; in Soviet
Union, 754, 792(illus.), 813
Central Europe: absolutism in, 438444;
warfare and social change in, 433437
and map; serfdom in, 433434; nation-
alism in, 595; Jews of, 664. See also
specic countries
Central Powers, First World War, 705,
706(map), 707, 711
Cervantes, Miguel de, 414415
Ceylon (Sri Lanka), 789
Chabas, Paul-mile, 625(illus.)
Chadwick, Edwin, 579, 619620
Chamberlain, Neville, 766, 767
Chaplin, Charlie, 736, 737(illus.)
Charcoal, in iron industry, 569
Charles I (Eng land), 419421
Charles II (Eng land), 422423
Charles II (Spain), 411, 414
Charles VI (Austria), 439, 475
Charles X (France), 606
Charles XI (Sweden), 440
I-4 Index
Charles XII (Sweden), 448 and illus.
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine, 417
Chartist movement, 585
Chtelet, Marquise du, 468, 469(illus.)
Chaumont, Treaty of (1814), 560
Chechnya, civil war in, 823
Cheka (Soviet secret police), 715, 758
Chemistry, 637
Chiang Kai-shek, 788
Chicago, Judy, 803(illus.)
Childbirth and childbearing, 515; mid-
wives and, 426(illus.), 523, 524, 525;
delayed, in postwar era, 797, 798. See
also Birthrate
Child labor, 636; in textile industry, 492;
cottage industry, 580; in factories,
568569; laws restricting, 569, 581; in
mines, 581, 587588
Childrearing, 634636; Rousseau on, 518;
working women and, 583, 797, 798
Children: as Ottoman tax, 450; nursing
and, 515516; infanticide of, 517; 18th
century attitudes toward, 517518;
abandoned, 517; illegitimate, 513, 514,
515; in 19th century, 634636. See also
China: industrialization and, 576; Euro-
pean trade with, 676; British war with,
676, 677(illus.); migration from, 680; in
1914, 686(map); im pe rialism and, 685;
Japan and, 693, 707, 765, 772, 776; mis-
sionaries in, 688, 693; Qing (Manchu)
dynasty, 676, 693; rebellion in, 693;
civil war in, 784, 788; communists in,
784785, 788789, 793; Korean War
and, 784; death penalty in, 830
Chinggis Khan, 444
Chocolate, 521
Cholera epidemic, 619620
Chopin, Frdric, 600
Chris tian Democrats, 785, 816
Chris tian existentialism, 728729
Chris tian Holy League, 450
Chris tianity: Nietszche on, 727. See also
Orthodox Chris tianity; Protestantism;
specic sect
Chris tian IV (Denmark), 435
Chris tian missionaries, 500, 687, 688, 693
Churches: in Scotland, 514(illus.); parish,
526; institutional, 526527; national,
526, 544; Hogarth on, 528(illus.);
working class and, 630. See also Reli-
gion; specic religions
Churchill, Winston, 767, 782783 and
illus.; iron curtain speech, 784
Church of Eng land (Anglicanism), 419,
422, 423, 604, 663; Methodism and,
527, 528
Church-state separation: in France, 662;
in Italy, 759; in Turkey, 721
Cities and towns: royal authority, in
France, 405; Dutch, 426; decline of, in
eastern Europe, 434435; Prussian,
443; Rus sian, 446; Eng lish, 488,
572(map); foundlings in, 517; guilds in,
490, 493; illegitimacy in, 514; amuse-
ments in, 530, 617(illus.); consumer
economy in, 523; industry and growth
of, 618619; in 19th century, 618622;
working class in, 625; sanitation in,
619620; transportation in, 621622
and illus.; Chinese trade and, 676;
bombing of, in Second World War, 762
and illus., 777; Soviet, 755, 795. See
also Urban areas; Villages; specic cities
Citizenship, denied to German Jews, 764
Civilization: race and, 474; romantic view
of, 473
Civilizing mission, 687, 688
Civil war(s): in France, 406; in Eng land,
420421; in Ottoman Empire, 452; in
St. Domingue, 556; in Switzerland,
607; in United States, 654; in Russia,
714716, 753; in Spain, 735(illus.),
748, 765; in China, 784; in Yugoslavia,
811, 826, 829; humanitarian interven-
tion in, 830
Class-consciousness, 584; Marx and,
577, 597
Classes: in London, 498499; in France,
536537; factory owners as, 577; liberal
politics and, 595; in urban areas,
622625; womens fashions and,
626627; First World War and, 709;
Marxian concept of, 713; Soviet, 757;
in Italy, 759; in Nazi Germany, 764;
changing structure, in postwar era,
796797. See also specic class
Classicism, French, 417418, 598, 599
Clemenceau, Georges, 711, 717
Clergy (priests): local parish, 526; Pietism
and, 527, 529; French, 536, 541; in
French Revolution, 544. See also
Bishops; Monks; Papacy; Priests
Climate: little ice age and, 403; famine
and, 485
Clinton, Bill, 824, 826
Clive, Robert, 505
Clothing: Western, in Russia, 449; fashion
and, 493, 522, 624, 626627; consum-
erism and, 522; poor and, 568; of work-
ers, 580, 626; of middle class, 624;
ready-made, 626, 629. See also Textile
industry (cloth making)
Coal mining, 619, 656; in Wales, 566;
railroads and, 571; in Eng land,
572(map); steam engines and, 569, 570;
in Europe, 574(map); child labor in,
587588; German Ruhr, 739; Eng lish
strikers, 742, 805
Coffee drinking, 472, 533
Coffee plantations, 497, 500, 521, 550
Coinage, Spanish devaluation of, 413
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 409410, 493
Cold War, 781809; origins of, 782785;
Truman Doctrine and, 784; Korean
War and, 784, 800; eastern Europe and,
793794, 814817; Khrushchev and,
792793; Vietnam War and, 782,
800801; dtente and, 801802; Rea-
gans military buildup and, 802, 806,
814; arms race in, 793, 813814; col-
lapse of communism and, 811818,
819(map); Gorbachev and end
of, 811814, 817; superpowers in, 782,
801, 812 (See also Soviet Union;
United States)
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 599
Collective bargaining, 669
Collectivization: in Soviet Union,
754755, 791; in China, 789
Colonies and colonization, 675; mercantil-
ism and warfare in, 495, 497; in Ameri-
cas, 495497 and map, 566; European
consumerism and, 522; Industrial
Revolution and, 566; by West, 675;
French, 606, 673(illus.); in Asia, 685,
686(map); investments in, 676; in
Africa, 681685; new im pe rialism and,
681693; Anglo-French Entente and,
700; First World War and, 707, 719;
neocolonialism and, 789790; decolo-
nization, after Second World War,
787790. See also Imperialism; New
Imperialism; specic colonies
Columbian exchange, 520
Combination Acts, 584585
Commerce (trade): French, 406, 409;
competition with Spanish, 413; Dutch,
426, 427(map), 487; Eng lish, 421, 495,
497; after Thirty Years War, 436;
colonial, 495, 497; in Atlantic region,
496(map); with Asia, 504505;
liberalism and, 594; Ottoman reforms
and, 658; in 19th century, 675676;
transportation and, 675; world market
and, 675; China and, 676; Japan and,
677; World War I, 708; disruption in,
after First World War, 738. See also
Business; Slave trade; specic
Committee of Public Safety, 548, 550, 551
Common Market, 786(map), 787. See also
European Economic Community
Commonwealth, 21
Commonwealth of Inde pen dent States,
818, 819(map)
Communication(s): nationalism and, 595;
global, 675; telegraph and, 675; in
British India, 691; radio, 737; comput-
ers and, 822
The Communist Manifesto (Marx &
Engels), 597598
Communist Party: in Germany, 741; in
France, 748, 784, 785; in Italy, 784,
785; in Czechoslovakia, 793; in Poland,
Index I-5
794, 814, 815; in East Germany, 816; in
Hungary, 816
Communist Party (Soviet Union), 715,
753, 754; Stalins purges of, 757758;
de-Stalinization and, 792; elite, 795,
812; corruption in, 813; Gorbachevs
reforms and, 818
Communists and communism: in China,
784785, 788789, 793; totalitarianism
and, 753; containment of, 784785,
802; Nazis and, 762, 763, 764, 769; in
eastern Europe, 783, 824; Tito and,
791; Gorbachevs reform and, 811812.
See also Cold War
Community: control by, 513; sense of, 596
The Complete Indian Housekeeper (Steel
& Gardiner), 696697
Comte, Auguste, 637638, 639
Concentration camps, 769772; Soviet, 792
The Condition of the Working Class in
Eng land (Marx), 579
Confederate States of America, 654
Confederation, 427
Congo free state, 683 and illus.
Congo River, 683
Congress of Berlin (1878), 699, 702(map)
Congress of Peoples Deputies (Soviet
Union), 813, 818
Congress of Vienna (1815), 590, 648
Congress (United States), 801
Consent of the governed, 423
Conservatism: French Revolution and,
545; in Holy Alliance, 593; in Ottoman
Empire, 593594; in Germany, 653;
British, 662, 742; in fascist Italy, 760; in
Soviet Union, 793; British privatization
and, 804, 805
Constable, John, 599, 600
Constantinople, 705; Ottoman capture of,
446, 450; as Istanbul, 451, 452(illus.)
Constituent Assembly (France), 609, 610
Constituent Assembly (Russia), 715
Constitution: United States, 468, 539;
Montesquieus theories and, 468;
French, 551, 560, 594, 606, 607, 610,
647; Haitian, 557; German, 595;
Hungarian, 610; Prussian, 651; Rus sian,
656; Sardinia-Piedmont, 648; Soviet
Union, 818; European Union, 826827
Constitutional Charter (France, 1814),
560, 594, 606, 607
Constitutionalism, 418427; in Eng land,
418424; in Netherlands, 424, 426427
Constitutional monarchies, 403; in Eng-
land, 424; in France, 540, 543; in Spain
and Italy, 593; in Prussia, 611; in Rus-
sia, 656657
Consumer goods: credit and, 797; after
Second World War, 787, 797(illus.);
in eastern Europe, 793; youth culture
and, 799
Consumer revolution, 520, 521523
Contraception (birth control), 635, 798
Conversations on the Pluralitiy of Worlds
(Fontenelle), 467(illus.)
Conway, Anne, 465
Copernican hypothesis, 460461, 462, 463
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 460461
Coral Sea, battle of, 775, 776(map)
Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jean-
neret), 732
Corn Laws (Britain), 602, 603
Corporations, industrialization and, 576
Corruption, in Soviet bureaucracy, 813
Cossacks, 446, 447, 449
Cottage industry: putting-out system in,
490491, 567, 580; early marriage and,
514515; factory-made goods and, 571;
family labor in, 517, 581; wages in, 568;
workers in, 576
Cotton industry, 501; in Britain, 567569,
570, 675; in Industrial Revolution,
567569; Irish workers in, 581582;
Ure on, 579; factory conditions in, 580,
582(illus.); strike, in Manchester, 585;
in United States, 653654; in Egypt,
678. See also Textile industry
Coudray, Angelique Marguerite Le
Boursier du, 525
Coup dtat, 552, 647; attempted, in
Soviet Union, 818
Couperin, Franois, 417
Court, Joseph, 608(illus.)
Courts, 405, 512
Craft guilds. See Guilds
Craftsmen. See Artisans (crafts people)
Craft unions, 609
Crane, Diana, 627
Credit: Spanish debt, 413; in Britain, 567;
consumerism and, 797. See also Debt
Creoles, in Spanish colonies, 500501
Crick, Francis, 796
Crime, illegal immigration and, 830. See
also Justice; Law(s)
Crimea, 442
Crimean War (18531856), 655
Crisis, age of, 402405
Croatia (Croats), 450, 664; in Austria-
Hungary, 702; in Hungary, 610;
Serbian aggression and, 825826
and map
Crompton, Samuel, 568
Cromwell, Oliver, 421, 422(illus.), 495
Cromwell, Richard, 421
Crop rotation, 486
Crystal Palace exhibition (1851), 571
Cuba, missile crisis in, 793
Cubism, Picasso and, 734735
Culture(s): absolutist court, 415418;
classicism in, 417418; of retribution,
405; Enlightenment, 466474; urban,
470472; popular, 530531, 547; na-
tional unity and, 595; middle class,
624625; im pe rialism and, 689;
Soviet society, 756757, 813; youth,
781(illus.), 798800. See also Art and
artists; specic cultures
Curie, Marie, 464 and illus., 729
Currency: devaluation of French, 411;
paper, in French Revolution, 544;
Weimar German, 741; euro, 816
Cyprus, 811, 826, 831
Czech nationalism, 596, 611, 615616,
664, 711
Czech nobility, 439
Czechoslovakia: after First World War,
717, 719; Little Entente and, 738; Nazis
in, 765767 and map; liberalization in,
793; Soviet invasion of, 793794 and
illus., 811; German disputes with, 740,
801; Velvet revolution in, 816, 824;
Slovakia and, 824
Czech Republic, 824, 826
Dadaism, 733
DAlembert, Jean le Rond, 469, 472
Damascus, 705; General Syrian Congress
in, 720, 724
Dance, Diaghilev and, 733, 735
Danton, Georges Jacques, 547, 551
Dardenelles, 720
Darwin, Charles, 638(illus.), 639, 761. See
also Social Darwinists
David, Jacques Louis, 555(illus.)
Dawes Plan, 739
Death. See Mortality
De Beers Mining Company, 684
Debt: Spanish crown, 413; Eng lish crown,
419; British wars, 538; French wars,
539; Egyp tian, 678; from First World
War, 738; government (1970s), 804;
United States, 806
Debt peonage, 500
Declaration of Independence, 538539
Declaration of Pillnitz, 546
Declaration of the Rights of Man,
535(illus.), 542, 544
Declaration of the Rights of Women
(Gouges), 563564 and illus.
Decolonization, 787790. See also Colo-
nies and colonization
Defoe, Daniel, 517
De Gaulle, Charles, 787, 789; youth
protests and, 799(illus.), 800
Delacroix, Eugne, 600
Delcass, Thophile, 700
Democracy: in Eng land, 424, 585; fascist
opposition to, 747; in Germany, 741; in
West Germany, 785; in Soviet Union,
813, 823
Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 609
Demographic crisis, 403404. See also
Les Demoiselles dAvignon (Picasso), 734
and illus.
I-6 Index
Denmark: Thirty Years War and, 435,
437(map); Russia and, 448; Enlighten-
ment in, 474; Schleswig-Holstein and,
611; war with Prussia and Austria,
650651; Nazi occupation of, 767;
European unity and, 804. See also
Dentistry, 624
Depression. See Great Depression
Desacralization, 538
Descartes, Ren, 464, 465, 467
Dessalines, Jean Jacques, 556, 557
De Stal, Germaine, 599
Dtente, in Cold War, 801802
Developed countries, income in, 674
and illus.
Diaghilev, Sergei, 733, 735
Dialectic process, 598
Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the
World (Galileo), 462
Diamond mines, in Africa, 684
Dictators and dictatorship, 753; military,
in Eng land, 421; Directory (France)
as, 552; in British India, 691; in First
World War, 711; radio propaganda
and, 737; Mussolini as, 758761; En-
abling Act (Germany) and, 763; Soviet
Union, 714, 715, 753758, 791, 794,
795; in Iraq, 833. See also specic
Diderot, Denis, 469, 478
Diet. See Food (diet)
Diet of Brandenburg, 443
The Dinner Party (Chicago), 803(illus.)
Diphtheria, 620621
Diplomacy: gunboat, 691, 693; revolution
in, 700
Directory (France), 552
Discrimination: against Asians, 680681;
against women workers, 798, 803;
against African Americans, 790; sex-
based, 798; against Gypsies, 822. See
also Race and racism; specic groups
Disease: epidemic, 413, 619620; famine
and, 403, 605; innoculation against,
489, 524, 526; 18th century medicine
and, 489; children and, 515; demonic
view of, 523, 529; in Ireland, 605; in
urban areas, 618, 619620; germ theory
of, 620621; pasteurization and, 620;
AIDs in Africa, 830
Diversity: in Parisian life, 533534; in
urban middle class, 623624; ethnic, in
Yugoslavia, 825
Divine right of kings, 405406; in Eng-
land, 419, 423; in France, 408, 538,
541; in Prussia, 612613. See also
Absolute monarchy and absolutism
Division of labor, 490, 505; gendered,
Doctors. See Physicians (doctors)
Domestic industry. See Cottage industry
Domestic servants, 512, 581; middle class
and, 623, 624; schools for, 629(illus.);
women as, 628629 and illus., 631; in
British India, 696697
Don Quixote (Cervantes), 414415
Dostoevski, Feodor, 636
Drama, French classicism, 417418
Draussen und Drinnen (Grosz), 726(illus.)
