Web Advt No. 52 Updated

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Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd.

(A Subsidiary of Oil and atural !as "or#oration Ltd.$
Kuthethoor Post, Mangalore 575 030
Ph: 0824 2882183/2120/2156 Fax: 0824-2271404, -!a"l: re#ru"t$!r%l"n&"a'#o!

Advertisement o. %&'&()* Last +ate for recei#t of A##lications: &(')('&()*

R,"R-./M,/ 0OR MAA!,M,/ "A+R, ,MPLO1,,S

Mangalore (e)"ner* an& Petro#he!"#als +"!"te& ,M(P+-, a su.s"&"ar* o) /012 an& a 3#he&ule 456 M"n" (atna 2P3, "s )o#use&
on e))"#"en#* an& gro7th' 8he #o!%an* "s re#ogn"9e& to&a* as the lea&"ng re)"ner* "n :n&"a "n ter!s o) all roun& %er)or!an#e,
ha;"ng 7on !an* a7ar&s "n n#on, 3a)et*, <ual"t*, x%orts et#' 8he #o!%an* has re#entl* exe#ute& an x%ans"on =
>%gra&at"on Pro?e#t, at an est"!ate& #ost o) a.out @ 3'0 A"ll"on' 8he other "n"t"at";es "n#lu&e )ora* "nto Petro#he!"#als an&
(eta"l MarBet"ng' :n#ase *ou are the one looB"ng )or real #hallenges, here "s the o%%ortun"t*'

M(P+ "n;"tes a%%l"#at"ons )ro! el"g".le :n&"an 0at"onal #an&"&ates )or the )ollo7"ng !anage!ent %os"t"ons:
0o' o)
2ategor* +o#at"on
5ge as on

3#ale o)
Pa* `.
M"n"!u! Dual")"#at"on an& ex%er"en#e
1 1eneral Manager
,:nternal 5u&"t /
F"nan#e- 8 gra&e
1 >( Mangalore 4E *ears 51300-
25/:2F5/MA5 7"th s%e#"al"9at"on "n F"nan#e 7"th
!"n"!u! 21 *ears o) ex%er"en#e "n a re%ute&
Pu.l"# +"!"te& 2o!%an*, %resentl* 7orB"ng "n the
%os"t"on o) at least G*' 1eneral Manager / 2h"e)
Manager' ForB ex%er"en#e "n a (e)"ner* /
Fert"l"9er / Petro#he!"#al %lant 7"ll .e o) a&&e&
a&;antage' :n #ase o) F"nan#e, ex%er"en#e "n
2or%orate 5##ounts )"nal"9at"on, 8reasur*
Manage!ent an& "n&"re#t taxat"on 7"ll .e
%re)erre&' :n #ase o) :nternal 5u&"t, ex%er"en#e "n
("sB Manage!ent 8e#hn"Dues, 2or%orate =
nter%r"se ("sB et#' 7"ll .e %re)erre&'

2an&"&ates a%%l*"ng )ro! P3>6s shoul& .e
7orB"ng !"n"!u! at the le;el o) G*' 1eneral
Manager / 2h"e) Manager "n :G5 %a* s#ale o) `'
51300-73000 )or !"n"!u! t7o *ears'

2' 2h"e) Manager
,3h"%%"ng- 6 gra&e
1 >( 0e7 Gelh" 44 *ears 51300

Gegree "n ng"neer"ng /MA5/Master Mar"ner 7"th
!"n"!u! ex%er"en#e o) 16 *ears "n /"l 8anBer
3h"%%"ng "n xe#ut";e %os"t"on or Master Mar"ner
7"th 8anBer ex%er"en#e o) !"n"!u! 5 *ears 7h"#h
!a* "n#lu&e 7orB"ng as Master on Aoar& 8anBer
"n a re%ute& sh"%%"ng #o!%an* or rele;ant
ex%er"en#e "n /"l 2o!%an*' 2an&"&ates a%%l*"ng
)ro! P3>6s shoul& ha;e 7orB"ng at least 2 *ears
out o) total 16 *ears "n the "!!e&"ate lo7er gra&e
o) 3r' Manager "n :G5 s#ale o) ` 43200-66000/-'

Ho. s%e#")"#at"on o) the 2h"e) Manager ,3h"%%"ng-
shall "n#lu&e the )ollo7"ng:
5rrang"ng Cessels )or 2ru&e /"l 2argo on
#ontra#t o) 5)r"ght!ent ,2/5- through
8rans#hart or on 3%ot 2harterer an&
asso#"ate& ?o.s l"Be ;o*age !anage!ent,
)re"ght %a*!ent, %ost o%erat"onal #la"!s et#'

