Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL), a subsidiary of ONGC, is seeking applications for several management positions. The positions include General Manager, Chief Manager (Shipping), Senior Manager (Law), Senior Manager (Finance), Manager (Operations), and Manager (Fire & Safety). Candidates must meet the minimum educational qualifications and years of relevant experience specified for each role. Salaries range from Rs. 1.31 lakhs to Rs. 7.3 lakhs per annum based on the position. MRPL is focused on efficiency, growth, and real challenges. This is an opportunity for qualified candidates looking for new roles.
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL), a subsidiary of ONGC, is seeking applications for several management positions. The positions include General Manager, Chief Manager (Shipping), Senior Manager (Law), Senior Manager (Finance), Manager (Operations), and Manager (Fire & Safety). Candidates must meet the minimum educational qualifications and years of relevant experience specified for each role. Salaries range from Rs. 1.31 lakhs to Rs. 7.3 lakhs per annum based on the position. MRPL is focused on efficiency, growth, and real challenges. This is an opportunity for qualified candidates looking for new roles.
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL), a subsidiary of ONGC, is seeking applications for several management positions. The positions include General Manager, Chief Manager (Shipping), Senior Manager (Law), Senior Manager (Finance), Manager (Operations), and Manager (Fire & Safety). Candidates must meet the minimum educational qualifications and years of relevant experience specified for each role. Salaries range from Rs. 1.31 lakhs to Rs. 7.3 lakhs per annum based on the position. MRPL is focused on efficiency, growth, and real challenges. This is an opportunity for qualified candidates looking for new roles.
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL), a subsidiary of ONGC, is seeking applications for several management positions. The positions include General Manager, Chief Manager (Shipping), Senior Manager (Law), Senior Manager (Finance), Manager (Operations), and Manager (Fire & Safety). Candidates must meet the minimum educational qualifications and years of relevant experience specified for each role. Salaries range from Rs. 1.31 lakhs to Rs. 7.3 lakhs per annum based on the position. MRPL is focused on efficiency, growth, and real challenges. This is an opportunity for qualified candidates looking for new roles.
4 Out of % Manager (,*$ #ositions: S"5)6 O7"5& 8 -R5& 9 Out of the & Sr. ,:ecutive (,&$ #ositions: S"5) and -R5). ; Out of << ,ngineer (,)$ #ositions: S/5)6 O7"5)= and -R5)%. 8 Out of > ,:ecutive (,)$ #ositions: S"5)6 O7"5& and -R5%
,L.!.7.L./1 "R./,R.A:
). 8he #ut o)) &ate )or &e#"&"ng the !ax"!u! %er!"ss".le age an& e:#erience ,7here;er a%%l"#a.le- as %er el"g"."l"t* #r"ter"a shall .e 31/10/2014' x%er"en#e sho7n !ust .e the !"n"!u! rele;ant ex%er"en#e )or the )un#t"on, a)ter o.ta"n"ng ne#essar* Dual")"#at"on ,%ost Dual")"#at"on ex%er"en#e- "n#lu&"ng 4/n the Ho.6 tra"n"ng %er"o&' &. 8he %er"o& o) ex%er"en#e %res#r".e& an& the stan&ar& o) su"ta."l"t* o) the 32 / 38 #an&"&ates "s relaxa.le, at the &"s#ret"on o) the #o!%etent author"t*, "n the e;ent o) non-a;a"la."l"t* o) su))"#"ent nu!.er o) su"ta.le #an&"&ates )or the %osts' <. Fhere;er s%e#")"# rele;ant ex%er"en#e has .een %res#r".e&, x%er"en#e 2ert")"#ates / (esu!es #learl* "n&"#at"ng the s%e#")"# area o) ex%er"en#e shoul& .e en#lose&' Please note that a%%l"#at"ons not )ul)"ll"ng th"s s%e#")"# #r"ter"a 7"ll not .e #ons"&ere&' *. 8he #ut-o)) %er#entage "n Dual")*"ng exa!"nat"on )or 3l' 0o' 13 to 18 7oul& .e 65J "n ng"neer"ng G"s#"%l"ne an& F"rst #lass )or MA5 / M3F or eDu";alent )or 1eneral #ategor* an& 40J )or 32/38//A2 ,0on #rea!* la*er- #an&"&ates' Per#entage o) MarBs "n Dual")*"ng exa!"nat"ons shoul& .e aggregate o) all se!esters' For 25 an& :2F5, the #ut o)) %er#entage "s %ass #lass' %. Positions at Sl. os. ))6 )&6 )= and )> above are identified as suitable for Persons ?ith +isability (@A ' AA ' OA$.