Dressmaking, women in, 493. See also
Dreyfus Affair, 662, 685
Droz, Gustave, 634, 635
Drunkenness. See Alcohol and
Dual revolution, in politics, 590, 593, 646
Dubcek, Alexander, 793
Due process of law, 419
Duma (Rus sian parliament), 656657, 712
Dupin, Amandine Aurore Lucie (George
Sand), 600
Dutch East India Company, 426
Dutch East Indies, 685, 686(map), 772; as
Indonesia, 789
Dutch Republic, 424, 426427
Dutch War (16721678), 410
Dutch West India Company, 426
Dylan, Bob, 798
Dynasties. See specic dynasties
East Africa, 683
East Asia: Dutch trade in, 426; First World
War and, 707; decolonization in,
787789. See also specic countries
East Berlin, 793
Eastern Europe, 802; absolutism in,
432435; serfdom in, 433435; warfare
and social change in, 433436,
437(map); nationalism in, 595596;
British imports from, 602; after First
World War, 718(map), 738; Second
World War in, 767, 768, 774(map), 775;
wartime conferences and, 783784;
Marshall Plan and, 784; COMECON
in, 786(map); communism in, 783, 784,
791; Czech invasion and, 793794; de-
Stalinization and revolt in, 792793;
working women in, 798; revolutions of
1989 in, 812, 814817; postcommunist,
823825; refugees from, 829. See also
specic countries
East Germany: West Germany and, 793,
801, 811, 812, 816; Berlin Wall
and, 793
East India Companies: British, 504, 505,
689; Dutch, 426; French, 410
East Indies: Dutch and, 685, 686(map),
772, 789; Second World War in, 772
Economic crisis: 17th century, 402403;
Black Death and, 433; Thirty Years
War and, 436; in Ottoman Empire,
452; French Revolution and, 494, 538,
541; crash in (1837), 576; in Britain,
602; revolution of 1848 and, 609; in
Germany, 738, 739; Great Depression
and, 743744, 746; oil shock (1970s)
and, 804. See also Ination
Economic equality, 596, 791. See also
Rich-poor gap
Economic interests: railroads and, 571;
marriage and, 631; of West, 674; new
im pe rialism and, 685, 688
Economic liberalism, 594. See also
Free trade
Economic planning. See Planned
Economic rights, of workers, 647
Economy: moral, 403; French, under
Colbert, 409410; scientic revolution
and, 465; global, 495505; mercantil-
ism and, 495, 505; 18th century expan-
sion of, 485; Atlantic region, 495,
496(map), 500504; consumer, 523;
slaves in Americas and, 501, 653654;
British industrialization and, 566, 567,
569; dual revolution and, 590; popula-
tion growth and, 572; protectionism
and, 660; scientic research and, 637;
Rus sian modernization and, 655656;
global, 674678; im pe rialism and, 681,
685; First World War, 708; Nazi Ger-
many, 764; Soviet Union, 753754;
Second World War, 773; Marshall Plan
and, 784, 785; consumerist, 790;
Keynesian, 744, 783, 805; neocolonial-
ism and, 790; Polish shock therapy,
815816; Soviet perestroika, 812(illus.),
813; eastern European, 824; birthrates
and, 828. See also Capitalism; Com-
merce; Finances; Global economy
Edict of Nantes, 406, 423; revocation
of, 408
Edict of Restitution (1629), 435
Edict on Idle Institutions, 527
Education: of Rus sian nobles, 448; reading
revolution and, 470471; of women,
472, 546, 632, 757, 797; of children,
515, 518519, 636; Rousseau on, 518;
literacy and, 518519 and illus.; of
medical practitioners, 524, 525; popu-
lar, 527; for child workers, 581; national
language and, 596; of middle class, 624,
625, 636; in Ottoman Empire, 658; for
domestic servants, 629(illus.); in
France, 662; in Soviet Union, 757;
neocolonialism in Africa and, 790; of
Soviet urban elite, 795; in Japan, 692;
student protests and, 799800 and
illus.. See also Schools; Universities
Egypt: modernization of, 658, 678; British
rule in, 678, 682(map), 683, 685, 700;
Suez Canal in, 678; nationalist revolu-
tion in, 789
Einstein, Albert, 729
Index I-7
Eisenhower, Dwight, 775, 800
Eisenstein, Sergei, 737, 792(illus.)
El Alamein, battle of, 773, 774(map)
Elections: in France, 609, 647; in eastern
Europe, 815, 816; in Russia, 657. See
also Voting and voting rights
Elector of Brandenburg, 439
Electricity, 637
Electric streetcars, 621622 and illus.
Eliot, George (Mary Ann Evans), 640
Eliot, T. S., 729
Elites: peasant protest and, 486; popular
literature and, 519; popular culture
and, 530; in St. Domingue, 544, 545;
costume of, 626; absolutism and, 654;
colonial, 689, 691; in India, 691; in
Soviet Union, 757. See also Nobility
(aristocracy); Upper class
Elizabeth I (Eng land), 418, 419
Elizabeth of Bohemia, 465
Empires: rivalries over, 495, 497; French
Napoleonic, 556, 558, 559(map); in
Asia, 504505; political, 681; after First
World War, 716717, 718(map), 719;
decolonization and, 787790. See also
Colonies and colonization; Imperial-
ism; New im pe rialism; specic emperors
and empires
Empirical method, 464, 487. See also
Empiricism, logical, 728
Employment. See Unemployment; Work
Enabling Act (Germany), 763
Enclosure movement, 486487, 488
Encyclopedia (Diderot and dAlembert),
469470, 478
Energy (power): water, 567568, 580; from
coal, 569; conservation of, 637; steam,
569570, 571, 573, 580, 636; electricity,
637; oil embargo (1970s) and, 803804,
806. See also Atomic power
Engels, Friedrich, 579, 597, 598
Engineering, 624, 637, 656, 795; British,
570(illus.), 571
Eng land (Britain), 412(map), 467, 474,
646; constitutional government in, 404;
food riot in, 404(illus.); French Canada
and, 411; in Grand Alliance, 411;
Glorious Revolution in, 423424;
absolutism in, 420, 422; cabinet system
in, 422; Restoration in, 422; Jews in,
421; balance of power in, 468; Peter the
Great and, 448; Atlantic economy and,
496(map); Dutch and, 427, 495; sci-
ence in, 463; Voltaire on, 468, 469;
wars with France, 475, 495, 497, 539,
566, 579; mercantilism in, 421, 495,
497, 505; agricultural revolution in,
486(illus.), 487488, 520; enclosure
in, 486(illus.), 488; textile industry in,
490491; Great Britain and, 495, 566;
trade of, 413, 421, 495, 497; consumer
revolution in, 520; slave trade and, 501,
502, 504, 566; India and, 504505 and
illus.; literacy in, 518; delayed marriage
in, 511; charity schools in, 518; infant
mortality in, 516; Methodism in,
527528 and illus.; American Revolu-
tion and, 538539; Napoleon and, 555,
558, 560; population growth in,
488(gure), 572; railroads in, 570571;
iron industry in, 566, 569, 570, 571,
584; steam engine in, 569570; Indus-
trial Revolution and, 566572, 573,
576, 579; unions in, 584585 and illus.;
workers in, 579582; Congress of
Vienna and, 590592; liberalism in,
594, 602603; Marx and, 598; romanti-
cism in, 599, 600; agricultural workers
in, 625; Crimean War and, 655; Greek
in de pen dence and, 602; Irish famine
and, 604, 605, 606; growth of cities in,
618619; income dis tri bu tion in, 623;
womens fashion in, 627(illus.); wom-
ens rights in, 632, 659(illus.); declining
birth rate in, 635 and gure; domestic
servants in, 628; Irish immigrants in,
630, 679; realist literature in, 640;
income in, 674(illus.); Egypt and, 678;
opium trade and, 676; Africa and, 681,
682(map), 683685; declining death
rate in, 621(gure); Egypt and, 678,
682(map), 683, 685, 700; India and,
504505 and illus., 675, 689691;
urban population in, 618620 and map;
Asian empire of, 668(map); rivalry with
Germany, 700701; British women in
India and, 696697; First World War
alliances, 699700, 703; in First World
War, 704, 705, 707, 711, 716; alliance
with Japan, 707; France and, 721722;
Treaty of Versailles and, 717; Middle
East and, 719720, 724; Turkey and,
720, 721; in 1920s, 738, 739, 741742;
unemployment in, 742; appeasement of
Hitler by, 765767; Great Depression
in, 744, 745(map), 747; in Second
World War, 767, 782; Dunkirk and,
767; decolonization and, 789; Palestine,
Israel and, 789; privatization in, 804,
805; Thatcher in, 802, 804, 805; Falk-
lands War and, 805; Gulf War and, 819;
Iraq war and, 833. See also Great Brit-
ain; under British
Eng lish East India Company, 504,
505, 689
Eng lish language, in India, 691
Enlightenment, 466480, 529; emergence
of, 466467; philosophes of, 459,
467470; absolutism and, 474480;
in France, 467470; in Russia, 450,
477478 and illus.; urban culture and
public sphere, 470472, 536; Austrian
Habsburgs and, 478480; race and,
473474; Frederick the Great and, 475;
Jewish, 476; salons, 471 and illus., 472;
childhood and, 518; educated public
and, 531; skepticism and, 466, 527;
political ideas from, 536; romanticism
and, 599; ideals of, 727
Entertainment, 519; in cities, 617(illus.);
lms as, 736, 737. See also Leisure
Environmentalism, 806
Epidemics: South America, 413; Black
Death, 433, 488, 489; cholera (1846),
Equality: economic, 596, 791 (See also
Rich-poor gap); social, 709, 741742;
youth culture and, 799
Equiano, Olaudah, 502, 503 and illus.
Eritrea, immigrants from, 829(illus.)
Erlach, Joseph Bernhard Fischer von,
440, 441
Essay Concerning Human Understanding
(Locke), 467
Essay on the Principle of Population
(Malthus), 572
Estates: Dutch, 424; Bohemian, 438, 439;
taxation of, 442; French, 536537
Estates General (France), 408,
540541, 544
Estonia, 434(illus.), 449, 767, 826
Ethiopia, 681; Italian conquest of,
682(map), 759(illus.), 765
Ethnic minorities. See Minorities
Eucharist (Lords Supper), 422
Eugene of Savoy, 441
Eugnie (France), 645(illus.)
Europe: in 1715, 412(map); Thirty Years
War in, 435437 and map; Enlightened
monarchs in, 474480; population
growth in, 488489 and gure, 566;
18th century expansion of, 484509;
French Revolution and, 545, 546;
French expansion in, 554556; in 1810,
559(map); Industrial Revolution and,
573576; balance of power in, 590593;
in 1815, 592(map); large cities in,
620(map); foreign investment by, 676;
China and, 676; Egypt and, 678; popu-
lation in, 679; migration from,
679680; Africa partitioned by, 676,
681685, 689; civilizing by, 687, 688;
im pe rialism of, 681689; tariff barriers
in, 675; civilizing by, 687, 688; First
World War and, 706(map); Great
Depression in, 744, 745(map); dictators
in, 753; Second World War in, 773775
and map; division of, 782785; Marshall
Plan and, 784, 785; after Second World
War, 785; alliance systems in, 786(map),
787; growth of science in, 796; self-
improvement movement in, 806; in
1990s, 820828; challenges to, in 21st
century, 828830; contemporary,
821(map); growing Muslim population
I-8 Index
Europe (continued)
in, 834, 836; terrorist attacks in, 834.
See also specic regions
European Economic Community,
804, 827
European Union (EU), 812; admission to,
824; unity and identity of, 826828;
membership in, 811, 826; constitution
of, 826827; illegal immigration and,
828, 830
Evolution, 637639 and illus.
Evolutionary Socialism (Bernstein), 669
Existentialism, 728729
Expansion: French, under Louis XIV,
410411; in central Europe, 442(map);
Rus sian, 412(map), 445(map), 447,
479(map), 593, 602, 655, 685; Ottoman
Empire, 450452, 593; maritime,
484(illus.); in 18th century, 484509;
Spanish missionaries and, 500; Prus-
sian, 475, 651; balance of power and,
592 and map; French, under Napoleon,
554556, 558, 559(map); in late 19th
century, 671; great migration and,
679681; of Western society, 679;
Japa nese, 692693; Nazi German, 753,
765769; communist, 802
Expatriates, American, 741
Experimental method, 461462, 464
Extermination camps. See Holocaust,
Jews and
Factories, 567568, 618; owners, 577579;
working conditions in, 580582 and
illus.; in Russia, 656; in Soviet Union,
755. See also Manufacturing
Factory Act (1833), 581
Factory workers, 576577, 579582, 598;
labor aristocracy and, 628; in Rus sian
cities, 655, 656
Fagus shoe factory (Gropius), 733(illus.)
Falklands War, 805
Families: handweaving and, 492; nuclear,
511; marriage and, 511515; Napoleon
and, 554; of factory owners, 577, 578;
as mill workers, 581, 582; as mine
workers, 581; cottage industry and, 580;
kinship, 581, 631; working class,
634(illus.), 636; in 19th century,
630636; fathers, 635636; gender
and, 631632, 635636; size of, 635;
British colonial, 690; government grants
for, 797. See also Marriage
Famine: disease and, 403; in Ireland,
604606, 607, 662; in Ukraine, 757
Faraday, Michael, 637
Farms and farming: peasant villages, 402;
Thirty Years War and, 436; open-eld
system of, 487; enclosure and, 488;
scientic improvements in, 486. See
also Agriculture; Peasant(s)
Fascism: in France, 747748; in Italy, 747,
758761; in Spain, 748; totalitarianism
and, 758. See also Nazi Germany
Fashion, 493, 522, 624, 626627
Fashion merchants, 522 and illus.
Fatalism, 640
Fathers, 635636. See also Families
Faulkner, William, 731
Federal Republic of Germany. See West
The Feminine Mystique (Friedan), 803
Feminists, 632, 782; womens movement
and, 802803. See also Womens rights
Ferdinand I (Austria), 610, 611
Ferdinand I (Sicily), 593
Ferdinand II (Bohemia), 438
Ferdinand III (Bohemia), 438
Ferdinand (Bohemia), 435
Ferry, Jules, 685
Festivals and holidays: Carnival, 513, 530;
May Day, 668 and illus.
Feudalism, in Japan, 691
Fifth Republic, France, 787, 800
Film industry. See Movies (lms)
Final Act (Helsinki Conference), 801802
Finances: French absolutism and,
409410, 411; Spanish, 413; French
Revolution and, 538, 539540; for Suez
Canal, 678; Great Depression and,
743744, 745, 748; for research, 796.
See also Banks; Debt; Investment
Finns, 436, 715
First Coalition, 546, 550
First Republic (France), 547
First World War, 698722, 728; origins
of, 699701; outbreak of, 701703; in
Europe, 706(map); fronts in, 705708;
home front in, 708711; invasion of
Belgium in, 703 and illus.; in Middle
East, 705, 707, 719721; revolution in
Germany, 716717; Rus sian revolution
and, 711716; trench warfare in,
698(illus.), 703705 and illus.; United
States in, 707708, 716; Versailles
Treaty, 717, 719, 721722; casualties in,
704, 705, 710, 712; territorial changes
after, 718(map)
Five-year plans: in Soviet Union, 753,
754756, 779780; in China, 789; in
eastern Europe, 791
Flanders: France and, 410; rural industry
in, 491; scientic farming in, 486, 487
Florence, 648; Medicis of, 462, 463
Fontenelle, Bernard de, 467(illus.)
