Eled 3111 Lesson Plan 1
Eled 3111 Lesson Plan 1
Eled 3111 Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Title: Geography and Environmental Literacy
Materials/Resources Needed
Construction paper for child, cut out shapes, crayons, glue stick,
Focus and
1. Yesterday in class we learned what maps are. We read a book about a map and how we use maps
2. Ask Why are maps important?
3. Tell students Maps are very important. Maps can help us when we are lost, they can also help us find our next
place we are going to.
4. Then tell the class, Today we are going to make our own map of our classroom
(NCSCS reference)
1.Students will be able to understand how to use and make a map (Specific features on the map)
2. Learn to follow directions and use observing skills
3. Learn how to properly use geographic terminology (over, left, right, top)
4. Incorporating shapes into map making, students will be able to recognize shapes when making their own map.
1. Present to the class the materials they will use.
2. Show the class the construction paper and proceed to draw the map for the activity by gluing cut out shapes for
the 3 locations while presenting this through the doc camera.
3. While making your own map tell students to use their own locations in the classroom.
4. Explain your map to the class and tell them where each location is.
5. Explain to the class where your map begins and ends
6. Present and share your map to the class for them to have an understanding for the lesson
1. To make sure students understand, have one student volunteer to demonstrate your map to the class by
navigating throughout the classroom.
Six-Point Lesson Plan
1. Tell students, Now it is time for you to make your map of the classroom
2. As they go back to their seats remind them of the basket of cut out shapes to glue down where their map locations
will be.
3. Tell students I want you to pick 3 places in the classroom to put on your map
4. observe students
1. Once students are finished, have the students get 1 partner and go to the carpet to discuss.
2. Have the students turn and talk to share what locations they used on their map and what kind of shapes they saw
and used
Six-Point Lesson Plan