This document provides a summary of the upcoming week's lessons and activities for a 4th grade class. It outlines that students will be starting their word work groups and guided reading books as part of a new two-week contract. In writing, students will brainstorm speeches to run for student council positions. In math, the class will focus on rounding, estimation, factors, and multiples. Social studies will cover parts of maps and using map scale and coordinates. Upcoming events include curriculum night and student council speeches.
This document provides a summary of the upcoming week's lessons and activities for a 4th grade class. It outlines that students will be starting their word work groups and guided reading books as part of a new two-week contract. In writing, students will brainstorm speeches to run for student council positions. In math, the class will focus on rounding, estimation, factors, and multiples. Social studies will cover parts of maps and using map scale and coordinates. Upcoming events include curriculum night and student council speeches.
This document provides a summary of the upcoming week's lessons and activities for a 4th grade class. It outlines that students will be starting their word work groups and guided reading books as part of a new two-week contract. In writing, students will brainstorm speeches to run for student council positions. In math, the class will focus on rounding, estimation, factors, and multiples. Social studies will cover parts of maps and using map scale and coordinates. Upcoming events include curriculum night and student council speeches.
This document provides a summary of the upcoming week's lessons and activities for a 4th grade class. It outlines that students will be starting their word work groups and guided reading books as part of a new two-week contract. In writing, students will brainstorm speeches to run for student council positions. In math, the class will focus on rounding, estimation, factors, and multiples. Social studies will cover parts of maps and using map scale and coordinates. Upcoming events include curriculum night and student council speeches.
8eadlng Wrlung 1hls ls our rsL Lwo week conLracL for ually 3. 1he klds wlll be sLarung boLh Lhelr word work groups and gulded readlng books. As parL of our conLracLs, Lhe sLudenLs are responslble for word work acuvlues, vocabulary, readlng, and comprehenslon acuvlues. l am looklng forward Lo dlgglng lnLo some greaL LexL! ln wrlung Lhls week, we are conunulng Lo work on oplnlon pleces. We wlll bralnsLormlng for our sLudenL councll speeches. Lveryone wlll be wrlung a speech. Cnly Lhose who wlsh Lo run for a sLudenL councll posluon wlll need Lo glve Lhelr speech on Monday, SepLember 29. Character Quote Math Social Studies/ Science 1hls week we are conunulng our second unlL ln our new maLh program, MaLh ln locus. We are focuslng on uslng boLh roundlng and fronL-end esumauon Lo check reasonableness or sums, dlerences, producLs, and quouenLs. We wlll also be dlvlng lnLo facLors and muluples. lease be sure Lo be pracuclng baslc facLs as parL of your chlld's homework! ln Soclal SLudles, we are conunulng our [ourney lnLo mapplng. We wlll be learnlng abouL Lhe dlerenL parLs of a map along wlLh belng able Lo use map scale and nd Lhe lauLude and longlLude of a place. Reminders Upcoming Events: Pictures of Crash Day!: Read Aloud Book: The Grimm Legacy September: 22: Curriculum Night 29: Student Council Speeches October: 16: Picture Retakes lease leL me know lf your chlld can noL access kld 8log or ScooLad. lor Lhe 8log, SLudenLs can wrlLe hls/her posLs on paper.