2oor&"nat"on 7"th 2ru&e su%%l"er / 3h"%
/7ner / 8rans#hart / 8er!"nal / 5gents /
3ur;e*ors et#'
Fre"ght assess!ent / loa& %ort le;"es et#' )or
est"!at"on through 8rans#hart )or #ru&e o"l
"!%ort / )re"ght #ert")"#at"on et#'
Fre"ght assess!ent / loa& %ort le;"es et#' )or
est"!at"on through 8rans#hart )or #ru&e o"l
"!%ort / Fre"ght #ert")"#at"on et#'
2ontra#t Manage!ent, 2oor&"nat"on )or
x%ort 2argoes, Go#u!entar* :nstru#t"ons /
+a* &a*s / 2ert")"#at"on / 3ur;e* /
Ge!urrage #al#ulat"on et#'
2oor&"nat"on )ro! :/P2 / Forl& 3#ale /
5F(5 / /ther "nternat"onal / 1o;ern!ent
agen#"es )or )re"ght / "nsuran#e relate& et#'

2an&"&ates a%%l*"ng )ro! P3>6s shoul& .e
7orB"ng !"n"!u! at the le;el o) 3r' Manager "n
:G5 %a* s#ale o) `' 43200-66000'

3' 3r' Manager ,+a7-
5 gra&e
1 >( 0e7 Gelh" 41 *ears 43200-
5 1ra&uate &egree "n +a7 ,Pro)ess"onal- 7"th not
less than 13 *ears o) %ost-Dual")"#at"on 7orB
ex%er"en#e "n the Aar / la7 )"r!s / legal
&e%art!ent ,"n an exe#ut";e %os"t"on- o) a
#o!%an*' 8he #an&"&ates shoul& ha;e goo&
7orB"ng Bno7le&ge "n the areas relat"ng to
&ra)t"ng an& s#rut"n* o) glo.al / "n&"genous ten&er
&o#u!ents, ex%ort / "!%ort / sh"%%"ng #ontra#ts,
#ontra#t a&!"n"strat"on &ra)t"ng / )"nal"9"ng an&
;et"ng o) ?o"nt ;entures / te#hn"#al ser;"#es /
)ore"gn #olla.orat"on agree!ents an& other legal
an& #ontra#tual &o#u!ents, a."l"t* to
"n&e%en&entl* o))er legal a&;"#e to the
!anage!ent an& #oor&"nate 7"th legal #ounsels
"n res%e#t o) #ourt #ases / ar."trat"on %ro#ee&"ngs'

ForB ex%er"en#e "n o"l re)"ner"es / %etro #he!"#al
#o!%an"es 7"ll .e an a&&e& a&;antage'

2an&"&ates a%%l*"ng )ro! P3>6s shoul& .e
7orB"ng !"n"!u! at the le;el o) Manager "n :G5
%a* s#ale o) (s' 36600 62000'

4' 3r' Manager ,F"nan#e-
5 gra&e
2 >(//A2 0e7 Gelh"
41 *ears 43200-

25/:2F5/MA5 7"th s%e#"al"9at"on "n F"nan#e 7"th
!"n"!u! 13 *ears rele;ant %ost Dual")"#at"on
ex%er"en#e "n a re%ute& 2or%orate, %resentl*
7orB"ng "n the %os"t"on o) at least Manager' ForB
ex%er"en#e "n a (e)"ner* / Fert"l"9er /
Petro#he!"#al %lant 7"ll .e o) a&&e& a&;antage'
x%er"en#e "n 2or%orate 5##ounts F"nal"9at""on,
8reasur* Manage!ent, Forex, :n&"re#t taxat"on,
Pre%arat"on o) Au&get, Ma"ntenan#e o) 2ost
(e#or&s, Pre%arat"on o) Manage!ent :n)or!at"on
(e%orts et#', 7"ll .e %re)erre&'

2an&"&ates a%%l*"ng )ro! P3>6s shoul& .e
7orB"ng !"n"!u! at the le;el o) Manager "n :G5
%a* s#ale o) (s' 36600 62000'

