Observation and Inference
Observation and Inference
Observation and Inference
Observation and
Observations and Asking Questions
When using the scientific method, one of
the first steps involves making observations
on a topic of interest.
It involves using the five senses to see, hear,
taste, touch, or smell whats going on in the
observation : using one or more of our senses to
gather information and take note of what occurs
example : I hear people screaming. I smell
cotton candy. I see roller coasters.
* causes us to ask questions
* two types :
1. qualitative: descriptions in words
2. quantitative: numbers
Suppose a marine biologist observes the
behavior and activities of dolphins.
She identifies different dolphins within the group
and observes them every day for a month.
She records detailed observations about their
behaviors. Some of her observations are
qualitative data and some are quantitative data.
Types of Observation
Directions : Identify her observations as qualitative or
* The sonar frequency most often used by the dolphins is
around 100kH.
* Dolphin colors range from gray to white.
* There are nine dolphins in this pod.
Types of Observation
Directions : Identify her observations as qualitative or
* Dolphins in a pod engage in play behavior.
* Dolphins have smooth skin.
* Dolphins eat the equivalent of 4-5% of their body mass
each day.
Types of Observation
Qualitative Observations :
1. Dolphin colors range from gray to white.
2. Dolphins in a pod engage in play behavior.
3. Dolphins have smooth skin.
Observation Challenge
Quantitative Observations :
1. The sonar frequency most often used by the
dolphins is around 100kH.
2. There are nine dolphins in this pod.
3. Dolphins eat the equivalent of 4-5% of their
body mass each day.
Observation Challenge
After we make observations, our brain makes
logical conclusions about our observations
called inferences.
inference : a logical explanation that helps us make
sense of what we observe
*observation : I hear people screaming. I smell cotton
*inference : Im at the fair!
Observation Inference
That plant is
extremely wilted.