Food (diet): peasant, 402403; Dutch,
426427; Thirty Years War and, 436;
riots over, 404(illus.), 405, 712; short-
ages, in France, 541; in 18th century,
489, 520521; potato and, 489, 520,
521(illus.); British industrialization
and, 566, 579, 580; middle class, 624,
Food shortage. See Famine
Forced labor: in Russia, 449; in Soviet
Union, 756(illus.), 758, 791. See also
Slaves and slav ery
Foreign investment, 676. See also
Foreign policy, Soviet, 792793
Formosa (Taiwan), 693, 788
Foundling hospitals, 517
Fourteen Points (Wilson), 717
France, 651; absolutism in, 406412;
culture of retribution in, 405; Fronde
in, 407; Canada and, 410; North Amer-
ica and, 411; Spain and, 407, 413, 436;
classicism in, 417418; Dutch and,
427; Versailles court life, 430431; army
in (See Armed forces, French); Enlight-
enment in, 467470; Montesquieus
theories and, 468, 473; traditional
agriculture in, 487; wars with Eng land,
475, 495, 497; nobility in (See Nobility,
French); Atlantic economy and,
496(map); Spain and, 495, 497; guilds
in, 493, 508509; India and, 505;
marriage in, 511; illegitimacy in, 513;
wet-nursing in, 516 and illus.; midwife
training in, 524, 525; Jesuit expulsion
from, 527; Jansenism in, 528529;
literacy in, 518; parlements in, 538;
estates in, 536537; bourgeoisie in, 537;
American Revolution and, 538539;
limited monarchy in, 542544; consti-
tution (1795) of, 551; wars with Eng-
land, 539, 566, 579, 580; First Republic
in, 547; Jews in, 544, 577; Napoleon I
in, 552560; industrialization in, 573,
574(map); corporate banking in, 576,
577; alliances of, 592; at Congress of
Vienna, 590591; liberalism in, 593;
utopian socialism in, 596597; roman-
tic writers in, 599600; agricultural
workers in, 625; Algeria and, 606, 658;
revolution of 1830 in, 606607; Greek
in de pen dence and, 602; Second Re-
public in, 607, 646647; dem o cratic
republic in, 607610; public health
concerns in, 620; cities in, 621; declin-
ing birth rate in, 635(gure); declining
death rate in, 621(gure); womens
fashions in, 627(illus.); marriage manu-
als in, 634; Italian alliance with, 648,
649; Napoleon III in, 646647, 649;
Crimean War and, 655; realist literature
in, 639640; Second Empire in,
646647, 651; socialists in, 669; Third
Republic, 652, 660661; war with
Prussia, 651653, 661; colonial empire
of, 673(illus.); Dreyfus affair and, 662,
685; unions in, 647, 748; Madagascar
and, 673(illus.); foreign investment by,
676; Egypt and, 678; Suez Canal and,
678; in Africa, 681, 682(map), 683, 684;
Index I-9
in Indochina, 685, 686(map); Alliance
System and, 699700; Rus sian alliance
with, 703; First World War and, 704,
706(map), 707, 711, 716; Rhineland
and, 717, 719; Treaty of Versailles and,
717, 719; Middle East and, 719720;
existentialism in, 728; Little Entente
and, 738; Ruhr crisis and, 739; Great
Depression in, 747; appeasement of
Hitler by, 765767; Popular Front in,
748; Nazi occupation of, 768, 769;
Vichy government in, 768, 775; Alge-
rian War and, 787, 789; Fifth Republic
in, 787, 800; nationalism in, 787;
neocolonialism and, 789, 790; Gulf
War and, 819; globalization and, 822;
European Union and, 827; protests and
strike in, 799(illus.), 800; Muslim riots
in, 834, 836, 838839. See also French
Revolution; under French; Paris; spe-
cic dynasties and rulers
Franchise. See Voting and voting rights
Francis Ferdinand, assassination of, 702
Francis II (Austria), 546, 555
Francis Joseph (Austria), 611, 711
Franco, Francisco, 765
Franco-Prussian War, 651653, 661
Frankfurt Assembly, 611613 and illus.,
615; Jews in, 664
Franklin, Benjamin, 539
Frederick I (Prussia), 443
Frederick II (Holy Roman Emperor), 436
Frederick (Palatinate of the Rhine), 435
Frederick the Great (Prussia), 416, 425,
440, 475, 478, 479(map); potato and,
Frederick William I (Prussia), 443444
Frederick William IV (Prussia), 611,
612613, 650
Frederick William (Brandenburg-Prussia),
439, 442
Freedom: liberalism and, 594; Locke
on, 424
Free market, 664, 820; in Britain, 567;
in Thatchers Britain, 804. See also
Free people of color, in Haiti, 544, 545,
Free trade, 505, 594
French Academy, 415, 417
French army: under Louis XIV, 410, 411;
under Louis XVI, 541, 542; revolution-
ary, 547, 548, 550; under Napoleon,
555556, 558, 560
French East India Company, 410
French language, 415, 417, 418, 467
French nobility, 471; absolutism and, 406,
407, 408, 416417; revolution and, 536,
537, 606; under Napoleon, 554
French Revolution, 536545; American
Revolution and, 538539; background
to, 536540; chronology of, 549; crisis
of political legitimacy in, 537538;
economic liberalization following, 494;
nancial crisis in, 538, 539540; guil-
lotine in, 547, 551; Reign of Terror in,
548, 550; sans-coulottes and, 547,
548(illus.), 550, 551; second revolution
to, 547548; St. Domingue and,
544545, 550551; Thermidorian
Reaction and Directory in, 551552;
womens rights and, 543, 545546,
563564 and illus.; aftermath, 573, 602
Freud, Sigmund, 636, 730731
Friedan, Betty, 803
Friedrich, Caspar David, 601(illus.)
Fronde uprising (16481653), 407
Frontiers, Helsinki Agreement and, 802.
See also Borders and boundaries
Fhrer, 762, 763. See also Hitler, Adolph
Functionalism, in architecture, 732,
Fundamental Laws (Russia), 656657
Galileo Galilei, 461463, 464
Gambetta, Lon, 661
Gandhi, Mohandas Mahatma, 788
and illus.
Gardiner, Grace, 696697
Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 649650
Gays and lesbians, 830. See also Homo-
Gdansk, shipyard protest at, 814
Geminal (Zola), 640
Gender, 473; division of labor and,
582584; dress and, 522, 627; family
life and, 631632, 635636; second
wave feminism and, 782. See also
General Syrian Congress, 720, 724725
Geneva Accords, 800
Genocide: Armenian deportation and,
705, 707(illus.); Nazi Holocaust,
Geometry, 464. See also Mathematics
George III (Eng land), 539
German Confederation of the Rhine, 555,
592(map), 593; Frankfurt Assembly
and, 611613 and illus.
German Empire, 407, 653 and illus.; after
First World War, 718(map); as model
for Japan, 692 and illus.; Social Demo-
cratic party in, 660661; Weimar Re-
public and, 717
German language, 439, 442
German Trade Union Congress, 669
Germany: Bach and, 415; Jews in, 425;
Thirty Years War and, 436; Enlighten-
ment in, 476; traditional agriculture
in, 487; marriage in, 512; compulsory
education in, 518; corporate banks in,
576; customs union in, 575; Pietism in,
527, 528; Napoleon and, 554, 555, 556;
corporate banking in, 576; industrializa-
tion in, 576, 577; iron industry in,
575(illus.); nationalism in, 595 and
illus., 596; romanticism in, 599, 600,
601(illus.); declining death rate in,
621(gure); germ theory in, 620; chem-
ical industry in, 637; declining birth
rate in, 635(gure); Social Democrats
in, 632; women physicians in, 633;
agricultural workers in, 625; unication
of, 652(map); immigrants in, 679;
Bismarck in, 650653, 683; unions in,
669, 763; Africa and, 681, 682(map),
683; Alliance System and, 699700;
naval expansion by, 700, 701(illus.);
mobilization in (First World War),
703; Bauhaus architecture in, 732,
733(illus.); Social Democrats in,
660661, 667, 669, 717; peace settle-
ment with Russia, 714715; womens
rights in, 709; existentialism in,
727728; in First World War, 703704,
705, 706(map), 707, 711, 716; revolu-
tion in, 716717; Treaty of Versailles
and, 717719 and map, 721, 738; lms
from, 736, 737; reparations and, 719,
738, 739; Western powers and,
738739, 741; Ruhr crisis and, 739;
Dawes plan and, 739; Weimar
Republic in, 717, 738740, 741;
Great Depression in, 743; Hitler in
(See Hitler, Adolph); Holocaust and,
769772; in Second World War
(See Nazi Germany); division, after
Second World War, 793, 801; reuni-
cation of, 811, 812, 816, 817;
globalization and, 822; European
Union and, 827; income levels in, 829;
population decline in, 828. See also
Nazi Germany
Germ theory, 620621
Gerritz, Decker Cornelis, 492(illus.)
Gestapo, 764
Gibraltar, 411
Girondists, 547
Glasgow, Irish workers in, 581582
Glasnost (openness), in Soviet Union, 813
Global (world) economy, 495505, 822;
Asian trade and, 404405; Atlantic
economy and, 495, 496(map), 500,
501504, 646; economic liberalism
and, 505; London in, 498499;
mercantilism and colonial wars, 495,
497; slave trade in, 496(map), 497,
501504; im pe rialism and, 691; indus-
trialization and, 674678; 19291933
nancial crisis and, 743744; oil prices
and, 804
Glorious Revolution (1688, Eng land),
God, monarchy and. See Divine right
of kings
I-10 Index
Gold, 414; in French economy, 409;
mercantilism and, 495; in South
Africa, 681; standard, in Russia, 656;
reserves, 743
Golden Horde, 444
Goldhagen, David, 770
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 794, 795, 816; re-
forms of, 811814; attempt to depose,
818, 819(map)
Gouges, Olympe de, 546, 563564
and illus.
Government, 402; municipal, 405; central-
ized power of, 404405; Dutch, 424;
Ottoman Empire, 450; Rus sian, 448,
449; science and, 464; Montesquieu on,
468; of Eng lish Puritans, 495; A. Smith
on, 505; industrialization and, 567,
574576; urban conditions and, 619,
620; expanded ser vices of, 624; Prus-
sian, 651; French, 621, 647; loyalty to,
659, 660; Rus sian reforms, 655, 656;
Egyp tian reforms, 678; Japa nese re-
forms, 692; First World War and, 708,
709; Rus sian Revolution and, 712713,
715; Great Depression and, 744; Soviet
Union, 758; German, 741, 763; pro-
Soviet, in eastern Europe, 783; funding
research, 796; dissatisfaction with, 804;
British privatization and, 804, 805. See
also Law(s); specic countries
Grain: in peasant diet, 402, 403; price of,
404(illus.), 411; crop rotation and, 486;
British Corn Laws and, 602, 603; Ger-
man tariffs on, 660
Grand Alliance: against Louis XIV, 411; in
Second World War, 767, 773777 and
maps, 782
Grand Empire, of Napoleon, 556, 558,
Grand National Consolidated Trades
Union, 585
Graneri, Michele, 510(illus.)
Great Britain, 495, 566; life on the dole in,
750751. See also Eng land (Britain)
Great Depression, 743748; nancial
crisis in, 743744; unemployment in,
744, 745(map), 750751; in Scandina-
via, 746747 and illus.; in Eng land,
745(map), 747; in France, 747748; in
Germany, 762; motion pictures and,
736; relief programs in, 746; in United
States, 744746
Great Fear (France, 1789), 542
Great Fire of 1666 (London), 498
Great migration, 679681
Great Northern War (17001721), 448
Great Powers: Prussia as, 475; at Congress
of Vienna, 590593; on revolutions,
602; First World War and, 699, 700
Great Rebellion (India), 689690
Great War. See First World War
Great white walls, 680681
Greece, 702, 784; astronomy of, 460;
national liberation in, 658; Turkey and,
720, 721; European unity and, 804
Greene, Graham, 729
Green movement, 806
Grimm brothers, 600
Grimshaw, Atkinson, 626
Gropius, Walter, 732, 733(illus.)
Gross national product (GNP), 572
Grosz, George, 726(illus.)
Guadalcanal, battle for, 775, 776(map)
Guadeloupe, 497
Guangzhou, battle of, 677(illus.)
Guernica (Picasso), 735 and illus.
Guilds: urban, 490, 493; women in,
493494, 512, 583; abolition of, in
France, 493, 508509
Guillotine, in French Revolution,
547, 551
Gunboat diplomacy, 691, 693
Guomindang (China), 788
Gustavus Adolphus (Sweden), 407, 436
Gypsies (Roma), 764, 769, 822
Habeas corpus, 603
Habsburg dynasty, 412(map), 475; in
Spain, 413, 435, 437(map); Thirty
Years War and, 435, 436; Ottomans
and, 452, 455; Catholicism of, 407,
439, 518; in Austria, 433, 435,
437(map), 438439, 478480; elemen-
tary education in, 518; France and,
546; in Hungary, 611; end of, 716
Haitian in de pen dence, 536, 556. See also
Halim, Pasha, 657(illus.)
Hameln, Chayim, 425
Hameln, Glckel, 425
Handicraft workers. See Artisans
(crafts people)
Hardy, Thomas, 640
Hargreaves, James, 567, 568(illus.)
Haussmann, George, 621
Havel, Vclav, 816, 824
Hawaiian Islands: Asians in, 680(illus.);
Japa nese attack, 772
Healthcare: public, 489, 619621;
national, 796797. See also Disease;
Heart of Darkness (Conrad), 688
Hegel, Georg, 598
Heisenberg, Werner, 730
Hejaz, 720
Helsinki Agreement (1975), 801802
Henry IV (the Great, France), 406,
Henry VIII (Eng land), 419
Herzegovina. See Bosnia-Herzegovina
Herzl, Theodore, 664666, 789. See also
Hildebrandt, Johann Lucas von, 441
Himmler, Heinrich, 764, 769
Hindenburg, Paul von, 762, 763
Hindus, in India, 690(illus.), 691
Hiroshima, atomic bombing of,
776(map), 777
Historians: on French Revolution, 537; on
factory workers, 579; on nationalism,
596; Michelet, 596, 608; Palacky,
615616; Tolstoy, 640; on colonial
power, 687; on Holocaust and anti-
Semitism, 770. See also specic
Historical and Critical Dictionary (Bayle),
History of France (Michelet), 608
Hitler, Adolf, 667, 770, 772, 773; Allied
conferences and, 782, 783; Chaplin
as, 737(illus.); Mussolini and, 747, 748,
759(illus.), 762; appeasement of,
765767; empire of, 765769; New
Order of, 769; pact with Stalin, 767, 792;
radio and movie use by, 737, 762(illus.);
rallies of, 752(illus.), 762(illus.); re sis-
tance to, 764765, 785; rise to power,
761763; suicide of, 775. See also Nazi
Germany; Second World War
Hobbes, Thomas, 406
Hobsbawm, Eric, 590
Hobson, J. A., 688
Hoche, General, 550
Ho Chi Minh, 789, 800
Hogarth, William, 528(illus.)
Hohenzollern family, 439
Holland. See Netherlands (the Dutch;
Hollywood lm industry, 736
Holocaust, Jews and, 769772
Holtby, Winifred, 710
Holy Alliance, 593
Holy Roman Empire: Peace of Utrecht
and, 411, 412(map); Thirty Years War
and, 435, 436, 438; elector of Branden-
burg and, 439. See also Germany;
Habsburg dynasty
Homestead Act (United States), 654
Homosexuality (same-sex relations): of
C. Rhodes, 684; Nazi persecution of,
764; womens movement and, 803;
legalized marriage for, 830
Hong Kong, 676
Hoover, Herbert, 745
Horses, 571
Horthemels, Magdelaine, 529(illus.)
Houdon, 482(illus.)
Households: consumer economy and, 523;
urban poverty in, 583; income of, 636;
women in, 632
House of Commons, 662. See also Parlia-
ment (Britain)
House of Orange, 424
Housing: in London, 498499 and illus.;
worker, 580, 647; urban, 619; in Paris,
Index I-11
621; middle class, 621, 622, 624; in
Stalins Soviet Union, 756; public, 797
Hudson Bay territory, 411, 497
Hugo, Victor, 599600
Huguenots, 407, 408, 466
The Human Comedy (Balzac), 640
Humanism, in Renaissance, 466
Human rights, 683(illus.), 691, 802, 811
Hunchback of Notre Dame (Hugo), 600
Hundred days of reform (China), 693
Hungary, 455; Ottoman defeat of, 430,
450; revolt in, 439; Habsburgs in, 611;
in Austrian Empire, 610611; Magyar
nationalism in, 663, 664; republic of,
717; peace treaty with, 719; alliance
against, 738; Second World War and,
775, 783; revolution in (1956), 793; in
postcommunist era, 824, 826. See also
Austro-Hungarian Empire
Hrrem, 453454
Hussein, Saddam, 819, 833
Hussein Faisal, 705, 719, 720(illus.)
Hussein ibn-Ali, 705, 719
Huxley, Aldous, 729
Iceland, 804
Id, ego and superego, 730
Ideologies, 590, 594599; liberalism as,
594595, 609; liberation, 688; Marxist-
Leninist, in China, 788; nationalism as,
595596; separate spheres, 582584,
632; romanticism as, 598599; in Paris
revolution of 1848, 609; utopian social-
ism as, 596597; Soviet Union,
756757, 758. See also Capitalism;
Marx, Karl and Marxism
Illegitimacy, 630; in cities and
towns, 512(illus.), 514; explosion of,
514, 584; marriage patterns and, 513,
514515, 631
Immigrants and immigration: illegal in
European Union, 829830; growth of,
829830; from Eritrea, 829(illus.);
Muslim, 830, 834; ghettoization of,
in France, 836, 838839. See also
Imperialism: capitalism and, 688; racism
and, 687688, 691, 769, 770; Ottoman
and Western, 656; political, 681; inhu-
mane practices of, 683(illus.); critics
of, 688689; in Asia, 685, 686(map);
response to, 689693; British in India,
689691; Japa nese, 685, 692693;
Western, 681693, 720; League of
Nations and, 720; Nazi racial, 769.
See also Empires; New Imperialism;
specic empires
Imperialism (Hobson), 688
Income: global gap in, 674675; in Great
Britain, 674(gure); womens contribu-
tions to, 632, 798; in Third World, 674
and illus.; in white settler colonies, 681;
in eastern Europe, 824825. See also
Indentured labor, 680
Independence movements: of Greece,
602; Irish, 606. See also National self-
India: Anglo-French conicts in, 497, 505;
Britain and, 504505 and illus.; mis-
sionaries in, 688; industrialization and,
576; Britain and, 675, 689691,
696697; opium and, 676; Eng lish
language in, 691; migration from, 680;
im pe rialism in, 685, 689691; decolo-
nization and in de pen dence in, 788
and illus.
Indian National Congress, 691
Indians, American. See Native Americans
Individualism, 537, 596; romanticism
and, 598
Individual rights, 727. See also Rights
Indochina: French in, 685, 686(map),
789; Japa nese invasion of, 772; nation-
alism in, 789. See also Vietnam
Indonesia, in de pen dence of, 789
Industrialization: population and,
491(map), 572; factory owners and,
577; romanticism and, 599; urbaniza-
tion and, 618; middle class and,
623624; women and, 631; science
and, 637; in Russia, 655, 656; world
economy and, 674678; im pe rialism
and, 685; in Soviet Union, 755, 757 and
illus.; in eastern Europe, 791
Industrial Revolution, 566588; consumer
economy and, 523; colonization and,
566; agriculture and, 566; labor patterns
and, 576588; in Britain, 566572, 573,
576, 579; critics of, 579; urban areas
and, 571, 618; railroads, 570571 and
illus., 572(map), 574(map), 575576,
647; steam engine and, 569570, 571,
573; in continental Europe, 573576;
global inequality and, 674
Industrious revolution, 494495
Industry, 403; in 18th century, 490493;
cities and, 618619; sweated, 629;
chemical, 637; in Eng land, 747.
