This document is a travel allowance journal for an employee claiming travel expenses. It details the employee's travel from July 14th to August 23rd. The journal lists the dates, modes of transportation, departure and arrival times, locations traveled between, and purposes of each trip. It also includes the percentage and amount of travel allowance claimed for each trip. In total, the employee is claiming Rs. 550 travel allowance for each of the 8 trips listed in the journal during this period.
This document is a travel allowance journal for an employee claiming travel expenses. It details the employee's travel from July 14th to August 23rd. The journal lists the dates, modes of transportation, departure and arrival times, locations traveled between, and purposes of each trip. It also includes the percentage and amount of travel allowance claimed for each trip. In total, the employee is claiming Rs. 550 travel allowance for each of the 8 trips listed in the journal during this period.
This document is a travel allowance journal for an employee claiming travel expenses. It details the employee's travel from July 14th to August 23rd. The journal lists the dates, modes of transportation, departure and arrival times, locations traveled between, and purposes of each trip. It also includes the percentage and amount of travel allowance claimed for each trip. In total, the employee is claiming Rs. 550 travel allowance for each of the 8 trips listed in the journal during this period.
This document is a travel allowance journal for an employee claiming travel expenses. It details the employee's travel from July 14th to August 23rd. The journal lists the dates, modes of transportation, departure and arrival times, locations traveled between, and purposes of each trip. It also includes the percentage and amount of travel allowance claimed for each trip. In total, the employee is claiming Rs. 550 travel allowance for each of the 8 trips listed in the journal during this period.
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Journal of duties performed by Shri..
For which TA Allowance for is claimed.
Designation Pay........... Date of Appointment
Signature of Officer Claiming T.A.
Date Mode Of Convey. Dep : (Hrs.) Arr: (Hrs.) From To Purpose % Amt. in Rs. 14.07.14 By Train 7.30 10.30 kalpi kanpur --- -- --- By train 17.05 21.00 Kanpur Kalpi. To assist Mr. Pramod Chaudhary 100 550.00 15.07.14 By Train 7.30 10.30 kalpi Kanpur HQ To assist Mr. Pramod Chaudhary -- --- ---- 18.00 .00 Kanpur HQ Kanpur Res. NIGHT STAY KANPUR 100 550.00 16.07.14 -- 09.30 10.00 Kanpur Res. Kanpur HQ To assist Mr. Pramod Chaudhary -- --- By road 18.25 19.50 Kanpur HQ Kanpur NIGHT STAY AT CNB 100 550.00 17.07..14
-- 09.30 10.00 Kanpur Kanpur HQ To assist Mr. Pramod Chaudhary -- ----- By road 18.10 19.25 Skylark office. Gaziabad. NIGHT STAY AT CNB 100 550.00 18.07.14 --- 09.30 10.00. Kanpur Kanpur HQ To assist Mr. Pramod Chaudhary -- -- By road 18.30 21.45 Kanpur HQ Kalpi 100 550.00 12.08.14 By Train 7.30 10.30 kalpi kanpur --- -- --- By train 17.05 21.00 Kanpur Kalpi. Meeting with CPM 100 550.00 23.08.14 By train 7.30 11.25 kalpi kanpur --- -- --- By bus 12.05 15.00 Kanpur Kalpi. Meeting with CPM 100 550.00 2