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AutoCAD Basic Drafting For Begginers

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Basic Drafting

Prepared by:
Onel k. pabico
AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

AutoCAD Basic Drafting
I would like to share here some guidelines on how to use AutoCAD on drawing and drafting. The projects herein are made to enable the reader to learn
some basic techniques and procedures on how to use and manipulates tools and commands. I assume your basic knowledge of the software i dealing with
these chapters.

Project 1 Basic Architectural Plan
Project 2 Structural Drafting
Project 3 Electrical Drafting
Project 4 Sanitary Drafting
Project 5 Mechanical Drafting
Project 6 Fabrication Details 1
Project 7 Fabrication Details 2
Project 8 Fabrication Details z
Project 9 Embedding Excel Documents
Project 10 Embedding J peg and Bitmap Objects

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Chapter 1 BASIC

The purpose of this chapter is to teach the
student some basic procedures in dealing
with the Architectural Plans intended for
drafting. First things first is to organize your
workplace. For this chapter, let us set our
drawing environment scale to meter. There
are 3 kinds of paper size we will use so
definitely 3 title block types also. So that
they will learn also some basic approach on
how to scale viewport .The plan below will
be the subject.

Figure 1

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Setting up the Units
Command: units
Entering the command will show up the drawing units window as shown on the image.
Select meters on the insertion scale. This means that all blocks ( done in metric scale) will
be scaled once it was inserted on the drawing. So you dont have a hard time rescaling
them. What about if the blocks are created in English system? This matter will be discuss
later as we goes on the topic deeper. Then press ok.
Command: layer
Or you may type LA (shortcut command for layer). Now create a new layer. Down below is
some list I created for this chapter. You have an option to change it as long as it will help
you to ease your drafting power. Layering can make your drawing speed more faster. It
helps especially in dealing with multiple drawings. Now set your layer as listed below.

Figure 2
Figure 3

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Use layers to control the visibility of objects and to assign
properties such as color and linetype. Objects on a layer normally assume
the properties of that layer. However, you can override any layer property
of an object. For example, if an objects color property is set to BYLAYER,
the object displays the color of that layer. If the objects color is set to Red,
the object displays as red, regardless of the color assigned to that layer.
To create new layer, just press the icon on Layer Properties
Manager. Pointing on the icon on your Autocad will help to determine which
icon is that, just do some practice and testing. Assigned another linetype in
your layer can be done by pressing the linetype item. This will bring up the
linetype dialog box as shown on figure 4.

If the linetype you want is not shown on the list, you can press Load
button and the linetype window selection will come out as shown on the image
on the right. Then select the linetype you want. Press ok then it will go back to
select linetype ( previous image) then select the newly loaded linetype then
press ok again. This will change the linetype to your layer.
Changing layer color works the same as the linetype. J ust press the
color in line the layer and the color picker will pop up.
Another item is the plot layer portion... the printer symbol in line with
your layer. See the layer viewport on the image at Figure 3. This means that
the viewport layer is viewable on your drawing but it cannot be printed. This will
be used as a guidelines only. J ust hit the printer icon button to make them on
and off.

Figure 4
Figure 5

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Creating The Walls
First make the wall the current layer. J ust
press the layer window on the toolbar
and select wall
Creating walls can be done in many
1. by directly drawing them on your
2. or by creating reference line
First Option
Command: pl
Specify start point:
(press anywhere on the viewport, then
press F8 to activate Ortho command and
move your pointer up this means that
we are going to create a pline. J ust follow
the orientation of the walls on the
drawing given)

Specify next point or
[Arc/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: 8.5

(move pointer to the right)
Specify next point or

(move pointer down)
Specify next point or
[Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: 7

(move pointer to the rght)
Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: 3.5

(move pointer down)
Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: 1.5

Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: cl
Figure 6
note: - means enter

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Second Option

Make first one vertical line and one
horizontal line, just enough to cover the
area of the plan given. See figure 7

Then off set the line base on the
measurement given on the plan

Offset the first line

Command: offset
Specify offset distance or
[Through/Erase/Layer] <Through>: 8

Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo]
<Exit>: (select the first line)

Specify point on side to offset or
[Exit/Multiple/Undo] <Exit>: ( pick on
right side of the line)

Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo]

Command: offset
Specify offset distance or
[Through/Erase/Layer] <8.0000>: 8.5

Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo]
<Exit>: (select the second line)

Specify point on side to offset or
[Exit/Multiple/Undo] <Exit>: ( pick on
the top portion of the second line)
Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo] <Exit>:

Command: offset
Specify offset distance or [Through/Erase/Layer] <8.5000>: 1.5

Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo] <Exit>: (select the second ine)
Specify point on side to offset or [Exit/Multiple/Undo] <Exit>: ( pick on the top portion of the second line)

Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo] <Exit>:
Figure 7

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Command: offset
Specify offset distance or
[Through/Erase/Layer] <1.5000>:

Select object to offset or
[Exit/Undo] <Exit>: (select the first
Specify point on side to offset or
[Exit/Multiple/Undo] <Exit>: ( pick
on right side of the line)

Select object to offset or
[Exit/Undo] <Exit>:

Completing the command given will
show the same image on figure 8.

