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An Explosive Story: The Rise and Fall of the Common Depth

Fraser M. McKee
With the outbreak of World War I, the submarine came into its own. For the Germans and
British - and to a lesser extent the French, Austrians and Americans - the submarine became an
important weapon for use against surface fleets. By the spring of 1917 German U-boats had
brought the Allies to the brink of starvation. In World War II, U-boats again dominated until
late 1943. In the Pacific, marauding US submarines gradually throttled Japanese movement,
particularly on its inland seas. One of the main problems in coping with this weapon was the
lack of a suitable counter.
Normally the introduction of a new weapon quickly leads to the development of
countermeasures. Yet while by 1914 John Holland's sea-going submarine had been in use for
more than fourteen years, and the Whitehead motor-torpedo had been available since 1866, no
preparations to attack this submersible warship had been proposed, let alone implemented.
Indeed, that oft-quoted doyen of naval affairs, Fred T. Jane, asserted in 1902 that "the sea-going
submarine is a pure myth."
On the other hand, by 1908 Germany had realised that however
great the battleship construction programme initiated by Admiral von Tirpitz and supported
strongly by the Kaiser,
it still could be blockaded easily because of its short coastline. The
Germans thus seized on the U-boat as a possible answer to the threat posed by the Royal Navy.
Its first submarine, U-l, was launched at Kiel on 30 August 1905. By August 1914 it had twenty-
eight U-boats operational and by June 1917 sixty-one were at sea.
Most were targeted against
inbound British trade west of Ireland, although some emphasis was also placed on attacking the
RN's much larger fleet.
In 1914 the admirals of the Royal Navy remained contemptuous of the potential of the
submarine. It was thus not surprising that serious preparations had not been made to defend
against the U-boat. The loss of the cruisers Pathfinder, Aboutir, Cressy, Hogue, Hawke and
Hermes to U-boat torpedoes in the first three months of the war was a tremendous shock.
Indeed, many refused to believe it, instead attributing the losses to mines. Although still
unreliable (a fault not fully appreciated until mid-World War II), torpedoes were respected,
carried on most major surface ships, and could run for up to three and one-half miles at thirty-
eight knots. The prevalent attitude among officers of the various surface fleets (including even
the Germans) was to scoff at this unproven weapon.
One reason for the lack of anti-submarine weaponry was that there was no detecting
device of any kind, above or below water, except for the human eye. Hydrophones, radar, radio
The Northern Mariner/Le Marin du nord, III, No. 1 (January 1993), 45-58.
The Northern Mariner
direction finding, and mechanical depth sounders were still in the future. When a submarine
submerged it escaped totally from the seaman's ken, and nothing could force it to surface
except time and its own crew. If a submarine were sighted while diving, there were no craft
specifically designed to hunt it. In fact, most ships promptly left the scene once its abilities were
appreciated. This essay will not consider the problems of underwater detection, which were at
best only partially solved by 1918, but will focus instead on the issues involved in destroying
submerged submarines. This means, of course, the development of the depth charge.
Depth Charge Developments in the Royal Navy
Tentative steps to counter the threat of submarines had been taken even before 1914, although
these involved little more than talk. In March 1910, an Admiralty Submarine Attack Committee
(SAC) was formed as a result of a series of trials with the Home Fleet in which several
methods of dealing with an attacking submarine were tried without much success'
offensive actions were aimed at damaging or ensnaring the periscope. One of the more
illustrative tales of these endeavours appeared in a letter from Stanley M. Woodward of
Southsea, who as a Midshipman in 1915 was sent to Kephalos Bay, Imbros Island, just outside
the Dardanelles during that abortive landing:
The boom was patrolled at night by two picket boats armed with three-
pounder guns and Maxims [machine guns]. The Senior Officer in H.M.S.
Exmouth didn't think that this was enough, and ordered each boat to embark
two large blacksmiths, armed with flogging hammers, to stand, one on each
side of the coxswain. On a periscope being sighted the boat was to steal
quietly up alongside it, and the nearest blacksmith was to give it a dint with
his hammer!
As early as 1900 John Holland, who had just sold the first submarine to the US Navy,
wrote that "as nearly as [the] human mind can discern now, the submarine is indeed a 'sea-
devil,' against which no means we possess at present can prevail. To me it is a most profound
When France commissioned more than a dozen submarines, Viscount Goschen, First
Lord of the Admiralty, reported to the House of Commons in 1900 that "the question of
meeting the submarine menace is receiving much consideration. It is in that direction that
practical suggestions would be welcome...It is clear that one submarine cannot fight
another...We need pay no attention to the submarine in naval warfare. The submarine is the
arm of the weaker power."
Fifteen years later these attitudes still prevailed on both sides of
the ocean.
Attacking ships essentially relied upon the submarine surfacing to allow its commander
a last quick look before firing. That this would occur was probable, since early submarines had
only rudimentary periscopes. Crash diving times were considerably longer than were later
achieved, although it was boasted by manufacturers that a boat could disappear entirely in as
little as two minutes. Submarines were also endangered by international law, which required
them to surface to warn their prey before attacking. With the submarine on the surface,
potential attackers had to be prepared to act rapidly. Submariners later came to appreciate that
smaller warships and merchantmen were not worth torpedoing, which led to the fitting of deck
guns on submarines for more minor surface targets.
