Installation Procedure Kamos RTJ Gasket

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The key takeaways are that proper gasket installation, flange preparation, fastener selection, and assembly procedure are important to achieve a leak-free joint. Per the documentation, experience has shown that leakage is often due to improper installation rather than a faulty gasket.

When installing gaskets, it is important to ensure gasket and flange quality, select the proper fasteners, and clean and check all components. The condition of the flange surfaces also plays an important role in achieving a leak-free joint.

The recommended steps for assembling a bolted joint include installing a new gasket, finger tightening all bolts, then tightening incrementally in a crisscross pattern to the required bolt stress or torque. A final tightening should be performed to ensure even stress across all bolts.

- the efficient solution for sealing and surveillance of flanged connections


Pat ent ed RTJ Gask et

Gask et i nf or mat i on

gasket will provide reliable seal when properly installed in the application for
which it was designed. Pleaseremember that theperformanceof abolted joint is not solely
dependent onthegasket itself, but onacombinationof variables, many of whichareoutside
thecontrol of thegasket manufacturer. Experiencehasshownthat leakageisnot necessarilya
soleindicationof afaulty gasket, but is morelikely to betheresult of improper installation,
assembly or boltingpractices, damaged flanges, or acombinationof themyriad of variables
associated inabolted gasketed assembly. Wheninstallingthegasket thefollowing areto be
Gasket Quality
Obviously gasket quality is important. Always deal with reputable suppliers and/or
manufacturers whoarecapableof highqualityproductsandsoundtechnical support.
Flange Surfaces
The condition of flange surfaces, as well as the proper flange material selection play an
important part in achieving a leak- free joint assembly. Assure that flanges have the
For optimumgasket performance KaMOS

recommends that the flange surface finishes

specifiedfor therespectivegasket selectedistobeused.

patented RTJ gaskets

It is important that the proper stud/ bolts and nuts are selected to assure joint integrity.
Improper selectionof thesemay compromisetheentirejoint assembly. Thefollowinglist is
Proper material
Appropriatecoatingor plating
Correct stud/ bolt length
Inaneffort toachieveahighdegreeof successinattainingaleak- freejoint several stepsare
required. It is imperativethat aregimented bolt up procedureis applied. As aminimumthe
Install a new gasket on the gasket seating surface and bring the mating flange in
contact withthegasket.
Donot applyany compoundsonthegasket or gasket seatingsurfaces
Install all bolts, making sure that they are free of any foreign matter, and well
lubricated. Lubricatenut bearingsurfaces aswell.
(Lubricationwill not berequiredfor PTFE coatedfasteners)
Run- upall nutsfinger tight.
Developtherequiredbolt stressor torqueincrementally inaminimumof four steps
in a crisscross pattern. The initial pre- stress should be no more than 30%of the
final requiredbolt stress. After followingthis sequence, afinal tighteningshouldbe
performedbolt tobolt toensurethat all boltshavebeenevenly stressed.
Note: Theuseof hardenedwasherswill enhancethejoint assembly.
Ensure use of skilled workmen and correct equipment. Final preload tools should be well
maintainedandshouldhaveaccuracy within+/- 2%of thetorqueor tensiontobeapplied.
For critical applications amoresophisticated method for bolt up may beconsidered such as
heatingrods, bolt tensioners, or ultrasonic extensometer.
Pr epar at i on
before installing KaMOS