Figure 8

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Then trace the necessary line with
pline command,

Command: pl
Specify start point: pick point 1
Specify next point: pick point 2
Specify next point: pick point 3
Specify next poin : pick point 4
Specify next point: pick point 5
Specify next point: pick point 6
Specify next point: cl

Figure 9

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

You may erase all unnecessary
lines leaving just the pline. This will
give you the same as the previous
image as in figure 6.

Command: e

Select objects: 1 found

Select objects: 1 found, 2 total

Select objects: 1 found, 3 total

Select objects: 1 found, 4 total

Select objects: 1 found, 5 total

Select objects: 1 found, 6 total

Select objects:

Tips: You can also select object by
window dragging or by window
crossing. Or you may select first
the object before issuing erase

Figure 10

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Let us assumed that the exterior
wall measures of about .15m and the
interior wall is .10m.

Command: offset
Specify offset distance or
[Through/Erase/Layer] : .075

Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo]
<Exit>: (select the base wall line)

Specify point on side to offset or
[Exit/Multiple/Undo] <Exit>: ( click on
the left side of the line)

Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo]
<Exit>: ( select again the base line)

Specify point on side to offset or
[Exit/Multiple/Undo] <Exit>: ( click on
the right side of the line)

Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo]

Now change the layer of the inside
line to hidden. To do this pick the
object ( center line) then press the
layer window and select hidden. The
image will now look as in figure 11

Figure 11

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials


Command: x
Select objects: (select the middle

Command: o
Specify offset distance or
[Through/Erase/Layer] : 3

Select object to offset or
[Exit/Undo] <Exit>: ( pick 1)

Specify point on side to offset or
[Exit/Multiple/Undo] <Exit>: (click
on right side of that line)

Select object to offset or
[Exit/Undo] <Exit>: (pick 2)

Specify point on side to offset or
[Exit/Multiple/Undo] <Exit>: (pick
on left side of that line)

Select object to offset or
[Exit/Undo] <Exit>:

Specify offset distance or
[Through/Erase/Layer] : 2

Select object to offset or
[Exit/Undo] <Exit>: (pick 3)

Specify point on side to offset or
[Exit/Multiple/Undo] <Exit>:( click
on the bottom side of the line)
Select object to offset or
[Exit/Undo] <Exit>:

Specify offset distance or [Through/Erase/Layer] : 1.5

Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo] <Exit>: (pick 4)
Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo] <Exit>: (pick on the bottom side of the line)
Figure 12

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Now hide the layers hidden, and
offset the interior wall lines

Command: o
Specify offset distance or
[Through/Erase/Layer] : .05

Select object to offset or
[Exit/Undo] <Exit>: ( pick line 1)

Specify point on side to offset or
[Exit/Multiple/Undo] <Exit>:
(click on top and bottom of that

Select object to offset or
[Exit/Undo] <Exit>: (pick line 2)

Specify point on side to offset or
[Exit/Multiple/Undo] <Exit>:
((click on top and bottom of that

Select object to offset or
[Exit/Undo] <Exit>: (pick line 3)

Specify point on side to offset or
[Exit/Multiple/Undo] <Exit>:
((click on top and bottom of that

Then erase the reference line 1,
line 2, and line 3
Command: e
Select objects: (pick line 1)

Select objects: (pick line 2)

Select objects: (pick line 3)

Select objects:
Figure 13

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Clean up all unnecessary lines

Select cutting edges : ( pick on
point 1 then point 2)

Select objects or <select all>:

Select object to trim or shift-
select to extend or (Fence /
Project / Edge / eRase/ Undo):
(select the line between the two
boundary lines, see enlarge

Do the same process for the
other area having intersecting

Figure 14

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

The clear drawing will be the same as the image below

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials


Assume the width of the door as

Entrance Door
900mm (w) x 2100mm(H)
Service Doors
800mm (w) x 2100mm(H)
Bedroom Doors
800mm (w) x 2100mm(H)
Toilet Door
750mm (w) x 2100mm(H)

Zoom in the area for the main

Command: z
Specify corner of window:<real
(pick on
point 1 then
point 2 mark
on the

This will
zoom in the

Figure 15
Figure 16

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

- Activate your door layer

Then zoom all the drawing,

Command: z

Specify corner of window, enter a scale factor (nX or nXP), or ( ) <real
time>: a