Between 1904 and 1914, various experiments were undertaken to snare visible submar-
ines. One idea, which was never really tried, involved the use of a hand charge comprised of
An Explosive Story 47
18.5 pounds of guncotton fired by a Bickford burning fuse and fitted with a short line with a
running noose to be slipped over the periscope using a boat-hook. Another involved the use of
a 2.5-pound towing charge, again using guncotton, to which was attached a spring-loaded
grapnel hook towed by a wire. When the latter was swept across a submarine and caught, the
charge was fired electrically. This technique did not prove very effective in trials. A third
method involved an indicating net, a complicated and dangerous contraption 720 feet long by
thirty-six feet deep laid from a reel. The idea was to float large numbers across the probable
track of a submarine when it dived. Weighted at the bottom with lead and supported by cork
floats from life jackets, these contraptions were fitted with indicator flags that flipped up when
a submarine became enmeshed. Presumably the crews were then to throw hand charges.
Finally, there was the oval lasso net fitted with a floating 18.5-pound charge that was supposed
to have been drawn close to a submarine and fired electrically.
In 1911 SAC even suggested
spreading a chemical on the sea to adhere to a submarine's periscope and blind it. The
unfortunate loss of the RN submarine A-l during these trials forced them to be abandoned.
The final assessment was that these make-shift apparati could work and that the fleet was well-
prepared to operate in an area "suspected to be infested with submarines." But not everyone
was so sanguine. As the Commander-in-Chief of the Home Fleet, Sir Arthur Wilson, warned
in 1904, "surely no other type of vessel has assumed suddenly so vast an influence over the
daytime operations of an enemy."
Throughout 1914 and the first half of 1915, surface ships half-heartedly relied on
gunnery, ramming and a few bizarre tactics. One method that was not used had been tested in
1901 at the Torpedo School at HMS Vernon. In this trial the specially strengthened destroyer
Starfish was equipped with a pivoting forty-two foot spar to which was fastened a thirty-two
pound charge of wet guncotton, fired electrically if dropped onto the casing or conning tower
of a target. As if this feat were not sufficiently difficult, the task of replacing the then-shattered
spar must have been nearly impossible in a seaway on the low and unprotected foc's'les of the
day. Fortunately, this approach passed into limbo before the war actually required its use."
Ramming remained popular against submarines throughout both wars for three
reasons. First, a large segment of the RN believed it was effective against any ship. The
evidence adduced for this was the loss in 1893 of the battleship Victoria after being rammed
accidentally by Camperdown during manoeuvres. Second, when A-l was accidentally rammed
and sunk by SS Berwick Castle in 1904,
it was taken as proof that this was a reasonable way
to despatch submarines. More important was the case of {7-15, the first U-boat sunk after being
rammed by the cruiser Birmingham on 9 August 1914 off Fair Isle, only five days after the
declaration of war.
A considerable number of auxiliary patrol craft (A/S vessels) were commissioned once
it was appreciated that U-boats were likely to become a menace off Britain's east and south
coasts. These craft, fitted with one or two small guns and rifles in case they came upon a
floating mine, were trawlers, drifters, smacks, yachts, and (to the intense annoyance of "Jackie"
Fisher, the First Sea Lord) naval net layers, harbour craft and tenders. They had absolutely no
anti-submarine weaponry in the modern sense of the term. By December 1915, despite the
existence of 2556 A/ S vessels,
Allied losses had exceeded 2.5 million tons of merchantmen and
were rising alarmingly. Anti-submarine measures did, however, receive a valuable assist from
the more sophisticated mines, frequently planted to deter U-boats.
"Passive defence" was also employed. Such efforts included anti-torpedo nets extended
on booms from the sides of most major warships. Yet this procedure was not particularly
successful, since the nets were so cumbersome that ships could not manoeuvre properly. When
the battleship Ocean was mined in 1915 trying to force the Dardanelles, many men were
The Northern Mariner
dragged down by the nets as the ship capsized.
The nets were finally abandoned when it was
found that torpedoes often penetrated them. Another technique was the use of the anti-torpedo
bulge, a second layer of hull built along the vital centre portion of battleships, separated by
some feet from the true hull.
The use of booms to defend harbours was non-existent at the outset of the war. This
forced the abandonment for several months after 1 September 1914 of the Scapa Flow
anchorage when a submarine was sighted outside. The Navy learned slowly. In October 1939,
U-47 penetrated the same anchorage and sank the Royal Oak before harbour defenses were
strengthened. Eventually, dummy ships were constructed as decoys; dazzle and disruptive paint
was introduced; and convoying was adopted, albeit with great reluctance by all parties and not
in any significant volume until utter disaster threatened in the spring of 1917.
While active anti-submarine measures were being examined, the pace was leisurely. In
1914 Admiral Jellicoe complained to the Admiralty that even when a submarine was sighted
his ships had no method of attacking once it submerged.