patented RTJ gaskets

Clean and check
Use a nonabrasive soft cloth to clean all components with solvent to remove grease,
preservationanddirt. Special careshouldbetakenonsealingfaces andcontact areas. Check
that all componentsareof correct material andsize.
Damage location Remedy
Scratch or dent at the heel, covering less
than 3/4.
Grind with fine emery paper to the required depth. Finish with
emery paper grade 240.
Scratch or dent at the heel, covering 3/4
or more of the heel width.
Grind with fine emery paper to the required depth. Finish with
emery paper grade 240. The depth after grinding should be
maximum 0,1 mm. Repair with Loctite 510.
Small damage in seal ring seat location Grind with fine emery paper. Finish with emery paper grade 240.
Outer wedge Remove any burr standing proud of the surface by grinding/filing.
Seal ring sealing faces Replace seal ring
Inspect bolt threadsandnut bearingareatoverifythat thereisnoevidenceof gallingor other
damage. Thesurfaceshall becompletely intact. If anysignof damagediscardandreplace.
Polish off any small scratches on the heel, seal
ring and seal ring seat with fine emery cloth in
thecircumferential directiononly. Polishat least
on third of the circumference to ensure a
uniform blending of the re-work area. Lateral
polishing is unacceptable. Larger flange
damages may require flange face remachining.
Consult Flange manufacturer for remachining
Inspection and repair
Examineall sealingsurfaces for mechanical damageandrust. Thesealingfaces relies ona
good surface finish. These surfaces should therefore be free fromleak path scratches,
damagemarksandother surfaceirregularities. Useasuitablelight sourceandrunthefinger
tipover seal surfaces todetect dentsandgouges.
Check for stand-off
Whenseal ringisplacedinthegroovebyhand, it shouldrock slightly inthegroove, i.e.
theringshouldbeunableto firmly contact thegroovebottom. If this is not thecasethe
seal will neereplacing.
Prior to assembly, lubricatethe flange heel and
seating surfaces on the flange with
recommended lubricator. Take care that no
foreign matters (such as grit) is present in the
lubricant. The nut thread and nut bearing
surfaces on the flange should be lubricated in
accordance to the qualified procedure when
torqueisusedtoachievethefinal preload.
With the seal ring in the groove of one of the
flanges (parallel stand-off), bring the other
flangeinto alignment, seefigure. Thebolt holes
should be positioned so that the bolts can be

Step 1 Standardprocedurefor installationof gasketsistobeused.
Make sure that the injection tube for testing the gasket is placed between the
Step 2 Boltup.
of KaMOS

patented RTJ gaskets

I nst al l at i on
Bolt up sequence
- Example for use of torque
Step 1 Torque bolts up to approximately 30% of final torque value following the
diametrically opposed sequence.
Step 2 Repeat Stage 1, increasing the torque value to approximately 60% of the final
torque value.
Step 3 Repeat Stage 2, increasing the torque value to the final required torque value.
Step 4 A final tightening should be performed following an adjacent bolt to bolt
sequence to ensure that all bolt have been evenly stressed.
The gasket should NOT be fitted with the blind plug prior to installation of the gasket
in the flange tightening of flange bolts. Blind plug should only be installed after
gasket has been installed, hydrotight performed on the flange bolts and tested.

Test equi pment

Step 1 - Connect the quick release couplingto the pump and the testplug.
type 200800, for testing of KaMOS

patented gaskets by using


hydraulic test equipment (testrange: 0 400 bar)

Test Equipment includes:
1 200800-01 Max capacity pump: 10,000 PSI
2 200800-02 Protection frame: Aluminium, length 700mm
3 200800-03 Manometers: 400 bar
4 200800-04 Valve: 400 bar
5 200500-06* Quick-release: Female coupling
6 200500-07* Test hose: Hose 630 bar
* Same as used with KaMOS

Test Equipment type 200500

5 2 1
Pr oc edur e
Step 1 Turnthevalvehandlepointingtothehose.
Step 2 Start pumpingupthepressure.
Step 3 Onthegauges, youwill seethepressureyouhavepumpedintothering.
Step 4 Takethepressureuptoapprox70%of final pressurefor 3min., andthenup
tothefinal test pressure.
Step 5 Closethevalvebyturningit 90degreesfromhose.
Step 6 Holdthepressurefor approx3-5min.
Step 7 If any pressure drop on the right gauge there is a leakage and the
installationof theringneedtobechecked.
Step 8 If nopressuredropontheright gaugethegasket iscorrectlyinstalled.
Step 9 Test certificatetobewritten.
type 200800, for testing of KaMOS

patented gaskets by using


hydraulic test equipment (testrange: 0 400 bar)