See also Cottage industry; specic
Inertia, law of, 461462
Ination: after Thirty Years War, 436;
Spanish silver and, 414, 436; in France,
551, 573; in Germany, 738, 739, 740,
741; in 1970s, 804; in Russia, 823
Inheritance, in Russia, 449
Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the
Wealth of Nations (Smith), 505
Inquisition, 450; Galileo and, 462; in
Spain, 526
Instinctual drives, 730731
Instrument of Government, 421
Intellectual thought, 636639; scientic
revolution and, 459465; Enlighten-
ment and, 466; women and, 465;
Comte on, 637638; social science and,
637639; modernist crisis in, 727736;
Stalin and, 757; de-Stalinization and,
792; feminist, 802803, 808809; Polish
Solidarity and, 814. See also Ideologies;
Literature; Philosophy; Religion(s);
specic thinkers
Intendants, in France, 407
The Interesting Narrative. . . . Himself
(Equiano), 503
International Monetary Fund, 822
International Working Mens Association,
Investments: in Dutch trade, 426; in
railroads, 573; in Belgian industry, 576;
European, 676; American stock market
and, 743
Ipatescu, Ana, 589(illus.)
Iran, 784; Islamic revolution in, 804
Iraq, 705, 829; after World War I, 719,
720, 725; invasion of Kuwait by, 819;
Sunni-Shiite rivalry in, 833834;
United States war in, 832834
Ireland, 831; Catholic Church in, 420,
421, 742; rebellion of, 420; linen indus-
try in, 449(illus.); factory workers from,
581582; voting rights in, 603; potato
in, 603, 605; Great Famine in, 604606,
607, 662; immigration from, 605606,
630, 679 and gure; nationalism
in, 606, 662663; home rule for,
662663 and illus.; autonomy for
southern, 742
Iron and iron industry: in Europe,
574(map); in Britain, 566, 569, 570,
571, 584; in Germany, 575(illus.); steel
mills, 656, 739
Iron curtain, in Eastern Europe, 784, 785,
786(map); opening of, 816. See also
Cold War
Irrigation, 678, 691
Islam: Chris tian missions and, 688; funda-
mentalist terrorism and, 831832;
Sunni-Shiite rivalry in, 833834; West
and, 831836
Ismail (Egypt), 678
Isolationism: in Japan, 677; in Great
Britain, 700; in United States, 721
Israel: General Syrian Congress and, 724;
establishment of, 789; terrorism in, 831;
war with Arabs, 804. See also Arab-
Israeli wars; Jews and Judaism; Palestine
Istanbul: Topkapi palace in, 451,
452(illus.). See also Constantinople
Italy: baroque art in, 415; education for
women in, 465; agriculture in, 485;
Napoleon and, 554, 555, 556; Kingdom
of Two Sicilies in, 593; unication of,
596, 648650; immigrants from, 679
I-12 Index
Italy (continued)
and gure, 680; Africa and, 681,
682(map); in Triple Alliance, 699, 700;
in First World War, 705, 711; Treaty of
Versailles and, 717, 759; Turkey and,
720; Jews in, 771; Mussolini and fas-
cism in, 737, 747, 758761; Ethiopia
and, 759(illus.), 765; in Second World
War, 773; Allied invasion of, 775;
Chris tian Democrats in, 785; general
strike in, 810(illus.); European Union
and, 827; illegal immigrants in,
Ivan III (Russia), 444, 445(map)
Ivan the Terrible (Russia), 445(map), 446,
447(illus.); lm about, 792(illus.)
Iwo Jima, battle for, 776(map), 777
Jacobin club, 535(illus.), 546
Jacobs Room (Woolf), 731
Jager, Hugo, 752(illus.)
James I (Eng land), 418419
James II (Eng land), 423
Janissary corps (Ottoman Empire), 450, 452
Jansenism, 528529 and illus.
Japan, 691693; isolation of, 677; Perrys
opening of, 677, 691; war with Russia,
656, 693; migration from, 680; im pe-
rialism in, 685, 692693; Meiji Restora-
tion in, 692; military in, 692 and illus.;
allied with Britain, 707; First World
War and, 707, 719; empire of,
686(map), 776(map); in Second World
War, 772, 775777 and map, 783;
atomic bombing of, 776(map), 777; war
with China, 693, 707, 765, 772
Jaruzelski, Wojciech, 814, 815
Java, 685
Jefferson, Thomas, 538539, 556
Jehovahs Witnesses, 764, 769
Jenner, Edward, 524, 526
Jesuits (Society of Jesus), 415, 435,
The Jewish State (Herzl), 665
Jews and Judaism: in Eng land, 421; anti-
Semitism and, 424; Dutch, 424; in
Germany, 425; in Ottoman Empire,
450; Enlightenment and, 475476; in
France, 544, 577; Dreyfus affair and,
662; emancipation of, 664; migration
of, 679; Rus sian, 630, 655, 667, 680;
homeland for, 664666, 719, 724 and
illus., 729, 789; in fascist Italy, 771;
Nazis and, 764, 769772; Soviet, 769,
791. See also Anti-Semitism; Israel
Joad, Cyril, 729
John IV (Portugal), 413
John Paul II, Pope, 814
Johnson, Lyndon, 791, 800801
Johnson, Samuel, 599
Joliet, Louis, 410
Jonson, Ben, 517
Jordan (Transjordan), 719, 724
Joseph II (Austria), 478480, 527, 530
Joyce, James, 731
Judiciary (Eng land), 423
Junkers of Prussia, 442443, 444, 660
Kdr, Jnos, 816
Kafka, Franz, 731732, 736
Kandinsky, Wassily, 732
Kant, Immanuel, 473
Kellogg, Frank B., 741
Kellogg-Briand Pact, 741
Kemal, Mustafa (Atatrk), 720721
Kennedy, John F., 793, 800
Kepler, Johannes, 461
Kerensky, Alexander, 713, 714
Keynes, John Maynard, 738, 744, 805
Khedives, of Egypt, 678
Khrushchev, Nikita, 792793
Kierkegaard, Sren, 728
Kievan principality, 444
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 790 and illus.
King, Robert, 503
Kinship ties, 581, 631. See also Families
Kipling, Rudyard, 687, 688
Kirov, Sergei, 757
Kissinger, Henry, 801
Kitchener, Horatio H., 683, 685, 690
Koch, Robert, 620
Kohl, Helmut, 802, 816
Korea, Japan and, 693
Korean War, 784785, 800
Kornilov, Lavr, 714
Kosovo, 830
Kosovo Liberation Army, 826
Kristallnacht attack (1938), 764
Kulaks (peasants), 754755, 756(illus.)
Kulturkampf, in Germany, 660
Kuwait, Iraqi invasion of, 819
Labor: Dutch, 427; Rus sian, 449;
division of, 490, 505; guild system and,
490, 493; in cottage industries, 490,
492493; away from home, 512; pat-
terns of, 567588; in Eng land, 567,
572; on railroads, 571; gendered divi-
sion of, 582584; Ricardo on, 598;
migrant, 680 and illus.; indentured,
680; in First World War, 709 and illus.
See also Child labor; Slaves and slav ery;
Unemployment; Workers
Labor aristocracy, 628
Labor movement, in Eng land, 584585
Labor strikes. See Strikes
Labor unions: outlawing of, 584585, 594;
Eng lish, 584585 and illus.; French,
647, 748; German, 669, 763; revision-
ism and, 668669; First World War and,
709; in Great Depression, 748; Italian,
760; British, 805; Polish Solidarity, 814;
globalization and, 822
Labouchre, Henry, 688
Labour Party (Eng land), 669, 742, 747,
785; Indian in de pen dence and, 788
Lafayette, Marquis de, 539, 542, 543
Laissez faire doctrine, 594, 596, 605
Lake District (Eng land), 599
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste, 639
Land: enclosure of, 486487, 488; reforms,
in Denmark, 474; in 18th century,
485488; in British America, 501;
French peasants and, 542, 609; reforms,
in Russia, 657; migrants and, 680. See
also Agriculture
Landlords: in eastern Europe, 433434;
Thirty Years War and, 436; Eng lish
enclosure and, 486, 487; in London,
498; in Ireland, 604, 605
Language, 404; Eng lish, in India, 691;
French, 415, 417, 418, 467; nationalism
and, 596, 664
La Rochelle, siege of (1628), 407
La Salle, Robert, 410
Lateran Agreement (1929), 760
Latin (South) America: Dutch and, 426,
427(map); Atlantic economy and,
496(map); Creoles in colonial,
500501; Britain and, 566; in de pen-
dent republics in, 593; railroads in, 675;
US economic dominance in, 790
Latvia, 449, 767, 826
Laud, William (Canterbury), 419, 420
Lausanne, Treaty of (1923), 721
Law and legal codes: due process of, 419;
Muslim, in Ottoman Empire, 450;
Prussian, 475; Napoleonic Code
(1804), 553, 554; natural, 474, 518,
639; child labor, 569, 581; public
health, 620; reforms, in Russia, 655;
barring Asians, 680681
Lawrence, T. E., 705, 720(illus.)
Laws (scientic): of inertia, 461462; of
planetary motion, 461; of thermody-
namics, 636637; of universal gravita-
tion, 463
League of Armed Neutrality, 539
League of Nations, 717; Germany and,
741, 765; mandates of, 719720, 789
Lebanon: General Syrian Congress and,
720, 724, 725; in de pen dence of, 789
Leclerc, Charles-Victor-Emmanuel,
556, 557
Legal systems. See Law and legal codes
Lehmus, Emilie, 633
Leigh, Mary, 659(illus.)
Leighton, Roland, 710
Leisure, 625; sports, 530, 630; working
class, 629630; travel and tourism, 797.
See also Entertainment
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich: Bolshevik Revolu-
tion and, 713714, 721; New Eco-
Index I-13
nomic Policy, 753754; Soviet lm
industry and, 737
Leningrad, siege of, 768. See also
St. Petersburg
Leonardo da Vinci, 733
Leopold (Austria), 440
Leopold II (Austria), 480
Leopold II (Belgium), 683 and illus.
Leo XIII, Pope, 662
Lepanto, battle of, 450
Levant, 489
Le Vau, Louis, 440
Leviathan (Hobbes), 406
Lewis, C. S., 729
Leyte Gulf, battle of, 776(map), 777
Liberals and liberalism: economic, 505;
Metternich on, 593; ideology of,
594595, 609; in Eng land, 594,
602603, 662; in Prussia, 611; national-
ism and, 596, 689; French middle class,
647; in Ottoman Empire, 658; in
Germany, 651; in Meiji Japan, 692; in
Soviet Union, 812
Liberia, 681
Libraries, Enlightenment and, 472
Lifestyle: of rural workers, 402403;
changes in, 485; consumerism in,
521523; Parisian, 533534; quality
of, in urban areas, 618; urban, 618;
middle class, 624625 and illus.;
Soviet, 756757; Nazi slave-labor
camp, 771. See also Standard of living
Limited liability corporations, 576
Lincoln, Abraham, 654
Linn, Carl von, 473
List, Frederick, 575, 656
Lister, Joseph, 620
Liszt, Franz, 600
Literacy, 518519 and illus., 551; reading
revolution, 470471 and illus.
Literature: Cervantes, 414415; popular,
519; romanticism in, 599600; on
child rearing, 634635; realism in,
639640; im pe rialism and, 687; of
First World War, 704, 705; in Age of
Anxiety, 731732; stream of conscious-
ness in, 731; Soviet de-Stalinization,
792; of womens movement, 802803.
See also Poets and poetry; specic
Lithuania, 715, 767, 826; Soviet embargo
of, 818
Little Entente, 738
Littr, Emile, 638(illus.)
Liverpool, 571, 582
Livestock breeding, 487
Lloyd George, David, 662, 717
Locarno Agreements (1925), 740, 741, 765
Locke, John, 424, 467
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 721
Logical empiricism, 728
Lombardy, 592 and map, 648
London: East India dock in, 484(illus.);
growth of, 497, 498499; coal heat in,
569; Crystal Palace exhibition, 571;
poor of, 579; blitzkrieg in, 768 and
illus.; youth revolution in, 781(illus.)
Lords: in eastern Europe, 433434; peas-
ants and, 434, 438. See also Landlords;
Lorraine, 410, 661. See also Alsace-
Louisiana, 410, 500
Louis Napoleon. See Napoleon III (Louis
Louis Philippe (France), 606607
Louis XIII (France), 406, 407,
409(illus.), 440
Louis XIV (France), 407409, 441, 443;
Charles II (Eng land) and, 423; court
culture of, 416417; Jansenists and,
529(illus.); nobles and, 404; Versailles
and, 415, 430431, 440; wars of expan-
sion and, 410411, 442; alliance with
Spain, 497
Louis XV (France), 527, 537538
Louis XVI (France), 543; capture of, 546;
economy and, 538, 539540; French
Revolution and, 545; guillotining
of, 547
Louis XVIII (France), 560, 594, 606
LOuverture, Toussaint, 550551, 556, 557
Low Countries: agriculture in, 487, 520;
cottage industry in, 491(map). See also
Belgium; Flanders; Netherlands
Luddites, 579
Ludendorff, Erich, 716
Lueger, Karl, 664, 761
Lully, Jean-Baptiste, 417
Lunville, Treaty of (1801), 554
Lusitania, sinking of, 708
Luther, Martin, 460
Lutheranism, 527; Bach and, 415; in
Sweden, 407, 436; Thirty Years War
and, 435, 436
Lyell, Charles, 638
Lyrical Ballads, 599
MacArthur, Douglas, 784
McDonald, Daniel, 605(illus.)
MacDonald, Ramsay, 742, 747
Macedonia, 830
Madagascar, French in, 673(illus.)
Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 640
Madrid, public transport in, 622(illus.)
Magyars, 663, 664. See also Hungary
Mahmud II (Ottoman Empire), 658
Maintenon, Madame de, 417
Malacca, 426
Malta, 811, 826
Malthus, Thomas, 572, 639
Manchester, 571, 585, 603, 619
Manchu dynasty (China), 676
Manchuria, 656, 693, 776(map)
Manet, Edouard, 640(illus.)
Manual on the Art of Childbirth (Cou-
dray), 525
Manufacturing, 577; Atlantic economy
and, 501; putting out system for,
490491, 567, 580; Western, 675. See
also Factories; Industrialization; Indus-
try; specic industries
Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung), 788
Marcel, Gabriel, 729
March on Washington (1963), 790(illus.)
Maria Theresa (Austria), 478480, 497,
527; Frederick the Great and, 475
Marie Antoinette (France), 543, 546
Market agriculture, 520
Markets: Parisian, 533; factory-made goods
and, 571; world, 675676
Marne, battle of, 703, 706(map), 716
Marquette, Jacques, 410
Marriage: in Ottoman court, 452;
interracial, 500(illus.); patterns of,
511515; late, and population growth,
572; in Ireland, 605; in 19th century,
630631; working women and,
797798 and gure; youth counter-
culture and, 799; feminist critique
of, 808809; in early 1980s, 806; legal-
ized gay and lesbian, 830; virginity
before, 631
Marseilles, 489
Marshall, Alfred, 637
Marshall, George C., 784
Marshall Plan, 784, 785
Martial law, in Poland, 814
Martin, Pierre-Denis, 440(illus.)
Martinez Cubellis y Ruiz, Enrique,
Martinique, 497
Marx, Karl and Marxism, 579, 632, 637,
667669; in Afghanistan, 802; class
consciousness and, 577, 597; revision-
ism and, 668669; in Russia, 655, 711;
Social Darwinists and, 639
Marxian socialism, 761; Lenin and, 689,
713; Bolsheviks and, 714
Masurian Lakes, battle of, 705
Materialism, 806
Mathematics, 461; of Descartes, 464; of
Newton, 463; scientic revolution and,
459, 461
Matteotti, Giacomo, 760
Maupeou, Ren de, 538
Maximilian (Austria), 657(illus.)
May Day festival, 668 and illus.
Mazarin, Jules, 407
Mazzini, Giuseppe, 596, 646, 649
Mechanics, laws of, 636
Mechanization, in textile industry,
Medici, Marie de, 406, 409(illus.), 415
Medici family, 462, 463
I-14 Index
Medicine: midwives, 426(illus.), 523, 524,
525; in 18th century, 489; quack doc-
tors and, 510(illus.); practise of,
523526; public health movement
and, 620621; improvements in, 679;
women in, 633 and illus., 757; national-
ized, 785. See also Disease; Health;
Health care
Mediterranean region, quarantine in, 489
Medvedev, Dmitry, 823
Meiji Restoration (Japan), 692
Mein Kampf (Hitler), 741, 762
Melba, Nellie, 737
Men, as fathers, 635636. See also Child-
rearing; Families
Mendeleev, Dimitri, 637
Mendelssohn family, 476; Dorothea, 476;
Felix, 476; Moses, 475476
Mercantilism: colonial wars and, 495, 497;
in Eng land, 421, 495, 497, 505; in
France, 409; free economy and, 594; in
Spain, 500. See also Capitalism
Merchant capitalists, 537, 567. See also
Merchant marine: Eng lish, 421; French,
410; Dutch, 426. See also Ships and
Merchants: Dutch, 424; Rus sian, 446, 449;
textile industry and, 492493; slave
trade, 501; Creole class, 500501;
families, 577; fashion, 522 and illus.;
foreign, in Ottoman Empire, 658;
putting-out system and, 490, 580;
British opium, 676. See also
Commerce (trade)
Mercier, Louis-Sbastien, 533534
Merian, Maria Sibylla, 464(illus.)