5 Manager ,/%erat"ons-
4 gra&e
2 $ Mangalore 38 *ears 36600
2he!"#al ng"neer"ng 1ra&uates 7"th at least 10
*ears %ost Dual")"#at"on ex%er"en#e "n (e)"ner* /
Petro#he!"#al /%erat"ons, 7"th !"n"!u! 5 *ears
o) o%erat"onal ex%er"en#e "n an* one o) the
)ollo7"ng un"ts:
0"" ' P0"": Petrochemical 0luidi2ed
"atalytic "rac3ing -nit
+"- : +elayed "o3er -nit
Pre#o!!"ss"on"ng an& #o!!"ss"on"ng ex%er"en#e
o) these un"ts an& a."l"t* to tra"n %ersonnel 7"ll .e
an a&&e& a&;antage'

2an&"&ates a%%l*"ng )ro! P3>6s shoul& .e
7orB"ng !"n"!u! at the le;el o) G*' Manager "n
:G5 Pa* 3#ale o) (s' 32E00 58000/-

6' Manager ,F"re =
3a)et*- 4 gra&e

1 $ Mangalore 38 *ears 36600-
F"re ng"neers )ro! a re#ogn"9e& >n";ers"t*'
G"%lo!a "n :n&ustr"al 3a)et* )ro! (eg"onal +a.our
:nst"tute ,(+:- an& 2entral +a.our :nst"tute ,2+: -
- 2an&"&ate shoul& ha;e !"n"!u! 10 *ears
ex%er"en#e "n a Petroleu! (e)"ner* /
Petro#he!"#al :n&ustr*'
- 3hall ha;e ex%er"en#e o) %ro#ure!ent an&
!a"ntenan#e o) F"re F"ght"ng Du"%!ent /
F"re F"ght"ng a%%l"an#es / F"xe& an& se!"
)"xe& F"re F"ght"ng "nstallat"on, 3a)et* relate&
eDu"%!ents, PP, (es#ue eDu"%!ents et#'
- 3houl& .e a.le to lea& a tea! o) #o!%etent
)"re )"ght"ng sta))' Possess"on o) ;al"& hea;*
;eh"#le &r";"ng l"#ense "s essent"al )or the
- 3houl& ha;e ex%er"en#e o) )"re %re;ent"on /
%rote#t"on = )"re )"ght"ng te#hn"Dues'
- 3houl& .e 7ell #on;ersant 7"th ;ar"ous
0at"onal / :nternat"onal 2o&es = 3tan&ar&s
as 7ell as statutor* regulat"ons relate& to )"re
sa)et* a#t";"t"es an& a.le to &e;elo% an&
"!%ro;e )"re sa)et* att"tu&es / #ulture "n
o%erat"ng sta)) an& o%erat"on relate& outs"&e
- 3houl& .e a.le to #arr* out F"re 3a)et* 5u&"t
%er"o&"#all* an& suggest "!%ro;e!ents to
re&u#e the un&erl*"ng r"sB )a#tors 7h"#h
7oul& ensure e))e#t";e )"re %re;ent"on an&
)"re %rote#t"on'
- 3houl& .e a.le to strengthen &"saster
%re%are&ness )or e))e#t";e res%onse at all
- 3houl& ha;e ex%osure "n the areas l"Be
(es#ue o%erat"ons, !ergen#* M"t"gat"on =
2ontroll"ng, 8ra"n"ng an& Ge;elo%!ent to
su.or&"nates an& M:3 to !anage!ent &ur"ng
e!ergen#* et#
- :t "s essent"al that the "n#u!.ent !ust
%ossess soun& %h*s"Due an& )"tness'

2an&"&ates a%%l*"ng )ro! P3>6s shoul& .e
7orB"ng !"n"!u! at the le;el o) G*' Manager "n
:G5 Pa* 3#ale o) (s' 32E00 58000/-

7' Manager ,+a7- 4
1 $ Mangalore 38 *ears 36600-
5 1ra&uate Gegree "n +a7 ,Pro)ess"onal- 7"th not
less than 10 *ears o) %ost-Dual")"#at"on 7orB
ex%er"en#e "n the .ar / la7 )"r!s / legal
&e%art!ent ,"n an exe#ut";e %os"t"on- o) a
2o!%an*' 8he #an&"&ate shoul& ha;e goo&
7orB"ng Bno7le&ge "n the areas relat"ng to
&ra)t"ng an& s#rut"n* o) glo.al / "n&"genous ten&er
&o#u!ents, ex%ort / "!%ort / sh"%%"ng #ontra#ts,
#ontra#t a&!"n"strat"on, &ra)t"ng / )"nal"9"ng an&
;ett"ng o) ?o"nt ;entures / te#hn"#al ser;"#es /
)ore"gn #olla.orat"on agree!ents an& other legal
an& #ontra#tual &o#u!ents, a."l"t* to
"n&e%en&entl* o))er legal a&;"#e to the
!anage!ent an& #o-or&"nate 7"th legal #ounsels
"n res%e#t o) #ourt #ases / ar."trat"on !atters'