Important Under no circumstances should flange sealing surfaces be machined in a
manner that tool marks would extend radially across thesealing surface. Such tool marks
arepractically impossibletoseal regardlessof typeof gasket used.
The data contained in this document has been complied fromresults of in- house and
external testingandcustomersfieldreports. Whileeveryeffort hasbeentakentoensurethe
integrity of this data, the company cannot take responsibility for misapplication. The
properties of the application shown are typical, KaMOS

therefore recommends that the

assistance of the Technical Department is sought when specifying products for new
applications. Failure to select a suitable product could result in property damage and/or
seriouspersonal injury. Asthecompanysproductsareusedfor amultiplicity of purposes,
and as KaMOS

has no control over the method of their application or use, KaMOS

excludes anddisclaims all warranties, express or implies, as to their products and/ or their
fitnessfor aparticular purpose.
Important WhenusingKaMOS

hydraulic test equipment and alonghose. It cantake

sometimetostabilizethepressure, thisisbecauseof theviscosity andCompressibility.
It canbenecessarytobringthetest pressureuptofinal test pressureseveral timesuntil the

Test equi pment

Step 1 - Install R21 Cylinder Pressure Regulator to the Pressure Bottle
Step 2 - Connect the hose to the quick release male coupling at the valve.
(Make sure that the handle on valve is pointing down, as picture)
Step 3 - Make sure that the pressure adjustment knob are in outstanding position.
Step 4 - Connect the quick release coupling to the testplug.
type 200500, for testing of KaMOS

patented gaskets by using


pneumatic test equipment (testrange: 0 - 200 bar)

Test Equipment includes:
1 200500-01 Pressure Bottle, 5I Nitrogen
2 200500-02 Pressure regulator
3 200500-03 Transistion
4 200500-04 T-coupling
5 200500-05 Quick release Male
6 200500-06 Quick release Female
7 200500-07 Test Hose
8 200500-09 Messing reducer
Pr oc edur e
Step 1 Turnthevalvehandlepointingtothehose
Step 2 Openpressurebottle
Step 3 Ontheleft gauge, youwill seethepressureyouhaveonthebottle
Step 4 Set the testing pressure (shows at the right gauge) by turning the pressure
adjustment knob.
Step 5 Takethepressureuptoapprox70%of final pressurefor 3min., andthenup
tothefinal test pressure.
Step 6 Closethepressurebottle
Step 7 Holdthepressurefor apporox3-5min
Step 8 If anypressuredropthereisaleakageandtheinstallationof theringneedto
Step 9 If nopressuredropthegasket iscorrectlyinstalled.
Step 10 Test certificatetobewritten.
type 200500, for testing of KaMOS

patented gaskets by using


pneumatic test equipment (testrange: 0 - 200 bar)

Important Under no circumstances should flange sealing surfaces be machined in a
manner that tool marks would extend radially across thesealing surface. Such tool marks
arepractically impossibletoseal regardlessof typeof gasket used.
The data contained in this document has been complied fromresults of in- house and
external testingandcustomersfieldreports. Whileeveryeffort hasbeentakentoensurethe
integrity of this data, the company cannot take responsibility for misapplication. The
properties of the application shown are typical, KaMOS

therefore recommends that the

assistance of the Technical Department is sought when specifying products for new
applications. Failure to select a suitable product could result in property damage and/ or
seriouspersonal injury. Asthecompanysproductsareusedfor amultiplicity of purposes,
and as KaMOS

