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The Stampede
Boys and Girls Cross Country Invitational
Hosted By: Independence Middle Schools Wednesday, October , !"# $OC%TIO&: Independence Middle School East Campus 18200 East M-78 Highway '%C( )IST%&C(: !! "aces 1#$ Miles M((T SCH()*$(: $:$0 pm Coaches Meeting %:%0 pm &' (i)ls *Se+en "unne)s %:00 pm &,' (i)ls -:00 pm &' ,oys * Se+en "unne)s %:20 pm &,' ,oys +lease send your team rosters no later than Wednesday, September !# th , +lease indicate Male and -emale, The in.ormation can be .a/ed to 0!102!3 or you can email the in.ormation to danita4pointer5isdschools,or6 %W%')S: I./I0I/1!: &,' (i)ls 10 Medals this includes 1 st and 2 nd place medals &,' ,oys 10 Medals this includes 1 st and 2 nd place medals &' (i)ls 10 Medals this includes 1 st and 2 nd place medals &' ,oys 10 Medals this includes 1 st and 2 nd place medals (&T'7 -((: M%I$ TO: 2-0#00 3o) ,oys 4eam and Middle School thletics 2-0#00 3o) (i)ls 4eam ttn: thletics Or 2-#00 pe) student 18200 E# M-78 Highway Ma5e chec5s paya6le to: Independence7 M8 9%0-7 Independence :u6lic Schools %n %thletic Trainer 8ill be on site, Concession stand 8ill be available, I3 you ha+e ;uestions7 please call the Middle School thletic /ept# at -21--%27 SCHOO$ +%'TICI+%TI&G: %ntioch Grain 9alley &e8 Mar: 'ayto8n Bin6ham Harrisonville &orth6ate 'ay Central Brittany Hill Hic:man Mills &o8lin 'ay South Center ;C (ast Christian Osa6e Trail $iberty &orth )elta Woods ;earney +embro:e Hill Sunny 9ale (ast6ate $iberty +ioneer 'id6e Warrensbur6 (/cel, Sprin6s Maple +ar: +leasant Hill 7eo:um Grandvie8 Moreland 'id6e 'ay +ec The Stampede Boys and Girls Cross Country Invitational %t The Independence Middle School Campus Wednesday, October , !"# Bus In.ormation: Buses 8ill need to drop athletes at the bac: o. Brid6er Middle School, Then the buses 8ill need to par: at (ast Side Baptist Church, <<" (, M1=3 Hi6h8ay, (ast Side Baptist Church is located about mile east o. Brid6er Middle School, This 8ill allo8 our schools to dismiss and 6et our buses and parents o.. school 6rounds, Buses 8ill need to 8ait at (ast Side Baptist Church until >:>", %t >:>" the buses then can par: at Bin6ham Middle School, =2 Spec: 'oad, +lease send copy o. map to transportation, -an?+arent +ar:in6: -an?+arent par:in6 8ill not be open until >:!" pm, %t that time the par:in6 lot at Brid6er Middle School and +ioneer 'id6e Middle School 8ill be opened to spectators 8ith limited par:in6 at Bin6ham, +lease 6ive copy o. map to .an?parent to locate par:in6 at the t8o middle schools, Concessions: There 8ill be a concession stand located at the .ootball .ield, -irst %id: We 8ill have .irst aid personal available at this meet, Will be located at scorer@s stand at the .ootball .ield, Cross Country Course: % copy o. the cross country course 8ill be sent at a later date and 8ill also have copies at the coaches meetin6 be.ore the meet be6ins, We are currently 8or:in6 on the route o. the race, Coaches Meetin6: Meetin6 8ill be located at Bin6ham Middle School on tur. .ootball .ield, Meetin6 8ill start at >:>" pm sharp,