While this was not quite true,
available equipment was not much use. Apart from the four methods already mentioned, new
ones were tested by SAC and the Torpedo School at HMS Vernon. One involved a high-speed
explosive grapnel sweep, towed at a depth of sixty feet by a sweeping "kite." This was the most
popular system, experimented with extensively between 1911 and 1914 and responsible for four
or five U-boat kills during the war. A modification was the Jeffrey's Travelling Torpedo, in
which an explosive charge was held in a chute on the stern of the towing vessel until the sweep
grapnel hooked onto a submarine, whereupon the torpedo-shaped charge travelled down the
wire until it struck the grapnel and detonated. It was tested successfully, but was superseded
by the true depth charge.
Another technique was the modified sweep. This entailed a vertical loop of electric
cable supported on the surface by twelve glass floats, the bottom held down by a kite and
carrying a series of seventy-pound armed charges. This was then attached to a pivoting beam
on a destroyer; when the loop became entangled in a submarine, the beam swung and fired the
charges. It was not popular with the crews that had to launch and recover it. Lord Mountevans,
a famous destroyer commander, called it "the first anti-submarine device with which we were
fitted officially...and probably the worst..Any German submarine who got caught in a fool
device like that deserves to be sunk."
Yet other procedures were also tried. One involved firing Lyddite shells at submarines
at periscope depth. Unfortunately, the lighter four and six-inch shells caused little damage even
when detonated twelve feet from the hull, and the former tended to ricochet and remain above
the surface. While a twelve-inch shell detonated at 100 feet was found to inflict some harm, the
results were insubstantial, despite being fitted with various nose shapes to assist diving. The
modification of army trench mortars was also tried. These weapons fired shells and mortars of
many sizes and weights, from 2.8 inches up. As well, stick-fitted bombs, designed to be fired
from existing ships' guns, were used. Intensive tests of these mortars and explosives of eighty
to 200 pounds occupied trial teams throughout 1915 and 1916.
Three other experiments also merit brief mention. Minesweepers and smaller torpedo
boat destroyers (TBDs) were equipped with modified sweeps to be towed between two ships
at fourteen knots with several electrically-fired charges of up to 103 pounds.
These were used
quite extensively in restricted waters. Rifle grenades, with up to a pound of explosive were tried,
although it was found that they had to hit the submarine to do any damage at all. Finally there
was the Lance Bomb, a conical thirty-five to forty-pound steel container fitted to a five-foot
wooden shaft. Activated by pulling a Mills grenade pin, which provided ten seconds in which
to toss the contraption at the submarine, four of these were fitted in racks on trawlers and
An Explosive Story 49
drifters. The same device was adopted initially by the United States Navy in 1917 and by the
Turks at the Dardanelles to destroy trapped E-Class RN submarines, using an impact fuse.
Al l these were attempts using existing technology to come to grips with the submerged
submarine. The first hint of the possibility of designing a depth charge occurred in a brief
reference to the need for a "dropping mine," possibly adapted from the Scotti Countermine
described in a 1913 Torpedo School report.
At Jellicoe's request, SAC asked the Torpedo
School for an anti-submarine, "dropable mine." The immediate answer was to adopt a large
Service Mark-II mine, which due to its size and 1150-pound weight was called the Cruiser Mine.
This was preset to detonate at a depth of forty-five feet by a hydrostatic valve developed by
Thomas Firth and Sons of Sheffield in September 1914.
To the concern of the crew, one
would be balanced precariously on a wood framework at the ship's stern, secured by a wire
bridle and slip.
Although it was not appreciated at the time, Vernon had in effect invented the
depth charge, complete with the most satisfactory type of firing mechanism.
As well as this rather cumbersome mine, a number of thirty-five and sixty-five pound
aircraft bombs were adapted by fitting them with a mechanically operated pull-off pistol
operated by a fixed-length lanyard attached to a float that "pulled the pin" when the bomb sank
to the required depth. Unfortunately, the lanyard frequently became tangled and set off the
charge prematurely. This system was also provisionally adapted to a number of sixteen-pound
charges of guncotton in cans, pending a permanent design. Two of these could be clamped
together, and this 32.5-pound charge was the first so-called depth charge Type A. Type B was
similar, although it was fired by a dissolving chemical pellet when the supply of floats ran out.
Type C was the aircraft bomb adaption, also in two weights. These had a damaging range of
about twenty feet, compared to the Cruiser Mine which was effective to about 100 feet (see
table l).
2 3
Since this system showed promise, on 13 June 1915 SAC reported that the design for
a practical depth charge and hydrostatic pistol had been perfected and that six were ready for
official testing. These were the initial Type Ds, designed to operate at two selected depths, forty
and eighty feet, and containing 300 pounds of TNT or amatol (a TNT mixture with ammonium
nitrate, used when TNT became scarce). There was also a Type D*, containing 120 pounds for
use in smaller vessels. They could be fitted with underwater "parachutes" to delay the rate of
sinking for shallow targets and even had primer safety gear to make them safe until deliberately
released. The Type D danger circle to submarines was considered to be about 140 feet.
By July 1917 a firing pistol, set into a six-inch central tube, was developed to allow
depth settings of fifty to 200 feet by turning a brass key on the outer face, exposing various
sized flooding holes to the hydrostatic chamber, which was fitted with a rubber bellows that
cocked the firing pin. There is some disagreement over who invented this concept, but credit
should probably be shared by Mr. Taylor of Sunbeam Motors, working at Vernon, and Mr.
