The geometry of image formation which determines where in the image plane the projection of a point in the scene will be located. The physics of light which determines the brightness of a point in the image plane as a function of illumination and surface properties. A simple model - The scene is illuminated by a single source. - The scene reects radiation towards the camera. - The camera senses it via chemicals on lm. -2- Camera Geometry - The simplest device to form an image of a 3D scene on a 2D surface is the "pinhole" camera. - Rays of light pass through a "pinhole" and form an inverted image of the object on the image plane. Camera Optics - In practice, the aperture must be larger to admit more light. - Lens are placed in the aperture to focus the bundle of rays from each scene point onto the corresponding point in the image plane. -3- Diffraction and Pinhole Optics - If we use a wide pinhole, light from the source spreads across the image (i.e., not properly focused), making it blurry. - If we narrow the pinhole, only a small amount of light is let in. * the image sharpness is limited by diffraction. * when light passes through a small aperture, it does not travel in a straight line. * it is scattered in many direction (this is a quantum effect). - In general, the aim of using lens is to duplicate the pinhole geometry without resort- ing to undesirable small apertures. Human Vision - At high light levels, pupil (aperture) is small and blurring is due to diffraction. - At low light levels, pupil is open and blurring is due to lens imperfections. -4- CCD Cameras - An array of tiny solid state cells convert light energy into electrical charge. - Manufactured on chips typically measuring about 1cm x 1cm (for a 512x512 array, each element has a real width of roughly 0.001 cm). - The output of a CCD array is a continuous electric signal (video signal) which is generated by scanning the photo-sensors in a given order (e.g., line by line) and read- ing out their voltages. Frame grabber - The video signal is sent to an electronic device called the frame grabber. - The frame grabber digitizes the signal into a 2D, rectangular array N x M of integer values, stored in the frame buffer. -5- CCD array and frame buffer - In a CCD camera, the physical image plane is the CCD array of nxm rectangular grid of photo-sensors. - The pixel image plane (frame buffer) is an array of NxM integer values (pixels). - The position of the same point on the image plane will be different if measured in CCD elements (x, y) or image pixels (x im , y im ). - In general, n N and m M; assuming that the origin in both cases is the upper left corner we have: x im = N n x y im = M m y where (x im , y im ) are the coordinates of the point in the pixel plane and (x, y) are the coordinates of the point in the CCD plane. - In general, it is convenient to assume that the CCD elements are always in one-to- one correspondence with the image pixels. - Units in each case: (x im , y im ) is measured in pixels (x, y) is measured, e.g., in millimeters. -6- Reference Frames - Fiv e reference frames are needed for general problems in 3D scene analysis. Object Coordinate Frame - This is a 3D coordinate system: x b , y b , z b - It is used to model ideal objects in both computer graphics and computer vision. - It is needed to inspect an object (e.g., to check if a particular hole is in proper posi- tion relative to other holes) - The coordinates of 3D point B, e.g., relative to the object reference frame are (x b , 0, z b ) - Object coordinates do not change regardless how the object is placed in the scene. Notation: (X o , Y o , Z o ) T -7- World Coordinate Frame - This is a 3D coordinate system: x w , y w , z w - The scene consists of object models that have been placed (rotated and translated) into the scene, yielding object coordinates in the world coordinate system. - It is needed to relate objects in 3D (e.g., the image sensor tells the robot where to to pick up ta bolt and in which hole to insert it). Notation: (X w , Y w , Z w ) T Camera Coordinate Frame - This is a 3D coordinate system (x c , y c , z c axes) - Its purpose is to represent objects with respect to the location of the camera. Notation: (X c , Y c , Z c ) T -8- Image Plane Coordinate Frame (CCD plane) - This is a 2D coordinate system (x f , y f axes) - Describes the coordinates of 3D points projected on the image plane. - The projection of A, e.g., is point a whose both coordinates are negative. Notation: (x, y) T Pixel Coordinate Frame - This is a 2D coordinate system (r, c axes) - Each pixel in this frame has an integer pixel coordinates. - Point A, e.g., gets projected to image point (a r , a c ) where a r and a c are integer row and column. Notation: (x im , y im ) T -9- Transformations between frames Object Coordinates (3D) World Coordinates (3D) Camera Coordinates (3D) Image Plane Coordinates (2D) Pixel Coordinates (2D, int) extrinsic camera intrinsic camera parameters parameters