ForB ex%er"en#e "n o"l re)"ner"es / %etro #he!"#al
#o!%an"es 7"ll .e an a&&e& a&;antage'

2an&"&ates a%%l*"ng )ro! P3>6s shoul& .e
7orB"ng !"n"!u! at the le;el o) G*' Manager "n
:G5 %a* s#ale o) (s' 32E00-58000/-

8' Manager ,(eta"l
ng"neer"ng- 4
1 $ Aengaluru 38 *ears 36600
2";"l / Me#han"#al / 2he!"#al ng"neer"ng
gra&uate 7"th at least 10 *ears %ost Dual")"#at"on
ex%er"en#e out o) 7h"#h 3 *ears !ust .e "n
ng"neer"ng or #onstru#t"on &e%art!ent o) an*
:n a&&"t"on, #an&"&ates 7"th ex%er"en#e o) %ro?e#t
#ost"ng, ten&er &o#u!ent %re%arat"on, s"te
su%er;"s"on, statutor* a%%ro;als, %ro?e#t so)t7are
%a#Bages 7"ll .e g";en %re)eren#e'
x%er"en#e "n Plann"ng an& #onstru#t"on o) reta"l
outlets o) an o"l #o!%an* an& or x%er"en#e "n
%lann"ng an& #onstru#t"on / !a"ntenan#e o) /"l
&e%ots / 8er!"nals 7"ll .e a&&e& a&;antage'
0a!e o) the %ro?e#t, s"te a&&ress an& the #l"ent
o"l #o!%an* na!e has to .e #learl* !ent"one& "n
the ex%er"en#e #olu!n'

2an&"&ates a%%l*"ng )ro! P3>6s shoul& .e
7orB"ng !"n"!u! at the le;el o) G*' Manager "n
:G5 %a* s#ale o) (s' 32E00-58000/-

E' G*' Manager
,/%erat"ons- 3
1 /A2 Mangalore 35 *ears 32E00-
2he!"#al ng"neer"ng 1ra&uates 7"th at least 7
*ears %ost Dual")"#at"on ex%er"en#e "n (e)"ner* /
Petro#he!"#al /%erat"ons, 7"th !"n"!u! 3 *ears
o) o%erat"onal ex%er"en#e "n 0"" ' P0"":
Petrochemical 0luidi2ed "atalytic "rac3ing
Pre#o!!"ss"on"ng an& #o!!"ss"on"ng ex%er"en#e
o) th"s un"t an& a."l"t* to tra"n %ersonnel 7"ll .e an
a&&e& a&;antage'

2an&"&ates a%%l*"ng )ro! P3>6s shoul& .e
7orB"ng !"n"!u! at the le;el o) 3r' ng"neer "n
:G5 Pa* 3#ale o) (s' 2E100 54500/-

10' 3r' ng"neer ,F"re =
3a)et*- 2 gra&e
1 >( Mangalore 32 *ears 2E100
F"re ng"neer"ng 7"th )"rst #lass, )ro! a
re#ogn"9e& >n";ers"t*' G"%lo!a "n :n&ustr"al 3a)et*
)ro! (eg"onal +a.our :nst"tute ,(+:- an& 2entral
+a.our :nst"tute ,2+:- &es"ra.le'
2an&"&ate shoul& ha;e !"n"!u! 4 *ears %ost
Dual")"#at"on ex%er"en#e "n a Petroleu! (e)"ner* /
Petro#he!"#al :n&ustr*'

11' 3r' xe#ut";e
2 gra&e

1 @ Mangalore 32 *ears 2E100-
F"rst 2lass Post 1ra&uate &egree "n Mass
2o!!un"#at"on = Hournal"s! )ro! a >12
re#ogn"9e& >n";ers"t* 7"th 4 *ears ex%er"en#e "n a
P3> or 4 *ears ex%er"en#e as a re%orter "n a
0at"onal ngl"sh ne7s%a%er han&l"ng /:+ = 1as
re%ort"ng or "n a 0at"onall* re#ogn"9e& a&;ert"s"ng
agen#* ser;"#"ng an /"l P3> #l"ent'
ForB"ng Bno7le&ge o) Kanna&a an& I"n&"
,7r"tten- an& 8ulu 7"ll .e &es"ra.le'