0or Sl. o. ) to )& :
2an&"&ates are reDueste& to rea& the "nstru#t"ons an& ensure #orre#tness o) the &ata .e)ore a%%l*"ng' 2an&"&ates shoul& su.!"t the"r a%%l"#at"on "n the en#lose& )or!at, en#los"ng sel) atteste& #o%"es o) all rele;ant #ert")"#ates "n su%%ort o) Dual")"#at"on ,along 7"th *ear-7"se / se!ester-7"se !arBs #ar&s-, age ,33+2 2ert")"#ate-, #aste, ex%er"en#e #ert")"#ates, along 7"th re#ent %ass%ort s"9e %hotogra%h an& su%er s#r"."ng the en;elo%e 7"th the %os"t"on a%%l"e& )or, .* %ost / #our"er to the 3r' Manager ,I(-, (e#ru"t!ent 3e#t"on, Mangalore (e)"ner* an& Petro#he!"#als +t&', Post Kuthethur, Mangalore 575030, on or .e)ore 20/10/2014' 2an&"&ates .elong"ng to 1eneral an& /A2 #ategor* nee& to %a* an a%%l"#at"on )ee o) ` 500/- ,(u%ees F";e hun&re& onl*- "n )a;our o) Mangalore (e)"ner* an& Petro#he!"#als +t&', 5##ount 0o' 00000010E81274266 ,:F32 2o&e 3A:00000871-' Pa*!ent #an .e !a&e through #hallan "n an* .ran#h o) 3tate AanB o) :n&"a .* &o7nloa&"ng the 2hallan For!at en#lose& 7"th the 5&;ert"se!ent "n the Fe.s"te' Io7e;er, AanB 2o!!"ss"on #harges shall .e %a"& .* those 7ho !aBe %a*!ent through #hallan' 32/38/PFG/x-3er;"#e!en are exe!%te& )ro! %a*"ng a%%l"#at"on )ee' 2an&"&ates )or7ar&"ng a%%l"#at"ons 7h"#h are not as %er the %res#r".e& )or!at an& 7"thout a%%l"#at"on )ee, as g";en "n the 7e. a&;ert"se!ent 7"ll .e re?e#te&' Last +ate for Recei#t of A##lications: &(')('&()*
!,,RAL .S/R-"/.OS: 1' 5ll the Dual")"#at"ons s%e#")"e& a.o;e shoul& .e re#ogn"9e& .* >12 / 5:28' 2' ForB"ng Bno7le&ge o) I"n&" "s &es"ra.le' 3' 2an&"&ates #alle& )or "nter;"e7 shall .e re"!.urse& 8ra;el"ng allo7an#e as )ollo7s )ro! the"r #orres%on&en#e a&&ress "n :n&"a on %ro&u#t"on o) a#tual t"#Bets .* the shortest route' +o#al 8ra;el #ost, ") an*, shall .e .orne .* the #an&"&ates: a' -8 gra&e #ono!* #lass a"r )are, 3-7 gra&es 1 st #lass / 2 52 (a"l )are "n#lu&"ng (a?&han" x%ress an& -2 gra&e 2 n& #lass (a"l / Aus )are' .' 1 gra&e - l"g".le 32/38/PFG #an&"&ates #alle& )or 7r"tten test 7"ll .e re"!.urse& se#on& #lass ra"l / .us )are .* the shortest route, on %ro&u#t"on o) ra"l / .us t"#Bet an& sel) atteste& &o#u!ents "n su%%ort o) el"g"."l"t* su#h as Gate o) ."rth %roo), 2aste #ert")"#ate an& <ual")"#at"on !arBs #ar&s / #ert")"#ate along 7"th or"g"nals )or ;er")"#at"on' Io7e;er, 2an&"&ates o%t"ng )or exa!"nat"on "n a #"t* other than the #"t* nearest )ro! the !a"l"ng a&&ress 7"ll not .e %a"& 85' 5ll #an&"&ates #alle& )or :nter;"e7 7"ll .e re"!.urse& se#on& #lass ra"l / .us )are .