Work Study & Ergonomics

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Work Study & Ergonomics

Work Study
Technique used in examination of human work in all its contents.
Leads to systematic investigation of all factors which affect
Seeks improvement in method, layout & time to do a job.
Finds most efficient ways to use 4 Ms Men, M/c, Material &

Scientific study of worker and environment where he works
Deals with layout, design of seat, presentation of display panels
Deals with design of control levers
Study of rest and fatigue
Study of Lighting , noise and pollution
Objectives of Work Study
Uniform & improved production flow and Layout
Higher Productivity
Reduce mfg costs
Fast and accurate delivery
Better working conditions
Higher wages to workers
Eliminate wastage of human effort
Eliminate duplication
Reduce health hazards
Efficient and fast material handling

Applications of Work Study

Marketing, Sales & Distribution
Material Handling
Building & Construction

Work Study procedure
1. Select and Define
2. Record
3. Critcially Examine
4. Develop a better method
5. Instaal new method
6. Maintain new method

Selection Criteria
Economic aspects - To reduce mfg cost, To reduce wastages of materials , labour
and m/c capacity & reduce idleness
Technical aspects- To overcome bottlenecks, To improve on repetitive operations,
Adequate Technical Knowledge of the subject
Human reaction- Employee attitude, reduce operator fatigue, eliminate
duplication of work

Record all relevant information & procedure pertaining to existing method
Prepare a chart after recording
Recording Techniques
1. Charts :
Outline process charts
Flow process charts : Man type, Material type, Equipment type
Two-handed process chart
Multiple activity chart
Travel chart
2. Diagrams :
Flow diagram
String diagram

3. Motion & Film Analysis ( Micro-motion & Memo-motion Study):
SIMO Chart: Simultaneous Motion Study
PMTS : Pre-determined Motion & Time Study

4. Layout Models-2D & 3-D
Critical Examination
Systematic approach by asking following questions :

Purpose : What, Why, What else might be done, What should be done
Place : Where, Why, Where else, Where should it be done
Sequence : When, Why, When might be done , When should be done
Person : Who, Why does that person do, Who else might do, Who should do
Method : How, Why it is done that way, How else it should be done

Develop a better method
Brain-storming sessions :
Form a team of all members involved in the work
Gather the team and generate ideas
Evaluate the ideas against specific objectives
Choose one or two of the best ideas
Share the idea with all group members
Develop the best method out of the chosen idea
Record the new method and test it for improvements over old method
Get Management approval
Install new method
There are 2 stages :
1. Preparation
Planning : Responsible person, Start & completion Date for each stage
Arranging : Checking availability of tools and materials, Training to operators,
Information to all concerned
Rehearsing : Trial run of proposed new method

2. Implementation : Establish new method as a Standard Practice

Maintain new Method
Ensure periodical check of new method
Review new method with workers & supervisors
Make minor changes, if necessary for further improvement.

Principles of Motion Economy
1. Rules concerning human body
2. Rules concerning Work- place Layout and Material Handling
3. Rules concerning Tools & Equipment
4. Rules concerning Time Conservation

Rules concerning human body :
Both hands should be used for productive work
Both hands should start and finish operation at same time
Motion of hands should be symmetrical and opposite
Motion of hands should be smooth and continuous
Mechanical aids should be used as much as possible

Rules concerning Work- place Layout and Material Handling :
Definite, fixed and easy availability of tools and materials at work-place
Tools are located in the order of sequence of operations
Good and sufficient lighting
Comfortable height of chair and table
All heavy parts should be lifted by mechanical means

Principles of Motion Economy ( Contd.)

Rules concerning Tools & Equipment :
Jigs & Fixtures should be used as much as possible
Jigs & Fixtures should perform more than one operation
Surface contact between operators hand and tool handle should be maximized
Tools should be pre-located at place near the work table

Rules concerning Time Conservation :
M/c should not run idle
Operator should work on two or more jobs/operations at the same time
Number of motions required to complete a job should be minimized

Design of Work-place Layout

Materials and tools should be available to the worker at pre-determined
place,close to the worker
Materials and Tools should be placed in the order of sequence
Material incoming and finished goods-outgoing should move by gravity
Operators posture should be convenient
Operator may sit or stand to do work
Operator should be able to use levers with both hands without changing body
Work place should be clean, well-lighted,free from dust &noise pollution and heat
& humidity should be controlled.
Normal Working area should be within easy reach of operator
Maximum working area should be accessible to operator with stretched hands

Micro-motion & Memo-motion Study
Study of small motions of human body ( hands & other limbs )
Purpose :
1. To find best pattern of movement for operator
2. Less time & less fatigue for operator
3. Eliminate useless motions
4. Remaining motions are re-sequenced for better co-ordination of operators hands
Applications :
1. Used for processes involving repetitive , short-cycle jobs which cannot be studied by
process charts
2. Used for Training operators
3. Used for setting Time Standards
4. Used in the development of new machineries
5. Used in component assembly, packaging,inspection and highly skilled jobs
Method :
1. Film the job ( speed of 0.003 secs)
2. Analyse the film
3. Present data in the form of Simo Chart using THERBLIGS, showing operation and times
of both hands
Memo-motion Study
Similar to Micro-motion study except filming is at slower speed ( 60-100 frames
per minute)
Study team work
Study jobs with long cycles & ir-regular sequencing
Study flow of materials
Analyze material handling activities

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