Merk, J. C., 443(illus.)
Mestizo (mixed race), 500(illus.)
Metal production, 491(map). See also
Gold; Iron and iron industry; Silver
Methodism, 527528 and illus.
Metternich, Klemens von, 591 and illus.,
602, 646; conservatism and, 593; on
Italy, 648
Mexico, racial mixing in, 500(illus.)
Michelet, Jules, 596, 607, 608 and
illus., 646
Middle Ages, 404, 434
Middle class: Louis XIV and, 408; Puritan-
ism, 420(illus.); Rus sian, 446; French
salons and, 471; urban guilds and, 493;
French revolution and, 546, 547, 551,
606; marriage in, 512, 630631;
French, and Napoleon, 553, 558, 646;
in Britain, 568; industrialization and,
577579; representative government
and, 590; Marx on, 597; voting rights
and, 603, 607; women, 577, 578, 640,
731; child rearing in, 515, 635, 636;
culture of, 624625; revolution of 1848
and, 609610; government and, 619;
housing for, 621, 622; in 19th century,
623625; morality and, 625, 631, 639;
Rus sian, 446, 656, 657, 712, 823; wom-
ens fashion and, 626627 and illus.;
youth and sexuality in, 643644; Ger-
man, 595(illus.), 661, 739; Jews in, 664;
Prussian, 650, 651; Italian fascism and,
760; Nazi Germany, 762, 764; eastern
Europe, 791; in postwar era, 796, 797;
working mothers in, 806
Middle East: Alliance System and, 699;
First World War and, 705, 707,
719721; oil embargo and, 803804.
See also specic countries
Middlemarch (Eliot), 640
Midlands, in Eng land, 572(map)
Midway, battle of, 775, 776(map)
Midwives, 426(illus.), 523, 524, 525
Migration: slave trade and, 501; from
Ireland, 605606, 630, 679 and gure;
Western expansion and, 679681;
European, 679680; from Asia,
680681; to Soviet cities, 755; after
Second World War, 785, 796; of
Holocaust survivors, 789; in 1990s,
829830 and illus.. See also Immigrants
and immigration; specic groups
and countries
Military: Prussian, 443444 and illus.;
Russia, 655; Cold War science and,
796; American buildup, under Rea gan,
802, 806. See also Armed forces; specic
battles and wars
Military dictatorship: in Eng land, 421; in
European colonies, 688
Millet system, in Ottoman Empire, 451
Mills, 581. See also Factories; Textile
Milosevic, Slobodan, 825826
Mines Act of 1842, 584, 587
Minorities: in Austrian Empire, 610611;
in Russia, 656; in Austro-Hungarian
Empire, 664; rights of, 830. See also
specic groups
Missionaries: Spanish, 500; im pe rialism
and, 687, 688; in China, 688, 693
Mississippi River, 410, 497
Mobilization: in French Revolution, 550;
for First World War, 708709 and illus.;
in Russia (First World War), 712
Modernism, 727736; in art and design,
732735 and illus.; Freudian psychol-
ogy and, 730731; in literature,
731732; new physics and, 729730;
philosophy and, 727729
Modernization: of Ottoman Empire,
654, 657658; of Russia, 655657;
denition of, 654655; of Egypt, 678;
of colonies, 689; of Japa nese army,
692(illus.); of Turkey, 721 See also
Mohcs, battle of, 450
Molire (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin), 417418
Mona Lisa (Leonardo), 733
Monarchy: serfdom and, 434; Enlight-
ened, 474480; state religion and, 526;
in French family, 554. See also Absolute
monarchy and absolutism; Constitu-
tional monarchy; specic rulers
Monasteries: in Spain, 413; dissolved,
in Austria, 527; abolished, in
France, 544
Monetary reform, in Poland, 816
Monetary union, in Europe, 816
Mongol Yoke, in Moscow, 444, 446
Montagu, Mary Wortley, 524
Montaigne, Michel de, 517
Montcalm, Marquis de, 497
Montenegro, 825(map), 826
Montesquieu, baron de (Louis-Joseph de),
468, 473
Moral economy, 403
Morality: Freud and, 731; middle class,
625, 631, 639, 643; in Nazi death
camps, 771; Nietszche on, 727; human
rights and, 830
Morocco, 700, 773
Mortality: decline in rate, 489, 620621
and gure; in 17th century, 489; public
health and, 489
Moscow, 445(map), 447, 655; princes of,
444, 446; Saint Basils Cathedral in,
447(illus.); Napoleon in, 558; Nazi
seige of, 768
Mothers. See Childbirth and
Motion, scientic view of: Aristotle on,
459460; Keplers laws of, 461; Galileo
on, 461462; Newton on, 463
Motion pictures. See Movies (lms)
The Mountain (France), 547
Movies (lms), 736; propaganda, 737 and
illus.; Soviet, 737, 792(illus.)
Mr., Mrs., and Baby (Droz), 634, 635
Mughals, in India, 504505
Muhammad Ali (Egypt), 658, 678
Muhammad (Prophet), 834
Munich, Hitlers armed uprising in, 762
Munich Conference (1938), 766
Muscovy, 450. See also Moscow
Music: baroque, 415; French classicism,
417; romantic, 600601; atonal, 736;
modern, 733, 736; on radio, 737; jazz,
Muslims: expelled from Spain, 413; in
Ottoman Empire, 433, 444, 450, 658;
at Omdurman, 685; in Algeria, 606; in
Sudan, 683, 685; in Balkans, 702; in
Chechnya, 823; in former Yugoslavia,
825(map), 826; as immigrants, 830,
834; as threat to European culture, 830;
Tariq Ramadan and, 835; riots in
France, 834, 838839. See also Arabs
and Arab world; Islam
Index I-15
Mussolini, Benito, 775; propaganda and,
737; dictatorship of, 758781; Hitler
and, 747, 748, 759(illus.), 762
Nagasaki, atomic bombing of, 776(map),
Nanking, Treaty of, 676
Nantes, Edict of, 406, 423; revocation
of, 408
Naples (Italy) uprising in, 607
Napoleon I (Napoleon Bonaparte), 536,
552560, 573; coronation of,
555(illus.); Europe in 1810 and, 559;
at Waterloo, 560, 593; Congress of
Vienna after, 590593
Napoleonic Code (France), 553, 554
Napoleon III (Louis Napoleon), 608, 610,
645(illus.); urban planning and, 621;
Second Empire of, 647; Second Repub-
lic of, 646647, 652; Italian unication
and, 648
Narva, seige of, 448 and illus.
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 789
National Assembly (France), 540541,
542, 543545; free blacks and,
544545; Napoleon III and, 646647;
Paris Commune and, 667; Third Re-
public and, 662
National Assembly (Germany)
National broadcasting networks, 737
National Convention (France),
546547, 551
National debt. See Debt
Nationalism: Czech, 596, 611; romantics
and, 599; in France, 550, 554, 558, 596,
606, 608; age of, 645672; in Italy, 596,
648650, 759; in France, under Napo-
leon III, 646647; in Germany,
650653 and illus., 665; in United
States, 653654; in Russia, 654657,
699; in Ireland, 606, 662663; in Otto-
man Empire, 657658; Magyar, 663,
664; in Egypt, 678, 789; socialism and,
671; First World War and, 701703 and
map, 711; in India, 691, 788 and illus.;
in Turkey, 721; Arab, 719720 and
illus., 724725; tariffs and, 744; eco-
nomic, 744; in Soviet Union, 757, 773,
791; in Japan, 772; Cold War era,
787789; in eastern Europe, 824
Nationalization: in Britain, 785; in
Egypt, 789
National liberation, in Greece, 602. See
also National self-determination
National Organization for Women
(NOW), 803
National Peoples Party (Guomindang), 788
National self-determination, 689; Ver-
sailles treaty and, 717, 719, 721, 724;
decolonization after Second World
War, 787789; in eastern Europe, 824
National Socialist German Workers Party,
741, 762. See also Nazi Germany
National workshops, in France, 609610
Nation state. See Nationalism; State
Native Americans, 497, 676; racial mixing
and, 500(illus.)
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion), 784, 786(map); French with-
drawal from, 787; Poland, Hungary and
Czech Republic in, 824; bombing of
Yugoslavia, 830; Kosovo and, 830
Natural law: Rousseau on, 474, 518; realist
literature and, 639
Natural philosophy, 459
Natural rights, 424, 542
Nature: represented as female, 465; clas-
sication of, 473; romanticist view of,
Navarino, battle of, 602
Navigation, 465; Portuguese and, 463;
scientic revolution and
Navigation Act (Eng land), 421, 495
Navy (warships): Dutch, 424; Eng lish,
497; French, 555; Turkish, 602; British,
676, 677(illus.), 687, 700; in Japan,
692; gunboat diplomacy, 691, 693;
submarine warfare, 708, 773; German,
700, 701(illus.); in First World War,
707708, 719; Anglo-German agree-
ment, 765; in Second World War, 772,
775, 777; United States, 793, 802
Nazi Germany: mass rally in, 752(illus.),
761762; Hitler and, 747, 761769;
empire and expansionism of, 753,
765769; Italian fascism and, 760, 764;
propaganda in, 737 and illus., 761, 762,
764, 772; in Second World War,
773775 and map, 782783; state
and society, 763764; Holocaust and,
769772. See also Hitler, Adolph;
Second World War
Nazism: dened, 762; racial im pe rialism
and, 769, 770
Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact, 767
Nelson, Lord, 555
Neocolonialism, 789790. See also New
im pe rialism
Neoliberalism, 820, 822
NEP. See New Economic Policy
Netherlands (the Dutch; Holland), 467,
474; Spanish, 410, 411; in de pen dent
republic of, 405, 414(illus.), 424; com-
petition with France, 410; constitu-
tional government in, 404, 424,
426427; war with Eng land, 421;
golden age in, 424; genre painting in,
425, 426(illus.); trade of, 413, 426,
427(map); Thirty Years War and, 436;
Peter the Great and, 448; farming in,
487; rural industry in, 491; Atlantic
economy and, 496(map); Asian trade
and, 504; slave trade and, 501; Austrian,
547, 548, 554; Napoleon and, 554, 556;
scientic illustration, 465(illus.); Dutch
East Indies and, 685, 686(map), 789; in
Africa, 681; in Java, 685; Nazi occupa-
tion of, 767; European union and, 827;
expanded rights in, 830; Muslims in,
834. See also under Dutch
Neutron, 730. See also Atomic power
Nevinson, Christopher, 698(illus.)
Nevsky, Alexander, 444
New Amsterdam, 495
Newcomen, Thomas, 569
New Conservatism (Germany), 653
New Deal (United States), 746, 748
New Economic Policy (Soviet Union),
New Eng land, 488; textile mills of, 654
Newfoundland, 411, 497
New Imperialism, 674, 681693; in Africa,
681685; causes of, 685, 687; response
to, 689693; spread of Chris tianity
and, 688
New Model Army, 421
New Order, of Hitler, 769
Newton, Isaac, 469, 730; physics of, 463,
636, 729; Principia, 466, 467, 468,
New World. See Americas (New World)
New World Order, 819820
New York City, 495; bankers, 743; terror-
ism in, 811, 831, 832 and illus.
Nicholas I (Russia), 611
Nicholas II (Russia), 703, 712
Nietszche, Friedrich, 727728, 731
Nigeria, Chris tianity in, 688
1984 (Orwell), 731(illus.), 732
Nixon, Richard, 801
Nobility (aristocracy), 436; French absolut-
ism and, 406, 407, 408, 416417;
landless poor and, 402; power of, 404;
Spanish, 413, 414; Bohemian peasants
and, 438; Czech, 439; Dutch, 424;
German, in Estonia, 434(illus.);
Hungarian, 439, 664; Junkers of
Prussia, 442443; Polish, 434; Rus sian
(boyars), 446, 448, 449, 478, 655,
712; French, 471; Prussian, 475;
Austrian, 480; enclosure movement
and, 487; childrearing, 515; Creole,
500501; dress and, 522; sword vs.
robe, 537; French, under Napoleon,
554; French revolution and, 536, 537,
606; Eng lish landowning, 602603;
Austrian, 611; labor, 628; upper middle
class as, 623
Nonindustrial nations. See Third World
Nordic peoples, 769
Normandy invasion (1944), 775
North Africa: Second World War in, 773,
774(map), 775; illegal immigrants from,
I-16 Index
North America: Atlantic economy and,
496(map); European conicts over,
495, 497; African slav ery in, 501; urban
consumerism in, 523; Industrial
Revolution and, 566; revolution in,
538539, 594; growth of science in,
796; married working women in, 798;
self-improvement movement in, 806.
See also Americas; specic countries
North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Northcliffe, Lord, 737
Northern Europe, Freudian psychology
in, 731
Northern Ireland (Ulster), 663 and illus.
North German Confederation, 651
North Korea, 784. See also Korean War
North Vietnam, 801
Norway: vote for women in, 660; national-
ism in, 663; migration from, 680; Oslo
breakfast, 747(illus.); Nazi occupation
of, 767
Nova Scotia, 411, 497
Novels. See Literature
Novgorod, 444
NOW. See National Organization for
Nuclear family, 511. See also Families
Nuclear war, fear of, 785
Nuclear weapons, 787, 802; in Cuba, 793;
US-Soviet agreement on, 817. See also
Atomic bombs
Nuns, Jansenist, 529(illus.)
Nur-as-Said, 720(illus.)
Nuremberg, Nazi rally at, 737
Nuremberg Laws (Germany), 764
Nurses, 624, 710 and illus.
Oath of the Tennis Court (France), 541
October Manifesto, 656
Og, Vincent, 545
Oil and oil industry: in East Indies, 772;
embargo (1973), 803804; in Iraq, 832;
in Russia, 823
Okinawa, battle for, 776(map), 777
Olearius, Adam, 456457
Oligarchy: Dutch Estates, 424; British
aristocracy, 567
Omdurman, battle of, 685
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
(Solzhenitsyn), 792
On Germany (de Stal), 599
On the Origin of Species by Means of
Natural Selection (Darwin), 639
On the Revolutions of the Heavenly
Spheres (Copernicus), 460
OPEC. See Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries
Open Door policy, U.S., 693
Open eld agriculture, 487
Opium trade, China and, 676
Oral culture, 530
Orange Free State, 681, 682(map)
Orders, French estates, 536537
Organic chemistry, 637
Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC), 804
Orlov, Grigory Grigoryevich, 477
and illus.
Orthodox Chris tianity: Rus sian, 433, 446,
593594; Greek, 602; Serbian, 826
Orwell, George, 731(illus.), 732, 750751
Ottoman Empire: in 1722, 412(map);
Habsburgs and, 439; Muslim faith
in, 433, 444; tributary states and,
437(map); Austrian victory over
(1718), 442(map); palace women in,
451452, 453454; absolutist govern-
ment in, 433, 593594, 654; Jews in,
450; growth of, 450452; in 1795,
479(map); conservatism in, 593594;
Greek nationalism and, 602; Crimean
War and, 655; decline of, 657658, 699;
Russia and, 593594; Tanzimat reform
of, 658; trade and, 658; Egypt in, 658;
in 1914, 686(map); Balkan nationalism
and, 663, 701, 702 and map; First
World War and, 705, 707(illus.), 719;
partition of, 719
Owen, Robert, 581, 585
Pacic Ocean region: Second World War
in, 775777 and map
Paganism, 529530
Painting: British, 571; romantic,
601(illus.); Spanish, 622(illus.); realism
in, 640(illus.); surrealist, 733; modern,
732733; Picasso and cubism, 734735
and illus.
Palaces, 416; Stockholm, 440; Vienna,
439, 440, 441 and illus. See also Ver-
sailles palace
Palacky, Frantisek, 615616
Palestine: Jewish homeland in, 666, 719,
720, 724 and illus., 789; Balfour Decla-
ration and, 719; division of, 789. See
also Israel
Palestine Liberation Organization, 831
Panama Canal, 675
Papacy (popes), 436, 479; Jesuits and,
526527; French revolution and, 544;
infallibility of, 660; Italian unication
and, 648; Mussolini and, 759, 761
Pareja, Juan de, 416(illus.)