* the shortest route on %ro&u#t"on o) ra"l / .us t"#Bets' PFG #an&"&ates 7"ll .e re"!.urse& tra;el #ost as a.o;e, )or one atten&ant 7here;er a%%l"#a.le, as %er 1o;t' gu"&el"nes' 4' +o#at"on o) the ?o. "s as s%e#")"e& aga"nst ea#h %os"t"on' Io7e;er, e!%lo*ees are l"a.le to .e trans)erre& to an* %la#e "n :n&"a or a.roa&, 7"th"n the sa!e /rgan"9at"on, or one o) the grou% #o!%an"es o) /012 or an* other organ"9at"on' 5' Pre)eren#e 7"ll .e g";en )or #an&"&ates )ro! M"nor"t* #o!!un"t"es' 6' 5llo7an#es an& %erDu"s"tes shall .e as a&!"ss".le )or the gra&es' 7' :n #ase large nu!.ers o) a%%l"#at"ons are re#e";e&, Manage!ent reser;e& the r"ght to ra"se the !"n"!u! el"g"."l"t* stan&ar&s / #r"ter"a' >. ReBuests for change of category once declared in the a##lication ?ill not be entertained. E' For #la"!"ng the .ene)"t o) /A2 #ategor*, the #an&"&ate shoul& su.!"t a %ro%er #aste #ert")"#ate as %er the %ro)or!a %res#r".e& as %er 2entral l"st o) "ssue& .* the 1o;ern!ent o) :n&"a, 7h"#h 7oul& a!ong others, s%e#")"#all* !ent"on that the #an&"&ate &oes not .elong to the %ersons / se#t"ons ,#rea!* la*er- as !ent"one& "n #olu!n 3 o) the 3#he&ule to the Ge%art!ent o) Personnel an& 8ra"n"ng "n the 1o;t' o) :n&"a /M 0o' 36012/22/E3-stt' ,328- &ate& 8/E/1EE3' /he certificate should not be more than C months old as on the last &ate )or re#e"%t o) a%%l"#at"on' 10' 5ge relaxat"on o) 32/38//A2: 5 *ears )or 32/38 an& 3 *ears )or /A2, PFG-10 *ears, age relaxat"on o) x- 3er;"#e!en ,K3M- as %er 1o;t' &"re#t";es' 11' x%er"en#e "n P3> / Pr";ate nee&s to .e s%e#")"e&' 12' Persons e!%lo*e& "n 1o;ern!ent organ"9at"ons / Pu.l"# 3e#tor >n&ertaB"ngs / 5utono!ous Ao&"es o7ne& .* the 1o;ern!ent, should submit their a##lication through #ro#er channel. Ao?ever6 they may also #roduce the o O7D,"/.O ",R/.0."A/, at the time of intervie? if their a##lications ?ere not routed through #ro#er channel6 failing ?hich they ?ill not be allo?ed to a##ear for the intervie?' 13' 8he ;a#an#"es an& reser;at"on "n&"#ate& a.o;e "s tentat";e an& !a* "n#rease the rele;ant #ategor"es at the &"s#ret"on o) Manage!ent an& "n #o!%l"an#e 7"th Pres"&ent"al G"re#t";es on reser;at"on at the t"!e o) a%%o"nt!ent Ge%en&"ng on the reDu"re!ent, the #o!