Now you have the same image as below

Create temporary line in the middle of
the main entrance
Offset the line .45 up then .45 down Create small rectangle with rectangle
Trim all unnecessary line as shown on
the figure here.
Create a circle, refer on the image for
the center point
Create a rectangle as shown on the
Trim unnecessary lines

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Figure 17

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Now for the bedroom
door, copy the main
entrance door

Command: copy

Select objects: (select
the door jamb and the

Select objects:

Be sure snap is active
by pressing F3

Specify base point or
<use first point as
displacement>: (pick on
first point 1)

Specify second point or
[Exit/Undo] <Exit>: (
pick on second point 2
then press enter )

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Command: s
Select objects to stretch : ( pick on point 1, then on point 2)

Select objects:

Specify base point or [Displacement] <Displacement>:
( pick on point 3

Specify second point or <use first point as displacement>: @.1<270

Command: s
Select objects to stretch : ( pick on point 1, then on point 2)

Select objects:

Specify base point or [Displacement] <Displacement>:
( pick on point 3)

Specify second point or <use first point as displacement>: @.1<0

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Command: mi
Select objects: (select the door and the jamb

Specify first point of mirror line: Specify second point of mirror line:
( pick on the middle of pont as shown on the drawing)
Erase source objects? [Yes/No] <N>:

Then clean all unnecessary lines by trim command

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Command: mi
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: (pick on point 1 then press F10 for
object tracking, if you see the angle at 315degree then pick on point 2)

Select objects:
Specify first point of mirror line: Specify second point of mirror line:
Erase source objects? [Yes/No] <N>:

Command: move

Select objects: ( select the door and the jamb as shown on the image)

Select objects:

Specify base point or [Displacement] <Displacement>: Specify second point
or <use first point as displacement>: ( assume or location approximate .1 m
away from the right wall)

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Command: s
Select objects to stretch : ( pick on point 1, then on point 2)

Select objects:

Specify base point or [Displacement] <Displacement>:
( pick on point 3)

Specify second point or <use first point as displacement>: @.05<270

Command: s
Select objects to stretch : ( pick on point 1, then on point 2)

Select objects:

Specify base point or [Displacement] <Displacement>:
( pick on point 3)

Specify second point or <use first point as displacement>: @.05<0

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Then clean all unnecessary lines with trim command.
Do the same for the service door found on the kitchen area.

Copy the bedroom door for the kitchen service door

Command: Copy
Select objects: (select the door jamb and the door)

Specify base point or <use first point as displacement>: (pick on first
point 1)

Specify second point or [Exit/Undo] <Exit>: ( pick on second point 2 then
press enter )

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Command: mi
Select objects: (select the door and the jamb )

Specify first point of mirror line: Specify second point of mirror line:
( pick on the endpoint of the small rectangle, press F8 for Ortho, then
pick on the right side as shown on the image )
Erase source objects? [Yes/No] <N>:

Then trim unnecessary lines by trim command.
Then command zoom all the drawing and your image will be the same
as below

Command: z
Specify corner of window:<real time>: a

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials


Assuming the width
of the windows will be
1 bay = .90 m (w)
2 bay =1.80 m (w)
Toilet =.60 m (w)

Command: z
Specify corner of
window, enter a scale
factor (nX or nXP), or
( pick on point 1)

Specify opposite
(pick on point 2)

The image will now
be like on the first
figure below

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Blow up image on the Living Room
Create a line in the middle

Command : Line
Press F8, press F3, then pick on
point 1, then on point 2

Then press enter
Command: o
Specify offset distance or
[Through/Erase/Layer] <0.9000>:
Select object to offset or : (pick
the line you made)
Specify point on side to offset :
(pick on top )
Select object to offset : (pick again
the line)
Specify point on side to offset :
(pick on the bottom)
Select object to offset or :
Command: rec
Specify first corner point or
Specify other corner point or
[Area/Dimensions/Rotation]: d

Specify length for rectangles
<0.2000>: .2

Specify width for rectangles
<0.0500>: .05

Specify other corner point or
[Area/Dimensions/Rotation]: (pick
on point 2

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

Command: MI
Select objects: Specify opposite corner:
(select the small rectangle)

Select objects:
Specify first point of mirror line: (pick on
point 1)
Specify second point of mirror line:
( pick on point 2)
Erase source objects? [Yes/No] <N>:
Command: tr
Select cutting edges ...
Select objects or <select all>: (select the small rectangle)
Select objects:

Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or
[Fence/Crossing/Project/Edge/eRase/Undo]: (select the two line
inside the rectangle)

Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or

Then change the layer of the two lines
inside of the two triangles and also the
colors if you want. Then copy one line
and put it on the middle .

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

AutoCad Basic Drafting Tutorials

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