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Hao-Hsiang Hung

Contact Address
400 Dowman Drive W401
Atlanta, GA 30322
Brief Introduction
10 years of research experience in network analysis, routing proto-
col design, optimization, stochastic process and modeling, linear pro-
gramming, algorithmic graph theory, supervised learning, Bayesian
network, algorithmic game theory, exact/approximation algorithm de-
sign and coding.
Extensive software programmer in 10+ years C/Objective-C/C++
/Java/Python/Matlab and a whole collection of web programming
languages (e.g. PHP,, etc), Java components (e.g. Swing,
JExcel, JDBC, .nio, .net, etc).
My mathematical training and background: discrete mathematics,
random process, theory of computation, advanced algorithm design,
approximation algorithms, randomized algorithms, probabilistic meth-
ods (and seminars), combinatorics (and graph theory seminars).
My current career plan is to seek a challenging position to utilize my
analytical, mathematical and programming skills.
Previous Working Experience
Emory University Atlanta, Georgia
Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant. Field: Theory of Com-
putation. Focus on researches in algorithmic design, especially ap-
proximation and randomized algorithms. Target problems cover met-
ric optimization and structural analysis, including light spanners in
minor-closed graph families (mostly nonplanar structures), applica-
tions of linear programming duality, graphs on surfaces, graph band-
width problems in dense graphs, and algorithmic game theory.
Institute of Information Science, Sinica Taiwan
Research Assistant in Institute of Information Science, Academic Sinica,
Taiwan. Field: Network Design. Focus on researches in wireless net-
works, opportunistic networks, and wireless personal area networks.
Specic topics include delay-tolerant network protocol design with
analysis, and Markov Chain applications in wireless channel modeling.
(Jan.-Dec. 2007)
Freelance Contractor Taiwan
Frelance Contractor for small Web Design, Programming, and En-
hancement Projects with light back-end databases (e.g.,
PHP, MySQL, etc).
Sze-Ming Structural Engineering Studio Taiwan
Technical Assistant (Computers and CAD Softwares).
Selected Programming Projects is a Web 2.0 site for English educational purpose in
Taiwan, implemented in and Javascript. The back-end
database is Microsoft Access, with web apache server. (2006)
highscope is a Web 2.0 presentation platform for high school sci-
entic educational project, implemented in PHP. The back-end
databse is MySQL, connecting with JDBC. (2006)
Vocabulary Enhancement is a toolkit for general GRE exam prepa-
ration, implementing Web Crawler, Regular Expression Parser,
Oce Software File Manager, and Randomized Word Tester. Us-
ing components: JExcel, Swing, java.nio,, and most core
packages. (2007)
The Great War project is a historical demonstration website for
educational purpose, administrated by the Beck Center of Emory
Library. The site was implemented in XML, Django, under MVC
framework. This team work based project was operated via Agile
methodology in software engineering. (2010)
Bulk Uploading is an automatic web auction setup tool tailored
for two bid sites: Hibid (will close on 12/31/2013) and web-; it uploads images and auto-type information about
products with template. Hundreds of items could be uploaded in
one day. Implemented in Autoit. (2013)
Graph Theory X is a small iOS app designed for academic use - a
graph theory conference in Atlanta.(
/rg/ALS10.html). Implemented in Objective-C and Javascript.
Donation Search is a Cloud-based platform under development.
A meta-search integration system providing donation information
for disaster relief worldwide (http : //
Skills Programming: Java, PHP, C, Objective-C, C++, MatLab, MPI,, Python, SQL, Java Script, XML, etc
Translation: Chinese-English, English-Chinese (has participated
in course translation at to convert MIT OpenCourse-
Math Tutoring: Calculus, Algorithms, distance-education, Com-
putational Mathematics, Graph Theory, Data Structure, Combi-
natorial Optimization, Discrete Mathematics, Applied Probabil-
ity, Linear Algebra, etc
Software: Microsoft Systems, Oce Suite Softwares, Wireless
Network, Computer Networking, Video-Streaming, Adobe Acro-
bat, etc
Writing: Academic Writing
1. Hao-Hsiang Hung, Information Retrieval for Digital Philanthropy,
in draft.