%an* reser;es the r"ght to #an#el / restr"#t / #urta"l /enlarge the nu!.er o) ;a#an#"es an& re#ru"t!ent %ro#ess, ") nee& so ar"ses, 7"thout an* )urther not"#e an& 7"thout ass"gn"ng an* reasons thereo)' 14' 3at"s)a#tor* 2hara#ter = 5nte#e&ents re%ort 7oul& .e reDu"re& on#e sele#te& an& the Manage!ent reser;es the r"ght to out-r"ghtl* &"s!"ss the #an&"&ates 7hose re%ort "s not )oun& sat"s)a#tor*' 15' 2an;ass"ng "n an* )or! shall &"sDual")* the #an&"&ature' 16' Manage!ent reser;es the r"ght to )"ll or not to )"ll the %osts an& !ere )ul)"ll!ent o) Dual")"#at"on, ex%er"en#e an& other el"g"."l"t* reDu"re!ents la"& &o7n, &oes not ent"tle a #an&"&ate to .e #alle& )or the %ersonal "nter;"e7' 17' Fh"le a%%l*"ng )or an* %ost, the a%%l"#ant shoul& ensure that he / she )ul)"ls the el"g"."l"t* an& other nor!s !ent"one& a.o;e, as on the s%e#")"e& &ates an& that the %art"#ulars )urn"she& are #orre#t "n all res%e#ts' :n #ase "t "s &ete#te& at an* stage o) re#ru"t!ent that a #an&"&ate &oes not )ul)"ll the el"g"."l"t* nor!s an& / or that he / she has )urn"she& an* "n#orre#t / )alse "n)or!at"on or has su%%resse& an* !ater"al )a#t,s-, h"s / her #an&"&ature 7"ll stan& auto!at"#all* #an#elle&' :) an* o) the a.o;e short#o!"ng,s- "s / are &ete#te& e;en a)ter a%%o"nt!ent, h"s / her ser;"#es are l"a.le to .e ter!"nate& 7"thout an* not"#e' 18' 2an&"&ates !ust !ent"on #orre#t an& a#t";e e-!a"l :G / 2onta#t nos' )or #o!!un"#at"on' 1E' 8he a%%l"#at"on )ee 7"ll not .e returne& / re)un&e& &ue to an* reasons, 7hatsoe;er' 20' 5n* legal %ro#ee&"ng "n res%e#t o) an* !ater o) #la"! or &"s%ute ar"s"ng out o) th"s a&;ert"se!ent an& / or an a%%l"#at"on "n res%onse thereto #an .e "nst"tute& onl* "n Mangalore an& #ourts / tr".unals / )oru!s at Mangalore onl* shall ha;e sole an& ex#lus";e ?ur"s&"#t"on to tr* an* su#h #ase / &"s%ute' 21' :n the e;ent an* a%%l"#ant has l"t"gate& 7"th h"s / her e!%lo*er "n the %ast, the sa!e shoul& .e #learl* !ent"one& "n .r"e)' 22' Manage!ent reser;es the r"ght to #reate an& o%erate a %anel o) su"ta.le #an&"&ates )or one *ear' 23' 5n* a!en&!ent / #orr"gen&u! shall .e hoste& onl* on the 2o!%an*6s 7e.s"te 777'!r%l'#o'"n' 2an&"&ates !a* regularl* #he#B )or u%&ates' APPL."A/.O ,8/ A F:++G :0 25P:85+ +88(3-
: here.* &e#lare that the a.o;e "n)or!at"on "s true to the .est o) !* Bno7le&ge' : un&erstan& that !* #an&"&ature 7"ll .e #an#elle&, ") the "n)or!at"on "s )oun& to .e )alse or "n#orre#t or !* a%%l"#at"on "s "n#o!%lete'
NB: Please use separate sheet if space is inadequate for filling SL no 12 & 14. The format must be the same. Please sign on each page of the application form.
Mahilaon Ki Swasthy Sambandhi Mithak Dharnayen: 100 Se Aadhik Swasthy Sambandhi Yesi Galatfahmiyan Jo Mahilaon Ke Swasthy Jeevan Jeene Mai Badhak Banti Hai