12' 3r' xe#ut";e ,I(-
2 gra&e

1 @ Mangalore 32 *ears 2E100-
F"rst 2lass MA5 7"th s%e#"al"9at"on "n Personnel
Manage!ent / I(G / I(M or Post 1ra&uate
&egree "n Personnel Manage!ent / :( / +a.our
Fel)are or eDu";alent 7"th 4 *ears %ost
Dual")"#at"on ex%er"en#e 7"th ex%ert"se "n
!a"ntenan#e o) (e#ru"t!ent an& Pro!ot"on
(osters as %er 1o;ern!ent gu"&el"nes an&
(e#ru"t!ent Pro#e&ures'

13' ng"neer ,2he!"#al-
1 gra&e

18 J Mangalore 28 *ears 24E00 -
1ra&uate Gegree "n 2he!"#al ng"neer"ng'

14' ng"neer ,Me#han"#al-
1 gra&e

10 J Mangalore 28 *ears 24E00 -
1ra&uate Gegree "n Me#han"#al ng"neer"ng'

15' ng"neer
1 gra&e

4 J Mangalore 28 *ears 24E00 -
1ra&uate Gegree "n :nstru!entat"on / =2

16' ng"neer ,2";"l- 1
1 J Mangalore 28 *ears 24E00 -
1ra&uate Gegree "n 2";"l ng"neer"ng
17' xe#ut";e ,I(- 1
4 = Mangalore 28 *ears 24E00 -
F"rst 2lass MA5 7"th s%e#"al"9at"on "n Personnel
Manage!ent / I(G / I(M or Post 1ra&uate
&egree "n Personnel Manage!ent / :( / +a.our
Fel)are or eDu";alent

18' xe#ut";e ,F"nan#e-
1 gra&e

4 = Gelh" /
28 *ears 24E00 -
25 / :2F5 / MA5 7"th s%e#"al"9at"on "n F"nan#e'

4 Out of % Manager (,*$ #ositions: S"5)6 O7"5& 8 -R5&
9 Out of the & Sr. ,:ecutive (,&$ #ositions: S"5) and -R5).
; Out of << ,ngineer (,)$ #ositions: S/5)6 O7"5)= and -R5)%.
8 Out of > ,:ecutive (,)$ #ositions: S"5)6 O7"5& and -R5%

,L.!.7.L./1 "R./,R.A:

). 8he #ut o)) &ate )or &e#"&"ng the !ax"!u! %er!"ss".le age an& e:#erience ,7here;er a%%l"#a.le- as %er
el"g"."l"t* #r"ter"a shall .e 31/10/2014' x%er"en#e sho7n !ust .e the !"n"!u! rele;ant ex%er"en#e )or the
)un#t"on, a)ter o.ta"n"ng ne#essar* Dual")"#at"on ,%ost Dual")"#at"on ex%er"en#e- "n#lu&"ng 4/n the Ho.6 tra"n"ng
&. 8he %er"o& o) ex%er"en#e %res#r".e& an& the stan&ar& o) su"ta."l"t* o) the 32 / 38 #an&"&ates "s relaxa.le, at
the &"s#ret"on o) the #o!%etent author"t*, "n the e;ent o) non-a;a"la."l"t* o) su))"#"ent nu!.er o) su"ta.le
#an&"&ates )or the %osts'
<. Fhere;er s%e#")"# rele;ant ex%er"en#e has .een %res#r".e&, x%er"en#e 2ert")"#ates / (esu!es #learl*
"n&"#at"ng the s%e#")"# area o) ex%er"en#e shoul& .e en#lose&' Please note that a%%l"#at"ons not )ul)"ll"ng th"s
s%e#")"# #r"ter"a 7"ll not .e #ons"&ere&'
*. 8he #ut-o)) %er#entage "n Dual")*"ng exa!"nat"on )or 3l' 0o' 13 to 18 7oul& .e 65J "n ng"neer"ng G"s#"%l"ne
an& F"rst #lass )or MA5 / M3F or eDu";alent )or 1eneral #ategor* an& 40J )or 32/38//A2 ,0on #rea!*
la*er- #an&"&ates' Per#entage o) MarBs "n Dual")*"ng exa!"nat"ons shoul& .e aggregate o) all se!esters' For
25 an& :2F5, the #ut o)) %er#entage "s %ass #lass'
%. Positions at Sl. os. ))6 )&6 )= and )> above are identified as suitable for Persons ?ith +isability
(@A ' AA ' OA$.