Newitt, the Superintending Electrical Engineer of Chatham Dockyard.
Safety was assured by
providing a 3.5-pound primer in the other end of the central tube, fired by the pistol and
detonator. Except for minor variations in the pistol to allow a greater selection of firing depths,
and provisions for adding weights to hasten descent to greater (650 feet) depths required for
newer U-boats in the Second World War, this was the generaland very satisfactorydesign of
the depth charge for thirty years. The noteworthy aspect is the longevity of the entire design.
A Type E and an "Egerton" Type (named for the Commanding Officer of the destroyer
Lance who was incensed at not having any method to attack a submerged submarine)
developed for interim use out of locally-available materials, with 118 to 154 pounds of
explosives, detonated by a lanyard-and-float system or electrically. They never went into
production. However a Type G depth charge, containing only forty-five pounds of explosive, was
The Northern Mariner
Table 1
Depth Charge Types, 1914-1918
(Royal and Commonwealth Navies)
Of Charge
(lbs.) Charge
Of Firing
(ft.) Operation Source
A 32.5 GC 40 Mechanical Temp, adapt.
B 32.5 GC 40/80 Mechanical Temp, adapt.
C 35 TNT or
40/80 Mechanical A/ C bomb
C* 35 TNT or
50 Hydrostatic A/ C bomb
D 300 TNT or
40 to 150 Hydrostatic VERNON
D* 120 TNT or
40/80 Hydrostatic VERNON
E 116 TNT or
50 Mechanical Adaption for
small vessels
F 70 TNT 45 Hydrostatic For Bomb
Iruiser 250 GC 45 Hydrostatic Mine
Note: "GC" indicates a wet guncotton charge.
Source: See text.
developed after an April 1916 conference. This weapon was also fired by the new hydrostatic
valve, intended for the smallest A/ S vessels incapable of carrying the heavier Types D and D*.
In August 1915 an order for 1000 Type D charges was placed with four firms. On 10 October
it was determined by SAC that only two types, D and D*, would be produced, and by January
1916 they were distributed to the fleet. A handbook, CB 1231 was issued in September 1916.
The very first depth charge success was the sinking of U-68 by the Q-ship Farnborough off
Kerry, Ireland, on 22 March 1916. The U-boat was blown to the surface when it submerged
after a gun action.
The numbers of depth charges available initially allowed for only two per ship, carried
in a sloping chute in the stern, one being released by an hydraulic release gear operated from
the bridge and the other by an ordinary hand-operated slip. As supplies gradually increased, in
July 1917 four were issued to each ship,
and by 1918 thirty to fifty were provided to larger
vessels, such as destroyers and a few larger trawlers, although some "gun and torpedo
armament had to be surrendered...on account of stability."
One officer of the day in HMS
An Explosive Story 51
Cockatrice recalled that because of this new and unplanned weight "the whole ship's company
was in a state of jitters...we were in a shocking state of instability, and our metacentric height
must have been half way up the funnels! We hung 'on the roll' to a degree that was
Tests soon showed that even small vessels were safe from the explosion of the
heavy Type D charge unless it was fired at less than 100 feet and at least ten knots, so the
lighter Type D* was discontinued.
Table 2
Depth Charge Usage and Success, 1914-1918
U-Boat Kills (Including Austrian)
Depth Charges Al l By Damaging
Year Issued Expend Known D/Cs Attacks
1914 NIL NIL 5 NIL 2
1915 NK NK 19 NIL 63
1916 3,171 NK 22 3 123
1917 20,145 1,727 63 11 437
+ 192A/C
1918 51,125 14,724 69 24 205
+ 130A/C
Total 74,441 16,451 178 38
= 21%
Notes: NK = Not Known or no records. 1918 figures are to November. The 1917 data on
depth charges expended are for two-thirds of the year only. The credit for U-boat
kills by depth charges includes a number of cases in which depth charges were only
one of a number of contributing factors.
A/ C = Aircraft attacks.
Sources: Great Britain, Admiralty, Technical History Section, Technical History No. 7, The
A/S Division (London, 1919); R. M. Grant, U-Boats Destroyed (London, 1964); R. H.
Gibson and M. Prendergast, The German Submarine War (London, 1931); Henry
Keatts, Field Reference To Sunken U-Boats (King's Point, NY, 1987).
With the development of these depth charges, a means was required to propel them
to a safe distance from A/ S vesselsin other words, a depth charge thrower was needed. The
army's howitzer bomb thrower, an extension of the trench mortar concept, had been developed
early in the conflict, and 174 were mounted in auxiliary patrol craft in 1917 and 1918. The
howitzers were five and 7.5 inches, at first designed to fire a 100-pound projectile with forty-five
pounds of explosive just over a mile, with a delayed-action fuse of two seconds, giving a depth
of about forty feet at detonation. Later a 350-pound "stick" bomb with a 200-pound charge was
developed, with a range of 650 yards. The stick bombs were supplied for firing from the twelve-
The Northern Mariner
pounders carried by A/ S ships. Fuses were preset for forty, ninety, 100 and 140-foot depths.