Paris: salons in, 471 and illus., 472; guilds
in, 493; London compared to, 498; wet
nurses in, 516(illus.), 518; fashion in,
522; midwives in, 524, 525; lifestyle in,
533534; Parlement of, 538, 539, 540,
541; French Revolution in, 541542;
socialism in, 597; Peace of, 590, 593;
revolution of 1848 in, 609610; wom-
ens fashion in, 626 and illus.; prostitu-
tion in, 631; in Second Empire, 647; in
Franco-Prussian War, 652; urban plan-
ning in, 621, 647; peace conference in
(See Versailles, Treaty of); modernist art
and music, 732, 733, 735; American
expatriates in, 741; blacks and jazz
in, 742(illus.); student protests in,
799(illus.), 800. See also France
Paris, Treaty of: in 1763, 497, 505; in 1783,
539; ending First World War (See
Versailles Treaty)
Paris Accord (1990), 817
Paris Commune (1871), 661, 667
Parlements (French courts), 538
Parliamentary monarchy, 650
Parliament (Austrian), 664
Parliament (Britain), 594; Charles I and,
419; under Puritans, 419; Stuart abso-
lutism and, 420, 422; constitutional
monarchy and, 423, 424; slave trade
abolished by, 502; American revolution
and, 538; French Revolution and, 545;
labor law and, 581, 584585; liberal
reforms and, 602603; aristocratic
con ser va tives in, 662; House of Lords,
663; Irish question and, 663; India and,
690; BBC radio and, 737. See also
House of Commons (Eng land)
Parliament (Prussia), 650, 651
Partitions: of Poland, 478, 479(map);
of Africa, 681685 and map; of
Palestine, 689
Passarowitz, Treaty of (1718), 455
Pasteur, Louis, 620
Patriarchy, 583
Patriotism, 668; in Germany, 653, 661,
739; im pe rialism and, 687. See also
Patronage, in French court, 417
Peace of Augsburg (1555), 435
Peace of Paris, 590, 593
Peace of Utrecht (17131715), 411,
412(map), 497
Peace of Westphalia (1648), 436
Pearl Harbor attack (1941), 772
Peasant(s): diet of, 402403, 521(illus.);
French, in Quebec, 410; Spanish, 414;
Bohemian, 438; Rus sian, 446, 447, 449,
656, 657, 667; agricultural revolution
and, 486487; Austrian, 480; cottage
industry and, 490; community controls
and, 513; marriage of, 511512, 515;
popular literature and, 519; Prussian,
521(illus.); religion of, 529530; in
French Revolution, 542, 544, 547, 606;
French, under Napoleon, 553, 558; in
revolution of 1848, 610; Irish, 604605;
in 19th century, 625; Sicilian, 650;
Indian, 690(illus.), 691; Rus sian Revo-
lution and, 713; in Soviet Union,
753755. See also Serfs and serfdom
Index I-17
Peking. See Beijing
Penn, William, 422
Pentagon, attack on (2001), 811
The People (Michelet), 608
Peoples Budget (Britain), 662
Perestroika, 812(illus.), 813
Perry, John, 617(illus.)
Perry, Matthew, 677, 691
Persian Gulf War (1991), 818820
Ptain, Henri-Philippe, 711, 768, 775
Peter III (Russia), 475, 477
Peterloo, battle of, 603
Peter the Great (Russia), 416, 449(illus.),
477; crown of, 432(illus.); Estonia and,
434(illus.); expansion under, 445(map);
reforms of, 447450
Petrograd Soviet of Workers and Soldiers
Deputies, 713, 714
Petroleum. See Oil and oil industry
Pfaff, William, 838839
Pharmacists (apothecaries), 523
Philip III (Spain), 413, 414
Philip IV (Spain), 414; revolts against, 405
Philip of Anjou, 411
Philippine Islands: migration from, 680;
U.S. conquest of, 685, 686(map), 687;
Second World War in, 776(map), 777;
in de pen dence of, 789
Philosophical Dictionary (Voltaire),
Philosophy: absolutism and, 406; Aristote-
lian, 459460; of Descartes, 465, 469;
natural, 459; Enlightenment philo-
sophes, 467, 471, 473; existentialist,
728729; modern, 727729. See also
Intellectual thought
Physicians (doctors), 524; women as, 633
and illus., 757. See also Medicine
Physics, 459, 636637; Aristotelian, 460;
Newtonian, 463, 636, 729; new,
Picasso, Pablo, 734735
Pietism, 527528
Pitt, William, 497
Pius VII, Pope, 554
Pius IX, Pope, 660
Planck, Max, 729
Planned economies: in France, 548, 550,
551; socialists on, 596; First World War
and, 708, 711; New Deal and, 746, 748;
in eastern Europe, 814, 816. See also
Five-year plans
Plantations: in British India, 691; inden-
tured Asian labor for, 680 and illus.;
slave labor for, 497, 500, 501,
502(illus.); in St. Domingue, 497, 500,
557; sugar, 497, 500, 502(illus.)
Poets and poetry, romantic, 579, 599.
See also Literature; specic poets
and works
Poincar, Raymond, 738, 739
Poland-Lithuania, 446
Poland (Poles), 664; Baltic region and,
442; Russia and, 447, 448; partitions of,
478, 479(map); nationalism in, 596;
revolt in, 607; migration from, 679;
Russia and, 591(illus.), 715; after First
World War, 718(map); Treaty of Ver-
sailles and, 719; German disputes with,
740; Little Entente and, 738; Nazi
invasion of, 766(map), 767, 769; com-
munism in, 783, 794, 814, 815; riots in,
793; Solidarity movement in, 802,
814816; West Germany and, 801;
economy of, 815816, 824; in post-
communist era, 824
Political empires, 681. See also Empires;
Imperialism; specic empires and
Political parties: in Germany, 660661,
669, 671672; anti-Semitic, 660; social-
ist, 667668, 669, 671672; in Eng land,
669 (See also Labour Party (Eng land));
in France, 748. See also specic parties
Political prisoners, Napoleon and, 554
Politics: revolution in (17751815),
535564; dual revolution in, 590, 593,
646; liberal, 594595 (See also Liberals
and liberalism); nationalism and, 595,
659; Ottoman, 657(illus.); after First
World War, 737742; Hitler and, 763;
womens movement and, 802
Poltava, battle of, 449
Poorhouses, in Eng land, 580
Poor people (poverty): diet of, 402403;
landless, 402, 488; of female spinners,
492; work of, 512; Eng lish, 518, 632;
Jansenism and, 529; French Revolution
and, 541, 550, 551; Industrial Revolu-
tion and, 566; cheap cotton clothing,
568; in London, 579; socialists and,
596; in Ireland, 604605; voting rights
of, 603; in industrial towns, 618, 619,
623; First World War jobs and, 709; in
Great Depression, 744; working moth-
ers and, 583, 806; United States war
on, 791, 800; globalization and, 822
Popp, Adelheid, 669670
Popular culture: religion and, 526531; in
Soviet Union, 757
Popular Front (France), 748
Popular literature, 519
Popular revolts, 405. See also Revolts and
Population: Black Death and, 433; Thirty
Years War and, 436; of Amsterdam,
487; rural industrialization and, 490;
18th century explosion, 488489; of
London and Paris, 498; of African
slaves, 501; Industrial Revolution and,
566, 572; Malthus on, 572, 639; of
Britain, 566, 572; growth of, in cities,
498, 618619; Irish famine and,
604606; limits on, 572, 639; Darwin
and, 639; European migration and,
679; Soviet cities, 795; decline in
Europe, 828829; Muslim, 834
Portugal: revolt in, 405, 413; navigational
studies in, 463; Atlantic economy and,
496(map); slave trade and, 501; semi-
tropical fruit in, 520; Napoleon and,
558; migrants from, 679; India and,
689; colonies in Africa, 682(map);
European unity and, 804
Positivist method, 637638
Potatoes: introduced in Europe, 489, 520,
521(illus.); in Ireland, 603, 605 and
illus., 607
Potsdam Conference (1945), 783
Poverty. See Poor people (poverty)
Power (authority): centralization of,
404405; of lords in eastern Europe,
434; scientic, 464; in Atlantic
region, 485; in Germany, 651; Western
political and economic, 675; in Euro-
pean alliances, 700. See also Absolute
monarchy and absolutism; Authoritari-
anism; Balance of power
Power (energy). See Energy (power)
Power looms, 568
Pragmatic Sanction, 475
Prague: defenestration of, 435; Soviet
invasion of, 794(illus.)
Predestination doctrine, 528
Pregnancy: marriage and, 513; contracep-
tion and, 799. See also Childbirth and
Presbyterianism, in Scotland, 419,
Press, censorship of. See Censorship
Price and wage controls: in French Revo-
lution, 548; in First World War, 708;
lifting of, in Soviet Union and Russia,
813, 822823
Priests. See Clergy (priests)
Principia (Newton), 466, 467, 468,
Privatization: in Thatchers Britain, 804,
805; in Russia, 813, 823
Production: cottage industries, 490;
Eng lish domination of, 573. See also
Manufacturing; specic products
and industries
Progress, 687; concept of, 466, 485; as
Enlightenment ideal, 727
Proletarianization, 488, 494
Proletariat, 597
Propaganda: in First World War, 711;
in fascist Italy, 760; radio and, 737;
of Stalin, 753, 757(illus.); in Nazi
Germany, 737 and illus., 761, 762,
764, 772
Property rights: in Eng land, 419, 424;
in France, 553, 609, 646; socialism
and, 596; voting rights and, 595; of
women, 632
I-18 Index
Prostitution, 643; in 16th and 17th centu-
ries, 513; in 19th century, 628, 631;
illegal immigrants and, 830; legalized,
in Netherlands, 830
Protectionism, 660. See also Tariffs
Protectorate: in Eng land, 421; in African
colonies, 683
Protestant ethic, 419
Protestantism: in France, 406, 407, 544
(See also Huguenots); Baroque art and,
415; Eng lish, 423 (See also Anglicanism
(Church of Eng land)); in Bohemia,
438; of Hungarian nobles, 439; Thirty
Years War and, 435436; Copernican
theory and, 460; Bible reading and,
518, 519, 527; monarchy and, 526;
revival of, 527528; dissenters in, 577;
working class and, 630; in Ireland, 663;
missionaries in Africa, 688; Chris tian
existentialism in, 728729; in Nazi
Germany, 765. See also Chris tianity;
specic sects
Protestant Union, 435
Protest(s): British liberal reform and,
602603; against forced collectivization,
755; student, 799 and illus., 801, 802;
in France, 799800 and illus. See also
Revolts and rebellions; Riots; Strikes
Provisional government, in Russia,
Prussia, 411, 412(map), 647; absolutism
in, 433, 438, 442444; peasants in, 434;
in 17th century, 439; army of, 442, 443
and illus., 475; partition of Poland and,
479(map); compulsory education in,
518; potato cultivation in, 521(illus.);
railroads in, 575; expansion of, 475,
651; Austria and, 546, 547; Napoleon
and, 555556, 558, 560; war against
France, 546, 547; at Congress of Vi-
enna, 590591, 592 and map; Holy
Alliance and, 593; army of, 555,
612(illus.), 650, 651; Frankfurt Assem-
bly and, 611613 and illus.; Frederick
William in, 612613; Bismarck and,
650651. See also Germany
Psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud and,
636, 730731
Ptolemy, 460, 461, 462
Public health, 489, 619621
Public opinion: Enlightenment salons
and, 471; Louis XVI and, 540; Napo-
leon III on, 647; before First World
War, 708
Public sphere, 472, 473, 536
Public works programs: in France, 609610,
647; in Nazi Germany, 764; New Deal
(U.S.), 746; in Scandinavia, 746
Pugachev, Emelian, 478
Purges, in Stalinist Russia, 757758,
Puritans, in Eng land, 419, 421
Pushkin, Aleksander, 600
Putin, Vladimir, 823
Putting-out system, 490491, 567, 580
Pyrenees, Treaty of (1659), 413
al Qaeda, 811, 831, 832 and illus.
Qing (Manchu) dynasty (China), 676, 693
Quadruple Alliance, 590593
Quakers, 422, 577
Quality of life, 669. See also Lifestyle;
Living, standard of
Quarantine, 489
Quebec, 410, 497
Queens. See Monarchy; specic
Race and racism: Enlightenment and,
473474; im pe rialism and, 687688,
691, 769, 770; nationalism and, 762;
Nazis and, 761, 762, 769, 770; Japan, in
Second World War, 776; African Ameri-
can civil rights and, 791. See also Eth-
nic groups; Holocaust; Slaves and
slav ery; specic groups
Racine, Jean, 418
Radio, 737, 762(illus.)
Railroads: bridges for, 570(illus.), 571; in
Eng land, 565(illus.), 570571,
572(map); in continental Europe,
574(map), 575576; in France, 647; in
Japan, 686(map), 692; in Prussia, 651;
in Russia, 655, 656, 686(map); in
Africa, 685; investment in, 573, 676; in
India, 686(map), 691; Western eco-
nomic interests and, 675
Rkczy, Francis, 439
Raoux, 519(illus.)
Rasputin, 712
Rationalism. See Reason and rationalism
Ravaillac, Franois, 406
Raw materials: im pe rialism and, 687;
transportation of, 566, 675676; from
African countries, 789
Razin, Stenka, 447, 478
R&D. See Research and development
Reading: revolution in, 470471 and illus.;
popular literature and, 519. See also
Books; Literacy
Rea gan, Ronald, 804, 805, 814; military
buildup under, 802, 806
Realist literature, 639640
Reason and rationalism, 529, 544; use of
term, 466; Descartes on, 464; Voltaire
on, 469; Rousseaus attack on, 472;
modernist crisis and, 727; Freudian
psychology and, 730731. See also
Rebellions. See Revolts and rebellions
Recession (19371939), 746
Recreation, in postwar era, 797. See also
Red Army Faction (Germany), 831
Red Army (Soviet Union), 715, 754; Polish
Solidarity and, 815; in Second World
War, 773, 775, 783
Red Brigade (Italy), 831
Red Shirts (Italy), 650
Reections on the Revolution in France
(Burke), 545
Reform Bill of 1832 (Britain), 603
Reform(s): of Peter the Great, in Russia,
447450; Enlightenment, 469; in
Austria, 478480; in France, 554, 558;
Eng lish workers and, 581; in Russia,
655657; Ottoman Tanzimat, 658; in
China, 693; in Egypt, 678; in Japan,
692 and illus.; after Second World War,
785; in West Germany, 785; in Soviet
Union, 792793, 811814; in United
States, 791; social security, in Europe,
796797; in Russia, 822823
Refugees, in 1990s, 816, 829
Reichstag (Germany): Bismarck and, 660,
661; Stresemann and, 740; Hitler and,
762, 763
Reign of Terror: in French Revolution,
550, 551; in Stalins Soviet Union,
Relativity, theory of, 729
Relics, of saints, 529
Relief programs, in Great Depression, 746
Religion(s), 466; French national unity
and, 408; after Thirty Years War, 436,
438; in Bohemia, 438; in Ottoman
Empire, 444, 451; Voltaire on,
482483; popular culture and,
526531; of peasants, 529530; French
Revolution and, 544, 551; im pe rialism
and, 687, 688; of working class, 630;
science and, 639; secularists and, 639;
intellectuals and, 728729; European
attitudes about, 836. See also Theology;
specic religions
Religious emotionalism, 415
Religious freedom, 423; in France, 544
Religious toleration: in Eng land, 421, 422;
in Netherlands, 424, 426; in Ottoman
Empire, 451; in Prussia, 475; in
Russia, 478
Remarque, Erich, 704, 705
Rembrandt van Rijn, 425(illus.)
Renaissance: patrons in, 463; Western
(19451968), 785791
Reparations: Germany and, 719, 738, 739;
after Second World War, 785
Representative government, 590; in
Eng land, 424; liberalism and, 594, 595
Republics: in France, 547, 607, 646647,
652, 660662, 787, 800; in Latin Amer-
Index I-19
ica, 593; in China, 693; Weimar
(Germany), 717, 738740, 741. See also
Dutch Republic; Eng land (Britain);
specic countries
Research and development (R&D), 464,
637; during and after Second World
War, 795796
Resistance: to Nazis, 764765; in Second
World War, 771, 773
Resources. See specic resources
Restoration of 1660 (Eng land), 422
Reunication, of Germany, 811, 812,
816, 817
Revisionism, socialists and, 668669
Revolts and rebellions: in seventeenth
century, 405, 413; popular, 405;
Fronde, in France, 407; in Scotland,
419, 420; by Hungarian nobles, 439;
Locke on, 424; in Russia, 447, 478; in
Ottoman Empire, 452; against Napo-
leon, 558; by St. Domingue slaves,
540; in Ireland, 662663; in Philip-
pines, 685; in Egypt, 678; in India,
689690; in China, 693; by Arabs,
719; students in, 799800 and illus.;
in eastern Europe, 793, 812, 814817
Revolution(s), 535564; scientic,
459465, 466; agricultural, 486488;
French revolution, 536544; consumer,
520, 521523; in politics, 535564;
American, 538539, 594; in St.
Domingue, 550551; dual, 590,
593, 646; Marx and, 597; of 1830
(France), 606607; of 1848 (Europe),
590, 607, 609613; of 1908 (Ottoman
Empire), 658; of 1905 (Russia),
656657; of 1917 (Russia), 711716;
African American civil rights, 790791;
Islamic, in Iran, 804; in eastern
Europe (1989), 814817; in
computers, 822. See also specic
Rhineland, 547, 548, 739, 759(illus.);
France and, 717, 719, 765
Rhodes, Cecil, 681, 684
Rhodesia, 681, 682(map)
Ricardo, David, 598
Richelieu (Armand Jean du Plessis),
406407, 415, 417, 436
Rich-poor gap, 623, 688, 709, 823; global
economy and, 674. See also Wealth
Riefenstahl, Leni, 737
Rigaud, Andr, 556, 557
Rights: of French Protestants, 407; natural,
424, 542; of peasants, 487; in American
revolution, 539; in French Revolution,
542; in Saint-Domingue, 544; liberal-
ism and, 594; in revolutionary Russia,
656; individual, 727; denied to German
Jews, 764; human rights, 683(illus.),
691, 802, 811; African Americans,
790791. See also Voting rights;
Womens rights
Riots: food, 404, 405(illus.), 712; in Russia,
712; in Poland, 793; in France, 834,
836, 838839
Rite of Spring (Stravinsky), 733
Roads, 489, 575, 690(illus.)