0or Sl. o. ) to )& :

2an&"&ates are reDueste& to rea& the "nstru#t"ons an& ensure #orre#tness o) the &ata .e)ore a%%l*"ng' 2an&"&ates
shoul& su.!"t the"r a%%l"#at"on "n the en#lose& )or!at, en#los"ng sel) atteste& #o%"es o) all rele;ant #ert")"#ates "n
su%%ort o) Dual")"#at"on ,along 7"th *ear-7"se / se!ester-7"se !arBs #ar&s-, age ,33+2 2ert")"#ate-, #aste,
ex%er"en#e #ert")"#ates, along 7"th re#ent %ass%ort s"9e %hotogra%h an& su%er s#r"."ng the en;elo%e 7"th the
%os"t"on a%%l"e& )or, .* %ost / #our"er to the 3r' Manager ,I(-, (e#ru"t!ent 3e#t"on, Mangalore (e)"ner* an&
Petro#he!"#als +t&', Post Kuthethur, Mangalore 575030, on or .e)ore 20/10/2014' 2an&"&ates .elong"ng to
1eneral an& /A2 #ategor* nee& to %a* an a%%l"#at"on )ee o) ` 500/- ,(u%ees F";e hun&re& onl*- "n )a;our o)
Mangalore (e)"ner* an& Petro#he!"#als +t&', 5##ount 0o' 00000010E81274266 ,:F32 2o&e 3A:00000871-'
Pa*!ent #an .e !a&e through #hallan "n an* .ran#h o) 3tate AanB o) :n&"a .* &o7nloa&"ng the 2hallan For!at
en#lose& 7"th the 5&;ert"se!ent "n the Fe.s"te' Io7e;er, AanB 2o!!"ss"on #harges shall .e %a"& .* those 7ho
!aBe %a*!ent through #hallan' 32/38/PFG/x-3er;"#e!en are exe!%te& )ro! %a*"ng a%%l"#at"on )ee'
2an&"&ates )or7ar&"ng a%%l"#at"ons 7h"#h are not as %er the %res#r".e& )or!at an& 7"thout a%%l"#at"on )ee, as
g";en "n the 7e. a&;ert"se!ent 7"ll .e re?e#te&' Last +ate for Recei#t of A##lications: &(')('&()*

0or Sl. o. )< to )> ( on5line a##lication$ :

Pro#e&ure )or a%%l*"ng )or the %os"t"ons )ro! 3l' 0o' 13 to 18, Gate o) 2o!!en#e!ent o) on-l"ne a%%l"#at"ons
an& +ast &ate )or su.!"ss"on o) on-l"ne a%%l"#at"ons, Gate o) Fr"tten 8est, 3*lla.us )or the Fr"tten 8est et#', shall
.e %u.l"she& "n &ue #ourse through %a%er a&;ert"se!ent / 7e.s"te ,777'!r%l'#o'"n -u%&ate'