While better than nothing, they enjoyed little success due to inaccuracies, delays in firing, the
lightness of many of the charges, and inexperienced crews, for most were fitted on auxiliary
vessels and merchantmen. Still, it was a major project, with 1277 issued. Only one U-boat seems
to have been destroyed by these variations on bomb-throwers.
By August 1917 the
development of a thrower which could propel a depth charge forty yards from the ship doing
the firing was completed, using the howitzer heavy bomb-thrower principle, powered by a two-
pound pom-pom cartridge. A contract was let to Wm. Thornycroft and Co. of Southampton,
which made 3010 themselves or on license. The first was shipped by July 1917.
Two were fitted
in torpedo craft and other vessels with sufficiently strong decks to withstand the thrust.
By the end of the war, 437 TBDs and destroyer leaders had been provided with depth
charges; so too had sixty-three 'P' boat patrol craft, 101 sloops, 285 trawlers, and innumerable
smaller motor launches and boom patrol craft. Of these, 351 TBDs and 100 other craft were
also equipped with Thornycroft depth charge throwers.
By July 1918 sixty-seven trawlers and
auxiliaries of the Royal Canadian Navy on the east coast had been provided with depth
Air attacks did not play a large role in destroying submarines in World War I. Only
one submarine, UB-32, was sunk by an aircraft alone, but four more were despatched with the
assistance of surface ships (see table 2).
Depth Charge Development in the US Navy
Meanwhile, after its entry into the war in February 1917 the United States first copied the RN's
depth charge types. The American Depth Charge Mark 1 was the fifty-pound float-and-line
pull-off pistol variation, adjustable for twenty-five to 100 feet. While 10,000 were contracted, this
type never went into serious production once American officers became aware of later RN
developments. The MK 2 was the D Type, of which 50,000 were ordered between July 1917 and
war's end, plus an order for the British government for 15,000. MK 3 was a slightly modified
version, good to 300-foot depths; MK 4 was similar to the RN's Type D Heavy, seven inches
greater in diameter than the MK 3 and weighing 745 pounds. These were at first supplied in
pairs and stored in small racks, but later a one-ton rack was provided to hold up to thirteen
charges. For throwers, the USN's Bureau of Ordinance designed its own Y Gun, modified from
the Thornycroft thrower but designed for centreline fitting, to throw two charges at a time
about forty-five yards on either side. The first construction started on 24 November 1917 at the
New London Ship Engine Co.
3 6
For more than twenty years after the conclusion of the war, the matter of despatching
detected submarines rested, at least as far as depth charge development was concerned. Slow
and steady progress was made in detection with the development of piezo-electric echo
equipment and its interpretation, the now familiar "ping" of ASDIC. Kept very secret, even
among erstwhile Allies until after American entry into the Second World War in late 1941, it
was optimistically presumed to be the satisfactory answer to the renewed U-boat construction
programme of the 1930s. And it was felt that once the submarines were detected, the 300-
pound depth charge would deal with them. In the House of Commons, Sir Samuel Hoare
proclaimed in November 1937 that "today we are justified in saying that although we regard the
submarine as an extravagant nuisance that ought to be abolished, the submarine is no longer
a danger to the security of the British Empire."
An Explosive Story
The RN in the Second World War
With the onset of the Second World War, the depth charge was initially the only A/ S weapon
available. The preferred kind, the Type D, had not changed since 1918. There were insufficient
supplies for non-A/S vessels. At Sydney, N.S., Commander J.D. "Chummy" Prentice, responsible
in 1939 for anti-submarine defenses, had to make his own using milk cans, 300-pounds of coal
mine forcite, and waterproof hand-lit fuses.
Instructions initially told attacking ships to drop
five-charge patterns and never more than ten at one time.
This was efficient enough for
peacetime trials, and against early and slower U-boats but was to prove too parsimonious for
later, hardier boats and their commanders. In the first year of the war after September 1939,
twenty-nine U-boats were sunk, fourteen by depth charge attack, a forty-eight percent rate
attributable to this elderly weapon.
Yet compared to the 4000 attacks in the same period, the
success rate was disappointingly low. To the end of the war, the success rate for depth charge
attacks rarely rose above seven percent, an immense effort for little return, except perhaps for
the terrorising of the crews below.
While a method had been established shortly after 1934 to time the dropping of depth
charges using the paper trace from the ASDIC range recorder as the ship ran over its target,
most commanders preferred to use a stop watch and the naked eye, thus requiring a skill not
at first appreciated.
As more U-Boats arrived in the fray and additional escorts were commis-
sioned (the latter led inexorably to a decrease in the skills of the average A/ S crew), more
efficient attack methods were obviously required. The ten-charge pattern soon became standard
and was later raised to fourteen in hopes of bracketing the U-boat both directionally and in
terms of depth. Initial spacing of charges was at forty yards, but by early 1943 studies of
survivor interrogations showed that sixty yards was sufficient to get the same effect while
covering a wider area. As well, the more powerful explosive "minol" replaced TNT and amatol.