Robespierre, Maximilien, 545, 550; execu-
tion of, 551 and illus.
Rocket (steam engine), 571
Rococo style, 472
Roma (Gypsies), 764, 769, 822
Roman Catholics. See Catholic Church
Romania, 450, 663, 664, 719; in de pen-
dence of, 701, 702(map); Little Entente
and, 738; in Second World War, 773,
775, 783; revolution in (1989), 816817;
in postcommunist era, 824825
Romanians, in Hungary, 611
Romanov, Michael, 447
Romantic movement, 598601; Rousseau
and, 473, 599; tenets of, 598599
Rome, 415; Italian unication and, 650; in
Second World War, 775; strike in,
810(illus.). See also Papacy (popes)
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano: reside chats
of, 737; New Deal of, 746, 748; Japa-
nese expansion and, 772; at wartime
conferences, 782783 and illus.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 472473,
474, 518
Roy, Olivier, 836
Royal council (France), 406, 408
Royal despotism, 538. See also Absolutism
Rubens, Peter Paul, 409(illus.), 415
Ruhr district, 739
Rump Parliament (Eng land), 421
Rural areas: society in, 402403; cottage
industry in, 490, 492493; wet-nursing
in, 516; French Revolution and, 551;
industrialization in, 567. See also Agri-
culture; Farms and farming
Rus sian Federation, 812, 818, 819(map);
economic reforms in, 822823
Rus sian Orthodox Church, 433, 446,
Rus sian Revolution (1905), 656657
Rus sian Revolution (1917), 711716, 759
Russia (Rus sian Empire), 412(map),
444450, 651, 669; absolutism in,
433, 593, 654, 712; Orthodox Chris-
tianity in, 433, 446, 593594, 602;
peasants (serfs) in, 434, 446, 447, 449,
478; war with Sweden, 448 and
illus., 449; Peter the Greats reforms
in, 447450; foreign travelers in,
456457; population growth in, 488;
Enlightenment and, 477478 and illus.;
tsar and people to 1689, 446447;
Westernization of, 477478; Napoleon
and, 555, 556, 558, 560; expansion of,
479(map), 593, 602, 685; at Congress of
Vienna, 590, 591, 592; Holy Alliance
and, 593; nationalism in, 596, 655;
Ottoman Empire and, 593594, 602;
Transylvania and, 589(illus.); Austria
and, 611, 613, 650; Pushkins poetry
and, 600; railroads in, 655, 656,
686(map); realist ction in, 640;
Crimean War and, 655; foreign invest-
ment in, 656; modernization of,
654657; anti-Semitism and Jews in,
630, 655, 667, 680; Marxists in, 655;
immigration from, 679, 680, 829;
in dustrialization in, 655, 656; war with
Japan, 656, 693; Alliance System and,
699700; Balkan Wars and, 702, 703;
impact of First World War on, 705,
706(map), 711712, 718(map); peace
settlement with Germany, 714715,
719; dictatorship and civil war
in, 714716; modernist art of, 732, 733,
735; Nazi Germany and, 769. See also
Rus sian Revolution; Soviet Union;
specic rulers
Rutherford, Ernest, 729
Rwanda, 829
Sadowa, battle of, 651
St. Petersburg, 449, 478, 655; Bloody
Sunday massacre in, 656; as
Leningrad, 768
Saint Basils Cathedral (Moscow),
Saint-Domingue (Haiti), 536, 540; revolu-
tion in, 550551; slav ery in, 497, 500,
544545; Toussaint LOuverture and,
550551, 556, 557
Saints, relics of, 529
Saint-Simon, Count Henri, 596
Saint-Simon, Duke of, 417, 430431
Salons, 471 and illus., 472, 485
Saltash Bridge, 570(illus.)
Salvation: Calvinist, 528; Methodist, 528;
Hitler and, 762
Samara, golden mosque of, 833(illus.), 834
Samurai warriors, of Japan, 691692
SA (Nazi stormtroopers), 764
Sand, George (Amandine Aurore Lucie
Dupin), 600
Sanitation and sewerage: urban, 619, 620,
621; Chadwick and, 619620
Sans-culottes, 547, 548(illus.), 550, 551, 590
Sarajevo, 702
Sardinia-Piedmont, 655; Italian unica-
tion and, 648650 and map
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 728
Sassoon, Siegfried, 704
Saudi Arabia, 720, 819, 830, 832
Savery, Thomas, 569
Saxony, 438, 518, 592(map)
I-20 Index
Scandinavia: Great Depression in,
746747 and illus. See also Denmark;
Finland; Norway; Sweden
Schleswig-Holstein, 611
Schnberg, Arnold, 736
Schnbrunn palace (Vienna), 439, 440,
Schools, 515, 518; for servants, 629(illus.).
See also Education; Universities
Science: women in, 465 and illus., 468,
469(illus.); religion and, 639; evolution
and, 638639 and illus.; society and,
637639; in 19th century, 636639;
Western, in Japan, 692; new physics,
729730; research, 464, 637, 795796;
Big Science (19451968), 795796. See
also Scientic revolution
Scientic community, 464465
Scientic farming, 486
Scientic method, 464, 466
Scientic revolution, 459465, 466; from
Brahe to Galileo, 461463; causes of,
463464; Copernican hypothesis
and, 460461; scientic thought to
1500, 459460
Scots (Scotland), 436, 577; James I and,
418419; Presbyterianism in, 419,
514(illus.); revolt by, 419, 420; Great
Britain and, 495, 566; penny wedding
in, 514(illus.); literacy in, 518; mining
in, 569
Scott, Samuel, 484(illus.)
Second International, 668, 669
Second Republic (France), 607, 646647
The Second Sex (Beauvoir), 802, 808809
Second Treatise on Civil Government
(Locke), 424
Second World War, 765777; Big Three
conferences in, 782783 and illus.; in
Europe, 773775 and map; Holocaust
in, 769772; Japans Asian empire and,
772; Nazi expansion and, 765769; in
Pacic, 775777; research in, 795
Secret police: Soviet Cheka, 715, 758;
Polish, 815
Sedan, battle of, 651652
Self-determination. See National self-
Self-government, 596
Self-improvement movement, 806
Self-sufciency: in peasant villages, 402;
French state, 409410; Chinese, 676
Selim II (Ottoman), 453
Senegal, 683
Separate spheres, 582584, 632
Separation of powers, 468
Serbia (Serbs), 663; in Hungary, 611; Otto-
man Empire and, 658; First World War
and, 701703, 705; Yugoslavia and,
717; Milosevic and, 825826 and map
Serfs and serfdom: in eastern Europe,
433435; Thirty Years War and, 436; in
Prussia, 475; in Russia, 449, 450, 478,
655; in Denmark, 474; debt peonage
compared to, 500; abolished, in Austria,
480, 610. See also Peasants
Servants. See Domestic servants; Slaves
and slav ery
Service nobility, 446
Seven Years War (17561763), 475;
French defeat in, 538, 539; Treaty of
Paris ending, 497, 505
Sewerage. See Sanitation and sewerage
Sewing machine, 629
Sex and sexuality: domestic servants and,
628; homosexuality, 684, 764, 803, 830;
contraception and, 635, 799, 803;
middle class and, 643644, 731; pre-
marital, 512513 and illus., 514,
630631, 798799; of women, 634,
643, 731, 803; youth culture and,
798799. See also Illegitimacy;
Sexism, 583, 798, 803
Shiite Islam, 833
Ships and shipping: French, 410; Eng lish,
420, 421; Dutch, 425, 426, 434; Lon-
don, 484(illus.); slave trade and, 501,
503; steam-powered, 675, 677(illus.);
whaling, off Japan, 677; im pe rialism
and, 687. See also Navy (warships)
Shock (economic) therapy: in Poland,
815816; in Russia, 822823
Shoguns, of Japan, 691692
Siberia, 447, 715
Sicily: food protest in, 405; kingdom of,
593, 650 and map; in Second World
War, 775
Siderus Nuncius (Galileo), 462
Silesia, 475, 479
Silver: Spanish ination and, 414, 436;
from Spanish Americas, 500
Six Acts (Britain, 1819), 603
Skepticism, 466, 527, 544
Slave morality, 727
Slave revolt, in Haiti, 540, 550551, 556
Slaves and slav ery: in central Europe, 442;
Mongols and, 444; in Ottoman Empire,
450, 451, 657(illus.); in Russia, 456; in
Saint-Domingue, 497, 500, 544545;
abolition of, 550, 654; in United States,
653, 654
Slave trade, African, 411, 497, 566; aboli-
tion of, 502, 687; Atlantic economy
and, 496(map), 501504
Slavs, 664; Mongol Yoke and, 444; roman-
ticism in, 600; South, 717; Hitlers
hatred for, 761, 764, 766(map), 769
Slovakia, 824, 826
Slovenia, 825826 and map
Smallpox, innoculation against, 489,
524, 526
Smith, Adam, 505, 594
Snayers, Peeter, 414(illus.)
The Social Contract (Rousseau), 473
Social Darwinists, 639, 687, 688
Social Democrats: in Germany, 660661,
667, 669, 717, 719, 741, 763, 764; in
Russia, 667; women as, 671672; in
Scandinavia, 746; human rights
and, 830
Social equality, 709, 741742
Socialism: utopian, 596597, 609; Zola
and, 640; in First World War, 708, 709;
in France, 596597, 609, 646, 662, 748,
785; women and, 671672; in Russia,
712, 713, 715; in Italy, 785; globaliza-
tion and, 822. See also Marx, Karl and
Socialist International, 667668
Socialist party, in Italy, 759, 760
Socialist realism, 757(illus.)
Social reform. See Reform(s)
Social science, 466, 637639
Social welfare: in Germany, 661; in Great
Britain, 662, 785; in Scandinavia, 746;
in Soviet Union, 757; reforms in,
796797; government debt and,
804, 806
Society: science and, 464465; French
Old Regime, 537; factory workers and,
576577; diversity in, 623; realist litera-
ture and, 640; Nazi Germany, 764;
transformation (19451968), 795800;
energy crisis (1970s) and, 803804;
globalization and, 822. See also Classes
Solidarity movement (Poland), 802,
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 792, 795
Somalia, 829
Somme, battle of, 704, 706(map)
Sophia of Bavaria, 611
The Sound and the Fury (Faulkner), 731
South Africa, Dutch colony of, 681
South African War (18991902), 681, 683,
684, 700
South America. See Latin (South) America
Southeast Asia: Japa nese invasion of, 767,
772; nationalism in, 787, 789
South Korea, 784, 800
Southwest Africa, 683
Soviet Union, 715, 766; collectivization in,
754755; lmmaking in, 737, 792(illus.);
ve-year plans, 753, 754756, 779780,
791; Jews in, 769, 791; purges
in, 757758, 792(illus.); Red Army,
715, 773, 775, 783; in Second World
War, 767, 768769, 773, 774(map);
Spanish civil war and, 765;
under Stalin, 753758, 767, 773,
779780; Stalins division of Europe
and, 782784; support for decoloniza-
tion by, 789; reform and de-Stalinization
in, 792793; Breshnev Doctrine in,
793; re-Stalinization in, 794795;
scientic research in, 796; invasion of
Index I-21
Czechoslovakia and, 793794, 811;
dtente policy and, 801802; war in
Afghanistan, 802, 813, 832; Gorbachev
and reform, 811814; American arms
agreement with, 817; breakup of, 811,
812, 818, 819(map). See also Cold War
Space race, 796
Spain, 804; popular revolts and, 405; war
with France, 407, 436; decline of,
413415; Dutch in de pen dence and,
427; Habsburgs in, 413, 435, 437(map);
alliance with France, 495, 497; Ameri-
can colonies of, 497, 500501 and
illus.; slave trade and, 501; Atlantic
economy and, 496(map), 500; Inquisi-
tion in, 526; Jesuits expulsed from, 527;
revolt against Napoleon in, 558; revolu-
tionaries in, 593; urban transport in,
622(illus.); migrants from, 679 and
gure; Africa and, 682(map); Picasso,
734735 and illus.; civil war in, 735 and
illus., 748, 765
Spanish-American War, 685, 687
Spanish Netherlands, 410, 411. See also
Spencer, Herbert, 639
Spice trade, 504
Spinning jenny, 567, 568 and illus.
Spinoza, Benedict, 424
The Spirit of Laws (Montesquieu), 468
Sports, 530, 630
Srebrenica massacre, 826
Sri Lanka (Ceylon), 789
SS (elite Nazi guard), 764765, 769;
genocide and, 771, 772, 775
Stadtholder, 424
Stalin, Joseph, 753758, 795; ve-year
plans and, 753, 754756, 779780,
791; nonaggression pact with
Hitler, 767; purges of, 757758,
792(illus.); Second World War and,
773; at wartime conferences, 782784
and illus.; de-Stalinization and,
792793, 813
Standard of living: Dutch, 426; in colonial
America, 502; industrial workers and,
566, 580; rise in, 679; rise in worker,
623, 669; decline in, Eng lish, 742; in
Nazi Germany, 764; in Soviet Union,
756, 792, 795; consumer goods and,
797; decline in (1970s), 804. See also
Stanley, Henry M., 683
Starvation. See Famine
State (nation): in France, 406; in Austria,
438; power of, 402; sovereignty, 17th
century, 402, 403405
States General (Netherlands), 424
State socialism, in First World War, 708
Steam power, 569570, 571, 573, 580,
636. See also Railroads
Steam ships, 675, 677(illus.)
Steel, Flora Anna, 696697
Steel industry, 656, 739. See also Iron and
iron industry
Steen, Jan, 426(illus.)
Stein, Gertrude, 741
Stephenson, George, 571
Stock market crash: in 1873, 664; in
1929, 743
Strasbourg, 411
Stravinsky, Igor, 733
Stream-of-consciousness technique, 731
Streetcars, 621622 and illus.
Stresemann, Gustav, 739, 740741
Strikes: prohibition of, in Britain,
584585; workers right to, 647; in
Rus sian Revolution (1905), 656; May
Day, 668 and illus.; in First World War,
711; in German Ruhr, 739; by Eng lish
coal miners, 742, 805; prohibition of, in
Germany, 763; in France, 800; in Italy,
Strutt family: Elizabeth, 578; Jedediah,
578 and illus.
Stuart dynasty (Eng land), 418419, 423
Student protests, 799800 and illus.
Sturm und Drang, 598
Submarine warfare, 708, 773
Sub-Saharan Africa, 688; decolonization
of, 789790. See also specic country
Sudan, British in, 683, 685
Sudetenland, Nazi invasion of, 766
and map
Suez Canal, 675, 678, 687, 690; national-
ization of, 789
Suffrage. See Voting and voting rights
Sugar plantations, 502(illus.), 520, 550; in
Brazil, 496(map); mills on, 570; in
Hawaii, 680(illus.)
Suleiman the Magnicent (Ottoman),
450, 452(illus.), 657; Ukrainian wife
of, 453454
Sully, duke of (Maximilien de Bthune),
406, 410
Sultans, in Ottoman Empire, 450
Sunni-Shiite rivalry, in Islam, 833
Sun Yat-sen, 693, 788
Superpowers, in Cold War, 782, 801, 812.
See also Soviet Union; United States
Surgeons, 524
Surrealism, 733
Survival in Auschwitz (Levi), 771
Survival of the ttest, 639
Sweated industries, 629
Sweden, 442; treaty with France, 407;
Thirty Years War and, 436, 437(map);
royal palace in, 440; war with Russia,
448 and illus., 449; Napoleon and, 555;
declining birth rate in, 635(gure);
declining death rate in, 621(gure);
Norwegian nationalism and, 663; migra-
tion from, 680. See also Scandinavia
Switzerland: civil war in, 607; female
medical students in, 633; Rus sian exiles
in, 667
Syria, 489, 719; Ottoman Empire and,
658, 705; General Congress in, 720,
The System of Nature (Linn), 473
System of Positive Philosophy (Comte),
Tabula rasa, 467
Tai Ping rebellion (China), 693
Taiwan (Formosa), 693, 788
Taliban (Afghanistan), 811, 831
Talleyrand, Charles, 591, 600
Tannenberg, battle of, 705
Tanzimat (Ottoman reform), 658
Tariffs, 410, 675; in Russia, 656; China
trade and, 676; in Germany and
France, 574575, 660, 685; nationalism
and, 744
Tartars of Crimea, 442, 478
Taxation, 402; popular protests of, 405; in
France, 406, 411; in Eng land, 419, 420;
in Prussia, 443, 650; Mongol, 444; of
Rus sian peasants, 449; in Austria, 480;
French Revolution and, 538, 539540;
under Napoleon, 558; in Ireland, 605;
in France, 741; in Soviet Union, 755;
Scandinavian socialism and, 747
Teachers, 624. See also Education
Tea consumption, 520, 521
Technology, 624; big science and,
795796. See also Industrialization;
Teheran Conference (1943), 782783
Telegraph, 675
Telescope, 462 and illus., 463
Tellier, Franois, 410
Ten Hours Act of 1847 (Britain), 603
Terrorism: French Revolution, 550, 551;
anti-foreign, in Japan, 692; Nazi Ger-
many, 765, 775; Stalinist, 757758;
Islamic fundamentalist, 831832
and illus.