!,,RAL .S/R-"/.OS:
1' 5ll the Dual")"#at"ons s%e#")"e& a.o;e shoul& .e re#ogn"9e& .* >12 / 5:28'
2' ForB"ng Bno7le&ge o) I"n&" "s &es"ra.le'
3' 2an&"&ates #alle& )or "nter;"e7 shall .e re"!.urse& 8ra;el"ng allo7an#e as )ollo7s )ro! the"r #orres%on&en#e
a&&ress "n :n&"a on %ro&u#t"on o) a#tual t"#Bets .* the shortest route' +o#al 8ra;el #ost, ") an*, shall .e .orne
.* the #an&"&ates:
a' -8 gra&e #ono!* #lass a"r )are, 3-7 gra&es 1
#lass / 2 52 (a"l )are "n#lu&"ng (a?&han"
x%ress an& -2 gra&e 2
#lass (a"l / Aus )are'
.' 1 gra&e - l"g".le 32/38/PFG #an&"&ates #alle& )or 7r"tten test 7"ll .e re"!.urse& se#on& #lass ra"l /
.us )are .* the shortest route, on %ro&u#t"on o) ra"l / .us t"#Bet an& sel) atteste& &o#u!ents "n
su%%ort o) el"g"."l"t* su#h as Gate o) ."rth %roo), 2aste #ert")"#ate an& <ual")"#at"on !arBs #ar&s /
#ert")"#ate along 7"th or"g"nals )or ;er")"#at"on' Io7e;er, 2an&"&ates o%t"ng )or exa!"nat"on "n a #"t*
other than the #"t* nearest )ro! the !a"l"ng a&&ress 7"ll not .e %a"& 85' 5ll #an&"&ates #alle& )or
:nter;"e7 7"ll .e re"!.urse& se#on& #lass ra"l / .us )are .* the shortest route on %ro&u#t"on o) ra"l /
.us t"#Bets' PFG #an&"&ates 7"ll .e re"!.urse& tra;el #ost as a.o;e, )or one atten&ant 7here;er
a%%l"#a.le, as %er 1o;t' gu"&el"nes'
4' +o#at"on o) the ?o. "s as s%e#")"e& aga"nst ea#h %os"t"on' Io7e;er, e!%lo*ees are l"a.le to .e trans)erre& to
an* %la#e "n :n&"a or a.roa&, 7"th"n the sa!e /rgan"9at"on, or one o) the grou% #o!%an"es o) /012 or an*
other organ"9at"on'
5' Pre)eren#e 7"ll .e g";en )or #an&"&ates )ro! M"nor"t* #o!!un"t"es'
6' 5llo7an#es an& %erDu"s"tes shall .e as a&!"ss".le )or the gra&es'
7' :n #ase large nu!.ers o) a%%l"#at"ons are re#e";e&, Manage!ent reser;e& the r"ght to ra"se the !"n"!u!
el"g"."l"t* stan&ar&s / #r"ter"a'
>. ReBuests for change of category once declared in the a##lication ?ill not be entertained.
E' For #la"!"ng the .ene)"t o) /A2 #ategor*, the #an&"&ate shoul& su.!"t a %ro%er #aste #ert")"#ate as %er the
%ro)or!a %res#r".e& as %er 2entral l"st o) "ssue& .* the 1o;ern!ent o) :n&"a, 7h"#h 7oul& a!ong others,
s%e#")"#all* !ent"on that the #an&"&ate &oes not .elong to the %ersons / se#t"ons ,#rea!* la*er- as !ent"one&
"n #olu!n 3 o) the 3#he&ule to the Ge%art!ent o) Personnel an& 8ra"n"ng "n the 1o;t' o) :n&"a /M 0o'
36012/22/E3-stt' ,328- &ate& 8/E/1EE3' /he certificate should not be more than C months old as on
the last &ate )or re#e"%t o) a%%l"#at"on'
10' 5ge relaxat"on o) 32/38//A2: 5 *ears )or 32/38 an& 3 *ears )or /A2, PFG-10 *ears, age relaxat"on o) x-
3er;"#e!en ,K3M- as %er 1o;t' &"re#t";es'
11' x%er"en#e "n P3> / Pr";ate nee&s to .e s%e#")"e&'
12' Persons e!%lo*e& "n 1o;ern!ent organ"9at"ons / Pu.l"# 3e#tor >n&ertaB"ngs / 5utono!ous Ao&"es o7ne& .*
the 1o;ern!ent, should submit their a##lication through #ro#er channel. Ao?ever6 they may also
#roduce the o O7D,"/.O ",R/.0."A/, at the time of intervie? if their a##lications ?ere not
routed through #ro#er channel6 failing ?hich they ?ill not be allo?ed to a##ear for the
13' 8he ;a#an#"es an& reser;at"on "n&"#ate& a.o;e "s tentat";e an& !a* "n#rease the rele;ant #ategor"es at the
&"s#ret"on o) Manage!ent an& "n #o!%l"an#e 7"th Pres"&ent"al G"re#t";es on reser;at"on at the t"!e o)
a%%o"nt!ent Ge%en&"ng on the reDu"re!ent, the #o!%an* reser;es the r"ght to #an#el / restr"#t / #urta"l
/enlarge the nu!.er o) ;a#an#"es an& re#ru"t!ent %ro#ess, ") nee& so ar"ses, 7"thout an* )urther not"#e an&
7"thout ass"gn"ng an* reasons thereo)'
14' 3at"s)a#tor* 2hara#ter = 5nte#e&ents re%ort 7oul& .e reDu"re& on#e sele#te& an& the Manage!ent reser;es
the r"ght to out-r"ghtl* &"s!"ss the #an&"&ates 7hose re%ort "s not )oun& sat"s)a#tor*'
15' 2an;ass"ng "n an* )or! shall &"sDual")* the #an&"&ature'
16' Manage!ent reser;es the r"ght to )"ll or not to )"ll the %osts an& !ere )ul)"ll!ent o) Dual")"#at"on, ex%er"en#e
an& other el"g"."l"t* reDu"re!ents la"& &o7n, &oes not ent"tle a #an&"&ate to .e #alle& )or the %ersonal
17' Fh"le a%%l*"ng )or an* %ost, the a%%l"#ant shoul& ensure that he / she )ul)"ls the el"g"."l"t* an& other nor!s
!ent"one& a.o;e, as on the s%e#")"e& &ates an& that the %art"#ulars )urn"she& are #orre#t "n all res%e#ts' :n
#ase "t "s &ete#te& at an* stage o) re#ru"t!ent that a #an&"&ate &oes not )ul)"ll the el"g"."l"t* nor!s an& / or
that he / she has )urn"she& an* "n#orre#t / )alse "n)or!at"on or has su%%resse& an* !ater"al )a#t,s-, h"s / her
#an&"&ature 7"ll stan& auto!at"#all* #an#elle&' :) an* o) the a.o;e short#o!"ng,s- "s / are &ete#te& e;en a)ter
a%%o"nt!ent, h"s / her ser;"#es are l"a.le to .e ter!"nate& 7"thout an* not"#e'
18' 2an&"&ates !ust !ent"on #orre#t an& a#t";e e-!a"l :G / 2onta#t nos' )or #o!!un"#at"on'
1E' 8he a%%l"#at"on )ee 7"ll not .e returne& / re)un&e& &ue to an* reasons, 7hatsoe;er'
20' 5n* legal %ro#ee&"ng "n res%e#t o) an* !ater o) #la"! or &"s%ute ar"s"ng out o) th"s a&;ert"se!ent an& / or an
a%%l"#at"on "n res%onse thereto #an .e "nst"tute& onl* "n Mangalore an& #ourts / tr".unals / )oru!s at
Mangalore onl* shall ha;e sole an& ex#lus";e ?ur"s&"#t"on to tr* an* su#h #ase / &"s%ute'
21' :n the e;ent an* a%%l"#ant has l"t"gate& 7"th h"s / her e!%lo*er "n the %ast, the sa!e shoul& .e #learl*
!ent"one& "n .r"e)'
22' Manage!ent reser;es the r"ght to #reate an& o%erate a %anel o) su"ta.le #an&"&ates )or one *ear'
23' 5n* a!en&!ent / #orr"gen&u! shall .e hoste& onl* on the 2o!%an*6s 7e.s"te 777'!r%l'#o'"n' 2an&"&ates
!a* regularl* #he#B )or u%&ates'
,8/ A F:++G :0 25P:85+ +88(3-