When it was discovered that newer U-Boats could dive to 500 feet and more, the heavier MK
VII Heavy depth charge was introduced, equipped with a cast iron or concrete weight which
improved the sinking rate from ten to 16.5 feet per second, with a new pistol modification
allowing for depths up to 550 feet (see table 3).
Even so, such charges still took more than
half a minute to sink to the target's depth, allowing the U-boat too often to evade the attack.
The range of the throwers was increased somewhat by lashing the carrier arbour to the thrower
with codline and providing a more powerful firing cartridge and a newly-designed firing
cylinder. Safety was enhanced by the primer being separated from the pistol's detonator by a
"fork," which was pulled loose only when the depth charge was fired.
A new torpedo-shaped depth charge was introduced for use in destroyers for very deep
or bottomed U-boats in mid-war. But the MK X (Mark 10), with over a ton of amatol or minol
explosive was used very rarely (only thirty-two were ever fired). Due to being housed in exposed
torpedo tubes, these monsters seldom worked, and many hilarious and sometimes bitter tales
about them involve failures and frustrations.
In the same vein, the anti-submarine aircraft bomb and the earlier air dropped depth
charges (the MK 8) were notable for a lack of success in damaging their targets, due mostly
to low-level aiming inaccuracies and the inadequate 175-pound explosive failing to incapacitate
the U-boats.
When an RAF "Anson" accidentally bombed HM S/ M Snapper in December
1939, hitting it at the base of the conning tower with a 100-pound bomb, the only damage was
four broken light bulbs. Only 35% of attacks were assessed even as probable kills. It was not
until frustrated pilots complained about a lack of success even when they caught submarines
on or near the surface that in late 1942 an air-dropped 300-pound Torpex depth charge, the
Mark VIII, was introduced. Fitted with a protective collapsible nose faring and a pistol designed
The Northern Mariner
to fire automatically at twenty-five feet (but which in fact fired at about thirty-four feet, too
deep to be ideal), this depth charge ushered in an era in which aircraft attacks became one of
the principal methods for destroying U-boats.
Table 3
Depth Charge Types, 1939-1945
(RN and Commonwealth)
Notes: Al l depth charges were hydrostatically fired. The MK 7 Heavy was an MK 7* with
a steel or concrete weight and a special pistol.
Sources: Willem Hackmann, Seek And Strike, Sonar, Anti-Submarine Warfare and the Royal
Navy 1914-54 (London, 1954); S.W. Roskill, The War At Sea (3 vols., London, 1954);
H. St.G. Saunders, The Royal Air Force in 1939-45 (London, n.d.).
The problem of the ships' long run-in to the attack and the tendency to lose touch with
the target when it was about 200 yards ahead (for a submarine at about 200 feet) created a long
"blind run" during which a wily submariner could often evade being hit. The top submarine
killers, such as Captain FJ . Walker and Commander Donald MacIntyre, learned to anticipate
this diversion. But as early as the summer of 1939 efforts were under way to develop an ahead-
Type Or
Weight Of
(lbs.) Charge
Depth Of
Sink Rate
(ft/") Source
D 300 TNT or
50 to 280 16.0 1st War
7 & 7* 290 to 300 Amatol,
Minol or
50 to 500 10.0 Type D
7 Heavy 290 to 310 Amatol,
Minol or
140 to 700 16.5 For Deep S/ M
8 160 Amatol 14/24 8.9 A/ C D/ C, with a
breakaway tail
10 2,000 - 2,150 Amatol or
150 to 640 21.0 Torpedo tube
11 & 11* 175 Torpex 14/39 9.0 A/ C D/ C, from
MK 8
12 50 Minol 25 to 100 7.5 Used by small
13 122 Minol 18 to 240 3.2 Slow sinking.
Used against
surface ships
An Explosive Story 55
thrown-weapon to be fired when still in contact with the U-boat. In July 1941, the first test took
place of a single barrel "ATW" (ahead-thrown-weapon) in the destroyer HMS Whitehall. While
this was less than successful, a lighter, multiple sixty-two pound projectile weapon that
detonated only on contact named "Hedgehog" was more successful later in the year.
Unfortunately, Hedgehog was somewhat difficult to operate and dangerous to handle on
Development progressed for a heavier mortar projector, at first called Mortar Type A
(a Hedgehog modification) and Type B, and later the better known "Squid" that fired three
(later six) 300-pound depth charge-like projectiles well ahead of the ships. This was the final
version, settled on in May 1943. These, in turn, required accurate ASDICs, and awaited the
development of the Type 147 depth predictor ASDIC, not available until late 1943 for trials in
HMS Ambuscade. In the latter days of the war, the good 144 and 147 ASDICs, the increased
fitting of ATW Squid and Hedgehog, the availability of more escort destroyers, sloops and
frigates, and a continuous increase in skills finally overwhelmed the remaining U-boats. As a
cautionary note, the large fast Type XXI U-boats just arriving in the war's last months might
have reversed the trend of the naval war.