Test Act of 1673 (Eng land), 422, 423
Testament of Youth (Brittain), 710
Tet Offensive (Vietnam War), 801
Tewq (Egypt), 678
Textile industry (cloth making): French,
410; woolen, 403, 492; Spanish, 414;
Irish linens, 449(illus.); putting-out
system for, 490491, 567, 580; women
in, 411, 492, 494(illus.), 568(illus.), 580,
582(illus.); mechanization of, in Britain,
567568. See also Cotton industry
Thatcher, Denis, 805
Thatcher, Margaret, 802, 805
Theology: absolutism and, 405406;
science and, 462; Voltaire and, 469;
Chris tian existentialism and, 728729
I-22 Index
Thermidorinan Reaction, 551
Thermodynamics, laws of, 636637
Thiers, Adolphe, 661
Third Coalition, against Napoleon, 555
Third Republic (France), 652, 660661
Third World, 674 and illus.
Thirty Years War (16181648), 433,
435437, 466; consequences of,
436437(map), 442(map); Dutch
in de pen dence and, 424, 436; France
and, 406, 407, 436; Spain and, 413, 436
Three Emperors League, 699
Three Musicians (Picasso), 734, 735(illus.)
Tiburtius, Franziska, 633 and illus.
Time of Troubles in Russia, 447
Tito, Josip Broz, 791, 825
Tobacco, 501, 521
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 609
Togo, 683
Tolstoy, Leo, 640
Topkapi palace, Istanbul, 451, 452(illus.)
Torture, in Stalins Soviet Union, 758
Totalitarianism: in novels, 732; commu-
nism and, 753; fascism and, 758; in
Stalins Soviet Union, 753, 758; in Nazi
Germany, 761, 769. See also Commu-
nists and communism; Nazi Germany;
Soviet Union
Total war: in French Revolution, 548, 550;
First World War as, 708, 711; social
impact of, 711; Russia and, 712; Sec-
ond World War as, 773
Towns. See Cities and towns
Toynbee, Arnold, 729
Trade. See Commerce (trade)
Trade corporations. See Guilds
Trade routes, Dutch, 426, 427(map)
Trade unions, 585, 764; Polish Solidarity
and, 814. See also Labor unions
Trading companies. See East India
Trafalgar, battle of, 555
Training. See Education
Transatlantic trade. See Atlantic economy
Transjordan (Jordan), 719, 724
Transportation: roads, 489, 575,
690(illus.); in Eng land, 566, 570571;
public, 621622 and illus.; motorbikes
for, 797(illus.). See also Canals; Rail-
roads; Roads
Transvaal, 681, 682(map), 684
Transylvania: Habsburgs and, 439, 455;
revolutionaries in, 589(illus.)
Travel and tourism, 625; Peter the Great,
447448; in postwar era, 797. See also
Expansion; Exploration
Traveler Looking over a Sea of Fog
(Friedrich), 601(illus.)
Travels in Muscovy (Olearius), 456457
Treitschke, Heinrich von, 687
Trench warfare (First World War),
698(illus.), 703705 and illus.
The Trial (Kafka), 731
Triennial Act (Eng land), 420
Triple Alliance, 699, 700
Triple Entente, 703, 705, 706(map),
707, 708
The Triumph of the Will (lm), 737
Troppau Conference, 593
Trotsky, Leon, 714, 715, 754
Truman, Harry S., 783, 784
Truman Doctrine, 784
Tsars, of Russia, 434, 446, 456. See also
specic tsars
Tull, Jethro, 487
Turgot, Jacques, 508509, 538
Turkey (Turks), 784; Russia, Prussia and,
478; Greek in de pen dence and, 602;
Young Turks and, 658; Atatrk and,
720721; in de pen dence of, 720721;
European Union and, 827 and illus.
See also Ottoman Empire
Turner, Joseph M. W., 571, 600
Tuscany, 648
Two Sicilies, kingdom of, 593, 650
and map
Ukraine, 447, 450; industry in, 656; Bol-
sheviks in, 715; famine in, 757; Nazi
Germany and, 768, 769; European
Union and, 827, 829
Ulster, home-rule in, 663 and illus.
Ulysses (Joyce), 731
Uncertainty principle (Heisenberg), 730
Unemployment: French Revolution and,
541; revolution of 1848 and, 609; in
Eng land, 742, 750751; in United
States, 744, 745(map), 746; in Great
Depression, 744, 745(map), 762; Or-
well on, 750751; in Germany, 762;
in 1970s, 804; globalization and, 822;
in western Europe, 806; in France,
834, 838
Unication: of Germany, 652(map); of
Italy, 596, 648650 and map
Unigeniture, in Russia, 449
Union of South Africa, 682(map), 683;
apartheid in, 684
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See
Soviet Union (USSR)
Unions. See Labor unions; Trade unions
United Kingdom. See Eng land (Britain)
United Nations, 826; Korean War and,
784; Palestine division by, 789; human
rights and, 830; Afghanistan and, 831;
Iraq and, 819, 833
United Provinces of the Netherlands. See
Netherlands (the Dutch, Holland)
United States: Montesquieus theories
and, 468; Constitution of, 539; French
Revolution and, 545; tariff barriers,
675; China and, 693; nation building
in, 653654; cotton industry in,
653654; slav ery in, 653, 654; dtente
and, 801802; European migration
to, 679 and gure, 680681; opening
of Japan by, 677; annexation of Hawaii
by, 680(illus.); im pe rialism of, 685,
687; Philippines and, 685, 686(map),
687, 789; in First World War, 707,
708, 716; Freudian psychology in,
731; Treaty of Versailles and, 717, 721;
German reparations and, 739;
isolationism of, 722, 738; modern
architecture in, 732; lms from, 736,
737(illus.); radio in, 737; stock market
crash in, 743; Great Depression in,
744746 and map; Japan and, 767;
New Deal in, 746, 748; Pearl Harbor
attack and, 772; in Second World
War, 773777 and maps, 783; atomic
bombing of Japan by, 777; contain-
ment policy of, 784785; Kellogg-
Briand Pact and, 741; Korean War
and, 784; Latin America and, 790;
Marshall Plan and, 784; nationalism
and, 646, 787; civil rights movement
in, 790791 and illus., 802; science and
technology in, 796; married working
women in, 798(gure); youth subcul-
ture in, 798; Vietnam War and, 799,
800801, 802; womens movement in,
803; Atlantic alliance and, 802; oil
embargo and, 804; Rea gan budget
decit in, 804, 806; public health
concern in, 620; end of cold war and,
817; Gulf War (1991) and, 818; Kosovo
and, 826; birthrate in, 828; human
rights in, 830; illegal immigration to,
829; terrorist attacks on, 811, 831, 832
and illus.; Iraq War (2003), 832834.
See also Cold war
Unity movement, in western Europe,
Universal suffrage, 597, 647; male, 595,
603, 607, 610, 651, 653, 656, 758; in
Russia, 656
Universe, 599; of Aristotle, 459460; of
Copernicus, 460461; of Newton, 463;
new physics and, 729, 730
Universities, 463; student protests in,
799800 and illus.; women in, 633
Upper classes, 623; Soviet, 757. See also
Elite; Nobility
Urban areas: culture in, 470472; illegiti-
macy in, 512(illus.), 514; railroads and,
571; poverty in, 583; lifestyle in,
618622; social classes in, 622625,
628630; in Soviet Union, 755, 795.
See also Cities and towns
Urban guilds, 490, 493
Urbanization, Industrial Revolution
and, 618
Urban planning, in Paris, 621, 647
Urban VIII, Pope, 462
Index I-23
Ure, Andrew, 579
USSR. See Soviet Union (USSR)
Utilitarianism, 619
Utopian socialism, 596597, 609; in Soviet
Union, 756
Utrecht, Peace of (17131715), 411,
412(map), 497
Vaccination, 680(illus.)
Valry, Paul, 727
Vallain, Nanine, 535(illus.)
Valmy, battle of, 547
Van Gogh, Theo, 834
Vatican, 760761. See also Papacy (popes)
Velvet revolution, in Czechoslovakia,
816, 824
Venetia, 592 and map, 648, 651
Venice, Italian unication and, 650
Verdi, Giuseppe, 625
Verdun, battle of, 704, 706(map)
Versailles palace, 415, 440 and illus.;
court culture, 416417, 418; gardens
of, 441 and illus.; Hall of Mirrors,
440, 653 and illus., 719; Estates
General in, 541; Saint-Simon on,
430431; womens march on, 542543
and illus.
Versailles Treaty, 737738; national self-
determination and, 717, 719, 721, 724;
territorial changes in, 718(map), 719;
Hitlers deance of, 765. See also
League of Nations
Vichy government, France, 768, 775
Vico, Giovanni Battista, 608
Victor Emmanuel III (Italy), 760, 761
Victor Emmanuel (Italy), 648, 650
Victoria and Albert (Britain), 645(illus.)
Vienna, 560, 736; palace in, 439, 440, 441
and illus.; Ottoman siege of (1683),
450, 452; revolution of 1848 in, 610,
611; Congress of (1815), 590, 648; Jews
in, 664, 665
Vietcong, Vietnam War and, 801, 831
Vietnam, nationalism in, 789
Vietnam War, 782, 800801; protest
against, 799, 801, 802
Villages, 402403; enclosure movement
and, 486487; community control and,
513; Soviet collectivization and, 755
Vindication of the Rights of Women
(Wollstonecraft), 545546
Voltaire, 468, 469, 478; on religion,
Voting and voting rights (franchise): Char-
tists and, 585; liberalism and, 595; in
Eng land, 585, 603; in France, 606, 607,
609, 647; in Austria-Hungary, 610; in
Italy, 650; for women, 632, 659660
and illus., 709; for workers, 668; for
African Americans, 790791. See also
Universal male suffrage
Wages, 494; children, 636; cottage indus-
try and, 490, 568; Marx on, 598; for
men vs. women, 492, 493, 494,
582583; for workers, 579, 618, 623
Wagner, Richard, 625
Walesa, Lech, 815 and illus., 824
Wales (Welch), 618; declining birth rate
in, 635(gure); declining death rate in,
621(gure); in Great Britain, 566
War and Peace (Tolstoy), 640
War communism, 715
War debt. See Debts; Reparation
War of Austrian Succession, 479, 497,
538; territorial changes at end of,
442(map), 475
War of the League of Augsburg
(16881697), 410
War of the Spanish Succession
(17011713), 411, 427, 443, 497
Wars and warfare: in central and eastern
Europe, 433, 435437 and map; in
Russia, 448 and illus., 449; colonialism
and, 495, 497, 681; Napoleonic,
554556, 558560 and map; industrial-
ization and, 573; trench warfare (First
World War), 698(illus.), 703705 and
illus.; submarine warfare, 708, 773;
blitzkrieg, 767; fear of nuclear, 785.
See also Civil war(s); specic battles
and wars
Warsaw Ghetto, 770(illus.)
Warsaw Pact, 784, 786(map)
Warthmller, R., 521(illus.)
Washington, George, 539
Washington, March on (1963), 790(illus.)
Water frame, 567568
Watergate Scandal, Nixon and, 801
Waterloo, battle of, 560, 593
Waterpower, 580; in Britain, 567568
Watson, James, 796
Watt, James, 569
Waugh, Evelyn, 729
Wealth: political power and, 603; of upper
middle class, 623; disparities in, 623,
688, 709; in Russia, 823
Weapons: machine guns, 684, 685, 688,
698(illus.), 703; in Second World War,
775; science and, 796
Weapons of mass destruction, 816, 833.
See also Atomic bombs; Nuclear
Weavers and weaving, 491492 and illus..
See also Textile industry
Weimar Republic (Germany), 717,
738740, 741; Hitler and, 762, 763
Welfare state: in Britain, 742, 785, 804;
shift to capitalism, 804, 820; United
States as, 791, 806. See also Social
Werner, Anton von, 653(illus.)
Wesley, John, 517, 527528
Wesley, Susannah, 517518
West, the. See Western World
West Africa: slave trade in, 497; im pe-
rialism in, 681
West Berlin, 784, 793
Western Europe: Peter the Great and,
447448, 449; agriculture in, 485;
population explosion in, 489; Cold war
in, 784, 787; Common Market in, 787;
neocolonialism in Africa and, 790;
unemployment in (1980s), 804; shift
from welfare state to capitalism, 820,
822; unity and identity in, 826828;
migration to, 829830 and illus. See
also specic countries
Westernization: of Russia, 449, 477478;
of Japan, 692; of colonies, 689, 691. See
also Modernization
Western World: colonization by, 675;
expansion of, 679; new im pe rialism of,
674; Renaissance in (19451968),
785791; values in, 727; Islam and,
West Germany, 785; economic recovery
of, 785; Green movement in, 806; East
Germany and, 793, 801, 811, 812, 816;
Berlin Wall and, 793, 816. See also
West Indies. See Caribbean region (West
Wet nurses, 515516 and illus., 517, 518
White-collar workers, 624, 796, 797
White mans burden, 687, 688
White Mountain, battle of, 435
White people: Enlightenment thinkers on,
473; African American rights and, 790
Wilkinson, John, 569
William and Mary (Eng land), 423
William I (Prussia), 650, 651, 653 and
illus., 660
William II (Germany), 661, 700
Wilson, Woodrow, 708, 724, 725; Fourteen
Points of, 717; League of Nations and,
719, 721
Witte, Sergei, 656
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 728
Wojtyla, Karol (Pope John Paul II), 814
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 545546, 632
Women: in French court, 417; in French
drama, 418; Dutch, 426, 465 and illus.;
in Ottoman palace, 451452, 453454;
in Enlightenment, 471472 and illus.,
473; in sciences, 465 and illus., 468,
469(illus.); abolition of slav ery and,
502; education of, 472, 546, 757; in
guilds, 493494, 512; in textile industry,
410, 492, 494(illus.), 568(illus.), 580,
582 and illus.; as midwives, 426(illus.),
523, 524, 525; fashion and, 493, 522,
624, 626627; literacy of, 518519 and
illus.; as wet nurses, 515516 and illus.,
517, 518; Rousseau on role of, 518; in
French Revolution, 542543 and illus.;
Women (continued)
Napoleonic Code and, 554; middle
class, 577, 578, 640, 731; sexism
and, 583; sexual division of labor and,
582584; in coal mines, 581; in facto-
ries, 581; as nurses, 624, 710 and illus.;
as doctors, 633 and illus., 757; as do-
mestic servants, 628629 and illus.,
631; working class, 629630; literature
and, 640; socialist, 671672; British
Empire and, 690691; in First World
War, 709710 and illus.; in Soviet
Union, 757 and illus.; sexuality of, 731;
in fascist Italy, 761; in Nazi Germany,
764; changes roles for, in postwar era,
797798; sexism and, 798, 803; Beau-
voir on, 808809; working wives, 806;
birthrate declines and, 828; as illegal
immigrants, 830. See also Gender;
Marriage; Prostitution
Womens movement, 802803
Womens rights, 803; French Revolution
and, 543, 545546, 563564 and illus.;
in Eng land, 632, 659(illus.); in Turkey,
721; voting rights, 632, 659660 and
illus., 709
Womens suffrage. See Womens rights,
voting rights
Woolen textiles, 403, 492
Woolf, Virginia, 731
Wordsworth, William, 579, 599
Workers: Dutch, 427; putting out system
and, 490491; employers and, 492493;
debt peonage and, 500; in factories,
576577, 579582; work conditions of,
569, 580582, 618, 669; in Eng land,
584585; railroads and, 571; socialism
and, 597, 646; Marx on, 597598; in
France, 646; May Day and, 668 and
illus.; migrants as, 680 and illus.; living
standards of, 669; women, in First
World War, 709 and illus.; Rus sian
revolution and, 714; Great Depression
and, 744; in Germany, 764; Soviet, 757;
women as, 761, 797798 and gure;
French strike and, 800. See also Labor;
Peasant(s); Working class
Workers associations, 544
Working class, 576577; labor movement
and, 584585; revolution of 1848 and,
609610; childrearing in, 636, 797,
798; divisions in, 625, 628; Germany
nationalism and, 653, 661; marriage in,
631, 632; in Eng land, 603, 751; leisure
and religion of, 629630; home of, 632,
634 and illus.; in realist literature, 639,
640; political divisions in, 741; postwar
changes for, 796, 797; Polish protest,
814. See also Workers
Workplace, conditions in, 569, 580582,
618, 669
Workshops, in Paris, 609610
Works Progress Administration (WPA), 746
Workweek, hours in, 603
World economy. See Global economy
The World of Yesterday (Zweig), 643644
World Trade Center, terrorist attacks on,
811, 831, 832 and illus.
World Wars. See First World War; Second
World War
Wozzeck (Berg), 736
WPA. See Works Progress Administration
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 732
Wright, Joseph, 578(illus.)
Yalta Conference (1945), 783 and illus.
Yeltsin, Boris, 818, 819(map), 822823
Yemen, 831
Young Turks, 658
Youth culture, 781(illus.), 798800; Hitler
and, 763
Ypsilanti, Alexander, 602
Yugoslavia, 717; Little Entente and, 738;
ethnic groups in, 711, 719, 825 and
map; Second World War in, 775; Tito
in, 791, 825; civil war in, 811, 826, 829;
disintegration of, 825826 and map;
NATO and, 826
Zanzibar, 683
Zemstvo, in Russia, 655
Zionism, 664666, 724, 789. See also
Zola, Emile, 640 and illus.
Zollverein, 575, 650
Zurich, Switzerland, 633
Zweig, Stephan, 643644
I-24 Index