This document provides a list of references used in a research paper on writing and language teaching. The references cited include books on topics such as second language acquisition, research methodology, error analysis, and writing skills. Websites are also referenced for their discussions of grammatical errors, parts of speech, sentence structure, and definitions of key concepts in linguistics and language pedagogy.
This document provides a list of references used in a research paper on writing and language teaching. The references cited include books on topics such as second language acquisition, research methodology, error analysis, and writing skills. Websites are also referenced for their discussions of grammatical errors, parts of speech, sentence structure, and definitions of key concepts in linguistics and language pedagogy.
This document provides a list of references used in a research paper on writing and language teaching. The references cited include books on topics such as second language acquisition, research methodology, error analysis, and writing skills. Websites are also referenced for their discussions of grammatical errors, parts of speech, sentence structure, and definitions of key concepts in linguistics and language pedagogy.
This document provides a list of references used in a research paper on writing and language teaching. The references cited include books on topics such as second language acquisition, research methodology, error analysis, and writing skills. Websites are also referenced for their discussions of grammatical errors, parts of speech, sentence structure, and definitions of key concepts in linguistics and language pedagogy.
Akhaidah, Sabarti 1994. Pembinaan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia.
Jakarta : Erlangga Arends, Richard I. 2008. Learning To Teach. Belajar untuk Mengajar. Yogyakarta : PUSTAKA PELAJ AR. Beare, K. Januari 2012. Process Writing. Retrived From Bungin, Burhan M. 2005. Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif. Jakarta : Kencana Chaer, Abdul. 2007. Kajian Bahasa Struktur Internal, Pemakaian dan Pemelajaran. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta Debbie S. Januari 2012. Errors And Mistakes. Retrieved From Echols, John M & Hassan Shadily.1989. Kamus Indonesia Inggris Edisi Ketiga. Ithaca, New York, and Jakarta, Indonesia : Gramedia Jakarta Echols, John M & Hassan Shadily.1976. Kamus Inggris Indonesia. Ithaca, New York, and Jakarta, Indonesia : Gramedia Jakarta Ellis, Rod. 1995. Second Language Acquisition. New York : Oxford University Press. Ellis, Rod. 1997. Second Language Acquisition. PDF. New York : Oxford University Press. Frank, Marcella. 1972. Modern English Part II. USA : Prentice Hall. Freeman & Diane Larsen. 1985. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Brattleboro, Vermot : Oxford University Press. Hartanti, P. November 2011. Errors Analysis. Retrieved From Universitas Sumatera Utara Hornby, A S. 2003. Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary. New York : Oxford University Press. Moloeng, Lexy J. 2006. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung : PT Remaja Rosdakarya. Ningrum, Dwi K. S. 2011. An Analysis of Grammatical Error in The Descriptive Paragraph Made By The Eight Graders Of SMPN 1 Binjai. Medan Nordquist, R. Desember 2011. Grammatical Error. Retrieved from Persadanta 2010.Writing IV Handbook. Medan : Universitas Sumatera Utara. Pyle and Page. 2005. Cliffs TOEFL Preparation Guide. USA : John Wiley & Sons. Richards, Jack C. 1974. Error Analysis. Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition. London : Longman Group. Slameto. 2003. Belajar dan Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhinya. Jakarta : PT RINEKA CIPTA. St. Aloysius College. February 2012. Retrived From Syamsudin and Vismaia Damaianti S. 2007. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa. Bandung. PT. Remaja Rosdakarya. Tarigan, H.G, 1982. Menulis Sebagai Suatu Keterampilan. Bandung : Angkasa. -------- :Desember 2011. Part of Speech. Retrieved From -------- :Desember 20111. Research Methodology. Retrived From -------- :Desember 2011. Sentence. Retrived From -------- :Desember 2011. Study on-Error Analysis. Retrived From Universitas Sumatera Utara -------- :Desember 2011. Writing. Retrieved From