Table 4
Depth Charge and ATW Use, 1939-1945
(RN Bases issued, to all Forces)
Submarines Destroyed at
Sea, Ships & A/ C (includ-
Attack Method, At Sea ing Italian)
Year D/Cs
Hedgehog Squid Al l Known By D/ C
1939 1,897 nil nil 6 6
1940 12,513 nil nil 29 29
1941 16,618 NK nil 42 40
1942 26,006 8,000 nil 91 88
1943 39,434 9,800 nil 226 217
1944 65,241 30,126 1,072 163 133
1945 51,268 55^88 4,449 83 57
Totals 212,977 103,314 5,521 640 530
RCN Total 40,000
Notes: NK = Not known (or no useful records kept). Hedgehog attacks for 1942 and 1943
are estimates based upon one month's expenditure figures. Data for 1939 is for five
months only, 1945 figures are for 4.5 months. The Hedgehog was in partial use for
two months in 1941. The figures on submarines destroyed by depth charges include
a number which were partially caused by other factors. RCN total is approximate.
Sources: Commander F. Barley, Admiralty, Historical Section to author, March 1961; E.P.
Hoyt, The Death of the U-Boats (New York, 1988); Roskill, The War At Sea.
The Northern Mariner
Table 5
Depth Charge and ATW Successes, 1943-1945
(RN and Commonwealth Reports)
Total U-Boats Sunk At Sea By RN
A/ S Attack Successes By Ships Ships (Including Italian)
Year By D/ C By ATW Total No. % To D/ C % To ATW
1943 42.5 85 51 226 18.8 3.8
1944 35.5 29.5 65 163 21.8 18.1
1945 15 26 335 83 9.0 31.3
Notes: Total U-boats sunk excludes marine accidents, mines, S/ M torpedoes, bombed in
harbour, etc.
Sources: Hackmann, Seek And Strike; Hoyt, The Death of the U-Boats.
The USN in The Second World War
After the United States joined the conflict in late 1941, its Navy initially used its MK 3 and MK
4 depth charge designs from the First War, along with a similar MK 6. Eventually, the US
produced 219,222 of these depth charges, more than any other type. But almost at once the
Bureau of Ordinance concentrated on improving the sinking speed, the critical delay while the
ship ran in and the charges sank to the U-boat's level, and the pistol firing arrangements. It
developed the MK 9 teardrop-shaped charge, with 200 pounds of TNT, sinking at 15 feet per
second. The Bureau disliked the RN's hydrostatic pistol because of the danger of firing when
a ship was sunk. By late 1942 it developed a proximity fused detonator, fitted in its MK 8 (ash-
can shaped) and MK 9 charges. But problems with its delicate circuitry were not really solved,
and complications in fabricating the MK 9's odd shape delayed large-scale production until mid-
1944. American engineers even researched an MK 14 depth charge, an MK 9 with an acoustic
echo-operated pistol and a range of up to seventy feet. Both pistols had problems to the end
of the war, particularly in the humid Pacific, and thus were little used in operations.
Two smaller depth charges, the MK 10 and MK 12, and a Scatter Depth Charge
composed of six small bombs, were developed but only went into limited production. The USN
also copied the Hedgehog (ASP MK 10 and MK 11) and developed a one-third size Hedgehog
for smaller ships, the "Mousetrap" (ASP MK 20 and MK 22).** These later developments were
consistent with American devotion to advanced technology, but had only modest effect on the
A/ S war and were still under development at its end.
The depth charge remained the favoured weapon primarily due to its simplicity in
inexpert hands and the weight of explosive that could be delivered. Captain "Johnny" Walker's
famous "creeping attacks," delivering twenty-four depth charges or more at a bracketing depth
by one slow moving escort, controlled by another sitting off to one side and still in contact with
the often deep target, became legendary. Moreover, the increasing availability of escorts for
pure hunting Groups rather than convoy shepherds allowed contact prosecutions and continuous
attacks for as long as thirty-six hours. Commander Prentice recalled dropping twenty-two tons
of depth charges, plus Hedgehogs, on U-678 in only 120 feet of water off Brighton in June
1944and even then not "opening her up."
The variety of weapons in the ships, depth charges
An Explosive Story
(heavy and light), and Hedgehogs and Squids allowed various attack methods to be used, and
successes rose accordingly. While in 1945 the depth charge attack success rate remained at a
steady seven percent for 107 attacks, the rate for Hedgehog was twenty-six percent in fifty-nine
attacks, and for Squid thirty-six percent in forty-seven attacks (see tables 4 and 5).**
For the 1915 depth charge, the writing was clear by the beginning of 1945. Stern-dropped
attacks using slow-sinking explosives were past. While the Squid, and the later US-developed
ASROC rocket-propelled ballistic depth charge are really just younger offspring, in their turn
they are being superseded by acoustic hunting torpedoes and even nuclear depth bombs. But
the last attacks of World War II in the Pacific by USS Gilligan and USS Cronin on 22 August
1945 were depth charge attacks. They mark the end of a fascinating record-and an era.