has no control over the method of their application or use, KaMOS

excludes anddisclaims all warranties, express or implies, as to their products and/ or their
fitnessfor aparticular purpose.
Det ai l s
1. Inlet Nut
2. Contents Gauge
3. Label/Gas name
4. Outlet Gauge
5. Outlet -/Downstream valve
6. Outlet Connection
7. Pressure Adjustment Knob / screw
about R21 Cylinder Pressure Regulator
I nst r uc t i ons
= For safety instructions, also see paragraph 2. If in any doubt please consult the
1. Operation
1.1 Cylinder pressure regulator use in accordance with current regulations. Cylinder
pressure regulators are designed to reduce the respective cylinder pressure and to
ensure a constant outlet working pressure. They are used with compressed
gasses, pressurized dissolved gases in cylinder and liquid gases having a filling
pressure of up to a maximum of 200 bar.
1.2 Cylinder pressure regulator use contrary to current regulations. Cylinder pressure
regulators must not be used for gases in a liquid state. Cylinder pressure
regulators must not be operated under temperatures of 30C or above +60C.
Cylinder pressure regulators must not be used for corrosive gases such as
ethylamine, dimethylamine, ammonia etc.
2. Safety instructions
All indications showing this exclamation mark are important safety instructions.
2.1 Cylinder pressure regulators comply with all current relevant technical
regulations and meet all existing standards.
2.2 Under no circumstances must the cylinder pressure regulator be modified or
tampered without the written consent of the manufacturer.
2.3 Intermediary connections between the cylinder valve and the cylinder pressure
regulator are strictly prohibited.
2.4 Incorrect use may endanger the operator and the personnel. Damage to the
cylinder pressure regulator and installation may also result.
for R21 Cylinder Pressure Regulator
3. Operating Instructions
3.1 Keep hands and tools clean. Oil and grease can cause an explosion on contact
with oxygen.
3.2 The operator should be fully familiar with these operating instructions prior to
use of his equipment. All instructions should be adhered to when in use.
3.3 Check that the cylinder pressure regulator is suitable for the gas to be used (see
label 3).
3.4 Check that the cylinder valve connection is clean and undamaged: if not, you
must not connect the cylinder pressure regulator.
3.5 Before connecting the cylinder pressure regulator, the cylinder valve should be
swiftly opened and closed to dislodge water or foreign matter from the valve.
Do not stand in front of the cylinder valve.
Do not hold your hand before the cylinder valve.
3.6 Connect the cylinder pressure regulator to the valve by means of the inlet nut
on the inlet stern.
3.7 Connect the hose to the cylinder pressure regulator outlet .
3.8 Operating the cylinder pressure regulator. Setting the pressure.
Prior to releasing gas into the system, check the following:
1. Correct cylinder pressure regulator.
2. All gauge pointers at zero.
3. Pressure adjusting knob/screw fully screwed out (anti-clockwise).
4. Downstream valves are closed.
Slowly open the cylinder valve. Ensure that the cylinder pressure is showing on
the contents gauge , open the downstream valve and with the pressure
adjusting knob rotate clockwise to set the required working pressure using the
outlet gauge .
4. Closing down the cylinder pressure regulator
4.1 Prolonged interruption
Close the cylinder valve, unwind (anti-clockwise) the pressure adjusting knob ,
vent the pressure in the system. Once the system has been purged, close the
downstream valves.
5. Operating and maintenance instructions
5.1 Protect the cylinder pressure regulator from damage. Check visually for any
signs of damage regularly
5.2 The preset adjustments of safety must not be changed.
5.3 Ensure that all gaskets, O-rings and mating surfaces are in a satisfactory
5.4 If it is suspected that the cylinder pressure regulator is not functioning correctly,
or is found to have any form of a leak, close the cylinder valve and remove from
service immediately.
Do not under any circumstances undertake, or allow any repairs by unauthorized
6. Repairs
6.1 Repairs of cylinder pressure regulator shall be carried out by competent
personnel at an authorized service or repair workshop. Only genuine spares may
be used.
6.2 Repairs or modifications carried out by the third user or a non-authorized third
party will entail loss of liability.
7. Cylinder pressure regulators with flowmeter
7.1 Paragraphs 1 to 4 of these operating instructions apply also to cylinder pressure
regulators with flowmeter.
The flow set by the outlet valve may be read at the flowmeter scale.

patented RTJ gaskets

Ref er enc es
- 16 -
P.O.Box 484 N-4291 Kopervik NORWAY
Telephone: +47 52 84 43 40 Telefax: +47 52 84 43 41
e-mail: [email protected]




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