2. Hao-Hsiang Hung, Approximating Multilevel Bandwidth of Dense
Graphs, submitted.
3. Hao-Hsiang Hung, Improved Time Complexity of Approximating
Bandwidth in Dense Graphs, to appear in the 29th European
Workshop on Computational Geometry, in Braunschweig, March
17-20, 2013.
4. Hao-Hsiang Hung, Survival Network Design of Doubling Dimen-
sion Metrics,
5. Hao-Hsiang Hung, Light Spanner and Monotone Tree in Non-
planar Structures, in the 19th edition of Computing: the Aus-
tralasian Theory Symposium (CATS), 2013.
6. Michelangelo Grigni and Hao-Hsiang Hung, Finding Light Span-
ners in Bounded Pathwidth Graphs, in the post session of the
Graph Theory Conference Honoring the 50th Birthday of Robin
Thomas, May 7-11, 2012, Georgia Tech; also in 37th Interna-
tional Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer
Science, Bratislava, Slovakia, August 27-31, 2012.
7. Hao-Hsiang Hung, Light Spanners with Stack and Queue Charg-
ing Schemes, MIGHTY XII - The 52nd Midwest Graph Theory
Conference, Indiana State University, April 27-28, 2012.
8. Ling-Jyh Chen and Hao-Hsiang Hung, A Two-State Markov-
based Wireless Error Model for Bluetooth Networks, Wireless
Personal Communications, Springer, 2009.
9. Hao-Hsiang Hung and Ling-Jyh Chen, An Analytical Study of
Wireless Error Models for Bluetooth Networks, IEEE ICOIN08.
10. Hao-Hsiang Hung, Ling-Jyh Chen, Cheng-Long Tseng, and Cheng-
Fu Chou, HEC-based Probabilistic Data Forwarding Scheme in
Opportunistic Networks, National Technical Conference of Ed-
ucational Cooperation, Taipei, 2007.
11. Ling-Jyh Chen, Chih-Wei Sung, Hao-Hsiang Hung, Tony Sun,
and Cheng-Fu Chou, TSProbe: A Link Capacity Estimation
Tool for Time-Slotted Wireless Networks, IEEE WOCN07.
Education Emory University Atlanta, GA
Graduate program in Math & CS, 2008 2012 (received Masters
National Tsing Hua University Taiwan
M.S. in Computer Science, 2004.
National Chi Nan University Taiwan
B.S. in Computer Science, 2002.
Awards and Support
Research Program on problems related to Bandwidth Optimization,
Alethenia University, 12/12/2011 1/12/2012 (Supported by Emory
Laney Graduate School).
Training Program for Attending Workshop: Approximation Algo-
rithms: The Last Decade and the Next, IAS, June 13-17, 2011 (Sup-
ported by Emory Laney Graduate School).
Training Program for Attending Workshop on Pseudo-randomness
in Mathematical Structures, IAS, June 14-18, 2010 (Supported by
Emory Graduate Student Association Student Travel Grant).
1. Student member of Society for Industrial and Applied Mathe-
matics (SIAM), 20082009.
2. Student member of Institute for Operations and the Management
Sciences (INFORMS), 20112012.
Teaching Experience
1. Tutoring materials at http : // http :
//, 2014.
2. Organizer and Material Compilation, AMC 8 Winter Camp in
Tamshui, New Taipei City, Taiwan R.O.C., 2013.
3. Teaching Assistant & Lecturer, Introduction to Computer Sci-
ence I & II (Java Language and Data Structure in Java), Emory
University, 20092012 (total 6 semesters and the following is a
partial list).
4. Teaching Assistant & Lecturer, Introduction to Computer Sci-
ence II, Emory University, Summer 2011.
5. Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Computer Science I, Emory
University, Spring 2011.
6. Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Computer Science II, Emory
University, Fall 2010.
7. Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Computer Science II, Emory
University, Fall 2009.
8. Guest Lecturer, Data Networks, National Taiwan Normal Uni-
versity, Taiwan, Dec. 13, 2007.
9. Teaching Assistant, Data Structure, National Tsing Hua Univer-
sity, Taiwan, Fall 2003.

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