The effective depth charge had been developed in response to a belatedly appreciated
need, largely prodded into development in 1915 by agonized complaints from those at sea
battling U-boats. Its success rate, while less than ideal, enabled it to be used almost unmodified
until 1943. By then, commanders at sea had come to appreciate that while its explosive force
was adequate, there were flaws. Hedgehog was an interim solution, with several drawbacksit
was dangerous on board and did little to affect the morale of U-boat crews. The Squid bomb
was, as the last table shows, the ultimate solution, still applying depth charge principles such
as 300 pounds of explosives and a hydrostatic firing mechanism, but solving the problem of
While these latter developments, including the USN's fancy fuses, could, like the Types
XXI and XXIII U-boats, have changed the progress of the 1939-1945 anti-submarine war, they
came too late to do so. The depth charge whether dropped from a WWI trawler, an amateurish
corvette, an obsolete Fairey Swordfish aircraft, or a modern sloop or frigate, carried the brunt
of the war at sea for the Allies. It is debatable if it "won" the war, for later weapons were more
effective. But without it, the war would have been lost in the early days. The navies and their
research and development staffs could have done better. But this simple can of explosives in
both conflicts parried the U-boat threat. Nonetheless, it was a near run thing.
Fraser McKee is a past National President of the
Navy League of Canada and is currently chair of the
Liaison Committee of CNRS. His third book, a history
of the RCN frigate HMCS Swansea, is to be published
by Vanwell Publishing in 1993.
Submarine Development and Experiments Prior lo
December 1916 (London, 1919), 2.
5. S.M. Woodward to the author, 1 February 1961.
1. Fred T. Jane, Jane's Fighting Ships (New York,
6. RK. Morris, John P. Holland, 1841-1914 (Anna-
polis, MD, 1966), 103.
2. B.B. Schofield, British Sea Power (London, 1967),
7. Quoted in W.S. Sims, The Victory At Sea (New
York, 1920), 267.
3. H. M. LeFleming, Warships of WW 1. No. 5: Sub-
marines (London, n.d.), 41.
8. Technical History, Part 40, 6.
9. Ibid., 3.
10. Ibid., 6.
4. Great Britain, Admiralty, Technical History
Section, The Technical History and Index. Part 40: Anti-11. Ibid., 7.
58 The Northern Mariner
12. Edward Horton, The Illustrated History of the
Submarine (Garden City, NY, 1974), 64.
13. R.S. Chalmers, The Life And Letters of David, Earl
Beatty (London, 1951), 295.
14. Henry Newbolt, Submarine And Anti-Submarine
(London, 1918), 96.
15. AJ . Marder, From The Dreadnought To Scapa
Flow (London, 1965), II, 66.
16. Lord Mountevans, Adventurous Life (London,
1946), 95.
17. Technical History, Part 40, 62.
18. Ibid., 19 ff.
19. Kenneth Langmaid, The Approaches Are Mined
(London, 1965), 93.
20. Technical History, Part 40, 23, 54.
21. John Leyland (d.), Brassey's Naval Annual, 1921-
1922 (London, 1922), 168.
22. Woodward to the author, 1 February 1961.
23. Technical History, Part 40, 55.
24. Lt-Col. C.L. Newitt to the author, 14 January
1961; Rear-Admiral J.Y. Thompson, to the author, 7
February 1961; Captain G.S. Gamier to the author, 18
January 1961.
25. Commander John Fraser to the author, 22
January 1961.
26. Notes provided by Commander F. Barley, Admi-
ralty Historical Section, London, 30 November 1960.
See also Gordon Campbell, My Mystery Ships (London,
1928), 106.
27. Great Britain, Admiralty, Technical History
Section, The Technical History and Index. Part 7: The
Ann-Submarine Division of the Naval Staff, December
1916-November 1918 (London, 1919), 19.
28. Ibid., 19.
29. Gamier to the author, 18 January 1961.
30. Technical History, Part 7, 10-11.
31. Ibid., 20, 69.
32. ThomycrofiA Retrospect And A Prospect (South-
ampton, 1919[?]).
33. BR 1669(1), Handbook of Depth Charges and
Equipment (London, 1946), 2.
34. E.C. Russell to the author, 11 November 1960.
35. Alfred Price, Aircraft versus Submarine (London,
1980), 30.
36. Navy Ordnance Activities in the World War, 1917-
1918 (Washington, DC, n.d.), chapter VI.
37. United Kingdom, Parliament, House of Com-
mons, Hansard, 15 November 1937.
38. Interview by the author with Commander J.D.
Prentice, Toronto, 1959.
39. Willem 1 lackmann, Seek And Strike, Sonar, Anti-
Submarine Warfare and the Royal Navy 1914-54 (Lon-
don, 1954), 303. While this source is little known, it is
a comprehensive and outstanding reference.
40. S.W. Roskill, The War At Sea (3 vols., London,
1954), I, 599.
41. Hackmann, Seek and Strike, 187.
42. Ibid., 303-305.
43. Air Marshal Sir Philip B. Joubert to the author,
15 June 1962.
44. Denis George Richards, Royal Air Force, 1939-45,
I: The Fight At Odds (London, 1953), 61.
45. Hackmann, Seek and Strike, 236.
46. United States, Department of the Navy, Fleet
Ann-Submarine Bulletin (Washington, DC, c. 1944). I
would like to thank Captain Kent Loomis, the Assist-
ant Director of Naval History for the US Navy, for
providing this reference.
47. Prentice, interview, 1959.
48. Hackmann, Seek and Strike, 307.

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