5' Gate o) A"rth : ,&&/!!/****- : LLLLLLLLLLLL Ga* LLLLLLLLLLL Month LLLLLLLLLLLLL Mear
7' 0at"onal"t*: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 8' 3tate o) Go!"#"le ,state .elongs to- : LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
E' 2ategor* ,32/38//A2/PFG ,") PFG, "n&"#ate &egree o) &"sa."l"t*- : LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

12' <ual")"#at"on ,3e#on&ar* 3#hool on7ar&s- :
0a!e o)
0a!e o) :nst"tute /
Gurat"on o)
Gate o)
Gate o) Pass"ng
N Per#entage o) MarBs

N "n #ase o) 21P5 / /1P5 or 1ra&e, !ent"on eDu";alent %er#entage o) !arBs as %er >n";ers"t* / :nst"tute nor!s' Per#entage
o) !arBs not to .e roun&e& o))'

13' I"n&" Pro)"#"en#* le;el ,stu&"e& I"n&" u% to- :

14' ForB x%er"en#e:
0a!e = 5&&ress o)
the /rgan"sat"on /
Post hel& Per"o&

0ature o) Ho. 0ature o)
3alar* Gra7n (eason )or lea;"ng

15' Ge!an& Gra)t ,` 500/-- 0o' : LLLLLLLLLLLL / Gate o) Pa*!ent LLLLLLLLL / :ssu"ng AanB / Aran#h LLLLLLLLLLLLLL
18' 3our#e o) 5&;ert"se!ent: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL,0a!e o) 0e7s%a%er or Hournal or Fe.s"te-

: here.* &e#lare that the a.o;e "n)or!at"on "s true to the .est o) !* Bno7le&ge' : un&erstan& that !* #an&"&ature 7"ll .e
#an#elle&, ") the "n)or!at"on "s )oun& to .e )alse or "n#orre#t or !* a%%l"#at"on "s "n#o!%lete'


NB: Please use separate sheet if space is inadequate for filling SL no 12 & 14. The format must be
the same. Please sign on each page of the application form.


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